Essex Free Press - October 10, 2019

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519-961-9610 @bradysdrugstore A LOOK INSIDE Advocacy group provides candidates a platform to speak on senior issues PAGE 2 _______________ Special strategic plan meeting gathers final Council comments PAGE 6 _______________ Colchester North centennial history book reprinted PAGE 15 _______________ Luke Tremblay brings home four golds PAGE 17 _______________ 73’s split back-to-back games PAGE 23 _______________

Looking For A Good Home

“BLAKE” See Page 5 for adoption info.

Vol. 139

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Issue No. 40

Hours: Mon-Tues 9-5, Wed 10-6, Thurs 9-7, Fri 8-4, Sat by appointment

Firefighters/Agris employees train for grain extrication

by Sylene Argent Recently, area Agris Co-Op employees and local firefighters learned how to safely extract an individual from grain through a hands-on

workshop hosted at the Stoney Point Agris CoOp location. Participants also earned of different situations that could result in getting trapped in grain. Anne Anger, the

Secretary/Treasurer of the Essex County Federation of Agriculture (ECFA), noted this was the first time the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association’s (CASA) BeGrainSafe

program has been in the area. The free training program for first responders included bringing a the BeGrainSafe Trailer to the site, which has a built-in silo with a capacity to hold

7,000 pounds of grain. The trailer includes equipment that can safely lower a mannequin or person into the grain so the extraction method could be learned. First responders and Agris employees were taught how to place cofferdams round the individual needing extricating. Grain or seed is then removed from around the victim. Anger noted the ECFA and the County of Essex organized the training session, with help from generous sponsors. Anger hoped this demonstration will spark interest from others in the area who would also like to receive the training. She hopes the training will never be needed, but likes the idea of others learning the correct way to save someone from a grain silo if the incident were to ever occur.

Town of Essex Council Notes for October 7 by Sylene Argent and Adam Gault Councillor members review AMO Conference Essex Council began Monday’s meeting with a recap of issues discussed at the Association of Ontario Municipalities (AMO) Conference held in Ottawa this past August. In a series of meetings with colleagues representing municipalities across Ontario, various industry leaders, and Provincial Ministers, members of Essex Council and Administration had the opportunity to network and discuss matters of municipal importance on subjects ranging

from environmental, tourism, and transportation. Mayor Larry Snively had the opportunity to speak with Mike Harris Jr., Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry, on the subject of Phragmites, an invasive plant species found throughout Essex County. “What we understand, is that there’s a new chemical being tried in the St. Thomas area, and it seems to be working,” Mayor Snively explained. “The rumor was that they would be moving the chemical down this way if

Continued on Page 3

2 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, October 10, 2019

Advocacy group provides candidates a platform to speak on senior issues

Adam Budrewicz, CARP Windsor Essex Chapter 7 President, was at the Atlas Tube Centre in Lakeshore last Friday afternoon as the senior advocacy group hosted a meet and greet with the federal election candidates so senior-related topics could be discussed.

by Sylene Argent With the federal election date just around the corner, and with voters still learning about party platforms and candidate values, the Canadian Association for Retired Persons (CARP) has been hosting meet and greets with candidates in the local three ridings. These events allow community members an opportunity to ask senior-related questions of candidates vying to be elected to represent their riding at the House of Commons on October 21. Adam Budrewicz, CARP Windsor Essex Chapter 7 President, explained the organization advocates for and benefits seniors. He said the purpose of these events is to have the candidates present party platforms on senior topics, such as pensions, Pharmacare, and affordable housing. Budrewicz said he took notes and will contact the organization’s members about what was learned at these events as it may be hard for some seniors to get out and participate. The Essex Riding candidates had their opportunity to speak about senior issues at the CARP event hosted at the Atlas Tube Centre in Lakeshore last Friday afternoon. Incumbent Tracey Ramsey (NDP), Chris Lewis (Conservative), and Bill Capes (PPC) attended last Friday’s session. Candidates had five-minutes to introduce themselves. Attendees where the able to ask them any questions they had. Ramsey spoke about the importance of addressing senior issues, such as pension security (like ensuring pensions are paid out if a company goes bankrupt), affordable housing needs, and the NDP’s plan to introduce Pharmacare and dental care. She also spoke about how the NDP tried to bring forward a national senior strategy.

The number of seniors in the area is growing, Ramsey noted. Without a strategy, it is difficult to know where to apply supports where they are most needed. She noted the NDP would pay for such initiatives as there is $6B in corporate debt and a large sum was spent on a pipeline. It is all about proprieties on how the government decides to spend. The wealthiest in the country, she added, should pay more. Lewis said he and his campaign team have knocked on thousands of doors across the riding to date and has heard may different concerns by doing so. At the end of the day, seniors make up a large portion of the riding. He has heard seniors ask not to be left behind. “That really resonates with me,” he said. “They built what we have today.” Making life more affordable for seniors is important, especially for those who have low-incomes, so they can enjoy their golden years. He said the Conservative plan can help make life more affordable for seniors as it plans to scrap the carbon tax, take the GST off home heating, provide universal tax cuts (including pension earnings), invest $1.5B to replace and add new medical imaging equipment for hospitals, and increase the age credit $1,000 per year per senior. Capes noted conversation this election has centered around national programs. He said Canadians agree something must be done, but noted, however, the issues of healthcare, housing, and education are provincial matters. A People’s Party platform strategy of a simpler, smaller federal government, leading the provinces to a more efficient Canada, is the only solution for success for a fair, prosperous country for all, he said.

Continued on Page 8


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Thursday, October 10, 2019 I

News I 3

Essex Free Press

it works down there, which is good.” Phragmites pose a major concern for local ecosystems, crowding native vegetation, providing a poor habitat and food supply for local wildlife, among posing a significant blockage hazard for municipal drainage systems. Councillor Morley Bowman met with Jeff Yurek, the Provincial Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, on the issue of algae blooms and buffer zones and the need for related regulations for farms encroaching on ditches and water courses in an effort to reduce the flow of nutrients to our waterways. Bowman said he felt it was a very “non- committal” meeting with the minister, but that he seemed to listen to the concerns of the councillors. During the conference, Premier Ford announced that his government would commit $17 billion towards revitalizing and building new hospitals, along with an additional $1 billion for important local projects. “To see that type of money being put into healthcare, I think that impressed everybody that was at that meeting,” Mayor Snively said. “That’s all good news.” Modernization Grant to improve lighting and systems Council received a Report from Administration, prepared by Essex Director of Corporate Services, Jeffrey Morrison, regarding the receival of a “Modernization Grant” from the provincial government, in the amount of $620,201. This one-time payment will be received this fiscal year, and is intended to help modernize service delivery, and reduce future costs by investing in projects such as conversion to more energy efficient street lights, as will happen with the grant for the Town of Essex. The grant will be allocated in several ways, with $610,527 for the conversion of streetlights to LEDs, $6,106 Report a Problem, an Online Service Request System, and $3,468 for Playground Software. The more than $600,000 designated for streetlight infrastructure, will have a number of lights across the municipality converted to a more energy efficient LED lighting system. In addition to saving money spent on energy costs, the lighting system will alert maintenance to outages allowing for quick and efficient repair. The Report a Problem Online Service Request System will allow citizens of Essex the ability to report problems directly to members of administration, reducing the amount of staff time needed to relay issues. Citizens will also be automatically updated when issues are addressed, reducing the amount of staff time needed to follow up.

- Tuesday, October 7, 2019 Continued from Front Page Additionally, the system will provide for more consistent tracking of problems submitted by citizens, which will give administration enhanced ability to prepare for work over the long run. Playground software will enable a consistent system to track and report on playground inspections, and track ongoing repairs and their completion. Local business owners concerned with power interruptions Essex Council received correspondence from the owners of the Harrow area fitness centre, SouthShore Fitness, advising Council of the constant hydro interruptions at their establishment, which they claimed has cost them thousands of dollars in repairs and replacement for equipment damaged by power surges. “Businesses and residents in Harrow and Colchester with power outages are really looking for a public statement, and some sort of message from our Council that we’ve heard that there’s concerns,” Councillor Sherry Bondy said. “We don’t have a lot of pull with Hydro One. They want someone to be held accountable, and people are having a hard time getting repeat insurance.” In their letter, the business owners ask Council take priority in addressing this issue, and do more to help existing businesses in the municipality. “We have been working with ELK to get some communications,” Bondy explained. “Anybody that has power issues, I cannot stress enough to call your utility company. If you don’t like what they’re saying, you still have the option to go to the Ontario Energy Board to get results.” Town to purchase floor scrubber for Harrow Arena Essex Council received Community Services’ report “Reallocation of Capital Budget Funding for the Purchase of an Automatic Floor Scrubber for the Harrow Arena” and authorized the reallocation of $3,058 from the power washer replacement project to cover the full cost of a new automatic floor scrubber for the Harrow Arena. The report notes the power washer and automatic floor scrubber at the Harrow Arena were added to the 2019 budget. Continued on Page 5

4 I Opinion Essex Free Press

Editorial &Opinion

I Thursday, October 10, 2019

Howling at the Moon ••• Comment by Sylene Argent ••• On election talking point regarding handguns

Serving Essex and the surrounding communities since 1896.

