Essex Free Press - December 18, 2014

Page 1

Vol. 134

A LOOK INSIDE Essex County Warden and new Deputy go straight to work PAgE 3 ________________ Skate Essex needs volunteers PAgE 10 _______________ SantaÕ s Cause for Kids to support 150 families PAgE 12 ________________

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Issue No. 50

Essex Christmas parade is truly a community event

BIA brings Christmas cheer to Essex organizations PAgE 14 ________________ Essex Council Notes PAgE 16 ________________ A pair of wins for the 73Õ s PAgE 32 ________________

Looking For A Good Home

“MAc” See Page 7 for adoption info.

by Jennifer Cranston Mild temperatures and Christmas excitement

helped to pack sidewalks along Talbot St. in Essex on Saturday night, as

families gathered to enjoy the TownÕ s Christmas parade and catch a glimpse

of Santa and the missus. Navigating the crowds on either side of the road

were Salvation Army mobile hot chocolate stations. Volunteers from the local church refused payment or donations for the steaming cups they passed out by the hundreds. Ò This is our thanks to the community for helping us,Ó said Donna Downey. Servers encouraged people to save their change for the Salvation Army Christmas Kettles being manned at No Frills and Foodland until Christmas. The Salvation Army wasnÕ t the only church that was keeping people warm that night. Essex United Church hosted a warming station complete with bonfire and marshmallows to roast.

Continued on Page 5

2 I Ad Feature

Essex Free Press


Thursday, December 18, 2014

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Thursday, December 18, 2014


News I 3

Essex Free Press

Essex County Warden and new Deputy go straight to work

The new Deputy Warden for Essex County Ken Antaya, says he’s prepared to support second time Warden Tom Bain in the coming term.

by Jennifer Cranston Essex County Warden Tom Bain and Deputy Warden Ken Antaya were working hard only days after being elected to their positions. Monday morning they were at the Civic Centre serving on the Striking Committee, appointing members of County Council to various committees and boards. This is Antaya’s first term as Deputy Warden. The LaSalle Mayor has over 30 years experience on the administrative side of municipal business and is enjoying his second term as Mayor. He says his primary role, as Deputy Warden, will be to support Bain in

his role as Warden. Bain and Antaya admit that they donÕ t always see eye to eye on every issue but they have always gotten along. They believe their differences will help to bring balance to the partnership. They both have enough experience in political office to know when to fight for an issue and when to compromise. This is BainÕ s second consecutive term as Warden. He has served as Warden in the County many years ago when terms were only one year. He says the current four year terms allow councils to get far more accomplished. He says the longer terms

are especially useful when dealing with higher levels of government. Provincial and Federal Ministers now have time to get to know municipal politicians from Essex. Ò I can now talk to ministers on a first name basis,Ó he said. Ò It gives you a little clout and recognition when you go to advocate for your community.Ó County Council has many goals for the next four years. Diversifying and strengthening the economy is at the top of that list. Bain explained that a major role for Council is to support local businesses as they expand their markets and create jobs. Making sure that the regionÕ s agricultural strengths are highlighted is also a part of the mission for the next four years. The regionÕ s transportation infrastructure is going to be a large part of the coming term. Antaya says his constituents in LaSalle have been Ò greatÓ about the years of road construction they have been dealing with as the new Parkway to the new border crossing comes together. The project was supposed to be completed by the end of this year,

but that deadline has been extended. Ò Now that (the County) is debt free, we will both be pushing for improvement and investments in our transportation system,Ó said Bain. Antaya explained that that includes improving the regionÕ s trail system in conjunction with CWATS and Council will be taking a hard look at the road system in the County. There may even be some re-designation of road ownership. Expanding high speed internet in the County is also on the Ò to-doÓ list. One of the most important roles for Council will be to improve the working relationship with Windsor. The County and the City work together on sewage, waste-management, economic development, transportation, tourism and much more. Bain explained the importance of all the regionÕ s municipalities working together. Ò WeÕ ve got to work together not against each other. We canÕ t compete amongst each other. The region has to work as a team if we are going to succeed,Ó he said. Antaya agrees. Ò We are all interconnected. We are all dependent on each other,Ó he said. Ò Our residents all want the same things.Ó

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4 I Ad Feature

Essex Free Press


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Essex Free Press

Essex Christmas parade... Continued from Front Page

In the church basement before and after the parade warm beverages and sweets were available. The United Church would not accept payment either. It was a project of the churchÕ s Outreach Committee. Horton, who was manning the bonfire, said they would be open as long as they needed to be. Ò WeÕ ll be here as long as the kids want to come,Ó he said. The parade began at Fairview Ave. and traveled down Talbot St. to Maidstone Ave. and lasted around an hour. Local marching bands joined bands from out of town to provide favourite Holiday tunes throughout the procession. They had young and old tapping toes, clapping hands and singing along. Elsa from Frozen and Dr. SeussÕ s Cat in the Hat were there with dozens of tiny reindeer. The dance troop ushered in the season with a medley of Christmas favourites. This yearÕ s theme Ò Dashing Through the Snow,Ó was well illustrated with plenty of horses and riders all decked out in their festive finest. Another big hit of the

parade was a fire juggler who interacted with the crowd as he tossed and twirled batons on fire. There were politicians and fire trucks, mascots and floats, but the best part of this parade for many of the youngsters present was near the end. Santa and Mrs. Claus rode in on an extravagant sleigh and spoke to members of the crowd via microphone. Ò IÕ ve been good Santa,Ó shouted young and old as St. Nick passed by. Many also shouted out their Christmas wish list. The Jolly Elf promised to make notes on his naughty and nice list back at the North Pole.

Community I 5

6 I Opinion

Essex Free Press

Editorial &Opinion


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Live & Uncensored ••• Comment Richard Parkinson •••

2014, almost all wrapped up

Serving Essex and the surrounding communities since 1896.

Published Thursdays as an independent weekly newspaper, owned and operated by The Essex Voice Limited. Richard Parkinson Ray Stanton - London Publishing Corp. OUR STAFF Sandy Kennedy / Andrew Beaudoin - Office Jessica Azar - Graphic Design / Social Media Lana Garant - Graphic Design Greg Belchuk - Advertising Sales Manager Sylene Argent - News Reporter Jennifer Cranston - News Reporter Shelley Beaudoin - Graphic/Production Richard Parkinson - Editor


The Essex Free Press is an audited publication with controlled circulation of 10,000.


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The Essex Free Press has been digitized from 1895 to 1968 and is fully searchable at

The number of years we’ve spent on this planet is something that defines us, and the human calendar is a way we measure life’s journey. Well, another year is coming to a close. When I ask, what did 2014 mean to you? I’m not talking about the world events that go on around us, the story backdrop forever behind our lives. I’m talking about what it meant to you personally. For each of us, our own story is the story that matters the most. Was it a great year? Was it a bad year? Or was it an average year, a mixed bag, like most years are? What were your triumphs? What were your defeats? What were the highs and lows that will define 2014 for you? It was a mixed bag for me. A lot of people I know died this year. I saw the impact those losses had on others, and I felt the impact those

losses had on me. There were celebrations, too – weddings, birthdays, happy memories made, milestones reached. The good stuff. It’s only natural that as a year comes to a close, we reflect back. And then, just as natural, we look forward. Some people even make resolutions, and a very few stick to them. An optimist will tell us that a new year means new possibilities, new opportunities and a chance to start over. A realist (or pessimist, depending on how you look at it) will say that a New Year just marks a change in the date. A great friend of mine recently asked (in a round about way), ‘How can we change the world?’ My answer (in a round about way) was, ‘We can’t.’ But we can change our outlook and sometimes that simple act makes things brighter.

When we look for the positive, we find it. Change ourselves, change our perspective, and we change the world – or, at least, we change how we see it. If 2014 was a good year for you, then hold onto that and let it carry you into 2015. If it was a rough year, mine it for the positive – whether it’s cherishing the memories of people who passed or gaining some experience that you can use in the future. I know it’s really easy to say, and really hard to do. I hope that this holiday season is a great one for you and your loved ones. I hope that the New Year is better than the last one. 2014 is wrapping up. I think I’ll put a bow on it. Another year, another gift, under the tree of life.


The opinions expressed on these pages are those of their original authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Essex Free Press, its Editor or Publisher.


The Essex Free Press welcomes letters to the editor on topics of interest to our readers. Letters should be typed or neatly handwritten and present the issues as clearly as possible in 300 words or less. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar, and legal considerations. All letters must contain the name, address, and daytime phone number of the writer for verification purposes. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. if you have a legitimate concern and cannot sign your name to a letter, please contact the editor to discuss alternative means of handling the issue.


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The Essex Free Press

Office: 16 Centre St. Essex, Ontario Mail to: P.O. Box 115 Essex, Ontario N8M 2Y1

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Letter to the Editor I would like to give an enormous amount of praise and appreciation to Essex merchants. As a member of St. Paul’s Anglican, a communityminded church, I was amazed at the support we received to recently host a diner and auction at the Essex Legion. The overwhelming response we received provided us with proceeds that will definitely help the church continue our work, including a Clothing Cupboard that serves struggling families and individuals in our community and beyond.

So to all the businesses, the stores, restaurants, the Legion and the Essex Free Press (who sent a reporter to cover the event), we the parish at St. Paul’s Essex send you a heartfelt Thank You! We will be honoured and pleased to promote your businesses in our parish and in our community in the future. With sincere gratitude, Donna Flood

Let’s Talk About... by Evelyn Couch - Our Spitfire I came across a book entitled The Spitfire. In the 266 pages of the 10x12 hardcover, it is exalted as, “an epic without parallel in the history of aviation.” There are a few excerpts that tell us how important this aircraft was in World War II - “by the summer of 1940 the Spitfire came to symbolize Britain’s defiance of Nazi Germany.” It states, “The book is a unique celebration of a great British invention, and the men and women who flew it, and of the industry that manufactured the aircraft and the Rolls-Royce engines that powered them.” The book has an abundance of pictures of the plane in action and many reports of the experiences of Royal Air

Force pilots in battle with the German Messerschmitts. Regarding the Spitfire name, the inventor of the Spitfire, R. J. Mitchell referred to it as a “bloody silly name.” He was not impressed by the tricky appellation for the most beautiful of all fighter aircraft, the book states. As for the 1,000 horsepower Rolls-Royce V 12 engine that powered the Spitfire the name of Merlin was considered very suitable. “As the loudly beating heart of the stunning little fighter aircraft that soared into British skies against Hitler’s Luftwaffe was a significant part or the sorcery,” that led to the triumph over the Nazis in 1945.

