Essex Free Press - September 13, 2018

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Dr. Todd Wilbee 35 Victoria Avenue, Unit 2 Essex, ON

Proudly serving the community of Essex and surrounding areas.


Thursday, September 13, 2018

Vol. 138

A LOOK INSIDE CTMHV hosts the popular collectors’ show PAGE 5 _______________

Issue No. 35

Hours: Mon-Tues 9-5, Wed 10-6, Thurs 9-7, Fri 8-4, Sat by appointment

Library rewards summer reading winners

amount of books were read, the program participants were given a ballot for a chance to win cool prizes. In fairness, the program broke up the readers into age groups. Mastronardi said the program uptake in Essex Centre was great, especially in the children’s division. Pictured are some of the, mainly the Essex Centre, winners of the Summer Reading Club program.

56th Annual Fall Fair & Horse Festival PAGE 6 _______________ Council asks for second public open house for Harrow-based zoning request PAGE 10 _______________ Libro Prosperity Fund awards $80,000 locally PAGES 12 _______________ Harrow Rotary hosts first annual volleyball tournament PAGE 24 _______________

by Sylene Argent With the summer season offering ample opportunities to get distracted and have fun, the Essex County Library system hosted the Summer Reading Club program to its clients, to urged people to make time to read. Mary Mastronardi, Resource Assistant for the Essex Centre Library Branch, explained each

Looking For A Good Home

of the 14 Essex County Library facilities offered the Summer Reading Club program to encourage clients of each library branch to get lost in the creative storytelling of books over the summer months. Library Branch clients of all ages were urged to record the number of books they read over the summer. Once a certain

Essex Council Notes for Tuesday, September 4

“MERLIN” See Page 5 for adoption info.

by Sylene Argent Council supports Youth Council Coalition of Canada Kelsey Santarossa, who founded the Youth Council Coalition of Canada (YCC), requested Essex Council support an application she wished to submit to the Windsor-Essex

Community Foundation Community Impact Grant. If, and when, successful in achieving the grant, she said, the YCC would come back to work with supporting municipalities to create Youth Councils and support them. She said the organization was incorporated

federally in May. The goal as a not-for-profit is to foster the development, success, and influence of Canadian youth councils, starting in Ontario. Santarossa was on the Lakeshore Youth Council for eight years. She began seeking Continued on Page 2

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2 I News Essex Free Press

Essex Council Notes... out youth councils across to province to see what their successes were and where they could use help. A youth council, she noted, is an advisory body that reports to Council. Essex has two youth council members. She found there were 93 youth councils is Ontario, governed by either municipalities, constituency youth councils governed by Liberal MPs, or organizations. Through her research, Santarossa, found two youth councils exist in the region. “We could do a little bit better in Windsor-Essex,” she

said, adding, especially since nearly 19 percent of the region’s population are youth. Councillor Randy Voakes said Essex lost its youth centre a few years ago. He saw Santrossa’s proposal as an opportunity for youth to get out from behind their computers. Deputy Mayor Richard Meloche said he would support the program as well as he could see the potential benefits. Council received her presentation and further supporter her request.

Continued from Front Page

Election sign confusion -Deputy May Candidate told he can not use billboardsPhil Pocock, who is running for the position of Deputy Mayor for the Town of Essex in the 2018 municipal election, appeared as a delegate to get clarification on the difference between election signs and media advertising on billboards. To him, an election sign is placed on a homeowner’s or tenant’s property with permission. He viewed getting a billboard as paid advertising. During the provincial election, the PC candidate, Pocock said, had three billboards in the Municipality of Essex. So, he thought the precedence was already there for candidates in the municipal election to use billboard advertising. He wanted to know the difference between an election sign and a paid advertising sign.

Robert Auger, the Town’s Clerk, said that his interpretation of the Town’s sign bylaw is the moment a billboard is used for election purposes, it becomes an election sign and subject to the restrictions contained within the bylaw, including that its size must be no larger that one square meter. They can also only be erected for 45 days, so starting September 7 in this election. Auger said if there were billboards used in the recent provincial election in Essex, they would have been in contravention of the bylaw. Pocock said he did not see the correlation between a billboard and an election sign, which is placed with permission with no dollar exchange for the space, in the bylaw. He sees billboards as an advertising sign, which is paid space that was already there. As the spaces is paid for, he sees

I Thursday, September 13, 2018

it as the same as buying an ad in the paper. Councillor Steve Bjorkman said he was more in line with Pocock’s thoughts on the bylaw. Councillor Sherry Bondy believes there may have been some mixed communication on the issue between candidates and the Planning Department and Clerk’s department. Perhaps other candidates purchased a billboard, Bondy said. She didn’t see a problem using billboards as there are only so many within the municipality that can be used. She didn’t want to block any candidate from doing what he or she thought was best for their election, especially since there was no precedence set in the provincial campaign. She said there really are no consequences. Essex’s CAO Donna Hunter said ultimately, a billboard has to be Council approved. If Council had to make a decision, it would be conflictual as six of the seven members on Council are running

for various positions in the Municipal Election. Councillor Bondy, however, disagreed, noting Council only makes decisions on new billboards, not the content that goes on existing billboard space. “We don’t approve what goes on billboards. We never have. Why are we doing it now,” she asked? As an example, she said in the recent past there was a billboard in Essex Centre advertising a Windsor strip club that did not have to come to Council for approval. Councillor Ron Rogers said it would be inappropriate to make changes to the bylaw or overstep administration. Pocock, he said, wanted clarification and he got it from administration. Pocock thanked administration for the clarification, however, said he wished he would have received the clarification before he purchased the billboard, though he asked about the clarification before the purchasing. Council received the

Continued on Page 5

Thursday, September 13, 2018


Community I 3

Essex Free Press

CTMHV hosts the popular collectors’ show

by Adam Gault For the better part of nearly five years, military, firearms, fishing, and historical enthusiasts have been making their way along the Arner Townline to take part in the quarterly Canadian Transportation Museum and Heritage Village’s (CTMHV) Militaria, Gun, and Sportsman Show. This past Sunday, long-time vendors and collectors gathered to take part in the quarterly event, to explore the oneof-a-kind selection of rifles, fishing equipment, and military antiques available for purchase, and to learn more about their favourite subjects during an event that continues to grow with every passing year. “This is more than a gun show, it’s history, and hunting, and everything

CTMHV Vice Chairperson, Mickey Moulder, poses with a Bren gun from his personal collection.

all combined,” CTMHV Vice Chairman, Mickey Moulder, said of the show’s ongoing success. “We’re all about history. It’s hard to do history without running into weapons. If you think you can do history and not show weaponry, you’re not doing the real history.” Moulder, who is an avid and long-time collector of historical weaponry himself, explained that for many collectors, the opportunity to own and possess a rare historical item plays a big part in being able to appreciate a particular point in history, as well as bringing that era to life. “You don’t have to own an antique car to go and look at them, but yet people still want to go and buy one and own it,” Moulder said. “You do

feel you’ve purchased, and own a piece of history, and you don’t get that feeling if you’re just an observer.” Being one of the few firearms and collectors shows in the WindsorEssex area means that the always sold out CTMHV show can boast a more than 90 percent return rate from its loyal vendors, many of which make sure to register for the next show before the current one has even concluded. “It’s a positive exchange for people, or they wouldn’t come

out,” Moulder explained. “We have about 70 vendors’ tables here today. We sold out. We always sell out.” As for many of the enthusiasts who attended Sunday’s event, the day marked a chance to share the stories linked with the items on display, and an important opportunity to learn about the sometimes violent history of the last several hundred years and how it shaped, and continues to shape, the geopolitical landscape of our world today. “For me, it’s all about the history. I don’t glorify guns. I’m not even a shooter, I’m a collector,” Moulder said. “That’s how I am, I like the idea of history and weaponry tied to history.” CTMHV’s next Militaria, Gun, and Sportsman Show will be held on Sunday, November 18. For more info, visit

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4 I Opinion Essex Free Press

Editorial &Opinion

I Thursday, September 13, 2018

Howling at the Moon ••• Comment by Sylene Argent ••• Memories of school days

Serving Essex and the surrounding communities since 1896.

Published Thursdays as an independent weekly newspaper, owned and operated by The Essex Voice Limited. A London Publishing Corporation Publication OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. OUR STAFF Sandy Kennedy / Andrew Beaudoin - Office Jessica Azar - Graphic Design / Social Media / Production Lana Warwick - Graphic Design Greg Belchuk - Advertising Sales Manager Sylene Argent - Editor/News Reporter Shelley Beaudoin - Graphic Design / Production

CIRCULATION The Essex Free Press is an audited publication with controlled circulation of 10,000.

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ARCHIVES The Essex Free Press has been digitized from 1895 to 1968 and is fully searchable at

OPINION & COMMENT The opinions expressed on these pages are those of their original authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Essex Free Press, its Editor or Publisher.

LETTER POLICY The Essex Free Press welcomes letters to the editor on topics of interest to our readers. Letters should be typed or neatly handwritten and present the issues as clearly as possible in 300 words or less. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar, and legal considerations. All letters must contain the name, address, and daytime phone number of the writer for verification purposes. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. If you have a legitimate concern and cannot sign your name to a letter, please contact the editor to discuss alternative means of handling the issue.

