Essex Free Press - May 7, 2015

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Proudly serving the community of Essex and surrounding areas.

Vol. 135

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Issue No. 18

A LOOK INSIDE Essex Town Council Notes PAGE 2 ________________

Essex 73’s Crowned All Ontario Champions

Police Service Board participate in ride-along PAGE 3 ________________ Essex lights up the night for organ donation awareness PAGE 7 ________________ Teen motivational speaker takes message beyond Essex County PAGE 9 ________________ Essex Community Spring Clean-Up PAGE 13 _______________ Firefighters prepare to hold reunion PAGE 23 _______________

Looking For A Good Home Photo submitted by Dick Pluimers

“MISTY” See Page 5 for adoption info.

by Garrett Fodor For the first time since the 2008-2009 season, the Essex 73’s are the all-Ontario champions in their third straight Schmalz Cup finals appearance. The challengers, the Port Hope Panthers, didn’t make winning easy

for the locals. Essex opened up the final series with three straight wins. Victory was close but the 73’s were unable to seal the deal. Port Hope battled back, picking up two wins and trailing by a game as the action headed back to Essex last Tuesday.

With the trophy in the building and their largest crowd of the year (1180) in attendance, the game didn’t go as planned for the locals. Just twelve seconds into the game, Essex took a penalty and set the tone for the night, as their play was undisciplined. While

Essex found the back of the net first, with a 10:54 tally from Scott Bromley, the visitors would capitalize with the extra attacker later in the frame to tie things up. In the middle frame, Essex was out-shot and outplayed as the locals spent much of the twenty

minutes on the penalty kill. The Panthers took the lead and carried it over into the third period, eventually cruising to a 4-1 win and tying up the series. This set the stage for a winner-take-all finale Continued on Page 7

2 I News Essex Free Press

I Thursday, May 7, 2015

Essex Town Council Notes for Monday, May 4 by Sylene Argent Silos and Memorial Arena to be demolished Essex Council moved the recommendation to receive Community Service’s report “Results of the Request for Proposal-Demolition Services for the Essex Memorial Arena and Essex silos,” and that Council award the demolition services to the Lions Group Inc. In the report to Council it noted the low quote from Lions Group Inc. for demolition of the Essex Memorial Arena and Essex Centre Silos is $251,856.00, inclusive of non-refundable HST. The 2015 Community Services capital budget has funding in the amount of $175,000 for the demolition of the Essex Memorial Arena and $60,000 for the demolition of the Essex Silos for a total of $235,000. The Town of Essex had applied for a Small Communities Grant for the redevelopment of the silo district. It is still waiting to hear if Essex has been successful or not in obtaining this grant, which would provide two-thirds funding from the provincial and federal governments. This funding would include the demolition of the Essex silos. No work can begin on the silo district project until the Town is informed on the grant status. If the Town is successful, some of the funds from the grant will be used to remove the silos, CAO Russ Phillips explained, adding the town has the ability to separate the two demolition jobs through this successful contractor if need be. Administration is recommending the proceeding of the demolition of the Memorial Arena, promptly, and to wait until learning if the Town would be successful in

obtaining the Small Communities Grant to demolish the silos. The report stated administration is recommending Council approve the demolition of both projects to Lions Group Inc. If Essex is unsuccessful in receiving the Small Communities Grant, then the remaining funds of $16,856.00 would be transferred from the capital savings for the purchase of the new Colchester Harbour Docks. Mayor Ron McDermott urged residents to get out their cameras and take photos of the arena knowing it was built to be dedicated to veterans. OPA and zoning bylaw amendment for Harrow At a special Council meeting held on April 13, Essex Policy Planner Jeff Watson discussed the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment for the Harrow Settlement Area Expansion and Land Use. At Monday’s meeting, Watson explained Council had two applications to consider: one to re-designate lands from agriculture to industrial, and the other to rezone the lands. Through various studies, he explained, Essex and Harrow Centres were deficient in industrial lands. In order for the Town to change any lands that are not in the settlement area of Harrow or Essex Centres, the County’s approval is required. The Town recently realized an opportunity to expand the settlement area in Harrow. The proposed land, around 42 acres on the west side of Roseborough Road, was thought to be an area for new industrial land. A justification report was sent off to the County and Province for approval. Watson said Bylaw 1409 would re-designate this land to the expanded settlement area of Harrow to industrial. Bylaw 1410 would produce the zoning change. Watson explained there are three phases to the Zoning Bylaw: Phase 1, Phase 2A, and Phase 2 B. Phase one would be for a ten-acre parcel that hopefully would be dedicated to Sellick Equipment Ltd. for a new, modernized plant. Phase 2A, is to the north, there are two parcels: the balance of the Z-Col Ltd. lands and the neighbouring lands that belong to the Fournier’s. In the future, Clark Street will be extended through this area, which would create a corner lot for the Fournier property. These lands would be put into a heavy industrial zone, but also into a business park category. Under the business park, the number of uses opens up to benefit the community. Certain uses in this would be prohibited, having concern for the overall image of the business park. There is also a provision that calls for a 25’ landscaped front yard for lot lines to maintain constancy. A site Plan

Control would apply to all of these. Phase 2B would be the general industrial park. The proposed M2.1 zoning is general industrial. This bylaw does not allow some heavy industrial activities. Council received the presentation, along with one provided by Planning Consultant Jacki Lassaline, who oversaw the Harrow Community Strategic Plan that identified the need for industrial lands in Harrow. Steve and Deb Fournier own a property with two homes in that vicinity proposed for these changes. Steve said their concern is that they believe they are suffering a loss of value of their property on account of what is happening. They shared current listing values to homes that are similar to theirs. As a concession, he asked Council to consider giving them the strip of land that will be placed between their property and the Clark Street extension and asked for a Clark Street connection to the sewer at the Town’s expense. Councillor Randy Voakes said he would not support either of these requests on the back of taxpayers. Watson said Bylaw 1410, to implement the zoning change, affects the Fourniers. Phase 2A is the business park section. Some uses here are not permitted to ensure neighbours are protected. This zoning would allow them to separate the two homes to sell it, and sever off a back lot as a third parcel, if they wish to. Council received the delegations’ presentations and passed a motion to receive both reports and enact both

Continued on Page 5

























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Thursday, May 7, 2015


Community I 3

Essex Free Press

Members of Police Service Board participate in ride-along

Photo submitted to the EFP: Members of the Essex Police Service Board participated in a ride-along with Essex municipal OPP police officers recently.

by Sylene Argent Soon after the 2014 municipal election, the new Essex Council appointed residents to Town boards. Essex resident Kim Verbeek was appointed to the Essex Police Service Board as a Council appointee, which consists of two provincial appointees, Mayor Ron McDermott, Councillor Bill Caixeiro as the Council representative, and a Council appointee. She was the only new member to this committee that oversees policing concerns and issues within the municipality. Since her recent appointment, Verbeek has been excited

to learn about the work being done in the area through policing services. Verbeek recently got to participate in a daytime ride-along with one of Essex’s OPP officers. The experience for her was eye opening as to how hard local police work to keep the community safe. She is looking forward to being a part of a nighttime ride along in the near future. “There’s so much I didn’t know or see that goes on in policing,” Verbeek said. Local police, she added, work hard at not only crime prevention, but also at being involved and active in the community. For instance, area police officers were recently at

Essex Foodland bagging groceries and collecting donations for the annual Cop Camp hosted at GessTwood Camp. This event is held every summer for selected students who have demonstrated leadership qualities. By being out in the community, at events such as the grocery bagging fundraising day, police are making a crime prevention presence and are working toward strengthening and growing relationships with the community and its residents, she said. “Our local police force is great at developing relationships with the community,” she

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commented. Since being on the Police Services Board, Verbeek has been impressed with many things, including learning about the process taken to bring new recruits on board. This process looks at the community involvement candidates have and can include second and third interviews. Verbeek was also excited to learn about the local Mental Health Unit, which was initiated around three years ago. She was surprised to learn how many calls to the police are related to mental health, and how this program is helping to assess situations. Verbeek is excited to continue working on this board to help strengthen the service locally. Councillor Caixeiro is the Council rep on the Essex Police Service Board. He agreed the ridealong was an eye opening and good experience. Since this has taken place, he noted other members of Council have also expressed interest in wanting to take part in a ride-along to get a perspective on what the job entails.


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4 I Opinion Essex Free Press

I Thursday, May 7, 2015

Editorial &Opinion Live & Uncensored ••• Comment Richard Parkinson ••• Serving Essex and the surrounding communities since 1896.

Published Thursdays as an independent weekly newspaper, owned and operated by The Essex Voice Limited. Richard Parkinson Ray Stanton - London Publishing Corp. OUR STAFF Sandy Kennedy / Andrew Beaudoin - Office Jessica Azar - Graphic Design / Social Media Lana Garant - Graphic Design Greg Belchuk - Advertising Sales Manager Sylene Argent - News Reporter Jennifer Cranston - News Reporter Shelley Beaudoin - Graphic/Production Richard Parkinson - Editor

CIRCULATION The Essex Free Press is an audited publication with controlled circulation of 10,000.

