New Futures - finding a new direction

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Case Study Finding a New Direction Louis was 54 years old and serving a custodial sentence when he approached new futures for help to find a job. He was keen to find one that would not only meet his financial needs on release, but one which he could physically and mentally sustain until he reached retirement as he felt he didn’t want more change in his life.

Louis has found a sense of direction which will help him to rebuild his life.

Louis had a varied working background, with a Business Degree and many other achievements, such as being a constabulary training manager as well as having air cabin crew experience. Furthermore, he had worked at a local college and university and most recently had been involved in a sales role. Louis was suffering greatly from low self-esteem due to his change in lifestyle. His marriage had broken down and he had moved out of the family home and away from his children, who were in their late teens. This contributed to his descent into alcoholism and a subsequent 12 month custodial sentence for aggravated burglary. Whilst in prison, Louis had put his time to good use by becoming a Peer Mentor in the education department and then immediately prior to his release, he asked for support from new futures to help him to identify suitable work. Louis and his new futures case manager looked at various different options, such as self-employment, sales or Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). After much discussion, Louis decided that he would like to become a teacher, as felt this was a more secure and sustainable career to do until retirement age, as being self-employment and working in sales may be too uncertain and stressful. With the assistance of his new futures case manager, Louis looked the local labour market for TEFL teaching opportunities locally, nationally and abroad. They also identified suitable online training for him which new futures funded. Since joining new futures, Louis’ self-esteem has increased dramatically and it has helped him to stay positive and sustain abstinence. He has come away from his engagement with new futures with a strong CV, a positive disclosure letter, a professional qualification and most importantly, a new sense of direction which will help him to rebuild his life. Louis intends to teach TEFL locally on completion of his course, a career which he feels he will enjoy until he reaches retirement.

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