See our website for more news, photos, and updates that did not make this weekÕ s print edition.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Community I 7

Essex Free Press

McGregor prepares for holiday feast tradition Christmas is an occasion to spend time with friends and family. The free McGregor Community Christmas Turkey Dinner, which will take place on Sunday, December 21 from 3:006:30 p.m. at the McGregor Knights of Columbus Hall, is a great way for the community to come together to celebrate the holiday season, reminisce about the past year, and look forward to a brighter 2015. While the McGregor Community Christmas Turkey Dinner is free, donations will be accepted, with receipts available.

This is a long-running tradition in the community, and typically the event organizers, the McGregor Knights of Columbus and the Squirettes, serve between 600-700 patrons. The Squirettes fundraise for the event throughout the year. As a free event, there is an opportunity to include everybody in the festivities. No one should be alone at Christmas, the organizers stated. Volunteers with the dinner also offer home delivery in the McGregor area for those physically unable to join the festivities in person. Call

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Essex names new Fire Chief

Laura Belanger at 519776-7972 to arrange for dinner delivery. As it is expected to be well attended, the McGregor Community Christmas Turkey Dinner volunteers are asking those who are planning to attend, including groups of ten or larger, to RSVP to ensure enough food is prepared to meet the demand. Call Rose Renaud at 519776-5710 to reserve your tickets. It is anticipated this event will be a joyous and fun festivity that will help spread holiday cheer just a few days before Christmas. And to celebrate, Santa is expected to make an appearance at the dinner to visit all of his young friends in the area, and provide a few goodies. 100 personal packs will also be provided as gifts to those in the community in need.

submitted to EFP The Town of Essex is pleased to announce the appointment of Richard Arnel to the position of Fire Chief for Essex Fire Rescue Services. With over 38 years of fire-related experience, including the last 10 years as Assistant Fire Chief with Chatham-Kent Fire and Emergency, Chief Arnel is well-equipped to assume command upon Chief Ed PillonÕ s retirement at the end of the year. Chief Arnel started his career as a firefighter in 1976, working his way through the ranks at the Tilbury Fire Department until he became Fire Chief for the Town of Tilbury in 1992. Upon amalgamation he became a Station Chief and, in 2004, assumed the role of Assistant Fire Chief for Chatham-Kent, leading and coordinating activities at 19 fire stations with 67 full-time firefighters and 340 volunteer firefighters. Chief Arnel has managed not only fire suppression and operation functions, but emergency communications and response as well. He has obtained his designation as a Community Emergency Management Coordinator (C.E.M.C.) and is a Certified Municipal Manager III with Fire Service Executive Enhancement. Chief Arnel currently serves as the 2nd Vice President of the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs and was recently appointed to the Fire MarshalÕ s Fire Safety Council. Essex CAO Russ Phillips TRAVEL WITH CONFIDENCE WWW.FORSYTHTRAVEL.COM says Chief Arnel is a welcomed addition to the management team at the Town ESSEX 519-776-6439 TRAVELLTD. Established in 1948 • OT 0046911 76 TALBOT ST. N. of Essex. Ò It gives me great pleaay your holiday be filled with sure to welcome Rick to delight and good cheer, and the very best our management team,Ó of everything in the coming year. says Phillips. Ò With his background and experience I know he will caat Forsyth Travel Ltd. pably lead the continuing work of improving our fire and emergency services and providing a safe environment for our community.Ó Chief ArnelÕ s appointment is effective January 5.


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8 I Ad Feature

Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Community I 9

Essex Free Press


Three-year old Sarah Levitt was excited to meet Santa Claus on Sunday morning. She is hoping to find a book about her favourite movie “Frozen” under the tree on Christmas morning.

by Jennifer Cranston Hundreds of people filled the banquet hall at the Canadian Transportation Museum on Sunday ,many of whom were there to meet the Jolly Old Elf himself, Santa Claus. Each year Santa makes time to stop in at the museum and visit with children there. The museum serves breakfast and provides activities for kids while they wait for their turn to visit with Santa. Manager Lisa Waches-

ki says it’s all part of the tradition. “We’re all about customs, traditions and celebrations, so this is a perfect event for us,” she said. She loves the magic that Santa brings to the annual breakfast. “You can see it in their faces when they see Santa,” she said. “It’s all about the magic.” Nikita Kambouris is Education Coordinator at CTMHV. He was heading up the craft table on Sun-

day. Children were given all they needed to make various types of snowmen, Christmas trees and other holiday crafts. Kambouris was there to lend a hand where it was needed. He said he enjoyed the day. “This is the most fun,” he said. “How could you not enjoy this?” Wacheski is looking forward to the Museum’s next big event on New Year’s Eve. It’s another tradition at the CTMHV. This year’s event includes, dinner dancing and a cash bar. One highlight of the evening is sure to be the car raffle. Each Christmas season, the Transportation Museum raffles off a classic car. This year the prize is a 1978 Corvette. Both Holiday events are looked forward to each year, and Wacheski says neither of them could happen without the hard work of volunteers, most of who have been helping with these events for years. For more information about raffle tickets, New Year’s Eve or other events at CTMHV contact their office at 519 776-6909.

10 I Community

Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 18, 2014

Colchester North has much to celebrate by Jennifer Cranston Colchester North Public School has many things to celebrate as they head into the Holidays. Their volleyball teams did themselves proud this season. The Sr. Girls team placed first in the County and first in the Windsor Essex District competition. The Jr. Boys team placed second in tier two and first in tier one at the

Kingsville Tournament. The team included one girl and a few students from grades four and five. The Sr. Boys team actually had no seniors this year. Comprised of only grade six and seven students, the team placed second at RegionalÕ s and in the LaSalle tournament. Ò They did extremely well considering how young the team is,Ó said Coach Mr. Oozeer.

The spirit of giving is also thriving at CNPS. Reese B., who is now in grade six, started the Hopeful for Hats program last year. The Colchester North community donates hats, scarves, gloves and other winter wear, including

socks and underwear to the Downtown Mission to help keep the homeless warm during the winter months. Many of the items are purchased, but this year many of the students have joined a knitting club that is making items for the cause. So far, over 53

hand-made scarves have been made and donated by students from grade one to seven. The schoolÕ s annual canned good drive is also demonstrating the generosity of the students with an impressive amount of food being collected so


Colchester North invites the community to come out and enjoy the schoolÕ s Winter Concert on Dec. 17 at 6:30 p.m. The show will celebrate the theme of Winter Classics.

Skate Essex needs volunteers by Jennifer Cranston The Essex Figure Skating Club, now known as Skate Essex, has been serving the Essex Community for over 50 years, but now it is in danger of folding. President Christine Dunmore has been volunteering with the organization for 15 years. Her kids have moved on, but she keeps working to keep the club going. Ò I do it because I love it, but I canÕ t do it alone,Ó she said. There are currently five Skate Essex board members. At least three will be stepping down this coming spring as their children age out of the program. Ò There are about 50 kids in this program who need the help of new volunteers to keep the organization alive,Ó said Dunmore. Volunteers donÕ t have to have any knowledge of skating or even be able to skate. You donÕ t have to be a parent; you only have to be committed. Ò The reason I became involved is because my daughter wanted me to,Ó she said. Ò Kids liked to see their parents getting involved. Dunmore explains that six board members is the ideal number, but they need at least four to keep the club running. More volunteers around Carnival time would also be appreciated. Ò ItÕ s fun being part of the skating club,Ó said Dunmore. Ò IÕ ve made

good friends.Ó The board meets every other month and at least one board member has to be at each of the two practices each week. Board members help to plan the annual Carnival and have opportunities to volunteer for two local competitions each year, and for test days twice a year. The board is also responsible for hiring coaches. The boardÕ s annual general meeting is in May where the new board will be formed. Leah Poisson has been skating with the club for 11 years. She says Carnival was always her favourite because there was no pressure of competition, it was just fun. As a soloist, her skating was just for her. In fact, many of her friends arenÕ t even aware that she skates. At 17, Poisson will be moving on to post secondary next year and hanging up her skates. She appreciates that her parents volunteered with the club while she was

Continued on Page 15

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Thursday, December 18, 2014


Community I 11

Essex Free Press

73’s help Salvation Army collect toys for youth

by Sylene Argent In support of the Essex Salvation ArmyÕ s Christmas Toy Drive, the Essex 73Õ s hosted a special toy collection night on Tuesday, December 9. As fans filled the stands before the local Junior CÓ Hockey Club faced off against the Alvinston Flyers at the Essex Centre Sports Complex, they were encouraged to drop off a toy or two to support the Salvation ArmyÕ s Christmas program that provides new toys to area youth of families facing tough times. Essex Salvation ArmyÕ s Lieutenant Kristen Gray was there to receive the new unwrapped toys the 73Õ s fans were generous enough to donate. She was thrilled with the support, having received a table full of goods before the puck was dropped. To get support for this cause, the 73Õ s were generous in providing team swag as raffle items. Anyone who donated a gift for the program received a ticket for a chance to take home some 73Õ s apparel. Ò Look at all the lovely toys,Ó Gray said showing off the table full of donated items. People have been so

generous; some are even bringing bags of toys. ItÕ s awesome.Ó In addition to toys, members of the community also brought non-perishable and canned good items to support the Essex Salvation ArmyÕ s Food Bank. Some people also

forwarded money to the Christmas Toy Drive so members of the Salvation Army could then go out and purchase items, so every youth the program supports get an ageappropriate gift. The hall at the Essex Salvation Army will soon be set up like a toyshop so

parents can pick out items for their children. The Salvation Army had also collected toys for this cause at the Essex Salvation Army Thrift Store during business hours and at the Essex Tree Lighting event, held recently on the front lawn of the Essex Municipal

Building. It will also receive a donation from the SantaÕ s Cause for Kids program. With all this support, the Christmas Toy Drive was expected to be a success. Gray thanked all those who supported the cause. She also thanked staff at Ives Insurance

for bringing in items for the program that would be suitable for older youth. The communityÕ s generosity in supporting this cause is certainly appreciated, she said.

12 I Community

Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 18, 2014

Santa’s Cause for Kids to support 150 families

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Ken Knapp Ford employees show off the items they were able to collect for the Santa’s Cause for Kids program.

by Sylene Argent The holiday season is all about giving, and

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the community really stepped up to the plate to do just that by supporting

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the annual SantaÕ s Cause for Kids Toy Drive. Local OPP and Firefighters host this program to ensure area youth have a bright and memorable Christmas morning. OPP officers and members of Essex Fire & Rescue were with Essex OPP Community Policing Officer, Constable Joe Meloche, on Friday afternoon to pick up

Essex Party & Discount staff members pose with OPP officers and members of Essex Fire & Rescue with the items they were able to donate to the Santa’s Cause for Kids program.

toys at several local businesses. Members of the community donated the toys that were forwarded to the program. Meloche was thrilled with the amount of toys that were donated Continued on Page 13

Staff members at Essex Appliance Centre proudly display just some of the items they donated to the Santa’s Cause for Kids program.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Community I 13

Essex Free Press

Santa’s Cause for Kids to support 150 families...

