Essex Free Press - August 9, 2018

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Hours: Mon-Tues 9-5, Wed 10-6, Thurs 9-7, Fri 8-4, Sat by appointment


Vol. 138

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Issue No. 30

Sunparlour Rodeo continues raising funds for the community

Essex BIA Cruise In brings in a crowd PAGE 3 _______________ Hogs for Hospice attracts thousands to Leamington PAGE 5 _______________ Amherstburg showcases the uncommon PAGE 7 _______________ Local farmers display plowing talent during annual competition PAGES 11 _______________ Spin H2O making a splash at Essex’s pool PAGE 19 _______________

Looking For A Good Home

“EASTON” See Page 5 for adoption info.

Cowboys and cowgirls of the Rawhide Rodeo Company competed during the Sunparlour Rodeo over the weekend, hosted in Ruthven at the Pavao family farm.

by Sylene Argent After 17 years, the Sunparlour Rodeo, hosted on the Pavao family farm in Ruthven, is still attracting a huge crowd and continues to raise funds for various local causes, thanks to dedicated volunteers, generous sponsors, and the thousands who line the stands to watch the cowboys and cowgirls of the Rawhide Rodeo Company compete for top times or the most points in the many classes offered. Over the weekend, despite the heat, one of the event organizers, Stephanie Pavao-Clark, estimated around 5000 spectators enjoyed all the rodeo had to offer at the Saturday and Sunday evening performances. On Sunday evening, Leamington Deputy Mayor Hilda MacDonald welcomed the guests

before the show got underway. She said she was pleased to see the community continue to support the event after all these years and recognized all those who have been involved in ensuring the event is a success year-after-year. Part of that success, MacDonald suspected, is due to the event’s continuous growth. For example, in addition to the annual favourites of bull riding, barrel racing, bronc riding, steer wrestling, and tie-down roping, this year’s event also offered a pole bending class, which challenge riders to weave through a set of poles for the quickest time, and a special presentation of Roman Riding, where a rider stood atop two horses, with one foot on each steed, as they moved around the ring. Since its inception, the Sun Parlour Rodeo has raised around $400,000 for local causes, including medical equipment at Erie Shores Healthcare/ Leamington Hospital. Last year’s event

Continued on Page 2

2 I Community Essex Free Press

Sunparlour Rodeo continues raising funds for the community...

raised $35,000, which went towards a neonatal monitor and an EKG monitor. In the past, the rodeo has also supported other pieces of equipment for Leamington District Memorial Hospital, and has supported WE Care for Kids and The Hospice of Windsor Essex County Inc., Erie Shores Campus. This year’s event proceeds will go to a variety of charities yet to be announced, Pavao said. What is unique about the rodeo, Pavao commented, is that it offers something fun for families to do, and presents a variety of rodeo classes to watch that are

sure to capture the attention of anyone, any age. The event also offers a chance to buy food, search for unique westernthemed trinkets at vendor booths, and opportunities for the youngsters to get in the ring to participate in the mutton busting and calf scramble events, were youngsters try to ride a sheep for a distance and chase young cows to retrieve a string that had been attached to their tails. Pavao thanked the event’s sponsors for their support in ensuring the Rodeo is a go, and the event’s volunteers for their dedication, which includes family

I Thursday, August 9, 2018 Continued from Front Page

members of their Pavao family and friends, including Nelson Carvalho.

Thursday, August 9, 2018


News I 3

Essex Free Press

Essex BIA Cruise In brings in a crowd

Crafters Market Saturday, Aug. 18th 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Located at 92 St. Paull Street iin Essex St. Paul’s Anglican Church Hall (Behind Essex Appliance) Currently booked: Epicure, Tupperware, For Blending Greens, SweetLegs, Baked Goods, Books. All Your Look for our Church Lady Lunch Special in the Kitchen! Financial & Bethel-Maidstone United Church Insurance 933 Talbot Rd. near Manning Needs...

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Members of the Rotary Interact Club hosted a fundraiser to support local causes and the EDHS sister school in Maforeka.

by Sylene Argent Around 200 antique, classic, and vintage vehicles were parked along Talbot Street, between Victoria Avenue and Brien Avenue, on Friday evening as part of the first Essex Dream Cruise In. The Essex Centre BIA partnered with the Canadian Transportation Museum & Heritage Village (CTMHV) to present this event to the community, which not only offered local owners of unique cars a chance to show off their rides, but also an opportunity to bring in families to shop downtown or visit area restaurants. Local country band, the Rio Michaels Trio, provided musical entertainment as visitors and car owners made their way through the line of the many unique cars parked onsite. One of those classic car enthusiasts, who was proud to show off her pink 1964 Thunderbird, was Rosalie Markou of Windsor. She said she bought this stunning vehicle 26-years ago from another woman in Michigan. Previously, she owned a 1964 Coupe. After selling that vehicle, she suggested to her husband, Paul, that if she was to obtain another classic car, she wanted a convertible. This automobile brings back sentimental memories for the couple as when they started going together, they drove a 1960 Thunderbird, which they later sold to obtained a family car when they had kids. During the show, the CTMHV hosted a 50/50 fundraising raffle and sold tickets for its 2018 raffle car, a red 1965 Mercury Convertible. The lucky ticket will be drawn at the annual New Year’s Eve Party. Proceeds will support the Museum’s Children Education Program, which provides a hands-on history lesson to hundreds of area students each year. The Rotary Interact Club also hosted a fundraising concession stand to raise money for its mandate of supporting local causes and Essex District High School’s sister facility in Maforeka, Africa. In past years the Essex Centre BIA hosted the Classic Car Show, which took place after the Essex Fun Fest parade, but opted to try something different this year. After the Fun Fest parade, the Essex Centre BIA hosted the Rockin’ Sidewalk Sales, which was accompanied by live music from the Justin Latam Trio downtown, and

St. Paul’s Anglican Church ppresents

Rosalie Markou of Windsor proudly shows off her pink 1964 Thunderbird during the Essex Dream Cruise In hosted on Friday.

made the car show its own event on a Friday evening instead. With the Fall in Love with Our Local Street Party event scheduled to take place on Friday, September 21, the Essex Centre BIA is now able to offer three major events in downtown Essex Centre during the warmer months to encourage people from the community to visit and learn about the businesses and services available locally.

4 I Opinion Essex Free Press

Editorial &Opinion

I Thursday, August 9, 2018

Howling at the Moon ••• Comment by Sylene Argent ••• Rare finds

Serving Essex and the surrounding communities since 1896.

