Essex Free Press - December 2, 2021

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2 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 2, 2021

EDHS recognizes Proficiency Award winners... the pace to impress universities when she is ready to apply. She was pleased with her overall average of 98 percent, and credits her academic outcome to her will to do well in the classroom.

Colasanti noted switching between online and in-class learning was tough, especially with the longer time frame committed to each class. She prefers in-class studying as it is easier to ask questions of her

teachers. “My teachers were really great last year,” she said, adding they seemed to go out of their way to help their students during the online learning. Colasanti spends a lot of time studying, asks a lot of questions, and puts school first. She was glad her methods worked to bring her out on top as she said there are many really smart individuals in her grade. Having earned a 99 percent average last year, Grace Van Wijngaarden earned the grade nine Proficiency Award. She said there are many teachers in her family, and because she knows how much effort they put into educating their students, she always wanted to show her own

“All of my teachers last year were so amazing. They made me want to persevere through all the challenges and excited to go to the classroom to learn about the subject they were teaching.” - Grace Van Wijngaarden Grade nine Proficiency Award winner She said what helped her keep on top of her academic game was just making sure she stayed on top of her workload. She found when it came to learning from home, it could be difficult to stay motivated, but she stuck to her self-advice to do her work to the best of her ability.

teachers the respect they deserve and do her best; everyday. “It makes me want to do good for them, because I see all they go through and put up with,” Van Wijngaarden said. “All of my teachers last year were so amazing. They made me want to persevere through all the challenges and excited to go to the classroom to learn about the subject they were teaching.” It was a pleasant surprise for her to learn she earned the honour. She noted last year was difficult, with having to switch between online and in-school learning.

Continued from Front Page

“I have always liked school. I love learning,” she admitted, adding she has enjoyed being back in the classroom this year, where she has found it easier to connect with her teachers about questions she may have had about her school work. Van Wijngaarden said she has always been a fan of math class. “I don’t know what it is, but I love working with numbers and solving equations.” Though she still has quite a bit of time before she has to fill out postsecondary applications, she can see herself getting into a profession, like engineering, where she could use math on a daily basis.

Voice Of Inspiration “The greater the loyalty of a group toward the group, the greater is the motivation among the members to achieve the goals of the group, and the greater the probability that the group will achieve its goals.” ~ Rensis Likert

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Thursday, December 2, 2021


News I 3

Essex Free Press

Essex MP announced as Deputy Shadow Minister for Labour by Sylene Argent Because of his commitment to connecting with businesses and building relationships with union leadership and factions since he was elected as the MP for Essex in 2018, Chris Lewis was recently appointed to the Deputy Shadow Minister for Labour position for the Conservative Party. Lewis said the next time he saw National Conservative Party Leader, Erin O’Toole, after getting the phone call informing him about his new role, he was told to continue to do what he has been doing on the file; to continue to reach out to those labour leaders and continue to build those relationships. Further, he was asked to listen to them and learn how they can be helped moving forward. “This is the path forward for labour,” Lewis said he was told. “We have so many jobs available in Canada right now,” Lewis said, noting he believes it is upwards of over 700,000 positions across the spectrum. “And we have got to get people back to work. “The jobs are there. Now, we need to work with the labour industry.” Already, Lewis said he has met with Shadow Minister for Labour, Parry Sound-Muskoka MP Scott Aitchison, to start penning a strategy. It is really quite exciting for me. Quite frankly, it is in my wheelhouse. I couldn’t be more honoured to hold this position, to hold this role, because in Essex-Windsor, we are the economic driver. It starts in Essex. It starts in manufacturing or

advanced manufacturing or assembly plants. We are the economic driver and that’s why I am excited for this role.” Even though WindsorEssex is home to many manufacturers, Lewis said he is looking at the position with a wide-lens. “I will be reaching out to Congressmen over in Michigan and upstate Ohio,” as there are many assembly plants up there as well. The area, he said, is absolutely ready for electric vehicle production, and battery production, but US President Joe Biden’s program, aimed at giving up to $12,500 tax rebate to Americans who buy American assembled and produced vehicles, is a huge hit to the local economy. That’s why, he said, meeting with labour reps is so important – in the wake of Stellantis’ recent announcement of its intention to cut its second shift that will affect 1800 jobs – to ensure WindsorEssex manufacturing and assembly plants, and the well-paying jobs that come with it, not only stay here, but that, “we create three-times more. That’s my driver,” Lewis said. In speaking about the Province’s recent announcement that Premier Doug Ford and Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation, and Trade, Vic Fedeli, made regarding the details of the phase two of their “Driving Prosperity” plan – set to achieve four goals, including repositioning vehicle and parts production through new automaker mandates for hybrid and battery electric vehicles, attract a new battery assembly

Voice Of Inspiration “They ran their heads very hard against wrong ideas, and persisted in trying to fit the circumstances to the ideas instead of trying to extract ideas from the circumstances.” ~

Charles Dickens

plant, increase exports of Ontario-made auto parts and innovations, and establish and support an electric battery supply chain – Lewis said he knows Provincial Labour Minister Monte McNaughton very well, and connecting with him on this file is high on his to-do list. “I think there is a major opportunity here for us,” Lewis said. “The really neat thing about this portfolio is that it is really simple to deal with the other parties, with [NDP MP for Windsor West] Brian Masse and [Liberal MP for Windsor-Tecumseh] Irek Kusmierczyk. We are all in this together, so what bipartisan opportunity this is, to really work for the people of EssexWindsor. That’s what excited me.” Lewis said he is focused on getting people back to work and creating more opportunities, specifically for the future generations. Lewis said he looks at the students coming out of trade school and then looks at the cost of living that is rising and they can’t afford a house. “Let’s get them to work. Let’s get them good-paying jobs here in Essex. The buck stops with me. That’s my job,” he said. “I’m incredibly honoured [to have the new position], but I have

a huge responsibility. I understand that.” Also recently, Lewis led a tour around the area with Sherwood Park— Fort Saskatchewan MP Garnett Genuis. Lewis said Genuis is one of the most active Conservative MPs with regard to outreach, and has been all over the world to dive into details on matters. Lewis said Genuis was making the trip to the area to visit with an Uyghur community, and when Lewis found out he was coming, joined the meeting and extended his visit to the area to include visiting a few businesses as well. Lewis said Genuis wanted to listen to those in the Uyghur community and bring their voices forward. “I will tell you, our meeting with the Uyghurs was nothing shy of heartbreaking, to really hear about the genocide happening there, it really opened my eyes up. “Canada needs to step up to the plate and do something and take an active role, because there are people suffering. There are family members who have been ripped apart for 10-years, and they don’t know where they are at. As politicians, as MPs, we need to bring it to the forefront. The Prime Minister needs to address this with China,” he said.

4 I Opinion Essex Free Press

Editorial &Opinion

I Thursday, December 2, 2021

Howling at the Moon ••• Comment by Sylene Argent ••• Bringing in those good paying jobs

Serving Essex and the surrounding communities since 1896.

Published Thursdays as an independent weekly newspaper, owned and operated by The Essex Voice Limited. A London Publishing Corporation Publication LIMITED OFFICE HOURS: Our office is closed to the public, currently. If you need to schedule an appointment, please call the office. COVID protocols in place. OUR STAFF Sandy Kennedy - Office Jessica Azar - Graphic Design / Social Media / Production Lana Warwick - Graphic Design Greg Belchuk - Advertising Sales Manager Sylene Argent - Editor/News Reporter Shelley Beaudoin - Graphic Design / Production / Distribution

CIRCULATION The Essex Free Press is a publication with controlled circulation of 11,000. Also, it can be read online at: essexfreepress

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OPINION & COMMENT The opinions expressed on these pages are those of their original authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Essex Free Press, its Editor or Publisher.

It sure is exciting to hear all this talk lately about building upon manufacturing in Southwestern Ontario to manufacture electric vehicles and batteries. I realize plans do not always work out the way we want, but it would be great if we could secure many good-paying jobs in the area. This would benefit more than just those who would be lucky enough to get the training and opportunity for employment, but also those ‘mom and pop’ shops that will be able to rely on others having the dollars to spend on not just needs, but wants, too. It sounds almost too good to be true, but I hope it can be accomplished. The phrase “keeping up with the Joneses” is a saying that encapsulates the competitiveness we can have amongst each other in having the best. I have noticed in my adult life that there are several

types of people out there, including those who champion the success of others and try to use that energy to further motivate themselves to go after their own dreams, and there are those who get jealous and bitter when others achieve a goal. I really do try to be that person who champions others when they find success, because I see success as a ripple effect. The world has a limitless amount of opportunity, and the more we can all achieve, the more opportunity we open up to benefit others, too. I see it as something that can help us all, which is why I love the idea of creating good work in our area, it could benefit so many with that ripple effect. When I write the monthly Essex Police Services Board meeting article, or sometimes when EMS matters are discussed at County Council meetings, we are hearing more and more about the rise in

opioid use and the more need for mental health response. Though everyone experiences different things, I have to wonder if lack of opportunity is a factor in the rise of mental health needs, and although bringing in better-paying jobs will not solve these issues, I wonder if giving people the opportunity to achieve success would help, in addition to having that additional income to afford those things that make us happy, whether it be travelling, boating, horse-back riding, racing, etc. I hope we, as a community, not only get excited about the opportunity for building electric vehicles and batteries in Southern Ontario – I hope we, as part of a community, insist those jobs come here, to benefit the local economy; for all of us.