Published Thursdays as an independent weekly newspaper, owned and operated by The Essex Voice Limited. A London Publishing Corporation Publication OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. OUR STAFF Sandy Kennedy / Andrew Beaudoin - Office Jessica Azar - Graphic Design / Social Media / Production Lana Warwick - Graphic Design Greg Belchuk - Advertising Sales Manager Sylene Argent - Editor/News Reporter Shelley Beaudoin - Graphic Design / Production

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One of the talking points that has risen up during this federal election was kind of surprising to me. It is the conversation surrounding giving municipalities the option to further restrict or ban handguns. The Liberals and NDP have said they would consider giving municipalities an opportunity to ban handguns if elected. I certainly want our streets to be as safe as possible, but every time I hear about the government wanting to put more restrictions on lawabiding gun owners, I am puzzled that is the avenue they want to look at when wanting to fight crime. There are plenty of people out there with guns, especially in our rural areas. They have strict regulations to follow and background checks are conducted, and I think that is important for safely. There is also a training process to get a PAL/ RPAL and hunting license, which helps ensure those who want guns in this country are willing and able

to follow the rules and are of sound mind to do so. Now, I understand there have been terrible instances in this country where people have lost their lives in mass shootings. My heart breaks every time I hear of one and wish there was better access to mental health help, or more programming to help youth and younger adults find their passion so that a life of crime can be avoided. Over the past few years, we have read how art and music programs, for example, are being squeezed out of educational curriculums. Of course, educational decisions are made at the provincial, not federal, level of government. I think the bigger conversation to be had is instead of looking at further restrictions for law-abiding citizens because of the actions of those who do not obey the law, perhaps the better way to look at this critical issue is to implement harsher penalties for those who break the law, such as trafficking or making unregistered

weapons, or stealing the guns. Those with bad intentions will likely not care about laws. According to Statistics Canada, in 2013 there were 155 homicides in Canada, of which 103 were handgun-related. In 2018, those numbers jumped to 249 homicides, of which 143 were handgun related. It does not note the percent of those firearms that were registered or unregistered, or if they were stolen, unfortunately, and those are statistics I would certainly want to read about and I think should be easily found if they are not. Perhaps getting to the root of this very critical issue and providing programming for those who may be considered at risk would be a more effective model to ensure Canadian streets are safer.

LETTER POLICY The Essex Free Press welcomes letters to the editor on topics of interest to our readers. Letters should be typed or neatly handwritten and present the issues as clearly as possible in 300 words or less. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar, and legal considerations. All letters must contain the name, address, and daytime phone number of the writer for verification purposes. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. If you have a legitimate concern and cannot sign your name to a letter, please contact the editor to discuss alternative means of handling the issue.

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The Essex Free Press

Office: 16 Centre St. Essex, Ontario Mail to: P.O. Box 115 Essex, Ontario N8M 2Y1

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Commentary - OFA

Agriculture’s role in Great Lakes water quality plans By Brent Royce, Director, Ontario Federation of Agriculture

Every farmer works in concert with the natural environment. Water, air, and soil are the backbone of our farm businesses, and we understand the importance of sound resource management. We follow, with keen interest, any government decisions that impact water management to ensure the agricultural community is included and informed. There is a renewed Great Lakes proposal on the table – the Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health. It’s a federal-provincial agreement that supports the restoration and protection of the Great Lakes basin ecosystem. The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) recently responded to the proposal, leading with the fact that we are pleased to see that agriculture was specifically included as part of the Great Lakes community under this new Canada-Ontario Agreement which provides agriculture the opportunity to participate and provide advice in the decision-making process. We used our submission to address specific components of the proposal and draw attention to areas that must have direct input from the agricultural community for the agreement for this to be a meaningful project. Sustainability is not a new term to farmers. When used in the Great Lakes proposal, sustainability must be considered from a social, economic, and environmental standpoint.

Government must provide the resources needed to implement on-the-ground projects to improve water quality. It’s not enough to talk about it – we’ll need considerable resources to be able to make these projects happen in the communities that are impacted. There is mention of reviewing Ontario’s agricultural drainage management that includes an integrated watershed management approach. OFA is adamant that any discussions related to agricultural drainage management, as part of this new initiative, must involve the agricultural community. Overall, OFA is encouraged by the possibility the renewed Great Lakes water quality initiative could have on long-term sustainability of our water resources. At the same time, we are urging the government to continue communicating with the agricultural community as more details become available around the Canada-Ontario Agreement related to Great Lakes water quality. You can read OFA’s full submission at, click on Resources then Submissions and Correspondence.

This week’s edition was packed with local news... See photos with stories on our website:

Thursday, October 10, 2019 I

News I 5

Essex Free Press

Essex Council notes... Continued from Page 3

The lowest bid for the automatic floor scrubber came in at $9,400, plus HST, but $7,022 was allocated in the approved capital budget for this project. The report adds staff members at the Harrow Arena believe the features on the new automatic floor scrubber will allow for the maintaining of all floors in the facility, so a new power washer will not be required. Essex arena skate shop lease transferred Essex Council received Community Services’ Report “Transfer of Lease for the Operation of the Skate Sharpening and Pro Shop at the Essex Centre Sports Complex,” and further repealed Bylaw 1582 for Essex Sports Equipment Ltd. to operate the Skate Sharpening and Pro Shop at the Essex Centre Sports Complex, effective immediately. In addition, Council approved an Agreement with Richard R. Brett to operate the Skate Sharpening and Pro Shop for a three-year term, commencing October 1, subject to the general terms and conditions, and gave Bylaw 1852 two readings. The third reading and adoption will take place at a subsequent Council meeting. Brett has been employed by Essex Sports Ltd. to operate the skate sharpening and pro shop on their behalf. The Report to Council notes the Essex Sports Equipment Limited responded to a request for proposal to operate the skate sharpening and pro shop at the Essex Centre Sports Complex in 2009 and has been operating the shop since that time. In September, the Town received a letter from Essex Sports Ltd., requesting the lease transfer. Fire Dispatch Services agreement with Windsor Essex Council received the report “Agreement for Fire Dispatch Services with the City of Windsor” from Essex’s Fire Department and further gave three readings to Bylaw 1854, authorizing the Town of Essex to enter into a formal agreement with the City of Windsor for fire dispatch services. The Report to Council noted since the late 1960s, Windsor Fire and Rescue has provided fire dispatch services throughout the Town of Essex. Following the amalgamation of several county municipalities into the present seven municipalities, a Regional Radio System Advisory Committee was created to review options and costs for a multi-channel, interoperable radio system with respect to dispatch and communication services. In 2005, Lakeshore, Tecumseh, Essex, and Amherstburg agreed to work together and implement a UHF system through Kelcom infrastructure that provided interoperability between the four departments, but with separate channels from which to communicate. Essex Fire Chief Rick Arnel noted this contract does not change what was already in place with Windsor Fire and Rescue for the dispatch service, the contract just formalizes the agreement, which he said is better for everyone involved.

on that part of County Road 20 discharging, potentially discharging, or affected by septic waste inflow into the Skeates Drain. The properties affected are located on the north side of Country Road 20, from and including 2896 on the west to and including 2920 on the east, precluding new residential development or additions to existing dwellings for a period of one-year to permit the study of options to remediate the problem. The report to Council noted this is the consequence of failed septic systems and illegal septic system connections to this covered drain, which camera testing revealed in September of 2018. Council, however, may repeal the Bylaw before the termination date if the studies and necessary works have been completed, but may also extend the period for up to one-more year if they have not been completed. Town’s Economic Development Officer earns certificate Council learned Nelson Silveira, Essex’s Economic Development Officer, recently fulfilled the requirements to earn a Certificate in Economic Development from the University of Waterloo. He was officially presented with his Certificate while at the Economic Developers Association of Canada conference in Edmonton recently. This certificate allows Silveira to work towards an Economic Development accreditation. Mayor Larry Snively congratulated Silveira on earning the certificate on behalf of Council, noting it is helping him build on his career and providing him with the tools to help make Essex a top investment for investors. Live Streaming Town Council Meetings During the previous Council Meeting, Councillor Chris Vander Doelen put forward a Notice of Motion that administration look at internet streaming, as well as broadcasting options with respect to Town Council meetings. “I’ve been asked by a few citizens if we’re ever going to stream [Council meetings],” Vander Doelen said, noting that not all residents receive CFTV, the live TV

broadcaster of the meetings. “I heard that Amherstburg had started streaming, and that the cost was relatively modest, it seemed to be a small price to pay to have complete permanent access.” The motion passed, and administration will look into streaming options.

NoM for October 21 meeting: Intersection Safety Deputy Mayor Richard Meloche put forward a Notice of Motion. He would like the Town of Essex to request an intersection safety audit to the County regarding County Road 20 and County Road 13 and County Road 20 and County Road 23. The Notice of Motion will be brought forward for consideration/discussion at the October 21 meeting. Meloche first brought the file forward during the New Business section of the meeting; however, Councillor Steve Bjorkman called a Point of Order, noting he did not believe what the Deputy Mayor was presenting met the New Business criteria of being urgent or minor. At first Mayor Larry Snively said he would allow Meloche to continue with his presentation, but then put it to a vote, asking Council to weight in. A majority Council vote noted the content did not meet the requirements, so it was brought up as a Notice of Motion to be considered for discussion at the next meeting.