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The Essex Free Press

Our young leaders should make us proud

There are two great stories in the Essex Free Press this week – one about the second annual ‘Kaidyn’s Dream…A Walk for Life’ and one about motivational speaker, Ashley Bergeron, who is spreading her message about mental wellness. The thing that connects both of these stories together is that they are both about young people in our community doing great things. Kaidyn Blair, the young man behind the dream and the walk, is just 13 years old. He’s spent much of his life advocating on behalf of organ donation. As a recipient, having received a partial liver when he was just a year old, he knows how important organ donation is. He’s chosen to share his story and be a champion of the cause. Remember, he’s only 13. When I was his age, I think I was the champion of comic books and Conan novels. Ashley is just 19 and she already spends a lot of time on the road,

going to high schools to help fellow teens (she’s not 20 yet) with mental wellness. She speaks in front of large crowds and most importantly she takes the time to listen. When I was her age, even the idea of public speaking scared the heck out of me. As for listening, I still have to remind myself to do much more of that. Kaidyn and Ashley are just two examples of the young heroes we have in our community. There are many others, some of whom were celebrated at the Essex Optimist Club’s Youth Appreciation Night a week or so ago. Some of whom we’ve read about in stories of the past. We have student leaders at all our schools, pitching in and helping out, doing things for their school communities and the community at large. We have the students at EDHS doing what they can for the school they helped build in Maforeka, Sierra Leone. Theirs is an ongoing quest to

ensure the children in that African community receive an education and sometimes food, supplies and care. We have young leaders in our arenas and on our sports fields and in our gymnasiums. It’s tough to be a kid. We sometimes forget that when we become adults. We dismiss the struggles of youth, we forget to see the beauty in our young people and only see the faults. We see the goofy haircuts and not the smiles. With age comes wisdom? Sometimes. Sometimes with age comes blindness. I was glad to read these two stories this week. I was glad to see our young leaders proving they have the stuff to build a better tomorrow. They re-opened my eyes to the gifts we have in our community – some great young people making a difference, making things better. Well done.

Let’s Talk About... by Evelyn Couch - Tax Deadline Did those extra days in May help you finish your income tax report? I presume it meant there was no need to stay up after midnight on April 29 to have everything finished for the usual deadline. This year, I was certain I would have mine ready by mid-April but when there was lots of time it was easy to walk away every time I was frustrated by all the go-to directions and the trouble finding some of them. Then there are the figures that depend on the final results from last year. I put everything away carefully in the filing cabinet for the following year as well as everything that comes to my mail pertaining to income tax. There was one piece of information I could not find when I needed it. There it was underneath some papers when I gathered all that frustrating stuff together for

sorting, before putting it away or throwing some out. When I did the latter I worried that I was throwing out something I might need later, so resorting was needed. Bob says it could all be made simple if everyone was told to pay a percentage of income. You can’t disagree that it would be a simple job that way but the officials who examine our reports would be deprived of a lot of fun. Or is it frustration for them? Mine probably is. Why don’t I have a professional do it? I figure by the time I get everything ready to take to one of those I could do it myself and besides the thought of having to spend money to send money to the government does things to my mental state. I guess we should all think of it as doing our part to keep our country running but if they had as much sense as I do about handling money we would not have to send so much.

Office: 16 Centre St. Essex, Ontario Mail to: P.O. Box 115 Essex, Ontario N8M 2Y1

Phone: 519.776.4268 Fax: 519.776.4014

See our website for more news, photos, and updates that did not make this week’s print edition.


Thursday, May 7, 2015


News I 5

Essex Free Press

Essex Council Notes... bylaws. Councillor Sherry Bondy didn’t think this was a black and white issue. She said Council wants to treat its residents fairly, by doing what it can to encourage commercial, industrial, and residential growth. She had no problem passing along the buffer zone to the Fourniers as requested. She wants to investigate the cost of the sewers. She asked administration to look into the pros and cons of detaining the land or passing it over to the Fourniers and to determine the costs of the sewer request. Watercraft fundraiser cancelled Steven Kidd, Chairman for the Watercraft Ride for Dad, appeared before Council to note the fifth annual fundraiser that benefits prostate cancer research would be cancelled. In the first four years, the event was held in Amherstburg. The 2015 event was to be held at Colchester Harbour, which Kidd said provided a spectacular opportunity. He said some challenges in Amherstburg had the event organizers change the location. This would be a part of around 50 separate events to take place across Canada. Other rides also take place on ATVs or motorcycles. The event raises around $2 million a year in support of the Prostate Cancer Fight Foundation. The original intent of approaching Council was to inform members of the June 27 event, which would have attracted up to 100 watercraft vehicles to do a loop around East Sister Island. One of his jobs, as it comes to the event, is to make sure the host communities, volunteers, and organizers are protected from a legal standpoint. He recently reviewed the liability policies. It was his strong view that the current insurance policies do not adequately protect the exposed parities, including the Town of Essex. He said the insurance would have passed every requirement for using the Town’s facilities. Under scrutiny, he added, the Town would not have been protected should there have been a liability incident. For this reason, the 2015 event was cancelled. This decision was not made lightly, Kidd said. It is his hope this issue could be rectified in the coming months and the 2016 event could be held. His concern was for the organizers and the Town as what could be construed as condoning an illegal activity. The event includes putting 75-100 jet skis into close proximity of one another. They parade out of the marina, and ride in close proximity of the island. He said the understanding is that this could violate some marine rules. Recognizing that, the event would not be covered under any insurance policy. It’s the Ride’s policy that was the concern.

Continued from Page 2

Councillor Bill Caixeiro was pleased Kidd came forward with the information and decided to put the event on hold, which he thought is protecting the Town. Council received the presentation. RFP Update for Colchester harbour building Council approved recommendations to receive Community Services’ report “Colchester Building RFP Update,” to direct administration to set up a meeting with St. Clair College to discuss partnering with Essex for operations of the Colchester Harbour building, and that administration provide a follow up report to Council by June 1 on options for operating this facility, beginning in 2016. In the report to Council it noted earlier this year, Council made a motion to seek RFPs for this facility that the town owns and is situated on federal land. The Town took over possession of this facility when the restaurant was not open on September 15, 2014. Through Minutes of Settlement there were conditions in place with the tenant that if the restaurant was not operational by that date, the premises would be returned to the Town. Five proponents signed in at a mandatory site meeting, however at the closing RFP date of March 24, no formal proposals were submitted. St. Clair College did submit a letter stating it would be interested to discuss how the college and the Town could work together in operating the building. The report continued that at the end of the most recent lease, Town administration reviewed the facility and obtained pricing to replace missing equipment and to get the facility back into a state where it could be open to the public. The estimated cost to complete this work is

$214, 775. It would take around three or four months to do the work. It was also suggested a ramp would need to be replaced prior to the opening. The cost for this could be around $20,000. CAO Russ Phillips said the Town is still pursuing litigation with the former leaseholder.

Harrow OPP Detachment backup generator Essex Council moved the recommendations to receive the report “Removal and Replacement of the Backup Generator at the Harrow Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Detachment” and that the removal and replacement of the existing generator be approved for $65,775.63 with Continued on Page 8 TRAVEL WITH CONFIDENCE WWW.FORSYTHTRAVEL.COM




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6 I Ad Feature Essex Free Press

I Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Sports/Community I 7

Essex Free Press

Essex 73’s Crowned All Ontario Essex lights up the night for Champions... organ donation awareness Continued from Front Page

Alex Derksen waits for a pass at the top of the point during the second period of Tuesday’s 4-1 loss.

at the midway point of the second period. The Panthers tried their best to beat goalie Noah Hedrick and the 73’s defense and failed. The All-Ontario win was a nice exclamation point on the junior hockey careers of

Daniel McIntyre, Daniel Slipchuk, Jordan Ryan and Scott Bromley who finally won the Schmalz cup after qualifying for it four years and making appearances in the finals in the last three years.

Continued on Page 11


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in Port Hope on Friday night. With everything on the line, Game 7 was a nail biter and a single goal determined the winner. After a scoreless opening frame, Essex’s Jordan Ryan beat goalie Devan Tremblay with a wrister

by Sylene Argent Saturday night was a night to light the town up green, as community members and people from as a far as London and Woodstock gathered at the Essex Centre Sports Complex to take part in the second annual Kaidyn’s Dream…A Walk for Life. This event raised awareness for the organ donation registry and the effect organ donation has on the donor recipients’ lives. It also raised funds to continue promoting this cause. 13-year old Essex resident Kaidyn Blair is


EFFECTIVE MAY 7–14, 2015

8 I News/Opinion Essex Free Press

Essex Council Notes... funding from the Police Contingency Reserves. The generator can be removed and placed in a different facility if need be. Medical Marijuana and Hemp Production Essex Council moved the recommendation to enact bylaw 1411 to amend bylaw 1037, the Comprehensive Zoning bylaw for Essex. This concerns the location of Marijuana and hemp production and products. This was recently discussed at a special Council meeting held on April 13 where setbacks and zoning options were discussed.

Bellcreft Beach Drain Council moved a bylaw to provide for the Bellcreft Beach Diversion Drain, Bellcreft Beach Drainage 2012 study, final reportOption C. Council to send letter to MTO Councillor Sherry Bondy noted Council had recently received a letter from Essex MPP Taras Natyshak regarding the widening of Hwy #3. The 2015 provincial budget did not reserve funds to get phase three of the project completed. With the recent accident on the road, and with the province looking to rehabilitate the road surface, to be diligent,

Continued from Page 5

Essex should send a letter to Minister Del Duca asking why the road would be rehabilitated and not going through to phase three, even if it has to wait a few years to complete to get the funding in order. She doesn’t think it would be fair to residents to have a summer of detours and construction when it will remain a twolane highway. Council carried this. Bylaws for Budget Estimates/tax rates Council moved that bylaw 1412, to adopt the 2015 budget estimates be read three times and passed. It also passed bylaw 1414 to establish

tax rates and additional charges for Municipal, County, and Education purposes for 2015. 73’s parade Essex Mayor Ron McDermott noted the Essex 73’s recently won the all-Ontario Schmalz Cup. In recognition of this, there will be a parade through Essex Centre at 11a.m. this Saturday. The Essex Atom Minor Hockey Team will also be a part of this as it recently won its own all-Ontario championship through the OMHA. The parade will progress to the Essex Centre Sports Complex where team members will be available for autographs.

I Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Voice Of Experience by Evelyn Couch

- Earthquakes Do any of you remember the Essex doctor that went to Katmandu? I forget his name and I wonder if he and his family are there now. Likely, we are thinking we do not have earthquakes like that here. There is warning that disaster could happen on Vancouver Island. When I commented to my granddaughter who lives there, she reminded me we get tornadoes. Does the damage by one of those equal what happens in an earthquake? I don’t think so. She said the children are trained at school about what to do if there is an earthquake. Not wanting to worry her I did not respond with my thought that there is nothing they can do. Again, what do I know? It all makes me remember when there was a disastrous earthquake on the other side of our globe when I was a child. I asked my parents what an earthquake was and they told me the earth opened causing a big hole. Not much later when I was walking home from school there was a huge, crooked crack across the roadway on a hillside. I was terrified. I thought that was the beginning of the earth opening and I was afraid it might happen when I had to walk back to school next day. However I didn’t want to ask my parents about that because I was just about as afraid that they would laugh at me. We were dealing with a hot dry spell but after awhile we got rain and miraculously that crack closed. Have I had experience with the earth opening? Not really. The closest I came to that was when I was living in Hamilton during World War II. It was mid-afternoon and my baby was sleeping in his bassinet when I noticed it was shaking. That lasted off and on for about half an hour. Was I terrified then? Not really. I didn’t realize what happened until the reports came over the radio about a mild tremor in the Hamilton area. Around here, I wonder if the salt mine might collapse. I had the rare privilege of being down in the mine. They cut out the salt and leave huge pillars of it with the idea that will keep it from caving. Do you suppose if they put in another bridge that might increase the possibility? Who knows, and I doubt that I will be around to know.

What’s Going On... MAY 9 - ESSEX & DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL PLANT & BAKE SALE - from 9am-12pm at the Essex Railway Station. See you there! MAY 9 - KINGSVILLE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL PLANT SALE - At Lakeside Park Pavilion, 315 Queen St. S., 9am-11:30am. For more info call Alan: 519-733-4845. MAY 9 - CAR WASH/ BBQ FUNDRAISER for the Heart and Stroke Big Bike. From 9-4 at Essex Home Hardware. MAY 23 - LAND AND SEA FUNDRAISER - At K of C, McGregor, 9560 Walker Rd. Dinner at 6:00pm. Proceeds to McGregor Squirettes. Advance Tickets only, Rose: 519-776-5710. MAY 23 - ONTARIO PURPLE MARTIN ASSOCIATION MEETING - At the home of Maryanne Knapp, 3450 N. Malden Road, RR#2, Essex at 9 a.m. For info: 519-738-3476 JUNE 6 – BAKE SALE – Trinity Anglican Church, Cottam - from 8 am to ? Enjoy a free cup of coffee/tea while you choose to buy something from a wide variety of baked goods.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Community I 9

Essex Free Press

Teen motivational speaker takes message beyond Essex County

by Jennifer Cranston Young motivational speaker, Ashley Bergeron, is bringing her message of mental wellness beyond the borders of Essex County with speaking engagements all over southwestern Ontario. One of the most important things Bergeron learned while struggling with depression, was that mental illness thrives in the dark, and the best way to defuse that and start on the road to wellness is by talking about it. Bergeron has made a career of shedding light into that darkness and helping other young people do the same. Her presentations at local high schools, with youth groups and other organizations focuses on being a HERO, (Helping Everyone Reach Out.) One of her key messages is that individuals have the tools they need to find their way back to wellness. “What you need to overcome your struggle is something you already have,” she said. “We always feel like we are lacking something, but we’re not.” She explains that taking action is the first step in finding one’s way to wellness. “The first thing is to interrupt the patterns,” she said. It can be something as small as changing your routine or taking up a hobby. If you have a tendency to “hide under the covers,” when life becomes overwhelming, it can be helpful to have someone to hold you accountable, pull you out of bed and to help you change that pattern.

about Ashley Bergeron and her services find her on Facebook or visit her website at www.

She is looking forward to engagements in secondary schools as far away as Sarnia, London, Owen Sound and Woodstock. For more information

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STILL WAXING? She says that boredom and apathy make the struggle more difficult, and that one of the hardest things is having nothing to look forward to, “Put some excitement in your life,” she said. “Give yourself something to look forward to.” She explains that these simple steps can help people struggling to get motivated and give them the strength to take the first steps out of the “cloud.” She says the most rewarding part of what she does is the connections she makes with other youth. Following each presentation she takes time for audience members who want to, to talk to her face to face. Many teens choose to stay in touch with her through Facebook as well.

“They feel comfortable enough to share their stories, in that short of a time,” she said. Bergeron, at 19, feels that as she is young, it helps her to connect to other youth. Bergeron says it isn’t always easy to do what she does. “It’s tough to share my story sometimes,” she said. “There have been days when I get up and think, ‘I don’t want to talk about this again.’” She said that it is on those days that she will get a particularly moving message from a teen she has affected, or some other obvious sign that she is on the right path. Bergeron’s target markets are young people and those who work with young people.

In her first year of her HERO program, Bergeron had about 20 speaking engagements. She currently has nine scheduled in the next two months. She has some close to home at high schools in Windsor, Tecumseh, Woodslee and a group in Leamington.

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10 I Community Essex Free Press


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Maidstone Bicentennial Museum holds grand re-opening

President of the Maidstone Historical Society Victoria Beaulieu shows off some of the new and expanded exhibits at the Maidstone Bicentennial Museum. Here she explains that temporary grave markers were used on the battlefield until a proper marker could be erected or a new gravesite established.

by Jennifer Cranston After some severe setbacks last year, the Maidstone Historical Museum is getting back on track and moving forward. Maidstone Historical Society members have

re-vamped their displays and are looking forward to some exciting additions to their facility in the near future. Their WWI exhibit includes rare Allied and German artifacts. Some

of the more interesting features include Allied Battle maps and examples of trench-art. There is a charming local connection to the exhibit that includes an army coat that once belonged to Oscar Lanoue of Belle River. The coat is accompanied by his photo and a collection of love letters and official

documents illustrating the reams of red tape he and his wife, Claire Bontronte, had to go through to get married while he served in the army. The medical exhibit now includes a cast iron “traveling” medical/ dentist chair from the late 1800s. “A lot of times your doctor, dentist and barber were the same person,” explained Beaulieu. The exhibit also includes several medical and dental instruments including false teeth. “We’ve improved upon the early kitchen section to better reflect the late pioneers of this area,” she said. The early kitchen now includes things like preserves and a potted geranium that would commonly be found in kitchens for their insect repelling capabilities. “We’ve expanded to give our displays a more lived-in feel,” she said. The Historical Society

is in the early stages of moving the St. Pierre Cabin to the Museum property. “The ball is rolling,” she said. “It is in excellent condition to be moved,” They are still waiting for final cost estimates, but Beaulieu thinks they will need to raise about $40,000 to complete the project. The cabin currently has a basement that was hand dug by the St. Pierre Family. The cabin will have a basement at the new location as well that will give the museum much needed extra space following the loss of their resource centre a year ago. The museum is also

planning an addition to the existing building. That project is currently in the design and tender process. The Society is always looking for volunteers of all ages. In addition to the historical element, a children’s museum offers activities to fulfill a variety of interests. Beaulieu explains that the museum has opportunities for everyone from gardeners to actors to weavers and everyone in between. For more information on the Museum or upcoming events like the 1812 re-enactment or the Vintage Motorcycle show find them on Facebook.

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Thursday, May 7, 2015


Community I 11

Essex Free Press

Essex lights up the night for organ donation awareness...

a student at Holy Name Catholic Elementary School and is the honourary President of Kaidyn’s Dream. He received a lifesaving liver transplant days after his first birthday. He has held many events to raise awareness about the organ donation registry over the past few

years. His efforts have had an impact in Essex, as the number of local people on the organ donation registry has risen from 18 to 32 percent over the past three years. Kaidyn gives talks about the importance of organ donation at area schools and continues to push for organ donation

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from his Uncle Pat. Erica Tomlinson of Woodstock traveled to Essex to be a part of the walk on Saturday evening. She is a proud living liver donor. Around a yearand-a-half ago, at the age of 21, she donated 70 percent of her liver to her neighbour, a 39-year old mother at the time, with two sons. She has since been an advocate for the organ donation registry. “I take pride in shocking strangers with my story and my amazing scar. I believe if I can touch one single person a day that could save someone’s life tomorrow.” She had many obstacles to face in becoming a live liver donor. Besides going through numerous tests to determine whether or not she would be a match for this donation, she had to get her neighbour to agree. When she began telling her friends and family members about her decision, she remembered being nervous, but received a lot of support. The donation surgery took place on November 20, 2013. She prefers to call herself a “liver giver.” “The only thing I was afraid of was not being able to be a donor,” she said. She did have to go back into surgery two days later to take care of a hematoma. Two days after that she needed a transfusion of one unit of blood because her hemoglobin continued to drop. She thanked blood donors for helping her save a life. “It is hard to accept that only 14 percent of Ontarians are registered donors. I ask myself everyday ‘how can I get that number up? How can we bring that waitlist

touch their lives, or want to learn more about it, to log onto her Facebook page “The Liver Next Door.” There, she shares uplifting stories and memories of her surgery. It is hoped this Facebook page will give hope to families who are waiting. “Your life is your message to the world, make sure it is inspiring,” she said.