Pictured above: Staff at Countryside Chrysler Dodge displays the items they were able to collect for Santa’s Cause for Kids.

Pictured left: Staff at Home Hardware collected new, unwrapped toys for Santa’s Cause for Kids program.


this year, which easily filled a large trailer. The generosity will allow the program to support at least 150 area families in need of support this Christmas. Meloche and his helpers visited several businesses in Harrow and many in Essex Centre, including Countryside Chrysler Dodge, Ken Knapp Ford, Home Hardware, Dollar Tree, Red Apple, Essex Party & Discount, and Essex Appliance Centre. They will also receive a donation from Xpress Canada in the near future. Area fire stations were also acted as drop off depots for the program. The participating businesses were pleased to show off the amount of items they were able to collect for the program because of the support they received from their customers. Ron Van Mackelberg of Ken Knapp Ford said this was one of the biggest donations the car dealership was able to collect for the program, easily filling the box of a pickup truck. Other area businesses had boxes overflowing with toys. Representatives from the businesses participating in Santa’s Cause for Kids were happy to be a part of this campaign to benefit youth. Messages of thanks were expressed to customers and staff members who generously

supported this cause. Meloche noted these items would be supplied to the Essex Salvation Army, the St. Vincent de Paul, and Zeta Kappa Sorority’s Santa Sack

Continued from Page 12

program in Harrow. These local organizations each have a Christmas program that will distribute the toys to area youth in need.

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14 I Community

Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 18, 2014

BIA brings Christmas cheer to Essex organizations


Members of the Essex Centre BIA Board were thrilled to forward monetary donations to four local organizations: The Essex Salvation Army Food Bank, The Essex Area Food Bank, The Essex Youth Centre, and the Essex & Community Historical Research Society.

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Merry Christmas Leamington • 519-326-9018

by Sylene Argent The Essex Centre BIA took on the role of Santa on Tuesday, December 9 as members of the organization forwarded donations to the Essex Salvation Army Food Bank, the Essex Area Food Bank, the Essex Youth Centre, and the Essex and Community Historical Research

Society. These beneficiaries were selected for specific reasons. The Essex Youth Centre, located in the basement of the Essex Recreation and Aquatics Centre, is an organization that provides programs, activities, and services to area youth. Here, youth have a safe place to study and socialize. The Essex Youth Centre received a donation because the youth have been helpful in putting up barricades and signs, and carrying out many other tasks at BIA events, such as the Essex Fun Fest Car Show and Santa Claus Parade. The Essex and Community Historical Research Society

received a donation as this organization allows the BIA to hosts its monthly meetings in the basement of its facility, the old Carnegie Library. ECHRS is set to celebrate its centennial anniversary with a special open house today (Thursday, December 18). The donations to the Essex Salvation Army Food Bank and the Essex Area Food Bank were forwarded as part of the Essex Centre BIAÕ s yearly contribution to these two organizations that support area families facing economic hardship. The four organizations receiving donations from the Essex Centre BIA were thankful for the support.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Community I 15

Essex Free Press

Skate Essex needs volunteers... Continued from Page 10

involved. Ò I wouldnÕ t have been able to skate if they hadnÕ t,Ó she said. She said having her parents involved was nice. They didnÕ t have much to do with the actual skating, but she knew that the work they did behind the scenes allowed her and her fellow skaters to concentrate on their skating. Shauna Halliday has been skating for six years and loves it. Ò It is fun when you learn a new skill,Ó she said. Ò ItÕ s exciting.Ó Halliday says skating makes you feel good about yourself. Kaitlin Valentino has been skating since she was about four. She says she makes a lot of friends in the skating club. Valentino and Halliday both say they would be very upset if the club had to shut down, and all they want is to focus on their skating. If you are interested in getting involved contact Dunmore at 519-776-

Shauna Halliday and and Kaitlin Valentino enjoy a fun skate for families in the Skate Essex community on Monday night at the Essex Centre Sports Complex.

8777. Dunmore also invites potential volunteers to come to a practice or

two just see what itÕ s all about.

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16 I News

Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 18, 2014

Essex Council Notes for Monday, December 15 by Sylene Argent A letter and invite to the GECDSB At the November 17 Council meeting, Councillor Sherry Bondy shared she had concerns about Harrowbased schools after reading the annual accommodation and capital planning report for the GECDSB. She had put a Notice of Motion forward for the December 15 Essex Council meeting, that Essex Council write to the GECDSB reaffirming the commitment of this Council to the future of education in Harrow Centre. The reason Bondy said she had concerned at that time is because the report was bleak when it came to discussing education in Harrow. She asked that Council write a letter to the GECDSB letting it know Harrow High School is important to the local economy and community center. Councillor Randy Voakes said he wanted to invite the GECDSB to meet with Council and administration about this issue, because a letter is just a letter. Councillor Bill Caixeiro noted currently the school board is conducting a review. He said Council should try and be a part of that process to provide input. Council passed BondyÕ s motion that a letter be sent to the GECDSB reaffirming its commitment to education in Harrow Center, and that this board be invited to meet with Council and administration, that Essex be able to provide input and have a working relationship with the School Board during the accommodation review. Lights out in Harrow Members of the Harrow and Colchester South Chamber of Commerce approached Essex Council about its struggle to keep its festive light fixtures lit. This is a volunteer organization with a mandate to improve the business and entire community. In 2011, Essex asked the Chamber of Commerce to oversee the beautification of the Harrow Centre community with a $50,000 pledge. The Chamber worked with the TownÕ s planning department and consulted area residents. Decorative lights, garbage receptacles, and benches were purchased. Some of the purchases were a joint venture with the Essex Centre BIA. These purchases were brought before Essex Council for approval. The decorative lights were installed in the summer of 2011 and received positive feedback from the community. Soon after, however, they began to malfunction, and were sent back to the manufacturer. Murdo McLean is a member of the Harrow and Colchester South Chamber of Commerce. He explained that to his knowledge the

lights stopped working because the cord is not designed to make sharp twists and turns, and when it does, it cracks. This causes water to seep in and cause shortages. McLean said the Chamber has found this to be a frustrating problem. He explained that in early December, the Chamber met with municipal officials concerning this problem. It was explained there was no money in the budget to fix the issue and that the Essex Centre BIA paid for the Essex Centre decorations. Until this issue can be resolved, the Chamber asked Harrow businesses to decorate their windows with lights for the Christmas season, and all the businesses cooperated with enthusiasm, McLean said. The original fixtures cost around $25,000, of which the Town supplied $21,000 and the Chamber provided $4,000. The municipality picked up the cost of installation and the change of seasonal fixtures. The Chamber asked that Council set funds aside in the 2015 budget to get decorations for Harrow and Colchester Centers, and for the maintenance and installation for those decorations. Councillor Sherry Bondy said everyone pulled together to ensure Harrow was beautiful this holiday season. She said she has tried to allocate money in the budget for Christmas lights, but those funds havenÕ t been set aside yet. She would support the request to allocate funds for lights in the next budget. Bondy continued that historically the business centers have paid for the lights, which may not necessarily be a correct model moving forward. This sometimes causes the Essex Centre verses Harrow Centre contention as the public perception to some is that Essex Centre has more lights, and Harrow Centre got the short-end of the stick, she continued, adding but that is not so. There are different models with different budgets. Moving forward, a fair solution needs to be found to make it more uniform throughout the municipality. Council received the report and deferred the issue to the 2015 budget. MPP visits newly elected Council Essex MPP Taras Natyshak took the opportunity to congratulate the new Council members on their recent election victories. Their efforts are a testament of dedication to the community and a willingness to serve, he said. He also recognized the dedication of the three former Councillors who did not return for the 2014-2018 Council term: John Scott, Morley Bowman, and Bill Baker.

Natyshak said he looks forward to working with Essex Council. He wanted to connect with the members at the municipal table to let them know his door is always open and his phone is always on. Some issues call for attention at the municipal and provincial level that he and Essex Council will have to work on in the future. Recently, his office was looking to identify areas of priority within the riding that he could help support as it pertains to provincial funding requests. Moving ahead, Natyshak would like to work with EssexÕ s staff to see how his office could help with the next application for reconstruction work that needs to be done on Fairview Ave., recognizing Council had already submitted an application for provincial funding for this project. He wants to keep the lines of communication open, and would like Essex Council and his office to work together to ensure this region stays top of mind at QueenÕ s Park in addressing economic, social and infrastructure needs. He also wants to see the Highway #3 project completed. He noted his predecessor Bruce Crozier did a lot of work to get the redevelopment of this provincial highway started. It is time to start putting some pressure to get it completed. He has a petition at his office to help with this. Helping to prevent cuts to healthcare and education are also topics Natyshak plans to work on with municipal Councils. EDHS teams up with car dealerships Students from EDHS approached Council about a new program it has recently launched in partnership with the three Essex-based car dealerships: Ken Knapp Ford, Countryside Chrysler Dodge, and Dave Hitchcock Chevrolet. The students will use social media and word-ofmouth to promote the dealerships through the Essex Red Raiders Drive for Success program. This will help get people they know to buy vehicles locally. When purchasing a new vehicle from one of the three local dealerships, the purchaser just has to mention he or she is supporting EDHS. The car dealership will then forward $100 to the school to support all types of extracurricular activities. The students making the presentation said this is a good program to unify the community and to benefit the high school. It is hoped it lasts for at least the next year. Essex Youth Member of Council, Olivia Bernath, said it is important the Town promote the program. The students have been working hard with the local dealerships to get the program up and running. It is hoped the program will have longevity. She said this partnership would help the school do great things.