I had a weird, almost Déjà vu moment, at around 8 a.m. on Tuesday, September 4. I was in my house, with the windows open, and the temperature, combined with the time of day, made me think of going to high school. Then, I remembered it was the first day back to school for our youth that day. So, then I reminisced about standing in the courtyard of the old St. Anne facility in my uniform, when I realized, much to my shock, I stood in that courtyard for my first day of high school twenty years ago that day, around that time of morning! How weird is that? Wow, did that ever make me feel old, I mean, mature. What a coincidence that I had thought of that just based on the weather reminding me with some type of memory trigger. I didn’t mind high school. I was way beyond ready to leave the elementary school system as I was different from many of my school peers by the time I reached grade

eight. I played hockey, listened to grunge and classic rock, and was just starting to uncover a passion for horses. I really did not connect well with many of my peers by the time I hit the final year of elementary school. I remember getting along best with those I had labeled as the “smart kids,” but I did not consider myself “book smart” at the time. So, I liked them, but didn’t really feel like I belonged. The rest of the class was listening to pop music and into things I really couldn’t care less about. I felt trapped. So, when it came time to enroll in high school, it was like I had found a bit of freedom. And, as there were more kids like me, I found a few different groups of people into which I could easily fit and felt like I did belong. Plus, by the time I had started grade ten, I got to finally learn how to play the guitar in a music class specially deigned to teach that instrument. It was awesome. By the time I was finishing up my

OAC year, which I was a part of the last class to have grade 13 offered in 2003, I was again ready to move on, unsure of how I wanted to plan my future in what seemed like a very short amount of time. Some of my peers knew what they wanted, but I remember bugging my guidance counsellor often about my options. If you would have asked me what I would be doing as a career on the first day of high school twenty years ago, I certainly would not have guessed what it is I am doing today. I probably would have said a veterinarian (even though I did not have the math marks), a horseback riding coach, or a rock star, preferably. But, I am happy and content with how it all turned out. It is funny how sometimes life steers us into a certain direction.

ADVERTISING Advertising is accepted on the condition that, in the event of an error, the portion of the ad occupied by the error, will not be charged for, but the balance will be paid at the usual rate. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check an ad on first publication, and the publisher accepts no responsibility for errors in multiple insertions. The Essex Free Press reserves the right to reject or edit any advertisement likely to offend community standards. Display Advertising Deadline: Friday at 2:00 pm

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The Essex Free Press

Office: 16 Centre St. Essex, Ontario Mail to: P.O. Box 115 Essex, Ontario N8M 2Y1

Phone: 519.776.4268 Fax: 519.776.4014


Commentary - OFA

Catch up with OFA this fall show season by Louis Roesch, Director, Ontario Federation of Agriculture

September means show season for Ontario farmers and rural residents. While it’s busy on the farm, the agriculture industry makes time to attend events like Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show (COFS) and the International Plowing Match and Rural Expo (IPM). The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) looks forward to meeting with our members every September at these two popular shows. There are many other events throughout the fall too, but OFA will be hosting members at our display at COFS (September 11-13) and IPM (September 18-22). OFA’s Federation House at COFS is always a stop for members visiting the show. Here we feature select Benefit Program partners and offer show attendees a spot to sit and enjoy some refreshments on OFA. Member Service Representatives and board members will also be on hand at Federation House to talk to members about their farms, issues, concerns, or highlights of the show. New this year, OFA welcomes Honda as the latest Benefit Program partner and every farm business and individual farm member is invited to enter a draw to win a Honda ATV, generator, or power tool. Members can also vote for their favourite photos in the Proud to Farm

photo contest. This year’s IPM is located near Pain Court in Chatham-Kent. The IPM is a five-day agricultural celebration that offers attendees the opportunity to visit a new part of the province every year. This event also gives local federations of agriculture the chance to showcase regional initiatives and representatives. OFA executive will also attend the event and members are encouraged to stop by the booth to chat. Entry ballots for OFA’s Honda draw will also be accepted at the booth. Rooted in tradition, the IPM also hosts MPPs for a day at the match. If the provincial government is sitting, the Legislature closes for one day during the IPM each year to show support for Ontario’s agri-food industry and rural communities. OFA will follow up with MPPs attending the IPM during Ontario Agriculture Week in October at Queen’s Park. OFA is a member-driven organization and we rely on input and feedback from members to guide our lobby efforts and focus our resources. This fall, make the time to catch up with OFA at COFS or the IPM, we look forward to seeing you at the show.

Thursday, September 13, 2018


News I 5

Essex Free Press

Essex Council Notes... presentation. Following the Council meeting, Pocock was able to use a billboard in Kingsville, leading out towards Harrow. It met the requirements of that municipality’s regulations, he said. Fundraising for Townsview Subdivision Residents of the Townsview subdivision approached Council regarding possibly fundraising for a park. The residents wanted to ensure the project did not get lost in the shuffle. They had a few questions for the Town, including the budget size for the project. Doug Sweet, Director of Community Services, said anytime the quality of life is improved, it is a good thing. He said the property was just obtained as designated park land in the early spring. It was seeded this year and it has been maintained as a green space. Part of development charges would go towards this project. Without a true plan, he estimated, based on past purchases, the project would likely cost around $350,000 to $400,000. Anytime there is fundraising, it is a good thing. He said there are nearly 25 neighbours

interested in the project. He said this park would not be surplus as it is needed. Sweet said first steps would include getting a tentative budget and a plan of what it would look like as it is easier to fundraise with a visual. Just like any other fundraising initiative, this project would have administration and the fundraisers work on a plan. The next term of Council could approve some funding in the next budget and see how the fundraising goes. Voakes said he had an interest in the project, whether there is an election or not. Any money fundraised will go towards this project, and any amount would be helpful. He said he takes great appreciation of the fact residents have an interest in getting involved. Deputy Mayor Richard Meloche said he and his wife would also be interested in helping. Council received the presentation.

Continued from Page 2

22, 2018, for a minimum donation of $200. Councillor Randy Voakes said Allison recently contacted him, after this letter was sent to the Town, to note the sponsorship goal had been fulfilled prior to Tuesday’s meeting. Essex Mayor Ron McDermott asked if Essex could be considered for next year’s event. Voakes said that was a great idea and asked that administration send a letter with the request to Allison. Motion carried. Decision to defer Essex Town Centre Subdivision discussions reversed At the August 29 meeting, Councillor Ron Rogers put a Notice of Motion forward for Council to discuss at last Tuesday evening’s meeting. He wanted to discuss Council’s decision to defer the proceedings of the Essex Town Centre Subdivision

until the next term of Council. He wanted Council to reconsider the decision. At the August 7 meeting, CAO Donna Hunter suggested Council postpone discussions on the Essex Town Centre Subdivision rezoning application until the new term of council is formed. The project, she said then, is having Council to consider the possibility of allowing snout houses, removing garage restrictions, and 40’ lot frontage (which is smaller than usual). In a recorded vote to postpone the file until the new term of Council, Councillors Ron Rogers, Larry Snively, Sherry Bondy, and Deputy Mayor Richard Meloche and Mayor Ron McDermott were in support. Councillor Randy Voakes and Steve Bjorkman were opposed, both noting at that time they wanted to continue those discussions. At last Tuesday’s

Veterans Voices of Canada request Via correspondence, Suzanne Allison requested Council sponsor a flag and honour plaque at the Annual Veterans Ceremony at Assumption Park in Windsor on September

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meeting, Rogers wanted to bring the matter back to the table because he thought Council jumped the gun on the decision and the Council of the day should be looking at the file as the current members know the most about it. Deputy Mayor Richard Meloche was in favour of the reconsideration as he wanted to see the development happen as soon as possible. In talking with administration, he knows there are many issues with the plan. It could be next spring before

reports are put in place for consideration. If left to the next term of Council, it could be the following year. He believes instead of letting it sit, administration should start looking at it now. Councillor Randy Voakes said he appreciates administration’s opinion and the guidance to date, but the file was open before Council entered “lame duck” status, which he said gives them the opportunity to move forward. Motion carried.

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6 I Special Feature Essex Free Press

I Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Rotary Club of Cottam presents the... th

56 Annual Fall Fair & Horse Festival September 16, 2018 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 8am - 11am - Pancake Breakfast ($5 per person) 10am - 4pm - Vendors Market Open Noon - Parade (Starts at Trinity Anglican Church and ends at Ridgeview Park) 12:30pm - Chili cook-off ($5 per person - try them all!) Noon - 4pm - Rotary BBQ 1pm - 4pm - Kids Activities

Providing Local Telephone, Internet & Television Gary Shepley – Chair Linda Stevenson – Vice Chair Ed Gibbs – Director Lloyd Kerr – Director Marion Phaneuf – Director Rob Petruk – CEO/CTO

Come And Enjoy The 56th Annual Cottam Rotary

Horse Show!

(519) 839-4734 /

Join us on Sunday, September 16th at Ridgeview Park, Cottam for the Rotary Club of Cottam’s 56th Annual Fall Fair and Horse Festival! This is a fun, family event, offering FREE pony rides, bouncy castles, a parade, and activities for children of all ages. Join us for our pancake breakfast and stay for our chili cook-off and BBQ lunch. BBQ includes hamburgers, hot dogs, and fresh cut fries. Be sure to visit our refreshments booth There will be live entertainment, a horseshoe pitch, and a variety of vendors.

Thursday, September 13, 2018


Special Feature / Community I 7

Essex Free Press

The Rotary Club of Cottam presents the...

56th Annual Fall Fair & Horse Festival See The Bees Work! Fresh, Local, Raw Honey

A Wonderful Taste you’re going to love! y

It’s Worth The Trip! I 238 E. County Rd. 14

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The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. For more information on the Rotary Club of Cottam, visit: rotarycottam.