LETTER POLICY The Essex Free Press welcomes letters to the editor on topics of interest to our readers. Letters should be typed or neatly handwritten and present the issues as clearly as possible in 300 words or less. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar, and legal considerations. All letters must contain the name, address, and daytime phone number of the writer for verification purposes. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. If you have a legitimate concern and cannot sign your name to a letter, please contact the editor to discuss alternative means of handling the issue.

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The Essex Free Press Office: 16 Centre St. Essex, Ontario Mail to: P.O. Box 115 Essex, Ontario N8M 2Y1

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Drive in accordance to the weather conditions Essex County OPP respond to numerous collisions submitted to EFP As we experienced the first signs of winter, Essex County OPP reminds drivers of the importance of driving according to road and weather conditions. On Saturday, November 27, 2021, Essex County OPP responded to 13 collisions due to snow that had fallen in the area. Driving defensively and responsibly during the winter months will ensure you and your loved ones reach your destination safely. Winter presents some of the worst driving conditions of the entire year. We see rapid fluctuations in the weather, which by extension greatly influences road conditions. The ground and pavement at times can still be relatively warm so sleet or snow often forms ice or heavy slippery slush. Bare pavement could be mixed with ice patches, loose snow, or ground drifting. Pavement in the sun might be clear while a shaded area on the next curve is covered in ice. Sleet, freezing rain, snow, or a combination of the three is always a possibility as the temperature hovers around and below the freezing mark. These are just some of the road conditions encountered by motorists this time of year. Taking control of a vehicle that is about to crash is difficult at best and the outcome is not always predictable. Anticipating problems and taking steps toward collision

avoidance is a far better choice, so here are a few key points that might make a difference:

• Slow down • Adjust your driving to the current road and weather conditions • Leave extra space between vehicles, as stopping distances are more than double on snow or ice covered road • Look ahead - as far as the horizon • Make it a habit to allow extra time to travel to and from your destinations In the event of a minor collision with NO injuries and your vehicle can still be driven, drivers are encouraged to exit off the highway to a safe location. This reduces the risk of possible secondary collisions or injuries as well as congestion. Once safe, assess the situation, gather all prudent information about the collision and attend the Collision Reporting Centre at the Essex County Detachment Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. with the vehicle.

This week’s edition was packed with local news... See photos with stories on our website:

Thursday, December 2, 2021


News I 5

Essex Free Press

Essex hosts 2022 Budget walk-through that proposes 1.8 percent tax increase

by Sylene Argent On Monday evening, Essex Council spent over threeand-a-half hours in a special 2022 Budget Walk-Through meeting to discuss funding, reserves, asset management, and possible projects in all Town of Essex departments. As part of the discussions, it was noted the 2022 Budget was created with a 1.8 percent proposed tax increase. When going through the proposed budget, Council could see the details of how that proposed increase could affect the budget. The overall increase for Wards 1 and 4 will be 1.91 percent, and a 2.16 percent for Wards 2 and 3. The average homeowner could expect to see an increase of $51.78. During a special meeting held in September, Council directed Administration to start preparing the 2022 Budget with a 1.5 to 2.5 percent tax increase. The range was to allow Council to see what projects or services could be included and later make a decision on the final figure. Kate Giurissevich, Director of Corporate Services/ Treasurer, presented the Town of Essex 2022 Draft Operating and Capital Budget during the meeting, in addition to the proposed tax increase. CAO Doug Sweet was pleased to present the document as it not only reflects service efforts, designed to achieve Council’s strategic priorities, but also aligns the financing approach intended to strengthen the Town’s financial condition, address infrastructure needs, and improve

Hearing tests, hearing aids, wax removal, and speech therapy

services residents access regularly. “With values rooted in fiscal responsibility, sound management principles, and community engagement, Administration continues to focus on ensuring the Town of Essex has efficient and effective systems in place to support responsible growth,” Sweet added. “The financial decisions we make today are critical for our community’s long-term sustainability.” When developing the document, staff’s recommendations were guided by Council’s six strategic values. The impact of the pandemic, he said, led to facilitating numerous service delivery adaptations and modernizations to support continued service delivery to the community, including new technologies to facilitate operations, governance, leadership, and information sharing with Council members, staff, and the community, Sweet added. Giurissevich noted Essex has the lowest assessment for property tax base out of all the lower-tier municipalities in the County of Essex. It also has the lowest total revenues from property tax as it has the lowest assessment base. Because of the pandemic, Giurissevich said the Town of Essex has had drastic increases in costs across the organization. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for September, she added, was at 4.4 percent. She suspects the 2022 tax increase will fall below the CPI increase for 2022. In addition, Giurissevich noted the MPAC assessed value cycle that was to be released in 2021 is to be postponed to the end of 2023 at a minimum. She will keep Council informed when she hears of any news on this file. She added the year-over-year growth, as a result of construction experienced in Essex for new residential, industrial, and commercial, is estimated to contribute an

additional $370,000 of revenue from property taxation. The Town received very good details from MPAC on its ending assessment role. She said the Town is noticing a total increase on the assessment base of two-percent. “There is definitely significant growth occurring and set to occur in the Town within 2022,” Giurissevich said, adding the Town’s Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund increased by $69,000 to $4,058,000 in 2022 from 2021. This was due to an increase in the rural farm credit. She explained the total Operating Revenue for 2022 is 47,137,471, which is up from $44,653,183 in 2021. This appears to be a six-percent increase. Giurissevich noted two-percent of that increase is due to growth, the 1.8 percent increase in the tax rate, and an increase in development charges collected. Operating Expenses was also increased six-percent. In looking at that, the Town is actually sitting closer to a two-percent increase, not

Continued on Page 7

Pet Of The Week: Leroy Leroy is an independent and quiet young man who is ready to move into his furever home. He often chooses to do his own thing and stay out of everyone’s way. He needs some time to fully trust strangers and settle into new environments, so he will need a low activity home with no young children. He likes to be pet and scratched on the head, although he doesn’t go out of his way to seek affection. The Windsor-Essex County Humane Society shelter is at 1375 Provincial Rd., Windsor. Ph: 519-966-5751. To start the adoption process online, please go to:

Book an appointment online at or call

519-730-1030 Essex .................... 519-961-9285 LaSalle ................. 519-970-9587 Amherstburg ........

390 Talbot St. N. Essex, Ontario, N8M 2W4

SALES & LEASING PHONE: 519-776-6447

224 Talbot St. N., Essex 458 TALBOT RD. N., ESSEX, ON 5197765287


6 I News Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 2, 2021

Tecumseh Council - Meeting highlights for November 23, 2021

submitted to EFP Public Council Meetings 2022 Board and Committee Appointments: At a special meeting, Council considered applications to fill vacancies on the Tecumseh Business Improvement Area board of management, the Heritage Committee and the Tecumseh Accessibility Advisory Committee. All applicants will be notified of Council’s decision on the appointments to the board and committees, which will be confirmed by bylaw at the next meeting of Council when the names of the new appointees will be released.

Call for Award Nominations Being Put Out Again: Also at the special meeting, Council received a report that indicated there were no nominations received for the Town’s 2021 Donald “Donny” Massender Memorial Volunteer Award, 2021 Dr. Henri Breault Community Excellence Award and the 2022 Youth of the Year and Senior of the Year Awards. Administration was directed to issue a further call for nominations for all of the awards. It is anticipated to be issued early in the new year following the holiday season.