Published Thursdays as an independent weekly newspaper, owned and operated by The Essex Voice Limited. A London Publishing Corporation Publication OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. OUR STAFF Sandy Kennedy / Andrew Beaudoin - Office Jessica Azar - Graphic Design / Social Media / Production Lana Warwick - Graphic Design Greg Belchuk - Advertising Sales Manager Sylene Argent - Editor/News Reporter Shelley Beaudoin - Graphic Design / Production

CIRCULATION The Essex Free Press is an audited publication with controlled circulation of 10,000.

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ARCHIVES The Essex Free Press has been digitized from 1895 to 1968 and is fully searchable at

OPINION & COMMENT The opinions expressed on these pages are those of their original authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Essex Free Press, its Editor or Publisher.

I am one of those people who buys Christmas gifts throughout the year or birthday gifts well in advance. I like being on the hunt for bargains and pride myself on being an individual who knows my friends and family members so well, I find those gifts that they will really like, on sale. As such, rarely will you see me buy a gift card to present, unless that was requested, of course. The Essex Centre Society Shoppe set up a car-themed display in recognition of the Essex Dream Cruise In that took place last Friday. Amongst all of those unique collectables, I happened to notice this “toy,” which depicted a horse pulling an ice truck. I was told the figure was made of cast iron. Perhaps being a horse enthusiast attracted me to the piece initially, but I thought, “Wow, that’s gorgeous.” My heart kind of swelled when I laid eyes on it, and I just knew I had

to have it, and that doesn’t happen too often to this girl. But then, I remembered something. My Pepe, who died around a year-and-a-half ago, worked on an ice truck in his younger days, one that may have been pulled by a horse or an earlystyle truck. When I was little, my dad had passed along that story to me, noting my Pepe would go door-to-door with these gigantic pieces of ice that families would use to keep their meats cool before refrigerators were used. It is amazing how a toy, or any kind of object, can spark a memory that may not have been easily recalled otherwise. Once, I had a weird reaction to a song I had heard at an event I was covering. It was a banquet of some sort and this song started playing and I immediately wanted to start crying and I had no idea why. It wasn’t until a few days later, with

the song stuck in my head, did I remember a friend had sent it to me when going through a very difficult time. So, this song automatically had me re-live a friend’s sadness, without me remembering why I was feeling that way. To say our brains are enigmatic is a gross understatement. I don’t think there is much more in this world more puzzling than how this complex organ not only functions, in keeping our bodies going and fighting off diseases without us even having to pay it a thought, to storing away things we could have easily forgotten. It also warns us when we are in danger and makes us behave in certain manners. We are a slave to our brain.

LETTER POLICY The Essex Free Press welcomes letters to the editor on topics of interest to our readers. Letters should be typed or neatly handwritten and present the issues as clearly as possible in 300 words or less. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar, and legal considerations. All letters must contain the name, address, and daytime phone number of the writer for verification purposes. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. If you have a legitimate concern and cannot sign your name to a letter, please contact the editor to discuss alternative means of handling the issue.

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COPYRIGHT The entire contents of The Essex Free Press and its website, including but not limited to layout composition, artwork, news copy, editorial copy and photographs, are protected by copyright. No portion there of is to be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the specific permission of the publisher.

The Essex Free Press

Office: 16 Centre St. Essex, Ontario Mail to: P.O. Box 115 Essex, Ontario N8M 2Y1

Phone: 519.776.4268 Fax: 519.776.4014


Commentary - OFA

Ontario farmers take proactive approach to phosphorus reduction by Louis Roesch Director, Ontario Federation of Agriculture

Farmers and community partners are taking action to keep waterways safe with a science-based approach. Four new on-farm test sites will be added this fall in southwestern Ontario, thanks to new funding, to collect real-time data on phosphorus and nitrogen loss into waterways, as part of the Thames River Phosphorus Reduction Collaborative (PRC). A recent federal funding announcement has helped the group expand their research. One is already operating, and four more will be added with the new funding. The project sites will monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of phosphorus removal technologies at the edge of agricultural fields and in municipal drains that collect agricultural runoff in the Thames River Basin area. Administered by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) and the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, the PRC works with farmers, drainage engineers, conservation authorities, Indigenous people, and universities to develop practical, cost-effective water management and drainage strategies for both urban and agricultural areas.

OFA has been involved in many water quality projects, led research projects and advised on water policies and legislation. Through the PRC, OFA is participating in this proactive monitoring and data collection project to evaluate nutrients entering waterways from farms and the development of new water management technologies for Ontario farmers. All five test sites are located on farms of different agricultural practices and soil types, and all participants are OFA members. Phosphorus sources include runoff from cities and towns, agricultural sources, sewage treatment plants, airborne particles, septic systems and industrial discharges. Phosphorus entering waterways contributes to the growth of harmful algal blooms in the Thames River and Lake Erie, and recent rains and hot summer weather could further contribute to an algal bloom in the lake. Taking a proactive approach to researching onfarm water quality management in the Thames River area and Lake Erie is an important step to preventing further algal blooms and maintaining safe and healthy waterways.

Thursday, August 9, 2018


Community I 5

Essex Free Press

Hogs for Hospice attracts thousands to Leamington

Hogs for Hospice participants make their way through the County on Saturday morning as part of their annual ‘Tour the Tip’ motorcycle ride.

by Adam Gault Motors revved and rubber burned as over a thousand motorcycle riders and many more

non-riding festival-goers took over Leamington’s Seacliff Park this past weekend to participate in the annual three-day Hogs

for Hospice charitable motorcycle rally. Since its inception in 2016, the event has been dedicated to the creation of a “world class” motorcycle rally that would support the initial and continued funding of the Erie Shores Hospice, which itself opened in 2016, as well as support additional health care funding in Leamington

and Essex County. In just two short years, the event has grown exponentially in size and appeal, raising more than a quarter of a million dollars in the first two years alone, and with it, bringing in countless more riders from across Canada and the United States as the event continues to increase in popularity. “We’re expecting to totally outperform last year. Just with having two headliners this year, it will be a big deal,” Hogs for Hospice board member, Tim Iles, said, noting classic rock mainstays “Cheap Trick” and country music star Randy Houser would be the musical headliners of the year’s event. “There’s a buzz around town. We’re reaching all over. We’ve got a great network of people and the support from our community is leaving us speechless.” Looking to provide an even more exciting weekend than in prior years, this year’s event included the addition of an all ages concert area, a custom motorcycle show, an expanded beer gardens, an increase in general vendors, as well as Continued on Page 6





