Catalogo Prodotti - VerdecchiaVivai

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ACER CAMPESTRE Pianta spontanea (Europa, Asia). Alt. fino a 15m, diam. chioma fino a 6m. Portamento sferico, irregolare. A lento sviluppo. Corteccia grigio - bruna. Foglia palmata, costituita da 3 - 5 lobi, di colore verde scuro, gialla in autunno. Fiore giallo a Maggio. Frutto a samara, con ali allargate quasi a 180°, di colore rossiccio. Vegeta in qualunque terreno, soprattutto calcareo. Resistente all'inquinamento e alla siccità. Sopporta bene le potature. Rustica (-30° / -20°C). Impiego: siepi di campagna, cortine verdi, gruppi. Decorativa soprattutto in autunno.

Characteristics A medium-sized native tree with a bushy, rounded head which can grow 15m (50ft) tall in good conditions though often stays smaller. The small leaves are of typical maple shape, though more rounded than some in the Acer family. The autumn colour is a striking butter-yellow, and is one of the best from trees native to the British Isles. When young, bark has a curious cork-like appearance though as the tree matures this disappears. Where to grow Field Maple will grow on most sites though it is especially happy on shallow soil over limestone and for this reason is very at home in Southern England where it is commonly found at field edges and as a standard tree. It also makes a wonderful hedging plant and is nearly as common in native countryside hedges as Hawthorn or Blackthorn. The reason for this is that it will take fairly severe cutting. It can also be laid, helping to create a strong stock proof hedge. (-30°/-20°C)

Acer Campestre wall bars

ACER NEGUNDO VARIEGATUM – FLAMINGO - AUREOMARGINATUM ACER NEGUNDO Pianta decidua Alt. fino a 12 - 15m, diam. chioma fino a 6 - 8m. Portamento sferico espanso. Crescita rapida. Corteccia grigio - bruna. Foglie composte da 3 - 5 foglioline di colore verde chiaro brillante. Fiore pendulo, di colore giallastro, sui rami in primavera prima delle foglie. Frutto a samara, ad ali strette, riunito in gruppi penduli. Vegeta in qualunque terreno, ma non calcareo. Resistente alla siccità. Rustica (-30° / -20°C). Impiego: gruppi, alberature stradali. ACER NEG. VARIEGATUM Simile a A. negundo. Piccolo albero. Alt. 7 - 8m, diam. chioma 4 - 5m. Fogliame parzialmente macchiato o marginato di bianco crema. Impiego: piccoli giardini, isolata, viali, alberature stradali. Resistente all'inquinamento. ACER NEG. AUREOMARGINATUM Simile a A. negundo 'Argenteovariegatum'. Foglia bordata di giallo - oro.

Characteristics A variegated form of the Box Elder this is a small deciduous tree that will reach 7m (22ft) when mature and is a good choice for small gardens. The variegated pinnate leaves consist of leaves with a yellow-white coloured margin, this cultivar is a small to medium-sized tree or shrub, often with several stems, whilst the pale grey of the branches look attractive in winter. Prone to shooting from the base it can be grown as a large shrub, though its ultimate shape will be oval. Where to grow It will grow well in full sun or light shade and can cope with most soils though it likes free draining ground. For the best displays of foliage occur when it has been pruned back hard in the winter. Like many variegated trees it is prone to reversion, so any branches with purely green leaves will need to be removed completely. (-30° / -20°C)

ACER PLATANOIDES Pianta spontanea (Europa, Norvegia). Alt. fino a 25m, diam. chioma fino a 8 - 10m. Portamento sferico espanso, chioma regolare, fitta. Crescita rapida. Corteccia grigio - bruna. Foglia palmata costituita da 3 - 5 lobi appuntiti, di colore verde lucente, che in autunno diventa ocra e arancio. Fiore giallo, a grappoli eretti, sui rami a Marzo - Aprile, prima delle foglie. Frutto a samara divaricata. Vegeta in qualunque terreno, ma non calcareo. Adatta ai climi di montagna. Resistente all'inquinamento. Molto rustica (meno di -30°C). Impiego: viali, alberature stradali.

Characteristics There are few trees that have produced more varieties under cultivation than the Norway maple. This large, fast-growing, elegant tree can grow up to 30m (100ft) in height. Its five lobed deep green leaves, similar to that of sycamore, change colour in autumn to orange and yellow with occasional hints of red. A favourite for planting in towns and cities across the UK as it is very tolerant of pollution. Its wonderful shape also makes it popular for planting in parks and country estates. Where to grow It will grow well on most soil types, unless waterlogged or overly acidic. It is tolerant of very limey soils. Due to its large size it needs a lot of space to reach its full potential. It is also very happy on exposed windy sites. (-30°C)


Characteristics A ruby red to purple leaved cultivar of the Norway Maple, Acer platanoides Crimson King is a fast growing medium sized tree. If given the space it can grow to more than 15m (50ft) in height with an oval shaped crown that can almost be as wide as it is tall. The most noticeable and striking feature are its stunning deep purple 5 lobed leaves, that are of classic maple shape. It is a great tree for screening and contrasts well with trees of bright foliage such as Acer platanoides 'Drummondii', and for this reason these two trees are often planted together.

Albero deciduo Alt. 10 - 15m, diam. chioma 5 - 6m. Portamento sferico o a ceppaia. Foglia molto decorativa rosso porpora a primavera, che in autunno diventa arancione. Adatto ai climi di montagna. Resistente all'inquinamento. Rustico (-30째 / -20째C). Impiego: isolato, viali.


Where to grow It requires full sun or light shade and will grow on most soil types, with the exception of overly acidic sandy soils. It is a very hardy tree that will tolerate a lot of wind. Also a good choice for cities as it copes well with pollution. (-30째/-20째 C)

ACER PSEUDOPLATANUS Piante spontanee (Europa, Asia). Alt. fino a 25m, diam. chioma fino a 12m (è il più grande acero europeo). Portamento sferico espanso, chioma fitta. Crescita rapida, media longevità (fino a 200 anni). Corteccia grigiastra. Grande foglia palmata, costituita da 5 lobi appuntiti e dentati, di colore verde scuro, un poco più chiara e ricoperta di peluria sulla pagina inferiore, che in autunno si colora di giallo oro. Fiore pendulo, giallo - verdastro, che compare sui rami in Aprile - Maggio contemporaneamente alle foglie. Frutto a samare, leggermente divaricate (fino a 90°). Vegeta in qualunque terreno, anche moderatamente calcareo. Resistente ai venti, al freddo, alla neve e alla salsedine. Adatta ai climi di montagna. Resistente all'inquinamento. Molto rustica (meno di -30°C). Impiego: forestazione, gruppi, viali.

Characteristics Capable of reaching well over 25m (80ft), this fastgrowing large tree requires a lot of space. It is one of the best trees for exposed sites and coastal areas, growing in almost any conditions. When mature it provides a grand, domed outline in the countryside. Its dense leaves cast a heavy shade making it useful in fields with livestock. Not native to Britain, the Sycamore has become become naturalized since its introduction many centuries ago. Where to grow Acer pseudoplatanus can grow almost anywhere. It is very happy with poor soil, windy and cold sites. It very easily self seeds and is often the first tree to establish itself on disused farmland and cleared woodlands. (-30°C)


Characteristics Growing to a mature height of 25m (80ft) this large, fast-growing tree is often found in parks and in large estates. The silver undersides to the classic maple shaped leaves make the tree appear white in windy weather. It has a good autumn colour display of rich gold/yellow. In its native North America the autumn colour can range from yellow and orange through to deep red, sadly due to the different climate here in the UK we virtually never see the full spectrum of colours. Where to grow A good tree for urban sites as it tolerates pollution well, though due to its brittle branches it is not so good in exposed sites. It will grow in all but the worst soil and will do well in damp ground. Due to its large stature it needs a lot of space to grow and is not a good choice if space is limited. (-30° C)

Pianta a foglia caduca Alt. fino a 25m, diam. chioma fino a 8 - 10m. Portamento sferico ovoidale o a ceppaia, chioma irregolare. Crescita molto rapida. Corteccia grigiastra, piuttosto liscia da giovane. Foglia palmata costituita da 3 - 5 lobi seghettati e appuntiti, di colore verde medio superiormente e argentata sulla pagina inferiore, che diventa gialla in autunno. Fiore giallo - verde, sui rami all'inizio della primavera. Predilige i terreni freschi e molto umidi, non troppo calcarei. Resistente all'inquinamento. Molto rustica (meno di -30°C). Impiego: isolata, gruppi, viali.

ALNUS CORDATA Pianta a foglia caduca, raggiunge i 15 metri di altezza, diam. chioma 8m. Portamento sferico ovoidale. A crescita rapida. Abbastanza rustica (20° / -15°C). Adatta ai climi di montagna. Qualsiasi terreno umido, anche calcareo, argilloso e sassoso. Adatta anche lungo i corsi d'acqua. Impiego: isolata, alberature stradali. Resiste all'inquinamento

ALNUS GLUTINOSA Pianta a foglia caduca, a portamento prevalente arboreo, raggiunge anche i 2025 metri di altezza, diffusa per la sua resistenza all’acqua nelle depressioni umide delle aree alluvionali o lungo sponde basse di rive o fiumi o in zone dove sia necessario un consolidamento del terreno. Abbastanza rustica (-20°/15°C)

Characteristics Italian Alder is a large fast growing tree with glossy heart shaped leaves which grows to a height of 25m (80ft). The shape is generally conic or pyramidal and the leaves very dense giving it the appearance of a large Pear tree from a distance. Catkins hang from the tree in spring and the cones are held upright and are egg shaped. Where to grow Italian alder will do well on almost all types of soil however poor, it has become popular as an urban tree where it retains its leaves deep into the winter as a result possibly of street lights. (-20°/-15° C) Characteristics A large native tree which is common by riverbanks and damp places, it can grow to 25m (80ft) but is often coppiced and appears in a multistemmed form. The leaves are large and almost round, catkins hang in clusters from about March onwards, and the cones when ripe hold large numbers of small seeds. Where to grow One of the few trees that can cope with waterlogged ground it possesses nitrogen fixing nodules on its roots which enable it to colonise effectively. (-20°/-15°C)


Characteristics The red flowered chestnut is a fairly common site in May with its bright red flowers held by the tree as though they were candles. It does not grow to the massive scale of its white flowered relative with a maximum height of 15m (50ft). It has a generally round headed form with characteristic hand shaped leaves with five to seven fingers, the leaves are a rather dull green. It also produces fruit in the form of ‘conkers’ but not so profusely and with smooth shells. Where to grow This is an easy tree to grow which will cope with most locations. Happiest in well drained loamy soils it will establish in all but very wet or waterlogged soils. (-25°/-15° C)

Albero deciduo di taglia medio-grande alt. max 10/15 mt dal portamento denso e leggermente piramidale. Crescita lenta. I fiori sono di color rosso/fucsia luminoso in coni eretti di 20-25 cm prodotti verso la metà del mese di maggio. Fogliame di colore verde scuro che diventa giallo in autunno. Adatto ai climi freddi delle Alpi e del nord Europa, -15°-25°C, in pieno sole o mezz'ombra, resistente al terreno secco e calcareo, alla salsedine e all'inquinamento atmosferico. Impiego: isolata, viali, gruppi


Characteristics The Horse Chestnut is one of the most recognisable trees that grow in the UK. It can often grow to 30m (100ft) with a rounded wide spreading head and trunks up to 5m (15ft) or more across. The characteristic very large leaves with five to seven fingers and the sticky winter buds are all well known as are masses of white candle like flowers that are present in early May. The fruit held in spiny cases are lustrous brown nuts up to 4cm (1½ inch) across and are a fascination to children of all ages. It is naturalised in the UK and must be present in almost every park in the country. Where to grow An easy tree to grow, it will cope with most conditions except very wet or waterlogged soils. Happy in the country or city, it often self-seeds even in the most unlikely places.