down?’” Since her donation, Tomlinson has been advocating for organ and blood donations. “And showing people there is good in our world. We just need to search for it.” Anyone interesting in becoming an organ donor can log onto for more information. Tomlinson also encourages those who have had organ donation

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Emily Ledoux, who recently received a piece of a lifesaving liver, helps light up the town on Saturday evening as part of the second annual Kaidyn’s Dream…A Walk for Life.

awareness. He hopes to get over fifty percent of eligible Essex residents to sign up to be on the organ donation registry. On Saturday night, at the event, Blair said his long-term goal is to raise so much awareness that no one would have to wait for a lifesaving organ. One donor can save up to eight lives, he said. Blair was thrilled with the turnout. He was also happy with the many sponsors and the businesses that decorated their storefronts in green to show support for the cause. Kaidyn received a piece of liver days after his first birthday, which allowed him to become a big brother, to enjoy numerous sporting activities, and to live and love. Everyone, he said, has an opportunity to be someone else’s hero by registering to be an organ donor. The walk, he added, was also a way to honour those who have donated. The many participants, each wearing a green t-shirt, walked through Essex Centre. Youth also carried glow in the dark balloons. They were then invited back to the Essex Centre Sports Complex to enjoy some refreshments and share stories of how organ donation has affected their own lives. There were many guests at the Kaidyn’s Dream…A Walk for Life event. One young walker was twoyear old Luke Gerard of Tecumseh, who was celebrating the one-year anniversary of receiving a piece of lifesaving liver

Continued from Page 7

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 – 7:00 P.M. At the Essex Centre Sports Complex, 60 Fairview Avenue West – Board Room A, Essex

This meeting will include the Election of Officers and Board Members and plans for the 2015/2016 Season.

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12 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, May 7, 2015

Murder mystery involves Next of Kin by Sylene Argent Raising money can be tough and frustrating, but parishioners at Essex United Church have put fun back into fundraising for the church through the annual Murder Mystery event. This year’s dinner theater was held in the

church’s basement on Friday and Saturday evenings. Both performances had great turnouts with the parishioners who acted in the humorous production delivering many laughs. This year’s play production was “Next of Kin.” The volunteer

parishioners took on the roles of many characters to bring this production alive. The plot of the play revolved around wealthy Hamilton “Big Daddy” Sugarbaker’s birthday on his southern plantation. Big Daddy has a few unique individuals show up to his party, including his sister who is quick to take a drink in any situation, his flirtatious ex-wife, his all-knowing butler, and his two grown sons, one of which is terrible with money and loves to gamble, the other has his heart set on buying a goat farm. He expressed, during the play, how he wished his sons had the business savvy he had. The trouble starts when Big Daddy winds up dead from suspected poisoning. It is up to the audience to listen carefully to the characters’ stories and determine who killed Big Daddy, or to decide if this special circumstance was really just a big conspiracy. Volunteers served meals in between acts

Volunteers performed the murder mystery “Next of Kin,” on Friday and Saturday evening. This event was a fundraiser for Essex United Church.

throughout the evening. While the guests ate, they were able to discuss who they thought the murderer could be. While they enjoyed their dessert, they were able to jot down their theory on a ballot. A ballot with the correct answer was drawn for the chance

to win special recognition. The murder mystery night takes months of

preparation, which pays off as the event always enjoys a good turnout.

Sunday, May 10 Entertainment: Jazz with James Free Tours Mimosa and a flower at the door for moms!

455 Seacliff Dr., Kingsville 519-733-6551

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Community I 13

Essex Free Press

Essex Centre steps up for Essex Community Spring Clean-Up by Jennifer Cranston Last Saturday volunteers from across the municipality joined forces to clean up trash left behind after the spring thaw. “This type of thing has been done before by other organizations, but this is the first time the Town has organized it,” said Essex Director of Communications Laurie Brett. Town staff members were stationed in each urban centre equipped with maps, garbage bags, recycle bags and rubber gloves to hand out to volunteers. Main streets, parks, open fields and alleys were target areas for the cleanup efforts. As volunteers

filled bags they left them at the side of the road for Town crews to collect. Volunteer Iris Smith said she came out simply because it was the right thing to do. “I live in Essex and I want our town to look beautiful, so we all have to help,” she said. Looking over at a large group of teens and young people, Smith smiled. “I am so impressed that there are so many kids here,” she said. Among the volunteers at the Essex Centre starting point were representatives from the Town, EDHS Student Parliament and Essex Youth Centre, along with a variety of other residents of all ages.

Noel Devaere is a student at McMaster University, and is home for the summer. An EDHS graduate, he was involved in Student Parliament and the EYC before graduating. He was at the cleanup helping current members of the Youth Centre hoping to help out his hometown and raise awareness of the EYC.


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14 I Personals Essex Free Press

From The Heart

To place a personal notice, email your photo and content to or drop by our office at 16 Centre St., Essex. Personal notices must be received by Monday at 12:00 noon to appear in the Thursday edition. _________________________________________________________


~ April 30th ~ Love Nonno and Nonna Spidalieri, Uncle Scott, Aunt Julie, Max, Landon, Chase and Carson Spidalieri





Judy Gillett

I would like to thank all who came out last Sunday to celebrate my many years of being secretary at St. Mary’s church in Maidstone. As my journey of being your secretary for 36 years comes to an end, I would like to thank all the parishioners who I have come to know and love, I consider all of you as friends. St. Mary’s is truly a parish family. Special thanks to Theresa Tetzlaff from the Altar Society, Theresa Fauteux, our amazing hall manager and cook, the Pie Ladies for the yummy desserts. And to all the behind scene volunteers (too many to mention - you know who you are.) Thanks also for all the cards, flowers and well-wishes from so many of you. To all my pastors that I worked with (again, too many to mention.) Please keep Tom & I and our family in your prayers. God Bless! ~ Sincerely Linda Halford

December 12/39 - May 4/14


I Thursday, May 7, 2015

God saw you getting tired, when a cure was not meant to be. He closed his arms around you and whispered, “Come with me.” In tears we saw you sinking, we watched you fade away. Our hearts were almost broke, you fought so hard to stay. We could not wish you back to suffer so again, So keep you arms around her Lord, and giver her special care. Make up for all she suffered, and all that seemed unfair. Love you forever and miss you like crazy. Jamie, Sammy, Sandy, Craig, Dylan, Carol, Les, Mike & Leyton ___________________________________________________


Ames, Elmer Gordon December 13, 1928 - May 3, 2014

Gone are the days we used to share. But in our hearts you are always there. Missing you like it was yesterday. Loving you always, Bets & Dale ___________________________________________________

In Loving Memory of

John Reder February 1929 - May 7, 2007 Never more than a thought away, Quietly remembered everyday. ~ Sadly missed by Etta and Family ___________________________________________________



In Loving Memory of


Marla Ellis

SCHWARTZ, Frank- was proud to be born on Pelee Island, June 30, 1932 and passed away peacefully on Sunday, May 3, 2015 at Iler Lodge in Essex. Beloved husband of Jeannette (nee Meloche) and the late Leona (nee Matthys) (1993). Loving father of Anne Schwartz, Donna Fulcher (Keith) and Jeannette’s children, Edward Bondy (Sandra), Sherry Bondy (David Loughran) and Peggy Winch (Dale). Proud grandpa of Trevor and Tyler Fulcher, Edward Jr, Amanda and Sarah Bondy, Emmett Webb, Abbey and Eric Winch. Dear brother of the late Mary Schwartz and brother in law of Frank Matthys, Linda Rice (John), Francis Meloche (Pat), late Kenny Meloche (Luba) and Gerry Meloche (Jean). Frank will also be remembered by many nieces and nephews. Frank retired in 1996 from Ford Motor Co. after 32 years of service. The family would like to give special thanks to the staff at Iler Lodge for their compassion and care. Frank was one of the founding members of the Essex 73’s and was thrilled the boys were able to bring home the cup this year. There was never a dull moment when Frank was around. Visiting at the Reid Funeral Home & Reception Centre, 87 Maidstone Ave. E., Essex (519-776-4233) on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 2-4 and 7-9 pm. Funeral Service to celebrate Frank’s life will be held from the funeral home on Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 11 am. Fr. Larry Brunet officiating. Cremation to follow. If desired memorial donations may be made to the Alzheimer Society Windsor Essex County. Family and friends may share their memories or make a donation online at

April 9, 1976 - May 10, 2000 We think about you always, We talk about you too. We have so many memories, But wish we still had you! Love and miss you so very much! Mom, Dad, Mark, Kristi, Summer, Jake & Kadyn ___________________________________________________

In Loving Memory of

Fern Kimball January 7, 1926 - May 10, 2014

We have only a memory, dear Mother, we cherish our whole life through. But the sweetness will live forever as we treasure the memory of you. Reunited with our Father that you missed so much. Together forever. ~ Cliff & Diana, and their families ~


Ray and Janet


were married May 8, 1965 at St. John the Baptist Church, Amherstburg. They have three children and four grandchildren and will celebrate their Golden Anniversary with family and friends.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Classifieds I 15

Essex Free Press


Phone 519.776.4268

Fax: 519.776.4014




EVENTS _____________________ BINGO 1st & 3rd Fridays 7:15 P.M. 32 Russell St. - Retirees’ hall $ 500.00 JACKPOT 1-tf _____________________

FARMING _____________________



_____________________ PERRIďšşMED FIRSTďšşAID COURSE ďšş If interested in taking a ďŹ rst-aid, cpr and deďŹ b course, please contact Dan Rose for info at 519-839-5435 or 519-982-5639 or email: 15-5t* _____________________

