Increasing demand for urban spaces pushed the environment to grow vertical and compact. The traditional front – lawn houses are cut away and re-arranged into skyscrapers, losing their greenness and their “neighborhood”. So the necessity of High – rise is needed. High-rise housing is usually defined as a residential building with five or more stories, most of the time encountered in urban or suburban areas. The cohabitation between people, safety and security, mechanical pollution to the ecosystem, less feeling of greenness on the ground, economical support to small vendors, uniting many people under a single roof and reducing the distance of travel are some of the main good and bad of high-rise buildings. The most successful solution for this problem of population, pollution is mixed use development integrating plants and bringing in bio-climatic design principles has come up. This Thesis explorers the design issues and goals in High rise mixed use development. The designing and planning of mixed use development involves consideration of all prevailing conditions of social and economic problems and added guidance of the local bye-laws. The various functional needs, efficiency, economy, energy conservation, aesthetics, technology, fire and safety solutions, vertical transportation, human comforts, operation and maintenance projects, provision of future growth are some of the main factors to be incorporated in the design. The thrust of the topic is given towards the integration of plants and applying bioclimatic principles, energy conservation and solving economic and social problems in the design as well as improving the living quality into these vertical cities. The main objective is to establish the necessity of greenery to incorporate into skyscrapers, for the wellbeing of the economy, society and the environment.