Albero vigoroso, dal portamento espanso, arrotondato. Le foglie 7palmate sono verdi, lunghe 30 cm o più. Produce fiori bianchi in pannocchie coniche erette, alte fino a 30 cm in Aprile Maggio. Altezza Max da 20 a 30 mt Persistenza fogliare: a foglia caduca Si adatta ai climi freddi delle Alpi e del Nord Europa -15°/-25° Predilige posizioni in pieno sole o mezzombra E' resistente al terreno umido e al terreno calcareo, tollerante alla salinita', resiste all'inquinamento atmosferico. Impiego isolato, in gruppo

ALBIZIA JULIBRISSIN Albero deciduo di media grandezza alt.8-12 mt, dal portamento espanso, che assume forma di cupola schiacciata in età adulta. Le foglie, da verde chiaro a verde medio, sono lunghe da 30 a 40 cm. composte ognuna da 8/12 paia di pinnule, a loro volta formate da 30/40 piccole foglioline. Da luglio a settembre produce mazzetti terminali di fiori larghi 7-15 cm di colore rosa a forma di piumino. Predilige un’esposizione soleggiata, terreno fertile, umido e ben drenato. Valore pH del terreno: 5 - 7.5 Abbastanza rustica (-15°/-10°C) Impiego : isolata, gruppi, viali. Resiste all'inquinamento e alla salsedine. ALBIZIA JULIBRISSIN 25/30

Characteristics Landscape value: A very adaptable and tough small tree providing a display of delicate pink 'pompon' flower heads in summer set against fine, feathery foliage. Of use in small to medium gardens as well as parks, gardens as a feature or to provide filtered shade. Height: 5 metre(s) Width: 4 metre(s) Growth rate: Moderate. Habit: Broad 'vase' shaped, spreading, with a flat crown. Foliage: Rich green, feathery, bipinnate leaves (similar to many wattle species) that fold up at night. The leaves are subdivided into 10 to 25 pinnae, each with 40 to 60 leaflets (pinnules). Rustic brown in autumn. Flowers: Heads of many small flowers with long showy pink stamens in summer. From a distance the flowers appear to be floating along the top of the branches. Flowers less abundant in cooler climates. Fruit:Long greyishbrown legumes in autumn follow flwering and are held into autumn. Bark: Greyish-brown. Where to grow Tolerances: Moderate drought, varied soil pH, moderately saline soils, strong wind and temperate to sub-tropical conditions. Best grown in full sun. Potentially a weedy species in some areas. Generally seedling grown, so can have some variation in vigour and habit. (-15°/-10°C)

BETULA ALBA Albero deciduo, alt. 30m, diam. chioma 6 m. Foglie piccole verde chiaro, che diventano gialle in autunno. Fioritura Aprile Maggio. I tronchi principali hanno portamento eretto mentre i rametti più giovani tendono a ricadere. Corteccia molto decorativa di colore bianco. Predilige terreno fresco, fertile e umido. Valore pH del terreno: 5 – 6 Molto rustico ( -30°C). Adatto ai climi di montagna. Impiego: isolato, in gruppi o allineamenti. Resiste all'inquinamento atmosferico e alla salsedine.

Characteristics This large graceful native tree is featured in Coleridge’s poem thus “I pass forth into light – I find myself Beneath a weeping birch (most beautiful Of forest trees, the Lady of the Woods)”. It is fast growing and can reach 20m (65ft) or more on maturity. The branches are notable by the fact that the ends are pendulous. The bark is white often with black diamond shaped markings. If you are looking for the smooth gleaming white bark, a better option is Betula utilis jaquemontii. The leaves of Betula pendula are relatively small, 3-6cm, and turn yellow in autumn. Where to Grow It grows well on all types of soil even surviving in poor dry soils. It can withstand air pollution and thrives in cities. As a “pioneer” species it quickly colonises recently felled or cleared ground. Birch would have been one of the first trees to naturalise here after the last ice age. (-30°c)

BETULA UTILIS JACQUEMONTII Albero deciduo, alt. 10-15 m, diam. chioma 6m. Portamento sferico. Foglie color verde scuro che diventano gialle in autunno. Fioritura Aprile Maggio. Ha la corteccia più bianca e più liscia tra tutte le betulle. Predilige terreno fresco, fertile e umido. Valore pH del terreno: 5 - 6 Adatto ai climi freddi delle Alpi e del nord Europa. Rustico (-25° / -15°C). Resiste all'inquinamento atmosferico. Impiego: isolato, gruppi.

Characteristics Himalayan Birch is easily recognisable by its dazzlingly white, silky smooth, shining bark. As with other birches, as it grows, the old bark peels away revealing the new bark underneath. The branches are ascending and the ends do not droop in the way that the native Silver Birch does. The leaves are larger than Betula pendula and turn yellow in the autumn. It can reach height of 15m (50ft) and the pyramidal shaped head is approximately 8m (25ft) wide. The vivid trunks make this an ideal candidate to be planted in groups of three or as a multi stemmed specimen. Where to Grow It is generally tolerant of most soils but prefers full light and good drainage. (-25°/-15°C)

CARPINUS BETULUS Albero deciduo alt. 15 - 20m, diam. chioma 8 - 10m. Portamento sferico. Foglie verdi ovali, con nervature evidenti. Normalmente le foglie in autunno non cadono, seccano ma restano sui rami fino a primavera. Adatto a qualsiasi terreno ma non calcareo. Rustico (-30째 / -20째C). Adatto ai climi di montagna. Resistente all'inquinamento, sopporta bene la potatura. Impiego: isolato, siepi alte, ars topiaria, viali, alberature stradali.

Carpinus Betulus


Characteristics Hornbeam a native large tree though probably only truly native in the South and East of England as one of the last of the species to arrive from continental Europe. A tree with a maximum height of 25m (80ft) though often less, it is upright when young but eventually forms a rounded elongated head. The leaves are oval and similar in size and form to Beech though with more prominent veins and rougher to the touch. Where to grow Hornbeam will grow well in full sun or shade. It will quite happily cope with damp or wet soils, and even with a certain amount of temporary waterlogging, making it a suitable alternative to Beech in such situations. It stands up well to hard pruning, has dense foliage and has been used more for hedges and topiary than as a woodland tree. (-30째/-20째C)

Carpinus Betulus


CARPINUS BETULUS FASTIGIATA/PYRAMIDALIS Characteristics This is one of the upright clones of Pyramid Hornbeam which is very regular and upright when young but becomes more rounded with age. It can reach 15m (50ft) and is always densely branched Where to grow Pyramid Hornbeam will grow well in full sun or shade. It will quite happily cope with damp or moist soils and even a certain amount of temporary waterlogging. It’s neat shape and upright form lend it to be used for formal avenues and topiary. (-30°/-20°C) Carpinus Betulus Fastigiata ALBERETTO Carpinus Betulus Fastigiata CESPUGLIO

Pianta decidua Alt. 18 - 20m, diam. chioma 4m. Foglie più scure rispetto a C. betulus, che diventano gialle e cadono in autunno. Rustica (-30° / -20°C). Adatta ai climi di montagna. Resistente all'inquinamento, sopporta bene la potatura. Impiego: gruppi, viali, siepi.



Alt. 15m, diam. chioma 10m. Portamento sferico. A crescita rapida. Foglie grandi dalla caratteristica forma a cuore. Fiore bianco, punteggiato di rosso o di giallo alla base dei petali. Frutti simili a fragole, che durano tutto l'inverno. Rustica (-30° / -20°C). Adatta ai climi di montagna. Qualsiasi terreno fertile, ma non troppo calcareo. Valore pH del terreno: 6 – 8. Impiego: isolata, viali. Resiste all'inquinamento. CATALPA BUNGEI Alt. 5 - 6m, diam. chioma 4 - 5m. Portamento sferico. Rami molto fitti ricoperti da grandi foglie, chioma che forma un ombrellone naturale. Non fiorisce. Rustica (-30° / -20°C). Catalpa Bungei

Catalpa Bignonioides

The Indian Bean Tree does not come from India and does not grow beans! It originates from the Eastern United states and was introduced in 1726. It has large heart shaped velvety leaves, very large when the tree is young. The leaves are late to emerge not appearing until late June and will be killed off by the first frost without changing colour. The tree comes into flower in the middle of July with white flowers that have yellow and purple flecks. The flowers are produced in large clusters and can be so numerous as to obscure the leaves of the tree altogether, thus ensuring its status as one of the most appealing summer trees. The beans are the tree's bean-like pods, which are very slim and almost perfectly cylindrical and can grow up to 16 inches in length. These pods contain winged seeds and remain on the tree throughout the winter before splitting and releasing the seeds. It will grow to 15m (50ft) in good conditions with a wide spreading much branched head and is a popular parkland tree. It is not particularly long lived though there is a specimen in a Reading Churchyard that is 150 years old. Where to grow To grow well it needs full sun and a fertile well drained soil, it will do better with a little bit of shelter from winds which can damage the large leaves. As it never forms a terminal bud the last bit of late summer stem growth is almost always damaged by winter frosts, which leads to its multi-branched habit. (-30°/-20°C)

CELTIS AUSTRALIS Pianta decidua Alt. 20 - 25m, diam. chioma 8 10m. Portamento sferico. A crescita abbastanza rapida. Foglie decidue, ovali - lanceolate, di colore verde scuro, ruvide al tatto. Abbastanza rustica (-20째 / -15째C). Adatta ai climi di montagna. ed a qualsiasi terreno fertile e ben drenato. Predilige quelli sassosi, aridi, anche calcarei, ma non troppo umidi. Impiego: viali, alberature stradali. Resiste all'inquinamento. Characteristics An attractive and adaptable shade tree with a pleasant habit, Celtis australis is a species that often survives where others have failed. Very useful for street or avenue plantings or as a park tree. Height: 11 metre(s) Width:10 metre(s) Growth rate: Moderate. Habit: pyramidal when young, becoming broadly ovate with ascending and arching branches. The young stems display a slight 'zig-zag' tendency. Foliage elliptic leaves up to 15 cm long with coarsely serrated margins. Light to mid-green changing to soft yellow then yellowish-green in autumn. Flowers inconspicuous. Male and female flowers are often separate on the same plant. Fruit rounded drupes up to 1.25 cm in diameter on a long stalk. Bark grey and smooth, gradually forming narrow, corky ridges. Ornamental. Where to grow Urban tolerant. Best in good rich, moist soil in a position receiving full sun but is adaptable to a wide range of site conditions, including compaction, partly wet or dry sites and acid or alkaline soils. Also tolerates air pollution, moderate wind and part shade. (-20째/-15째c)


Characteristics The Judas tree can grow to a height of 12m (40ft) and reach 10m (35ft) in diameter, though more often forming a low and irregular 1-sided dome of bushy habit about 8m (25ft) tall. The leaves are rounded and heart shaped, the bright pink-purple, pea like flowers are produced at the joints of the old wood in May before the leaves emerge. The seed pods can hang on the tree all winter. Where to grow Defiantly a sun loving tree, to do well, it needs a warm sheltered sunny spot. It is perfectly hardy but a cold spring delays both flowering and leaf emergence. A member of the Pea family (Leguminosae) it needs a fertile free draining sandy loam and will not tolerate waterlogging. (-20°/-15°C)

E' utilizzato come pianta ornamentale nei giardini e per le alberature stradali, grazie alla sua resistenza all'atmosfera cittadina; si presenta come un piccolo albero alto fino a 10 metri e più spesso come arbusto. Cresce molto lentamente. Corteccia di colore grigio nerastro. Foglie colore verde carico e aspetto liscio e lucido; la pagina inferiore è glauca, in autunno assumono un bel colore giallo e cadono a novembre inoltrato. I fiori di colore rosa - lilla sono riuniti in racemi che compaiono prima delle foglie, in marzo – aprile, spuntano direttamente dalla corteccia dei rami e del tronco. Inizia a fiorire verso i sei anni di età. Europa meridionale, Italia, Asia, bassa quota, alt. massima 500m circa. Questa pianta preferisce i terreni calcarei e sassosi, senza ristagno idrico ma tollera anche quelli moderatamente acidi. Abbastanza resistente al freddo. (-20°/-15°C)

CHAMAEROPS EXCELSA Chamaerops excelsa di solito è classificata come Trachycarpus fortunei in quanto, quando fu introdotta in Europa dal Giappone, fu identificata come tale. E’ una pianta che si presta per essere coltivata sia in vaso sia in piena terra raggiungendo in questo caso anche i 3,5 m di altezza mentre in vaso rimane di dimensioni molto più contenute non superando i 2 m di altezza. Le foglie, portate da lunghi piccioli, si formano nella parte alta del fusto, sono a ventaglio con le punte che con il tempo diventano pendenti. I fiori sono riuniti in infiorescenze a pannocchia, di colore giallo mentre i frutti sono delle bacche scure. Sono piante dioiche vale a dire che ci sono “piante femminili” e “maschili” cioè piante che portano solo fiori maschili e piante che portano solo fiori femminili. Esistono diverse varietà tra le quali una nana di dimensioni molto contenute. Richiedono posizioni soleggiate, o leggermente ombreggiate; Possono essere allevate sia in vaso che all’aperto dove gli inverni sono miti con minime invernali intorno ai -15°C . Sono resistenti ai venti salmastri.

