Essex Free Press - September 1, 2022

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by Garrett Fodor Over the weekend, fifty years’ worth of Essex 73’s players, staff, and families – past and present – came together to celebrate the legacy of the local hockey club and all it provides to the community and its youngCelebratingathletes. the local Junior “C” hockey club’s 50th anniversary, the 73’s organized a weekend of festivities. It began with a pair of alumni games and a tribute to the inductees, featuring youth players skating in the inductees’ jerseys. From there, it shifted to a meet and greet barbecue, before another alumni game, featuring players from the 2000s to present, and then proceeded to the introduction ceremony and debut of the “Wall of Honour,” which celebrated 61 people who have shaped the 73’s history to this point. Included in this was founding members of the 73’s, players, board members, and staff, among others. Reflecting back on 50-years, it includes seven Schmalz Cup (all Ontario) championships, along with 21 league Championships. One of the inductees was Norm Kerr, a member of the inaugural team, who would later go on to win an All-Ontario Championship with the 73’s.

“It’s very humbling to be a local guy and come back to be recognized in the inaugural class is a special moment,” Kerr described, reflecting on his tenure and the history of the 73’s. “To have my wife, son, and daughter with me, is incredibly special. I don’t think any of us ever envisioned the success the organization would have. We were a bunch of 16-year-old kids that were playing a game

A LOOK INSIDE Essex Council Notes, August 22, 2022 PAGE 3 Rotarians raise enough to repair school, dig a well in Ghana at Fish Fry and BBQ Night PAGE 9 Essex Home Hardware’s Stuff the Bus collects school supplies PAGE 12 166th Annual Harrow Fair Special Feature PAGES 13 - 18 Art by the River takes over Fort Malden PAGE 26 & MORE... Look ing ForLooking For AA GoodGood HomeHome “M I LO S“MILO””eePage5 for adoption infoSee Page 5 for adoption info. SHEETSMETALSHINGLESMETALOR per sq. ft.pepr sq. ft$60000Startingat ROOFSRMETALMETALOOFS 776-8340 KEN COLENUTT KEN-COKEN-COOFING&SIDINGROOFING&SIDING ESTIMATESFREE Don’t Pay More for the same job! Proudly serving the community of Essex and surrounding areas. 73’s Celebrate 50th anniversary, unveil Wall of Honour, inducted first group of former players Vol. 142 Thursday, September 1, 2022 Issue No. 33 Download our app today. Earn Free Rewards.Allergic reactions can occur without warning. With careful planning and the proper support, your child can experience a safe school year. Speak with your Pharmasave pharmacist. 519-776-9090Essex Pharma Care Pharmacy located at 1–35 Victoria Avenue, Essex OPEN: MONDAY - FRIDAY 9AM - 6PM & SATURDAY 9AM - 1PM WE WILL BE SEPTEMBERMONDAY,CLOSED5TH,FORLABOURDAY! Continued on Page 2

“It’s hard to top winning game seven at home in the Ontario finals, but the teammates that I had – seeing them all again – that’s as big of a highlight as playing with these guys, because I’ve kept up some lifelong friendships with a lot of them,” Kerr recounted. “I mean, any 73’s player, when you wear that jersey, you feel a certain amount of pride representing the town and representing the history of this organization. So, whether or not you’re a current 73 or an old-timer like me, it’s always great reminiscing with anybody that’s associated with the Essex 73’s.”

Continued from Front Page

“I’m honoured to be selected by the selection committee and Joe, and anybody that’s involved in the selection committee has done a tremendous job,” Kerr continued. “The communication has been first class. I can tell already, just by being here, that the event is a big success. And our hats are off to all of them who’ve organized this. It’s great to see the 73’s from different generations come together.”

Following winning the All-Ontario Championship, Kerr noted the team was heavily scouted, with the deep playoff run and his performance earned him a scholarship to the University of Pennsylvania. Following his playing career there, Kerr joined the coaching ranks, coaching for 15-years across various levels, ending in Oakville, coaching Minor Midget ‘AAA.’Kerr said that having an opportunity to reconnect with teammates he has not seen in over 20-years was a truly special opportunity and he is grateful to Joe Garon and the rest of the Board who helped organize the event and create the “Wall of Honour,” along with the 50th anniversary celebration.

The weekend concluded on the golf course, with a 73’s alumni golf tournament, before players went their respective ways, once again.

To current players, Kerr offered some words of wisdom. “Believe in your teammates, stay humble, work hard, and never give up. Represent the 73’s the way they’ve always been represented, with a lot of class and a lot of pride.”

2 I Sports Essex Free Press I Thursday, September 1, 2022 Prices in effect from FRIDAYFRIDAY, SEPT. 2 to THURSDAYTHURSDAY, SEPT. 8 STORE HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 9am - 6pm Open til 8pm Fridays THIS SALE STARTS FRIDAY Fresh, Ontario, Bone I n, Sk in OnBone-In, Skin On BreastBChickenChickenreast Reg $6 59Reg. $6.59 11-13 lb. Bulk Bag11-13 lb. Bulk Bag...................... $ $ Made Fresh In StoreIn Store SaladSMacaroniMacaronialad Reg $3 49Reg. $3.49 39% OFF! Fresh, Atlantic, Boneless, Sk in OnAtlantic, Skin On FilletsFSalmonSalmonillets Reg $17 99Reg. $17.99 S almon KabobsSalmon 100 g100 g Reg $4 49Reg. $4.49 $3.99$3.99 ea.ea $ $29999lb. Bologna Reg $5 89Reg. $5.89 $ Frozen • 2 x 100g Per PkgFrozen • 2 x Per Pkg. BurgersBBisonBisonurgers $59898 PAILPAIL$3232 Frozen • 3 kg • PIT TEDFrozen • 3 • PITTED Black Sweet Sweet CherriesCherries Woolwhich 113gWoolwhich 113g Variety of Flavoursof Flavours SoftSoft Reg $4 29Reg. $4.29 Goat CheeseGoat $32929ea.ea At Long LastAt Last 8 Flavours8 GourmetGAppetizersAppetizersourmet pkg.pkg Egg RollsEgg Rolls Reg $12 99Reg. $12.99 $10109999 Place Your Thanksgiving Order! FRESH TURKEY • FRESH HAM • FROZEN TURDUCKEN SeptemberCLOSED 5th Labour Day that we loved, competing as hard as we possibly could. We really didn’t have any concept of it 50-years later. But it’s especially gratifying to be able to come back and be part of a celebration like this.”

73’s Celebrate 50th anniversary, unveil Wall of Honour, inducted first group of former players... Essex 73’s Wall of Honour inductee, Norm Kerr.

“I noticed I was treated very differently than a Council colleague, so I think training might help in terms of treating people fairly,” she said. She hoped, moving forward, the Town of Essex would have fewer complaints to the Integrity Commissioner.

Essex’s ED selected top ten through EDCO Nelson Silveira, Essex’s Economic Development Officer, made the top ten list through the Economic Developers Council of Ontario (EDCO). The EDCO Top Ten project was introduced in 2021 to celebrate the top ten members and their

News I 3Thursday, September 1, 2022 I Essex Free Press Monday, August 22, 2022 - by Sylene Argent INSIDE ESSEX COUNCIL NOTES... • Council supports Union Water restructuring to a Municipal Service Corporation • • Resident approaches Council regarding speeding on South Talbot • Council gives two readings to Sign By-Law • • Essex Sports Park Phase 1A Development to move forward • And More... Continued on Page 5

Vander Doelen said if Swayze was able to receive complaints, he would make one on the Councillor to his right (Bondy) about comments she made publicly about who was the cause of the complaints and most of the costs. Swayze noted most of the complaints he received were not about Vander Doelen, but his “Chinese Flu” comment had a lot of reaction, which he had to dealInwith.arecorded vote, all of Council received Swayze’s report. The option to extend his contract to December 31, 2022 , however, was defeated.

Sherry Bondy asked if Swayze undergoes any annual training to keep his certification as an Integrity Commissioner. After hearing he does not with Swayze noting he has been an Integrity Commissioner for 13-years and has a lot of experience with 28 clients, she suggested that may help. She claimed in 2021, when a report was brought forward about a meme she posted, that she felt she was treated differently than Vander Doelen. He was given the option to remove his Tweet, apologize, and undergo training, which she was not. Ultimately, a majority Council vote suspended her pay as a Councillor for a month.

Town of Essex Integrity Commissioner, Robert Swayze, presented his annual report for 2021 to Essex Council, which noted he contributed 183.4 hours to deal with complaints, which translates to $43,000. His hourly rate is $235, plusHeHST.said 2021 was a busy year for him, in terms of dealing with complaints sent to him regarding Essex officials, noting Essex was one of his most active clients.There were eight complaints reported to him from Essex in total last year.When presenting his report, he noted the Municipal Act does not allow him to report too much detail regarding matters he dismissed. He noted the issue he dealt with regarding Councillor Chris Vander Doelen’s Tweet calling the Corona Virus the “Chinese Flu” last year had a huge response from throughout Western Ontario. He said what he did not report on were two complaints against the former Mayor, Larry Snively, because he was charged under the Municipal Elections Act. “The complainant refused to accept my approach, which was ‘he is innocent until proven guilty.’ I couldn’t deal with it at the time. That was the complaint where the Ombudsman became involved and accepted my view after conferring with him,” Swayze said. He noted his contract expired. He agreed to stay on until January 31, 2023, according to his report, but told Council the Town Clerk was suggesting December 31, 2022, so the new municipal decision-makers could start the Request for Proposal process when the new Term-of- Council is swornCouncillorin.

$43k spent on contractCommissionerIntegrityin2021,notextendedtoendoftheyear

Moving on vs. carrying on

Terry Byrne

TheCOPYRIGHTentirecontents of The Essex Free Press and its website, including but not limited to layout composition, artwork, news copy, editorial copy and photographs, are protected by copyright. No portion there of is to be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the specific permission of the publisher.

From 2019 to 2021, our community lost 178 lives to opioid use. The number of opioid-related deaths in Windsor-Essex County continues to rise each year, marked by the alarming number of opioid-related Emergency Department visits and substance use-related EMS calls recorded by the local Opioid and Substance Use Notification System. “Every overdose-related injury and death in our community is someone’s family member, friend, or neighbour. Every life lost to an overdose is one life too many. Overdoses are preventable, and there are steps we can all take together to prevent this from happening to someone we know and love,” says Nicole Dupuis, CEO of the WECHU and Co-Chair for the Windsor-Essex Community Opioid and Substance Strategy (WECOSS).

Display Advertising Deadline: Friday at 2:00 pm

In recognition of International Overdose Awareness Day, residents are encouraged to participate in Pozitive Pathways Community Services’ free virtual webinar on August 31, from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., that will discuss opioids, myths around drug use and overdoses, and a training on administering Naloxone Nasal Spray. We can work together to prevent overdoses in our community by: This week’s edition was packed with local news... See more photos with stories on our website:

Continued on Page 9

Overdose Awareness Day in Windsor and Essex County

Howling at the Moon ••• Comment by Sylene Argent •••

To me, moving on means what it says, willfully leaving something in the past and going on to explore other things. It is not to say there is not any pain in choosing a different path, because often leaving the comfortability of what we know can be difficult, it just emulates the proverbial saying of “brighter days ahead.”With that in mind, I think of the phrase, “carrying on” in terms of how to move forward after the loss of something, or someone, significant; something that one did not want to change, but had to adjust to. To me, carrying on is something we have to face when that decision for change is out of our hands. I have a hard time saying I moved on when someone passes, because we wish those people, or pets, are still with us, and their memories kind of stay with us with a certain sense of being in the present.Ialways felt the phrase “move on” didn’t quite feel right when referencing how to move forward after the death of someone we love, or the loss of something significant to us. It just doesn’t fit. So, I prefer to say, “carry on,” because to me, that suggests having to combat the loss of someone or something that was out of one’sNocontrol.matter how you look at it, change can be hard. In some instances, when we make those decisions ourselves, change can be scary, but it can also be exciting. We feel in control at the helm of the ship as we navigate those unchartered waters up ahead, or at least we try to steer the wheel as best we can. The thing about being human is that we should always be evolving. The more we learn, the more we grow. When I was little, I was always told that gray hair is a symbol of wisdom. And, although I think it is a pretty good indicator of maturity, we can only be wise by taking the time to learn from our own mistakes, challenge our own beliefs and thoughts, and remain strong, even when we feel like we want to give in. I guess we can call that “growth.”

submitted from the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit August 31st is International Overdose Awareness Day, where we remember the lives lost due to an opioid overdose and take collective action to end stigma by creating a more inclusive environment for people who use substances.

