Essex Free Press - October 11, 2018

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Dr. Todd Wilbee 35 Victoria Avenue, Unit 2 Essex, ON

Proudly serving the community of Essex and surrounding areas.


Vol. 138

A LOOK INSIDE Candidates share platforms/opinions at public event in Harrow PAGE 3 _______________ Fall Car Care Month PAGES 6 - 8 _______________ Cadets host open house to attract new members PAGE 13 _______________ First Contact Canada cast member speaks to GNPS PAGE 15 _______________ Essex Lifeguard recognized as In Motion All Star PAGE 24 _______________ & MORE

Looking For A Good Home

“LUCY” See Page 5 for adoption info.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Issue No. 39

Hours: Mon-Tues 9-5, Wed 10-6, Thurs 9-7, Fri 8-4, Sat by appointment

Essex Public School busy supporting causes by Sylene Argent Recently, the students and staff at Essex Public School hosted two outdoor events; one of which taught the students about courage, and the other helped the students get into a routine of including physical activity, every day. On Friday, September 28, staff members and students of Essex Public School laced up their running shoes to support the Terry Fox Foundation with a walk around the school’s track. Andria St. Germain, EPS’s Vice-Principal, was pleased to announce the students were able to bring in over $600 through the event. On Friday, September 28, the Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB) honoured the legacy of residential school survivors and those who did not make it home by hosting an Orange Shirt Day, which is done across the nation. According to orangeshirtday. org, the national event grew out of Phyllis’s story of having her new orange shirt taken from her on her first day of school at the

St. Joseph Mission. The event helps teachers ensure the stories of residential schools are passed along to the next generation. “We are wearing orange today because somebody couldn’t,” St. Germain said. “We can’t change the past, but we can change how we act in the future.” Log onto for more information. On Wednesday, October 3, EPS staff and students took the “Couch Potato Pledge” during the annual 12 O’clock Walk, vowing to choose exercise over inactivity. The 12 O’clock Walk is hosted through SWARG in Motion (South West Area Recreation Guide) and Windsor-Essex Communities in Motion. Looking ahead, the students

at EPS will work to raise money through the annual school read-athon and walk-a-thon. St. Germain said the funds the students raise will go towards purchasing needed learning supplies, uniforms and equipment for sporting activities, and fieldtrips. The students have a goal to raise $10,000.

2 I Ad Feature Essex Free Press

I Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thursday, October 11, 2018


News I 3

Essex Free Press

Candidates share platforms/opinions at public event in Harrow by EFP Staff On Thursday, October 4, the Harrow & Colchester South Chamber of Commerce hosted a meet the candidates style event at the Harrow Agricultural Fair Building. Candidates running for various positions at Essex’s decision-making table, and those running for a Schoolboard Trustee position, were invited to attend. Candidates were given the opportunity to briefly introduce themselves as well as answer a number of prepared questions, which members of the Chamber prepared. A few written questions, submitted by those in attendance, were also asked. Event Moderator, Bill Baker, a past Councillor for the Town Essex, stated that the event was being presented in an informational format, rather than a debate format. To ensure fairness, the candidates’ names were drawn to determine the order in which each would speak and answer questions.

Schoolboard trustees participate in Meet the Candidates’ event Schoolboard Trustee candidates were up first. Incumbent Julia Burgess and Sheri Dzudovich were present, seeking the Trustee position for the Greater Essex County District School Board (English Public). Derek Thachuk and Mary DiMenna, running for the Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board (English Separate), were also present. The closure of Harrow High School is still fresh in the minds of many Harrow and Colchester South residents. The Greater Essex County District School Board made the vote to close the school in October 2015. It was a tight vote, with the final decision running 5-4 in favour of closing the school. The threat for the closure had been looming over the community for two decades, but action and solutions had always kept its doors open. At the time of the closure, around 250

students attended the high school. As a result of that decision, high school-aged students in Harrow and Colchester South, who are part of the Greater Essex County District School Board, are now bused primarily to Kingsville. Both Burgess, who was a Trustee at the time of the vote, and Dzudovich, who served on the Program and Accommodation Review Committee, were against the closure of the high school. When asked what they have done and will do to ensure schools stay open in small communities in the future, Burgess said, “I’ve done everything to convince others about why we live in our small communities.” She said it was important to find [political] allies who understand the importance of schools in small communities going forward and was selected to advocate on behalf of five school boards (with schools in smaller communities) at the provincial level. As part of the committee

that was fighting to save Harrow High School, Dzudovich said she fought hard and even went to Queen’s Park to advocate on behalf of rural and small schools. When the closure went through, she was part of the transition committee to ensure a smooth shift for the students moving on to Kingsville District High School. Derek Thachuk, running for the Trustee position for the Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board (English Separate), has Chaired for the school councils of Holy Name in Essex and Cardinal Carter in Leamington. He said he has focussed on retention and retaining students. One of the problems schools face in the Catholic school board is empty seats. His said his wife grew up in Harrow and the closure of the high school “broke her heart.” Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board incumbent Mary DiMenna said she has over 49 years of effective involvement with the board. One of the mandates of the board, she stressed, “is we will never, ever abandon one of our schools.” Ward 3/4 candidates share views at Harrow Meet the Candidate’s event Ward 3 candidates Steve Bjorkman, Rodney Hammond, and Chris Vander Doelen, joined Harrow candidate Sherry Bondy to participate in the question period. Harrow candidate Paul Innes sent Continue on Page 5

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4 I Opinion Essex Free Press

Editorial &Opinion Serving Essex and the surrounding communities since 1896.

Published Thursdays as an independent weekly newspaper, owned and operated by The Essex Voice Limited. A London Publishing Corporation Publication OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. OUR STAFF Sandy Kennedy / Andrew Beaudoin - Office Jessica Azar - Graphic Design / Social Media / Production Lana Warwick - Graphic Design Greg Belchuk - Advertising Sales Manager Sylene Argent - Editor/News Reporter Shelley Beaudoin - Graphic Design / Production

CIRCULATION The Essex Free Press is an audited publication with controlled circulation of 10,000.

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OPINION & COMMENT The opinions expressed on these pages are those of their original authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Essex Free Press, its Editor or Publisher.

I Thursday, October 11, 2018

Howling at the Moon ••• Comment by Sylene Argent ••• Let’s start showing our unity Last week, the Harrow & Colchester South Chamber of Commerce hosted a Meet the Candidate’s Night, which was held in the Agriculture Society Exhibition Hall. I have to applaud those who worked to put on this event in a relatively short amount of time. Everything ran to schedule, the questions were interesting, and the candidates were given plenty of time to share their views and background. It is not easy to put yourself at the mercy of others, who are scrutinizing every word you say, so I do have to also congratulate everyone who has put their name forward as a candidate in the 2018 Essex Municipal Election. The event attracted a very large crowd, which is great. I love that people took time out of their night to sit and listen to the candidates, so they can make a better informed decision about whom they are going to support ahead of voting day. I will say, one aspect of the event did not sit well with me. The Harrow & Colchester South Chamber of Commerce kindly welcomed Ward 1 and 2 candidates to the event, giving them a chance to share their platform

and answer how they would engage the needs of the entire municipality, including areas outside the ward for which they are running to represent. The Ward 1 and 2 candidates, who showed up to the event (candidates Kim Verbeek, Randy Voakes, Tom Holland, and Joe Garon), knew they would have only a few minutes in the hot seat. They also knew they would be speaking to members of the audience who would not be able to vote for them, based on the ward system. Yet, they showed up to the event and stayed there all night long to be involved. As soon as the Ward 3/4 and Mayor/Deputy Mayor question period was over, however, at least half of those in attendance left, opting to not stick around for a few extra minutes to hear the Ward 1 and 2 candidates. So, ironically, the Ward 1 and 2 candidates spoke about engaging the entire municipality, showing their willingness to do so out of showing up for the event, while half the room filed out. To be fair, perhaps some of the audience members forgot about the last segment, perhaps some thought

they had a quick break before the final session of the night, even though it was announced it would start right away. Mistakes do happen. I honestly felt so bad for those candidates who took the time out of their night to make attending the event a priority (and, I am sure some candidates of Ward 1 and 2 could not make it due to work schedules). Those who made the event, halted campaigning that night with those who could vote for them, to speak to those who could not. Look, unity in this municipality has been an on-going topic for quite some time. We need to see it from our leaders, but everyone of us needs to show we care about our community in its entirely. Every single one of us. Amalgamation was nearly 20 years ago. It is time we leave that in the past and embrace what we can all do to move the municipality forward as one giant community that has so much to offer.

LETTER POLICY The Essex Free Press welcomes letters to the editor on topics of interest to our readers. Letters should be typed or neatly handwritten and present the issues as clearly as possible in 300 words or less. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar, and legal considerations. All letters must contain the name, address, and daytime phone number of the writer for verification purposes. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. If you have a legitimate concern and cannot sign your name to a letter, please contact the editor to discuss alternative means of handling the issue.

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COPYRIGHT The entire contents of The Essex Free Press and its website, including but not limited to layout composition, artwork, news copy, editorial copy and photographs, are protected by copyright. No portion there of is to be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the specific permission of the publisher.