What kids can do in the face of bullying Many adults may recall being bullied or witnessing bullying when they were in school. Despite that, it’s important that adults, including parents and educators, not see bullying as an inevitable part of growing up. The effects of bullying can be severe, affecting those involved - including the bullied, the bullies and those who merely witness bullying - long after their school days have ended. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, bullying has been linked to various negative outcomes, mental health issues, substance abuse, and suicide. When taking steps to combat bullying, parents and educators should not overlook the benefits of enlisting children in their efforts. Kids can be great allies in the fight against bullying, and the following are some ways adults can work with youngsters who want to stop bullying. Teaching kids to respect others, the DHHS’ website devoted to stopping bullying once and for all, notes the importance of teaching kids to treat everyone, including other children, with respect. Parents can teach kids to pause before saying or doing something that can be harmful to someone else. Bullying inflicts physical and emotional pain on its victims, so teaching kids to recognize that words can be just as harmful as fists may encourage them to think twice before saying something mean to a classmate. The DHHS also recommends advising children to do something else if they feel an

urge to say or do something mean. Walk away from a situation to watch television, play a video game, or engage in another activity rather than saying or doing something hurtful. What kids being bullied can do Kids being bullied also can employ certain strategies to overcome bullying. The DHHS recommends teaching children to look at bullies and telling them to stop in a calm, clear voice. Laughing it off might also work for kids who find joking comes naturally to them. The DHHS advises against fighting back, instead suggesting kids walk away and stay away before finding an adult who can stop the bullying on the spot. Encouraging students to confide in adults they trust also can help them overcome bullying and the feelings of loneliness that bullying can elicit. Trusted adults can help children devise a plan to stop the bullying. The DHHS notes that most bullying happens when adults are not around, so staying near adults and other children can help kids avoid situations where they might be vulnerable to bullies. What witnesses to bullying can do Bullying can have a negative impact on children who witness bullying, even if they aren’t the victims. Adults can encourage children to speak to trusted adults and to report instances of bullying. In addition, children should be encouraged to be kind to children who are being bullied, inviting them to sit with them on the bus or in the lunch room and engaging them in conversations about topics that interest them.

Project B.E.S.T. Video Contest winners

AUTUMN Special Bavarian Octoberfest Sausage $ 49 Reg. SALE GOOD TO SEPT. 29, 2018







submitted to EFP Essex County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), with the support of the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services (MCSCS), initiated “Project B.E.S.T.” (Believe, Empower, Support, Together) under a new community safety grant program. The funding was used, in part, to educate and encourage youth to speak out on sexual violence and harassment. In 2017, as part of this program, OPP community service officers supervised a county-wide, student-led, initiative surrounding the development of an educational video covering the important topic of “consent” as seen through the eyes of our youth. Participation was open to groups of grade 9 through 12 students in Essex County OPP policed high schools who collaborated using various media formats to create a 3 to 5 minute educational video on this important topic. The winning video was created by

Mrs. Senjanin’s grade 12 “Challenge and Change” class from St. Anne Catholic High School in Lakeshore for their submission based on relevant content, creativity, use of technology, and overall message delivery. The participating students of the winning video are: Maja Chesnik, Avery Piazza, Serena Smith, Alessia Fazio, and Elise Bull. With the start of a new school year, the powerful messages voiced by the students in this video will be posted to various social media outlets and used as a tool to educate our youth and the public on consent as it relates to sexual violence and harassment. Victims of sexual assault are not alone. If you have been sexually assaulted or know someone who has, there are local resources to help you. A toll free call can be placed to the Assaulted Women’s Helpline www. at 1-866-863-0511 where your information will remain anonymous and confidential. If you are in an immediate crisis, please dial 9-1-1.

8 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, September 13, 2018

Erie Shores Healthcare Oncology Room renovated for comfort

Photo submitted: Representatives of Erie Shore Healthcare and Miss. Lizzy’s Tea Foundation cut the ribbon to officially unveil the newly renovated oncology room. Gino DelCiancio, husband of the late Liz, Founder of the Miss. Lizzy’s Tea Foundation, holds the shears.

by Sylene Argent The recently renovated oncology room at Erie Shores Healthcare was unveiled last Wednesday afternoon during an official ribbon cutting ceremony. The new coat of paint, counter area, three new

reclining chairs that are specially designed for patient comfort, new flooring, and three TV additions are sure to bring more comfort to those who utilize the oncology services at Erie Shores HealthCare, thanks to Miss. Lizzy’s Tea

Foundation, which raised the $32,000 needed for the renovation. Members of the Foundation, which Liz DelCiancio founded, worked with local companies to stretch the dollars as far as they could. The funds were

raised through the annual Miss. Lizzy’s, gala-like, tea event. The fundraising event, that will celebrate its tenth anniversary next spring, started in the basement of the DelCiancio home, but grew to a point where a venue was needed. Now, around 300 ladies participate in the event annually. Over its years of operation, the Foundation has raised funds for the Erie Shores Hospice and Leamington Hospital. Members of Miss. Lizzy’s Foundation are devoted to fundraising to show support to cancer patients and their families in the Windsor/Essex County area. With the passing of founder Liz DelCiancio in 2017, the Miss. Lizzy’s Committee continues to support local healthcare initiatives through the efforts of her daughter, Sarah, and husband, Gino. “I’ve got goosebumps.


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Kids can be world-changers. They can make a difference – right here, right now! Joining a GEMS or Cadet Club is an opportunity to study the Bible, make new friends, and learn what it means to live a radically faithful life for Christ – acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with Him!

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I feel Liz’s presence here today. She is here inspirit,” Gino said inside the newly renovated room after the official ribbon cutting. “This has been a long-time dream of my wife who had breast cancer.” Gino said his wife had a desire to keep people close to home while they received the care they needed. “She was always a giving person and wanted to help other people,”

Gino said of his late wife, adding she volunteered at the hospital, hospice, and at church. The renovation of the Oncology room means more home-like comfort for those, who can spend as much as eight hours at a time there, to receive treatment. The fresh paint job makes the room brighter and more like home, not a hospital. As well, a few quilts were also donated to help keep patients warm.

‘Give a Little, Help a Lot’ raises $2712 for Ronald McDonald House

Photo submitted: Jeff and Donna MacPhee of Jeff ’s No Frills presented Christine Richer, Manager of Windsor Ronald McDonald House (pictured centre), with a cheque for $2712, which was raised through the recent “Give a Little, Help a Lot” campaign.

submitted to EFP Thanks to the perseverance of cashiers and generosity of customers, Jeff’s No Frill was able to raise over $2712 for the Ronald McDonald House in Windsor through the “Give a Little, Help a Lot” campaign. No Frills owners, Jeff and Donna MacPhee, presented Christine Richer, Manager of Windsor Ronald McDonald House with the campaign’s proceeds last week. In May of 2016, the Windsor Ronald McDonald House was opened as the first Canadian Housewithin-a-Hospital so families could stay close to their ill or injured child, while they receive medical care at Windsor Regional Hospital.

Thursday, September 13, 2018


Sports I 9

Essex Free Press

St. Mary’s Park concludes baseball season with tournament

by Garrett Fodor This past weekend, St. Mary’s Park celebrated the end of another successful baseball season with the annual closing tournament, which was held on Saturday, September 8 at Co-An Park in McGregor. This year’s tournament featured 20 adult teams in the slo-pitch league, with 10 in the male division and 10 in the female division. It marked the 39th time the tournament has been played, and closed the season, which had over 600 people play at St. Mary’s Park. Shaun Fuerth is the Vice Chairperson for St. Mary’s baseball and was

the manager for a team in the league. He said this league is something that brings everyone together. “This is something we have been working towards all year, trying to get everyone out to have a fun day,” Fuerth said. “It’s a rec league and it is all about having fun first, with a meal at the end of the day with everyone. There is a lot of tradition here at St Mary’s Park, and, next year, we celebrate 40 years of baseball.” Despite the cold weather and many players wearing sweaters instead of jerseys, the team spirt and sportsmanship was on display throughout the

weekend. Jean Dumochelle is a Director of St. Mary’s Baseball and coaches a team in the women’s division. She said the family aspect of the tournament, and St. Mary’s baseball as a whole, keeps people coming back and the tournament growing. “I have been involved since my kids were five-years-old and they started playing ball at St. Mary’s park. I was already playing ball then, but became involved as a coach as well,” Dumochelle said. “It is so great in Maidstone because everyone can be involved no matter what


! E N O Z L A DE

level of baseball they can play [at] or if they have physical disabilities. This is a community event and it is wonderful to be together and be playing in opposition with your friends and on the same team as your friends, which is why you can hear the laughter between teams.” The tournament concluded Sunday with the men’s finals being played “At the Corner.” Fuerth said that they are always looking for new members to join St. Mary’s baseball with registration happening in February of each year.

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10 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, September 13, 2018

Council asks for second public open house for Harrow-based zoning request by Sylene Argent At a special meeting, held at the Essex Civic and Education Centre, on the evening of Tuesday, September 4, Essex Council heard from applicant Maxwell Abraham, who was looking for a site-specific zoning amendment that would permit a zoned rural residential property, 1466 County Road 13 in Ward 3, to permit, as addition use, the development of a medical office, pharmacy, and parking lot. The property is currently vacant and has around 85 feet of frontage and is 439 feet deep. Rita Jabbour, Assistant

Planner with the Town of Essex, said Tuesday’s statutory meeting fulfilled requirements, and had great attendance. Council asked that a second meeting be held in Harrow to further discuss the file with area residents and Harrow businesses. The second meeting, she said, will offer another opportunity to hear public opinions. The question, she said, was whether or not Harrow could support another pharmacy as she said there are already two, which was a concern heard. In order for something different to be added to the property, other than

for what it is zoned, a bylaw has to be adopted, but a bylaw can be tailored to the needs of the community, based on what Council and administration is told, she said. With the extra permitted used, Jabbour said, the delegate was thinking of the cohesiveness of the area and offering a medical facility, likely offering different related services, in one space. The property is located near the Harrow Dental Clinic, the Harrow Health Centre, and Harrowood Senior Community Living. Another concern brought up at the meeting

Services include but not limited to: Autism, Language, Articulation, Fluency, Stuttering, Aphasia, Stroke Patients Able to bill most 3rd party insurances C.A.S.L.P.O. Registered Professionals



Should the request be granted, it would have to conform to the C1.4 zoning regulations. Council could choose to add specific regulations based on the public’s feedback, the report to Council notes.

