Essex Free Press - November 22, 2018

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Council concludes cordially PAGE 3 _______________ Veterans honoured in Woodslee PAGE 6 _______________ Council only receives Integrity Commissioner Report PAGE 7 _______________ Essex resident the head of new St. Clair College gaming program PAGE 11 _______________ EDHS received $100,000 Aviva grant for its grandstands PAGE 24 _______________

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“JAXX” See Page 5 for adoption info.

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Thursday, November 22, 2018

Issue No. 45

Community gave generously to Essex Region Goodfellows’ newspaper campaign


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Vol. 138

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by Sylene Argent With the holiday season here, individuals tend to dig deep to donate to a myriad of causes that support local individuals and families experiencing economic hardships. On Friday and Saturday, volunteers with Essex Fire & Rescue, students from the St. Clair College Firefighting program, and members of the Essex Region Goodfellows took to major intersections within the Town of Essex-including in Essex, Harrow, and McGregor Centres, and at Cozy Corners-to collect funds through the Essex Region Goodfellow’s annual Newspaper Campaign. In addition, members of local Knights of Columbus Councils collected funds at storefronts. In exchange for a donation, passersby received a specially designed newspaper that highlighted to where the donations collected through the program would be forwarded. At an upcoming Essex Region Goodfellows’ meeting, the funds will be divided-up between the Essex Area Food Bank, the Essex Salvation Army, and the Harrow and McGregor chapters of the St. Vincent de Paul. “It went well,” Essex Region

Firefighters with Essex Fire & Rescue collected funds from passersby on Friday and Saturday to support local families and individuals in need through the Essex Region Goodfellows’ annual newspaper campaign.

Goodfellows’ Chairperson Ken Broughton said of the 2018 Newspaper Campaign. He suspected, thanks to the generosity of those who donated and to the dedication of volunteers, the

Newspaper Campaign raised around $50,000, which exceeded last year’s total. In 2017, the four causes each received around $11,000. “The food banks depend

on it,” Broughton said of the donation. “We have to be there for them. They rely on us. We came through for them.” Broughton was thankful to the generosity of everyone who donated and to those who volunteered their time to be a part of the campaign.

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2 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, November 22, 2018

Stuff the Bus gives back to the community for the 15th year

by Sylene Argent On Saturday, over 80 volunteers collected new, unwrapped gifts for youth of families facing economic hardships, toiletries, and canned goods through Cause for Action’s 15th annual Stuff the Bus event, which was held at the St. Clair Shores Shopping Centre. Julie Trepanier and her husband, Roger, began the collection a decade-and-ahalf ago when they noticed, through various food banks and other organizations, there was a shortage of

Essex Centre BIA & Salvation Army presents...



Friday, Nov. 23rd at 6:00 p.m. in front of the Essex Municipal Building

Visit with Santa from 6-7 p.m. in the Gazebo! We will be collecting new, unwrapped toys for the Christmas Toy Drive. Please bring your lawn chair and gather around the Band and The Salvation Army South Windsor Band.

Visit for parade registration with Windsor Parade Corp. (Deadline is Nov. 19, 2018)


Essex Santa Claus Parade is Saturday, Dec. 8th at 6:30 p.m.

gifts for children over the age of ten. “We decided to make a difference,” she said. “There is so much community spirit around here. Our community is so giving; it makes you stop and think about how honoured you are to live here. [This event] starts your Christmas off.” In addition to brightening up Christmas morning for many around the Region, the event also provided an opportunity for high school students to earn the volunteer hours required to graduate. Trepanier said this year’s event garnered the most volunteers to date. “I can’t get over it,” she said of the support shown. Typically, through donations from the community, around two buses are stuffed to the brim through the event.

Eight organizations will benefit from the event, including the Essex Area Food Bank, Spark’s Toy Drive, Lakeshore Food Bank, Downtown Mission Soup Kitchen, Unit 7 Program for the Homeless, St. Vincent de Paul, Salvation Army, and Hiatus House.




Voice Of Inspiration “Give freely to the world these gifts of love and compassion. Do not concern yourself with how much you receive in return, just know in your heart it will be returned.” ~ Steve Maraboli

Thursday, November 22, 2018


Community I 3

Essex Free Press

The Bethlehem Walk

Council concludes cordially

An interactive outdoor drama where guests experience first-century Bethlehem. Allow the sights and sounds to carry you to the special night that changed the world!

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On behalf of the Town of Essex, Mayor Ron McDermott presented outgoing Ward 1 Councillor Randy Voakes with a $250 donation to the Arthritis Society of Canada, in remembrance of his daughter, Priscilla. Voakes said he would double the donation out of his last Council pay.

On behalf of the Town of Essex, Mayor Ron McDermott presented outgoing Ward 3 Councillor Ron Rogers with a $250 donation that was made in his name to ACCESS.

by Sylene Argent Monday evening marked the last time the 2014-2018 Term of Essex Council would host a regular meeting. After completing the

“Behold, I Bring You Good News of Great Joy!”

items outlined in the agenda, outgoing Council members took the time to say goodbye, while those continuing on spoke about what is to come in the future.

On behalf of the Town of Essex, Mayor Ron McDermott presented Youth Council Reps Ethan Robinson and Ehva Hoffmann with a gift of appreciation on Monday night, which was the last regular meeting of this Term of Council.

Outgoing Essex Mayor Ron McDermott, who decided to retire at the completion of this Term of Council, took the time to recognize Youth Council Reps Ethan Robinson and Ehva Hoffmann and presented them with a gift of appreciation. He thanked the duo for bringing ideas forward to Council, from a youth perspective. He said it was wonderful to have a couple of youth involved with Council and hoped that they would stay involved. McDermott also presented outgoing Councillors Randy Voakes and Ron Rogers with $250 donations that were made out to charities in their name. Rogers’s donation will go to ACCESS and Voakes’s donation will go to the Arthritis Society of

Canada, in remembrance of his daughter, Priscilla. Voakes said he would double the donation out of his last Council pay. Rogers, McDermott said, devoted a lot of time to the community, a commitment which is hard to match. “Our Council has been stronger because of you,” he said to Rogers. Rogers thanked administration for the help and guidance. He also thanked the residents of the Town of Essex for allowing him to spend the past year, and previous years, as a rep at the municipal decisionmaking table. Rogers won the by-election in 2017. Voakes shook McDermott’s hand and noted, with that gesture, he buried all ill feelings of the Continued on Page 5

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4 I Opinion Essex Free Press

Editorial &Opinion

I Thursday, November 22, 2018

Howling at the Moon ••• Comment by Sylene Argent ••• Winter is not coming, it is here…already!

Serving Essex and the surrounding communities since 1896.

Published Thursdays as an independent weekly newspaper, owned and operated by The Essex Voice Limited. A London Publishing Corporation Publication OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. OUR STAFF Sandy Kennedy / Andrew Beaudoin - Office Jessica Azar - Graphic Design / Social Media / Production Lana Warwick - Graphic Design Greg Belchuk - Advertising Sales Manager Sylene Argent - Editor/News Reporter Shelley Beaudoin - Graphic Design / Production

CIRCULATION The Essex Free Press is an audited publication with controlled circulation of 10,000.

DELIVERY Delivery concerns can be addressed by contacting our office during regular office hours at 519-776-4268

With the snow fall last Thursday, I can no longer deny it. Winter weather is officially here. It snuck up on us, quite quickly, didn’t it? And, I am very unprepared for the cold. I feel like I just officially put away my winter clothes. I remember enduring a cool spring, earlier this year, with experiencing a few days here and there that were nice, but then it would get cold again, and even snow. With being busy, and in denial about the cooler weather creeping in so soon, I have put off pulling out my winter clothes, again. Because winter invited itself for an extended stay in our parts last year, I am so not ready for the cold. What happened to the summer? What happened to the fun in the sun? It certainly went by fast.

Soon, it will be Christmas. We are already seeing holiday-related ads in this paper, and story coverage of Christmas-themed events. Soon, I will be opening a new file on my computer to where I will save my 2019 articles. I feel like I just opened the one for 2018. Then, it will be New Year’s. And, we will all be determined to tackle and conquer a resolution to better ourselves for the year to come. Though, I feel like waiting for a date to make a change is a waste. If you really want something, you should start putting a plan in place right away, perhaps with small steps that will lead to achieving a goal. I feel like my New Year’s resolution will be to put aside more time in my schedule to do things I enjoy doing. And, perhaps even further, figure out

what it is I like to do. In my mid-30s, I am not sure if I truly enjoy doing the things I used to, anymore. Perhaps there are other things I would like to try. I guess there could be some fun in that journey to discovery. I used to love playing out in the snow when I was a kid, but as an adult, I seem to enjoy it less. I hate driving in it, I hate shovelling it, and I hate wet feet. But I must admit that the snow is beautiful when it is fresh and pristine. I wonder how much mother nature has in store for us this winter.