The Essex Free Press

Office: 16 Centre St. Essex, Ontario Mail to: P.O. Box 115 Essex, Ontario N8M 2Y1

Phone: 519.776.4268 Fax: 519.776.4014


From our archives, July, 2012, let us all enjoy words of experience from Evelyn.

know much about some of the subjects, such as history, they showed annoyance but I said nothing and continued on. Voice of Experience The next way, that worked out, was that Do you ever look back and marvel how students had good standing in English Couch-Burns ifcomposition, a series of events or circumstances worked grammar, and literature, into a beneficial and/or happy situation? I during our third year, we could take those suppose the older we get, the more likely subjects at the fifth year level while we were we are to experience that. Unfortunately, in in our fourth year, and that was as long as I my life, some strings of circumstances led attended high school to graduation. to disaster. Are many of you believers in That, of course, was an advantage in what fate? I guess that is the same thing. And fate I eventually did for a living, although I am has not always been good to me. sure many of you can say you would never I think about my whole life, back to the know it, among the mistakes in this drivel I afternoon I was playing idly on my swing, write, or type. thinking about what I would like to be when Then being moved to Essex, entered into I grew up. my career. I was trying to get some material I decided then, that I wanted to be a published and the man who came to town writer. I thought if I told my family that to start The Times newspaper heard that I they would laugh at me, so I decided that was interested in writing and contacted me would never be possible because I wouldn’t to be his reporter. Was I ever thrilled! - October 3, 2018 know how to get started. Being encouraged by friends to apply to My Mother wanted me to be a secretary the Windsor Star and to be accepted by the or bookkeeper, or something like that, so County editor, was another milestone in she enrolled me in the business program building my pathway. Even the fact that the at the high school I attended. I don’t think owner of the Free Press eventually told me the fact I got good marks in arithmetic and to leave was another step, because that left spelling had anything to do with that, but me free to accept the invitation from those it would have been helpful. The problem young people who were starting the Voice, was, the more I thought about sitting at a to write for them. Had I retired from the Free desk in an office all day, the more I was Press, I would have felt that I could not have certain I could never endure that. taken that opportunity. So next year, without telling Mother or So here I am, at the end of a long road, consulting any teacher, I simply turned up still doing what I dreamed of doing that day as in the general arts section. When some of I leisurely swung back and forth under the old the teachers expressed amazement that I didn’t pine tree.

In Loving Memory


Thursday, October 11, 2018


News I 5

Essex Free Press

Candidates share platforms/opinions... Continued from Page 3 his regrets as he unable to attend as he had elective surgery. Bjorkman currently sits on Council, as one of two Councillors from Ward 1. He and his wife recently moved to Ward 3 and he opted to run for one of the two seats there. For the future vision of the community moving forward, he would like the Town to use the Harrow Street Plan as a guide to find the priorities and focus on them. As a current member of Council, he stressed how important it was that its members “get along.” “That is going to help everybody,” moving forward, he said. “In-fighting,” he added, “has overshadowed the success of the current Council.” He called the vacant Harrow High School property, “the biggest issue in the Town today…and the most difficult. “We need to preserve that area for the [Harrow] Fair.” Hammond described himself as a lifelong resident. He believes, “big box stores destroyed our town” and the “closure of the school was a nail in the coffin.” When answering the questions posed to the candidates, Hammond said it was important for the Town to reinvent itself, to focus on the wine industry, and to attract tourism-type businesses. He also said the growing senior population was an opportunity. “People who are moving here are finding our style of living very nice.” With respect to the Harrow High School property, Hammond said the Town should pressure the School Board to surrender it. That pressure, he added, should come from the residents as well as administration and Council. Vander Doelen, a Ward 3 resident, wrote for the Windsor Star for over 30 years. As a reporter and columnist, he made a career out of covering politics, and thinks that would help in serving on Council. He said one thing area residents need is better access to broadband internet, which is something other candidates agreed upon. Referring to the SouthWestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT) plan, the mandate of which is to bring

a high-speed, fibre optic broadband network to southwestern Ontario, he also said the implementation process is slow as the project currently has a targeted completion date of 2023. Getting reliable, high-speed internet into the area would help attract residents, Vander Doelen said. In terms of overall development (residential, commercial, and industrial), he said, “It is all around us and we are getting none of it.” “We are doing something wrong,” he added, “and we need to address that.” One under-serviced area of development that offers an opportunity, he said, was small apartments and affordable housing. Looking at Harrow High School, he said, “I think it should be sold.” He doesn’t think the Town should purchase it, as it wouldn’t be fair to the taxpayers. He would like to see the property developed for housing, while ensuring its development does not impact on the Harrow Fair. Ward 4 incumbent Bondy has been on Essex Council for eight years. “I might be little, but I have a big voice,” she said. “And my strength is you,” she added, referring to the

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Continued on Page 9

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public and the voters. She said she works tirelessly to serve residents. Bondy said the Town has been working to develop Harrow and Colchester South, citing many projects, and added the Town can continue to help in future development. Talking about the future of the Harrow High School property, she cited what has occurred with the abandoned Junior School. Currently, it sits, dejected. Bondy said it was a bad decision for the Town not to purchase it. “If we had bought the Junior School, it would

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6 I Special Feature Essex Free Press

I Thursday, October 11, 2018

October is Fall Car Care Month Basic auto care goes a long way toward improving the safety and dependability of a vehicle. Whether you do it yourself or visit a trusted professional technician, the non-profit Car Care Council recommends 10 Fall Car Care Month maintenance procedures to help make sure your car is operating at its best before winter arrives. “Fall Car Care Month in October is the ideal time to give your car some extra attention before harsh winter weather sets in,” said Rich White, Executive Director, Car Care Council. “Taking a little time for auto care now can help you avoid the headaches of a costly emergency breakdown later.” 1. Check all fluids, including engine oil, power steering, brake and transmission as well as windshield washer solvent and antifreeze/coolant. 2. Check the hoses and belts to make sure they are

not cracked, brittle, frayed, loose or showing signs of excessive wear. 3. Check the battery and replace if necessary. Make sure the connection is clean, tight and corrosion-free. 4. Check the brake system annually and have the brake linings, rotors and drums inspected at each oil change. 5. Inspect the exhaust system for leaks, damage and broken supports or hangers if there is an unusual noise. Exhaust leaks can be dangerous and must be corrected without delay. 6. Check the engine to make sure it is delivering the best balance of power and fuel economy and producing the lowest level of emissions. 7. Check the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system as proper heating and cooling performance is critical for interior comfort and safety

reasons, such as defrosting. 8. Inspect the steering and suspension system annually, including shock absorbers, struts and chassis parts, such as ball joints, tie rod ends, and other related components. 9 Check the tires, including tire pressure and tread. Uneven wear indicates a need for wheel alignment. Tires should also be checked for bulges and bald spots. 10. Check the wipers and lighting so that you can see and be seen. Check that all interior and exterior lighting is working properly and replace worn wiper blades so you can see clearly when driving during precipitation.


Prevent breakdowns with battery care Many drivers have experienced the misfortune of getting into their vehicles only to realize their engines won’t turn over. Although there may be plenty of reasons why a car will not start, quite frequently a dead battery is to blame. Car batteries can last for five years or more when properly cared for, but many batteries wear down and become inefficient within three years of daily use. According to the UKbased company Warranty Wise, car batteries


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deteriorate with every charge from a vehicle’s engine. Naturally, drivers who are stranded by dead batteries wish they had done more to prevent their battery dying while they’re on the road. Certain factors might offer clues as to how much life vehicle batteries have left. • Longer start time: A dying battery may cause the engine to crank, but it can be slow to start or not seem to exude a lot of power. • Cranks but doesn’t start: You may turn the key to hear the engine trying to turn over, but it won’t. Even if the vehicle eventually starts, have the battery checked and, if necessary, replaced by a mechanic. • A jump start has been

necessary: Batteries that have required a jump or multiple jumps are on their last legs and should be replaced immediately. • Dim lights or check engine indicator: Batteries power the electric components in a vehicle, so dim lights could be indicative of a loss of power. Having the “check engine” light come on also can be a clue. • Extreme temperatures: According to Firestone, hot or cold temperatures can shorten a battery’s life. If you live in an extreme climate, your battery may not last as long as the manufacturer suggests it should. • Short driving trips: People who take many short trips (less than 20 minutes each) may find

their batteries do not have enough time to fully recharge, shortening their life expectancy. • Pungent aroma: Leaking and corrosion around the battery terminals can cause battery issues. If there is a rotten egg smell under the hood, it may be a leaking battery on its way to dying. Drivers can have their vehicle batteries tested by mechanics. Batteries can be replaced at home or at a garage. Servicing the vehicle frequently can prevent performance inefficiencies and help determine if any components are straining the battery and causing premature loss of battery life.

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Thursday, October 11, 2018


Special Feature I 7

Essex Free Press

5 ways to winterize your vehicle 5 ways to improve your car’s fuel economy and save money

(NC) While proper vehicle maintenance is important to practice all year, it’s particularly important during the winter months when weather is unpredictable and road conditions can change in an instant. “Cold weather can challenge you and your vehicle,” says Michael Bettencourt, managing editor at “Being prepared and taking the proper steps to winterize your vehicle will ensure you’re ready for the cold roads ahead.” Invest in winter tires. Winter tires may seem like an unnecessary expense, particularly if your vehicle is equipped with all-wheel drive, but they are well worth the initial investment. Designed with more aggressive tread patterns and composed of a softer, more pliable compound, winter tires provide improved traction on cold and slippery surfaces. Fuel up. It’s always a good idea to ensure you have enough fuel to reach your destination safely, but this is especially true during the winter months when fuel economy can be made worse by snowy conditions. There is never a

convenient time to be stuck on the side of the road, but getting stranded in the winter may not only be frustrating, but dangerous. Inspect your vehicle. It’s important to take the time to properly inspect your vehicle. Visibility is very important in colder months, so ensure the defrost function and headlights are in working order. Make sure the windshield wipers are in good shape, windshield washer fluid is topped up, and you have a decent snow brush. Be prepared. Assemble a winter emergency kit in case you become stranded in an isolated area. Include essentials like warm clothing and blankets, non-perishable food items, a flash light and batteries, flares or a reflective triangle, a first-aid kit, jumper cables, and a small shovel. It’s a good idea to keep your cell phone fully charged in the event you need to call for assistance. At the very least, have a portable charger on hand. Find more tips at newsfeatures.

