Catalogue - Aromatherapy (English)

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Essenza dell´Anima Catalogue - Aromatherapy

We are dedicated to the elaboration of products with the highest quality of essential oils

ENJOY AND FEEL THE GREAT WORLD OF AROMATHERAPY, IN ESSENZA DELL´ANIMA YOU WOULD FIND RECIPES FOR ANY PHYSICAL, MENTA, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL ILLNESS. Essential oils have been used during many centuries in cosmetics, incenses or perfumes, as well for therapeutic applications thanks to it´s beneficial properties. An art that combines wisdom and scientific knowledge of the virtues of medicinal plants. The newest about these elixirs are it´s phychological effects. The new aromatherapy for body and mind is specialized in a series of effects with the capacity of influence our mood.

Pillow Mist • Spray Inhaler • Bath Salt

Pillow Mist • Spray Inhaler

Pillow Mist •

Massage Oil • Body Lotion

Pillow Mist •

Foot Cream

Pillow Mist

SWEET TEMPTATION Chocolates, Strawberry and champagne, it´s a classic on a romatic night. If you would like to créate a different romantic enviroment with your sweetheart, Try the body oils we has for you. DISCOVER THEM!!!

Massage Oil

    

Cleasing Lotion

Oat Soap

Day Facial Cream

Night Facial Cream

1. Attack synovial membrane 2. Swelling (often accompanied by warmth and redness) of the joints 3. Could happen in any age. Even in chilhood. More common between 20-40 years old 4. Stiffness in the joints (generally worse in the mornings and after periods of rest) 5. Pain usually increase at night or at rest 6. Autoinmune disease

1. Attacks the cartilage 2. Main symptom: stiffness and pain. Swelling, however, is not often seen 3. Disease associated with aging. It’s more common after 40 years 4. Short time stifness 5. Experience pain in a joints while moving 6. No autoinmune disease

Massage Oil •

Bath Salt

• • • •

Postpartum Stress Hormonal Problems Seborrhea, etc


Hair Tonic

Massage Oil

Body Gel • Massage Oil • Bath Salt

Massage Oil


Foot Soak

Pillow Mist • Roll On

There are many types of migraine, but most are characterized by several pain on one or both sides of the head, nauseas, visual disturbances, dizziness and others symptoms.

Body Lotion •


Pillow Mist • Bath Salt

Pillow Mist • Massage Oil

Spray Inhaler

Pillow Mist •

Bath Salt

 Continuous Crying  Lack of Appetite  Insomnia

Pillow Mist

Body Mist

Body Gel

Eschars are lesions present in skin and deep tissues, produced by a malnutrición of vascular or nervous origin. Another factor that causes eschars is the longstanding of the skin against a bone area

Ointment Soap

Pillow Mist •

Roll On

Body Mist

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