French Connection Aug

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F renchC onnection

News from the estate where life begins at fifty August 2008



THE FRENCH CONNECTION Magazine of the Le Domaine Life Style Estate Estate Number 031 716 8000 Estate Fax Number 086 500 2115 Office hours of admin office 8:30am – 4:00pm (closed 12h30 – 13h00 for lunch) Developer Trustees Andrew Aitken - Chairman John Bezuidenhout Nico Van Rooyen Keith Wakefield Body Corporate Trustees Barry Fletcher Guy Wayne Laurie Smith Peter Leah Bill Duncan Ed Goushe Christiane Weir Key People & Contacts Mike Collins – Estate Manager – ext 8010 Tricia Gardner – PA to Estate Manager –ext 8025 Sue Diamond – Client Liaison –ext 8017 Care Centre – Sister in charge ext 8450 Maria van der Heever Reception/Switchboard – ext 8000 Di Ward – PRO / Events ext 8018 Clive Deacon - Maintenance Facilitator ext 8899 Frans Diamond - Maintenance Manager ext 8007 Brenda de Oliveira / Carolyn – Sure Travel ext 8063/4 Convenience Store – Brian & Dot ext 8065 Marius Earle – GM of Life Style ext 8483 Oltman Botha – IT ext 8048 Health Hydro - ext 8056

Community Intelligence Centre (CIC) 0861 123 242 – Strictly emergencies Medical Help line. Short dial number for residents dialling from Le Domaine is 9111 - Do not dial 0 first just dial the number

Le Domaine EDITOR Justin Scott


SALES Laura Myers

ESTATE EDITOR Di Ward PRINTING Fishwick’s Printers OFFICE NUMBER +27 32 946 3187 FAX NUMBER +27 86 605 0098 EMAIL

If you would like to find out more about advertising in the French Connection magazine please contact Laura Myers

083 271 5243 or email

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents Estate Press cannot be held responsible for any omission or errors, or for any misfortune, injury or damages that may arise therefrom. Estate Press is a privately owned and funded company and is not subsidized by LeDomaine residents or board of trustees. Estate Press is a dynamic and passionate publication company that provides uniquely branded magazines to high profile estates in South Africa. Focused on partnering with estate management teams and home owners, Estate Press believes in delivering real value to all involved through collaborative partnership and interaction.

AUTHOR John Bezuidenhout

a la carte for two

By now all Le Domaine residents should be aware of the fantastic competition that we are currently running in conjunction with Wakefields and Sure Travel – the VA VA VOOM RESIDENTS REFERRAL SCHEME. The launch evening was a great success and we are expecting a great turn out at our next residents’ update function. As a reminder, here are the ‘Va Va Voom Residents Referral Scheme’ event dates for the next two months - we hope to see you there!

Monthly Prize Giving for July 2008 | 4th August Developer’s Evening for August 2008 | 20th August Monthly Prize Giving for August 2008 | 1st September Developer’s Evening for September 2008 | 17th September One major change that will be happening during the course of this month is the hand over in management of the restaurant at the Club de Vie to the partnership

of Gary Benporath and Judd Campbell for a three month trial period. We encourage all residents to visit the restaurant and to tempt your taste buds (and your pockets!), we have included a R45 ‘meal for two’ voucher in this edition of the French Connection for you to enjoy. The voucher is valid until the end of September 2008 and only one voucher is redeemable per couple dining. Your opinions of the service, pricing and food quality are needed, so come to the club house and enjoy an A La Carte meal or the Sunday Carvery! Good news has come through with regards to the power lines – the Department of Manpower has permitted Le Domaine to continue with the construction taking place under the power lines, dependent on strict safety controls, of course. The laying of the underground cables has also been completed and the eThekwini Municipality is ready to do the switchover as soon as final approval has been obtained from the SG Office of Cable Servitude. So at the end of September the removal of the power lines will commence – the

grey monstrosities will finally be coming down and we will be well on our way to finishing the final phase of construction within the estate! The rates issue has also been resolved. Duncan Ross and I met with the eThekwini Real Estates Department and by the time you receive this missive, all units should have been revalued in line with current sales prices. Another plus that came out of this meeting is that the rates on the Life Rights options in Normandie Mews are to be marginally lower than the equivalent unit in Montpelier – great news for all those perspective Life Rights purchasers! Make sure that you speak to Jenny and the team at Wakefields for more information. The Le Domaine Lodge will also be changing direction – more news on this to follow in the next edition of the French Connection. Until then, Viva Le Domaine, Viva la difference! John Bezuidenhout

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This month has flown past! It was just the other day that my 3 amazing kids were at home on school holidays, and then somehow after they got back into routine the deadline for the French Connection crept up on us and like they say in the movies, the rest is history. Speaking of routine, movies and history, this month’s edition of The French Connection is jam packed and has alot of great reading. Di Ward has written a great piece on taking time to break out of routine and savour life. Its a great piece and so relevant in a time where everything is about how busy we keep outselves. As usual we’ve got our monthly regulars in, like events at Ledomaine (slightly revamped), humour on the back page and the review of this months movies, which all look very good. We also have updates on shedding and the TV channels (this is where I plug into “history” from the history channel!). Overall is a bumper edition with so much reading it’ll definately keep you busy between all the events in store for you this month. We at Estate Press hope you have a great month and we look forward to seeing you next month, with our Spring edition ! God Bless

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and the Estate Press team

Load Shedding Trial

AUTHOR: Mike Collins

The Body Corporate Trustees have entered into an agreement with Paltrow/Voltano Joint Venture to run a 5 month trial period during which time geysers on the Estate will be switched off over peak demand times of the day. The trial period started in June and will run to the end of October, 2008.

The main purpose of this exercise is to ensure that Le Domaine will be equipped to avoid penalties on Maximum Demand (MD) and Time of Use (ToU) tariffs which could be imposed by Eskom and/or eThekweni. By shedding the load from peak times the tariffs based on MD and ToU will be significantly reduced. Looking ahead there will be even greater benefits as electricity tariffs escalate. The Trustees and Management will be

equipped to make informed decisions based on the results achieved as measured over the trial period. Your co-operation is appreciated. On the same subject of geysers there has been a disappointing response from residents for the fitting of geyser blankets at the very special rate of R200.00 – believe me it’s a give-away price! As at the time of writing just over 200 residents have put their names down and 95% of the blankets have already been fitted. We are led to believe that this is the single biggest cost saving action that occupants can take to reduce consumption and, once again, you are encouraged to add your name to the 200 or so others who have made what we consider to be the right decision.