The hardiest palm tree in the world has identity crisis. This, on the other hand, does not stop us from trying this exotic beauty in our climate. Originally from the Himalayas, it is used to long periods of frost, and sometimes snow. It likes clay soil but the constitution must be permeable. If the soil is too heavy, it will need good drainage – this palm can easily rot from excessive water in the winter rather than extreme frost. Our hardiness is rated to -20°C but as every hardy palm this one, too, is sensitive for water in the top of the trunk where new leaves are borne. Therefore it needs to be covered before late autumn rains after which frost can come. First, carefully bind the leaves together. Then we suggest using a simple wooden construction / frame with a translucent but not transparent waterproof material, we use Kortexin. This will work as an umbrella for the head of the palm. It is necessary to leave the bottom free so it can breathe all winter. Only when temperature drops below -20°C overwrap the palm head tightly for max. 5 days to help it overcome the coldest winter days. Winter protection is left on the palm until early spring when there is no more danger of drenching the leaf heart and subsequent freezing. Dry spring frosts and late ground frosts of -3° to -5°C cause no damage. In temperatures below -15°C the leaves can be damaged or completely burnt, but the palm will make new ones in the spring, so there is no need to worry.

CRATAEGUS MONOGYNA Pianta a foglia caduca, Alt. 6m, diam. chioma 2.5m. Portamento fastigiato. Le foglie alterne, di forma ovoidale, con 3-5-7 lobi, lucide, di color verde scuro, misurano fino a 5-6 cm, foglia color arancio o rosso bruno in autunno. Fiore bianco, dal profumo intenso, seguito da bacche rosse. Adatta a qualsiasi terreno, anche calcareo. Non troppo arido. Valore pH del terreno: 6 - 7 Specie spinosa. Impiego: isolata, siepi difensive, macchie. Molto rustica (meno di -30°C). Resiste alla siccità.

Characteristics There is no finer sight in May and June than the froth of heavy-scented single white hawthorn flowers overloading our hedgerows. The native white hawthorn forms the basis of much of Britain’s hedges either pruned back as a hedging shrub or as individual trees left to grow up within it. Grown as a tree it is small, making only around 7m (23ft) with a densely spreading, irregular outline. Shiny red berries, darkening as they ripen, cover the tree from late summer into winter providing food for thrushes, blackbirds and their winter cousins fieldfares and redwings. As a hedge we recommend two rows, 45cm (18”) apart with the plants arranged in a staggered pattern, 4 plants to the metre. The impenetrable thorns make it a good barrier and its rate of growth is fast, giving rise to one of its other common names ‘Quickthorn’. You can plant a hedge entirely of hawthorn or plant our ‘natural mixed hedge’ where hawthorn makes up the majority of the mixture that native species can then be added to. Where to grow Hawthorn is easy to grow in all locations, tolerating windy and coastal locations, plant in full sun or partial shade in freely draining soil. (-30°)

CRATAEGUS LAEVIGATA PAUL'S SCARLET Characteristics Double red flowers in May sing out from the branches of this robust little tree which is otherwise indistinguishable from the white hawthorn until this burst of cheerful colour, announcing the arrival of summer. Paul’s Scarlet grows to 6m (20ft) with a generally rounded shape. Although the lobed leaves are only small they are densely packed, forming a good screen during spring and summer. Even in winter the framework of stout, interweaving branches still offers useful cover. Birds often nest among the thorns and eat the red autumn berries. Where to grow Hawthorns extend the spring blossom season by flowering shortly after the cherries so would certainly add interest to larger planting schemes. Paul's Scarlet in particular provides an ornamental twist on an otherwise native tree with its eye-catching double red flowers and would therefore be good planted in or near a natural mixed hedge bordering the garden. This tree tolerates exposed sites and grows in full sun or partial shade on a wide range of soil types, even on soils over chalk. (-15°/-25°C)

Albero tipico dell' Europa nord occidentale ed Inghilterra. Adatto a climi freddi e ambienti ben soleggiati. Piccolo albero deciduo dal portamento arrotondato, alt.4/6 mt. Foglie alterne, a 3-5 lobi, leggermente ovoidali, di colore verde scuro e verde chiaro sulla pagina inferiore. Da maggio a giugno produce fiori doppi abbondanti di color rosa scuro-rosso acceso. Molto rustico, anche al grande freddo, sopporta molti tipi di suolo, adatto a marciapiedi e allineamenti. (-15°/-25°C)

FAGUS SYLVATICA – SYLVATICA PURPUREA Characteristics Beech is one of the most impressive European trees. It is traditionally the forest tree of the temperate zone of western and central Europe. It represents the last stage in the natural succession of a forest. Solitary beech trees have a wide, dense crown and low branches which hang down. As a tree in avenues or forests, it develops a dead straight trunk with branches high above the ground. Trees more than 40m (130ft) tall or 30m (100ft) wide are not uncommon. The leaves are oval, green and grow quickly from the ‘cigar’ shaped bud in the first week of May. As a consequence of the young tree's ability to hold onto its dead leaves in the winter, one of the most common uses of beech is for formal hedging. Keeping the hedge cut below 3m (10ft) preserves this phenomenon and gives the hedge all year cover, green from May to November, orange– brown the rest of the year. Where to grow Beech can be difficult to establish. Unlike most trees, it is only after bud burst that root growth, for that year, begins. The first roots to appear are very thin (with a diameter of less than 0.5 mm). Later, after a wave of above ground growth, thicker roots grow in a steady fashion. They also prefer humus rich, light or medium soils and will not tolerate waterlogged root zones for any length of time. However during the establishment phase their root systems must not be allowed to dry out and regular watering is needed. This balance is crucial to planting success.

Pianta a foglia caduca Alt. 25 - 30m, diam. chioma 10 - 15m. Specie tipica delle zone montane. Foglie di colore verde intenso, che diventano gialle o porpora in autunno. In inverno il fogliame secco tende a rimanere sulla pianta (in assenza di venti forti). Molto rustica (meno di -30°C). Adatta ai climi di montagna. Impiego: isolata, alberature stradali.

FAGUS SYLVATICA PENDULA – SYLVATICA PENDULA PURPUREA Characteristics Weeping Beech is a cultivar of common beech with fairly large tent like structure with masses of leaves creating a solid tumbling green wall in the summer. The growth habit is for the leader to start off vertically and then turn and droop down into the crown, by this method the trees can become quite large, up to 25m (80ft) and make a dramatic feature. Where to grow Beech can be difficult to establish. Unlike most trees, it is only after bud burst that root growth, for that year, begins. The first roots to appear are very thin (with a diameter of less than 0.5 mm). Later, after a wave of above ground growth, thicker roots grow in a steady fashion. They also prefer humus rich, light or medium soils and will not tolerate waterlogged root zones for any length of time. However during the establishment phase their root systems must not be allowed to dry out and regular watering is needed. This balance is crucial to planting success.

Pianta decidua Alt. 25 - 30m, diam. chioma 10 - 15m. Specie tipica delle zone montane. Foglie di colore verde intenso, che diventano gialle o porpora in autunno. In inverno il fogliame secco tende a rimanere sulla pianta (in assenza di venti forti). Molto rustica (meno di -30°C). Adatta ai climi di montagna. Impiego: isolata, alberature stradali. Portamento piangente irregolare, fogliame verde intenso. Molto rustica (meno di -30°C).


Fraxinus Angustifolia

Albero deciduo Alt. 30 - 35m, diam. chioma 20m. Portamento sferico. Predilige il terreno profondo e fresco ma non calcareo. Fiore giallo - verdastro, che precede le foglie in Aprile - Maggio. Molto rustico (meno di -30°C). Si adatta bene anche ai climi di montagna. Impiego: isolata, alberature stradali. Resiste all'inquinamento.

Fraxinus Westhof'Glorie

Fraxinus Excelsior

Characteristics Ash is one of Britain's most common native trees. Its distinctive black buds, pinnate leaves and greyish bark mark it out from Britain's other large trees. One of our most useful timber trees as it grows quickly in a wide range of soil conditions. It produces a white, flexible, low moisture content timber. Tool handles and firewood are two common uses of ash A very large tree it can grow to 35m (110ft) in favoured spots and is common in hedgerows and woodland. The flowers appear in early April well before the leaves which rarely appear before early May. The winged seeds are held in bunches of ‘Keys’ in great profusion most years and hence propagate profusely in likely habitats. Where to grow Ash are very versatile trees and will grow in a wide range of environments. They do not mind dry soils, but will not cope with prolonged waterlogging. Happiest with full sun, they will also grow well in partial shade and are good in exposed and windy sites. This makes them suitable trees for urban as well as rural planting. (-30°C)

FRAXINUS ORNUS - MECZEK Pianta decidua, raggiunge alt. 15m, diam. chioma 10m. Portamento sferico. Fiore bianco crema, profumato, a Maggio Giugno. Non sopporta i terreni umidi e calcarei. Abbastanza rustica (-20째 / -15째C). Adatta ai climi di montagna. Impiego: isolata, alberature stradali. Sopporta bene l'inquinamento.

Characteristics The Manna or Flowering Ash is a large leafy tree which can grow to 20m (65ft). A native of Southern Europe and Asia Minor it is distinguishable by its grey buds and luxuriant leaf cover. The main feature of this tree which has been planted in the UK since the 18th Century are the abundant white flowers that are produced in May in large panicles. Where to grow Ash are very versatile trees and will grow in a wide range of environments. They do not mind dry soils, but will not cope with prolonged waterlogging. Happiest with full sun, they will also grow well in partial shade and are good in exposed and windy sites. This makes them a suitable trees for urban as well as rural planting. (-20째/-15째C)

GINKGO BILOBA Pianta a foglia caduca, Alt. 30m. A crescita lenta. Foglie dalla caratteristica forma a ventaglio, che in autunno prima di cadere assumono una intensa colorazione giallo dorata.Si adatta a qualsiasi terreno profondo e fresco, ma non calcareo. Impiego: isolata, alberature stradali. Resistente all'inquinamento, alla siccità , alla salsedine.(-20°C)

Characteristics A botanical oddity remote from all other trees and plants, it is a survivor from a botanical group Ginkgoales widespread in the Jurassic and it is now the only living representative. Ultimately a large tree to 20m (65ft) with distinctive leaves similar to the Maidenhair fern (Adiantum) which gives the tree its common name. During autumn the green leaves turn a bright yellow then fall quickly in anything from a single day to two weeks. Young trees tend to be tall, slender and sparsely branched, with the crown of the tree becoming broader over time. They have developed a resistance to most pests and diseases, allowing it an incredibly long lifespan. One tree in the Shandong province of China is thought to be 3,000 years old. Where to grow The Ginkgo will grow almost anywhere. It adapts well to the urban environment, tolerating pollution and confined soil spaces. They rarely suffer disease problems, even in urban conditions. An extreme example of the ginkgo's tenacity may be seen in Hiroshima, Japan, where six trees growing between 1 and 2 km from the 1945 atom bomb explosion were among the few living things in the area to survive the blast. (-20°C)

GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS SUNBURST - SKYLINE - INERMIS Characteristics A member of the pea family the Honey Locust is a tree which has delicate fern like leaves subdivided into leaflets. It grows with an open, spreading canopy and has attractive, fine, somewhat weeping foliage. It is late into leaf and does well only in dry warm summers which can make it struggle in cool wet English weather. This is primarily a foliage tree having no flowers to speak of. The parent is native to central North America and is spiny, ‘Sunburst’ is a decorative and very popular thornless selection of the Honey Locust with first yellow and later on light green leaves. The second flush around the beginning of July is also yellow. It is one of the prettiest yellow-leaved trees. Sunburst grows to a generally thornless, small to medium-sized tree to 8m (25ft). Where to grow Gleditsias are adaptable trees that can cope with a wide range of ground conditions they however do not like permanently wet or waterlogged ground. (-30°c)




Albero deciduo, Alt. 15 - 20m. Presente in diverse varietà. Ha foglie grandi composte, formate da 25 - 30 paia di foglioline di colore verde tenero, che in autunno diventano gialle. Fioritura Luglio Agosto. Frutto lungo, di colore rosso - bruno lucente. Terreno fertile, fresco, ben drenato. Resistente all'inquinamento, alla salsedine e alla siccità. Molto rustico (meno di -30°C). Impiego: isolato, alberature stradali.