ARCHIVES The Essex Free Press has been digitized from 1895 to 1968 and is fully searchable at

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Commentary - OFA Ontario went to the polls for the second time this year with the municipal elections on October 22. While municipal politics may not be as high on some people’s radar as what happens at Queen’s Park and Parliament Hill, agriculture and our rural communities depend on sound municipal government for many aspects of our day-to-day farm businesses and lives in rural Ontario. Politics can be a thankless calling. OFA salutes all the candidates who put their name on a ballot with a desire to serve in public office and we congratulate all those who were successful. Municipal leadership is a vital cornerstone of successful and sustainable communities across Ontario. Municipal government manages local services, facilities, safety and infrastructure for our communities. The decisions made in council chambers impact many aspects of

Keep agriculture on the minds of your municipal leaders By Crispin Colvin, Director, Ontario Federation of Agriculture daily life, including education, land use planning and development, permits, inspections, municipal tax rates, parks, public utilities, and services. OFA members and local county federations regularly engage with municipal council to advocate for local decisions impacting farmers and rural living. In the weeks leading up to the October 22 election, many local federations hosted meetings with candidates and all-candidate events. Issues that impact farmers were discussed and opportunities were identified where communities can work closer with the local agrifood sector to leverage economic development in their areas. OFA members also took the election process as a reminder to candidates about the important role agriculture and food play in their communities. The economic contribution and employment opportunities farmers, food processors and agri-businesses

provide – especially in rural communities – is enormous, with tremendous potential for growth. To help position our sector to newly elected or re-elected municipal politicians, OFA developed a new resource – Agriculture Matters – a Guide for Municipal Councillors and Staff – to support advocacy efforts at the local level. The guide provides an overview of issues affecting farmers today and identifies opportunities for local communities. OFA is encouraging members and local county federations to continue to use this resource, taking the opportunity to introduce new councillors to the guide as they begin their new term in municipal leadership. Now is the time to keep the agri-food sector top of mind with our municipal leaders to ensure we receive the recognition, support and opportunities to keep us driving the provincial economy.

The Essex Free Press

Office: 16 Centre St. Essex, Ontario Mail to: P.O. Box 115 Essex, Ontario N8M 2Y1

Phone: 519.776.4268 Fax: 519.776.4014


See our NEW website for news, information, photos, and our full online issue.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


Community / News I 5

Essex Free Press

Steam & Gas Engine Museum hosts annual Christmas Bazaar

by Sylene Argent For around the past five years, members of the Essex County Steam & Gas Engine Museum have helped usher in the holiday season with hosting its

Christmas Bazaar. Gary Struhar, President of the Essex County Steam & Gas Engine Museum, explained the event is a fundraiser for the local facility. The Christmas Bazaar offered a hall full of vendors’ tables, each offering homemade or unique items for sale ahead of the holiday shopping rush. Volunteers with the Museum also prepared a hotdog and hamburger lunch for sale to help raise a little extra money. Considering there were plenty of events to choose from over the weekend, Struhar was pleased with the overall turnout of the Essex County Steam & Gas Engine Museum’s Christmas Bazaar. The funds raised will help cover operating costs that keep the Museum going and support the annual Essex County Steam & Gas Engine Show, an annual attraction that highlights agricultural history, which will take place between August 9-11 in 2019. Looking ahead, Struhar said, the Essex County Steam & Gas Engine Museum will offer a few new displays, which will give visitors something new to see when visiting.

Council concludes cordially... past. The duo then hugged. McDermott said he and Voakes may not have always gotten along, but they had one thing in common; passion for the community. Looking ahead, Voakes said the 2019 installment of the Essex Rocks ‘n Rolls Cruise In will be bigger and better than ever. This will be held in conjunction with the Essex Business Expo. He is a member of the event’s Commitee. “It is going to be a fantastic show,” he said. Voakes requested a 30 second moment of silence be taken in memory of Michelle Prince, former Mayor of Windsor, Eddie Francis’s wife, who recently passed after a battle with cancer. McDermott took the time to thank fellow Council members and staff for their hard work over his career as Mayor. “We all did a great job for the Town of Essex. We all





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Continued from Page 3

had the Town of Essex right here,” McDermott said placing his had over his heart. “Believe me. Together, with administration, we accomplished a lot. “Where we may not have always agreed, we fought for what we believed was right,” McDermott continued. He also thanked administration for helping Council’s vision become a reality. “While we work to make decisions, you make our decisions work.” McDermott gave credit to his late wife, Gladys, for her encouragement, as to why he got into politics. After amalgamation, McDermott said he had one goal, and that was to unite the municipality. He thinks a great job has been done in achieving that. After the meeting, the community was invited to celebrate McDermott’s retirement at a get-together hosted inside the Shaheen Community Room at the Essex Centre Sports Complex.

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6 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, November 22, 2018

Outgoing County Warden looks back on his time as Mayor of Mayors by Kyle Reid After serving as the Warden of Essex County Council, Lakeshore Mayor Tom Bain is stepping away from County Council’s head chair to spend more time with friends and family. Bain is concluding his ninth year as Warden, including a one-year term when he held the position in 1993 as the Mayor of the old Rochester Township, as his last. “It’s a seven day a week job,” Bain said. “Between being the Mayor and the Warden, if there’s not an event in the municipality it’s in the County. In discussing it with my wife, we just decided we needed to spend a little more time at home.” Over those terms, Bain pointed to the elimination of the County’s debt,

as well as building strong relationships with the City of Windsor and the provincial government, as personal highlights during his time as Warden. Now, Bain’s departure means newly elected Essex County Council members will choose a new Warden. His successor will be decided at the first meeting of the new County Council on December 12. As Mayor of Lakeshore, Bain will continue sitting on County Council for the next four years. He said two of the biggest challenges facing the new Warden and County Council will be establishing a new regional hospital and the long-running battle to expand Highway 3. With a new Warden taking on those responsibilities, Bain has some advice

for his successor. “I’d just like to make [my successor] aware that it’s quite time consuming,” Bain said with a laugh. “But, I think that we’re headed in the right direction; we’re a leader in southwestern Ontario. Keep things going in the direction we’re going, but there’s still an awful lot to get done.”

Veterans honoured in Woodslee

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Looking back over his time as Warden, Bain said it’s been a fun ride and he’s looking forward to continuing his work with County Council. “I’ve enjoyed it extremely,” Bain said. “It’s been great; I’ve had an extremely supportive County Council over the past eight years…that’s where we all benefit, when we work together.”


OPEN MON., TUES. 11AM-10PM • WED., THURS. 11AM-11PM • FRI., SAT. 11AM-12AM • SUN. 11AM-10PM

by Kyle Reid Woodslee’s Libro Community Centre became a special place of remembrance last Saturday evening during the Woodslee Millen Group’s annual Honouring the Veterans event. Each year, the Woodslee Millen Group hosts the event as a way of paying respect to local veterans

Continued on Page 9

Rhine Danube Club

@ The Leamington Lebanese Club DOORS OPMEN


@ 1:00 P

Sunday, November 25th Band: (Musik Meisters) starts@ 2:00-6:00 pm Food Available: Schnitzel or Sausage on a bun, Pretzels, etc. Advanced tickets $7.50/person or $10.00 @ door For Tickets Contact: Lebanese Club 519-326-3883 John Keller 519-322-8398 Mike Fritsch 519-839-4221

Thursday, November 22, 2018


Community / News I 7

Essex Free Press

Local K of C Councils forward coats to Essex Area Food Bank, Community Support Centre

St. Mary’s Maidstone Knights of Columbus Grand Knight Gord Edwards (left) and Holy Name of Jesus’ Knights of Columbus Grand Knight Tom Bonneau (right) show off a few of the coats that were donated to the Essex Area Food Bank on Friday. Gerry Belanger, Chairperson of the Essex Area Food Bank (centre), received the donation on behalf of the organization.

by Sylene Argent Thanks to the generosity of the community, St. Mary’s Maidstone’s and Holy Name of Jesus Church’s Knights of Columbus Councils were able to donate 11 boxes of youth-sized coats to the Essex Area Food Bank and six boxes to Lakeshore’s Community Support Centre on Friday afternoon. Each box contained a dozen coats. The donations will go a long way in keep local youth of families facing economic hardships warm this winter. The Essex and Maidstone Knights of

Columbus Councils raised the funds collectively during a pasta dinner held in September, which was hosted inside St. Mary’s Hall. With some snow falling and a cool breeze blowing on Friday as volunteers presented the donation to Gerry Belanger, Chairperson of the Essex Area Food Bank, Maidstone Knights of Columbus Grand Knight Gord Edwards said, “A day like today explains why you need a warm winter coat.” Tom Bonneau, Holy Name’s Knights of Columbus Grand Knight, said the donation was made possible through

the generosity of the community and the commitment of the two K of C Councils. For the past few years, Rita Monforton of LaSalle has been kind enough to make a large quantity of toques to accompany the coat donation. The St. Joseph River Canard Knights of Columbus Council sponsors Monforton with the materials she needs to make the hats. Belanger was thrilled to accept the donation, noting several families request a coat for their children as the weather cools.