FARMING _____________________ WANTED Farm Land to Rent Cash or Share Crop Call Je Siefker (cell) 519-796-1240 or (home) 519-776-9501 _____________________1-tf Sell It! Find it! Rent It! Buy It! in The Classifieds


WANTED: We Farm It Like It’s Our Own! 3rd generation Lakeshore farmer looking to CASH rent / buy / share crop in Essex / Kent Counties. Available services incl. planting, crop protection, harvesting, trucking. Call Dennis Rivest at InďŹ nity Farms Inc. (519) 796-6691. 1-tf _____________________ WANTED: Looking for farmland to rent or share crop in the Essex County area. Any size parcel, long or short term. We practice regular crop rotation. Till or notill and soil sampling is done. Contact Daryn at 519-818-4995. 3-tfn _____________________

FOR RENT _____________________ FOR RENT: Small, quiet, one bdrm apartment available in the Cottam area. $575/month ďŹ rst and last months rent required. All utilities included. Available to move in immediately. Please call 51944-tfn 819-1039 for details. _____________________ FOR RENT: One bdrm apt. in Essex. Fridge, stove, utilities incl. $700. 519-981-8184 or 519-776-8977. 18-tfn


FOR RENT: 1 Bdm main oor in Essex. $600 per month. Utlities included. First & last. And 1 Bdm upper level. Fridge & Stove. $650 per month + hydro. First & 15-tfn last. Call 226-350-1943. _____________________ FOR RENT: 1 large bdrm. apt. Newly renovated. Downtown Essex. $520/mo. + utilities. References required. No pets allowed. Call 519-326-5119 or 519987-4866. 17-4t* _____________________ FOR RENT: Large 1 bdrm apartment including fridge & stove. $575 incl utilities. Call 519-257-1044. Available June 1st. 18-tfn _____________________

LOOKING TO RENT _____________________ WANTED: Small house to rent in Essex. Call 519-791-5657. 18-tf _____________________


_____________________ FOR SALE: Long three piece aqua & silver dress. Suitable for Mother-of-the-bride. Size 18-20. $125.00 Call 519-975-2700.

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REAL ESTATE _____________________ Buying or Selling a farm? Do you know the right questions and answers? Farm Experienced Realtor Carl Idzinski, Real Choice Realty. 519-817-8891. 1-tfn _____________________ FOR SALE: 1 ACRE BUILDING LOT at North Talbot, near Manning. $149,900. Water is in and paid for. 45ft culvert to be installed at seller’s expense. Call Experienced Realtor Carl Idzinski, Real Choice Realty. 519-817-8891. 1-tfn


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_____________________ PERENNIAL PLANTS FOR SALE: Dwarf buttery bushes, daylilies, lilacs, primulas, hostas, turtleheads, and irises. Also Rhubarb, seed potatoes and onion sets. 108 Langtry St. near arena.


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18 I Classifieds Essex Free Press

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HELP WANTED _______________________________________________

WANTED Experienced, Licensed: REFRIGERATION TECHNICIANS SHEET METAL TECHNICIANS PLUMBERS Forward resume to: GROSSI PLUMBING, HEATING & HVAC SERVICES 238 Talbot Street West Leamington, Ontario N8H 1P1 Fax 519-326-3632 Email

Continued from Page 15


REAL ESTATE _____________________ LOTS FOR SALE: Few serviced building lots remaining. Ridgeview Park Estates, Cottam. 519-253-4431, Mon. - Fri. 9am-5pm. 519-969-3915 - other times. 18-4t _____________________ HOUSES FOR SALE: 2 & 3 Elmwood Ct. Cottam. Custom quality each. All brick and 3 bdrms. Priced in low 300K. View at 519-253-4431 (9am-5pm) or 519-969-3915. 18-4t _____________________ SERVICES _____________________ “ON TIME MOVERS” - Are you moving? Need something picked up or delivered? Please call Larry or Dave today! 519736-7411 or 519-984-7412. 1- tfn _____________________

CAREER OPPORTUNITY A leading company with strong ties to its communities is looking to hire a full-time Administrative Assistant/ Graphic Designer to assist with their growth. Qualified applicants should possess a passion for making a difference and be attentive to small details and have above average skills with; • Microsoft Office • Photoshop • Design & Page Layout • Multimedia • Data Input • The ability to multi-task in an environment with short deadlines • Possess a strong skill and mannerism to make those around them feel comfortable We are looking for an incredibly talented person, who can strengthen our team and is extraordinary at what they do. Please mail resume to: P.O. Box 115 Essex Essex, Ontario N8M 2Y9

JOIN OUR TEAM Southern Oaks Ltd is looking for self motivated experienced “AZ” endorsed drivers to “Join our Team” We are located in Essex Ontario where we provide local recycle companies with roll off and dump trailers. We travel throughout Michigan and Ohio and drivers are not required to sleepover. Experience Preferred: • Three years Tractor/Trailer • Dump Trailer and Roll Off • US/Canada Customs Requirements: • AZ • Current fast card • Current Drivers abstract The successful candidate obtaining the driving position will be the recipient of good pay and excellent benefit entitlement.

All candidates are to submit their resumes to: Southern Oaks Ltd Human Resources Manager Randy Voakes, or by Fax 519-776-9452

Thursday, May 7, 2015




SERVICES _____________________

HELP WANTED _____________________


HANDYMAN AVAILABLE: Can do dry walling, painting, and most other renovation projects. Will do yard work, clean eavestrough, clear driveways in winter, etc. Call 519-776-6897, ask for Paul. Have references if need to see also. Why wait? Get your projects done. Very reliable. 16 - 4t* _____________________

HELP WANTED: Greenhouse and Packing line Labour. General greenhouse labour, duties include pruning, picking, planting and cleaning of greenhouse. Packing line labour, duties include inspecting, weighing and packing produce on assembly line. Lifting, bending and standing is required. Must be able to work all shifts. Rural area. No public transportation available. Rate of pay$11.00. To apply please email tammy@ Or Mail to Domric International, PO Box 218, Ruthven ON N0P 2G0. 12/15 _____________________ HELP WANTED: Kimball Lumber is in need of a full time G class driver to do local deliveries. Please drop off a resume or email to 18- 1t* _____________________ HELP WANTED: Full time help required. General labour, will train. Must be able to work all shifts. Starting at $14-15/per hour. Email resume to ontopasphaltmaintenance. 18- 1t* _____________________

DUPUIS & SONS  HEATING & COOLING: Central Air or HiEff Furnace, $1995 + HST installed. 10 YR WARRANTY Certified TSSA contractor. New & Old construction. For all your heating/ cooling/HVAC needs. 519-990-6715. 15-4t* _____________________ RELIABLE CLEANING LADY AVAILABLE. Willing to clean in Essex, Woodslee, Belle River area. References available. Free estimates. If interested call 519-72318-4t 9523. _____________________

HELP WANTED _____________________ DRIVERS WANTED: AZ or DZ Clean record. Will train qualified applicants. Fax resume to Quinlan Inc. 519-723-2336.



_____________________ YARD SALE: 33 Cty. Rd. #14, Cottam, May 6-9. Garage/Barn full! Bike, golf clubs, tools, furniture, treadmill, storage unit, household items, linens, microwave & much more. 18- 1t* _____________________

AUCTION SALES _______________________________________________


KAHL RECYCLING  We come to you and haul away your junk. Metals and appliances are free. Everything else has a fee. We also take electronics, ballist, computers. Kall Ken 519-326-8559. Cell: 11-tfn 519-322-8305.


1- tfn

_____________________ HELP WANTED: General Labourers Wanted. Fax resume to: 519-723-2336. 13-tfn


VINTAGE, CLASSIC & COLLECTIBLE VEHICLE AUCTION “ON LINE” ONLY AUCTION Auction Opens - Saturday, May 2nd @ 9:00 A.M. & Closes Monday, June 8th @ 8:00 P.M. We have 28 Vehicles up for Auction from a local Collector. The Vehicles range from a 1923 Ford Model T up to a 2000 Plymouth Prowler. For the list w/Pictures & Terms & to Register to Bid, please Visit: RICHARD LAVIN AUCTIONS INC. (519) 735-3070


FOUND: An Item of jewellrey in McDonald’s parking lot in Essex. Call 18-1t* 519-723-4158 to identify. _____________________

WANTED _____________________ CASH PAID for scrap cars and trucks. Free removal. Please phone: 519-776-9237 or 519-791-5046. 1-tfn


Claims against the Estate of Florence Mae Herdman, late of Kingsville, in the County of Essex, who died on or about the 6th day of November, 2014, must be received by us by the 10th day of May 15, 2015, after which date the Trustee will distribute the assets of the estate with regard only to claims by then received. Courey Law Professional Corp. Attn: Paul Courey 16 Queen St S, PO Box 178 Tilbury, ON N0P 2L0 Solicitors to the Trustee _____________________




All claims against the estate of William Adrian McOuat, late of the Town of Kingsville in the County of Essex, who died on or about the 8th day of December, 2014, must be filed with the undersigned Estate Trustee on or before the 29th day of May, 2015; thereafter, the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED at Essex this 28th day of April, 2015. Margery MacGregor, Estate Trustee, by her Solicitors, HICKEY BYRNE, 14 Centre Street, Essex, Ontario, N8M 1N9. Attn: Joseph A. Byrne. 519-776-7349

WINDSOR POLICE AUCTION Saturday May 9, 2015 AUCTION STARTS AT 9:30 a.m. VIEWING AT 8:00 a.m. Pursuant to Section 132, Ontario Police Services Act, a public auction sale of all unclaimed and abandoned property will be held at the:

Teutonia Club 55 Edinborough St., Windsor, Ontario Some of the items up for sale include: bicycles, tools, jewellery, karaoke machine, cement saws, coins, air compressor, generator, mini bike, and many more miscellaneous items.


