Essex Free Press - February 16, 2017

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A LOOK INSIDE Continued Council Notes for February 6 PAGE 3 _______________ Council approves under 2.5 percent tax increase in principal

PAGE 6 _______________ Libraries to open as strike ends PAGE 11 _______________ Essex cubs find success at Kub Kar Rally PAGE 12 _______________ Historic plaque placed at Essex Railway Station PAGE 14 _______________ 73’s Advance over Flags PAGE 24 _______________

Looking For A Good Home

“JENNY” See Page 5 for adoption info.

Vol. 137

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Issue No. 6

Fire & Rescue partners with St. Clair for live fire training by Sylene Argent Essex Fire & Rescue has partnered with the St. Clair College Pre-Service Firefighter Program to offer a temporary, local location, for live fire training for students and veteran firefighters across the region. There are now three 40 foot containers at the Essex Pollution Control Plant in Essex Centre. These containers allow students, as well as established firefighters, an opportunity to get hands on training with “Class A” live fires, Essex Fire Chief Rick Arnel explained. “It’s a good, short-term solution,” Arnel said of the Essex Pollution Control Plant location. “After twoand-a-half years, we will re-evaluate.” Deputy Chief Rick Malott said that the facility will be opened up to other area fire departments that have personnel wanting to use it, in addition to the St. Clair College program. Malott added its central proximity is ideal for firefighters at all three Essex stations to use, as well as for other fire departments across the County wanting to use the facility. Site preparation for the temporary location began

Students of the St. Clair College Pre-Service Firefighter Program and personnel with Essex Fire & Rescue show off one of three containers onsite at the Essex Pollution Control Plant. The containers allow for live fire training.

around a year ago, Malott said, adding the site has been in testing since June. It is a work in progress. The central location is also ideal for St. Clair College firefighting students. Jeff Pulleyblank, Professor and Coordinator of the Pre-Service Firefighter Program, said

prior to being able to use this facility, the students were getting their live fire training in Blyth. Pulleyblank calls this location and partnership a, “win-win.” Because of the closer location, students are getting more hands-on experience with live fire training.

Training could include ladder training in the future, Malott added. The partnership was officially established at the February 6 meeting of Essex Council where Essex Council receive and supported the report, “Memorandum of Understanding with

St. Clair College” for information, and also authorize Mayor Ron McDermott and Clerk Robert Auger to sign Bylaw 1579 and the Memorandum of Understanding Agreement on behalf of the Town of

Continued on Page 6


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2 I Ad Feature Essex Free Press

I Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thursday, February 16, 2017


News I 3

Essex Free Press

Continued Council Notes for February 6 by Sylene Argent Voakes wants discussion on agenda item policy Councillor Randy Voakes said he had three items he wanted placed on the agenda for the Monday, February 6 meeting, and two items for a previous meeting, that he wanted to speak about. He claimed all five of those items were brought forward so he could represent his people. They were stricken from the agendas as a result of, what he believes, was due to a meeting the Mayor had with administration when putting the agenda together. “It really halts me from running my business as an elected Councillor,” he said. He wants to talk about the process used in terms of how issues, that are important to him as an elected official, can get into an open forum to let the public know what is being worked upon. He would put a Notice of Motion forward that the policy surrounding “New Business” agenda items be discussed at a future meeting. Essex CAO Tracey Pillon-Abbs said as per policy, administration does have the opportunity to review agenda items prior to meetings and does have the authorization to consider issues brought forward. She explained that many of those issues that are brought forward are issues that can be dealt with much faster by just letting administration know about them as opposed as bringing it to a Council meeting. Pillon-Abbs said that she has had conversations on how the Town could get the audience to see the progress made on some issues and report to the public on all the great things Council does on a day-to-day basis. Essex Mayor Ron McDermott said in terms of using the back room to cancel discussion issues Voakes wants, since he has been Mayor, there has not been once Council or staff member who has stopped trying to move the Town forward. “I’m being accused of stopping forward process. I am following the rules that we, and former Councils, have put out there…” McDermott said. Councillor Sherry Bondy called a Point of Order on the Mayor, noting a Notice of Motion is not to be discussed until it is brought forward at the next meeting. The Mayor said he had the floor and wanted to speak about the issue, not the Notice of Motion. He continued to speak, and Bondy suggested the Mayor, “Let it go.” “Let it go? Why? So, he looks like…[the knight] in shinning armour?...There’s coming a day, there’s coming a day, I’m warning ya, I’m going to shut my mouth again for the umptieth…time. But, there is coming a day there will be a reckoning, believe me,” McDermott said.

Cottam United Church 137 County Rd 34, Cottam

Annual operations report Essex Council received CAO Tracey Pillon-Abbs’s report on annual operations. Pillon-Abbs said the report was submitted for informational purposes. She said the report summarizes Essex activities in 2016, which was quite significant. The report included an eight-page spread sheet of activities. The Town has worked very hard to deliver on its mission statement that Council approved in March of 2016 as part of the Strategic Plan. With support of Council, the Town’s commitment to providing highquality services, supporting economic development, keeping the workplace safe, and maintaining a high quality of life for residents has remained very constant throughout the year, she said. Overall, Pillon-Abbs added, 2016 was a year of many successes and accomplishments. The information contained in the document will be used to create an annual strategic plan report, it will also guide the Town in measuring progress. That report will be presented on March 20 during a special meeting, she said. The report highlights some of those public services initiated or undertaken, including launching the new e-billings option for property taxes; sibling swim lessons; opening a Town operated Bait Shop at Colchester Harbour; new technology; implementing the heritage plaques program; the purchasing of 70 acres of land in Essex Centre to be developed for future sport fields; investing in infrastructure; and supporting growth. Deputy Mayor Richard Meloche said the report was excellent as it gave a lot of detail. Procurement Policy and Practices Council received the report, “Procurement Policy and Practices-Local Purchases.” The report noted in December, Council asked administration, through a motion, to bring a report forward regarding the procedures on how the Town distributes and awards work on infrastructure projects that do not require a formal tender when purchasing supplies. The report shares that the policy governing the Procurement and Disposal of Goods and Services was adopted by the Council of the day in 2004 via bylaw. For purchases up to $5,000, the need to obtain comparative pricing is at the discretion of the purchaser or department

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Continue on Page 5


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4 I Opinion Essex Free Press

Editorial &Opinion

I Thursday, February 16, 2017

Howling at the Moon ••• Comment by Sylene Argent ••• Excuses

Serving Essex and the surrounding communities since 1896.

Published Thursdays as an independent weekly newspaper, owned and operated by The Essex Voice Limited. A London Publishing Corporation Publication OUR STAFF Sandy Kennedy / Andrew Beaudoin - Office Jessica Azar - Graphic Design / Social Media / Production Lana Warwick - Graphic Design Greg Belchuk - Advertising Sales Manager Sylene Argent - Editor/News Reporter Shelley Beaudoin - Graphic Design / Production

CIRCULATION The Essex Free Press is an audited publication with controlled circulation of 10,000.

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We all use excuses at some point; some of us more than others. We all have that friend or colleague who is full of them, and amuses us with his or her level of storytelling ingenuity created to explain absenteeism, tardiness, unavailability, or the like. Sometimes those “excuses” are explanations and are totally legit. Stuff happens. I suppose we call those happenstances “reasons.” The phone fell into the tub, traffic was awful, work is overwhelming, that email or text was not received, or the dog truly did eat the homework. Hey, stranger things have happened. It can be frustrating to be on the receiving end of those lame excuses from that person, whether a friend, family member, colleague, or romantic partner. It is sometimes hard to call someone out on their crap, and even harder to remove their unreliable thread from our personal tapestry of being as we can feel guilt for doing so. On one hand, you want to be sympathetic to their circumstance. On the other hand, it can sometimes just be easier to rely on yourself instead of getting disappointed over and over again. Finding that line can be a tricky thing to do. Sometimes, it is hard to tell if someone’s excuse is truly an explanation, or if their

string of recent excuses was due to a series of unfortunate circumstances. We can also be the awesome excuse machine with ourselves, too. And I think this is where it can be most tricky to overcome. I find that it is often harder to be honest and follow through on promises one makes to his or her self than it is to do so for others. For me, it is sometimes easier to follow through for others than it is to be accountable to myself. I have to remind myself that it is ok if I need to get something done for me. And further, that it is ok to pursue that just as much as if someone else had asked me to help them accomplish that task. It can be easy to think, ‘I’ll tackle that tomorrow,’ or ‘it’s really not that big of a deal, I can go without,’ when it comes to letting ourselves off of the hook in the wake of failing to accomplish something cool. That can be starting that new healthy living lifestyle, looking into a new interest, or perhaps a career change that has always been our dream. Of course, when it comes to policing our own habits, tomorrow never really comes because there is no due date, and we continue to live going without whatever it was we had longed for, but never pursued. Time is enigmatic, though. And,

once it is spent, you can’t return it. You can’t get more and we never really know how much we have. Today is the day! I often fear I’ll grow to regret certain things I have avoided doing in my own life. And if I feel like I’ll regret not doing it now, I know I will regret it twenty years from now. So, I better get cracking instead of putting it off, right? Easier said than done, but I love my enthusiasm. Just because we may not be in “dire” need of something, does not mean we should put our hopes or dreams on the back burner. It is never too late to change that mindset, I’d say. We need to take time to look into things that will make us happy, too. If we can’t be happy, how can we help anyone else find their own happiness? I can’t recall anyone ever saying change was easy. When it is worth it, we can look back and hopefully say, ‘It was worth it.’ But, we will never know unless we try, and we can lever try unless we buckle down and quit excusing ourselves from growing to become that better version of ourself.