Lawrence Hank wraps up Tune Up the Parks by Sylene Argent Harrow-based musician, Larry Affeldt, also known as Lawrence Hank, wrapped up the 2018 edition of the Tune Up the Park summer concert series in Essex Centre’s Heritage Gardens Park last Wednesday evening. Coincidently, Affeldt, known for playing rock and blues infused tunes, kicked off the Essex Centre portion of the Tune up the Parks summer concert series in 2017. At both performances, a crowd comprised of music enthusiasts warmly welcomed Affeldt. On Wednesday evening, the local musician played the electric guitar to shred into the songs he performed and also provided vocals for the performance. Music became an important part of Affeldt’s life at an early age as his family members were

always playing. This was the fourth year the Arts, Culture, and Tourism Committee has offered the Tune Up the Parks concert series to the community. Performances

were hosted at Colchester Park on Monday evenings and in Essex Centre on Wednesday evenings. Additional concerts were also held in Harrow and McGregor Centres.

At Colasanti’s p Tropical Garden’s Call to book an t en appointm! today r No Doctol a r r e ref ed. is requir

35 Victoria Avenue, Essex ON

good feedback,” Jabbour said. Once a date for the second open house is confirmed, those who live 120 meters from the property in question will be notified. A sign will also be placed on the property and notification will appear on the town website.

Come join in all the fun at the...

Now accepting adults and children for


from a resident, Jabbour said, was the traffic the area was experiencing already. A traffic impact study could be done, but it is difficult to do when it is not known for sure the type of businesses that could be added to the facility, she said. “It has been a good discussion. We have had


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Call 519-776-6483, ext. 246

Thursday, September 13, 2018


Essex Free Press

Ad Feature I 11

12 I Community Essex Free Press

I Thursday, September 13, 2018

Libro Prosperity Fund awards $80,000 locally Pictured left: Representatives of Libro Credit Union present representatives of the On Track to Success-Youth Mentorship Program, through United Way/ Centraide of Windsor/Essex County in Leamington, with $18,951 through the annual Prosperity Fund.

by Sylene Argent During a special ceremony hosted at the Ciociaro Club on Wednesday, September 5, representatives of Libro Credit Union forwarded around $80,000 to seven local, specially selected,

recipients of the 2018 Libro Prosperity Fund. In total, through the 2018 Prosperity Fund grant program, Libro forwarded $460,000 this year to 31 programs and projects across

Continued on Page 13

Representatives of Libro Credit Union present members of the Harrow and Colchester South Chamber of Commerce with a $15,000 grant for its “Win this Space Harrow” program through the annual Prosperity Fund.

Aspiring businesses could win space in Harrow by Sylene Argent The Harrow & Colchester South Chamber of Commerce was recently awarded $15,000, through the Libro Prosperity Fund, which will be put towards its economic development project, “Win this Space Harrow.” The Harrow & Colchester South Chamber of Commerce announced a new program on Tuesday that will link one lucky candidate with up to $1,000 of rent of a commercial space in Harrow Centre for a year through the new “Win This Space Harrow” competition.

Dr. Mike Janisse, Vice President of the Harrow & Colchester South Chamber of Commerce, said Harrow Centre has been growing well in the past three or four years as far as large business and residential growth is concerned, but there was a desire to bring more focus on small business. “Harrow is a small community, but a strong community,” he said. Those who would like to learn more about the contest can visit to learn more about the rules and requirements of the “Win This Space Harrow” contest or about the Harrow & Colchester South Chamber of Commerce.

Thursday, September 13, 2018


Community I 13

Essex Free Press

Libro Prosperity Fund awards $80,000 locally... Southwestern Ontario. Selected programs are helping to grow prosperity in three focus areas, including regional economic development, youth leadership, and money-smarts. The Harrow and Colchester South Chamber of Commerce was awarded $15,000, which will be put towards its economic development project, “Win this Space Harrow.” Through this program, area entrepreneurs will complete business preparation sessions. The finalist will be awarded with free commercial space in Harrow. Amherstburg’s Firehorse Leadership Organization was awarded $21,049 to expand its Learn and Lead youth leadership program. This program provides financial literacy, life skills development, and leadership mentorship to youth between the ages of 14-25. The On Track to Success-Youth Mentorship Program, which is operated through United Way/Centraide of Windsor/Essex County in Leamington, was awarded $18,951. The funds will help provide career mentoring and handson learning experiences with local employers with economically disadvantaged youths in Essex County. Three projects were granted $5,000 each, including the Safe Haven project of Charity House (Windsor), an after-hours




activity program for adolescents and young adults who are addiction treatment graduates, for recovery-friendly activities and a substancefree social network; the Kent Agriculture in the Classroom Action Committee received the funds for its Plant Agriculture Science Kit,

which will be provided to grade three students as an introduction to modern farming and plant care; and Blenheim’s Youth Action Team project, through the Blenheim Youth Centre, will provide leadership training and workshops to youth developing the skills needed to lead

other youth programs. The Liberty Project, of Enactus House in Windsor, received $10,000. It is a social enterprise providing consulting and employment to survivors of human trafficking. This program pays a living wage to survivors to manufacture reusable

menstrual pads, which are then further donated to underdeveloped countries. Lori Atkinson, Regional Manager of Libro for Essex-Kent, was pleased to recognize and award all the recipients after a hearty breakfast. She hoped the funding would contribute

Continued from Page 12

to the achievement of the goals set out in each program. Each Libro branch has a Council, comprised of owner representatives, who participated in assessing the winning grant submissions.

14 I Ad Feature Essex Free Press

I Thursday, September 13, 2018

Thursday, September 13, 2018


News I 15

Essex Free Press

OPP ask for assistance on assault of Harrow homeowner submitted to EFP The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Essex County major crime unit seeks the public’s assistance in identifying a suspect involved in an assault on Friday August 24th between 4:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. in Harrow, Ontario. The suspect

approached the front door of a residence on Munger Avenue West and asked the victim for directions. The victim walked outside to speak to the suspect and was assaulted with a weapon. The victim attempted to detain the suspect, however, he fled the scene on foot. He was

identification of this suspect to come forward. Anyone with information regarding this or any other incident is asked to call the OPP at 1-888-3101122. Should you wish to remain anonymous,

Voice Of Inspiration “No person, trying to take responsibility for her or his identity, should have to be so alone. There must be those among whom we can sit down and weep, and still be counted as warriors.”

OPP release long weekend traffic initiative statistics submitted to EFP The 2018 annual Labour Day weekend traffic initiative conducted by members of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) in Essex County resulted in one of the largest number of Provincial Offences tickets processed by any OPP Detachment in West Region during the holiday weekend. Throughout the summer months the OPP has continued to enforce those laws relating to the safe operation of motor vehicles on our highways, municipals roadways and vessels on our waterways. In an attempt to change driver behavior, members of the Essex County Traffic Management Unit (TMU) in addition to all OPP officers on duty throughout the weekend processed the following charges: • 175 speeding violations • 6 Stunt Driving violations • 9 Distracted Driving violations • 53 other Highway Traffic Act offence violations • 6 Marine related violations • 16 charges for other traffic related offences including a suspension relating to operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. In a four day period, a total of 265 charges were laid against drivers operating on our roadways and waterways in Essex County. The OPP will continue providing a strong focus on the “Big Four” causal factors of fatal, personal injury and property damage collisions being: • Impaired Driving (by alcohol/drug) • Speeding/Aggressive Driving • Distracted Driving • Lack of Occupant Restraints (seatbelts). “Driving is a privilege and while we were fortunate this past holiday weekend having had no fatalities to report, officers did investigate a number of motor vehicle collisions resulting in personal injury and property damage. With the start of the new school season and nearing the end of summer, we can expect an increase in vehicular traffic within our municipalities and along our highways. We appreciate the public immediately advising the OPP when they observe improper driving to enable our officers to respond quickly and effectively. Drivers need to allocate additional time to ensure they safely arrive at their destinations and should you decide to accelerate and not obey the traffic laws then the consequence will be an infraction notice or attendance in court. Working together to keep our roads safe should be everyone’s goal. A driver’s poor decision can have a serious outcome... don’t let this be you.”

call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or leave an anonymous online message at www. where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2,000.

~ Adrienne Rich

COTTAM SOCCER Composite sketch of suspect in assault

believed to have left the area in a light coloured vehicle. The suspect is described as a white male, approximately 25 years of age, approximately 6 feet tall, having short dark hair and a short

dark beard and matching moustache. He was wearing a zip up hoodie with the hood down and baggy knee length shorts. The OPP is asking anyone who witnessed this crime or who may be able to assist in the



ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 18th, 2018 at Recreation Hall, Ridgeview Park, Cottam Elections for executive board will be held. Fill any board position or cast your vote to elect the board.

2018 MUNICIPAL AND SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS The Town of Tecumseh will conduct Municipal & School Board Elec ons using the Internet and Telephone Vo ng methods.

Look for your Voter Informa on Le er Tecumseh electors, on the Voters’ List, will be mailed a Voter Informa on Le er (VIL), which will include their personalized Voter Iden fica on Number (VIN) and vo ng instruc ons. To ensure you are on the Voters’ List, please contact the Tecumseh Town Hall, extensions 116, 139 or 143.

Vo ng Period Vo ng will begin Friday, October 12 at 8:00 am and will end on Elec on Day, Monday, October 22 at 8:00 pm. Vo ng will not be permi ed a er 8:00 pm on Elec on Day, except at the Voter Informa on Centre.

