TasteBUds: Issue No. 1

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go fish?


discover the new it grain and





tasteBUds EDITOR IN CHIEF Estefania Souza

MANAGING EDITOR Casey Rackham SECRETARY Chelsea Fairbanks TREASURER Stephanie Giola FOOD EDITORS Zolsaran Bat-Erdene Izzy Kerian RESTAURANT EDITOR Zolsaran Bat-Erdene COPY EDITOR Emily Hopkins ART DIRECTOR Shirley Barrett PHOTOGRAPHY DIRECTOR Holly Hinman ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Nikhil Dua SOCIAL MEDIA CHAIR Christine Chong PR REPRESENTATIVE Christopher Nguyen CONTRIBUTERS Susana Alvarez Amber Graham James Odum Mara Berg Amanda Sabga Rochelle Li Winnie Ko

For questions, email: tastebu@gmail.com

What’s Inside 2. Microwave cooking The Legendary Fishbowl 3. 4. Gourmet at Home A Better Burrito 8. 10. Mmmm Cupcakes Intro to Cocoa 11. 12. Quinoa: Super Grain Cookie Cookie Cookie 14.



semester, when I decided to start cooking on a regular basis, I discovered my passion for food. After endless afternoons of browsing through magazines and scrolling down blogs, I decided that it was time to put my skills to a test. So, I started my own food blog: a recollection of both simple and sophisticated recipes that I made in my tiny apartment kitchen. Then, one day I realized that out of the more than 450 student organizations at BU, only a few of them were food related, and there was no food magazine! Hard to believe. Well, after months of hard work, here is the first issue of TasteBUds, Boston University’s premier student-published food magazine. In this issue, we bring you recipes, reviews and scrumptious pictures of goodies. Learn about the best burrito places near campus or expand your choco-knowledge. Get on the healthy track with the latest It grain or indulge in a batch of fresh baked cookies. Don’t know where to study instead of Mugar? We have you covered. Whatever you do, go out and explore Beantown through the eyes of a foodie! Bon apetit, Estefania Souza (COM 13) EIC








Cheese. Usually the entire brick. Haters gon’ hate.

Cripsy chicken wrap at Shelton Late Night...Oh freshman year.

Nutella & banana sandwich between two saltine crackers. All ingredients available at CityCo. da best.

Classic oreo cookies and a glass of cold milk.

Lazy: Fritos & cream cheese. Extra spice: pretzels & cream cheese with oregano, basil & crushed red pepper.

Cranberry juice. I wanna lose 3 pounds.


Xoxo, College Meals Don’t

Izzy Kerian

have benefit of a nice apartment kitchen, or even a make-due kitchenette in the basement of a brownstone? My fellow underclassmen, I’m talking to you! Have you ever resented having to leave your cozy (well more like cramped) dorm room in the search of mediocre dining hall food? Maybe you just woke up from a nice long nap or you’re just not ready to face the hordes of people that frequent university dining halls, or maybe you’ve just finished a late night study sesh and the only thing open is City Co. Well then, I hope to show you that your poor little micro fridge isn’t only good for popcorn and the occasional cup of tea. Using only ingredients available at the trusty campus convenience store, I present a full day’s menu of quick and yummy meals that can be made right in the comfort of your own room. But let me be the one to tell you, this does not even skim the surface of microwave eating; there is a lot of hidden potential in that tiny micro fridge. So use this as a starting point and be inspired to create your own twists on recipes or even whole new meals! Happy eating!

Mexican Breakfast Omelet 1 egg A small pat of butter A handful of your favorite grated cheese (American works well) 1 tbs. salsa - First, melt the butter is a microwaveable bowl, about 30 seconds. Mix egg with butter. Microwave for about one minute;the egg should be completely cooked. - Spread the salsa and sprinkle the cheese over the eggs. Return to the microwave for 30 seconds or until the cheese melts. Remove and serve immediately.

