1 minute read
from Annual Review 2019
Budget 1st July 2019 to 30th June 2020
BID Levy £1,037,825 Voluntary Contributions £40,000 EFM Income £95,154 Other BID project income* £14,000 Events income £20,000 SAS income £57,123 Total £1,264,102
Project Costs
Promoting £434,020 Protecting £66,000 Enhancing £239,000 Engaging £5,000 Levy collection by CEC £25,000 Interest on loan £5,500 Contingency £37,076 Total £811,596
Project Costs SAS Costs EFM Costs Total
£811,596 £72,781 £91,339 £975,716 Operating Costs £264,089 Total £1,239,805 (Loss)/profit after tax £24,297
* Other income: footfall monitoring project and Council contribution to Rose Street lights
Operating Cost
Salaries £143,298 Travel & Subsistence £1,400 Recruitment £Training £1,100 Subscriptions £840 Hospitality £1,800 Print, Postage & Stationery £6,300 Insurance £13,800 Repairs & Maintenance £4,800 Telephones £4,800 Sundry £2,796 Legal & Professional £23,174 IT Costs £7,400 Bank Charges £1,345 Depreciation £1,440 Rent £33,996 Rates £11,400 Heat & Light £4,400 O ce move £Total £264,089