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6 I Community Essex Free Press

Hogs for Hospice attracts thousands...

a motocross stunt show. “Hospice is a place that unfortunately most people are going to have to take a loved one to. So,

everybody has a soft spot for it, and the generosity of people in Leamington, I think, is hard to be matched,” Iles said

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about why he thinks the event continues to have an increase in support and recognition. “The community has bought on from day one, we have a great board, a fantastic source of volunteers, multiple churches involved in this. I can’t say enough, everyone is on board.” On Saturday morning, the Hogs for Hospice’s signature event, Tour the Tip, took place, which had more than one thousand bikers roar their way to the country’s most southern mainland geographical area at Point Pelee National Park, before making their way westward across

Essex County, waving at the throngs of onlookers who came out to cheer them on along the route. “The feedback [from riders] has been that this is probably the most organized ride that they go on, one of the most

I Thursday, August 9, 2018

Continued from Page 5

organized events that they go to,” Iles explained. “It’s a great feeling.” Opened in 2016, Erie Shores Hospice hosts families and friends in dealing with end-of-life care and treatment. All programs and services at

the facility are provided a no cost to patients and their families, with events like Hogs for Hospice being critical to maintaining that level of service and support.

Wheat prepared for upcoming Steam & Gas Engine show photo submitted.

Recently, members of the Essex County Steam & Gas Engine Museum rolled up their sleeved to help take off wheat with a grain binder. These wheat sheaves will be used at the 34th annual show, which

takes place at the Museum, located next door to Co-An Park in McGregor, from August 10 through 12. This year’s show, featuring John Deere Tractors and Machinery, includes the annual parade

on the Saturday, beginning at 9:00 am, and live entertainment Saturday and Sunday. For more info about the museum or the annual show, log onto essexsteamandgasengine. com.

Thursday, August 9, 2018


Community I 7

Essex Free Press

Amherstburg showcases the uncommon

by Garrett Fodor Wizards and inventors came together for a firstof-a-kind festival to Essex

and if we’re going to dress up, we thought Steampunk would be fun, so we decided to make costumes.” The duo said it took several hours over a period of a month to prepare and gather supplies for the costumes. It was a chance for them to support local business, going to different thrift stores in search for materials and ideas. Participants at the

County. This past weekend, historic downtown Amherstburg was taken

back in time to the Victorian Days for the first ever Amherstburg Uncommon festival. The free, threeday festival spanned across the waterfront and featured something for everyone, from photo ops and butter beer to games, teapot races, and mazes. Each night concluded with a fireworks spectacle. In addition, attendees were encouraged to dress in unique, one-of-akind wizard costumes or Steampunk attire. Gordon Orr, Chief Executive Officer for

Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island, said the event was an “outside of the box” experience and was hopeful it would receive a warm welcome. “I think it is original, compelling, and a trip motivator, being free and fun for the family,” Orr said. “This sort of festival helps drive visitation to the region and it is important that there are many things to see and do in our arts and entertainment scene, thanks to events that celebrate history, culture, and historic Amherstburg.” The festival kicked off on August 3 with a bang, as event officials shot off the ceremonial cannon before the Canadian Historic Aircraft Association hosted a fly-over. Matthew and Denise Romain were just a few of those who attended the festival dressed for the occasion. “We found out about the festival online and it sounded like a neat thing once we talked about what Steampunk is with our friends,” they said. “We thought wizards and Steampunk go together

festival lucked out as they had a forecast with no rain to dampen the costumes or spirits. Every event went off as planned, with several hundred people on the streets for the weekend. “We love how quiet and quaint Amherstburg is. And with the history here in Amherstburg, it is only appropriate this event was held here,” Denise Romain said.

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8 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, August 9, 2018

Rotary supports Hospice through fish fry

by Adam Gault Rotary Clubs from across Essex County came together last Friday evening to host the annual fish fry at the Roma Club Pavilion in Leamington in support of the Erie Shore Hospice. The event complemented the Hogs for Hospice motorcycle fundraising weekend, which took place just a

few short blocks away. “We’re expecting to serve about 450 tonight, our community supports it every year,” Rotary Club of Essex member and event coordinator, Julie Ricci, said. “But because of the Hogs for Hospice event, we’re getting more people from out-of-town coming in for it.” Now in its fifth year,

the annual fish fry first brought together Rotary Clubs from Essex, Harrow, Leamington, Cottam, and Amherstburg to support funding for the planning and development of the Erie Shores Hospice, which opened its doors in 2016. Now, it continues to support the facility with equipment and general upkeep costs. The area Rotary clubs

had committed to raising $50,000 for the hospice over the course of five years, but managed to reach that goal within the first four. “Over the years, we’ve even lost a few Rotarians and friends and family that have actually been in the new hospice facility here at Erie Shores,” Ricci said. “It just really made us feel that we’re supporting something important in the community.” Guests enjoyed a

Lake Erie yellow perch fish dinner in support of the Rotary Club’s hospice fundraising efforts. Additionally, several raffles were held throughout the course of the meal, including the opportunity to win tickets for that evening’s Cheap Trick concert at the nearby Hogs for Hospice event. “Now that I see this [hospice] facility, and know what it stands for, I wanted to see other people have the

opportunity to be at their end of life with dignity and just surrounded in a very peaceful, wonderful setting,” Ricci explained of Rotary’s continued support of the Erie Shores Hospice. “It’s just a great weekend, it’s for hospice, it just seemed to us that it’s a no-brainer. We wanted to have this event and knew that it would be great timing for it.” For more information on the Erie Shores Hospice, visit


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Thursday, August 9, 2018


Essex Free Press

Ad Feature I 9

10 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, August 9, 2018

Essex Non-Profit Homes hosts summer block party submitted to EFP Essex Non-Profit Homes hosted a summer block party on Friday, July 27, 2018. The event is being called a huge success as a bounce castle, games, face painting, and raffle prizes were offered for attendees to enjoy. The big door prize, a Google Home, was won by Marcy and Jason Bryon.

Around 90 people attended the event that took place at Queen Court, from 5pm-8pm, including all of the amazing volunteers who helped make the event possible. This amazing event could not have happened without those volunteers or the help of local businesses that sponsored the event and donated raffle prizes.

Everyone had a great time, youth and

parents alike. It was an awesome way to bring

the community together, and it is hoped that future

events will follow.

photo submitted.