Letter to the

For me, there is a big difference between using the phrases, “moving on” and “carrying on,” and I try to make a conscious decision not to use themTheintermittently.biggestissue I have with using them both for the same reason, is that I do not like the idea of moving on after a loved one passes. You can move on after a breakup, or from a job one was ready to leave, or after making a big change in your life for the better.

4 I Opinion Essex Free Press I Thursday, September 1, 2022 &EditorialOpinion Serving Essex and the surrounding communities since 1896. Published Thursdays as an independent weekly newspaper, owned and operated by The Essex Voice Limited. A London Publishing Corporation Publication The Essex Free Press Office: 16 Centre St. Essex, Ontario Mail to: P.O. Box 115 Essex, Ontario N8M 2Y1 Phone: 519.776.4268 email: LIMITED OFFICE HOURS: Our office is closed to the public, currently. If you need to schedule an appointment, please call the office. COVID protocols in place. OUR STAFF Sandy Kennedy - Office Jessica Azar - Graphic Design / Social Media / Production Lana Warwick - Graphic Design Greg Belchuk - Advertising Sales Sylene Argent - Editor/News Reporter Shelley Beaudoin - Graphic Design / Production / Distribution TheCIRCULATIONEssexFree Press is a publication with controlled circulation of 11,000. Also, it can be read online at: DeliveryessexfreepressDELIVERYconcerns can be addressed by contacting our office during regular office hours at 519-776-4268 TheARCHIVESEssexFree Press has been digitized from 1895 to 1968 and is fully searchable at OPINION & COMMENT The opinions expressed on these pages are those of their original authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Essex Free Press, its Editor or Publisher. LETTER POLICY The Essex Free Press welcomes letters to the editor on topics of interest to our readers. Letters should be typed or neatly handwritten and present the issues as clearly as possible in 300 words or less. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar, and legal considerations. All letters must contain the name, address, and daytime phone number of the writer for verification purposes. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. If you have a legitimate concern and cannot sign your name to a letter, please contact the editor to discuss alternative means of handling the issue. AdvertisingADVERTISINGisaccepted on the condition that, in the event of an error, the portion of the ad occupied by the error, will not be charged for, but the balance will be paid at the usual rate. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check an ad on first publication, and the publisher accepts no responsibility for errors in multiple insertions. The Essex Free Press reserves the right to reject or edit any advertisement likely to offend community standards.

Drive south of County Road 8 on Road 77 to Leamington, and you can see the ruination of the countryside. Planning Board, poll those Leamington residents intermixed with this greenhouse development and see what they think of it. Rural property values of existing residences will be destroyed by the greenhouse development. I believe these residents will be forced to: move, forced to sell their devalued properties to buy much more expensive property somewhere else, or forced to put up with this. Planning Board, don’t be bought off by the money of the greenhouse developers and do your job representing the little guys, who have resided and are raising or have raised their families here in the existing beautiful rural lakeshore.


I was a member of the Maidstone Planning Board from 1986-1987. I witnessed development, which occurred contrary to the wishes of the majority of residents and ratepayers in the area. Money ruled over the little guy. This greenhouse development proposed for Lakeshore is that on a much larger scale. Currently the countryside of Lakeshore is a bucolic environment tuned to the change of the seasons. The greenhouse development is an artificial industrial environment, hidden by high walls of plastic. Depending upon what is grown within has offensive, and perhaps, long-term health damaging odours.

News I 5Thursday, September 1, 2022 I Essex Free Press 390 Talbot St. N. Essex, Ontario, N8M 2W4 SALES 519-776-6447LEASING&PHONE: 458 TALBOT RD. N., ESSEX, ON 224 Talbot St. N., 519-776-4222Essexwww.countychevroletessex.com5197765287 Pet Of The Week: Milo Milo is a loving boy, looking for a home to call his own! Fill out an application today! The Windsor-Essex County Humane Society shelter is at 1375 Provincial Rd., Windsor. Ph: 519-966-5751. To start the adoption process online, please go to: Book an appointment online at or call Hearing tests, hearing aids, wax removal, and speech therapy Amherstburg ........ 519-730-1030 Essex .................... 519-961-9285 LaSalle ................. 519-970-9587 Continued on Page 6 Essex Council Notes for Monday, August 22... Continued from Page 3

Doug Sweet noted Essex was the last of the four UWSS municipalities (with the other three being Leamington, Kingsville, and Lakeshore), to receive this presentation. The other three municipalities approved the ten recommendations.Henotedin2018, UWSS presented its case on restructuring UWSS to a Municipal Service Corporation. Since, its reps have worked with staff members of the four affectedRodneymunicipalities.Bouchard, UWSS General Manager, noted the service was incorporated in the 1960s. In 2001, after amalgamation, the system was transferred to the four municipalities under the 1997 Water and Sewer Transfer Act, as the Ontario Government at the time did not want to own any water or wastewater systems.

Currently, Leamington has six members and Kingsville has four, while Essex and Lakeshore each have one.

Resident approaches Council regarding speeding on South Talbot Essex resident Tanya Fryer approached Council regarding ongoing speeding on South Talbot Road, from Victoria Avenue to Maidstone. She said speeding is an ongoing issue there, since the new South Talbot Road has been opened up, and claimed she has witnessed many flying down this stretch of road.

Leamington consumes 53 percent of the water, Kingsville 38.72 percent, Essex 4.92 percent, and Lakeshore 3.35 percent. These consumption rates are reevaluated every four-years. Through the restructuring, the new Board of Directors will be made by the same method, with some changes. For instance, for shareholders who can appoint more than one director, no more than 50 percent (to a max of two) can be an elected official or municipal employees. Others have to be identified of the municipality, who have competencies in accounting, engineering, legal, IT, etc.

achievements through 2019 and 2020. The program was developed to boost morale and provide value to members, information on the matter notes. Applications could have been nominated or selfnominated. Themes considered were leadership, dedication, innovation, and results. The Town of Essex has an incredibly talented and hardworking team, Essex Mayor Richard Meloche said, noting Silveira’s achievements include leadership in the siteselection and negotiation of a municipal property that led to a $5m hotel development in Colchester, driving private investment, job creation, and tourism. In addition, as the Treasurer of Community Futures Essex County, he led the application approvals for the regional relief and recovery fund, which brought over $4m in immediate financial aid to businesses across Essex County negatively affected by COVID 19. He also successfully completed an application for the Main Street Ambassador program, which funded an ambassador position for a one-year period for the two main street communities in Essex, Essex Centre and Harrow. Meloche congratulated Silveira. Council supports Union Water restructuring to a Municipal Service Corporation Council received a report from representatives of Union Water Supply System (UWSS), that sought support on its restructuring to a Municipal Service Corporation. Council also accepted ten recommendations attached to the file, including adopting the “Proposed Business Case Study for Restructuring Union Water Supply System (UWSS) into a Municipal Service Corporation” and the “Policy on Asset Transfers to Municipal Service Corporations,” appointing Councillor Chris Vander Doelen to serve as the Town’s Director on the Board, for a term ending upon the end of this current Term of Council, and directing Administration to review and report and/or make recommendations to the 2022- 2026 Town of Essex Council as to Council’s options for appointing a Director to represent the Town of Essex on the Board for the next Term of Council.EssexCAO

With the upcoming election, UWSS recommended each municipality appoint temporary Directors to its Board, like the Mayor. After the election, the new Term of Council can decide its rep or reps for the upcoming fouryears. It is hoped the restructured UWSS’s first meeting will take place early in the new year. Under the new restructuring, water rates will continue to be set by the Board, in accordance with Board policies and provisions of Board-approved lending agreement; UWSS, not the municipalities, will bear the risk of volume fluctuations and uncollectible accounts; and UWSS will pay a service fee to the municipalities for work done by the municipalities as agents of UWSS (billing and collection services).Councillor Vander Doelen has been on the UWSS Board for the past four-years and has been impressed with the organization. He was fully in favour of the ten recommendations as he said it will be good for ratepayers.

The reason for the restructuring, Bouchard said, was because as it currently operates, through the four municipalities, there is a lack of legal status for the system, it is not governed through the Municipal Act, and it cannot obtain financing or apply for senior government funding on itsCurrently,own. UWSS’s debt shows up on the municipalities’ books, instead of on its own. As part of the restructuring, its assets – such as water towers, watermains, and treatment facilities – will be transferred from the municipalities to UWSS. Any profit will be generated back into the water system, Bouchard said.It has a Board of Directors, which currently has 12 members. Each of the municipalities has at least one rep, with an additional rep for every 10 percent water share.

Fryer outlined an array of issues, such as there is only one 50km/hr sign, which faces one way, pedestrians and

children on bikes using the road as there are no sidewalks, issues with onstreet parking, and some residents have to enter their driveways slowly as the road surface is uneven with theirFryerdriveways.alsohad concern for first responders as she believes there is no room for vehicles to pull over if they need to get through. She asked for speedbumps in the residential area, for the speed to be reduced to 40km/hr, more signage, a three-way stop in the area where Victoria is to slow traffic.“I guarantee somebody is going to get seriously hurt on that road if there is nothing done about it,” Fryer said, noting she was hoping something could be done to improve the situation.

“It is an accident waiting to Directorhappen.” of Infrastructure, Kevin Girard, said he can contact the MTO as this road is still under its jurisdiction, and likely will be until the end of 2023, when the Highway 3 expansion is scheduled for completion.Hehad a meeting with reps from the MTO the previous week, where discussion took place about increasing OPP presence.

Girard also asked about what other measures can takeThisplace.section of road can be put in queue for the Town of Essex’s new radar data collection devices, which records speed of vehicles and what time speeding occurs. This data is helpful to allowing police know what time of day speeding is an issue and the Town about traffic behaviours.

In addition, he said the Town did get permission to put up additional speed signs from the MTO. Fryer asked about making street parking available to residents only. Girard said Council could enact a policy for no commercial parking in that area once the road is officially adopted by the Town of Essex, if it chooses to.

