Essex Free Press - December 5, 2019

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A LOOK INSIDE Essex Council Notes PAGE 3 _______________ EDHS leadership students collect 5000 items for Purse Project PAGE 8 _______________ Ultimate Beatles Tribute rocks Kingsville PAGE 13 _______________ Colchester North Sewing Club stitching gifts of warmth PAGE 15 _______________ Essex 73’s, fans to join in “Hockey Gives Blood” PAGE 22 _______________ & MORE _______________

Looking For A Good Home

Vol. 139

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Colchester celebrates holiday season with annual hayride

Public School, local families enjoyed a hayride, along with a lunch, a chance to meet Santa, and activities that celebrated the Christmas season. One of the organizers, Lou Anne Mailloux, said the annual hayride is a great way to get the community together to celebrate the holidays. “We love seeing people from all walks of life come together for the Organizer, Tina McAgy, smiles with Santa and her grandchildren at the Holiday Hayride event, which took place at Colchester North Public School event,” Mailloux said. “Not only on Saturday.

“ISEN” See Page 5 for adoption info.

Issue No. 48

by Julianna Bonnett Just in time for the Christmas season, local residents got into the holiday spirit on Saturday morning by participating

in the annual Family Christmas Hayride in Gesto. Hosted from Colchester North

do people from our community come out, but so many from Essex, Harrow, and even Windsor come out to enjoy what we’re offering.” According to Mailloux, their annual Christmas hayride has been and annual event for 55-years. “It’s been a community event for a lot longer than most people know,” Mailloux said. “It’s been happening for over 55-years, they just kept doing it because they noticed how many people really enjoyed it and of course it brings a smile to every kid’s face.” Santa Claus was on site to help keep the Christmas spirit alive, along with OPP officers and firefighters who helped each resident get onto the trailers, safely and soundly. “I bring my grandchildren to it every year because it really has become a tradition for us,” said another event organizer, Tina McAgy. “We’re lucky to have so much support from the community and local sponsors, who want to celebrate the Christmas spirit, but also help donate toys to those children in need.”

2 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 5, 2019

Cottam United continues with turkey dinner tradition

Around 1100 individuals enjoyed Cottam United Church’s 73rd annual turkey dinner last Thursday evening.

by Sylene Argent Last Thursday evening, around 1100 individuals flocked to Cottam United Church to enjoy the 73rd annual turkey dinner, which was initiated over sevendecades ago as a ‘thank you event’ for American

cottagers around their Thanksgiving holiday. This year’s organizers, Anita and Rick Mayea, said this year’s annual event was a big success as a countless list of volunteers prepared 950lbs of potatoes, 200 pies, 1250lbs of turkey,

22 bushels of squash, and 80kilos of peas to feed the

submitted to EFP The 4-H Cloverbuds members were busy learning all about goat farming at their last meeting. The goat industry in Ontario has had steady growth over the last decades. From suppliers of milk, meat and hair, the goat has evolved into an animal that is mainly kept for commercial purposes. Increasing demand for goat milk, goat cheese and other dairy goat products has stimulated the further advancement of the goat industry. Everyone received a copy of “The Real Dirt on Farming” and found an interesting fact about goats. The pupil of a goat’s eye is not round. It is rectangular! Nubian goats have long floppy ears. American La Mancha goats have very short or absent ears. Saanen


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meals to carrying full plates for guests as they made their way to their seats. “We ran out of aprons when we reached 50 volunteers,” Rick said, estimating there were as many as 75 individuals who supported the event as a volunteer in some capacity. Any proceeds raised through the event will go towards the church’s general fund, so programs and services can continue and the facility can be maintained. The core group of organizers who planned

the turkey dinner will now focus their attention to hosting a Rabbie Burns dinner on January 25, along with more community engagements throughout the year. Cottam United Church, Rick said, is a hub in the community of Cottam as the turkey dinner is one of the largest events that happens in the small hamlet. In addition, it is now home to a new community prayer garden, which was initiated in the fall.

4-H Cloverbuds press report

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many dine-in and takeout guests. “We just love it. We love the event. Every year, we get a little better at it,” Rick said. Though the volunteers have the meal service down to a science, any food that did not hit a dinner tray was donated to the Downtown Mission after the event. He estimated that could be around 50 meals. The event would not be possible without the long list of volunteers, who lent a hand during the event. The volunteers took on roles from preparing or serving the


goats are noted for their high milk production. The club members judged some goat cheese. Miss Bonnie gave everyone four different kinds of goat cheese and the Cloverbuds smelled each one and felt each one and put them into the order they thought would taste best. Then everyone tasted them. There were two kinds of unripened goat cheese, one plain and one flavoured with cranberries, one cheddar goat cheese and one mozzarella goat cheese. Aiden liked them all, but the majority of the Cloverbuds were not too interested in trying goat cheese again! Everyone had fun doing a colour by number goat sheet and a connect the dots goat fun. The final meeting of the 2019 4-H Cloverbud club will be December 23rd.

Thursday, December 5, 2019 I

News I 3

Essex Free Press

by Sylene Argent Council lowers animal tethering limit to four-hours In a close vote, 5-3, Essex Council voted in favour of lowering the animal tethering limit from ten hours to four hours in a 24-hour time frame. Area residents Valerie Alexander and Daniel Inverarity, and Windsor Essex County Humane Society Executive Director, Melanie Coulter, appeared before Council to ask that the tethering limit be lowered. Alexander, a teenager, has approached Council in the past regarding animal welfare issues, including when the Town reduced the tethering limit from 12 to 10 hours at a meeting in April of 2017. She said though it is a progressive bylaw, it could be improved. Previous to this meeting, Essex Council was the first in the County to implement a time-limit on how long an animal may be tethered, which was originally set at 12-hours. To persuade Council to lower the tethering limit, Alexander said dogs can become overheated in hot weather and the OSPCA says dogs should not be left outdoors for extended periods of times during below freezing weather. The CDC, she noted, has stated tethered dogs are almost three times as likely to attack. She also spoke of studies that noted dogs have the ability to feel emotions. The Town’s Bylaw regarding animal welfare notes animals should be treated in a manner characterized by tenderness, compassion, and sympathy so not to cause injury, suffering, etc. Windsor, Kingsville, LaSalle, Leamington, and Tecumseh tethering limits are currently set at four-hours. Inverarity added said he was at the previous council meeting when the tethering limit was reduced to ten-hours. He explained the Windsor Essex County Humane Society has difficulty enforcing the bylaw at ten hours. It is barely enforceable at six hours. It is time for a change, he said. Coulter added the motivation for the changes is the concern about animals. Tethered animals are more likely to be aggressive. This change is good for animals. It is easier to enforce for Humane Society staff, and it is good for the community, she said.

- Monday, December 2, 2019 Coulter said the Bylaw is used as a tool for someone who has a dog tethered for long periods of times. Councillor Kim Verbeek thanked Alexander for speaking up for voiceless creatures. She said she doesn’t know how these lonely dogs cope as she knows of dogs who struggle with anxiety when left alone in the home for just a few hours at a time. Councillor Chris Vander Doelen argued that most other municipalities do not have as much rural area as Essex. He said wouldn’t mind a shorter limit for toy or teacup breeds. He said this takes pet rights away from working people and that farmers can’t have working dogs. So, he was going to vote against shortening the tethering limit. Deputy Mayor Richard Meloche said it is different in rural communities. He said there are larger breed dogs that are content on being outside and that some dogs love to be outside. During her presentation, Alexander showed a short film depicting what would happen to a child if it were left in the cold for ten hours. Meloche thought it was terrible she compared a child to a dog. He said in order for a dog to be tethered in Essex, there has to be a clean environment for them, a waterproof shelter, and adequate attention, care and food/water. If someone works in the city, they have travel time to add to their shift, so they need the ten-hour limit. He said some farmers use dogs tied to a barn to protect equipment. There are fewer farms that do this, he noted. As someone who would not tether his dog, he said farmers should be allowed to have that dog on the farm. Let’s not make it more difficult for farmers to survive, he said, they have it hard enough as it is. He said he’d rather be outside with proper shelter and food than in a crate if he was a dog. He said he thinks the facts Alexander provided during the presentation were for dogs on a tether permanently, not a ten-hour limit. Councillor Steve Bjorkman said he would support a tethering limit of four hours a day. Dog runs are a solution with adequate shelter, etc. “That job doesn’t have a place anymore,” he said Continued on Page 6

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4 I Opinion Essex Free Press

Editorial &Opinion

I Thursday, December 5, 2019

Howling at the Moon ••• Comment by Sylene Argent ••• Making mistakes

Serving Essex and the surrounding communities since 1896.

Published Thursdays as an independent weekly newspaper, owned and operated by The Essex Voice Limited. A London Publishing Corporation Publication OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. OUR STAFF Sandy Kennedy / Andrew Beaudoin - Office Jessica Azar - Graphic Design / Social Media / Production Lana Warwick - Graphic Design Greg Belchuk - Advertising Sales Manager Sylene Argent - Editor/News Reporter Shelley Beaudoin - Graphic Design / Production

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Every once in a while, at one point or another, we all do it…we make the dreaded mistake. Mistake making can come in one of many forms, from accidentally mixing up or omitting information for work-related projects, getting crass with others when it is undeserved due to being in a less-than-desirable mood, or just making overall bad decisions. Growing up, I was always told that everything one does is a signature of who they are. So, I always tried my very best to avoid mistake-making. It wasn’t until I was older, did I realize that part of growth is making mistakes, because that is when we challenge ourselves beyond our comfort zone. It is not the mistake that typically defines a person, it is how they deal with it, learn from it, and move on from it. Having to make amends for wrongdoing also makes us care about our actions and their affect on others. I absolutely hate making mistakes.