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Thursday, August 9, 2018

Community I 11

Essex Free Press

Local farmers display plowing talent during annual competition by Sylene Argent On Saturday, local and out-of-town farmers took to the competition field, located along County Road 34 in Cottam at the McLeod Farm, to display their talent during the annual Essex County Plowing Match. The event offered local plowmen, or out-of-

town farmers, a chance to accumulate enough points to compete at the upcoming International Plowing Match and Rural Expo, which will be held in Pain Court between September 18-22. Cecilia Diebold of the Waterloo Region was on of those individuals hoping to get enough

points to make it to the International Plowing Match. This is her second season plowing with a team of two horses, and she enjoys learning about the trade. Diebold got interested in plowing with horses after being crowed the Ontario Queen of the Furrow in 2014. “I enjoy

Representatives of BMO present Murray McLeod of the Essex County Plowmen Association and Grace Mullen, Queen of the Furrow, with a donation for the annual competition.

Summer Sundays Please follow us on Facebook for more updates and details.






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working with the horses and the challenge of working with the horses,” she said. She also enjoys the friendly atmosphere at the plowing shows. Pain Court Famer Brian Sterling was one of the competitors aboard Continued on Page 13 Pain Court Famer Brian Sterling competes during the Essex County Plowman Association competition on Saturday.

12 I Classifieds Essex Free Press



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I Thursday, August 9, 2018

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BINGO 1st & 3rd Fridays 7:15 P.M. Early bird round at 7:00 P.M. 32 Russell St. - Retirees’ hall $ 500.00 JACKPOT 1-tf* _____________________

WANTED Farm Land to Rent Cash or Share Crop Call Jeff Siefker (cell) 519-796-1240 or 1-tf (home) 519-776-9501. _____________________

FOR SALE  One Cemetery Plot at Greenlawn Cemetery, $1500.00, plus 27-2t* transfer fees. 226-787-1859. _____________________

KITTENAIDE ADOPTION DAY - Sunday, August 12, from 12noon - 3pm, at Petzown, 1715 Manning Rd. All kittens $25.00. Call 519-324-2729, for more information.

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FOR SALE  2018 24’ travel trailer. super light. New, never used, large slide, fully loaded, large fridge, 8 cu.ft. Call: 51930-1t* 776-9061. _____________________

FOR SALE  Router table: includes stand, plus accessories. 3 1/4 hp router with 1/2” shank and router bits. $300.00. Call 30-1t* 519-776-6676. _____________________

FOR SALE  6 bar stools $200.00. All size steel wheels, different prices. Rototiller 30-1t* $85.00 Call 519-726-6860. _____________________ FOR SALE  Sligh grandfather clock. Mint condition. Call: 519-890-1118.



FOR SALE  Troy Bilt Briggs & Stratton Rototiller 1150 series, ‘Pony’ ES. Call 51930-2t* 776-7222.

Continued on Page 13


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Thursday, August 9, 2018


Classifieds/Community I 13

Essex Free Press





Continued from Page 12



FOR RENT _____________________

HELP WANTED _____________________

FOR RENT - Briarwood Apts, 26 Alice St N, Essex. 1 bdrm $860./mo & 2 bdrm $1020/mo + hydro, to view call 519776-4016. Avail Aug 1 & Sept 1, resp.

HELP WANTED  Cleaning lady wanted. Please call: 519-890-1118. 28-1t* _____________________ HELP WANTED: Greenhouse and Packing line Labour. General greenhouse labour, duties include pruning, picking, planting and cleaning of greenhouse. Packing line labour, duties include inspecting, weighing and packing produce on assembly line. Lifting, bending and standing is required. Must be able to work all shifts. Rural area. No public transportation available. Rate of pay$14.00. To apply please email danny@ Or Mail to Domric International, PO Box 218, Ruthven ON N0P 2G0. 12/15 _____________________




_____________________ Buying or selling a farm? Do you know the right questions and answers? Farm Experienced Realtor Carl Idzinski, Real Choice Realty. 519-817-8891. 1-t _____________________


_____________________ HIRING! GENERAL LABOURERS WANTED  Please fax your resume to 519-723-2336. 1-tf _____________________ HELP WANTED: Aphria Inc. is looking for Greenhouse Production Associates to join their team. Duties include daily crop maintenance, harvesting, crop rotation, inventory counts, and cleaning of greenhouse. No public transportation available. Located in Leamington, ON. Compensation starts at $14.00/hour. Full time hours Monday through Friday. Please apply at or mail resume to P.O. Box 20009 269 Erie St. S. Leamington, ON N8H 3C4. 9-tfn

SERVICES _____________________ KENNETH YARD WORKS - Spring Clean Up. Sod, mulch, eavestrough cleaning, and repairs, power washing. Trees & bushes trimmed or removed. Fully licensed and insured. Free estimates. Call Kenneth 519-982-0362. 13-tfn

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YARD SALE _____________________ YARD SALE: Saturday, Aug 11, 2018. 7:30am - 3:00pm. at 31 Hanlan St. N., Essex, On. Estate Sale. 30-1t*

Sell It! Find it! Rent It! Buy It! in The Classifieds

519-776-4268 _____________________



NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Gustav Kienitz late of the City of Windsor, in the County of Essex, and Province of Ontario, retired, deceased. Creditors and others having claims against the said deceased, who died on or about the 30th day of June, 2018, are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of August, 2018, after which date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed having regard only to the claims that have then been received. DATED at Essex, Ontario this 19th day of July, 2018.



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CASH PAID for antiques, costume jewellery, furniture, gold, sterling, coins, tools, complete estates. We take it all! Free appraisals. Call 519-727-8894. 1-tfn _____________________ CASH PAID for scrap cars and trucks. Free removal. Please phone: 519-776-1361 or 519-791-5046. 46-t _____________________

JOSEPH A. BYRNE HICKEY, BYRNE Barristers and Solicitors 14 Centre Street, ESSEX, Ontario, N8M 1N9 Solicitor for the Estate herein

Email your classified info to: 16 Centre Street, Essex

519 776 426 519-776-4268

2021 Division Road North Kingsville, Ontario N9Y 2Y9 (519) 733-2305

TAX NOTICES 2018 Final Property Tax Bills were mailed July 13, 2018 If you own property in the Town of Kingsville you should have received your 2018 final tax bill. The tax due dates are as follows:

August 31, 2018 November 30, 2018 Please refer to the brochure included with your tax notice for a listing of the payment options available. Pre-Authorized Payment sign-up forms are available at or at our office at 2021 Division Road North. Failure to receive a tax notice does not relieve you from payment of taxes or penalties. Penalties are assessed the day following the due date at 1.25% and each month thereafter until paid. It is the responsibility of the taxpayer to ensure the Town has the correct mailing address. If you have not received your tax notice please call 519-733-2305 or visit the office at 2021 Division Road North.