(NC) The onset of colder temperatures and poor weather conditions bring about many challenges for drivers, including a negative impact on a car’s fuel economy. While gas may be an unavoidable expense at this time of year, here are some tips and tricks you can apply to get the most mileage out of every drop of fuel. “When it comes to fuel consumption, more important than what you drive is how you drive,” explains Michael Bettencourt, managing editor at “A little preparation and foresight can go a long way in setting yourself up for some great savings at the pumps.” Curb unnecessary braking and pedal power. When driving, read the road and gauge the traffic ahead to keep momentum and avoid needless deceleration. Aggressive acceleration can also eat up a lot of fuel, so be mindful of how hard your engine is working and apply smooth, gentle pressure when getting up to speed. Avoid idling. Avoid idling when possible. Once you have adequate visibility, the best way to warm your vehicle is to drive it. Make sure you turn off the engine when parked, and skip the drive thru. Watch your weight. Remove heavy items from your vehicle, including ski or luggage racks when not in use to improve aerodynamics and reduce drag. Where rubber meets road. Ensure tires have adequate tread depth and are properly inflated, as under-inflated tires use more fuel. Team effort. Carpooling is a great way to stretch your budget by splitting fuel costs and as a bonus, it gives you access to HOV lanes for a smoother ride. Find more information at newsfeatures.

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8 I Special Feature Essex Free Press

I Thursday, October 11, 2018

How to recognize potential brake problems

Maintaining a vehicle is more than just a way to protect one’s financial investment. Vehicle maintenence can protect against accidents and make the road safer for drivers and their passengers as well as their fellow motorists. Fully functioning brakes are an important component of automotive safety. In its 2015 Crash Stats report, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said that brake-related problems accounted for 22 percent of crashes where vehicular failure was cited as the cause of the collision. Bad brakes are particularly notorious for rear-end collisions. Faulty, worn brake lines, antilock brake system malfunctions, and worn brake pads and discs are some potential brake problems. It is important that motorists learn to recognize the first symptoms of brake trouble so they can address issues before they put drivers, their passengers, and other motorists at risk of accident or injury. • Unusual noises: Screeching, grinding, rubbing, and high-pitched sounds are common indicators that brake pads, rotors and other parts of the braking system need attention. Worn pads can cause damage to other vehicle parts, resulting in more expensive repairs if they’re not addressed promptly. • Pulling: If the car pulls to one side when applying the brakes, this may indicate brake pad linings are wearing down unevenly. A brake adjustment may be necessary. Pulling also may be indicative of an object or debris caught in the brake fluid. • Less responsive: If when pressing on the brake pedal the brakes just do not seem to be as effective as they once were, or it is necessary to press the pedal harder for the brakes to engage, there may be a brake fluid leak or an air leak. Check under the vehicle to see if any fluids are pooling. • Pungent odors: Firestone Tire Company says a burning smell may be indicative of worn out brake pads and friction on the tires. Each of these issues require immediate attention. • Vibrations: Certain vibrations may indicate brake issues. Rotors can become warped from metal-on-metal rubbing, potentially leading to a failure of the vehicle to brake properly. Vibrations also may indicate tires are misaligned. These problems can be properly assessed by a trained mechanic. Do not let potential brake problems go unchecked. Keeping brakes in good working order helps drivers stop more readily and avoid collisions.

Two headlights are better than one (MS) - When it comes to vehicle maintenance, professional automotive technicians and organizations that promote safe driving have always advocated replacing certain safety components in their vehicles, such as tires, brakes, shocks, and wiper blades, in pairs. Replacing parts in pairs ensures that the vehicle is properly balanced and functioning safely. But it’s not just tires, brakes and shocks that should be replaced in pairs. Vehicle lighting plays an integral role in keeping drivers and their passengers safe, and motorists should exercise the same level of caution regarding their vehicles’ headlights, taillights, and turn signals that they do with other parts of their cars and trucks. Why replace aging headlight bulbs? Most drivers are not aware that headlight bulbs can wear out and degrade over time. As a result, headlights are often overlooked when drivers conduct routine vehicle maintenance. As they age, headlight bulbs put out less light, which can dramatically compromise visibility at night, when drivers’ visual acuity is already naturally reduced by as much as 70 percent. According to Lumileds, a leading lighting solutions company for the automotive industry, headlight bulbs begin to project significantly less light within two to three years of their initial installation, producing dimmer light outputs that can compromise the safety of drivers and their passengers.

Why replace bulbs two at a time? Though replacing both headlight bulbs when only one is dimming may seem unwarranted, maintaining a consistent light output from both headlights makes the road safer for drivers, their passengers and oncoming motorists. When only one bulb is replaced, the resulting light output can be both unbalanced and unpredictable, providing inadequate lighting that can compromise driver visibility. In addition, when one bulb burns out or starts dimming, the other bulb will likely follow, forcing drivers to deal with the expense and inconvenience of getting it replaced all over again. How else can drivers improve visibility? In addition to properly maintaining their headlights, drivers can take the following proactive measures to make nighttime driving safer. • Replace worn out wiper blades each season or in three-month intervals to ensure adequate visibility during rain or snow. • Clean interior glass and mirrors to remove any film-like buildup that reduces vision and creates hazy reflections from the sun. This is especially important for smokers who smoke while driving. • Don’t hang accessories on rearview mirrors. This includes fuzzy dice, photos, and other items that can be distracting and block your vision. To learn more, check out the public service website and video produced by Lumileds at:

Thursday, October 11, 2018


News I 9

Essex Free Press

Candidates share platforms/opinions... Continued from Page 5

have been developed already,” she said. She doesn’t want the same mistake to be made with the high school. “It’s imperative to protect it as a recreational resource,” she said, citing its close proximity to many of Harrow’s current recreational facilities and the fair grounds. “It’s a major issue.” Mayor/Deputy Mayor hopefuls participate in Meet the Candidate’s event Incumbent Richard Meloche and Phil Pocock are seeking the Deputy Mayor’s seat. Candidates Katie McGuire Blais, Ron Rogers, Rob Shepley, and Larry Snivel, are vying for the Mayor’s position. They all had an opportunity to speak. Mayoral candidate, Blais is a newcomer to politics and has lived in Essex for the past six years. She has a degree in Business and Administration from the University of Windsor and is the Administrative Assistant and Marketing Coordinator for a printing business. She entered the race, “because I am trying to make a change. That’s the reason I went for the top spot.” When answering the question that was put to all Deputy Mayoral and Mayoral candidates regarding a vision to ensure the vitality of the municipality, she said it was important to continue to stay behind our current success, such as Explore the Shore. She would like to see the continued development of the Colchester South area as a tourist corridor, running along County Road 50, and new neighbourhoods developed in Harrow Centre. “It’s hard [for us] to change, but in order for us to continue to be a Town, we need to grow our community,” she said. With respect to Ward 1, she stressed jobs and employment opportunities are important. Talking about the Town’s administration and transparency, she said councillors must be willing

to ask questions. And to get answers. She would also like to see council meetings rotate through the various wards, rather than always being held in Ward 1. With respect to Harrow High School, she thinks the Town should purchase it. “We don’t need it to become another derelict building,” she said, referencing the closed junior school. Rogers currently sits on Essex council as a Ward 3 Councillor. This is his twelfth year as a representative. He held a council position in Colchester South prior to amalgamation. He sits on various boards and has been on committees of council. Now, he is seeking to be Mayor. Speaking about the vitality of the town and its future, he said, “We have a wonderful town, a vibrant municipality. “We need to encourage developers. I’d like to see entrance-level homes being built for young families.” He also stressed the importance of tourism, but said farmers must be protected. “We need to be one town,” he said, “and grow that idea and feeling.” Talking about administration, he said, “Council is the Board of Directors. We need to set the right pace and move our town forward.” He said that as a Board of Directors, Council should

tap into administration and get their recommendations in a “public friendly matter.” On Harrow High School, he said, “A high school should be a high school.” He would like to lobby the provincial government to get it reopened as a regional high school for agriculture sciences. Mayoral candidate Shepley was born and raised in Essex and has lived in all four wards in the municipality. He runs two businesses in the town and has sat on the board for the Essex Centre BIA. With respect to the continued vitality of the town, he said it was important to “do everything we can to encourage development.” He would like the Town to take a proactive approach to infrastructure developments and improvements, rather than a reactive one. He also said efforts have to continue to promote tourism. He thinks that administration does well, but he would like to see a streamlining of the process. Like McGuireBlais, he would like to see council meetings rotate through the town. Talking about Harrow High School, he said, “I am not a proponent of spending taxpayers’ dollars to acquire the property.” He said the Town needs to get private developers involved, citing the former Holy Name School in Ward 1

Continued on Page 10



at The Royal Canadian Legion, Essex Br. 201


Reception: 6:30 pm • Dinner: 7:00 pm Tickets $25.00 / Person • Available at: The Essex Railway Station 519-776-9800 Holy Name Church Office or Essex Legion. Presented by Heritage Essex Inc., Essex Legion Br. 201, C Council 3305 - Knights of Columbus, and Rotary Club of Essex.