Council only receives Integrity Commissioner Report - The report recommended over $1,500 of Voakes’s pay be suspended by Sylene Argent At the Monday evening Essex Council meeting, in a recorded vote, Essex Council voted to only receive a report the Integrity Commissioner, Robert Swayze, submitted after the Town’s CAO, Donna Hunter, filed a Code of Conduct complaint against Councillor Randy Voakes. Through the Report to Council, Swayze recommended the remaining remuneration, payable to Councillor Randy Voakes for his services as a member of Council, in the amount of $1,560.45, be suspended. In the report, Swayze said he received a complaint from Hunter on October 24. She claimed Voakes attended a closed session of Council on October 1 that was held to discuss the step increase of the salary grid of the CAO. She alleged Voakes disclosed the quantum of her salary to an employee of the Town, who was not entitled to receive closed session reports or minutes. The amount also appeared in a local blog, but no direct evidence linked to Voakes was discovered. Swayze said he contacted Voakes via email on November 2, 2018. On the same day, Swayze wrote, Voakes responded to him and copied all members of Council. The email, he claimed, “contained boorish and unrefined language. On the next day, he sent an email to the complainant with vulgar and

offensive language directed at her for filing the complaint.” Swayze pointed out the Code of Conduct for Members of Council that says members should “conduct themselves efficiently, with decorum and with proper attention to the Town’s Procedural Bylaw. They will treat each other and others with respect at all times…” He also pointed out that under the “Confidential Information” section in the Code, it states: “A Council Member shall not disclose, release, or publish by any means to any person or to the public any Confidential Information, as defined in Section 4.00.” “His disclosure of the salary of the CAO to the employee was clearly contrary to the Code since the information came from a closed session of Council and it was not part of the public domain at the time of disclosure,” he wrote. Councillor Sherry Bondy disagreed that disclosing the CAO’s salary was against the Code as any public service worker who makes over $100,000 a year is published, with their salary, on the Sunshine List. She said this was an open file. “Now we spent more taxpayer dollars investigating this on a Councillor who is no longer going to be here,” Bondy said. “What

Continued on Page 8



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8 I Community / News Essex Free Press

Essex MP sends local dancer off to world competition with well wishes

MP Tracey Ramsey presented 10-year-old competitive dancer, Jamieson MacNeil of Cottam, with a certificate on Friday afternoon, which recognized his accomplishment of making Team Canada Dance. As part of this team, he will compete in ballet and jazz during the World Dance Championships. The competition takes place from November 29-December 4 in Poland.

by Sylene Argent Last Friday afternoon, Essex MP Tracey Ramsey presented Jamieson

MacNeil, of Cottam, with a certificate of acknowledgement as he will represent the


SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2018 10:00AM - 4:00PM


region on Team Canada Dance in jazz and ballet during the World Dance Championships. The international competition will take place in Poland between November 29-December 4. He will compete in the children 11-and-under division. Ramsey wished MacNeil luck before he left for the competition. She said she knows MacNeil will make Canada, and the region, proud. Three Canadian teams will head to the international competition. MacNeil is part of the “Eastern” team. Earlier this summer, MacNeil was invited to audition for the team. MacNeil, who has been dancing since before he could even walk, qualified in four types of dance for the international competition, but he will compete as part of the jazz and ballet teams. Both of these styles of dance will be judged at the same time in Poland. He will also be able to perform a solo during the competition.

His mom, Annajayne, is a teacher All That Jazz Dance Company in Chatham, where MacNeil trains. Since August, MacNeil has headed up to Hamilton to participate in training for the international competition. This training is in addition to the MacNeil’s already rigorous dance schedule. Ramsey also provided MacNeil with a Canadian Flag and some pins he can take with him to hand out to other competitors from around the world. As the commitment to the team is a big financial undertaking, a GoFundMe page has been setup to help raise funds. To donate, log onto https://www.gofundme. com/get-jamieson-to-theworld039s. MacNeil’s family is hoping to raise $8000 to cover the cost of the trip to the World Dance Championships and travel expenses for the many team practices held in the Hamilton area. There is no government assistance for Team Canada Dance.

Visit with Santa -11:00am - 1:00pm ADMISSION IS FREE

Proceeds to benefit The Kingsville Essex Associated Band

Essex Retirees’ Social Club


SATURDAY, DEC. 1 - FROM 9AM - 2PM Homemade Baked Goods, Cabbage Rolls, Jams, Meat and Fruit Pies. Crafts, New to You Items, Raffles, Used Books & Other Vendors. Lunch, Homemade Soups, Sandwiches and Desserts. Served from 11am - 1:00pm. 32 Russell Street, Essex (Corner of Centre Street & Day Street)


Christmas Tree Sales

begin SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 2018 at the Cottam Rotary Park, COTTAM, ONTARIO



Balsam Fir & Fraser Fir Trees available

TIME: MONDAY - FRIDAY 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. SUNDAY 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.



I Thursday, November 22, 2018

Integrity Commissioner Report... Continued from Page 7

is our aim? What is our goal, and why?” Bondy said, though it may not be right how people get treated, but sometimes there is passion and there is a little bit of anger, and a little bit of people being upset. When Bondy was discussing the Sunshine List, Deputy Mayor Richard Meloche called a Point of Order, noting Council had to deal with the information presented. Mayor Ron McDermott agreed with Meloche’s Point of Order. Bondy wanted to know what Council had to gain? “Sometimes it is hard to follow our Code of Conduct…and, I hope, going forward, we can all work together, but I really, truly feel, and I know that my residents truly feel, that when you question things in the Town of Essex, you get sh** on. I believe that. I believe that with every 843 [of] my votes. So, heaven forbid, I could be next.” She said she would not support the recommendation and urged Council to do the same as next time it could be them questioning matters. “I’m not saying he was respectful to the CAO, I m sorry for how he treated you, if that is how he treated you…,” she said Councillor Ron Rogers moved to only receive the report. McDermott claimed Bondy made a few statements that were false. He said the salary will be published in the Sunshine List in April, not released in September. He said he was going to vote against the motion to only receive because as long as he is in office, he will do his job. He wondered how the new Council would be able to work with others who are going to finish their jobs. Councillor Steve Bjorkman called a Point of Order on the Mayor, noting the conversation has to be directed to the question, which received a round of applause from the audience.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


Community I 9

Essex Free Press

Veterans honoured in Woodslee...

and their sacrifices. This year, a special display leading into the dinning hall presented relics and photos of veterans that local families donated. This is the first year the group set up such a presentation. Woodslee Millen Group Club President, Donna Roubos, said she is hoping the display will become an annual feature

at the event. Roubos expressed her gratitude to everyone who volunteered and helped to organize the veteran’s dinner event. The Belle River Girl Guides were on hand to honour the veterans with poetry readings and to serve up a pasta dinner for those in attendance. “This is maybe the third year [the Girl

Guides] attended,” Roubos said. “The veterans, they love to see the youth there and they always speak about that.” The evening began with a memorial wreath placement ceremony by local groups, dignitaries, and, of course, the veterans. Theresa Charbonneau, a local mother who lost her son in Afghanistan,

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also spoke at the event. While organizers had planned to host World War II veteran Chandler Knutson as a special guest of honour, the 93-yearold veteran suffered a heart attack over the weekend and tragically died on Sunday. For Roubos, Knutson’s passing drives home the importance of remembrance events. “He was so excited about coming and we had a special chair for him,” Roubos said. “So many World War II vets are in their 90s and passing on now.” Around 10 Korean War veterans attended the ceremony, along with others who served in the Vietnam War and the reserves. Roubos said her group was honoured to host them. Honouring veterans is a matter Roubos is especially passionate about. Her father-in-law was forced into a labour camp in the Netherlands during World War II,

Continued from Page 6

making the matter very personal to her. This was a particularly special event for the Woodslee Millen Group. The group recently

acquired funding from the Town of Lakeshore to build a cenotaph at the Libro Community Centre, which is the main reason it formed.

Friday, November 30, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Parade starts at Country Depot, right on Walker, left on Centre St., right on Walnut St., right on King St., left on Victoria, left on Wellington, ending at the Harrow Fairgrounds.