I hate the feeling it creates within me. It often feels as though I had let myself or someone else down; even if the less-than-desirable outcome was due to just a simple oversight or something beyond my control. I am certainly much more forgiving of others when they make a mistake than I am of myself, and I think many are the same way. Forgiving one’s self can likely be one of the hardest things we can do for ourselves. We tend to look at a situation with that proverbial 20/20 hindsight perspective and beat our selves down for not being able to predict how those outcomes would manifest. And then we start with that “would have, could have, should have,” internal dialogue with ourselves. But I have come to learn that dwelling on mistakes is actually time wasted on not actually fixing the issue, whatever that may be. It is here we learn just what it is our character is made of.

Though I wish I could go through life fault-free, I know that is not possible. Plus, if we all had this perception that we were flawless, it would not leave much room for us to grow and we would certainly stop paying attention to results our actions created, eventually. I think we would also become rather lazy and detached from how we behave. So, I guess when looking at it from that perspective, though I am not immune to making mistakes, and certainly have no way to travel back in time to correct any faults I have created, I am grateful we, as people, have this free will that allows us to challenge ourselves, and even others, to learn and grow through learning what is right, what is wrong, and how to make amends when we have blundered.

The opinions expressed on these pages are those of their original authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Essex Free Press, its Editor or Publisher.

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The Essex Free Press

Office: 16 Centre St. Essex, Ontario Mail to: P.O. Box 115 Essex, Ontario N8M 2Y1

Phone: 519.776.4268 Fax: 519.776.4014


Commentary - OFA

Ontario’s beef industry needs immediate government support By Jackie-Kelly Pemberton, Director, Ontario Federation of Agriculture

For more than a year, Ontario’s beef industry has been in a state of uncertainty and duress. Depressed market prices, trade and market access barriers, a shortage of processing capacity and most recently, the prolonged licence suspension for Ryding-Regency Meat Packers, a significant player in beef processing for Eastern Canada. This critical processing capacity shortage – combined with a serious competitiveness crisis – is costing the sector millions of dollars in lost income, threatening the viability of Ontario beef farms, livestock truckers, auction barns, processors and other associated industries that make this billion-dollar sector thrive. The entire value chain is feeling the financial effects of these industry disruptions, not to mention the stress on farmers, businesses and their families. The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) recognizes beef farmers have no immediate recourse to address these challenges. Many of these issues and uncertainties are out of the control of farmers. That’s why OFA has joined the call asking for immediate government action to aid in the resolution of the mounting threats facing Ontario farmers. The beef industry needs urgent government support to mitigate financial losses, and to get market-ready cattle processed. Looking longer-term, a plan to support the expansion of processing capacity to service Ontario and Eastern Canada is needed. Too many processors have exited the sector in recent years, leaving too few processors to place bids on cattle to ensure a competitive, healthy marketplace. As a result, marketing options are reduced for Ontario farmers, squeezing financial margins

even tighter. Compounding an already difficult situation is the recent prolonged licence suspension of Ryding-Regency Meat Packers – an issue that needs to be resolved immediately. Periods of backlog in processing are becoming more frequent and severe, requiring farmers to feed cattle at increased costs for longer periods, resulting in producers being penalized for overweight animals when they finally secure processing space. There continues to be a global demand for Ontario beef products, however due to the limited capacity of these processing plants, the opportunity for growth within the industry is significantly restricted. Ontario beef farmers have been coping with depressed market prices as a result of the reduced processing capacity, trade disruptions and market access challenges for more than a year, with no end in sight. And the losses are mounting. Collective beef cattle farm losses in Ontario and Quebec have exceeded $150 million since January 2019. This is not sustainable. In September, Beef Farmers of Ontario and Les Producteurs de bovins du Québec proposed a national implementation of an emergency Beef Cattle Investment and Assistance Program to help farmers in Ontario and Quebec mitigate market losses and the disturbances of recent trade and market disruptions. OFA, together with Beef Farmers of Ontario, are asking our provincial and federal governments for immediate support. The beef sector deserves and desperately needs urgent support and assistance.

Thursday, December 5, 2019 I

Community I 5

Essex Free Press

Rotarian Ross Levy honoured during memorial event

On Sunday evening, friends and family members of the late Ross Levy gathered inside the pavilion at Cottam Rotary Park to honour his legacy, which included giving back to the community as a Rotarian for over four decades.

The late Ross Levy’s wife, Sandy, and son, Percy Hamilton, hold candles during a memorial ceremony held inside the pavilion at Cottam Rotary Park on Sunday evening.

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by Sylene Argent On Sunday evening, the 2nd Cottam Scouting unit and the Cottam Rotary Club hosted a memorial event inside the pavilion at Cottam Rotary Park to pay tribute to and honour the legacy of the late Ross Levy. Levy passed away on October 10 of last year at the age of 70, after he led a life dedicated to community service. “Ross was a leader and motivator, and often my sounding board,” Cottam Rotary Club President Jamie Heinrichs said, noting his Rotary mentor had been involved in the service club for 47-years before he passed. With so many years of experience with Rotary, Levy brought a lot of

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wisdom of the past to the table, but knew when change would be beneficial for the club, Heinrichs added. In addition to being involved with the Cottam Rotary Club, Levy was also a member of the

Essex Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion (Branch 201) and the Harrow Fair Board. Levy was remembered for being an individual who could calm a heated debate with reason and

Continued on Page 11

Pet Of The Week: Isen Isen has got the best personality! He is a loving fella and will want lots of cuddles! He likes bones, toys, people, and walks! Those are his favourite, and he may need more so he can get in shape. He also will need help working on not pulling. He is a strong fella, so he will need someone who can handle him. Come and meet Isen today, he would make a great companion and he is an older guy who would love to spend his days with you and not in a kennel. This pet comes with 6 weeks of pre-paid pet health insurance. For more information, visit or call 1-866-600-2445. Visit the Windsor-Essex County Humane Society shelter to visit at 1375 Provincial Rd., Windsor. Ph: 519-966-5751. The adoption center is open everyday at 11am.

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6 I News Essex Free Press

Essex Council notes... of dog being used as alarms. Noting cameras are available. He said it was time to move along. The Bylaw has to be enforceable. It is not to chase anyone down, there is not an enforcement crew big enough. When there is a dog in distress, it gives the Humane Society a tool they can use, to watch for four hours, and watch how it was treated. “It gives us an opportunity to protect dogs that need protecting,” he said. Councillor Sherry Bondy put forward a motion that a four-hour tethering limit be adopted in the Town of Essex, and asked for a recorded vote. If it was to fail, she wanted to discuss alternatives so that something could be implemented. “This Town used to be progressive…we have stagnated,” she said. Mayor Larry Snively said he does not believe in tethering an animal at all. In a recorded vote, Councillors Joe Garon, Bondy, Verbeek, Bjorkman, and Mayor Snively were in support. Deputy Mayor

Meloche, and Councillors Morley Bowman and Vander Doelen, were opposed. The motion carried. Council also received the presentation The result was met with a round of applause from those in the audience. Multi-Year Accessibility Plan presented for 2019-2024 Essex Accessibility Advisory Committee Chairperson (EAAC) Richard Kokovai and Vice Chair Lisa Wallace approached Council about the Town of Essex MultiYear Accessibility Plan 2019 to 2024, which Town Administration prepared in conjunction with the Town of Essex Accessibility Advisory Committee. Council received and adopted the 24-page plan. Kokovai said the document lays out items to make the Town more accessible over the next five-years. The document will be shared through various forms of mediums. In the report, Kokovai noted the Accessibility Advisory Committee