Rotary Club to distribute backpacks/ announces student exchange submitted to the EFP Backpack program The Rotary Club of Essex has secured a grant to supply 100 students with back-toschool backpacks and supplies. Essex Community Services is excited to bring this crucial program to Essex to support local youth by providing them with the tools they need to be successful. Essex Community Services will distribute the backpacks at the free Community BBQ on Friday, August 17, starting at 4 p.m. at the Victoria Wellness Plaza. Appointments will also be held the following week for those who are unable to make it to the barbeque. Pre-Registration is required, along with

proof of income and information on each student. Please call Essex Community Services 519-776-4231 to register. Not everyone is guaranteed a backpack, but the organization will be sure to do its best to supply the demand. Youth Exchange The Rotary Youth Exchange applications for Outbound Students for the 2019-20 schoolyear are now available. While this is more than an entire year away, now is the

time for students to fill out applications as it takes more than a year of processing and orientation to prepare the students and their parents for the Youth Exchange Experience. Applications must be filled out online. Students wishing to go “outbound” on a Rotary Youth Exchange Program for the 2019-20 school-year must go to to complete the application. All students applying must also have a sponsoring club.

Voice Of Inspiration “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Local farmers display plowing talent...

Continued from Page 11

a tractor on Saturday. He has been competing for around 17 years. Plowing can be a test of experience, Sterling said, noting, every field is different, which challenges a farmer to make the correct adjustments in their operations to do the best job possible. Competing in the annual matchup is a family affair for Sterling as it is an activity he and two of his brothers enjoy getting involved with together. Sterling now enjoys coaching, too, which includes Essex County’s most recent Queen of the Furrow, Grace Mullen. Mullen is looking forward to competing in the International Competition in September. She said she has been involved with farming her whole life. She went to high school in Pain Court, so she is excited to compete in the area she knows well. She was crowned Essex County’s Queen of the Furrow last year after a panel of judges assessed a speech she prepared, her ability to plow, and the answers she provided during a question period. Mullen enjoys representing the Essex County Plowmen’s Association and being an advocate for agriculture. Every year, the Bank of Montreal sponsors the local matches, which take place in many communities from Essex County to Temiskaming. Locally, BMO provided a cheque to the Essex County Plowmen Association for $850 to help cover the costs of hosting the event. Jim Inglis, BMO’s Windsor-Essex Regional Vice President of Personal Banking, enjoys meeting with customers at the matchup and farmers who bank elsewhere to connect with individuals who live in rural areas. Anna Quick, BMO’s Relationship Manager, added the bank provides the donation annually to support the community involvement. “It is a happy family here,” she said.

14 I Personals

I Thursday, August 9, 2018

FromThe Heart

To place a personal notice, email your photo and content to or drop by our office at 16 Centre St., Essex. Personal notices must be received by Monday at 12:00 noon to appear in the Thursday edition.





Essex Free Press



Birth Announcement WILLIS (MacDonald)

Finally Lexi has a sister! Rob & Brittany are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of their second child a beautiful baby girl BRIELLE LYNN on July 28, 2018 @ 7:26 PM weighing 8 lbs. 5 oz. Proud grandparents are Tammy MacDonald & Jack Ritchie, Tim MacDonald & Mary Upham & Ron & Mary Willis. Also great grandparents Elmer & Shirley Quinlan & Don & Marge MacDonald. Special thanks to Dr. Leung and the staff at Met. Hospital and our family & friends for their love & support.




LAMBIER, Dwayne - passed away July 29th 2018 at the age of 56. Son of Gail and the late Arthur Lambier. Father to Wes Lambier and grandfather to Jozlyn. Brother to Debbie (Dan) Ansems, and Diane(Steve) DeVeer. Uncle to Mandy(AJ) Brandt, Jasmine(Aaron) Magarinhos, Ashley(Nathan) Brandt and Nikki(Andre) Spencer. Great Uncle to Lilly Brandt. Dwayne has also left behind many family and friends. On Dwayne’s request he has been buried in Mexico on his farm.

Voice Of Inspiration “Turn your wounds into wisdom.” ~ Oprah Winfrey




Suzanne Jackson On behalf of the entire Jackson family, we would like to say ‘Thank You’ to neighbours, friends, and family for your kind words, prayers, cards, flowers, meals, desserts, donations to the food bank, and mass cards. Thank you to Father Dave Boutette, Judy Wirch, and all those at Holy Name, who helped to make the funeral service a beautiful one. A ‘Thank You’ to the various agencies who helped mom, which enabled her to remain at home, surrounded by loved ones. Your kindness, love, and support will never be forgotten. ~ Cam & Family _________________________________________________________

OBITUARIES _________________________________________________________ HORTON, Duane Leslie - Passed away on August 4, 2018 at the age of 75 at WRH Ouellette Campus, with his loving family by his side. He leaves behind his wife Shirley (Russell) and daughter Nicole (Barclay Myers) of Burlington. Duane was the very proud grandfather to Quinn and Kahlan. Dearest son of Theodore (2000) and Jean (1989) Horton. Dear brother to Van (2014) and Greig (Geraldine) of Montreal. Duane is the son-in-law of Harold (2012) and Audrey Russell and will be remembered by his Sister-in-law Katherine (Dean), and brother-in-law Robert (Michelle) nieces and nephews, Paul, Kirk, Mandy, Rae-Anne, Alexander and Abigail and their families. Duane had by-pass surgery in April and struggled with his many health issues following that surgery. He was fortunate to have many excellent doctors and outstanding care by his family doctor, Dr. Butler. Special thanks is extended to WRH for his care during his last weeks. Duane began his working career as a teacher but while still in training accepted an opportunity to work for Chrysler Corporation (FCA). He began working in Windsor but spent the majority of his career in Michigan. Duane always travelled in his work but when he joined International Operations he truly travelled the world. Duane believed strongly in giving back to his community and enjoyed participating in many organizations to make this happen. He loved to entertain and was never happier than when his daughter’s friends came to visit. He enjoyed cooking and loved to share that talent. Duane enjoyed all sports activities, travelling and boating and He and his wife enjoyed many years of boating with the Richards and Gitschlag families. Visitation will take place at Reid Funeral Home, & Reception Centre, 87 Maidstone Ave. E., Essex (519776-4233) on Friday, August 10th from 6-9pm. Funeral Service to celebrate Duane’s life will be held at Essex United Church, 53 Talbot St. S., Essex on Saturday, August 11th at 11am with visitation from 10am until the time of service. Interment to follow. If you wish, donations made to Essex United Church or Gesstwood Camp would be appreciated. Family and friends are invited to share their memories and condolences online at