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Do what makes you Happy

AUTHOR Diane Ward

There is a saying that goes to the tune of ... What you see depends what you are looking for. Sometimes we tend to look but not see. Whilst taking a couple of days off to spend time with my grandchildren, I had the opportunity to once again walk along the pathways of our lovely development instead of driving along the roadways in my car. It was a worthwhile exercise as I said to the children that they had to find some interesting things whilst we were out on the walk and I was pleasantly surprised with what they came back with! How many of us know exactly how many bird species there are at Le Domaine hidden amongst the beautiful

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water ways, fauna and flora. And were you aware that we have 5 different species of Proteas growing on the estate? Who has seen the beautiful display of aloes growing along the pathway in Monaco? Where can we walk out and about at any time of day or night, without being worried about being accosted in any way? We have a lot to be grateful for and the many pathways throughout Le Domaine give us ample opportunity to chill out on a Friday night, when we take a gentle stroll up to the Club de Vie for some live music and happy hour prices for drinks (be careful walking home!) I have heard so many people commenting on our line up of activities

and entertainment supper club, medical talks, fresh produce markets, movies, support groups and all of the other 28 activities that take place in the club on a weekly basis. This is not mentioning the games of boule, pool, gym , the tennis courts and soon the bowling green all for our use at Le Domaine. We don’t only have all of these activities but we also have the convenience of an on site hairdresser, beauty salon, travel agent and convenience store right here without even having to drive out of the gate! From time to time we need to take stock of what we really have right here on our doorsteps. I personally do not believe that

there is an estate that can compare with Le Domaine. Let us sit up and smell the roses and enjoy what we have – let’s see a half filled glass rather than a half empty one. There is so much for us to enjoy within the boundaries of Le Domaine if only we are willing to see what there is, without the clouds of doom and gloom overshadowing the beauty! We need to get out of our comfort zone, take a walk along the path ways , meet up with Dave Abbott and our fellow residents on a Monday , Thursday and Friday morning and enjoy the surrounds of Le Domaine, our very own little piece of heaven right here in Hillcrest!

Landscaping Reminder

AUTHOR Claudie Bezuidenhout

August Delight

Who says proteas don’t grow in Durban? Ms. Beeming has proved them wrong as she currently has 3 pincushion proteas (Leucospermum spp) that are in full bloom by the protea pond in Monaco village. The most important criteria for growing proteas are an open sunny position, with free air circulation and soil with good drainage. The soil should preferably be sandy and acidic although there are some which will grow in alkaline soils. Weed the area to be planted well before planting in a hole a little bigger than the bag. Cut away this so you don’t disturb the roots. Water regularly for the first year, feed with organic fertilizers which must be free of phosphate. Popular include:




Leucospermum cordifolium (Nodding Pincushion) Is a rounded spreading shrub up to 2 m in diameter and about 1,5 m high, with a single main stem and horizontally spreading stems, hard green leaves and 1 to 3 large inflorescences borne at the end on the stem. The inflorescences consist of a large number of small flowers. It is the stiff protruding styles of the flowers which are the source of the common name “pincushion” for this genus. Only a few large, hard, nut-like seeds are produced by each inflorescence.

In their natural environment the seeds are collected by ants, stored in the soil, and germinate only after a fire has killed the mature plants and returned the nutrients back to the soil. Leucospermum tottum (Ribbon pincushion) The plant produces an abundance of pale pink to salmon orange flowers. It grows to a height of about 1.5 m and, when provided with enough space, will grow to a diameter of 2 m. The flowering season is slightly later. It starts in mid October and lasts until the end of December. During flowering time, the numerous birds that arrive to pollinate the flowers are an added attraction. In the early hours of the morning the abundant nectar flow attracts a variety of small insects, which in their turn attract three species of sunbird. The flowers are not self-pollinating and depend on small Scarab beetles and birds for pollination.

Leucospermum reflexum (Rocket pincushion) These lovely, tall, upright pincushion plants with bright, deep orange to red or clear yellow flower heads atop the silvery-grey columns of densely leaved branches are a real show. It is a rounded, silvery grey shrub growing up to 4 m tall with either yellow (var. lutea) or deep orange to red (var. reflexum) flower heads which flower from spring to midsummer. The more or less elliptic, simple leaves are covered with dense grey hairs. They are about 20–55 x 5–13 mm, with 2–3 glandular teeth at STAY IN THE COMFORT OF HOME the tip. The rounded flower heads occur Qualified & Affordable at the ends of the • Care Givers / Companions branches and are • Nurse Visits / Wound Care between 80–100 • Drivers mm across. It has • Live in/out placements a medium growth rate and usually flowers in its third 031 7085999/084 556 1092 (office hours) year. Plants have email:

Careers needed for local & overseas placements. Fax CV with refs to 086 651 8321



been known to grow for about 20 years before becoming senescent, but are usually far less long-lived than this. Leucospermun oleifolium (Overberg pincushion) It grows to about 1m high and about 1.5 m in diameter, with a single main stem. The inflorescences are about 4 cm across, in clusters of up to five individual flowerheads at the end of the branches. They open over an extended period of time with the result that one plant provides a colourful spectacle for about four months, from the middle of August to the end of December. The flowerheads open as a pale yellow, which soon turns orange and becomes a brilliant red with age. From Real Landscapes: I would like to kindly remind all our residents that all the materials (plants, pavings, top soil, compost, potts, etc.) that are stored at the Real Landscapes site are there for the installation of the new gardens and are not to be removed by any unauthorized person. In July the Camperdown Garden Club came to visited are gardens. The ladies where very impressed by what you can do with the indigeneous plants. They learnt about the plants and their growth patterns. At the end of the experience one of the residents that joined us on the walk commented that she fell in love with the development all over again. I am proud to announce that the Le Domaine gardens won the Silver Award on construction from the South Africa Landscapes Institute (S A L I) in July. The judges where very impressed by the landscape lay out and by how well the plants are doing despite the lack of water. They where amazed by the quantity of bird species that the garden attracts.

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Exterior Maintenance Programme As many of you may know the exterior of your units are maintained by the Body Corporate in terms of the Sectional Titles Act. Painting and treatment of exterior window and door woodwork was started in 2006 in Bordeaux and during 2007 the balance of units in Bordeaux as well as all units in Nice and Champagne were completed. In addition all the woodwork of Montmartre East and West apartments was revarnished and putty renewed where necessary. Club de Vie also received some attention as did the Sales Offices. The Acutts main gate guardhouse was re-painted and certain sections of the

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perimeter wall were repaired and repainted. At the start of 2008 the teams moved into Monaco and Marseilles and steady progress is being made by Van Dutch contractors. In addition to all of this a second programme is running in parallel and this is addressing the re-varnishing and re-puttying of windows in Brittany – now completed – and Bordeaux which is 75% complete. As you can see from the above a lot of time and effort and money is being spent in order to keep the properties on the Estate looking good and cared for. Those of you who have lived in freehold homes will know just

how expensive it is to repaint an entire house and how important this aspect is in keeping the market value of your investment protected. The intention is to continue at a brisk pace going into 2009 and the teams will start with Brittany, Club de Vie and Montmartre Apartments. The plan is to re-paint units every 5 years thereby ensuring that the value of your property remains high. Please be assured that the Body Corporate has ensured that top quality materials are used and that agreed specifications are complied with by the contractor. The prices agreed are also extremely competitive

compared to other quotes that are called for on a regular basis. I thought you would find it interesting and comforting to know where a significant portion of your levies are being spent. Mike Collins Estate Manager

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e have recently had six extra pay channels in our bouquet and have kept the same number of pay channels going forward in order to keep the costs the same. There have been no changes as a result of the survey and the pay selection will stay the same. The vote in order of popularity was as follows:BBC PRIME SKY NEWS HALLMARK HISTORY NAT GEO DISCOVERY The two next most popular were BBC FOOD and SERIES CHANNEL which missed the cut by a handful of votes. We have capacity on the estate to broadcast twenty six channels in all. Two channels are currently used for the Gate CCTV broadcast and the Le Domaine internal information broadcast. Six are dedicated to pay channels. This leaves eighteen channels available for the basic commercial bouquet and the “free to air” programmes. Available programmes in this “free” or standard category will now beSABC 1-3 SPORT 1-7 M NET E TV MM 1&2 CLASSIC FM DAYSTAR SUMMIT GOD

10 French Connection

The only standard programme to miss the cut was Sport 8. The two new additions were Summit and Super Sport 7.