Wrinkle-Free Grilled Cheese 2 pieces of sandwich bread ½ tbs. butter Pre-cooked bacon (optional) Sliced tomatoes (optional) 2 slices of American cheese Clothes iron Tin-foil

creating a mock Panini press. Make sure the iron is not touching any of or the food and DO NOT LEAVE UNATTENDED! - Cook for about 2 minutes or until toasted, flip and cook the other side for another 2 minutes or until the cheese is melted though. Serve immediately.

Upgraded Onion Soup 1 can of onion soup (or a packet of powdered soup mix) 1 piece of crusty bread, toast or a handful of croutons Handful of your favorite grated cheese. - Heat soup following the microwave instructions on the can. Place bread or croutons on top of the soup and then sprinkle a generous amount of cheese on top. - Microwave for about 30 seconds or until

the cheese is all melted. Remove and serve immediately.

Nutella and Banana Dessert Dip ¼ cup Nutella 1 banana 2-3 graham crackers - Slice banana and place in a microwaveable bowl, add Nutella and mush to combine. - Microwave for 30-45 seconds or until warm. Break up graham crackers and use to dig into the gooey delicious-ness. * Don’t like Nutella? Try peanut butter, chocolate syrup and bananas. But what ever you choose, this makes for an excellent dessert or midnight snack!

- Spread out tinfoil on an ironing board or iron safe surface and preheat iron on highest heat setting (cotton or linen setting). Lightly butter one of both pieces of bread and place butter-side down on the foil. - Pile one piece of bread with cheese, bacon, tomatoes or any other fillings you desire. Place other piece of bread on top of the first piece of bread to create a sandwich. Place another piece of tinfoil on top of the sandwich. Make sure there is enough foil bordering the sandwich to catch the cheesy overflow. - Place the hot iron on top of the tinfoil


Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Goin’ Fishin’

- Amber Graham

Disclaimer: This is NOT an article about fishing. I apologize to all of the outdoor enthusiasts whose dreams I have now dashed. This is in fact an article about alcohol.


those of you new to Boston, November nights are, to put it lightly, a struggle. And I mean before the alcohol takes effect. It’s cold, and waiting in line to get into a bar is not my idea of fun. To put it simply, if I go out, it had better be worth it. When it comes to cocktails, and quite possibly life in general, worth is subjective. For the purposes of this article, however, worth shall be measured in in three parts: 1. Bang for your buck. In the face of an economic downturn, money is all the more important. So if cash is leaving my wallet, then buyers remorse isn’t not an option. 2. Drinking Experience When I go out to the bar for a drink, I’m paying for more than the ingredients. I’m also purchasing the glass, straws, and overall atmosphere that go along with consuming that drink in the bar. After all, these little extras are what enable bars to charge more than the liquor store for the same products. 3. Taste Now this has the potential to be the most important factor. There is no point in buying a drink that tastes like toilet water. If I want a questionable tasting beverage, then I’ll got to a frat house and get it for free.

And it was with these criteria in hand that I waited in line with my willing accomplices for the infamous Tavern In the Square Fishbowl. Now while I was not adventurous enough to try every fishbowl TITS has to offer (five is a little much) but I wanted the best. Now no reporter goes into an article without a little background research and the overwhelming opinion is that the Hawaii Five-O, a.k.a. the blue one, is the best. So with a strict one fishbowl limit, I went for the blue one.

In terms of taste, I have had better. Quite frankly I felt like I was paying a bartender to run to 7-Eleven, buy a blue raspberry Big Gulp slushie, and throw the contents in a fishbowl with the bars left over alcohol. Finally, we come to bang for your buck. The fishbowl costs $20 before taxes and tip, and serves around 4 people. While the price is not exorbitant by any means, and far less than you would pay at a Boston club, I would have been far happier spending

And after tabulating the scores, the votes are in. The fishbowl is not worth it. The drinking experience was a bit of a toss up. The fishbowl concept was fun, and made sharing drinks with friends all the more enjoyable, minus the inevitable knocking of heads which accompanies so many people sharing the same drink. The brightly colored, over sized straws were a nice added feature, until you got to the last sixth of the fishbowl and the ice cubes prevented the straws from getting what remained. It should also be noted that this beverage will turn your tongue, lips, and teeth blue. Whether or not you find that enjoyable is entirely up to you.

my money on 2 vodka cranberries and a kamikaze shot. A couple of slushies and a bottle of Svedka costs less than twenty bucks anyway you cut it. So I’m not paying more just because you put it in a plastic bowl with some multi-colored straws. So while I’m not saying to skip out on TITS, or to pass over the fishbowl, I am saying drinkers beware. When it comes down to it, get a pitcher of beer over the blue fishbowl; it’s the better deal.