Let’s Talk About... by Evelyn Couch Fun statements Here are some statements that should make you smile. That friend sent them as usual. I am not smart enough to think of them myself. There is venison for dinner again; oh dear! A cartoonist was found dead at home; the details are sketchy. Some guy used to be a banker, but he lost interest. French pancakes give one the crepes. England does not have a kidney bank, but it has a Liverpool. I stayed up all night to see where the sun

went; then it dawned on me. Don’t worry about old age; it doesn’t last. We can have fun with our language. I will ask you again; do you put you foot in your boot or do you put you boot on your foot? You can appreciate the fun in that if you pronounce the words boot and foot the same way as you say it. Sometimes I go down the alphabet with words that are pronounced alike, yet spelled differently, because I find that can be interesting.

The Essex Free Press

Office: 16 Centre St. Essex, Ontario Mail to: P.O. Box 115 Essex, Ontario N8M 2Y1

Phone: 519.776.4268 Fax: 519.776.4014


See our website for more news, photos, and updates that did not make this week’s print edition.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


News/Opinion I 5

Essex Free Press

Continued Council Notes...

Continued from Page 3

head and does not require a purchase order. Purchases with a value between $5,001 and $15,000 require three written comparative quotes. The report continues that on average, 54 percent of the supplies and services purchased in 2016 were from suppliers in the Town of Essex, and 32 percent of the supplies and services purchased were purchased within the region. 14 percent of these purchases were made outside of the region, and may not have available from a supplier in the Town of Essex or they could not be provided based on emergency. Further, the report states that the Discriminatory Business Practices Act, R.S.O. 1990 (the Act) was established to prevent discrimination in Ontario on

the grounds of race, creed, colour, nationality, place of origin, sex, or geographical location of persons employed or engaging in business. Section 5.1 of the Act provides that no person in Ontario shall engage in a discriminatory business practice. Councillor Bill Caixeiro thinks there could be some discretion in terms of items/services that are under $5,000 as quotes are not needed. His suggestion is that he would like to see local services used as much as possible. First-past-the-post municipal election to remain Essex Council received the report “Municipal Election Act Amendments and Ranked Ballots,” and further concurred and supported the recommendation to maintain the existing ‘first-past-the-post’ election system

Being passionate about what you do by Jessica Azar I, like many others, have a career in an industry that constantly requires defending. Working in a media-based resource today isn’t always as respected and admired as it once was. Although I work in production/graphics, I have been exposed to everything that has come in and out of this office over the last ten years. I have also realized the importance and impact the newspaper can have on the community it serves. The Essex Free Press (and at one time The Essex Voice) believes in the power of positive communitybased news. Now this doesn’t mean we shy away from difficult news when it happens. But, it means we prefer to concentrate on community events that

aren’t necessarily going to get the coverage anywhere else. We are dedicated to delivering stories on local charities, athletes, artists, festivals, and more. We work after hours, too. I don’t remember the last time I wasn’t working. I’m always looking for events, new businesses to contact, etc…. My mind never sleeps. Other media outlets use the “Print is dead - or dying” sales pitch. And if you beg my pardon, I will strongly disagree. Print is not dead. Print is changing. Sure, it will never be what it once was, but neither will a lot of things. That’s what happens over time with anything. What we do is roll with the changes, as all businesses should do to sustain. The Essex Free Press utilizes social media,

for the 2018 Municipal Election. Council also directed administration to prepare a report to recommend the method of voting for the 2018 Municipal Election. Said report will come before Council prior to May 1. The reasoning, the report notes, is due to timeline constraints set out in the Municipal Elections Act. According to the report, Essex’s Director of Legislative Services/Clerk Robert Auger will review alternative methods for vote counting. Councillor Sherry Bondy believes what worked well in past elections is having satellite offices in McGregor and Harrow. Auger noted that any change to ward boundaries or changes to composition to Council, which Deputy Mayor position would come under, the deadline would be December 31 of this year.

Continued on Page 7

Pet Of The Week: Jenny Jenny is very shy at first meeting but warms up quickly with pets and then won’t want to leave your side for long. She enjoys gentle play with toys, but will come back to you for a pet or two...or three...the more the better! This sweet gentle girl will always let you know how much she loves you. Drop by the Windsor-Essex County Humane Society shelter to visit at 1375 Provincial Rd., Windsor. Ph.: 519-966-5751. The adoption center is open everyday at 11am.

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6 I Community/News Essex Free Press

Fire & Rescue partners with St. Clair... Essex. The Memorandum of Understanding states that the Corporation of the Town of Essex desires to enter into a partnership with St Clair College, with respect to the Town providing temporary access and use of certain facilities for the purposes of allowing the College to conduct non-emergency response training drills and exercises, including live fire training as part of its PreService Firefighter Education and Training Program. The report submitted to Council on the matter notes in 2015, County Fire Chiefs made a presentation to regional CAOs, asking to provide an overview of the cooperative training efforts of local fire departments related to programming and facilities. The Essex County

Continued from Front Page

Fire Services Training Facilities Feasibility Study was created and noted there was a lack of a nearby suitable facilities to provide live fire training. The report continues that after the appropriate steering committee review and cost benefit analysis, it was recommended that in the short-term, a common Essex County and City of Windsor fire services live training facility be established in conjunction with the St. Clair College Pre-Service Firefighter Education and Training program at the Town of Essex facilities. During the Council meeting, it was noted St. Clair is responsible for insurance for the building and use for its purposes. They are also responsible for rentals for outside agencies.

I Thursday, February 16, 2017

Council approves under 2.5 percent tax increase in principal

by Sylene Argent Essex Council approved the 2017 budget in principal on Monday evening during a special meeting at the Essex Municipal Building. The budget, in principal, proposes what will work out to be between a 2 and 2.5 percent increase in the General Municipal Tax Levy. Council and administration met for the first time to go through potential items in the operating and capital budgets on January 30. After the initial meeting, staff members were directed to go back to the drawing board and chiselled what was nearly six-million dollars in wish list items out of the budget. That amount was needed to be taken out of the budget to reach a 1.5 percent increase.

Continue on Page 7


There is help and encouragement a er the death of a loved one! Whether it has been a recent or not so recent loss, we invite you or someone you know to GriefShare. GriefShare is a special weekly non-denomina onal seminar/support group open to anyone who has experienced a loss of a loved one.

Divorce? Separated? Divorce Care is a weekly seminar and support group that will help you heal from the hurt. You’ll learn prac cal informa on that will help you deal with the challenges of divorce. Best of all, you will gain hope for the future.

DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) A DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) group is a safe, fun place where your children can learn skills to help them process the divorce and move forward. A Registered Social Worker (M.S.W.) will be working with the kids ages 5-12.

Both Seminar/Support Groups and DC4K Begins:

Monday, February 27, @7:00 pm. Call or email to Register at any me:

Lakeshore St. Andrew’s Church 235 Amy Cro Drive, Tecumseh, ON Ph. 519-979-8082 ext. 213 or Email:

Thursday, February 16, 2017


News/Opinion I 7

Essex Free Press

Council approves under 2.5 percent Up a Creek without a paddle Being passionate about what you do tax increase... Continued from Page 6

At Monday’s meeting, Council still had to take $730,000 out to reach that 1.5 percent increase marker. Council looked at the proposed items and further dwindled that number down to around $110,000, which will increase the General Municipal Tax Levy from the originally projected 1.5 percent increase to what will be between 2 and 2.5 percent. Council approved the changes made on Monday evening, which included reducing the Council Contingency funding significantly. This is a fund Council can use for projects as they come up throughout the year. They did, however, increase the banner pole funding for Harrow from $6900 to $20,000. Council moved the gazebo for the Essex Municipal Building to the 2018 budget, but put back $4,000 that had been previously taken out for awnings there. Members also took out security cameras and fencing for the parking lot that the OPP had requested for the Harrow detachment. Police also asked for around $1600 for carpet replacing for the upstairs area. Councillor Randy Voakes said he would like to discuss in the future about using laminate for longevity. Council gave direction that it would be OK with the roads in the 2017 budget, but removed Craig Beach for $100,000 from the 2017 budget for next year. Councillor Larry Snively wanted to have Ferris Road added back into the budget as he said he

Continued from Page 5

has received a lot of complaints about dust on this road. Public Works will not get a new tractor, that will have to wait until next year, but it will receive a needed mower. Public Works will also not get an additional operator, saving $30,000 in this year’s budget. Councillor Snively noted he was not in favour of adding this position. Council also decided it would put the staircase at Colchester Harbour for $120,000 and the Harbour Building Conversion to Community Room item for $85,000 to long term financing for five years. Before the meeting, administration had removed two potential hires from the budget, including a maintenance technician and an assistant mechanic. A generator was also removed from the budget as it was noted it can wait to be placed in the 2018 budget. The Deputy Clerk position remained in the budget. Councillor Voakes said he would be ok with an around 3 percent increase to get more projects done. At the initial budget meeting, it was noted in 2017, a one percent tax increase will mean the municipality will be able to garner an additional $140,000. The Town is now not only reviewing 2017, but is including a five-year plan. Direction for the remaining years will be discussed at a future meeting date.