Pet Of The Week: Blake Blake is a kitten under 9 months of age. His “feline-ality” is still being formed. There are some typical kitten behaviours that you can expect from him, such as - he will likely be full of energy, running around practicing his hunting skills. He will require patience and gentle training until he learns the rules of your household. Visit Blake today! This pet comes with 6 weeks of pre-paid pet health insurance. For more information, visit or call 1-866-600-2445. Visit the Windsor-Essex County Humane Society shelter to visit at 1375 Provincial Rd., Windsor. Ph: 519-966-5751. The adoption center is open everyday at 11am.

Interim Control Bylawfor County Road 20 Council received the report “Interim Control Bylaw for Specific County Road 20 Properties” and approved Bylaw 1856 to establish interim control restrictions for properties

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6 I News Essex Free Press

I Thursday, October 10, 2019

Council Connect: September 24, 2019 Special strategic plan meeting Meeting of Tecumseh Council highlights gathers final Council comments submitted to EFP Noise By-Law Exemption: Council approved the noise by-law exemption for Karma Wine Bar, 12205 Riverside Drive, on Saturday, September 28 from 5:00 to 11:30 p.m. to celebrate their one-year anniversary. A portion of the ticket sales for the event will be donated to the WindsorEssex Humane Society. CIP Grant-Buckingham Realty: Council approved a grant of $500 under the Community Improvement Plan (CIP) to Buckingham Realty at 12214 Tecumseh Road for improvements to their parking area. This grant brings the total amount of grant funds awarded to owners in the CIP area to over $400,000. Details on the CIP program, area of application and how to apply for a grant are available at www. Rural Economic Development Program Application: Council received details on the Town’s application to the Rural Economic Development (RED) Program Application for approximately $40,000 to conduct a Business Retention and Expansion Study (BR&E). Council identified Economic Development as a priority in the 2019-2022 Strategic Priorities and a BR&E study will be a first step toward this priority. Should the application be successful, the Town would be responsible for 50% of the cost of the study. Lesperance Bike Lanes: Council approved the execution of an agreement between the Town and Provincial Road Markings Inc. to complete painting of bike

lanes on Lesperance Road from McNorton Street to Riverside Drive. This project was previously approved in June 2017 and was identified as part of the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling (OMCC) grant application in 2018. Total project cost is approximately $135,000 with the Town’s overall cost approximately $13,000, thanks to funding from the OMCC and the County Wide Active Transportation System (CWATS). Flood Risk Data Sharing: Tecumseh was asked to participate in a pilot project study on flood risk modeling in Canada. The study was conducted by a joint team consisting of the Canadian Water Network (CWN), the Insurance Bureau of Canada, and the Canadian Department of Natural Resources. The study hopes to assess the potential for flood risk evaluation, determine was data type should be used for effective modelling and investigate ways to share relevant and current data across both the private and public sectors. Tecumseh was one of five municipalities across Canada to contribute to the study. CWN is expected to release a report on the study this week. The next Regular Meeting of Council is October 8, 2019 at 7 p.m. Full agenda details will be available on the Town’s website Thursday, October 3. Information on this and all Town of Tecumseh news and events is available at, Twitter (@ TownofTecumseh), and Facebook (www.

by Sylene Argent On the evening of Monday, September 30, staff members and decision-makers for the Town of Essex hosted a special meeting inside the large meeting room at the Essex Municipal Building to discuss the Town’s strategic plan. This document will set out the long-term plans for this term of Council and will be used to guide the overall direction of the organization. It includes six strategic priorities and associated action items. Essex CAO Chris Nepszy said the special Council meeting was a high-level, next step in the development of the strategic plan. “I presented the draft document, worked through how we got to this point, and listened to Council to ensure their vision was captured,” Nepszy said of the special meeting.

Council will now review the draft document’s content, and then administration will incorporate any comments/changes, he noted. The final strategic plan, along with a supporting report, is planned to be presented in a public session of Council, likely in October. During the special meeting, Nepszy encouraged Councillors to get those comments back to him by the end of the following week. He also thanked staff and residents for their input into the document he said he was proud of. Nepszy added the last meeting on the strategic plan was a public meeting of Council, so any residents who wanted to attend could hear the presentation. The intent on the part of Council and Administration, he added, was not to proceed with a public distribution of what

was only a draft plan, until the final document was Council approved. Earlier this year, the Town of Essex compiled feedback and input from residents, Town staff, and members of Council for the draft document. To get that input, workshops were held with staff members and a community-wide survey was held, which asked residents to reflect on what they enjoy most about the Town and what the priorities should be over the next four years. Nepszy noted nearly 500 residents and stakeholders provided feedback through the survey. “This is great. This is good stuff,” Mayor Larry Snively said wrapping up the special meeting. He added the key will be to follow this guide during this term of Council. Council received the presentation before adjourning.

Thursday, October 10, 2019 I

Community I 7

Essex Free Press

The “42 Forward – Our New Hospital” hosts event Rally submitted to the EFP On Thursday evening, an enthusiastic and energetic crowd of over 300 Windsor/Essex residents attended the newly opened Signature Tribute Events Centre in Windsor to attend a rally in support of the CR42 Hospital location. They had one very clear message for Premier Doug Ford and Health Minister Christine Elliott at Queens Park‘build the hospital now!’ Guests were welcomed as they arrived to the musical offerings of Windsor Essex Hospice’s Wellness Band. They were invited to complete Petition Cards supporting the CR42 Hospital that will be hand delivered to the Legislature. This event “42 Forward – Our New Hospital’ was presented by a grassroots group of area residents dedicated to lobbying and advocacy for the County Road 42 SingleSite Acute Care Hospital for Windsor Essex. As residents and taxpayers of Windsor/Essex County, they support the chosen location for their new hospital. The group includes Ronna Warsh, Brenda Brunelle, Brian Stocks, Jeff Casey,

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Gunther Wolfe, Joe McParland, Noah Tepperman, Janis Windsor, and Bev Valliquette. They make it very clear they are a grassroots group with no affiliation with Windsor Regional Hospital or any other interest groups. The rally was called to order by group Chairperson, Brian Stocks, who welcomed everyone and then introduced his fellow members. He then turned the microphone over to the first of the two evening moderators, Joe McParland, who began with a brief history of the events over the past decade or so that brought this group to that moment. He also functioned as the designated group cheerleader and throughout the night led the crow in chants of “42 For – Ward – Get – it – Built.” Brenda Brunelle was the evening’s first speaker. She recounted the horrific details of the vehicle accident her husband was involved in two-and-a-half years ago near Wheatley. “Friends, I hope you never find yourselves in such a time-sensitive situation as I did on that fateful night, May 26, 2017 just outside of Wheatly. I was approximately onehour away from our home in Windsor and one-hour-andfifteen-minutes from our regional ‘trauma one’ hospital located on Ouellette Avenue in Windsor. It was a ride that I thought would never end…” Brunelle’s heart-rending presentation was followed by Diane Marley, a county ‘survivor’ and now community volunteer. She reflected, “I truly enjoy my volunteer work with the Cancer Centre and the Hospital. Between experiences of myself and some family members, we have received excellent care through Windsor Regional Hospital. I can only imagine the experience could be elevated by the introduction of a new, state of the art facility for the patients of Windsor and Essex County.” Dennis Dowker, the third presenter, is a county resident who moved from the city core a few years back to be with his husband, Sandy, in Leamington. Sandy is currently in Windsor Regional Hospital recovering from serious surgery. Dowker has seen our medical system from both the urban and rural resident perspective. It is his hope that “our new state-of-the-art Regional Hospital will be the critical wellspring of high-quality health care services for all Windsor-Essex County residents. Let’s get it built.” McParland then changed the focus from patient experience to the medical practitioner perspective. Dr, Wassim Saad, Chief of Staff at Windsor Regional Hospital at both the Ouellette and Metropolitan Campuses, spoke next. Saad stressed the importance of a single site acute care hospital with all services under one roof. “However, our ability to provide the outstanding care that we aim for is too often compromised – not by our abilities, but by our limitations of space, and our

antiquated design.” He went on to say, “there is a myth – that we have two general hospitals and we are going to end up with just one. Here’s the truth: we have a half of a general hospital at the Ouellette campus, and half of a hospital at the Metropolitan campus. They provide different services. They are one hospital organization, but they are kilometres apart.” And Saad underscored that “In the last fiscal year, more than 1,500 patients had to be transferred from Met to Ouellette, or vice versa. That is not ideal medical care, not in this century.” Dr. Lisa Porter, a Professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Windsor and Translational Research Director with the Windsor Cancer Research Group, offered the final of the five presentations in the first half. As an educator and research scientist, Porter is in a unique position to recognize the importance of our new hospital vis a vis the Schulich School of Medicine here in Windsor. She comments, “this investment is much more than just bricks and mortar. This investment is about developing a unified, cutting edge healthcare system that trains the next generation of healthcare professionals, recruits and retains the best and the brightest here in Windsor, and, most importantly, ensures that every resident of Windsor Essex gets the best care possible.” McParland then introduced Ronna Warsh who brought the evening to a close with her “Call to Action.”

