Essex Free Press - August 14, 2014

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Life is full of challenges buying a car should be EZEE!




Vol. 134

Thursday,August 14, 2014

Issue No. 32

Steam & Gas Engine Museum hosts 30th annual show

Spitfire plane should be in town end of the month PAgE 2 ________________ Blood Services asks Essex to donate PAgE 3 ________________ Kingsville gets folksy with folk music festival PAgE 9 ________________ Town Council Notes PAgE 13 ________________ Green Shield Canada supports CLEC PAgE 14 ________________ New panel being added to sports mural at high school PAgE 18 ________________

Looking For A Good Home

“Monty” See Page 7 for adoption info.

by Fred Groves At Co-an Park in McGregor you did not have to walk far this weekend to step back into the past. The Essex County Steam & Gas Engine Museum hosted its 30th annual show and it was a time to celebrate with music, tractor pulls, demonstrations and numerous displays that are a permanent part of the museum. Jim Moore has been a long-time member of the local

agricultural historical group and his 55 years as an ironworker has certainly been beneficial to the museum. Moore was eager to talk about one piece in particular, the Vertical Stationary Steam Engine that was purchased in 1929 by General Motors and used in the coal-fired plant of McKinnon Industries on Walker Road. Ò It wasnÕ t in good shape when we got it. We had to lubricate everything in oil when we got itÓ he said. The steam engine works by steam coming into the top that moves both a piston and a connecting rod. A few feet from where it was set up Moore looked over at several large engines that

he said he helped get into working order. Ò We had to tear them down and clean them and restore them. There were a lot of volunteers who put them together.Ó While this yearÕ s show featured Case tractors and machinery, there were numerous other brands like John Deere, Allis-Chalmers on display as well as a few not-so-common tractors like an 11.26 horse power Fordson and Dave BadlanÕ s 1950 Series 3 Field Marshall. Ò I donÕ t think there are too many in Ontario. It was made in England,Ó said Badlan from South Woodslee. He bought the 40-horse power two-stroke diesel workhorse four years ago and it is the first antique tractor he has bought since moving to Canada from England in 1976. Ò Years ago when I worked in

England in a bush lot we had one and I always wanted to get one,Ó said Badlan. While some tractors, including those with metal spoke wheels were for looking at, many old tractors were in the back of the museum property taking part in the tractor pull. Aubrey Ellis proudly sat on his 1955 orange Allis-Chalmers waiting for his turn and said he has been coming from his home in Richmond Hill to take part in the Essex County event for several years. Ò I like this show. The people are friendly and itÕ s a relaxed atmosphere,Ó said Ellis. Live music, vendors and Carl SmithÕ s circa 1890Õ s sawmill that was busy cutting timbers into boards were all part of the show this year.

2 I Community

Essex Free Press


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Spitfire plane should be in town end of the month by Fred Groves Plans continue to fall into place for the Spitfire replica airplane arriving in Essex. On Friday, co-chairs of the project, Mike Beale and Bob Swaddling said that the aircraft would be in town by the end or near the end of the month. They said that the plane has been completed and is crated and sitting on a dock in Liverpool, England. It was expected to be loaded onto a ship this past Tuesday and will arrive in Montreal on August 24 where it will be sent to

Toronto. Ò Chrysler Canada has volunteered to bring it to Essex for us. The truck is going to be driven by Essex councillor Randy Voakes,Ó said Swaddling. Once it arrives in town, it will be housed in the Memorial Arena for a few days where Jerry BillingÕ s wife Karen and son Eric will unveil it along with the rest of the committee members in attendance. Following a formal press conference, the wings will be taken off the plane and it will be put on a truck where it will be paraded

down the main street and set to rest at its permanent home at the silo district. Beale, Swaddling, the Billing family and the entire committee want to make sure that while the plane will be painted to reflect Jerry’s Spitfire he flew over Normandy on D-Day, June 6, 1944, the plane will be dedicated to all the Essex County airmen and women who fought in WWII. The committee is hoping that the park where the plane will be located will be called ‘Spitfire Park.’ Ò We need to get the names of all the men and women who served in the RCAF,Ó said Beale. And while the Spitfire Project committee has worked very hard to bring this project to completion, Beale noted that it is not about them. Ò The names of the committee must fade away,Ó added Beale. Donations up to this

point have been generous and have included a $25,000 anonymous contribution that kick started the project, the town has donated the land, Unifor and the local BIA are just a few that have made this a reality. Ò The success has been mind-blowing. We are getting donations as far away as the Netherlands,” said Beale. Ò [Jerry Billing] is well know in aviation circles around the world,Ó added Swaddling. Jerry Billing flew Spitfires for over 53 years and was shot down three times. After his retirement from the Canadian air force he continued to fly planes from his grass airstrip outside of Essex. Whether or not the 93-year-old fighter pilot will be on hand when the plane arrives is still unknown. Ò HeÕ s up and talking.

Spitfire co-chairman Bob Swaddling displays a piece of an airplane that was shot down by fighter pilot Jerry Billing of Essex.

He is excited about this. He thought people didnÕ t

care,Ó said Beale.

Community drives a Ford for a Spitfire by Sylene Argent It was a beautiful day for a drive on Saturday, and many took to Talbot Street in Essex to not only enjoy the weather but also to support the Essex Memorial Spitfire Project as Ken Knapp Ford hosted a Ò Drive one for Your CommunityÓ fundraising event. This Spitfire monument, which will be set up in Essex CentreÕ s Heritage Gardens, will honour around 400 Essex County Airmen, including EssexÕ s own WWII Spitfire pilot Jerry Billing. Supporters of this project went to the local Ford dealership to test drive one of the many new models of vehicles available. For each test drive taken on Saturday, Ken Knapp Ford forwarded a $20

donation to this project. It was hoped 300 individuals would hop behind a wheel. Ò The support has been absolutely mind-blowing,Ó commented Essex Memorial Spitfire Project Committee member, Michael Beale. In addition to the long list of generous donations contributed to this project, recently, Beale got word many area businesses were stepping up to donate their services to install the monument. This includes, digging a hole and pouring cement for the foundation, electrical services, the construction of the plinth that will hold the Spitfire, fabrication and welding services, and landscaping. The donations of

Continued on Page 5

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Thursday, August 14, 2014


News I 3

Essex Free Press

Blood Services asks Essex to donate by Sylene Argent The Canadian Blood Services, a national and not-for-profit organization that operates CanadaÕ s blood supply and blood products outside of Quebec, is calling on the community to roll up their sleeves, rally together, and donate blood. It is hoped there is a good turnout of community support at the next blood donation day to be held at the Essex Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion on Tuesday, August 19 from 1-7 p.m. Marisa Gatfield, Territory Manager for

Canadian Blood Services for the Chatham-Kent and Essex mobile clinics, said that while it is always important to donate blood, there is an acute need during the summer months, as inventory tends to dwindle because people are on vacation and are out of their regular routines. Donating blood, Gatfield said, “is a special gift.Ó Donated blood can go to support many different people with a variety of needs. Cancer patients can need up to eight units of blood per week. A car accident victim could need up to 50 units. An individual

Essex man arrested after robbery

Just after midnight on Saturday morning a man entered the MacÕ s Milk located at Talbot Street North, across from the Tim HortonÕ s and demanded money from the clerk, carrying what appeared to be a handgun. After getting a small amount of money, the man fled the scene. OPP responded to the call and managed to apprehend the suspect. The suspect is a 27-year old Essex resident. He faces numerous charges. The OPP has not yet released the name of the suspect.

who has had a liver transplant could need up to 100 units of blood. “It’s a beautiful gift to donate,Ó she said. Fear of needles can deter potential donors from giving, Gatfield noted, and a fear of needles is perfectly normal. She noted, however, there is just an initial slight discomfort of the needle going in. She urges anyone who may want to give but has never done so or may have a fear of needles, to go with a friend or family member for support. Because of the tendency of blood donations declining during the summer months, Gatfield hopes many will attend the upcoming blood clinic in Essex. There are people who are ineligible to give blood. For those who are not sure (for example, they are on medication)

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she urges them to call 1-888-2-donate to ask any questions they may have. Donors must be 17-years of age or older. There is also a weight/ height requirement. She urges anyone who isnÕ t sure if they qualify to visit: Donating blood, Gatfield said, “is a beautiful way to give back. And it doesnÕ t cost anything.Ó She encourages anyone who can give to book an appointment for EssexÕ s Tuesday, August 19 blood clinic. A Harrow blood donor clinic will also be held at the Harrow Arena on Thursday, August 21 from 1:00 - 7:00 p.m. Throughout the year, Canadian Blood Services collects around 900,000 units of blood from a variety of permanent locations and mobile clinics.


