Essentials Of Life - Cooking With Essential Oils

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Cooking With Essential Oils


Disclaimer:  Not Healthcare Advice The products and claims made about specific products on or through this literature have not been evaluated by United the States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The literature is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Products, services, information and other content provided on the literature, including information that may be provided on the literature directly or by linking to third-party websites are provided for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options. Information provided on the literature and linked websites, including information relating to medical and health conditions, treatments and products may be provided in summary form. Information on the literature including any product label or packaging should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The literature does not recommend self-management of health issues. Information on the literature is not comprehensive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions or their treatment. Contact your healthcare professional promptly should you have any health-related questions. Never disregard or delay medical advice based upon information you may have read on the literature. Links to or access from any third-party websites or resources is not an endorsement of any information, product or service. We are not responsible for the content or performance of any third-party websites or resources. Use of any third-party websites or resources is at your own risk. You should not use the information or services on the literature to diagnose or treat any health issues or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should always consult with your healthcare professional and read information provided by the product manufacturer and any product label or packaging, prior to using any medication, nutritional, herbal, essential oil or homeopathic product or before beginning any exercise or diet program or starting any treatment for a health issue. Individuals are different and may react differently to different products. You should consult your physician about interactions between medications you are taking and nutritional supplements and/or essential oils. Comments made in any forums on the Site/ literature by employees or Site/ literature users are strictly their own personal views made in their own personal capacity and are not claims made by us or do they represent our positions or views. Product ratings by any current or previous employees or Site/literature users are strictly their own personal views made in their own personal capacity and are not intended as a substitute for appropriate medical care or advice from a healthcare professional. Always check the product label or packaging prior to using any product. If there are discrepancies, users should follow the information provided on the product label or packaging. You should contact the manufacturer directly for clarification as to product labeling and packaging details and recommended use. We are not liable for any information provided on the literature with regard to recommendations regarding supplements/essential oils for any health purposes. The products or claims made about specific nutrients or products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Dietary products are not intended to treat, prevent or cure disease. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program. We make no guarantee or warranty with respect to any products or services sold. We are not responsible for any damages for information or services provided even if we have been advised of the possibility of damages. ii

One of the greatest benefits of essential oils is their wide variety of uses, you can incorporate essential oils into nearly every area of your daily routine and lifestyle. Essential oils can help with things like relaxation and sleep, beautifying the skin and hair, creating a soothing massage, repelling insects naturally, cleansing and sterilizing surfaces around the home and just make things smell gosh darn good. These are just a few things one can do with essential oils. I was surprised to discover one of my favorite uses is cooking with essential oils. While cooking methods often depend on diet and personal preferences, there are several benefits to using essential oils in cooking. Not only will essential oils provide any meal with powerful flavor, but they also provide many health benefits while providing a safe, natural way to flavor your food.

Many other essential oil brands are often synthetic or adulterated. Young Living Vitality dietary essential oils are 100% unadulterated and pure, free from any synthetics making them naturally potent and powerful. This purity and potency of Young Living Vitality dietary essential oils make them perfect for adding flavor to any entree, beverage, meat, dessert and more.

Only Young Living offers a Seed To Seal program that encompasses every Young Living oil.


Unlike other essential oil brands, Young Living Vitality dietary essential oils are FDAapproved. Young Living labels are aligned with FDA regulations that state a product cannot be labeled for use as a dietary supplement AND for topical or aromatic use. In compliance with these regulations, our essential oils display labels that distinguish the products intended as a dietary supplement and those intended to be used for topical application or aromatic use. This labeling does not reflect any changes to the constituents or benefits of the essential oils. With that being said, the Vitality line of oils is the same 100% therapeutic-grade essential oils for which Young Living has become known. The Vitality line has been created so that members can now draw clear distinction between topical/aromatic use and dietary use. Essential oils do not retain their therapeutic qualities if heated to their flash points. The flash point will vary with each oil. It is recommended to follow the usage directions as listed on the individual bottle labels.

Is it safe to cook with Essential Oils when you have children under the age of 6 in the house?

Essential oils can be safely used around and for children. Always follow the directions and safety guidelines on each individual product label. In addition, due to the small amount of essential oil which is typically required for cooking there should be no need for concern. However, if you have further questions regarding using essential oils in dishes for your children, we would suggest speaking with a health professional. 2

While some are skeptical about the consumption of essential oils, internal usage of essential oils has been in practice for centuries. The key to safe use is following proper safety guidelines. Like any substance, essential oils only present risks when used improperly or in incorrect amounts. Not all essential oils are safe to ingest. There are a few things you want to know about your essential oil before you use it in your cooking. First, use only high quality, pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils. Second, the label on the essential oil should state if it is or is not safe to use internally.