REAL ESTATE _______________________________________________


Visit our website at to view the entire list of auction items. All items must be removed immediately upon conclusion of auction. All items sold “as is” with no guarantee or refund. Payment by Visa, MasterCard, Interac or cash only. Richard Lavin - Auctioneer


$490,000 Just move in, near Essex, 2044 Mole Sideroad, 4 bedroom house, hardwood floors, 2 full bath, wood fireplace, fully finished basement with ceramic floors, Bunkie that sleeps 4 with wood fireplace, many updates. Barn with water and hydro. Sitting on a total of 25 acres of land, 23 recently tiled acres under cultivation.

Call 519-551-1328 for viewing.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Community Hub I 19

Essex Free Press

www.ststephens-redeemer. com or contact Reverend Paul Poolton 519.969.7808.


sponsorship by:

Fresh food. Friendly neighbours 191 Talbot St. S., Essex

519-776-4255 Salvation Army Essex Community Church News We invite you to join us for Family worship led by Lt. Kristen Gray, this Mother’s Day at 11 a.m. We have a nursery and an elevator for those who require it. Our Sunday prayer meeting at 10:15 a.m. is open to all. Come out and enjoy the fun on Tuesday morning! Our Low Impact exercise program at 9:30 a.m. is followed by SA Connections from 10 -1 p.m. Messy Church meets again Thurs., May 14 from 6 -8 p.m. Families with children of all ages are welcome. Please note that this will be the last regular Messy Church for this school year but we will be having a Year End Messy Church Party on Friday, May 29, at Adventure Bay Water Park. Advanced registration and payment is required by Friday, May 15 at the latest. Please call the church at 7764628 and speak to Lt. Kristen for further details. Monday June 1, please help us in our World Missions Fundraiser. Eat in or take out at A1 Chinese Restaurant in Essex between 11a.m. and 9p.m., and a portion of the proceeds will support this project. This “Partners in Mission” Campaign provides essential funding for the infrastructure of the Salvation Army worldwide with this year`s focus being on our partner territories in Africa-

namely Liberia, Malawi and Zimbabwe. Essex United Church The junior choir led by Karen Arnold, brought us a message with song. Our pastor, Jim Hatt, led the worship service. He has graduated with his diploma in Diaconal ministries; Studies in transformation, Action (Dip DM). He will be engaged in a ministry of justice, compassion, and transformation. Jim will be commissioned to ministry on June 6 at 7 p.m. at Metropolitan United Church. London, Ontario. We dedicated the beautiful restoration of our foyer to the glory of God with special recognition of Ken Salter who organized the project and to Don Teskey who did the beautiful job of plastering with design, along with helpers who painted and cleaned. A celebration dinner was enjoyed after the worship service Sunday. For details on the Gess†wood golf tournament in McGregor contact Mary Webb at The Downtown Mission dates are May 15 for Team B and May 22 for Team A. Trinity Church Keep in your prayers this week James, Doris, Cindy, Doug, Betty and Lorna. The Sanctuary Lamp burns to the Glory of God

Town of Essex Land for Rent Request for Quotes for 2015 Quotes will be received by the undersigned until 12:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 12, 2015, for the renting of: 1) 18.7 farmable acres on Part of Lots 17 and 18, Concession 13, which is land south of the South West Lagoons on North Malden Road for a one (1) year period. Quotes must be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed as follows: “Quote for Rental of Land” Attention: Cheryl A. Bondy, Clerk Town of Essex 33 Talbot Street South Essex, Ontario N8M 1A8

and in loving memory of Bill Conrick, given by Pat & Sharon Kistulinec and family and in loving memory of a grandmother and great grandmother, Ada Heafield, given by Jack & Sue Beaule and family. Happy Birthdays this week to Trevor Rousseau, Randy DiCocco, Amie DiCocco, Debra Miller and Major Layson. Volunteers are needed for the Southwestern Ontario Gleaners. For more information call Amy at 519326-SOUP, or swogleaners@ The Thank You Bank for the month of May will support the work the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF). Mark you calendar for Trinity Bake Sale on Saturday, June 6th. Join us on Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 10th as the choir will once again do one of our own Ann Dressers original songs. We are blest to have her talent among us. See you Sunday at 9:15 in the “Little White Church in the Cemetery” in Cottam! Harrow United Church Submitted by Larry Anderson We are a caring and giving faith community that has been worshiping and praising for 211 years. We would love to have you to join us this Sunday morning at 10:30 am. Last Sunday, Reverend Staples delivered a wonderful message entitled “Hang In There!” based on John 15: 1-8. To learn more about the faith community of Harrow United Church, listen to our music and to view Rev. Staples’ weekly messages, please visit our regularly updated website at: Paquette News Pie Palooza takes place on Saturday 9-5 & Sunday 10-4 at the Bloomin’ Gardner in Oldcastle. Thanks to everyone who supported our annual yard and bake sale at St Stephen’s. An extra thanks gores out to Dave Jessop and Ron Holden for their extra effort in planning and executing the event. Join us for a concert by Harmony Plus; featuring Peg Leithead and Karen Barnes at Church of the Redeemer on Friday, May 22 at 7:30. A free will offering would be appreciated. Refreshments to follow. As you work on your spring cleaning, keep in mind Redeemer is collecting treasures for this year’s yard sale. If you have any items you’d like to donate, call us at 519-737-6850 #28. For additional information check out our website at

Woodslee United Church submitted by Sue Holman Join us for Mother’s Day Service and Sunday School at 11:15 am. Rev. Ann will give the special message. Greeting you at the door will be Audrey Stanley and Elaine Mailloux (who will also read The Holy Scriptures). Sue & Bob Holman and Mavis Wharf will serve lunch. The Choir is sing a special song for all the Mothers. For a home visit or any other Pastoral concerns please contact Rev. Ann. Choir Practice: Mondays at 7:30 pm. Everyone is welcome. Coffee and Conversation: Thursday at 10 am. Everyone is welcome. There is a fundraiser yard sale on Saturday May 9, at 8 am - 3 pm. at Belle River United Church, for Stacey and Brandon Harris and girls. Book Lovers: We invite you to read our next selection – The Shack by Wm Paul Young. Discussion date: Tuesday, May 26 at 7 pm. Copy available at Woodslee church library. All Welcome. Woodslee Friendship Club What glorious weather. Perfect for getting out to socialize and have some fun. That we do, with a great group of people. Why not come out and join us? The Euchre winners for the past week were: Thomas Allison, Edna Chevalier, Marge Chevalier, LeRoy Davison, Mary Demars, George Diesbourg, Irene Gignac, Gail Koziana, Mike Renaud, Audrey Stanley and George Sutherland. The Pepper winners on Wednesday were: Colleen Chevalier, Edna Chevalier, Marg Chevalier, Helene Manley, Joanne McMurren and Mike Renaud. For information, call Fran

McKim at 519-961-9532. Bakerville News submitted by Evelyn Baker The weather has finally settled into spring and some of the farmers have started planting. Happy Anniversary wishes to Howie and Margaret Hanson. Happy Birthday wishes to Tammy Westwood, Mary Dunn, Gary Baker, Laura Dunn, and Karrie Ferguson. The Essex County Steam & Gas Engine Museum in McGregor are holding a pasta dinner on Saturday evening May 9th starting at 5pm. The Pleasant Valley Community Club held a Pepper Party and the lucky winners were Mary Demars, Carol Campbell, Josie Dresser, Elaine Taylor, Big Al, Thomas Allison, Keith Dresser and Don Ames. The lucky folks for Euchre were Eileen Ames, Anna Dobson, Eileen Salter, Josie Dresser, Lawrence Dobson, Don Ames, Ken Salter, and Thomas Allison. Have a great week! Cozy Corners - BethelMaidstone United submitted by Bev Holland All are welcome to attend our Sunday Worship Service at 10 am with Pastor Linda Blair. Sunday School is at 10:15 am. Guest speaker on May 17th will be John Cats. Friday, May 10th is the final BINGO of the season at 7pm in the hall. Bring a donation or canned/ dried goods for admission. Prizes and baked goods are appreciated. Rob Carnies will be our guest speaker on May 31st. Tina is still collecting milk bags for Haiti. On May 10th, Mother’s Day, our door gretters are Linda and Bill Manning, Elder on duty is Ted Ure and Lock-up is Floyd Simpkins. Message is “Love One

Another.” Happy Mother’s Day!

Antioch Christian Ministries submitted by Linda Knight Pastor Jay spoke on ‘Positioning’ and how everything has been reconciled at the cross. We are having a Men’s Breakfast, May 23rd, 8a.m. at Roses Kitchen in Essex. This year’s Impact Bible Day Camp is July 20th-24th. Intercession:Tuesday and Friday at 9a.m. Restoration House Healing Rooms. 2548 County Rd. 27, Woodslee. Open on Saturday from 10a.m.-1p.m. ‘Transforming Our Minds’ by Bill Johnson. Wednesday’s at 7p.m. Children, Youth and Adult classes provided.

Essex Community Services Saturday, May 30th - from 12pm to 6pm, join Essex Community Services along with three local wineries and one local craft brewing company for our second annual Wine Tour & Dice Run! Transportation is available! Sign-up deadline is Friday May 15th. For registration, to volunteer, or more information please call: 519-776-4231 or stop in our office: 35 Victoria Ave Unit 7, Essex.