Through negotiations with the MTO, a trail will run from the greenway to Maidstone Avenue to the Tim askedCouncillortheirwhenabeforehavestrip,thatVerbeekpeople’sinformationbedataShecannotmore,patrolVerbeek2023.slatedintersection.Hortons/McDonald’sThatisnottobecompleteduntilCouncillorKimsaidpolicewilltheareaforspeedersifasked,butofficersbethereallthetime.wasgladtoheartherecordingdeviceswilladdedtotheareaasthatwillbehelpful.“Itisaboutmodifyingbehaviour,”said.“Rightnow,we’veopenedthatisthetimetodoit.Wetobeproactivenow,peoplelearnthisisspeedway.Rightnow,iswehavetomodifybehaviour.”InrespondingtoJoeGaron,whoabouttrafficcalmingmeasures,Girardsaidtherearemethodsthatcanbeusedthatarelesslikelytofrustratedrivers,likenarrowingtheroad,addingcentreboulevards,andspeedradartrailers.CouncillorSherryBondyputforwardamotion,whichCouncilsupported,tousetheTownofEssex’spolicyoncreatingCommunitySafetyZonestoseeifthesectionofthisroad,fromthedevelopmenttoVictoriaAvenue,wouldqualifyfor that.Deputy Mayor Steve Bjorkman also put forward a motion, which Council supported, to direct administration to reach out to the MTO to see if the Town of Essex could temporarily reduce the speed on this section of road from 50km/hr to 40km/hr. Council postpones sale of parkland on Brien Avenue West, will still service lots Resident Brittany Colenutt approach Council regarding the use of parkland next to Brien Avenue West. She said she built her house in 2014 under the notion the land next to her property was considered parkland. She called the Town before purchasing the lot to make sure the adjacent land would stay parkland. She claims she was told by Town staff at that time it could be developed into a park for small children or would remain a green space.She, and neighbours, were shocked to learn Council declared the lot as surplus in July, and that it would be severed into three lots.CAO Doug Sweet said the parkland has come to Council twice. It was declared surplus in July and was approved for public sale. In 2015, through the Town’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan, the parkland was identified as redundant.TheTown has to create a Draft Reference Plan, which is expected to be completed in October or November. At that time, there would be public notice on the matter. He noted of the three future lots, two are not serviced. He suggested they be serviced this year as that can happen when construction in the area takes place at a reduced cost.Director of Community Services, Jake Morassut, said the Town will ask for Request for Tenders to obtain a consultant to create a new Parks and Recreation Master Plan in the near future. He is hoping something can be presented on that in the spring. Mayor Richard Meloche suggested the Town put the sale of the lots on hold until the new Parks and Recreation Master Plan is completed. He said this will allow an opportunity for residents to weigh-in on what they want to see happen to the aforementioned lot.

Councillor Chris Vander Doelen moved that the Town go ahead with servicing the lots and postpone the sale, with the decision on what to do with the lot to take place when passing the future Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Motion carried.

6 I News Essex Free Press I Thursday, September 1, 2022 Continued on Page 7 Essex Council Notes for Monday, August 22... Continued from Page 5

Council gives two readings to Sign By-Law Essex Council received Planning Report “Town of Essex Sign By-Law 2167,” which Jeff Watson, Planner, prepared, and further gave two readings – with the adjustments administration needs to make – on the By-Law regulating the erection of signs within the geographical boundaries of the Town of Essex.

Councillor Kim Verbeek said this is a great feather in the cap, and she is glad it is moving forward.

Councillor Joe Garon had concerns with the threeday limit for feather signs as he said he knows a lot of businesses use them all year round and have invested in them. He suggested they instead be limited in number, depending on frontage.

Overview shows 93.4 percent increase in development, comparing July in 2022 to 2021 Essex Council received the Development Overview for July 2022, which noted the total construction value –including all new and expanding commercial, industrial, institutional, and residential developments that required a building permit – totalled $5,413,700. This was a 93.4 percent increase from July of 2021. The average home sale price in July of 2022 in Wards 1 and 2 was $523,308, which was lower than the $613,881 recorded in July of 2021. The average home sale price in July of 2022 in Wards 3 and 4 was $592,402, which was significantly lower than the $773,136 recorded in July of 2021. Engineering services awarded for Irwin Avenue, Walnut Street Council awarded the Engineering Services for Irwin Avenue and Walnut Street South to TYLin International Canada Inc. in the amount of $252,570.36, including nonrefundable Harmonized Sales Tax. The 2022 Capital Budget had an approved combined amount of $430,000 for Engineering for both Irwin Avenue and Walnut Street South projects, the Report to Council notes. Surface treatment, additional funds approved for projects coming in over budget Council awarded the surface treatment to Shepley Road Maintenance Ltd. in the amount of $1,286,425.88, including non-refundable Harmonized Sales Tax. Council approved the additional funding of $33,927 above the approved 2022 Capital Budget of $65,000 for Old Malden Road, 14th Concession to 12th Concession from the Canada Community Building Fund reserve.

News I 7Thursday, September 1, 2022 I Essex Free Press Continued on Page 8 Essex Council Notes for Monday, August 22... Continued from Page 6

In the report to Council, it notes on July 4, Council and the public had the opportunity to consider the draft of a new sign by-law for the Town of Essex to replace the current by-law that was adopted in 2015. The reasons for introducing a new Sign By-law included making it more user-friendly by laying out regulations in chart form and by setting out when a sign permit was required and when it was not; to bring more clarity for By-law enforcement in the Courts by adding and clarifying definitions and refining passages and regulations for greater ease in interpretation; and to address matters arising from the application of the current Sign By-Law, since its adoption in 2015, such as the removal of election sign regulations and the establishment of regulations related to electronic media signs. One of the questions from Council when the matter was previously discussed related to novelty signs, for which no time limits for their placement were set out in the By-Law.

The initial budget estimate for the whole project was for $20,649,659Thefirstphase work needs to be completed by March 31, 2023. The fields will not be able to be used until spring of 2024 as the soccer fields would need a full year to have the grass germinate and be ready for regular play.

Deputy Mayor Steve Bjorkman said the point of the By-Law is to limit signs to eliminate all that distraction. He said this allows for businesses to have a good sign and add celebratory signage from time-to-time. Essex Sports Park Phase 1A Development to move forward Council awarded the contract for the Essex Sports Park Phase 1A Development to Sterling Ridge Infrastructure Inc. in the amount of $852,540.19 (including non-refundable HST).Jake Morassut, Director of Community Services, noted back in February, Administration approached Council

The By-Law has since been amended to permit such signs for a maximum of three consecutive days, the Report to CouncilWatsonnotes.said the By-Law is ready for approval, however, staff noticed a couple of conversion errors at the last-minute that need to be corrected on signage permitted without a permit. He asked that the third and final reading take place at the next meeting, so staff can make those corrections.

about moving forward in applying for grant monies for the future Essex Centre Sports Fields. The Town of Essex was successful in its application and will receive $750,000, but will be responsible to add 25 percent.InJuly of 2021, Administration applied to the Canada Community Revitalization Fund (CCRF) to potentially receive up to $750,000 towards developing Phase 1 of the project. Administration worked with Bezaire Partners to develop a Phase 1A plan that would only include amenities that are required as soon as possible. Council approved the additional funding in excess of the CCRF grant at the February 7, 2022 Council meeting in the amount of $318,889. The 1A of the project was put out to tender and came in within the budget. This will allow for the development of a bridge and culvert, driveway going into the property, parking area, and site-serving for the sports fields. He said there will be four senior-sized soccer fields and two juniorsized soccer fields. “It is very exciting to receive the grant funding,” he said.In 2015, a Parks, Recreation, and Culture Master Plan was conducted, and the plan recommended that the Town look at purchasing property to be able to add outdoor sport fields to accommodate the current needs and potential growth of the community.

Sweet said if residents experience an interaction with Town staff like that, they should contact the department head or Bjorkmanhimself.said if a resident is told they need to comply, or there will be a penalty, then perhaps that should be in writing. Maybe there should be a policy where if there is a penalty attached to a warning, it needs to be in writing.

Essex Fire & Rescue is compiling a list of those hydrants and will paint them a different colour, so they do not match the current hydrant system.

Council passed a motion to consider creating a policy that when Town staff serve notices of written infractions to residents that have a punitive damage, the notice must reference the policy violation, by-law infraction, or other issue that Town employees request resident cooperation on.

Notices of Motion to be considered at the September 6 meeting:

• Councillor Sherry Bondy will ask Council to consider installing updated population signs, based on the most recent census.

• Councillor Sherry Bondy will ask Essex Council invite E.L.K. Energy Board to provide Council, as sole shareholder of E.L.K. Energy, with an update on its most recent Ontario Energy Board application.

Councillor Morley Bowman said verbal reports provide an easy way to comply without starting the process, and the process can be started later, if needed.

NoM: Admin to create list of land lease properties that have fire hydrants and fire plan

• Councillor Sherry Bondy will ask Council to direct Administration to set up a free business registration section on the Town website, where businesses can select a ribbon cutting and obtain information about Town services.

At the August 2 meeting, Councillor Sherry Bondy put forward a Notice of Motion, for discussion at the August 22 meeting, asking Council to consider directing Administration to come back with a comprehensive list of all land lease properties/developments, ensuring they have necessary fire prevention and protection and that Council be provided with reassurance residents living in these private properties have working fire hydrants and a fire plan.This is a fire safety issue. She was informed about a hydrant that had not been inspected in a while on a private property, and wanted to follow through. She wanted a policy that shows when fire hydrants are inspected on land lease properties and apartment buildings.

• Councillor Bondy will ask Council to direct Administration to make the active transportation trail more accessible by installing two curb cuts on the bike lane on South Talbot Road, across from Diane Street, so residents can access the walking path with walkers, wheelchairs, bikes, and strollers.

Council approved the additional funding of $28,888.40 above the approved 2022 Capital Budget of $240,000 for Bell Road Rehabilitation, from Gore Road to County Road 50, from the Canada Community Building Fund reserve. Council approved the additional funding of $96,252.84 above the approved 2022 Capital Budget of $160,000 for yearly maintenance overlay from the Town’s Asset Management Reserve. Kate Giurissevich, Director of Corporate Services/ Treasure, noted the additional funds were needed because many projects are coming in over budget throughout the region, due to record-inflation. The Finance Team will bring a report to Council this fall detailing inflation. Hot Mix Asphalt Resurfacing Tender awarded Council awarded the Hot Mix Asphalt Resurfacing Tender to the Mill-Am Corporation in the amount of $178,588.80, including non-refundable Harmonized Sales Tax. In addition, Council approved the additional funding of $48,588 above the approved 2022 Capital Budget of $60,000 for Victoria Street (Oxley, south of County Road 50) from the Town’s Asset Management Reserve. Engineering services awarded for bridge rehabilitation Council awarded the Engineering Services for Bridge Rehabilitation to RC Spencer Associates Inc. in the amount of $73,460.54 including all non-refundable Harmonized SalesCouncilTax. also approved the new project budget of $73,460.54, above the original $70,000, for Engineering for various bridges and culverts, with the additional funding of $3,460.54 coming from the Town’s Asset Management Reserve NoM: policy amending practice of verbal requests

At the July 18 Council Meeting, Councillor Sherry Bondy put forward a Notice of Motion for the August 22 meeting, asking Council to consider creating a policy to amend the practice of verbal requests that stipulates when Town staff serve notices of infractions to residents, the notice must be in writing, referencing the policy violation, by-law infraction, or other issue that Town employees request resident cooperation on.

CAO Doug Sweet explained staff have verbal conversations with residents when necessary to start voluntary compliance, but if it gets to where there will be a written infraction, the Town does want to have that proper documentation in place. What the By-Law and Building Departments are doing is working on a best practices method, and that is being extended to the Town’s other departments as well, he explained.Deputy Mayor Steve Bjorkman said there are times when staff need to approach a resident and can verbalize that they need to comply with low-level issues, such as the need to cut their grass, but that would not apply to someone who has a black mold issue. He suggested if the process was to be changed, where notices must be in writing, etc., that more direction would need to be given.

Bondy said she has had some cases brought to her attention where residents almost feel strong-armed by Town staff, where they are ordered to comply by a certain day or it will be added to their taxes. Residents have come to her upset about the issue, wondering who to contact and what by-law they are in violation of, when they are basically left a voicemail with a demand for compliance. She was not sure how to find that balance. She said she saw a gap in policy and wanted to bring the matter to Council to find a solution. Verbal warnings can become a “he said, she said,” matter. With documentation, perhaps the Town could be more proactive, she noted.

In a recorded vote, Council passed the motion.

