Safety net migrant workers in Cornwall

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Migrant Workers Safety Net A device to be used to keep everyone safe

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t Introduction to the safety ne

have a foreign speaking Frontline staff, rarely, (if ever), ability to communicate customer with absolutely no e event, provision with their service. As it is a rar t seem a high priority. for such an occasion may no ergency” situations However there are rarely “em s. But whilst by their within offices and organisation occur, we all regularly nature these events seldom e.g. In the event of a practice procedures to follow the alarm bell goes fire by means of drills – when ablished procedure instinctively we follow an est ignoring it could be because the consequences of rous. extremely serious and dange fety net” was devised, On this basis the following “sa t they have a procedure to reassure frontline staff tha e needing support slips to follow and to ensure no on through the net.

With no understanding of a situation how can anyone begin to judge whether or not it is serious or indeed dangerous?

The safety net gives a series of steps which should render the staff/ organisation completely capable of dealing with the situation or contacting and responsibly managing a “handover” to an appropriate organisation which can deal with the issues.



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The Facts Cornwall has taken a pro-active app roach to supporting its Migrant Workers and ensuring com munity cohesion. Work has been directed by the Cornwa ll Strategic Partnership and The Cornwall Migran t Workers Group. Since 2004 the group has been able to ensure greater understanding of the issues facing our Migrant Workers.

The safety net forms a guide that partners can follow with the objective of ensuring Migrant Workers are safe at all times.

Cornwall has been fortunate by virt ue of not having had any major disasters such as the cockle pickers at Morecambe Bay, Lancashire in Feb ruary 2004 The need to focus upon prevention is clear and is a priority of the Cornwall Migrant Wo rkers Group. Cornwall has between eight and thir teen thousand Migrant Workers in the county at the height of any given agricultural season. Migrant Wo rkers work across Cornwall but the greatest con centration is in the West of the County. Throughout Cornwall public services have the authority to enter caravan sites and houses in multiple-occupation to ensure safe ty and living conditions are appropriate.


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Checklist for Safety

remain safe and secure To help our Migrant Workers cklist can be used as a in Cornwall the following che rtners are involved. guide to ensure all relevant pa sations refer to the For contact details of organi t your organisation Welcome Pack, make sure tha ough the internet to has copies of this, or access thr, the website - cornwallstrateg rker Group and then click on Cornwall Migrant Wo e onto Welcome Pack Home Pag Migrant Workers Group Any member of the Cornwall ormation and a broker to can also act as a source of inf of assistance. other partners that might be ist you could prevent a By simply following the checkl ommodation and basic family from being without acc from the threat of violence needs, or remove someone to this procedure cannot the value of your contribution be underestimated.

The checklist is a guide to help partners think about some of the questions they might need to consider and answer when supporting and working with our Migrant Workers.

: BK :


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1. Is there an overriding safety or vulnerability issue to be addressed before legal positions are identified? •

Can you assess how vulnerable the person/family is? Are their basic needs met? E.g. Food, Drink, Shelter & Security.

Is their immediate safety secure?

Can you tell if they are in danger or distress? Could they be the victim of domestic abuse? They must be Protected, Secure and Stable.

• •

Are children involved? Are their basic needs met? E.g. Food, Drink, Shelter & Security – do you consider these children are vulnerable at this moment.

Can you communicate clearly? (Be sure that they really understand you) Or do you need a translator to assist you?

Give more details as relevant

Have you referred this? To who?

Yes No

2. Does the Home Office need to be notified? •

Yes No

Once immediate safety issues have been covered is the person/family here legally? If you are unsure, this information can be obtained by checking documentation e.g. passports and visas are valid, checking with the UK Border agency Asylum seekers, or migrants from outside the EU that are in the UK illegally, can apply to the IOM (International Organisation for Migration) for an assisted voluntary return to their country of origin – see point 8

Is there any concern regarding:• Physical Health? • Emotional Health? • Sexual Health? • Substance or alcohol misuse? • Lack of links to friends? • Is there an indication of homelessness or potential homelessness? • Is food and clothing required? Give more details as relevant

Have you referred this? To who?


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3 Which services should be involved? • •

Do you have concerns around exploitation taking place? If so by whom? • A gang master • A partner • Another ethnic group

• • •

Minimum wage? Transport expenses? Housing expenses?

Can the Police help? Do they need to be informed? If yes contact the relevant partners

• • • •

Yes No

Health Partners – Is a Health Professional required to advise? Are there any children? Has there been an accident? Is there a mental health issue? Give more details as relevant

4 Which Voluntary/Community Groups could assist?

Have you referred this? To who?