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4 I Ad Feature

Essex Free Press


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Community I 5

Essex Free Press

Community drives a Ford for a Blueberries and lost arts Spitfire... at John R. Park Homestead Continued from Page 2

These members of the Essex Memorial Spitfire Committee were happy to partner with Ken Knapp Ford on Saturday to host a “Drive one for Your Community” fundraising event to support the incoming memorial monument that will honour the around 400 Essex County airmen who have fought to protect Canadian freedoms.

services, Beale said, Ò are just incredible.Ó Money raised for the project at this point will go towards any surprise expenses that may arise as the Spitfire is erected in the Heritage Gardens. The committee also plans to host a celebration at the Essex Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion (Branch 201) after the monument has been successfully installed as a thank you to everyone who has supported the cause. Beale continues to be impressed with the phenomenal support the community has forwarded to this effort. The project has been able to move forward quickly because of the many generous organizations, groups, businesses, and individuals who have made financial and other contributions. When completed the monument will feature a replica Spitfire with a wingspan of 36’10”. The replica Spitfire will be painted like the real Spitfire Billing flew over Normandy on D-Day, June 6, 1944. The Spitfire is expected to arrive in Essex on August 25, a week after Essex the annual Southern Ontario Military Muster that will be held at the Essex Centre Sports Complex grounds this August 16-17. The monument will be assembled at the Essex Memorial Arena before being moved to its permanent site at the Heritage Gardens.

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by Sylene Argent The doors of the John R. Park Homestead were opened on Sunday in celebration of the summer season, arts, and blueberries as the historic site was host to the annual Blueberry Social & Lost Arts Festival. Visitors to the Homestead were able to learn about the ways that pioneers did things in past, including making candles from beeswax, blacksmithing, carrying out sawmill duties, and seed collecting and floral arrangements. Demonstrator Heidi Brown of Leamington showed park visitors the traditional way of tanning a deer hide without chemicals, while wearing a shirt she has made through this process. She learned this process as part of a wilderness and survival course she had taken a few years back. Brown was happy to share the stages of the hide tanning process with anyone interested in

learning. Another group demonstrated the art of spinning on their spinning wheels. Paulette Schiller was one of the spinners. She noted this group consists of friends that meet once a week at each otherÕ s homes to work

on projects and help each other improve their skills. This group has been practicing this craft for 14 years. The members come from around the region and enjoy demonstrating this art form to the public.

Continued on Page 7

6 I Opinion

Essex Free Press

Editorial &Opinion Serving Essex and the surrounding communities since 1896.

Published Thursdays as an independent weekly newspaper, owned and operated by The Essex Voice Limited. Richard Parkinson Ray Stanton - London Publishing Corp. OUR STAFF Sandy Kennedy / Andrew Beaudoin - Office Jessica Beaudoin - Graphic Design / Social Media Lana Garant - Graphic Design Greg Belchuk - Advertising Sales Manager Sylene Argent - News Reporter Jennifer Cranston - News Reporter Shelley Beaudoin - Graphic/Production Richard Parkinson - Editor


The Essex Free Press is an audited publication with controlled circulation of 10,000.


Delivery concerns can be addressed by contacting our office during regular office hours at 519-776-4268


The Essex Free Press has been digitized from 1895 to 1968 and is fully searchable at


The opinions expressed on these pages are those of their original authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Essex Free Press, its Editor or Publisher.


The Essex Free Press welcomes letters to the editor on topics of interest to our readers. Letters should be typed or neatly handwritten and present the issues as clearly as possible in 300 words or less. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar, and legal considerations. All letters must contain the name, address, and daytime phone number of the writer for verification purposes. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. if you have a legitimate concern and cannot sign your name to a letter, please contact the editor to discuss alternative means of handling the issue.


Advertising is accepted on the condition that, in the event of an error, the portion of the ad occupied by the error, will not be charged for, but the balance will be paid at the usual rate. it is the responsibility of the advertiser to check an ad on first publication, and the publisher accepts no responsibility for errors in multiple insertions. The Essex Free Press reserves the right to reject or edit any advertisement likely to offend community standards. Display Advertising Deadline: Friday at 4:00 pm


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Live & Uncensored ••• Comment Richard Parkinson •••

New candidates make sure you know your stuff Living so close to the U.S. border, and being bombarded with U.S. news and media, itÕ s sometimes easy to think our rules and laws are the same. While many of our rules and laws are similar, there are some differences: sometimes there are major differences. One way we differ from our southern neigbours is in the way we run elections. Canada has stricter rules and regulations governing candidates and elections than the U.S. does. There are still many names floating around the community regarding potential candidates. Steve Bjorkman, for example, just added his name to the list of candidates, as he is seeking a council position in Ward 1. On the townÕ s website there are two things that a potential candidate will find there, a nomination form and a 45-page candidateÕ s guide. If you are serious about being a candidate, you need to read the guide and understand it. Among many things, it will let you know that you are required to pay a filing fee. This fee is $200 for a mayoral candidate and $100 for other candidates. You will get the money back if you are elected, get more than two percent of the vote or withdraw before nomination day (Friday, September 12, before 2 p.m.). Why is there a filing fee? Well, it shows that you are serious and youÕ re willing to pay some money to prove it. You can only stand for one office at a time. You can’t, for example, run for mayor and for a council position. We don’t have Politic Action Committees (PAC) in Canada like they have in the U.S. A candidate canÕ t just throw money at an election to win it. You need to set up a separate bank account for your campaign, as there are strict rules in how much money a candidate can spend on his/her campaign. And you are accountable for showing that you followed the rules and didnÕ t overspend, etc. There are also rules for contributors and itÕ s the candidateÕ s job to accurately list their contributors and the contributions they made. There is a set formula that determines how much a

municipal candidate can spend on a campaign. It is, as follows: Mayoral candidate - $7,500 + 85 cents/eligible voter. Council candidate - $5,000 + 85 cents/eligible voter in your ward. The Town Clerk will be able to provide candidates with exact figures. ThereÕ s also another way we differ from our U.S. counterparts. There is a set period in which you can campaign and spend money. DonÕ t be over zealous. DonÕ t start spending money and campaigning before you actually file for nomination. You can’t do that. It’s against the rules as laid out in the Municipal Elections Act. Yes, that’s another thing you should read – the Municipal Elections Act. Also, check the sign laws and make sure you follow them. When it comes to the rules and regulations and the formalities of running an election campaign, remember that you have an excellent resource available to you, the town staff. They can answer your questions. Something IÕ d suggest, although you are not required to do so, is to talk to someone who is holding or has held a municipal office. They can give you keen insight into what the job entails. Becoming a member of council is not something that one should enter into lightly. It can be a very tough job. I am glad there are people coming forward and filling up the ballot. It shows that we have a community of voters that want to invest their time and efforts into the town. It shows they are thinking about the community and have ideas on how to make it better. Once you have filed and are on the campaign trail, make the most of the experience. Win or lose, campaigning can be a very rewarding experience.

Letter to the Editor Stories on the Essex Memorial Spitfire Project have stirred some remarkable memories for me, remembering a time when veteran pilot Jerry Billing was flying a Spitfire in the airshows and on occasion even in the skies over Essex. If you have lived long enough in Essex you know what I am talking about. At that time, even my young children learned to

recognize the distinctive sound of the Spitfire’s powerful Rolls-Royce Merlin engine. “Spitfire!” they would shout, racing outside, their eyes searching the skies. The real beauty was that we could enjoy the sights and sounds of this warbird with freedom and peace, privileges secured for us by the sacrifices of so many in the air, on the ground and on the sea. And that thought brings memories

Continued on Page 7


The entire contents of The Essex Free Press and its website, including but not limited to layout composition, artwork, news copy, editorial copy and photographs, are protected by copyright. No portion there of is to be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the specific permission of the publisher.