8 I News Essex Free Press I Thursday, September 1, 2022 Essex Council Notes for Monday, August 22... Continued from Page 7

Fire Chief Rick Arnel said Essex Fire & Rescue is currently working on the fire hydrants, and he will have a report in September on the matter. In regards to fire plans, any place that needs one has to have it posted. He noted hydrants on private property have to be maintained by the owner and checked annually by an accredited third-party and that info is to be sent to the fire department.

approaches, we


by Sylene Argent


In keeping with Rotary’s longstanding and impactful motto of “service above self,” this fall, 17 team members – including Rotarians, pharmacists, doctors, skilled trade people, and nurses – will head to Ghana to drill seven water wells in remote villages, construct a sanitation facility, and renovate an elementary school. Thanks to the incredibly overwhelming support of around 300 area residents who attended the Rotary Club of Essex’s Fish Fry and BBQ last Friday evening, which took place inside the Heritage Gardens Park, the fundraising goal of raising somewhere between $12,000 and $15,000 was school, dig a well in International Overdose Awareness day continue to reflect on the overdose, opioid, and drug policy crisis and its impact The recent report on Opioid Toxicity Among Ontarians Who Worked in the Construction Industry is another critical reminder that substance use and addiction impact all members of community, and that stigmatization of people who use substances needs to be continuously addressed to support improvement in how people access support and are retained in care,” says Michael Brennan, Executive Director of Pozitive Pathways Community Services. If you think someone may be experiencing an overdose, call 9-1-1 immediately and administer naloxone. If you or someone you care about is struggling with alcohol, opioids, or other substances, find the right help.

Ghana at Fish Fry and BBQ Night International Overdose Awareness Day in Windsor and Essex County... Continued from Page 4 Continued on Page 10 519-326-3662 120 Erie St. Leamington,North,ON Monday-Friday 8:00-5:30 Saturday 8:30-5:00 Sunday CLOSED LAKESHORE PAINT & SUPPLY Distributors of Paints & Products Manz Décor Centre, 8015 Wyandotte St. E., Windsor.COME VISIT OUR WINDSOR LOCATION! AUGUST 1 SEPTEMBER-7 ServingEssexCountyfor30years! Book Your Fireplace Service Now! (519)107www.thefirebox.netErieSt.North,Leamington326-858511400TecumsehRd.East,Windsor(519)735-2229 • Getting a free Naloxone Kit from a pharmacy or community partner. Having a take-home naloxone kit accessible can help prevent death or injury associated with an opioid overdose. • Participating in National Drug Drop off Month this August by checking your medicine cabinets and returning any unused or expired medications to your pharmacy for safe disposal. “As

onlyaelatedKimaccomplished,”“Missionreached.RotarianSpirousaid,whowastheeventhadsuchwonderfulturnout,notfromdiners,butthe Community I 9Thursday, September 1, 2022 I Essex Free Press Rotarians raise enough to repair

The Windsor-Essex Community Opioid and Substance Strategy (WECOSS) is a community-based opioid and polysubstance strategy that aims to reduce health and social burden associated with substance use in Windsor and Essex County. The WECOSS is led by a collaborative of stakeholders who are committed to driving a coordinated multi-pronged response to substance use. Please visit www.wecoss. ca to learn more about substance use and overdose.

on our region.

Spirou said, noting classroom time has to take place outdoors as a result. Those participating in the humanitarian effort will bring along 50 hockey bags stuffed with donated items and $150,000 in donations to invest in those needed projects for Ghana. Each of the 400 students enrolled at the school will also receive a backpack filled with school supplies, toothbrush and toothpaste, new clothes, and a toy. All of those taking part in the trip are paying their own way to bring humanitarian aid.

many who donated items for the event’s raffle.That money will allow those volunteers heading to Ghana towards the end of October the opportunity to fund the digging of one of the wells, which will provide a village of around 1500 people access to clean, potable water, and renovate an elementary school, Spirou said, who will be one of the individuals bringing aid to the African country. Part of the roof of the elementary school, supposed to protect kindergarten students from the elements, is collapsing,

She noted the funds to dig the other wells in Ghana have already been raised. Additional funds, however, are still needed. Those who would like to donate can either attend a Safari Soiree fundraiser at Mezzo Ristorante in Windsor on October 6, or call Spirou at 519-551-3747, to forward a donation.

10 I Community Essex Free Press I Thursday, September 1, 2022 Rotarians fundraise at Fish Fry and BBQ Night... Continued from Page 9 Volunteer appreciation dinner helps raise awareness about human trafficking • Fabric Awnings • Retractable Awnings • Door Canopies • Beautiful Fabrics • Window Awnings & Colours ALL AWNINGS HAVE A FULLALL HAVE A 10 YEAR GUARANTEE – FREE ESTIMATES!YEAR – FREE BACKYARD CANOPIES WITH SCREENS!WITH Keep Safe And Stay ProtectedKeep Safe And Stay Protected from Mosquitos this Summer!!from Mosquitos this Summer!! SINCE 1896WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED!WE’VE COVERED!126YEARS Today!Call www.windsortentawning.comor519.944.22711.866.860.94941485 Lauzon Rd., Windsor Scan for more info MANNY FARAO Over 39 years of great service! BEAT THE SUMMERHEAT! VISIT OUR SHOWROOM! by Sylene Argent A volunteer appreciation dinner was held on August 19, 2022 for the individuals gearing up to participate in and host the upcoming A21 Walk for Freedom.Theannual silent walk is aimed to raise awareness about, and put an end to, Continued on Page 22

Photo submitted by Chris Howe. Emilia Emerson performs in the Tune Up the Parks summer concert series last week.

Emerson Emelia is hoping to sing for them again this year.Those interested can keep up to date with Emerson Emilia’s news and happenings via her social media accounts, and can hear her songs on her YouTube channel. In Essex Centre, on Wednesday, August 31, classic rock band, “The Stiff Joints” wraps-up this year’s summer music series.More information on upcoming performance can be found at

by Sylene Argent 15-year-old LaSalle resident, Emerson Emelia Lobzun-Howe, was pleased to bring her flavour of pop, country, and singer/songwriter music to the Tune Up the Parks summer concert in Essex Centre last Wednesday evening. The young performer, who sings and plays keyboard while performing, was pleased to take to the spotlight inside the Heritage Gardens Park for the second year in a row, as her first experience in the Town of Essex’s Arts, Culture, and Tourism (ACT) Committee hosted summer concert was an experience she thoroughly enjoyed.With another year of performing experience under her belt, the young songstress, who goes by the stage name, Emerson Emelia, was able to add more songs to her setlist for this year’s performance, extending her concert for her appreciative crowd. She enjoys covering songs from artists like Taylor Swift and Olivia Rodrigo, and girl group, “Little Mix,” during her performances. She also enjoys singing songs from British artists, like Harry Styles.“I really enjoyed it,” she said of performing last week. “When they asked me to come sing again, I was grateful they asked me.”In addition to performing an array of covers from popular artists she admires, she sang two original songs, both of which have been recorded and are available on Spotify.“Eternity” was released last October. She wrote the song herself, inspired by a poetry challenge she saw on Pinterest. She wrote the song about personal experiences of anxiety. “Old House” was released this past February. She also wrote this song on her own, but her vocal coach helped her with a few tweaks. This song is about the farm her Grandma grew up on. She wrote it to capture the sentimental value of this home and recount the memories she has of playing with her cousins in the backyard when they wereLookingyounger. ahead, she hopes to release more original music. She was able to record a new song over the summer, and is looking forward to being able to make that available.Inaddition, last year, she sang the National Anthem for the Windsor Spitfires 12 times.

Community I 11Thursday, September 1, 2022 I Essex Free Press Emerson Emelia brings mix of originals and pop covers to Tune Up the Parks LEWISChris MP ESSEX 1-866-776-5333519-776-4700CHRISLEWISMP.CACHRIS.LEWIS@PARL.GC.CAGC.CA

12 I Community Essex Free Press I Thursday, September 1, 2022 Essex Home Hardware’s Stuff the Bus collects school supplies RUNNINGMONTHLYSPECIALSALLSEPTEMBER!Seeourwebsitefordetails.L!e Celebrate our First Anniversary with us! 22B Centre St., Essex | | 519-776-4995

“Leonard [Bickford] was approached originally, asking if there was a way, which we could help those within the community who are going back to school,” Madyson Martindale and Marisa Miller said, who helped to organize and work the event. “It was a pretty quick decision here and we started planning and organizing about a month ago. It is great to help the community and I think it’ll be something we would like to do each year moving forward. We are proud to be able to help those in need.”

The event featured the bus, which attendees were able to fill with their donation of new and used school supplies, 50/50 sales, raffles, door prizes, a barbecue, and vendor Cottam Candy, who donated its proceeds for the day. All of the proceeds raised, Martindale and Miller noted, will go towards purchasing new supplies that will be forwarded to schools within the community.

by Garrett Fodor As the new school year approaches and summer wraps-up, staff at Essex Home Hardware recently reached out to the community to organize an event to ensure local students have all the materials and supplies they need to get back to the books.On Saturday, August 20, staff at Essex Home Hardware, community partners, and volunteers hosted a “Stuff the Bus” fundraiser. Taking part at the store, members of the public were able to donate new and gently used school supplies, as well as monetary donations, to support those who may need a little help kickingoff the new school year.

The food throughout the day was donated by Schinkel’s Meat Market and Cecil Martindale.

166th Annual Harrow Fair I 13Thursday, September 1, 2022 I Essex Free Press Stop and visit the 4H displays, the barns, the machinery and the parade. Visit the many vendors and the midway. And don’t forget to enjoy the great entertainment lined up to perform! SEPT. www.harrowfair.com1-2-3-4It’sBack&BetterthanEver! BUSHELS, BALES & TAILS Chris LEWIS MP ESSEX CHRIS.LEWIS@PARL.GC.CA | CHRISLEWISMP.CA 519-776-4700 | 1-866-776-5333519CHRHeavy Duty Truck & Trailer Repairs Sandblasting & Painting Ken Lapain & Sons Ltd. is a proud part of the Hurricane Group Have a great time at the 166th Harrow Fair! Celebrate the HARROWFAIR!166TH

Opening Day Midway Special – $35 Pay one price bracelet 4:00 pm – 4-H Sheep Club, Achievement Day, Show Ring 4:00 pm – (immediately following 4-H Sheep Club) Judging Sheep, Show Ring 6:00 pm – Pie Auction, Stage 7:30 pm – 4-H Poultry Club, Achievement Day, Show Ring 7:30 pm – Harrow Fair Official Opening 8:00 pm – James Gibb, Stage

Friday, September 2nd 9:00 am – 10:00 pm – Buildings Open 9:00 am – 4-H Swine Club, Achievement Day, Show Ring 9:00 am – Haflinger, Welsh Ponies, Grade, Heavy Horse, Shetland Pony Show, Horse Ring Light Horse Speed Show to follow immediately after 10:30 am – Teddy Bear Parade, Arena 10:30 am – 4-H Beef Club, Achievement Day, Show Ring Noon – Erick Traplin, Arena 1:00 pm – Judging Beef Cattle, Show Ring 1:00 pm – ACE midway opens 1:30 pm – Mom or Dad Calling Contest, Arena 3:00 pm – 4-H Swine, Beef, Sheep and Poultry Auction, Show Ring 8:00 pm – Buck Twenty, Stage NEW THIS YEAR!

Thursday, September 1st 9:00 am – Judging of all hall exhibits: Needle Arts, Baking, Grains, Seeds, Vegetables, Flowers, Fruits, Poultry, Arts & Crafts, Photography 1:00 pm – GATES OPEN to the Public 1:00 pm – ACE midway opens Buildings open to the Public immediately following the judging and displaying of entries. (Buildings may not open until after 4 pm due to the volume of entries).

