Essex Free Press - February 13, 2014

Page 1

Vol. 134

A LOOK INSIDE Development in Essex is on the rise PAGE 3 ________________ Bluegrass in CanadaÕ s deep south PAGE 9 ________________

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Issue No. 6

Essex supports recycling initiative

by Sylene Argent At the February 3 Essex Council meeting, Council voted in favour of supporting a request from the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority. The request submitted included mandatory recycling at municipal facilities and at special events. In a correspondence sent from the EWSWA, it noted that at its December board meeting the Authority passed a resolution that would make a request to municipalities to implement and continue maintenance of effective recycling programs in all municipal buildings and facilities, and to require all special events on municipal property to have an effective recycling program. Councillor Sherry Bondy considers herself to be environmentally conscious, and is on the Landfill Liaison Committee and the Essex Region Conservation Authority Board. She said that EssexÕ s support for this initiative is part of the TownÕ s diligence to continually improve recycling efforts. This initiative will add recycling containers at municipal facilities to help divert recyclable items from ending up in the landfill. It will also require events like fairs within the municipality of Essex to have recycling receptacles as well, she said. As a municipality, its EssexÕ s job to help lead the way as the

Local historians to receive heritage awards PAGE 11 ________________ BANA participates in Eating Disorder Awareness Week PAGE 13 ________________ Essex Town Council Meeting notes PAGE 17 ________________ 73Õ s knock off Kings in four straight PAGE 23 ________________

Looking For A Good Home


See Page 7 for adoption info.

Essex Councillors supported an EWSWA request to include mandatory recycling at municipal facilities and at special events.

Continued on Page 5

2 I Community

Essex Free Press


Thursday, February 13, 2014

How Essex Town Council operates by Jennifer Cranston In the fifth installment of our on-going series on the working of Town Council we are visiting with Councilor John Scott. Scott is one of two Councilors representing Ward 3 and is in his first term. Scott and his wife moved to Colchester from Windsor about 15 years ago. He said that politics was never a life-long dream for him, nor does he plan to make it a lifelong career. Ò I ran because I saw opportunity in our town that wasnÕ t being chased,Ó he said. He had a choice to be that guy who sits around and complains about things or he could step up and try to get things done. He chose to do something. He hopes to be on council long enough to see some current projects completed.

Ò A lot of the things weÕ re doing require more than one term to see through,Ó he said. One of those projects includes developing local trails. He is the Chair of the Trails, Walkways and Bikeways committee and thinks completion of the current trail systems in the region is important for the community. Ò I think itÕ s important to finish the connections to Essex and close the gaps,Ó he said. Programs like CWAT (County Wide Active Transportation) and Trail On, which involves the recently retired railway tracks in the region, are a big part of that plan. These projects, he thinks, will not only improve safety and access to active transportation for residents, but also attract visitors or Ò cycle touristsÓ to the Town. Scott is an avid cyclist and a cycle tourist

himself. Being a cycle tourist means that you plan vacations around cycling and even ride your bike to your destination in some cases. He sits on the Boards of Directors for E.L.K. Energy and ERCA. He is also on the Colchester Villagefest Committee. Early in his term he was a member of CPAC (Colchester Planning Advisory Committee), but planning for the hamlet is now a part of the townÕ s master plan and the committee isnÕ t currently required. Scott says his first steps into politics were a little challenging. Ò I was one of those people who didnÕ t understand or appreciate the commitment involved,Ó he said. He explained that, unlike his job with Chrysler, being a Town Councillor means Ò youÕ re always on.Ó When he travels heÕ s always looking for ideas he can bring home to Essex. Ò IÕ m always looking for things we can do differently or better,Ó he said. Ò ItÕ s a job that is always in your head.Ó HeÕ s been approached during church services by constituents with complaints, and had irate residents come to his

door. He explained that it is a balancing act to juggle family life, full time employment and life as a Councilor. Scott says heÕ s fortunate that he has a lot of support and understanding from his wife and his employer. He says that someone considering running for office should make sure theyÕ re doing it for the passion rather than the money. There is financial compensation but it only works out to about $1,400 a month for the average councilor. He says in Essex councilors are only elected by ward; they are elected to serve the whole town and any resident should feel free to call any councilor. Essex Town Council is a group of people with different backgrounds, different beliefs, from different demographics and all those aspects of each member play a part in the whole. Scott explains that he is a husband, a father, a factory worker, a cyclist and a lay minister in his church. All of these things play a part in the perspective he brings to council chambers. Being a family man it is important to Scott that he is able to include his children in much of his work as a Councilor. He brings them to events whenever possible. Ò My kids are the reason I do this. I want to create a community where they can live and hopefully

stay for the long term,Ó he said. Ò Parents should be role models and my role as Councilor is important for Abby and Connor to see.Ó Councilor John Scott

Thursday, February 13, 2014


News/Community I 3

Essex Free Press

Development in Essex is on the rise by Jennifer Cranston A town building report for 2013 shows a significant rise in construction projects in Essex in commercial, industrial and residential projects. About $47 million in construction projects were recorded in 2013. This is up from $23 million in 2012 and only $17 million in 2011. Commercial and industrial construction values account for about $28 million, up from $7 million in 2012. Singlefamily homes account for almost $12 million,

up from less than $10 million in 2012. Some of the major projects included in this list include the renovation/re-build of Essex District High School and Valvoline Express Care in Essex Centre. A new Tim Horton’s restaurant and the Enerquest manufacturing facility are two major projects in Harrow. Essex Councillor John Scott says that these building and development numbers indicate that the town is headed in the right direction.

“It means something when people are willing to put their money in our community,” he said. He pointed out that a corporation like Tim Horton’s needs certain population and traffic counts before they can put up new restaurants. “The fact that a rural community like Harrow is getting a Tim Horton’s means that we’ve had growth,” he said. “Enerquest chose to relocate to Harrow. That means that they saw opportunity in our municipality.” This increase in

Cottam United Church

development is good financially for the town’s bottom line and it is good for the average resident. Municipal revenues from permit fees amounted to $531,000 in 2013, up from $237,000 in 2012. This is just the initial benefit from development in the town. It broadens the tax base that eases the burden on each family and business. Commercial and industrial development often also means new jobs in our community.

select days.” Wear your boots to see the trees tapped and the sap boiling in a large iron cauldron. Help a cook in pioneer garb while finishing the syrup on the 1850s kitchen fireplace. Inside the modern visitor centre, discover the science of the maple tree. The heritage of maple flows from the First Nations, to early settlers, to Black emancipation, to today’s Olympic athletes. There’s a reason the maple leaf is Canada’s symbol! Bookings are available for half day (1.5 hour) or

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programs and group tours, offered from February 24th to March 28th. Don’t miss your chance, maple time doesn’t last long, and many dates are already filled. The Homestead’s maple programs are appropriate for any age, explains Education Coordinator Janet Cobban. Ò We tailor our presentation to meet curriculum links or special interests that the group may have. This theme attracts Girl Guides and Scouts, seniors’ groups, day camps, New Canadians and schools. Our maple programs are available en francais on

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Maple: The first taste of Spring submitted to EFP With all this snow, do you feel that winter will never end? Not to worry, the first sign of spring will soon be here Ð maple syrup season. The John R. Park Homestead Conservation Area is now taking reservations for its popular maple education

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4 I Ad Feature

Essex Free Press


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Community I 5

Essex Free Press

Valentine’s Day Quiz Test your knowledge of all things related to the day of love. 1. How many martyred saints are believed to be named St. Valentine? a. 12 b. 14 c. 7 d. 16 2. Ancient Egyptians used to mummify people with this organ intact because they believed it was the only part of the body necessary for the trip through eternity. a. heart b. liver c. lung d. eye 3. This February holiday was originally observed on February 14th. a. LincolnÕ s birthday b. WashingtonÕ s birthday c. Mardi Gras d. Groundhog Day 4. Which confectionary

company produced the first box of chocolates for ValentineÕ s Day in the late 1800s? a. Hershey b. Nestle c. Cadbury d. Mars 5. Approximately 110 million of these will be sold and delivered within the three days surrounding ValentineÕ s Day. a. chocolates b. roses c. cards d. emails 6. Who receives the most ValentineÕ s Day cards? a. teachers b. wives c. mothers d. children 7. This Italian city was where Romeo and Juliet lived in ShakespeareÕ s tale. a. Rome b. Naples

Continued from Front Page

c. Tuscany d. Verona 8. In what year did Hallmark launch its first ValentineÕ s Day product? a. 1913 b. 1915 c. 1917 d. 1919 9. Which Roman goddess was known as the goddess of love? a. Vesta b. Juno c. Venus d. Diana 10. Which monument was given as the ultimate gift of love? a. Egyptian pyramids b. Taj Mahal c. Eiffel Tower d. Palace of Versailles 11. Which of the following birds DONOT mate for life? a. Dove b. Bald Eagle c. Cardinal

Valentine’s Day facts and superstitions Every February 14th people around the world exchange gifts, chocolates and romantic greetings for a day set aside for lovers. Many traditions are followed, all in the name of St. Valentine. Still, people may not understand why such customs are upheld. Much of the history of ValentineÕ s Day and St. Valentine himself is shrouded in mystery, and much of whatÕ s widely accepted is inaccurate. To set the record straight, here are some facts about the holiday. * ValentineÕ s Day is believed to have originated from a celebration in Rome during the fifth century. This celebration paid tribute to St. Valentine, a Catholic priest. Other historians surmise it was a way to Ò ChristianizeÓ the pagan holiday of Lupercalia, which was a fertility festival. Included in the traditions were boys and girls drawing names from a box and exchanging gifts. * The Catholic Church acknowledges at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus. * All of the stories surrounding St. Valentine -- whether they are disputed or not -- paint him as a sympathetic and heroic individual. * ValentineÕ s Day greetings have been popular from the Middle Ages onward, though they have been usually verbal in nature.

Recycling initiative...

