Most Frequently Asked Questions About Trigger Point Dry Needling
Trigger point dry needling is an ancient method of treating severe pain Go through the blog thoroughly for a detailed insight.
How does trigger point dry needling work? Dry needling uses small skin pricks to stimulate a so-called “twitch” response in the muscle fibers in the taut bands of tissue, which then releases the spasm or trigger point that is causing the pain. When the needle is expertly inserted into the skin, the action stimulates nerve fibers.
What is a trigger point? Trigger points are focal, discrete, and hyperirritable spots located in a taut band of skeletal muscle. They produce pain locally and in a referred pattern and often accompany chronic musculoskeletal disorders.
What are the benefits of dry needling? To acquire extensive knowledge about dry needling, you have to consult an expert specialising in trigger point dry needling service near Perth.
These are some essential questions that you must ask your experts offering trigger point dry needling services in Perth. When you’re very sure about these factors, opting for treatment will make more sense.