Need Assistance? Voter Informa on Centre will be offered to assist eligible electors with vo ng, obtaining a Voter Informa on Le er if they have not voted or amending their Voter Informa on. The Centre will offer electors a computer, iPad or telephone to cast their votes, during the following mes:

Tecumseh Town Hall

Maidstone Recrea on Centre


October 12 through 19 8:30 am to 6:00 pm



October 20 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

October 13 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Elec on Day October 22 8:30 am to 8:00 pm Eligible voters, who are inside the Centre at 8:00 pm on Elec on Day, will be able to vote using Town computers, only. All other Internet and Telephone vo ng will cease at 8:00 pm. The Centre can also be contacted at 519-735-2184 for assistance. Information on this and all Town of Tecumseh news and events is available at,, Twitter (@TownofTecumseh), and Facebook (Town of Tecumseh).

16 I Classifieds Essex Free Press

Classifieds _____________________


_____________________ BINGO 1st & 3rd Fridays 7:15 P.M. Early bird round at 7:00 P.M. 32 Russell St. - Retirees’ hall $ 500.00 JACKPOT 1-tf*




GENERAL LABOURER Looking for a self reliant, responsible individual for maintenance of: Equipment, Buildings, Property and Vehicle Detailing. Apply with resume and references to:



Fax: 519.776.4014

_____________________ _____________________ KITTENAIDE: will be at the Heritage Village Outdoor Flea Market on Sat., September 15, from 8am - 3pm & Sun., September 16 from 9am - 3pm. Inside the Pavillion. Books, DVDs, & more 519324-2729. Rain or Shine. 35-1*



PLACING A CLASSIFIED AD: Classified ads can be submitted in person, by phone or fax or email from Mon. to Thurs. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. All classified and personal ads require payment, prior to print. We accept Visa | MasterCard | Debit | Cash | Cheque. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE IS TUESDAY BY 10:00 AM

Phone 519.776.4268


WANTED Farm Land to Rent Cash or Share Crop Call Je Siefker (cell) 519-796-1240 or 1-tf (home) 519-776-9501. _____________________

FOR SALE _____________________ FOR SALE - Kingsize bed, white leather headboard, mattress & boxspring with top-of-line frame. Two years new! $500.00 or will separate. Two black & white designer chairs, ‘never used,’ $300.00 value. Selling for $200.00. Call: 519-737-6670. 35-1t*



_____________________ FOR SALE: Antique Arnold Palmer inside golďŹ ng set. Golf ball collection in case, antique record player, collection of jewellery, records and CDs. Brand new living room couch (paid $1200) asking $500. Wooden rocking chairs, La-Z-Boy, collection of oil lamps, selection of craft and Christmas materials. All going very cheap. By appointment only - call 519727-3268. 35-1t*

Sell It! Find it! Rent It! Buy It!

I Thursday, September 13, 2018

Word Ads - 25 words or less ........................ $6.00 + HST Extra words .................................................... 20¢/word Display Classifieds ....................................... Call for rates






_____________________ FOR RENT - Briarwood Apts, 26 Alice St N, Essex. 1 bdrm $860./mo, 2 bdrm $1020/mo, & 2 bdrm + Den $1180.00 + hydro. To view, call: 519-995-9570. Available immediently. 33-3t* _____________________


_____________________ Buying or selling a farm? Do you know the right questions and answers? Farm Experienced Realtor Carl Idzinski, Real Choice Realty. 519-817-8891. 1-t


FOR SALE - Totally Remodeled Home at 202 Steven Court. 2 Bedrooms, New Bathroom with Double Vanity. Electric Fireplace. New Gas Furnace and Cen/Air, All New Laminate Flooring, 3 Stainless Steel Appliances. Asking $94,900.00. Nothing to do, just move in. Call Peter: 519-816-3338. 35-1t

Continued on Page 17

in The Classifieds

519-776-4268 _______________________________________________




• PLUMBING • HEATING • HVAC JOURNEYPERSONS [to provide proof of license with OCOT (Ontario College of Trades)] • GENERAL LABOURER • BUILDING, PROPERTY, VEHICLE DETAILING & MAINTENANCE • OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Drop o resume with references to:


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This information can be made available in alternative formats upon request.











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DOWNRIVER CRAFT & GIFT SALE MOORE MUSEUM. Mooretown-Sunday September 16th - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Over 100 vendors. Get an early start on your holiday shopping! Fundraising food booth. Admission: Adult $2.00 Children FREE. 519-867-2020

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Thursday, September 13, 2018


Classifieds I 17

Essex Free Press

Classifieds... Continued from Page 16



SERVICES _____________________ KENNETH YARD WORKS - Spring Clean Up. Sod, mulch, eavestrough cleaning, and repairs, power washing. Trees & bushes trimmed or removed. Fully licensed and insured. Free estimates. Call Kenneth 519-982-0362. 13-tfn _____________________ MARTY’S HOCKEY ACADEMY - MHA specializes in Puckhandling, Shooting, HockeyIQ, Skill-Moves, Hand-Eye & more. Ph. 226787-9156. Email: PA Day Camp @EssexCSC on Friday, September 21st. $140/player, but $95/ player if booked before September10th.

SERVICES _____________________ TUCKERED OUT HOUNDS - For all your dog walking, dog sitting, and event dog handling needs. For a free consultation, call: 226-344-0835 or email: info@ 34-tfn _____________________ LESSONS _____________________ Learn to play Piano - Beginners to level 8 RCM, or just for fun! Theory levels 5, 6, 8. Contact Joyce Van Doorn, Essex - 519776-5775. Email: playpianosx@gmail. com. 31-5t*





Cargill is a respected leader in world agriculture with a network of 32 Farm Service Groups across Canada. Cargill has a seasonal Pit Operator position available at our Grain site in Staples, ON.

Pit Operator



_____________________ HELP WANTED: Aphria Inc. is looking for Greenhouse Production Associates to join their team. Duties include daily crop maintenance, harvesting, crop rotation, inventory counts, and cleaning of greenhouse. No public transportation available. Located in Leamington, ON. Compensation starts at $14.00/hour. Full time hours Monday through Friday. Please apply at or mail resume to P.O. Box 20009 269 Erie St. S. Leamington, ON N8H 3C4. 9-tfn _____________________ HELP WANTED: Greenhouse and Packing line Labour. General greenhouse labour, duties include pruning, picking, planting and cleaning of greenhouse. Packing line labour, duties include inspecting, weighing and packing produce on assembly line. Lifting, bending and standing is required. Must be able to work all shifts. Rural area. No public transportation available. Rate of pay$14.00. To apply please email danny@ Or Mail to Domric International, PO Box 218, Ruthven ON 12/15 N0P 2G0. _____________________ HIRING! GENERAL LABOURERS WANTED  Please fax your resume to 1-tf 519-723-2336.

Pit Operator duties include: Maintaining a safe work environment and surroundings. Operating the pit so that producer customers are unloaded as efficiently as possible. Maintain quality and clean work stations. Ensuring that what is being unloaded at the pit is represented by the sample that has been taken from our scale room to ensure food safety standards. It may also include general yard or office work at the location between loads. Position is approx. 8-12 weeks in duration. Applicants must be able to handle the physical labor requirements of the job and be able to work extended hours including weekends. Cargill emphasizes integrity, safety and customer service in a team-based environment. Please drop off your application at the facility: 3062 County Road 8 Staples, ON Canada N0P 1P0 Attention Joe Huffman – Production Supervisor Fax to 519-687-2939 or email



_____________________ HELP WANTED: Oxley Farms, 533 County Road 50 E., Harrow, ON, N0R 1G0, requires Seasonal Fulltime Farm Workers. March 18 – October 18, 2019. $14.00/ hr, 40-70 hrs a week, 5-7 days a week. Work is outside. Duties include pruning, tying, suckering, hoeing, harvesting and general farm work. No experience or education necessary. Send resume, with actual vineyard/farm references, if any, to 35-3t* _____________________

Advertise Your Business Here For Effective Advertising Contact us today! 16 Centre St., Essex



_____________________ CASH PAID for scrap cars and trucks. Free removal. Please phone: 519-776-1361 or 519-791-5046. 46-t _____________________ CASH PAID for antiques, costume jewellery, furniture, gold, sterling, coins, tools, complete estates. We take it all! Free appraisals. Call 519-727-8894. 1-tfn

Sell It! Find it! Rent It! Buy It!


Advertise your Yard Sale Here!

in The Classifieds


25 words or less



_____________________ GARAGE SALE: Fri. & Sat., Sept. 14 & 15, 3450 North Malden Rd., Essex. 8am4pm. Antique utems, garden shed, tools, household items, and much more. 35-1*


$ 00


Email your classified info to: 16 Centre Street, Essex


519 776 426 519-776-4268





YARD SALE: Books, puzzles, material, craft & sewing supplies, hardware, Christmas decorations, perennials, and more. September 15 & 16, 9am - 4pm. 35-1* 108 Langtry St., near arena. _____________________


WORK! Advertise here!

BARN & HOUSE YARD SALE: high ladders. 517 County Rd. 46. 4km east of Manning. Friday & Saturday, Sept. 14 & 15, 8am - 3pm. 519-723-4688. 35-1*

Jack Morris

Auc ons Inc.