The Essex Free Press

Office: 16 Centre St. Essex, Ontario Mail to: P.O. Box 115 Essex, Ontario N8M 2Y1

Phone: 519.776.4268 Fax: 519.776.4014


Let’s Talk About... by Evelyn Couch - Selling a school Did you read about the town wanting to sell the surplus section of the school it owns? I wondered why the council of the day bought the sprawling building a few years ago. Granted some of it has been put to good use, such as the library. And I know the OPP office is there. But isn’t the remainder of it an excessive expense? The article states the gymnasium is not to be sold, but why not? We have several meeting rooms without it and how often is it used? We have easy access to accommodations at the Civic Centre and those are first class. They are available for county use. Coun. Baker suggests, according to the newspaper article, that some type of hotel accommodations be provided in the area that is for sale. Certainly the town

needs hotel accommodations. We were aware of that when we had to pay to take people from the mural symposium to Windsor for overnight stay. There was the inconvenience of that for our visitors to say nothing of the cost to the symposium. But I presume a hotel has to have customers on a regular basis, not just when there is a tournament or similar event in town If we make the most of promoting the Spitfire, our special cannon, and the beautiful memorial display at the cenotaph we can attract tourists. We must have vision. By the way; doesnÕ t the town have property standard bylaws to make storeowners keep their buildings in repair?

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Opinion/Community I 7

Essex Free Press

Letter to the Editor of remembrance. June 6 marked the 70th anniversary of D-Day. And among the stores I read about the efforts of a Dutchman, a Ò GerryÓ with a Ô GÕ , Gerritjan vanÕ t Holt, who is collecting biographies and stories of Canadians who died in the campaign to liberate the Netherlands and are buried in the Holten Canadian War Cemetery. He was only 4 when Canadian troops arrived in his town of Hardenberg, ending the

Continued from Page 6

Nazi occupation there on April 6, 1945. But he wants each fallen Canadian soldier to be remembered for sacrificing their young lives, loves and dreams. This is why Mr. Holt is collecting these life stories. He feels they do more to help us remember these young people, and their sacrifices, because as he says, Ò A gravestone cannot do that; it is hard and cold.Ó I understand what he means. I went to

John R. Park Homestead...

the Holten Cemetery in 2007 and visited the graves of several young men from Essex and Harrow. The individual stone monuments give little information about the person resting there; name, rank, regiment, age and date of death. There are inscriptions at the bottom of each stone, like that on the grave of Max Wright of the Essex Scottish Regiment - Ò A grave in a far away land holds him we loved so dear.Ó But we know so little of their life, their story or their sacrifice, if it has not been told. We are so fortunate to have the stories that have

been shared with us from surviving veterans and the people who lived through the cruelty of war. And we should follow Mr. HoltÕ s lead and do our best to collect the life stories of those that did not survive, memorials that put a face to every name. We should always remember, and never forget, every life has a story. Andy Comber Essex TRAVEL WITH CONFIDENCE WWW.FORSYTHTRAVEL.COM


Continued from Page 5

John R. Park Homestead assistant curator, Kris Ives, said the Blueberry Social has become a tradition at the Homestead. It is a way for the community to celebrate the blueberry season and get a chance to taste some of the delicious treats blueberries can make. The Lost Arts Festival aspect of the event was added on a few years ago. Ives said it has really become popular. Ives was pleased with the turnout. The parking lot was overflowing before the gates were even opened. On October 5, the John R. Park Homestead will celebrate fall with the annual Harvest and Horses Festival. Pictured above: This group of individuals was happy to show off some of the creations they created during the Blueberry Social and Lost Arts Festival on Sunday afternoon at the John R. Park Homestead.

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8 I Ad Feature

Essex Free Press


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Community I 9

Essex Free Press

Kingsville gets folksy with folk music festival

by Sylene Argent Music filled the air at Lakeside Park in Kingsville over the weekend as hundreds of music lovers set up a blanket or lawn chair to enjoy the long-list of live entertainment at the first ever Kingsville Folk Music Festival. “It feels like a huge success,” organizer Michele Law said of the inaugural event that took nearly two years to plan and execute. She was amazed at how everything turned out, including the large number of people who attended, and cooperating weather all weekend long. “This was exactly what I wanted,” she said. Law received a lot of positive feedback and many people thanked her and her husband, John, for putting the work into getting a festival of this magnitude to the region. The Laws and some of their friends banded together on Sunday evening to perform and wrap up the festival’s proceedings. Several stages were set up throughout Lakeside Park to offer folk musicians from all

around the country, and beyond, an opportunity to showcase their talents to captive audiences. The proceeds from the events will be used to help connect youth in the region to arts and cultural education and mentorship through the Youth (MAY) FUNd. One of the goals of the weekend was to promote folk music and help youth get interested in the genre. Several performers also entertained youth over the weekend, including Fred Penner, Magoo and Washboard Hank. Law thanked the longlist of volunteers who worked over the weekend

to let them know she wanted to be a part of it. During a set on Saturday evening, from the main stage, Brown shared two original songs with the audience. These two songs, she said, were her two best originals. They are called “If I was a Weather Girl,” and “Your Enemy.” They are songs that tell stories, she noted. Brown has been singing to entertain others since she was around 14-years old. “I didn’t make a conscious decision [to become a singer],” and leading up to the the works two years ago, she said, “it was just part event, ensuring it was a when it was in its early of the fabric of what I am planning stages, she was success. about. Putting sound in the On Saturday, Canadian quick to contact the Laws music legend Bruce Cockburn was on the main stage, which was set up in the lower bowl of the park. Before his set, many artists took to the stage to share some original songs and their love of music with the concertgoers, including former Paquette Corners resident and music artist Allison Brown. Brown, now living in London, was happy to head back to her old stomping grounds to be a part of the Kingsville Folk Music Festival. When she heard the Festival was in

air that wasn’t there before is pretty powerful.” Brown was happy to be a part of the Festival. She had been hoping for some time that someone would put something together in Essex County as a folk music festival was something the region did not have. She will be back in the area to perform at Phog Lounge in Windsor on August 29. For more information, Brown urges her listeners to log onto her website for more show dates and information about her music.

Over 40,0000 people visit the park!


Hot buttered corn Live festival music Free children’s activities all weekend Carter Shows


10 I Personals

Essex Free Press

From The Heart


Thursday, August 14, 2014

To place a personal notice, email your photo and content to or drop by our office at 16 Centre St., Essex. Personal notices must be received by Monday at 12:00 noon to appear in the Thursday edition. _________________________________________________________

Captured... Julia Mullins (nee Quinlan)... 80 The Mullins Family would like to announce their Young Grandma J, and Mom is turning the big 8-0, Aug. 19th. Please come and celebrate with us at Joe and Beth’s Open House, Aug. 23, 2014. Time: 3-7pm. Address: 2943 Lakeshore Rd. 225 RR#4 South Woodslee. Best wishes only. Call Joe @ 519-975-0459. If need help with directions.

Happy 100th Birthday

Evelyn Louisa Stratford

of Essex will celebrate her 100th birthday on Wed. AugustAugust 20th, with , 2014,and withfriends family Wednesday, 20thfamily at a come teago to tea be held and friends at a and comegoand to beatheld at Southgate Residence, 38 Park St., Kingsville, from 2 - 4:30 pm. Evelyn and the late Charles raised 2 children, Donna (James) Reeb and Bill (Erna) Stratford. Evelyn has 6 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. Best wishes only please!

OPEN HOUSE to celebrate

Joe Ford’s th

80 Birthday




Rounding The family of the late Leila (Shorty) Rounding wishes to express gratitude for the many acts of kindness shown in the loss of their Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother. A sincere thank you to friends and relatives for the gifts of flowers, food and charitable donations. The comforting calls and sympathy cards have been greatly appreciated as well as the kindness shown and the wonderful memories shared during the visitation at the funeral home. The family is indebted to Linda Blair for the beautiful and uplifting service in celebration of Shorty’s life. Thank you to Lana Harrison and Allison St. Pierre for the Bible readings, to Brit Garon and Haley Rounding for the humorous and heartfelt eulogy. We are grateful to the grandsons Scott and Brian St. Pierre, Casey, Cory and Terry Rounding, Stephen Holmes, Brit and Alex Garon for their service as pall bearers. Thank you alone does not convey the depth of our Family’s gratitude to the staff at Iler Lodge. We thank her caring nurses, warm hearted personal support workers for taking the time to joke with her, to tease her and for their loving care. And to the cheerful entertainment staff for involving her in the activities provided. A sincere thank you to the Ladies Auxillary for the lovely Legion service and the delicious luncheon. Genuine appreciation is offered to Lorna and Lucas at Reid Funeral home for their dedication to detail and compassionate service.

Sunday, Aug. 17th, 2014 11:30am - 3:00pm Essex Retirees’ Social Club 32 Russell St., Essex Buffet lunch, cake & ice cream _________________________________________________________

In LovIng MeMory


In memory of

Gary W. Noble July 23, 1946 to August 10, 2012 Two years have passed since you had to leave us. You were my fixer, helper and friend, but most of all, my strength. We miss you. Always loved and never forgotten.