* The oldest known written valentine still in existence today was a poem written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. * ValentineÕ s Day is celebrated in the United States, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, and Australia. * ValentineÕ s Day and MotherÕ s Day are the most popular holidays to give flowers. * According to Hallmark, women purchase 85 percent of all valentines. * According to the Greeting Card Association, an estimated one billion ValentineÕ s Day cards are sent each year, making Valentine’s Day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year behind Christmas. * Candy was among the earliest ValentineÕ s Day gifts and remains a popular gift today. * Some tales suggest that the type of bird a girl watches on ValentineÕ s Day predicts her future husband. A bluebird indicates a happy man, while a sparrow indicates a poor man. * In Medieval times, girls consumed unusual foods on ValentineÕ s Day in the belief it would make them dream of their future husbands.

d. California Condor 12. What letter has become the symbol for a Ò kissÓ ? a. X b. O c. K d. Y 13. This confection is made from sugar or honey and almond meal. a. fondant b. chocolate c. caramel d. marzipan 14. Some people believe ValentineÕ s Day was created to supercede this Roman pagan holiday. a. Sementivae b. Floralia c. Lupercalia d. Vestalia TF142928 Answers:1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. b 6. a 7. d 8. a 9. c 10. b 11. c 12. a. 13. d 14. c

landfill host, she added. Essex already has recycling programs in place, but this helps the municipality divert more recyclables from the landfill. It also gives residents visiting a municipal facility or attending a large event in Essex an option to recycle, instead of having to choose between throwing recyclable items into the garbage or having to carry the items until a recycling receptacle is later found, she said. One of the most valuable items to recycle, Bondy added, is pop cans. Bondy was also happy Council supported this initiative because when Council met with area youth about their ideas on how to improve the municipality last year, having more recyclable receptacles in town was one of their hopes. In the future, Bondy would love to see a similar program initiated for food waste. TRAVEL WITH CONFIDENCE WWW.FORSYTHTRAVEL.COM




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* indicates guaranteed departure. Tour prices are based on twin and include all taxes. Gift Certificates Available for Valentine’s Day. Check out our website for a few ideas for a Valentine’s getaway.

6 I Opinion

Editorial &Opinion

Essex Free Press


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Live & Uncensored ••• Comment Richard Parkinson •••

Hot showing for Canada so far at Winter Games Serving Essex and the surrounding communities since 1896.

Published Thursdays as an independent weekly newspaper, owned and operated by The Essex Voice Limited. Richard Parkinson, Shelley Beaudoin Ray Stanton - London Publishing Corp.

OUR STAFF Sandy Kennedy / Andrew Beaudoin - Office Jessica Beaudoin - Graphic Design / Social Media Lana Garant - Graphic Design Greg Belchuk - Advertising Sales Manager April Harrison - Distribution Manager Sylene Argent - News Reporter Jennifer Cranston - News Reporter Shelley Beaudoin - Graphic/Production Richard Parkinson - Editor


The Essex Free Press is an audited publication with controlled circulation of 10,000.


Delivery concerns can be addressed by contacting April Harrison, Distribution Manager, at our office during regular office hours.

WeÕ re now well into the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. I enjoy the Games because they bring the world together in celebration of sport and healthy competition. National flags fly but there is a real sense that the Olympic Games are global events, owned by no one. They open up the world and they help develop understanding. How many of us had heard of Sochi, Russia prior to these Olympic Games? Canada is doing very well. As I write this they are second in the medal standings (behind Norway) with 4 gold medals, 3 silver medals and 2 bronze. Our athletes excel despite the lack of funding and financial support for many of them. The public purse isnÕ t exactly wide open for our amateur athletes. Quebec though does well to

support its athletes and it shows, as our Quebec athletes enjoy frequent trips to the podium Ð particularly at this Olympics. I always feel a sense of joy when I see one of our athletes take to the podium and I feel pride as a Canadian. As the Games have a way of unifying nations, they have a way of unifying the citizens of a single nation as well. Once again, RuthvenÕ s Meghan Augusta-Marciono will represent her nation on Olympic ice. She has been a part of Team Canada at Olympic Games since her first showing in 2006 in Turin. At that time, she was the youngest member of the team and scored a hat trick in the game against Russia. Four years later she was back again, this time in Vancouver. She racked up 15 points in those Games,

9 goals and 6 assists, and again notched up a hat trick, this time against Sweden. She was also named the tournament MVP. Now a seasoned veteran, Augusta continues to play a key role on Team Canada. She scored the team’s first goal against Finland in the third period, which opened the scoring up that led to CanadaÕ s 3-0 victory. Yes, the Games are always exciting. I will be cheering on Augusta and all the members of Team Canada in all sports. As a Canadian, itÕ s nice to have an open outburst of national pride. The Olympics allow us that freedom. It makes up for the rest of the time where we keep our Canadian character in tact and hold our pride for our nation within.


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The Essex Free Press

Office: 16 Centre St. Essex, Ontario Mail to: P.O. Box 115 Essex, Ontario N8M 2Y1

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Letter to the Editor... My original letter mentioned the historical facts of the old Maidstone town hall built in 1828. I will keep the original letter to the Windsor Star along with all three responding and misleading Letters to the Editor in Essex/Windsor and Lakeshore and I will distribute them during my campaign if and when I decide to run. I refuse to be bullied by a group that is trying to rewrite history and slander me in the process. If raising two thousand dollars in two years for a roof that costs $190,000 is involving the Community at large, then vote me out. I believe the artwork should go back to

the owners, or even their families until a future resource centre can be established with proper funding. $4 million to relocate the Public Works yard is too much money from the Many for the Few. The letter writer from Essex does not pay taxes in Lakeshore and does not have to answer the Public. Lakeshore Councillor Dave Monk

Let’s Talk About... by Evelyn Couch - Caring about others and ourselves It appears that nothing is being done about oil leaking from a sunken freighter in Newfoundland in the area of Twillingate. While it appears it is unusual for this columnist to write about this problem, I think my readers will agree that whatever is happening to harm the environment anywhere, concerns us here. So I am writing this so we may add our voice and petitions to those by the Anglican Church. Rev. Dr. Joanne Mercer, a parish priest in Twillingate, is asking for support with protest letters and petitions. The freighter sank in January 1989. Oil is leaking from the ship. The people are asking that action be taken quickly to get parliament to approve funding for removal of the oil from the ship The priest maintains the government does have

a fund for such cleaning jobs and feels there is need to put pressure on the government to take action. The fear is that if something isnÕ t done quickly the oil wonÕ t be removed this year and there is danger that the freighter will soon break up. The people of Twillingate are depending on the Anglican Church to petition for immediate action and they are asking for everyone to sign a petition and mail it as quickly as possible. To add your voice to the appeal you would need to address your letter to the Minister of the Environment. The freighter is named the Manolis L. It sunk in January 1985 near Change Islands in Newfoundland. Urge action to remove the oil from the ship before it breaks up. Whenever there is an oil spill it pollutes the waters, kills birds and animals and water creatures. That concerns all of us.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Community I 7

Essex Free Press

Grow your own forest Trees Ontario is holding free workshops across the province to help landowners learn more about growing their own forest. The first of these seminars will be held in Essex on Feb. 25. People are invited to the Essex County Civic Centre at 6 p.m. to learn about forest management and stewardship, tree planting subsidies and other financial incentives for establishing and managing forests. Topics covered will include the 50 Million Tree Program, Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program, wind breaks for working farms and tools for managing new trees. The presentation will also

cover invasive species and shoreline planting for improved water quality. Trees Ontario is a not-for-profit organization committed to the regreening of Ontario through tree planting efforts on rural lands and in urban areas. Since 2004, Trees Ontario and its 85 provincial partners have planted more than 18 million trees across the province. Trees Ontario administers the Ontario governmentÕ s 50 Million Tree Program, part of the United Nations Billion Tree Campaign. The United NationsÕ goal is to plant one billion trees worldwide each year. Ontario is committed to plant 50 million trees by

2025. The goals of the program are to sequester carbon, enhance and diversify southern OntarioÕ s landscape, increase the capacity to withstand climate change, and increase wildlife habitat. The 50 Million Tree Program is designed to significantly reduce the costs to landowners of large-scale tree planting and thereby increase the number of trees planted across the province. Space in the workshop is limited and pre-registration is encouraged. For more information, or to register for the workshop, visit

Letter to the Editor... Re: The Power of the Pen, by Evelyn Couch, Feb. 6 I found some amusement and fond memories in Evelyn CouchÕ s Ò LetÕ s Talk About - The Power of the Pen.Ó I might be dating myself, but when I was in grade school they still had the ink bottle on the school desk. Of course, that was for the older students. In the early grades, you started by doing everything in pencil, before graduating to pen and ink. Today, school boards embrace new technology fairly quickly, but in the past they often clung to the ageold methods of doing things. The ink bottle and its pen were another one of these things. Even though, for years, the ballpoint pen had become as common as a pencil as a writing instrument, it was the pen and the ink bottle that were the required writing equipment in the classroom, you know, to make those carefully crafted letters and words. We had blotting paper too, to try to minimize the unavoidable ink blotches that decorated our writing papers and made our teachers frown. Handwriting was a lesson, with each letter requiring its own specific shape and form. Reluctantly, our school board soon modernized our writing tools, allowing the amazing fountain pen with

its cartridges to load the ink. And eventually, the ballpoint pen was allowed. At high school, no computers, but typing made for neat and tidy reports, the only handwriting being our signature. But I remember many teachers that required our work to be handwritten. It is kind of sad that this Ò artÓ is disappearing. In this age of computers and texting, a child may one day ask, Ò What is handwriting?Ó Thanks to Evelyn Couch for the trip down memory lane. As for the spilled ink and such, they should never have put a girl with braids in the seat ahead of me! Andy Comber Essex

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8 I Ad Feature

Essex Free Press


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Community I 9

Essex Free Press

Bluegrass in Canada’s deep south

The Crowe Brothers entertained Bluegrass music lovers a the Belle River K of C on Saturday night. The show is part of the mission of the Essex-Kent Bluegrass, Oldtime and Folk Music Association to bring Bluegrass and Old-fashioned Country music to the region.

by Jennifer Cranston Toes were tappinÕ and hands were clappinÕ at the K of C in Belle River on Saturday night as the Crowe Brothers played their special brand of Ò old-time country, American style music.Ó Born and bred in Georgia, deep in the heart of Bluegrass country,

Josh and Wayne were raised on music by their father. Their father was an award-winning musician who played live radio shows and appeared at the Grand Ole Opry. The Crowe Brothers were regulars at the iconic Opry themselves from 1978 well into the 1990s.

Ò Those were the days when you could walk down the hall anytime and see ten stars,Ó said Josh. Throughout their 40year career, the brothers have performed all over the world, but only in the last year have they begun to tour Canada. Josh explained that

Happy Valentine’s Day! From Our Little “Love Bugs” 169 IRWIN AVENUE, ESSEX





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while he enjoys playing large festivals like the Tottenham Bluegrass Festival near Simcoe, there is something special

about the one night shows played in venues like the K of C. Ò No matter the size of the crowd, you know theyÕ ve all come to hear you,Ó he said. Essex Kent Bluegrass, Oldtime and Folk Music Association, hosted the show. Event producer for the organization, David Blakney, said that since 1990 the Association has been working to bring live Bluegrass to an area that wouldnÕ t normally get it. The work of the group is for passion not for profit. At the end of each year any money they have over operating costs is donated to local charities. Last year they were able to donate about $3,000. The Salvation Army Food Bank in Essex, Lakeshore Community Services and the Celiac Disease Foundation. These Organizations all benefited from the

groupÕ s generosity. Bluegrass fans can tune into CJAM Radio, 99.1 on Sunday mornings from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. for Daybreak in Dixie. This is a radio show hosted by Blakney that continues his mission to bring Bluegrass and Oldtime Country Music to CanadaÕ s South. You can also listen anytime online at http://cjamlog3. The next live show will be at the K of C in McGregor on Mar. 15. It will feature the Spinney Brothers from the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia. For more information visit www. canadasouthbluegrass. or email Blakney at dblakney@

10 I Opinion

Essex Free Press


Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Voice Of Experience by Evelyn Couch No more weather

Sharing Hometown Recipes, Cooking Tips and Coupons By Janet Tharpe

A Must-Try!—Caramel Pecan Banana Cake “You’ll savor every bite!”