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Continued from Page 3

has supported various accessibility initiatives aimed at creating a welcoming and accessible community that allows all members to be engaged and participate, and has assisted the Town in meeting its legislative requirements. The committee will continue to work together with Council and Administration of the Town of Essex to identify, remove, and prevent barriers. The document includes topics, such as general requirements to ensure provincial mandates are met; customer service to better serve those with special needs; employment standards regarding recruitment of those with disabilities; information and communications to provide municipal information; transportation; and design of public spaces which reviews the physical environment of private and public sectors. Wallace said the EAAC noted one of the initiatives is to bring forward international or national initiatives, such as December 3 being International Day of Persons with Disabilities. What they wanted to focus on was training and education and to look where other information is located. She said the committee will look to various organizations for that information over the next four years. The Committee will also look at municipal grant programs to ensure there are accessibility components. When the plan was designed, the Committee looked at the results for the survey that went out in May. One of the highlights was in regard to sidewalks. She said the Committee

also wants to build on its successes, such as the Mobi-Mat and ramp at the Colchester Harbour, and the accessible swings now available at various parks throughout the municipality. Kokovai said one in five people have a disability, and that number rises to over 40 percent for those over 65-years of age. Councillor Sherry Bondy, who sits on the Board as the Council liaison, suggested the around ten recommendations outlined in the report under Council resolutions go back to the Committee for additional review to make sure they are still relevant. One of the recommendations for Council resolution includes that sidewalks be installed along Maidstone Avenue West to allow accessible pedestrian traffic to the McDonald’s and Tim Horton’s in Essex Centre. Resident asks for Development Charges policy review Resident Jim Oakley approached Council to ask for a review on the policy on development charges for semi-detached residences on appropriate infill lots. He hoped the policy could be changed for Ward 3. In May, there was a public meeting where he noted he had the intention of building one semi-detached unit on a single lot. This would be sold for family homes. Council voted in favour of this. In June, the Planning Department gave permission to built a semidetached home. He was told the permit was ready. He said the development charges were over $26,000, and was told there could be an additional $10,000 in charges. He said he could build in Harrow with no charges currently. He said he is not

disputing development charges for a single unit, but said it is difficult to create affordable housing with having a semidetached unit that brought on a second round of fees. Lori Chadwick, Director of Development Services, said there are infill lots throughout the municipality that could be used for obtainable or affordable housing. The Town needs to keep in mind that infill development needs to be defined. Before any changes, the bylaw would have to be looked at. Industrial or commercial infill areas would be a different can of worms, she said. She would like the opportunity to review what other municipalities do and review the infill inventory within Essex. Councillor Chris Vander Doelen said this has to be made fair somehow. He said housing is crucial. He said it depends on how “infill” is defined. He was worried about setting a

I Thursday, December 5, 2019

precedent. Councillor Kim Verbeek said she doesn’t see a big influx of single lots being developed into semidetached homes and would support administration coming back with a report. Chadwick said it is hard to say when the report would be ready. She said it could take two to four months as affordable housing is something near to her heart. This would include reaching out to her counterparts at other municipalities and various related organizations. CAO Chris Nepszy noted more time could be added if changes are considered as public notices may need to be issued. Councillor Steve Bjorkman said there should be no guessing about any fees. The Town needs to look at the policy today and ensure it is spelled out for everyone. Councillor Sherry Continued on Page 7

Thursday, December 5, 2019 I

News I 7

Essex Free Press

Essex Council notes... Bondy said it has to be affordable for the builder to build, or homes will not be built. She said she is motivated to look at an infill strategy as she does not want to see any more school closures. Vander Doelen put forward a motion that administration bring back a brief report on the cost to taxpayers of eliminating development fees on residential infill lots. The motion carried. Council also received Oakley’s presentation. Town’s insurance agreement Essex Council received the report “Town Insurance Agreement Option to Extend” and voted that the Agreement with Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc., for the provision of the Town’s

general insurance and risk management services program, be extended for another five-year period. This would begin on January 1, 2020 and will continue until December 31, 2024, in accordance with the Town’s Procurement and disposal of Goods and Services Policy. Town Clerk Robert Auger noted the last time the Town issued an RFP for insurance was in 2014. According to the report, the 2019 premium rate was $581,703.60, of which $16,054.20 was added for a Cyber Insurance policy. A recent analysis of the Town’s insurance claims during the 2015-2019 term reveals that out of approximately 40 claims that were made over this 5-year term, 35 of those claims were closed and/or

Continued from Page 6

resolved without any loss or deductible payments having been made. Site plan control approval for Crawford Packaging Essex Council received Planning report “Site plan control approval, Covey Investments Incorporated” and voted to adopted Bylaw 1867, regarding the site plan control application of Covey Investments Incorporated for the construction of a warehouse operation at the intersection of South Talbot Road and Reed Street. The related site plan agreement will also be executed and registered. The warehouse facility will be operated by Crawford Packaging. Crawford Packaging packages industrial and

commercial products for distribution. The Report to Council notes the 3.5-acre property will be developed in two phases for warehouse facilities, totalling 50,000 square feet, and a business office of 6300 square feet. Mayor Larry Snively said this is great news and a great investment in the Town of Essex. Municipal Modernization Program Council received Chief Administrative Officer, Chris Nepszy’s, report “Municipal Modernization Program: Intake 1,” and supported Town of Essex for funding up to the $200,000 in the Municipal Modernization Program. Council also directed administration to engage a third-party consultant, in accordance with the program eligibility requirements, to undertake a municipal service delivery review to address opportunities to achieve cost-savings and efficiencies. This would also look for opportunities for shared services with regional municipalities. In the report to Council, it notes that on November 1, 2019, the Honourable

Steven Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing advised that Intake 1 of the Municipal Modernization Program would be available to Municipalities. Under this program, the Province is making $125 million available through 20222023 to help municipalities with a population under 100,000 to conduct new service delivery reviews. Though the motion passed, Councillors Sherry Bondy and Kim Verbeek had concerns that this study could make it easier for the provincial government to amalgamate municipalities

more. NoM: No meetings on Remembrance Day During the November 18 regular Council meeting, Councillor Sherry Body put forth a Notice of Motion for Council consideration at the December 2 meeting. She wanted to amend the Procedural Bylaw to prohibit the Town of Essex from holding meetings on November 11th as this is Remembrance Day. The motion carried, but an adjustment will be made to the amendment for an exception of emergency meetings.

8 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 5, 2019

EDHS leadership students collect 5000 items for Purse Project by Sylene Argent When the students in the grade 11 Essex District High School (EDHS) leadership class decided to take on a new collection drive for the Purse Project, they had no idea they would be successful in collecting over 5000 items and 200 gently used purses. Jenna Reaume, one of the students in the grade 11 Leadership Class at EDHS, said her classed was overwhelmed with the dedication the local high school’s student body put into collecting items for the project. The donations of hygiene products, feminine hygiene products, and items for children, such as diapers, were put into

the gently used purses they were able to collect. The purses will be distributed to local charities – such as Hiatus House, the Downtown Mission, the Salvation Army, The Welcome Center, Lady of Guadalupe, and the House of Sophrosyne – to aid women and children in cases of abuse or human trafficking. Though the Leadership Students offered a pizza party for the class that brought in the most donations for the program, they told fellow students not to focus on the prize, but on the impact the program will make on those in need. In addition to having great support from fellow Red Raiders, the grade 11 leadership class was also pleased to receive donations from teachers, local businesses, and some community members, too. Though the donation drive collected needed items for a great cause, it also taught the students at EDHS about the programs that assist women escaping situations of abuse or sex trafficking. Reaume said sometimes those in less than favourable

The students in the EDHS grade 11 Leadership Class were pleased to collect over 5000 items, which will be distributed through the Purse Project to help those in need.

situations may have a hard time asking for help, so it is nice to proactively provide items for those in need for when they do reach out to support organizations for assistance.

Volunteers thanked during appreciation event by Sylene Argent The contributions dedicated volunteers provide to their communities is invaluable as they offer their talents to enhance the municipality in some way. A long list of local volunteers, who have attached themselves to one of the Town of Essex boards or committees, were celebrated for their selfless


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The grade 11 Leadership Class students far exceeded their donation drive expectations for the Purse Project, and hope the donations will make a positive impact on those in need within the region.

service last Friday evening at the annual Volunteer Appreciation Night, at the Essex Centre Sports Complex. Mayor Larry Snively welcomed everyone to the event by saying he and the Town appreciate the hard work and dedication the volunteers dedicate to improving and enhancing

the community. He said volunteers do not commit their efforts to Town committees and board to be recognized for their efforts, they get involved because they want to make Essex a better place to live. Snively congratulated each of the volunteers at the

Continued on Page 9

Thursday, December 5, 2019 I

Community I 9

Essex Free Press

Cottam hosts annual Christmas tree lighting

Volunteers thanked during appreciation event... Continued from Page 8

A group of volunteers with various committees and boards related to the Town of Essex enjoyed participating in the Town of Essex’s annual Volunteer Appreciation Night on Friday evening.

event on their efforts. Deputy Mayor Richard Meloche acknowledged the work each of the Town’s boards and committees do throughout the year. Each of the Town’s boards and committees are equally important for their invaluable service, he noted. The Accessibility Advisory Committee helps the community become easier to navigate for those with special needs. The

Arts, Culture, and Tourism (ACT) Committee was recognized for hosting another successful Tune up the Parks summer concert series and for holding its inaugural kite day this summer, which had a great turnout. The Essex Centre BIA, Meloche said, is hard at work improving the physical environment of the community to help attract new investors, such as partnering with the Town

to install the pavilion in the Heritage Gardens Park in 2018. Recently, the BIA installed two polar bear benches and illuminated arches adjacent to the pavilion to enhance the holiday flair. The Co-An Park Committee facilities sporting leagues and maintains the facility in the McGregor area. The Municipal Heritage Committee works at preserving and promoting

the municipality’s rich past. This year, the Committee had six new properties listed for having heritage significance. The Committee of Adjustment is vital to ensuring orderly development in Essex. In 2019, the committee reviewed around 50 applications that requested anything from new industrial and residential lots to minor variances. The new Drainage Committee has had the responsibility of making sure drainage within the municipality is working well. Meloche gave some credit to the Police Service Board for ensuring Essex continues to be one of the safest communities to live in the nation. Meloche noted the Essex Festival Committee hosts events, such as the Essex Fun Fest, which brings community members together. As a show of appreciation, the Town’s volunteers were treated to catered appetizers during the event, and received a goody bag they were able to take home.