Debit and credit cards will be accepted at the gates, due to a sponsorship by PIZZA HUT HARROW Adults: $10.00 Children 12 and under: FREE PASSES: Available at Office for $25.00 (unlimited admission to the grounds for the duration of the Fair)

14 I 166th Annual Harrow Fair Essex Free Press I Thursday, September 1, 2022 2022 Harrow Fair Schedule of Events Thursday, Friday, Saturday, & Sunday September 1st, 2nd, 3rd,& 4th Try our Incredible Food & our Great Local Beer Selection! Visit our website & Facebook. We will keep you updated on new hours, policies and procedures as they come. Have a great time at the Harrow Fair! Online Orders and Takeout Available! EnjoyHaH your Food on Patios!our Open: Wed- Sat, 4-8pm21 King St. E., Harrow Massage AcupunctureTherapy Custom NutritionalOrthoticsSupplements Knock Out Aches & Pains Student & Senior Rates Available 28 KING ST. W. N0R 1G0 HARROW, ONTARIO Ph: 519.738.4464 Have a fun HarrowtimefilledattheFair! 5050 County Rd. 15 (Marsh Road) Harrow, Ontario N0R 1G0 Bringing added-value to your agronomic and grain marketing needs. www.hensallco-op.ca519-738-2271 Enjoy the 166th Harrow Fair! Pie Thursday,AuctionSeptember 1st 6:00 pm – Main Stage Proceeds to the John McGivney Children’s Centre (Formerly the Children’s Rehabilitation Centre of Essex County)

Sunday, September 4th 9:30 am – Church Service, Stage 10:30 am – Buildings Open Noon – ACE midway opens Noon – Border City Barkers Agility Show, Show Ring Noon – Tractor Pull, Horse ring 1:00 pm – Pedal Tractor Pull, Arena Parking Lot 1:00 pm – Local Entertainment, Stage 2:00 pm – Border City Barkers Agility Show, Show Ring 5:00 – 6:30 pm – Pick up exhibits from the halls At conclusion of

166th Annual Harrow Fair I 15Thursday, September 1, 2022 I Essex Free Press 243 McAffee St., Unit B, Harrow, ON 519-990-4580 | GYM HOURS: MEMBER ACCESS 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK! 72 King East Harrow 519-738-2562 Have a great time at the Harrow Fair! 21 Conc. 3, Box 7 Harrow, Ontario N0R 1G0 Open Monday-Friday 8-5 Saturday & Sunday - Closed After hour key drop box available 519-738-AUTO (2886) We will help with all your automotiveAT&SERVICEneeds.REPAIRHONESTPRICES! Have a great time at the Harrow Fair! Enjoy The Harrow 1337www.adamkellermotors.webstarts.comFair!ErieRoadSouth,Harrow519.738.2942 Saturday, September 3rd 9:00 am – 10 pm – Buildings Open 10:00 am – 4-H Dairy Club, Achievement Day, Show Ring 11:00 am – ACE midway opens 11:30 am – Parade (see parade route below) Harrow Research Station (County Rd 20) - west on County Road 20 to Victoria- south on Victoria to Maple - east on Maple to McAffee - South on McAffee to the Fair Grounds

1:00 pm – Judging Dairy Cattle, Show Ring 2:00 pm – Lawn Tractor Races, Horse Ring (Western Ontario 2:00Outlaws)pm– (immediately following Parade) Rooster Crowing Contest (birds), Poultry Barn 2:30 pm – (immediately following Parade) Rooster Crowing Contest (people), Poultry Barn 6:00 pm – Bossy Bingo – 4-H Dairy Club, Show Ring 8:00 pm – Wes Mack, Stage

thevariousdonatedmadedrawsandEntertainmenttheHorseShow,willbeonprizesbyboothsatFair. Pleasing you, Pleasing Us!you, Plea Have a great time at the 166th Harrow Fair! • Fresh Produce • Meat • Deli • Locally Made Products • Heat & Serve • Ready-made Meals • Service Meat Counter • Carry Out Service • Hometown Service SUPERMARKET SANFORD & SON cts 77 KING ST. E., HARROW 519-738-4291 Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-8pm, Saturday 8-6, Sunday 9-6 2022 Harrow Fair Schedule of Events (continued)


As a lifelong Elvis fan, James channeled his love for Elvis into a tribute, portraying Elvis in his “Early Years”. Since starting out James has gone on to win 1st place in many competitions.Oneofthemost important being 1st Place at the 2014 Tweed Elvis Festival which secured James a spot in the 2015 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest held in Memphis Tennessee. James is also very proud of his 2014 Flaming Star Elvis Festival Gospel Champion title as well as his 2011 Pro Early Years Grand Champion title at the Collingwood Elvis Festival.

James Gibb – Elvis Impersonator September 1st, 2022 – 8:00pm


16 I 166th Annual Harrow Fair Essex Free Press I Thursday, September 1, 2022 SHEET METAL WORKS EST. 1934 Mark 519-890-2362Affleck Vic 519-990-5757Affleck P.O. BOX 745 62 SINASAC ST. E., HARROW 519-738-2361 KS W Have a great time at the Harrow Fair! Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, Closed Saturday & Sunday Collision Repair Specialist • Prompt Professional Service 1335 Erie Rd. S., Harrow, ON N0R 1G0 519-738-2155 COUNTYCOLLISION Have Fun at the Harrow Fair! Hours: Sunday & Monday: Closed Tuesday - Saturday: 10 am - 7 pm Homemade Burgers, Fish & Chips, Hot Dogs, Sandwiches, Wraps, Homefries, Fries, Onion Rings & More! 357519-738-4524QueenSt.,Harrow HAVE A GREAT TIME AT STOPHARROWTHEFAIR!BYFORAVISIT! Buck Friday,TwentySeptember 2nd – 8:00pm Singer/songwriter duo Mike Ure and Aidan Johnson-Bujold emerged from the small towns of Harrow and LaSalle, Ontario, in a very big way. In just a few short years, the band has earned incredible accolades and awards including; Their first Top 40 Billboard Single (#36), four 2021 CMAO Nominations (Single of the Year, Duo or Group of the Year, Rising Star, Music Video of the Year) Second place in the 2020 Unsigned Only Contest, Top 10 in the International Songwriting Competition, 2018 CCMA Spotlight Finalists position and more. In this competitive landscape, this laidback registered nurse and music teacher, continue to turn industry heads and win over fans, keeping up with other top-performers in their genre. Fans recognize Buck Twenty for their trademark sound, which is bursting with harmonies, catchy hooks, as well as the surplus of positive energy they have on stage. Having opened for artists such as Dan + Shay, Brett Kissel, Randy Houser, Justin Moore, and Meghan Patrick, these two aren’t afraid to bring a surplus of energy to the stage.

166th Annual Harrow Fair I 17Thursday, September 1, 2022 I Essex Free Press

From the largest stages and arenas to the director’s chair, from writing hit songs to creating characters on the silver screen as an actor; Wes Mack has established himself as a creative force of many forms. Mack broke into the country music scene when he released his debut single Duet (written by Mack) completely independently with no label, agent or management. The song reached number 9 on the Billboard chart and the video (Directed by Mack) went on to earn two CCMA nominations for Video and Video Director of the Year. As Duet reached its charting peak Mack won the inaugural CCMA Discovery Program as well as the in Nashville. Armed with new music, Mack exploded outward and released his 3rd and 4th top 20 singles Before You Drive Me Crazy and The Way You Let Me Down, picked up his 9th CCMA nomination, and performed with Shania Twain across the nation on her “Rock This Country” tour. Mack then released his debut album Edge of the Storm which was nominated for Album of the Year at the CCMA Awards.Hehas since spent a great deal of time working to complete his follow-up album. Mack personally wrote over 60 songs, and recorded demos of 36 to close in on the final tracks. In January 2018 he released the new single House on Fire (complete with a wild music video directed by Mack). His sophomore album is expected to drop in late 2018, along with a new film called Hard Powder, in which Mack acts alongside Liam Neeson. 8am 3pm,

andtimegreatMacktheseworld.from10,000bestingCompetition,OnlyUnsignedMusicsomeartistsaroundtheFollowingmilestones,spentadealofwritingrecording Monday-Friday: 8am – 5pm, Saturday:

Sunday:519.738.2261CLOSED2564 Cty. Rd. 20 E., Harrow Sales & Service Congratulationson166yearsHarrowFair! Stop in for visit!a Selling Cars At The Greatest Value Possible! 251 Simcoe Street, Amherstburg 519-736-6481 Selling & Servicing All Makes & Models NO HAGGLE PRICING EALER FEES EVERY VEHICLE CARPROOFED Congratulationson166YearsHarrowFair! Congratulationstothe Colchester South and AgriculturalHarrowSociety on their Harrow166thFair 197 King Street West, Box 252, Harrow, Ontario N0R 1G0 519-738-6662 1682519-733-5233CountyRoad20W.,KingsvilleONN9Y2E6 E.R. Vollans LTD. Selling Servicing Quality equipment for over 50 years. Tractors Implements Sprayers Viticultural Harvesters Landscape Enjoy yourself at the Harrow Fair! OFFERING PLUM/MECH FOR ALL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS. 519-738-3309www.pipeanddrainexperts.comRESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Licenced under O.B.C. and M.O.E. 1325 Gore Road West, P.O. Box 871, Harrow Congrats on a 166 HarrowYearsFair! Septic Service & Repair High Pressure Sewer Jetting Electric Eel Service Digital Camera Pipe Inspections Catch Basin Cleaning Bin Rentals Plumbing Services Warmest HarrowcongratulationsFairon166years! Deep tissue • Ashiatsu Hot stone • Relaxation Indian head massage & so much more! 33 King St. W., www.balanceinlife.caHarrow Mon-Tues 9-10, Wed 8-10, Thurs 9-9, Fri 8-8, Sat 9-4, Sun 519.738.45519-12 Wes Saturday,MackSeptember 3rd – 8:00pm Entertainment (continued)



Cow Patty Bingo Cow Pie Derby Fertilizer Lottery Bovine Bingo residence

Essex County 4-H Swine, Beef, Sheep & Poultry Auction Sale

www.thefruitwagon.comHarrow 519-738-4819 Local, fresh, healthy, sustainable - from our family to yours. 8AM-7PMOPENDAILY HaveagreattimeattheHarrowFair! Celebrating the Annual166th Harrow Fair! 33 Talbot Street South, Essex, ON Essex Town Council Things to see and do at the Harrow Fair A little piece of heaven! HAVE FUN AT THE FAIR! 1195 Iler Road, Harrow Check us out on Facebook 519-738-0001 OFF40% Summer Stock Decor and Fashions VisitourOldFashioned IceCreamParlourwithoutdoorseatingavailableonthepatio. duringStop&ShopwithustheHarrowFair! Border

SeptemberStartingShowsFriday,2nd,9:30 am

Bring your lawn chairs, have a seat and enjoy the fun filled parade. See Schedule of events for parade route. Come on out and bring your earplugs for a rip roaring good time! County E., City September 4th, 12 noon & 2 pm In the Show Ring

Saturday, September 3rd, 2:30pm

Barkers Sunday,

Road 50

To be held on Saturday following the Rooster Crowing Contest at approx 2:30 pm in front of the poultry barns.

18 I 166th Annual Harrow Fair Essex Free Press I Thursday, September 1, 2022


Friday, September 2, 2022, 3 pm

Scarecrow Decorating Contest

Watch the fun and excitement of a live auction up close. Come on out at 12 noon and again at 2:00 pm on Sunday and watch as some of the finest agility dogs perform amazing feats … all while having a barking good time!


All EntertainmentCanadian Enjoy fun and safe rides and attractions by All Canadian Entertainment. Rides and games are available for all ages. There is lots more to see and do! harrowfair.comVisitformoreinformation.

Come out and enjoy the beautiful array of horses and ponies on show. See schedule of events for times .

Bossy InSeptemberSaturday,Bingo3rd,6pmtheShowRingTractorPullingContestSunday,September4th,12noonIntheHorseRingPeople CrowingContest

To be held on Saturday at approx. 2 pm (following the parade) in front of the poultry barns.

Shakespeare wrote that “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Well, Bossy Bingo goes by many names, but it certainly doesn’t smell like a rose!


Check out the local Scarecrow decorations in the driveways of local residences on your way to the Fair!