Meet with Santa after the Parade at the “Lions Hall” McAffee St. *Refreshments *Snacks If you would like to participate in the Parade contact any Kinsmen member or call Dan Sauve at 519-981-3771

10 I News Essex Free Press

I Thursday, November 22, 2018

Rezoning application for 230 Jackson discussed at Special Council Meeting by Adam Gault The Town of Essex held a special Council meeting this past Monday to discuss a rezoning application for the property at 230 Jackson Street in Colchester. During the meeting, Planning Report 201846 titled, “Jason McKee rezoning application,” was

received and tabled for public review. This allowed council members to hear public representations regarding the proposed rezoning, with no decision regarding the potential rezoning to be made at the meeting. Jason McKee, the owner of the property in question, wishes to

rezone the currently zoned residential property located directly north of Frosty’s restaurant into a site for six single-detached, cottagestyle units for tourist accommodation. “The [current] zoning is R1.1, which is exclusively single detached residential, allows a single-family home,”

Essex Policy Planner, Jeff Watson, explained. “The request is to have the zoning changed by supplementary regulations to add the provision for five additional single detached units.” This would keep the property zoned as residential, but with the provision for the short-

term rental units. As the area east of Jackson Street is considered part of the “Main Street Area” under the Colchester Secondary Plan, a number of provisions and recommendations would apply, including the height of the buildings, adequate parking, municipal services, and keeping with

the general architectural theme of Colchester. “My intention is to maintain the nautical theme,” potential site developer, McKee, said of his designs for the project. “It really has been designed to represent a Newfoundland or P.E.I fishing village. There’s really no underlying agenda, other than the fact that I really want to see Colchester kind of flourish back to what it once was when my family grew up their many years ago.” Concerns over parking availability and accessibility were raised during the meeting, with McKee stating there will be parking for nine vehicles at this time, and that extra considerations could be made to ensure the property is more accessible to those with mobility issues. The potential for noise and disruption in the largely residential area was another concern brought up during the meeting, to which McKee said he would like to have a permanent property supervisor onsite to deal with any issues that may arise over the course of a guest’s stay. “I love the idea. I’m ecstatic about it, I think it’s great,” Councillor Bondy said. “Personally, I think it fits the area, and I think it’ll be a really good addition to what we have going on [in Colchester]. I will absolutely support this application when the time comes.” Essex’s Planning Department will now prepare a report with specific recommendations regarding the proposal to be brought forward at the December 17 council meeting.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


Community I 11

Essex Free Press

Essex resident the head of new St. Clair College gaming program

by Kyle Reid Lifelong Essex resident Shaun Byrne is heading a new academic program at St. Clair College, which will educate students in the business of competitive online gaming. The eSports Administration and Entrepreneurship program, announced by college officials last Wednesday, is designed with a mixture of traditional business courses, sports

management marketing courses, an eSports media production course, and an eSports history course. The new program is the latest step by the college to head into the quickly growing competitive gaming market. Last year, St. Clair College became the first post-secondary institution in Canada to launch an eSports varsity team. Byrne, the college’s eSports Director, was first approached by college officials to help consult for a gaming event in

2016 when he pitched the idea for the team. “While I was in meetings to consult for that gaming event. I took the opportunity to push for a varsity program and they loved it,” Byrne said. A key part of developing the varsity team is providing the gamers’ eligibility for the same scholarships available to varsity athletes participating in traditional sports. Byrne said that he believes the new academic program

is another big step for the college to break into a rapidly growing industry. “[St. Clair College] saw so much value in the varsity program that they realized there was an opportunity for an academic program to train students to work in this industry,” Byrne said. St. Clair’s new eSports administration program, he added, will prepare students for a wide-range of career opportunities, including, eSports team manager, graphic designers, social media managers, video editors, eSports coaching, content producers, and content marketers. Graduates of the program may also pursue careers as competitive online gamers or professional video game streamers. “One of the most common questions I get from people starting off, whether it [is] companies looking for talent, or schools starting programs, is, ‘where do you hire people to coach your teams; where do you find

Shaun Byrne is the eSports Director for St. Clair College. Byrne, an Essex resident, will head the new eSports Administration and Entrepreneurship program at the college.

people to commentate or live stream your productions?” Byrne said “There’s nowhere right now.” While the labour market for graduates is certainly non-traditional, Byrne noted that there is a high demand for this type of program. He said he hopes programs like this will become normalized as the competitive gaming industry sees a demand

for qualified and skilled workers on the rise. “I have several industry partners on board as program advisors that have already said they hope to bring these students in for internships and give them jobs when they graduate,” Byrne said. “There’s a lot of opportunities on the horizon for our students for sure.”

12 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, November 22, 2018

EDHS’s Rotary Interact club hosts annual pasta dinner fundraiser for Maforeka by Adam Gault The Rotary Interact Club held its annual pasta dinner fundraiser at the Essex Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion (Branch 201) on Monday evening to raise funds for the Essex District High School’s (EDHS) sister school in Maforeka. Eight years ago, EDHS and its feeder schools helped fund and construct a school in the

western African nation of Sierra Leone. Dozens of patrons packed the Legion’s dining hall in support of the event. Attendees enjoying a fresh pasta and salad dinner, and, more importantly, they showed support to a school in a developing nation to ensure students a world away are afforded the same opportunities that they themselves receive

here at home. “We try to help them, support them, raise money that we can send over to them so they can use it for the stuff that they need,� EDHS Rotary Interact Club Member, Vanessa Gualdieri, said. “We just like giving back to them, and knowing that we’re making a difference here Continued on Page 13

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EDHS’s Rotary Interact Club students serve up delicious pasta at the club’s annual fundraising dinner, which was held on Monday evening at the Essex Branch of the Royal Canadian legion (Branch 201).


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Thursday, November 22, 2018


Community I 13

Essex Free Press

Annual pasta dinner fundraiser for Maforeka... in Essex, that we can make a difference there in their lives.” Retired EDHS teacher, and Rotary Interact Club Coordinator, John Garinger, was instrumental in the founding process of the African school, as well as maintaining the continued support for its ongoing upgrades. He also provides live updates to the Rotary Interact Club from the students of Maforeka themselves. “[Garinger] talks to one family in particular, and he is very close with them, and will support and do anything for them,” fellow Rotary Interact Club Member, and grade 12 student, Finnley McElwain said. “Which is very touching and very rewarding. That’s why we do this.” The EDHS Rotary Interact Club also supports the school throughout the year, with other various charitable initiatives, including bake sales, car washes, and a flea market. “We’re trying to put

Continued from Page 12

together a fundraiser dance for this year,” McElwain said of a new idea to support Maforeka. “We would have it at the high school before the end of the year.” Through the continued efforts of the EDHS Rotary Interact Club, Maforeka and the surrounding village continue to experience infrastructural improvements, with additional wells and houses being constructed at this time. McElwain said one of the families EDHS supports just got a new house. “They just got a

new roof on it. It’s our biggest project with them right now.” If Monday’s turnout of the pasta dinner is any indication, Maforeka is in good hands for the foreseeable future as many new faces filled the dining hall, eager to lend their support for the noble cause. “Our club has grown this year,” Gualdieri explained. “This is a good turnout. It’s good to get the community involved and see that they come and will make a change in the lives of people in Africa.”

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14 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, November 22, 2018

Renovations on the former Hick’s building uncovering the rare and unusual - Manually-operated elevator, coffin-lined cavity in the floor discovered-

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Frank Riberty and Andy Balazsy, members of the renovation crew, show off the unusual cavity in the floor, which is lined with what appears to be coffin lining, they discovered while working on the former Hick’s Building, recently.

They found a small label inside that said, “Glass Casket Company,” they noted. During the continued renovations the duo also uncovered a yardstick emblazoned with the name of a former business, “Hick’s Hardware.” Renovations to the Hick’s building includes adding boarding around some of the windows on the first floor that used to be flooring from a former local train station and using original-sized doors and windows, which are larger than today’s standard. The bottom of the former Hick’s Building, Kowtiuk noted, was used for a furniture and undertaking business in the 1890s, which JA Hicks operated. Today, the building is still often referred to as the “Hick’s” building. Its location was known as the Dunstan Block, she added. The exterior renovations to the façade facing Talbot Street was completed with help from the Town of Essex’s Community Improvement Plan.


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by Sylene Argent When local contractor Rob Soulliere bought the former “Hick’s Building,” located at the corner of Laird Avenue and Talbot Street,” he had a vision to restore the building while recognizing its historical significance in

town as a building that has been in use since the 1890s. With keeping the building’s age in mind, there were sure to be a few surprises when renovating the interior. Recently, Soulliere and his team have been working to gut the third floor of the building. Laurie Kowtiuk, President of the Essex & Community Historical Research Society (ECHRS), noted there was a special grand opening of the Oddfellows on June 9, 1899 on the top floor. While removing the walls and floors, the contractors uncovered an old, manually-operated elevator at the rear of the building. The engraving at the top of the elevator indicates it was manufactured by the Otis-Fensom Elevator Company Limited. Soulliere believes the elevator was likely from the 1880s. He is not sure what will become of the elevator, but would like to find a way to keep in the community. Members of the renovation crew, Frank Riberty and Andy Balazsy, said the elevator was buried in the wall with its doors. The elevator, however, was not the only surprise uncovered during the third-floor renovations. While gutting the floor, the contracting crew came to notice something peculiar with the hardwood. There was a secret door of sorts. When opened, an around 5’ by 1.5’ cavity was uncovered, and it was lined with what they believe to be coffin lining. While working on the flooring, Riberty and Balazsy said they noticed a hinge and handle, so they investigated.