The only issue to give thought to in the future would be increasing the number of pay channels at some time, as more and more options become available. The The response on the estate was costs are relatively small, presently less than 50% which was extremely about R10.00 per channel, per surprising. Perhaps the “active over user, per month, but it adds fifties” are a lot more active than we up and this would need fairly thought and a lot less dependent widespread support, particularly on TV, for entertainment, than we amongst those who would not imagined! watch the extra channels selected (in this survey the vote would have The last four channels on the included BBC Food and then Series standard list, which were included as the extra channels. The next in the count above, had less than survey could produce different ten votes each, in total, in an results). estate of 550 units, so every need seems to have been reasonably From our side then – happy well covered and there should viewing until next we review our not be any disappointment. It is options together again. interesting to see the consistency with the previous survey. No change. A vote of thanks to Paltrow for a job well done. The survey was elaborate and involved a great deal of work in order to laboriously record each vote against each address on a spreadsheet to cut out duplications and then a weighting system to provide a popularity weighting, as well as the number of raw votes for each programme. As it turned out, all this was not necessary in the final event. The popularity rating and number of votes actually moved in close parallel and, once we sorted out what came standard or “free to air” and what were pay channels, we found that all the popular channels on the standard package were included anyway.

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The Bear Ladies of Normandy

author Dawn Nixon 28 Normandy During the middle of 2007 some new residents were moving into Normandy. All strangers to one another and Le Domaine. Barbara Grobler, was one of them. After settling in, she extended a hand of friendship to the other ladies around her and the Thursday afternoon tea and creative gatherings within our homes were born. Casual get togethers soon became popular and constructive, this in turn, lead to the “ Bear Ladies” during 2008. In a matter of two and half months, 76 knitted Teddy Bears were produced amidst much jovial chatter and fattening tea fare; and miracles happened, some ladies

that shied away from knitting time spent with the little people produced more and more . who had been dealt a raw deal. Everyone was impressed by the Tuesday 10th June 2008 the ladies cleanliness and caring nature of Barbara Springer, Marie, Margaret the hospital staff. Maree, Mary, Rita , Lyn, Gil Dawn & Joan (unfortunately Maxine and The children’s ward is apparently Barbara Grobler could not make in need of day care nurturing it) visited the St Mary’s Hospital at volunteers. A gentle touch makes Marianhill to distribute the Teddy a huge difference. A very gratifying Bears to the little people at the out and humble experience for all patients section of the hospital. concerned. In conclusion, reflect Within a very short space of time on this, Le Domaine residents 76 teddies had a new friend and are challenged to have a “cuppa were cuddling together. together” and make it happen. After this the ladies were taken Somebody out there needs you on a tour of the children’s hospital and your expertise; this includes ward . Tissues were the order of all the men too. this very emotional and inspiring

French Connection 13

Sure Travel Brenda and I are delighted to be in our new offices and what a difference this has made. It is so much warmer, quieter and more professional and as someone asked us the other day if we were “Real Travel Agents”? we now feel like real Travel Agents.

researched the possibility of putting together an Inspirational Tour and Cruise of Greece and Turkey, and would appreciate feedback as to whether there would be an interest in this sort of pilgrimage. I would look at a departure in the first quarter of next year.

For the benefit of the new residents to Le Domaine, we are situated downstairs in the Club de Vie and a satellite office of Sure Travel Traders in Durban North. We are a fullyfledged Travel Agency being both members of ASATA and IATA. Brenda and I are Independent Consultants each retaining our own small business but sharing the expenses and are always available to back each other up when the need arises.

Emirates - BAGGAGE WRAPPING Wrapping of Baggage at O.R Tambo International Airport

As promised last month, I have

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Please note that all passengers travelling ex Johannesburg must have their baggage wrapped prior to passenger acceptance at checkin. The baggage wrapping service is at the Emirates check-in counter’s and is free of charge. Once the baggage has been wrapped an Emirates sticker will be placed on the baggage for identification purposes.

Mediterranean Venice Cruise Brilliance of the Seas **** 12 Nights from US$1607 per person sharing Sailing Dates : · 9 August 2008 · 2/26 September 2008 · 20 October 2008 · 13 November 2008 Many other specials on offer – Brenda and I welcome you in our new home. Why not come down and see us? We both would really love to be of service to you, the Le Domaine residents. Carolyn Brymer

A Run in with Edna Leo-Smith Edna Leo-Smith née Edna Maskell (now 80 years old) lives a quiet life in Brittany but reflects on a time in her past when she was a top athlete in South Africa and has many medals proudly displayed. In 1951 at the SA championships held in Pretoria she won the 100 yards in 10.9 seconds (the world record at the time was 10.8) and then went on to break the 80 metres hurdles record. Edna was a member of the 4 x 100 yards relay team when they broke their own world record in 1950. She was then chosen “Athlete of the year” (male or female) and the trophy was so valuable that it remained locked in the Standard Bank Vault. Then in 1952 she had just starting training for the 1952 Olympics when she had to undergo an emergency appendix operation which at that time was a serious procedure. This was possibly the lowest point in her career as she was only able to do light training six weeks after the operation but no hurdling was allowed. She had to travel for 66 hours to reach her destination so conditions were not ideal – but she “achieved an astonishing degree of success”, so said Jack Crump, Manager of the British Olympics team. Her first hurdles race after 18 months was at the Olympics and reaching the semi-finals was one of the successes of her amazing career; two weeks later she travelled to London to compete at White City. In 1954 she had moved to Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) and was chosen to represent that country and won the 80 metres hurdles at the Empire Games in Vancouver. This equalled a World Record as she also achieved 3rd place in the 100 yards. This was to be the highlight of her career. She was then made sportsman of the year for Northern Rhodesia after Independence and the Trophy was given to her to keep. During

this time she met the Duke of Edinburgh on many occasions at sporting events and caused a stir by being photographed alongside Prince Philip as it was the first photograph of the Queen’s consort alone with a woman other than his wife and against Palace protocol. She still has the tattered Cape Times poster which reads “How I met the Duke by Edna Maskell” Such is the illustrious life of one of our residents…. although Edna had outstripped all her peers in senior school athletic events “always ahead and watching the field come in after her”, she only started serious training when she was 18 years old during which time she also played hockey and was the youngest player ever to be chosen to play for the SA hockey team. Apart from her running career Edna has always supported her husband Keith who is a Mechanical Engineer. Before coming to Le Domaine they were owners of a 690 hectare game farm called “Ihlanze Ranch” in the Cramond area outside Pietermarizburg. Their farm is still rated as the 8th National Heritage Site in South Africa and apart from their evergreen forest area and thornveld, they stocked impala, mountain reedbuck, warthog, bushbuck, nyala, wildebeest, giraffe, zebra, and kudu – in fact all types of game that are not aggressive in any way– but in 2001 their daughter decided that it was time for them to down-size and they moved to Durban for a few years before their move to Le Domaine. They have three sons, two of whom live in Johannesburg and one who contacts them once a week from a

yacht …wherever he is in the world at the time! They both enjoy living in Le Domaine for its lifestyle, security and friendship and Keith, at the age of 79, still rides his bicycle and takes their dog for a run.