Tresa Hargrove Lawton, OK (Pop. 96,867)

aramel, bananas AND pecans? That’s the amazing flavor combination you’ll taste when you bite into Tresa Hargrove’s Caramel Pecan Banana Cake. Your taste buds will definitely thank you. This recipe is a great way to use up leftover bananas I always seem to have lying around. I’m trying to figure out why I had never thought to try this flavor combination before! See step-by-step photos of Tresa’s recipe plus thousands more from home cooks nationwide at: You’ll also find a meal planner, coupons and chances to win! Enjoy and remember, use “just a pinch”...


Caramel Pecan Banana Cake

What You Need

• Mash 2 bananas and 1 tbsp lemon juice in bowl and set aside.

5 medium bananas 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 box pound cake mix • Slice 3 bananas into 1/2 (1 lb box) inch slices on an angle and 3 1/2 oz box instant banana pour tbsp of lemon juice cream pudding mix on top, set aside. 2/3 c evaporated milk • Beat cake mix, banana 2 large eggs pudding mix, milk, 1/2 c melted butter 1/2 c toasted pecans, chopped eggs and 1/4 c butter on medium speed for 2 min. 8 toasted pecans, halved 3 1/2 oz box butterscotch • Add mashed bananas and pudding mix, cook and beat for 1 min more. Let serve batter rest for 5 min. 2 tbsp brown sugar • Arrange 8 pecans halves Directions in the pan, top with sliced bananas in the bottom of • Preheat oven to 350 F. bundt pan. Spray 12 cup bundt pan with cooking spray.

• Sprinkle the 1/2 c toasted pecans on top of bananas.

• Mix butterscotch pudding mix and brown sugar; sprinkle over pecans.

• Pour remaining 1/4 c butter over pudding mix. • Let butter and pudding set for 5 minutes. Pour cake mix over top of butter pudding mixture. • Bake for approx. 35 to 40 min or until toothpick comes out clean.

• Remove from oven and let cool for 10 min. Invert onto cake plate leaving pan on top for 15 min.

Submitted by: Tresa Hargrove, Lawton, OK (Pop. 96,867) Brought to you by American Hometown Media





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Nothing I write will have any effect on the weather. I am making that statement because I think I have done enough commenting about how it used to be when I was going to school. So what else is there to talk about these days? By the time you read this it will be Valentine Day. DoesnÕ t everyone enjoy ValentineÕ s Day? I presume not necessarily. Personally I have an awful memory of one that I have not been able to forget. And I have written about going to a party at the school before I was old enough to attend. There was the one about the school inspector coming that day and I had to amuse myself in the basement for the morning. WouldnÕ t be any mischief I could find, thatÕ s for certain. I donÕ t remember what I did. Another topic could be about the days getting longer. Once in a television show the question was, Ô When do the days get longer, summer or winter?’ And the respondent said summer! So IÕ ve been thinking that those daylight hours have been lengthening for seven weeks so that leaves six weeks until equal day and night. IÕ ve always thought we could begin to look for warmer weather after midFebruary. Wiarton Willie predicted that for this year but what he based that on might apply in Wiarton and not here. Perhaps we should get a groundhog (In Oxford County we called them woodchucks). We could name it Essex Ernie and let it live in one of the silos. Poor groundhog if it had that fate! As IÕ ve said before that shadow prediction is simply another way of saying if we get sunny days too early we will pay for it with colder weather later, so the groundhog might as well go back to its warm hole in the

ground. I donÕ t know where Wiarton Willie lives all winter and I donÕ t think any of its contemporaries live in Essex County. There was always one causing a problem on the farm in Oxford County because it dug two holes in the field for a front and a back door entrance and escape. Then a farm animal

accidentally would step in one of them and break its leg. Beside that the mound of earth from the dugout created problems with machinery. I doubt all that drivel was any better reading than something about the weather but at least it gave some variety.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Community I 11

Essex Free Press

Local historians to receive heritage awards by Sylene Argent Volunteers are the backbone of the community. They provide many services from which the town benefits. It’s not too often a committee receives an opportunity to recognize the hard work their volunteers put in after years of dedication. So members of the Essex Municipal Heritage Committee are especially pleased to announce the Town of Essex in partnership with the Ontario Heritage Trust will honour two local historians, Evelyn Couch Burns and Laurie Kowtiuk, with awards through the Ontario Heritage Community Recognition Awards program for their contributions to preserving and promoting local history. The community is encouraged to celebrate with the award recipients at a cake & coffee reception to be held before the Monday,

March 3 Council meeting at the Essex Civic Centre. In July, the Essex Municipal Heritage Committee sent a report to Council in hopes the local dignitaries would also support the nominations. And Council voted to support this initiative. The nominations were then forwarded to the Ontario Heritage Trust. The Essex Municipal Heritage Committee nominated Kowtiuk with the Community Recognition Award for her contributions to the Essex & Community Historical Research Society (ECHRS) where she has served as Vice President and currently serves as President, the Essex Municipal Heritage Committee, and Heritage Essex. Her love of history led her to pursue getting designation for her home as having historical significance. Her home dates back to the 1870s. She will receive her award during the Council

meeting following the reception. Having received the Community Recognition award in 1996, Burns will now be presented with the Lieutenant Governor’s

Ontario Heritage Award for Life Time Achievement. This award is presented to those who have dedicated at least 25 years of community service to heritage efforts. She will receive this award at Queen’s Park nearing the end of February. Burns’s dedication to history includes authoring a book on local history, Ò The Three Rs of Essex: Rags, Riches, Recovery,Ó and Ò They Could Never Forget,Ó which is about World War II veterans. She was also the author of Ò A Tribute to Essex County Farmers,Ó a work about the history of the Essex County Federation Continued on Page 13

File photo by Fred Groves. Laurie Kowtiuk and Evelyn Burns will be honoured on March 3 at the Essex Civic Centre for their contributions to local history with recognition through the Ontario Heritage Community Recognition Awards program. The community is invited to attend the reception.

12 I Ad Feature

Essex Free Press


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Community I 13

Essex Free Press

Local historians to receive BANA participates heritage awards... in Eating Disorder Awareness Week Continued from Page 11

of Agriculture. Burns has received many awards, including the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. She was inducted into the Harrow Agricultural Hall of fame and is a member of the Essex Municipal Heritage Committee. She was also a member of the Save Our Station committee, which helped save and restore the Essex Train Station. Recently, Burns and Kowtiuk worked together to co-publish the third edition of Ò The Three Rs of Essex.Ó Before the March 3 Council Meeting, area residents and fellow historians are welcome to congratulate Kowtiuk and Burns at a reception. It will be held at 5 p.m. in the foyer leading into the County Council Chambers. Heritage is an important aspect to preserve within a municipality, said the TownÕ s representative

on the Essex Municipal Heritage Committee, Town Planner Heather (Ross) Jablonski. The reception will also help to promote the Essex Municipal Heritage Committee from an educational perspective and give area residents and those interested in history an opportunity to learn about the committee and the work its volunteers do. Jablonski noted that several Essex residents have received awards from the Ontario Heritage Trust for contributions to history. Another award recipient was ECHRS Past President and member of the Essex Municipal Heritage Committee, Linda Iler. Iler noted the biggest motivator in the committee putting Kowtiuk and Burns up for the nomination was due to the reworking of Ò The Three Rs of Essex.Ó For Iler, hosting the reception is important

Voice Of Inspiration

Ò The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.Ó

- Winston Churchill

because it is a way to recognize and thank those who do volunteer work. As a past recipient of the Community Recognition Award, Iler said it is an honour to be recognized through the Ontario Heritage Trust. Just because an individual is nominated for the award does not mean they will receive the recognition. So, to have the Ontario Heritage Trust review the nomination and decide the individual should be recognized is a very big honour, she said. She added her award came with a pin, which she wears proudly. Everyone is invited to attend the special congratulation ceremony. Jablonski is encouraging those who plan to attend to call Isabel at the Town, (519) 776-7336 (extension 28) to make a reservation so organizers can accommodate all those in attendance. Essex Municipal Heritage Committee meetings are open to the public. The meetings alternate between Essex Centre and Harrow Centre. The next meeting is February 27 at 5:30 p.m. inside the meeting room at the Harrow Arena. The following meeting will be March 27 at the Essex Municipal Building at 5 p.m.

by Sylene Argent Feb. 3-9 is Eating Disorder Awareness Week in Canada. To raise awareness of the week and to promote its services, representatives from the Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association (BANA) hosted several activities throughout the region last week. Mia Tannous, Interim Health Promotion Manager with BANA, explained Eating Disorder Awareness Week is recognized nationally in Canada to help raise awareness about eating disorders and where help can be found for those who need it. BANA representatives manned kiosks around the region, including at the University of Windsor, Windsor Regional Hospital, Tecumseh Mall, and Devonshire Mall. Another event was planned for St. Clair College, but was cancelled due to weather last Wednesday. At the kiosks, Tannous noted, visitors could gather information about BANA or eating disorders. Activities were also held to help engage the public. For example, BANA wrote, Ò I amÓ on one side of a pair of denim

jeans and Ò I am NotÓ on the other. Booth visitors were encouraged to write brief descriptions of what they are and are not beneath these headings. At the kiosk booths trivia games were also held. Tannous noted BANA tries to target youth as a means of helping to build self-esteem and prevent eating disorders. BANA, Tannous said, was established 30 years ago. It facilitates an outpatient program where around 300 clients are supported at any given time. BANA also hosts prevention program

workshops in schools in the region. Those who need BANAÕ s assistance can call the new hot line 1-855-969-5530 for help. From there the client would reach a specialist and could then be referred to a health centre or BANA, depending on the clientÕ s needs. Tannous noted that BANAÕ s average client is around 27-28 years old. Teenagers could receive help at the Teen Health Centre. BANA has clients as young as six-years old through to clients into their Ô 80s.