Property Auc on Saturday, October 13 at 2 PM 3 bedroom home w/2 large sheds on 1.97 acre treed lot at 1481 Myers Rd, Belle River. Contents selling at 10:00 am. Open House Sunday, September 23 from 2 – 4 Property sells subject to owner approval. Proprietor: Judith Goblirsch Auc oneer: Jack Morris, 519-687-2530 www.jackmorrisauc

Deadline for applications: Sept 15, 2018 We thank all those who apply but will only contact those selected for interviews. Cargill is an Equal Opportunity Employer. To learn more about Cargill please visit

16 Centre St., Essex


VOLUNTEER FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Business Resource Centre of Essex County is developing its roster of potential Board Members. We are pleased to extend an open invitation for representatives who live and/or work in the County to submit their name and credentials for future positions on our Board. Members of the Board represent various sectors and govern the Corporation’s delivery of a wide variety of programs and services to stimulate small business growth and job creation. If YOU want to make a DIFFERENCE in Essex County, the Board of Directors is interested in hearing from you. Visit our website for information on our services and contact our office to request an Application Form and submit to: The Business Resource Centre of Essex County Attention: Nominating Committee 39 Maidstone Ave. East Essex (ON) N8M 2J3 Email: The Business Resource Centre of Essex County (a Community Futures Development Corporation) is a not for profit federally funded organization supported by FedDev Ontario

Jack Morris

Auc on Sale

Auc ons Inc.

MF 135 Tractor, Workshop Equip. Saturday, September 22 at 10:00 am For Joe Miihlroth held at 691 Road 3 east, Kingsville. No Reserve. Farm land is sold. Tractor: M.F. 135 gas, has had complete motor overhaul, new 13.6x28 rear res, tractor is in very good condi on; Disc, Cult, Trailer, etc: 3 ph disc, 7’ cut, new bearings & blades; 3 ph Ferguson cul vator; well built single axle 8’ trailer; walk behind cul vator; small sprayer; some steel fence posts; etc; Shop Equip, etc.: Hobart welder & accessories; Honda EM 3000 generator 11 years old, used 20 – 25 hours; Beaver table saw; chop saws; wood planer; wrenches; drill press; grinders; drills; hand tools; clamps; metal press; bolts; wheel barrow; water pump & tank; shelving; orchard ladder; cast iron meat grinder; incubator; etc; An ques & Primi ves: potash ke le; Coca Cola, Pure Spring, Coke, 7 Up, Pepsi, Maedels, Nesbi s, Heinz wooden crates; cross cut saw; 15 and 4 gal. crocks; school desk; milk can; etc; Pool: above ground hexagon pool dismantled, needs liner & sand tank. Note: not a long sale. Terms cash, debit, personalized cheque day of sale. Visa, MC with 3% premium. Owner or auc oneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. Proprietor: Joe Miihlroth, 519-733-3301 Auc oneer: Jack Morris, 519-687-2530 or 1-800-462-3561 Photos at www.jackmorrisauc

18 I Personals

FromThe Heart _________________________________________________________





Essex Free Press

To place a personal notice, email your photo and content to or drop by our office at 16 Centre St., Essex. Personal notices must be received by Monday at 12:00 noon to appear in the Thursday edition. _________________________________________________________



In memory of

Doug Cowell

COUNT ON ME ( Patrick Quinn )

When you’re feeling weak, and you’re unable to stand, I’ll reach on out to you, and take your frail hand.

September 19, 2017 A year has passed since you left us, But you’re in our hearts and minds each day. Your loving thoughts and kind deeds, Are remembered in every way.

~ From wife Ruby and children Donna, Debbie, Rick, Diane, Linda, Rob, and families. __________________________________________________

Giofu, Sagar September 9, 2002

To hear your voice and see you laugh, As in the days that used to be. If only prayers could change the past, You’d be with us today. We love and miss you so much.

Love Mom, Dad and Jayden.

I Thursday, September 13, 2018

And when your tears fall, for love has passed you by, I will gently wipe your eyes, and help ease your cry. And as day turns to night, and you have lost your way, It is I who will guide you, through your darkest day. And when you’ve no shelter, during the midst of a storm, It’s then I’ll open my door, so come in and keep warm. And when you’re feeling sad, for life has let you down, I’m here to cheer you up, let me be your silly clown. You can always count on me, for life’s a long row to hoe. And friendship is like a seed, we just got to let it grow.

~ Dana, Lee-Anne, Steven, and their familes. _________________________________________________________



KELLY BEEMER HE’S AWESOME ... HE’S NIFTY ... AND IS GOING TO BE “50” Love from your family. Join us at Gary’s on Hopgood to say Hi, September 15th, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm.

- Thank You -

Thank you to everyone for all the anniversary cards, warm wishes, and generous gifts. Thank you to our children and grandchildren, for hosting our special day to share with family and friends. It was an amazing day.

~ Richard & Mary Maedel _________________________________________________________



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LOGAN, Elizabeth “Betty” - Passed away suddenly at home in Essex at 80 years of age, surrounded by her family on Sunday, September 9, 2018. Beloved wife of Donald for 46 years. Loving Mum of Heather Logan and Drew Logan. Adored Nana of Cassidy. She will also be missed by her fur baby, Buddy. Dearest sister of Bruce Tait and wife Gayle. She was also loved and will be remembered by many nieces and nephews. In following Betty’s wishes, there will be no funeral service and cremation has taken place. If desired, memorial donations may be made to Windsor Regional Cancer Centre or Hospice of Windsor Essex County by contacting Reid Funeral Home, 87 Maidstone Ave. E., Essex (519-776-4233). Family and friends are invited to share their memories online at

What’s Going On... SEPT. 13  TOUR LAKESHORE MUSEUMS -From 9am - 4pm. Comber & Maidstone Museums , and John Freeman Wall. Bus transportation provided. 519-728-1435. SEPT. 15  ST. PAUL’S MARKET - from 10am - 2pm at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, 92 St. Paul St, Essex. 519-980-4942 for more details or table rentals. SEPT. 15  BICENTENNIAL BRANCH UELAC SEPTEMBER LUNCHEON - Church of the Epiphany, 96 Main St. W., Kingsville. RSVP- Sep.t 8 - 226-347-8377 (leave message) SEPT. 15 & 16  CTMHV FALL OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET - Sat. 8am - 3pm & Sun. 9am - 3pm. 6155 Arner Twnl. For information: 519-776-6909 or SEPT. 16 ESSEX ORCHID SOCIETY. “How to Grow Disa Orchids” w/ John Marcotte of Hamilton. At 1:30 pm, St Stephen’s, 5280 Howard Ave; Oldcastle. All are welcome. SEPT. 16 22  LEGION WEEK - Opening ceremonies at Cenotaph at 1PM. Contact the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 201, Essex, for more informaiton. SEPT. 26  THE ESSEX & DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETING - at Essex Retirees’ at 7:30pm. Speaker: Arlene Welsh - Gardening tips, plant & seed exchange. SEPT. 29  THE ONTARIO PURPLE MARTIN ASSOCIATION - Final meeting of 2018 at 9am at Orchard View Golf, 1357 County Road 34, Ruthven. For info: 519-738-3476. SEPT. 29  30  RUTHVEN APPLE FESTIVAL - at Colasantis. Proceeds to Community Living Essex County. For info:, or see ad on Page 10. SEPT. 30 JOIN LIFE CHAIN, 2:30 to 3:30pm. Essex - Talbot & Arthur, Harrow - King & Queen, Kingsville Main & Division. Right to Life 519-322-1062 or 519-969-7555. SUN COUNTY LYME AWARENESS SUPPORT GROUP - Learn & share about Lyme disease. Next meeting is on Wednesday, Spetember 26th @ 6:30 p.m. Look us up on Facebook for updates and more information! COPING WITH ANGER GROUP - Wednesdays at Erie Shores Healthcare. For more information, contact Community Partnership at 226-348-4548 or email info@

Thursday, September 13, 2018


Community Hub I 19

Essex Free Press

from 5pm - 6:30pm. Our annual Blessing of the Animals Service will take place Sun. Sept 30th at 2pm at St Paul’s. Please visit our website at or our Facebook page at www. You can also reach us at 519-776-7711 or by email at

sponsorship by:

Fresh food. Friendly neighbours 191 Talbot St. S., Essex

519-776-4255 Salvation Army Essex Community Church submitted by Carolyn Barnett

Thanks to all who helped with our recent work days, as we painted and freshened up our downstairs! On Sundays at 10:30a.m. Major Sam Roberts leads Family Worship. If you are looking for a new church family, we invite you to join us . SA Connections meets on Tuesdays from 10-noon. On Sept. 18th, we will have a program about the Plowing Match. Stay for lunch and enjoy meeting new friends, as this free community program is open to men and women of all ages. Major Shirley Roberts will resume our Bible Study, focusing on the Book of Revelation on Sept. 18th at 1p.m. Messy Church resumes on Thursday, Sept. 27th. Mark this date on your calendar and join us, from 5:45 -7:30 p.m., as we share a family style dinner and experience church in a different way. Families with children of all ages are welcome.

Essex Retirees’ Social Club Diana Dennis had the top score at Monday night Pepper. Audrey Stanley had the amazing number of 14 peppers and Judy Kelly had low score. Tuesday afternoon Pepper had Tom Dewhurst with the most peppers. Wally Lafromboise had high score and Brenda G. and Shirley Doey were tied for low score. Roger Monchamp had the high score at Wednesday night Pepper. George Diesbourg had the most peppers and Margaret Beneteau had low score. Thursday night Bridge winners were Colleen Chevalier and Floyd Cascadden.

Antioch Christian Ministries submitted by Linda Knight

Sunday was, “Vision Sunday” and Pastor Jay spoke on encountering God, empowering people, impacting cities and nations and how the wilderness is over as we move into this new season. ACM Healing Rooms are a welcome place of prayer, healing and restoration; open on Saturdays from 9am-noon. Our first Youth Night this fall is on Friday, September 14th at 7pm. Prayer Night is on Tuesday, September 18th at 7pm. Ghana Trip is on September 20th-October 3rd. Please keep Pastor Gerrie and Pastor Bonnie in your prayers as they travel and minister. Kingdom Advance Conference is on October 25-27th. For more information, visit our website at Be Blessed!