Theme: Bushels, Bales & Tails

Harrow Fair Show Ring

Community I 19Thursday, September 1, 2022 I Essex Free Press ECCB

6 YEARS IN BUSINESS JOIN US IN CELEBRATING 204-200KINGSVILLEMain Street E 519 712 8533 243LEAMINGTONErieStreetS, Unit 3 519 398 www.clearhearingcentre.com8116 A HEARING CLINIC YOU CAN TRUST 2 locations available to serve you better! Tuesday, Sept 13th, 2022MELISSA BEARDSLEY HearingSpecialistInstrument SERVICES: Hearing evaluations Hearing Aid Cleaning and Repair Wax removal Free Hearing Test HEARINGTRYTECHNOLOGIESOUR

“Kickin’ it Old School” concert shares music from the ‘60’s, ‘70s, and ‘80s

Members of the Essex Community Concert Band (ECCB) were they performed at Essex Centre’s Heritage Gardens Park on the evening of Community members, and music lovers, were welcome to enjoy an evening of music of the decades, as the local concert band played songs from arrangements called “The Sixties,” “The Seventies,” “Eighties Flashback,” and “Sinatra in Concert.”Looking ahead, the Essex Community Concert Band is gearing up to celebrate its tenth anniversary this fall, members are planning a special, celebratory event.

The Town of Kingsville has completed the 2022 Comprehensive Transportation Master Plan (CTMP). The CTMP provides a roadmap for transportation planning needs until the year 2037 and focuses on optimizing the performance of existing infrastructure and strategically identifying new infrastructure to accommodate new development.

Obtain a satisfactory Final Inspection from the County of Essex for all work covered by the permit. Upon satisfying all of the above conditions, a refund will be issued to the permit holder, either by cheque or electronic payment (permit holder to provide adequate banking information).

The goal of the CTMP is to provide an integrated, multi-modal approach to transportation planning, design and implementation. The Town developed this plan with the intention of promoting active lifestyles, addressing traffic concerns, and enhancing the quality of life for its residents and visitors.

The CTMP report is available for viewing beginning August 31, 2022, at the Town’s Municipal Office: 2021 Division Road North Kingsville, ON N9Y 2Y9 Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm or online at and

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Kristoffer Balallo, Engineering Technologist, at 519-776-6441 x1564.



HELP WANTED: Tilray Inc. is looking for Greenhouse Production Associates to join their team. Duties include daily crop maintenance, harvesting, crop rotation, inventory counts, and cleaning of greenhouse. No public transportation available. Located in Leamington, ON. Compensation starts at $15.00/hour. Full time hours - Monday through Friday with occasional Saturdays. Please apply at or mail resume to P.O. Box 20009 269 Erie St. S. Leamington, ON N8H 3C4.

In order to obtain a refund, you must:


• Provide proper identification to identify yourself as the permit holder or authorized agent if the permit is in a company name.

Issued: August 31, 2022

All indemnity deposits for Setback or Entrance Permits collected by the County prior to December 31, 2020 that remain unclaimed after December 31, 2022 will be forfeited to the County of Essex.

• Have obtained a permit from the County of Essex Infrastructure & Planning Services Department and paid an associated Indemnity Deposit prior to December 31, 2020 and have not previously received a refund of that deposit.

20 I Classifieds Essex Free Press I Thursday, September 1, 2022 _____________________ FARMING CashFarmWANTEDLandtoRentorShareCrop Call Jeff Siefker (cell) 519-796-1240 or (home) 519-776-9501. 1-t _____________________ SERVICES MARTY’S SMALL ENGINE REPAIRS - Tune-ups, repairs, & service on snowblowers, riding lawn mowers, chainsaws, & more! 519-733-0986, (c) 519-965-5918. 1-tf _____________________ SERVICES KENNETH YARDWORKS  Summer Clean-Up. Trees, bushes, trimmed or removed. Sod, mulch, eavestrough cleaning and repairs, power washing. Loads to the dump. Fully licensed & insured. Free estimates. Call Kenneth: 519-982-0362. 1-tfn _____________________ SERVICES EXPERIENCED, RESPONSIBLE ADULT FOR STAINING SMALL DECKS, FENCES, AND PORCHES. Call Mike at: 519-9905325 (Essex). HELP WANTED HIRING! LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE and LANDSCAPE LABOURERS, $18/hour. Experience necessary. Fax your resume to (519) 723-2336 or email to quinlaninc@ 1-1tf HELP WANTED  Part time picture framing assistant. We will train. One full day per week, plus more hours when needed at our Essex location. Please email full resume to greatart@suchiu. com. 29-tfn HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: Greenhouse and Packing line Labour. General greenhouse labour, duties include pruning, picking, planting and cleaning of greenhouse. Packing line labour, duties include inspecting, weighing and packing produce on assembly line. Lifting, bending and standing is required. Must be able to work all shifts. Rural area. No public transportation available. No specific education required. Experience is an asset. Rate of pay- $15.00. To apply please email: Lindsay@policellafarms. com Or Mail to Domric International, PO Box 218, Ruthven ON N0P 2G0. 1-tfn



Please provide all written comments to the study team member noted below by October 1, 2022: Tim Del Greco Brett Sears Town of Kingsville WSP

The CTMP was completed in accordance with the Master Plan process identified by the Municipal Engineers Association, adhering to the requirements of Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment.

This notice announces the start of the 30 calendar-day public review period for the CTMP in accordance with the requirements of the EA process. The review period will begin on August 31, 2022.


To book an inspection, please visit: or

or call 519-776-4597 33-3tHELP

 Local truss assembly plant is hiring full-time truss builders. Monday to Friday and occasional Saturdays during busy season. Benefits after 3 months along with a boot allowance. Experience an asset but not required. Call 519-839-4301 or email resume to PLACING A CLASSIFIED AD: Classified ads can be submitted in person, by phone or fax or email from Mon. to Thurs. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. All classified and personal ads require payment, prior to print. We accept Visa | MasterCard | Debit | Cash | Cheque. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE IS TUESDAY BY 10:00 AM Phone 519.776.4268 Email: CLASSIFIED RATES Word Ads - 25 words or less ........................ $6.00 + HST Extra words .................................................... 20¢/word Display Classifieds ....................................... Call for ratesClassiClassifiedseds AUCTION SALE Sell It! Find it! Rent It! Buy It! in The Classifieds 519-776-4268 Continued on Page 21CL 16519.776.4268AdvertiseCLASSIFIEDSASSIFIEDSWORK!WORK!here!CentreSt.,

Persons holding an outstanding Setback, Entrance or other Permit issued by the County of Essex on or before December 31, 2020 must notify the Infrastructure & Planning Services Department on or before December 31, 2022 if they wish to inquire about a refund of any Indemnity Deposit balance being held. An Indemnity Deposit is usually associated with permits for driveway or other construction on County roads. An Indemnity Deposit is an amount paid to meet all or a portion of all the cost and expenses of remediating or repairing any damage to County Property or infrastructure, including, but not limited to roads, curbing or municipal drains, caused as a result of the use of such property or infrastructure or as a result of carrying on of construction or demolition or other works on adjacent property.

HELP WANTED LOOKING FOR MATURE INHOME WORKER for 2 young adults. Duties would include respite, personal care, and community outings. Reliable transportation and able to drive wheelchair van is a must. 15-35 hours/ week. Day/Aft/Saturday shifts. Please email resume to: clarksonhouse@

Historical Homiside - A Continued Plea for Information76 Talbot St. S., Essex 519.776.6316 Essex Appliance Centre is the premier place for all your appliance needs in Southwestern Ontario. 76 Talbot St SALES | SERVICE | DELIVERY Sell It! Find it! Rent It! Buy It! in The Classifieds 519-776-4268

REAL ESTATE Buying or selling a farm? Do you know the right questions and answers? Farm Experienced Realtor Carl Idzinski, Keller Williams Lifestyles Realty - Brokerage. 519-817-8891. 1-tt*

YARD SALE SALE Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, Sept. 1, 2, & 3 from 8am -4pm. 6 Elwood Crt., Cottam (off Fox St., across from Ridgeview Park). Pots & pans, furniture, dishes, clothing, knickknacks, something for 2616 Victoria St., Woodslee. Saturday & Sunday, September 3 & 4, from 10am - 5pm. Sporting equipment, a little of everything. Cywink

Celebrate local farms, food, and community at Ontario fall fairs Sonya

The family of Sonya CYWINK continue to work in partnership with the Elgin County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and Crime Stoppers to install billboards in various locations appealing for information in an effort to help investigators solve her homicide.August 30th will mark 28 years since the discovery of Sonya’s body at the Southwold Earthworks National Historic Site of Canada, located near Iona, in Elgin County, southwest of the City of London. A billboard has been installed in east London, near where Sonya was last seen alive. A second billboard will be erected at a later date at a location to be determined.Sonya CYWINK, originally from Whitefish River First Nation on Manitoulin Island, was living in the east end of London, Ontario at the time of her death and was last seen alive near the intersection of Dundas Street and Lyle Street at approximately 2:00 a.m. on August 26, 1994.

Disney collectibles, Barbie,

From mid-August to mid-October, there are more than 160 fall fairs taking place every weekend in communities across the province, hosted by members of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies.With increasing urban pressure on rural lands and challenging economic times impacting farms as much as they impact a city family, the OFA, through its Home Grown campaign, encourages people to explore a fall fair near them and help shine a light on the importance of Ontario famers and the preservation of productive farmland.

submitted to EFP

WANTED CASH PAID for scrap cars and trucks. Free removal. Please phone: 519-776-1361 or 519-791-5046. 1-tfn

submitted by Ontario Federation of Agriculture


“At a time when Ontario is losing an average of 319 acres of farmland every day, it is more important than ever that we re-connect with our rural roots,” says Spoelstra. “Fall fairs are a great resource for learning about where our food comes from, and understanding why it is so important that we protect local food and farms forever.”

CASH PAID for antiques, costume jewellery, furniture, gold, sterling, coins, tools, complete estates. We take it all! Free appraisals. Call 519-727-8894. 1-tfn

everyone. YARD SALE 

HOUSEMATE WANTED: Single, mature lady, to share expenses. 3-bedroom home in Essex on Fairview. Call Judy at: 519-776-1391. 33-1t


It’s not an official season in the calendar, but kicking off in mid-August and running through mid-October, it is fall fair season in Ontario. While there are community fairs happening throughout the summer, the period between the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto (taking place until September 5th) and Thanksgiving is packed with community celebrations that feature a midway, carnival games, demolition derbies, vendors, food trucks, demonstrations — and a snapshoot of the 200-plus agricultural commodities that are produced by Ontario farmers.

“Fall fairs are a fantastic peek into rural Ontario and the farms that feed us all,” says Drew Spoelstra, Vice-President of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA).

“The rides and games and extravagant eats may provide colour, but at their heart, the fair is a celebration of the local harvest and all the fruits, vegetables, grains, and meats that we enjoy on our tables.”


Opinion / News / Classifieds I 21Thursday, September 1, 2022 I Essex Free Press

The family of Sonya CYWINK continue to offer an additional $10,000 to an existing $50,000 reward from the Government of Ontario for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for her homicide. The Elgin County Crime Unit, under the direction of the Criminal Investigation Branch, continues to investigate and follow up on all tips that are received.“Someone out there knows something about this case. Even the smallest detail could help. We urge anyone with information to step forward and help bring this investigation to a successful conclusion. We certainly want to solve this homicide and bring the person(s) responsible to justice for Sonya and her family.” - Detective Inspector Randy GAYNOR, OPP Criminal InvestigativeInvestigatorsBranch. are asking that any person with information regarding the person(s) responsible for the death of Sonya CYWINK to contact the Director of Criminal Investigation Services, Ontario Provincial Police at 1 888-310-1122 or (705) 329-6111, or their nearest police authority. Further information about this case is available on the OPP website at www. you wish to remain anonymous, you may call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222- 8477 (TIPS), where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2,000.

