A scientific journey captured in comics - Planétarium

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Doctof-al stuoe�;� researc� at UQ.AfYl ""J a-tt�e P(3'?1e-ta,;"""

Îhit proces5 c�bi".es ast,(CS'floMj, visval �ris al\d StoCjteltittj crv.{ered o" t\\e iisualiiitio.-i of J1tc1 relal;;� tot\.e n,eteot S�ower.s of�tris i.-1 tlAe Pl'atletariuvn Jow,,5.

ftie.pr;"tS l#Jere élCCcrn1panied �j do�e 'Môff>i�j iat used paro,'illltt'fc1�ric ;..i <t"+eftv\c.e to tl,\r c�vte. -t�alwas11secl {o Lower tke ro'l/e( Perseverav1ce to ft\ars.lt-fert'11re�t"1e {o\lowillj 11\tSSilf'-, Coded iVI. bil\�rj:Dare Wl•jktj-t�i"j5•

Vd(e�-tïtie ,.s ô trve Jac�-of-oll-tradeS, Y\1ost � �o�e w�e�e1-plotit1j 0V1[;kelj 11\te(se.cl,<M�,�e l'f\e�ij foi�ts� a<t il,\d sc;el.\ctz...,re�eurc'.\�a srorts.1 5�-r,,.d Slo:j.

lltt�e. start of �er carreC'1 �er stro� trnJe"''j to -.,,er�t Ji5c;pli�e5 po!>;{iov.e<) �er as�''freeelectrav1!'

People "-Jere al""-�s tiji"'jtot.t �er i�o o ta)<. Th, So(iJt;oYI '-'ldS ob11ÎoùS; She•d ev.6 vp crt-a�iAJ nerol/JV\ bot:.

Îhe ar-ti�t .fau11J ker ivi)p,rat.1cM duri� a nijl-lt spe�t .}lo".3side ast:rot1ow,ers i.-i tk�"cirihedro1lofikl'�j:'-t�, Ob$ef-1rto� of S•;"'t-VéraVIif\ t\.ie �-..ices-AIptS Jeirat-tff\\11t of f1c111ce.Î�is -.,a3nifice11t s,«:iij,l,<l�O 111et,rs al,o"e sei \e"el,�1�

011eofl\le �odd's r.urert sl-ies.forsf.o<:,aii115.

lliis pra3n1.abic. JreaMer's researc� work. tkere+oce -Jer� i\�ratlji�";,lt5 V$ to break do1JJII\ '7arriers ;"'ierl\1!> of �OIA.I IJJt re(c,ti'/e_ t\\,IAjS•

For �er tirst et-v1;bitiov\ s�e proc\1.1ceci a series of .four larje Sil�sc.reet'15 base� ort t�e bl'a,kes ofher -,,atil/e BrittanJ, 1A1hic� lookeJ JvSt' like e)(opl<>nttS-

-r�at vo1raro11leleJ aclve\'tt,vre. was d Jefini>"j ""o-te11t.forVall'nt;ne.lt \Jlas i1'e�t\'.at ske u-.clersiooJ ""J..atwo11ldjuide\Iercareer.(ro--4 t�at poi.,tonI n.111.elj ihat art serves lessto illvstrate SciNcct t°llin to insp,re. it,.

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