Continued on Page 17

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Thursday, December 18, 2014


News I 17

Essex Free Press

Essex Council Notes... Councillor Sherry Bondy thinks this partnership is a great idea. She supports it, and commended the students on their leadership. Councillor Stephen Bjorkman added he hopes the program continues. The information for this will be posted through the TownÕ s online outlets. Mural Committee changes name and mandate EssexÕ s Community Services department provided Council with a report noting the Mural Committee is to change its name and mandate. Council received this report and approved the CommitteeÕ s name change to the Arts, Culture, and Tourism (ACT) Committee. Its new mandate will be to promote, develop, and support aspects of cultural art forms in multiple mediums throughout the municipality. Councillor Stephen Bjorkman commented this change is a great idea. It should bring a lot of notoriety to the Town in supporting arts and culture, he said. Deputy Mayor Richard Meloche said he also liked the name of the committee and the change is a great step in the right direction. Councillor Bill Caixeiro said he believes this will have benefits like the Communities in Bloom Committee in unifying the municipality. Staff members receive diplomas Essex Mayor Ron McDermott was pleased to congratulate three Town of Essex staff members on their recent achievement of earning an Executive Diploma in Municipal Management. A letter of congratulations will be sent to these individuals, Manager Information and Technologies Jack Barron, Assistant Manager-Aquatics Sarah Newton, and Assistant Manager-Programs Jason Jolicoeur. Water and Sanitary Sewer Charges Council supported the recommendation to receive the Ò 2015 Water and Sanitary Sewer ChargesÓ report and that bylaw number 1374, to establish water and sanitary sewer rates and charges, be adopted. In the report it notes effective January 1 the monthly base charge for water rates will be $18.73 in all wards. The charge per cubic meter of water consumed will be $1.39 in Wards 1 and 2, and $1.54 in Wards 3 and 4. The sewer rates effective January 1 will be 18.73 in Wards 1, 3, and 4 (not applicable in Ward 2) for the monthly base charge. The charge per cubic meter of

Continued from Page 16

water consumed for Ward 1 will be $1.29, $1.91 in Ward 3, and $1.74 in Ward 4. Flag design for Essex Essex Council supported the Corporate Services recommendation to receive the report Ò Town of Essex Flag Design,Ó and approved option one for the Town of Essex Flags. In the report it states option one incorporates all elements of the TownÕ s branding: the coloured logo, the wave and its tag line Ò Where you belong.Ó All elements are within the branding guidelines. Rezoning for 35 Gordon Essex Council moved the recommendation to permit the conversion of commercial units at 35 Gordon Ave. to multiple dwelling units. Reconstruction of front fa• ade Council supported the recommendation that the encroachment agreement be approved to permit the reconstruction of the facades of 39 and 41 Talbot Street. In the report to Council it noted the applicants, Amy Belles Fashions, applied for Community Improvement Funding to assist with the reconstruction of the front facades of 39 and 41 Talbot Street. Medical Marijuana Production Facilities To get the conversation started about what the community thinks about Medical Marijuana production facilities, Essex Council moved in principal administrationÕ s recommendation to create opportunities of discussion. A public open house of some kind on this topic is planned to take place early in the New Year. AdministrationÕ s recommendation includes that operations involved

in the production, storage, and distribution of medical marijuana, hemp, and mushroom products be subject to site plan control under the Planning Act. That the above mentioned operations be permitted in the A1.1 general agricultural zoning district, with a minimum separation of 150 meters from a dwelling and 350 meters from a residential zoning district, and not be permitted in the A1.2 restricted agricultural zoning district. Insurance provider Council moved the recommendation to award the request for proposal for General Insurance Risk Management Services to Aon. Administration compared companies interested in this contract on a point system. It was noted Aon had the highest rating, and this would create a potential savings of $149,000 per year. It notes in the report that the 2015 premium will be $534,767. Elk Board changed The composition of the ELK Board will now look a little different. Council moved that this committee will continue to have nine members, but will consist of four members of Council and the Mayor, one ELK user from each Harrow and Essex Centres, and two members of either Kingsville and/or Lakeshore. This will be a fouryear term. The Town will reissue an opportunity for people to apply to be a part of this board because of the changes made.

Please visit our website for more Council news:











Regular Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Regu Ruth Orton Director of Corporate Services/Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Kingsville 2021 Division Road North Kingsville, Ontario N9Y 2Y9

18 I Opinion/Community

Essex Free Press


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Little Lender Library box The Voice Of Experience open for Christmas Season by Evelyn Couch People How often do you have someone greet you as having known you for a long time, yet you do well to remember the name, let alone the face or the incident they recall? It happens to me often and I am reluctant to say, Ò Sorry, but I do not remember your name.Ó I feel that is offensive. Sometimes I can remember an incident involving the person or something about them and I carry on a conversation hoping to cover the fact I donÕ t recall the name and Bob comes along and I am unable to introduce them. ThatÕ s the time to be grateful when the new person on the scene introduces himself or herself. The other day a young woman greeted me by name with the comment she had not seen me for years. She was wearing an identification tag with only the first name and that didn’t solve my dilemma. I did ask her for that surname

and it rang a familiar bell of a little girl but without any recollection of talking with her. When I stumbled through that I had the wrong family. She cheerfully accepted that and explained my error. She said I have not changed at all; that I look just the same as she remembered me. So jokingly I said, Ò With all these wrinkles. Are you partially blind?Ó It reminded me of a time I told you about. I had taken a group picture at the public school and I always got names for that. When I came to one youngster he said, Ò You should know my name. You took my picture six months agoÓ Ò Yes and a hundred others,Ó I responded and asked again. In that encounter I was not shy about my lack of memory. I have reached that age where I often canÕ t remember a name that should be as familiar as my own. That is embarrassing! Name or no name, I still say Merry Christmas to all and to you.

There are seven Little Lender Library boxes in our community, through which new or gently used books are distributed to local readers. The Essex Rotary Club and partners established the boxes earlier in the year. With the approach of the winter, two of the three outdoor boxes will be removed and returned in the spring. The boxes located at SadlerÕ s Park and near the Spitfire monument will be removed. The one located

near the cenotaph, next to the Essex Municipal building, will remain open for a few days prior to Christmas. From December 2124 the outdoor box at the cenotaph will be stocked with new and gently used books, including childrenÕ s books that can be used as stocking stuffers specifically for children in families in need. Essex Rotarian Neil McBeth said that during that period the box will be checked daily and books

will be added if needed. In order for everyone to benefit, he suggests that families take only one book per child. Ò These books are available to take and return, or take and keep,Ó he said. The four indoor boxes Ð located at the Essex Sports Complex (2), the community recreation centre at Holy Name and the Essex Aquatics Centre will remain open throughout the winter.

ECS Snow Patrol project

submitted to the EFP Essex Community Services is excited to announce it will launch the Ò Snow Patrol Program;Ó a pilot project that will match volunteers with eligible seniors and people with physical disabilities for a snow clearing service. This programÕ s operation will be delivered on a limited basis, and is dependent on participation of snow removal volunteers in all parts of the Town of Essex. This program will focus on residents aged 65 and over, or anyone living with a physical disability, who are at risk of isolation due to winter snowfall conditions. ECS is currently accepting applications. Participation in the program is dependent upon meeting all qualification criteria. Some fees may apply and priority is based on income eligibility. Ò This is an excellent opportunity to make a difference in the lives of people in our community,Ó ECS Executive Director Kelly Stack said. Ò It is also an opportunity to earn volunteer hours for high school students and gain volunteer experience and letters of recommendation for college or university students.Ó If you or a loved one can benefit from this program, or you would like to volunteer as a member of the Essex Snow Patrol, contact ECS for more information at 519-7764231. Applications are available at the ECS office. (35 Victoria Ave, Unit 7 Essex)

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Community I 19

Essex Free Press

Local tenor ready to head back into the studio

by Sylene Argent Cottam-based tenor Jesse Anthony Sharron is preparing to head back into the studio to record a new record in the near future after success at the International Talent Showcase, which took place this past summer in Florida. Sharron first heard about the International Talent Showcase while taking a trip to the mall. Soon after, he auditioned for the event producers and was accepted into the program, which provided

an opportunity for Sharron and fellow competitors to network with industry professionals. The International Talent Showcase was a real success for Sharron. He learned a lot from the many classes and workshops available, including one that showed how aspiring performers could publicize themselves in an effective way on social media. During the competition component of the event, Sharron earned a first place finish, after first

auditioning to be a part of the singing competition in the teen/adult category. He was also presented

the Prestigious Award for being the overall singer for his rendition of Nessun Dorma, he said, explaining he chose this song because his voice suited the music and there is a lot of passion put into singing it. Ò IÕ m honoured to be able to win the awards,Ó he said. After the conference, Sharron received four call backs from four potential agencies. Some of the companies want to hear Sharron sing in different genres, so he will be heading back into the studio to record cover and new songs in hopes of garnering further interest. He is working closely with agencies and casting directors and the call back agencies, while working on the new CD. He plans to lay down the new tracks in the very near future, and urges his fans and supporters to keep an eye on his newly launched


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Facebook page Ò Jesse Anthony Sharron MusicÓ for more information about this exciting news. Because of his success at the event, Sharron will head back to the Boca Raton Resort in Florida next year to again participate in the International Talent Showcase. He even received a $2000 scholarship to be able to do this. Ò I learned a lot about the industry at the showcase,Ó Sharron said. He looks forward to his 2015 return. He said it feels good to have done so well at the International Talent Showcase and in preparing to record a

new album, especially after putting in all the hard work he has into his music career over the past several years. A passion for singing began when Sharron was very young as he participated in plays and concerts. He would eventually take on a professional vocal coach to hone in his skills. Sharron has taken the spotlight to sing the national anthem to open games for the Essex 73Õ s, the Leamington Flyers and the Windsor Express. He has also spent some time as part of the Windsor Symphony Orchestra ChorusÕ s tenor section.

20 I Ad Feature

Essex Free Press


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Community I 21

Essex Free Press

Group Hug Apparel donates gingerbread houses and cash donation to CLEC by Sylene Argent One of the popular ways to celebrate Christmas is by creating and decorating gingerbread houses with friends and family. It provides an opportunity to spend some time with loved ones while creating tasty treats that can be used to decorate the home in celebration of the holiday season. On Monday afternoon, Andrew Banar of Group Hug Apparel donated gingerbread houses to Community Living Essex County. He is a proud supporter of the local organization that serves around 600 local individuals, along with their families, who have an intellectual disability. Banar, who has Down Syndrome, was happy to pull up a chair and roll up his sleeves to spend an afternoon creating these gingerbread houses with friends. The group later enjoyed a pizza lunch as a way to wrap up the afternoon. Banar wanted to forward the donation of the gingerbread houses to help ring in the holiday season. Ò WeÕ re having fun today,Ó he said, as they created the gingerbread houses. In addition to the gingerbread house donation, Banar also forwarded a $200 donation to Community Living Essex County. This donation was raised as part of the proceeds this local businessman raised while selling his Ò Be Strong Rock OnÓ t-shirts at a booth during the Ruthven Apple Festival. He was also thrilled to forward this donation as well. BanarÕ s mom, Karen Pickle, said the donations were made as a way to give back, while creating an opportunity to have some Christmas fun. Community Living Essex CountyÕ s Manager of Community Relations and Resource Development Tony DeSantis said Banar is a good guy and is a very busy individual. The organization was grateful to Group Hug Apparel for the donation. More information about this t-shirt venture can be found at grouphugapparel. com. Pictured above right: Andrew Banar (second from right) and his mom, Karen Pickle, enjoy creating gingerbread houses at the Community Living Essex County facility with friends Suzanne Cyr and her son Andrew. Group Hug Apparel sponsored this fun event that took place on Monday afternoon.