8 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, October 10, 2019

Bullies Never Win - National School Safety Week October 17 - 23, 2019 submitted to EFP Bullying continues to be a serious problem in Canada. On the heels of this year’s return to school, children across the country have started getting back into their routines,

spending their days with friends and classmates. But unfortunately, a lot of our nation’s youth also find themselves spending time with bullies and aggressors. October 17 - 23 is National School Safety Week and this year, the

A platform to speak on senior issues... Continued from Page 2 The People’s Party, he continued, would eliminate the trade and services blocks that exist within the provincial governments. He added ending debt incurred by the current trend of helping the world rather than spending efforts for Canadians in need, and ending the special lobby costs that are built in to the current system, will get the job done nationally. CARP is hosting another meet and greet with Essex Riding candidates on Wednesday, October 16, from 2:004:00 p.m. at the Vollmer Complex in LaSalle. To learn more information about CARP, a non-profit and non-partisan association representing more than 320,000 older Canadians across Canada, log onto www.

Canada Safety Council’s message is simple: there can be no tolerance for bullying. Whether you’re a student, an educator, a parent, or a caregiver, we all have a duty to keep children safe. According to the Promoting Relationships & Eliminating Violence Network (PREVNet), a network of researchers and organizations shedding a light on bullying prevention, 75 per cent of people say they have been affected by bullying. This can take shape either as a victim, a bystander, or an aggressor, and includes three primary forms of bullying: • Physical bullying, which can take the form of hitting, destruction of property, and physical humiliation; • Verbal bullying, which can include teasing, threats, and name-calling; and • Social bullying, which can include rumours, gossip and

exclusion with the intent of lowering the victim’s social worth among their peers. Additionally, the role that technology plays in day-today life has contributed to the rise of cyber-bullying. This means that victims aren’t easily able to escape the torment - bullying has become a 24-houra-day phenomenon, and has caused children to not even feel safe in their own homes. PREVNet reports that one in five teenagers report being victimized electronically, a number which has been steadily on the rise since the Internet and smartphones became ubiquitous. Be on the lookout for signs of your child being bullied. These are numerous and varied, but can include: heightened anxiety, low self-esteem and excessive self-deprecation, low performance in school, visible injuries, irritability,

unhappiness, withdrawal from activities they once enjoyed, isolation and fear of going to school. Conversely, you should also look for signs that your child may be a bully. These signs can include: aggression, manipulative behavior, unexplained money or items and a minimal concern for others’ feelings. Your role in the bullying discussion is simple, yet crucial, and begins long before your child is put in a situation where bullying may arise. Open a conversation with your child and make it clear that bullying is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Let them know you will always be prepared to listen and be their advocate. If your child is being bullied, they won’t always be open to discussing it unless they know they can trust you. Additionally, many children

will not report cyberbullying incidents to their parents for fear that their phone or computer will be confiscated or restricted. Make it clear that this will not be the case if such a situation arises. If your child tells you that they are being bullied, document the bullying as best as you can. Keep text messages, emails and any other examples that demonstrate the inappropriate behavior. Report the bullying to the proper authorities - either school administrators or police, depending on the severity. Monitor progress in managing to the desired change and be vigilant in follow-up to ensure that the bully behavior stops. Bullying can escalate quickly and your intervention can make a difference in your child’s quality of life, both in the short- and long-term.

County participates in InMotion week by Max De Liberato Last Friday, residents throughout Essex County got their feet on the ground to participate in one of the community walks, hosted in 15 different locations, in recognition of InMotion week. The walks were 20-minute health promotional events created to engage community members in living an active lifestyle. The event has been going on for 12-years, it is a collaboration between all of the municipalities in Essex County. “It’s an opportunity for us to engage our immediate community and inform them of the different opportunities to get active, fit, and in motion that are available to them.” Cynthia Cakebread said, who was a community organizer of the InMotion walks and is Essex’s Manager

of Recreation and Culture. Essex Public School was one of the locations for the InMotion walk across the County last week. “We want to be able to show them how easy it is to get active, to go out and do a 10-minute walk and it’s fun and going with a group of your friends and that’s why we chose the school,” Cakebread said. “It’s a chance for us to show them it’s an easy thing to do, to get them out of their homes.” In recent years, the Greater Essex County District School Board has added a new subsection to their School

Continued on Page 9

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Thursday, October 10, 2019 I

Community I 9

Essex Free Press

County participates in InMotion week... Continued from Page 8

Improvement Plan for Student Achievement, this subsection is well-being.

The well-being plan is broken into four categories: Sleep, nutrition, physical

activity, and electronic responsibility. These four categories are four areas schools in the district work on educating students in. From providing healthy snacks to mandated daily physical activity. The daily physical activity is broken down into two, 50-minute physical education classes and three, 20-minute D.P.A. (or daily physical activities) a week, according to Bruno Pallotto, Principal of



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Essex Public School. “Part of it is raising a child that is well-balanced, understands that their personal choices affect their body.” Pallotto said. The school is actively trying to empower children to achieve their best potential, the belief according to Pallotto, is that the children’s children, the parents’ grandchildren, will be raised in a manner that empowers them. “It’s the whole philosophy of we’re partners in education with parents and now we’re also bringing in the Town

of Essex.” Pallotto said. “We’re all giving that same message, we want you to incorporate this into your life, we know that physical activity, nutrition, eating well has so many positive benefits.” The positive benefits

include combating disease, improves mood, and boosting energy, according to The students will partake in the couch potato pledge, a pledge promising to live a lifestyle that is active and in motion.

10 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, October 10, 2019

Local musicians honoured during induction ceremony by Adam Gault Local musicians were honoured in a special induction ceremony in Windsor on Sunday, as the Windsor Essex Musicians Recognition Program welcomed 11 new honourees for the class of 2019. Since 2009, more than 150 area musicians have been honoured in the annual ceremony, which celebrates not only the level of musicianship, but also their involvement in charitable works, and “giving back” to the community of Windsor and Essex County. “You take your Godgiven talents, and use those to make the world a better place,” explained long time event organizer, Ken Koekstat, of the nominees. “Each and every person who is nominated has really made a difference in the community.” Koekstat added that area musicians are some of the first people to offer their time and talents for local charitable events, and in keeping with that spirit of generosity, funds earned from the induction dinner will be donated to The Hospice of Windsor and Essex County. Former Essex resident, and 2019 inductee, Maria Connel, known as a recording vocalist and a tenured mainstay performer at Caesars Windsor with “Big Louie


and the Band,” explained that the nomination came as a pleasant surprise, but also a little bittersweet as her own mother is now in the final days of hospice care. “The kindness the hospice has shown our family has been incredible,” Connel explained, adding that with the dinner in support of The Hospice of Windsor and Essex County, this year’s award takes on an extra special meaning. “It was such an odd timing for all this to come about. I don’t believe in coincidences, I call them “God-incidences” my faith is strong and I just feel very strongly that all these ends are tying up together.” While Connel plans to continue performing with her band at Caesars Windsor, with upcoming performances on November 7, December 12, and New Year’s Eve, she plans on taking it easier in 2020, with

Voice Of Inspiration

a lighter touring and performing schedule, but is still very proud of her band’s longevity at Caesars. “To become one of the favoured bands at the casino is really an honour,” Connel said. “We’ve worked really hard, and I work with some wonderful guys [in the band]. These guys are pros. I’ve been very blessed to have been able to do that.” Prior to the recent renovations, plaques of inductees could be viewed at Devonshire Mall, but are now without a home. Koekstat hopes to find a suitable permanent display for them in the near future, one that would be benefitting of the recipients’ talents.


“Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up”


~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


Thursday, October 10, 2019 I

Community I 11

Essex Free Press

Essex sisters win national titles at Miss Galaxy Canada pageant Pictured left: Sisters, Kylie and Kinsley Costie, won their divisions at the recent Miss Galaxy Pageant.

by Julianna Bonnett On September 28, two sisters from Essex won national titles at the Miss Galaxy Canada pageant in Toronto. Kylie (11) and Kinsley (5) Costie started their journey in the pageant community last year when they participated in the 2018 Princess Ball in Toronto and the photographer hired for the event asked if they would consider participating in other pageants, including Miss Border City. After competing in Miss Border City, where both girls won in their divisions, they continued onto the Miss Galaxy Canada pageant. Janice Costie, mom of Kylie and Kinsley, is grateful for the opportunities that have popped up for both girls, saying she never thought about having them participate in any pageant before. “It was something that never crossed my mind,” Costie said of entering the girls in pageant. “I thought it was going to

be something more like “Toddlers & Tiaras,” but it really was not.” Costie said to get into the Miss Galaxy Canada pageant, it took a lot of commitment and a lot of hours out of their days. “Some of our days were around 12 to 14 hours,” Costie explained. “It was harder than I expected, but it was definitely worth it in the end.” After winning in the Pre-Teen division, Kylie said she is excited for their upcoming pageant in 2020. “My favourite thing about pageants is some of them, we have to learn a dance for the opening of the show, so I like doing that because it’s fun for me,” Kylie said. Kylie expressed the hardest thing for her to learn was how to walk in heels, but she enjoyed the challenge. Both girls will now represent Canada at the Galaxy International Pageant in Chicago in 2020.

12 I 2019 Citizen of the Year


Essex Free Press



Heritage Essex Inc.

of the

I Thursday, October 10, 2019

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essex Council #3305

YEAR Dinner

Royal Canadian Legion, Br. 201 103 Talbot Street North, Essex Reception: 6:30 pm • Dinner 7:00 pm Tickets available at the Royal Canadian Legion, Essex Br. 201, the Essex Railway Station, and Holy Name of Jesus Church.