What’s Going On... AUG. 8  12  WINDSOR ESSEX PRIDE FESTIVAL - Parade, Glitterball, Entertainment, panel discussions, and more. For more info: AUG. 10  12  COMBER FAIR  Gates open at 8am at the Comber Community Centre, 7001 Isabella Street. For more info: AUG. 11  BETHELMAIDSTONE CORN ROAST  From 4-7pm at 933 Road 34, Maidstone. Call for information: 519-723-2284. AUG. 11  CONNECTIONS EARLY YEARS FAMILY CENTRE GOLF TOURNAMENT at Sutton Creek Golf Course. For more information, call: 519-252-9696. AUGUST 17  VICTORIA WELLNESS CENTRE BBQ  It is held in the parking lot at 35 Victoria Ave, Unit 7, from 4pm - 7pm. Fun planned for the whole family. For more information: 519-776-4231. AUG. 17  OUELLETTE CAR CRUISE  from 1:00 - 11:00PM - Rendezvous at Riverfront Festival Plaza. 6PM - 11Pm Car Cruise. AUG. 24  26  TECUMSEH CORN FESTIVAL  Opens at 12pm. 12021 McNorton St. For info: SUN COUNTY LYME AWARENESS SUPPORT GROUP - Learn & share about Lyme disease. Monthly meetings on the last Wednesday of every month at Colasanti’s Tropical Gardens @ 6:30 p.m. All welcome. COPING WITH ANGER GROUP - Wednesdays at Erie Shores Healthcare. For more information, contact Community Partnership at 226-348-4548 or email info@

Thursday, August 9, 2018


Community Hub I 15

Essex Free Press

night Euchre - Jean Matalik, Irene Gignac, Charlie Chevalier, Joanne Diesbourg, Ray Brooker, and Mary Marg Chevalier. For Club information, call Claire at: 519-723-4694.

Woodslee United Church sponsorship by:

Fresh food. Friendly neighbours 191 Talbot St. S., Essex

519-776-4255 Salvation Army Essex Community Church submitted by Carolyn Barnett

We have several names on our Prayer Request Wall and also on our sick and shutin list. Please take a few minutes to remember these folks in your prayers. They would also appreciate a phone call or a visit, especially if they are confined to their homes. SA Cafe is a great place to drop in on Tuesdays between 10 and noon. Stop by for refreshments and a chance to enjoy fellowship with new friends. It is good to meet together and worship on Sundays, so we invite you to join us at 10:30am for our service, led by Major Sam Roberts. After the service, stay for a brief time of fellowship and refreshments. Thanks to those who provide the delicious baked goods for us to enjoy!

Holy Name of Jesus Church submitted by Therese Lecuyer

Join us for our annual softball game & BBQ following Mass on Sunday, August 12th at St. Mary’s Maidstone, at 7 pm. Pick up at St. Mary’s Park at 10 pm. Ushers are needed for all Masses. Contact Richard Wirch at 519-726-6313. Retrouvaille, at Holy Family Retreat House, is from August 17-19. Call 1-800-7056356 for further details. New school supplies and backpacks will be collected in the Gather Space during July and August for the Children’s Aid Society. The Parish Picnic takes place on Sunday, August 19, at noon. Vacation Bible School is scheduled for August 13-17 , for ages 3 to 13. Please continue to save your Foodland receipts for the Missions. Thank you! God Bless You all and have a great week. Woodslee Friendship Club Card player winners for the week of July 30th to August 3rd were: Monday Euchre - Mary Demars, Gail Koziana, Jeanette Pillon, Dave Sylvester, Leo Durocher, Irene Gignac, and Claire Renaud. Wednesday Pepper - Helene Manley, Mary Marg Chevalier, Dave Sylvester, Gail Koziana, Aggie Rivait, Mary Demars, and Audrey Stanley. Friday

submitted by Sue Holman

Come join us for Sunday Service at Belle River United Church at 10am. For the month of August, all Sunday Services will be held in Belle River at 10 am. These are joint services with Belle River United Church. Rev. Murray Rounding will lead these services. Our Church Office is open on Thursdays, however, it is best to call ahead before coming. Please Note: Rev. Murray Rounding is the Pastoral Charge Supervisor and is available for funerals and any issues. He can be reached at 519-990-9713. Woodslee/ Belle River United Church Annual Golf Tournament: Saturday, August 11 at the Tilbury Golf Club. 9 holes of golf, cart and dinner. Registration begins at 12:30 pm with tee off times starting at 1 pm. Don’t golf? You can come for the dinner. For more information, contact Arnie at 519-257-7420 or Elaine at 519-890-6312. Proceeds donated to Woodslee & Belle River United Churches. Everyone is welcome. Coffee and Conversation: Thursdays at 10 am. Everyone is welcome.

St. Paul’s Anglican Church The office is closed most Fridays during the month August. God’s Backyard Bible Camp VII...God in Nature - August 13-17, 2018 at Essex United Church, for ages 5-11 (must be 5-years old prior to the start of the camp or have had one year of school). Cost is free. For more information or to register, call: 519-776-5121 by August 10. The next Crafters/Vendors Market is set for Saturday, August 18th from 10am 2pm. Please call: 519-980-4942 for more details or table rentals. Please note, in August, the services will move to Trinity Cottam at 9:15am. Thank you bank contributions for July will go to our Clothing Cupboard. Please visit our website at or our Facebook page at www. You can also reach us at 519-776-7711 or by email at Essex Retirees’ Social Club Saturday Euchre had the following results: Wally Lafromboise first, Judy Kelly second, Floyd Cascadden third, and Jairmen Bagot with the low score. On the Monday night Special Pepper the winners were (First-Fourth): Judy Kelly, Wally Lafromboise, Nelson St. Denis, and Anna Dobson. At Tuesday afternoon Pepper, Nelson St. Denis had high score, Wally Lafromboise had low score, and Dorothy Fields had the most peppers. Betty Fields had high score for Wednesday night Pepper. Judy Kelly had low score as well as Wayne Rowson.