KOELREUTERIA PANICULATA Characteristics medium-sized tree, usual height 4-7m usual width 3-5m, deciduous broadleaf Not many trees bloom in mid or even late summer when all the spring flowering beauties have only leaves. Golden-rain tree is one of the few. In late July/early August upto 30 cm long panicles of small, bright yellow flowers appear on this medium sized tree. The flowers can remain on the tree for as long as one month. They are followed by bladder-like pink or red-flushed fruit capsules. Pinnate leaves are alternate, bronze-pink when they emerge, bright green in summer, changing to vivid yellow in autumn. With age the tree gains fairly rounded, regular crown. Pruning can be done in early spring after danger of harsh frosts before leaves emerge, but is not required. It grows medium fast. Where to grow It is widely tolerant of any soil type apart from muddy, it even tolerates pollution of any kind - a perfect choice for urban areas. Use as a free-standing tree to show all its glory! Grow in full sun for best flowering. Plants older than 3 years are fully hardy to about -27°C (USDA zone 5b).

Alberi, a foglia caduca. Alt. 10m, diam. chioma 10 m. Portamento sferico, a foglia caduca. Foglie composte, formate da 11 - 15 paia di foglioline. Fiore giallo e piccolo, riunito in pannocchie terminali tra luglio e agosto. I frutti sono capsule coniche, simili a piccole lanterne. Ubicazione: qualsiasi terreno fertile, ben drenato, non umido. Esposizione: Sole Fiore giallo e piccolo, riunito in pannocchie terminali tra luglio e agosto. I frutti sono capsule coniche, simili a piccole lanterne. Rustica (-30° / -20°C). Impiego: isolata, viali. Resistente all'inquinamento, alla siccità.

LAGERSTROEMIA INDICA Characteristics A miniature crepe myrtle with abundant pink flowers tinged with red at the margins. Later flowering than most other miniature crepe myrtle. Excellent for growing in containers, hanging baskets and for mass planting. Height: 6/7 metre Growth rate: Slow to moderate. Habit: Compact rounded shrub with pendulous branches. Foliage: Attractive greyish-green. Flowers: Many flowers with reddish edged pink petals are borne in abundant panicles, from midspring to autumn. Where to grow Tolerances: Adaptable to a range of conditions, but is best in moist, well drained, slightly acidic soils in a position receiving full sun. Moderate drought and heat tolerant. Suitable for hot, sunny climates, however it can be susceptible to powdery mildew in cool, humid conditions. Transplants easily. The removal of spent inflorescences during the flowering season will promote continued flowering.(-15°/-10°C)

Pianta a foglia caduca , Alt. 6 7m, diam. 4 - 5m. Portamento eretto, compatto. Foglie ovali ellittiche, in autunno diventano rosso - arancio. Fiore largo 2 3cm, riunito in pannocchie terminali lunghe fino a 20 25cm. Adatta a qualsiasi terreno argilloso, fertile, ricco di humus. Disponibile in vari colori. Fioritura: Luglio – Ottobre. Impiego isolata o in gruppi. Abbastanza rustica (-15° / -10°C).

LIGUSTRUM JAPONICUM Alt. 2.5 - 3m, diam. 1 - 2m. Sempreverde. Portamento eretto. Foglie ovate, lucide, di colore verde scuro. Fiore tubuloso, bianco, riunito in pannocchie lunghe 10 - 15cm, molto profumato. A crescita rapida. Resiste alla salsedine e all'inquinamento. Abbastanza rustica (-15° / -10°C), ma un po' sensibile ai forti geli persistenti. Preferisce terreno leggero (argilloso siliceo), fertile. Valore pH del terreno: 5 - 7 Impiego: isolato, siepi, ars topiaria, bordure, fragevento (ma non per parcheggio, perché le bacche possono sporcare le macchine)

Characteristics The Chinese privet is one of the most attractive evergreen trees that is hardy enough to stand English winters. It has glossy oval pointed dark green leaves and large bunches of white flowers in August and September. Where to grow This can be grown either as a very large shrub in the way of a laurel or as a tree on a single stem which makes it a popular street tree on the Continent and more recently has been seen in an English city street context. (-15°/-10°C)

LIQUIDAMBAR STYRACIFLUA Alt. 20m, diam. chioma 10m. A crescita lenta. Foglie palmato - lobate, di colore verde chiaro, che in autunno si tingono di giallo arancio o porpora in modo particolarmente espressivo. Fiore arancio rosso. Qualsiasi terreno fertile, profondo, fresco e umido, ma non calcareo. Valore pH del terreno: 4.5 - 5 Rustica (-30째 / -20째C). Molto decorativa in autunno. Impiego: isolato. Resistente all'inquinamento.

Characteristics Often mistaken for a Maple, the Sweet Gum has similarly-shaped five-lobed leaves. However, while the leaves on the maple are arranged in opposite pairs, those of the liquidambar appear alternately. It is mainly grown for the autumn colour, the leaves turning brilliant shades of purple, crimson, orange and yellow, making it a popular ornamental tree. This tree is another early introduction from the Eastern States of America. It is often found in swampy regions. In these conditions it can grow as tall as 45m (150ft) but is often much shorter and rarely grows to half that height in Britain. Worplesdon is a selected variety of Sweet Gum chosen for its reliability in producing fiery shades of red, orange and yellow in the autumn. It is fairly fast growing and has an even upright conical habit. Autumn colour is always a bit of a variable on all trees depending upon a number of factors. Where to grow Liquidambar grows in moist fertile soils it prefers warm summers and a bit of protection to grow well. It is perfectly hardy in the UK, however when planted in windy spots the top branches can snap off. It is therefore best planted in a sheltered spot. (-30째/-20째C)


Pianta decidua, Alt. 25m, diam. chioma 10m. Portamento sferico ovoidale. A crescita rapida. Foglie larghe dalla forma caratteristica, troncate nettamente in alto, con quattro lobi appuntiti, di colore verde intenso. Fiore simile a un tulipano, grande, eretto, di colore giallo - verdognolo, con macchie arancione all'interno. Sbocciano su alberi che hanno più di 15 anni. Predilige terreno fertile, umido, ben drenato, non calcareo. Rustica (-30° / -20°C). Resistente all'inquinamento.

Characteristics The Tulip Tree is a very large tree with some specimens reaching over 30m (100ft). It is easily identified from its leaves which have a saddle shape, with a noticeable square end where leaves are normally pointed. It is a fast growing and vigorous tree. A member of the Magnolia family the tree only starts to flower when it is about 20 years old. The flowers, which are cup shaped and a greenish yellow, appear sporadically in June or July, except in very hot summers. Where to grow Tulip trees are suitable for any good, deep, well drained soils in full sun. They prefer moist soil which does not dry out too readily. They are most suited to parkland settings or very large gardens.(-30°/-20°C)

MAGNOLIA GRANDIFLORA GALLISONIENSIS Pianta sempreverde Alt. 25 - 30m. Fogliame grande, coriaceo, verde lucente sulla pagina superiore e rugginoso opaco su quella inferiore. Fiore bianco crema, grande, profumato. Predilige terreni acidi, moderatamente umidi, ben drenati, fertili e freschi, non calcarei. Valore pH del terreno: 5 – 6. Resistente all'inquinamento e alla salsedine. Abbastanza rustica (-20° / -15°C). Impiego: isolata, alberature stradali. Characteristics Galissoniere is a large evergreen tree that is rarely seen free standing, more often growing against a wall. It has large glossy green leaves which have a mat brown rust coloured underside. The flowers appear rather erratically over a period from June to November are white, large, cup shaped and fragrant. A native of the southern United States it can, in its native habitat, grow to 20m (65ft) however in the UK 10m (32ft) seems to be a maximum. It has been grown in this country since 1734, though many of the original plants were destroyed in the great frost of 1739-40. This had the effect of conferring a rarity value on the survivors which were thought of as being hardier. Where to grow Magnolias need moist soils with a high organic matter content. They do not like drying out nor do they cope with waterlogged soils. It is often thought that Magnolias will not tolerate alkaline soils however many of the common varieties will do well except on chalky soils. As the flowers are frost sensitive they are best kept out of frost pockets and windy exposed spots. (-20°/-15°C)

MALUS FLORIBUNDA (Profusion- John Downie – Golden Hornet) Characteristics One of the best Crab Apples for floral display with masses of white and reddish-pink flowers in spring. An attractive focal point for gardens and parks where there is space for the tree to attain its natural form. Tolerates warmer areas well. Height: 5 metre Width: 5 metre Growth rate: Moderate. Habit: Rounded and dense, with long arching branches. Foliage: Bright green ovate leaves turn yellow in autumn. Flowers: Mildly fragrant, single flowers are borne in abundant clusters of four to seven from midspring. The reddish-pink outer of the petals fades to pink and the inside of the petals fades to white. The yellow stamens are prominent and add to the multi-coloured effect. Fruit: Small, yellow and red crab apples. Insignificant. Bark: Shiny greyish-brown to scaly. Where to grow Tolerances: Adaptable to a wide range of conditions including warmer environments. Reasonably tolerant of dry conditions once established. Flowering and fruit display best in full sun. Best in deep, rich, well drained soil. Resistant to apple scab and powdery mildew and requires little or no spraying. (-30°/-20°C)

I MALUS (meli da fiore) circa 35 specie di alberi e arbusti decidui dei boschi d'Europa, Asia, America del nord. Sono caratterizzati da una spettacolare fioritura primaverile alla quale segue un'abbondante produzione di frutti gialli o rossi, penduli, dalla fine dell'estate che persistono sulla pianta fino ai primi rigori invernali. Arbusti o piccoli alberi, raggiungono dimensioni di 4-8 m in altezza e 3-4 m in ampiezza. Rusticissimi e vigorosi, Terreno profondo, fresco, moderatamente umido, ricco di humus, ben drenato. Impiego: isolata, gruppi. (-30°/-20°C) Malus Floribunda pianta originaria del Giappone, alta 6-8 m e con chioma del diametro di 4-7 m. Si tratta di una specie a chioma espansa, ramificata, con foglie ovate, grossolanamente dentate. I fiori sono semplici, larghi 2-3 cm, rosa chiaro, che sbocciano abbondanti in aprile da boccioli color carminio e sono seguiti da piccoli frutti gialli di 0,5 cm di larghezza.