The Lapains to be honoured at 2019 Citizen of the Year banquet Essex couple, Laurie and Chris Lapain, were called up on stage at the Essex Fun Fest earlier this year. The unsuspecting couple were then informed that they had been named the 2019 Essex Citizen of Year award recipients. Essex Citizen of the Year Committee member Tom Bonneau and Essex Councillor Morley Bowman presented the honour, with an explanation of the Lapains’ outstanding involvement in the community. Both Chris an Laurie have coached minor sports for many years. Chris coaches hockey, high school, and Essex County Ravens football. They are both active members of Holy Name of Jesus Parish, in Essex.




Volunteers Make Our Community Strong. 69 Talbot Street North Essex N8M 1A1 Ph. (519) 776-9794 | Fax (519) 776-5057

The Lapains have seven children and four grandchildren, but still find time to volunteer in the community. Chris and Laurie said they have always been involved in helping area youth as they think it is important. They enjoy having a positive impact on the youth they coach and enjoy being involved. Over the years, Chris said, he has been able to meet and coach a lot of great kids, who have, in turn, had a positive impact on him as well. What Chris and Laurie try to teach the youth they mentor is that they do not have to win, it is about learning life skills. It is important for parents to

teach their kids respect, they said, and they are pleased to help guide youth through their formative years. “We are not perfect, but we keep trying,” Laurie said, after learning of the award. The community can celebrate with the Essex Citizen of the Year winning couple at the annual banquet, on October 26 at the Essex Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion (Branch 201). The Essex Legion, the Essex Rotary Club, and the Holy Name Knights of Columbus Council host this event in conjunction with, and as a fundraiser for, Heritage Essex, which maintains the Essex Railway Station.

Thursday, October 10, 2019 I

Community I 13

Essex Free Press

Turkey dinner brings community together

A large crowd attends the Woodlsee United Church turkey dinner on Saturday evening. Event organizers said this year has been the most popular year yet.

by Garrett Fodor Residents had a chance to gather, share laughs, and enjoy a meal on Saturday evening, while supporting a local church. Woodslee United Church opened its doors to the community to host its 10th annual turkey dinner on Saturday. The dinner was available to anyone and the attendees were able to either eat at the church with family and members of the community, or get a to-go box. The meal was

complete with turkey, stuffing, potatoes, vegetables, and all the fixings. Vicki Olson and her husband, Shannon, have been involved in the parish together for 52-years. They have organized the turkey dinner for the last 10-years and are pleased with how things have grown. Olson said the fundraiser is one of the parish’s largest and they are thrilled with the support they have received from the community. “The Stanleys suggested

that as a good fundraiser, ‘why don’t we do something around Thanksgiving.’ So, we decided we would have a turkey dinner,” Olson said. “We sort of went through the various churches in the communities to see if they were doing anything. If they were, we were choosing a time when there wasn’t anything happening, which happened to be the Saturday before Thanksgiving.” The dinner has grown from around 300 people attending

in the first year, to it topping out at 580 people last year. Olson said this year has been their most successful turnout as she estimated over 600 people attended. She said the event could not be made possible without the support and volunteers from the parish. It also served as an opportunity for the community to be introduced to Woodslee United Church’s new minister, Rev. Carl Emke, who was appointed in May. Emke said he was excited to experience the dinner and meet those who attended. He added that since he arrived, the dinner was talked about and in the planning stages

shortly after. “A lot of people talked about the turkey dinner, as in creating fun, not just funds, but fun,” Emke said. “I’m trying to maintain the interest of the people that are here that like doing things, who like working together and just being a face in the community that is welcoming to people.” Emke said he and his family enjoy living in the small community of Woodslee and meeting everyone, not just in the parish, but also the community. For those who are interested in attending his service, they begin at 11:15 a.m. every Sunday.

New Medical Foot & Lower Limb Clinic opens With locations in Amherstburg, Leamington, Windsor, Chatham, and a London location scheduled to open next year, Deborah Waywell, RPN, CFCN, Podortho® Nurse, is proud to announce the opening of the newest Nurse My Feet & Lower Limb Foot Care Clinic, located in Essex, at 114 Talbot Street North, inside the Short Cuts Hair Salon. Internationally Certified Myomassologist Robert Gerry and Certified Canadian Reflexology Therapist and Aesthetician, Jobeth Costan RPN work as a team in the Windsor location. Michell Maltese RPN CFCN is at the Amherstburg location. Adam Waywell RPN, CFCN, Podortho® Nurse works along side the manager of the Chatham location, Kimberly Derynck RPN, CFCN, Podortho® Nurse, in Leamington. Adam will supervise the new location in Essex and looks forward to treating and educating patients that require the specialized care of a Podortho® Nurse. A Podortho® Nurse has specialized in post graduate studies of Advanced Medical Foot and Lower Limb Care through continued education initiatives in the field of Custom Orthotic Therapy. A Podortho® Nurse has the skills quantified by the College of Nurses of Ontario to prescribe and dispense orthotics. Currently, there are only 23 Podortho® Nurse in all of Ontario. Treatment will be offered for common foot conditions such as: Foot, leg, back, and hip pain. Treatment is also offered for bunions, corns and calluses, Diabetic foot, fungal skin and nail infections, hammertoes, heel spurs, ingrown toenails, Plantar Fasciitis, Plantar warts, Ram’s Horn Nails, etc. Additional services are provided in advance wound healing treatments, skin care, and foot massage. When the frightening statistics of diabetic amputations sink in-let us take care of you! Of the 1.5 million people with diabetes in Ontario, between 16,600 and 27,600 are expected to have a diabetic foot ulcer in one year alone. Each year, close to 2,000 Ontarians’ with diabetes have a lower-limb amputation, and those amputations are associated with 800 premature deaths. Proper care for these conditions requires a trained, educated, and certified professional who uses the most up-to-date technology in treatment. Insurance coverage is offered for all foot care treatment. For those on ODSP, assistance is available with their foot care costs. The Nurse My Feet & Lower Limb Foot Care Clinic is approved by the Windsor Health Unit for Medical Device Reprocessing of instruments used in your care. Constant research for new products, treatments, and tools help to provide the most up-todate nursing foot care. The professionals at Nurse My Feet & Lower Limb Foot Care Clinic believe every person deserves the very best that can be offered to them. You will be provided with education as needed, referrals as needed, communication with a client physician, and the clinic working as part of an interdisciplinary health care team to ultimately provide our client with adequate quality care. To learn more about our services, or to book a consultation, please call our office at 519551-2881.

14 I Community / News Essex Free Press

I Thursday, October 10, 2019

“Fresh Breath” concert raises $1500 for the Essex Area Food Bank

Katie Pascoe, Josh Pascoe, Aaron Bell, and Brett Humber performed at the Essex Legion for the Fresh Breath Benefit Concert.

by Julianna Bonnett “Fresh Breath,” a local group known for being “no attitude, all gratitude,” reached a fundraising goal on Saturday evening for the Essex Area Food Bank, just in time for the Thanksgiving season. On Saturday night, the husband and wife duo band, Katie and Josh Pascoe, took over the Essex Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion (Branch 201) to host a benefit concert with special guest musicians, Christine Campbell and Blake Johnston, of Halifax. Katie and Josh met through their love of music and through a mutual friend, and ever since then, they have been making music with one another for over a decade. With their recent release of a new full-length album, “The Big Picture,” the couple has been touring throughout 2019 with stops in Alberta, Manitoba, and a special stop in their hometown of Essex on

Saturday. “We played a benefit concert at the Essex Legion Branch in 2015 and were able to raise $1250 from that one night,” Katie said. Katie added that since next weekend is Thanksgiving, it’s the perfect time for them to put on a benefit concert. “You know, we want to help out our community as much as possible and what better way to do it than connecting people through music,” she said. “We are happy to be here today and what makes it more special for us is that anytime you’re able to use your passion to help people, [it] makes it all the more enjoyable,” Campbell said. Overall, the benefit concert raised $1500. For more information on Fresh Breath and to view their new album, check out their website at

OPP report 20 percent increase in seat belt-related deaths

- OPP Conducts Fall Seat Belt Campaign (October 2 - 11, 2019) submitted to EFP Forty two (42) people who were not safely buckled up have died in collisions on OPP-patrolled roads so far this year, a 20 per cent spike over the 35 seat beltrelated deaths at this time last year. As OPP officers gear up for their Fall Seat Belt Campaign, they are reminding drivers and passengers that being ejected from a vehicle is not the only threat people have to worry about if they are not wearing a seat belt and are involved in a collision.

Over the past five years, the OPP has investigated 233 motor vehicle deaths that were linked to lack of seat belt use. A breakdown of the total revealed that 103 of unbuckled vehicle occupants who died in the collisions were ejected from the vehicle while the remaining 130 victims were not ejected but died of injuries they sustained inside the vehicle. “The OPP’s front-line officers know first-hand from responding to tens of thousands of motor vehicle collisions every year that a driver or passenger’s best chance of surviving a crash is by buckling up and benefiting from the proven, science-based protection a seat belt is designed to provide,” Deputy Commissioner Rose DiMarco, Provincial Commander, Traffic Safety and Operational Support, said. During the campaign, the OPP will be highly visible throughout the province as they conduct education and enforcement initiatives aimed at getting drivers and passengers to do their part to save lives by buckling up and ensuring children are properly restrained.