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Conservation Corner A Author | Ann Gibson

dear friend who, with her husband, has recently re-located to Le Domaine from Pretoria, happened to remind me just how fortunate we are living in Hillcrest. She remarked on what a pleasure it is being able to see trees, hills and distant country views from almost every shopping area. In one’s daily rush around it is so easy to forget to take a moment to enjoy our lovely surroundings, which still have a “country” feel despite all the rampant development. (How many residents have noticed the aweinspiring sunsets we are having at present, I wonder.) With this in mind I decided that this month’s Conservation Corner should contain a couple of snippets that reflect some of the

wonders of our natural world which most of us take for granted. Of course, as readers will observe, we humans, in our quest for ever new discoveries and inventions, often turn to these very wonders for solutions and ideas. Take geckos for example. I recently came across a fascinating article

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about them in “The Guineafowl” which is the newsletter of the KZN Conservancies Association. Geckos are nature’s supreme climbers and can race up a wall at a metre per second and support their entire body weight with only a single toe. This remarkable climbing ability has remained a mystery since Aristotle first observed it in the 4th century B.C. Now a team of biologists and engineers has cracked the molecular secrets of the gecko’s unsurpassed sticking power opening the door for engineers to fabricate prototypes of synthetic gecko adhesive. Apparently geckos have millions of setae (microscopic hairs) on the

bottom of their feet. These tiny setae are only as long as two diameters of a human hair. That’s 100 millionth of a metre long! Each seta or hair, ends with 1 000 even tinier pads at the tip. These tips, called spatulae, are only 200 billionths of a metre wide which is below the wavelength of invisible light. A team of scientists and biologists believe that intermolecular forces come into play because the gecko’s foot hairs split and allow a billion spatulae to increase surface density and come into close contact with the surface. This creates a strong adhesive force. Scientists believe they can apply the underlying principles and create a similar adhesive by breaking a surface into small bumps. In other words they will fabricate synthetic gecko glue! The team also studied the self-

cleaning ability of the gecko’s feet. They dipped the gecko’s feet in dust made of fine particles and watched the dirt come of within 5 steps! Remarkably, the hair-like setae repelled dirt even when isolated from the gecko. They postulate that an artificial foot hair model could open the door to manufacturing dry, selfcleaning adhesives that work under water and in a vacuum such as in outer space.( Who knows, perhaps dusters as we know them, will become obsolete and a tame gecko or two will do our dusting, if one can live with their visiting cards that is!) Another animal that has engineers and biologists studying its biology for scientific applications, is the bat. Since the Wright brothers took to the skies a century ago, aerospace engineers have studied bird flight as the baseline for designing aircraft. However, this could change. The Air Force Office of Scientific Research in the U.S.A. has funded research into bat flight in the hope of using the research to design future military aircraft. A team of engineers and biologists has discovered that bats, the mysterious nocturnal mammals that are guided by sound and helped inspire Dracula and Batman, may hold the secret to more efficient flying machines. While it is anathema to talk about manmade military machines of destruction in a conservation corner, there were some fascinating facts regarding the secrets of bats’ flight that I have extracted from an article that appeared in a newsletter of Bats KZN. The article written by Bryan Bender of the Boston Globe was taken from a website regarding bats’ flight. According to the article, research has found that bats can carry up to 50% of

their weight and execute airborne manoeuvres that would make a bird or plane fall out of the sky! Moreover, scientists believe the hundreds of tiny sensors covering bat wings are the key to their impressive airborne manoeuvres, a discovery that could be replicated on military aircraft. This would revolutionise aircraft design. This research into biologically inspired flight, combines technology with biology and evolution, studying an animal that has existed for more than a 100 million years. Unlike birds or insects, whose wings are comparatively rigid, bats have wings with more than two dozen independent joints, much like a human hand. This allows them to manipulate the thin, flexible membrane that covers the wings in ways that can generate more lift or greatly reduce drag. Surfaces of bat wings also curve more than a bird’s thus creating greater lift for less energy, while

their extraordinary flexibility allows them to make a 180 degree turn in a radius impossible for any bird or existing plane. During flight they have precise control over the shape of the wing, making them much more manoeuvrable than birds’ or insects’ wings. This allows movement in caves and forests – all difficult, obstacle filled environments in which conventional flying machines normally cannot operate. Bats can tilt their wings at angles as steep as 60 degrees with little or no stalling whereas, after a tilt of 10 or 15 degrees, an aircraft just stops and plummets. Furthermore bats can fly with badly damaged wings and show no discernible changes in flight control, a fact that could have drastic implications for aircraft flight safety. Pregnant female bats can fly throughout the gestation period, even though it amounts to hauling half their body weight. Understanding

the physics of supporting so much weight in flight could help aircraft designers increase the loads of current aircraft models. Neuroscientists are studying what role the sensory cells or tiny hairs covering the wing surfaces may play in sending instructions to the bat’s brain allowing it to make wing adjustments. So the next time you see the bats begin their nocturnal flights around Le Domaine, take a moment to wonder at and enjoy yet another marvel of nature. Thought for the month: “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart. “ Helen Keller, author and activist

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French Connection 17



H ea ds u p


074 874 0342 THIS NUMBER WILL BE MANNED ALTERNATELY BY BRYAN BEZUIDENHOUT AND BUGS PALMER. THIS IS THE ONLY NUMBER TO BE USED PLEASE. Please note that only emergency maintenance will be undertaken for things such as; Fire, burst water pipes, electricity faults (other than trip switches on your DB Board or Eskom power outages). Items such as; a dripping tap, a TV channel that has gone off after 8pm, phone problems - which can only be addressed on a weekday during working hours by Paltrow, are not considered to be emergencies. Whilst every effort will be made by the standby team to rectify problems, please bear in mind that they might not have the necessary qualifications to effect major repairs. Many thanks for your co-operation. Mike Collins Estate Manager

To all residents using Brittany gazebo gas braai When using the braai, please do not exchange the plates. The solid plate is on your right to protect the starting mechanism which is situated directly below this plate. When a grill plate is used on the right hand side the fat drips onto the starter and renders it useless. This fat then bakes solid and makes it impossible to remove / replace the starter without cutting it off with an angle grinder. This is the second repair that has had to be undertaken and it is becoming a costly exercise.