22 I Personals

Essex Free Press

From The Heart

To place a personal notice, email your photo and content to essexfreepress@ or drop by our office at 16 Centre St., Essex. Personal notices must be received by Monday at 12:00 noon to appear in the Thursday edition.

Happy 90th Birthday DON FICK Don Fick, Leamington, will be celebrating his 90th Birthday on Sunday, December 28th at the Essex Train Station, with an Open House, (Best Wishes Only) from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.

WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Congratulations to Katie Dunmore and Trevor Hayes who were married May 17, 2014 at the St. Clair Centre for the Arts, Windsor, Ontario. Love and best wishes from Paul and Christine Dunmore of Essex and Robert and Louise Hayes of Windsor.

Voice Of Inspiration Ò Any fool can know. The point is to understand.Ó ~ Albert Einstein

Happy th Birthday!


On Christmas Day, 2014 With Love, Your Family

Happy 50 th Birthday FR. MOE

Love from your friends _________________________________________________________

in LOving MeMOry


Leithead / Giofu

Laurie Anne Leithead - Dec. 21, 1996 Danny Leithead Jr. - Jan. 4, 2001 Sagar Giofu - Sept. 9, 2002 Joyce Leithead - Oct. 25, 2008 Danny Leithead - Oct. 6, 2012 We cannot bring back the old days when we were all together. The family chain is broken now, but memories live forever.

~ We love and miss you all so much. ~ Dana, Pete & Peggy, Sherry & Dan, and their families


Howson,ÊD arlene In memory of a Precious Daughter, Darlene. November 29/65 - December 19/86 Dar, the form that you were created from was one God spun from sunshine, moon, and stars. You were created more precious than diamonds. With ever so much more sparkle than fine crystal. You were ever so special and one of a kind. So when you left us here Dar, you did not go alone. For all of us here, sent our love to keep you special and warm. For you are never far away. Our love for you Dar, is for all time.

~Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow - Love you always. ~ Mom and Ed ________________________________________________


in Loving Memory of a Dear Father, Burton, who passed away Dec. 25, 1978 Thinking of you today and every day.

~ Always missed by Son, Tom ~



in Loving Memory of Edna, who passed away Dec. 28, 2000 Your memory is a keepsake.

~ Fondly remembered by Tom Brinacombe ~


In loving memory of a very special Husband, Father, and Grandfather passed away on December 18, 2013

KeithÊ ShepleyÊ

A golden heart stopped beating. Two working hands at rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us he only takes the best. Love always - Glenda and family


August 17, 1933 - December 17, 2010 A special smile, a special face, and in our hearts a special place. No words we speak can ever say, how much we miss you everyday. To hear your voice and see a smile, to sit and talk with you a while. To be together in the same old way, would be my greatest wish today. Thanks for the memories honey. All our love, your wife Freda, Kevin, Francois and Shelley-Anne, Dan and Joan, Laurie-Anne, Kyle, Victoria, and Emma Sue Anne


In loving memory of a very special Husband, Father, Grandfather & Great-Granfather

Wesley A Garrod “Sr.” October 1/28 - April 20/12 As time goes by without you, And days turn into years. They hold a million memories, And a thousand silent tears. May the winds of love blow softly, And whisper in your ear. That we love and miss you, And wish that you were here.

~ Merry Christmas ~ Love always - “Snooks”


Thursday, December 18, 2014


Card Of thanks


the family of the late Gord Renaud would like to extend our sincere thanks to our family, friends and residents of the Town of Essex for the support shown to us during our recent loss. The floral tributes, food, cards and donations have been greatly appreciated. To the staff of Reid’s Funeral Home for the care and compassion shown to us. To the Essex OPP and former Essex Police Services for their support and respect shown to their Sergeant. Also thank you to the staff of Holy Name Church. Fr. Dave, Deacon Gary, Fr. Mike and Fr. Larry. To Maria Connel and the choir for your assistance in making sure Dad had the send off he so deserved. To Dads grandchildren who he was so proud of for acting as pallbearers. Thank you also to the KofC and 4th Degree Knights for your participation. Special thank you to Dean and staff from Chochi’s for making sure we were fed, as well as the ladies at the Legion for the wonderful luncheon. Dad had numerous doctors and nurses that took exceptional care of him over the years and to you we send our appreciation. Thank you also to Jack & Jim at Essex Shoppers for always taking the time to answer our questions. To Dads many friends you all meant a lot to him and by the support shown to us that was indeed evident. The stories we heard the laughs we shared the tears we shed were true testament to the life Dad lived. He was always known as the one who helped. How many times over the days we heard “Gord pulled me over once and…”. And lastly to you Dad for leaving us with your legacy that will live on for many years. You are now an angel among us. Your struggle is over may you rest in peace with Mom. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Dave, Brian, Bruce and families. _________________________________________________________



COLLARD, Basil M. - Passed away unexpectedly at home on Thursday, December 11, 2014. Beloved husband of Blanche (nee Howson) for 57 years. Loving father of Clifford, Carol McCoy (Jack), Lila Sturdevant, Kevin (Kim). Today Call ak Adored Papa of Jeanine Sturdevant, Erik And Speur hO it W McCoy, Matthew McCoy (Meghan), Jeff vertising Ad p Sturdevant, Jessica McCoy, Brandon Collard, Sales Re! Hollee Austin Collard and one great grandaughter Myla McCoy. Dearest brother of Cecil, late Marshall (Alma), Vita Hicks (late James), Verna Macrow (Dave) and late Carmen (late Gail). Basil will also be remembered by the Howson family and many nieces and nephews. Visitation was held at the Reid Funeral Home & Reception Centre, 87 Maidstone Ave. E., Essex on Sunday. Funeral Service to celebrate Basil’s life was held from the funeral home on Monday, December 15, 2014. Rev. Brent Horner officiated. Interment Evergreen Memorial Park Cemetery. If desired memorial donations may be made to the Heart & Stroke Foundation. Family and friends are invited to share their memories or make a donation online at www.

Advertising Works!

Advertising Works!


y daDecember MCOuAt, Bill - Passed away peacefully 8, 2014 at the Royal Oak LTC in Call Toon ak And Speur Kingsville at 73 years of age. Beloved son of the late John and Edna McOuat. He will O h it W ising Advert be sadly missed by his cousin Margery and her husband Roger MacGregor as well as p e Sales R his dear friend Sharon Whitney. Cremation Greg!has taken place. A memorial service will be held a later date. Donations may be made to Windsor & Essex Humane Society or the Cottam United Church. Kennedy Funeral Home Ltd. (519-776-7378) 128 Talbot St. North entrusted with arrangements. You may send your condolences online at www.


JenneR, Jean (nee Srigley) - Passed away peacefully with family by her side on December 14, 2014 at 93 years of age. Beloved wife of the late Percy Jenner (1989). Daughter of the late Carmen and Ernest Srigley. Loving mother of William Jenner, Murray Jenner, Shelley and husband Edward Ross, Mark and wife Kelly Jenner. Treasured grandmother of 8 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. Jean loved quilting at St. Paul’s Anglican Church. She enjoyed being involved with the Home League at the Salvation Army in Essex. Visitation was held at the Kennedy Funeral Home Limited (519-776-7378) 128 Talbot St. N, Essex. The funeral service will take place from the funeral home on Thursday December 18, 2014 at 11 a.m. Interment will follow at Greenlawn Memorial Gardens. Donations may be made to the Essex Food Bank. You may send your condolences online at

Obituaries continued on Page 23

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Classifieds I 23

Essex Free Press


Placing a classified ad: classified ads can be submitted in person, by phone or fax or email from Monday to friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. There is a $1 surcharge on any classified billing under $15. We accept Visa | Mastercard | debit | cash | cheque. DeaDline is TuesDay by 10:00 am





KeRR, carol ann - Was born december 24, 1932 and passed peacefully with family by her side on december 1, 2014 at essex Manor. Beloved wife of the late Ron Kerr (1991) and predeceased by her companion don McMurren (2009). Loving mother of Jeff Kerr and wife Bev and Mary Kerr. dear grandma of Todd Kerr, Kyle Kerr, Jason Webster (Nicole), Tim Laughton (Chantalle) and great grandma of Nash and Nolan Webster and Tristen and Jared Laughton. Predeceased by her parents Fred & dorothy Totten. dearest sister of the late Mary Ramsay(2014) (Garth), late Paul Totten (1979), edwin Totten (Barb). Survived by many nieces and nephews. The family would like to give special thanks to Rita and the staff at essex Manor. Bless you. Visitation was held at the Reid Funeral Home & Reception Centre, 87 Maidstone Ave. e., essex (519-776-4233) on Wednesday. Funeral Service to celebrate Carol’s life was held from the funeral home on Thursday, december 4, 2014. Interment Greenlawn Memorial Gardens Cemetery. If desired, memorial donations made to Huntington’s Society would be appreciated. Family and friends are invited to share their memories or make a donation online at ________________________________________________

Ross, edna “Jean” (Billing) - 93 years, passed away peacefully on december 1, 2014 at Royal Oak Long Term Care in Kingsville. Beloved wife of the late Jack W. Ross (1990). Loving mother of ed and his wife Shelley. Cherished grandmother of Jason. Jean and Jack were long time farmers on the Cameron Sideroad in essex. Visitation was held at the Reid Funeral Home & Reception Centre, 87 Maidstone Ave. e., essex (519-776-4233) on Thursday. Funeral Service to celebrate Jean’s life was held at the funeral home on Friday, december 5, 2014. Rev. Ann Corbet officiated. Interment at evergreen Memorial Park Cemetery followed. As an expression of sympathy, memorial donations made to the Hospital for Sick Children or Woodslee United Church would be appreciated. Family and friends are invited to share their words of comfort and remembrance or make a charitable contribution at

Phone 519.776.4268

Fax: 519.776.4014

EvEnts _____________________ BINGO 1st & 3rd Fridays 7:15 P.M. 32 Russell St. - Retirees’ hall $ 500.00 JACKPOT 1-tf _____________________ KITTeNAIde AdOPTION dAy - Saturday, dec. 20 & 27, from 11am-3pm at Petzown (1715 Manning Rd.) Cats & Kittens. 519-324-2729. 49-1t _____________________ eVeNT - At essex United Church, Thursday evening, carolling @ 4:30. Join us Saturday evening, dec. 20th, contemporary worship in the parlour @ 5:30 pm., Sunday, december 21, Advent 4 service @ 10:15. Join us on Christmas eve at 7 and 11. 7pm for youth candlelight service and 11 an agape meal candlelight service. everyone welcome! 50-1t _____________________

FARMInG _____________________ WANTed Farm Land to Rent Cash or Share Crop Call Jeff Siefker (cell) 519-796-1240 or (home) 519-776-9501 1-tf

_____________________ WANTed productive land to buy, rent or sharecrop. Top prices paid. Call dennis today @ R. Rivest Farms Ltd. 519-7966691. 1-tf _____________________ WANTed: Farmland to rent or share crop. Competitive rates. dent Farms. Call daryn: 519-818-4995. 3-tfn

Owner Operators Required Requirements 2009 must be trucks or newer We will inspect older equipment Clean driver’s abstract/CVOR/FAST Card Minimum 2 years cross border exp. Cross Border Company Drivers Required Clean driver’s abstract/CVOR Criminal Record Search Minimum 2 years cross border exp. Must complete pre-employment drug test APPLY TO: OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-588-0057 ext. 4612 for more details on each position. Mississauga terminal also looking for licensed LCV Drivers.