~ All of Our Love. ~ Dianne, Melinda & Chris, Tim, and Grandchildren, Chloe & Kane



hiLLier, elaine Audrey (nee simpson) - A celebration of her life (1934-2014) through photo albums and a computer presentation, will be presented at the North Ridge Dairy Freeze around back under their Pergola. An almost life long favorite stopping place for Elaine and a fitting place to collaborate with friends and family. The albums and presentation will be on display, and family members (husband Edsal, children Cathryn, Curtis and Glen, Elaine’s grandchildren and great grand children) will host the event between 10:30 AM and 1:30 PM Saturday, August 16, 2014. If you would like to stop by and share in the celebration with the family, all friends and family are welcome. ~ The Hillier Family __________________________________________________

zeLKo, steve- Passed away suddenly on August 10, 2014 at 71 years of age. Beloved husband of 46 years of Helen (nee Adams). Loving father of Kay Churchill (Jim), Sue Zelko (Kirk Young), Mike Zelko (Heather-nee Smith) and Mark Zelko (Cindy-nee St. Pierre). Treasured Papa of David, Jacob, Lauren, Joe, Karson and Emmett. Brother of the late Joe Zelko, husband of Joan. Brother-in-law of the late Sherrill Farrer (late Ray). Also survived by many nieces and nephews. Steve worked with Rochester Township and the Town of Lakeshore for a total of 43 years. He enjoyed farming and his daily road patrols on his gator. Steve was a member of the Knights of Columbus Council # 4555 Woodslee. He was also a member of the Essex County Road Superintendent’s Association. Special thanks to the Angels of the ICU and the 8th Floor at Hotel-Dieu. Visitation for Steve was held at the Kennedy Funeral Home Limited (519-776-7378) 128 Talbot St. N, Essex. The funeral mass was celebrated at St. John the Evangelist Church, Woodslee. Donations may be made to the Woodslee Community Centre – Cheques made payable to St. John the Evangelist Church. Interment followed at St. John’s Cemetery. You may send your condolences online at

Voice Of Inspiration Ò Strangers are just family you have yet to come to know.Ó

~ Mitch Albom




desjArdins, raymond - Passed away peacefully with his family at his side on August 7, 2014 at 72 years of age. Beloved husband of 52 years to Dianne (nee Shaw). Loving father of Rick (Darlene Curran) Desjardins, Lisa Birrell (Mario Chevrier), Jennifer (Shawn McLaughlin) Ferguson and the late Michael Raymond Desjardins. Treasured Pippi of Krista (Andre), Michael, Amanda, Clayton, Colleen, Melanie (Rob), Erika (Terry), the late Bradley, Jordan (Liz), Jessica-Rae, Cheyenne, and Dakotah. GreatPippi of Nathan, Scarlett, Zakri and Aidan. Loved brother of Clifford and (Doreen) Desjardins, late Louis husband to (Pat) Desjardins, the late Blaise and (late Myrna) Desjardins, Henry and (late Carol) Desjardins, late Lawrence husband to (Bernadette) Desjardins, late Fille wife to (Bob) Myers, Cecile and (late Ken) Bilton. Brother-in-law of Richard (Sharon) Shaw and Robert (Sue) Shaw. Also survived by many nieces and nephews. Ray worked for Earl Burstyn, Windsor Packers and NorSun Packers. The visitation was held at the Kennedy Funeral Home Ltd. (519-776-7378) 128 Talbot St. N, Essex. The funeral service was conducted from the funeral home on Monday. Interment to follow at Greenlawn Memorial Gardens. Donations may be made to St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Transition to Betterness or the Hospice of Windsor. You may send your condolences online at __________________________________________________

nAmesPetrA, john - Passed away peacefully on August 9th, 2014 at the age of 82 after a lengthy battle with Multiple Myeloma. Born in Posovce, Slovakia. Loving husband of Betty “Liz” (nee Stasik) for 60 years. Devoted father of Greg, Justin, Tim (Marcy) of Essex, Sue (Gary) Pullam of London. Cherished Dzedo of Jeff (Kelly) Pullam, Mike (Tammie) Pullam, Stephanie (Dane) McCann, Andrew, Adam & Sara Namespetra. Proud Great Grandpa of Rhys & Maddox Pullam. Predeceased by his parents Andrew & Anna Namespetra and his brother Frank. Visitation was held at Reid Funeral Home & Reception Centre, 87 Maidstone Ave. E., Essex (519-776-4233) on Tuesday, August 12, 2014. Funeral Service to celebrate John’s life was held from Holy Name of Jesus Church, 146 Talbot St. S., Essex, on Wednesday, August 13, 2014. Fr. Dave Boutette officiated. Interment followed at Victoria Memorial Gardens Cemetery. If desired, donations may be made to the Hospice of Windsor/ Essex County or the Canadian Cancer Society. Special thanks to all the doctors, nurses & caregivers of Hospice, St. Elizabeth & Bayshore. Online condolences and cherished memories can be shared with the family at

What’s Going On August 11-15 - VBs CottAm united ChurCh “sCArforCe” - for ages 5(entering gr.1) to 12 (completed gr. 6). Call 519-839-4266 to pre-register. August 19 - esseX BLood donor CLiniC - royal Canadian Legion Branch 201. 103 talbot st. north, essex. 1pm-7pm. Call 1 888 2 donAte (1-888-236-6283). August 19 -free Promoting eArLy deVeLoPment for newBorns to Age 5 from 9 -11:30am at Keys at Access, 23 mill st. w., Kingsville. 519-258-2146 ext. 1350

August 21 - hArrow BLood donor CLiniC - harrow Arena, 243 mcAffee street. from 1 - 7pm. Call 1 888 2 donAte (1-888-236-6283). August 21-24 - teCumseh Corn festiVAL at Lacasse Park, tecumseh. for more information: August 28 - 31 - 160th AnnuAL hArrow fAir - for info: sePtemBer 13 - LiVing Proof LiVe simuLCAst with Beth moore- At first Baptist Church Kingsville, 58 division street north, 8:45am. info: 519-733-4144. sePtemBer 13 - esseX foodBAnK frenzy At no friLLs esseX - hosted by Caleb Brockman. 53 Arthur Ave., essex.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Classifieds I 11

Essex Free Press


Phone 519.776.4268


Fax: 519.776.4014


EvEnts _____________________ BINGO 1st & 3rd Fridays 7:15 P.M. 32 Russell St. - Retirees’ hall $ 500.00 JACKPOT 1-tf _____________________ BUYING SCRAP GOLD. CASh $$$ in. August 16 & 17, at Military Muster, Essex Arena, 9am-3pm. Cash for all coins, scrap gold, all gold rings, chains, (even broken gold jewellery), gold teeth, sterling, mintMemorial sets, musical instruments, verses etc. Also buying costume jewellery. Top available prices. We simply pay the most. house calls available. Dan Jones B.A.., B.Ed. 519-919-1805. 31-2t _____________________ KITTENAIDE BBQ, BOOK SALE & ADOPTION DAY - Saturday, August 16, from 10am-3pm at Silver Tee Golf Centre. 1360 hwy. #3, Windsor. (Between howard & Walker). 519-3242729. 1-tf

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Memorial verses available




FoR REnt

FoR sAlE _____________________

FOR RENT: 2 bedroom lower apartment available Oct. 1st. First & last. $600 + hydro. 519-776-1100. 30-1t _____________________

FOR SALE: hEAvENLY REST CEMETERY, WINDSOR, none available, St. Francis Area, 1st Floor, 2 person tandem level CRYPT unit 1124. In mausoleum. Owner has all documentations including certificate of internment rights. Due to family re-location this is for sale. Please contact for more information 1-905319-7856, email:


FOR RENT: Briarwood Apts, 26 Alice St. North., Essex. Available two large 1 bdrm apartments. $795 + hydro. Call 519-776-4016. 32-eow _____________________ FOR RENT OR SALE: Semi detached home. 31 Stanley St., Essex. 3 bdrms, 2 full bath, and garage. One block to schools and shopping centre. Call 519979-3830. 3-1t