Eskom estimate annual saving through geyser insulation at R280.00 against a cost of installing a geyser blanket at R200.00. Payback in the first year! Increasing savings as tariffs rise!

18 French Connection

Dear Residents It has been brought to our attention that there are several lockers in the ablution area next to the gym which have locks on them. Please be advised that these locks and the items in the lockers, need to be removed. A notice has been circulated previously advising Residents that should they wish to use the lockers whilst swimming or using the gym in order to lock their items away, the locks and items therein are to

be removed before they leave. In this manner, there will be enough lockers available for anyone wishing to use them. Please take note that should the locks and items therein not be removed by next Friday 19 July 2008, a member of the maintenance team along with a member of security will be cutting these locks and removing the items from the lockers. These items will be kept by security for collection by the owner. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Sing for your Supper Club de Vie is appealing to all pianists in the village who would consider playing on Sundays during lunch. As you know we have a wonderful carvery for which we charge only R70.00 per person. If you are prepared to play and thereby contribute to the camaraderie of the village we will pay for your and your partner’s lunch. You will need to be experienced enough with a large enough repertoire to play from 12.30 to 2.30. Please contact Gary on 031 716 8483 or

Pastel Training Is there anybody on the Le Domaine Estate who is willing and able to help me learn Pastel?

Needing a minister for memorials/ funerals or weddings

Please contact Liz Reed at 8507 or 072 1877578.

Contact Pastor Ryan Laubscher on 084 702 4457

Le Domaine Sports Club It is difficult to believe that earlier this year a construction site stood where the bowling green, tennis courts and sports clubhouse now complement our estate. Many of our residents have dusted off their tennis rackets and there is a regular social group getting together on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. The flood light controls have been installed and will be in use as soon as the tariff is established. The bowling green has started to show its colours but is waiting

for the Spring warmth before it can seriously challenge the mower. September as a possible handover time, but this is dependent on how accommodating the weather will be.


The Le Pavillion clubhouse has started to take shape with basic furnishings and fittings arriving almost daily.

The Sports Club includes the tennis and bowls sections and is run by a volunteer committee so it is not possible to keep it open on a permanent basis, but meetings and functions can be held there by arrangement.

Currently it can seat 40 people but this will increase to around 70 as additional chairs arrive. Curtains will be fitted shortly, thus helping to improve both the acoustics and the

The neat little bar has already come into use servicing a private function, tennis and village meetings with more to come.

There will shortly be a meeting for all those aspirant bowlers who wish to know what is

required of them and find out more about the game. Please look out for these announcements on the email and by notice on the door of the clubhouse. Meanwhile if you wish to further your tennis career or just join in the social tennis, please contact Cheryl Woodroffe on 8205 or For meetings or functions, please contact Peter Dupen on 8677 or dupen@ledom.

French Connection 19

THEME EVENINGS AND “GO PLACES WITH THE LE DOMAINE VA-VA-VOOM” COMPETITION Author : Noelle Mundy With half of 2008 already behind us, the next 6 months are just so exciting and full of fun. What with our monthly prize draws and our Friday evenings at Club de Vie, our diaries are really filling up. The Theme Evenings are all about residents introducing prospective buyers to Le Domaine. So by

attending our evenings, which are taking place at Club de Vie over the next 5 months, you can enjoy a great evening of wining and dining and lots of great prizes up for grabs and of course the cruise for two being offered by the developer. What a way to end the year. To attend these evenings and qualify for these prizes you

must, when making a reservation with Maria, give her the names and contact details of the prospective buyer to enable our 4 Wakefield Ladies to do a follow-up courtesy call. You can attend any or all of the evenings as long as you have a prospective buyer.

Just a broad outline of each evening James Bond / Casino Royale - come on ladies, get those gowns and fur coats out of moth balls and gents, get your DJ’s or dark suits out of the closet. An evening of glitz, gorgeous guys and surprises await you. Latino with an Italian flavour - to witness a couple doing the 5 latin dances the way it should be done, is a must on this evening. Great Italian food and good vibe. Don’t miss out.


Times: from 19h00 to 23h00 Dress: Black Tie / Dark Suit Ticket Price: R150 per couple ( that includes dinner)

Evening Blue – your mind will boggle at the décor, so come and experience a great cocktail and enjoy the wonderful music as you eat, drink and dance the night away. Mauritian – the last and the most casual. Bikini tops, flowing sarongs, baggies and flops, that’s what this evening is all about. Fun filled evening and a chance to see how the local Mauritian dance is performed.

Thursday 18 September LATINO with an Italian Flavour Times: from 19h00 to 23h00 Dress: Smart Casual Ticket Price: R100 per couple (that includes dinner)

VA-VA VOOM Thursday 21 August Times: from 19h00 to 23h00 Dress: Black Tie / Dark Suit Ticket Price: R150 per couple ( that includes dinner)

Thursday 23 October EVENING BLUE

Thursday 4 December MAURITIAN

Times: from 19h00 to 23h00 Dress: Smart casual Ticket Price: R120 per couple (that includes dinner)

Times: from 19h00 to 23h00 Dress: Beachwear / Island wear Ticket Price: R100 per couple (that includes dinner)

Hearing Clinic Opens at Frail Care Le Domaine You can now enjoy the benefits of having a SATELLITE-HEARING clinic at Le Domaine Frail Care. Facilities Offered: Hearing screening Hearing aid fittings and Adjustments Earmoulds Batteries Consumables Hearing aid trial fittings using DEMO products If you’re not sure whether to really have a hearing aid, then maybe this is your option. Have a quick test and see the new products on offer. Pick up booklets or get website information so you can investigate before actually getting a hearing aid. Did you know trials are free so you can make the correct decision? Mandy Pillay Audiologist & Speech Therapist Contact Le Domaine Frail Care for Appointments 0r 031- 7633859/ 031-7018429

RECYCLING to support Hillcrest Aids Centre Trust: Feeding Scheme Many thanks recyclers!




The feeding scheme supports around 35 families for six months while members are introduced to one of the income generation projects at the centre. The scheme asks for: 1) Jars glass or plastic: all sizes except very small, with lid 2) Plastic tubs yoghurt; margarine: large, with lid 4) Plastic bags: large, (with handles) AND breadbags Thank you for helping by placing containers in the box at the front door of No. 37 Monaco (adjacent to open field). If this is not possible, please contact: Gill or Ronald on ext 8237

Tel | 031 765 6920

French Connection 21

Activities at LeDomaine

Would you like to see your pic’s in the mag? Send us (Di or Justin) your pictures of fun happenings, going ons or interesting sightings and we’ll put them in the magazine!

Learner art students from Le Domaine - they were learning how to paint “from life” the strelitzia in Le Domaine wetlands.

Lesley Sugden, Sue Cox, teach Anne Pelham, Anne Gibson and Judy Bonsor - Thursday mornings are the hi-light of their week.

June and Dave Alborough from Picardi with armfuls of flowers and pick ‘n pay bags full of fresh produce. Looking on is Bill Howie of Normandie. They all enjoyed their morning enormously.