Regular Meeting of Council Plan for Organic Waste Processing Explained: A regional approach involving Windsor and all Essex County municipalities is the recommended approach for reducing organic and biosolids waste going to the landfill, representatives of the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority (EWSWA) said in a presentation to Council. General manager Michelle Bishop, manager of finance and administration Steffan Brisebois and manager of waste diversion Cathy Copot-Nepszy gave an update on the options the authority has investigated to meet a provincial deadline. Ontario’s Organics Provincial Policy Statement sets targets for many municipalities to reduce in an environmentally sustainable way the amount of food and organic waste going to landfills by 2025. Tecumseh’s target, mandated by provincial legislation, is 50 per cent. As well, a provincial regulation is being drafted that is expected to ban the disposal of organic waste in landfills as early as 2030. The EWSWA board approved a Regional Food and Organic Waste Management Plan in 2020. A consultant, GHD Limited, was hired to study the alternatives and worked with a committee to come up with recommendations. Its report, which recommended a regional approach, was reviewed and found to be sound by a second consultant, Tetra Tech Canada Inc. A

composting operation and an anaerobic digestion plant were the two options considered most feasible, with the more expensive anaerobic digestion process meeting more of the environmental requirements. Essex County Council has committed to deciding whether to pursue a regional approach by December 31, 2021. Goodfellows Holiday Drive Supported: The Town will donate $1,500 that had been budgeted for an employee dinner and recognition event to the Tecumseh Goodfellows Holiday Drive. Council approved the donation for the second year in a row after the employee event again had to be cancelled due to COVID-19 safety precautions. Last year, the Town’s donation assisted the Goodfellows in

preparing and delivering 100 Christmas food baskets to Tecumseh families. The in-person holiday dinner and recognition event for employees has been put off until next year. A d d i t i o n a l Residential Unit Guidelines Coming: Council passed a by-law which will have the effect of allowing the owners of 12305 County Road 34 to build an additional residential unit on their property. The by-law rezones the property, which is 600 metres east of Malden Road, from hamlet residential (RH) to hamlet residential (RH-6). As well, Council was presented with draft guidelines for property owners who wish to build additional residential units or create them in existing dwellings. A future report

to council will provide more details about the proposed regulations. The public will have an opportunity for input before the Town’s zoning by-law can be amended to incorporate the regulations. Yard Waste Collection Extended: Tecumseh residents are getting an additional day to put their yard waste at the curb for collection. Council adopted a motion by Councillor Andrew Dowie to extend yard waste collection to Monday, December 6, due to the warm fall weather. Next Regular Meeting: The next regular meeting of Council is December 14, 2021. The meeting is scheduled to be held electronically. The agenda and livestream will be available on the Town’s website.

Thursday, December 2, 2021



Essex Free Press

Essex hosts 2022 Budget walk-through... necessarily the six-percent. When it comes to property taxation, Giurissevich said the Town is expecting an increase of $441,000; attributed to the mill rate increase of 1.8 percent, the taxation growth of $370,000, and a budgetary adjustment that was required. In looking at the Operating Expenses, Giurissevich said contracted services experienced an increase of $473,378. Part of this is because crushing services are offered every other year, and it will take place in 2022. In addition, there could be an increase to the OPP Contract of around $150,000. Council will consider adding a Traffic Enforcement Officer for $200,000 per year. There was also $39,000 in savings in the benefits plan due to retirements. The Harrow Streetscape debt will be debentured in early 2022 and has an estimated payment of $200,000. The LED streetlight conversion will also be a long-term capital debt project, with an operating impact of $100,000 annually. Giurissevich said the Town’s insurance agent relayed an increase of 15-20 percent should be anticipated. The Harrow and Essex Community Improvement Plans will expire at the end of this year. “We are showing a surplus at the end of 2022 of $243,811. This amount has been used to fund new projects in our Capital Budget,” Giurissevich said. Proposed in the budget are four fulltime positions being presented for Council discussion – a Deputy Chief Building Official (fully user-rate supported), Assistant Manager of Legal and Licensing, and two previously approved contract positions for an asset management specialist and financial analyst, in addition to three

part-time positions. Total wages from 2021-2022 changes from $11,563,629 to $11,924,294, for an increase of $360,664. Of which, $122,178 was the annual negotiated increase. At the December 13 meeting, Sweet said he will ask Council to consider a formal resolution to support fees be waived for sports usage at the Harrow Soccer Complex in hopes to attract future usage. He said it would typically take in $500-$600 a year in revenue over the past fiveyears. Giurissevich noted the Capital Budget includes $32M in projects. This figure includes a conservative amount used for carry-forwards. If the Harrow and Essex Centre Streetscape projects and the carry-forwards are taken out of the budget, there is actually $7.6M in projects in 2021, compared to $10M in 2022. Capital projects can be

funded through the Asset Management Reserve, grant funding, other reserves, or Development Charges Reserves, depending if projects are new, need upgrading, or need to be replaced. Giurissevich went through what Council should be planning as far as asset management. Director of Infrastructure, Kevin Girard, said as far as the Streetscape Budget, the first goal is to finish the Harrow-based project. New for 2022, the Essex Centre Streetscape is being added. It includes some storm sewer work, sidewalk replacement, lighting, landscaping, etc., and includes rehabilitation to Victoria Avenue to replace asphalt and minor drainage improvements for $1.2, of which Council previously passed. In total, $8.9M is being requested for the Essex Centre Streetscape. Giurissevich went

through each department, highlighting possible projects to be included in the 2022 Budget. In Fire, there is over $32,000 proposed for protective gear and $15,000 in hoses. As part of the Fire Master Plan, Fire Chief Rick Arnel said the 70’ and 95’ aerial trucks, both 25-years old, will need to be replaced. The idea is to purchase an aerial platform between 80’ and 100’, which will be located at Station #2. This project cost will be $1.5M. He also highlighted equipment that needs to be replaced, and would like to add an all-service rescue boat and equipment for the ice water rescue team for $9,400. They would also like to replace the assistant deputy chief vehicle for $55,000. It has almost 235,000km on it. As for Parks and Facilities, Jake Morassut, Manager of Parks and Facilities, spoke on some of the proposed items, such as adding shaded areas at the Harrow dugout #5 for $15,000, additional funds for the 2021 item – the Harrow Splashpad washrooms – that came

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over budget last year, replace soccer goal nets, Heritage Gardens Park washrooms for $300,000 – of which $50,000 will be funded through the Rotary Club of Essex and $100,00 through the Essex Centre BIA, two replacement pick-up trucks, and the replacement of skate parks which have reached endof-life at $50,000 for each location. Budget items also include: $60,000 for the Harrow High School cost assessments, $27,000 for the Harbour ramp retaining wall, fence replacement around Gay “Sid”

Memorial diamond for $50,000 and replacement of the around 30-year-old lights there for $325,700, $50,000 for parks and equipment replacement and contingency, and $20,000 for shade at Townsview Park. The Town is looking to relocate the pavilion at Sadler’s Park, which is estimated to cost $75,000 as it is deteriorating. Rotary is looking at providing some funding for that project. Other projects include replacing the rubber floor at Essex Arena for $48,000, and $80,000 to replace the

Continued on Page 8

8 I News Essex Free Press

Essex hosts 2022 Budget walk-through... compressor water tower at the arena, and $203,000 for catch basins at the Harrow Arena parking lot. Also in the budget is over $600,000 for HVAC, light, and roof replacement at the Essex Recreation Complex, which is cost-shared with the School Board. Councillor Sherry Bondy wanted to ensure there was enough in the Budget for advance polls in each Ward for next year’s municipal election, in addition to ensuring

there is enough staffing. Town Clerk, Robert Auger, said the Town is anticipating additional staff and bringing on an Election Coordinator earlier than previously done. There was also $160,000 for paving of parking lot “B” at the Colchester Harbour. Councillor Kim Verbeek and Deputy Mayor Richard Meloche had concerns about paving the parking lot, Verbeek having concern with paving so close to the water and Meloche noting the funds could be used on other things, as the paving will not add additional spaces. Verbeek also wanted to see more funding invested in McGregor. When she looked through the proposed budget the first time, she said she was a little disheartened. Sweet said they will be working on a Co-An Park Master Plan, which will address many of the concerns she voiced. There is currently $240,000 in reserve for a splashpad in McGregor. Mayor Larry Snively said he would rather see that $160,000 set aside to pave that parking lot to go towards a splashpad in McGregor. He said McGregor is growing and the other Wards in Essex have one. Giurissevich said Amherstburg has agreed to undertake a Master Plan for Co-An Park. To be financially responsible, the Master Plan needs to be followed to ensure the cost-sharing of 50/50 with Amherstburg is followed. Councillor Chris Vander Doelen said he was pleased with the proposed 2022 Budget. He was a bit perplexed on a few items, like Meloche, about paving the parking lot in Colchester. He suggested instead of shade structures, to plant quickly-growing trees. He added he has never seen anyone using the skate park, and wondered if there was a usage gage to determine how they are utilized. Morassut said he sees the one in Essex Centre is used a lot, and the Town does have to maintain them. Bondy added the one in Harrow is used daily and is really busy. Under the Development Services department, a new Official Plan was added for $110,000. The current plan is only intended to guide development to the end of this year.