Thursday, October 10, 2019 I

Community I 15

Essex Free Press

Colchester North centennial history book re-printed Lakeshore Councillor Kirk Walstedt loves history. So, when he came across a copy of the 1980 booklet, “Colchester North Township: Centennial Reflections,” he took it upon himself to have it reprinted.

by Sylene Argent As a proud preserver of history, Lakeshore Councillor Kirk Walstedt could not pass up the opportunity to reprint the small booklet, “Colchester North Township: Centennial Reflections,” when he came across an original copy at the Essex & Community Historical Research Society (ECHRS) building in

Essex Centre last spring. “It was a surprise to me, I didn’t know it existed,” Walstedt said holding a fresh copy of the reprinted book. The nearly 50-page book was published in 1980, 100-years after a Special Act of the Ontario Legislature divided the Township into two communities; Colchester North and Colchester

South. Walstedt said he tried reaching out the original committee, which included Lois Vincent, who has since passed on. A few months after finding the original print of the booklet, Walstedt wrote a preface for the book to thank Vincent for her dedication to the original book’s creation, and also updated the area’s history to include

the 1999 amalgamation that brought Colchester North, Colchester South, Harrow, McGregor, and Essex Centre together to form one municipality. He then had 100 copies made, wanting to ensure the book could be available to those interested in Colchester North’s history. They are available at the ECHRS facility on Gordon Avenue and at the Maidstone Bicentennial Museum. “I’m so interested in history, I took it upon myself to do this,” Walstedt said about the reprint. When flipping through the book, Walstedt was pleased to discover a few relatives mentioned within its pages. His grandfather, Ernie McCallum, is noted as having owned the Gesto Store from 1923-25 as an earlier proprietor. There is also a picture of his aunt and uncle in the book. “I read stuff in there about my grandfather I didn’t know about,” he said. “I found that most interesting.”

The book also mentions the significance of early settler John Roadhouse, how Gesto was first named New Darlington after the place its first settlers came from, and the story of Mr. Hope, an escaped slave from the US who would walk to Amherstburg to sell his hand-made pottery. “Lois and her group did

a nice job putting together pertinent history. They even list ministers at the Gesto Church,” Walstedt noted. Other pieces of information include the history of GessTwood Camp, when the 60-acre property was sold in 1960 to the United Church of Canada.

16 I Classifieds Essex Free Press


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I Thursday, October 10, 2019




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Thursday, October 10, 2019 I

Sports I 17

Essex Free Press

Luke Tremblay brings home four golds from Commonwealth competition

- also set provincial and national lifting records -

Photo submitted: Luke Tremblay celebrates his successful 717lb deadlift to set the Canadian total record for 105kg Juvenile Division.

by Sylene Argent Essex powerhouse Luke Tremblay earned the top position on the competition podium after out-lifting competition during the Commonwealth P o w e r l i f t i n g Championships, which took place in St. John’s, Newfoundland on September 21. Tremblay qualified

to compete in this prestigious competition. While in Newfoundland, Tremblay competed in the Juvenile Division, for 105kg competitors, and earned gold medals in the squat (705 lbs), bench (441 lbs), and deadlift (717 lbs). He also eared the overall gold. “The main thing, I got to do the best I could and

hit personal records,” a humble Tremblay said after returning home after the competition. “I trained hard and made sure I was sleeping and eating right.” The local athlete did not only mark personal bests, he noted his lifts also set a provincial squat record, and his competition total set a provincial and national

record, too. “It really did feel awesome,” Tremblay said of his competition results. “You’d think I’d feel satisfied. I’m definitely proud. But, I have more motivation to lift more. It makes me hungrier to have more meets like that.” The Commonwealth competition marked the last time Tremblay will be able to compete in the Juvenile Division as a lifter. He suspects his next competition will be the CPU Nationals, which will take place in Winnipeg this March. He is looking forward to taking part in that competition in the Open Division for the first time. “I definitely feel ready. I’m excited for

sure. There’s even more competition with older lifters,” Tremblay said. At the Commonwealth competition, Tremblay’s training buddies, Ron Strong and Jerry Marentette of Belle River,

also won their categories. He congratulated them on their successes. “We cheer each other on,” he said.

18 I Personals / Community

FromThe Heart Town of Kingsville

To place a personal notice, email your photo and content to or drop by our office at 16 Centre St., Essex. Personal notices must be received by Monday at 12:00 noon to appear in the Thursday edition. _________________________________________________________



I Thursday, October 10, 2019

wins 5 Blooms and special mention submitted to EFP On September 28, the 25th Edition of the Communities in Bloom National & International Awards Ceremonies was held in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, honouring municipalities across Canada, the United States, Belgium, Hungary, Ireland, Croatia, Italy, Slovenia, and United Kingdom. The Town of Kingsville was announced the winner in the 7,501 – 25,000 Population category. The town received a 5 Blooms - Bronze rating and a special mention for its Pumpkin Parade during the 2019 National/International Symposium and Awards Ceremonies. Over the summer, trained volunteer judges travelled to participating communities to evaluate the overall contributions of municipal council and departments;


Voice Of Inspiration

Essex Free Press



“Worry is a misuse of the imagination.” ~ Dan Zadra _________________________________________________________



industry; businesses and the private sector – including volunteer efforts – in regards to the following criteria: Tidiness, Environmental Action, Heritage Conservation, Urban Forestry, Landscape and Floral Displays. Following their evaluation, volunteer judges Berta Briggs and Larry Hall wrote: “Early November the CiB Committee discovered a unique way of bringing the community together and make good use of all the pumpkins left over from Halloween. Advertisements went out asking to bring their pumpkins to Lake Side Park where they were placed along one of the pathways. That evening all 300 pumpkins were lit and everyone got to enjoy a stroll along the path. This event brought out countless volunteers and was enjoyed by many residents. It was so successful that plans are being made to have this become an annual event. The following day, the pumpkins were given to a local farmer, thus helping a local farm and eliminating any smashed pumpkins on the streets. This proved to be a win, win program.” Communities in Bloom is a Canadian non- profit organization committed to fostering civic pride, environmental responsibility and beautification through community involvement and the challenge of a national program, with focus on the enhancement of green spaces in communities. For a complete list of the results and the electronic copy of the Communities in Bloom magazine, please visit

Thank You The family of the late Donald Stiers wish to express their deep appreciation to those who have offered such kindness, support, messages of sympathy, and comfort in our bereavement. We especially wish to thank Tony at Kennedy Funeral Home for helping us through such a difficult time. ~ The Stiers Family ~ _________________________________________

Card of Thanks Thank you to our family and friends for efforts made in attending our 50th anniversary celebration. Your presence, cards, kind words, and gifts, made our special day even more special. The Essex Legion made for the perfect venue, and the accommodating staff helped make the gathering go so well. Thanks so much to all who were so gracious in helping prepare and oversee the delicious food table.





In loving memory of a dear Mother and Grandmother, Jean Marie, who passed away 17 years ago on October 10, 2002.

A special smile, a special face, and in our hearts a special place. No words we speak can ever say how much we miss you every day. To hear your voice and see your smile. To sit and talk with you awhile. To be together in the same old way, would be our dearest wish today. ~ Forever loved and never forgotten. ~ Mary-Ann, Jeanie, and Michael _______________________________________

What’s Going On... OCT. 15  ESSEX BLOOD SERVICES  at Essex Centre Sports Complex, 60 Fairview Ave. W., Essex, ON from 1-7pm. for more dates and information. OCT. 1720  50TH KINGSVILLE MIGRATION FESTIVAL for all information, see ad on page 23 or visit:

Patrick, Aline, Mike, Annie, Taidy, Tristan, Lili, Ella, and Tommy - WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH! We are so proud of all of you!

OCT. 19  ROAST BEEF DINNER  at Bethel Maidstone at 5:30pm. Advanced tickets only. Call Rob at :519-735-8411.

The Lord has truly blessed us with a wonderful family. Thanks to ALL for a truckload of memories.

OCT. 19  THE ONTARIO PURPLE MARTIN ASSOC Final meeting at 9 a.m. at ORCHARD VIEW GOLF, 1357 County Road 34, Ruthven. For info, contact Paul at 519-738-3476.

~ Love, Tim & Maggie McGuire

OCT. 20  TEEN CHALLENGE  Presentation on freedom from addiction. Cottam United Church, 137 Cty. Rd. 34W at 10:15am. For all info:


OCT. 23  ESSEX & DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETING at Essex Retirees’ Centre at 7:30pm. Maria Pap, flora gardens, & silent auction.


37 Main St East, Kingsville • 519-733-6554 ORDER ONLINE AT…

377 Talbot St North, Essex • 519-776-9885 ORDER ONLINE AT…

OCT 26  ESSEX CITIZEN OF THE YEAR BANQUET honouring Chris & Laurie Lapain at the Essex Legion Br. 201. Reception 6:30pm. Tickets available at the Essex Railway Station: 519-776-9800. SUN COUNTY LYME AWARENESS SUPPORT GROUP offers monthly support for Lyme disease patients, family, & friends. Meetings held the last Wednesday of every month (no July & August) @ 6:30p.m. at Colasanti’s. Look us up on Facebook for updates. HIATUS HOUSE: offers counselling services in Essex County. Women’s Fresh Start group therapy is once a week. For info or to schedule an intake appointment, call the 24-hour Hiatus House helpline at 519-252-7781.