Pianta arborea perenne a foglie caduche originaria dell'Australia e del continente asiatico, appartenente alla famiglia delle Meliacee, conosciuta anche come albero dei rosari. E' caratterizzata da fusti che possono raggiungere i 15 mt. di altezza e da foglie composte a loro volta da foglioline ovali ed appuntite di colore verde. I fiori sono formati da cinque petali di colore viola o lilla e fanno la propria comparsa nel corso della stagione estiva e durano fino all'inverno. I piccoli frutti gialli persistono tutto l'inverno. Impiego: singola o in gruppo, attenzione ai polloni basali . Di facile coltivazione, predilige terreni ben drenati e ricchi di elementi nutritivi, si adatta bene anche a terreni poveri, rustica, resistente al freddo, all'inquinamento, al vento, tollera anche lunghi periodi di siccità. (-20°/-30°C)

Characteristics A hardy flowering tree that has been extensively used as a street and amenity tree in many cities and towns throughout Australia. Its wide usage can be attributed to heat and drought tolerance combined with ornamental features such as fine, pinnate foliage and showy flowers. Height:10 metre(s) Width:8 metre(s) Growth rate: Moderate to fast. Habit: Rounded with an umbrella-like crown. Foliage: The pinnate foliage resists heat well and provides good shade during the summer months. Autumn colour is a clear yellow and often occurs late in the season. Flowers: Panicles of lilac coloured flowers with a subtle fragrance are borne from mid- to late spring among vigorous new shoots. Fruit: Yellow fruit is formed during summer and autumn and will often persist on the tree into winter. Fruit drop can cause problems in certain situations. Bark: The grey-brown bark forms furrowed ridges with age. Where to grow Tolerances: Heat, moderate levels of drought and varied soil types well. Will tolerate heavy pruning and can benefit from formative pruning during the early years of growth. A hardy and adaptable tree, capable of performing well in a wide range of sites. Long utilised as a street tree. Naturalised seedlings may problematic in hot and warm temperate areas but are rare in colder areas. Seedling grown, so can be highly variable in habit and flowering characteristics.(-20°/30°C)

MORUS ALBA – ALBA PENDULA – A. FRUITLESS – A. PLATANIFOLIA Gelso comune. Albero espanso con foglie ovate, talvolta lobate, lucide, verde vivido, lunghe fino a 20 cm, viranti al giallo in autunno. A fine estate produce frutti bianchi, insipidi, che diventano rossi a maturazione. Altezza da 8 a 10 Mt, adatto al clima continentale temperato -10°/-15° Epoca di fioritura da Maggio a Giugno. Epoca fruttificazione da Luglio a Settembre. Resistente al terreno calcareo e al terreno secco Resiste all'inquinamento atmosferico e alla salsedine . Il Morus Alba Pendula è un'altra specie di morus alba, chiamato così per il suo portamento pendulo. Ha un importante valore ornamentale, sia in fase di fruttificazione che quando è defogliato, grazie ad una ramificazione molto bella, che forma interessanti geometrie. Oltre che a scopi ornamentali, il pendula è coltivato anche per il suo legno molto resistente. Esiste anche la varietà M. A. Fruitless che non produce frutto quindi non sporca la superficie sottostante.

White mulberry and its Pendula variety is one of the top popular weeping trees. No wonder – apart from its beauty it offers tasty fruit. Moreover its small size makes it an ideal specimen tree even for small gardens. Its deciduous leaves are heart-shaped, toothed at margins, up to 15 cm long, deep green and glossy, changing to yellow in autumn. Mulberry belongs to the same family as fig tree and has some of its genes. This is why some of the foliage is transformed to deeply lobed just like those on fig trees. The fruit ripens from midsummer. It is oval to oblong, 2-3 cm long, black and easy to pick when fully mature. (not seen on fruitless varieties) White mulberry is perfectly hardy in Europe and should be cultivated in sunny. Grow it in any well-drained soil, constant moisture will guarantee healthier foliage. Heavy clay and water-logged soil may result in root-rot and death of the plant. It makes weeping branches that are fast growing if you prune them hard. Any pruning is best done in late autumn or midwinter to prevent it from bleeding. Hardy to about -10°/-15°C (USDA zone 4)

OLEA EUROPEA Alberi, sempreverdi, alt 6-8 mt, fino a 20 mt. crescita lenta Si adatta a qualsiasi terreno, anche calcareo, sassoso o vulcanico, ben drenato, ma non terreni umidi e freschi Sole, mezz'ombra, posizione calda e protetta. Clima mite. Resistente all'inquinamento, alla siccità, alla salsedine Fogliame piccolo, stretto, argenteo, coriaceo. Fiore piccolo bianco, non molto significativo, ma profumato a Giugno. Abbastanza rustica, ma poco resistente al freddo umido (-5° / -10°C). Impiego: isolata, pianta da frutto. Disponibile in diverse varietà.

Olea europaea subsp. Africana has a neat, wide-spreading, dense crown with glossy greygreen to green leathery leaves. The flowers are very small and somewhat inconspicuous but sweetly scented. The glossy black fruits are edible, the fruit from some trees being pleasantly sweet tasting, while fruit from other trees may be sour or bitter. It takes takes well to pruning, which should be commenced while the tree is still young. A very useful tree in drier areas of the country as the foliage is eagerly browsed by stock and wild game. The root consists of a sturdy tap root with many lateral roots. The roots can be aggressive but this may be the exception as many sources state that the root system is not aggressive and the tree can be used in small gardens.



Albero originario dell' Europa Centrale - Asia Minore dal portamento largamente conico e arrotondato con foglie verde scuro, ovate e doppiamente dentate fino a 10cm. , fogliame di un bel giallo luminoso in autunno. Altezza max da 15 A 20 Mt. a foglia caduca Si adatta ai climi freddi delle Alpi e del Nord Europa -15°/-25° Predilige un ambiente ben soleggiato, fiorisce da aprile a maggio, è resistente al terreno secco e povero. Resiste all'inquinamento atmosferico e alla salsedine. Viene impiegato come pianta ornamentale in parchi e giardini, oltre che per alberature di strade e viali cittadini. Produce un legno pesante e compatto, di colore rosso-bruno, usato principalmente come combustibile.

European Hop Hornbeam is a close relative of the common Hornbeam and is native to southern Europe. It gets its common name from the seed clusters that hang down like bunches of hops. A fairly quick growing tree which will reach 15m (50ft), upright when young then spreading to become very broad. Both the leaves and the long male catkins which appear in spring are similar to that of a member of the birch family with which it is easily confused. The distinct fruit clusters of nutlets hang almost 5cm (2 inches) long which give the tree its common name. Where to grow This tree will grow in most situations, it prefers moist, humus rich, free draining soils but will happily cope with poor soils and exposed positions. (-15°/-25°C)


Characteristics Persian Ironwood originates from what used to be called Persia, now modern day Iran. As its name suggests, the wood it produces is almost indestructible. In its native habitat it can grow up to 12m (40ft) in height but in Britain it is often kept as a large bush. Even fully grown specimens retain something of a bush-like quality as they are often as wide as they are tall, and almost pyramidal in shape. It is mainly planted for its autumn colour. As soon as the glossy green leaves begin to change colour a range of hues appear. Rich crimsons, brilliant yellows and warm ambers form a spectacular autumn sight. Where to grow Parrotia persica prefers a rich, fertile soil that does not dry out. Grow in a well-drained or moist but well-drained soil in sun or partial shade it is well suited to an open woodland setting or a sheltered spot away from cold, drying winds. (-25°/-15° C) Pianta arbustiva originaria dell’Asia centrale, molto apprezzata sia per la resistenza alle basse temperature che la colorazione particolare che assume durante la stagione autunnale. Generalmente raggiunge i sei metri di altezza, benché esistano degli esemplari che si innalzano fino ai 10 metri. Le foglie sono ovali e leggermente dentate, con colorazioni che nella stagione autunnale raggiungono il meglio della bellezza, passando dal violaceo allo scarlatto, dal giallo all’arancio al rosso. I fiori sono poco significativi, fanno la propria comparsa nella stagione primaverile, per poi lasciare il posto ai frutti, costituiti da capsule ovali. La Parrotia persica riesce a resistere anche a temperature inferiori allo zero ed è per questo che può essere coltivata direttamente in piena terra. (-25°/-15° C)

PLATANUS ACERIFOLIA – PLATANUS ORIENTALIS Characteristics London Plane - Platanus Acerifolia A very large tree often over 30m (100ft) tall a hybrid between Western or American Plane, Platanus orientalis and the Eastern or Oriental Plane, Platanus occidentalis. It is not known where this hybrid arose, probably in Spain or southern France in about 1650, it was first planted in London in 1680. It has large maple like green leaves which appear in midMay. It is also distinguishable by the peeling bark, great plates of bark fall off revealing a camouflage pattern of browns, greys and yellows of the fresh wood beneath. This process ensures that pollutants are removed and the tree is kept healthy. Where to grow As well as this self-cleaning process, this tree proves how well-suited it is to the urban world by being resistant to drought, amenable to regular pruning and unbothered by impacted soil. Characteristics Oriental plane is native to Asia Minor and India, one of the parents of London Plane. It is a fast growing large tree growing to 25m. or more. Oriental Planes have a wide spread sometimes on a relatively short branching bole and historically in Mediterranean regions been planted as shade trees. They are important trees in Persian gardens, which are built with water to provide cool shade in the summer. Where to grow An easy to grow tree it will grow well in most soil conditions however poor. As a large tree it needs a lot of space to develop fully, but can easily be pollarded to reduce its size and even be trained into shade panels by a form of horizontal pleaching.

Alberi, a foglia caduca, adatti a qualsiasi terreno fertile, profondo, fresco, ben drenato, anche calcareo. Esposizione sole, mezz'ombra PLATANUS ACERIFOLIA Alt. 30m, diam. chioma 20m. Portamento sferico. Crescita rapida. Foglie grandi, di colore verde chiaro, con 5 lobi. Frutti globosi, rossicci che rimangono sui rami anche d'inverno. Sopporta le potature intense. Rustica (30° / -20°C). Impiego: isolata, viali, alberature stradali. PLATANUS ORIENTALIS Pianta spontanea (Europa sud-orientale, Italia meridionale, Asia minore). Simile a P. x acerifolia, ma con tronco più breve e più tarchiato e foglie meno grandi ma più incise. Rustica (-30° / -20°C). Resiste all'inquinamento, alla siccità.

POPULUS ALBA – POPULUS ITALICA PYRAMIDALIS POPULUS ALBA Pianta spontanea (Europa centro-meridionale, Italia, Asia centro-occidentale, Africa settentrionale). Alt. 25 - 30m, diam. chioma 10m. Portamento sferico. A crescita rapida. Foglie palmato - lobate, di color verde scuro, che si muovono e vibrano alla minima brezza. In autunno le foglie diventano rosse o gialle. Sopporta anche i terreni calcarei. Resistente all'inquinamento. Rustica (-30° / -20°C). Adatta ai climi di montagna. Impiego: filari, viali, frangivento. POPULUS ITALICA PYRAMIDALIS Pianta spontanea (Europa , Italia, Asia occidentale). Alt. 20 25m, diam. chioma 3m. Portamento piramidale fastigiato. Chioma regolare e fitta. A crescita rapida. Foglie semplici, alterne, lucide. Le piante maschili hanno il vantaggio di non produrre i fastidiosi semi a "piumino". Non sopporta i terreni calcarei. Resiste al freddo, all'inquinamento. Adatta ai climi di montagna. Impiego: viali, filari lungo le vie d'acqua, frangivento. Characteristics White poplar is a conspicuous tree with its very white woolly underside to its leaves which show when moved in a light breeze. It is also called ‘Abele’ which simply means white. Like most poplars it is very fast growing and used as a boundary tree. It is also very salt tolerant and hence often planted in seaside locations. This large tree is well naturalised in the UK. It is not considered to be native although was introduced at an early unknown date. It will grow to 18m (55ft) Lombardy Poplar is a clone of the Black Poplar (Populus Nigra) It has a characteristic, narrow, pillarshaped crown and fastigiate habit. It grows very quickly and can reach 30m (100ft) with a width of 5m (16ft) or less. It has roughly rounded, triangular to diamond-shaped leaves which like the twigs and buds are smooth and hairless. Where to grow Poplars will grow easily almost anywhere, they have the advantage of growing very big, very fast. Like willows, poplars have very vigorous and invasive root systems. They will tolerate waterlogged and heavy ground but will also grow well in good deep loams. They are not so good in very dry positions they will however manage salt air which makes them a useful seaside tree.

