1 minute read
Who has never dreamed of discovering the wonders and joys, but also the dangers, of life on board the International Space Station? Thanks to the film Space Explorers: The ISS Experience, made by the Montréal Studio Felix & Paul, in cooperation with Time magazine and NASA, this dream is going to become possible, provided you keep your two feet well planted on the ground.
But to be able to provide a realistic idea of what life in weightlessness is like, some monumental challenges had to be overcome. First, approval had to be obtained from the managers of the space agencies of all the astronauts involved. Way up there above the Earth, the temporary residents of the International Space Station—including Canada’s David Saint-Jacques—have had to follow, to the letter, the instructions of the studio filmmakers on how to handle the 360 degree camera equipment sent up specially to the ISS. The astronauts have had to wear many hats: actor, director of photography, sound technician and even co-director. And to direct the filming from Earth, far from the shoot location, the filmmakers had to send their instructions first to NASA, which then transmitted them to the astronauts.
Some 200 hours of recorded footage later, it has become the biggest media project ever shot in space. An absolutely breathtaking experience! Have a great trip!