10 I News Essex Free Press

Candidates share platforms/opinions... Continued from Page 9 as an example of what could become of a vacated property. Snively is a lifetime resident and has served on Council (representing Ward 3) for seven years. Snively was the amalgamated Town’s second mayor, serving from 2001-2002. It is a position he hopes to hold again. Speaking about the

continued vitality of Essex, he said, “I like the approach of the small-town, four unique communities within a community.” Continued development is the main thing he would like to see. He said it is important to invest in the Colchester area and continue to promote it for tourism. Ward 1, he said, is well positioned in the centre

of the county as an industrial area. Increased industry would mean more money for infrastructure and other community projects, he said. Talking about administration, Snively said, “I think we have a very good administrative staff. You can get answers quickly.” He too would like

Council meetings to be rotated throughout the municipality. He didn’t want to make any specific comments about the Harrow High School property, other than to say that whatever happens to the land should support the Harrow Fair Board. Talking about the Junior School, he said, “The problem is, they let it sit.

“I’ve had [the Junior School] sold a couple of times,” he continued. “As a Council, we should be looking at these buildings.” This is the first time that the Deputy Mayor’s position has been put to public vote. Meloche has been elected by his peers for the past three terms. Prior to the that, he served for one term as Councillor, representing Ward 2.

I Thursday, October 11, 2018

Speaking on the continued vitality of the community, Meloche said, “We need to tie into our vibrant wine industry and expand on it.” He would also like to expand on the CIP program. He said the Town should also continue to develop its bicycling lanes. “Cycling tourism is big business,” he said, and he thinks that Essex can tap into that. With respect to administration, he said, “We have a very strong, positive administration. Most of the time, they are correct in what they are recommending.” Like others, he would like to see rotating Council meetings. Talking about Harrow High School, he said, “It is disheartening to see schools that were so vibrant taken out of circulation.” The Junior School, he said, has become an eyesore. Regarding the future of the Harrow High School property, Meloche said there were options that had to be carefully looked at. “It’s a slow process. It’s a valuable piece of property.” Meloche is being challenged for the Deputy Mayor position by Ward 1 resident, Pocock, who currently sits on the Essex Community Services Board, the E.L.K. Energy Board, and the Essex Heritage Committee. Looking at the continued vitality of the municipality, Pocock said, “We need to improve on the tourism that has already started.” He would like to look to successful neighbouring municipalities and bring them in to assist in developing ideas for Essex. He said tourism efforts should be focused in the southern half of the municipality, while the northern half of the town should capitalize on its location, in the centre of the county, to attract new residents. With respect to administration, he said special public meetings should be held to address ongoing and important issues. Updates should also be given to the taxpayers to keep them informed. Talking about Harrow High School and the sad state of the Junior School property, he said that bylaws need to be put in place that have teeth to ensure the properties are maintained. He talked about the

Continued on Page 11

Thursday, October 11, 2018


News I 11

Essex Free Press

information submitted by LCol Murray Stewart, CD, PPCLI (Ret’d ) Many communities across Canada, including Wheatley, erect banners on hydro poles around Remembrance Day to honour veterans who have served Canada at home

and abroad, often with great sacrifice. Sensing local interest, a committee was formed, to determine the feasibility of introducing banners to be displayed on poles along the streets of Kingsville this year, which will be the 100th anniversary

Candidates share platforms/opinions... Continued from Page 10

possibility of the Harrow High School being developed as a senior centre, similar to what was done in Ward 1 at the J.A. Dowswell property. Ward 1/2 candidates speak about representing the whole municipality With the little time remaining, the Wards 1 and 2 candidates were given some time to introduce themselves. Ward 1 candidates Joe Garon, Tom Holland, and Randy Voakes were present, with Morley Bowman, and Fred Groves sending their regrets. Kim Verbeek was there, representing ward 2, with other candidates Mark Williams, and Terry Brockman, sending regrets. Garon, a lifelong resident of Ward 1 has been the Chairperson of the Essex Fun Fest Committee for the past four years and an executive with the Essex 73’s for the past nine. He stated that, if elected, he would strive to be a representative for all the residents in the municipality, not just those in his ward. He also plans to visit the various wards. Retired business owner, Holland, said he was prompted to run because he believes Council is not hearing or addressing the concerns of the constituents. He said that it is time they do so. Voakes is a long-standing member of

Essex Council, who is seeking re-election. He said that while he works for the Town as a whole, he knows the importance of maintaining the culture of the individual areas in the municipality. The old towns of Essex and Harrow need to maintain their individual identities. He said he would like to see the old towns maintain their names while having the municipality as a whole renamed. He suggested Heritage Park. Ward 2 resident and candidate, Verbeek, currently serves as Vice Chairperson of the Essex Police Services Board, Chairperson of the local Landfill Liaison Committee, and is Vice-Chairperson of the Essex Fun Fest Committee. She said that, if elected, she wants to engage the entire municipality. She said she would be a new voice and has the passion and energy for building a strong community. She stressed that more community input would be a must, moving forward. The Essex Centre BIA is hosting a second meet-the-candidates event on Thursday, October 11 at the Essex Centre Sports Complex (Shaheen Community Room), starting at 6 p.m. The election will be held on October 22.

of the end of World War 1. After study and evaluation, the committee and its supporters appeared before the Town of Kingsville Council on September 10, with its proposal. Council was receptive to the proposal put forth and supported it unanimously to move forward. The initial banner target set, for this year, is ten, with more to follow in succeeding years. Sponsors are required to fun at the project, which may include veterans, their families, businesses, and community groups. The committee plans to approach interested veterans to complete an

application for the project. Interested sponsors can telephone Mary- Maureen at 519-733-4578 or Daisy at 712-9706 for details. To learn more about the project, a Banner Launch Ceremony is scheduled for 11:00 AM Saturday, October 27 at the Kingsville Legion. It will include opening remarks, banner display, photo opportunities, a ceremony, and banner unveiling at the poles near the Legion entrance on Division Street. Town Council, veterans, and their families, Legion members, municipal staff, and the general public are invited to attend the Launch to demonstrate community support for this commendable project honouring our veterans.

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PHOTO CONTEST/COMPETITION & SALE Sat. & Sun., 11 am to 4 pm • FREE ADMISSION Jack Miner Migratory Bird Sanctuary, 332 Rd. 3 W., Kingsville Wild & Wonderful Nature. Judge the People’s Choice Award on Saturday. Photographers: Enter for cash prizes!!

EVENTS AT LAKESIDE PARK Sat., Oct. 20: 12 noon – 4 pm Kingsport Environmental Birds of Prey Shows: 12:30 & 3 pm, Pony Rides, Mad Science, Scouts BBQ, Medieval Village, Facepainting, Magic Show, Zoo to You, Jangles the Clown




Kingsport Environmental Birds of Prey Shows Sunday, Oct. 21: 11 am-3 pm • Kids Activities from 1-3 pm

For updates, times, and locations call 519-733-2123 or


12 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, October 11, 2018

LaSalle Craft Beer Festival celebrates five years of success by Adam Gault Essex County craft beer lovers had much to be thankful for this past long weekend as the fifth annual LaSalle Craft Beer Festival took over the Vollmer Culture and Recreation

Complex in LaSalle. Featuring a dozen Ontario craft brewers, including new and established WindsorEssex favourites, the event continues to highlight the burgeoning Canadian craft

beer market and the many local brewers changing the face of the local beer market. “Feedback is always really positive, people love it,” LaSalle’s Recreation Manager, Patti Funaro, explained of the brewers

and guests attending the festival. “It being Thanksgiving weekend, lets people come home. It’s a great opportunity for people to buy tickets for their adult children, friends, family members and kind of come back as a reunion or homecoming to the event.” Unfortunately, in what seems to be a recurring trend for the festival, inclement weather forced the cancellation of Saturday’s 5-kilometre Beer Run, which had been organized in support of the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Ontario. Last year, high winds had forced the early closure of the festival on the Saturday evening. Not to be deterred this year, despite the run’s cancellation, WindsorEssex’s top brewers were determined to demonstrate why the number of craft breweries across Canada has grown by 20% over the last three years. One such new brewery featured at the festival was the Sandwich Brewing Co. out of Windsor, which opened in 2017 in Windsor’s

west end. Sandwich Brewing Co.’s head brewer, Scott Black, said festivals like LaSalle’s are great ways to connect with beer lovers, as well as network with others in the craft beer industry. “It’s fun for the brewers behind the scenes to get together and interact, and it’s also great to get to one-on-one with so many new people,” Black said. “There’s a lot of new faces that are trying our beer. That’s so important, it’s great to be able to talk to them as a brewer and answer their questions right from

the source.” Black believes part of the reason for the continued growth of the industry is contributed to people looking to return to supporting more of their local businesses in general, and the more unique tastes and pairing options people can find from smaller food and drink ventures. “It’s a return to everything local. You get more people now going to their local butcher, their local fishmonger, their local brewery. Every small town should have a brewery.”

Thursday, October 11, 2018


Community I 13

Essex Free Press

Cadets host open house to attract new members

by Kyle Reid Volunteers, staff, and members of the 2715 Essex and Kent Scottish Army Cadets hosted a special open house at the 594 Royal Canadian Legion headquarters last Wednesday evening to recruit youth interested in becoming part of the historic corps. Corps recruiter, Terri Monforton, was pleased with the turnout at the event, which also doubled as a promotion ceremony and awards gala for current cadets. Youth members of the group, ranging from 12 to 19 years of age, demonstrated a variety of marches and drills for the crowd, while four cadets received recognition for their years of service in the corps. Monforton said the corps tries to host speakers who can talk about their youthrelated activities and how it impacted their

Mission. The Cadets also partner with the Duke of Edinburgh program, which also involves a significant volunteer component for youth who work their way through the achievement program. And while the cadets are running a military-type program, the group is not a recruitment effort for the Canadian Forces. Monforton said the belief is a common misconception, and why they hold the recruitment events. “A lot of people have a little bit of a skewed view on what we do,” Monforton commented. “They think we’re trying to recruit people for the Canadian Army, but that’s not what we do. We’re just, basically, a youth group.” future. In keeping with that theme, Head Coach of the Windsor Spitfires, Trevor Letowski, was a featured guest speaker at the event. Letowski related to the discipline and dedication the youth cadets displayed to his own career as a young hockey player. Typically, members of the Cadet Corps meet once per week on Wednesday evenings at the 594 Legion headquarters. Monforton said, however, the weekly meetings are only a small component of the cadet program. “The kids have lots of opportunities within the [cadet] program,” Monforton explained. “We have a drill team, a marksmanship team; all kinds of outside activities outside of regular Wednesday nights…we try to do a lot of community outreach as well.” That community outreach includes programs like food drives for the Downtown

Of course, the 2715 cadets, like every cadet corps around the country, are associated with a Canadian military unit. In the case of 2715 Army Cadets, the corps has the honour of association with the prestigious Essex and Kent Scottish Regiment. Lieutenant Colonel John Hodgins, Commanding Officer of the Essex and Kent Scottish Regiment, was present at the event to inspect the corps. Hodgins expressed his pride in being associated with such an impressive group of youth. “These ladies and gentlemen here have decided to make a commitment,” Hodgins said. “It’s all about staying, persevering, and moving on.”