Child must be

a website, and an online weekly flip book version of each issue. But even with all of these ‘add-ons’ to the business, we will never change the pride we have in our finished hardcopy product that is printed and delivered each week. Newspapers Canada reported that in 2016, nine of ten (87%) adults read a newspaper each week in some form, whether in print, or desktop/laptop, or on their phones or tablets. 27% of those individuals read the newspapers on all four of those platforms. I can also assure you that our paper is read. When someone doesn’t get it, at the time they expect it, we get the calls. While some of these calls can be quite stressful, it’s actually very flattering. But, what about landfills? Isn’t printing a newspaper bad for the environment? The short answer is no. Here is why. According to Newspapers Canada, if a newspaper is thrown in the garbage it takes six weeks to decompose. Heck, even tree leaves take one full year before they become compost. If a newspaper is recycled, it is sorted through, stripped of ink, broken into fibres, and reused. There is a saying, “Paper has seven

generations.” We highly encourage recycling here. I am not the type of person to put in the minimum amount of effort required, collect a paycheque, and go home. I am a passionate individual, and I feel very strong about everything I do. I cannot stand up for something I don’t believe in. The Essex Free Press and the quality of the product is something I believe in 100%. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like getting all my local news from social media clippings. I want something tangible on which to rely. Something well researched and thought-out before it’s stated. I want unbiased articles, with facts, so I

am able to form my own opinions on topics. This is why I feel like our job at this newspaper is so important. So, if you’d like to support your local newspaper, take a gander at it every week. You’ll most likely see a familiar face, or see something that interests or inspires you. Support the businesses who support us through advertising. In turn, you will be supporting your community in more ways than one. Place a birthday announcement with us once a year, or a classified here and there. All these things help us deliver a product we can all be proud of each week.

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8 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, February 16, 2017

Kick off Canada’s 150th anniversary with the sweet taste of maple submitted to EFP There is no better way to kick off the country’s sesquicentennial celebration than with a uniquely Canadian tradition. Starting in midFebruary, the John R. Park Homestead Conservation Area will be maple syrup central, tantalizing visitors’ taste buds while teaching them about the role of maple in our region’s rich human and natural history. “Maple making has

been an early spring tradition in the eastern half of our country long before the time of John and Amelia Park; this was a process originally discovered and honed by the First Nations people of Canada. What could be more Canadian today than getting outside, and experiencing this timehonoured tradition of tapping the maple trees and participating in the transformation of sap into

pure maple sugar, butter and syrup?,” Kris Ives, the Homestead’s Curator said. “Our maple events have something for everyone, from families looking to enjoy a day outside, to backyard producers in search of information, to food-lovers looking to try something new.” From mid-February to the end of March, over 1,500 students from Windsor-Essex will visit the Homestead for maple education programs. These students will connect maple syrup making to their classroom studies in many subjects including math, science, history, and culture. Students will see trees tapped and assist with sap collection; explore the history of First Nations’, early settlers’ and modern producers’ methods; practice plant identification; and learn about the science behind maple making; all while touring the original Park Family farmstead. Just like in maple making, there is a sweet reward at the end, each program

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wraps up with participants tasting a maple treat. Groups and clubs can also arrange for a private maple tour anytime by advance appointment. Maple season in Essex County is short, so interested groups are encouraged to reserve a space by contacting the Homestead at jrph@erca. org or 519-738-2029. The Homestead also has a slate of events planned for Maple Month. On Sunday, March 5, from 11am to 4pm, the Homestead will open its

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doors for the region’s premier Maple Syrup Festival. Festival-goers will enjoy a wide-range of maple-themed stations, from the science of maple to the tasty maple taffy board. They’ll even get to tap their toes to some old-time fiddle music in the parlour thanks to local musician Mike Houston. On Tuesday, March 14 and Friday, March 17 at 1:30pm, the Maple March Break events will cater to families looking to get outdoors during the weeklong break. Costumed guides will take groups around the Homestead site and it will get hands-on experience with the pioneer maple syrup making process. Both events are pay-at-the door. The foodies of the Essex region can also enjoy the sweet taste of maple at two special events in March. On Tuesday March 17, starting at 7pm, local gourmands can take

part in an old-fashion sugaring off party at Maple Moon. Visitors will warm up with a pioneer-era barn dance then help collect sap and boil it down by moonlight. By evening’s end, they will work up a hunger only satisfied by the sweet taste of maple sugar and handmade taffy. Admission for Maple Moon is by preregistration only. For those foodies with a bigger appetite for maple, join us at Oxley Estate Winery for the annual Maple Dinner Fundraiser to benefit the John R. Park Homestead and the Essex Region Conservation Foundation. For details and reservations, call the winery at 519-738-3264. Seats limited. For more information, contact the Homestead: 519-738-2029, or jrph@ or visit www.erca. org/maple.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


Community I 9

Essex Free Press

Sun Parlour Chorus finds harmony in Essex

Members of the Sun Parlour Chorus take part in their first practice in Essex Centre.

by Sylene Argent Members of the popular Sun Parlour Chorus filled the Masonic Hall in Essex Centre with the sound of musical cheer on Monday evening during the group’s first practice at its new

location. The regional singing group for men will now practice out of the Masonic Hall as its former meeting place, the South Windsor K of C Hall, recently closed. It is not known if the Masonic Hall will

be a temporary or longterm meeting place for the popular barbershop group members to perfect their harmonies. One thing is certain, Eric Best, Sun Parlour Chorus Chairperson said, the group is pleased to have

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the space made available to them, especially with such short timing to find a new venue. Long-time group member Doran McTaggart explained that the Sun Parlour Chorus is a local chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society. The local group has been in operation since 1944. Its members, who love to sing and entertain at various regional events throughout the year, are also competitive. Every year, the Chorus, and the many quartets its membership divides into, compete in an international singing competition. The group members host a concert fundraiser in June, prior to the big competition, to raise funds to compete and work out last minute kinks.

The Sun Parlour Chorus group also hosts an annual show in the fall, giving the community the opportunity to listen in on

a variety of classic tunes. McTaggart explained that on Valentines Day, some of the members performed singing Valentine’s at various locations throughout the region as a fundraiser for the youth programs in the city and county. Currently, the Sun Parlour Chorus has 44 members, McTaggart said. Members will practice at the Masonic Hall in Essex Centre on Monday evenings from 7:30-10 p.m. Interested men, who love to sing, are encouraged to check out a practice and see what the group is all about. For more information about the group, log onto www.sunparlourchorus. com.


FAMILY DAY Monday, Feb. 20 • 8am-6pm For your convenience

191 Talbot St. S., Essex 519-776-4255 Voice Of Inspiration “Bond is stronger than blood. The family grows stronger by bond.”

~ Itohan Eghide

10 I News Essex Free Press

Essex Region Conservation approves 2017 programs and budget submitted to EFP The Essex Region Conservation approved the 2017 workplan of projects and associated budget. Improving and streamlining customer service, opening the Cypher Systems Group Greenway, rehabilitating Lake a significant Erie coastal wetland at Sturgeon Creek in Leamington, and proposed Water and Erosion Control Infrastructure Projects totaling $1.2 million are

just a few of the projects and programs proposed by the Essex Region Conservation Authority for 2017. The budget totals just over $11 million and includes a levy contribution from member municipalities of approximately $3 million. “For every dollar contributed through the levy, ERCA is successful in raising $2.66 dollars from other sources,” said Richard Wyma, General

Manager. “Projects like the much anticipated Cypher Systems Group Greenway were acquired and developed without any local tax dollars. A recent review of return on investment identified that for the period of 20072016, ERCA received approximately $25 million in levy funding, but in return, provided $35 million in funding from external grant sources for regional environmental

improvement projects. “This is over and above the services we provide to improve the environmental health of our community.” Following an internal review process and some adjustments to programming, a broad range of projects and programs are included for 2017, including: • Work with partners to fund the creation of a 70 acre managed wetland cell at Cedar Creek

Conservation Area and a new 10-acre experimental wetland at Hillman Marsh. • Restore at least 125 acres of land, plant 120,000 trees, 20 acres of prairie and collect 2,000 pounds of seed to propagate and replant • Continue our comprehensive water quality monitoring program while identifying projects to address phosphorus runoff and resulting Harmful Algal Blooms • Work with municipal partners to coordinate a regional Climate Adaptation strategy • Coordinate a Western Lake Erie Student Conference to educate students about the challenges facing Lake Erie • Create the Oldcastle ‘hub’ to connect ERCA’s

I Thursday, February 16, 2017

greenways to the Herb Gray Parkway Trails, and the trail systems in the Towns of LaSalle and Tecumseh • Create comprehensive ‘Place for Life’ policies to operationalize the Strategic Plan • Update Tangible Capital Asset Inventory and associated Capital Plan to inform next phase of Sustainability Plan and guide future investment and facility replacement • Improve ability to respond to permit applications and improve customer service by adding technical capacity These special projects are all in addition to the significant work that Essex Region Conservation undertakes annually, such as habitat protection and restoration, water quality projects and monitoring, flood response, education and recreation to create a future of sustainability and a region that is the Place for Life.