Essex Recreation Complex

Essex Centre Sports Complex

Harrow and Colchester South Community Centre

242 Talbot Street North, Essex For info: 519-776-8992

60 Fairview Avenue West, Essex For info: 519-776-8717

243 McAffee Street, Harrow For info: 519-776-8717


14 I Personals

Hollee! Essex Free Press

From The Heart

Thursday, February 13, 2014

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GARY DEUVILLE ay Call Todak And Speur With O g in Advertis ep Sales R Greg!


JOIN US AT AN OPEN HOUSE TO CELEBRATE! February 15, 2014, from 4-9 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall, County Rd. 22, Emeryville, Ontario.



GRANT, Jean Elizabeth (nee Barnes)- Born on June 13, 1923 and passed away peacefully on February 7, 2014 with her daughter by her side at the Metropolitan Campus, Windsor Regional Hospital. Loving wife of the late Ervin (1981). Daughter of the late Edward and Florence Barnes. Survived by her daughter Irene of Maidstone and son Erle of Cincinnati, Ohio. Will be greatly missed by furry friends Toby, Tippy and Hobo. Also survived by niece Barbara Dupuis and husband Michael; 1 great-nephew, 2 greatnieces, and 7 great-great-nieces and nephews. Predeceased by brother’s Henry, Percy and Albert, sister’s Ethel, Marylin and Ola and brother-in-law Charles Lankin. Jean lived her entire life in Maidstone Twp. and she devoted her life to her family. She was a member of Bethel-Maidstone United Church for 60 years. Visitation was held at the Kennedy Funeral Home Ltd. (519-776-7378) 128 Talbot St. North, Essex. The funeral service was Wednesday, February 12, 2014 at Bethel-Maidstone United Church (933 Talbot Rd. Maidstone). Interment followed at Greenlawn Memorial Gardens. Donations may be made to Bethel-Maidstone United Church. You may send your condolences online at _________________________________________________________

Happy 70 th

Birthday! RON GRAVEL ~February 16 th~

Best wishes for your 70th and many more. Love and prayers, your family

60th Wedding Anniversary Rose (Rosina ) and Leo Baillargeon, from Tecumseh, Ontario, celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary February 6th, 2014. Best Wishes Love Annette, Morgan, Mary-Anne, Greg, and families.



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In Loving Memory


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Celeste and Leslie Jackson The Broken Chain We little knew that day, God was going to call your names. In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you both. You did not go alone. For part of us went with you. The day God called you home. You left us beautiful memories, your love is still our guide. And though we cannot see you, you are always at our side. Our family chain is broken and nothing seems the same. But as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again. - Love Justin and Tim

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In Loving Memory

Pat Magee February 5, 2005 Remembering you is easy, We do it every day. But missing you is the heartache, That never goes away. Loved always, Marg, Marianne, Matt & Lisa, & your 4 grandsons.


In Loving Memory of our Mother, Grandmother & Great Grandmother

Nettie Butcher-Young February 19, 2004 Just a prayer from the family who loved you. Just a memory fond and true, in our hearts you will live forever, because we thought the world of you. Love Carolyn & Bill, Jim & Cheryl, Tricia & Tim, Tracey & Madelyn

Voice Of Inspiration

Ò Teeth arenÕ t pearly, until you smile.Ó

- Anthony Liccione

K of C



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Friday, Feb. 14, 2014

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Proceeds support Fr. Francis Charities

What’s Going On FEB. 15 - ECHRS PRESENTS Elise Harding Davis speaking on The Black Presence in the War of 1812 & Essex Historic African-Canadian Cemetaries - 1pm at 18 Gordon, Essex. FEB.16 - THE ESSEX COUNTY ORCHID SOCIETY meeting at 1:30pm, St. Stephen’s Church Hall, 5280 Howard Ave. More info - FEB. 18 - BLOOD DONOR CLINIC - at Essex Legion, from 1 - 7pm. Walk Ins Welcome! FEB. 20 - BLOOD DONOR CLINIC - at Harrow Arena, 12:30 - 7pm. Walk Ins Welcome! FEB. 20 - PEPPER PARTY - at at Essex Retirees’ Social Club. Call 519-776-6689 for more information. All are welcome. FEB. 21 - Pasta Fundraiser for Essex Community Services in the Community Room at the Essex Arena. 4:30 - 7pm. For tickets & info please call 519-776-4231. FEB. 26 - THE ESSEX & DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETING at Essex Community Centre at 7:30pm. Speaker is Maria Pap on Herbs & new flowers on the market. ESSEX LIBRARY: (week of February 10th) FLOWER & CANDY & HEARTS , OH MY! - Join us for a Valentine’s celebration on Saturday, February 15th at 11:00 am. Ages 5 & up. Register online or at the library. (weeks of February 10th & 17th) TEEN BOOK CLUB -Come and discuss the book “FIRE “ by Kristin Cashore on Wednesday, February 26th at 6:30 pm. Ages 13 & up. Register online or at the library. COTTAM LIBRARY: Tuesday, February 11th at 6:00 pm. ages 7 & up. Register online or at the library. (week of February 10th) COTTAM TEENS & BOOKS MEET - Let’s talk books over pizza & good fun on Tuesday, February 18th at 6:00 pm. Ages 13 & up. Register online or at the library. (week of February 17th) FEBRUARY FLIES! - Join us for an hour of fun! Stories, craft & exciting games on Tuesday, February 25th at 6:00 pm. Ages 4 - 6. Register online or at the library. MCGREGOR LIBRARY: Tuesday, February 11th at 5:45 pm. ages 5 & up. Register online or at the library. (weeks of February 10th & 17th) ADULT BOOK CLUB - Join us for a book discussion on “HOW IT ALL BEGAN” by Penelope Lively on Monday, February 24th at 8:00 pm. Register online or at the library. ESSEX COMMUNITY SERVICES - Walk-In Counselling Clinic: Access to professional counseling services is available on the 1st & 3rd Fridays of the month at Essex Community Services, 35 Victoria Ave. For info: 519-776-4231.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Classifieds I 15

Essex Free Press




FOR RENT _____________________ STORE/OFFICE FOR RENT in Downtown Essex. Just renovated and cleaned, open concept, 1450 square feet. $750+. Call Joy at 519-890-7794. 48-tfn _____________________ 2 Bay Garage for rent in downtown Essex. Approx. 650 sq. ft. plus extra storage outside. $300/month + hydro. 1st & last required. Call Joy 519-890-

BINGO 1st & 3rd Fridays 7:15 P.M. 32 Russell St. - Retirees’ hall $ 500.00 JACKPOT 1-tf _____________________

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VINTAGE ANTIQUE SHOW -Saturday, March 1 & Sunday, March 2. At the Vollmer Culture and Recreation Complex in LaSalle. VENDOR SPACE AVAILABLE! Call 519-969-7771 x 0 for details 5-2t

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DRIVERS WANTED - AZ or DZ. Clean Memorial record. Will train qualified applicants. Fax resume to Quinlan Inc. 519-723-2336. verses _____________________ available HELP WANTED: Greenhouse and Packing line Labour. General greenhouse labour, 17-tfn

duties include pruning, picking, planting and cleaning of greenhouse. Packing line labour, duties include inspecting, Memorial 7794. 4-tfn weighing and packing produce on _____________________ _____________________ verses Memorialassembly line. Lifting, bending and St. , standing is required. Must be able to available FOR RENT :1 bdrm apt on Main verses FARMING downtown Essex, preferably no pets. work all shifts. Rural area no public _____________________ available First & last month required. 519-776- transportation available. Rate of payWANTED minimum wage. To apply please email 6078. 3-2t* Farm Land to Rent Or Mail _____________________ Cash or Share Crop to Domric International, P O Box 218, FOR RENT: Large 3 bedroom apartment Ruthven ON N0P 2G0 6-14t* Call Jeff Siefker (cell) 519-796-1240 or _____________________ for rent in the Cottam area. $700/month (home) 519-776-9501 Memorial 1-tf plus utilities. Available Jan. 1st. Please HELP WANTED: Christian Women _____________________ verses“Called” To Teach! A unique opportunity call 519-819-1039 and leave a message. WANTED productive land to buy, rent awaits you. For more information please 46-tfn available or sharecrop. Top prices paid. Call Dennis _____________________ call 519-977-1627. 6-1t* today @ R. Rivest Farms Ltd. 519-796_____________________ FOR RENT: 2 Bedroom, non-smoking, 6691. _____________________1-tf country home near Ruscom. No pets. REAL ESTATE _____________________ 5-2t WANTED: Farmland to rent or share Phone: 519-975-2369. _____________________ crop. Competitive rates. Dent Farms. Call Buying or Selling a farm? Do you know Daryn: 519-818-4995. FOR RENT: Available now. the right questions and answers? Farm MemorialHOUSE verses 3-tf Comber available atarea. 2 bedroom country home. Experienced Realtor Carl Idzinski, Real _____________________ No pets. Please call 519-798-1110 (after Choice Realty. 519-817-8891. _____________________1-tf 6pm). ALSO - H.D. 10 foot blade for sale. FOR RENT _____________________ FOR SALE: 1 ACRE BUILDING LOT at 6-tfn _____________________ North Talbot, near Manning. $154,900. FOR RENT: McGregor - 1 bdrm. apt. $675. Utilities incl. Fridge & stove incl. HOUSE FOR RENT: 2 bedroom home in Water is in and paid for. 45ft culvert available Coin laundry Memorial in building. Please Ph: 519-verses Essex for rent. Available March 1st. at $800 to be installed at seller’s expence. Call Experienced Realtor Carl Idzinski, Real 990-7464. 38-tf* + utilities. Call 519-776-4875. 6-1t* _____________________ Choice Realty. 519-817-8891. _____________________


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Memorial v availab 151 County Rd 34 W., Cottam

3+1 bedroom home in Cottam with 2.5 car garage. Cozy finished basement Memorial vers with gas fireplace. New roof (2011). Move in ready. Taxes 49-tf SEMI-DETACHED HOME FOR RENT: 3 Briarwood Apts, 26 Alice St. N., Essex. $1700. Interlocking _____________________ SKING A bdrms, lg. kitchen, family, and living 1 large 2- 3 bdrm available, $1090 + 0 brick driveway. 0 ,9 9 5 FOR SALE: Semi-detached, 3 bdrm. on $1 room, 2 full baths & more. 31 Stanley St. hydro. 519-776-4016 to view. Fenced in yard. private street in Essex. 1 car garage, 3 Essex (Private Street) Walking distance to Ask to see the completed home inspection report. 6-2eow lg. living/ Please What’s black and white bdrms, gas/air, 2 full baths, schools& s hopping. C all5 19-979-3830. Call Sarah for a private viewing. family rooms. A must see. Phone: 519Recycle 48-tfn and read all over?979-3830. 48-tfn this



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2 bedroom home Call 519-776-4 Call 519-776-4 in Essex for only

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Million Dollar What’s 2014 Interim Property Tax Bills Producer! were mailed January 29, 2014 black and 519.972.1000 Cell: 519.980.5006 If you own white property in the Town of Kingsville you should have received your 2014 interim tax bill. The tax due dates and read are as follows: HELP WANTED Please all over? Recycle Sarah Adams

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February 28, 2014 May 30, 2014


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Our client, in the greenhouse support industry, has an immediate opening for an assistant bookkeeper for an estimated 20-30 hours per week to start. Responsibilities will include maintenance of all financial records, preparation of various financial reports in a computerized environment and customer service. This position requires a selfmotivated individual with knowledge of bookkeeping and computerized systems. Experience in the greenhouse support industry is preferred. Remuneration will be commensurate with qualifications. Please forward resume by email to Please Recycle or by fax at 519-326-7008. this paper

16 I Classifieds/Community Hub

Essex Free Press


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Classifieds... _____________________

FOR SALE _____________________ FIREWOOD: Seasoned and split hardwood firewood. $60 / cord. 9870 Conc. 9, Essex. Call 519-776-6299 or 519-890-6631. 5-3t* _____________________





_____________________ HOME PET CARE: Veternary Technician. 27 years experience. Will come to your home and do nail trims, baths, ear cleaning, anal glands, etc. at reasonable price. Call Lynn at 519-776-4277.