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14 I Community Essex Free Press

EYC open for free tutoring/Fun Fridays

After working at the Essex Youth Centre this summer through the Canada Summer Jobs program, Coordinators Tauner Martin and Bryanna Currie proposed the EYC Board allow them to offer free tutoring and Fun Fridays throughout the school year, which they are now doing.

by Sylene Argent For the past few years, area teens have only had

access to the Essex Youth Centre (EYC) during the summer months.

This schoolyear, however, the Essex Youth Centre is open for free

tutoring on Monday and Thursday evenings, from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. It is also open from 3:30 to 9:30 p.m. for Fun Fridays. Bryanna Currie, a thirdyear Nursing student at the University of Windsor, and Tauner Martin, a University of Windsor Sociology graduate, who is now pursuing a Teaching Certificate, proposed the tutoring program and the Fun Friday events to the Essex Youth Centre Board, which approved their suggestion. Currie and Martin coordinate the programs, and are excited to not only give youth a safe place to have fun, but

provide assistance in their academic endeavours. The duo got the idea for the programming as they both worked for the EYC over the summer. The EYC Board, they said, provided the necessary funds to support their programming idea for the entire school year, through money raised. Anyone, aged 12 and over, is welcome to attend the tutoring sessions or Fun Friday programming, which is planned to have a different theme each week. The duo offers tutoring

I Thursday, October 11, 2018

for a variety of high school subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, calculus, and even a few college/university classes. If there is a need, there could be an opportunity to expand the number of nights a week the EYC is open. “So far, so good,” Currie said of the newly scheduled programming. Moving forward, Currie and Martin hope to find a way to offer a few high school students a chance to work off community service hours.

Thursday, October 11, 2018


Community I 15

Essex Free Press

First Contact Canada cast member speaks to GNPS

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filming, where they were introduced to Indigenous life. For instance, Sykes said she participated in a seal hunt and “dragged the red.â€? Both experiences were difficult for different reasons. The Red River in Winnipeg is where many bodies of missing individuals end up, the majority of which, she said, are the missing or murdered. Dragging the red helps recover evidence or bodies. She was also able to participate in a powwow, a sweat lodge ceremony, speak to a woman in a federal prison who was there for murder, and serve meals to the homeless in an Indigenous community. “[We] stayed in people’s homes to learn about their way and their cultures. They really opened up their world and showed us.â€? Residential School, Sykes believes, “are at the root cause of everything that needs to be fix for reconciliation.â€? She explained seven generations experience residential schools, and there are many unmarked graves across Canada, “They don’t even have the number from the government as far as how many children were displaced or killed‌and then, when you have that generation-after-generation, they are basically creating cultural genocide because they are removing the language, the history, the land-base, living. We’re going to see a lot of mental health issues and sexual abuse issues.â€? Her visit with the students at Gosfield North Public School was her first public speaking engagement about the documentary, and she was impressed with the students’ keen interest and questions. “They were asking, great, awesome question. I was really blown away,â€? she said. “I’m proud of them.â€? She hopes in being able to visit schools and organizations in the future, she will be able to speak about the truth and the misconceptions she had before getting involved with the documentary. For instance, she said, today, there are well over 100 communities that don’t have drinkable water in Canada.


Jamie-Sue Sykes, who was a cast member in the threepart documentary series, First Contact Canada, spoke about her experience during a special meeting with Gosfield North Public School’s grade seven and eight students last Friday.

by Sylene Argent On Friday, the grade seven and eight students at Gosfield North Public School listened intently to special guest speaker, Jamie-Sue Sykes of Chatham, who participated in the filming of the three-part documentary series, First Contact Canada, as a cast member. According to, the documentary has six average Canadians, with strong opinions about Indigenous People, participate in a unique 28-day journey into Indigenous Canada. It continues that the experience was meant to challenge their perceptions and confront their opinions about a world they never imagined they would see. She said the individuals selected as cast members were outspoken, opinionated, and adventurous people. “I was all three,� Sykes said. She had to fill out a questionnaire and submit a video to make it to the interview process. The selected cast members did not know the documentary was going to be about Indigenous People until they were well into the casting process. When the cast members found out the topic of the documentary, Sykes said she was excited, but also a little bit anxious at the same time as she hadn’t had a lot of interaction with Indigenous people. “So, what I had heard were perceptions and stereotypes, so I really did want to learn. I had only read a little about residential schools, but had no idea about the devastating impact and, you know, why we are seeing what we are today,� Sykes said. The filming of the documentary took place last August, and aired on APTN recently. Sykes and fellow cast members travelled to Nunavut, Winnipeg, Northern Ontario, Calgary, Edmonton, and BC for the




16 I Classifieds Essex Free Press

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I Thursday, October 11, 2018


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Thursday, October 11, 2018


News I 17

Essex Free Press

EMS enhancements paying off for Essex County by Kyle Reid Despite increasing call volumes, EssexWindsor EMS is meeting or exceeding response time targets for most service calls, according to a report Essex-Windsor EMS Chief Bruce Krauter tabled during last Wednesday evening’s County Council meeting. The report outlined response time target numbers, alongside the expected times and the percent the unit met its targets. The report also listed the percentages from previous years,

dating back to 2014. The biggest improvement from the 2017 year was in the response times for sudden cardiac arrest calls. For the 2018 year-to-date, Essex-Windsor EMS is meeting the six-minute target time at a rate of 64 percent. That number is up five percent from last year, and well exceeding the target of 55 percent. Krauter pointed to an enhancement plan created by County Council last year as the reason behind the improvement. Response time targets

Classifi Classi fieds...

Continued from Page 16



for life-threatening resuscitation calls also notably improved from the previous year. In the 2018 year-to-date, EssexWindsor EMS has met the eight-minute target time for these calls 81 percent of the time. That number exceeds the benchmark target of 75 percent and is up six percent from last year’s performance. “This result is a notable improvement from [the] prior year, despite the continued rise in call volume,” Krauter said. However, responses for emergent and urgent calls fell short of meeting its respective 10 and 12 minute response time targets 90 percent of the time. Essex-Windsor EMS met the response time for emergent calls 85

percent of the time, and 86 percent of the time for urgent calls. Krauter said that while he was disappointed that the unit fell short of its targeted goal, the numbers were consistent with previous years. The EssexWindsor EMS Chief noted that ambulance off-load delays at all emergency departments are hampering ambulance availability. He recommended a diversion protocol for emergent calls to allow ambulances to be offloaded in a timelier fashion. For less urgent and non-urgent calls in 2018, Essex-Windsor EMS has met its 14-minute target response time 95 and 90 percent of the time, respectively.

Local man $25,000 richer through ESHF fundraiser

submitted to EFP Ken Dunn was in disbelief when he heard that he was the $25,000 Grand Prize winner in the Almost $50K Giveaway. The Almost $50K Giveaway ticket sales was launched officially in July of this year with almost 1,700 tickets sold over two months. The 32 draws took place throughout the month of September and gave out $49,999 worth of prizes. “We are very happy for our first year,” said Ross Barnwell, Executive Director of the Erie Shores Health Foundation, “we raised over $18,000 to support our local Hospital & Hospice and we know this has the potential to grow every year!” When grand prize winner Kenn Dunn was asked what he planned to do with this winnings, “I’m sure my wife has it spent,” he joked, “We’ll probably take a family vacation this winter.”


Jack Morris

Notice of Public Meeting to Consider an Amendment to Zoning By-Law 1037

Auctions Inc.

Auction Sale Saturday, October 20 at 10:00 am

For Margaret Beattie at 1931 Mersea Rd 10, Leamington, east of Hwy 77. Oldsmobile: 1955 Oldsmobile Super 88, redone approx. 25 yrs ago, 4 doors, looks very good, last ran 11 years ago; Shotgun: Hammer double barrel by Henry Richards, valid PAL required; Household: set of Lady Hamilton Community Plate flatware in case; set of antique dishes; mantle clock; teacups; misc. china, etc; old Brownie camera; 3 cushion & two cushion dark blue leather recliner set; Electra Flame fireplace/TV stand; single & double beds & other bedroom furniture; etc; Piano & Bench: upright piano by Grinnell Bros with bench, purchaser must remove from house; Farm Primitives: walking plow; Louden hay trolley; 3 milk cans; 2 Surge milkers; cross cut saw; pulleys; corn sheller; old wooden washing machine; old skiis; etc; Lawn Glider: double seats w/drop leaf table & canopy. This will be a short sale. Terms cash, debit, Visa, MC (3% premium on Visa, MC). Auctioneer: Jack Morris, 519-687-2530 Details & photos at

Take notice that the Council for the Town of Essex will hold a Statutory Public Meeting on Tuesday November 6, 2018 commencing at 7pm in the Harrow Community Centre located at 243 McAffee St., Harrow to consider a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment under the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. You are invited to attend this meeting and to express any interest you may have in the requested Zoning Amendment. This matter is also scheduled for formal decision by Council at its Regular Meeting on Monday November 19, 2018 starting at 6pm.