Continued on Page 12

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in The Classifieds Memorial 519-776-4268 verses _______________________________________________ available at REAl EstAtE _______________________________________________

verses FOR RENT: 1 bdrm bachelor apartments available 32-2t*

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FARMInG FoR REnt _____________________ _____________________ WANTED FOR RENT: 2 bdrm. apartment in Essex. Farm Land to Rent Fridge & stove. Utilities included. 519Cash or Share Crop 776-8977 or 519-981-8784 (cell). Call Jeff Siefker (cell) 519-796-1240 or 23-tfn _____________________ (home) 519-776-9501 1-tf _____________________ APARTMENTS FOR RENT IN DOWNTOWN WANTED productive land to buy, rent ESSEX: 2 bdrms. 1st & last required. or sharecrop. Top prices paid. Call Dennis Preferably no pets. Phone 519-77629-tfn today @ R. Rivest Farms Ltd. 519-796- 6078. _____________________ 6691. 1-tf FOR RENT: 2 bdrm. lower unit apt. in _____________________ WANTED: Farmland to rentMemorial or share crop. downtown Essex. Washer & dryer, fridge, Competitive rates. Dent Farms. Call Daryn: stove, and dishwasher. Large yard. $800/ verses month + utilities. First and last required. 519-818-4995. 3-tfn available _____________________ 403-478-4118. 32-tfn _____________________ WAntEd to REnt FOR RENT: 3 bdrm apartment with a _____________________ WANTED: Small apartment to rent in basement. 5 min. from Essex. Available Essex for single male inMemorial late 50’s. Non Sept. 1st. First & last required. Call 519791-6305. 32-1t* smoker, no pets. Call 519-791-5657. _____________________


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KINGSVILLE Memorial verses available at • Turnkey Operation • Owner Retiring

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with yard. 5 min from Essex. First & last required. Call 519-791-6305. 32-1t* _____________________ FOR RENT: 2 bdrm apartment, downtown Essex. Washer & dryer, fridge , stove, dishwasher, large yard, lower unit. $800 month, First & last required. 403-478-4118. 32-1t* _____________________

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6673 Highway #3 This 4 bedroom 1 ½ bath brick home features hardwood floors and radiant heat, full basement and sits on 1 Acre lot with mature trees.

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lEGAl notIcE _____________________ AuctIon sAlE Please What’s black and white _______________________________________________ nOTice TO cRediTORs Tim McGuire, Sales Representative Recycle and OTHeRs Res. 519-723-4660 or Bus. 519-735-6015. and read all over? Thomas A. Lavin Realty Ltd., Brokerage this All claims against the estate of Fern LAVIN AUCTIONS INC. Maxine Kimball, late ofpaper the Town of _______________________________________________ Call Call 519-776-4 519-776-4 Essex, in the County of Essex, who died HElp WAntEd _______________________________________________ on or about the 10th day of May, 2014, 16 Centre Street, Essex must be filed with the undersigned Thursday, Aug. 21st @ 6:00 P.M. (Preview 5:00 P.M.) Estate Trustees on or before the 22nd Please @ 504 Birkdale Court, St.519.776.4268 Clair Beach. day of August, 2014; thereafter, the undersigned will distribute Recycle the assets of Home is sold & Owners are downsizing. L.R. Town of Essex the said estate having regard only to the this paper Furnishings, Oak Kit. Set, 2 Double Beds, 8 Pc. D.R. Set, claims then filed. Assistant Manager, Business Services Chest Freezer, Glassware, Etc. Misc. Tools, DATED at Essex this 21st day of July, (Procurement) 2014. Honda Snow Blower w/Tracks, etc. Visit our Web Site Diana Grace Wiley The Town is currently seeking an Assistant Manager, for List w/Pic’s. @ and Richard Ray Kimball, Business Services (Procurement). Reporting to the TERMS: Cash or Interac - No Buyer’s Premium Estate Trustees, by their Solicitors, Manager, Finance and Business Services, the Assistant NOTE: The Appliances have been removed from the Sale. hICKEY BYRNE, Manager, Business Services is responsible for the 14 Centre Street, Essex, Ontario, RICHARD LAVIN AUCTIONS INC. management, oversight, support, and coordination N8M 1N9. Attn. Joseph A. Byrne. (519) 735-3070 of all procurement activities across all departments 519-776-7349. at the Town of Essex in accordance with competitive Please bidding law, current regulations, and in recognition of the Municipality’s procurement policy, and industry Recycle best practices. The Assistant Manager will also be this paper responsible for managing the accounts payable and receivable functions and for researching and identifying grant funding opportunities. _______________________________________________





What’s black and white and read all over? ESSEX



Experienced Pharmacy Assistant: Full Time Position Experienced Cosmetician: Part Time Position Apply in writing or email to:

Jim Craig, 5 Talbot St. S., Essex, Ontario, N8M 1A6 email: NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

For full details and further information, please see our website at Interested and qualified candidates are invited to submit a cover letter and detailed resume no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, September 5, 2014 to: Mail or In Person: Manager, Human Resources 33 Talbot Street South Please Essex, ON N8M 1A8 Recycle this paper Email:

12 I Classifieds

Essex Free Press

Classifieds... _____________________



For Sale _____________________ FOR Sale: Clearville Park/lake erie/ Sandy Beach. 40 ft. Manhattan Trailer. 2003 with add-On, Heat, aC, elec. Fireplace. $27,000; Seasonal Rent $1,500. Call 519-995-4906. 32-1t _____________________

real eSTaTe _____________________

HelP WaNTeD _____________________ HelP WaNTeD: Greenhouse and Packing line labour. General greenhouse labour, duties include pruning, picking, planting and cleaning of greenhouse. Packing line labour, duties include inspecting, weighing and packing produce on assembly line. lifting, bending and standing is required. Must be able to work all shifts. Rural area. No public transportation available. Rate of pay$11.00. To apply please email tammy@ Or Mail to Domric International, PO Box 218, Ruthven ON N0P 2G0. 24-6m _____________________ DRIveRS WaNTeD: aZ or DZ Clean record. Will train qualified applicants. Fax resume to Quinlan Inc. 519-723-2336.

FOR Sale: Two used tractor tires. 12-438. $100. Call 519-791-5657. 32-1t

FOR Sale: 1 aCRe BUIlDING lOT at North Talbot, near Manning. $149,900. Water is in and paid for. 45ft culvert to be installed at seller’s expence. Call experienced Realtor Carl Idzinski, Real Choice Realty. 519-817-8891. 49-tf _____________________ Buying or Selling a farm? Do you know the right questions and answers? Farm experienced Realtor Carl Idzinski, Real Choice Realty. 519-817-8891. 1-tf


HelP WaNTeD _______________________________________________ LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCED, LICENSED TECHNICIANS IN ALL FIELDS

Mail or Drop-off: 238 Talbot Street W. Leamington, ON N8H 1P1 Email: Fax: 519-326-3632

Thursday, August 14, 2014





ServiceS _____________________ KaHl ReCYClING - We come to you and haul away your junk. Metals and appliances are free. everything else has a fee. We also take electronics, ballist, computers. Kall Ken 519-326-8559. Cell: 519-322-8305. 11-tfn _____________________ WIll BaBYSIT - Babysitter Course Certified teenager will babysit daytime hours in month of august IN MY HOMe, 2 km outside of essex on the arner Townline. I am great with kids, have a pool, trampoline, and space to run. Call emily 519-776-9484 29-tfn _____________________ TRee CUTTING, STUMP GRINDING, HeDGeS, SHRUBS, PROFeSSIONal ClIMBeR - Fair prices & fast service. Big or small jobs. Senior discounts. Serving all of essex County. Free estimates.Phone calls only at 519-996-9704 or 519-7379703 before 8pm. 32- tfn _____________________

YarD Sale _____________________ GIaNT YaRD / GaRaGe Sale: Saturday & Sunday, august. 16 & 17. Fridge, Ultrasonic bedroom set, large freezer, tools, linen, garden tools, several chairs, tables, and cabinets, etc. etc. at amico’s Motel, 561 County Rd. 34, from 8am5pm 32- 1t* _____________________

_____________________ HelP WaNTeD: Delivery driver wanted at Capri Pizza, essex & Kingsville locations. Must own a car, paid gas allowance, wage & tips. Start immediately. Drop off resume. No phone calls please. 32- 1t _____________________

ServiceS _____________________ “ON TIMe MOveRS” - are you moving? Need something picked up or delivered? Please call larry or Dave today! 519736-7411 or 519-984-7412. 1-tf _____________________ MIKe’S laWN CUTTING - offering ground keeping, yard maintenance and small handyman jobs for seniors within the town of essex. low rates. 519-9905325. (essex) 28-10t*

1- 1t

WaNTeD _____________________

Public Notice Pesticide Use

Immediate positions available. Benefits and pension. Must forward resume with references, school transcript and MVR (Motor Vehicle Report) to:


The Town of Essex intends to spray noxious weeds on all rural roadsides within the Town of Essex using the following pesticide:

CaSH PaID for scrap cars and trucks. Free removal. Please phone: 519-776-9237 or 519-791-5046. 1-tfn

YaRD Sale - 29 Maple Row essex august 16 & 17, 8am- 4pm . Misc. household, yard, racing tires lots of stuff too much to mention. 32- tfn _____________________

WeeK-lONG MOvING Sale: aug. 1521. everything must go! Inside sale of beautiful items (many new items). a lot of musical instruments, big selection of furniture, power washer, many tools. Too much to list. Something for everyone! 16 linda Crescent, Suncrest Trailer Park, Tecumseh. Call any time 519-727-3268.