Essential oils are taken from plants, fruits, and natural substances, the body is well equipped to process them. Fruits, plants and extracts are already a normal part of our diets; therefore, you are likely already consume small amounts of essential oils. Like other things we consume, essential oils














metabolized by the organs. Cooking with essential oils can unlock a healthful and delicious experience that most people never consider. The American food and beverage industry has been using essential oils in recipes for well over 100 years.

Young Living Vitality Dietary essential oils are perfect for adding flavor to your favorite foods or using as dietary supplements. The Vitality dietary essential oil line gives you the freedom to share and explore some of our best-loved essential oils in a variety of nutritious and delicious ways. With four distinct categories— Herb, Spice, Citrus, and Supplement. You can be sure that your family is safe with Young Living.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is always recommended to seek and follow the advice of your health care professional.

Frequently used for their internal benefits, essential oils provide a simple way to promote wellness in the body. Depending on the oil, you can use essential oils to promote healthy digestion, cleanse the body, support healthy function of the body’s systems, provide the body with antioxidants, and other internal benefits. The flowers and herbs that grace our gardens are also a





of this

celebration to cooking with essential oils as well widens our appreciation for creation and all of the goodness available at our fingertips. When you add an essential oil to your food or beverage, not only will you experience the powerful flavors of the oil, but you can experience any internal benefits the oil has to offer. Cooking with essential oils provides a fun, creative way to use essential oils internally and reap the benefits they have to offer.


Essential oils have been used for thousands of years, in various cultures, for both medicinal and health purposes. Over the past several years, countless studies and tests have been conducted on the use of essential oils. Listed is just an example of benefits found from cooking with essential oils. Every oil listed is offered in the Young Living Vitality line.

18 Essential Oil Benefits These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is always recommended to seek and follow the advice of your health care professional.

1. Balance Hormones Thyme, Fennel, German Chamomile, SclarEssence Support a normal, healthy outlook during PMS. Essential oils for hormones can help to balance your estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, thyroid and testosterone levels.

2. Boost Immunity & Fight Infections Oregano, Ginger, Lemon, Frankincense, Peppermint, Cinnamon Bark, Clove Vitality, Copaiba, Coriander, GLF Vitality, Laurus Nobilis, Marjoram, Mountain Savory, Nutmeg, Thieves Vitality. Many essential oils have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal properties that help to boost your immune system and fight infections. Oregano oil, for instance, has powerful immune-boosting properties and has displayed both antiviral and antibacterial properties in lab studies. Oregano oil contains carvacrol and thymol, two compounds that have antimicrobial effects and can inhibit the synthesis and growth of several types of bacteria. (6) 5

3. Support Digestion Cardamom, Fennel, Lemongrass, Marjoram, Black Pepper, Cinnamon Bark, Coriander, DiGize, Fennel, GLF Vitality, Ginger Vitality, Sage, Spearmint Some oils help to relieve upset stomach, indigestion, diarrhea, stomach spasms and even conditions of the gastrointestinal system, like IBS. Ginger, for example, is known to promote your digestive health by easing




ulcers. Another useful essential oil for digestion is peppermint. Research shows that peppermint oil works to provide rapid relief of IBS symptoms.

4. Boost Energy Levels Peppermint, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Cinnamon Bark, Citrus Fresh, EndoFlex Some oils have stimulating effects and can actually increase oxygen to your brain, which will leave you feeling refreshed, focused and energized. A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that peppermint oil increased brain oxygen concentration, improved exercise performance and reduced exhaustion in healthy





peppermint oil with water for 10 days. (9)


5. Improve Brain Function Nutmeg, Lavender, Copaiba Essential oils such as Nutmeg have neuroprotective effects and can help to improve cognitive performance. This is one of the most impressive essential oil benefits and it has helped many people who are suffering from neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Essential oils have also shown to improve learning, memory and ability to focus. Both stimulating and sedative essential oils can be useful, as oils like peppermint can improve sustained attention over a longer period of time, while oils like lavender can be useful for people going through tough exercises or situations. Furthermore, essential oils can be useful in relieving agitation in individuals with dementia. This is due to their calming and sedative effects. (10) Recent studies have also shown that oleoresin treatment using Copaiba works as a neuroprotective (protects the brain). Results of the study suggested that “COR treatment induces neuroprotection by modulating inflammatory response following an acute damage to the central nervous system.� (6)

6. Reduce Emotional Stress & Anxiety Lavender Vitality, Bergamot Vitality, Orange Vitality, Frankincense Vitality, DiGize, German Chamomile Vitality, Ginger Vitality Perhaps one of the most well-known essential oils benefits is their ability to reduce stress and anxiety. Some essential oils have sedative properties and induce a calm, peaceful, uplifting and relaxed feeling.


