Ortega River Run Title Sponsorship
In 1978, a group of six individuals, dedicated to the mission of St. Mark’s Episcopal Day School, organized a 5 mile race and a 1 mile novice run, the Ortega River Run. With an entry fee of $4 (including a t-shirt) around 1,500 runners participated. Profits of $1,838.91 were donated to the school to benefit scholarships.
Over the next 45 years, runners and spectators have come from near and far to celebrate one of Jacksonville’s longeststanding races. The race is operated by 1st Place Sports and is part of the Jacksonville Grand Prix Running Series.
The race course takes runners through quiet neighborhoods, shady tree-lined streets, and across two bridges.
The street fair has grown to 40+ sponsors and vendors, attracting a large number of families, many of which are not even running in the event.
All proceeds from the Ortega River Run directly support Episcopal School of Jacksonville, St. Mark’s Campus Financial Aid efforts. Episcopal is committed to providing an exemplary education to mission appropriate students representing diverse backgrounds, interests, and talents.
4,427 social media audience
1,500 runners and run shirts distributed
One page in Episcopal's Report of Philantropy
3,500 mailed
69,500 potential email audience reach
128 PSAs delivered to
1,942,000 households
Two page spread in The Magazine of Episcopal
8,000 mailed
WJXT Channel 4 ran 128 Public Service Announcements. Spots were delivered to 1,942,000 households with a 29.2% reach and 8.4 frequency
A quarter page ad in The Resident resulted in potential exposure to 60,000 readers
Two-page spread in The Magazine of Episcopal reached 8,000 households
One page in Episcopal's Report of Philantropy reached 3,500 households
150 posters distributed to local businesses and title sponsor facilities
Flyers sent to all St. Mark's Campus families
Inadditiontoincorporationintheactuallogo,titlesponsornameislistedbefore“OrtegaRiverRun” inallsocialmediacopyreferenceswithinposts.Inaddition,everychannelincludedadedicatedpost thankingtitlesponsoranddescribingtheirwork.
Instagram-EpiscopalSchoolofJacksonville,St Mark’sCampus(1,172followers)
Facebook-St Mark’sCampus,EpiscopalSchoolofJacksonville(1,700followers)
EpiscopalSchoolofJacksonville,St Mark'sCampus(437distributionlist)
Title sponsor has the exclusive privilege of reviewing and approving all marketing materials and benefiting from continuous brand exposure during the build up of the event and beyond. In addition, the title sponsor receives 20 complimentary race entries.
Three oversized banners placed on the St. Mark’s Campus, including one facing Ortega Boulevard. Additional banners are placed on Episcopal's Munnerlyn and Beaches Campuses.
Sponsorship banner displayed in the Lori Schiavone Commons during race packet pick-up and the pasta dinner on Friday evening prior to race day
Promotional materials included in the digital race packets.
Announcements thanking title sponsor made via a loud speaker throughout the race morning. Title Sponsor received the most loud-speaker mentions of any sponsor
Check presentation with title sponsor and Episcopal representatives featuring oversized check
Title sponsor participates in award's ceremony
Sponsor yard signs placed throughout the race route and Episcopal School of Jacksonville, St. Mark’s Campus
Prime and spacious booth location provides maximum visibility
1,500+ shirts with prime placement for title sponsor on the front and back of the shirts were distributed to registered runners.
St. Mark's Campus students wear the shirts to school the Friday before the race.
1,160 medals distributed to all five mile registered runners crossing the finish line. Title sponsor is incorporated into the the medal design.
On behalf of the Episcopal School of Jacksonville, St. Mark’s Campus faculty, staff, and students, I want to express my appreciation for your consideration of the title sponsorship of the 2024 Ortega River Run, scheduled for Saturday, February 10.