GE ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER: Excellent condition, $80. Manual included. Please call 519-839-5128. 5-2t* _____________________ JIFFY POWER ICE AUGER FOR SALE: Cuts an 8 inch hole. Call 519-727-5344.


CASH PAID for scrap cars and trucks. Free removal. Please phone: 519-776-9237 or 519-791-5046. 1-tfn



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_____________________ ERRANDS & HOUSEKEEPING for SENIORS. Licensed and Police Clearanced. Call Julie’s Errands & Deliveries at 519-8186692 to discuss your needs. www. 49-6t* _____________________ “ON TIME MOVERS” - Are you moving? Need something picked up or delivered? Please call Larry or Dave today! 519736-7411 or 519-984-7412. 1-tf _____________________ INCOME TAX -Confidential preparation of Personal, Farm, and Senior Returns. Pick up and delivery available. E-file or regular file. Over 30 years experience. Call Tim Mousseau 519-975-2414 or toll free 1-855-975-2414. 4-12t* _____________________ INCOME TAX PREPARATION: Good rates on personal, rental and business returns. E-file or paper file. Call Jeannette Grass (519) 776-7090. 6-11t

Student Help wanted for the position of Student Desk Clerk. Job duties include shelving and assisting with packing and unpacking of inter-branch deliveries. Start Date: March 10, 2014 – August 29, 2014 Hours of Work: 8-15 hours per week, with additional hours (up to 35 hours) during school vacation periods Wage Rate: Minimum wage Apply in writing no later than Thursday, February 20, 2014 to: Technical Services Department Essex County Library 360 Fairview Ave. West, Suite 101 Essex, Ontario N8M 1Y3 Essex County Library is committed to an inclusive, barrier-free selection process. If contacted regarding this competition, please advise the interview coordinator of accommodation measures you may require during our selection process. Information received relating to accommodation needs of applicants will be addressed confidentially. Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

St. Paul’s/ Trinity Anglican You are invited to explore what projects need to be incorporated into our Renew Plan for our future. Talk to council members or list you ideas at the back of the church. Our next council meeting is Feb.18 at 7 p.m. Members are invited to a reflection day March 1. It will begin at Trinity at 10 a.m. with worship and conversation about choices. Following lunch we will go to St. Paul’s for exploring our history and our future in the afternoon with 3 p.m. being the end. Join us on Saturday, March 29, for the Komedy Corner at Place Concorde to support the work of our congregation.

Woodslee Millen Group News submitted by Donna Roubos Planning group for the brand new cenotaph project which will be at the Millen site on 1925 South Middle Road continues. Fundraising plans such as a walk for Veterans, dinners, auction, grants and letter appeals are underway. If you would like to order a hand made winter hat the proceeds go into this project . We thank those of you who have done so. The Woodslee Millen Needlecrafters are looming baby hats for Lee Lee Hats (a worthy cause) as well and have plans underway so get your needlecraft supplies ready to meet together in our new building Library in the future . Updates will follow. We are getting ready to gather the boxes to send to our troops overseas. Thank you for supplying them with the puzzle, word and suduko books for their pleasure to let them know we are thinking of them and showing our care and respect in this way. For info. contact Donna Roubos 519-975-2634. Quoting Steve Salmons, Director of Community Services informs us the new building will be ready and is on schedule to open July 1st . This is welcome news for many of us! Thank you Lakeshore! Woodslee Friendship Club The past week’s winners were George Diesbourg, Dave Mc Murren, Gail Koziana, Veronica Granger, Joanne Mc Murren, Adrian Diesbourg, Cecile St Denis, George Sutherland and Fran Mc Kim. During the extreme cold weather we will call you ahead of time if we cancel cards. However our warm hearts welcome you to play euchre , pepper, or pickleball. For info call Joanne at 519-975-2409.

Harrow United Church Submitted by Larry Anderson We welcome you to join us this Sunday at 10:30 am with Reverend Frank Staples. We thank Patti Collier for her flute accompaniment, Sabrina Cipkar for her vocal solo and our Senior Choir for their beautiful anthem last Sunday. Confirmation Classes continue on Sunday, February 16th, following the morning worship service. The Outreach Committee, has indicated that they would like input from members of the congregation regarding continuing and potential new Outreach Projects for 2014. If you have ideas please contact Dennis Graham by calling the church at 519-738-4223. At the February 4th Official Board Meeting, Eleanor Walker and Cathy George were re-elected as Chairperson and Secretary for 2014. To view and listen to Rev. Staples’weekly messages, listen to our Choir and to learn more about Harrow United Church, please visit us at:


Fish Licence Free! February 15 to 17, 2014 Presented by: Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources.


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Thursday, February 13, 2014


News/Community I 17

Essex Free Press

Special Essex Town Council Meeting notes for February 10th, 2014 by Sylene Argent Harrow Fair Board Essex Council met with members of the Harrow Fair Board on Monday to help improve communications between both groups and iron out some issues. Some of the concerns discussed during the meeting included installing surveillance cameras in the park, the need for banner poles in downtown Harrow to promote the event, actual ownership of Harrow Park, condition of bleachers, compressors, and tent setbacks. As far as the banner poles are concerned, CAO Russ Phillips noted the banner poles within Town had been assessed and two

sets (one in Essex Centre and the other in Harrow Centre) were deemed not structurally sound as it relates to wind resistance. Cost for a new set of banner poles was added to the 2014 budget. A pair is estimated to cost $6900. Council could budget for more if desired. Spectators use the bleachers at the baseball diamond during the Harrow Fair to watch the tractor pull and horse show. The Harrow Fair Board noted at times the bleachers need repair, as they are wooden structures and should be inspected in the spring. Director of Community Services Doug Sweet noted staff is currently reviewing an engineering report on the

Holy Name News submitted by Rosa Cipparrone By: Kaylee Drouillard and Reese Dendiuk Welcome back to another great week at the HawkÕ s Nest. We had quite the busy week here at Holy Name School! We started off the week with a 100th day school celebration in our primary division. The students participated in iPad activities that dealt with the number 100, counting 100 steps down the hall and a variety of other gym and classroom events just to name a few of the fun activities. A great time was had by all! At the time of writing this article, and if the weather co-operated, we held our Holy Name Olympic Day on Tuesday, February 11. We began the day with Opening Ceremonies in the gym, followed by many fun activities like hockey, snow relay, team ski events etc., in the afternoon. If Mother Nature didnÕ t agree, then our rain date is scheduled for Wednesday February 19. We held our JK/SK Open House registration on Wednesday February 12. It was nice to see so many families come out and visit our school. We extend a very warm and sincere welcome to all our new students and their families who have registered. We know you are going to LOVE our school!! If you havenÕ t decided yet where your child will be attending in September, we welcome you to come and visit our school. We would love to have you become part of our HAWK community. Please remember to join us for our Family Mass on Friday, February 14 at 9:30 in the gym. This will be Fr. FrancisÕ s last mass with us as he will be moving. We thank you Fr. Francis for all your help and we wish you all the best at your new Parish. We would like to welcome Fr. Dave who will be the new parish priest at Holy Name of Jesus Church and who will be celebrating our future masses with us. Remember Literacy hour for this month is February 18 at 9:15am. We welcome parents and family members to join us if you can and share a good book with your child and their classmates. Thanks for another great week here at Holy Name School. GO HAWKS!

bleachers to ensure safety. The Harrow Fair Board noted last year vendors were asked to move their tents around ten feet away from existing buildings as part of building codes as it pertains to fire safety. Some of the members thought this was a hazard as it relates to the created space and tent guide wires. Members also thought they were exempt from this rule as the tents were setup as part of a fair.

Phillips noted the setback was due to public safety, which is always a top priority. This issue would be followed up on. Dialogue will also continue between the Town and the Harrow Fair Board as it relates to the compressors in the arena. They need to be turned on as early as possible to start creating ice for the hockey season, which begins not long after the Fair. The Fair Board does not want the compressors on during

the Fair. If it rains and entertainment needs to be moved in the arena, with the compressors on, the floor would be slick. Phillips noted the Harrow Fair is valued. Conversations with the Board will continue to ensure concerns are addressed. Preliminary budget meeting Council began its capital budget deliberations on Monday

to start to discuss top priority projects for 2014, and eliminate or minimize project sizes to work towards a balanced budget. At the beginning of the meeting, Donna Hunter, Director of Corporate Services, noted Council needed to work to get to a balanced budget or to a minimum tax increase. She also noted

Continued on Page 18

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HOUSEKEEPING OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT TO PERMIT MEDICAL MARIHUANA PRODUCTION FACILITIES TAKE NOTICE that Council for the Town of Kingsville has directed by way of a motion that administration establish regulations for federally licensed medical marihuana production facilities in the Town of Kingsville for review and approval by Council; AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT: A PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE OF THE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE will be held on: WHEN: TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 2014 WHERE: Kingsville Arena Auditorium B, (Accessible by Elevator) 1741 Jasperson Lane, Kingsville, ON TIME: 7:00 p.m. A PUBLIC MEETING OF COUNCIL will be held on: WHEN: WHERE: TIME:

MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2014 Unico Community Centre, 37 Beech Street, Kingsville, ON 7:00 p.m.