7. Alleviate Aches and Pains Copaiba Copaiba essential oil comes from the gum resin that is tapped from Brazil’s copaiba tree. A go-to natural pain solution for hundreds of years. Copaiba essential oil uses include both an anti-inflammatory and an anti-septic. In fact, Amazonian traditional medical practitioners often prescribed the oil for its anti-inflammatory properties. One study published in The Journal of Ethnopharmacology revealed that the main compound found in this oil was beta-caryophyllene. (1). Beta-caryophyllene is an antiinflammatory agent that also has analgesic, or pain killing, properties. (2) Another study looked at the influence of copaiba essential oil uses on rats in the repair of abdominal defects. Researchers found that those treated with copaiba oil showed an improvement in the inflammatory response. (3) While another study found that copaiba oils block the detection of painful or injurious stimulus (4). These studies suggest that the oil is not only useful as an anti-inflammatory, it can also be used as a natural pain reliever.

8. Boost Skin and Hair Health Lavender, Frankincense, Rosemary


9. Reduce Toxicity - Antioxidant Cardamom, Coriander, Lemon, Grapefruit, Lemongrass, Citrus Fresh, Peppermint, GLF Vitality, German Chamomile, JuvaFlex, Laurus Nobilis, Lavender, Marjoram, Mountain Savory, Nutmeg, DiGize and Ginger. Essential oils help to reduce toxicity by promoting the detoxification of your home and body. Everywhere you go, you are inhaling and ingesting chemicals and environmental toxins that can be dangerous for our health. Some essential oils work as mild diuretics, thereby increasing urine production and improving detoxification. And some oils aid digestion, which also promotes the detoxification of toxins that buildup in the body. (18) Using detoxifying essential oils can help your body to flush out these toxins.

10. Relieve Headaches and Migraines Lavender, Peppermint, Rosemary Some essential oils work as natural headache and migraine relievers because they effectively treat the trigger, addressing the root of the problem instead of masking it, like painkillers do. Essential oils for headaches provide pain relief, improve circulation and reduce stress, which can be a major cause of both headaches and migraines. A placebocontrolled clinical trial conducted in 2012 evaluated the efficacy of inhaling lavender oil for the treatment of migraine headaches. Aside from lavender, some other oils that can help to relieve headache pain include peppermint, which has a cooling effect and stimulates blood flow, and rosemary, which reduces inflammation, promotes circulation and has a calming effect.

11. Promote Restful Sleep Lavender, Bergamot, German Chamomile and Vetiver Some essential oils have sedative properties, which can be helpful for people who are having trouble falling asleep or sleeping through the night. Lavender oil is known to be an effective sleep aid because of its ability to leave you feeling relaxed and calm. 9

12. Gallbladder and Liver GLF Vitality, Copaiba Copaiba- Researchers administered copaiba oil to rats for 7 days. The study found that the oil reduced liver damage caused by paracetamol or acetaminophen. (5)

13. Cell Health Frankincense Vitality I would NEVER take the topic of cancer lightly. However, recently there has been some very convincing studies that have shown Frankincense may be of great benefit. The Omani government funded research which uncovered that frankincense has the ability to target cancer cells in late-stage ovarian cancer patients. This appeared to be due to AKBA (acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid). (1) According to researchers out of Baylor University





the potential


properties of

frankincense are due, in part, to it regulating cellular epigenetic machinery, which highlights its ability to influence genes to promote healing. In 2011, the journal Cancer published the results of a 44-person clinical trial evaluating how brain swelling was affected by frankincense. (4) Astoundingly, 60% of the patients displayed a 75% reduction or greater in cerebral swelling after being treated with 4,200 milligrams per day of frankincense. These results are so significant that scientists are urging the medical community to consider prescribing this potent essential oil instead of steroids for cancer patients assigned to radiation treatment.