Voice Of Inspiration “Nobody is wired wrong because there’s no wrong and right in the way we are.” ~ Shannon L. Alder

Thursday, February 16, 2017


News/Sports I 11

Essex Free Press

Libraries to open as strike ends Novice Major Essex Ravens Hockey by Fred Groves The doors at 14 library branches in Essex County are expected to reopen this week following the longest strike to take place in this region. After an unprecedented sevenand-a-half months, the strike that put 57 library workers on the picket line came to an end late last week. CUPE Local 2974 had been out for 231 days and called their employers, the Essex County Library Board, back to the bargaining table last week. A vote was held on Thursday and accepted by 70 percent of the union. The following day, the Board agreed and services will soon be back to normal. “We got the thirdparty insurer, we bent a little. They wanted to bank their sick days,” Library Board Chairpersom and Essex Deputy Mayor Richard Meloche said. Workers who are off for four days or more will

have to file for 75 percent of missed pay from the insurer. The main issue from the beginning had been the third-party insurer and short-term disability. The board offered up what it said was its ‘best and final offer,’ before Christmas and have sweetened the pot even more. When the library workers return to work, they will get a four year deal with a two percent wage hike each year. The Board had originally offered a $2,000 signing bonus, but upped that to $3,000. At times the strike was a bitter one with each side digging in deeper as time went on. The librarians used the media to post pictures and phone numbers of board members, while the Library Board countered with a detailed list of salaries for each position and how much that would increase to over the four years. A top librarian currently makes $29.82

an hour. The Library Board operates on a $3 million budget and saved $1.3m during the strike. Some of that will go into a reserve and the rest, nearly $800,000, was returned to the county. Meloche said he is glad that the strike is finally over and that services will be restored. “It was hard keeping up with the issues and talking to residents was very time consuming. They wanted their libraries open.”

submitted to EFP A hockey team is not just one player, nor just one line. A team has 17 players, all contributing in their own way. A team consists of 17 players picking each other up when one is down and doing whatever it takes to support one another. The Novice Major Ravens is truly a team. Last Saturday, the Ravens faced Erie North Shore in Game 2 of the play down quarter finals. The motto of team was never more evident than in this game where Essex was down 4-1 midway through the third period. The Ravens responded to the situation by scoring five unanswered goals to win 6-4. Un-selfish play with great forechecking, phenomenal back-checking, and quick shifts resulted in the Ravens dominating Erie in the last five minutes of this game. The players all know – fore-

check, back-check, paycheck and it’s off to game three with a 2-0 lead in the series. Less than 24 hours later, game three commenced at the Essex barn – so it was pitter-patter let’s get at ‘er time! Erie North Shore fought a great fight, knowing its playdowns was at stake and couldn’t afford to lose. Once again, the entire Raven team contributed in this game with solid shifts one after another. Essex led after the first period, 1-0, only to have the score knotted at 1-1 after the second. A scoreless third period sent the game into overtime. Solid goaltending by Erie and a few off the iron stymied the Ravens time and time again. A tremendous effort by both teams resulted in a 1-1 tie. The six point series now stands at 5-1 for Essex and it is off to Harrow on Saturday for game four.

12 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, February 16, 2017

Essex cubs find success at Kub Kar Rally by Sylene Argent Several Beavers, Cubs, and Boy Scouts put weeks of hard work and dedication to the test on Saturday at the Essex Area Scouting Kub Kar Rally and Scout Drags. The event took place at the Harrow Agricultural Building. Scouts from across Essex County raced their

self-made Kub Kars down the big track in the morning while the Scouts, Venturer Scouts, Rover Scouts, and Leaders raced their vehicles in the afternoon. The Essex Area Gilwellians hosted the event. Club member Rod Quinney said the event has been hosted in Harrow for around 20 years.

Before that, the racing took place in different local municipalities. He said the Kub Kar racing is a district event that allows the youth to show off their skills and talents. The best 20 Kub Kars at the event will move on to compete at the invitational race event to be held in Chatham in the near future. This was the first year the local event offered Beaver Buggy Races. The Beavers enjoyed their introduction to the racing event with their self-made vehicles. They raced noncompetitively. In the morning portion of the event, the 3rd Essex Scouts earned some recognition as its members earned a third place in originality and a second place in design. With a speedy, down-

Members and leaders of 3rd Essex Scouts, Cubs, and Beavers enjoyed participating in the annual Essex Area Scouting Kub Kar Rally and Scout Drags on Saturday.

track vehicle, one of the club members will also move on to compete at the upcoming regional event in Chatham. The Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts with the 3rd Essex Scouts used their

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meetings during the month of January to design their vehicles for the show. The club members were excited to put their wheels to the track on Saturday to see just how fast their vehicles could travel. Leaders with the 3rd Essex Scouts said creating and racing their Kub Kars is a highlight of the year for many of the local youth members. Not only do they enjoy creating their vehicles, they get to do so with peers, leaders,

parents, or grandparents. Third Essex Scouts meet at Essex United Church on Wednesday evenings. It currently has 15 Beavers, 16 Cubs, and seven Scouts enrolled. The members enjoy camping, in addition to attending their weekly meetings. Getting involved, Leader Heather Allison said, helps the youth to develop leadership skills and further allows them to learn the value of sharing and doing their best.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


Community I 13

Essex Free Press

Retirees’ warm the heart with soup The duo had the difficult task of selecting the top three submissions. Though the event is geared as an outlet to allow community

members to socialize, it is also a fundraiser. Any funds raised at the event will go towards operating and maintaining the Club. The Retirees’ boasted

at having 17 homemade soups available for patrons to taste-test. Members of the Essex Retirees’ Social Club are looking

forward to hosting their Easter Bazaar on April 1 to continuing their fundraising efforts.

Warm Winter Savings Biotime Winter Boots Assorted


Judges, Essex Fire & Rescue’s Captain Randy Kaufmann and Firefighter Ryan Siverns, prepare to tastetest one of the soups entered into the Essex Retirees’ Social Club’s annual soup contest. The event was held on Tuesday afternoon.

by Sylene Argent Being around loved ones and friends helps to warm the soul, while a good bowl of soup can warm individuals up during the cool month of February. On Tuesday, Valentine’s Day, The Essex Retirees’ Social Club opened its doors

to the community and its membership for the annual soup competition. The popular event attracted a large crowd. Patrons waited patiently in the Club’s hallway as judges, Essex Fire & Rescue’s Captain Randy Kaufmann and Firefighter Ryan Siverns, taste-tested the entries.


FARM SAFETY FARMERS’ EVENING TUESDAY, FEB. 21, 2017 WHERE: Essex Royal Canadian Legion Branch 201 103 Talbot St. N., Essex WHEN: 7:00 p.m. TOPIC: FIRE! Each farm family attending will receive a FREE smoke detector.