32- tfn

Sell It! Find it! Rent It! Buy It! in The Classifieds


Clearview Herbicide Reg. #29752, Active Ingredients Metsulfuron-Methyl and Aminopyralid (present as Potassium Salt). Under the Pest Control Products Act (Canada). Spraying will commence on August13, 2014 weather permitting, and conclude August 31, 2014. For more information call collect: Steve Ford (Green Stream): 1-905-510-1229 Or Dan Boudreau (Town of Essex): 519-776-7336 Town of Essex, 33 Talbot Street South, Essex, Ontario N8M 1A8



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Thursday, August 14, 2014


News I 13

Essex Free Press

Essex Council Notes for Monday, August 11 Proponents for Memorial Arena have to submit business plans by Sylene Argent Proponents wishing to take over ownership of the Essex Memorial Arena have until the September 15 Council meeting to submit a business plan for Council consideration. This decision was made through support of Councillor Randy VoakesÕ s motion. At that time, Council will decide if it wishes to demolish the old, single pad arena or allow an interested group to assume responsibility for the structure if submissions are made. Though no public presentations were on the agenda on Monday evening, Glen Mills of the Essex Ravens Football Club and Scott Pillon of the Harrow Hurricanes Soccer Club approached Council. Voakes noted these two individuals wanted to approach Council as taxpayers. They handed Council and administration a document highlighting some of the figures they have been able to gather with the help of many contractors as to what they believe some of the projects in refurbishing the Memorial Arena would cost. At the previous Council meeting, a report from an engineering firm stated it would cost over $4 million to have the Memorial Arena repaired and up to code so it could be used for other purposes. The Ravens/Hurricanes had an interest in assuming the building as a dry facility with turf for indoor training. Southern Ontario Military Muster members also have interest in the facility to use as a museum to house military vehicles and to preserve the building. Pillon said they wanted to go through the numbers to see what it would take to get the project started. Over a two-week span, the Ravens/Hurricanes had seven or eight contractors in the facility. They were able to get estimates that were much cheaper than those found



in the engineering report. For example, to remove the concrete bleachers the initial report indicated it would cost around $260,000. They were able to get a quote from a contractor for $70,000 and that would include knocking the concrete bleachers down and removing debris. As a taxpayer, Mills found it disturbing to see some of the differences in pricing. Director of Community Services, Doug Sweet, noted many of the items that were highlighted in the report submitted by the Ravens/Hurricans were entered as zeroes in the quote sheet. The Town’s structural report had to be done by an engineer as required through the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The engineers, he noted, stand by their work. As long as the Town owns the facility, it has to make sure the requirements are met. Mills said some of the zeroes were incorporated on their quote sheet because those particular items would not have to be completed, in their opinion, as a dry facility, or because they would not have to be completed in the first phase of the project. As a taxpayer, Mills said he is entitled to correct information from that report. He doesn’t see painting the floor, mill works, and painting railings as items that have to be done right away. As a taxpayer, Mills said, there is an obligation by Council and Administration to make sure the information provided is correct. ItÕ s not about tearing the building down. By getting quotes from certain projects that would assist in refurbishing the Memorial Arena, Pillon noted he was trying to find out what needed to get done to get the facility running through a first phase approach. Essex Mayor Ron McDermott noted that a contractor is not an engineer, which was required for the structural


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report. Pillon responded contractors are people who are doing this type of work every day. The $250,000 originally budgeted to tear the structure down was removed from 2014 budget, it was noted during the meeting. Councillor Sherry Bondy said she is not afraid to demolish the building. She said she felt bullied. She hasnÕ t seen a solid business plan. She believes the engineering report to be solid, and she will not compromise the health and safety of residents. The can has been kicked around enough, she said, adding maybe a dome option should be explored, and she thinks there is an opportunity to work together. She feels a decision does need to be made as it pertains to the building in the near future, and she does recognize the heritage aspect of the building. Some talk surrounded the opinion that the roof of the memorial arena would need to be replaced soon. Pillon noted that it was planned that would be taken care of, if they were to take it over, once the facility started to generate some revenue. CAO Russ Phillips added that Administration wants to repurpose the building if it can be done, thatÕ s why the structural engineering report was initially conducted. Through the motion Voakes presented, Administration will compare some of the figures the Ravens/Hurricanes submitted to the engineering report.

Council discusses moving Spitfire to Heritage Gardens

Councillor Voakes began discussions as it pertains to the Spitfire monument. It will soon be on its way from the UK and is expected to arrive in Toronto and then in Essex around August 25. It will be assembled in the Essex Memorial Arena, and will later need to be brought down to the Heritage Gardens. Because of its large wingspan, Voakes brought it to CouncilÕ s attention that he hopes to close the street down, and not allow cars to park on the street, just like a parade. That way, the monument can be moved to the Heritage Gardens. This can be a parade-like event, he noted. He hoped Council would work with police to do this. CAO Russ Phillips noted the Essex Memorial Spitfire Committee could meet up with the TownÕ s Special Events Response Team to strategize.

Streets named in Jakana Subdivision

Essex Mayor Ron McDermott explained that when there are streets in a subdivision not named after family members of the developers, they are then named after veterans from the area. These names are pulled from a pool. Recently, two veteran names were drawn to name two streets in the Jakana Subdivision in Essex Centre: Sweetman and Robinson. The families of the veterans will be informed in the near future, he said. Public notice will be posted on the TownÕ s website in accordance with Bylaw 989. In the report to Council it states that the necessary bylaw will be placed on the following Council agenda for approval.







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14 I News

Essex Free Press


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Green Shield Canada supports CLEC’s new presentation project by Sylene Argent Last Wednesday morning, representatives of Green Shield Canada forwarded $18,887 to Community Living Essex County. This donation will help the local organization, which provides support to around 600 local individuals with intellectual disabilities, to put together a lucrative and dynamic presentation that will be shared with other organizations and committees not only throughout Ontario, but across Canada, and possibly beyond. This presentation will promote the homegrown model of how CLEC works closely with New Day and Ensemble, and will highlight the success this model has garnered. New Day is a self-advocacy group comprised of CLEC clients who work together to increase awareness about what it is like to live with an intellectual disability. The members also educate the public on issues such as abuse and encourage the public to not use the Ò rÓ word as it can be hurtful. Ensemble is a parent-directed resource for families with a child with a disability. Community Living Essex CountyÕ s Executive Director Nancy Wallace-Gero said CLEC had applied for a Green Shield foundation grant for this purpose, but were informed the organization did not fit the criteria to be eligible for it. Green Shield, however, came back to the table and informed CLEC about its sponsorship program, which CLEC was successful in getting in on.

Representatives of Green Shield Canada present Community Living Essex County with an $18,887 sponsorship donation for a presentation that will showcase the model and relationship CLEC shares with New Day and Ensemble. Pictured are: insurance broker Bill Hammond; Brigitte Gagnon and Ray Renaud of New Day; Michael Huson of Green Shield Canada; Marilyn Godard, and Michelle DiCarlo of Ensemble, Michelle Mastellotto of Green Shield Canada, CLEC’s Executive Director Nancy WallaceGero, and CLEC’s President of the Board of Directors Diane Bourbeau.