14. Cleansing JuvaCleanse, GLF Vitality, Laurus Nobilis, Lavender, Lemon Vitality, Lemongrass Vitality, Citrus Fresh, Mountain Savory, Nutmeg, Coriander Spring cleaning isn’t just for the home. Traditionally, many cultures and religions around the world have used some form of cleansing or a fasting ritual, especially in spring and fall. In the springtime, fasting can help relieve pent-up stagnation of winter (physically, emotionally and spiritually). Practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine believe spring correlates with the Liver and Gallbladder meridians. Using detoxifying essential oils can help your body to flush out these toxins. TAMMY’S MORNING LEMON AND BLUEBERRY DETOX TEA I drink this yummy lemon detox tea every morning. There are many variations on this lemon detox drink and you can mix it up however you want. I have tons more energy on days that I drink this in the morning.



1 tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar (it has to be raw, unfiltered, with the mother) ¼ cup of 100% Pomegranate Blueberry Juice 3 drops of Lemon Vitality oil 2 drops of Cinnamon Bark Vitality 1 drop of Cardamom Vitality 1/8 tsp Cayenne Pepper 1-2 tbsp. Honey (raw and local is preferred, if unavailable, this one is great) Yamamotoyama Loose Sencha Green Tea *Organic/Japanese* (Be sure tea is shipped from Japan and isn’t a lower quality shipped from South America. I buy tea from my local Asian market. It can also be purchased here. Tea Infusers are handy tools to use when making loose. If you’d like to use the traditional Japanese route click here). Water – You can dilute this as strong or as weak as you prefer. I usually add about 1/4 cup water.


15. Respiratory Thieves Vitality Thieves® is a proprietary essential oil blend by Young Living that contains a mix of lemon, clove bud, cinnamon bark, rosemary and eucalyptus. Theses five essential oils are known to have antibacterial and antiinflammatory properties making Thieves a perfect choice for respiratory illnesses. Combining Thieves Vitality oil to orange juice helps in curing phlegm and other congestions in respiratory tract. Start every morning off by adding 1 drop to morning coffee.

16. Weight Management Lime, Grapefruit Vitality, Peppermint, Ginger Most everyone understands that improving diet and doing the right type of exercise can support weight loss. But, oftentimes people want an extra boost to help them reach their weight loss goals. Unfortunately, most people turn to stimulants and caffeine for fat loss rather than plant-based medicine. These four essential oils have been shown to support fat loss: 

Grapefruit oil contains d-limonene that is found in citrus peels. A study found that supplementing d-limonene improved metabolic enzyme levels.

Peppermint oil has been shown to improve weight loss by suppressing cravings and improve digestion. Peppermint tea is notorious for helping to relieve bloating.

Cinnamon bark oil (Cinnamomum verum) helps balance blood sugar levels, which can generally assist in weight loss and improve diabetes.

Ginger oil contains gingerol, which has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, and increases thermogenesis, which boosts metabolism. 12

17. Circulation Lemon Vitality, Lemongrass Vitality, Black Pepper Vitality, Coriander Vitality, Ginger, Lavender Vitality References: Dr. Victor Marchione = Essential oils for circulation: 10 best oils to improve blood circulation and Young Living

Tamale Pie Yield – 16 servings Preparation Time – 30 minutes Cooking Time – 30 minutes

Ingredients 2 pounds of ground sirloin or 90/10 ground beef 1 onion, diced


2 teaspoons garlic, minced

Heat oven to 375 degrees. Prepare a 9 X 13 pan (or two 9 inch pans) with

1 bell pepper, diced

nonstick spray. In a large skillet, cook the ground beef, onion, garlic, and bell pepper. Cook

1/2 cup salsa

until the ground beef is browned and thoroughly cooked. The meat should

1 teaspoon ground cumin

reach a temperature of at least 160 degrees.

1/2 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper

Stir the salsa, cumin, cayenne pepper, and paprika into the meat. Reduce

1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika

heat and bring to a gentle simmer. Continue to simmer uncovered over low

1 1/2 cups white corn meal

heat while you prepare the batter in the next steps. In a medium bowl, combine corn meal, flour, sugar, baking powder, baking

1 cup all-purpose flour

soda, and cilantro. Whisk to combine.

2 tablespoons sugar

In a small bowl, combine eggs and yogurt. Beat together until thoroughly

1 tablespoon baking powder


1 teaspoon baking soda

Add the egg mixture to the corn meal/flour mixture. Stir well until no lumps remain. Set aside.

1 1/2 teaspoons dried cilantro

Turn off the heat on the meat mixture.

2 eggs

coriander essential oil, and black pepper essential oil and stir to combine.