FOR REnt _____________________



REAl EstAtE _______________________________________________

FOR ReNT: Large, modern 2 bdrm. apt. near essex. $625/month. No pets. 519839-5582. 35-tfn* _____________________ FOR ReNT - 1 bdrm. bachelor apt. w/ yard. One level. Good for seniors. 5 mins. from essex. First & last required. Appliances and all utilities incl. Available immediately. Call 519-791-6305. 46-5t* _____________________ FOR ReNT: 2 & 3 bdrm apartments in downtown essex. First & last required. No pets. 519-776-6078. 41-tfn _____________________ FOR ReNT: 1 bedroom apartment available immediately. In the Cottam area- quiet building. $600/month all utilities incl. First & last months rent required. Please call 519-819-1039 & leave a message. 44-tfn _____________________ FOR ReNT - 1 bdrm apt. Fridge & stove. Utilities incl. $575.00. Call 519-9818784. 47 - tfn _____________________ STORe FOR ReNT - downtown essex, lots of parking. For more info, call 226-3501943. 48 - 6t _____________________ FOR ReNT - 2 bdrm apartment with yard. A block away from town. Fridge, stove, washer & dryer. $650 + utilities. Call 403-478-4118. Call or text. 50 - 2t*


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24 I Classifieds

Essex Free Press

Classifieds... _____________________

FOR Sale _____________________ FOR SALE: Hay & straw, small squares. Call 519-723-4421. 49-2t* _____________________

Memorial _____________________ FOR Sale verses FOR Sale _____________________ _____________________ FOR SALE: 3” Blue Styrofoam available Sheets 2’ FOR SALE: Cross bow Blackhawk, like x 8’ @ $15.00 ea - Call Gagnon Salvage new with scope. Also, older compound _____________________

519-726-5282. 50-4t* bow. Call 519-975-2949 or 519-995_____________________ 4450 or 519-300-6998. 50-1t* SALE - 90% OFF ENGLISH MADE _____________________ DINNERWARE - Royal Doulton, Royal Real eSTaTe Albert & Paragon, $2. Collector Plates, Memorial _____________________ Other china and household items at the verses former Regal Gift Shop, 138 Talbot St., N., Buying or Selling a farm? Do you know available Essex, SAT., DEC. 20 9 am - 3 pm only. the right questions and answers? Farm Experienced Realtor Carl Idzinski, Real Cash Only. 50-1t* Choice Realty. 519-817-8891. 1-t _____________________ FOR SALE: 1 ACRE BUILDING LOT at North _______________________________________________ Talbot, near Manning. $149,900. Water is HelP WaNTeD in and paid for. 45ft culvert to be installed _______________________________________________ at seller’s expence. Call Experienced Realtor Carl Idzinski, Real Choice Realty. 519-817-8891. 49-tff _____________________

FOR SALE: Christmas Trees, Locally grown. Large selection. 7212 9th concession, Maidstone. Next to Royal Estate Golf Course. 49-2t* _____________________ FOR SALE: 2010 14 foot white covered utility trailer. Bought new in 2012. Excellent condition. Asking $4200. Call 519-723-4761. 49-2t*

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Real eSTaTe _____________________ LOT FOR SALE - Commercial and residential, multi-purpose zoned, just outside of Essex on Cty. Rd. 34 N. 116 x 379 w/mature trees. All services are by the road. Call 519-791-6305. 47-5t* _____________________

HelP WaNTeD _____________________ EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Story Book Early Learning Centre requires a Part Time Assistant ECE for our Infant/ Toddler Rooms. Please apply in writing to Story Book ELC at 26 Arthur Ave Essex N8M 2M8 or Email storybookjaf@ 49 - 1t* _____________________

(TEXAS USA BEST BUY) Own a prime 20 acre ranchette in scenic Texas. Now only $395 per acre, $99 per month, no credit check. Call 800-875-6568. 49-2t* _____________________

HelP WaNTeD _____________________ HELP WANTED: Greenhouse and Packing line Labour. General greenhouse labour, duties include pruning, picking, planting and cleaning of greenhouse. Packing line labour, duties include inspecting, weighing and packing produce on assembly line. Lifting, bending and standing is required. Must be able to work all shifts. Rural area. No public transportation available. Rate of pay$11.00. To apply please email tammy@ Or Mail to Domric International, PO Box 218, Ruthven ON N0P 2G0. 24-6mx

Forward resume to: GROSSI PLUMBING, HEATING & HVAC SERVICES 238 Talbot Street West Leamington, Ontario N8H 1P1 Fax 519-326-3632 Email

VINEYARD/VEGETABLE/FRUIT WORK MemorialTO verses available at – MID-MARCH LATE OCTOBER Outside work in various weather conditions, 10 hour day – 6 days per week. Must be able to do pruning, tying, tucking, positioning, hoeing, harvesting at expected effi ciency level. Minimum wage rate, paid by cheque; must have valid S.I.N. #. Send resume with vineyard/farm references to

What’s black and white and read all over? 16 Centre Street, Essex



9 O’CLOCK | PREVIEW 8 O’CLOCK Recycle this Go to this website for pictures and more information: paper TERMS: CASH, OR CHEQUE WITH PROPER I.D. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS DAY OF SALE

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this paper

What’s black and white and read all over?

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas Tree Recycling Program Residents may drop off live Christmas trees Please at one of the designated municipal locations Recycle identified below, starting December 26 and ending January 30: paper this • Co-An Park Parking Lot 11071 Concession 11, McGregor • Harrow and Colchester South Community Centre 243 McAffee Street, Harrow (South end of parking lot) • Kinsmen Field House Parking Lot 120 Fairview Avenue West, Essex All trees will be mulched for future Please horticultural recycling programs Recycle throughout the town. this paper For more information, call 519-776-7336.

DRIvERS WANTED: AZ or DZ Clean record. Will train qualified applicants. Fax resume to Quinlan Inc. 519-723-2336. 1- tfn


HELP WANTED: Seasonal Snow RemovalMemorial Worker. Experience preferred. Will train. Fax resume to 519-723-2336. verses 39- tfn _____________________

available at

SeRviceS _____________________

“ON TIME MOvERS” - Are you moving? Need something picked up or delivered? Please call Larry or Dave today! 519736-7411 or 519-984-7412. 1-tf _____________________

Memorial v availab

HANDYMAN AvAILABLE: Can do dry walling, painting, and most other renovation projects. Will do yard work, clean eavestrough, clear driveways in winter, etc. Call 519-776-6897, ask for Paul Robertson. Have references if need to see also. Why wait? Get your projects done. very reliable. 44 - 4t* _____________________

RESIDENTIAL CLEANING: Openings available wkly, biwkly or monthly “Have your home ready for the holidays” Memorial Contact Jill Pluimers @ TOTALLYvers CLEAN (519) 819-5760. 49 - 3t* ____________________

KAHL RECYCLING - We come to you and haul away your junk. Metals and appliances are free. Everything else has a fee. We also take electronics, ballist, computers. Kall Ken 519-326-8559. Cell: 519-322-8305. 11-tfn _____________________ RELIABLE CLEANING LADY AvAILABLE: Willing to clean. Essex, Woodslee and Call Call 519-776-4 519-776-4 Belle River Area. References available. Free Estimates. If interested call: 519723-9523. 50 - 3t* _____________________ BABYSITTING SERvICES: In your home. Days, nights, and weekends around Essex. Call 519-776-1109. 50 - 1t* _____________________



WaNTeD _____________________ CASH PAID for scrap cars and trucks. Free removal. Please phone: 519-776-9237 or 519-791-5046. 1-tfn _____________________

leGal NOTice


NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of Philip David STERNBAUER, late of Woodslee, Ontario, who died on or about the 22nd day of September, 2014, must be filed with the undersigned Estate Trustee on or before the 9th day of January, 2015; thereafter, the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED at Essex this 10th day of December, 2014. David Benjamin STERNBAUER, Estate Trustee, by his Solicitors, HICKEY BYRNE, 14 Centre Street, Essex, Ontario, N8M 1N9. Attn: Joseph A. Byrne. 519-776-7349

Thursday, December 18, 2014



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519-776-4255 Salvation Army Essex Community Church News submitted by Carolyn Barnett There are a few kettle shifts to be filled so if you can help us out, please call the church office at 519- 776- 4628. Join us for Family Worship on Christmas Sunday, Dec. 21st at 11 a.m.. Lt. Kristen Gray and Cadet Donna Downey will lead the service. Prayer meeting is at 10:15 a.m. You are invited to attend our Carol and Candlelight service Dec. 21st at 6 p.m. as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour. On Sun., Dec. 28th our Family Worship will be led by Lts. Jeff and Graciela Arkell from Cornerstone Community Church in Mississauga. Please note the following on your January calendar. Sun. Jan 4th is our monthly potluck luncheon after Family Worship at 11 a.m. SA Connections meets Tues. Jan. 6th from 10 -1p.m. followed by Bible Study at 1:15 p.m. The monthly CCM service at Iler Lodge is at 10:30 a.m. on Wed. Jan. 7th and Messy Church meets again on Thurs. Jan. 8th from 6-8 p.m. Have a blessed Christmas and remember that “ Jesus is the reason for the season !” Harrow United Church Submitted by Larry Anderson We invite everyone to join us this Sunday at 10:30 am as we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent. Our annual Carol Service will take place at 7 pm. Your presence is a blessing to us and we hope that our church family will be a blessing to you. On Christmas Eve, children are invited to come to the church at 6 pm. If they can arrive in costume (Shepherds, Wise Men, Inn Keepers, Angels) that would be wonderful. We will have some costumes for those who do not have one. A live nativity scene will take place in front of the church between 6:30 and 7 pm as people arrive for the service which begins at 7 pm. Our “Giving Tree” is setup in Oxley Hall ready to decorate with a selection of gloves, mittens and hats that will be distributed to those in need. Thank you for your