Essex Community Services SAVE THE DATE: The Victoria Wellness Centre is once again hosting its annual free BBQ on Friday, Aug 17th. It will be held in the parking lot at 35 Victoria Ave, Unit 7, from 4pm - 7pm. Come out for supper and to enjoy many fun-filled activities for the whole family! Call us at 519-776-4231, for more information.

Antioch Christian Ministries

submitted by Linda Knight

Pastor Jay spoke on how what you believe shows up more in your actions than in your words. Healing Rooms at ACM are open on Saturdays from 9am-noon; a place

where you are welcomed, blessed, and refreshed by our prayer team. Intercession is Tuesday and Friday mornings at 9am. Titian Ministries fundraising yard sale is on August 18th. “Heavy Rain” with Jamie and Heather Paton is on August 24th at 7pm. Promotion Sunday is September 9th. For more info, visit our website at Be Blessed!

Maidstone Cross submitted by Wendy Cunningham

Mark your calendars for Life Teen Mass on Sunday, August 12th at 7 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church, followed by a free BBQ and baseball game. For high school youth. Be a part of history and have your family name and or business engraved on the Sandwich South plaque that will be permanently displayed in the new Sandwich South Cultural & Resource in Oldcastle (attached to the fire hall). If you are interested, please contact Judy Jobin. Vacation Bible School for ages 3 to 13-years-old takes place on August 13th 17th at Holy Name of Jesus church and is free! Registration forms are at the back of the Church. Sign up now for the annual St. Mary’s Altar Society’s Golf Tournament on September 23rd at Willow Creek. Registration forms can be found at the back of the church. There will only be one summer bulletin for August. The parish office will be open on Tuesday to Thursday in August. Our prayers and sympathies to the Langan family on the passing of their mother, Annette. Please keep in your prayers and all the people who are sick, shut-in, and in Hospice.

Cozy Corners - Bethel-Maidstone United

Please join us Sunday mornings at 10am for worship, and coffee hour that follows! Our church and hall are air conditioned and wheelchair accessible. This summer, Rev. Catherine is doing a Sermon Series through July and August; Kingdom Under Construction: Battles, lust betrayal, and a throne: things are heating up this summer! Follow the stories of Samuel, David, and Solomon as God speaks to us about faith, leadership, taking risks, and making mistakes. Next is: David & Bathsheba. Read ahead: 2 Samuel 11:1-15. Everyone is welcome at our Community Corn Roast on Saturday, August 11th, rain or shine, from 4pm to 7pm. Coming this fall: Preschool Play Time! Starting in September, every Thursday from 9:30am - 12noon, caregivers & kids are invited to drop in.

Continued on Page 17

16 I Business Directory Essex Free Press


Thursday, August 9, 2018













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Thursday, August 9, 2018


Community Hub/Business Directory I 17

Essex Free Press

For the month of August, food donations are for the Essex Food Bank. Semi Annual Yard Sale is Friday, September 28, 8am - 4pm, (Lunch available Fri. only) (Bake Sale Fri. only) and Saturday, September 29: 9am - 12noon (Yard Sale). Continued from Page 15 Ian Phillips will be our Guest Speaker on Sunday, August 12th. Please remember the sick and the shut-ins. If you would like to add a name to the Prayer List, please add a name to the list in the foyer, or contact the office. You can find us on the web at: Our email address is and the office number is (519) 723-2284. Office hours are Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9am till 1pm.

Essex United Church Join us Sunday morning at 10:30 am for our worship service. During the month of August, we will worship in our newly renovated Youth Room. Rev. Jim Hatt, officiating. The dates have been selected for our new Church Directory: Thursday, August 16 and Friday, August 17 - 1:30 to 8:30 pm. Thursday, October 11 and Friday, October 12 - 2:30 to 8:30 pm. Saturday, October 13 - 9:30 to 3:00 pm. Please sign up after church. Vacation Bible Camp plans are underway! The camp will run Monday, August 13 – Friday, August 17. To reserve a spot for your children or to volunteer your time at camp, please call the church office at: 519.776.5121. Essex United Sunday School/Youth Players Presents - A Christmas Carol December 14th, 2018. Actors and Actresses under 16 years wanted. The Auditions: August 5 & August 19 at 1 - 2 pm at Essex United Church. Rehearsals begin September 2nd and will be every Sunday from 1 - 3 pm. For information, speak to Pastor Jim.


Trinity Church Well, we are back at Trinity on Sundays at 9:15 A.M. We keep in our prayers: Jim, Sandy Berry, Christina, Maureen, Bob, Sharon, Doug, Rob, and Marilyn. The Sanctuary Lamp burns to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Ray Twiname, Jr., given by Jack & Sue Beaule and family. Trinity is selling mums again this year. Please remember to place your order by the end of August. If you are interested, contact Pat Jackson. Mums will be available for pickup in mid September. Save the date: Wednesday, October 24 from 6:30 - 8:30 at Cooper’s Hawk Winery. This will be a fundraising and FUN-raising event to highlight Huron Church Camp. More information will be coming in the following weeks. All are welcome on Sundays in ‘The Little White Church’ in the cemetery in Cottam.

4-H Ice Fishing Meeting #6 submitted by Erika Parks

On Tuesday, July 31, 2018, we had our sixth meeting at Essex Libro Community Room. The meeting was called to order by Vice President, Nadia and we recited the 4-H pledge. The focus of the meeting was to complete our display board for the fairs. Everyone gave their thoughts on a ‘catchy title.’ We chose ‘Hooked on Fishing.’ Members let their creativity flow and we designed a cool board! Erika and Nadia talked and showed pictures of our last meeting at John-O-Foods fish plant. Nadia made a motion to close the meeting. Snacks and drinks were purchased by Erika. We meet in September, for our last fishing experience as a group in 2018.






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18 I Opinion/Sports Essex Free Press


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Essex Minor Baseball Minor Mosquito report

toss competitions, and a pleasant picnic-style lunch together. The next evening, the team met at the cage for some detailed batting practice. All this while an OBA playdown looms. Six local Sun Parlour teams are classified “B” this season, and only two will advance to Coburg, Ontario for the Labour Day tournament. The playdowns begin Friday, August 10, with Essex playing Tecumseh to begin the two game eliminationstyle competition. The remaining games are scheduled for the next day on diamonds in and around Tecumseh. Essex, Belle River, Lasalle2, Leamington, Woodslee, and Tecumseh are the centres competing for the two available invitations for the 2018 OBA championship tournament.