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14 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, February 16, 2017

Historic plaque placed at Essex Railway Station

Members of Essex Town Council and the Municipal Heritage Committee unveiled a historic plaque at the Essex Railway Station on Sunday afternoon.

by Fred Groves If you listened hard enough, you just might have heard the clickity-

clack of the train as it pulled out of the Essex Railway Station. And while the sounds

are gone, the spirit of the rail and many memories live on. On Sunday afternoon,

the Essex Municipal Heritage Committee and members of Essex Town Council unveiled a plaque

to commemorate the station and acknowledge its place in history. “It’s a legacy in our community that dates back to 1877,” Deputy Mayor Richard Meloche said moments before he peeled back the covering to unveil the heritage plaque to a large crowd. In August, 1907 a nitroglycerine explosion destroyed the train station. The explosion was heard all the way in Windsor and killed two railway workers. Blowing a crater 20 feet wide and ten feet deep, the blast destroyed eight adjacent wooden buildings and most of the houses in town suffered some form of damage. The estimate cost of destruction was $250,000. The Michigan Central Railway built Essex’s station, and it was the only one made of stone on the Canada Southern Railway line. The plaque is the third one the Town has issued under the Ontario Heritage Act. The train station was designated to have historic significance back in 1977. The Essex District High School and the Tofflemire Cemetery also have commemorative

plaques. “We owe a great deal to the Heritage Committee, past, present, and future,” added Meloche during the ceremony. The last passenger train to pull out of the Essex station was in 1979, and the last freight train was in 2012. The tracks have been removed, but the brick building, which underwent an extensive renovation in 1993-94, at a cost of $500,000, remains. It is a well-known tourist destination. Part of the plaque, which is located adjacent to the doorway, states the station, “Established Essex Centre as the shipping hub of Essex County.” Sunday afternoon’s unveiling was part of a historic celebration hosted by the heritage organization and entitled, “Blasts from our Past.” Over 40 photographs from the 1907 and 1980 explosions were on display and it is planned that those will be located throughout the municipality. Dozens of people came to the train station to view the photos, hear stories, and view a welldone video presentation.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


Communtiy I 15

Essex Free Press

St. Pierre cabin won’t be moved by Fred Groves Nothing ventured, nothing gained. That is the attitude the representatives of the Maidstone Bicentennial Museum are taking after making the decision not to relocate the historic St. Pierre cabin. Back in late August, nearly 50 people, many of them decedents of the family, met with the intent of raising $45,000 to help move the cabin from its current location on the West Belle River Road. “The project is done. There wasn’t enough community support,” Museum Curator Victoria Beaulieu said.

She noted that they had managed to come up with $13,000. That, and the fact that any grant from the Trillium Foundation is highly unlikely in the near future, means that the cabin’s fate is probably not good. “It will be up to the person who owns the building now. I imagine it will be torn down,” she said. Beaulieu said that she was a little surprised that more interest was not generated, however, the local historical society does have other projects in the works, including taking part in events for Canada’s 150th.

The cabin was built in the 1860s and has been vacant since 2005. While the price to move the cabin the approximately 10

kilometres to the museum was around $45,000, it was estimated to get it operational and restored would have cost nearly $200,000.

“If it was a blow to the community and to the family, I think more would have gotten behind it. I talked to a lot of people and they weren’t interested,” Beaulieu said. She also said that the historical group had put

some funds towards the project, but without solid backing, the project was not feasible. “If you don’t have community support, it’s not sustainable and you can’t take a chance on it.”

16 I Classifieds Essex Free Press



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I Thursday, February 16, 2017





Continued on Page 17


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NOTICE TO DWAYNE BECHARD KC Properties (GP) Limited hereby gives notice to Dwayne Bechard that the house located 205 Dana Drive, Essex, Ontario, N8M 2A9, will be sold 60 days after the publication of this notice. Interested parties should contact KC Properties (GP) Limited in writing at 77 Bloor Street West, Suite 2000, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1M2.


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Thursday, February 16, 2017


Classifieds/Opinion I 17

Essex Free Press

Agriville Farms Ltd.

Greenhouse workers & General Labourers •

Steady day shift 50-60+ hours per week Monday - Saturday • Working in the greenhouse and/or in the warehouse • Harvesting, pruning and picking the vegetables. • Current wage is $11.43/hr •

If interested please forward resume to:

Classifieds... _____________________




_____________________ HELP WANTED: Seasonal Snow Removal Worker. Experience preferred. - Will train. Fax resume to 519-723-2336. 39- tfn _____________________ HELP WANTED: Greenhouse and Packing line Labour. General greenhouse labour, duties include pruning, picking, planting and cleaning of greenhouse. Packing line labour, duties include inspecting, weighing and packing produce on assembly line. Lifting, bending and standing is required. Must be able to work all shifts. Rural area. No public transportation available. Rate of pay$11.40. To apply please email tammy@ Or Mail to Domric International, PO Box 218, Ruthven ON 12/15 N0P 2G0. _____________________ GENERAL LABOURERS WANTED. Fax resume to 519-723-2336. 1-tfn _____________________

2 ELWOOD COURT, COTTAM  Ridgeview Park Estates - Exclusive area of high quality homes. Elegant 2 stry full brick, 3 large bdrm, 2.5 bath, extended 2 car garage, high dry basement w/rough in bath & cold rm, owned H efficiency FAG/ AC, H h2o tank, porcelain tile, oak floors & trim, granite c tops, TARION WTY. 360K. To view call (519) 253-4431 & 9693915. 5-1t* _____________________ Buying or Selling a farm? Do you know the right questions and answers? Farm Experienced Realtor Carl Idzinski, Real 1-t Choice Realty. 519-817-8891. _____________________

Boem Berry Farms Inc.

Greenhouse workers & General Labourers

Steady day shift 50-60+ hours per week Monday - Saturday Working in greenhouse and/or the warehouse Harvesting, pruning and picking the strawberries Current wage is $11.43/hr If interested please forward resume to: 2021 Division Road North Kingsville, Ontario N9Y 2Y9 (519) 733-2305

ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES EMPLOYEE The Town of Kingsville is seeking applications for an Environmental Services Employee to work in the Municipal Services Department. A complete description of the Environmental Services Employee duties and Application Form (Career Profile Form) are available online at under the Employment Opportunities heading or may be obtained at the Municipal Office. Interested applicants shall submit a resume, cover letter and completed Career Profile Form no later than Friday, March 3, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. Completed applications will be accepted by regular mail, personal delivery or email to: Human Resources Department The Corporation of the Town of Kingsville 2021 Division Road North Kingsville, ON N9Y 2Y9 E-mail:



Continued from Page 16

REAL ESTATE _____________________



PRAYER TO the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, You who makes me see everything and who show me the way to reach my ideals. You who gives me the Divine Gift to forgive and forget all that is done to me, and you who are in all the instances of my life with me. I, in this short dialogue, want to thank you for everything, and confirm once more that I never want to be separated from you, no matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be with you & my loved ones in your perpetual glory. A person may pray this prayer 3 consecutive days without asking for their wish. It will be granted no matter how difficult it may be, and promise to publish this dialogue, as soon as your favor has been granted. With Grateful thanks F.M. _____________________

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The Voice Of Experience by Evelyn Couch

Machines and technology Did you ever do a written test on a machine? That makes no sense to me, but they told me I was doing a written test. There were two parts to it of 20 questions each. I saw the question on the screen and I was supposed to indicate what I thought was the correct answer of four. Then, the screen asked if that was my final answer. The problem came when the yes button refused to work until I had pressed it and rubbed it and pressed harder repeatedly. Perhaps it was like the problems I have with this computer. Maybe there is something about my attitude when I use machines or however one refers to these devices. After all, I started with a slate pencil. We did not use a pen until we were in our fourth year. Most of us had a cloth, which we said was a rag. Some of the students (they were called pupils) let them get very dirty with a bad odour. That was referred to as stink. I used to think my parents lived through a multitude of changes, but they were not as great of experiences as I have had through my years. Somewhere in the Bible it is predicted the people will become weaker and wiser in the last days. Does that suggest we are in the last days? I am rambling again, but it is understandable that I think about those days when I have to do a written test on a machine by pushing buttons It reminded me as well about the way I could write with either hand on the blackboard. My teacher would not allow me to use my left. Nobody cared which hand I used to press those buttons. Now I wonder if my grandchildren would know what a blackboard is!

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18 I Personals

FromThe Heart Happy 90th Birthday MARION

SHUTTLEWORTH Born February 28, 1927 in Sandwich South Township. She has four children, 12 grandchildren, and 22 great-grandchildren. She will celebrate an Open House with family and friends at Cottam United Church Hall from 2:30 to 4:30 pm on Sunday, February 19, 2017. Best wishes only, please.

Essex Free Press

To place a personal notice, email your photo and content to or drop by our office at 16 Centre St., Essex. Personal notices must be received by Monday at 12:00 noon to appear in the Thursday edition. _________________________________________________________





Shepley, Russell Our lives are forever changed, since the angels called your name. So hard to believe another year has gone by since you left our side. We never had the chance to say good bye, We wish we could talk to you, there is so much to say, life has changed in so many ways. Until the day we meet again, you will be kept always safe within our hearts. ~ Love you forever; Lisa, Kandis, Kyle ________________________________________________

In Loving Memory

Celeste and Leslie Jackson February 16, 2002


The Broken Chain


We little knew that day, God was going to call your names. In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you both. You did not go alone. For part of us went with you. The day God called you home. You left us beautiful memories, your love is still our guide. And though we cannot see you, you are always at our side. Our family chain is broken and nothing seems the same. But as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again. - Love; Justin and Tim

Please join us at Brooker rooker Baptist ry 25, 2017 Church on February from 1:00 pm - 3:00 00 pm for cake to celebrate te Elwyn Robinson’s n’s 95th Birthday.

I Thursday, February 16, 2017

Best wishes only.