by Max de Liberato This year’s annual Cottam Christmas Tree Lighting event attracted a large crowd of eager children and parents, who were ready to not only enjoy seeing the illuminated displays officially lit up after sunset on Saturday evening, but also Santa himself. The event didn’t have a traditional tree like it has in past years, but with its own elegance, it did have a life to it that shone like Rudolph’s nose. When Santa arrived, children hollered out “He’s here!” with glee in their voices. “It’s a wonderful event,” Jamie Heinrichs said, who

Continued on Page 10

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10 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 5, 2019

Essex Gospel Community Church is under construction submitted by Lead Pastor Brent Horner This fall, the members of Essex Gospel Community Church (EGCC) voted to add on to and renovate their church. The goal was to provide better and more effective ministry for its members and the community. The total cost of the project will be around $1.6 million and should be completed in approximately six-months. The church family of EGCC has also been under

construction. The church asked itself this question – “Are we effectively reaching our community for Christ?” In that context the people of EGCC studied how the building could be best suited for activity today and for the next 10 years in the midst of ever shifting trends. As a result of the internal discussion, the membership decided that the building needed to be updated inside and out in order to meet the expectations of people in

the 21st century. More emphasis will be given to technology and utilizing the interior space for smaller groups, not just the main Sunday gathering. A significant amount of space will be given to a Resource Center/Café, where people will have room to read, mingle, and relax. Rooms will be equipped with enhanced technology so people can access multiple forms of media in order to study the Bible and connect with one

another and the church’s guests. The church family has also understood it needs to do better in assisting members of the community with more specialized facilities. After securing some muchneeded expertise, EGCC is spending a significant amount of money equipping its facility with up-to-date washrooms for children and adults with these priority needs. Of course, the church wants the people of Essex to know that all of

these efforts are first and foremost to make Christ known. The church family believes that the good news of Jesus Christ is the most important message to be told. The church is simply looking for the best ways to make Christ known to everyone, everywhere. We’d love for you to check us and the ongoing work. Essex Gospel is probably known to many families for its outreach activities for children and students from the

county. These programs would be known to local kids as Club House, Monkey Barrel, and Sr. High School ministries. The church is also best known for organizing the community Easter Egg Hunt Family Day each spring, and more. Recently, it hosted a fall Trunk or Treat (an alternative activity for parents and kids who want a more controlled environment on Halloween).

Cottam hosts annual Christmas tree lighting... Continued from Page 9

who is President of the Rotary Club. “It gives us as a Rotary Club the opportunity to invite the kids and the parents down to see Santa, the firetruck,

the whole experience; it’s a good thing.” “Everybody loves to see the kids with Santa,” Heinrichs said. “If it wasn’t for that, we wouldn’t do it. It’s great to get together and have coffee, but really we’re here for the kids.” The event does more for the Rotary Club than just offer a magical night for youths. “It’s a way for us to engage the community, so they can see what it is we do, some people come and they see us selling trees and they’re not quite sure what it is the Rotary Club does,” Heinrichs said. For the past few weeks, the Rotary Club has been selling Christmas Trees from the pavilion at Cottam Rotary Park. The profits from the tree sales go back into the community through grants, bursaries, or for equipment to support youth sports, such as a pitching machine for Cottam Minor Baseball, Heinrichs noted. “So, having [the Cottam Tree Lighting event] right in the middle of the trees sales, emphasizes that we’re not here to make money for us personally. This is a fundraiser for us, selling trees down here, so having this event in the middle really allows us to say ‘Hey, we’re here to help the community’ and that’s what we want to do,” Heinrichs said.

Thursday, December 5, 2019 I

Community I 11

Essex Free Press

Kingsville Essex Associated Band Christmas Show returns to EDHS

Scouts Canada members pose for a photo during the 3rd annual Christmas Gift Show on November 30 at Essex District High School.

by Julianna Bonnett Area residents were able to get their holiday shopping done early

this past weekend as the Kingsville Essex Associated Band hosted it annual Christmas Gift

Show at Essex District High School. With Black Friday deals just ending, many locals

Rotarian Ross Levy honoured during memorial event... wisdom, and for his annual barbeques that he held in conjunction with the Cottam Rotary Club’s Christmas Tree Sales. Growing up, Dan Levy – one of Levy’s sons – did not recognize all his father had done for the community. During the event, Dan said “In a lot of ways, neither did he. He didn’t do it for the recognition. He did it because it needed to be done,” he said. During the event, the Cottam Rotary Club and 2nd Cottam Scouts handed out candles, which were

Continued from Page 5

lit, so that Levy’s light could live on in those who knew him. An “End of the Trail” ceremony was also held, which is a symbolic display using stones in the honour of someone who as “gone home.” In addition, a Red Maple Tree and plaque was dedicated in his honour. The Town of Kingsville was thanked for supporting the event. Kingsville’s Deputy Mayor Gord Queen attended the event and noted that the success of a community is dependent on people like Levy, whose contributions

make a community great. After the completion of the event, Sandy Levy, Ross’s wife, said the ceremony was more than she expected. She thanked those who organized the event and those who attended.

were in luck this past weekend as the 3rd annual Christmas Gift Show featured over 50 vendors, who sold anything from storage containers and popular produces to homemade Christmas ornaments. “We have some amazing vendors this year [who] do some amazing handcrafted objects,” Treasurer of the Kingsville Essex Associated Band, Cindy Kiessling, added. According to Kiessling, this is a great event for the band that helps show community support. “I just love seeing every year how many people from our community come out to support one another and especially support us,” Kiessling said. “It’s great to see that our community still interacts with one another and enjoys the little things and joys Christmas can bring.” President of the Kingsville Essex Associated Band, Jamie Bombardier, said the gift show is one of his favourite things to do throughout the year. “It’s a fun event for anyone to come to. It

really helps with the funds of the Band, but it also helps celebrate the holiday season and it has all these local vendors [who] do such amazing crafts that people in the community get to see,” Bombardier said. Bombardier believes the event shows how the community can come together to support one another and recognize the talents many people have. “The holiday [season] is a time for family and

friends to show their appreciation of each other and show their love, but I love how our community is able to do that for each other by supporting one another and getting the word out about our band and our vendors.” The two-day event featured many vendors, a bake sale, and a visit with Santa Claus himself, who visited the site for both days to take pictures and visit with any children in attendance.

We found this picture of what we believe to be the 4th Essex Brownies. The photo is circa 1998. If you can identify any of these club members, share your memories on our Facebook page with the Throwback Thursday picture posted for this week’s issue.

12 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 5, 2019

Essex United Church hosts 6th annual Christmas Craft Show

Voice Of Inspiration “You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself, that you truly give.” ~ Kahlil Gibran

by Julianna Bonnett Essex United Church rang in the holiday season over the weekend as it hosted its annual Christmas Craft Show. The event featured an array of vendors, who offered a wide-variety of

Vendors Debbie and Stephanie Cottrell pose for a photo at the 6th annual Christmas Craft Show at Essex United Church on November 30.

items for sale, including home crafted decorations, homemade baked goods, children’s toys, clothes, many unique gift ideas, homemade soaps, candles, and jewellery. Essex United Church held the sixth annual Christmas Craft Show in hopes of raising money for church programs. Admission into the event was a canned good, which will be forwarded to support the Essex Area Food Bank. Event Coordinator, Doug Rounding, said

the event use to be held at Essex District High School, before the high school went under construction. “We use to have the show at the high school, but they closed it down when they started doing construction,” Rounding explained. “I remember when that all happened and I didn’t want to see the show close down, so I did everything in my power to make sure it continued somewhere else.” According to

Rounding, his favourite part about the show is that it showcases local vendors from the area. “I love seeing people do their own craft and find passion in the simple things,” Rounding said. “I knew I didn’t want to see the show close, and I’m happy to say it’s been a successful six years.” For Saturday and Sunday, the kitchen was open to locals and served up some delicious sandwiches, soups, desserts, and more, all for a low cost. “We start preparing for the lunch for at least four hours before the event starts,” Kitchen Organizer Doug Arnold said. Arnold added that what makes his heart full is seeing all the people enjoying the food and enjoying what the church offers through the event. “We’re just doing the best we can and hoping people in the community enjoy it,” he said. Essex United Church is still asking for donations in support of the Essex Area Food Bank for the holiday season.

Thursday, December 5, 2019 I

Community I 13

Essex Free Press

Ultimate Beatles Tribute rocks Kingsville

Acclaimed speed-artist, Paul Murray, works on portraits of the ‘Fab Four’ during the Ultimate Beatles Tribute, which were auctioned off in support of charity.