THE PURPOSE: In response to new Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR) introduced by Health Canada in June of 2013, an amendment to the Town of Kingsville Official Plan is proposed that establishes policy framework to assist in determining appropriate locations for proposed medical marihuana production facilities in the Town of Kingsville. Such policy framework will also establish criteria by which site specific zoning amendments will be used to permit such facilities on an individual basis, including the requirement of Site Plan Control. Concurrent to the proposed Official Plan Amendment, a comprehensive zoning amendment is required to the three zoning by-laws in the Town of Kingsville. This Zoning By-law Amendment will establish the required definition for federally licensed medical marihuana production facilities, as well as add this definition as a permitted use in certain zone categories within the Town’s zoning by-laws. The amendment will also implement certain regulations such as minimum distance separation from sensitive land uses, and other regulations/criteria as outlined in the Official Plan Amendment. TAKE NOTICE that both meetings are open to any person and any person who attends either meeting shall be afforded an opportunity to make representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment. Written submissions may be directed to Adam Betteridge, Town Planner. IF A PERSON or public body does not make oral submissions at an open house and/or public meeting or make written submissions to the Town of Kingsville Planning Advisory Committee and/or Council before the proposed official plan amendment is adopted or the zoning by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Town of Kingsville Council to the Ontario Municipal Board. IF A PERSON or public body does not make oral submissions at an open house and/or public meeting, or make written submission to the Planning Advisory Committee and/or Council before the proposed official plan amendment is adopted or the zoning by-law is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do so. PERSONAL INFORMATION contained in any correspondence or oral presentation that you provide will become part of the public record and will be available on the Town website. Personal information is collected and disclosed pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to this matter and the Draft Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment is available for review at the Kingsville Municipal Office during regular office hours. DATED AT THE TOWN OF KINGSVILLE THIS 11th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2014.

Adam Betteridge, B.E.S. Tel: 519-733-2305 (x 249) Email:

18 I News

Essex Free Press

I Thursday, February 13, 2014

Special Essex Town Council Meeting notes for February 10th, 2014 ... Continued from Page 17

Essex Council and Town staff discuss the preliminary 2014 capital draft budget on Monday evening.

that the operating budget meeting would be held in the near future. One of the projects in the budget concerned the silos. Two options were included in the draft budget. To demolish the structures, it is estimated to cost $218,275. To compare costs, the price of refurbishing the silos to a safe condition was added, which was just over $934,600. A motion was made, which was supported, to remove the refurbishing cost of the silo project from the budget, as it was never the intent to have the Town pay for this endeavor if that project was to happen. Councillor Morley Bowman is the Council rep on the Mural Committee. He noted this group is trying to solicit funds for a potential silo mural project. He suggested that as the mural committee tries for grants or looks into fundraising opportunities that a fence be erected around the perimeter of the silos for safety purposes for up to a year. Many Council

members did not support this idea. Councillor Voakes wanted the refurbishing of the silo costs to remain in the budget as a line item just until Council had a chance to meet with the Mural Committee to discuss these costs and hear the committeeÕ s plans. Another big item Council discussed was the reconstruction of Fairview Avenue. Councillor Voakes asked Council to act on this item as he thinks the road is in bad condition. Councillor Bill Baker noted Fairview is a main street in Essex Centre that leads to places like the Essex Civic Centre. He said a strategy needed to be established to tackle the project that comes with a $1.52 million dollar price tag. Essex did apply for a grant for this project recently, but was denied. Councillor John Scott made the motion, which was supported by most Council members, to set aside $518,000 for this project. This money would have been set aside anyway had the town been successful in getting the grant. Council also removed engineering costs for Irwin Ave. from the draft budget. Deputy Mayor Richard Meloche was the only member of Council to not support that motion because he said he would prefer to wait to the end of budget discussions to allocate a dollar figure to the Fairview Ave. reconstruction project, but was in favour of starting to put funding aside. Baker also made a motion that admin look into market evaluation for the former St. MichaelÕ s building, which is townowned. If it sells in the future, he suggested earmarking the funds for Fairview Ave. Another big discussion Council will have to have is what to do with the Memorial Arena. The demolition of the facility was added

to the budget with a price tag of $182,904. Currently Lakeshore uses some of the ice time in the Memorial Arena, but Sweet noted he was notified Lakeshore would not need the ice in September. To repair the facility, he said, could be costly. Councillor Sherry Bondy wanted to see the Harrow Playground brought to the table for discussion and added to the budget. For the Dog Park, $22,203 was added to the budget. Hunter noted the Dog Park Fundraising Committee raised around $4,000 last year and is expecting to raise another $3,000 this year. $15,000 was also allocated for this project through the Dog Tag Campaign. Total expense in the budget was $44,832 with those contributions. Sweet noted Hunter Park, which was previously selected, could be looked into as a temporary park. HeÕ d like to find a location with better parking for this venue. Council removed $32,786 from the budget that was put in for Essex ball diamond upgrades. But $10,767 is still in the budget for playersÕ bench canopies for diamond three in Essex Centre. Council also decided to pull out the OPPÕ s request for a $30,000 public washroom for the front lobby of the Harrow Police Station. This request has been made since 2010. It was suggested to erect signage indicating the Harrow ArenaÕ s washrooms are available for public use and is located near the station. Council removed around $2 million from the draft capital budget on Monday, but still has more to do to balance the 2014 budget.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Essex Free Press

EPS news - “Oh the places you will go.”

IT PAYS TO 16 Centre St., Essex


Call Call 519-776-4268 519-776-4268 Mrs. Blencoe gathers with her students to share the story “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” on her final day at EPS.

What’s black and white and read all over?

submitted to EFP It is with mixed emotion that staff and students at Essex Public School say goodbye to Mrs. Victoria Blencoe, a long time EPS and Maplewood Public School teacher, as she embarks on her journey to Anderdon Public School to be their Vice Principal. We congratulate her on her promotion and know that she will always have a special place in her heart for the Home of the Phoenix! Mrs. Blencoe, we will miss you.

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16 Centre Street, Essex


What’s black and white and read all over? 16 Centre Street, Essex


HOW WILL YOU SPEND YOUR LAST 10 YEARS? The average Canadian will spend their last ten years in sickness. Change your future now.

Community/Sports I 19

Essex Ravens Hockey News

Essex Ravens - Bantom Minors submitted to EFP On Saturday, Feb. 7th, the Essex Ravens welcomed the St.Thomas Stars to our barn. The series was tied up 2 points each. St. Thomas got on the board in the first, but the boys had plenty of chances. The second period was here already and the Ravens were not backing down. Essex replied back early on with a weird deflection off their defenseman into their net. Austin Friesen got the goal with the assist by Matt Brown. Almost two minutes later, Essex got the go ahead goal when Daniel Mastroianni stole the puck at mid ice and went in hard and shot the puck top shelf unassisted. Our defense kept the pressure on and it showed. Late in the second, St.Thomas was able to tie it up on a power play. Still with minutes to play in the period, Essex would go ahead again with a goal by Zachary Dulong unassisted. The boys were able to hold on for the victory and capping off the third period was an explosive check by Braydon Davis taking the attacker clearly off the puck. We earned the victory 3-2. Back in action on Saturday night in St. Thomas, Essex was hoping to clinch the series with a win tonight. Austin Szarek was ready for more action in net for us with his outstanding saves. Maybe the boys had tired legs from the drive, because the first period we came out flat. St. Thomas scored one power play and an even strength one to go up by two. In the second, Essex was a totally different team and hit the post countless times and were stoned point blank in front of the net. Our defense were solid. Hats off to Blair, Braydon, Brandon, Jack, Jarrett and Matt B who kept that pressure and cool when tons of parents were going crazy in the stands. They tried to cheer but were drowned out by LOUD NOISES. Finally, the boys started their comeback in the second, when Adam Bisson passed the puck to Jordan Pope behind the net who back handed it to Daniel Mastroianni in the open slot out front and drilled it in. Essex only down by one now. After the flood between the periods, the Ravens had so many chances again. Essex tied it up when Daniel M. stripped the puck at centre ice and went in between the two defenders and found the back of the twine. All tied up! This game would need overtime. Lady luck had run out on us and their goalie had it now with shutting us down. The boys lost it with less than a minute left in overtime 3-2. Series all tied up. Back to the rink we went on Sunday, Feb. 9th for the deciding game who would move on to the next series for a bid at all Ontario title. We had the home ice advantage. Austin Szarek was ready for what we knew was going to be a tight game. The first period came and went so fast. The second period had both teams with great scoring chances, but their goalie was hot and thereÕ s nothing you can do when a goalie has it going on. Two periods went by with no score and it wasnÕ t till the third started, that we finally saw two goals, but it was for St. Thomas. Essex didn’t drop their shoulders and got one back with a goal by Brady Fuerth and assisting on the play was Austin Friesen and Matt Brown. Boys kept digging but St.Thomas got another two, (one empty netter), and they would have to close that door for their all Ontario title this year with a loss. Great job boys! You played with a lot of heart! Thanks to Chase Cosgrove for being our A/P goalie this past weekend. Thanks to all the fans that came out to our games in this series. Back to Blue Water league we go. Go get‘em Ravens!

20 I Community Hub

Essex Free Press


Continued from Page 16 sponsorship by:

Fresh food. Friendly neighbours 191 Talbot St. S., Essex

519-776-4255 Woodslee United Church submitted by Sue Holman This Sunday Service we will be joining Belle River United Church in Belle River at 9:30 am. We are joining Belle River due to the construction at the Woodslee Church. Thank you to Phil Hernandez who delivered the message last week. Richard Dalton will be delivering the message this week. March 7 is World Day of Prayer at Woodslee United Church at 11 am.


Salvation Army Essex Community Church submitted by Carolyn Barnett Join us every Sunday for Family Worship at 11 a.m. led by Lt. Kristen Gray. We have nursery facilities and an elevator for those who need it. Our Sunday Prayer meeting is open to all from10 -10:30 a.m. On Tuesday, Feb. 18th our SA Connections theme will be “ A Luau.” Come between 10 & 1 p.m. and enjoy fun, fellowship and a free lunch. Note that Messy Church meets again on Thursday, Feb. 27th. For details about our activities, check us out on Facebook at We will be having a Family Fellowship Bowling outing on Saturday, Feb.22. Call the office at 519- 776-4628 for more information. Don’t forget our Winter/Spring Bible Study every second Tuesday at 1:15 p.m.

Redeemer, County Rd. 8, from 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Family Fun Night on February 19th at 6 p.m. at St. Stephen’s. Dessert Card Party at St Stephen’s on February 20th at 1 p.m. All welcome. Cake meets on February 21st at 6:30 p.m. at Redeemer (Grades 3-5). Pews and Brews & Cues on Feb. 26th at 6 p.m. at Brews & Cues in LaSalle. Parish Visioning Day on March 1st from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at St. Stephen’s. Please join us to discuss what direction our ministry is going. Even if you can’t be there for the whole day, come and give your voice as able. Pancake Dinner on March 4th at Church of the Redeemer – times to follow. Hosted by Youth – proceeds to CLAY and Food Bank. Ash Wednesday service at 9:30 a.m. at St. Stephen’s and Ash Wednesday Dinner & Service at 6 p.m. at Church of the Redeemer on Wednesday, March 5th.