Community I 25

Essex Free Press

consideration of this HUC initiative. To learn more about the faith community of Harrow United Church, listen to our music and to view Rev. Staples’ weekly messages, please visit our regularly updated website at: On behalf of the entire Faith Family of Harrow United Church we wish everyone a very blessed Christmas and an amazing year in 2015! Essex United Church We will have a contemporary Christmas service on Saturday, Dec. 20, at 5:30pm in the church parlour This will be casual and we invite everyone to join us. After carolling on, Dec. 18, which starts at the church at 4:30pm. we will come back for chilli and dessert. Next Sunday, the fourth of Advent, Karen Billing will give us the joy of Carols on her violin. For 20 years a group has been performing a service for the church by bringing joy to those 80 or older who were no longer able to serve in their usual capacity. Ruth McKenzie, Jill Linton. Jean Hyland. Elsie Kuhun, and Judy Ward made visits and telephone calls, delivered cards for special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, Birthday and valentines as well as having a token gift for those people. A rose was presented to the women at the Sunday morning service. Christmas Eve candlelight services will be one for family at 7pm and an Agape at 11pm. Come to whichever you prefer. Winter Break camp for those ages 4 to 12 is Dec. 29-31. Call Arleen at 519-7768924 for information. The staff at Hiatus House was amazed by our donations which were delivered to them by Bob and Jill Linton. Ken Salter brought the nativity scene to the church. We were happy to host a warming Centre during the town parade and enjoyed having guests for it. By asking for a food donation as entry to our craft show we were able to send more than 500 cans and $1,000 to the Essex Food Bank. There will be a dinner Dec. 27 to meet Ann Naylor and

St. Paul’s Anglican Church A coffee hour will be held at Trinity on Sunday, Dec. 21 after the service All are invited. Santa may have something for the children. We thank all those who donated to our silent auction and those who made bids. They made it a great success. St. Paul’s is collecting new packages of socks and underwear for all ages for our clothing cupboard. A tree at Continued from Page 28

The Planning Act Notice of the Passing of Zoning By-law Amendment By the Corporation of the Town of Essex Take notice that the Council of the Town of Essex has passed By-law Number 1373 on December 15, 2014, under Section 34 of the Planning Act. And take notice that only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a Zoning By-law to the Ontario Municipal Board. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf. An appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law may be completed by filing with the Clerk of the Town of Essex not later than January 12, 2015, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection accompanied by the required fee of $125 made payable to the Minister of Finance. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-law, describing the lands to which the By-law applies is attached. The complete By-law and any associated information are available for inspection in my office during regular office hours. Note: If you wish to appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), the requisite appeal forms are available from the Ontario Municipal Board on their website: or you may obtain the appeal forms from the Clerk’s office. No person or public body shall be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal of the decision unless, before the By-law was passed, that person or public body made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the Council, or in the opinion of the Ontario Municipal Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body. Dated at the Town of Essex this December 18, 2014. Cheryl Bondy, Clerk Town of Essex 33 Talbot Street South Essex, Ontario N8M 1A8 Telephone: 519-776-7336, Extension 1132 Email:

Explanation of Zoning Change This amending zoning by-law, Bylaw Number 1373, affects lands at 35 Gordon Street, east of Talbot Street. It is occupied by a combined residential commercial building having 6 dwelling units and 3 commercial units. The lands are zoned C2.2, a downtown commercial zoning category that also permits dwelling units above the ground floor. This amending by-law would permit dwelling units on the ground floor.

Key Map showing the location of the lands affected by this zoning by-law

26 I Community

Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 18, 2014

Colchester North Public School News The students of Colchester North Public School participated in the CNPS Annual Canned Food Drive from December 1st-12th. For two weeks, students raided their kitchen cupboards, asked relatives for donations, and even

spent their own allowance money to purchase items for the cause. The school goal was set for 1000 non-perishable items. Through the use of announcements, reminders in their planners, and some friendly competition between classrooms, the

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students of CNPS easily surpassed their goal. Colchester North Public School was able to donate over 1300 items to the Essex Area Food Bank. That is an average of 6 items per student. Some classes will even be receiving pizza parties in recognition of their contributions. Mr LorbetskieÕ s Grade 4/5 class brought in a

total of 454 items. ThatÕ s a whopping average of 16 items per student! Special acknowledgement goes to a few students in particular. Nick Kwiatkowski and Luka Markett both donated over 50 items, and siblings Ethan and Chloe Dibbley both brought in 84 items each. Steven Hood went above and beyond again this year.

He was able to donate 245 food items to the fantastic cause. The CNPS Annual Canned Food Drive is an important event that

allows the entire school to come together and support others in the Essex area. Way to go COLTS!!!

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Thursday, December 18, 2014


Community I 27

Essex Free Press

Essex Rotary hosts exchange student submitted to EFP Recently, the Rotary Club of Essex hosted returning exchange student, Lexi Sawchuk after her year in Chamonix, France. With stories of travel to many beautiful places including Paris, Strasbourg, and the Italian Alps (as shown by the many pins on her jacket), Lexi shared her experiences of different cultures, learning to be fluent in the French language, and adjusting to an education system Pictured are (left to right) Ron Ricci (Youth Exchange Counsellor), Lexi Sawchuk and Neil McBeth (Essex Rotary President).



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where students go to school all day until 6:00pm. And living just minutes from the French Alps and Italian border, skiing became a regular pastime for her and her exchange families. Lexi was a wonderful Canadian ambassador

as she represented both Canada and the Rotary Club of Essex on an extremely successful one-year exchange. She is now pursuing a degree in French at the University of Windsor.

Voice Of Inspiration Ò Things come apart so easily when they have been held together with lies.Ó ~ Dorothy Allison

28 I Community Hub

I Thursday, December 18, 2014

Essex Free Press

generosity is greatly appreciated! Keep in your prayers all who are shut in, hospitalized or in nursing homes and their care givers. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Continued from Page 25 the rear of the Trinity church welcomes mittens, scarves and hats. Food put under the tree will support our local food banks. Christmas Eve celebrations are Sung Communion at St. Paul’s at 7 p.m and at Trinity at 9 p.m. The church office will be closed after Friday, Dec. 19 to Wednesday, Jan. 7. A report for the Vestry meeting is due by Jan 4. Meeting dates are Jan. 18 at Trinity and Jan. 25 at St. Paul. A friend and her 7 year-old daughter are collecting thermos which they will fill with tea or hot chocolate before giving them at Street Help/Unit 7 on Dec. 23. At Street Help those that are homeless can come, get some clothing. something to eat, and some comradeship. If you would like to donate a thermos, new or slightly used, bring them to the church and they will be given to the collectors. Deadline is Dec. 23. Maidstone Cross Come and join us on Christmas Eve Mass at St. Mary’s at 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. Christmas Day at St. Mary’s is at 9 a.m. Everyone is invited to celebrate Fr. Moe’s 50th birthday on Friday, December 19th at Jose’s restaurant in Windsor. Thank you to everyone who donated to the Giving Tree. Your


Essex Community Services Essex Community Services’Holiday Hours: We will be open on December 24th until noon, and then closed for the holidays until the new year, re-opening on Monday, Jan 5, 2015. From the Staff and Board at Essex Community Services, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We look forward to serving everyone in the new year and to celebrating our 40th Anniversary in 2015!

Service at 7pm. Tuesday, January 6 is the nursing home service at Iler Lodge at 2pm. Volunteers are always welcome and appreciated. There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex if you would like to be a Door Greeter in 2015. On December 21, the door greeters are Joanne & Stephanie Pierre, Elder on duty is Lonnie Jones and lock up is Bill Manning. Christmas Eve the door greeters are Floyd and Jan Simpkins. December 28, the door greeters are Paul Thomas and Alyson and on January 4, the door greeters are Daisy and Keith Hicks. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all of my readers!

Cozy Corners - Bethel-Maidstone United submitted by Bev Holland Last Sunday, was Avent III - The Angel of Love. It was White Gift Sunday and the Sunday School Christmas service and a Birthday Party for Jesus. Thank you Sunday School for sharing in the service and to everyone for the white gift donations for the Essex Food Bank. There is atill room on th “Giving Tree” on the Narthex for new hats, gloves and scarves. Thanks for caring and sharing. This Sunday, Dec. 21 is Advent IV - The Angel of Joy. We will be sharing in the sacrament of Communion and Holy Baptism. December 24th is the Christmas Eve Family Candlelight

Woodslee United Church submitted by Sue Holman FOURTH SUNDAY IN ADVENT: Come join us for our Sunday Service and Sunday School at 11:15 am. Rev. Ann will be giving the special message. Our Door Greeters are Mac and Cheryl Affleck. The lunch servers are Kevin Stanley, Sue and Bob Holman and Fran McKim. This week scripture will be delivered by Lenore Palmer. For your reading pleasure Luke 1: 26-56. A special thank you to Scott Bastien , Esther Abdel-Sayed choir director, narrators Art and Kathie Meehan and the Windsor Seventh Day Adventist choir who joined Woodslee and Belle River Choirs for last weeks special Cantata. Advent Event: Come celebrate the Holy within you, and the Holy One who is yet to come. Join us for our last potluck diner




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Thursday, December 18, 2014


Community Hub I 29

Essex Free Press

Essex Christian Reformed Church submitted by Beverley Van Huizen We want to extend to all the good news of Christ’s coming to be the Light of our lives. May all of you experience his Continued from Page 28 goodness in the New Year as we begin a new time of service in Christ church and and discussion Dec. 18 at Woodslee, 6 pm – 8pm. After dinner God’s world. We would like to invite you and discussion we will go carolling in Woodslee. and your family at attend our Christmas and New Year’s Day Christmas Eve Service: Dec. 24 at 7 pm at Belle River. celebrations beginning at 10am. Do plan to stay afterward Coffee and Conversation is Thursdays at 10 am. Please note for a time of fellowship with coffee and goodies. Nursery Dec 25 and Jan 1 there will no coffee time. supervision will be provided. During the holidays there are no scheduled meetings. Holy Name of Jesus Church GEMS and Cadets and Coffee Break Ladies Bible Study will submitted by Therese Lecuyer resume early 2015. Visit us online for service times and K of C news corner - Executive meeting is Dec. 18th after 7pm directions or just to listen to a sermon or two. www.essexcrc. Mass. ca. 2015 Envelopes are ready for pick up from the Gather Space. Registration forms are available for those who want them. Bakerville News Please make sure your 2014 contributions are in before Dec. submitted by Evelyn Baker 31. As I wrote this on Sunday, the thermometer registered 50ºF. Join us for Christmas Eve Mass at 5pm, 7pm and 9pm. Now is this Christmas weather? How is Santa going to come Christmas Day is at 9:30am. calling when we have no snow? I am sure he will find a way to all Remember to keep Christ in Christmas. God bless your all and these excited happy kids. have a great week. Happy Birthday Wishes to Claude Ebbinghaus, Lori Manning, Check out our website at for more information Holly Hickmott, Anne Simpson and Ron Hanson. Also to Debbie on events, schedules, and bulletins.. Augustine, Austin Smith, Denise Diemling, and Joe Fox. Best of birthdays to all of you! The Pleasant Valley Community Club held their Pepper Party



and the lucky folks were Betty Fields, Mary Lou Chibi, Mary Demars, Al , Don Ames and Thomas Allison. The Regular Euchre winners were Audrey Stanley, Mary Demars, Anna Dobson, Keith Dresser, John Smith, Lawrence Dobson. Door Prizes to Josie Dresser & Elsie Smith. The Pleasant Valley Community Club will be closed from December 20th for the Winter months so a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from all the folks here. From our home to yours, a very Merry Holiday Season and a better 2015 for all in good health