Recording artist Sarah Smith lends her vocal talents in a rendition of “A Hard Day’s Night.”

by Adam Gault Aw a r d - w i n n i n g musicians and artists took to centre stage at a

packed Migration Hall in Kingsville this past Friday, November 30, to perform at the celebrated, and

one-of-a-kind, Ultimate Beatles Tribute Show in support of the Make-AWish foundation. Celebrated musicians from across Canada and the world were joined by acclaimed speed-artist, Paul Murray, who created original portraits of Liverpool’s favourite sons in various mediums. The pieces were auctioned off in support of local chapters of the Make-aWish Foundation. Murray amazed those in attendance with his original works, some of

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which he did blindfolded or while the canvas spun 360 degrees. “The wonderful thing about these shows is that it’s not about the talent (of) Wendell, Sarah, and myself, it’s about trying to represent the greatest band ever and supporting a terrific charity like Make-A-Wish,” Murray explained. Wendell Ferguson, a seven-time Canadian Guitar Player of the Year, and Juno-nominated musician, led his AllStar band in covering all eras of The Beatles, from early Cavern Club hits, to the musically celebrated psychedelic tunes of the late 1960s. Also joining him was

David Celia and Wendell Ferguson demonstrated their award-winning talents in a performance that encompassed all eras of The Beatles recording catalogue.

London native, Sarah Smith, whose wide vocal range helped encapsulate all facets of The Beatles’ vocal essence, awarding audience members with a show that captured the very essence of the Beatles, in a pure musical experience that didn’t need to resort to excessive

gimmicks, like costume changes or accents. The group finished the weekend tour with shows in Chatham-Kent and Lambton County. To learn more about Paul Murra, his Music and Arts Collide series, and his art, visit paulmurray. com.

14 I Special Feature Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thursday, December 5, 2019 I

Community I 15

Essex Free Press

Colchester North Sewing Club stitching gifts of warmth

by Sylene Argent The around ten youths involved with the Colchester North Public School Sewing Club are currently giving up their nutrition breaks twice a week to create gifts of warmth and comfort to patients in Hospice care. The students, under direction of volunteer seamstress, Marlies Kutz,

- the students are creating lap blankets for Hospice -

Members of the Colchester North Public School Sewing Club are currently making lap blankets for Hospice patients.

are currently creating lap blankets for Hospice patients. The lap blankets are designed to suit patients in wheelchairs. Colchester North Public School teacher, Mrs. Ross, noted Mrs. Kutz learned of the need for lap blankets at Hospice, and as a professional seamstress, thought this would be

a great project for the Colchester North Public School Sewing Club to undertake under her direction. This week, a representative of Hospice will meet with the students to collect any lap blankets that have been completed so far. The Sewing Club would greatly appreciate any donations of cotton material for the lap blankets. Donation arrangements can be

made with the school. Since its inception at the beginning of the schoolyear, the Sewing Club at Colchester North Public School has grown from three members to around ten. The increase in interest was due to the completion of certain sporting seasons, which provided students formerly committed to other school activities an opportunity to get involved. Another reason the popularity of the club was on the rise

was because students were taking notice of the cool items, such as pincushions, totes, and Halloween bags, the club members were making. The sewing class is possible because of the donation of previously owned sewing machines, and the repairs made to them. This is not the first time Colchester North Public School has donated to Hospice. Around this time last year, the students hosted

a school-wide donation drive to collected items Hospice needed, such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, juice, Jell-O, pudding, wipes, floss, nonslip socks, and meal replacements. Thanks to support, the local elementary school was able to donate nearly 1500 items. As a result of this donation, the school was awarded with a Volunteer of the Year award.

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16 I Classifieds Essex Free Press


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I Thursday, December 5, 2019

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Thursday, December 5, 2019 I

News I 17

Essex Free Press

Town of Tecumseh Council Highlights submitted to EFP Here are the highlights from the Meetings of Council on Tuesday, November 26: Town Committees: Council accepted the applications for the Cultural and Arts Advisory and the Heritage Committees. Council also considered the applications provided for the Committee of Adjustment and made an appointment to the Committee. Council further approved the end of the term of these Committees to be November 14, 2022 or until such time as new members are appointed. Town Awards: Council considered the report on the Town’s Awards program and directed Administration to review the program criteria for each award to assist in application consideration. A new Youth Award is being developed by the Youth Advisory Committee and will be shared with Council in a report in the new year. Community Safety and Well-Being Plan: Council received a report on Administration’s work to develop the Town’s Community Safety and Well-Being Plan. Every municipality in Ontario is mandated to have a Community Safety and Well-Being Plan in place by January 1, 2021. All of the municipalities in Essex County have outlined their intention to work together to develop a regional plan. Council approved partnering with the County of Essex, local municipalities and the City of Windsor to develop this regional plan. The County of Essex and the City of Windsor will share the cost of the $400,000 plan with local municipalities covering incidental costs (as needed) for things like advertising and hosting community meetings. Public Meeting for New Development: Council approved holding a Public Meeting of Council on January 14, 2020 for a rezoning application put forward by Skyline Real Estate Holdings for a new development located on Southfield Drive south of Tecumseh Road. The meeting is part of the Planning Act and is to consider a development proposal for two 4-storey apartment buildings totaling 150 units with ground floor commercial space located just south of the existing Skyline buildings on Tecumseh Road. This meeting follows a public meeting held by the developer on October 16, 2019. The next Regular Meeting of Council is December 10, 2019 at 7 p.m. Full agenda details will be available on the Town’s website Thursday, December 5. Information on this and all Town of Tecumseh news and events is available at, Twitter (@ TownofTecumseh), and Facebook ( townoftecumseh).

NOTICE OF CONSIDERATION OF BY-LAW TO SET 2020 WATER & WASTEWATER RATES The Council of The Corporation of the Town of Tecumseh, will consider a Report, at its regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Tecumseh Town Hall located at 917 Lesperance Road, or as soon thereafter as Council shall determine, pertaining to a change in the fees and charges for: • the consumption of water; and • the treatment and disposal of wastewater. Information respecting the proposed 2020 Water and Wastewater Rates can be obtained from the Public Works and Environmental Services Department or by visiting the Town’s website at A By-law to establish the 2020 fees and charges for the consumption of water and treatment and disposal of wastewater will also be considered by Council at their regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2019. Persons wishing to make representation to Tecumseh Council, with respect to this matter at the December 10, 2019, Council meeting are to contact the Director Corporate Services & Clerk at Ext 116. Questions regarding the Report and the proposed 2020 Water and Wastewater Rates can be directed to the Manager Water & Wastewater at Ext 141.


Winter has arrived and so has the snow and ice. To help keep sidewalks and roads safe for travel, residents are reminded that it is unlawful under the Highway Traffic Act to deposit snow or other debris onto streets. Snow from parking areas and driveways are to be kept on your property. The Town’s Snow Removal By-law requires all residents to clear away and remove snow and ice from all sidewalks abutting their property. Residential (single and multiple family buildings) occupants or owners are required to do so within twelve (12) hours of snowfall, while occupants or owners of commercial property must do so within four (4) hours following the snow fall or formation of ice upon the said sidewalks during daylight hours; or four (4) hours following sunrise in the case of snow falling or ice forming overnight. When a property owner fails to do so, the Town may remove the snow and ice and charge the cost of removal to the owner. Please refrain from parking on Town streets during snow events. The Town’s Public Works Staff encounter difficulties in snow removal where vehicles are left on the roadway. A heavy snowfall may cause vehicles ordered off roadways and vehicles may be towed at owner’s expense if not in compliance. Thank you for helping to keep our roads and residents safe this winter season!


The Dog Control By-Law No. 2003-91 requires that every owner of a dog make application for a dog license on or before March 31st each year. Dog license fees are $20.00 on or before March 31st or $35.00 after March 31st. A person who violates any provision of the By-law, is guilty of an offence and upon conviction, shall forfeit and pay a fine not to exceed the maximum permitted under the Provincial Offences Act. If you no longer own a dog, kindly contact the Town Hall at Ext 101 to have the dog registry amended.

SENIORS LUNCH N’ LEARN WORKSHOP The Town of Tecumseh Senior Advisory Committee has received funding under the Seniors Community Grant Program for a series of Lunch N’ Learn Workshops to offer older adults and seniors (55+) opportunities to network and be a part of the social fabric of the community. The Lunch N’ Learn series will provide relevant resources, valuable information and skills development while encouraging social interaction.

Interested in learning a new painting technique? Looking for a unique Christmas gift? Come experience firsthand how to paint with ink on ceramic tiles for FREE! The Lunch N’ Learn Workshop affords Tecumseh older adults and seniors the benefit of participating in the upcoming event: What: Ink Demonstration by Artist Marian Drouillard When: Wednesday, December 18, 2019 Where: Golden Age Club, located at 12420 Lanoue Street Time: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm approx. Register to attend this FREE and exciting event, lunch included, by contacting Ext. 143 or email, no later than December 16. Please indicate any dietary requirements. Limited spaces are available and issued on a first come, first serve basis. Event details can also be found on the Town’s website.


COUNCIL MEETINGS Tecumseh Council meets in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers of the Tecumseh Town Hall. Council will next meet on Tuesday, December 10th , for the last time in 2019. For further information relating to Council and Committee Meetings, or to view meeting agendas, please visit the Town’s website. TOWN HALL HOLIDAY HOURS The regular office hours of the Tecumseh Town Hall are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. The office will be closed Monday, December 23, 2019, through to and including Wednesday, January 1, 2020. RECYCLING AND GARBAGE COLLECTION • Garbage collection on Thursday, December 26th has been moved to Friday, December 27th. • Recycling collection on Friday, December 27th has been moved to Saturday, December 28th. • Garbage collection on Thursday, January 2nd has been moved to Friday, January 3rd . • Curbside Christmas Tree collection begins on Monday, January 13th .