Thursday, October 10, 2019 I

Community Hub I 19

Essex Free Press

and went on to earn the top score over 36 holes,with a 72. In team play, it was Team 10 (Eileen McIntosh, Laurie Hylton, Barb Martin) , with a score of 235, taking first place. Team Kings ( Perpetua Hildrop, Laurie Hylton, Al Christie) placed in second and Team 14 (Walter Balsam, Linda Walsh, Bill Ward) earn the third position.

sponsorship by:

St. Paul’s Anglican Church

Fresh food. Friendly neighbours 191 Talbot St. S., Essex

519-776-4255 Salvation Army Essex Church submitted by Carolyn Barnett

Join us on Thanksgiving Sunday, October 13th, at 10:30 a.m. as Major Jim Hann delivers his message - “I Will Rain Down Bread From Heaven for You.” SA Connections happens on Tuesdays from 10a.m. - 1 p.m. A trip to Heritage Village is planned for October 15, but there will still be a time of fellowship for those who choose not to go on the outing. Lunch will be prepared for everyone at noon as usual. Major Jim leads Bible Study focusing on the Book of Luke at 1p.m. on Tuesdays. All are welcome to attend. Note that Messy Church is on Thurs., October 24th at 6p.m. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Bethel-Maidstone United Please join us Sunday mornings at 10 am for worship, and coffee hour to follow. Preschool Playtime has resumed! Caregivers and kids ages 0-4 are invited to drop in Thursdays, anytime between 9:30am and 12pm. The third Sunday of the month will now become “Food Bank Sunday.” Please bring your canned goods and or donations. If anyone is interested in joining a choir for Advent and Christmas, please see Rev. Paul or Bethany. Our Fall Roast Beef Dinner will take place on Saturday, October 19 at 5:30 pm. Advance tickets only. Please contact Rob Reeb (519) 735-8411 for tickets. Our annual Christmas Bazaar will take place Saturday, November 16 from 10 am - 3 pm. It will feature new Christmas crafts and decorations, a bake sale, door

prizes, and more! You can find us on the web at www. Our email address is and the office number is (519) 723-2284. Office hours are Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9am - 1pm.

Harrow United Church submitted by Larry Anderson

We warmly welcome you to Harrow United Church! Please join us this Sunday morning at 10:30am for our Worship Service, which also includes Sunday School for our youth along with a well supervised Nursery. We invite everyone to stay for coffee and conversation immediately following the service. “These Days” – Daily Devotionals for October, November, and December have arrived and are available at the back of the church. Our Handbell Choir is resuming rehearsals every Wednesday from 6:30 – 7:30pm. Anyone wishing to participate is welcome. For more information, please call the church office at: 519-738-4223. The annual HUC - Turkey Dinner is on Saturday, November 2nd from 3- 7pm. Our Minister, Rev. Darrow Woods along with our HUC faith community, sincerely welcome you to join us! Please find information about Harrow United Church on our website at www.

Golden Year’s Golf Report 50 golfers managed a strong 87 aces on last Thursday, led by Eileen McIntosh, Ron Fick, John Murphy, and Perpetua Hildrop, with five each. Ron Fick had the top score over 9 holes, with a 16, over 18 holes, with a 35,

Read us online & in print 16 Centre St., Essex


Thank you to everyone who supported our most recent pasta dinner, our next dinner will take place on Friday, November 1st Harvest Thanksgiving Service will take place at 11am on Sunday, October 13th. The next Marketplace will take place Saturday October 19th from 10am til 2pm, Call/text 519-980-4942 for more details or table rentals. The Legacy of Heroes event will take place on Sunday, October 27 at St. Paul’s. The event invites the wider community as we celebrate local heroesindividuals whose contributions make a difference! This year, we are honouring the volunteers at our local food banks! Our celebration will begin by honouring the volunteers and those they service in our 11am worship and continue with a program open to the public at 1:30pm! Visit online at: www.stpaulstrinity. org or our Facebook page. Phone: 519776-7711. Email: office@stpaulstrinity. org. Located at 92 St Paul Street, in Essex

Essex Christian Reformed Church submitted by Beverley Van Huizen

We would like to extend an invitation to you and your family to attend our Sunday morning worship service beginning at 10:00am with guest speaker, Pastor Norman Visser from Chatham, ON. Nursery supervision and Sunday school are provided. Join us afterward for a cup of coffee or tea. GEMS and Cadets will meet on Monday evenings from 6:30 - 8:00pm. This is a great club for girls and boys from Grade 1 – 8 where we participate in Bible studies, crafts, and games. All are welcome to attend. Visit us online for service times and directions or just to listen to a sermon or two.

Essex United Church Sunday, October 13th is Thanksgiving Sunday. Everyone is welcome. Rev. Lexie Chamberlain will preside. In October, food donations are for the Salvation Essex Food Bank. On Thursday, October 17, join us for Family Games Night: 6:30 - 8:30pm. All are welcome! Anniversary Sunday is on October 20th at 10:30 am. Join us to celebrate our 145 years. Share the rich history of Essex United with special guest speaker, Brian R. Sweetman. From the Essex United Church Official Board: We have started our search for a new minister! Please keep our church family in your prayers. Thank you for everyone who made our Yard Sale a success. Coming in November - Our Annual Book Sale! More information later. Essex County Library ESSEX BRANCH: FAMILY STORYTIME - A program for families of parents with children 19 months - 5 years of age to encourage a lifelong love of reading. This program includes stories, bounces, tickles, songs, rhymes and activities. Wednesdays (September 25 - November 13) at 10:30 am. For children 19 months - 5 years of age and caregiver. Register online or at the library. BABY STORYTIME - A program for families of parents with infants birth - 18

months of age to encourage a lifelong love of reading. This program is full of rhythm, rhymes, fingerplays, bounces, tickles, music, songs and simple stories. Wednesdays (September 25 - November 13) at 11:00 am. For children birth -18 months of age and caregiver. Register online or at the library. COTTAM BRANCH: FAMILY STORYTIME - A program for families of parents with children under 5 years of age to encourage a lifelong love of reading. This program includes stories, bounces, tickles, songs, rhymes and activities. Tuesdays (September 24 November 12) at 1:15 pm. For children under 5 years of age and caregiver. Register online or at the library. MCGREGOR BRANCH: FAMILY STORYTIME - A program for families of parents with children under 5 years of age to encourage a lifelong love of reading. This program includes stories, bounces, tickles, songs, rhymes, and activities. Tuesdays (September 24 November 12) at 1:30 pm. For children under 5 years of age and caregiver. Register online or at the library. HALLOWEEN STORIES AND CRAFT Wednesday, October 30 at 3:45 pm. Ages 5 & up. Register online or at the library.

Antioch Christian Ministries submitted by Linda Knight

Pastor Jay shared on he and Krista’s recent trip to Bethel Church in California and how much the conference they attended there inspired and uplifted them. On Friday, October 11th, at 7pm, Jr. High & Youth (grades 7-12) are invited to join in on a Selfie-Scavenger Hunt. (Permission forms required). Young Adults meet Saturday, October 12th, at 7pm. ASOKA classes are Sunday, October 13th at 8:30am.

Sunday Service is at 10am. Come and join us! Kingdom Advancement Conference, November 24-26th. Online registration is open. For more information, visit our website at Be Blessed!

Maidstone Cross submitted by Wendy Cunningham

Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you to everyone who donated and participated in the Coats for Kids Pasta Dinner. It was a huge success! Please drop off non-perishable food items for Thanksgiving for the Essex Food Bank at the back of the church. Rehearsal for Children’s Choir for Christmas Eve at St. Mary’s takes place on October 10th at 3:45p.m. in the Church.

There is a Rosary Rally on Sat., October 12 at 2p.m. in front of the Essex Town Hall. Mark your calendars for the Annual Turkey Dinner & Bazaar at Holy Name of Jesus Church on Sunday, October 27th from noon - 5p.m. Tickets at the door with take out available. The Sandwich South Heritage Centre is opened every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon or by appointment by calling Judy Jobin at 519-737-6628. Everyone is welcome to come and check it out! Please remember to drop off your Foodland grocery tapes in the designated box. All are welcome. Please keep in your prayers and all the people who are sick, shut in and in Continnued on Page 21

20 I Business Directory Essex Free Press


Thursday, October 10, 2019











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Thursday, October 10, 2019 I

Community Hub / Business Directory I 21

Essex Free Press

sponsorship by:

Continued from Page 19 Hospice. Woodslee Friendship Club Card player winners for the week of September 30th to October 4th: Monday Euchre - LeRoy Davison, Joan Broeders, Jean Matalik, George Diesbourg, and Irene Gignac. Wednesday Pepper - Audrey Stanley, Colette Moser, Charlie Chevalier, Veronica Granger, Theresa Rivait, Mary Demars, and Joanne McMurren. Friday night Euchre - George Sutherland, Ray Brooker, Irene Gignac, Roger Monchamp, and Jean Matalik. For Club information, call Claire at: 519-723-4694.