“The fishbowl concept was fun, and made sharing drinks with friends all the more enjoyable”

Note: TasteBUds does not endorse underage drinking. Please drink responsibly. No one wants to be that girl. Illustration courtesy of wikimedia commons


Skip the delivery - Estefania Souza


college students, it is often hard to remember the last time we

had a balanced meal in the comfort of our own home. Maybe it was over that last long weekend when mom made her kitchen

staples as a welcoming dinner, or the day a friend who lives close

to campus extended the invitation to go home one Friday night. Still, even if living off-campus, college students tend to lean towards fast food, delivery or eating out. That’s just the way it is.

But the time has come to put your kitchen to good use. The sense of

accomplishment that accompanies every bite of your own home cooked meal

makes the dishes taste even better. Add the fact that it’s not an everyday feat, and it transforms dinner into a savoring sensation.

The trio of recipes that follows is an ideal dinner for that one weekday when

your schedule is miraculously homework-free. With a hint of American and

French cuisine, these recipes will entertain the taste buds and keep the stomach satisfied.


DIJON CHICKEN This chicken is drenched in a sweet and tangy sauce— thanks to the marriage of mustard and cream—that moistens each bite just enough to leave your appetite wanting more.

Active time: 25 minutes. Total time: 40 minutes. Serves: 3 people

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 1/2 lbs. boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into smaller pieces, about ½ inch thick Salt and pepper (to taste) ¼ cup finely chopped onion ½ large shallot, minced 1 ½ cups chicken broth 2 tablespoons whole grain Dijon mustard 3 tablespoons crème fraiche* or sour cream 1 teaspoon coriander seeds ________________________________ - In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium high heat until simmering. Season chicken pieces with salt and pepper and add them to skillet. Cook over medium high heat, turning chicken, until golden brown on both sides, about 10 minutes. Add onion and cook for three minutes or until tender,


stirring occasionally. Add shallot and cook for an additional minute. - Add chicken broth and bring to a boil. Cover chicken and reduce heat to low. Cook covered until chicken is cooked through, about 15 minutes. Transfer chicken to platter and cover to keep warm. Keep skillet over heat. - In a small bowl, whisk mustard and crème fraiche/sour cream together. Slowly add mixture into skillet, simmer sauce over medium heat until thickened, about 5 to 7 minutes. Return chicken to skillet and turn to coat pieces. Serve hot. ________________________________

CRISP WINTER LETTUCES WITH WARM BACON DRESSING The sweetness of the syrupy dressing is offset by the crunchy bacon squares and the genuine chives flavor; and the

mixture of lettuces makes a perfect base for a simple yet sophisticated salad.

Active time: 20 minutes. Total time: 35-40 minutes. Serves 3-4 people.

12 cups mixed greens 1 cup baby arugula 6 green onions, chopped 2 tablespoons chopped chives 1 tablespoon olive oil ½ lb. (about 9 slices) bacon slices 1 ½ cups apple cider vinegar ¼ cup granulated sugar ¼ cup packed light brown sugar 1 ½ teaspoons salt ½ teaspoon pepper ________________________________ - Tear greens into large pieces and put into large salad bowl. Add arugula, green onions and chives and toss to mix. - In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat. Cook bacon slices until crisp. Transfer bacon to plate lined with paper towels, to drain. Cover with another paper towel and press lightly to dry off excess fat. Keep fat in skillet over heat. - Add vinegar, sugars, salt and pepper into skillet. Boil for about 12 minutes, stirring occasionally until reduced to about ¾ cup.

Dressing should be bubbling and look like syrup. - Cut bacon into small squares and add to salad greens. