HOME Edgar Serrano Barbero
We were on a job. Exploring dreams within dreams. But we didn't understand how your mind can turn hours into years. How you can get trapped. Trapped so deep that when you wash up on the shore of your subconscious... You can lose track of what's real.
We built. We created a whole world for ourselves...
It's not so bad at first, being gods.
The problem is knowing that it's not real.
She accepted it. At some point...
she'd decided to forget that our world wasn't real.
To wake from that. From decades lived. To be old souls thrown back into youth.
It was hard.
At first Mal seemed okay. But I started to realize something was wrong.
Finally she admitted it. This idea she was possessed by. This simple little idea that changed everything...
That our world was not real.
No matter what I did, no matter what I said, she was convinced that we were still in a dream.
That we needed to wake up again...