I Thursday, December 2, 2021

Continued from Page 7

Economic Development Officer, Nelson Silveira, spoke of the business retention and expansion strategy, which adds $55,000 to the budget to hire a consultant to look at challenges and opportunities businesses throughout the municipality face. He also spoke of $25,000 for Agritourism implementation. There could be a grant available for a portion of this. In the Infrastructure Services department, items included $220,000 for a CAT Backhoe, $75,000 for road widener, $140,000 for a five-ton dump unit, and $35,000 for a wing mower. In regards to roads, Girard spoke of how the Town maintains its roads. Included in the 2022 Budget are: the Irwin Avenue reconstruction for $120,000 to complete a detailed design, for between Arthur Avenue and Gosfield Townline. $575,000 for 5th Concession rehabilitation, between Smith Road and County Road 11. $240,000 for Bell Road rehabilitation, between Gore Road and County Road 50. $725,000 for North Malden Road rehabilitation, between County Road 15 and Walker Sideroad. $60,000 for Victoria Street, from County Road 50 to Oxley Beach Drive. There is also $55,000 earmarked for a roads condition assessment to re-scan all Town-owned roads to rate throughways. Councillor Bondy would still like a roads plan to be created to help Council communicate to the community why certain roads are done and when others are projected to get worked upon. Girard also spoke of stormwater management projects. User-rate funded projects were also discussed. Council members are now expected to review the draft document, forward any questions they may have to Administration prior to the first budget deliberation meeting, which will take place December 13. At that time, Council members can also suggest changes. Council received the report.

Thursday, December 2, 2021


Community I 9

Essex Free Press

Beaver organizing book drive to earn funds to help kids in hospital by Sylene Argent When eight-year-old Sierra Crisford decided she wanted to go after earning the prestigious North Star Award – the highest achievement a Beaver can obtain, the 2nd Cottam Scout member decided the meaningful service project she had to organize to earn the honour would focus on providing entertainment

to the youths currently in hospital. On Saturday morning, Crisford, who is a White Tail Beaver – the oldest age in the group - hosted a book drive at Rotary Park in Cottam to support her efforts. Her plan is to collect gently-used books, then sell them through her project she titled, “Love, Help, Donate.” She will use the proceeds

support for a donation drop-off at Ridgeview Park on November 18th. She has also connected with her school about the project. She hopes to raise as much money as she can through her project to benefit youths staying in the hospital. Those who have books they would like to donate, or would like to forward a cash

to purchase items – like decks of cards, batteries for their games, gel pens, bubbles, Play-Doh, notebooks, and socks. She will focus on purchasing items that will make the long, boring days and nights a little better for the youths staying at the hospital.

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donation, are urged to connect with her Scouter, Crystal Heinrichs, who is also a member of the Rotary Club of Cottam. Heinrichs said Crisford has worked very hard on her project and has been able to accomplish a lot in a very short amount of time. She recognized the young scout for her kindness and compassion.

Any books she is unable to sell will be donated to a local daycare. Crisford said she wanted to use this project to focus on helping youths in the hospital, because she is concerned they are in need of things to provide them some entertainment while they stay for treatments or testing. “I want them to have something to play with,” she said. As part of her project, Crisford said she has presented her idea to the Rotary Club, and received


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Saturday, December 11th at 6:30pm Featuring: the Burlington Teen Tour Band - Canada’s Musical Ambassadors, Equine units, Local Bands and lots of new floats.

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Sponsored by: the Essex Centre BIA | Produced by: the Windsor Parade Corp | Media Sponsor: Blimeys British Store and Gift Shop

Parade begins at Holy Names Church off of Fairview Ave. and ends at Maidstone Ave. Note: Street closure at Talbot Street, from Fairview Ave to Maidstone Ave. from 5pm-8pm

10 I News Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 2, 2021

Leamington OPP investigating credit card fraud submitted to EFP On November 6, 2021, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Leamington Detachment investigated a credit card fraud complaint at a business on Erie Street North, Municipality of Leamington. It was discovered that a debit and credit

card had been used fraudulently. Police are continuing to investigate and have reviewed security surveillance footage in an attempt to identify those responsible. Members of the Leamington OPP are seeking the public’s assistance with this investigation. If anyone can identify the person of interest in the attached photos

call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or leave an anonymous online message at www. where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2,000.

they are being asked to contact police at 1-888-310-1122. Anyone with information regarding this or any other incident is asked to call the OPP at 1-888-310-1122. Should you wish to remain anonymous,

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Milkmaid by Vermeer, Collection of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam


Thursday, December 2, 2021


Community I 11

Essex Free Press

LaSalle kicks-off Holiday Lights Heritage Nights with tree lighting

The LaSalle Holiday Lights Heritage Nights kickedoff with the inaugural lighting of the forty-foot-tall tree last Friday evening, at the LaSalle

Civic Centre. “We are looking forward to showcasing the LaSalle Civic Centre for the holidays with an outdoor light display,” said LaSalle Mayor Marc Bondy about the event. “This annual outdoor event will bring the holidays to life in LaSalle as we celebrate the magic of the season.” Mayor Bondy welcomed everyone to the kick-off, on Friday evening, before officially flipping on the tree lights. Visitors to the event enjoyed the many beautiful outdoor light displays set up around the grounds for the occasion. The walk-through, holiday light display will be viewable from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm until January 9. In addition, a daily sensory-friendly hour will be offered each day, starting at 5pm. Weekend events – such as Food Truck Fridays, Sounds of the Season Saturdays, and Night Market Sundays – are also scheduled to take place at this site between November 26 to December 19. Mark your calendars and be sure to celebrate the magic of the holiday season in LaSalle with fun for the whole family. COVID-19 protocols are in place, and proof of vaccination is required for indoor events. For more information about events or COVID guidelines and requirements. Visit for information.

8AM to 5PM

12 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 2, 2021

Santa’s Cause for Kids collecting new, unwrapped gifts for children in need Stock Photo

by Sylene Argent The jolly man in red is a busy guy and needs help every year to put gifts

under the tree for every good little boy and girl on Christmas morning. With the holiday

season newly underway, some area businesses are already collecting new, unwrapped gifts for the annual Santa’s Cause for Kids program. Through this program, area residents and local shoppers are able to purchase an unwrapped gift and place it in a collection depot located at one of the many participating businesses. Organizers of this local gift-giving initiative, including area firefighters and police officers, then spend a morning collecting the donations and dropping them off at the Essex Salvation Army, the Essex Area Food Bank, the St. Vincent de Paul Chapters in Harrow and McGregor, and the Zeta Kappa

Sorority for its Santa’s Sack program. These service organizations then sort and distribute the donations to families facing economic hardships through their Christmas toy-giving initiatives. P r o g r a m organizer, Constable Joe Meloche of the Essex (M) OPP, appreciates the support the toy drive has received in the two-decades it has been operational. He hopes community members will do what they can to ensure every child in the area has a memorable Christmas morning. Meloche began the Santa’s Cause for Kids initiative in 2001, when he noticed there was a need to be filled in the community. He continues to be grateful for the support from community members and participating businesses. Area residents and patrons in the position to give can drop off a new, unwrapped toy at a variety of local businesses, including the Essex Home Hardware, Dollar Tree, Ken Knapp Ford, the

Harrow Dollar Discount, Atlas Tube, Ken Lapain & Sons, and Red Apple, or wherever they see an official “Santa’s Cause for Kids” donation drop-off sign. Those wishing to donate to the program can do so at these participating locations until December 17. At that time, members of the OPP and Essex Fire

& Rescue will team up to pick up all the donations from the collection sites. After the pick-up date, donations can be dropped off at Essex Fire Station #1 during regular business hours. Santa’s Cause for Kids will also collect gift cards for youths, aged 1618. Donations of gift cards can also be dropped off at Essex Fire Station #1.

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Thursday, December 2, 2021


Community I 13

Essex Free Press

Over 1200 served through Cottam United Church’s 75th annual turkey dinner

by Sylene Argent & photo submitted by Rick Mayea. 75-years ago, the parishioners at Cottam United Church wanted a way to celebrate the American cottagers, who supported vegetable stands and other local shops in the area as they headed to their cottages this side of the border on their

Thanksgiving weekend, so they started hosting a turkey dinner. Last Thursday evening, the annual tradition continued, and 1213 patrons were served, thanks to the dedication and talent of the over 100 individuals who volunteered to help prepare the food and

serve the long-line of customers. Some of the volunteers helped out that day, while others prepared dishes for the event for days in advance. Due to the pandemic, this was the second year in a row where the event did not offer in-dining seating, but doubled-down on take-out efforts. The take-

out method has allowed the volunteers with the Church to sell around 200 more meals than the traditional sit and take-out method as the volunteers are able to serve more. “We did incredibly well,” One of this year’s organizers, Rick Mayea, noted. The success of the event is that it is communitybased, Mayea said, adding the volunteers serve-up a good meal. In celebration of its 75th year, all the meals were served in a tote bag emblazoned with the businesses that sponsored the event. Mayea noted the event was a big success as a countless list of volunteers

prepared 1000lbs of potatoes, 1400lbs of turkey, and 100 kilograms of peas to feed the many take-out guests. “I think it is a great event. I am looking forward to doing it again next year,” Mayea said. In addition to the meals sold, Mayea noted another

200 meals were delivered to support individuals who utilize the services at the Downtown Mission. The proceeds from this year’s event will go towards beautification efforts in the downtown Cottam area, such as for park benches, Mayea noted.