Maidstone Cross Congratulations to all the children who made their First Communion. May God bless you and your family! St. Mary’s Mission group is selling tickets after each Mass for a Mother’s Day Raffle. Fr. Mike Ryan will give a presentation on the Catholic Faith at Holy Name of Jesus Church on Tuesday, May 12th at 7 p.m. Fr. Mike has been ordained since 1950. It is free and everyone is welcome.

Continued on Page 23

2021 Division Road North Kingsville, Ontario N9Y 2Y9 (519) 733-2305

NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO DESTROY WEEDS NOTICE is hereby given to all persons in possession of Land, In accordance with the Weed Control Act, R.S.O., 1990, Chapter W.5, Sections 1, 13, 16 and 23 THAT unless noxious weeds growing within their lands within the municipality of the Town of Kingsville are destroyed by May 25, 2015, and throughout the season, the municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed charging the cost against the land, as set out in the Weed Control Act. For a list of noxious weeds, visit the OMAFRA website at The cooperation of all citizens is earnestly solicited. Andy Coghill Public Works Manager

Ken Vegh Weed Inspector

2021 Division Road North Kingsville, ON N9Y 2Y9 519-733-2305 This notice is published in local newspapers and is posted on our website

20 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, May 7, 2015

Essex Train Station hosts craft show by Jennifer Cranston Four vendors were showing their wares at the Annual Train Station

Craft Show on Saturday. Catherine Watson was new to the Train Station Craft Show

Voice Of Inspiration “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”

~ Yogi Berra

this year. She’s lived in the area for about two years, originally from Feelton, ON. She enjoys participating in area craft shows. She has been crafting since high school and recently expanded her work to include jewelry. Her next show will be in June in Windsor, and

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she will have a booth at the Ruthven Apple Festival in September, followed by the Pelee Island Winery Craft Show in the fall. An artisan at heart, her work can also be found at the Leamington Art Gallery, Find your Green in Harrow, Pam’s Flowers and Gifts in Belle River and many other locations around the County. You can find her on Facebook by searching Jewelry by Catherine. Kay Theaker was there with her quilts and other sew-crafts. Her next show is Art at Sadler’s Pond later this month. Her work is also available at Lovely Gift Boutique in Essex. Also at the show were Kerry Mitchelle with Scentsy and Mia Bella and Rick Longhurst of Dee’z Bun’z.


Catherine Watson shows one of her favourite jewelry sets from her new spring collection.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Community I 21

Essex Free Press

Firefighters prepare to hold reunion

Essex Fire and Rescue Alumni committee members (left to right) are Captain Brian Renaud (retired), Captain Randy Kaufman, Captain Gary Smith, Captain Mark Sweeney and Firefighter Michael Rounding. Absent from photo, Captain Tom Bonneau and Firefighter Daryl Hermann.

by Fred Groves A fire hall becomes a home-away-from-home for many firefighters and those inside become family. That is definitely the

case for the members of the Essex Fire and Rescue Service who are hosting another reunion this fall. On Sept. 19, the Alumni committee is presenting a 10-year get together, and

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- like when most families come together after a long absence - there will be people missing and sad memories because of that. Recently former District Chief Brad Holland passed away and the local department also lost Chief Sam Smith. According to Sam’s son Gary Smith, a fourth generation firefighter, Essex has lost seven of their members since the last reunion in 2005. “It has been ten years since we met and we want to continue with an Alumni barbecue. It allows the old guys a chance to share stories with the new members,” said Smith. He added that there has been ten new firefighters

hired since 2005 and they will be able to listen as some of the retired veterans tell how they battled fires without the use of breathing apparatus or some, like Smith, who hung onto the back of the truck as it sped to the scene. “I have been running into the guys on the street and they say they will be there,” said Smith of the interest being generated for the reunion. He added that recently hired Fire Chief Rick Arnel, a firefighter with four decades of experience, is very supportive of the reunion. “Our plan is to start sending the invitations out and getting the word out,” said Smith. Besides a new chief, and the unfortunate passing of seven of their members, the Essex Fire and Rescue has also seen the building of a state-ofthe-art station. Among the ‘special guests’ who are expected to attend the reunion are Ron Seney who lives in Nova Scotia, former Fire Chief Hank Scratch who retired in 1990 and led the brigade during the 1980 Essex Explosion and former Captain Norm Birch. Anyone looking for more information about the reunion can contact Captain Gary Smith at

519-776-4403 or email at Those attending are

encouraged to bring their stories and any photos they may have to share.

22 I Business Directory Essex Free Press




Thursday, May 7, 2015


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54 Mill St. E. Kingsville, ON N9Y 1K7

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Thursday, May 7, 2015


Community Hub I 23

Essex Free Press

Continued from Page 19 The 12th Annual Parish Golf Tournament takes place on Sunday, June 28th. Registration forms are available at the back of the church or call 519-995-5284 for details. The Sandwich South Historical Society invites everyone to come out to the final meeting before the summer on Thursday, May 14th at 6:30 p.m. at Mrs. Hazel Smith’s farm at 134 Road 10 in Cottam. She has WWI and WWII artifacts on display. Please keep Rita Bellaire, Dominic Bissonnette, Monica Pare, Bill Gould, Ella Mae Markham, and Gerry Allen in your prayers and all who are shut in, hospitalized or in nursing homes, and their care givers. Happy Mother’s Day!

Essex Retirees’ Club News A Pot Luck meal is on Tuesday, May 12. Join us for fellowship and great food. We are looking for donations of gently used items for a yard sale we plan to hold on Saturday, May 23,. Annette Anderson and Ruby Robertson were winners at Thursday night Bridge. Mavis Law had high score at one of the games. When Pepper was played Floyd Cascadden had most and Shirley Stiers was low. Evelyn Vivier took high score Tuesday afternoon and Virgery Cascadden had most Peppers while Estelle Spoors took low spot. Judy Kelly had the winning high

score at Special Monday night Pepper. Roger Monchamp was in second place, Evelyn Vivier in third and Betty Fields’ score was lowest. Roger Monchamp was Wednesday night Pepper winner and Doug Fields earned the most while Mary Lou Chibi was low. Free foot care will be provided on Tuesday, June 15, by the St. Clair College students. There is a Yard sale on May 13. Public Bingo night is May 15. We need volunteers for our little kitchen. A special Pepper night, with cash prizes, is May 25 at 7 p.m. The Senior Games Cribbage tournament is here on May 11. There will be a Fall Prevention Program for Seniors on Thursday, May 28 from 9 until noon. St. Paul’s Anglican Church Volunteers are needed at the Gleaners Production Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon Necessary equipment is provided. Hosts are needed to prepare treats at breaks from 8:30 to 10;30 a.m. We supply baked goods for up to 30 volunteers daily so we need volunteers to bake in our kitchen. For information contact Amy at 519-326-SOUP or swogleaners@ Essex Deanery Anglican Church women Pot Luck lunch May 23 at 12 noon, at St. John the Evangelist, 60 Erie St. Leamington, Along with your food dish bring your dishes and cutlery. Guest speaker is Christine Wilson-Furlonger from Street Help. May Thank you Bank donations support the work of the Primates relief Fund. Donations may be made on line http:// or by phone 416-924-9192 ext. 355 or by mail with cheque payable to PWRDF Nepal Earthquake relief

and mail to Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund, Anglican Church of Canada, 80 Hayden St. Toronto, ON, M4Y 3G2 Canadian Anglicans are praying and giving to those in need because of the Nepal earthquake. Please support PWRDF’s response to this emergency.

Essex Christian Reformed Church submitted by Beverley Van Huizen We would like to extend an invitation to you and your family to attend our Sunday morning worship service beginning at 10:00 am with Pastor Peter Hogeterp from Windsor. Nursery supervision and Sunday school are provided. Do plan to stay afterwards for a time of fellowship with coffee or tea. Our GEMS and Cadet programs are finished for the year. Thanks to all who joined us all year. We had a wonderful time and look forward to seeing everyone again in September. Don’t forget to come out to our monthly free movie nights on the last Friday of each month. Visit us online for service times and directions or just to listen to a sermon or two.

Voice Of Inspiration “Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.”

~ H. Jackson Brown Jr.







HICKS, MACPHERSON, IATONNA & DRIEDGER LLP. Chartered Professional Accountants R. Tyler Hicks Heather L. MacPherson Lindsay L. Iatonna Tim C. Driedger P.O. Box 189, 49 Erie St. N., Leamington, Ontario N8H 3W2 Phone 519-326-2681 • Fax 519-326-8044 •







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Windsor Office 2510 Ouellette Ave., Ste. 203 Windsor, Ontario N8X 1L4 Phone (519) 966-4626 Fax (519) 966-9206

26 I Opinion/Sports Essex Free Press

1974 Triumph TR6 never driven in winter Pictured left: Don Osadec’s 1974 TR6. Note “DONS DRM” license plate for Don’s Dream car.

Pictured below: Note location of gas filler cap and flags on either side of license plate.

