Antichrist, Crisis and the Mark. Part 1
Are we about to receive the mark?
Basic and common-sense commentaries on Bible prophecies and current events
With the whole world in a state of emergency, many nations in very desperate situations, the economies of the entire world at an almost standstill and some countries beginning to look like police states or under martial law, it seems like an ideal time for some kind of savior to rise up on the international scene. For those who know and study prophecies, it should not come as too much of a surprise, because the prophecies tell us about the inevitable rise and the spectacular fall of the man who would rule the world, the Antichrist. Who is this mysterious master of evil, whom the Bible calls the Antichrist, the Beast, the Evil One, the Man of Sin, and the Son of Perdition, who is destined to step onto and dominate the world stage in the last few years before the return of Jesus Christ? His identity has been a matter of speculation for millennia, and although in this study we won’t be able to point to someone and say, “There he is! That’s him!” the Bible does tell us a lot about him. It is up to us to understand all we can about him because he will, perhaps even soon, be leading a global-world government. That means he could be in power over you and me.