PRUNUS Characteristics PRUNUS AVIUM Wild Cherry is the ancestor of the cultivated cherries. It is native to large parts of Europe and West-Asia and naturally grows at the edges of mixed forests. Conspicuous in spring with its white blossom of single cup shaped flowers, followed by shiny red berries in June and good autumn leaf colour make this one of our most beautiful indigenous trees. A fast growing tree it can easily reach 10m (30ft) in 10 years ultimately reaching 25m (75ft) in ideal conditions. The greenish yellow-brown wood is very popular in the furniture industry and is also much used as veneer for music instruments and different tools. Where to grow Wild cherry grow best in full sun on moist fertile deep loamy soils, it is perfectly happy on alkaline soils which it prefers. It will therefore grow well in most garden or parkland positions. Poor soils should have organic matter added to the backfill during planting. It does not like waterlogged or permanently wet ground. (-30°/-20°C)

P. Serr. Kanzan

PRUNUS SERR. KANZAN This double pink flowered cherry is possibly the most well-known of the Japanese Cherries. It is an elegant, small, but wide growing tree with a vase-shaped crown which grows as wide as tall. It blooms with long stalked bunches of very pink flowers that open among the young leaves which are bronze-green. PRUNUS SUBIRTHELLA AUTUMNALIS This is the wellknown Autumn Cherry it blooms from October-November until February-March with small, pink in the bud, opening white semidouble flowers. The blooms are not abundant however it is very conspicuous in winter. In autumn the leaves turn beautiful red and bronze.

PRUNUS SUBIRTHELLA PENDULA A Japanese cultivated variety differing in so much as the branches are arching and spreading, the branchlets pendulous.

P. Sub. Pendula

PRUNUS SERRULATA AMANOGAWA Is a small flowering Japanese cherry with very narrow, pillarshaped growth and large semi double pink flowers which smell of almonds in late April and May. This tree is a popular tree for vey small gardens as it is so narrow, rarely exceeding 2m (6ft) wide with an overall height of 6m (20ft). The flowers stand straight on the branches and the young leaves are yellowish bronze.

PRUNUS IN VARIETA' PRUNUS AVIUM Originario dell'Asia occidentale e successivamente diffuso in tutta Europa e in Italia, cresce sia in pianura che in collina e può raggiungere quote fino ai 1500 m s.l.m. Specie arborea alta fino a 20 m, con chioma espansa, conica pressoché regolare. Il fusto si ramifica nella parte medio-alta, e più raramente può formare cespugli. Foglia caduca con pagina superiore verde scuro, verde chiaro quella inferiore, semplici, di forma obovata, allungate e lanceolate. Margine seghettato e picciolate. In autunno le foglie passano dal giallo oro al rosso cupo. Fiori di colore bianco, riuniti in grappoli, diametro di circa 2,5 cm. I frutti sono drupe rossastre o violacee grandi da 1 a 3 cm. La polpa succosa è molto appetita dagli uccelli e dai mammiferi. Specie rustica a rapido accrescimento, non molto longeva (100-150 anni al massimo). Coltivata a scopo ornamentale, soprattutto come varietà create da selezioni ed incroci. Può essere impiegato anche per la realizzazione di filari campestri. PRUNUS SERRULATA KANZAN Ciliegio da fiore dalla forma espansa, a foglia caduca, inizialmente di colore bruno, poi verdi e in autunno giallo-arancio. I fiori che compaiono a inizio primavera e prima delle foglie sono doppi, rosa, a mazzi e lungamente peduncolati, dai petali increspati. Rustico. Altezza 8 m e larghezza 5 m. PRUNUS SUBIRTHELLA AUTUMNALIS Albero caducufoglio che raggiunge altezze e diametro di 5-6 m. Porta fiori semidoppi tra l'autunno e la primavera, negli inverni miti, di colore bianco sfumato di rosa. I boccioli sono rosa intenso. Il fogliame diventa giallodorato in autunno. Rustico. PRUNUS SUBIRTHELLA PENDULA Varietà a chioma ricadente, forse il ciliegio da fiore più bello, grazie all morbidezza dei rami, solitamente più rigidi in altre varietà. Altezza 4/5m. x 6/8m. circa. dopo molti anni. Fiori a mazzetti, semplici, rosa. Compaiono prima della fogliazione PRUNUS SERRULATA AMANOGAWA Ciliegio da fiore a forma colonnare stretta, crescita lenta, h. max 7/8 mt. fiori rosa a mazzetti sulle branche e sui rami a fine aprile. Adatto a giardini anche di piccole dimensioni, posizione soleggiata, si adatta a tutti i tipi di terreni purchè ben drenati. I Prunus si adattano a diversi tipi di terreni, purchè ben drenanti e moderatamente fertili, prediligono una leggera acidità del Ph. Tollerano una leggera siccità. (-30°/-20°C)

P. Sub. Autumnalis

P. Serr. Kanzan

P. Serr. Amanogawa

PRUNUS PISSARDI ATROPURPUREA - NIGRA Prunus Pissardi Atropurpurea Alt. fino a 10m, diam. 5 - 6m. Portamento eretto. Foglia caduca. A crescita rapida. Fogliame rosso scuro che diventa in seguito porpora scuro. Fiore piccolo, rosa pallido, che a primavera spunta prima delle foglie. Fioritura: Febbraio - Marzo. Distanza d'impianto: 60cm (per siepi). Resistente all'inquinamento, terreno ben drenato, leggermente calcareo. Rustica (-30° / -20°C). Impiego: isolata, gruppi, siepe libere e anche per viali. Prunus Pissardi Nigra Simile a P. cerasifera 'Pissardii Atropurpurea', ma con foglie di un rosso più intenso, quasi nerastro, lucenti. Fiore rosa. Rustica (-30° / -20°C). Characteristics A widely planted tree with very early dark pink flowers one of the first of the trees to blossom in the spring often in blossom late February or early March. The blossom is followed by dark purple leaves. A member of the myroblan or cherry plum family this is an easy to grow small tree which will grow to a maximum height of 9 metres (27ft) fairly quickly with a similar spread to the crown. The twiggy nature of the branches makes this tree easy to prune and keep in shape. Where to grow Ornamental cherries grow best in full sun on moist fertile deep loamy soils, it is perfectly happy on alkaline soils which it prefers. It will therefore grow well in most garden or parkland positions. Poor soils should have organic matter added to the backfill during planting. It does not like waterlogged or permanently wet ground.

PYRUS CALLERYANA CHANTICLEER Characteristics This ornamental pear has become in the UK, Europe and America one of the most planted street trees. It has been called ‘The perfect street tree’ it will grow to about 12m (40ft) fairly quickly with an upright tightly branched habit. It is a strong and healthy, medium-sized and slender tree with a beautifully formed, regular crown. In spring it bears clouds of beautiful white flowers in summer it has healthy, shiny leaves and in autumn it turns magnificent red and purple. In mild winters the leaves can stay on the tree until nearly Christmas. Where to grow Grow it in deep, moist but well-drained, fertile soil. It is good windproof, fairly resistant to salt winds, tolerates air pollution and it resistant to diseases and fire blight. Does not like drought. Pruning young trees is beneficial to prevent long branches from breaking in strong winds. Fully hardy to min. -29°C (USDA zone 5).

Albero deciduo con altezza max 8-12 m larghezza 4-5 m. con portamento conico-piramidale. Le Foglie sono decidue, ovate, verdi, lucenti, che in autunno assumono delle stupende colorazioni rosse. La fioritura avviene tra aprile-maggio con fiori semplici, molto numerosi, bianchi; essi son seguiti da drupe sferiche di colore verde-bruno. L' esposizione è soleggiata e si adatta a qualsiasi tipo di suolo. Albero interessante per il verde urbano perché tollera bene l’inquinamento. (-20°/25°C)

QUERCUS ILEX Albero sempreverde di media grandezza (fino a 30 m), a volte anche a portamento arbustivo, tipico e caratterizzante la macchia mediterranea. È diffuso in tutto il bacino del Mediterraneo, ad eccezione dell'Egitto, particolarmente nella zona occidentale, dall'Italia alla penisola iberica, fino al Marocco e l'Algeria. A crescita lenta, con ampia chioma fitta a portamento sferico. Foglia relativamente piccola, coriacea, spesso a margine dentato, color verde scuro, più chiara con riflessi argentati sulla pagina inferiore. Le infiorescenze maschili sono amenti penduli, lunghi 5-7 cm, cilindrici e finemente pubescenti con 6-8 stami di colore giallognolo. Le infiorescenze femminili sono spighe erette e peduncolate, di colore verdognolo, che portano 6-7 fiori. I frutti sono ghiande singole o in gruppi di 2-5, su un peduncolo lungo circa 10–15 mm. Sopporta bene la potatura. Resistente alla salsedine e alla siccità. Adattabile ai terreni calcarei. Abbastanza rustica ma un po' sensibile ai climi freddo - umidi (-15° / -20°C). Adatta ai climi di montagna. Impiego: isolata, gruppi, viali, alberatura stradale, ars topiaria.

Characteristics The holly or holm oak is an evergreen species that is native to the countries around the Mediterranean Sea. It has tough leathery evergreen leaves dark olive green on the upper side with a pale whitish underside. Often seen as a multi stemmed bush or hedge it can becomes an impressive tree of 20-25m(80ft) high with a trunk diameter of 2m (6ft) and more. Where to grow Cultivated in the UK since at least 16th century it grows everywhere successfully except in the North of Scotland. It is more numerous particularly in the warmer south west where it has naturalised. It thrives near the sea being tolerant of salt laden air. (-15°/-20°C)

QUERCUS ROBUR – ROBUR FASTIGIATA Characteristics English Oak is an iconic tree, easily identified by almost everyone with its lobed leaves and acorns. It is long lived tree with a durable hard timber which was used for a multitude of uses including construction and at one time ship building as it is slow to rot even in extreme waterlogged conditions. Often thought to be slow growing it is really quite quick on good soils being 20m (60ft) by 2m (6ft) in 50years. Some of the oldest trees are pollards and can be up to 800 years old. Many famous named trees have large boles with circumferences up to 14m (45ft) and stag horned heads. Native and widespread it grows up to nearly 500m (1,600ft) An important species for wildlife, more than 400 insect species have been recorded as being hosted by this species, these in turn support a wide range of birds and small mammals. Where to grow English Oak will grow best on deep moist fertile loamy soils. It will however cope with almost any conditions. It compensates for the poor ground by growing more slowly and in truly awful exposed conditions resembles little more than a twisted large shrub. (-30°/-20°C) Quercus Robur Fastigiata Large columnar, deciduous tree maturing into a dense, elongated oval shap with a short trunk. Dark green lobed obovate leaves, pale bluish-green beneath. Autumn colour is yellow to tan, quite dull, often remaining on the tree for some time before dropping. Acorns elongated oval to about 2.5cm long. Adapted to a wide range of soil pH. Suitable for site where spread is limited, good avenue tree.

Albero rustico a crescita lenta e foglie decidue, a crescita lenta, diffuso in tutta Europa centrale e in parte del Mediterraneo; in Italia è molto presente soprattutto nel nord, nei parchi e nei grandi giardini , essendo di dimensioni imponenti. Gli esemplari adulti possono raggiungere i 45-50 metri, con chioma espansa e tondeggiante. Foglie verdi scure e lucide sulla pagina superiore, più chiare nella pagina inferiore con lobi arrotondati ottusi, che decrescono in grandezza dall'apice all'attaccatura del picciolo. I frutti sono ghiande, avvolti nella parte posteriore da una cupola ruvida, legnosa; sono di colore verde, e divengono bruni a maturazione. Si sviluppa bene nei suoli freschi, fertili, profondi, ma non calcarei. Rustica (-30° / -20°C). Quercus Robur Fastigiata Simile a Q. robur, ma con portamento fastigiato. Alt. 20m, diam. chioma 3m.