Jack Morris

Written submissions to Council must be directed to the Town Clerk at the contact information below.

Auctions Inc.

The purpose of this statutory meeting is to consider an amendment to Zoning By-law 1037 for the property located at 1466 County Road 13 in the former township of Colchester South (Ward 3). The lands are designated “Residential” in the Town of Essex Official Plan and zoned Residential District 1.3 (R1.3) under Zoning By-law, By-law 1037, which is primarily devoted to low density residential development in agricultural areas. The applicant is proposing a site specific zoning amendment for the +3433 square metre (+39956 square feet) lot to permit as additional uses, the development of a medical office, pharmacy and any use accessory to the main use. A location map is attached. It is noted that the medical office, pharmacy and accessory structures would conform to the building regulations for medical offices and accessory structures under the Commercial District 1.4 (C1.4) zoning category for site specific office uses. Any person may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed amendment. Additional information relating to the proposed amendment is available for review at the Town Hall at 33 Talbot Street South, Essex, during regular office hours. It is recommended that an appointment be scheduled for this purpose. Please contact 519-7767336 ext. 1128, to schedule an appointment.

Auction Sale

If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Council for the Town of Essex before the proposed Zoning By-law amendment is adopted, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Council of the Town of Essex to the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (LPAT).

Contents at 9:30 am • Property at 2 pm at 1481 Myers Rd., Belle River Property: 1.97 acres w/1408 sq. ft. 3 BR home, 2 large sheds, sells subject to owner approval, details & terms at Contents: ’05 GM Express 1500 van, in good condition, used for camping; ’08 Scarabeo Aprilla 200 motorbike, looks good; helmets; clothing; Multi Mig/Flex 90430 welder; Troy Bilt chipper w/5HP motor; Craftsman 5000 generator; Craftsman walk behind snowblower; very large selection of tools & shop equip including good power saws, drill press, Rigid & other tools, etc; Scuba diving compressor, tank & gear; Evinrude 15 HP boat motor; Zodiac inflatable boat (hasn’t been inflated in years); various trailers; German & other cow bells, small yard bell; whiskey barrel; selection of knives; all steel gun case; household including glass front hutch; table & chairs; curio cabinet; treadmill; etc; stained glass, grinder & equip. Terms cash, debit, Visa, MC (3% premium on Visa, MC). Lunch available. Proprietor: Judith Goblirsch Auctioneer: Jack Morris, 519-687-2530 Details & photos at

If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Council for the Town of Essex before the proposed Zoning By-law amendment is adopted, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Local Planning Key Map: Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) unless, in the opinion of the LPAT, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.

Saturday, October 13

Personal Information: The personal information contained in any correspondence or oral presentation that you provide will become part of the public record and will be available on the Town website. Personal information is collected and disclosed pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Dated at the Town of Essex on Tuesday, September 25, 2018. Robert Auger, Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk 33 Talbot Street South Essex, ON, N8M 1A8 Tel: 519-776-7336 Extension1132 Email:

18 I Personals

FromThe Heart _________________________________________________________

IN LOVING MEMORY _________________________________________________________

Essex Free Press

To place a personal notice, email your photo and content to or drop by our office at 16 Centre St., Essex. Personal notices must be received by Monday at 12:00 noon to appear in the Thursday edition. _________________________________________________________



Happy Birthday in Heaven to our loving Daughter, Sister, Granddaughter, and Niece



Donna-Mae Curtis

October 13, 1988 - September 26, 2016

~ Loved & missed - Mom, Dad, Jeremy, Ashley, Grandmas, Aunts, Uncles, and Families.



Lynnlee Susan Guyitt

The moment that you left us, our hearts split in two. One side filled with memories, the other died with you. We often lay awake at night when the world is fast asleep, and take a walk down memory lane with tears upon our cheek. Remembering you is easy. We do it everyday. But, missing you is a heartache that never goes away. We hold you tightly within our hearts and there you will remain. you see, life has gone on without you, but will NEVER BE THE SAME.

I Thursday, October 11, 2018

~ October 12 ~ Love “Farmer Duke” _________________________________________________________




In Loving Memory of

Say I Love You With A Personal Greeting! Let everyone know with your announcement here!

William “Uncle Bill” Jackson

Email your photo and message to: 116 Centre Street, Essex

October 16, 2017 It broke our hearts to lose you, but you never went alone, for a part of us went with you, the day God took you home.


~ Love; All of your nieces and nephews




Voice Of Inspiration “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” ~ Steve Jobs



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COUCH/BURNS, Evelyn - Mother left us on October 3, 2018 after 96 years of a full life of opportunity and achievement. She is survived by her husband, Robert (Bob) Burns, her sons Robert (Bob) of LaSalle and Key West, Edgar of Victoria, B.C. and her daughter Kathryn (Kay) Booker of Mississauga. Predeceased by her youngest son, Donald Montgomery (Monty) 1999, and her husbands, Thomas Walker (1981) & Wilbur Smith (2000). Survived by her sister Irene Bridgen of Harrow, nephews & niece, 10 grandchildren & 10 great-grandchildren. Predeceased by one grandson & great grandson. Evelyn had been a weekly columnist for the Essex Free Press. For many years, she was a county reporter for the Windsor Star & Voice of the Farmer, as well as being published in various magazines. Evelyn was the recipient of the Queen’s Golden Jubilee medal, the Lieutenant Governor’s award twice; first as the author of Essex history “The Three R’s. Riches, Rags, Recovery” and the second time for lifetime of service to her community. As well, Evelyn received the Ontario Federation of Agriculture media award, the Essex Volunteer of the Year award & was inducted into the Essex County Agricultural Hall of Fame, as well as receiving several local certificates of recognition for her services as reporter and historian. A plaque with her name is along the main path of Heritage Gardens. She was awarded lifetime membership in Community Services and serviced as committee member for IDEE, Mural Committee, and Heritage Essex (station), of which she was the founding president of Save Our Station. Evelyn’s funeral service was held at the Essex United Church (53 Talbot St. S, Essex). Interment followed later at the Banner Cemetery. Donations may be made to the Essex United Church or to the charity of your choice. Arrangements entrusted to the Kennedy Funeral Home Ltd. (519-776-7378) 128 Talbot St. N, Essex. You may send your condolences online at _________________________________________________

WELDON, Robert R. “Bob”-1937-2018 - Passed peacefully surrounded by his adored family on Thanksgiving Sunday, October 7, 2018 at Erie Shores Hospice. Beloved husband and best friend of Helen (nee Rawlins) for 54 years. Loving and caring Father of Melissa Hall and husband Mark. Cherished grandfather of Cale and Chase. Predeceased by his parents George and Iva Weldon, and sister Shirley Colenutt (late Bob). Bob will be missed by his brother George (late Jean) and many nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends. Bob enjoyed traveling, dirt biking, going to the family cottage in Northern Michigan and family gatherings. He retired from Ford Motor Co. in Browns Town, Michigan after 30 years of service. Following Bob’s wishes, cremation has taken place. A gathering to celebrate Bob’s Life will take place on Saturday, November 3, 2018 at Reid Funeral Home & Reception Centre, 87 Maidstone Avenue East, Essex (519-776-4233) from 2-5 pm. If desired, memorial donations made to Erie Shores Hospice would be appreciated. Family and friends may share their memories online at Obituaries continued on Page 19

What’s Going On... OCT. 13 - ESSEX BABY STEPS WALK TO REMEMBER  Essex Arena from 8am-1pm. Pregnancy & infancy loss awareness. INFO: OCT. 16 - ESSEX BLOOD DONOR CLINIC at Essex Centre Sports Complex, 60 Fairview Ave.W., 1 p.m. – 7 p.m. Call 1 888 2 DONATE for more information. OCT. 20 - ESSEX COMMUNITY SERVICES’ 2ND ANNUAL STOUT & ABOUT BEER TOUR FUNDRAISER - For info & to register: 519-776-4231 or email: OCT. 20 - CRAFTERS/VENDORS MARKET - at St Paul’s Anglican Church, Essex (92 St Paul Street) 10am - 2pm. The event is full! Stop by to see what’s on for lunch! OCT. 24 - ROAST BEEF DINNER  at Bethel Maidstone United Church. Serving from 4:30 - 6:30PM. OCT. 24 - ESSEX & DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETING  at Essex Retirees’ Club at 7:30pm. Speaker: Maria Pap.[Flora Gardens] on new plants. Silent auction. OCT. 24 - ROAST BEEF DINNER  at Bethel Maidstone United. Serving from 4:30 to 6:30pm. OCT. 25 - HARROW BLOOD DONOR CLINIC at Camoes Portuguese Club, 390 -398 Sinasac St. W., 2 p.m. – 7 p.m. Call 1 888 2 DONATE for more information. OCT. 27 - SUN PARLOUR CHORUS 74TH ANNUAL SHOW, at Heritage Park Church, 7pm. Ticket: 519-948-0637 or 519-969-1663 or visit OCT. 27 & 28 Western Secondary School’s PUMPKINFEST, 10am-4pm. For details visit: NOV. 1 - Rotary Club LaSalle Centennial TRIVIA CHALLENGE FUNDRAISER, at Legion 5030 Howard. Dinner at 6pm. Trivia at 7pm. Call Theresa 519-969-7965 for info. COPING WITH ANGER GROUP - Wednesdays at Erie Shores Healthcare. For more information, contact Community Partnership at 226-348-4548 or email info@

Thursday, October 11, 2018


Obituaries / Community Hub I 19

Essex Free Press


the Essex Snow Patrol, contact Essex Community Services at 519-776-4231 for more information. Thank you!