GAGNIER, Sheila Ann (nee Miller) - 76 years, passed peacefully on Friday February 10, 2017 at Leamington District Memorial Hospital. Beloved wife of the late John (2005). Loving mother of Anita Hayes (Tim), Dana Gagnier (Greg Dzudz), Paula Beattie (Marvin) and Christopher Gagnier (Tracey). Sheila’s whole world revolved around her family, especially her grandchildren, Jacob and Amy Hayes, Andrew and Ben Buis, James and Brandon Beattie, Austin and Ethan Gagnier, and Nicholas Dzudz. Pre-deceased and held dear by parents Eula (nee Cowell) and Ralph Miller of Cottam. Cherished sister of Bill (late Anne), Carman (late Marion), Lyle (Ruth Anne), Grant (Marianne), late Stephen (Debra), Clarence (late Doreen), Keith (Karen) and Kevin (Starre) Miller. Visitation was held at Reid Funeral Home & Reception Centre, 87 Maidstone Avenue E., Essex (519-776-4233) on Monday and continued on Tuesday, February 14, 2017, until time of Funeral Service to celebrate Sheila’s life. Rev. Chris Brouillard-Coyle officiated. Interment Greenhill Cemetery, Kingsville. If desired memorial donations made to Trinity Anglican Church or the Heart & Stroke Foundation would be appreciated. Family and friends may share memories online at

Voice Of Inspiration “Tis the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and to have her nonsense respected.” ~ Charles Lamb

Love Betty-Lou and family

Say I Love You With A Personal Greeting! Let everyone know with your announcement here! Email your photo and message to: 16 Centre Street, Essex





Birth Announcement Malott Chris and Jess announce the exciting arrival of Blake Donald. 8 lbs. 2 oz. on Feb. 7, 2017. Little brother to Simon and Isaac Gignac. Proud first time grandparents are Sue (Rich) Will, Don (Dixie) Malott, of Essex, Mike Lees (Heather MacLean) and Darlene (David) McIntosh of Nova Scotia.

William J. Waldron September 15, 1922 - February 14, 2014 Deep in our hearts lies a picture More precious than silver or gold, It’s a picture of you, Dad Whose memory will never grow old A little tear falls from our eyes, We swallow hard, try not to cry We think of you so far away Three years ago you died today. Love; Lois, David, Clifford, and Families Happy Valentine’s Day - The Day of Love. Hugs to Mom and Keith.

What’s Going On... FEB. 18 - CTMHV MURDER MYSTERY - Doors at 5pm, dinner at 6:30pm. ‘Murder at the Sock Hop’ - dress in 50s attire. For tickets & info: 519-776-6909 or FEB. 21 - BLOOD DONOR CLINIC - Essex Centre Sports Complex in the Shaheen Room. From 1-7pm. 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283). FEB. 22 - THE ESSEX & DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETING  at Essex Retirees’centre at 7:30pm. Speaker is Heather Taylor from WE-waste management. FEB. 24 - WOODSLEE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION GOLF FUNDRAISER - At On the Green at 7pm. For info: 226-275-2004 or FEB. 25 - ONTARIO PURPLE MARTIN ASSOCIATION MEETING - At Colasanti’s Greenhouses, Ruthven. At 9 a.m. Call Paul: 519-738-3476 for more information. FEB. 25 & 26 - ANNUAL ESSEX TRAIN SHOW - From 9:30 am - 3:30 pm at Essex Public School, 72 Brien Ave. E., Essex. For more information: 519.776.9800. FEB. 28 - SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKES AND SAUSAGE at Bethel-Maidstone Church Hall, 933 Cty. Rd. 34 from 4:30-6:30pm. FEB. 28 - ANNUAL PANCAKE SUPPER at Trinity Anglican Church, Cottam from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. Free-will Donation. MARCH 4 - ANNUAL INDOOR GOLF TOURNAMENT at On The Green, from 12noon - 4pm. To support Essex Community Services. For info & to register: 519-776-4231

Thursday, February 16, 2017


Community Hub I 19

Essex Free Press



Essex United Church Our Sunday services begin at 10:30am. A great way to start your week. Adult study began Feb. 2nd. Be with us as we look at our theme: “Free to Be: People in Struggle: Our Indigenous family.” The sessions: Feb. 16, April 10, and 11, at 7pm. We hope many people can attend as we probe the issue and have presentations and discussions. Come and be part of the solution! Contacting all youth! (ages 12-17) Our doors are open to you! Come on out February 19th from 5-7 pm to Essex United for a fun night with tons of games and pizza! We’ll take care of the pizza and refreshments. Feel free to bring your own games. We are gearing up for our Annual Murder Mystery Dinner this April.

sponsorship by:

Fresh food. Friendly neighbours 191 Talbot St. S., Essex

519-776-4255 Antioch Christian Ministries submitted by Linda Knight

Pastor Gerrie spoke on the Apostolic call on the church to go and pray with people everywhere. The congregation shared many testimonies of God’s goodness in previous times when they prayed with people in various places. Newcomers Meet and Greet is on Sunday, February 26th, following the service. Awaken Youth Conference is on March 16th-18th. Please register online. Restoration House Healing Rooms is open on Saturday’s from 9 a.m.-noon. For more information, visit our website at Be blessed! Woodslee United Church submitted by Sue Holman

Come join us for Sunday Service and Sunday School at 11:15 am. Del Stewart will lead the service this week. Connie Reeb will read the Holy Scriptures. Connie and Ed Reeb will greet you at the door. Judi Stowe, Doug Boylan, and Fran McKim will serve lunch after the service. Please say a special prayer for our friends on our Prayer List. In the event of a pastoral emergency this week, please contact Rev. Kim Gilliland from Cottam United at 519-839-4266. Crafting Your Prayer Life with Liz and Libby: February 22 Wednesday evening from 7- 8:30 pm. This is a four week workshop on healing prayer. For questions, contact Liz at 226-275-2120 or Libby at 519-975-1004. Everyone is welcome. Talent Show & Pasta Dinner: Saturday Feb. 25. Dinner at 5 pm and show at 6:30 pm. Freewill offering. If you have hidden talent you like to share, contact Elaine Mailloux at 519-890- 6312. Choir Practice: Mondays at 6 pm. Coffee and Conversation: Thursdays at 10 am. Everyone is welcome. Salvation Army Essex Community Church News submitted by Carolyn Barnett

Our Church family was saddened at the sudden passing of Major Paul Gilbert, a former officer here in Essex. Our prayers and sympathies are extended to his family. SA Connections is having a Game Day on Tuesday, Feb. 21st. Come out between 10am & 1 pm and join in on the fun. Stay for lunch and enjoy the fellowship. Major Shirley Roberts leads Bible Study at 1p.m. with the topic “The Power of a Praying Woman.” Our community programs are free and open to everyone. Messy Church meets again on Thursday, Feb. 23rd with a new time; 5:45 -7:30p.m. It’s open to all ages, it’s fun and it’s family friendly! Thanks to those who organize and lead the program and to those who cook and serve the delicious meals. Family Worship is on Sunday from 10:30a.m. We invite you to join us as Major Sam Roberts leads the service. There will be refreshments and a time to visit following the

Essex Retirees’ Social Club Barb Murphy had high score at Saturday afternoon Euchre. Floyd Cascadden had second place, Joan Young and Tom Kelly tied for third. Floyd Cascadden had high score at Monday night Pepper. There was a three-way tie with Don Ames, Mary Lou Chibi, and Katy Smith for the Most Peppers. Cecile S. Denis was the low. Cecile St. Denis had high score at Wednesday night Pepper. Roger Monchamp had the most peppers and Louise Perrault was the low. Thursday Night Bridge winners were Floyd Cascadden and Edna Chevalier. Brooker News By Ruth Newman

Our doors are open to all for our 10:00 am Sunday Worship Service. J.O.Y. Club for teens is held every Tuesday at 3:25 pm. We extend our sincere sympathy to the Quinlan and Newman families on the passing of Bonnie Quinlan last Thursday. A much loved Mother, Grandmother, and Sister. The Long Range Planning Committee meet on Monday, February 20. The Annual Business Meeting is on Sunday, February 26 following the service. All members and adherents are encouraged to attend. Please keep in your prayers those in nursing homes and the shut-ins in our community.

The Mission Group is collecting blankets during the month of February for Bearskin, a northern native community in Ontario. The Maidstone K of C will hold a Corporate Communion Mass and breakfast to honour their deceased members at the 9 a.m. Mass on February 19th. Breakfast to follow in the hall and everyone is welcome. A Parish Mission will take place from February 19th to 22nd at Holy Name of Jesus Church at 7p.m. each night with Padre Felipe Scott, with the Family of Jesus Healers order from Tampa, Florida. Lenten Card parties begin on Sunday, March 5th at 7 p.m. COR for ages 16 to 21 will take place on March 31 – April 2. Please keep in your prayers all who are shut in, hospitalized or in nursing homes and their care givers in your prayers.

