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Liposomal Vitamin C
On March 24, 2020, the New York Post announced that severely ill people in New York’s largest state hospital system were being given “massive doses of Vitamin C,” based on promising evidence obtained from China. At one Long Island centre, doctors are treating patients with 1,500 mg daily intravenous Vitamin C – 16 times the recommended daily dose. Case by case results show that patients who have received this treatment “are doing significantly better,” and previous clinical trials have shown that even greater doses of Vitamin C, injected intravenously, resulted in many serious viruses being countered – Dr. Thomas Levy, author of Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins.

As Humans, we cannot make our own Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, a watersoluble vitamin that plays an important role in immunity. It is rich in antioxidants, which fight off free radicals in the body, thus helping prevent or delay everything from ageing to heart disease and specific types of cancer. As found in a study by A Ströhle et al, “a vitamin C deficiency results in a reduced resistance against certain pathogens while a higher supply enhances several immune system parameters. With regard to the common cold, different studies underline that the prophylactic intake of vitamin C may slightly reduce the duration of the illness in healthy persons but does not affect its incidence and severity.” The last sentence is key. Vitamin C may not be the panacea against a cold or flu, but it can speed up recovery and may help illness from gaining a foothold in the body.

One significant problem of traditional Vitamin C is that it is not as ‘bioavailable’ as liposomal Vitamin C. A liposome is a tiny sphere containing an outer layer of fat and an inner layer of water-soluble substances. Because these spheres are made of the same type of fat (phospholipids) which are found in human cells membranes, liposomal Vitamin C is delivered directly into the cells of your body. It is not lost through digestion and it does not consume energy during this process. Moreover, its quality is not lost through oxidation. Standard (non-liposomal) Vitamin C is distributed through the circulation and often excreted by the kidneys.

Around two to four hours after taking it, your presupplementation levels return and you have to take more. This can be burdensome and expensive. Liposomal Vitamin C, on the other hand, is absorbed like dietary fats; it is taken up by your lymphatic system and enters the bloodstream, making for a notable immunity boost which can reduce your risk of chronic disease.
There are many studies showing the efficiency of intravenous delivery. In one study by M González et al, it was found that “Vitamin C is an efficient antioxidant, and possesses anti-viral activity. Vitamin C supplemented orally has its limitations in achieving high blood (i.e., plasma) levels, whereas the use of intravenous vitamin C (IVC) can reach blood levels that possess distinct clinical and pharmacological advantages. Vitamin C is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, where the body metabolises a limited amount and the rest is excreted through the kidneys. However, if the vitamin is administered intravenously, it can reach plasma concentrations that are 30 to 70 times higher than the oral pathway.” In this case, IVdelivered Vitamin C was used to treat a patient with a viral disease for which there was no vaccine.
Liposomal Vitamin C can bridge the gap between traditional and IV-delivered Vitamin C, since it ensures immediate and full delivery of nutrients to cells, evading nutrient loss and excretion as occurs with traditional Vitamin C. Of course, if you do not have access to liposomal Vitamin C right now, you can still boost your immunity with traditional supplements; you may simply have to take more units, more often. Always speak to a doctor to obtain advice on the right amounts you need to take throughout the day.