A letter arrived from Don Osadec of St. Catharines, Ontario: “Hi Bill. I have owned a few classic British sports cars much of my adult life. I am now 76 and my first car was a 1955 MG-TF which I restored to showroom condition. Next, a few years later, I bought a 1968 TR4A-IRS which needed extensive work. “My present car is a 1974 TR6. This car did not need any extensive restoration, only a little cosmetic attention to clean it up. The body, paint, and chrome are original and in very good condition. Only the top, interior, and clutch have been replaced. “The car originally came from Seattle, Washington, went to Calgary, Alberta, then to Brampton, Ontario, where I found it in 2004. It has never been driven on sand, salt, or snow its whole life, and I have been caught in the rain only twice in ten years. The engine is a 2498 c.c., 152 cubic inch straight 6 with dual Weber side draft carburetors, dual Monza free-flow exhaust system, 4-speed transmission and independent rear suspension. “My wife and I belong to the Niagara British Car Club, where you can see many classic British cars of all years and types. In the car’s present condition, it has been appraised at $18,500. Only 194,000 of the TR6 models have been built from 1969 to 1976.” The “TR” label is short for “Triumph”, a nameplate that goes back to 1923 in the British automotive industry. The company had been making motorcycles since 1903 but decided twenty years later to jump into the booming automobile field. The first of the “T” series began with the Triumph TR2 in 1953, followed soon by the TR3. All these early ones had “cut down” doors, a very distinctive styling feature. The cut-down design ended with the arrival of the TR4 in 1961, followed by the TR5 in 1967 and the TR6 in 1968, which in turn was replaced after 1976 by the TR7. The TR6 owned by Don Osadec has disc brakes in the front and drum brakes in the rear. The ones built for export to North America used carburetion whereas the ones built for the U.K. and other markets were fuel-injected. These models, according to Autocar magazine, could go from 0-60 in 8.2 seconds and with a top speed of 120 mph I’m always looking for more stories. Email billtsherk@sympatico. ca or write Bill Sherk, 25 John St., P.O. Box 255, Leamington, Ont. N8H 3W2. Everyone whose story is published in this column will receive a free autographed copy of my book: “OLD CAR DETECTIVE FAVOURITE STORIES, 1925 to 1965.”


Thursday, May 7, 2015

AKO to have strong backfield by Fred Groves The AKO Fratmen, defending Ontario Junior Football League champions, will have a strong representation from Essex this year. According to head coach and Essex native Mike Lachance, Spencer Revenburg will join running back Cody McCann in the backfield. Also on the team are wide receiver Chris Drouillard and defensive tackle Dalton Wilkinson. • Congratulations to EDHS grad Kelsey Balkwill who set a personal best in the 400m hurdles. At the LSU Invitational, she finished second with a time of 57.96. Balkwill also helped the University of Miami Hurricanes women’s 4x100 relay team to a fifth place finish. • Gord McDonnell’s Alexa’s Hope was second at Western Raceway’s second race last week. • Victoria Willan scored twice and Jordan Robinson added one as the EDHS Red Raiders girls’ soccer team beat visiting Kingsville 3-1 last Tuesday. Two days later, the Red Raiders were beaten 3-1 by Belle River. • In boys’ soccer play, Essex goalie Jacob Onions had the shutout in a scoreless draw with Cardinal Carter in WECSSAA action. • Essex’s boys’ baseball team had little trouble with Cardinal Carter as they won 16-4. Meanwhile the girls’ slo-pitch team

Essex’s Lizzie Stiers (right) goes after the ball against Kingsville in girls’ high school soccer action last week.

split their games at CoAn Park in McGregor, beating Cardinal Carter 18-3 before bowing to Villanova 15-3. • The track and field season is in full swing and at the recent 10th annual Lancer Prep Invitational, Madeline McCloskey was second in the senior 100m and third in the javelin with a throw of 29.32 m. Amilio Acampara was second in the midget boys 1,500 and Garbrielle Fuerth had a great outing in the junior girls 3,000 as she was third. Lucia McElwain was first in the junior girls triple jump and second in the 300m hurdles with a time of 47.60. At the recent Kennedy Relay,

McCloskey won the girls open javelin with a throw of 31.31m. • Justin Orton scored a run on Saturday as the UBC Thunderbirds beat Concordia 6-3 and will now head to the NAIA baseball championship round. Orton, the T’birds starting second baseman had a hit the day before in a 5-3 win over Merlo. • Dalton Langlois had a pair of assists on Friday for the LaSalle Vipers in Game 5 of the Sutherland Cup finals with Caledonia. If you have anything for the sports roundup, please contact Fred Groves at FredGrovesgrover54@

Voice Of Inspiration “Strength lies in differences, not in similarities” ~ Stephen R. Covey

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Sports I 27

Essex Free Press

Baseball booming in Essex Essex Soccer Team Kickoff Cup Champions

submitted to EFP The Croatia Cosmos/ Essex Assault boys Under 15 soccer team won the Kickoff Cup in LaSalle last weekend with a perfect 4 and 0 record. Leading the way on the score board were Connor

Tapping and Jackson Moore with 5 and 3 goals respectively. Cole Hennessey and Austin Paparola added singles in the three day event while Ryley Decaire was sensational in goal putting up three shutouts, including

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the Championship game, a 1-0 win over Leamington. The Assault are in the first year of a new affiliation with the Windsor Croatia Club and the new affiliation is obviously off to a great start. Essex is coached by Scott Pillon and Jack Paparola. Pictured above are: Adam Laframboise; Austin Paparola; Austin Siverns; Austin Szarek; Chase Grayer; Chris Hernandez; Christian Wuerch; Cole Hennessy; Connor Tapping; Grant Campbell; Griffin Muzzin; Jackson Moore; Jayden McTavish; Jonathon Salan; Matthew Gillis; Nick Logan; Riley Decair.

by Fred Groves The numbers speak volumes. Baseball is booming in Essex, especially in the older age groups, as there will be an entry into the Essex Senior Baseball League, a minor midget and major midget team, and a junior team that will suit up in the highly competitive Mic Mac League. A year ago the Essex YellowJackets major midget team won the local Sun Parlour league before going on to capture the Ontario Baseball Association title. Manager Wayne Nevin has taken a handful of players from that team, added a few newcomers and will utilize some youngsters to fill out a roster for a junior team. “It will be 19, 20 and 21 year-olds but we will be pretty much a 19-yearold team and we will have 18-year-olds supplement,” said Nevin a long-time baseball coach. The Mic Mac League will consist of Essex, two teams from Tecumseh, one from Windsor, one from LaSalle and two from the Walker Home Sites organization. “We will be competitive. We will have good pitching and some baseball smarts,”

said Nevin. Essex will have three strong righthanders to send to the hill in Cory Lemire, Eric Stenger and Chris Bondy. “Chris Bondy hasn’t played in two years, he’s a ball player. He is a smooth fielder and mechanically sound,” said Nevin. Other top prospects to the junior team are Vince Taylor and Noah Wilson who was a versatile player with the senior team last year. The Essex Juniors will open up the 2015 Mic Mac League on May 14 when they travel to LaCasse Park in Tecumseh to take on the Thunder. Home opener at the Gaye Queen Memorial diamond in Essex is at 6 p.m. on May 21. Nevin said there are 17 regular season games along with exhibition match-ups. The Mic Mac League features hard throwing Micah Harris a 6’3” pitcher who goes to Essex High School and will be on the Tecumseh under-18 team along with middle infielder Jared Fuerth. From the diamond: The Windsor Selects under-18 team features Jeremy Orton and Matt Krutsch of Essex.

28 I Sports Essex Free Press

I Thursday, May 7, 2015

Around the track at South Buxton Raceway

Pictured on the track is Kingsville’s Larry Hart

submitted by Michael Bennett It took just one night for Kingsville’s Larry Hart to equal his 2014 checkered flag total. Hart led all 20 laps for his first career feature win in the Tirecraft MiniMods in Saturday’s season opening action at South Buxton Raceway. “It was a long time coming, we thought we had a few last year, but this

is a good way to start the season with back-to-back wins,” said Hart, who also won his heat race earlier in the night. Hart won just two heat races while finishing seventh in the 2014 standings. “This is a new car my crew chief (Roger Underwood) built for me,” Hart said. “He built cars for (CASCAR driver) Bob

Maryfield so he’s more use to setting up pavement cars, he’s reinventing the wheel in his brain to set this car up for dirt, but the way it handled tonight, I think he’s got it figured out,” he said of his crew chief. Four different drivers ran second but Hart held off all challengers, including Leamington’s Brandon Windsor for the first four laps before mid-

race problems dropped him to 11th in the final grid. Dresden’s Matt Sorrell took up the chase for the final seven laps and got his nose inside Hart between turns three and four with four laps to go. “I caught him out of the corner of my eye,” Hart said. “When I seen him, I dropped down low and stayed tight to the inside because I knew what he was up to, I wasn’t going to open the door for him,” said Hart. Ironically, Hart passed Sorrell with two laps to go to win the heat race. Kingsville’s Dylan Wolters, a 15-year-old sophomore driver, and veteran Norm DeSerrano finished seventh and eighth, followed by Tilbury’s Ryan Beaulieu and Essex’s Tom Reimer in ninth and 10th. The Ridgetown fatherand-son duo of Dale and Nick Glassford pulled off feature wins.

Dale Glassford, a three-time and reigning champion, opened the 2015 season in victory lane in the Westside Performance Plus UMP Late Models. Nick Glassford, 15, won is first career feature in the Autotech Bombers, with Kingsville’s Jason Kelly the runner-up. Port Lambton’s Drew Smith won his first Schinkels Gourmet Meats UMP Modified feature. Belle River’s Mario Toniolo finished fourth, Tilbury’s James Beaulieu fifth, Harrow’s Patrick Lajeunesse seventh in his modified debut and Leamington’s Paul DeGoey was eighth. Blenheim’s Andrew Reaume, a veteran late model driver, won the

Tirecraft Sport Stocks feature as a substitute role. Kingsville’s Rob Young was second, Essex’s Doris Lajeunesse fourth, Windsor’s West Bertozzi fifth, while Essex’s Dylan Moody, Cottam’s Tiffany Ellis and Ruthven’s Brad Bloomfield finished seventh through ninth. Toniolo won the Modified ‘B’ main while Ellis and Windsor won heat races earlier in the night.

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