4 minute read
Mental Health Professionals in Central Malawi
St John of God Hospital
Area 43, off Ufulu Road
Tamanda Msasata
Irene Hora (Chief Consultant)
Integrated Professional Counselling and Advisory Ltd
Brighton Lupeska Kawale Health Centre 0996750057Jbryto20@gmail.com
Elizabeth Nkhonjera 0996293804
Guidance and Counselling Association of Malawi (GCAM)
Suicide Prevention Group (Mponela) 0888114626/0999299770/0884467846
Likuni Hospital 0996383202/0992556138
Phunzi Counselling (Area18)0999365871
Prime Health 0995482905
Joseph Mjid Lungu (Psychotherapist) 0888 378 035
He Matters Foundation 0997071657
Harm Reduction Awareness Counselling and Testing Services
0999 317 529
Friends of Hope 0994781044
Youth Wave 02122280999204068
Moses Kachingwe 0881569863/0997542704
Pastor Umodzi Mizere is a regular contributor to this publication. He often writes to share his personal experience of dealing with mental health problems since the age of 14. While he no longer struggles with bipolar depression, he still battles with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).
This article is not focused on the Pastor Mizere’s struggles with GAD but rather on the topic of mental health and having a sound mind.
Pastor Mizere shares his journey of seeking help from psychologists and counselors, as well as the impact of faith in his healing process. According to his perspective, having a sound mind means being in good mental condition, based on good judgment, competence, and reliability. He stresses that mental wellness is as important as physical wellness and that God desires for everyone to have a healthy and stable mind.
“forGodhathnotgivenusthespiritoffear;butofpower,andoflove,andofasound mind.” 2 Timothy 2:7.
Pastor Mizere shares the experience of going for therapy and counseling after he began to struggle with depression, anxiety, and fits of anger at the age of 14. Despite going for therapy, he continued to battle with depression, which became severe after a series of operations in 2004 and 2005. During this time, Pastor Mizere was referred to another psychologist but could no longer afford to go for therapy. He continued to fight for a sound mind and to be whole again in his soul. Eventually, he began to attend counseling services at the Blantyre Baptist Church, which helped him to feel better and lifted the heavy burden of depression.
Ifinallylearnedthatmentalwellnessand havingasoundmindwasbasedon constantly,andconsistentlyfocusingonGod andchoosingtoremainhappyandjoyful regardlessofthecircumstances.Thisa consciousdecisiononemustmaketohave mentalwellness.Iamstillnotcompletely well,Idohavehealthproblems,andIdoget discouragedsometimesbutnotdepressed. Why?BecauseIlearnedbythegraceofGod thathavingasoundmindandmental wellnessisbasedonGod.Italsodependson stubbornlyholdingtotheattitudethatsays, Ichoosetobehappyandhavepeaceof mind,regardlessofmycircumstance.
In 2007, Pastor Mizere stopped going for counseling and felt whole, had peace of mind, and got active in the youth ministry at Blantyre Baptist Church. The following year however, he developed another medical complication that required more surgery, which triggered his depression all over again.
After recovery, he felt led by God to go back to Bible College to study in preparation for full-time ministry, which helped him to experience a sound mind again in 2009. Unfortunately, he had to pull out of college due to severe gout, which affected his whole right foot and triggered severe depression. It was around this time that he was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder Type 2. He felt dejected and discouraged that he kept slipping into depression and suicidal thoughts.
Pastor Mizere emphasizes that having a sound mind does not mean having the absence of trouble, problems, or hardship. Instead, he encourages anyone struggling with mental health problems to seek help from professionals and to have faith in God that they can overcome their challenges. He believes that God can help everyone to have a healthy and stable mind, based on good judgment, and competence. We can all choose – as he has done - to be happy and have peace of mind regardless of the circumstance.
“Youwillkeepinperfectpeacehimwhosemindissteadfast,becausehetrustsin You” Isaiah 26:3
If you would like to get in touch with Pastor Mizere for prayer, encouragement, or to get advice on issues relating to Bipolar Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder, you may contact him through Facebook @Umodzi Mizere Or visit his congregation of Bvumbwe Baptist Church.
We are made in the image of God, our worth and value comes from Him and His approval. Therefore, our esteem also comes from Him.
Mental Health Professionals in the Southern Region of Malawi
Zomba Psychiatric Hospital 015 262 66
Limbika Maliwichi (Clinical Psychologist)
0993 662 154
Julie Soko (Consultant Psychologist)
0995 147 290
Prism Counselling and Consultancy (Zomba)
0998 933 273
Dr Chiwoza Bandawe. Harmony Counselling Centre
0888 200 222
Dr Precious Makiyi (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Professional)
0999 426 368
Accord Cognitive Counselling Services
0882 431 111
Vintage Health Wellness Centre (Namiwawa)
0995 260 153 / 0883 859 724
Blantyre Counselling and Therapies Centre
0996 299 888
Tilinao Lamba (Counselling Psychologist)
0885 795 906
Ruth Mkolesia (Counselling Psychology)
Seed of Hope
0993 110 993
Dr Alli Makalani
0888 611 127
By now, we hope you are aware that you can access mental health care from all the Central (Referral) Hospitals in the country.
Here is something to take note of, before you can get to the Central (Referral) Hospitals, you need to first visit your local District Hospital in order to be assisted. This applies to mental health care as well.
Once you have been assessed, the medical staff (a psychiatric nurse or clinician) will then determine whether you need to be referred to the Central Hospital, which also provides comprehensive care for mental health challenges.
Please take note of the list of District Hospitals available in Malawi.
Chitipa District Hospital
Karonga District Hospital
Mzimba District Hospital
Nkhata Bay District Hospital
Rumphi District Hospital
Dedza District Hospital
Dowa District Hospital
Kasungu District Hospital
Mchinji District Hospital
Nkhokota District Hospital
Ntcheu District Hospital
Ntchisi District Hospital
Salima District Hospital
Balaka District Hospital
Chikwawa District Hospital
Chiradzulu District Hospital
Machinga District Hospital
Mangochi District Hospital
Mulanje District Hospital
Would you like to advertise your mental health services with Essential Grace Magazine?
Get in touch with us for your free offer of mental health related advertising be it for counselling services, support groups, books, upcoming events, and wellness services (e.g. Fitness, massage therapy)
Mwanza District Hospital
Nsanje District Hospital
Phalombe District Hospital
Thyolo District Hospital
Zomba District Hospital