Trinity Church We continue to pray for those on our prayer list. The Sanctuary Lamp burns in memory of Joan Twinane, given by the Beaule Family. The singers are back!! Mark your calendar for Sunday, October 27 at 3pm, our church choir, along with choir members from churches in our community, will put on a Hymn Sing, which I am sure all will enjoy, with a wide-variety of songs! Remember, we are offering cherry pies and meat pies for early December. Again, we will have the individual and 10 inch pies. We hope you will join us for Harvest Thanksgiving service Sunday as we give thanks for the gifts of Creation as we gather for worship, music, reflection, and prayer. Show gratitude by bringing contributions for the food bank. Then plan on joining us each and every Sunday at 9:15 in “The Little White Church” in the cemetery in Cottam. All are welcome!

Essex Retirees’ Social Club Tom Dewhurst had high score at Saturday Euchre. Diana Dennis came in second place and Elmer Young came in third. Kevin Edwards had high score at our special monthly Pepper Night. Janece McLaughlin came in second place, Jean Glass in third, and Carolyn Campbell in fourth. Tuesday afternoon Pepper was played six handed for fun. Betty DeBlois won with high score at Wednesday night Pepper. Audrey Stanley and Kevin Edwards tied for the most peppers and Shirley Stiers had low score. Edna Chevalier and Floyd Cascadden were the winners at Thursday night Bridge. Brooker News submitted by Ruth Newman

Thanksgiving will be celebrated next Sunday, October 13 at our Family Worship Service at 10am. Rob Cornies will bring the message. May we give thanks to God for the bountiful harvest he provides. Special thanks to Bev, Mary, Deb, and Sharon for decorating the church for the Thanksgiving season. Strategy Committee Meeting on October 14 a 7pm at Hazel Smith’s Residence. Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Boxes are here to be filled for Children in third world

countries. They are to be returned by Sunday, October 27. Please remember in prayer the shut-ins and those in nursing homes.

Holy Name of Jesus Church

Thank you to everyone who donated volunteered and came to the Coats for Kids pasta dinner. It was a huge success! There will be a Rosary Rally on Saturday, October 12th at 2 p.m. in front of the Essex Town Hall. The K of C is hosting a family movie night on Saturday, October 19th at the parish hall. Refreshments are available throughout the night. Movie is ‘Mary Poppins Returns.’ Please bring a canned good for admission. Mark your calendars for the CWL’s Annual Turkey Dinner & Bazaar on Sunday, October 27th from noon to 5p.m. Tickets at the door with take out available. We are collecting non-perishable food for the St. Vincent de Paul for Thanksgiving. Please drop off you donations in the baskets in the Gather Space. COR weekend for high school age takes place on Nov. 9 - 10 at Holy Name of Jesus parish. Registration forms are found at entrances. Please remember to drop off your Foodland grocery tapes, cancelled stamps, and leftover eyeglasses at the designated file drawers at the Info table. Please keep Therese Lecuyer in your prayers.





Essex Community Services TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM – Door-To-Door accessible transportation is provided by Essex Community Services, serving the greater Municipality of Essex and surrounding areas. Our fleet of vehicles consists of wheelchair accessible vehicles and an “Aging at Home” minivan. The service, also known as Care-Link, is available to residents living in the Essex and surrounding area and residents in the Harrow / Colchester South area. Our goal is to create an age-friendly community by helping people maintain their independence and remain in their own home. The program offers timely access to area hospitals, doctors, personal errands, shopping, visiting and more. For detailed information, registration, schedules and fares, call us at: 519-776-4231.



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22 I Opinion / Sports Essex Free Press


Thursday, October 10, 2019

Can’t keep a good Pirate down

His first car was a 1949 Ford

1949 Ford in magazine ad.

The 1949 Ford was selected by the Fashion Academy of New York as the Car of the Year for excellence in design and style appeal. The first car owned by Larry Ross of Leamington, Ontario, was a light blue 1949 Ford 2-door sedan purchased second-hand from Eaton Motors, the local Ford-Monarch dealership. It had independent front suspension and parallel leaf springs for the first time, giving it excellent handling and comfort. It was a good car that gave good service, but Larry wanted it to blend in with other cars driven back then by teenagers. He took it to Lloyd Thomas’s body shop on Oak Street East where the hood ornament and trunk handle were shaved off. Hollywood mufflers and dual exhausts boosted the horsepower and Larry briefly became a member of the Leamington Road Runners Rod and Custom Club formed in the early ‘50s. Meetings were held in the basement of Johnny Freund’s house, whose father operated an auto repair business. Larry’s ’49 Ford was soon replaced with a metallic green 1950 Ford 2-door, the first year for push-button door handles. His next car was a ’52 Ford from the Ford dealer in nearby Kingsville, with the gas filler cap behind the rear license plate for the first time. Later still, Larry owned a 1954 Ford hardtop with a cream top and brown body, reflecting the popularity of 2-tone cars back then, followed by a ’55 Merc, a ’57 Merc, then another ’54 Ford when he and Madeline were married. Larry also owned a ’33 Ford coupe with his brother, Jim. They replaced the original flathead V8 with a ’55 Meteor V8 from the Ford dealer in nearby Essex. A newer transmission brought the gear shift up to the steering column (“three on the tree” we used to say) and an electric motor for the trunk lid moved it up and down. Motorcycles were also part of Larry’s early life. He acquired a 1940 Indian motorcycle at age 14 and later switched to Harleys when he belonged to the Erie Ramblers Motorcycle Club. The cars and bikes are now gone, but the memories live on. I’m always looking for stories. Email




submitted to EFP Regardless of touchdown saving tackles by Keirin Wright and Joey Desmarais, and hard nosed blocking by Cooper Britenbaugh and Tobey Trepanier on Sunday, October 6, the CIBC Mortgages Bulldogs remain undefeated and the Canadian Tire Essex Pirates football team experienced its second loss of the season. Jimmy Hayes took the first handoff for Essex, eight yards up the middle, and Braylon Travis took the next snap fifty plus yards for a touch down. The skies looked clear for the Pirates. The Bulldogs answered back with their own TD, then behind Ben Taylor, Nate Nehmetallah, Blaise Krause, and Dax Rounding, Essex powered down the field to the red zone. The Bulldogs stopped the threat, then broke for another long TD run. Although the Pirates scored one more TD off a Jasper Mills surge, the skies

turned on the Pirates, and their treasure would elude them for the week. Carson Mergl, and JR Kotyk played tough on both sides of the ball, and coaches selected David Coates to lead the game end battle cry. Come see Brendan Ledoux, Pryce Webb, BJ Balaara, and the rest of the Pirates lift themselves up, and turn their sails towards next Sunday’s contest against the U of W Lancers at Mic Mac Park, 2:00 pm. For schedules, game results, and information, visit the Windsor Minor Football website at

Thursday, October 10, 2019 I

73’s split back-to-back games - Essex prevails over the Flyers, loses to the Sharks -

Photo by Laurie Beaten: Quinn Fazekas skates away from Sharks’ defenceman Alex Anastasakos in Essex’s 4-3 loss on October 2.

by Garrett Fodor Coming off their first win of the season under new Head Coach Danny Anger, the Essex 73’s hoped to extend its winning ways, with two games on the schedule last week. On October 1, the 73’s hosted the Petrolia Flyers. The 73’s were quick to welcome the Flyers in, as they peppered goalie Chaska Thiel early and often. Just 75 seconds in, Curtis Jackson beat Thiel, as he used his speed and hands to get in tight and

Sports I 23

Essex Free Press

lift the puck over the Flyers’ goalie. Two-minutes later, defenceman Trevor Klee doubled the lead, as he used his speed to capitalize on a bad change by the Flyers. And closing out the frame, the 73’s increased the lead to three, as Conor Dembinski forechecked the Flyers hard and forced a turnover and made no mistake in finding the twine behind Thiel. After 20 minutes, the 73’s led 3-0 and outshot the Flyers 23-7.

In the second period, the Petrolia players woken up a bit as they put up 14 shots and held the 73’s to just 21 and one lone goal. Quinn Fazekas scored his first goal of the year. In the final frame, the 73’s continued to roll offensively, notching two more goals from Jacob Cruickshank and Michael Ruttinger. Essex held the Flyers to just five shots in the final period. Connor Meyerink turned aside 26 shots to earn his first shutout of the season in the 6-0 win for Essex. Less than 24 hours later, the 73’s were on the road to face the Wheatley Sharks. After a scoreless first 20-minutes, the teams looked nearly identical. The hometown Sharks had a one-shot edge, but both teams exchanged quality chances and played with tempo. During period two, however, things quickly changed. Essex got into penalty trouble, and the Sharks quickly made them pay as Drew Denomey beat goalie Jax D’Hondt, just over seven-minutes into the frame. Closing out the period, the Sharks scored two goals in 27 seconds to increase the lead to three heading into the final intermission. The Sharks outshot the 73’s 28-22 after two periods. In the third period, the 73’s began to show new

signs of life and resilience. In the dying seconds of a man-advantage, Conor Dembinski banged home a shot past Sharks’ goalie, Kyle Metson. Just threeminutes later, it was Dembinski’s linemate, Jack Sanko, who beat

Metson to cut the lead to one. With momentum in hand, the 73’s continued to press and just over a minute later, Captain Riley Meyerink scored for Essex. With 75 seconds left, it looked like

the game would head to overtime. That was until Denomey beat D’Hondt for the second time of the night, lifting the Sharks by one. Despite pulling the goalie, the 73’s were unable to beat Metson in the 4-3 loss to Wheatley.

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I Thursday, October 10, 2019

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