A buzz of activity out and about Le Domaine.

Members of the The BINGO Clan on Sunday - seen around at Le Domaine’s Club de Vie . These were the residents who were NOT tennis fans and watching the awesome Wimbledon Final.

The Social Bridge Brigade doing there thing at Club de Vie. Read on for details of joining them for a fun time.

22 French Connection


Shows commence at 2-30 and 7.00pm

La Vie En Rose (sub titles)

7th August The extraordinary life of Edith Piaf An un-chronological look at the life of the Little Sparrow, Edith Piaf (1915-1963). Her mother is an alcoholic street singer, her father a circus performer, her paternal grandmother a madam. During childhood she lives with each of them. At 20, she’s a street singer discovered by a club owner who’s soon murdered, coached by a musician who brings her to concert halls, and then quickly famous.

The History Boys

14th August Meet the Boys Who Are Making History

Barry Fletcher caught giving Joie De Vivre a treat, He was caught red-handed with his “lady” right here in front of the club in broad day light! Read further on about Jole and her background

When a 1980s class achieves the best scores ever at Cutlers’ Grammar School for boys in Sheffield (Yorkshire, northern England), the petty headmaster, who craves the prestige like the parents, recruits a young Oxford graduate, Irwin, to prepare them for the general entry exams for the world class universities of Oxford and Cambridge.


21st August You can only imagine the truth Fledgling writer Briony Tallis, as a 13-year-old, irrevocably changes the course of several lives when she accuses her older sister’s lover of a crime he did not commit. Based on the British romance novel by Ian McEwan

Cars on Display at Cars at Domaine on Sunday 13th July


28th August After a car accident, the lawyer Scott Davis loses his young son and enters in a deep coma for two years. Along this period, the dedicated nurse Angela Martin treats the patient and feels an attraction for him.

Mark and Di Moodie’s wedding at Club de Vie on the 14th June. Congratulations to you from all at Le Domaine and Estate Press ! PS: We think we got Mark’s good side in this pic !

French Connection 23

Events at LeDomaine Friday 1 August Happy Hour 5:30pm - 8:30pm Club de Vie

Sunday 3 August Bingo Evening 6:30pm Club de Vie

Friday 8 August Happy Hour 5:30pm - 8:30pm Club de Vie

Lance Goldman will be entertaining the regulars at the Happy Hour Session. Those residents who have not as yet attended a Happy Hour, why not come along and see what is happening in the Club. Friday night’s entertainment is the start of the weekend where everyone comes along with the same in mind, just to chill and catch up with neighbours and friends. The meal for Friday night being -

Come and join us for another evening of fun and a chance to win a prize or two. Well done to Ken who beat the Roll Over and won R220 00. We start from scratch and 45 numbers this month. R3 00 a card to play - R2 00 a Roll Over card. Phone Dennis or Ann on 8525 for further information.

Inter-Alia will be getting those toes tapping this week . Come along to the club from 5:30pm and take advantage of those happy hour prices at the bar, not to mention the variety of specials from the restaurant.

Assorted baskets – R20.00 Mini Buffet-R45.00 Puttanesca chicken, steamed rice, roast vegetables, Bobotie, Sherry trifle.

Saturday 2 August SANBS - SA Blood Services 11am - 2.30pm Upper level of Frail Care Centre Can I Donate? Basic Eligibility Donating safe blood means one has committed oneself to participating in a vital community service to improve the quality of life. South African National Blood Service (SANBS) has various measures in place to protect the health and wellbeing of blood donors and patients. The measures ensure that our blood supply is among the safest in the world. Before donating blood, a donor must be: • Weighing at least 50kg or more; • Between 16 and 65 years of age; • In good health; • Leading a sexually safe lifestyle; and • Considering your blood safe for transfusion to a patient. If you are not sure if you are able to donate due to you taking chronic medication do pop along and chat to the sister as there are exceptions. May I please requests that residents do rsvp as often presentations are cancelled due to lack of response only to find a host of residents arriving on the actual day.

Tuesday 5 August Step Forward Presentation / Green Cross Shoes 10:00am Multi-purpose Room – lower level of Club de Vie Reflexology treatment with a foot exfoliation, foot soak and foot treatment, valued at R180.00 for only R110.00 Foot massages with trainee – 15 minutes for R30.00

Wednesday 6 August Fresh Produce Market 10:00am Tennis Court Tarmac Due to the amphitheatre being under construction. The market will take place to the side of the tennis court, on the tarmac. A host of exhibitors have joined the forces to be sure enough to get there bright and early as they say “the early bird catches the worm”. Do not miss out. The feedback was great from those residents who attended. As I looked out of my office window, there was a hive of activity as residents jostled backwards and forwards between the exhibitors, meeting up with fellow residents. In the event that the weather is adverse, then the market will take place on the lower level of Club de Vie.

Friday 9 August Womans Day Breakfast 8:30am Club de Vie

Sunday 9th August

Women’s Day Public Holiday !

Saturday 9 August Ballroom Dancing 7:00pm Club de Vie Come along and join in if you love dancing. A cover charge of R15.00 is payable at the door. For those who want to come along and look on, why not book at the restaurant, and enjoy your meal whilst being entertained. Remember to book if you want to secure your seat ! Bookings for the restaurant can be made on ext 8481.

Sunday 10 August Boule 2:00pm Club de Vie - lower level With Spring creeping closer and closer the days once again are starting to warm up. Why not find your way on Sunday to come along and not only have a game or two of boule, but have the opportunity of putting a piece of meat on the braai or bring along a picnic basket. Boule is loads of fun and even if you have never played, it is not a good enough excuse to keep you away, come along and join in.

Monday 11 August Physio Talk 11:30am Movie House Did you know that Juli Ann Riley our in-house Physiotherapist has passed her one Year Orthopaedic Manipulative / Manual Therapy course with distinction and received the award for the top student. The course consisted of theoretical, practical, clinical and research aspects of all musculoskeletal conditions (muscles, joints, spines, tendon, ligament etc) Juli has been asked to serve on the OMT committee and assist with the next course. So in short, Le Domaine attracts only the best for the residents! A reminder to please confirm your attendance by advising Maria at reception before the 11th.

Events at LeDomaine Wednesday 13 August 50+ Holiday er Presentation Movie House 10:30am Who Qualifies? -Mainly for fit and mobile people in the 50+ age group. Why the 50+ group? -All participants are from the same age group with similar interests in mind. -Meet other people from other parts of the country with similar social interests. -To provide an opportunity to senior citizens who might not be able to holiday independently under normal circumstances due to transport or other social circumstances. Activities -The main activity is aimed at relaxation on the beach or at the pool if it is windy. Otherwise just view the sea from your apartment window. -Socialising with other people of your age group or with people from other groups. There will be a braai as well as a finger supper and wine tasting evening. -Arrangements can be made for people requiring external activities. Extra costs for transport and participation in activities e.g. Bowls at the Margate Bowling Club, Golf at the Margate Country Club etc -You can swim in the surf with life guards supervising at Margate Beach. -Strolling on the beach. Enjoy the off season with very few people on the beach. -Excursions can be arranged to Wild Coast Casino, Oribi Gorge, a Coffee farm and /or a Crocodile farm. -Close to all amenities, cinema, shops curios etc.