Wishing you a Safe Holiday and Healthy New Year!

TECUMSEH ARENA - HOLIDAY HOURS & PUBLIC SKATING The arena will be open for regular hours, and closed on the following dates except for scheduled rentals: Tuesday December 24 Tuesday December 31 Wednesday December 25 Wednesday January 1 Thursday December 26 A number of Sponsored Public Skating sessions will be offered throughout the holidays. For a complete schedule, visit The 24th Annual Hockey for Hospice Tournament is at the Tecumseh Arena on December 27th to 29th, for Boys &Girls Divisions: IP and Tyke Jamboree, Novice, Atom, PeeWee, and Bantam. Proceeds raised support The Hospice of Windsor and Essex County. TECUMSEH TRANSIT SERVICE The transit service will not be running on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. For the balance of the holidays, it will operate on its normal 6:00 am to 6:00 pm schedule. Information on the transit bus schedule and route map is available on the Town’s website. Information on this and all Town of Tecumseh news and events is available at, Twitter (@ TownofTecumseh), and Facebook (Town of Tecumseh).

18 I Personals

FromThe Heart _______________________________________________






Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 5, 2019

To place a personal notice, email your photo and content to or drop by our office at 16 Centre St., Essex. Personal notices must be received by Monday at 12:00 noon to appear in the Thursday edition. _______________________________________________









BURNINGHAM, Jean (nee Hughes) June 13, 1928 - November 25, 2019 After a full and happy life, a golden heart has stopped. Jean was clear minded on death, torn between leaving her children and their families and joining the love of her life, Ron (2013). Wife of Ron Burningham for 64 years. Mother to Bradd Burningham and wife Gwendolyn Ebbett and their children Kerry Creelman & Jon Hansen and baby to be, and Kyle & Monica Creelman and their children Patricio and Luna; and to Debbie and her husband Rick Schuchard and their children Krystal Schuchard and Dan Szusz and their daughter Payton, and Kyle Schuchard. Survived by her sister Margaret Shillington, and a multitude of family and friends who love and miss her. At Jean’s request, there will be no visitation or formal service. A memorial service will be held at a later date. If desired, memorial donations may be made in Jean’s memory to The Downtown Mission by contacting Reid Funeral Home & Reception Centre, Essex (519-7764233). As a tribute to Mom, please look for the good in life and people... and share a laugh, it’s good for the soul. Family and friends may share their memories or make a donation online at

Voice Of Inspiration “Be nice to people... maybe it’ll be unappreciated, unreciprocated, or ignored, but spread the love anyway. We rise by lifting others.”

Say I Love You With A Personal Greeting! Let everyone know with your announcement here! Email your photo and message to: 116 Centre Street, Essex






In loving memory of my Best Bud, Dear Dad, and Papa

Bruce (Short) Fick who passed away December 7, 2000 A special person, a special face. Someone we loved and can’t replace. Never selfish, always kind. These are the memories you left behind. Thinking of you with love today. Missing you is a heartache that never goes away. Please continue to watch over us. Always in our thoughts and hearts. Love forever. Ruthie, Kelly, Carlo, and Family.



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What’s Going On... NOV. 16  JAN. 8  KINGSVILLE’S FANTASY OF LIGHTS  at Lakeside Park, 315 Queen St. For all information & events: visit facebook or NOV. 16  FEB. 28  AMHERSTBURG RIVER LIGHTS WINTER FESTIVAL a variety of events in downtown Amherstburg. For all information: DEC. 5 - ECNPLC SOUP & CHILI COOKOFF - from 5-7pm at Old School Deli & Cafe, 186 Talbot St. S., Essex. FREE event. Call 519-776-7711 for more details. All Welcome! DEC. 6 - HOLIDAY PASTA DINNER - at St Paul’s Anglican Church Essex (92 St Paul Street) from 5pm - 6:30pm. Call: 519-776-7711 for more details. All Welcome! DEC. 6, 7, 8  MAIDSTONE MUSEUM CHRISTMAS BAZAAR  at 1093 Puce Rd., Essex from 10am - 4pm. For more info: 519-819-5318. Cash only. DEC. 7  HARROW KINSMEN SANTA CLAUS PARADE  at 7pm in Harrow. DEC. 7  TOWN OF LASALLE GIFT EXPO  At the Vollmer Complex, 2121 Laurier Parkway, LaSalle, from 9am - 1pm. DEC. 7  ROSEWOOD ERIE GLEN CHRISTMAS BAZAAR  119 Robson Rd., Leamington. From 10am - 1pm. For more info: 519-322-2384 or DEC. 8  CHRISTMAS AT THE STATION  at 87 Station St., Essex. From 10am - 2pm. For more info: 519-776-9800. DEC. 8  CHRISTMAS MUSICAL PRESENTATION  by adult & children’s choirs of Cottam United at 10:15am - 7:00pm. 137 Cty Rd. 34W Free-will donation. 519-839-4266. DEC. 8 - TURKEY BINGO at St. Josepph’s Church, River Canard. Bingo starts at 7:00 pm. DEC. 10  ESSEX BLOOD DONATION CLINIC  at Essex Centre Sports Complex, 60 Fairview Ave. W. from 1-7pm. For more info, visit: DEC. 13  HARMONY PLUS CHRISTMAS CONCERT  at Church of the Redeemer, 15545 County Rd. 8 at 7pm. DEC. 13 & 14  SANTA’S HELPER CHRISTMAS MARKET  at Cottam United Church. Fr. 6pm -10pm & Sat. 10am - 4pm. For more info: 519-995-6207. DEC. 14  ESSEX SANTA CLAUS PARADE  at 6:30pm. Bring letters to Santa for Canada Post and non-perishables for local food banks. DEC. 14  CHRISTMAS MARKETPLACE - at St Paul’s Church, 92 St Paul, Essex, from 10am - 2pm. Call 519-980-4942 for more details. DEC. 28  ESSEX BLOOD DONOR CLINIC - at Essex Sports Complex, 60 Fairview Ave. W. from 1-7pm. New donors and walk-ins welcome. Sponsored by 73’s. HIATUS HOUSE: offers counselling services in Essex County. Women’s Fresh Start group therapy is once a week. For info or to schedule an intake appointment, call the 24-hour Hiatus House helpline at 519-252-7781.

Thursday, December 5, 2019 I

Community Hub I 19

Essex Free Press

Fresh food. Friendly neighbours

leaderboard, over 18 holes, with scores of 35. Ward took the best score, over 36 holes, alone, carding a score of 75. In team play, Team 6 (Julia Kos, John Vlodarchyk, Pete Daudlin) and Team 7 (Ron Fick, Gary Hyatt, Bill Sasso), with combined scores of 240 tied for first place. The second place team was Team 5 (Marie Lasi, Vic Reynaert, Tom Hyatt). Finishing in third, it was Team Kings (Betty McManus, Bill Adams, Bob Martin).

191 Talbot St. S., Essex

St. Paul’s Anglican Church

sponsorship by:

519-776-4255 Salvation Army Essex Church We are in need of volunteers to man the Christmas kettles. If you have time for a 2 hour shift, please contact the church at 519-776-4628 or stop at the office and sign up. Major Sam will speak about “A Candle of Faith”at our 2nd Advent service on Dec. 8th. Join us for Family Worship Sundays at 10:30a.m. Mark your calendars to attend our Christmas Eve service at 6p.m. SA Connections and Bible Study are over for the year, and will resume Tuesday, Jan. 7th. The Wednesday Advent Service put on by the ministerial assoc. is at St. Paul’s Anglican Church on Dec. 11th at noon. Major Jim Hann will bring the message. A light lunch is served afterwards. The Essex 73’s Hockey Club is hosting a toy drive for us before the game on Tuesday, Dec 10th. Bring a new, unwrapped toy to our table in the foyer. Canned goods for the Food Banks will be collected that evening as well. Thank to the 73’s for their annual support.

9:30am and 12pm. Our last playtime will be Thursday, December 19 until further notice. Thank you to everyone for your support. Ladies of the congregation are invited to the UCW Christmas Gathering on Monday, December 9 at 1pm. There will be a short business meeting, followed by a time of Christmas fun, fellowship, and refreshments. Please bring a finger food (savory or sweet). We will collect women’s toiletries, as well as monetary donations for the Children’s Aid. There is a Session Meeting on Sunday, December 15/19, after the service. There will be no nursing home services until further notice. The third Sunday of the month will now become “Food Bank Sunday.” Please bring your canned goods and or donations. There is a special appeal for boxed cereal, pudding, and fruit cups and granola bars for school lunches. You can find us on the web at www. Our email address is and the office number is (519) 723-2284. Office hours are Tues. & Thurs., 9am - 1pm.