As part of this partnership, CLEC will incorporate Green Shield CanadaÕ s logo on every page of the presentation, which will be put together soon. Ò This is very exciting to us,Ó Wallace-Gero said about receiving the donation. Ò WeÕ re very excited to put together this model.Ó People, she added, consistently want to know why Ensemble and New Day are so successful, and through this presentation, those successes, and how they were achieved, will be highlighted. Ò This will bring to life why this model is effective.Ó Wa l l a c e - G e r o couldn’t say what the final

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presentation would look like as it is still being discussed. Now that there is funding to move forward with the project, a steering committee will be formed, and the members of this steering committee will come up with an effective concept. She is hopeful the presentation will be up and running in the near future. Michael Huson, a representative of Client Services for Green Shield Canada, said it warms his heart to be involved and help CLEC prepare this presentation that could influence other organizations. Part of Green Shield CanadaÕ s mandate is to give back to the community, he noted. Ò This is an enormous contribution,Ó Wallace-Gero said. Ò IÕ m hopeful and believe this presentation will inspire committees across Ontario and Canada. ItÕ s a great opportunity to help improve quality of supports.Ó She hopes other committees in different communities will adopt a model similar to the one that CLEC has with New Day and Ensemble, and that they experience the success that has been enjoyed locally through these partnerships. She gave credit to Michelle Mastellotto, of Green Shield Canada and CLECÕ s insurance broker, Bill Hammond for following up with the application. As a member of CLECÕ s Board of Directors, Diane Bourbeau said the donation is important because those involved with CLEC, New Day, and Ensemble are proud of the relationship between these groups. The groups work at armÕ s length from one another, she added.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Community I 15

Essex Free Press

Retirees host corn roast fundraiser host this annual event. The money that is raised helps keep the facility open and its programs and services available to its membership. She added that the members of the Essex RetireesÕ Social Club do its best to host at least one fundraiser per month. The RetireesÕ Club also

Essex Retirees’ Social Club members Rose Marchand, JoAnne Hayes, and Carol and Martin Strong were some of the individuals who gathered together to host the annual fundraising Corn Roast on Saturday.

Volkswagen of Windsor 10280 Tecumseh Rd. E. (519) 735-7706

by Sylene Argent The Essex RetireesÕ Social Club celebrated friendship and togetherness on Saturday afternoon as members rallied together at the centre to host their annual fundraiser corn roast event. Ò WeÕ ve had a very good turnout. Everyone seems to be happy,Ó Essex RetireesÕ Fundraising Committee chairperson Sylvia Pearce said under a canopy that was set up in the ClubÕ s parking lot to keep the people manning the barbeque shaded during the sunny afternoon. Pearce said that everyone pitches in to help

host BINGO sessions from the clubhouse on the first and third Fridays of each month. These events, with a guaranteed $500 jackpot, really help with the fundraising. A BINGO session also accompanied the barbeque, after all participants had had their fill of lunch.

Anyone interested in learning more about the Essex RetireesÕ Social Club can call the office, drop by, or attend an event to learn about the clubÕ s programs. New members are always welcome, Pearce added. For more information, visit: www.essexretirees. ca.

16 I Community Hub

Essex Free Press

Harrow United Church Submitted by Larry Anderson Summer worship services continue with our friends from the Harrow Mennonite Church. For the month of August, please join us at the Harrow Mennonite Church at 9:45 am. Everyone is welcome. On Sunday, August 31st, we will once again take part in the Harrow Fair – Ecumenical Church Service at 9:30 am. This is held at the Main Stage – Harrow Fairground. As well, the Harrow United Church - AOTS Club members have been working diligently in preparation for the annual Harrow Fair Pie Tent! We look forward to seeing everyone for some delicious fresh baked pie and refreshments! To learn more about the faith community of Harrow United Church, please visit us at: Essex Christian Reformed Church submitted by Beverley Van Huizen We would like to extend an invitation to you and your family to attend our Sunday morning worship service beginning at 10:00 am as we welcome Pastor Aaron Thompson, who will lead us in worship. Nursery supervision is provided. Do plan to stay afterwards for a time of fellowship with coffee or tea. Thanks to all those who have been faithfully donating

your aluminum pop cans and scrap metal. We have cashed in several loads to put towards our Cadet program and capital expenses. Thanks to Gerry Schinkel who has been responsible for bring these loads to the depot. Visit us online for service times and directions or just to listen to a sermon or two. Woodslee Friendship Club We’re enjoying this spectacular, cool summer and hope you are too. The winners for the past week were:Joan Broeders, Colleen Chevalier, Edna Chevalier, George Davidson, Mary Demars, George Diesbourg, Leo Durocher, Jean Matalik, Dave McMurren, Joanne McMurren, Donna Poisson, Flo Rivest, Audrey Stanley and Cecile St. Denis. For information about the Euchre and Pepper games weekly, call Fran McKim at 519 -961-9532. Salvation Army Essex Community Church News submitted by Carolyn Barnett We invite you to attend Family Worship every Sunday at 11 a.m. led by Lt. Kristen Gray. Our Community BBQ every Friday in August in front of the store. All proceeds go to the Salvation Army Food Bank. We also are happy to accept your donations of non perishable food items. During the week of Aug.18th , we have 4 children attending the Salvation Army Adventure Camp. Please pray that they will have a safe and fun filled week making new friends and worshiping together. Did you know... That last year the Salvation Army helped 225,000 vulnerable youth through 73 community youth



I Thursday, August 14, 2014


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Cozy Corners -Bethel-Maidstone United submitted by Bev Holland All are welcome to attend our 10am Sunday Worship Service with Pastor Linda Blair. Sunday School is at 10:15 am and a nursery is available during service. We want to thank Elaine Butler for being our guest speaker last Sunday and Tyler Harangozo for sharing his gift of music. Next Sunday, August 10, we will have Lonnie Jones as our guest speaker, and on August 24 we have Richard Dalton. The Door Greeters next Sunday are Nancy and Peter Steeves; Elder on Duty is Derrick Rogres, and Lock-Up is Bill Manning. The Sanctuary will be under repair the week of August 10th17th. The service will be held in the hall on Sunday, August 17th and we hope to be back in the Sanctuary for August 24th. The next nursing home service at Iler Lodge is on Tuesday, September 2nd. Volunteers are always welcome and greatly appreciated.

St. Paul’s/Trinity Anglican The one worship service for both parishes is at 9:30 am during August Sundays at Trinity.

Essex United Church Vacation Bible camp is in action this week. Betty Anderson provided special music with her violin and guitar.





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Thursday, August 14, 2014


Community Hub I 17

Essex Free Press

Please continue to save you Foodland grocery receipts - it helps us help others. You can find up-to-date events and details at our website Thought for the week: Give until it feels good. God Bless you all and have a great week! The church office is open at various times. Call before you come. The answering machine is checked daily. The flowers in the sanctuary were from Roger Salter’s family in his memory. We need members and adherents to complete the Identity, Mission and need an analysis survey to help us look to the future. It will be needed also to help when we do more brainstorming about where we want our church to be in the future. The survey can be done on a computer or we can arrange for you to do the survey with paper copy. Success depends on your participation. Watch for more information. Holy Name of Jesus Church submitted by Therese Lecuyer The Parish Family Picnic is on August 17th, at noon. See you there...rain or shine! Doors open at 6:30 pm on Monday, August 18th for a Euchre Night sponsored by K of C. Summer Study: A four week study on Revelation at the home of Chris Lapain’s, 561 Cty. Rd. 34W, Essex on Wednesday evenings, from 7-9pm. Are you or someone you know interested in becoming Catholic? Contact Fr. Dave. RCIA begins in the Fall. Happy birthday wishes this week go out to Joe Szpak.


Woodslee United Church submitted by Sue Holman Come join us for our joint service with Belle River United Church in Belle River at 10 am. Thank you to Lucille Thrasher who gave us the message last Sunday. Rev. Ann Corbet will be giving the message this Sunday. Coffee and Conversation is on Thursday at 10 am at Woodslee United Church. Maidstone Cross Our deepest sympathies and prayers to Fr. Moe on the passing of his sister, Shirley Kennedy. May she rest in peace. Welcome back home Fr. Paul Rocheleau after his surgery at Hotel-Dieu. Thank you to all the baseball coaches, sponsors and players who made the Day of Champions at St. Mary’s Park a huge success! Happy Birthday to Gloria Burling and Kayla Quinlan. Please keep in your prayers Tom McCarthy. Essex Community Services Group Outing: Essex Community Services will be doing a group outing on Wednesday, August 27th to Birdie’s Nest In


Chatham followed by dinner at the Car Barn. Call 519-776-4231 for more information and to book your seat.