QUERCUS RUBRA – QUERCUS PALUSTRIS Quercus Rubra Red oak is a fast growing Oak from the East of North America. It is one of the fastest growing Oaks shoots growing up to 2m (6ft) a year in good conditions. It can reach 25m (80ft) in 150 years. It was introduced in the early 18th century and is fairly common in parks and large gardens where it has naturalised in the south. In spring the leaves when first unfolded are a bright yellow for a couple of weeks in May, but become a matt green later. In the autumn the leaf colour changes uniformly over the crown to a strong red, hence the common name. Where to grow Quercus rubra will grow best in moist but welldrained deep fertile soils. (-30°/-20°C) Quercus Rubra

Quercus Palustris Pin oak is a beautiful large tree you can see growing in moist or boggy places. It has beautiful leaves, deeply lobed. They are deciduous, glossy green in summer and orange, red and burgundy purple in autumn. Pin oak is one of the most attractively coloured trees in autumn in the wild. Pin oak likes moist or even boggy locations if it grows there from a seed. Plants with a root ball need to be planted the way that they do not sit directly in water. Later the root system can take long term flooding but it has to be well established first. Grow it in full sun, preferably in acid soil for best foliage colour. Newly planted trees need to be staked for 2-3 years to establish. Fully hardy to min. -30°C (USDA zone 4), perhaps a little more.

Quercus Palustris

Originaria delle zone centroorientali del Nordamerica. Introdotta in Europa nella prima metà del Settecento a scopo ornamentale, a causa della sua vistosa colorazione rossa autunnale, si trova facilmente anche in Italia nei parchi e nei giardini. Raggiunge un altezza di circa 25 metri, quasi colonnare nei giovani esemplari per poi diventare globosa ed espansa. La scorza è inizialmente grigia e lucente, poi diventa opaca, rugosa e fessurata verticalmente. Foglie caduche, alterne, possono essere lunghe fino a 20 cm, con picciolo lungo circa 2 cm. In autunno, prima di cadere, assumono una bellissima colorazione porpora. Fiori maschili giallini, femmili, solitari o a piccoli gruppi, sono inseriti sui rami con un breve peduncolo. Le ghiande ovali (2-3 cm) hanno cupole un po' appiattite sostenute da un breve peduncolo. Cresce bene in terreni non calcarei. Rustica (-30° / -20°C). Quercus Palustris Alt. 30m, diam. chioma 20m. A foglia caduca. Foglie lunghe, profondamente lobate (a 5 - 7 lobi), di colore verde chiaro, che diventano giallo oro o porpora in autunno. Cresce rapidamente nei suoli freschi, umidi, non calcarei. Rustica (-30° / -20°C). Impiego: isolata, viali, lungo i corsi d'acqua.

ROBINIA PSEUDOACACIA Alberi, a foglia caduca, fioritura Maggio - Giugno Adatti a qualsiasi terreno ben drenato, anche sabbioso e secco, ma non troppo calcareo Esposizione: Sole, mezz'ombra, protetta dai venti forti. Resistente all'inquinamento, alla siccità. Robinia Ps. Umbraculifera Alt. 6m, diam. chioma 4m. Portamento sferico. Rami sottili, diritti, molto numerosi. A crescita rapida. Foglie di un verde più intenso rispetto alle precedenti. Fiorisce raramente. Rustica (-30° / -20°C). Impiego: viali, alberatura stradale.

Black locust is a rapidly growing, deciduous tree that is native to North America. This member of the pea and bean family (Leguminosae) was first introduced to Europe from North America at the beginning of the 17th century. Its hanging clusters of scented, white flowers are a common sight in streets and parks in England in June and July. Black locust, especially in its many named cultivars, has become a much-loved ornamental in western European gardens. Its cultivars include pink-flowered and metallic, yellowish-green leafleted forms. Despite its popularity as an ornamental, it can become invasive due to its prolific seed production, and it also spreads aggressively by suckering from the roots. (-30°/-20°C) Robinia Ps. Umbraculifera In cultivation since the early 1800s this top grafted clone forms a rounded and compact crown ideal for urban piazzas and town gardens. It is more regularly seen in French and German cities than here in the UK. This small, mop-headed tree seldom flowers and requires very little maintenance. The largest tree of this clone I have heard of is about 6 metres in diameter. It is best to have them top grafted between 1.82 metres from ground level so they can easily be walked under. It thrives on most soils and is tolerant of urban conditions. Mature height: 5-10m

ROBINIA PSEUDOACACIA Robinia Pseud. Frisia Alt. 8 - 10m, diam. chioma 4 - 5m. Fogliame di colore giallo vivo in primavera e verde d'estate. Rustica (30° / -20°C). Impiego: isolata. Robinia Ps. Casque Rouge Alt. 8 – 10m, portamento arrotondato, con giovani rami setolosi e foglie pennate, verde medio, lunghe fino a 20 cm, composte da 15-20 foglioline ovate. In maggio-giugno produce fiori profumati rosa porpora scuro in grappoli pendenti. Rustica (-25° / -15°C). Impiego: viali, alberatura stradale. Robinia Ps. Casque Rouge This delightful cultivar of False Acacia makes a particularly fine garden, verge or parkland tree as its profuse flowers emerge in June after the Cherries, Crab Apples and Thorns have all finished. This tree of medium height and broadly rounded habit, it is greatly prized for its showy and highly ornamental lilac-pink flowers that are richly appreciated by all those who notice. It thrives on any soil, and tolerates urban pollution, but is not good in windy, exposed locations due to its rather brittle branches. Robinia Pseud. Frisia This superb yellow clone has been very popular over the passed 25 years and can now be seen in most urban areas in the UK. It is tolerant of dry conditions and is well suited to cope with reflected heat and light from buildings and pavements. It won the Award of Garden Merit in 2002. Raised in the Netherlands in the mid 1930s, this medium tree of rounded habit only rarely flowers, but displays its beautiful golden yellow foliage from spring through to autumn. It thrives on any soil, and tolerates urban pollution. Mature height: 10-15m

SALIX ALBA – SALIX BABILONICA Salix Alba White willow is a native large tree which grows in a wide billowing shape to 25m (80ft) and is common all over the UK usually in lowland river valleys. It has characteristic long narrow leaves with a white downy underside which become visible in a breeze making the whole tree shimmer white. Like willows generally white willow grows quickly, can be coppiced to produce a multitude of stems, which can be used in weaving hurdles etc. Where to grow: All willows are extremely adaptable trees they will grow in most conditions including very poor permanently waterlogged soils. They will also do very well in good conditions and will tolerate a certain amount of maritime exposure. They do however require a sunny spot.(-30°/-20°C) Salix Babilonica A moisture loving shade tree with long pendulous branches that sweep to the ground and sway in the breeze. The weeping willow is a fast growing, graceful tree for large parks and properties. Height: 10 metre Width: 10 metre Habit: Domed, with strongly pendulous branches that hang to the ground, foliage: bright green, narrow lanceolate leaves up to 15 cm long, turning yellow in autumn. Flowers: insignificant flowers in spikes. Bark: Grey and ridged. Good tolerance of relatively dry conditions, but best when supplied with adequate moisture in a position receiving full sun. The roots are invasive; do not plant near old type underground terracotta drainage. Will grow well in cool temperate to sub-tropical conditions. Alberi a foglia caduca, adatti a qualsiasi terreno umido, ma non calcareo. Valore pH del terreno: 6 – 7.5 Ideali vicino al bordo d'acqua. Resistenti all'inquinamentoe alla salsedine. Salix alba altezza massima 25 m, con chioma espansa di diametro fino a 10 m. Fusto eretto (diametro anche di 60 cm) con rami secondari ad andamento verticale. Corteccia colore grigio. Foglia caduca con pagina superiore grigio-verdastra, bianco-argentea quella inferiore e lievemente tomentosa. Dimensioni variabili tra 6-8 cm di lunghezza e 1,5 di larghezza, di forma lanceolata con margine seghettato. Infiorescenze maschili sono giallastre e lunghe circa 5 cm, le femminili verdastre e più corte tra marzo e aprile. Il Salice bianco viene coltivato anche come specie consolidatrice di terreni franosi e per risanare scarpate di ripa. Rustica (-30°/-20°C) Salix Babilonica Alt. 20m, diam. chioma 20m. Portamento “piangente” rami ricadenti verso il basso. A crescita molto rapida. Foglie molto strette di colore verde chiaro, argentate sulla pagina inferiore. Preferisce le posizioni lungo i corsi d'acqua. Rustica (-30° / -20°C). Impiego: isolata, gruppi.


Sophora Japonica Arbusti o alberi, a foglia caduca. Alt. 20m, diam. chioma 15m. Portamento sferico ovoidale. A crescita lenta. Foglie composte da 7 - 17 foglioline ovali, lucide, di colore verde scuro. Fioritura: Luglio – Agosto. Fiore in grappoli di colore bianco - crema. Predilige terreno profondo, ricco e ben drenato, ma non calcareo, sole, mezz'ombra. Rustica (-30° / -20°C). Impiego: isolata, viali, alberature stradali. Pendula varietà piangente, reperibile come innesto ricadente su un tronco ad habitus eretto della sofora comune. Essendo più bassa della sofora classica (di rado arriva a 10 metri) può essere utilizzata in contesti meno spaziosi. I rami sono arcuati, pendenti e contorti, molto coreografici in inverno, e le foglie ricadono verso terra creando una cortina verde davvero notevole per la sua bellezza. Regent varietà di successo, selezionata per la sua crescita più rapida e la fioritura precoce (a 5 anni invece che 10 o più).

Japanese pagoda tree is a beautiful large tree with exotic looking leaves and flowering in August. It bears deciduous, pinnate, rich green leaves similar to locust leaves but individual leaflets are more elliptic and longer. They change to yellow in autumn and fall down quickly. The whole leaf is up to 25 cm long and slightly pendent but in a relaxed, not weeping way. Individual flowers are small, creamy yellow and are compound in huge, 25-35 cm long panicles. They come out from early August and last for about 3 weeks. Weeping Japanese Pagoda Tree is a picturesque weeping tree with stiff drooping branches. It is formed by grafting the pendulous variant onto stems of the ordinary form at about 3m (10ft). This forms a natural arbour. The leaves are pinnate, very similar to an Ash leaf, but don’t unfurl until late May. It will flower in hot summers, but not until the tree is mature. Regent is a variety that should flower as a young tree, perhaps from 5 years of age. The tree grows fast when young, forming an oval crown first, and once it starts flowering the growth rate slows down and the crown is getting more rounded. Pruning is possibly in early spring but radical pruning may cause loss of flowers for one season. Irrespective of its large size in maturity the crown is airy and does not cast a deep shade. It adapts to any type of soil except for marshy, and withstands air pollution. When fully established it tolerates drought. Avoid transplanting in autumn. Plants with well-ripened are very hardy to min. -29°C (USDA zone 5).

TAMARIX GALLICA – TAMARIX PARVIFLORA / TETRANDRA Tamarisk is a beautiful plant with tiny leaves and profusion of flowers in summer. The flowers are small, pink, composed in long racemes. Deciduous leaves are scalelike, mid green, very small. Overall appearance is feathery and very fluffy and the plant looks great in a Mediterraneanstyle landscape, or combined with other larger plants with leathery foliage. It grows medium fast and looks best when pruned annually. Cut back 80% of previous year's growth in early spring to encourage new growth with plentiful of flowers on a dense and compact shrub. Grow tamarisk in full sun, dry or medium moist soil. It does not need a specific pH or too fertile soil. However, if you prune it hard a portion of a slow-release fertilizer is recommended. Very hardy to about -30°C (USDA zone 2). Tamarix Gallica Dark brown branches support vivid green foliage and pink fluffy flowers in summer that are borne from new season’s wood. Tamarix Parviflora – Tetrandra Its light pink flowers are freely produced in May / June.