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14 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 2, 2021

Santa Claus visits Leamington

Pictured left: Volunteers pose in front of the Toys for Tots collection spot on the parade route, through Point Pelee National Park.

Family Owned Since 1925

by Garrett Fodor As the days get colder and the calendar quickly approaches December, winter holiday excitement and joy begin to fill the air. As the snow began to fall on Saturday night, local families gathered at Point Pelee National Park for a chance to see Santa Claus, as part of the Leamington

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Community Christmas Parade. Following last year’s adaptations to the usual parade format, organizers continued and improved upon their drivethrough parade. Unlike the traditional parade of years past, and for the second year in a row, residents have been invited to go to Point Pelee to take part in the drive-through parade. In order to adhere to public safety measures, attendees got to sit in the comfort of their warm cars, while admiring the floats, scenery of the Park, along with catching a glimpse of the noteable man in red. “We started planning in August, so there were a lot of factors at play and it was quite the planning process,” Wendy Parsons said, who

Continued on Page 15

Thursday, December 2, 2021


Community I 15

Essex Free Press

Santa Claus visits Leamington...

Continued from Page 14

Parade floats lined Point Pelee as a part of the Leamington Community Santa Claus Parade at the National Park on Saturday.

is the General Manager of the Leamington District Chamber of Commerce. “It’s such a unique backdrop at Point Pelee and just how many people can say they were able to attend a Christmas Parade at a National Park? It’s something new and we’re continuing to improve upon it and get people into the spirit.” Parsons said this year’s parade featured nearly 30 different floats spread throughout Point Pelee, including three different bands from the region. She added she is grateful for all of the sponsors and volunteers who stepped up to help make the event possible. According to Parsons, there were 80 volunteers and several local businesses that donated assets and goods to the parade to help make it possible. “The best thing is to see the kids’ faces – when they come up in the vehicles –

Essex poised to purchase former Harrow High School and surrounding property

pressed against the windows, because they don’t want to miss a second,” Mike Diab said, who is a volunteer for in the parade. “The event is about spreading joy, bringing the community together, giving back, and giving the gift of happiness. That’s why we do this.” The parade, while bringing the community together, also has the community giving back to one-another. The festivity featured Canada Post collecting letters to Santa, representatives from Toys for Tots collecting gift donations, and the Salvation Army collecting non-perishable food donations at the end of the event. Parsons described this night as a magical event. She is grateful for the community support for the event and for everyone’s part in getting into the holiday spirit.

by Sylene Argent Last week, the Town of Essex announced it is expected to purchase the former Harrow High School, with the acquisition to be finalized on Friday, December 3. The intention is to expand the current recreation opportunities in Harrow, enhance the greenspace, and increase access to the property by directly connecting Pollard Park, information from the Town of Essex on the matter notes. The facility is located adjacent to the Harrow and Colchester South Arena, Participark, and the Harrow Fairgrounds. Councillor Sherry Bondy, who is the municipal rep for Harrow residents on Essex Council, was excited about the news. “I’m thrilled. It is finally the right move for Harrow. We needed to secure the greenspace, absolutely, and

the [Greater Essex County District] School Board’s policy is not to sever. At the end of the day, we ended up with both the building and the greenspace.” This is Council’s chance to have a community hub in Harrow, she added. “Now, we are growing. This is why we can justify it.” Bondy has spoken out in the past for the need for a community hub in Harrow, in addition to the importance of securing that several acres of greenspace surrounding the building, as it connects to parkland, houses a women’s ball diamond, and offers a walking track. “The people in Harrow always thought of it as our recreational space, because we had access to it and a good relationship with the School Board,” Bondy said. “If we lost that, it would really be like gutting our recreational core.” She expressed concern

in the past that if the Town did not purchase the property, the opportunity to secure all that greenspace could be lost to a private investor for development. As of right now, there are no official plans for the building and property, however, she said there is $60,000 in the 2022 Budget to look at assessing the building that could be approved. “That’s a good start. We need to start looking at how much money the building needs, what is feasible in the future, and where do we go to from here.” She wondered if one of the school’s wings could be prepared for use, before the other, just to get things rolling. The community of Harrow and Colchester, she said, “is really excited.” “The people in Harrow and Colchester want the same access to programs

Continued on Page 18

16 I Classifieds Essex Free Press

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_____________________ Buying or selling a farm? Do you know the right questions and answers? Farm Experienced Realtor Carl Idzinski, Keller Williams Lifestyles Realty - Brokerage. 519-817-8891. 22-tt _____________________


_____________________ HELP WANTED  Local truss assembly plant is hiring full-time truss builders. Monday to Friday and occasional Saturdays during busy season. Benefits after 3 months along with a boot allowance. Experience an asset but not required. Call 519-962-9922 or email resume to _____________________ HELP WANTED: TILRAY Inc. is looking for Greenhouse Production Associates to join their team. Duties include daily crop maintenance, harvesting, crop rotation, inventory counts, and cleaning of greenhouse. No public transportation available. Located in Leamington, ON. Compensation starts at $14.39/hour. Full time hours Monday through Friday. Please apply at or mail resume to P.O. Box 20009 269 Erie 9-fn St. S. Leamington, ON N8H 3C4.

I Thursday, December 2, 2021

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NOTICE Notice is hereby given that under the Repair and Storage Liens Act Part III that Glen Knight Self Storage of 1968 Setterington Drive, Kingsville, Ont., will be disposing of the stored effects of the one whose goods are located in units and/or outside storage space listed below for storage charges owing: Kelly Coon - Container #211344 Last known address: C/O 217 Chester Rd., Harrow, On. N0R1G0 DISPOSAL: December 24, 2021



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Thursday, December 2, 2021


News / Sports I 17

Essex Free Press

National Safe Driving Week - Focus on the road: Not a part-time responsibility

Georges rounded out the scoring. Trent Chevalier earned the shutout in net. On Sunday the Ravens traveled to Riverside to face the Rangers and the high scoring continued in a 9-0 victory. Austin Goudie paced the attack scoring two goals with singles added by McLeod, Cook, Liebrock, Youssef, Brayden Foster , Mariuz, and Derksen. Chevalier, again between the pipes, earned his second shutout in as many games.

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submitted to EFP This past weekend the EssexSouthpoint U12 Ravens played a pair of games. On Friday night, the Ravens hosted the Tecumseh Shoreline Eagles and skated away with a dominating 12-0 win. Owen Derksen and Joseph McLeod led the attack notching two goals apiece while Maxim Pyne, Derek Dunn, Nathan Mariuz, Ben Liebrock, Jonathan Recker, AJ Youssef, Kayden Cook, and Isaiah

majority of their respondents acknowledge the dangers, 35 per cent of that same group still admit to texting and driving regardless. When your attention is not fully on the road, the impacts are numerous: • Less visual scanning of your surroundings, • Reduced opportunities to identify visual cues (e.g., signage, lane positioning, turn signals) • Less time to react to your surroundings, and • A reduction in critical brain resources needed to assess the road ahead. Safe driving is one of the most effective habits we can adopt to keep Canadian roads safe for everyone. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Let’s all do our part and keep our eyes where they belong: on the road!