Maidstone Cross submitted by Wendy Cunningham

Come and join us for Sunday Service and Sunday School at 11:15 am. Brian Stocks will lead the service. There will be a Congregational Information Sharing meeting after the Service. Lunch will be served after the meeting. Please pray for our friends on our Prayer List. Please Note: Rev. Murray Rounding is the Pastoral Charge Supervisor and is available for funerals and any issues that may arise. Our website is To contact the Church Office: email address is or by phone at 519-975-2252. THANKSGIVING TURKEY DINNER: Saturday, Sept. 29 From 3:30pm - 7pm. Dinein or Take-out. Tickets can be secured from any church member. For tickets or more information, call 519-975-2461. Coffee and Conversation: Thursdays at 10am.

Thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated and participated in the annual St. Mary’s baseball playoffs at Co-An Park. See you next spring! Be a part of history and have your family name and or business engraved on the Sandwich South plaque that will be permanently displayed in the new Sandwich South Cultural & Resource in Oldcastle. If you are interested please contact Judy Jobin at 737-6628. Mark your calendars now for the grand opening on Sunday, September 30th at 1p.m. Coats for Kids Pasta Dinner takes place on Sunday, September 30th at 4p.m. at St. Mary’s Hall. Tickets are at the door. Sponsored by Maidstone and Essex K of C Councils. The Essex K of C is having their first Fish Fry of the season on Friday, September 14th from 4:30 to 7p.m. Tickets are at the door. St. Mary’s Altar Society is having a Pasta Night on Tuesday, October 2nd at 5p.m. at St. Mary’s Hall. Tickets at the door with take out available. Our prayers and sympathies go to the MacKenzie family on the passing of their father, Murray. Please keep in your prayers and all the people who are sick, shut-in, and in Hospice.

St. Paul’s Anglican Church

Bethel-Maidstone United

September is here, the kids are back to school, and with that we are back to our regular services times (see below) and Sunday School is also back! Our next market is fully booked with unique vendors and will be held this Saturday, September 15th from 10am - 2pm in the parish hall. Nursing Home Services - Iler Lodge Communion Service: September 20 at 10:30am and Country Village Communion Service: September 25 at 10:30am. Our first Pasta dinner of the fall will take place on Friday, September 28 at St Paul’s

Please join us Sunday mornings at 10am for worship, and for coffee hour that follows! Our church and hall are air conditioned and wheelchair accessible. Preschool Play Time! Starting in September, every Thursday from 9:30am - 12noon, caregivers & kids are invited to drop in. There will be no September UCW Meeting. See you in October! On Monday, September 17th, there will be a Worship Planning Meeting for Session members at 6:30pm and anyone else interested is welcome to join. Friday, September 21st is our first fall session of Bingo! Everyone welcome! Please remember your donation to the Essex Area Food Bank. On Sunday, September 23rd Harrow United Church is hosting a Lunch ‘n’ Learn. Did you know there are up to 75 questions to be answered when preparing for a funeral? Find out more at this casual, informal session. Light lunch served at 12noon followed by a presentation by Smith’s Funeral Home. Call the church to reserve your spot for this free information session (519) 738-4223. Please remember the sick and the shut-ins. If you would like to add a name to the Prayer List, please add a name to the list in the foyer, or contact the office. You can find us on the web at: www. Our email address is and the office number is (519) 723-2284. Office hours are Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9am until 1pm.

Woodslee United Church submitted by Sue Holman

Ladies’ Take-A-Break Every Wednesday Morning 10:00 - 11:30 am Essex Retirees Social Centre Building, 32 Russell St., Essex FALL 2018 Sept. 19

Healthy Feet/ Pretty Feet

Arlene Van Doorne

Sept. 26


Dr. Contrucci - Pediatrician

Oct. 3

Board Games

Oct. 10


John Postons

Oct. 17

Hospice & Family Care

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Oct. 24



Oct. 31

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Nov. 7

Rotary Club

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Clothes Cupboard

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Morning of Song


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Essex United Church

Join us on Sunday morning at 10:30am for our worship service. The dates have been selected for our new Church Directory:Thursday, October 11 and Friday, October 12 - 2:30 to 8:30 pm. Saturday, October 13 - 9:30 to 3:00 pm. Please sign up after church. Essex United Sunday School/Youth Players Presents - A Christmas Carol, December 14th, 2018. Rehearsals begin September 2nd and will be every Sunday from 1 - 3pm. For information, speak to Pastor Jim. Thanksgiving is coming! Outreach wants to let people know, again this year, that it is thankful. The display has been moved onto the property, thanks to Ken Salter. It is being decorated for Thanksgiving. If anyone else would like to put up a display on the front lawn, please do! Please let Pastor Jim know. We are inviting people all around town to put up a display as part of Essex being thankful. Please mark Monday, September 24th, 11am- 9pm on your calendar. Essex United will hold a fundraiser at A1 Chinese Restaurant in Essex. Cash only. All proceeds will go to the Downtown Mission in honour of Kay Punter’s 100th birthday. For the month of September, food donations are for the Salvation Army Food Bank. Semi Annual Yard Sale is Friday, September 28, 8am - 4pm, (Lunch available Friday only) (Bake Sale Friday only) and Saturday, September 29: 9am - 12noon (Yard Sale).

Essex Christian Reformed Church

We would like to extend an invitation to you and your family to attend our Sunday morning worship service, beginning at 10:00am with Pastor Mike Morency from Matthew House in Windsor, ON. Nursery supervision and Sunday school are provided. Join us afterward for a cup of tea or coffee. Mark your calendars, GEMS and Cadets will begin on on Monday, September 17 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. This is a great club for girls and boys from Grade 1 - 8 where we participate in Bible studies, crafts, and games. All are welcome! Visit us online for service times and directions or just to listen to a sermon or two.

Continued on Page 21 w FALL E% Over 15 acres SA% L - 50

2D0ISCOUNT of Trees, Shrubs &

Perennials in stock! Monday-Friday 8:30-5pm; Sat 8:30-4pm; Sun 11am-3pm

20 I Business Directory Essex Free Press


Thursday, September 13, 2018









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Thursday, September 13, 2018


Community Hub/Business Directory I 21

Essex Free Press

Continued from Page 19

Trinity Church We pray for those requesting prayers: Rob, Dan, Percy, Sandy Berry, Christina, Joanne, Cynthia, and Fran. The Sanctuary Lamp burns to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Nelson & Kathleen Brackell, given by Howard & Marg Brackell. Thank you to Rev. Chris and Diane for the work put into the Labyrinth service on Sunday afternoon. The rain held off long enough for us to walk the labyrinth and take in God’s creations. Thank you to everyone who came out to help with the mums. We had another successful year of sales! Mark your calendars for Sunday, Sept. 30 at 2pm., there will be a Blessing of the Animals held at St. Paul’s. Bring your furry, scaly and feathery friends for a blessing. Donations to the Windsor-Essex Humane Society are gratefully received. All are welcome! Come out and join us Sundays at 9:15 in “The Little White Church” in the cemetery in Cottam. Everyone is welcome! Essex County Library - McGregor BRANCH STEAM FAMILY STORYTIME is a program for families of parents with children under 5-years of age to encourage a lifelong love of reading. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics. STEAM Storytime includes


stories, songs, rhymes, activities, science experiments, and crafts. TUESDAYS at 1:30 pm (September 25-November 13). Children under 5 years of age & caregiver. Register online or at the library.

Lloyd Honey) took the second position and Team 9 (Moe Scratch, Laurie Hylton, and the Phantom) captured first place with a score of 238. Play resumes on September, 13, 9:30 am at Colasanti’s.

Essex County Library - Essex BRANCH SINK OR FLOAT at the Library for Science Literacy Week - Families are invited to drop into the Essex branch & explore the science of floating & sinking. September 22 from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. Ages: Families with young children (2-6)

Essex Community Services

Woodslee Friendship Club Card player winners for the week of September 3rd to the 7th. Monday Euchre: Charlie Chevalier, Gail Koziana, George Diesbourg, Gloria Seguin, Dave Sylvester, and Janette Pillon. Wednesday Pepper: Helene Manley, Charlie Chevalier, Irene Gignac, Joan Broeders, Mary Demars, and Joanne McMurren. Friday night Euchre: Dave McMurren, Mary Lou Chibi, Joanne McMurren, George Diesbourg, and Judy Kelly. For Club information, call Claire at: 519-723-4694. Golden Years Golf Report On Thursday, September 6, 26 golfers were rewarded with a respectable ace total of 42. Included in that total was three consecutive aces on Hole 3, by team 5, which included John Murphy, Loraine Fox, and our newest member, Kathy Bechard. A second highlight on the day was John Murphy’s record-tying score of 14 over 9 holes. John also led the ace parade, with five, along with the best score over the first 9 holes. Leading the field over 18 holes was Laurie Hylton with a score of 35. Hylton continued his fine play, notching 71, over 36 holes. In team play, Team 2 (Colleen Pearse, Mike Binder, Bob Martin) and Team 3 (Pete Daudlin, Bill Taylor, Barry Sweet) tied for third place. Team 4 (Andy Orsini, Julia Kos,


Essex Community Services is hosting its 10TH ANNUAL CHILI COOK-OFF! Come and join us for supper on Thursday, October 25, from 4pm-7pm at the Essex Arena Community Room. All-you-can-eat chili will be served along with a bread and dessert table. Come on out to support our agency’s programs and services! Call for information on how to enter a chili: 519-776-4231.