2 cups plain whole milk yogurt

Stir the cheddar cheese into the meat mixture. Stir quickly to combine as

1 drop Oregano Vitality essential oil 2 drops Coriander essential oil

Add the oregano essential oil,

the cheese begins to melt. Pour this cheesy meat mixture into your prepared 9 X 13 pan. Spread it evenly over the bottom of the pan. Top the meat mixture with with the corn meal batter by spooning over the

2 drops Black Pepper Vitality essential oil top and carefully spreading out across top of the entire pan(s). Bake at 375 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese

degrees for 30 minutes. Toothpick inserted into the center of the corn bread topping will come out clean when it’s done


18. Cholesterol Lemongrass Vitality About 2-3 drops per day of lemongrass reduced cholesterol levels in adults with high cholesterol levels. (Source)

Lemongrass is one of the oldest flavor enhancing herbs around. It has been used for centuries as a quick and easy way to add distinct







Lemongrass Vitality essential oil adds a new depth to any Asian dish.

Lemongrass Chicken Directions Whisk the soy sauce, chicken stock, lemongrass essential oil and sugar together. Set aside. Heat oil in a large pan and add the chicken. Cook for 4 minutes and then add the onion, garlic, pac choi or boc choi and carrot. Cook for an additional 4 minutes or until the chicken is cooked. Add the soy sauce mixture to the pan and cook for 5 minutes or until all vegetables are tender. Serve over a bed of rice or noodles. If desired, garnish with peanuts, cilantro and sriracha. *Change things up by adding 2 celery stocks and/or 1 drop of lemon or lime Vitality essential oil.


19. Dietary Supplement - Dilute with carrier oil and put in a capsule to take as a vitamin (follow label instructions for recommended amounts). All Young Living Vitality oils can be taken as a dietary supplement. Be sure to follow label instructions for recommended amounts. As defined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: A dietary supplement is a product taken by mouth that contains a “dietary ingredient” intended to supplement the diet. The “dietary ingredients” in these products may include: vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, and substances such as enzymes, organ tissues, glandular and metabolites. Dietary supplements can also be extracts or concentrates and may be found in many forms such as tablets, capsules, soft gels, gelcaps, liquids, or powders. In order for an ingredient of a dietary supplement to be a “dietary ingredient,” it must be one or any combination of the following substances:  a vitamin,  a mineral,  an herb or other botanical,  an amino acid,  a dietary substance for use by man to supplement the diet by increasing the total dietary intake (e.g., enzymes or tissues from organs or glands), or  a concentrate, metabolite, constituent or extract. Dietary supplements can be created by using both nutritive and non-nutritive ingredients. Essential oils, of course, would be considered non-nutritive dietary supplements. The use of essential oils continues to actually grow within the dietary supplement world. This is the value of GRAS approved essential oils. They have already gone through incredible safety evaluation for internal use.

How to Fill A Vegetable Capsule


You can add essential oils in your favorite recipes that call for herbs, spices or fruit juices. Simply replace these ingredients with the equivalent essential oil. Keep in mind that essential oils have a much stronger flavor than dried herbs and spices, therefore a much smaller amount is generally sufficient. It is recommend starting with a small amount of oil, gradually increasing the amount to taste. Also, remember essential oils have highly volatile constituents and can be changed or altered during the cooking heating process. It is best to avoid exposing oils to extreme heat. This can be prevented by lowering your stovetop temperature, using the essential oils in conjunction with extra virgin olive oil, or by adding the oils after the dish has been removed from heat.

See below for more detailed guides

If you plan to add the essential oil at the very end when your dish has been removed from heat, a smaller amount may be needed. Of course, it is not always possible to add the essential oil later. If your recipe requires that you bake, steam, simmer, or boil, and you cannot add the essential oil at the end, simply add a larger amount of the oil, as some of the oil’s flavor will be baked, steamed, simmered or boiled out. BE CAREFUL!! To much of a good thing can be very bad. Even though Young Living Vitality line has been specifically created for digesting it can still be harmful if over used. 16

Generally Recognized as Safe List The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has compiled a list of substances that have been identified as safe to be used in food products. This list, known as the Generally Recognized as Safe list (GRAS), identifies substances, including essential oils, that have substantial documentation of safe internal usage. With a well-documented history of safe and successful internal usage, the essential oils included on the GRAS list are considered safe for consumption and can be used as flavoring agents or preservatives in food. (Note that the GRAS list is merely one source that shows which essential oils are safe for consumption; there are other reliable sources that provide information about the safe internal use of essential oils.) Essential oils included on the GRAS list and are considered to be SAFE to add to food and beverages:

Not all essential oils are safe for consumption While the GRAS list identifies essential oils that are safe to consume and add to food, not all essential oils are approved for this kind of use. Due to their chemical makeup, some essential oils should never be added to food or used internally in any amount.