Who Can Help? The Cornwall Migrant Workers Group have contacts across Cornwall these are just a few, for contact details refer to the Welcome Pack – Information for Migrant Workers

• • • • • • •

Suggested list: Citizens Advice Bureaux – Free independent Advice Churches in Cornwall – Advice and support Amber Initiatives – Advice and support Pentreath – Support and mental health issues Credit Unions YMCA Hostels

Please feedback any barriers or obstacles you have encountered to Judith Cook: Email. Tel. 07527 470503 Give more details as relevant

Have you referred this? To who?


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Yes No


Is the situation safe for a solitary worker? Can the risks of the job be adequately controlled by one person or are more people necessary?

Does the situation present a special risk to the solitary worker?

Does your workplace have guidance on meeting people alone? Please read it before meeting anyone.

Is there safe access and exit for one person? The Suzi Lamplugh Trust has the following general advice for anyone working alone: P - Plan to meet a person for the first time in a busy public place L - Log in your visitors with a buddy and phone after to let someone know you are safe. A - Avoid situations which could be difficult N - Never assume it won’t happen to you

Is there information for future workers/ visitors to be aware of? Give more details as relevant

6 Is it safe to contact the gangmaster?

The Migrant Worker must be Protected Secure and Stable Give more details as relevant

7 Is it safe to contact the family?

Yes No

Have you referred this? To who?

Yes No

The Migrant Worker must be Protected Secure and Stable

Give more details as relevant

Have you referred this? To who?

Have you referred this? To who?


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8 Does the person/family want to return home or continue working in Cornwall? •

Yes No

Give more details as relevant

Have you referred this? To who?

Can Job Centre Plus be of help? Asylum seekers, or migrants from outside the EU that are in the UK illegally, can apply to the IOM for an assisted voluntary return to their country of origin. The IOM is an independent organisation and provides free, confidential information on its services. The IOM Bristol Office covers SW England and Wales: Tel 0117 907 4777; fax 0117 907 4778; 10 Park Street, Bristol BS1 5HX; <HNG<BE


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Casestudy: Mother

and Baby

being Having had a baby in Cornwall and faced abandoned by the father, a mother return homelessness. The mother wanted to ney mo home to Latvia but did not have the re not we y to get there. The mother and bab eless at risk unless the mother became hom one any but it was not the responsibility of service to provide support.

One partner stepped in and paid for the mother and baby to return home to Latvia. The fear and dis tress this mothe r faced could have been reduced if services ha d worked together more closely. This happ ened in 2005 and we have learnt a lot since then.







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Casestudy: Valdus

ed A Migrant Worker in Ne s after finding all his belong Valdus had self harmed in. ng caravan he was livi had been taken from the Accident and Emergency in rs He spent nearly 24 hou ary groups decided they whilst agencies and volunt peared to be slipping could not help. Valdus ap . ution could not be found through the net and a sol al pit hos in t kep ld not be He was vulnerable but cou t, he could not be found Ac h alt He l nta under the Me y were all full and he a place in a hostel as the ss because the Housing was not classed as homele e e any papers to determin Department did not hav his status. , bewildered and confused As Valdus sat in A & E, p. hel to one appeared able on a Friday evening no ric dus the Psychiat Fortunately though for Val him leave A & E and let not Nurse felt she could all calls reached the Cornw after many many phone to d use ref This group Migrant Workers Group. n was a night on the tio op y onl accept Valdus’ Penwith District Council streets. They convinced d book temporary to use their discretion an s if the Church agreed accommodation for Valdu my agreed to check on to pay. The Salvation Ar safe. Valdus to ensure he was

The Migrant Workers Group put him in a ta xi from A& E and went back the next day wit h extra food and the back up of Amber In itiatives. Valdus could not reme mber his family’s phon e number back in Lithu ania but all of this alo ng with temporary passport documents were obta ined by Amber so that he co uld return home. Valdu s’ family sent across the mone y required for his ret urn flight and after one week from being in A and E Valdus was on his wa y home.

Having worked here since 2005 things had gone very wrong with his gangmaster, with no documentatio n, money or hope Valdus was isolated and desperate. The Cornwall Migran t Workers Group ma de up of many partners wi ll ensure that the ap proach taken by the Churche s, Amber, Penwith’s Street Services team and th e Salvation Army ar e encouraged through out Cornwall. This sa fety net has been put in place to ensure that no on e is allowed to go unsupp orted in Cornwall. Va ldus was vulnerable, his story has a happy ending, it could all too easily have tu rned out differently.


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Contact Inclusion Cornwall Judith Cook Email: Tel: 07527 470503 Andrea Gilbert Email: Tel: 01872 355060

NB. This leaflet is advisory and does not constitute a statutory document.

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Created by Leap -

If you require a copy of this in a format suitable for a person with a visual impairment, or a translation for someone for whom English is not their first language please contact Judith Cook.

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