Essex Retirees’ Social Club The group has enjoyed our craft class and it will meet every other week on Mondays at 1 p.m. Knitting/Crocheting will follow at 2:30. We will make items to sell at our spring bazaar. The sessions are led by Cathy Little. If you have suitable ideas for the group please bring them. February session will be the 24th. All are welcome. Lily Hundey has moved to Northern Ontario to be with her daughter. We appreciate Lily’s contribution to the Club as president, exercise instructor, choir director, gardener, Meals on Wheels volunteer, and editor of this newsletter. Lily has left her address and would be glad to hear from you. The next Friday night Bingo is on Feb. 21 at 7:15pm. Changes in our format mean no more dual dab. The first round will be another special card with prize a 60/40 split. The prize for the jackpot will be increased if won in 55 numbers or less. Computer classes continue on Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. Shawn from the Essex Youth Centre will be the instructor. Basic beginner skills will be a time for review for those who have attended If you have a latop plelase bring it to the classes. Anna, a student of gerentology will spend some time with us.while she fullfills her education requirements. The choral group meets every Friday at 1 p.m. under the direction of Dorothy Shuttleworth join us in the music making. We will have our re-gifting game on Tuesday March 11. Mary Lou Chibi had high score at Monday night Pepper; Anna Dobson had most peppers and Lawrence Dobson took low score. Floyd Cascadden had high score at Tuesday afternoon Pepper; Ruby Robertson had most peppers and Regina Garrod was in low spot. Wednesday night Pepper was cancelled because of the snow storm.

Holy Name of Jesus Church submitted by Therese Lecuyer Communion for Shut Ins - If you know someone from our parish who is shut-in and would like to receive Communion please contact our office. K of C News Corner - Fish Fry - Friday, February 14th from 4:30 to 7 p.m. General Meeting- Thursday, February 6th after 7 p.m. Mass. 2013 Tax receipts - Your 2013 tax receipts are available to be picked up from the Gather Space along with your 2014 box of envelopes. Mission Committee - A big “thank you to all” who supported our Sunday mission collection. Your generosity allows us to continue supporting people in El Salvador, Africa, Churchill - Hudson Bay, Essex, Haiti, India, N.W.T and Peru. Please continue to save your Foodland receipts. It is just one of the ways you can support our many needs while supporting your community. God Bless You all & have a great week!

Paquette News – St. Stephen’s/Church of the Redeemer submitted by Barb Mactier Meat Pie Production continues. For orders, please contact Barb at 519-737-6619 or Our Parish Event is Back by Popular Demand... Soup Day with a twist! Join us for “Sunday Soup for the Soul”. Mark your calendars: Sunday February 16th & Sunday March 16th at Church of the


I Thursday, February 13, 2014

Maidstone Cross submitted by Wendy Pulleyblank Fr. Dave’s last Mass at St. Mary’s will be on March 1-2 weekend. Please join us on Sunday, February 23rd at 1pm at the hall to wish Fr. Dave a fond farewell. Fr. Moe Charbonneau will begin on March 4th. Evening for parents of young children will be held on February 18th in the rectory. Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper is on March 4th at 5 p.m. in the hall. Free will offering accepted. Parish council meets on Thursday, February 13th at 6:30 p.m. Happy Birthday to Rosemary Halford, Ray Simard Jr., Charlie Bachtold and Jennifer Halford. Please keep in your prayers, Renee Damphouse, Adeline Jobin, Roy Deehan, and Lucas Gerard. Happy Valentine’s everyone!

Cozy Corners - Bethel-Maidstone United submitted by Bev Holland All are welcome to attend our Sunday worship service at 10:00 a.m. with Pastor Linda Blair. Sunday school is at 10:15 a.m. A nursery is available during the service. Office hours are Tues. and Thurs. mornings from 9 am to 1 pm. Telephone: 519-723-







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Phone: 776-6522 Fax: 776-7265 __________________________________________ Thursday, February 13, 2014 I Essex Free Press

Community Hub I 21

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Tax Planning & Preparation Bookkeeping Services Managerial Needs & Problems Cash Flow & Business Projections GST Consultants • Financial Planning 2284, email: Last week, Feb.9th - 5th Sunday After Epiphany we would like to thank Jean Bennett for being our guest speaker and bringing us the message about “The Canadian Foodgrains Bank, A Christian Response to Hunger”. GRAHAM SETTERINGTON McINTOSH This coming Friday, Feb. 14th - Valentine’ we are hoping to play B-I-N-G-O at 7 DRIEDGER &s Day HICKS LLP pm in the hall, if MotherChartered Nature co-operates. Small admission charge or canned/dried Accountants goods for the Essex Food Bank. Prizes, baked goods or both are greatly appreciated. W. McIntosh, On Sunday, Feb. 16thAl Rob Cornies will be our guestCA speaker. His message will be“A Whale of a Tale”. Paul H. Driedger, B Sc. CA Saturday, Mar. 1st Maidstone U.C B are B having country style Roast Beef R.Bethel Tyler Hicks, A, aCA Dinner at 5:30Heather pm - one sitting. tickets required,BAcc please see or call Rob Reeb at L. Advance MacPherson, CA 519-735-8411 Lindsay for informationL. andRounding, tickets. BAcc, CA Tuesday, Mar. 4th is the nursing home service at Iler Lodge at 2 pm. Volunteers are P.O.welcome Box 189, Erie St. N., Leamington, Ontario N8H 3W2 always and 49 appreciated. LentenPhone services begin on Wednesday, Mar.• Fax 5th at Cottam United Church at noon. 519-326-2681 519-326-8044 Next week - Feb. 16th- the Door Greeters are Deanna & Andre Quaglia, Elder on duty is Derrick Rogers and Lock Up is Cliff Campeau. Margaret Golden Years Golf Club Mixed results were prevalent on this day asDa48Silva members struggled with consistency in their play producing only 73 aces and higherManager than normal team scores. Leading the ace parade with 4 each were Ernie Vandenberg and Bill Ward. 3 dropped for Cathy Dewhurst, Tom Hyatt, Laurie Hylton, Floyd Johnson, Al Stockwell, Art Sweet, Barry Sweet and Gerry Wilkinson. Notching 2 were Barb Arner, Eleanor Brook, Ken Brook, Dorothy Cascadden, Fran Clifford, Pete Daudlin, Tom Dewhurst, Murray Hartford, Nancy Hill, Dorothy Johnson, Cam Keith, Betty McManus, Doe Scratch, Doug Vickery,


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John Vlodarchyk and Bryon Walker. Rounding out the ace chase with 1 each were Jim Allan, Iggy Arner, Lloyd Honey, Bill Mayville, Andy Orsini, Colleen Pearse, Bill Taylor, Gerrit Vriesen and Ken Womack. Low score for 9 holes was delivered by Al Stockwell with 16 followed closely with 17 by John Vlodarchyk, Iggy Arner, Andy Orsini, Ernie Vandenberg, Bill Ward(2), Tom Hyatt, Fran Clifford and Laurie Hylton. 18 was recorded by Pete Daudlin, Gerry Wilkinson (2) and Gerrit Vriesen. Taking the lead for 18 holes with 36 were Gerry Wilkinson, Andy Orsini and Bill Ward. Managing 38 were John Vlodarchyk, Iggy Arner (2), Bill Taylor, Doug Vickery and Tom Hyatt. Leading the pack for 36 holes was Bill Ward with 73, Gerry Wilkinson with 75, Iggy Arner, Andy Orsini and Al Stockwell with 76 and 77 for Laurie Hylton. 1st place bragging rights with 240 went to team 2 [Colleen Pearse, Bill Mayville, Gerry Wilkinson]. 2nd place with 244 went to team 10 [Cathy Dewhurst, Nancy Hill, Bill Ward] and 3rd and final spot was captured by team 15 [Laurie Hylton, Tom Hyatt, Floyd Johnson. Next tee off time is 9:30 am, Feb 13th at Colasanti’s Tropical Garden. Complimentary coffee and doughnuts will be available to members prior to tee off. Essex United Church Jim Hatt brought meaning for us from the scripture that says we are the salt of the earth. Rev. Sharon Willis-Whitwell will lead us in worship next Sunday We will have a retirement party for Rev. Margaret Spencer, Sunday Feb. 16. The annual meeting will be held after the service Feb. 23. Rehearsals have begun for our annual murder mystery play and dinner to be held March 28 and 29. Due to increasing postal charges we will send as much information as possible by email. Let us know if you have an email address. It is time to renew your Observer subscription. If you wish to be a new subscriber call 519-726-5142. Trinity Church News The snow does not keep us away. We pray for all those on our prayer list, and our parish chain of prayer. The Sanctuary burns in memory of Peter Kistulinec Sr., given by

ACCOUNTING GRAHAM SETTERINGTON McINTOSH DRIEDGER & HICKS LLP Chartered Professional Accountants R. Tyler Hicks Heather L. MacPherson Lindsay L. Rounding Tim C. Driedger P.O. Box 189, 49 Erie St. N., Leamington, Ontario N8H 3W2 Phone 519-326-2681 • Fax 519-326-8044

Pat, Sharon and family, and Les and Reva Grieve, Cecil Greive, Scott Allison and Debbie Garant, given by Sheila and Shad. Happy Birthday this week to Howard Brackell. Our Thank You Bank donations for the month of February will go to support the work of our brothers and sisters throughout the deanery as they provide food and fellowship through the Out of the Cold program at the Downtown Mission. Dates to remember March 1, 2014 will be a Parish Reflection Day for members of both Trinity and St. Paul’s. It will begin a Trinity at 10am with worship followed by personal reflection and conversation about choices. Following lunch we will travel to St. Paul’s for an afternoon exploring our history and our future as individual people of faith and as churches in Cottam and Essex. All are Welcome!

Bakerville News submitted by Evelyn Baker Weather has been the topic of conversation for the winter so far, so I will only say “Enough Already” I have no card party results for the Pleasant Valley Community Club as they have cancelled all cards until better weather. Happy Birthday Wishes to Hanna Fitch, Woody Miller, Carly Donahue, Wanda Jones & Jean Moore and next week to Kevin Stanley & Johanne Mallette share the day for celebration. Looking back seven years when Campbell’s lost their barns to fire. Many thanks to our Road crew who have done a fabulous job at keeping them open for everyone to get out that need to. “ Thanks Guys”.