Essex-Southpoint U12 hockey action

The solution, of course, is obvious: don’t text and drive. It’s never worth it. Few text messages are so important that they need to be read immediately. If you’re expecting an urgent message, consider delaying your trip until you’ve received it. And if the message is an emergency, you can and should pull over and park your vehicle in a safe location. Remember, even receiving a phone call — and especially one that affects your emotional state — can take your attention off the road! The statistics and opinion polls frequently reflect what, for many, is a lived reality— driving distracted is dangerous. A 2018 survey by CAA reported that Canadians view distracted driving as the #1 threat to their personal safety on the road. However, a 2019 study by Think Insure indicates that, though the overwhelming


and when technology is used.” Transport Canada estimates that distraction — often attributed to cell phone and device use — contributes to 21 per cent of fatal collisions and 27 per cent of serious injury collisions. Further, the United Statesbased National Safety Council estimates that drivers using a phone behind the wheel are up to four times as likely to be involved in a crash as someone who does not use their phone. “You can’t watch the road and check your smartphone at the same time. Even a quick glance can lead to a costly collision,” said Peter Braid, Chief Executive Officer of the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada (IBAC). “The stakes are high – death, injury, property damage, fines and rising insurance premiums. That’s why insurance brokers are partnering with the Canada Safety Council to raise the alarm: it’s not safe to multi-task when driving.”

submitted to EFP Driving is a task that demands the driver’s complete attention. The unexpected can happen in moments, meaning that even a second of extra reaction time can make the difference between an avoided collision and a potential tragedy. National Safe Driving Week is December 1- 7 and this year, the Canada Safety Council and the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada (IBAC) leave you with a simple message: focus on the road is not a part-time responsibility. “Technology has made the task of driving easier in many ways,” said Gareth Jones, President and CEO of the Canada Safety Council. “Advances like rear-view cameras and collision avoidance systems serve as support mechanisms to keep us protected. But when technology pulls our attention away from the road, we are taking on risk and need to carefully consider how






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18 I Personals / Community Essex Free Press

FromThe Heart

To place a personal notice, email your photo and content to Personal notices must be received by Monday at 12:00 noon to appear in the Thursday edition. _________________________________________________________



In loving memory of

Tammy Lynn Sagaert (Langan) who passed away on December 6, 2016 We don’t need a special day to bring you to mind. The days we do not think of you are very hard to find. Each morning when we wake up, we know that you are gone. And no one knows the heartache, as we try to carry on. Our hearts still ache with sadness and secret tears still flow. What it meant to lose you, no one will ever know. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you. Your place, no one can fill. In life, we loved you dearly. In death, we love you still.

~ Love always, Mom, Dad, and Johnny

Voice Of Inspiration “Those who never retract their opinions love themselves more than they love truth.” ~

Joseph Joubert


I Thursday, December 2, 2021

Essex poised to purchase former Harrow High School and surrounding property... Continued from Page 15 and facilities that other Wards [in the municipality] have,” she said, adding it is important to have balance. Developments are coming to Harrow, but amenities are not being developed at the same rate. She also believes there is the potential for savings if the Town consolidates some of its existing buildings. Bondy noted she has been contacted by individuals who would like to rent space at the facility. “I think we can do it where it is not going to cost the taxpayers a lot of money…we need to see who is interested.” For instance, in June, the All Canadian Hockey School (ACHS), a private school for elementary school-aged boys, approached Council about possibly leasing the second floor of the Harrow Arena for one-year. As the Town did not own the facility, the school ended up agreeing to a lease for the second-floor at the Harrow Arena in July, after first also exploring the possibility of utilizing the Lions Hall. At the April 19 Council meeting, Essex Council extended an invitation to the GECDSB to attend a future meeting of Essex Council to discuss the former Harrow High School property. Later, at a meeting in May, Bondy wrote a letter to Council that noted she had received over 150 emails from within the community, noting residents do not want to lose the greenspace. Mayor Larry Snively said he will host a press conference at the high school site on Friday to comment on the matter and provide further details about the planned acquisition. Before the Budget Walkthrough meeting on Monday evening, Snively thanked Council, Administration, and representatives from the Greater Essex District School Board for working closely together on the matter. “I know, as a Council and as a Mayor, we have spent

five or six-years on this issue of acquiring the greenspace that we needed at the Harrow High School grounds. We were successful in negotiations on buying the property,” which included the building. “We all know we need that greenspace,” he said, adding there are no future plans for the high school currently. That will likely be up to the next Term of Council. He said over the weekend he received many calls from businesses and individuals who were upset about the acquisition. “We had to purchase the school to get the land,” he said. In addition, Town of Essex Director of Legislative Services/Clerk, Robert Auger, said at the May 17, 2021 closed meeting, Council for the Town of Essex gave its Administration direction to contact the GECDSB to advise of the desire to purchase the former Harrow High School property. At a closed meeting held on July 12, Council directed Administration to make an offer to purchase the former Harrow High School property at an offering price equal to the fair market value of the property. At a closed meeting held November 15, Council was advised the School Board was agreeable to the offer to purchase the property. And, even though it was still subject to Council approval, Council directed administration to finance any future purchase of the former Harrow High School property from the Landfill Reserve Fund. At Monday’s meeting, Council formally approved a resolution to approve the purchase and the financing for the purchase in the amount of $845,900.









MAILLOUX, Beatrice (nee Meloche) Passed away peacefully at the Royal Oak LTC in Kingsville on November 25, 2021, at 93 years of age. Reunited in Heaven with her beloved husband, Gabriel (2000). Loving mother of Rachelle DiGiovanni, Marcel Mailloux (Lou-Anne), and the late Luc Mailloux (Cookie). Treasured grandmother of Philip Mailloux (Kathy), Rick DiGiovanni (Tammy), James DiGiovanni (Michele), Jesse DiGiovanni (Vanessa), Jason Mailloux (Laurie), and Brad Mailloux (Rebecca). Great-grandmother of 16 great-grandchildren. Sister of the late Alvin Meloche (late Elsie), late Omer Meloche (Laura), late Rosanna Harrison (late Bing), late Lawrence Meloche (late Maxine), late Lowell Meloche (Margueritte), Andre Meloche (Sharon), Stan Meloche, late Philip Meloche (Cathy), and Richard Meloche (Mary). Sister-in-law of the late Pauline Charette (late Jim). Also survived by many nieces and nephews. Beatrice was a hard-working woman alongside her husband on the family farm. She was a long-time member of St. Clements Church and the Essex Retirees’. Beatrice loved to play Euchre and Pepper. Special thanks to the nursing staff at Royal Oak LTC in Kingsville for taking great care of our mom. The visitation and service was held at the Kennedy Funeral Home Ltd. (519-776-7378) 128 Talbot St. North Essex. A webcast is available on the funeral home website. Interment followed at Greenlawn Memorial Gardens. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Alzheimer’s Society of Windsor/Essex. You may send your condolences online at

WHARF, Mavis (nee Banham) - With heavy hearts, we announce the peaceful passing of Mavis on November 26, 2021, with family by her side at 96 years of age. Beloved wife of the late Robert Wharf (2010). Dear mother of late Tom (1966), Keith (Theresa) (late Carolyn-2006) and Barb Durocher. Dear grandmother of Renee (late Bill), Robyn (Gabriel), Michelle (Dave), and Heather (Donnie); nine great-grandchildren and one great-great grandchild. Sister of the late Betty and Harold. Sister-in-law of the late Doreen Taylor (Bob). Also survived by nieces and nephews. Cremation will take place after a private family goodbye. Special thanks to the staff of Country Village HCC. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Erie Shores Health Foundation (Erie Shores Hospice) or to the Hospice of Windsor. Kennedy Funeral Home Ltd. (519-776-7378) 128 Talbot St. North Essex entrusted with the arrangements. You may send your condolences online at www. _____________________________________________________

MCLEAN, Leland Charles - Passed away on November 24, 2021 at the age of 95. Beloved husband of the late Doris Irene (Elford) (1995). Loving father of the late Barbara McLean (2011), Janis McLean, Annette McLean and Karlene Taylor. Cherished grandpa of Marlise Taylor (Stephen Silvaggio). Loving father-in-law of Mel Taylor. Dear brother of Elwin and the (late Janet 2017), late Gwen (2017) and Neil Cowley, late Harold (1981) and the late Margaret (2021). Also remembered by many nieces, nephews, and extended family and friends. Leland was a lifelong resident of Harrow, a proud farmer and gardener. Visitation and a private funeral service was held at Gerald A. Smith Funeral Home, 197 King St. W. Harrow. Interment at Colchester Memorial Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made by cheque to the Harrow United Church or the Heart & Stroke Foundation. You may send your online condolences to

What’s Going On... DEC. 3  TAKEOUT ONLY PASTA DINNER at St Paul’s Anglican Church, 92 St Paul Street, Essex from 5 - 6:30pm - Please enter in the Church. 519-776-7711 for more details. DEC. 4  HOLIDAY MARKET & CRAFT SALE - At CTMHV, 5155 Arner Twln (County Rd. 23) 9am - 4pm. Proof of vaccination & masks required. For vendor info: 519-776-8321. DEC. 4  DRIVETHRU CLOTHING COLLECTION - At Trinity Church in Cottam, from 11am to 2pm. DEC. 5  SILVER AMBASSADORS CHRISTMAS CONCERT - At Essex Legion, Talbot St. at 2:30pm. Admission by donation DEC. 8  ESSEX BLOOD DONOR CLINIC - Essex Centre Sports Complex, 60 Fairview Ave W., Essex 2-7pm to book an appointment: OR 1-800-2-DONATE DEC. 11  ESSEX SANTA CLAUS PARADE - More info to come. DEC. 11  CHRISTMAS VENDORS MARKET at St Paul’s Anglican Church, 92 St Paul Street, Essex from 10am - 2pm. Call 519-776-7711 for more details. DEC. 17  STROLL BY SANTA - At McGregor Parkette from 5:30 - 7:00pm. All are welcome. FREE event. DEC. 18  HARROW KINSMEN SANTA CLAUS PARADE - 6pm starting at Harrow Country Depot. JAN. 12 ESSEX BLOOD DONOR CLINIC - Essex Centre Sports Complex, 60 Fairview Ave W., Essex 2-7pm to book an appointment: OR 1-800-2-DONATE DEC. 19 - MCGREGOR SQUIRETTES CHRISTMAS TURKEY DINNER  Take-out from 3:00-6:00pm - No charge, donations accepted. At McGregor Columbian Club, 9560 Walker Rd. For more info and to order: 519-776-5710 or 519-919-5318. HIATUS HOUSE: offers counselling services in Essex County. Women’s Fresh Start group therapy is once a week. For info or to schedule an intake appointment, call the 24-hour Hiatus House helpline at 519-252-7781.