Continued from Page 20


Continued from

SEPT. 18  100TH ANNIVERSARY OF FAITHFUL SERVICE TO GOD & CANADA St. Simon & St. Jude Parish, Belle River. 10:30am mass & 1pm Banquet. Open to the public. For info: 519-728-2275.

22 I Personals / Community Essex Free Press I Thursday, September 1, 2022 Email

A generous donation was made on behalf of the C.M Bus (Lossing) Windsor Fund held at the WindsorEssex Community Foundation (WECF) to support programs offered by WETRA and to provide individuals with disabilities access to programs and services.

Welch noted several local organizations will take part in this year’s walk, which will help promote the services they offer to victims of human trafficking, which includes sexual, labour, and domestic servitude. Those who want more information or to participate in the walk can log onto to learn more. For more information, www.

“The WindsorEssex Community Foundation is committed to helping individuals with diverse needs supported by the Windsor Essex Therapeutic Riding Association, and to improve their quality of life,” says Lisa Kolody, Executive Director of the WindsorEssex Community Foundation. “Endowment funds like the C.M Bus (Lossing) Windsor Fund are donor legacy funds that allow annual investments into projects that help our youth, families, and communities, today and forever.”Improving access to mental health programs and services, sports, and physical activity programs are among the top priorities for citizens of Windsor and Essex County, according to the 2021 Vital Signs® report. Each year, the WECF conducts the Vital Signs® survey, gathering the thoughts and opinions of the residents of Windsor and Essex County in eleven key issues areas, including health, wellness and activity. WETRA’s programs are well-aligned with these priorities, with nearly 200 persons with special needs receiving therapy through their program each week. About 80% of the participants enrolled in the program are children who experience developmental, emotional, or physical disabilities. The physical, emotional, cognitive, and social benefits of therapeutic riding are allencompassing for riders, volunteers and family members who are involved in the specialized and meaningful programs offered by WETRA.

Born January 28, 1932-August 23, 2022 • With great sadness, we announce the death of Elizabeth Sedlmeir-Scratch. With great gratitude we thank God for giving the world the gift of Liz.Elizabeth “Liz” was the loving wife of Morley Scratch (deceased Dec. 6, 2020), stepmother of Margo Warren (Allan), Dale Scratch (Nancy), Grand-stepmother of Brent Scratch (Sarah), Lauren Scratch and Alex Warren (Abby). Great-Grand stepmother to Mary Ellen (Alex, Abby) and Rowan (Brent, Sarah). Liz was the remaining member of her immediate Sedlmeir family, having been predeceased by her parents Louis and Mary, sister Marianne Eaton, brother Tom Sedlmeir (Dolores) and sister, Linda Gehl. She is survived by her sister-in-law Dolores Sedlmeir. She will be missed and held close in heart by her many nieces and nephews whose love and admiration for their aunt continues. Liz was blessed with numerous friends during her life. We all share in the loss of Liz who was a wonderful gift that touched our lives. She was a dedicated educator who retired in 1988, finishing her teaching profession at Holy Family School in Windsor. Liz served as the Honorary President of the Retired Women’s Teacher’s Federation, Windsor Essex Board from 2004-2005. During her career, she impacted the lives of so many grateful students and staff in Windsor and across Canada. She was a parish member of Holy Name of Jesus Church in Essex. Her faith was paramount as she lived her life dedicated to God and serving others. Her love of life was evident through her loving actions toward her family and friends, her generous giving to those in need, and in her acceptance of the pleasures and challenges that life presented to her. Liz’s life is to be celebrated with gratitude at a Mass of Thanksgiving at Holy Name of Jesus Church, 146 Talbot Street South, Essex on Saturday September 3rd at 11am. As an expression of sympathy, memorial donations to the Alzheimer Society of Windsor/Essex or the Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appreciated. Family and friends may send their condolences online at

thanks the C.M. Bus (Lossing) Windsor Fund and the WECF for this generous contribution to our organization. We truly appreciate the opportunity to receive funds to sustain and continue the growth of equine therapy programs at the farm,” says WETRA Executive Director, Becky Mills. “This endowment fund contribution will assist us to adequately care for the farm and the therapy animals who live here as well as support our efforts to keep people working and receiving much needed therapy with horses in new and creative ways.” your photo and content to contact@ or drop by our office at 16 Centre St., Essex. Personal notices must be received by Monday at 12:00 noon to appear in the Thursday edition. OBITUARIES SEDLMEIR-SCRATCH, Elizabeth “Liz” -

submitted to EFP


Through Equine Assisted Activities and Therapies, participants can gain a sense of freedom and independence, learn new skills, interact socially, experience unique accomplishments and create emotional connections with horses and people, creating bonds that last a “WETRAlifetime.

SEPT. 1  4  166TH HARROW FAIR - at the Harrow Fairgrounds, 134 McAfee St. For costs, schedule, & info, visit:

SEPT. 14  ESSEX BLOOD DONOR CLINIC  At the Essex Centre Sports Complex, 60 Fairview Ave W. To book an appointment, visit: or call: 1-888-236-6283.

HIATUS HOUSE: offers counselling services in Essex County. Women’s Fresh Start group therapy is once a week. For info or to schedule an intake appointment, call the 24-hour Hiatus House helpline at 519-252-7781. @ ey y,hdgd2efffhddeddstgerfsse,shtfrs

SEPT. 17  LITTLE TOMATO CHILDREN’S THEATRE “FROZEN JR.” AUDITIONS  At Leamington United Church, 9 John St. For info: ltctwebsite or social media.

Page 10

What’s Going On...What’s On...

WETRA receives funding for programs

human trafficking. As a kick-off to opening of registrations for this year’s Windsor-Essex A21-Walk for Freedom event, organizer Julia Welch is excited to get things underway. With Windsor being a boarder city, human trafficking does happen locally, any many people may not realize that.A21 is a global, anti-human trafficking organization, dedicated to abolishing slavery everywhere. A21’s multi-dimensional approach is to reach, rescue, and restore.This year’s global Walk for Freedom event will take place on Saturday, October 15. Thousands of individuals will participate in hundreds of cities across the world. The 5th annual local event will take place from 9-11am, starting from Dieppe Gardens.

On August 16, the WindsorEssex Community Foundation (WECF) presented a cheque to the Windsor Essex Therapeutic Riding Association (WETRA) at its therapeutic equine center in Essex.

SEPT. 25  LASALLE NIGHT MARKET  At LaSalle Civic Centre, 5950 Malden Rd. from 4-8pm. For info:

Volunteer appreciation dinner helps raise awareness about human trafficking...

SEPT. 10  KINGSVILLE FIREFEST 2022  In Cottam & Downtown Kingsville. 8am breakfast, 11am parade of apparatus, 11:30am displays and family activities.

Victims can also call the organization’s hotline at 1-833-900-1010.

SEPT. 4  CTMHV FUN ON WHEELS CAR SHOW At 6155 Arner Twln., Essex. With Flea Market. 10am start. Regst. starts at 8am. For info: 519-776-8321 or

Another top priority emerging from the 2021 Vital Signs® report, in the issue area of Belonging & Leadership, is increasing opportunities to feel included and connected.

Community Hub I 23Thursday, September 1, 2022 I Essex Free Press

Next THRIVE for teens is on Sunday, September 11th at 7pm at Holy Name of Jesus church. Woodslee K of C is hosting a steak bbq on September 10th at 5pm at St. John’s Hall. Purchase your tickets Fresh food. Friendly 519-776-4255neighbours191TalbotSt.S.,Essex

Essex Baptist Church Our congregation is open and welcomes you to join us for Sunday worship at 10:30am. Recorded messages are on our website at:

Our Food Bank gratefully accepts your donations of non-perishable goods on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 9a.m. - 2p.m. For information, call the church office at 519-776-4628.

Through Music and Prayer will take place on September 28th at 7pm. All are welcome. Looking for someplace to worship? You’re welcome to join us here at Trinity. Sundays at 9:30am with Rev.’d Hilton Gomes.

Join us for Family Worship Sunday, September 4th at 10:30a.m. Major Jim Hann will speak on “Hands.” If you are looking for a new church family this fall, please consider worshiping with us. Fall activities will resume shortly. Details next week.

Salvation Army Essex Church submitted by Carolyn Barnett

Essex Christian Reformed Church submitted by Beverley Van Huizen

Trinity Anglican Church Our new outdoor altar and cross are in place. We will continue to work on our outdoor worship area. Thank you to all who attended our outdoor service and fun day.We will have the blessing of the backpacks on Sunday, Sept 4th. Donations of school supplies are welcomed. Pick up for mums is on Tuesday, September 6, between 2:00 - 3:30pm. We can still take orders. Call Pat at:An519-776-8005.eveningofHealing

We contiue to pray for God’s blessing on all of Essex County. Let us know how we can, more specifically, pray for you. (email: 71 Maidstone Ave East. Central Essex County Catholic Family of Parishes Essex, Maidstone, McGregor, and Woodslee news Good luck to all of those who are heading back to school! Thank you to everyone who donated new school supplies and backpacks. If you like to volunteer for youth groups, please contact our parish office.

Continued on Page 25

Celebrate with us in-person or online, each Sunday at 10am. Visit for a link to our social media page for upcoming services, information, and updates. Nursery supervision or Sunday school is unavailable at this time. Enjoy our ‘Take-a-book-Leave-a-book’ library located in front of the church. Come be part of the community. Join us on Saturday mornings from 8:45-9:30 am for a time of prayer for one another, the church, community, and the lives of those living around us.

Antioch Christian Ministries Submitted by Karen Chaulk Antioch Church, located at 455 County Rd. 34 W. Essex, invites you to join them for their Sunday Services at 10am - Children’s Ministry Classes are available during service for ages 18 month - Grade 6, beginning at 10:30am. Youth meet on Fridays at 7:30pm (doors open at 7pm). Young Adults meet every other Saturday at 7:30pm. For more information about other meetings and service times, please go to:

sponsorship by:

Woodslee United Church submitted by Sue Holman Regular church services in both churches, returns on September 11 and is available on our website. There is a BBQ Rib Dinner planned for September 24 and we still host Coffee Hour on Thursdays, at 10 am. Come and join us. St. Paul’s Anglican Church submitted by Sandra Lypps We return to our 11:00am Sunday services on September 4th. Thank you again to all who attended or helped with our most recent vendors market. Our next pasta dinner will take place Friday, October 14.We are always looking for donations of gently used clothing for our Clothes Cupboard. Visit online:, or social media. Call the office at 519-776-7111. Essex United Church Keep cool in our air conditioned sanctuary. Karen Arnold will lead us in worship on Sunday, September 4 at 10:30am. Everyone is welcome. Keep up-to-date here: and social media pages. The Essex Food Bank is open - Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:30am – 11:45pm. The phone number is: 519-776-4070.