Brooker News submitted by Ruth Newman You are invited to join us for our 10 am worship service with Pastor Steve Jones. Sunday School is available for the children. Kid’s Club every Tuesday at 3:30 pm led by Rev Linda Hollingsworth. All elementary school age children are invited. Annual Business Meeting on Feb. 23, following the Worship Service. Please hand in any reports as soon as possible. Pastor Steve and Kim are hosting an Appreciation Lunch following the meeting. Everyone welcome. Mrs. Grace Bonney beloved wife of the late Rev. Gordon Bonney who was a former minister at Brooker went to be with her Lord last week. Our deepest sympathy to Brian and Sharon Birch and Rev. David and Janet Bonney of Neepawa, Manitoba and their families on the passing of a dear mother and grandmother. The flowers in the Sanctuary last Sunday were placed there in loving memory of Grace Bonney. Special thanks to Doug Trimble for keeping the church yard plowed out this winter, it has been a challenge and we want you to know Doug it is appreciated. Also we want to thank the Road Crews for keeping our roads open during the many storms we have had and the long hours you have been working. Thank you. Please keep those with health needs and those in nursing homes in your thoughts and prayers.







Craig Miller Staff Accountant

180 Talbot Street South, Essex, ON N8M 1B6 519-776-6488

FINANCIAL Ted Nantais Manager

180 Talbot Street South, Essex, ON N8M 1B6 519-776-6488

PRINTING On Time Quality Printing • Fax Service • Business Cards • Letterhead • Envelopes • Flyers • Invoices • Bulletins • Binding • Colour Copies • Photocopying 361 TALBOT STREET NORTH • ESSEX, ONTARIO • N8M 2W3 PHONE (519) 776-6686 • FAX (519) 776-6808

Brad Miehls

Ed Fuerth

B.A., CA

B. Comm., CA Essex Office 14 Victoria Avenue Essex, Ontario N8M 1M3 Phone (519) 776-4869 Fax (519) 776-4913

Windsor Office 2510 Ouellette Ave., Ste. 203 Windsor, Ontario N8X 1L4 Phone (519) 966-4626 Fax (519) 966-9206 Essex Office 14 Victoria Avenue Essex, Ontario N8M 1M3 Phone (519) 776-4869 Fax (519) 776-4913

Windsor Office 2510 Ouellette Ave., Ste. 203 Windsor, Ontario N8X 1L4 Phone (519) 966-4626 Fax (519) 966-9206

22 I Opinion/Sports

Essex Free Press

1932 Chevrolet coupe sold for $14.75

Dr. Jack Shaver of Brantford, Ontario, supplied this photo of his 1932 Chevrolet coupe for this story.

Dennis Foeller, age 73, writes from Sharbot Lake, Ontario, a small town near Hwy 7 between Kaladar and Perth: “Hi Bill, I was 17 with a summer job in a small town named Port Union near Highland Creek in the Scarborough area of Toronto. I made windows and doors for a sash and frame company named McBride’s Lumber. The money I made helped pay for my bus fare and my books to go to Trade School in Toronto. “In my third summer at McBride’s, a friend told me about a car for sale by Bob Braithwaite, the scrap man who lived at the corner of my street, Centennial Road. So, on my way home after work, I stopped by. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this old car, a black 1932 Chevrolet coupe with a rumble seat and six spoked wheels, two of which were in the front two fenders. It seated two up front. “Bob came out of his house and said ‘Do you like her?’ I said ‘Oh yes!’ I asked ‘Does she run?’ and he said ‘Oh yes.’ Then I asked how much he wanted for her. He paused, chewed on his old cigar for a minute, then said ‘Fifteen dollars.’ I said ‘I’ll take her!’ Getting it home was the fun part but now I’ll get to the sad part. “In my last year of high school, money was scarce and I asked Dad if he could help me out. He said ‘No, times are tough, you’ll have to sell your car.’ Reluctantly I went back to Bob and asked if he would buy it back. He paused with his stogy, then asked: ‘What did you do to her?’ I said ‘I fixed the soft patch roof and put in a new window on the driver’s side.’ ‘How much did you give me for it?’ I said ‘Fifteen dollars.’ ‘Well, son, the best I can do is $14.75.’ “I was almost speechless, but the deal was made. He came by with his big truck and took it away. I never did take a picture of her but I can still see her in my memories. I sure hope she found a good home.” A 1932 Chevrolet Sport Coupe with rumble seat had an Oshawa factory list price of $832. The engine was an overhead-valve inline six cylinder with 194 cubic inches cranking out 60 horsepower. Features included an electric gas gauge on the dash, adjustable driver’s seat, and trumpet type horn mounted under the left head lamp. IÕ m always looking for more stories. Email billtsherk@sympatico. ca or write Bill Sherk, 25 John St., P.O. Box 255, Leamington, ON N8H 3W2. Everyone whose story is published in this column will receive a free autographed copy of my latest book: Ò Old Car Detective Favourite Stories, 1925 to 1965.Ó

Sun County Panthers’ Dylan Dent (12) in action last week against Windsor Junior Spitfires.

Chevalier nets hat trick for Lancers

by Fred Groves EssexÕ s Candace Chevalier had three goals and blocked a couple of shots to lead the University of Windsor LancerÕ s womenÕ s hockey team to a 4-2 win over Laurier on Friday. The 4th year forward now has 13 goals on the season for Windsor. • Kelsey Balkwill continues to have a great winter on the indoor track for the University of Miami Hurricanes. The sophomore finished second with a time of 54.40 in the 400 m at the Virginia Tech Elite meet on Friday. • Three Essex District High School wrestlers did well at the Ontario championships held in Sudbury recently. Kyle Hill helped the Windsor-Essex juvenile boys team win the overall team title as he won a bronze medal. Davis

I Thursday, February 13, 2014

Dupuis brought home a silver medal and Nash Prieur won a bronze. • Nik Veigli netted 19 points to pace the EDHS Red Raiders senior boys basketball team to a 60-32 win over Villanova in Tier 2 action last week. The win saw the Raiders increase their undefeated WECSSAA record to 8-0. The junior boys team came up short 4840 to Villanova. • In high school girls’ hockey action, Essex saw their season come to an end as they fell 5-2 in quarter-finals playoff action to General Amherst. The boys’ team were blanked 2-0 by Sandwich. • EDHS volleyball action saw the Red Raiders seniors beat Massey twogames-to-one while the juniors also beat the Mustangs, three straight, 2520, 25-18 and 25-15. • Still with volleyball, freshman Cameron Branch wrapped up his inaugural season with Nippising University on the weekend as he recorded eight kills and 10.5 points in each of the Lakers games with McMaster and York. • At the University of Windsor, EDHS grad Emily McCloskey had 11 kills and 15 digs against Waterloo as the Lancers won 3-2. • The Leamington Junior ‘B’ Flyers continue to battle for first place and beat St. Mary’s 7-2 on Thursday. Essex native Tony Spidalieri had two goals and an assist for the winners. Goalie Trevor Wheaton has returned from his stint with the London Knights and made 21 saves in a 2-1 loss to Strathroy on Sunday. • Essex’s Dylan Dent and Clay Kraynack helped the Sun County Panthers to a 4-1 win over the visiting Windsor Junior Spitfires in minor midget AAA playoff action on Thursday. If you have anything for the sports roundup, contact Fred Groves at

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Sports I 23

Essex Free Press

73’s knock off Kings in four straight by Fred Groves The Essex 73Õ s are heading into the second round of the Great Lakes Junior Ô CÕ Hockey League playoffs. Monday night in Dresden, the 73Õ s won 4-3, taking the bestof-seven series in four straight. While the second round opponent was not known as of press time, the next series could start this weekend. While the first game of the series against the Kings, played Tues. Feb. 4, saw Essex squeak out a 3-2 overtime win at home, it was a different story in the next two as they won handedly, 7-3, and a blowout at home, 8-1. Rookie leftwinger Michael Popel had his best game of the year in the opener as he scored twice, including the

overtime winner that was assisted by veteran Colin DeLaet. Ò I just tried to keep it simple and go to the net. IÕ m not going to get any pretty goals. I have to get the dirty ones,Ó said Popel who had two goals during the regular season. Popel was not the only pleasant surprise during the series against the Kings as another rookie, Dallas Pereira netted a pair in Friday nightÕ s 7-3 win in Game Two. That contest saw Essex score four goals in the middle frame. Ò Those goals helped for sure. We turned it on,Ó said Pereira. Despite being plagued with injuries, Essex coach Gil Langlois said the 73Õ s did a lot of the little things right. Ò If you win the wall

Voice Of Inspiration

Ò The reason I talk to myself is because IÕ m the only one whose answers I accept.Ó - George Carlin

battles you win the game,Ó he said. This was a penalty filled series including the third game which saw host Essex score five of its eight goals on the powerplay. The 73Õ s had a tough time with discipline at times, especially in Game Two in Dresden. Ò Our penalty killing in this series has been good. Anthony has done a great job with systems on the forecheck,Ó said Langlois of assistant coach Anthony Iaquinta. Veteran Colin DeLaet not only did a great job killing penalties but he also led the offence with three goals and six assists over the four games. Rookie Dallas Pereira and blueliner Tyler Raymont each had six points. Between the pipes, rookie Jacob Kment went the distance in all four starts and he recorded a stingy 2.11 GAA with a .915 save percentage. S L A P S H O T S É Wi t h injuries the 73Õ s relied on a few call-ups including Andy Gossman and goalie Evan Harnadek.

Essex 73’s defenceman Matthew Rosati battles along the boards against Dresden’s Derek Daly.





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24 I Community

Essex Free Press

I Thursday, February 13, 2014

Model Train Show ready for Essex stop

EFP File Photo

by Sylene Argent The 2014 Essex Model Train Show is right on track and will be ready for area residents to enjoy on Saturday, February 22 and Sunday, February 23. This yearÕ s event

marks the showÕ s 20th anniversary. The show has attracted a large audience every year and it still acts as a major fundraiser for Heritage Essex, which operates the historic Essex Railway Station. New this year, the event will be held at Essex Public School as its former location, Essex District High School, is undergoing reconstruction. In the past the two-day show would occupy both gymnasiums at the high school. Bill Gay of Heritage Essex is pleased to host the 2014 Essex Model Train Show at Essex Public School and noted this new facility will offer a beautiful setup for participating vendors, collectors, and hobbyists. The show, Gay said, attracts an array of

EFP File Photo

attendees. It provides an opportunity for families to spend the day together as parents and grandparents bring youth to the show to marvel at the intricate model train displays. Hobbyists and collectors show off their best train sets, and take advantage of the opportunity to swap and buy new items during the event. The Essex Model Train Show, Gay said, is the largest of its kind in Southwestern Ontario. The two-day event will be

open to the public on the Saturday and Sunday from 9:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Leading up to this yearÕ s show, Gay said there has been good response from vendors and exhibitors. Onsite vendors typically offer train related items and books for sale during the event. Gay looks forward to what is anticipated to be a good turnout of community support. Food will be available for purchase during the event.

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