Thursday, December 2, 2021


Community Hub

Essex Free Press

sponsorship by:

Fresh food. Friendly neighbours 191 Talbot St. S., Essex

519-776-4255 Essex Christian Reformed Church submitted by Beverley Van Huizen

Welcome to Essex CRC either in-person or online. Please join us each Sunday at 10am. All COVID-19 safety protocols are in place. Or, you may join us online, Sundays at 10am. Visit us at for a link to our social media page. Like our page make sure your notifications are on so you will be the first to know when we go live. Our annual Christmas Bake Sale/Takeout Soup/Chili & Bun Event is on Saturday, December 4. 10am – 12pm. Come be part of the community, our ‘Take a Book Leave a Book’ Library is in front of Essex CRC church. Check the box often as the selection of books change up regularly.

Essex United Church

Join us on Sunday at 10:30am for our Worship service. Rev. Lexie Chamberlain presiding. Keep up to date with our social media and our website www. The Essex Food Bank is open - Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:30am – 11:45am. The Food Bank also has a new phone number: 519776-4070.

Salvation Army Essex Church submitted by Carolyn Barnett

Red Christmas Kettles are at local grocery stores. The kettle drive supports our family services programs to help those in need in our community. You will also see counter kettles around. We need volunteers to man the kettles. Salvation Army Policy is that volunteers must be fully vacccinated. If you can help on the kettle for a couple of hours, please call the church office: 519-776- 4628. The Essex 73’s Hockey Club is hosting a Toy Drive for us. We will accept donations of new unwrapped toys on Tuesday, December 7th before the game. Also donations of non perishable items will be given to the Food Bank. Our Food Bank shelves are running low this time of year. Any donations are greatly appreciated. We are in particular need of cereal, pudding cups, canned vegetables, and sidekicks. For information about this service, please call the church office. Our Christmas Eve service will be at 6pm. We invite you to join us but please be aware that our numbers are restricted due to Covid restrictions. If you plan to attend, please call the office to reserve a seat. Our Tuesday Bible Study is now finished until January 11th, 2022. Join us for Family Worship, as we celebrate this Advent Season. Major Jim Hann leads the Sunday Services at 10:30a.m. Masks and social distancing restrictions are in place.

Cottam United Church submitted by Helen McLeod

Please note the time of our Sunday morning services is changing to 10am. We would love to welcome you to our Church Family. Christmas is the perfect time to start your journey. Masks are required and social distancing.

This past week, we have been getting ready to host our 75th Turkey Dinner. Thank you for all the help we get from our Community, family, and friends. We couldn’t do it with out you. God, Bless you all! The Cottam Rotary is selling Christmas Trees at the Cottam Pond again. Also, they are selling Christmas fruit cakes.

Central Essex County Catholic Family of Parishes Essex, Maidstone, McGregor, and

Woodslee news Advent has begun! Congratulations to newly ordained Deacon, Bryan Chevalier. God bless you Bryan! Both McGregor and Essex’s St. Vincent de Paul Societies are collecting gift cards and monetary donations for the Christmas gift program. Please use the drop off box at the church entrance. Sign up your child online for Confirmation. There is a virtual, parent meeting on December 2nd at 7 pm. Dues for 2022 for CWL and K of C can be dropped off at the office, in the collection basket, at your church. For up to date news please visit our website at centralessexcatholic.dol.

Harrow United Church submitted by Larry Anderson

Plans are underway for our Christmas Eve. Service at 7pm. We will have our live Nativity and a short, outdoor service. On Sunday, December 12th at 2 pm there will be Caroling outside of the Harrowood Seniors Home. Everyone is invited to come make their season a little brighter! The Southwestern Ontario Gleaners is once again up and running. They are especially looking for volunteers each Monday and/or Friday. If you are interested in going to assist, please call Dennis Graham at 226-346-4505. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our Minister, Rev. Darrow Woods who would be pleased to speak with you. The number of Harrow United Church is: 519-738-4223. Please find information about Harrow United Church on our website at www.

Church of the Redeemer submitted by Kimberly Myer

ADVENT: Our liturgical church year has come to an end and we are now entering into the new church year as we begin with the season of Advent. It is the time set aside to prepare ourselves for Christ’s second coming. It is a time of introspection and preparation along with a time of celebration of hope and anticipation. Please join us! You will see an advent wreath with 5 candles. Three blue (purple), one pink for Gaudete Sunday, the 3rd Sunday of Advent which means Rejoice and one white - the Christ Candle. There will be a special reading and we light one candle for the 4 Sundays of Advent and then on Christmas Eve we light the white Christ candle. Sweetie Pies can be purchased for your Christmas holidays please contact Amy at: Christmas Concert by Harmony Plus is at Church of the Redeemer on Friday, Dec. 10th at 7pm. Donations welcome.

Trinity Anglican Church We are collecting items for purses for Street Help. These purses will be donated to the homeless drop-in center in mid January. We are gathering purses (or small cloth

bags), sanitary products, lipbalm, lotion, body sprays, note pads, pens, tissues, etc. Call the church: 519-839-5303 to donate. A clothing drive-thru will be held at Trinity on Saturday, Dec. 4 from 11am - 2pm. Men’s clothing winter items, socks and new underwear are especially needed. A thank you to Rev.’d Tom Anderson who filled in for Hilton this week. Tom’s sermon was a reminder that all generations have been through rough times of war, disease, and hardship. Registration is required for our 9pm Christmas Eve service. To register, please contact Pat at: 519-776-8005. Come join us with Rev’d. Hilton Gomes for Sunday services at 9:15am at 235 County Rd. 34 W.

I 19

mask and observe social distancing. See you at 10am. Sunday, December 5th is the second Sunday of Advent at 10am. The Giving Tree has been placed in the front entryway. Donations of hats, scarves, mittens, gloves and small toys accepted. All items collected stay in our community. Our hall and building remain closed to meetings and rentals. The Children’s DropIn Centre is paused at this time, until further notice. Reach us by phone (519) 723-2284, email or vist us online: www. Located 933 Talbot Road, Maidstone.

St. Paul’s Anglican Church submitted by Sandra Lypps

Essex Baptist Church

Our modest congregation is open and welcomes you to join us. Current health regulations do give us capacity in our sanctuary. Come learn how to pray with us in our current series. Past recording of messages are on our website, which is updated weekly. We are praying God’s blessing on all of Essex County. Please let us know how we can more, specifically, pray for you. (email: Come celebrate Christmas with Essex Baptist Church! Advent services are Sundays at 10:30am (Sunday Connection at 9:30), Christmas Eve at 7pm. All health guidelines followed - and do let us know how we can pray for you! , 71 Maidstone Ave East.

Bethel-Maidstone United We now open for in-person worship. In accordance with Ontario Covid requirements, we ask attendees to show proof of double vaccination. Members will have that noted on an attendance sheet and won’t have to show proof on each Sunday, but carry your documentation with you. Thank you for your patience. We ask that you continue to wear a

Services at St. Paul’s to take place on Sundays at 11am. All are welcome. Please wear a mask and sign in upon arrival. Our next take-out pasta dinner will take place on Friday, December 3rd from 5 6:30pm. Enter through the church. Our next Vendors Market will take place on Saturday, December 11th from 10am 2pm in the Church Hall. Stay tuned for the dates of our Christmas services. If you are cleaning out closets, please keep our Clothing Cupboard in mind, we are Continued on Page 21

Voice Of Inspiration “A stubbornly proud man cannot humble himself; he has neither the strength nor the courage. So have pity, then, and forgive him.” ~ Richelle E. Goodrich

20 I Business Directory Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 2, 2021







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Thursday, December 2, 2021


Community Hub / Business Directory I 21

Essex Free Press

gift bag to be donated to our community this Christmas.