Essential oils NOT included on the GRAS list and are NOT considered to be safe to add to food and beverage:


Nothing cures everything. The ingestion of essential oils might be one of the most debated topics in alternative health today. I would not, under any circumstance, recommend ingesting cheap, perfume-grade essential oil. Although most pure 100% therapeutic grade essential oils can be ingested. It’s estimated that only 2 percent of essential oils are of therapeutic quality. The rest are made simply to smell nice. When referring to health benefits, we’re referring to high-quality, therapeutic essential oils, not the cheap stuff.

Cooking with essential oils may be intimidating, even somewhat scary at first. But once you try it you will love it! Cooking with essential oils has caused me to discover an inner culinary creativity I had no idea existed. I was extremely intimidated at first. But Young Living made it extremely simple with their Vitality line. The Vitality oils have given my creations a depth of flavor I wouldn’t be able to obtain any other way.


Essential Oils and Cooking with Heat Essential oils are easily affected by heat Cooking with heat can evaporate essential oils due to the steam. The less time the essential oil is exposed to heat, the more flavor it will retain so it is best to add the essential oil at the end of the recipe or after the dish has been removed from heat and allowed time to cool. When you add strong essential oils like Oregano or Basil, it can be beneficial to let the oil simmer or evaporate, because it provides a milder, more pleasant flavor.

Cookware When cooking with essential oils, it is best to use cookware that is stainless steel, ceramic or glass. Essential oils can potentially damage some types of plastic. When mixing ingredients that contain oils, avoid plastic mixing bowls or containers. Always try to use glass, ceramic or stainless steel to protect and preserve your cookware.

Measurements The amount of essential oil used in any recipe depends heavily on what kind of oil being used, personal taste preferences, whether the oil is substituting for raw, fresh or dried ingredients, number of servings being made, etc. While it would be nice to know the exact amount of essential oil to add to a recipe, there are so many variables involved in cooking that it is more a process of experimentation.




essential oils is the best way to determine the amount of an oil that is - or will be needed to enhance





preferences. While there is no fool-proof measurement guide for cooking with essential oils, there are a few guidelines that will help.



Because essential oils are so potent, even the tiniest amount can add a serious blast of flavor to your dish. A single drop of an essential oil can become overpowering. When you first start experimenting with essential oils and cooking, it is best to use the toothpick method—dip the tip of a clean toothpick into the essential oil bottle and stir the toothpick into your ingredients. This will allow you to add the smallest possible amount of the oil, so that you don’t risk ruining the dish by adding too much flavor. After you’ve stirred the toothpick around in the dish, do a taste test to see whether you want to add more of the oil or not.

The Toothpick Method 1 toothpick dip= da a toothpick into the essential Oil and dip it once into the recipe. 1 toothpick swirl= dip a toothpick into the essential oil and swirl it around in the recipe ½ drop= drop an essential oil onto a spoon, then use the tip of a sharp knife to obtain desired flavor

The following essential oils are extremely potent and users should always employ the toothpick method when using these oils for cooking:

Cassia Cinnamon

Clove Cumin


Thyme Oregano

Carrier Oils Essential oils are volatile, meaning they evaporate quickly leaving behind the concentrated potent aroma of the plant - this makes them too strong to use directly. Carrier oils don't evaporate and don't exude a strong aroma, making them the perfect companion for essential oils as they retain and carry all of the properties of essential oils.

There's more to carrier oils than meets the eye. Different carrier oils carry their own amazing therapeutic properties based on the essential fatty acids and natural nutrients they contain. This fact often gets overlooked as most of the focus is on the essential oils. The characteristics of each carrier oil is influenced by their own unique application and their shelf-life. Pairing your essential oils with the right carrier oils can be extremely beneficial in realizing the full benefits of what you are trying to achieve. It’s important to note that just any oil from your kitchen may not serve as a good carrier oil.

***Much of the following information has been taken directly from Dr. Axe website***

1. Coconut Oil Coconut oil serves as an effective carrier oil that contains saturated fat. Is coconut oil healthy? You may feel a bit confused since the American Heart Association’s (AHA) released its latest report in June 2017 on saturated fats. The report examined dietary fats and cardiovascular disease.