Thursday, November 22, 2018

by Kyle Reid The holiday season officially kicked off in Kingsville last Saturday evening as the 26th annual Fantasy of Lights was hosted at Lakeside Park. Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus were on hand to switch on the fantastic display of lights and


Community I 15

Essex Free Press

lighted figures at Lakeside Park, signalling the start of this year’s Christmas events in Kingsville. It was surely Santa’s busiest time of the year before Christmas as he and Mrs. Clause dashed around town Saturday evening. The two were first found at the Lakeside Park

Pavilion for the annual Dinner with Santa before taking their seats as the featured guests in this year’s Kingsville Santa Clause Parade. The Town pulled out all of the stops for the parade which made its way down Main Street, eventually making its way and stopping at Lakeside Park. Thousands of Kingsville residents lined the streets to watch the parade of floats, bands, horses, performers and, of course, Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus-a treat for Yuletide fans, young and old. After finally making their way to Lakeside Park, Santa and Mrs. Claus received some help from local Christmas carolers to flick the switch, which lit up the over 200 displays

set up around the park. A spectacular fireworks display put an exclamation point on the evening’s activities and crowds were wowed by the display. Kingsville Mayor Nelson Santos, who Chairs the Town’s Fantasy of Lights Festival Committee, said he is looking forward to

record numbers attending Christmas events around Kingsville again this year. Now in its 26th year, the Fantasy of Lights has become one of the longestrunning festivals in Essex County. Since the inception of the event, local high school students have constructed the displays in their welding class,

and the town staff and volunteers add the lights. Last year, Santos said, a trackless mini-train that carried people through Lakeside Park on a tour of the light display was used quite heavily. Santos thanked all volunteers who help each year to make the event successful.

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I Thursday, November 22, 2018

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EXPLORE THE SHORE CHRISTMAS MARKET: Saturday, Nov. 24, at the Colchester Community Room (100 Jackson Street) 10 am ďšş3 Pm. A one45-1 stop shopping event. _____________________

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CHRISTMAS CRAFT & GIFT SHOW ~ 4th Annual - November 25, 2018 from10am-4pm at the Serbian Centre, 6770 Tecumseh Rd E, Windsor. *100 VENDORS* free admission. Donations to help “Little Hands Kids for a Cause.� Contact: 44-2t* com.

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Wildwood Golf Club is hosting a public meeting to present its 2017 annual report on class 9 pesticide use. To be held at: 11112 Concession 11 Road, Essex, Ontario Friday, November 30th, 2018 at 8:00am Contact: William Thornton 519-726-6176

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NOTICE TO CREDITORS Claims against the Estate of EARL DANE KNIGHT Late of Woodslee, Ontario, who died on October 5, 2018. Must be in my hands by December 20, 2018 after which date, the estate will be distributed. WILLIAM K. KENDRICK, Barrister & Solicitor, 903-500 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, N9A 1B3, Solicitor for the Estate Trustee.




The Corpora on of the Town of Lakeshore has career opportuni es for a Contract Class I Water Operator in Distribu on and a Contract Class 1 Water Operator in Treatment For further informa on please visit our website at Employment Opportuni es Applica on deadline: November 29, 2018 at 4:30 pm The Town of Lakeshore is an equal opportunity employer. Accommoda ons under the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabili es Act (AODA) will be provided upon request.







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Thursday, November 22, 2018


Sports / Community I 17

Essex Free Press

submitted to EFP Continued progress in the play of the Essex Raven Atom AE team earned the squad some valuable points in the standings of the Bluewater Hockey League. On Friday, November 16 the team from Essex entered the confines of the, one loss, Belle River Jr . Canadiens and skated away with an amazing 4-3 nailbiting victory. The entire team is to be commended on a wire-to-wire great effort in this match. With a player in the penalty box and the Belle River net empty, the gang withheld a furious attack by Belle River to hold on to victory in the waning seconds of the game. Alexandrea Huntley shut the door and earns praise in this victory. Scoring for Essex was Ryan Reid and Nicholas Brophey with a pair of goals, each. Brophey also chipped in with a pair of assists.

The following evening, the Lasalle Sabres were the competition for the Ravens. This one was a see-saw affair with goals a plenty. The Sabres had taken a 2-1 lead into the third period when the flood gates opened. Essex managed to outscore its opponent 4-3 in the frame and salvage a 5-5 tie with the upstart Sabres. The Sabres had handed Belle River its first loss of the year the previous week, so this was a valuable point in the standings. Both teams played excellent throughout and earned the one point. Caiden St. John notched the hat trick, scoring the last three goals of the game. Austin Hamilton and Ryan Reid notched singles. The defensive core of James Sonoski, Cole Gossmann, Ellis Fleming, Keegan Stack, Brendan Ledoux and Hudson Diemer all gave stellar performances in this one.

Essex Essex Ess Es ex x Re R Region eg gion ion io on n

Many Thanks! Thanks!

Essex Region Goodfellows wishes to thank the following who helped to make our 2018 Campaign a huge success: The Essex, Harrow and Gesto Fire Fighters, St. Clair College Students Fire Services Program, Knights of Columbus Councils of Maidstone and Essex, John’s Restaurant at Paquette Corners, Tim Horton’s in Harrow, Essex and Sandwich South, Essex Foodland, Shoppers Drug Mart, Essex No Frills, Counting Teams, Countryside Chrysler. Corporate and Individual Donors, Libro Credit Union and the countless number of tireless volunteers.

by Sylene Argent Last Wednesday evening, Todd Wilson, Emergency Response Manager with Plains Midstream Canada who doubles as a volunteer firefighter in a small community located outside of Edmonton, provided Firefighters at Essex Fire Station #1 with knowledge on how to respond to pipeline emergencies if one should ever occur. Fire Chief Rick Arnel noted Plains Midstream Canada is one of several companies that owns pipeline, predominately for natural gas and propane, in this area. The pipeline area is mostly located north of the 401. Wilson talked to the firefighters about effective response measures, safety, products, hazard prevention and mitigation, and the roles and responsibilities of each type of emergency responders if an emergency were ever to occur. He noted during

his presentation, which included a myriad of videos highlighting different scenarios and

how they were handled, most engineers are caused through third party damage.

Inaugural Mee ng Town Council 2018-2022 The Inaugural Mee ng will take place on Monday, December 3, 2018 7:00 p.m. Adrian & Julia Renaud Hall Atlas Tube Centre 447 Renaud Line, Emeryville, ON

Merry Christmas! 2021 Division Road North Kingsville, Ontario N9Y 2Y9 (519) 733-2305

PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF KINGSVILLE MUNICIPAL CEMETERIES - BY-LAW APPROVAL TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Kingsville has submitted By-law 120-2018 to the Registrar of the Funeral, Burial, and Cremation Services Act, 2002. The by-law is subject to the Registrar’s approval and will apply to the municipal cemeteries listed below. A copy of the by-law is available on the Town Website (, and/or upon request at the Municipal Office, 2021 Division Road North, Kingsville. For more information, you may contact the Bereavement Authority of Ontario at 647-483-2645 or 1-844-493-6356. DATED at Kingsville, Ontario this 14th day of November, 2018. S. Martinho, Public Works Manager The Corporation of the Town of Kingsville 2021 Division Road North Kingsville, Ontario N9Y 2Y9 Town of Kingsville Municipal Cemeteries: Cottam Cemetery Northridge Cemetery Fairview Cemetery Ruthven Cemetery – North and South Graceland Universalist & Fox Cemetery Olinda Baptist Cemetery Greenhill Cemetery Olinda United Cemetery

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18 I Personals

FromThe Heart




In memory of our son,

Danny Chapman

Danny passed one year ago in November. The stars are shining bright on you. Our hearts are broken, But we now know you are in God’s hands. He will take care of you.

~ Love you with all our hearts ~ ~ Dad & Mom _________________________________________________________



Open House Celebration of

Lucille Bezaire’s 90th Birthday! Sunday, December 2nd, 2018. McGregor Community Centre, 9571 Walker Road, McGregor. Best Wishes Only.