Brooker News

peppers and Richard Noel with the low score. We will also start playing on Wednesday nights, starting December 1.

submitted by Ruth Newman

Worship service this Sunday, December 5 at 10am with Linda Hollingsworth bringing the message. Masks and social distancing are required. Bible Centred Ministries will present and after-school program at Brooker every Tuesday, at 6:45 pm. Thank you to those who did a beautiful job decorating the church. Please remember in your prayers those inside and outside of our community, who are ill or suffering, especially the flood victims of British Columbia.

Community Support Centre of Essex County

The winners at Monday afternoon Pepper this week were, Gladys Shura with high score, Kevin Edwards with the most

The Foot Care Clinic is available, in Essex, three days a week. Meals on Wheels delivery to Essex is every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The Community Food Pantry operates twice a week by appointment. Check our our virtual programming, that you can do from home. Join us for exercise classes, chair yoga, Wellness Wednesdays, and Bingo. Our Security Reassurance program connects a volunteer with a client to provide a little phone check-in. We are always looking for volunteers for this program. Contact Carolyn at 519-728-1435 ext 216. Call 519-7281435 for registration, or information on any of our programs, or visit online at:










Continued from Page 19 always in need. For more information, about what is happening at St Paul’s, visit our website ( and social media for updates. You can reach us at 519-776-7711.

Woodslee United Church submitted by Sue Holman

Come join us for Sunday Service at 11:15am. Second Sunday of Advent - PEACE. Rev Carl will lead the service and Communion. A video Sermon is available each week on our Pastoral Charge website. A copy of the bulletin is also available on the website. Please say a prayer for those on our Prayer List. WHITE GIFT FOOD DRIVE - Place items together in a Christmas gift bag & bring them to church service any Sunday until December 12. All gift bags go to the Essex Area Food Bank. Suggestions: pancake mix, chocolate chips, pancake syrup, or hot chocolate, evaporated milk, or marshmallows. Any non perishable item. Use your imagination to create a

Essex Retirees’ Club News




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HICKS, MACPHERSON, IATONNA & DRIEDGER LLP. Chartered Professional Accountants Tyler Hicks Heather MacPherson Lindsay Iatonna Tim Driedger Ashley Meyer P.O. Box 189, 49 Erie St. N., Leamington, Ontario N8H 3W2 Phone 519-326-2681 • Fax 519-326-8044 •



22 I Opinion / Sports Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 2, 2021

Southpoint-Essex U10 Team advances league record to 8-1 Awesome 1937 Ford street rod

1937 Ford roadster, a perfect blend of old and new.

When the new 1937 Fords arrived, they were a styling sensation. They were the first Ford to have a one-piece front-opening hood. They were also the first Ford with headlights mounted in the front fenders instead of on top of them and the first Ford to have a 2-piece, V-shaped windshield. But underneath, Ford still had a long way to go. It had 4-wheel mechanical brakes giving you “the safety of steel from pedal to wheel.” Ford finally adopted hydraulic brakes in 1939, fifteen years after Chrysler. And the ’37 Fords still had transverse leaf springs front and rear. But the sensational styling gave the ’37 Ford a timeless appeal still popular today. Jerry Foster was born Nov. 7, 1949, and grew up surrounded by cars both old and new. He operated Jerry’s Auto Diesel shop on Fraser Road in Leamington, Ontario, and a few years back began driving his ultimate dream machine, a 1937 Ford roadster with fibreglass body imported from the U.S. and mounted by Jerry on a modern chassis. The body when it arrived was already nosed and decked and shaved in the style popular with customizers in the 1950s. Under the hood is a 350 Chev V8 punched out to 383 and bolted to a 4-speed automatic transmission. All new gauges adorn the dashboard. For over 20 years, Jerry trailered his car to shows in ONLINE & IN PRINT Canada and the U.S. and filled his garage with trophies of every description. Sadly, he passed away Nov. 20, 2020. His sister Darlene and her partner Pete are the new custodians of this awesome street rod. 16 CENTRE ST., ESSEX I’m always looking for stories. Email billtsherk@ 519.776.4268


submitted to EFP The Southpoint-Essex Capitals U10 hockey team travelled to Harrow to take on Erie-Northshore last Friday. Christian Rutgers put the Caps on the scoreboard early. Then, with 2:52 left in the first period, Southpoint went on a run with three goals, in two minutes and twenty seconds, led by Carter Dement on a feed from Jordyn Lefaive, followed by Conner Blain, assisted by Brody Church, then defenseman Russell Colenutt attacked for an unassisted goal. The Caps added two more goals in the second period, including a beauty tic-tac-toe play, assisted by Rutgers and Asher Grossi, tapped in by Ben MacQuarrie to finish the game with a 6-0 win.

On Saturday, Southpoint played host to the Windsor Jr. Spitfires. The first period proved uneventful and ended scoreless. However, the Caps soon rekindle their mojo from the previous evenings’ relentless pressure on the puck. Highlights included impressive passing from Eddie Zieba to Zander Cook to the stick of Conner Blain for a goal. Strong forechecking by Jordyn Lefaive paid off when she passed the puck out to Rutgers for another goal. Then Asher Grossi stormed in, scoring

unassisted. Blain added two more goals for a hat trick. Goalie Owen Tavares and the Southpoint defense protected the net and kept the Jr. Spitfires scoreless through three periods. The Capitals finished with 5-0 win. Teamwork continues to grow and pay dividends for his hardworking crew. Southpoint is eager to hit the ice this coming weekend for the tournament in Belle River with the opening game at 8:00.

Voice Of Inspiration “We’re a team. It’s part of our job to help each other out, and to forgive each other quickly. Otherwise, we’d never get anything done.” ~ Jeramey Kraatz

Thursday, December 2, 2021


Sports I 23

Essex Free Press

73’s optimistic, looking towards playoffs

(LtR) Carter Dembinski, Liam Hall, and Conor Dembinski celebrate a goal over Lakeshore earlier in the 2021-22 season.

by Garrett Fodor While the Essex 73’s may not have been on the schedule to play any games this week, their focus hasn’t shifted; the players are preparing for the weeks and months ahead – with one goal on their minds. After his first season behind the bench, 73’s Head Coach Danny Anger has gone through a pandemic and organizational changes en route to the club’s current battle for first place in the Stobbs division. Anger is working under General Manager Mike Pailey, who’s in his first year, with Jeff Brett and veteran

coach, Jamie McDermott, rounding out his coaching staff. Anger said the additions compliment him and have been positive for the club and help with everyone’s development. “I think the biggest thing I learned was [that] our team works hard every single night,” Anger said, as he recalled the changes he’s made from last season to this year. “You can’t take nights off. There’s been games where the most skilled team hasn’t won. It’s going to be the team that works hard and commits to the process [of] working hard at both ends of the ice that wins, and we’ve tried to build

that here.” On the ice, Anger said he has been pleased with how the roster has played to this point. With 11 players having more than 10 points in the 16 games played to date, he is happy with the depth the roster has. Anger credited the work and vision Riley Jones, Pailey, and the staff have for the long-term outlook of the team. He noted the roster has been younger than years past, with nine rookies on it. While they are young, Anger noted that it is by design and believes the team has only started to take shape. Anger added the team

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has only had glimpses of its full lineup, as players are beginning to return to health following injuries. “I think we’ve done the right things and we’ve progressed the right way with this roster and the staff after having the long absence,” Anger said. “For us right now, it’s all about making sure our players are creating good habits and working hard, creating the skills we can take into playoffs, and building a roster where we can contend.” On the ice and in the locker-room, Anger said he has been pleased with the additions of veterans Andrew Thoms, Matt Smith, and Captain Tycen Chittle, who all joined from Lakeshore this season. Anger said he is pleased with how well they have adapted and have become the leaders in the dressing room and on the ice. With the roster being so young, he believes it crucial to have players on the roster who can lead by example.

Returning to the ice, Anger is looking ahead to the schedule as he noted they have a handful of games against top-foes Lakeshore and Mooretown ahead of the playoffs in the coming months. He believes they will be great measuring points to see where the team is at. “Going in this season with the roster that we had, that was the goal we had, was to contend

for first place,” Anger stated. “This next couple of weeks, and those matchups, will be great, but we treat everyone the same. We want to work hard every night, stick to our process, and play the right way, so we will be ready come the postseason.”

Liam Hall celebrates a goal with teammate Adam Dunn against Amherstburg earlier this season.

24 I Ad Feature Essex Free Press

I Thursday, December 2, 2021

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