Holy Name of Jesus Church submitted by Therese Lecuyer

Thursday night masses are now at 6:30pm. K of C Fish Fry is on Friday, September 14, from 4:30 - 7:30pm. Take-out available. K of C Euchre night is on Monday, September 17 at 7pm in meeting room A. Life chain in Essex is on Sunday, September 30, from 2:30-3:30pm at Talbot St. & Arthur. Show your support. Edge night for grades 6 to 8; “Kick Off Glow Night,” from 7 to 8:30pm on Wednesday, October 3. Quest night is on October 10 for grades 3-5; “Kick Off Games Night,” from 6:30 7:45pm. COR XXXI is November 9-11. It is open to all students, from grades 10-12. Registration forms at the doors. Parent meeting for Confirmation is on Tuesday, September 25, at 7pm in the parish hall. This is a mandatory parent meeting. For questions, contact Nick. God bless you all and have a great week!





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22 I Opinion/Sports Essex Free Press


Thursday, September 13, 2018

Essex Raven Atom Major open new season of hockey 1953 Studebaker coupe found in Texas

David Nantais with his 1953 Studebaker at Amherstburg car show.

On July 29, hundreds of classic vehicles filled the streets of historic Amherstburg for the annual Car Crazy car show, including a 1953 Studebaker Commander Starlight coupe, owned by David Nantais of Woodslee, Ontario. David bought it in January 2012 from a man in Amarillo, Texas. He and his wife were at Lake Havasu in Arizona when he spotted the ad on the internet. He was the first person to call. The $9500 asking price seemed right. David and his wife had another two weeks booked at Lake Havasu and he told the man to sell it if someone else gets there first. The man said he would hold the car for David – and dropped the price to $8500! A day later, the man phoned to say David would have to buy a lot of gas to get to Texas and then to Canada, and now dropped the price to $8000! And when the man realized David would have to rent a U-Haul trailer, he dropped the price again to $7500! David bought the car and hauled it home to Ontario, where he gave it a full frame-off restoration. David was born May 19, 1953. His Studebaker was built at a plant in Los Angeles on May 17, 1953. It was shipped to a dealer in Boise, Idaho, who sold it to the owner of King Tool & Die, who kept it for 25 years. Sometime after 1978, a second owner sold it to Paul Bishop in Texas, who became the third owner. He stored it for 11 years and never drove it. He was the “Texas gentleman” who sold it to David in 2012. The engine in the ’53 Studebaker was a ’61 Hawk 259 V8 with a 289 crank. David kept this engine in the car and added a 5-speed Tremec transmission from a 1991 Thunderbird. He and his wife have now driven the car 19,000 miles, including the Hot Rod Power Tour from Madison, Wisconsin to Baton Rouge, Louisiana in June 2015. They covered seven cities in seven days with 3500 other hot rods. The round trip added up to 3500 miles. David is now looking for a Studebaker Wagonaire. Stay tuned! I’m always looking for stories. Email billtsherk@sympatico. ca.

submitted to EFP The Ravens opened their 2018-19 season with two exhibition games against Erie North Shore and one against Belle River. The first game had some sloppy and slow paced play, as expected for the first game of the season, on the second day of school…and a hot one at that. But, the Ravens notched a victory with a hard fought 2-1 win over Erie North Shore. The second game was in Belle River, on Saturday afternoon. Again, the Ravens started slowly, going down by a score of 2-0, after one period of play. A much more dedicated effort resulted in stronger play and more scoring chances in the following periods. The game came down to the final minutes of play with Essex scoring two periods in the final minute, to win 4-3. On Sunday, they faced the Erie North Shore team, in Kingsville. Unlike the previous two games, the players came out firing early to earn a 3-0 lead after one period of play. Erie notched only one goal and the Ravens won, with a final score of

4-1, to go undefeated in exhibition play. This season, the Ravens welcomed four new players and two new coaches to the team in its quest for a third straight appearance in the OMHA Finals. The new players are Trevor Paquette, Gavin Hebert, Denver Boismier, and Caleb Gailitis. New to the coaching staff are: Pat Fuerth and Pat Ouellette. The Ravens also welcome a new team sponsor: Mandelbaum’s Gym. The Ravens have a competitive schedule planned with tournaments in South Bend Indiana, Kitchener, and Buffalo, New York planned as well as its own September Earlybird tournament.

Thursday, September 13, 2018


Sports I 23

Essex Free Press

73’s anxious for 2018/2019 season by Garrett Fodor Heading into the 2018/2019 hockey season, it is hoped the changes made to the Essex 73’s team roster and coaching line up will contribute to a positive finish. The 2017-2018 season wrapped up as the first in six years Essex did not win its league championship. With former head coach Cam Crowder switching gears to join the Leamington Flyers as its bench boss, it gave Essex a chance to bring back a familiar face, Gil Langlois. Langlois served as head coach from 2011 to 2016, and was at the helm of the local team when it won the Schmalz Cup

championship in 2015. He then served as an advisor for the 73’s in 2017. He then joined the LaSalle Vipers as an assistant coach. He comes back to an on-ice leadership core of William Stadder, Michael Vieira, Adam Giairin, and Matt Zelko, all of whom are in their last year in the league. They are players he has watched mature. Langlois believes the last season should leave a thirst in the returning players’ mouths. “I like what I see. We have a lot of enthusiasm. We have some good young guys, speed and size on the back end, so I’m very optimistic,” Langlois said. “I’d

Season opens for Essex Ravens Atom AE submitted to EFP The Essex Ravens Atom AE squad, sponsored by L J Fleming ltd. of Leamington Ontario has opened its 2018-2019 hockey season. On Friday, September 7 the team traveled to Kingsville. Unfortunately, Essex came up short in the game with

a final score of 5-1 for Kingsville. The lone goal scored for Essex was from Nicholas Brophy, assisted by Cole Gossmann. Back on home ice on Sunday, September, Essex had much the same result as the previous game with Erie Northshore. The lone goal scorer for Essex was

Annual comprehensive eye exams are covered by OHIP (health card) up to 19 years of age. Junior Kindergarten students (born in 2014) are eligible to receive one pair of COMPLIMENTARY EYEGLASSES with their Eye See ... Eye Learn® exam. *Offer available until June 30, 2019. Dr. Andrew Hager Dr. Julie Ricci Dr. Jennie Bacon Dr. Peter DiPasquale

Ty Patterson, in a 4-1 loss for the Ravens. Despite the two losses, there are many positives taken from the weekend series. This team was organized by the Essex Minor Hockey Association (EMHA) late in the summer. There has been a lot of hard work by the association and the coaching staff, in a short period of time, to get things off the ground. Good job by all those trying out for the team. Keep up the hard work Ravens!

like to think it’s a wakeup call for these returning guys and for our overagers. Langlois added this is their last chance for success in the orange, black, and white. “It is the earliest these guys have gone out [getting eliminated] and hopefully they show its not acceptable here in Essex.” Along with Langlois, last season’s captain, Tyler Boughner, is back and will serve as a strength and condoning coach. Chad Wolters will join the team as an assistant, after spending a number of seasons with Essex Minor Hockey. With the additions of Tyler PopeFerguson from the Flyers, Jeremy Oriet from Welland Jr. Canadiens, and Tyler Beneteau from Chatham, Langlois hopes these players can bring experience from junior B and help change the identity of the team.

“I think our style will be different, I’m a puck possession guy. I think our team will be quicker then last year’s, so I think that lets us play a different style. As for the off-ice product, that stays the same year-in-and-year-out,” Langlois said. Essex will face the Integrity Amherstburg Admirals to open the 2018/2019 season on September 11.

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24 I Sports Essex Free Press

I Thursday, September 13, 2018

Harrow Rotary hosts first annual volleyball tournament

Despite cooler weather, the competition heated up at the Harrow Rotary Beach Bounce Volleyball Tournament on Sunday.

by Adam Gault Braving cooler than seasonal temperatures, the Harrow Rotary Club held its first annual two-on-two beach volleyball tournament this past Sunday. Dozens of

volleyball fanatics took to the sands of Colchester Beach to participate in the event. Hosted as an opportunity to bring together members of the community in a fun and healthy way,

the tournament had an incredible turnout for its first year. Of the 22 teams registered to participate, more than half of them were registered in the under-24 age division. Harrow Rotary Club

members Bryanne Blumenreder and Tara Meyer helped with the initial organization of the event, but it was Meyer’s 16-year-old nephew, Ethan Robinson, who also sits as a Youth Council Member on the Essex Municipal Council, who wanted to ensure that the event focused on bringing young people together. “I do beach tournaments in Windsor all the time through Rotary up there, so, I just thought it would be neat to have one down here,” Robinson said. Robinson added volleyball’s straightforward accessibility, and lack of excessive equipment, makes it easy to get into the sport that continues to increase in popularity for young people. It is also a sport known as well for its physical exercise as it is for its opportunity for


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socialization. “I think it’s just easy to do. You don’t have a lot of equipment,” Robinson explained. “For example, hockey, you have to get dressed for 45 minutes, where beach volleyball you just show up and play.” Those who participated in the tournament also had the opportunity to enjoy barbeque and hot beverages Harrow Rotary members prepared. All proceeds from the tournament’s registration fees and food sales went towards supporting the Harrow Rotary Club. “There isn’t community without people participating in it,” Robinson said, who

added that funds raised from the tournament would go towards supporting the club’s efforts in similar community-based initiatives. The winners of the inaugural Harrow Rotary Beach Bounce Volleyball Tournament were Spencer Ridpath and Alex Bui of Windsor in the 14 to 15-year-old division, Brady Dewal of Amherstburg and Ethan Robinson of Harrow in the 16 to 17-year-old division, Chad and Jordan Coulter of Windsor in the 18 to 24-year-old division, and Trevor Thrasher and Jeff Bilek of Harrow in the 24-plus division.

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