St. Paul’s Anglican Church Contributions to the February Thank You Bank will go to the Storybook Daycare to assist in their rebuilding efforts following the tragic fire. As part of our exploration of who we are and who God is calling us to be at this time, we will be holding a Parish Reflection Day on Feb. 18th from 10am-1pm, please bring a lunch. Please bring any palms from previous years into the church by Feb. 26 so we have them to make ashes for the Ash Wednesday service. Trinity Church’s Annual Pancake Supper is on Tuesday, Feb. 28th, 4:30 to 6:30pm. Free will donation. Ash Wednesday Service is Wednesday, March 1st at 7pm - Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes at Trinity Church Cottam. Our next pasta dinner at St Paul’s is on Friday, March 3rd from 5 – 6:30pm. Our Regular Sunday Services are at 8am (BCP Eucharist) and 11am (BAS Eucharist & Sunday School). For more information about us and what’s going on, please check out our website at or our Facebook page at www.facebook. com/stpaulsessex. You can also reach us at 519-776-7711 or by email at office@

Trinity Church We pray for those asking for our prayers Bill, Wendy, Cindy, Ashton, and Fran. Our Sanctuary Lamp burns to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Peter Kistulinec Sr., given by Pat & Sharon and family.

Essex Christian Reformed Church

Continued on Page 20

submitted by Beverley Van Huizen

We would like to extend an invitation to you and your family to attend our Sunday morning worship service beginning at 10:00 am with Pastor Aaron Thompson. Nursery supervision and Sunday school are provided. GEMS & Cadets meet not meet on Monday evening, due to Family Day, February 20! Make plans to attend our upcoming Movie Night on Friday, February 24 beginning at 6:00pm. Stay tuned for more details! Visit us online for service times and directions, or just to listen to a sermon or two.

Essex United Church 53 Talbot St. S., Essex ON N8M 1B1



Maidstone Cross submitted by Wendy Cunningham

Our beloved retired Priest, Fr. Paul Rocheleau, passed away. Our deepest sympathies and prayers go to his family. He will be truly missed. Rest in peace Fr. Rocky.


CONTACTING ALL YOUTH! Our doors are open to you!

(AGES 12-17)

Come on out February 19th ffrom 5 - 7 PM to Essex United


We’ll take care of the pizza and refreshments!


It’s a great chance to hang with your friends, meet new ones and eat pizza! Feel free to bring your own games too. Parents are welcome too!

2021 Division Road North Kingsville, Ontario N9Y 2Y9 (519) 733-2305

492 County Rd. 8., Essex (former Sun Parlour Junior School)

Tel. 519-776-7772 | Story Book Early Learning Centre would like to thank the community at large for all the wonderful, much needed donations; to all the volunteers who donated their time in so many ways and for all the monetary donations to make needed purchases. Everyone’s time and effort is what allowed us to get up and running so quickly and to really get back to what we do best. All our families were so thankful for that. What an AWESOME community we live in! With a heartfelt thank you, Donna, Staff and Board of Directors

TAX NOTICES 2017 Interim Property Tax Bills were mailed January 26, 2017 If you own property in the Town of Kingsville you should have received your 2017 interim tax bill. The tax due dates are as follows: February 28, 2017 May 31, 2017 Please refer to the brochure included with your tax notice for a listing of the payment options available. Avoid long lines by paying your taxes early. Failure to receive a tax notice does not relieve you from payment of taxes or penalties. Penalties are assessed the day following the due date at 1.25% and each month thereafter until paid. It is the responsibility of the taxpayer to ensure the Town has the correct mailing address. If you have not received your tax notice please call 519-733-2305 or visit the Municipal Office at 2021 Division Road North.

20 I Community Hub/Business Directory Essex Free Press

Continued from Page 19 Save the Date- As part of our exploration of who we are and who God is calling us to be at this time, we will be holding a Parish Reflection Day is on Saturday, February 18th from 10 am-1 pm. at St. Paul’s. Please bring a bag lunch. This event will provide an opportunity for folks to explore some of the themes that will shape the parish profile we submit as part of the Archdeacon’s Commission and inform our activities


through Lent. All are welcome. Please bring your palms into the Church by Feb. 26, so we have them to make ashes for the Ash Wednesday service. Mark your calendar for Tuesday, February 28th for Trinity’s Annual Pancake Supper from 4:30-6:30. Free will donation. February’s Thank You Bank donations will go to the Storybook Daycare to assist in its rebuilding efforts following the tragic fire. If anyone has stories, ideas, recipes, please give these directly to Rev. Chris by Feb. 20th., and it will be included in the upcoming Lenten newsletter. Please include copyright references if you are offering something written by someone else. Thanks for sharing your creativity.



Thursday, February 16, 2017

Join us Sundays at 9:15, in “The Little White Church” in the Cemetery in Cottam. Woodslee Friendship Club The Euchre winners for Feb. 6th were: Edna Chevalier, Adrian Diesbourg, Mary Demars, Bernice Price, Colleen Chevalier, Elmer Quinlan, and Mike Renaud. Pepper winners for Wednesday were: Joanne McMurren, Veronica Granger, Shirley Quinlan, Mary Marg Chevalier, Joan Broeders, Dave McMurren, Rita Glowa, Donna Poisson, Adrian Diesbourg, and Sandy Mcguire. Friday night Euchre winners were: George Sutherland, Bob McGuire, Debbie Goodyear, Thomas Allison, George Diesbourg, Adrian Diesbourg, and Mary Demars. For more info on joining our club, please contact Irene at 519-975-2283.

Golden Age Golf Report On February 9, Bill Taylor and Gary Honey dropped aces on a very difficult hole 15. Laurie Hylton dropped three consecutive aces on holes 10, 11, and 12. Leading the ace parade last week, with four each were Mary Binder, Barbara Fick, Laurie Hylton, and Andy Orsini. The Low Score, over 9 holes and 18 holes, went to Andy Orsini with a 16 and 35. Orsini and Bill Ward shared the low score of 73 for 36 holes. Capturing first place on the day was Team 4 (Andy Orsini, Tom Hyatt, Lloyd Honey) with a score of 235. Second place went to Team 9 (Rose Taylor, Bill Ward, Laurie Hylton) and third was taken by Team Queens (Norbert Gisi, Mary Binder, Mike Binder).

Essex Community Services ESSEX FOODLAND RECEIPTS continue to be accepted as part of our ongoing fundraising efforts. Please bring in all Essex Foodland receipts (tapes) to Essex

Continued on Page 21









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Thursday, February 16, 2017


Community Hub/Business Directory I 21

Essex Free Press

Continued from Page 20 Community Services at 35 Victoria Ave, Unit 7, Essex. As well, income tax receipts are provided for cash donations over $10.00. These donations are very important and enable us to continue offering our many programs and services to the community. Our programs include Transportation, Foot Care Clinics, Security Checks, Income Tax Clinics, Snow Patrol, Coats for Kids, Counselling, and more. We appreciate your efforts in helping Essex Community Services. Please contact us at 519-776-4231 for more information! Cozy Corners - Bethel-Maidstone United submitted by Bev Holland

The office is closed from February 15 - 28. It will re-open on March 1st. For assistance, please call Lonnie Jones. 519-776-9949. Ian Phillips is our next guest speaker, on February 19. Our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner is from 4:30-6:30pm. Join us for pancakes and Sausage. There is a sign up sheet in Simpkins Hall if you can help. There is also a sign up sheet for anyone willing to make cookies or squares. All are welcome. This week, February 19 - Seventh after Epiphany our Door Greeters are Joan and Wayne Little, Elder on Duty is Lonnie Jones, and Church Lock-up is Rob Reeb. Thought of the Week is ‘Generousity brings the abundant life.’

March 31-April 2. Life Teen - Due to the Timeless Retreat on February 19 and the Parish Mission, there is no Life Teen Mass on February 19. The program resumes on March 5. The next K of C Fish Fry is on Friday, February 17. Euchre night is Monday, February 20 at 7:00 pm. The Annual Members Banquet is on Saturday, March 6. Euchre night is Monday, February 20, at 7pm. Small fee. All are welcome. Seniors Lunch is on Febraury 22 at 11am. Open to all seniors 65 & older. No cost. Please bring your non-perishable food donations to Mass and drop them in the baskets for St. Vincent de Paul Society. QUEST - Grades 3-5 are invited to Quest night on February 22, from 6:30-7:45pm. Our Parish Mission “Spiritual Life” is from February 19 to 22, at 7:00 pm with Padre Felipe Scott of Family of Jesus Healer Order, Tampa, Florida. Everyone is welcome. God Bless you all and have a great week!


Holy Name of Jesus Church submitted by Therese Lecuyer

Registration forms are on the youth board for the Timeless Teen Retreat for high school aged youth on February 18-19 at Gess†wood Camp. COR XXIX is scheduled for













HICKS, MACPHERSON, IATONNA & DRIEDGER LLP. Chartered Professional Accountants R. Tyler Hicks Heather L. MacPherson Lindsay L. Iatonna Tim C. Driedger P.O. Box 189, 49 Erie St. N., Leamington, Ontario N8H 3W2 Phone 519-326-2681 • Fax 519-326-8044 •

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22 I Opinion/Sports Essex Free Press

1956 Mercury brings back lots of memories


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Balkwill ranked fifth in Canada

Brian Rousson with his dream car now looking for another new home.