KNIGHT, Earl “Squeak”- Passed away peacefully at Erie Shores Healthcare with his family by side on October 5, 2018 at 92 years of age. Beloved husband of Edith Knight (Broderick) and the late Grace Knight (1989). Dear father of Steve (Linda) Knight and Bradley (Rosemary) Knight. Step-father of John Broderick, Elaine MacFarlane, Dereck Broderick and Mark Broderick. Treasured grandpa of 5 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren and 3 great-greatgrandchildren. Brother of Jane Skerritt and the late Roger, Allan, Max, Norman and Ethel. Also survived by many nieces and nephews. Cremation has taken place and a service will take place later. Donations may be made to the Woodslee United Church. Arrangements entrusted to the Kennedy Funeral Home Ltd. (519-776-7378) 128 Talbot St. N, Essex. You may send your condolences online at ___________________________________________________

LAFRAMBOISE, Wallace “Jr.”- It is with sadness we announce the passing of Wally on October 2, 2018 at the Windsor Regional Hospital at the age of 83. Loving husband of the late Patricia (nee O’Loane) with whom he celebrated 48 years of marriage. Son of the late Wallace and Frances Laframboise. Son-in-law of the late Norman and Evelyn O’Loane. Dear father of Michael (Lynn) Robinet, Judy DiCredico (late Doug Cardinal), Neil (Rhonda) Robinet and Tina (Hank) Edwards. Treasured Grandpa of 10 Grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. Predeceased by one grandchild. Brother of Rose and the late Clifford and the late William. Brother-in-law of the late Olive and the late Norman. Also survived by many cousins, nieces and nephews. Wally was a longtime member of the Essex Retirees; he definitely enjoyed his cards and bingo; was an avid sports fan and supporter of the Essex 73’s. Cremation has taken place. Friends and family gathered at the Kennedy Funeral Home Ltd. (519-776-7378) 128 Talbot St. North, Essex to share stories and visit with the family. There was no funeral service. A private graveside service will take place at a later date. Donations may be made to the Diabetes Association. You may send your condolences online at ___________________________________________________

BROWN, Rev. Kenneth Andrew - On October 5, 2018, Pastor Ken was Promoted to Glory from Erie Shores Healthcare in his 81st year. He was the only child of his late parents, Dr. Douglas L. and Hilda Brown of Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, UK. Ken had been a Type 1 Diabetic since the autumn of 1960 whilst training for the Baptist ministry at Spurgeon’s College, South Norwood, London, UK. Ken and Elaine (nee Hammond) met that same autumn, became engaged at Christmas and were married at Chatsworth Baptist Church on July 1, 1961. They first pastored at Tottenham Baptist Church in North London for three years and then moved with their first child, Richard Andrew (wife Anne and children Serena and Kenneth), to West Leigh Baptist Church, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, UK where, together, they served the Lord for 14 years. Their daughter Elizabeth Gaye (husband Kimble, sons Calum and Lachlan) joined the family unit in September of 1968, and then a 2nd son, Cameron Douglas (wife Margaret, and children Matthew and Megan) completed the trio in June, 1971. The family emigrated to Regina, SK to serve at Cameron Memorial Baptist Church from 1982 until 1985, when they moved to Windsor, ON and ministered at Heritage Park Alliance Church until 1992. Ken was a caring and versatile pastor who faithfully preached the Word of God wherever and whenever opportunities presented themselves. He possessed a passion and love for Christ that energized all his days from the age of 16 when he was called by God to train for the ministry. A Memorial Service of Thanksgiving to celebrate Ken’s life will be held on Saturday, October 13, 2018 at Essex Christian Reformed Church, 276 Talbot Street, Essex N8M 1B8 with visitation from 1pm until time of service at 2pm. Dr. Rev. Gordon Ainsworth officiating. If desired, memorial donations made to Canadian Diabetes Association or Charity of choice would be appreciated. Arrangements entrusted to Reid Funeral Home & Reception Centre, Essex (519-776-4233). If desired, family and friends are invited to share their memories online at

Woodslee United Church

sponsorship by:

submitted by Sue Holman

Fresh food. Friendly neighbours 191 Talbot St. S., Essex

519-776-4255 Salvation Army Essex Community Church submitted by Carolyn Barnett

Join us for Family Worship at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday. Major Sam Roberts leads the service, which is followed by a brief social time of refreshments and fellowship. SA Connections is a great, free community program held Tuesdays from 10 -1 p.m. We invite men and women of all ages to participate in programs. The Essex Corps Anniversary is on Sunday, Oct. 14th. We will have our monthly potluck luncheon following the service on this date instead of on Thanksgiving Sunday. On Saturday, Oct. 27th from 11- 1p.m., we are holding an Autumn Luncheon and Bake Sale. Our monthly movie nights resume Sun., Oct.27th.

Essex Community Services is calling for volunteers to join the Essex Snow Patrol & help your community! During the winter months, snow and ice are potential hazards to everyone, but they pose special problems for people with limited mobility. ECS matches volunteers with eligible seniors and people with physical disabilities to clear the snow from sidewalks and driveways. Snow removal volunteers are needed in all parts of the Municipality of Essex. If you would like to volunteer as a member of

Our Pastoral Charge Supervisor is Rev. Colin Swan. You can contact him at 519-687-2167. To contact the church office, our email address is woodsleepc@ or phone at 519-9752252. INDOOR YARD SALE: Saturday, Oct. 27 at 9am. Donations of gently used items would be greatly appreciated and can be brought in the week prior to the sale. Contact Jean Vetor at 519-728-3022 for more information or to arrange drop off of your donations.

St. Paul’s Anglican Church The Essex Area Food Bank’s user numbers are up and they are in desperate need of many items. The following are items that they are in particular need of: pastas and pasta sauces, crackers, canned vegetables, canned soup, cereal/ oatmeal, jello, canned brown beans, school snacks, etc. Our next market will take place on Saturday, Oct. 20th from 10am - 2pm Legacy of Heroes Event: Sunday,

October 28, 1:30 pm at St. Paul’s - This year, we honour personal support workers, staff and volunteers at local seniors’ homes, giving thanks for the ways their efforts have made a difference in the lives of so many seniors! Please visit our website at www. or our Facebook page at You can also reach us at 519-776-7711 or by email at

Maidstone Cross submitted by Wendy Cunningham

Our Mission group is collecting toiletries for Iris House in Windsor. During the month of October, please drop off canned goods for the Essex Food Bank. Please keep in your prayers all the people who are sick, shut-in, and in Hospice.

Bethel-Maidstone United

Please join us Sunday mornings at 10am for worship, and coffee hour to follow! Preschool Play Time has started and continues every Thursday from 9:30 am - 12 noon. Caregivers & kids 0-4 are invited to drop in.

Continued on Page 21

Antioch Christian Ministries submitted by Linda Knight

Pastor Jays message was primarily focused on Thanksgiving. Wonderful things happen, when God is near! Our Healing Rooms at ACM are open on Saturdays from 9am-12pm. Thrive Groups start this week! Young Adults Night is on October 13th at 7pm, at ACM. Kingdom Advance Conference is from October 25th-27th. Our next Thrive Week is October 15th-19th. Sunday pre-service prayer is at 8:30am. For more information, visit: Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

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20 I Business Directory Essex Free Press


Thursday, October 11, 2018









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Thursday, October 11, 2018


Community Hub/Business Directory I 21

Essex Free Press

Continued from Page 19 The UCW Presbyterial Meeting will be at our church on Wednesday, October 17th at 1pm. Ron Dunn from the Downtown Mission will be the guest speaker and will speak about their new initiatives. All ladies of the congregation are encouraged to attend. Our Annual Fall Roast Beef Dinner will be Wednesday, October 24th with dinner being served between 4:30pm and 6:30pm. Please remember the sick and the shut-ins. If you would like to add a name to the Prayer List, please see Rev. Catherine, add a name to the list in the foyer. You can find us on the web at Our email address is and the office number is (519) 723-2284.

Essex United Church Join us Sunday morning at 10:30 am for our worship service. New Church Directory: Thursday, October 11 and Friday, October 12 - 2:30 to 8:30 pm. Saturday, October 13 - 9:30 to 3:00 pm. Please sign up after church! Our Annual Anniversary Dinner is Saturday, October 20 . We are celebrating our 144th anniversary! Tickets are available in the church office. Anniversary Sunday Service - October 21st. Rev. Susan Harrison, Preaching Spiritual Care Given at Hospice. Come and celebrate 144 years.

club for girls and boys from Grade 1 - 8 where we participate in Bible studies, crafts, and games. All are welcome to attend. Visit us online for service times and directions or just to listen to a sermon or two.

in Cottam. All are welcome!

Holy Name of Jesus Church submitted by Therese Lecuyer

We hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. Mark your calendars for October 21 at 7:00pm, we will host a campfire with music, stories, prayer, and fellowship. These are always a great community outings! The Essex Area Food Banks are in desperate need of all items, as the number in need is rising, so if you can help, please bring your donation in to the back of the Church and we will see that all items are delivered to the Food Bank. Come and check us out, Sundays at 9:15 in “The Little White Church” in the Cemetery

Our annual Turkey Dinner & Bazaar is on Sunday, October 28, from Noon - 5:00pm. Our next K or C Fish Fry is Friday, October 12, from 4:30 - 7:00pm. Euchre night is Monday, October 15 at the K of C. St. Clement’s Church Euchre Tournament is on Friday, October 26, at 7pm at the K of C in McGregor. First Reconcilliarion & First Communion mandatiory parent meeting is on Monday, October 22, at 7pm in the Parish Hall. COR XXXI is November 9-11. It is open to all students, from grades 10-12. God bless you all and have a great week!