Friday 15 August Happy Hour 5:30pm - 8:30pm Club de Vie Oh yes the popular “boy” is back! Jan Bernade of Going Solo will be entertaining the residents of Le Domaine. Jan has really become popular with the “locals” of Le Domaine. Don’t miss out – let us make sure that each one of us reaches someone out there on the estate. Invite along a neighbour or new resident but don’t come alone. So many residents have not attended a Happy Hour session on a Friday night – come along and socialise it really is great fun

Saturday 16 August Supper Club Show Legends of Broadway - Peter Taylor Young Cabaret Artist 8:00pm Peter Taylor- Young from the UK has worked at all the major cabaret clubs, theatres and cruise liners. He is now working in and around Durban in September and then is off to the canary Islands for a six month season. This is a show not to be missed as songs from the various musicals shows are sung with the costume changes that go along with the Legends of Broadway. Bookings essential – tickets can be purchased from Maria at a cost of R75.00 per person. This cost will included a plated special consisting of a choice of Roast, either pork or beef, and all the trimmings. Please state your preference when making your booking. Dinner will be served from 6:00pm and the show will commence at 8:00pm.

Wednesday 20 August Alzheimer’s Support Group 10:00am Come along and meet up with Jeannie Roberts who is very educated in the field of Alzheimer’s. If you have a loved one suffering with this illness do come along and join in with the support group. They are sure to bring some encouragement to your life.

Wednesday 20 August Woman & Men’s health Presentation Dr Mackenzie is a leading Urologist and Dr Davey a leading Gynaecologist from Westville hospital. They are both experts in the Aging Male and Aging Female respectively. They are in the process of opening an Aging Male and Female clinic at Westville hospital, which will be a first in South Africa. They would like to do a talk at Le Domain to see what the reaction to such a clinic would be and at the same time give a very interesting talk pertaining to the condition. Male menopause is now a recognised condition which is very much under diagnosed. Do not miss out on this interesting presentation – for seating arrangements please rsvp by the 15th August.

Thursday 21 August New Residents Tea 10:00am A warm welcome to all our new residents at Le Domaine. Please take this opportunity to come along to Club de Vie and meet up with fellow new residents, staff members as well as some of the trustees on site. For catering purposes, please advise Maria of your attendance before the 21st.

Friday 22 August Audiologist presentation Movie House 10:00am Mandy Pillay will once again be visiting the residents of Le Domaine to chat about hearing loss, upgrading of hearing aids, replacement of batteries or to discuss general matter of concern regarding hearing. Please advise Maria of your attendance.

Sunday 24 August LOOK WHO IS TURNING 60 !!! Morris Minor Parade 12:30 noon Club de Vie The Morris Minor Owners Club was formed in 1983 to provide a home for owners of the Issigonnis designed post war Morris Minor. This year they celebrate 60 years of the Morris Minor which was first introduced at the Earls Court Motor Show in London in 1948 and the 25th anniversary of the local Durban Branch. Some 33,000 cars were assembled in South Africa from 1949 to 1963, changing very little in appearance, but with the final Morris 1000 being the most popular. The Club has a national footprint with about 250 members. A South African vehicle register is maintained with approximately 650 surviving cars recorded. The anniversary run will commence from the old Pavilion site at North Beach at 9am on Sunday 24th August, arriving at Oscars in Hillcrest for a brunch and then on to Le Domaine Village for a car display around lunch time.

French Connection 25

Events at LeDomaine Saturday 30 August Jazz evening Club de Vie 8:00pm Dinner served from 6:30pm Do not miss this evening of jazz, a great programme of evergreen jazz standards will be heard, even if you are not a jazz music lover, you will be enthralled with the sounds that will fill the air Mageshen Naidoo who is the senior Lecturer,and Director, for Jazz and Popular Music School of Music University of KwaZulu-Natal will be heading up the ensemble of guitar which will be played by Mageshan himself, Debbie Mari, piano & voice, Prince Bulo, Bass and Bruce Baker, Drums. To ensure you have a seat in the “house” make sure you book early to avoid disappointment. Tickets may be purchased from Maria at reception at a cost of R100.00 per person which will include a mini buffet.

BEGINNERS BALLROOM AND LATIN DANCING Starting on Tuesday’s from 6 pm– 7pm and 7pm – 8pm by South African Professional Ballroom and Latin Champion and winner of many major dancing titles in the U.K. ALAIN RIJNVIS. The classes will be taking place in the Multipurpose Room. No previous dance experience needed, singles or couples welcome, all ages - come and join in the fun “dancing is a way of life”. Cost per lesson is R55-00p.p. Contact Alain on (082)-302-7833 , Melloney on (072) 425-5797 to make a booking or for further information. Come and join in the fun!

Alain and Melloney have recently formed their partnership and have set out to become the best professional dancing couple Durban has ever seen. They have been working hard to achieve a certain standard that is now in demand. In just a few months they have featured in numerous shows, in and around Durban. They are currently dancing at uShaka Marine World

26 French Connection

as the featured couple in the show “Tainted Love. Get back to the 80s” which will end in the middle of July 2008. Alain & Melloney specialize in Latin American and Ballroom, Hip Hop, Freestyle, Cabaret, Contemporary, to name a few styles. Melloney is well known in KZN for being a sharkette and dancing

in major corporate shows. She has enjoyed the professional world of dance for the past 6 years and then 8 months ago she was introduced to Latin American dancing and has never looked back. Although Alain Rijnvis is an all-round dancer, he is especially well known for his abilities as a Latin American / Ballroom dancer, trainer and

choreographer. He has many years of experience in the entertainment industry and has competed successfully locally and abroad. Qualifications: Alain has his Licentiate in Latin American and Associate in Ballroom dancing and has been running his studio in the Highway area for the last 7 years.

Hi Villagers, Well, we have launched our RoyalSaver product. Judging by the reception it has received, it meets the insuring public’s needs and is going to be very successful. Just to recap on last month’s newsletter, I believe RoyalSaver gives you what you want from an Insurer: • • • • •

the ability to participate in the Risk and receive a portion of the premium for doing so the ability to become part of a low claiming pool resulting in even lower premiums the ability to fund for a self insured loss the ability to accept more self insurance as your fund grows the ability to “push” the insurer and related frustrations further away from you

RoyalSaver is designed to allow you to select a self insured amount and in return have a portion of the premium paid into a savings account in your name, so that if you are unlucky enough to suffer a loss, you will have money in the savings account to help pay for it. If

you don’t have any claims the money accumulates in your savings account for you to do with as you want. The savings account earns above average interest, as the interest rate payable, is higher because you are participating in a corporate saver account, which has a larger balance than an individual is able to accumulate. We recommend that you allow your savings account to accumulate so that you have twice the self insured portion to hand at any one time. The balance you can draw to use for whatever you like and as the money going into your savings is money you would normally have paid to insurers anyway, it’s like receiving a “free payout”. As I mentioned before, unlike other “cash back” bonus policies, you don’t have to wait a few years to get something back, nor do you have to be claims free for those years in order to have your money paid back to you – we give it back to you each time a premium is paid.

