How Can Blockchain Help Secure IoT Data?
Everyone has heard all of the terms such as blockchain, security, secure IoT data, cryptocurrency, etc. But the popularity of these technologies has been on the rise and will continue to be an issue in the future. But, how can blockchain help secure IoT data? Blockchain was earlier associated only with cryptocurrencies. Now blockchain technology is being used for many purposes. The way data spreads across the chain (blockchain) is proving to be useful in many other ways. IoT or Internet of Things is a technology that allows all devices to communicate with each other — without the need for human intervention. This technology is used even in small gadgets like fitness trackers — up to more substantial uses — like driverless vehicles. We’ll take a look at how blockchain can help secure the data generated by IoT.
We all know what Blockchain is by now. Originally, people only used blockchain for trading in cryptocurrencies. It is valuable as a ledger where individual members make the entries with the consent of other members. The data gets stored in different blocks across the chain. In this ledger, it is not easy to
create the blocks. There is a lot of processing and time to create even one block. There is a reference to the previous entries in each block and in this way — it forms a chain.
Though it is challenging to create a block — it is equally challenging to tamper with the information in a block.
An individual or company would have to tamper with all of the blocks to get into even one block —
which is almost impossible. The incredible technology that goes into the
creation of the chain in the first place is what makes the data more reliable — and safe. Another unique feature of blockchain technology is that there is no centralized agency which controls the data. The members themselves manage the activities in the group. Keep away from a center lotus of control makes the blockchain data more reliable and dependable because there is no central authority which anyone can manipulate or corrupt.
The problem with most data storage is that it is held on location in one place and easy for attackers to target. If a hacker can breach one small place — they get access to all the data. With blockchain technology, the data exists in blocks across the chain, making it almost impossible for anyone to breach and steal the data. The very logistics and firm parameters of the system make the technology ideal for safe data storage.
Advantages Of Blockchain Technology How the blockchain technology can be used to protect data is seen in the benefits of this technology. This system helps in keeping the data safe and make it more reliable because if the data is safe, it can’t be corrupted and messed with or touched.
The first point in a blockchain is that all members in the chain verify every entry. It makes the data entirely genuine. The information once entered in the blocks cannot be edited or deleted. It means that everyone can see every entry. There is no way to hide any information. Other people claim transparency — but is there any other way for real transparency? The blockchain technology for cryptocurrencies works very well as there is no centralized authority checking or controlling the transactions. It means that there is no need to pay anything to a third party. As there is no need for anyone to check, this system also helps in saving time.
The data in a blockchain lies scattered along the chain. The pieces of data get embedded in the blocks. Embedded in the block means that there is no place where all you store all the data. If someone wants to steal the data, there is no single place to target. The attackers would have to take data from many many blocks — all along the chain — which is an impossible task. This creation of technology makes your data safe from being stolen.
There are no false entries as everyone has to authorize each entry in the blockchain.
There is no way to edit or delete data. You can safely say that all entries are genuine.
As there is no central controlling authority, there are no chances of manipulation.
IoT Explained How do top blockchain developers help us use this technology for securing the data in IoT? Though the term IoT has been popular for years, it is still not something that everyone knows fully. If you define IoT in simple terms, it is a system having devices which are connected and can communicate among themselves and with the outside environment. This communication means that the internet can function without human intervention. The smart homes of today work with this technology. It has got a lot of uses.
In an IoT system, devices or their parts can communicate with each other or with outside sources. IoT can help us to know how well the parts are working for varied tech in our homes or communities. IoT allows technicians to know when they have to change a part in an appliance, or computer. The system gives complete information about the working and
health of the device. These systems use the internet to stay connected. They also connect to the outside environment through the internet. An IoT app in a smartphone controls the IoT devices.
These systems generate a lot of data which gets stored in cloud storage systems.
IoT or internet of things is a system with connected devices that can communicate with each other without human intervention.
The devices use the internet to connect among themselves and to the outside environment.
In many machineries, IoT helps us know the health of each component as they communicate with each other.
A smartphone controls these devices.
An IoT systems a large amount of data from communication.
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