Trinity Church


Essex Christian Reformed Church We would like to extend an invitation to you and your family to attend our Sunday morning worship service, beginning at 10am with Pastor Mark Vanbruggen. Nursery supervision and Sunday school are provided. Join us afterward for a cup of tea or coffee. GEMS and Cadets meet on Monday evenings from 6:30pm - 8:00pm. This is a great

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22 I Opinion / Community Essex Free Press


Thursday, October 11, 2018

4-H Cloverbuds press report

1941 Dodge Luxury Liner coupe like new

Gerry Parent’s 1941 Dodge coupe.

At a recent car show at the Essex Railway Station in Essex, Ontario, Gerry Parent of Windsor proudly displayed his all-original 1941 Dodge Luxury Liner 3-passenger business coupe with a Windsor factory list price when new of $1357. Gerry found the car for sale in Ancaster, Ontario, about four years ago. He had never owned a coupe and decided it was time to get one. He rebuilt the lower end of the flathead six cylinder engine, which has 217.8 cubic inches and 91 horsepower. No other work was required on the car and Gerry has enjoyed driving it to car shows and cruise nights. The gleaming black finish on the car dates back at least 35-40 years and its excellent condition is living proof of the first-rate care this car has received from previous owners. The black finish harmonizes nicely with the red wheel rims, wide whitewalls, and beauty rings that surround the sparkling chrome hub caps. On a recent visit to a swap meet at Heritage Village a few miles west of Kingsville, Gerry purchased an outdoor sun visor for his ’41 Dodge, a popular accessory in days gone by when lots of cars had them. Note also the pair of fog lights up front and the radio aerial mounted on the side of the cowl. The original equipment radio in the dash works, and the original heater does as well. Other features include independently sprung front wheels, safety glass throughout, and handy-control gearshift on the steering column. Gerry was born on May 15, 1946. His first car was a dark brown 1951 Meteor 4-door sedan, built in Windsor and bought for $15.00 in running condition when he was a teenager living in Windsor. He doesn’t know who the first owner was, but he does know the last owner because it went to the scrapyard when he was finished with it. His current project is a 1932 Ford pickup hot rod with a small block Ford V8 with 302 cubic inches and C4 transmission. This truck has been known locally as far back as 1970. The work is now 80% finished and I look forward to featuring it in my “Old Car Detective” column. Stay tuned! I’m always looking for stories. Email billtsherk@

submitted to EFP Meat, meat, meat! The 4-H Cloverbuds enjoyed a cooking meeting at Sobey’s in St. Clair Beach, last Thursday. The meeting started with colouring pictures in the Canada’s Food Guide of the yummy vegetable and fruit group, the crunchy grain group, the magic milk and alternatives group, and the mighty meat and alternatives group. We learned that we need exercise, a balanced diet, and plenty of sleep for our bodies. At this meeting, we focused on meat and discussed what meat comes from what animals. Beef comes from cattle, mutton comes from sheep, pork comes from pigs, chevon comes from goats, and lamb comes from sheep under one year old. We talked about safety using knives and read through our recipes that we were making at this meeting. First, we looked at the recipe for Taco Salad. The recipe said we needed

20 minutes to prepare it. We looked at all the ingredients that were purchased from Sobey’s and we were ready to begin. Everyone was given a job to do. Rayne cut up tomatoes, John washed and prepared the romaine lettuce, Jenna cut up onions, Jessy cut up peppers, Kolin fried and crumbled up ground turkey and Max prepared the nacho chips. We put all the ingredients together, added grated cheese and Catalina dressing and our salad was ready. Next we checked the time needed and the ingredients to make pizza. We were ready to go! Jack cut up

ham, Ember fried and crumbled the ground beef, Cameron cut up the sausage, and Charlotte cutt up mushrooms. We opened a can of pineapple tidbits; a can of pizza sauce and some grated cheese. We each made our own little pizza’s using little, round slices for the crust. Then we baked them and enjoyed our creations along with our taco salad. Special thanks to Erika, (a Cloverbud graduate) who came along and helped us work on our 4-H pledge and motto sheets. A very BIG thank you to Sobey’s for allowing us to use its kitchen for our meeting.

Voice Of Inspiration “As a winner, learn not to let negative comments affect you. Just treat it as firewood that feeds your fire. Soon that fire will be so big and so bright that those who criticized you will smell the smoke, even if they happen to be on the other side of the world.” ~ Kevin Abdulrahman

Thursday, October 11, 2018


Sports I 23

Essex Free Press

73’s prevail over Wallaceburg, fall to Lakeshore

Photo by Laurie Beaten: Photo by Laurie Beaten: Michael Vieira corrals the puck in front of Lakeshore’s Nolan Hakr in Friday’s 3-2 OT loss.

by Garrett Fodor The Essex 73’s failed to make any progress in the standings after the home team dropped points to its rivals, the Lakeshore Canadiens. But, for the Essex faithful, the currently in third place 73’s showed signs of progress and potential. To begin the week, Essex hosted the last place Wallaceburg Lakers. Entering the game, the Lakers had been shutout for two straight games. Throughout much of the

game, it looked like Essex would extend that streak to three games. The game opened with a pair of goals from Josh Pope-Ferguson in the final four minutes of the first period. A Dawson Winchester tally in the second period put Essex ahead 3-0. Through 40 minutes of play, the shots were 22-8, in favor of Essex. The Lakers came out with energy in the third period. Former Wheatley Shark defender, Parker

Hammond, beat 73’s goalie Jax D’hondt from the point to put the Sharks on the board. 73’s Captain William Stadder, however, would respond on the man-advantage, seven minutes later, silencing a potential Lakers comeback. Essex prevailed 4-1, and more than doubled Wallaceburg in shots, 2914. Essex was on the road Friday night to face its rival, the Lakeshore Canadiens. For Essex, the task of playing on the road against the defending champions would not be easy. To win, they would have to play catch-up, and not by a single goal, either. To open the first

period, Lakeshore beat goalie Connor Meyerink twice in the opening 10 minutes, including a power-play marker. Luckily for Meyerink, Essex would respond with a pair of goals in the final two minutes, which sent the game into the intermission, tied. Shots in period one were 15-11 for Lakeshore. In period two, Essex was quick to show a puckpossession game and hemmed Lakeshore into their own end throughout the 20 minutes. Essex outshot Lakeshore 14-5 in the period. But, for Lakeshore, the strong play by Nolan Hakr kept the Canadiens in it, as he bailed the defense out on several occasions. He


allowed a lone goal to Michael Vieira in the period, as Essex skated into the third up, 2-1. Eric LaRue continued his torrid pace against Essex as he scored his third goal in two games against Essex in the third period, sending the game to overtime. In the extra stanza, Lakeshore killed off a penalty, and with the crowd behind them, drew an extended five-on-three advantage. Just as the first penalty was expiring, Lakeshore’s Matt Smith overloaded the net to beat 73’s goaltender, Connor Meyerink, to cap off the thrilling 3-2 game. Lakeshore’s win increased its hold on second place to 3 points.

Both contests between the teams this year have gone into overtime, with the home team winning respectively. Through the two games, Essex went 4 for 8 on the man-advantage, giving it a 25 percent success rate through six games, which it tied for tops in the Stobbs division. Essex faced Blenheim on Tuesday, October 9, traveled to Wheatley on October 10, and the team travels to Dresden on Friday, October 12.


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24 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, October 11, 2018

Essex Lifeguard recognized as In Motion All Star Pictured left: Essex Lifeguard, Zachary Kireta, shows off his In Motion All Star Award in the gym, where he likes to spend time working out.

by Sylene Argent In celebration of National in Motion Week, which was recognized from October 1 through 7, Southwestern Ontario in Motion (SWARG), an organization that combines local and regional resources and builds

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partnerships to promote physical activity across Windsor-Essex County, hosted its 11th annual awards ceremonies. On Monday, October 2, at the at the Amherstburg Libro Centre, SWARG recognized a myriad of organizations and individuals for their commitment to keeping active. The Town of Lakeshore received the Outstanding Community Partner


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award for its leadership in promoting physical activity, Amherstburg resident Kristen Saunders won the Community Champion Award, and 20 individuals from around the region were recognized as In Motion All Stars. One of those All Stars was Zachary Kireta, who works at the Essex Aquatics Centre as a Lifeguard and Instructor. Kireta said Jason Jolicoeur, Assistant Manager of Programs for the Town of Essex, nominated him for the award. Jolicoeur said Kireta shows great dedication to physical fitness and passes that passion onto fellow staff members by arranging special days to work out in a fun way. “I do it as a hobby. I try to stay fit,” Kireta explained of his dedication to physical fitness. He enjoys participating in any type of sport or games. He uses working out as a way to challenge himself to go further, eliminate frustrations, and have fun. “It keeps me busy,” he

said. “Being a lifeguard helps. I have to stay in shape to keep up with physical standards, which are tested quarterly [throughout the year],” he said, adding he tries to encourage the youth he instructs to explore different ways to exercise and keep active. “I was surprised to get it,” Kireta said of the In Motion All Star Award, which was kept secret from him. “At first, I thought it was a scam. I got an email the day of [the awards ceremony].” After talking to his bosses at the Essex Aquatics Centre about the suspicious email, it was confirmed he indeed was going to be recognized. “It encourages me. It keeps me going,” he said of receiving the award or any achievements he is able to accomplish. Kireta said he always ensures he has time to do what he loves to do, and working out, whether through sports or weight training, is a big part of that. For more information, log onto www.

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