you are a co insurer, effectively entering into a partnership with the Insurer and in so doing, are entitled to receive a portion of the premium, in return for having accepted and managed a portion of the risk. Logical! RoyalSaver is designed for anyone who manages their risk well, but is of particular benefit to those who have more valuable assets as, the higher your premium the more meaningful the savings become. If you would like to talk to us and find out how RoyalSaver can benefit you, please contact Jenny Fuller, who as you know, is the Royal Union staffer charged with looking after you. I look forward to welcoming you as a RoyalSaver client. Till next time…. Barry Pringle MD Royal Union (Pty) Ltd

The policy follows the usual comprehensive domestic policy format and no cover is sacrificed to accommodate “cheap” premiums. You benefit because

French Connection 27

You Think English is Easy??? Can you read these right the first time? 1. The bandage was wound around the wound. 2. The farm was used to produce produce. 3. The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse. 4. We must polish the Polish furniture. 5. He could lead if he would get the lead out. 6. The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert. 7. Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present 8. A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum. 9. When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes. 10. I did not object to the object. 11. The insurance was invalid for the invalid. 12. There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row . 13. They were too close to the door to close it. 14. The buck does funny things when the does are present. 15. A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line. 16. To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow. 17. The wind was too strong to wind the sail. 18. Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear. 19. I had to subject the subject to a series of tests. 20. How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend? Let's face it - English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant, nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat. We

28 French Connection

take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig. And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth, beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese? One index, 2 indices? Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it? If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell? How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which, an alarm goes off by going on. English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible. PS. - Why doesn't 'Buick' rhyme with 'quick'


Mark and Di Moodie 14th June 2008

The Joy of Living

Vivre” sculptures, one of which I had bought some time ago. Some tasks get done un- noticed When Barry Fletcher heard about but they need doing – Barry a similar, but larger version at a Fletcher caught giving Joie De Vivre girls school in Pietermaritzburg, I a treat, He was caught red-handed started investigations…and then with his "lady" right here in front he discovered that this would be the last full size sculpture of the of the club in broad day light! young lady. It was such a beautiful For those who did not know the fit with the Club de Vie and the sculpture placed near the wetlands whole concept of Le Domaine by the Club de Vie is entitled “Joie de that he decided to pursue it…and Vivre”………the Joy of Living. The ended up placing an order! impression of graceful movement wife, Jenny, is very by the young lady balancing on a His sheet of water epitomises a love of accommodating of his foibles but life. The sculptor is Owen Llewelyn could not accept that it would fit Davies who is based in the Midlands in their house. Barry generously of KZN and is a well known South offered for Joie de Vivre to be positioned where it is now for the African artist. He previously completed a limited enjoyment of all at Le Domaine on series of tabletop size “Joie de permanent loan.

French Connection 29

| to rent | TWO BED APARTMENT Apartment to rent 2 Bedroom / 2 Bathroom apartment to rent in Montmartre F30.

Durban 031 - 201 9005 Hillcrest 031 - 765 8694 Ballito 032 - 946 2559 Pmb 033 - 345 6521

Available as from 1 August Contact Pam Rochat on 082 419 0084

| great quotes | “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass It’s about learning to dance in the rain”. unknown “I have learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our disposition and NOT on our circumstances” : Martha Washington

| retirement credo | You need one INDOOR hobby/pursuit that you do on your own You need one INDOOR hobby/pursuit that you do with another i.e. husband, wife, partner, friend

Qualit y hand made jewellery

Manufacturing of hand made jewellery, repairs, valuations and re-stringing of beads and pearls. Workshop on the premises Shop 10 Elangeni Centre, 9 Inanda Road, Hillcrest

Tel | 031 765 2283

| Ledomaine humour | A drunkard was brought to court. Just before the trial there was a commotion in the gallery. The judge pounded the gravel on his table and shouted, “Order, order.” The drunkard immediately responded, “Thank you, your honor, I’ll have a scotch and soda.”

Little Susie came running into the house afte school one You need one OUTDOOR hobby/pursuit that you do on day,shouting, “Daddy! Daddy! I got a 100 in school today!” “That’s great, Sweetheart,” said her daddy. your own “Come in to the living room and tell me about it.” “Well,” began the confession, “I got 50 in spelling, 30 in You need one OUTDOOR hobby/pursuit that you do math’s and 20 in science.”

with another

You need to do something for others i.e. charity/help old people whatever makes you feel needed/good You need to learn something new constantly - i.e. NEVER stop learning your whole life from Sally Paterson

Customer : Waiter, do you serve crabs? Waiter : Please sit down sir, we serve everyone. ***** Customer : Waiter, is this a lamb chop or pork chop? Waiter : Can’t you tell the difference by taste? Customer : No, I can’t. Waiter : Then does it really matter ? ***** Customer : Waiter, what’s the meaning of this fly in my tea cup? Waiter : I wouldn’t know sir, I’m a waiter, not a fortune teller. ***** 1st thief : Oh ! The police is here. Quick! Jump out of the window! 2nd thief : But this is the 13th floor. 1st thief : Hurry! this is no time for superstitions . ***** Man : How old is your father? Boy : As old as me. Man : How can that be? Boy : He became a father only when I was born.

Over 50’s lifestyle at its finest! Alsace du Lac... the ultimate choice! Talk about leaving the best till last! Alsace du Lac is the final village at Le Domaine and comprises 34 of the finest units ever launched at Le Domaine including 2 breathtaking penthouses. Alsace du Lac occupies probably the very best position at South Africa’s premier development for the active 50’s and over. Add to that Le Domaine’s

Priced from

R2 257 000 no transfer duty


R2 450 000

This stunning three bedroom MES home offers lounge/dining room leading onto deck with magic views across the gardens towards the ponds. Open plan kitchen and scullery, enclosed courtyard and extra large double garage suitable for caravan storage, plus all the amenities that are provided within the estate.

To view phone JENI MOCKRIDGE 082 552 1719 or 031 716 8009

Jenny Aitken 082 414 3853

Gretchen McCormick Jeni Mockridge 082 451 2729 082 552 1719

impressive amenities and facilities and you have the recipe for an unrivalled lifestyle of luxury hassle free living!


R1 550 000 Stylish & tasteful is your first impression on walking into this immaculate & spacious unit privately positioned amidst tranquil indigenous gardens. This unit boasts 2 spacious beds, 2 baths MES & study. Welldesigned kitchen with granite worktops & fitted cupboards. Single garage with direct access to unit, parking bay & fenced garden.

To view phone JENNY AITKEN 082 414 3853 or 031 716 8013

Mandy Pannell 082 323 1868

Tel: 031 716 8008. Visit the Wakefields sales centre. Open Monday to Friday 09h00 - 16h00 Saturday 09h00 - 14h00, Sunday 11h00 - 16h30 Follow the Wakefields pointers from cnr Old Main and Inanda Roads to 100 Acutts Drive, Hillcrest, Durban, KZN

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