- Thank You I wish to thank everyone for the special care I received during my recent illness. Especially to paramedics/doctors and nurses at Leamington District Memorial Hospital. Also, to my family and friends for the loving care and well wishes. Last, but not least, the LA of Branch 201 Essex Legion. I am so truly grateful for all of the love and attention I have received during this stressful time. ~ Thank you, everyone ~ I love you all - (Mary Elizabeth) Liz Brown _________________________________________________

Card of Thanks

Weldon, Robert “Bob”

The family of the late Robert “Bob” Weldon wishes to express heartfelt thanks to relatives, friends, and neighbours for their prayers, cards, floral tributes, food, gifts, visits, donations to Erie Shores Hospice, and many acts of kindness in the loss of a dear husband, father, and grandfather. Special thanks to Doctors, staff, and volunteers of Erie Shores Hospice for their compassionate care. Additional thanks to the Reid Funeral Home, Lorna, and staff for their professionalism and kindness in our time of need. ~The Weldon Family ~ Helen, Mark, Melissa, Cale, and Chase



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Essex Free Press

I Thursday, November 22, 2018

To place a personal notice, email your photo and content to or drop by our office at 16 Centre St., Essex. Personal notices must be received by Monday at 12:00 noon to appear in the Thursday edition. _________________________________________________________



REDMOND, JoAnne (nee Finnerty) - It is with profound sadness we announce the peaceful passing of JoAnne on November 17, 2018 at 77 years of age. Beloved spouse to the late Michael Cassar (2018) and the late Jack Redmond (1980). Loving mother of Janice Redmond (Stefan Kagi) and Carol Redmond (Seth Geltman). Step-mother of Stephen Cassar (Laurie), Gary Cassar (Virginia) and Mark Cassar (Bonnie). Treasured grandmother of Elijah, Erik, Adam, Siobhán, Sinéad, Kurt, Drew and Reed. Born in Timmins, Ontario to the late Ambrose (1957) and Mary Kate (1986) Finnerty. Dear sister of the late Leslie Finnerty-2018 (Iate Isabelle-2016), the late Patrick Finnerty-2014 (late Claudette-2016), Juleta Lauzon (late Edward-2018) and Noreen Parici (Mike). Also survived by many members of the Finnerty and Stack families as well as a wide circle of friends. JoAnne was a devoted mother and grandmother, treating everyone with kindness. She was a long-time member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Maidstone where she was a Sunday greeter, a choir member, and participated in the Holy Rollers pie fundraisers. She retired from Windsor Regional Hospital with 18 years of clerical service in the Emergency Department, where her calm demeanor comforted patients and their families. JoAnne was an active member in the Irish Canadian Cultural Club where she contributed her beautiful singing voice and her accounting skills. Her compassion and generosity will be sadly missed. JoAnne is resting at the Kennedy Funeral Home Ltd. (519-776-7378) 128 Talbot St. N, Essex on Sunday, November 25, 2018 from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. Parish prayers Sunday at 3p.m. On Monday, family and friends are invited to meet at the St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Maidstone after 10 a.m. followed by the Mass of Christian Burial at 11 a.m. Interment at St. Mary’s Cemetery. Donations may be made to Transition to Betterness, Hospice of Windsor & Essex County or to the Essex Area Foodbank. You may send your condolences online at

Voice Of Inspiration “One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone.” ~ Shannon L. Alder

What’s Going On... _____________________________________________________

WAGNER, Fred - Surrounded by family, at his mother’s home, Fred passed peacefully on November 12, 2018, after a brief illness. He was a beloved son, brother and uncle who shared with his family, his love of cars, a calm spirit and quiet strength, and his dry sense of humour. He was a lifelong resident of Essex, and a valued long term member of the Valiant Corporation. He will be missed and always loved by Marianne Wagner, Evelyn Wagner and Karen, Mike, Chase and Larissa Williams. Cremation and a private family service have taken place. Thank you to Kennedy Funeral Home for the compassionate care given to the family. _____________________________________________________

KNUTSON, Chandler - Entered peacefully into eternal rest on November 17, 2018 at 93 years of age. Loving husband of the late Juanita (2004). Dear father of Deborah Knutson, Chandler (Kira) Knutson, Merle (Grace) Knutson and Mark (Paula) Knutson. Treasured grandpa of Kara (Ryan), Karlie (Matt), Natasha (Alan), Brenleigh (Mark), Kurtis (Michelle), Courtney (Jeremy) and the late Brittany. Great-grandpa of Benjamin, Morrissey, Jace, Aveline, Goldie and Luke. Brother of the late Clarice and Maxine. Also survived by many nieces and nephews. Chandler retired from Ontario Hydro with many years of service. He served our Country in the Canadian Infantry during WWII. Cremation will take place. A service to celebrate Chandler’s life will be held at the Essex Gospel Community Church (335 Talbot St S. Essex) on Saturday, November 24, 2018 at 11 a.m. Donations may be made to the charity of your choice. Kennedy Funeral Home Ltd. (519-776-7378) 128 Talbot St. N, Essex entrusted with arrangements. You may your condolences online at

NOV. 24 - CTMHV CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW at 6155 Arner Twln., Essex, from 9am - 4pm. For information: 519-776-6909 or NOV. 24 & 25 - EPIC HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE  at Colio Estate Winery from 12-5pm. Wine & appetizer pairing, live music, & ugly sweater contest. 1 Colio Dr., Harrow. NOV. 30 - HARROW SANTA CLAUS PARADE - Presented by the Harrow Kinsmen. Starting at Country Depot at 7pm. Meet Santa at the Lions Hall after the parade. DEC. 1 - CHRISTMAS BAZAAR AND BAKE SALE at Essex Retirees’ Club, 32 Russell St., Essex. DEC. 1 & 2 - THE WONDER OF CHRISTMAS: A Music Express Holiday Production at L’Essor Secondary School Theatre. Dec. 1 at 2:30 & 7pm AND Dec. 2 at 2:30pm. DEC. 8 - ESSEX SANTA CLAUS PARADE  at 6:30pm along Talbot St. Bring canned goods for local area Food Banks. DEC. 18 - ESSEX BLOOD DONOR CLINIC at Essex Centre Sports Complex, 60 Fairview Ave W. from 1- 7pm. For more info: DEC. 20 - HARROW BLOOD DONOR CLINIC at Camoes Portuguese Club of Harrow, 390 Sinasac Street, West from 1- 7pm. For more info: SUN COUNTY LYME AWARENESS SUPPORT GROUP offers monthly support for Lyme disease patients,family,& friends. If you are looking for info or connection, come join the discussion, learn, and share. Meetings are held the last Wednesday of every month (with exception of July & August) @ 6:30p.m. in the Cactus Room at Colasanti’s Tropical Gardens. Look us up on Facebook for updates. HIATUS HOUSE: offers counselling services in Essex County. Women’s Fresh Start group therapy is once a week. The primary goal of the Program is for the client to take responsibility for her physical & psychological safety. For info or to schedule an intake appointment, call the 24-hour Hiatus House helpline at 519-252-7781. COPING WITH ANGER GROUP - Wednesdays at Erie Shores Healthcare. For more information, contact Community Partnership at 226-348-4548 or email info@

Thursday, November 22, 2018


Community Hub I 19

Essex Free Press

Woodslee United Church submitted by Sue Holman

Come join us for Sunday Service and Sunday School at 11:15am. Reign of Christ Sunday and Communion. Rev. Colin Swan will lead the service and Communion. Liz and John Plat will greet you at the door. The lunch after the service is Pot Luck. Bring in a dish to share. Setting Fresh food. Friendly neighbours up will be Jean Vetor, Fran McKim and Elaine Mailloux. In an effort to keep our prayer list up 191 Talbot St. S., Essex to date please contact the office if you wish to have someone added or removed. Pastoral Charge Supervisor is Rev. Colin Swan. If you need Pastoral care he can he contacted at - Church email: Salvation Army Essex Church woodsleepc@gosfi Phone: 519-975-2252.Our submitted by Carolyn Barnett website is Get into the Christmas spirit by coming out to the town There are still frozen pies available. For more information, hall on Friday, Nov. 23rd at 6p.m. for the annual Christmas Tree contact Elaine Mailloux at: 519-890-6312. Lighting. The Salvation Army is providing free chili, hot dogs, Coff ee and Conversation: Thursdays at 10 am. Everyone is and hot chocolate. The Salvation Army South Windsor band and the Essex Public School Band will entertain with Christmas welcome. Music. Please bring an unwrapped toy for our toy drive. Bethel-Maidstone United The annual Kettle Drive starts on Saturday, Nov. 24th. If you Please join us Sunday mornings at 10am for worship, would like to sign up, call the church at 519-776-4628. coffee hour to follow! Our church and hall are both wheelchair Major Sam Roberts leads Family Worship Sundays at 10:30. accessible. We invite you to join us and stay after for refreshments and Rev. Catherine will lead “The Journey: Walking the Road fellowship. to Bethlehem” Dinner Series. It will take place Mondays at SA Connections meets Tuesdays from 10 -1. All are welcome the church at 6pm, November 26 - December 17. Travel from to drop-in and meet new friends, enjoy a variety of activities Nazareth to Bethlehem as we gain insight into our own journeys and lunch. Bible Study follows at 1p.m. if you wish to stay and with Christ this holiday season. explore the Book of Revelation with Major Shirley Roberts. Preschool Play Time has started and will continue every Messy Church will meet Thursday, Nov. 22nd, our last Thursday from 9:30am - 12noon. Caregivers & kids 0-4 are gathering until January. invited to drop in. Movie Night at the Army is at 6p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 25th. A There will be an Official Board Meeting after the service on Christmas film will be shown. Sunday, November 25th. Advent services put on by the Essex Ministerial Assoc. start On Friday, November 30th and Saturday, December 1st on Wednesday, Nov. 28th at Holy Name Church at noon. The GessTwood Camp and Retreat Centre will host The Bethelehem theme is “Singing Through Advent.” A light lunch will follow. Walk. It is an interactive outdoor drama where guests experience Don’t forget our sick and shut-ins during this busy time of first-century Bethlehem. Gesstwood Camp is located at 1034 year. A call, visit, or card would be appreciated by those who are Mole Side Road, Essex, (off County Road 12). Tours begin Friday confined to their homes. night at 7pm until 8:30pm, and Saturday 6:30pm to 8:30pm. sponsorship by:

Pepper. Linda had the most peppers and Lawrence D. had low score. Edna Chevalier won by a very large margin on Thursday night at Bridge. Colleen Chevalier came in second place.