24 I Business Directory Essex Free Press I Thursday, September 1, 2022 Don’t you deserve the best price, service and quality? Water FoundationWallSlabjackingProofingReinforcingRepairs Free Estimates, Guaranteed Work 723-2300 PLUMBING COMMERCIAL PRINTING REAL ESTATE FOUNDATION REPAIRS PLUMBING/HEATING CASH FOR SCAP METALSHEATING & COOLING LANDSCAPING Serving Windsor & Surrounding Area For All Your HVAC Solutions Fully Licensed & Insured O: 519.562.8090 C: 519.965.8091 CASH FOR CARS - TRUCKS - VANS - FARM EQUIPMENTCASH FOR CARS - TRUCKS - VANS - FARM BUYERS OF ALL FERROUS AND NON FERROUS METALSNON-FERROUS METALS. ESSEX AUTO WRECKERS & SERVICEESSEX & Monday-Saturday 8am-6pm, Closed 519-563-7319Sunday CALL TODAY REMOVE TODAY!REMOVE 65 Gordon Ave., www.webuyscrapcars.caEssex WEWEBUYBUYALLSCRAP!ALLSCRAP! Largetrucks, cars, Largetrucks,cars,farmequipment,farmequipment,presses,semitrucks,converters,presses,semitrucks,converters,heavyequipment,andmuchmore!heavyequipment,andmuchmore! www.jojacks.com25YEARS25YEARSEXPERIENCEEXPERIENCEFREEESTIMATESFREEESTIMATESGUARANTEEDGUARANTEEDWORKWORKWERAISESUNKEN CONCRETEWE RAISE SUNKEN AND FIX LEAKY BASEMENTSAND FIX LEAKY Slab Jacking, Buckled Foundation, Cracked Foundation, Epoxy Injection, Graded Entrance Repairs, Foundation Waterproofing, Helical Piers. 1-877-(565-2257)JOJACKS Plumbing • Heating • HVAC Services • 238 Talbot St. LeamingtonW. SERVINGYOUSINCE1974 519-326-9018 FOUNDATION REPAIRREAL ESTATEPLUMBING • HVAC ROOFINGLOCKSMITHS TRUCKING & EXCAVATING

Bethel-Maidstone United Please join us as we welcome back Rev. Paul. All are welcome, the service begins at 10am. Our building is air conditioned and wheelchair accessible.

Essex Municipal Election officially underway - unopposed Councillor Verbeek acclaimed


The secretary is working Monday, September 5 and Tuesday, September 6, 9am - 1pm and the office will closed on Thursday, September 8th. Regular hours resume the week of September 12th. We are planning a Fall Bazaar that will take place in the church hall on Saturday, November 19th. We will have a planning meeting after church on September 11th.

Continued from Page 23 by Sylene Argent

For up to date news please visit our website or find us on social media or at: centralessexcatholic.dol Please keep all the shut-ins and sick in your prayers.

com. Community Hub / News / Business Directory I 25Thursday, September 1, 2022 I Essex Free Press Chartered Professional Accountants Tyler Hicks HeatherLindsayMacPhersonIatonnaTimDriedgerAshleyMeyer P.O. Box 189, 49 Erie St. N., Leamington, Ontario N8H 3W2 Phone 519-326-2681 • Fax 519-326-8044 • w w w. h m i d . c www.hmid.caa HICKS, MACPHERSON, IATONNA & DRIEDGER LLP. BAKER TILLY TRILLIUM LLP 39 MAIDSTONE AVE. E., ESSEX, ON N8M 2J3 SHANNON MCCORMICK, CPA, CGA MANAGER T 519.776.6262 F 519.776.1293 E W

Ward 2 rep3 b

There is no Sunday School or Children’s Drop-In Centre available at this time. The secretary is available Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 am to 1 pm, at (519) 723-2284 or email We are located at 933 Talbot Road, Maidstone, near the corner of Manning Road and Talbot, or visit online: www.bethelmaidstone. SENIOR

from any of their members.

If you have a garden, please share any extra produce with our local food banks.

Essex K of C is hosting a Euchre night on Monday, September 19th at 7pm at Holy Name of Jesus parish hall.New office hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.

In addition, there are two running to take on the Deputy Mayor position, former Councillor Ron Rogers and local businessman, Rob Shepley. Four candidates are vying for the two Ward 1 seats on Essex Council, incumbents Joe Garon and Morley Bowman, in addition to Glen Mills, and Katie McGuire-Blais. Ward 2 Councillor Kim Verbeek was unopposed, and, as a result, has secured a place on the next Term of Council.“Ihope that being acclaimed is a nod from the community that I am representing them well. I do hope that they like and respect the way I am representing them. I do believe serving on Council is a privilege. I am honoured to be able to represent my community,” Verbeek said. “I feel I have grown my political muscles a little bit over the past fouryears,” Verbeek said. “I am Looking forward to taking what I’ve learned in my first term and using it in my second term. I am proud of what we haveThereaccomplished.”arethreecandidates vying to earn one of the two seats on Essex Council representing Ward 3, including incumbents Chris Vander Doelen and Jason Matyi. The third candidate is Brad Allard. There are two candidates running for the one Ward 4 seat on Essex Council, Shawn Mulder and Rodney Hammond.Threecandidates are vying to be an English Public School Trustee, including Julia Burgess, Sherry Ducedre, and David Keller. Two candidates are hopeful to be an English Separate School Trustee, including Mary DiMenna and Derek Thachuk.Four candidates are hopeful to be a French Public School Trustee, including Serge Dignard, Owen Herold, Badrieh Kojok, and Emmanuelle Richez. Didier Marotte is the lone candidate for the French Separate School Trustee. For more information about the 2022 Essex Municipal Election, visit online at: as


The Essex Municipal Election is officially underway, as potential candidates had to declare their interest in running in the election last Friday, which was recognized as Nomination Day. Residents will head to the polls on October 24 to show support for the candidates they believe will best represent them and direct the operation of the Corporation of the Town of Essex over the next fouryears.There are two individuals vying to become Mayor for the Town of Essex over the next four-years, incumbent Richard Meloche, and Sherry Bondy, who has served Ward 4 on Essex Council for three terms.

Continued on Page 27 Art by



26 I Opinion / Community Essex Free Press I Thursday, September 1, 2022

over Fort Malden b ttftFoRCaoaao

On a recent visit to Lakeside Park in Kingsville, Ontario, on a hot July day, my daughter, Juliana, and I found some shade inside a gazebo. And that is where we met Dominique Valarde and his wife Elizabeth. The conversation soon turned to old cars and I asked Dominique if he recalled the first car he rode in. He said he rode in his dad’s Model A Ford 4-door sedan when he was only a small child in the early Dominique1950s.hada brother several years older who borrowed his dad’s Model A, and along with two friends, went for a drive. The car stalled on the railway tracks on the Arner Town Line with a train approaching! All three boys climbed out and pushed the car off the tracks just before the train roared by. With no one in the car to steer, it rolled down the road and into a Luckily,ditch. it was rescued from the ditch and put back on the road so Dominique could ride in it several years later. The Model A Ford was built from 1928 to 1931 with many still on the road! The Model A Ford photo comes from Paul Wilson, who lives in Newfoundland. It’s very fitting that we have a photo from that province to go with this story. Newfoundland became our tenth province on March 31, 1949, and Dominique was born five days later! I’m always looking for stories. Email First car ride in Model A Ford 1930 Model A Ford to remind Dominique of his dad’s car. the takes h,td

by Garrett Fodor From picturesque views to paintings, original art, and handmade goods, local artisans and their crafts were on display at the Fort Malden National Historic Site over the weekend, as the Gibson Gallery and the Fort Malden Guild of Arts and Crafts hosted their 55th annual ‘Art by the River’Eachevent.year, the festival draws thousands of people through the historic grounds of Fort Malden, as local artisans set up booths to sell handmade goods, arts, crafts, and food. The event draws vendors from across the local region, up to Toronto, and across to Manitoba.“Wewere fortunate enough to hold a smaller-scale event last year, but this year vendors and patrons are ecstatic to be back and have the event at full scale,” Fort Malden Guild of Arts and Crafts President, Syl Gagnon, described. “The weather has been great and so have the crowds. We had a record-setting attendance Saturday. It’s great seeing people out here in Amherstburg, at Fort Malden, enjoying some of the art the community has to offer again.”Gagnon noted last year’s show featured one-way traffic flow and masks. This year’s edition nearly doubled in size, featuring over 165 vendors, making this year’s edition one of the biggest shows the

“I love seeing the patrons come in, and, when they leave, the smiles and more importantly with bags in our hands,” Gagnon said.

by the River takes over Fort Malden... Continued from Page 26

Community I 27Thursday, September 1, 2022 I Essex Free Press

Gagnon noted the planning process for the event began in January, before ramping up in May and June. The event is made possible by the help of nearly 20 volunteers, along with the Town of Amherstburg, and Gagnon noted her majesty the Queen, for allowing the event to happen on the National Historic Site Grounds.The Gibson Gallery concludes the calendar year by hosting a holiday show at its building located in Amherstburg, Gagnon invites everyone to check their www.gibsonartgallery.comwebsite, for details as they come available. He would like to thank the community for supporting the event and invites anyone interested in learning more about the Gallery or art classes to also visit the website.

“What I get the greatest pleasure from is on Sunday when we’re shutting down every one of the vendors thanks us and they tell you ‘this is one of the best run shows that I’ve ever seen.’ And it just makes me so proud of the volunteer work that we do that we’ve done such a great job to make them that happy. So many of our vendors return to the show each year and it is extremely gratifying.”


Gibson Gallery has hosted for Art by the River. The two-day festival serves as the biggest fundraiser for the Gibson Gallery, with proceeds covering operating costs, staffing, maintenance, art classes for children and adults, along with scholarships offered to local students.


8. Look left, right and left again before exiting the bus or crossing the street.

10. If you drop something near or under the bus, tell the driver. Never try to pick it up yourself.

1. Know that yellow flashing lights signal a school bus is preparing to stop. Red flashing lights and a stop sign indicate the bus is stopped, and children are entering or exiting.

Essex Free Press I Thursday, September 1, 2022 Internet IPTV Voice J. Klie - Director D. Newman - Director G. Shepley - Director D. Stanley – Director D. Watts – Director R. Petruk – CEO/CTO 519-816-4190www.rockabyebabyboutique.ca48TalbotStreetN.,Essex Have a fun school year & stay safe! 191 Talbot Street South, Essex ON N8M 1B7 Essex Fresh food. Friendly neighbours. h, Have a Great Time at School! 519.776.7721108 Talbot St. N., Essex Open: Tuesday-Friday 10-6 & Saturday 10-4 ESSEX AUTO WRECKERS Monday-Saturday 8am-6pm, Closed 519-563-7319Sunday65 Gordon Ave., www.webuyscrapcars.caEssex StayWelcomeBack!Safe!! Bob Leyte Desjardins InsuranceEssex,Agent,ON Auto Insurance, Business Insurance, Home & Property Insurance, Life Insurance, Living Benefits, Vehicle Loans 10 Victoria Ave. Essex Ontario, N8M 1M3 Phone: 519-776-8001 Fax: 519-776-5333 Email: 114 Talbot St. N., Essex 519-776-9880 | greatWishingyouayear! tStNE5197769880153www.nofrills.caArthurAvenue, Essex more 20 Talbot St. S., Essex Have a Great School Year! 519-776-8200 29 Talbot Street North, Essex, For All Your Insurance & Financial Needs... See Us Today! 238 E. County Rd. 519-839-400014Open: Mon-Sat 9-5 | It’s Worth The Trip! Fresh, Local, Raw Honey A Wonderful Taste you’re going to love! 519-776-4567 111 Bell Avenue Essex, ON N8M 3G8 School will soon be in session. Make sure your kids are ready. Share these safety tips with your kids! SafetyBusBack-to-School 10 School Bus Safety Tips for Kids 1. Get to the bus stop early, and wait in a safe place at least five giant steps away from the edge of the road. 2. Wait until the bus stops, the door opens and the driver says it’s okay before you approach the bus. 3. Enter the bus single file, and be sure to hold the handrail. 4. Walk straight to your seat, and sit with your legs facing forward. 5. Speak quietly, so you don’t distract the bus driver. 6. Keep the bus aisles clear, and keep your arms and head inside the bus. 7. Raise your hand if you need to get the bus driver’s attention.

2. Never pass a school bus that is stopping or stopped to load or unload children. It is unsafe and illegal.

3. Stop your vehicle a safe distance of at least 10 feet from a stopped school bus.

5. While driving, never pass a school bus on the right. It is dangerous and against the law.

9. Always cross the street at least 10 feet in front of the bus. Never cross behind the bus.

Parents, be sure to review these important bus safety tips with young riders and drivers to keep kids safe this school year.


4. Once the flashing red lights and stop sign have been turned off by the bus driver, proceed slowly and with caution, looking both ways for children who may still be close to the road.

School Bus Safety Tips for Motorists

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