Bethel-Maidstone United

Golden Year’s Golf Report

submitted by Carolyn Barnett

Please join us Sunday mornings at 10am for worship, and coffee hour to follow. Our church and hall are accessible. Preschool Playtime has resumed! Caregivers and kids ages 0-4 are invited to drop in Thursdays, anytime between

Last Thursday, 48 golfers carded a total of 71 aces. Leading the scoring with four was Gail Johnston. Over 9 holes of golf, Ron Fick, Bill Ward, Mary Anne Sherman, Andy Orsini, and Tom Hyatt all had the best score of 17. Fick and Ward held on to the

Essex Ministerial Advent Series Wed., Dec. 11 at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, led by Major Jim Hann from the Salvation Army and Wed., Dec. 18th at Holy Name Catholic Church, Essex, led by The Rev. Carl Emke from Woodslee United Church. All services begin at noon and are followed by a light lunch from the host church. Free will offerings are gratefully received. Our holiday pasta dinner is on Friday, December 6 from 5 - 6:30pm. Our Christmas Marketplace is on Sat., December 14 from 10am - 2pm. Visit online at: www.stpaulstrinity. org or our Facebook page. Phone: 519776-7711. Email: office@stpaulstrinity. org. Located at 92 St Paul Street, in Essex.

Essex Christian Reformed Church submitted by Beverley Van Huizen

We would like to extend an invitation to you and your family to attend our our Second Sunday in Advent, December 8 morning worship service beginning at 10am with Pastor Fred Heslinga, where we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Nursery supervision and Sunday school are provided. Join us afterward for a cup of tea or coffee. Our Annual Bake Sale & Soup luncheon is on Saturday, December 7 from 9:30am – 1:00pm. Visit us online for service times and directions or just to listen to a sermon or two. Essex County Library ESSEX BRANCH: CHRISTMAS COOKIES & BOOKS AT THE ESSEX LIBRARY Decorate and take home Christmas

Notice to Residents of the Town of Essex 2020 Council Meeting Dates Regular Meetings of the Council of the Town of Essex are held in the County of Essex Civic Centre Council Chambers (2nd Floor), 360 Fairview Avenue West, Essex, Ontario commencing at 6:00 p.m. The following are the dates of the regular meetings for 2020: • Monday, January 20 • Monday, February 3 and Tuesday, February 18 • Monday, March 2 and 16 • Monday, April 6 and 20 • Monday, May 4 and Tuesday, May 19 • Monday, June 1 and 15 • Monday, July 6 and July 20 • Tuesday, August 4 and Monday, August 24 • Tuesday, September 8 and Monday, September 21 • Monday, October 5 and 19 • Monday, November 2 and 16 • Monday, December 7 and 21 All regular meetings are open to the public who are invited to attend. Agendas and minutes are available online at If you wish to appear as a delegation before Council visit the Town’s website at to obtain the Delegation Request Form. Robert Auger Manager, Legislative Services / Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Essex 33 Talbot Street South Essex, Ontario N8M 1A8 Email:

cookies on Saturday, December 7 at 10:30am. Ages 5 & up. Register online or at the library. FROZEN AT THE LIBRARY - Come celebrate all things Frozen at the library on Friday, December 13 at 4pm. Ages 5 & up. Register online or at the library. MCGREGOR BRANCH: IT’S BEGINNING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE CHRSTMAS - Wednesday, December 11 at 3:45pm. Ages: 5 & up. Register online or at the library. CHRISTMAS STORYTIME - Tuesday, December 17 at 1:30pm. For families with children under 5-years of age. Register online or at the library.

519-567-7004, by December 7. Communal Penance Service is on December 11th at 7 p.m. with several Priests available. CWL Members Christmas Social is on December 10th at 6:30p.m. in the Hall. Please sign up to choose a design for your sign at the Gather Space. Please remember to drop off your Foodland grocery tapes, cancelled stamps, and leftover eye glasses at the designated file drawers at the Info table. Please keep Therese Lecuyer in your prayers.

Harrow United Church

“A Blue Christmas” - This Roast Beef Dinner and Tribute Show will be held at Harrow United Church on Saturday, December 7th at 6pm. For more information, please contact the church office at 519-738-4223. Please join us on Sunday, December 15 at 7pm for our annual Carol Service. This event features our choir, handbell choir, as well as other local musicians. Our Minister, Rev. Darrow Woods along with our HUC faith community, sincerely welcome you to join us! Please find information about Harrow United Church on our website at www.

submitted by Larry Anderson

Essex United Church On Sunday, December 8 10:30am Rev. Lexie Chamberlain will lead us in worship. For the month of December, food donations are for the Salvation Army Food Bank. Outreach/FRIENDS of ESSEX UNITED CHURCH is collecting warm mittens, gloves, scarves, socks, etc. again this year. Please deposit your donations in the designated boxes in the narthex. Warming Station for Santa Claus Parade - The Essex BIA has asked us to host a meet and greet with Santa Claus in the lower hall from 5 - 6pm on Saturday, Dec 14th. This is a popular event and a welcome drop-in spot for parade attendees. Brooker News submitted by Ruth Newman

Our doors are open to all for family worship on Sunday, Dec. 8 at 10am. Mike Morency will bring the message. Communion will follow the service. Advent service on Wednesday, Dec. 11 is at St. Paul’s Anglican Church at 12noon, led by Jim Hann of Salvation Army. A free-will light lunch will follow. Our Christmas Dinner is on Sunday, Dec. 15 at 5:30pm. Christmas Eve Service is at 6:30pm. Please remember in prayer those with health needs and those in nursing home care.

Holy Name of Jesus Church Raffle tickets to win an outdoor nativity set are available from the K of C. They will also have Christmas lawn signs and Christmas cards available for sale. Sign up your children for our Children’s Christmas Pagent on Christmas Eve at 5p.m. Mass. Sign-up sheets are at the Info Table. St. Vincent de Paul Society is collecting names for Christmas food baskets. If you or someone you know needs a food basket, contact Shelley at

We warmly welcome you to Harrow United Church! Please join us this 2nd Sunday in Advent at 10:30am for our Worship Service which includes Sunday School for our youth along with a well supervised Nursery. We invite everyone to stay for coffee and conversation immediately following the service. The Giving Tree is up in the downstairs hall and ready to be filled with lots of warmth for those in need. We have already received nearly 100 hats from Roberta Mclean! Please consider donating scarves, mittens, socks or hats. Thanks!

Woodslee Friendship Club Card player winners for the week of November 25th - 29th: Monday Euchre - Howard Armstrong, George Diesbourg, Mike Renaud, Mary Demars, Roger Monchamp, and Bernice Price. Wednesday Pepper - Helene Manley, Veronica Granger, Charlie Chevalier, Velma Clark, Edna Chevalier, and Aggie Rivait. Friday night Euchre - Roger Monchamp, Pam Leblanc, George Diesbourg, Ray Brooker, and Mike Renaud. For Club Information, call Claire at: 519-723-4694.

Continnued on Page 21

20 I Business Directory Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 5, 2019











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Thursday, December 5, 2019 I

Community Hub / Business Directory I 21

Essex Free Press

Maidstone Cross submitted by Wendy Cunningham

sponsorship by:

Continued from Page 19

Woodslee United Church submitted by Sue Holman

Come join us for Sunday Service and Sunday School at 11:15 am. 2nd Sunday of Advent - Peace. Rev. Carl will lead the service and Doug Boylan will greet you at the door. Our Outreach program for the month of December, the Warming Tree, is up. We ask you for donations of hats, mittens, socks, scarves, gloves, and shawls to put under the Warming Tree. These items will bedelivered to the Downtown Mission for distribution. For White Gift Sunday on Dec. 15, we are asking you to bring in new toys will be given to the Essex Fire Dept. for the toy drive. Please say a special prayer for our friends on our Prayer List. If you know of someone who is unable to attend services, but would like to receive a copy of the bulletins in the mail, call the church with their name and we will contact them to add them to the list. Preparing in Christ’s Presence-Essex Ministerial Advent Series 2019: Wednesday, December 11 at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Essex service led by Major Jim Hann from the Salvation Army Church Essex and on Wednesday, December 18 at Holy Name Church in Essex service led by The Rev. Carl Emke from Woodslee Pastoral Charge. Programs begin at noon and are followed by a light lunch. Free-will offering gratefully received. All are welcome. Christmas Eve Service with Holy Communion will be a joint service with Belle River United Church in Woodslee. Coffee and Conversation: Thursdays at 10 am. Everyone is welcome.


The Giving Tree is up! Please take a tag and purchase a new item for a refugee. This will make their Christmas a lot brighter. If you or someone you know needs a food basket at Christmas and lives in the Maidstone and Oldcastle area, please contact Wendy at 519-890-9120 by Dec. 13. The Sandwich South Heritage Centre is opened every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon or by appointment, by calling Judy Jobin at 737-6628. Everyone is welcome to come and check it out. There will be a special remembrance on Saturday, December 22nd at 9a.m. at the heritage centre in memory of the children who passed away in the school bus accident 53 years ago. Please remember to drop off your Foodland grocery tapes in the designated box. Please keep in your prayers those who are sick, shut in, or in Hospice care. Essex Retirees’ Social Club Cecile Mulhall had high score at Sunday Euchre. Judy Kelly came in second place and Alice Pillon tied with Wayne H. for third place. Special Monday night Pepper winners were Wayne Rawson with high score, Jim Pickel with a close second place, Nelson St. Denis in third, and Charlie Chevalier in fourth place. Don Ames had high score at Wednesday night Pepper. Janece McLaughin had the most peppers and Tom Dewhurst had the low score. Thursday night Bridge winners were Floyd Cascadden and Pauline Olafson.