Antioch Christian Ministries submitted by Linda Knight

Pastor Jay spoke on how ACM was founded on the Word of God, worship and prayer. Praise wasn’t our idea, it was Gods! “But you are holy enthroned in the praises of your people.” Psalm 22:3 Note: We are shifting our Healing Rooms to our House of

Continued on Page 21

Town of Essex Seeking Citizens for Committees


St. Paul’s Anglican Church Communion Service at Country Village is on Tuesday, November 27 at 10:30 am. A Christmas Carol Bible Study begins on Tuesday, November 27 at 7pm at Trinity Cottam. Singing through Advent: 2018 Ministerial Series, first service is on Wednesday, November 28: “Silent Night”, led by Pastor Catherine Elsdon at Holy Name of Jesus Church. The service begins at noon and is followed by a light lunch. Freewill offering gratefully accepted. All are welcome! Thrive Intergenerational Christmas Party: December 5th, 5pm at Essex United - An all ages even where we will eat together, enjoy Christmas trivia and more. Pasta Dinner at St. Paul’s is on Friday, December 7th from 5 - 6:30pm. The next St. Paul’s Market Day is on Saturday, Dec. 15. From 10am - 2pm. Please visit our website at or our Facebook page at You can also reach us at 519-776-7711 or by email at office@

Poinsettias will be placed in the Sanctuary in memory and honour of loved ones. Order slips are on the table in the foyer. Please return them to Judy K or the office by December 2nd. On Sunday, December 2nd, Bethel-Maidstone United Church is hosting “A Concert of Christmas Songs” beginning at 2pm featuring the Sun Parlour Chorus along with community members. Free-will offering, with proceeds to support the Ghana Water Project. All welcome! You can find us on the web at Our email address is and the office number is (519) 723-2284. Essex Retirees’ Social Club Mary Lou Chibi won at Monday night Pepper with high score, Debbie Monchamp had the most peppers, and Lawrence Dobson had low score. Tuesday afternoon Pepper had Tom Dewhurst with the most peppers, Estelle Spoors had high score, and Janece McLaughlin had low score. Janece McLaughlin won with high score at Wednesday night

Hope nights. February 15th will be the first one. Weekly Intercession is on Tuesday and Friday mornings at 9am. Awaken Youth Talk Show is on Friday, November 23rd. Meet & Greet with our pastors, November 25th following the service, (for those who have been attending Antioch for less than a year). For more information, visit our website at Be Blessed!

The Council of the Town of Essex seeks interested citizens to serve on its Committees during the upcoming new term of Council (2018-2022). Current committees of Council include the following: • • • • • • • • • • •

Accessibility Advisory Arts, Culture, and Tourism Co-An Park Advisory Committee Committee of Adjustment Communities In Bloom Essex Business Improvement Area (B.I.A.) ELK Energy Board Essex Fun Fest Municipal Heritage Police Services Board Property Standards

In order to serve on a Committee any interested citizen may send a letter or other correspondence expressing their interest in joining and serving on the particular committee along with a brief outline of their qualifications to the Town Clerk. Following receipt the Clerk will review and make a recommendation to the 20182022 Town Council at an upcoming council meeting. Town Council will then consider and vote on your appointment to the Committee at this meeting. After confirmation of your appointment, the Clerk will inform you and the Committee. The term of the Committee shall be for up to four (4) years and generally ends at the conclusion of Council’s current term. Committee members will be provided with a copy of the Town of Essex Local Boards/ Committees Procedures and Best Practices Manual and will be expected to adhere to those procedures and best practices outlined therein. In general Committee members are expected to: • Familiarize themselves with the mandate and/or terms of reference of the Board/committee • Strive to attend all scheduled meetings and advise in advance when unable to attend • Prepare for meetings by reading agendas and any background information supplied • Actively participate in the discussion and decision making process • Undertake any work assigned, including special projects and research, between meetings • Be open-minded and allow for a variety of opinions to be heard; focus on the issue being discussed • Respect the individual worth and dignity of other members and staff and maintain a high degree of professionalism • Ask questions and seek clarification through the staff, the Council liaison or Chair • Respect the role of and responsibility of the Chair • Respect that actions taken and recommendations shall reflect the majority view of the board/committee • Clearly identify any items of pecuniary interest before they are discussed and refrain from discussing and voting on such issues • Maintain confidentiality when necessary • Allow fellow committee members to speak without interruption • Direct all comments and questions through the Chair Persons interested in serving on one or more of the above Committees should submit their names in writing, along with a brief outline of their qualifications to the Town Clerk no later than Friday, December 7, 2018. Robert W Auger Town Solicitor/Clerk 33 Talbot Street South, Essex, Ontario, N8M 1A8 Email: Fax: 519-776-8811

Interested citizens can also fill out an online form at:

20 I Business Directory Essex Free Press


Thursday, November 22, 2018











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Thursday, November 22, 2018


Community Hub/Business Directory I 21

Essex Free Press

Essex Community Services

Trinity Church Continued from Page 19

Maidstone Cross submitted by Wendy Cunningham

Thank you to everyone who volunteered and donated towards the Goodfellows this past weekend. Your donations help to serve local families in Oldcastle and Maidstone and vicinity. If you or someone you know needs a food basket for Christmas, please contact the Goodfellows and ask for Wendy at 519-890-9120. The Giving Tree at St. Mary’s church is up. The gifts again will support the Windsor Refugee Ministries Office for children of refugee claim families. Please remember to wrap gifts and attach the original tag. Please drop off by Sunday, December 9th. Any questions call Kolleen at: 519-563-9217. The book of remembrance is at the back of the church for the month of November. You are invited to sign the names of your deceased loved ones in and it will be prayed for all the Masses. The next Pasta Night is on Tuesday, December 4th from 5 - 7p.m. Tickets at the door. Proceeds to the Essex Area Food Bank. Our prayers and sympathies go to the Redmond and Cassar families on the passing of Joanne. Please keep in your prayers and all the people who are sick, shut-in, and in Hospice.

Essex United Church For the month of November, food donations are for the Essex Food Bank. Join us on Sunday, November 25 at our 10:30am Worship Service, Michelle Oake, Executive Director Windsor Essex Child/Youth Advocacy Centre is our guest speaker. The ESSEX DISTRICT CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW 2018 is on Sat., Dec.1: 10am - 4pm and Sun., Dec. 2: 11:30am -4pm. Lunch will be available both days. “A Christmas Carol,” on Friday, December 14th at 6:30 pm. Presented by our youth! Admission by donation. Come and watch this wonderful musical.

We keep in our prayers those on our prayer list Cam, Dan, Christina, Sandy, Jane, Michael, Debby, and Tyler. The Sanctuary Lamp burns to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Bill & Grace Martin, given by Ron & Maggie Martin. A Christmas Carol Bible Study begins on Tuesday, November 27 at 7PM at Trinity. All are welcome. While grocery shopping remember to pick up something for the Food Bank as user numbers are up and they are in desperate need of many items. There are just a couple of weeks left to place your pie orders, cherry or meat, individual sizes or 10 inch size. Place your order by leaving a message with the church office at 519-776-7711 or with Brenda Layson at 519-839-5184. Pick up date is Saturday, December 8 from 10 - 11AM. Also, there is just a couple of weeks left to purchase new toys for the Toy Box. These toys will go to the Goodfellows to be distributed to kids in our very own area. We invite you to join us Sundays at 9:15 in “The Little White Church” in the cemetery in Cottam. All are welcome! Essex County Library - McGregor BRANCH WRITE A LETTER TO SANTA - When it comes to Christmas wishes, it’s always smart to put them in writing. We will help you write a letter to Santa and mail it to the North Pole! Thursday, December 6 at 3:45 pm. Ages: 5 – 13. Register online or at the library. CHRISTMAS CRAFTS - Come to the library & celebrate the holidays with crafts! Tuesday, December 11 at 5:45 pm. Ages: 5 - 12. Register online or at the library. Essex County Library - Essex BRANCH CHRISTMAS COOKIES AND BOOKS - Children are invited to the Essex Library to decorate & take home Christmas cookies. *The Library will provide cookies & a variety of frostings & edible decorations. Saturday, December 15 at 10:30 am. Ages 5 & up. Register online or at the library.


SNOW PATROL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Essex Community Services is calling for volunteers to join the Essex Snow Patrol & help your community! During the winter months snow and ice are potential hazards to everyone, but they pose special problems for people with limited mobility. When snow accumulates, many people often encounter problems getting in and out of their homes. ECS matches volunteers with eligible seniors and people with physical disabilities to clear the snow from sidewalks and driveways. Snow removal volunteers are needed in all parts of the Municipality of Essex. If you would like to volunteer as a member of the Essex Snow Patrol, contact Essex Community Services at 519-776-4231 for more information. Thank you!