But the association’s warning on coconut oil is what really came as a surprise. Yet, at the same time, many studies have shown coconut oil touts several health benefits. Many diets have recommended to use nothing but coconut oil. For years coconut has taken the blame for containing saturated fat. Recent research is proving that certain types of saturated fat are actually good and can help your body burn fat and lose weight!


Source: Dr Axe

Coconut contains healthy fats called medium chain fatty acids (MCT’s). A study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that MCT’s increase lipid (fat) oxidation, which means coconut will burn up excess calories and help you lose weight! Coconut has also been shown to reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids and LDL cholesterol levels. • Powerful fat burner • Improves digestion • Builds muscle • Recovery from food poisoning • Rids the body of parasites • Breaks down kidney stones • Lessens the symptoms of glycaemia

If coconut oil is taken at the same times as omega-3 fatty acids it can make them twice as effective, as they are readily available to be digested and used by the body.

Athletes have found that coconut liquid enhances their performance and hydration. NBA superstar Kevin Garnett has partnered with Madonna to invest in a coconut water company, seeing it as “nature’s sports drink”! Coconut liquid has the same five electrolytes in the same levels as human blood: sodium, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium and potassium, making it a great superfood contender. The MCT’s found in coconut are also used in popular muscle building products like Muscle Milk. Most companies use processed MCT’s, but if you eat real coconut, you’re getting high quality MCT’s. They aren’t just good for burning fat, they’re also great for building muscle.

Coconut also improves digestion as it helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins, calcium and magnesium. It’s a powerful aid to your immune system and can fight off bacteria, viruses and fungal overgrowth such as candida. When buying coconut oil, make sure to get “unrefined”. A couple of good reads by Dr. Axe to hopefully help you decide for yourself. Super-Food-Super-You



2. Sweet Almond Oil Sweet almond oil takes the mighty, nutrition-rich almonds and transforms it into a powerful oil with incredible benefits. Commonly used due to the great benefits it offers to both the heart and the colon. Historically, it was used in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Research proves that the healthy fats (unsaturated) in almonds, along with fiber and various minerals, offer properties that are cholesterol-lowering and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Almonds are also used in body weight reduction and glucose management, and are known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties. (2)

Almond oil contains 60 international units of vitamin E, 200 percent of the daily recommended amount.

Sweet Almond Oil Benefits: 1. Regulates Cholesterol One of the most widely known benefits of almond oil is its ability to regulate cholesterol. Regular consumption of almond oil raises HDL cholesterol (known as “good” cholesterol), lowers LDL (“bad” cholesterol) and generally lowers overall cholesterol levels naturally. (3)

2. Reduces Risk of Heart Disease According to a 2014 study published in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. (4) Heart disease is often caused by chronic inflammation. Foods with anti-oxidative and antiinflammatory properties reduce your risk for many common health conditions. If you are already at risk for coronary heart disease, it is highly recommended to add almond oil to your diet.

3. Protects Against Diabetes Almonds and almond oil have been proven to both help regulate blood sugar levels and even prevent diabetes! In a Purdue University study, researchers found consuming almonds at breakfast (in the form of whole almonds, almond butter, almond flour and almond oil) decreased blood sugar levels and made participants feel more full, avoiding the second-meal dip that many diabetic or prediabetes stage experience. In fact, in that particular study, almond oil performed as well as whole almonds at encouraging insulin production after the first meal (and even better than almond flour and almond butter!). (5)


3. Olive Oil *Protects Heart Health *Helps Fight Cancer *Helps with Weight Loss and Obesity Prevention *Supports Brain Health *Fights Mood Disorders and Depression *Can Help Prevent or Treat Diabetes *Helps Balance Hormones

Olive oil is high in healthy fatty acids, anti-inflammatory compounds and antioxidants. Consuming real extra virgin olive oil benefit your heart, brain and mood. It’s common for “extra virgin olive oil” purchased in most major grocery stores is laced with GMO canola oil and herb flavors. Essentially, the store shelves are lined with fake olive oil options.


4. Avocado Oil Studies have found avocado oil benefits to include the prevention of the development of





triglyceride levels, and obesity. (1) Avocado oil has even received prescription drug status in France because of its proven ability to counter the negative effects of arthritis! (2)

1. Rich in Oleic Acid, a Very Healthy Fat Avocado oil is the natural oil pressed from the pulp of an avocado. This pulp produces an oil full of healthy fats, including oleic acid and essential fatty acids. Almost 70% of avocado oil consists of hearthealthy oleic acid, a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid (2). Additionally, around 12% of avocado oil is saturated fat and about 13% is polyunsaturated fat.