1940 Chrysler convertible street rod

1940 Chrysler convertible at the Sun Parlor Home classic car show.

On June 21, 2018, the Sun Parlor Home for Senior Citizens in Leamington, Ontario, held its 4th annual classic car show for the viewing pleasure of the residents. Among the cars on display was a dazzling 1940 Chrysler Windsor convertible, owned and rebuilt by Richard Laplante of Kingsville. Richard bought this rare car about two years ago from Joe Torjak of Belle River, Ontario. Joe had two of them and Richard bought one. It needed a lot of work and over the next six or seven months, Richard transformed this rare car into the stunning show car it is today. Under the hood is a small block Chevrolet V8 with fuel injection and bored out to 355 cubic inches. The car now has an automatic transmission with overdrive, power steering, power brakes, disc brakes all around, 18-inch wheels with custom hubs, a dash with modern instruments, and a late model front seat. The back seat is original. When Richard started on this project, basically all he had was a body and frame and top bows for the convertible roof. Bullet holes were in the passenger door near the door handle. He cut out the metal with the bullet holes, which are now on display on the wall in his garage. While rebuilding this car, Richard found a small plastic model of a Chrysler Airflow down inside the rear seat section that houses the cylinder for the power top. A child was probably playing with this toy untold decades ago and it fell down too far for him to retrieve it. Richard brought many years of experience in building street rods to this project, having rebuilt a ’49 Chev, ’50 Chev, ’51 Plymouth, a Model A Ford, and a ’64 Ford pickup truck. He is currently a board member of the Historic Vehicle Society of Ontario, which operates Heritage Village and the Canadian Transportation Museum on the Arner Town Line, west of Kingsville. Richard is also a member of the Bent Rods Car Club, which meets regularly in Essex but has no dues, no bylaws, no formal structure at all – just guys who love old cars getting together over coffee whenever they can to swap stories.

submitted to EFP The minor mosquito Essex baseball team opened the month with a refreshing and fun daytime clinic. After lots of reps, the team used radar technology to test their pitching speeds and their exit velocity while hitting. They also enjoyed an old game of

school yard hot box. The day ended with a home run showcase, a few water balloon

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Thursday, August 9, 2018


Community I 19

Essex Free Press

Spin H2O making a splash at Essex’s pool

Participants enjoy the first Spin H2O class at the Essex Recreation Complex on the morning of Tuesday, July 31.

by Sylene Argent A new program is being offered at the Essex Recreation Complex that is sure to make waves within the community. On the morning of Tuesday, July 31, the Town of Essex officially launched its Spin H2O program, with participants

jumping aboard stationary bikes that were submerged in the shallow-end of the pool, for a unique exercise experience. “This new program is truly set to make a splash,” Essex Mayor Ron McDermott said, while aboard one of the bikes before it was submerged into the water. “Spin

H2O is the perfect fitness class for all ages. The program can be tailored to each individual’s ability and fitness level, from a high intensity, fat-burning session, to a low intensity cardio workout.” The purchase of the 15 bikes, which are instrumental tools for the exercise program, was made possible through the support of the Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund. McDermott said this fund is dedicated to supporting programs and services to help residents lead healthy, active lives.

“Spin H2O is the perfect combination of cardio and resistance training,” Sarah Newton, Assistant Manager of Aquatics, stated. “Spinners can expect a workout tailored to their ability and fitness level, all in the comfort of our heated pool.” The Spin H2O classes will be offered to the community free of charge until September 2, with availability offered on a first come, first served basis. Contact the Town’s Community Services Department for more information on the program at 519-776-7336.

20 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, August 9, 2018

Essex Railway Station remembers the King of Rock ‘N Roll from being relatively new on the music scene and unknown to becoming an icon. The first time Sherk heard about Elvis, he was on a streetcar in Toronto, on his way to school. He heard other students talking about the then up-and-comer. He heard one person suggest Elvis looked “dangerous”

Bill Sherk was one of the organizers of an event that paid tribute to Elvis Presley on Saturday afternoon at the historic Essex Railway Station.

because of his sideburns and hair. In April of 1957, Sherk saw Elvis perform in Toronto. “The announcer had said, ‘And now, the singer you have been waiting for,’ and that’s when the screaming started. It didn’t stop. At times, you couldn’t tell what song was playing,” he said of the fond

memory. It wasn’t just teens who would come to enjoy The King’s music, Sherk said. His grandmother was an Elvis fan when she was in her 70s. Her favourite song was, “Love me Tender.” Gay and Sherk hosted the event during the month Elvis passed away in 1977. He was 42.

Disaster Strike rocks Tune Up the Parks

by Sylene Argent The Essex Railway Station opened its doors to curious community members on Saturday to celebrate the King of Rock ‘N Roll, Elvis Presley. The Old Car Detective, Bill Sherk, and Heritage Essex employee, Bill Gay, team up to display a variety of Elvis-themed items and talk about one of the most regarded singers of all time. Sherk said he and Gay remember watching Elvis’s career evolve


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by Sylene Argent As part of the Arts, Culture, and Tourism (ACT) Committee’s ongoing Tune Up the Parks summer concert series, local rock band “Disaster Strike” performed beneath the rafters of the Essex Centre pavilion last Wednesday evening. Before a large crowd of head-nodding rock ‘n roll enthusiasts, members of “Disaster Strike” performed a myriad of tunes, including a handful of the classics, such as “American Woman,” “Jet Airliner,” and “Free Ride,” along with some modern tunes, such as from bands like “Jet.” “Disaster Strike” also performed an original tune called, “Wake Me,” before wrapping up a solid set of music. To learn more about this band, log onto its Facebook page, On Wednesday, August 8, the Tune Up the Parks concert series will continue with Folk/Blues/Jazz performer, Steve Morin and Friends. The local musician has been a staple in the concert series, making several appearances over the past few years at the events that take part on Monday evenings at Colchester Harbour Park and on Wednesday evenings in Essex Centre at the Heritage Gardens Park. The Tune Up the Parks series will continue on those evenings until August 30, with additional dates in Harrow and McGregor Centres. Those planning to attend are urged to bring along a lawn chair or blanket upon which to sit, and have the opportunity to make a donation to the musicians. Performances may get cancelled or be changed without notice.

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