Essex Retirees’ Club News We will have the annual New Year’s Eve party at the Centre. Please sign by December 23, that you are coming. There will be a double charge if you pay at the door because Bob has to know how much food to buy. Join us for a fun and social evening that starts at 7 p.m. Court Whist is the fun game. Call the office for details. The Centre will be closed December 24, 25, 26 and 31. Also Jan. 1, 2015. We wish a Merry Christmas and all the greetings of the season to our friends. At Saturday Euchre, Georgette Nadeau was the winner, Wally Laframboise held second spot and Judy Kelly was in third place. Anna Dobson had high score at Wednesday night Pepper, Mary Lou Chibi held the most Peppers and George Diesbourg had low score. Floyd Cascadden and Annette Anderson held top scores at Thursday night Bridge.



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30 I Opinion/Sports

Essex Free Press

1947 Cadillac fastback in Ottawa in 1955 PHOTO #1: Alex Matches with his 1947 Cadillac in Ottawa in 1955. You can tell when this photo was taken: rolled-up jeans, white socks, and dark loafers.

by Fred Groves

Red Raiders beat Brennan three straight

• The Essex District High School senior girls’ volleyball team won all three of its games against PHOTO #2: The “egg Brennan on Thursday by crate” grille on Alex’s 1947 scores of 25-20, 25-23 and Cadillac is still a distinctive 25-22. In other WECSSAA styling feature on Cadillacs action, St. Anne’s beat the Red Raiders earlier in the today. week. Junior action saw Alex Matches lives Essex beat Brennan 25-9, today in South Surrey, B.C. 27-25 before dropping the In September 1955, he was third game 17-25. They living as a Constable in also came up short against the RCMP in the Spadina St. Anne’s. Barracks on the west side • Tyler St. Pierre, Dylan of Ottawa. In that month he Dent, and Luke Mahon purchased a 1947 Cadillac scored for the EDHS and still remembers the car: boys’ hockey team last “I bought the car on week as they beat host September 6, 1955 for $850 General Amherst 3-1. The and sold it in October of that Red Raiders took their same year. I loved the style 1-1-3 record on the road and comfort, but it needed yesterday (Wednesday) some minor repairs and I felt it would cost me too much to keep on my Constable salary. The guy who bought it as they were at South was a soldier who wanted it to pull a trailer. I broke even on the deal and was glad to Windsor Arena to take on Massey. be rid of it.” In ’56 and ’57, Alex spent time in Ottawa with the RCMP Musical Ride, and • The Red Raiders boys’ escorted the Queen to the opening of Parliament on October 14, 1957. Then he junior boys basketball team came up short in headed out west. a couple of games last The Cadillac that Alex bought and quickly sold was a Series 62 coupe selling for $2446US and with a wheelbase of 129 inches. A less expensive version was the Series 61 coupe at $2200US. We can tell the difference just by looking at the photo. The B-pillar behind the driver’s door is vertical on Alex’s car, but that same B-pillar is slanted forward on the less expensive Series 61. These cars were known as a Club Coupe, or Sedanet, and the fastback styling, which began with the 1941 Cadillac, influenced car design on nearly all makes throughout the 1940s. No wonder Alex Matches bought a ’47 Series 62 coupe even though it was beyond his price range. And these cars were so popular, that explains why he got all his money back a month later when he sold it. Under the hood of Alex’s 1947 Cadillac was a flathead V8 with 346 cubic inches, the same engine which had powered Cadillacs since 1936. In 1947 it was rated at 150 horsepower. Whenever you pulled in for gas with one of these cars, you often had to show the gas jockey where the filler neck is located. It’s behind the left rear taillight! IÕ m always looking for more stories. Email billtsherk@sympatico. ca or write Bill Sherk, 25 John St., P.O. Box 255, Leamington, Ont. N8H 3W2. Everyone whose story is published in this column will receive a free autographed copy of my book: Ò OLD CAR DETECTIVE FAVOURITE STORIES, 1925 to 1965.Ó

I Thursday, December 18, 2014

week. Calvin Ross had eight points in a 54-24 loss to Lajeunese and then at home on Thursday, came up short, 52-28 to Cardinal Carter. • Meanwhile in girls’ hockey action, it was another close one as the Red Raiders fell 3-1 to Tecumseh Vista Academy. Mikayla Beaulieu had the lone goal for Essex. • From the horse racing track at Western Raceway in London, McGregor’s Todd Kennedy had a successful outing with M G Idole on Friday as they were second in the seventh

race. • The number 13 was lucky for Trevor Wheaton on Thursday as the Leamington Flyers goalie picked up his 13th win of the season, a 5-4 win over Chatham. Wheaton made 29 saves. • Dalton Langlois had a goal for the LaSalle Vipers last week in a 7-2 loss to London. If you have anything for the sports roundup, please contact Fred Groves at FredGrovesgrover54@

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Our prayers and best wishes are with you and your loved ones.

We appreciate your support and look forward to serving you in the New Year.


56 Talbot St. S., Essex


Thursday, December 18, 2014


Sports I 31

Essex Free Press

Veigli leads Red Raiders to third straight win by Fred Groves From the opening tip-off it was all Essex as they beat visiting Cardinal Carter 64-54 last Thursday afternoon in senior boysÕ basketball action. The win lifted the Red Raiders to an unblemished 3-0 record in the WECSSAA Tier II loop which they took against LÕ Essor on Tuesday and will host a tough Assumption side today (Thursday). Ò We are kind of playing over our heads right now.

IÕ ve got a lot of injuries but guys have stepped up,Ó said EDHS head coach Dave Harrison. It took just eight seconds into ThursdayÕ s game for Jeremy Orton to win the tip-off that went to Nik Veigli who returned it to Orton for the basket. Essex had a 14-10 head start at the first quarter buzzer when the duo worked a nifty pick play that ended with Orton muscling his way to the hoop. A year ago the Red Raiders won SWOSSAA

EDHS Red Raiders Jeremy Orton (left) drives to the hoop in last Thursday’s game.

and went to OFSAA where, after dropping their opener by a single point, went home without a win. Harrison admits that his team might not be as deep this year, but defence has improved considerably. While the Cougars did rattle off three straight three-pointers to make the score 27-21 at half time, Essex picked up its game on both ends of the court. Ò Team defence has gotten a lot better. We gave up 21 points in the first half and any time you do that, itÕ s a good half,Ó said Harrison. Illustrating how insistent they are in their own end, Veigli blocked

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a shot in the third quarter and got up the court quickly to help the hosts jump ahead, 37-21. Adding some muscle, staying composed and playing the entire game, Veigli poured in a game high 36 points on

Thursday. Ò He has made a real commitment this year. He wants to play somewhere next year, hopefully at a higher levelÓ said Harrison of his top player who is in his final year of high school. Ò HeÕ s our leader and he hardly comes off the court.Ó VeigliÕ s offensive output came not only from his six long-range bombs, but he was very tough to stop when he slashed-and-dashed to the hoop. Ò I think IÕ ve become faster and I am moving my feet quicker,” he said after ThursdayÕ s game. Cardinal Carter rallied

late and took advantage that Orton had fouled out. However, solid play from EssexÕ s Mitch Salter and Adam Amicarelli, who had a key three-pointer in the fourth period, held the CougarsÕ at bay. Ò We broke down a couple of times but we came back on a bit of a run,Ó said Veigli. Besides VeigliÕ s 36 points, Amicarelli had 11 and Orton added nine. Earlier last week, Veigli poured in 45 points and Amicarelli had a dozen in a 69-61 win over Lajeunesse.

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32 I Sports

Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 18, 2014

A pair of wins for the 73’s by Garrett Fodor In recent weeks, it appears teams have been getting the scouting report on the 73Õ s. In EssexÕ s last three contests, there have been three two-goal leads that have evaporated, leading to several tough grinded-out wins, the first of which came last Tuesday night against Alvinston. Last Tuesday, Essex was quick to open the

scoring against Alvinston with the hopes of putting their opponents out of the game early, with a 3:36 tally coming from Nick Mainella. Alvinston was quick to respond, however, with two markers. Essex closed out the period with a goal to even it out. The second frame was all Essex, with the 73Õ s spending much of the period in the offensive zone, registering 16 shots in the process. Two of those chances found the back of the net, with the second coming off the stick of Tyler Turner to give Essex a two-goal lead going into the last frame. The lead did not

hold, and the game was deadlocked again. Both teams were unable to find the back of the net after this, sending the game into extra time. Despite numerous opportunities, overtime solved nothing. In the shootout, it went down to the last shooter, Matthew Hebert, as the previous five all couldn’t find the net. Hebert beat the goalie, slipping the puck through five-hole, to end the game. The second game of the week came on Saturday when Essex was in Wheatley, facing the Sharks. The scoreboard after the first frame remained

blank. And it was Essex who was first to shed the goose egg, when Jordan Ryan found the net five minutes into the second. Essex added another before the period was over, but so did Wheatley to cut the lead to one. The third period saw Wheatley push hard to tie the game and take the lead. But in the end, after tying the game up, Essex was too much to handle and skated off with a hard fought 5-3 win. “Tuesdays performance felt great. We came out of the gate flat, and had to work hard to squeak out the ‘W’,” said Nick Mainella, who had a threepoint effort on Tuesday. Ò Sitting atop the league gives teams added reason to come out and try to beat

Essex celebrates a goal to take the lead in the second period Tuesday night.

us, so we need to prepare for that. I think we aren’t focusing hard enough coming into our games,Ó Tuesday, December 23 is your opportunity to skate with the 73Õ s,

beginning at 6pm. While your there, you also have the opportunity to tour the dressing room.

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Wishing you and yours a wonderful Holiday Season! Thank you to all of our friends and families for filling each and every day with “gifts of joy.” 169 Irwin Avenue, Essex

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