Essentially Oiled Up
So by now you may have realized this site is about Essential Oils, and if you haven't is. Let us really dive in then shall we....
My Essential Oil Story I am an Engineer, an Engineer in Bio-medical no less, so really Essential Oils should be voodoo magic spells and BS to me, and 10 years ago that is totally what I thought. However, as my health started to suffer, and I was constantly at the doctor, I began to think there had to be a better way. It was a long journey, but I slowly began to improve my health through food and exercise. A few years ago I saw a lot of recipes for homemade beauty products, household products and many other things that included Essential Oils. So I went straight to the internet and found the cheapest oils I could find because I love a good deal. I started using what I bought and immediately felt deceived. They just didn't work or do what they claimed to do. Last year I decided to give Young Living Essential Oils a go after all the wonderful things I had been hearing...especially about how they had their own farms and their Seed to Seal process! Needless to say I had a totally different experience with Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils than I had in the past. I became so pumped on these oils that I decided to share the oils with anyone and everyone!
What are Essential Oils?
Essential Oils are aromatic liquids found within many shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds. Sometimes, they are called the "life blood" of the plant because they carry nutrients and oxygen throughout the plant system. Essential Oils are the purest, most potent form of an herb, and we can use them to help support our own bodies’ health and wellness.
How do you use Essential Oils? Diffusing Essential Oils is a great way to inhale oils, it purifies the air, makes your home smell good without chemicals, great for respiratory support, stubborn spouses and crazy kids. Applying oils to the area where you want to provide support is another great way to use Essential Oils. Some favorite places of mine are wrists, behind the ears, neck, temples, stomach or especially feet.
Why Young Living Essential Oils? There are a lot of choices out there these days when it comes to Essential Oils, and I believe everyone needs to identify what is important to them and find a product/company that works for them. Personally, I picked Young Living (after much research) because I was impressed by their quality (above organic) and “seed to seal” process. They have their own farms around the globe. They weed by hand and use their own oils for pest control. They distill their oils without chemicals. Their essential oils are 100% pure, effective, and safe.
Are you ready to get started? You can get started by using Young Living Essential Oils to replace toxic chemical cleaners, candles, and air fresheners to reduce the toxic burden on your body. Or you can start using them as natural supports to sustain a healthy body.
Of all the oil companies out there, I found that Young Living has the best and most affordable starter kits. Their best value, by far, is the Premium Starter Kit. This is how I got started. The Young Living Premium Starter Kit contains your everyday staples – all the oils and equipment you’ll want to have on hand for a variety of situations. There’s an excellent user guide, too, which will help you understand how to use everything contained in the kit. Here’s what else is great: once you buy the Premium Starter Kit, you automatically become a “wholesale member” of Young Living. This means you can continue to buy other Young Living products for a huge 24% discount off the retail price! You’re under zero obligations to buy any other products as a wholesale member, but if you do, you get 24% off!