Esteban Camilo Valbuena Balaguera - Web engineering: What it is, features and everything you need to know Web engineering is the use of systematic, disciplined and quantifiable methods to the effective performance, operability and growth of very good quality programs on the World Wide Web. Tim Berners-Lee invented what is now known as the Internet, since then the web pages have evolved to the point that today, the web is the main source of almost everything, if not all the information. What is web engineering? Web engineering consists of the provision and use of scientific, engineering and management fundamentals and with methodical and disciplined guidance of the boom and development, use and maintenance of high quality Web-based systems and applications The web engineering originates, due to the uncontrolled increase that the web has and that causes a great commotion in society and the new way, of carrying the information of various concepts and the way in which it is presented. Thanks to the web and the increase in publications and information, the internet became the best way to obtain knowledge of almost any discipline, in addition, the increase in web pages, caused software engineers to create new studies with discipline , systems and methods for approaches to this new medium Esteban Valbuena - Web engineering methodology Web engineering refers to the procedures, technology and tools that are used in the development of complicated and high-capacity Web applications that support the evaluation, project, growth, execution and progress of these applications. Applications developed for the Web are especially characterized by making the engineering tools to be used diverse. The methodology of the Web Engineering consists of an evolutionary procedure, of six stages that are the necessary tools to transform an effective model for the development of programs for the web.