Arbusti, a foglia caduca o sempreverdi adatti a qualsiasi terreno, ma non troppo secco. Sono resistenti alla salsedine. Impiego: isolati, gruppi, siepi libere. Rustica (-30°/-20°C) Tamarix Gallica Pianta spontanea (Francia, Italia). Alt. e diam. 3 - 4m. Sempreverde o semisempreverde. Portamento eretto. Rami giovani color porpora. Foglie piccole, di colore glauco - azzurro. Fiore rosa, riunito in spighe. Fioritura: estate. Tamarix Parviflora - Tetrandra Piante spontanee (regioni mediterranee, Italia, Caucaso). Alt. e diam. 3 - 5m. A foglia caduca. Rami lunghi, di colore marrone o porpora. Foglie squamiformi, di colore verde brillante. Fiore rosa vivo, profumato, sui rami prima delle foglie. Si pota a metà o a 1/3 della lunghezza dopo la fioritura.

TILIA CORDATA – T. CORDATA GREEN SPIRE TILIA Albero a foglia caduca, fioritura profumata in Giugno – Luglio, si adatta a qualsiasi terreno fresco, ben drenato, ma non calcareo. Resistente all'inquinamento. Sopporta bene le potature. Impiego: isolata, viali, alberature stradali Tilia Cordata

Tilia Cordata Small leaved Lime is a large native tree which is distinguished by the distinctively heartshaped leaves it has small yellow-green flowers which are produced in clusters in early summer with a leafy yellow-green floral bract they have a rich, heavy scent and are much visited by insects especially bees. From pollen records it seem as if Small leaved Lime was much commoner in the past than at present in lowland woodland possible the dominant tree as it can reach 30m (100ft), it is now considered a ancient woodland indicator species and is restricted to isolated pockets often on limestone, its demise may be down to the fact it does not produce viable seed in the UK as the summers are not warm enough to ripen the seed. Where to grow: will grow best in deep moist fertile soil. It will however tolerate much worse conditions and will grow in rocky poor infertile soils too, if a little more slowly. It will not tolerate waterlogging for extended periods. Tilia Cordata Green Spire A magnificent form of Tilia, the Greenspire is a well formed, vigorous tree with a strong central leader. It has good potential for use as a street and city tree as well as in parks, gardens and golf courses. Tilia Cordata Green Spire

Tilia Cordata (Tiglio riccio) Pianta spontanea (Europa, Italia). Alt. 25m, diam. chioma 20m. Rami arcuati verso il basso. Foglie alterne di 6 10cm, di colore verde scuro, lucenti. Molto rustica (meno di -30°C) Tilia Cordata Green Spire Albero di media taglia dal portamento eretto, molto vigoroso. La chioma assume una forma densamente conica e regolare. Le foglie sono arrotondate, lunghe fino a 10 cm, lucide, di color verde scuro che vira al giallo oro in autunno. Rustica -20°C .

TILIA PLATYPHYLLOS – TILIA AMERICANA/HIBRIDA ARGENTEA Tilia Platyphyllos Large leaved lime, which is probably native, is a very large tree growing to over 30m (100ft). It has large rounded heart shaped leaves that are typically 75mm (3”) to 125mm (5”) in diameter. They are often rough to the touch as they are rather stiffly downy. The flowers are the typical ‘Linden flower’, yellowish white in bunches with a prominent floral bract. Where to grow: will grow best in deep moist fertile soil. It will however tolerate much worse conditions and will grow in rocky poor infertile soils too, if a little more slowly. It will not tolerate waterlogging for extended periods. Tilia Americana/Hibrida Argentea An elegant tree with an excellent symmetrical branching habit, even when young. This cultivar is of use as a shade tree or specimen in medium to large gardens and areas such as parks, golf courses and as a street tree where space permits.

Tilia Platyphyllos

Tilia Platyphyllos Albero colonnare con foglie arrotondate verde scuro, lunghe 8-15 cm, più chiare sotto, gialle in autunno. Produce fiori gialli, dal profumo intenso, in giugno-luglio è la più profumata delle varietà. Giovani rami di color marrone-rossastro. Molto rustico, si adatta anche a climi montani. (-30° /-20°C). Particolarmente adatta per allineamenti. Tilia Americana /Hibrida Argentea Alt. 30 mt diam 20 mt Albero con chioma espansa con foglie da ampiamente ovate ad arrotondante, di colore verde scuro, opache sopra e lucide sotto, lunghe fino a 20 cm. Intorno a metà estate produce cime pendule di 10-15 fiori di color giallo. Preferisce le zone ombreggiate e terreni irrigati. Resistente all'inquinamento. Rustica (-30°/ -20°C).

Tilia Americana / Hibrida Argentea

TILIA TOMENTOSA – T. TOMENTOSA BRABANT – T. EUCHLORA Tilia Tomentosa is a deciduous tree growing to 20–35 m (66–115 ft) tall, with a trunk up to 2 m (7 ft) in diameter. The leaves are alternately arranged, rounded to triangular-ovate, 4–13 cm long and broad with a 2.5– 4 cm petiole, green and mostly hairless above, densely white tomentose with white hairs below, and with a coarsely toothed margin. The flowers are pale yellow, hermaphrodite, produced in cymes of three to ten in mid to late summer with a pale green subtending leafy bract. The fruit is a dry nut-like drupe 8–10 mm long, downy, and slightly ribbed. It is widely grown as an ornamental tree throughout Europe. The cultivar 'Brabant' has a strong central stem and a symmetrical conic crown.

Tilia Euchlora

Tilia Tomentosa

Tilia Tomentosa Alt 15/20 mt Albero a forma colonnare conico, con foglie arrotondate di color verde scuro sul lato superiore e bianco-argentato su quello inferiore. In estate produce fiori bianchi raccolti in gruppetti da 10-15 unità molto profumati. Sopporta bene il caldo e si adatta bene ai trapianti in siti urbani. Resiste all'inquinamento. Resistente al terreno calcareo e al terreno secco. Rustica (-15°/-20°C) Tilia Tomentosa Brabant Albero conico, più simmetrico e regolare della sua specie d'origine molto adatto per uso cittadino, viali e parchi. Tilia Euchlora (Tiglio d'Olanda) Alt. 30m, diam. chioma 15m. Rami robusti inizialmente eretti, in seguito arcuati e ricadenti. Ha il fiore più profumato tra tutti i tigli. Molto rustica (meno di -30°C).

Tilia Euchlora This Lime has bright glossy green leaves and is often chosen as it is free of the aphids which often infest the other Limes and lead to honey dew, this makes it a better street or shade tree. The leaves are rounded and heart shaped with a diameter of about 75mm (3”). The flowers are typical of ‘Lindens’ being yellow, in bunches with a floral bract and very popular with bees. Where to grow: will grow best in deep moist fertile soil. It will however tolerate much worse conditions and will grow in rocky poor infertile soils too, if a little more slowly. It will not tolerate waterlogging for extended periods.

ULMUS PUMILA SIBERIANO – U. RESISTA SAPPORO GOLD U. GLABRA PENDULA U. Resista Sapporo Gold Albero dalla chioma allargata e ricadente con l'età. Foglie verdi accese con sfumature rosse in primavera, verdi d'estate, dorate d'autunno, ovali, di 3-8 cm. Necessita un terreno ben drenato. Resiste al vento marino, alle alte temperature e alla grafiosi, ed è molto impiegato in viali e parchi urbani. Rustica (-30°/-20°C)

U. Glabra Grande albero originario dell'Europa e dell'Asia dalla chioma espansa. Rustica (-30°/-20°C) U. Glabra Pendula Innesto su fusti di U. glabra a mezzo fusto, dalla chioma tondeggiante formata da rami piangenti. Stesse foglie, fiori, frutti ed esigenze colturali di Ulmus glabra. Viene impiegato da solo in prati verdi e in gruppo nei parchi.

U. Pumila Siberiano Grande albero originario della Cina e della Siberia, dal tronco liscio e la chioma ascendente. Foglie verdi accese in primavera e gialle in autunno, dentate e appuntite, dai margini seghettati. Fiori rossi-violacei prima della fogliazione, seguiti da samare che rimangono sulla pianta fino a estate inoltrata. Rustica (-30° / -20°C). Impiego: isolata.

ULMUS PUMILA SIBERIANO – U. RESISTA SAPPORO GOLD U. GLABRA PENDULA U. Resista Sapporo Gold A Hybrid Elm that was introduced in response to the widespread destruction of indigenous Elm trees in Britain and Europe by Dutch Elm Disease in the 1960’s. The tree has a broad rounded crown, the leaves are narrowly elliptical, 10cm (4”) long and 5cm (2”) wide. As the name implies, the leaves turn pale yellow in autumn. As a recent introduction the ultimate height is not known currently the earliest planted are about 12m (35ft). Where to grow: In favourable conditions, notably a moist, well-drained soil, it tree can grow at a rate of almost a metre a year. It is not very drought tolerant or able to cope with winter waterlogging. (-30° / -20°C)

Ulmus Glabra Scotch elm or Wych elm is a large, wide-spreading, deciduous tree that typically grows to 70-100’ with a broad-rounded crown. It is native from Great Britain to Siberia. (-30°/-20°C) Ulmus Glabra Pendula is an attractive variety of wych elm with cascade-weeping branches. The leaves are dark green, deciduous, 10-15, sometimes up to 20 cm long. This tree makes a fascinating specimen with picturesque habit of limbs that soon touch the ground. Pruning is not needed, however, some cutting can be down in early spring if you wish to shape it. There are older plants around the world that look like an oversized bonsai thanks to some cutting.

U. Pumila Siberiano Characteristics: geographical origin in Siberia and Northem China, this is a deciduous species 10 - 15 m tall and with a crown 5 - 10 m wide. It has rough, grey bark. The simple leaves with an oblique base and a coarsely serrated margin measure 5 - 8 cm and are green above and below. It blooms in February and March, with flowers growing in clusters which appear before the leaves. The fruit are pale greenbrown samaras which grow in groups. They reach maturity at the end of spring. (-30° / -20°C)

ZELKOVA SERRATA – Z. SERRATA GREEN VASE Z. Serrata – Serr. Green Vase A very adaptable and graceful tree with excellent uniformity and branch structure, Zelkova serrata and Green Vase are a attractives choice for use in parks and private gardens where space permits. Excellent street and avenue tree where its natural habit allows vehicular and pedestrian traffic to pass. Height:14 metre Width: 10 metre Foliage: Bright green, ovate leaves with distinctly serrate margins. The autumn colours are yellow, coppery-bronze to red. Fruit and Flowers: inconspicuous. Bark: Highly ornamental. Grey and smooth with numerous lenticels. Small patches flake to reveal a very faint reddish colour. Very hardy and adaptable to urban environments. Prefers full sun but will tolerate partial shade. Highly adaptable to different soil types. Tolerates heat, compacted soils, air pollution and once established, low levels of drought and wind. This cultivar shows very good resistance to pests and diseases. Resents wet sites. (-15°/-25°C) Z. Serrata Albero originario dell'estremo oriente, deciduo dal portamento espanso con corteccia grigia, liscia, che si sfalda a placche invecchiando. Altezza 20/30 mt. Le foglie sono sottili, ovate, affusolate, lunghe fino a 12 cm, dentate, di color verde scuro e diventano gialle, arancioni o rosse in autunno. Fiorisce in aprile – maggio. Resistente ai climi freddi e all’inquinamento. Si adatta bene a siti in ambito urbano, necessita di spazio per allargarsi. Rustica (-15°/-25°C)

Z. Serr. Green Vase Albero originario del nord America. Deciduo, crescita lenta. Portamento strettamente eretto. Foglie ovoidali appuntite e dentate si colorano di rosso arancio in autunno. Fiorisce in Aprile-Maggio. Grazie al suo portamento è una varietà adatta agli allineamenti urbani. Resiste ai climi freddi e all'inquinamento atmosferico. Rustica (-15°/-25° C)

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