Paquette News submitted by Amy Hartley

We would like to send out a great big thank you to everyone who volunteered, organized, and especially attended out Church of the Redeemer -Soup for the Soul Fundraiser and Bazaar. Because of your generous support, we were able to generate $2274.25 to go to the Murchadha House.

Holy Name of Jesus Church submitted by Therese Lecuyer

Christmas Pot Luck dinner & Bingo is on Tuesday, Dec. 11 at 6pm in the parish hall. Bring your favourite dish to share. Fish Fry is on November 23, from 4:30-7pm. Proceeds to Essex Firefighters Association. The Giving tree is up for Christmas in the Gather Space. The gifts support seniors at the nursing homes, Holy Name School, Children’s Aid Society, and our Parish families. Please take a tag and return the gift by the specified date. God bless you all and have a great week!


Essex Christian Reformed Church


We would like to extend an invitation to you and your family to attend our Sunday morning worship service, beginning at 10:00 am with Pastor Peter Hoytema, from Strathroy ON. During the service we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Nursery supervision and Sunday school are provided. Join us afterward for a cup of tea or coffee. GEMS and Cadets meet on Monday evenings from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. This is a great club for girls and boys from Grade 1 - 8 where we participate in bible studies, crafts, and games. All are welcome to attend. Visit us online for service times and directions or just to listen to a sermon or two.




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22 I Sports Essex Free Press

submitted to EFP This past weekend, the Atom Major Ravens travelled the snow swept highways to Buffalo, New York to participate in the Buffalo River Classic. The team faced competition that consisted of American “AA” teams, and played all the games on outdoor rinks. The first two round robin games were held on Friday. The Ravens dominated both winning by scores of 10-0 and 9-0. The first game witnessed a strong twogoal performance by Jaclyn

Watch for a NEW “Old Car Detective” column by Bill Sherk in our November 29th edition. Bill is always looking for stories. Email:

Weston, a two-point game by Ethan O’Neil, as well as Mason Ginter scoring the goal to lead in the Ginter household. Game two highlights had Caleb Cavanagh scoring the natural hat trick, Denver Boismier scoring two, and Sean Wilson going top shelf on a breakaway. The third game of round robin was not until 5:00pm on Saturday, so, with several hours off, the team was ready to go against the Lakeland Hawks. Essex would open the scoring, with only 30 seconds in, on an unselfish

feed by Braeden Cavanagh to Caleb Gailitis. The opening surge by Essex wouldn’t stall, as the Hawks began to dominate the play in the Essex end. The Ravens came close on several chances, however, the majority of the play was in the Essex end for extended periods of time. Reed Vandervecht stood on his head to turn the Hawks away on numerous occasions to keep the slim 1-0 lead. An Essex breakaway was stopped late in the third period, only to have the Hawks come back on a

rush and even the score with 15 seconds left. Final score 1-1. The Ravens secured its spot in the finals against the very same Lakeland Hawks. With an early 7:00am start, on an outdoor rink in Buffalo, the scene was set for a classic final! Perhaps accounting for the early start, the Ravens came out sluggish in the first period, and Lakeland dominated the play. Trevor Paquette turned away every shot in the first period, to keep the Ravens in the game, despite being dominated early on. The Hawks continued holding the puck in the Ravens zone in the second period. The defensive crew of Cade Smith, Gavin Hebert, Jesse Chadwick, Cole Grant, and Ben Fuerth threw every last ounce of energy they had in the game, doing whatever it took to prevent scoring chances. With 5 minutes left in the second, Owen Sadler went end-to-end and sniped one past the Hawk goalie, to give the Ravens a 1-0 lead in a very tight game. The back-andforth play continued into the third period, with both teams working hard to find


a goal. Late in the third period, the Hawk’s pulled its goalie and mounted a strong attack to find the equalizer, however the Ravens stood strong and scored two empty net goals to make it a final score of 3-0. Ravens are champs! Essex outscored its opponents 23-1 in the tournament and improved its tournament record this season with two championships, one runner

Thursday, November 22, 2018

up, and one fifth place. Reed VanderVecht and Trevor Paquette shared the co-MVP honours of the tournament, giving up just one goal in four games. Special thanks to injured player Noah Martin for encouraging the team from the bench. The Ravens now turn their attention to Bluewater league play.





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Thursday, November 22, 2018


Sports I 23

Essex Free Press

73’s show chemistry and confidence

Photo by Laurie Beaten: Curtis Jackson stick handles as Admirals’ goalie, Ben Larder, tries to poke check him in Tuesday’s 4-1 win.

by Garrett Fodor The Essex 73’s entered last week with four consecutive wins, and the home team was hoping to extend that streak to six with having two games on the schedule, including one against a cross-town rival. On Tuesday, Essex hosted the Integrity Amherstburg Admirals. The Admirals gave Essex its last loss in their previous meeting on October 28, which was a 4-3 overtime loss. After 20 minutes of play, the teams were scoreless, with Essex up 12-6 in shots. It was nearly two full periods of play before the first goal was scored. With two minutes remaining in the second period, Quinn Fazekas opened the scoring when he beat Admirals’

goalie, Ben Larder, off the draw. Under a minute later, Essex doubled its lead. Jack Sanko and Justin Bondy overloaded the net and pressured the Admirals’ defense by crowding the crease. As a result, Larder lost sight of the puck and Sanko tucked it by him. Heading into the intermission, Essex was up 2-0. In the third period, Michael Vieira increased the lead to three with a snapshot that landed high above Larder, with the man advantage. Nine minutes later, Vieira’s line-mate, Josh Pope-Ferguson, continued his torrid pace and beat Larder again with the man advantage. Ty Moss would spoil Jax D’hondt’s shutout in the

bus and came to the game wearing their sons’ jerseys. Opening the game just over a minute in, Petrolia capitalized on an early Essex penalty, as Jax D’hondt was beaten in tight and was unable to find the loose puck. But, two minutes later, Pope-Ferguson beat Flyers’ goalie, Chaska Thiel. Skating into the intermission, the two teams were tied at one. The trend of early period goals continued into the second. Matt Zelko gave the 73’s their first lead of the game, just 2:49 into the period, as he snuck a shot by Thiel.

Forty-four seconds later, Pope-Ferguson netted his second of the game, again with man-advantage, to double Essex’s lead. The score would remain 3 - 1, skating into the second intermission. In the final 20 minutes of play, Clay Dolbear scored two goals in the opening 78 seconds to put the Flyers back into the game and tie it at three. But shortly after that, Essex used its speed and puck possession to its advantage, as the home team was able to draw two, five-minute major penalties, which setup a 5-on-3. Michael Ruttinger restored the 73’s

final minute. Essex prevailed, 4-1. The 73’s outshot the Admirals 39 to 26. Closing out the week, Essex took to the road to face the eighth place Petrolia Flyers in what proved to be a “chippy,” penalty-riddled game. The teams combined for 106 penalty minutes and eight powerplay goals. This game was also a special night for the 73’s players, as it was their Moms’ trip. The players’ moms travelled on the

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lead, as the diminutive forward continued to help the Stobbs’ Division’s best power-play. Two minutes later, Pope-Ferguson netted his third of the game. Closing out the game, Ruttinger found the back of the net again for the second time. Essex prevailed, 6-3 over Petrolia. Essex has a slim twopoint lead in the Stobbs Division, which is setting up a crucial contest against Dresden on November 20.

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24 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, November 22, 2018

EDHS received $100,000 Aviva grant for its grandstands

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by Sylene Argent After receiving 640 submissions, and almost 1 million online votes in support of those projects from across the country, the Aviva Community Fund announced its 2018 winners on Tuesday, which will give away $1,000,000 in prizes to over 60 winners, coast-tocoast. At an assembly Tuesday morning, the students at Essex District

High School were excited to learn their school was successful in garnering a $100,000 grant through the Aviva Community Fund, which will help purchase a grandstand for the sports field. Currently, fans, parents, and grandparents have no place to sit when showing support to the student athletes who use the field. These supporters would bring lawn chairs or towels to sit upon. The funding was obtained because of the community’s support in online voting. When EDHS Student Success Teacher, Lindsay Drozdz, spoke to an Aviva rep, she said she was told the company liked how Essex appeared to be a positive, spirited community. They also liked how the community rallied around this project. Drozdz said the goal is to have the grandstand, which will have a fully accessible ramp, installed this spring. “I’m not surprised,” Drozdz said of the funding results. “Because

Essex has rallied behind stuff like this before.” In the past, the community supported Essex Public School’s playground project through the same contest, which was also successful. She said what is especially nice about receiving the funding is that the students got to learn how hard work can pay off. The grade 12 Fitness Leadership students worked hard to get community support and the business leadership students approached local business on getting support of putting up signs or handing out information about the contest to their customers. In addition, EDHS students asked the 73’s to help, and at a game, they urged the fans in the stands to vote. They also urged other leadership students at other area high schools to vote. All of this work helped the students to develop leadership skills, she said.

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