Cottam News submitted by Helen McLeod

We would love to have you join us on Sunday mornings at 10:15am. December 8 is the 2nd Sunday of Advent and White Gift Sunday. Please bring a non-perishable food item for the Windsor Downtown Mission. Our Christmas Concert is on Sunday, Dec. 8 “Glory Hallelujah” at 10:15am, followed by a pot blessing lunch and in the evening at 7pm, light refreshments to follow. Our Essex Food Bank Hampers program has begun. Help a needy family this Christmas and help Food Bank to replenish its shelves. Donations to the Chancel Guild for poinsettias for ‘in memory if a loved one’ can be made. Please see Helen or call: 519-839-5351. Thank you to everyone who helped make our Turkey Dinner a success! We could not

do it without you. It does take a village. Bible study with Larry and Paul is on Monday, Dec. 9th at 7:00pm Our Social Media & Tech. Comm Meeting is on Tuesday, Dec. 10 at 7:30 pm

Trinity Church

We keep in our prayers Brittney, Christina, Dan, Debra, Barb, Carolyn, Barry & Ellen, Blake, Terry, Gerry, Joanne, Fran and Maureen. The Sanctuary Lamp burns in memory of Helen & Milfred Mertz, given by Larry & Brenda Layson & family. If you have ordered pies, pick-up is this Saturday, Dec 7th, from 10 to 11am. Our Thank You Bank donations for December will go to Hospice, in memory of those we have lost this year. We need volunteers for reader, greeters, etc. for our Christmas Eve service. If you are attending and willing to serve in one of these important ministries, please sign the available lists. Copies of the readings are attached. We would love to have you join us Sundays at 9:15 in “The Little White Church” in the cemetery, in Cottam. All are welcome!

Antioch Christian Ministries submitted by Linda Knight

Pastor Gerrie spoke on the difference between soul and spirit and the importance of being led by the Holy Spirit within us, rather than giving in to our soul which is more about ‘me’ than God. Our Christmas Service is on December 22nd, 6:30pm. Please join us for an ‘Old Time Spectacular Radio Show!’ Everyone is welcome. For more information, visit our website at: Be Blessed!

St. Stephen’s & Church of the Redeemer submitted by Kim Metelka

On December 13th, at Church of the Redeemer, Harmony Plus will entertain us with Christmas carols followed by a reception afterwards with finger foods, coffee, and tea. On December 14th, stop at St. Stephen’s for a wonderful breakfast to start your day off right. Breakfast will be served from 7-10am. Donations will be accepted for the meal. The Christmas Eve Candlelight Services for St. Stephen’s are at 4:30pm - Family Service and 11:00pm - Traditional Service. Church of the Redeemer is at 7:00pm Family service. We wish you a blessed Advent season.





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22 I Opinion / Sports Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 5, 2019

Essex 73’s, fans to join in “Hockey Gives Blood” Purple, pink, and white 1956 Dodge

1956 Dodge Custom Royal 4-door sedan.

Steve Kelley of Leamington, Ontario, recently purchased a purple, pink, and white 1956 Dodge Custom Royal 4-door sedan from ten years of storage in nearby Windsor. The decade of the 1950s was noteworthy with many 2-tone cars and some in three colours, including our feature car. It appears to be virtually rust-free and the three colours on the body appear to be original. The odometer shows 34,634 miles and that might be original, too. And the ashtray in the dash has never been used! Dodge in 1956 came in three series: Coronet (available with a six or V8), Royal V8, and Custom Royal V8, putting Steve’s car in the top-of-the-line series, which also included the Lancer 2-door and 4-door hardtops and convertible. All Custom Royals had the 315 cubic inch V8 while the Coronet had the 270 cubic inch V8. The Dodge Regent was built only in Canada. Steve has ownership information dating back to 1976. The first twenty years of this car’s history are unknown but we hope to learn more with the publication of this story. We are particularly interested in finding out if this car was built in Windsor or the U.S. The glove compartment contains a copy of a 1956 Dodge owner’s manual with a $7.00 price written on the front cover, suggesting that a previous owner purchased it at a swap meet. Two features of Steve’s car were new for ’56: the push-button PowerFlite automatic transmission with push buttons conveniently located on the left side of the dash, and the prominent pair of tailfins. This was the first year that all Chrysler-built cars had these space-age styling features. Some trim pieces were missing off the car when I took some photos but all missing pieces are in the trunk, including wheel covers for the driver’s side, and will soon be back on the car. I first heard about this car from Barry Bergen, who lives near Steve, and I drove over the next day to have a look. I arrived in the nick of time. Steve was about to put the car into winter storage and no outdoor photos would have been possible until next spring, when the car, God willing, will be back on the road. I’m always looking for stories. Email billtsherk@sympatico. ca.

by Garrett Fodor As the holiday season approaches, the Essex community and its junior hockey team, the Essex 73’s, are asking the public to join them in the “Hockey Gives Blood” campaign. The first “Hockey Gives Blood” campaign in Essex event will be held on Tuesday, December 10, inside the Shaheen Community Room at the Essex Centre Sports Complex. This is the same arena the 73’s will play in later that night. The event runs from 2 p.m. until 7 p.m. and people interested are able to reserve a time at “Hockey Gives Blood” is a non-profit organization which is partnered with the Canadian Blood Service to educate and engage the hockey community about the importance of blood and stem cell donation. The organization was formed by a group of former hockey players in 2018, following the Humboldt Broncos bus crash and in memory of Tom Middleton, who died in 2000, on the TransCanada Highway, en route to watch his son, Stu’s, game. “Giving blood is not only helping others, but it is also good for yourself,” Leo Viselli claimed, who has donated blood around 50 times over the past 32-years. “The people at the clinic are very friendly and will make you feel very calm throughout the process. It is painless and the treats before and after donating are excellent.” The 73’s are the latest to join the ranks, with the next closest team participating being the London Nationals. “Hockey

Gives Blood” has partnered with several teams in the pro-ranks from the Toronto Maple Leafs down to the Provincial Junior Hockey League, with teams participating across the country and player ambassadors throughout the various levels of hockey. “The town of Essex has always been a supporter of our hockey team and has embraced anything thing that the team gets involved in,” Viselli said. “I’m sure an increase in blood donations will transpire due to our involvement and that is our goal.” “I would highly encourage everyone to donate,” Dan Robillard said, an Executive for the 73’s, who has donated blood 117 times. He said he has been donating regularly for 22-years, the age of his son. “I often imagine myself or friends in a situation that may require blood. God forbid this happens, but if it were to happen, I see this as a proactive way to ensure supply is available, imagining supply not being available is too scary to ignore.” Prior to the game on December 10, against the Wallaceburg Lakers, the 73’s will honour Viselli and Robillard. The pair of Executive Board Members will drop the ceremonial faceoff. “I am honoured to be associated with this hockey club providing encouragement and enlightenment relating to blood donation,” Robillard said. “I am humbled by the experience as I’m just an ‘average joe’. But, if it results in more people recognizing the need and donating, then that would be awesome.”

Thursday, December 5, 2019 I

Sports I 23

Essex Free Press

73’s fall to Mooretown, Canadiens

Photo by Laurie Beaten: Tyler Beneteau looks to shoot the puck during Essex’s 3-2 loss to the Mooretown Flags on Tuesday, November 26.

by Garrett Fodor After a week off, the Essex 73’s hockey club was looking to rebound from last week’s loss when it hosted the Mooretown Flags on November 26. In the early minutes of the first period, both teams showed their elusiveness as they exchanged quick rushes and passes going one end to the other. But, it was Essex that capitalized first and

opened the scoring when Captain, Riley Meyerink, put a wrist shot by Flags’ goalie, Jake Wilkins. The Flags, however, responded just twominutes later, when Brodie Conlon snuck in behind the 73’s defense and beat goalie, Connor Meyerink. After one period of play, the score was 1-1. In period two, the teams continued to exchange chances and physical play.

The teams combined for 51 minutes of penalties in the middle frame, which left plenty of skating room. It was Essex that broke the deadlock again, as Josh Pope-Ferguson beat Wilkins with the man-advantage. But the lead lasted just 59 seconds as the Flags had an answer. The teams skated into the intermission tied at two. And the shots were nearly identical, 17-16, in favour








of Essex. In the third period, the Flags opened the scoring as Mooretown’s newest player and familiar face in Essex, Dawson Winchester, beat Meyerink to give his team the lead. Despite firing 10 shots in the period, the 73’s fell 3-2 to the Flags. The 73’s were off until November 29, when they traveled to Lakeshore and faced off their rival, the Canadiens. From puck drop, the 73’s were tested and goalie, Connor Meyerink, stood on his head. In the opening period, the score remained at 0-0, despite the shots being 21-7 in favour of Lakeshore. In the second period,

however, the Canadiens’ offense cracked Meyerink and the 73’s defense. Luka Mesic opened the scoring six-minutes into the second period, and, four minutes later, their lead was doubled as Blake Bain banged home a rebound. This ended Meyerink’s night. He played just over 30-minutes and faced 28 shots. Jarrett Tazzman scored closing out the

second period where the score remained 3-0 heading into the second intermission. In the third and final frame, 73’s goalie Jax D’Hondt was beaten twice on seven shots. As the 73’s were unable to crack the first place Canadiens, they fell 5-0 and were outshot 41-13.

24 I Ad Feature Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 5, 2019

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