1 minute read



„ Your branding on the women’s and men’s team playing kit


„ Courtside advertising boards

„ Complementary season tickets

„ Exposure on Essex Rebels social media channels and website, plus University channels

„ Your logo and messaging promoted throughout game day by the courtside commentary team and on the Giant screen in the Essex Sport Arena

„ Opportunity to provide marketing collateral at game days

„ Opportunity to promote your products and services during the interval of home games to optimise brand awareness

„ Essex Rebels official mascot, Queen B, to feature your branding on game days

„ Bespoke social and/or print media awareness campaigns

„ Your logo displayed on the game day livestream

Silver Everything in the Bronze package plus:

„ Opportunity to produce an Essex Rebels endorsed video to be broadcast during matches

„ Use of players/staff to appear in your promotional videos, marketing materials etc.

„ Community outreach branding opportunities on marketing materials


Everything in the Silver package plus:

„ Premium positioning of your brand across the centre front of the women’s and men’s team playing kit

„ Use of individual team players to promote your products or services

„ Invitation to attend select events hosted by the Vice Chancellor

„ Opportunity to individualise your sponsorship with live guest appearances from representatives of your company at Essex Rebels home games

For more information contact Simon Lister, Business Development Manager simon.lister@essex.ac.uk

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