Essex Retirees’ Club News Students from St. Clair College will provide free foot care on August 19 from 1 to 4 p. m. You must have at least three weeks of nail growth. Sign for your time. August 16 is the date of our Saturday Euchre party at 1 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Our next public bingo game is Friday, August 15. Please consider being a volunteer helper. Our regular workers need some time off. Someone will show you what to do. At our last Saturday Euchre Judy Kelly took f irst place, followed by George Davidson in second and Gail Boulay in third place. At Tuesday afternoon Pepper Joe Rivard took most peppers and Floyd Cascadden had high score with Virgery Cascadden taking second place. Judy Lane got the booby prize. Mary Lou Chibi had high score Wednesday night while Don Ames had most peppers and Eileen Ames was in low spot. Floyd Cascadden won the Bridge game on Thursday and Marg took second. Antioch Christian Ministries Submitted by Claude Page Restoration House walk-in prayer ministry for those seeking Hope and Healing for physical, emotional needs. Everyone welcome. Saturday from 10-1 pm at Woodslee location 2548 County Rd 27. Visit for more details.


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18 I Opinion/Community

Essex Free Press


Thursday, August 14, 2014

New panel being added to sports mural at high school 1940 Oldsmobile Series 90 coupe came from Vancouver

PHOTO #1: Side view shows the beautiful lines of this 1940 Olds Series 90 coupe. PHOTO #2: This 1940 Olds is equipped with an original black-on-yellow 1940 Ontario license plate. Under Year of Manufacture (YOM) legislation, these plates can be registered for use on historic vehicles today.

Colin and Mary Begy of Clarksburg, Ontario, are the proud owners of a gorgeous 1940 Oldsmobile with an Oshawa factory list price of $1572. Mary writes: Ò Hi Bill: We enjoy your articles. My husband and I have a 1940 Olds and sheÕ s a beauty! She is the top-of-the-line Series 90 2-door coupe. She has a straight eight engine and Ô three on the tree!Õ When she comes up to a stop, you canÕ t tell if she is still running. SheÕ s that quiet!Ó ItÕ s easy to believe the Olds is that quiet. In June 1958 my brother John and I acquired a mint original 1940 McLaughlin-Buick Super sport coupe in the same body shell as on the BegyÕ s 1940 Olds. After we bought the car, we drove over to a friendÕ s house to take him for a drive. Eddie climbed in and said: Ò OK, start it up and letÕ s go!Ó We had to explain there was no need to start the car because it was already running! Now back to the Õ 40 Olds: Ò She is a low mileage car that came from Vancouver about five years ago and a real pleasure to drive. Between October 1989 and October 1991, the car was mechanically gone over, a complete new interior was installed, and the car was repainted in the original lacquer paint colour. We purchased the car in October 2010 and have been keeping it well looked after since then. Happy trails!Ó The Begy’s 1940 Olds is powered by a flathead straight eight engine with 257 cubic inches cranking out a very respectable 110 horsepower. Features include independent front suspension, coil springs all around, safety glass all around, sealed beam headlights mounted in the front fenders, a wheelbase of 124 inches, and a streamlined body extending over the previous running board space. That streamlined body was new for 1940 and appeared on several GM nameplates that year: top-of-the-line Pontiac, Buick Super and Roadmaster, Olds Series 90, LaSalle and Cadillac. The front license plate is an original 1940 Ontario plate (1S786), yellow with black numbers and a letter. Given that the car came from Vancouver, there might be people out there who remember this car. Maybe it was sold new in that city. If we uncover its earlier history, youÕ ll read all about it right here, where we bring old cars back to life. Stay tuned! IÕ m always looking for more stories. Email billtsherk@sympatico. ca or write Bill Sherk, 25 John St., P.O. Box 255, Leamington, ON N8H 3W2. Everyone whose story is published in this column will receive a free autographed copy of my latest book: Ò Old Car Detective Favourite Stories, 1925 to 1965.Ó

by Fred Groves The idea of putting murals on the large silos in Essex may be presently on hold, but the Essex Mural Committee continues to be pro-active. On Friday, committee chairman Chris Gelinas said that his group is moving forward on adding to the mural at the Essex District High School. Ò The committee wants to add another panel to this mural,Ó said Gelinas. The 10-panel mural at the high school honors dozens of athletes, coaches and builders that have helped put Essex on the sporting map. Ò We are looking for people who have played in the community or lived in this community,Ó he said. Hockey players Mark Miller and George Gagnon, baseball greats the McPherson brothers and the Queen brothers are just a few of the faces that are beautifully painted on the schoolÕ s wall. When the mural was created no names were attached to identify who was who. Gelinas said that is about to change. Ò We want a legend that shows the names so it looks like it is part of the mural.Ó It is undetermined who will go up on the next panel but Gelinas said that he is

Chris Gelinas at the sports mural at the high school.

working closely with the newly formed Essex Sports Wall of Excellence group. Dan Lessard who did

the original mural at the high school is expected to do the next panel.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Sports I 19

Essex Free Press

Mills, Drouillard, Ravens head to finals by Fred Groves Coach Glen Mills, wide receiver Chris Drouillard, Jr. and the rest of the Essex Ravens are heading back to the Ontario Varsity Football League championship game for the first time since 2010. Sunday at the University of Windsor, the Ravens beat Cambridge 46-12 and will now head to Ottawa on Saturday to take on the defending champions Myers Riders for the title. Drouillard caught a 63-yard touchdown pass


from Anthony Bontorin on Sunday. • Congratulations to Essex drag racer Mark Gubinski. He was the overall champion in the Essex County Bracket series at the Grand Bend Motorplex. In his 1972 Gran Torino he got up to 122 miles per hour and crossed the line in 10.69 seconds. Scott Haverkap of McGregor won the Trophy class with a 14.71 second finish in his 2005 Dodge Magnum. • The Essex Seniors




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faced elimination last night from the Essex County Senior Baseball League playoffs. After coming up short to Tecumseh last week, the Seniors took on Harrow in the doubleelimination format. Essex played the Harrow Seniors on Sunday in a previously regular scheduled season game and won 13-4. Ryan Moore smashed a threerun homer. • The civic holiday last Monday was a successful one for Essex horseman Michael Hamlin. At the Dresden Raceway, a horse he owns and trains won the first race with a time of 2:01.02 and then in the fourth race he picked up a second with Run Rolley Run. McGregorÕ s Todd Kennedy had a good day at the track, as M G Idole was first in the third race. David Woods was in the bike and trains and owns Asterism that won.

Harness racing returns to Leamington in a few short weeks. • It was a tough third round at the Forces & Families Open for Essex golfer David Byrne as he shot a 72 and slipped down the leaderboard. Byrne started by firing a 68 and then a 65 that put him amongst the leaders. His final round of 76 saw

him finish at minus three overall. • Maidstone’s Skylar Janisse had 10 strikeouts and allowed just three hits in a 9-3 win over the Brampton Royals on Saturday at the Ontario junior elimination baseball tournament. Janisse and the Windsor Selects are in Darmouth, Nova Scotia this week for the national

championships. • Just a reminder that both the Essex Junior Ô CÕ 73’s and the Leamington Junior Ô BÕ Flyers hit the ice for hockey training camps next week beginning on Monday. If you have anything for the sports roundup, please contact Fred Groves at FredGrovesgrover54@


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20 I Sports

Essex Free Press

I Thursday, August 14, 2014

Yellow Jackets ready for OBA tournament by Fred Groves A year ago the Essex Yellow Jackets majormidget baseball team made it all the way to the finals of the Ontario Baseball Association minor midget ‘A’ class tournament. While they failed to take home the provincial title, this year, they are a little older and a little

wiser. And that just might be the difference. Ò This team probably has a little more offence,” said Essex coach Wayne Nevin. Working alongside co-coaches Brian Diemer and Tom O’Neil, Nevin believes the Yellow Jackets are poised to be contenders at this year’s

OBA event. Essex will head to Corunna on August 22-24 for the Ô CÕ class championship tournament. This past weekend Essex hosted the 12team minor and major Sun Parlour midget tournament and the Yellow Jackets were taking it very seriously. Friday night they played their regular style of game, which is taking advantage of every pass ball, stolen base and base hit to beat Woodslee in the opener. “We push and we try and increase the game speed. We try to capitalize,” said Nevin.

Essex’s Evan Harnadek dives safely back to first base in Friday night’s game against Woodslee.

Against the Woodslee Orioles, relief pitcher Michael Diana came on and made a great defensive play as he caught a liner back up the middle and fired a shot over to first to double off the runner. Offensively, it was Dan Miller coming up with a bases loaded walk-off

triple to seal the deal for the Yellow Jackets. “We want to win the physiological game even when we do our infield,” said Nevin. Pitching is the key heading into any tournament. Essex boasts half a dozen players that can work from the hill

including the talented top trio of Cory Lemire, Brandon Nevin and Eric Stenger. This past weekend, the Yellow Jackets major midget side won the tournament that included teams from Wyoming, Belle River, Woodslee, Tecumseh and Windsor.

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