2. Reduces Cholesterol and Improves Heart Health Avocado oil and olive oil have been found to be the most effective in increasing HDL, the "good" cholesterol. In rats, avocado oil reduced blood triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels, as well as lower blood pressure (5, 6). High in monounsaturated oleic acid content makes it beneficial to the heart. Evidence from controlled clinical studies has shown that monounsaturated fatty acids favorably affect a number of risk factors for CHD, including cholesterol and triglyceride levels, factors related to blood clot formation. (10)

3. High in Lutein, an Antioxidant that has Benefits for The Eyes Avocado oil is a relatively good source of lutein, a carotenoid that's naturally found in your eyes (7). It functions as an antioxidant that has benefits for eye health (8). Eating lutein may reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration (9, 10). Your body doesn't produce lutein, so you must obtain it from your diet (11).


4. Enhances the Absorption of Important Nutrients “Some nutrients need fat in order to be absorbed by your body. Among these are the carotenoid antioxidants, which are pigments found in many plant foods. However, fruits and vegetables rich in carotenoids are typically low in fat. One small study found that adding avocado oil to a salad with carrots, romaine lettuce and spinach, increased the absorption of carotenoids (12). Including a healthy fat source like avocado oil when eating vegetables, as it may increase the absorption of carotenoid antioxidants up to 17-fold.� (Source)

5. Diabetes Neutralizes Free Radicals. According to one study in diabetic rats, avocado oil can protect against the harmful effects of free radicals (26).

6. Lowers Blood Pressure Avocado oil is a smart choice for a natural ways to lower your blood pressure or to maintain a healthy blood pressure. The monounsaturated fats found in avocado oil can have a beneficial effect on blood pressure and your heart.

7. Improves Arthritis Symptoms ASU is made from a combination of avocado and soybean oil extracts, which France has given prescription drug status as a treatment for knee and hip osteoarthritis. In Denmark, ASU is marketed as a food supplement for its anti-inflammatory effects and its ability to stimulate cartilage growth and repair. Four randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials have been published and these studies indicate that ASU has a positive effect on the symptoms of knee and hip osteoarthritis. (7)


8. Benefits Psoriasis & Other Skin Problems That avocado oil can play a vital role in a psoriasis diet is a substantial finding for sufferers of chronic plaque psoriasis since common treatments are often associated with a significant risk of undesirable side effects. (8) (9)

How to Buy & Use Avocado Oil Be sure to purchase an avocado oil that is 100 percent pure, organic, extra virgin, unrefined and coldpressed. You should be able to find at a grocery store or health store. When it comes to cooking with avocado oil, unrefined avocado oil has a medium smoke point, so it’s better suited for lower-heat cooking or unheated recipes, such as a dressing or dipping oil. Refined avocado oil is considered to be highest smoke point of any plant oil—about 520 degrees. When using any oil for cooking, it is very important to consider the smoke point (the temperature at which the oil starts to be visibly smoking in the pan) of the oil. Even a healthy oil becomes unhealthy when it reaches its smoke point. When an oil reaches its smoke point, the structure of the oil begins to break down, nutrients are lost, flavor is changed and compounds can be created that are actually damaging to your health.

Use avocado oil in place of another oil in your favorite homemade dressing, drizzle it on a sandwich, toss vegetables in avocado oil for roasting or use it in your next sautéed creation. The possibilities are quite endless.

Unopened avocado oil has a shelf life of about 24 months while opened oil is best used within six months of opening. Always store avocado oil in a cool dry place away from heat and light. Possible Side Effects of Avocado Oil “If you are allergic to avocado, then unfortunately you will have to avoid avocado oil for internal or external use. In addition, people with latex allergies can be allergic to avocado and avocado oil. Latex allergy is related to certain foods such as avocados, bananas, chestnuts, kiwis and passion fruit because these foods contain some of the same allergens found in latex. If you’re allergic to latex, then you have a greater chance of also being allergic to avocado oil.” “Avocado has been reported to decrease the effectiveness of warfarin. Warfarin, also known by the brand name Coumadin among others, is a blood thinner that is used to slow blood clotting. If you are taking any blood thinners, check with your doctor to discuss your internal intake of avocado oil.” (Source)


Now that you’ve learned about cooking with essential oils, it is time to practice. As you experiment with different flavors and recipes, you will see how easy it is to brighten any meal or freshen any drink with the Young Living Vitality Essential Oils.

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