Write A Book That Becomes Bestseller

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How To Write A Book That Becomes Bestseller?

“Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.” - E. L. Doctorow The above quote is good enough to understand the art of writing. It’s a tough field; it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. It’s an art that you keep on learning as you go deeper into technicalities of it. No one can claim to be 100% proficient in writing. It’s an ongoing process, without a doubt. Over the years, the successful writers have been the ones who have reinvented the wheel of writing. Writing is all about imagination, belief & innovation. You have to imagine something that may not be present in the real world. That’s where the self-belief comes into the picture. As a writer, you have to believe your characters before the audience starts believing your story. The last but the most important thing is innovation. You have to innovate over a while. There is no one-size fit all rule in writing. Each one defines its own rules & regulations.

Taking this scenario into consideration, today we’re going to provide you with a few tips & tricks that can help you to become a bestseller writer. These are not a fixed set of rules that you should follow, but its more of the advice from successful authors. So, let’s get the things started.!

Tips & Tricks To Write Bestseller Book 1. Determine The Purpose Over the years, if you’ve analyzed the bestselling books, then you would have found out that, they serve a purpose. Therefore, you should always define the meaning of the book before starting the writing process. Once you explained the goal, it will set the roadmap for your book.

2. Set The Daily Word Count Goal After defining the purpose of your book, you should determine the total number of words that you would be able to write daily. You don’t need to write a lot of things in one day. However, you should have a set target that keeps you motivated and helps you to innovate something new.

3. Define Your Work Time

Writing is not a procedure like your job task, and therefore, an author is the one who should decide the time where he/she feels most comfortable. You should only seat to write the book when your mind is fresh & innovation capabilities are at an optimum level. It will help you a lot.

4. Determine Your Work Place There should be a dedicated writing space in your house/office. You should keep that space only for writing the book. You can’t just sit in front of everyone & have that imagination power. Defining your workplace is critical to writing success. Try to implement this as soon as possible.

5. Set The Total Word Count When you sit for writing the book, you should have a rough idea of where you want to reach in terms of word count. If you set the total word count for your book, it will help you to divide the exact number of chapters. In this manner, you can define a good flow for your book.

6. Set Weekly Deadline If you ask any successful authors about the key to successful writing, they will inevitably mention the weekly deadline. Setting a weekly deadline keeps you motivated for a particular week. You can celebrate the success at the end of that week and then, start working towards the next goal.

7. Get A Feedback

Don’t wait for your entire book to finish for getting feedback. You should have a group of trusted people who’re willing to spend some time with you and give you the unbiased feedback. It will help you to know where the book is going. You can also see the critic’s view which will help.

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