Brian Rousson enjoys reading my column in the Mississauga News. He writes: “In 1964, just a young fellow of 16, I bought my first car, a 1956 Ford from my best friend in Ottawa. It was a 4-door with 3-speed on the fl oor, 312 cubic inch V8 with a 4-barrel carb, and I was ready to drive. “As I grew older and changed my cars through the years, I could never forget that ’56 Ford. In remembering the ’56, now married with children, I would tell the family many times over of all the good times I had with it, me and my friends. I told the Missus one day that if I ever find another ’56 Ford and could afford it, I would jump at it right way. “My wife and I were out for a drive in the country one Sunday in Halton Hills, near the Toronto area where we were now living. As we came around a curve and down a hill and with my eyes on the road, my wife said ‘Hey, there’s an old car back there we just passed.’ “Curious as always to see old cars, I turned around and went back to the property where she saw it. Well, sitting on the side lawn was a 2-tone 1956 Mercury 4-door sedan (almost identical to his 1956 Ford). I pulled into the driveway for a closer look. “An elderly gentleman came out and asked me if I was interested. He said the car had been sitting in a warehouse for 20-some years and it had belonged to his employer, a long-time friend at the time. “He then added that he just had a triple bypass and his doctor told him it would be unwise to drive the car again with standard brakes and steering. It was time to let her go, and he hoped it would go to someone who would appreciate the car. “I bought that ’56 Mercury from that fellow. I got her plated, did some minor work on it, but leaving it all original. And here I am, 50 years later, with my dream car that brought me back to my youth every time I drive her. It’s a 1956 Mercury with 312 V8, 4-barrel Holley, and 48,000 miles on her. The body and undercarriage are in perfect condition, and the original spare tire is still in the trunk. “Now I find myself in a place of life’s changes where I now have to retire and downsize and let go of many things. This beauty is once again up for sale and I hope it will be picked up by someone who also dreams of owning a 1956 Ford or Mercury.” I’m always looking for more stories. Email billtsherk@sympatico. ca or write Bill Sherk, 25 John St., P.O. Box 255, Leamington, Ont. N8H 3W2. Everyone whose story is published in this column will receive a free autographed copy of my book: “OLD CAR DETECTIVE FAVOURITE STORIES, 1925 to 1965.”

With goalie Caitlyn Cressman defending, EDHS girls’ hockey defenceman Cora Doherty moves the puck in last week’s win over visiting Cardinal Carter.

by Fred Groves Essex District High School grad Kelsey Balkwill, who runs and coaches with the Border

City Athletics, is ranked fifth in Canada in the 400 metres. Her best time is listed as 54.41. Another former Red Raider, Tyler

Bellaire, is ranked 14th in the 60 metre dash with a time of 6.91 • It was a very busy

Continued on Page 23


No plastic bags of ANY colour are accepted in our recycling program. Alternatives To Plastic Bags: • Purchase another recycle box. Available at any local Home Hardware Store. • Use a paper bag. • Use a container of a similar size. (i.e. laundry basket) Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority / 1-800-563-3377 / Space provided through a partnership between industry and Ontario municipalities to support waste diversion programs.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


Sports I 23

Essex Free Press

Peewee Ravens take big lead in quarter-finals by Fred Groves The Essex Ravens will take a big lead down the highway Friday night as they head to Glanbrook. In the six-point quarterOntario Minor final Hockey Association series, the Ravens are in control in the Peewee Major ‘A’ series.

Sunday afternoon, goalie Cavan McCabe was superb between the pipes, posting the shutout as the hosts won 3-0. McCabe has been a huge contributor to the Ravens this year as the goaltender was named the tournament Most Valuable Player for Essex

Sports Roundup... week for the EDHS junior boys’ basketball team. The boys beat Walkerville 51-27 last Tuesday, and Thursday in the final WECSSAA regular season game, upped their record to 8-2 with a 47-15 win over General Amherst. On Friday, the Red Raiders opened their playoffs with a 5024 victory over Leamington. • Captain Gabi Fuerth fired in a pair of goals last Tuesday afternoon to pace the EDHS girls’ hockey team to a huge 4-2 win over Cardinal Carter. It was the third straight win for the Red Raiders who took on L’Essor on Tuesday in a quarter-final matchup. Also scoring against Cardinal Carter were Jessica MacPherson and Megan Prentice. • Essex’s Alex Friesen extended his offensive streak this past weekend as he had an assist on Saturday to help the Carleton Place Canadiens to a 3-1 win over Gloucester. The following

when the team won the International Silver Stick. Prior to Sunday’s win, the Ravens had a bit of a tough time with the Rangers Saturday night as they hung on to a slim 4-3 win. Essex opened the first game with a quick goal before the visitors

Continued from Page 22

day, he had another helper in a 4-1 win over Hawkesbury. Friesen, a former Leamington Flyer, has put up points in five straight games. • Emily McCloskey had five kills and 6.5 points for the University of Windsor, which fell 3-0 to host Guelph in OUA women’s volleyball action on Saturday. • The EDHS junior girls’ volleyball team swept Brennan in three straight, 25-21, 25-18, 25-19, to advance in the WECSSAA playoffs. • Congratulations to Karen Markovoich, an EDHS grad who was recently named the President of the St. Clair College Athletic Association’s intramural program. Markovich plays for the Saints’ basketball team. If you have anything for the sports roundup, please contact Fred Groves at

bounced back and evened the score. Right winger Jack Fuerth put the hosts ahead, where they would stay after he stole the puck, made a couple of brilliant moves, and scored. The Ravens built a huge 4-1 lead, thanks to a beauty of a powerplay goal off of a nifty centering pass. After two periods, it was 4-2. In the third, Essex captain Luke Sherk made a huge play when, with the Ravens playing shorthanded, he burst up the middle and was hauled down from behind, drawing a penalty. Essex is now 8-1-1 in OMHA playoffs and have won five straight. They disposed of the Riverside Rangers and advanced to the quarter-finals after eliminating Essex County rivals, Erie North Shore Storm. Game Three

Essex centre Brayden Metcalfe wins the faceoff in Saturday night’s game in Essex.

against Glanbrook goes Friday night at 8 p.m. If a fourth game

is necessary, it will be played Saturday afternoon.

24 I Sports Essex Free Press

I Thursday, February 16, 2017

73’s Advance over Flags by Garrett Fodor Heading into this past week, the Essex 73’s were coming off two straight wins over the Mooretown Flags, including a 3-0 win in game two. Game three took place on Tuesday in Essex. Similar to their games in the week prior, the Flags were doing a good job at suppressing shots from the 73’s and limiting their quality scoring chances. They did this by keeping the 73’s to the perimeter of the offensive zone. As a result, Flags’ goalie Jake Wilkins faced 27 shots on the night. The teams exchanged chances and were back and forth throughout the game. Both teams earned penalties, which set up

the lone goal of the game. Brayden Kettlewell scored his first career playoff goal for Essex with the man advantage 6:06 into the second period. Skating behind the net, Kettlewell threw the puck out front. It deflected off Flags’ goalie, Wilkins, and went in. It is the first time in the series that Essex was outshot, 33-27. It marked Tyler Ryan’s second straight shutout in the series. “It is good, the team is helping a lot in the defensive zone and making my life easier,” Ryan said. “I’m just staying focused and playing big. It is always hard to stay focused for 60 minutes in a game like that.” The 73’s traveled to

Mooretown on Friday, Feb. 10, looking for the sweep. Similar to game three, the Flags limited the quality scoring chances. As a result, the goalies had a heavy workload with a lot of traffic in front of their nets. The teams continued to be physical, and in turn, received several penalties. The lone goal of the game came from Nolan Rielly as his shot trickled under Tyler Ryan’s pad with five minutes remaining. Shots in the game were 38-34 for Essex. Sunday was the scene for game five. After a scoreless first period, the teams came out flying in the middle frame. The Flags and 73’s were very physical and played a


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Photo by Laurie Beaten. Eric Shaw and Clay Kraynack lead the 73’s as they shake hands following their 2-1 win in game five to win the series.

two-way game. Mike Kindrachuk opened the scoring 16:13 into the second as he beat Ryan low on his stick side. Eric Shaw continued his torrid scoring pace, registering his fifth goal of the series as he beat Wilkins low and on his stick side with 78 seconds remaining in period two. In the third period, it was looking like the teams were going to need overtime. Essex was quick to control the offensive zone and its players were trying to find the offense again that was in game one. Shots were 13-7 for Essex. The lone shot to find the twine was from Tyler Scott, who converted

on a scramble in front of the net and beat Wilkins. It would be the lone goal in the period as Essex

prevailed 2-1 to win the series. They will play the winner of the Amherstburg and Wheatley series.


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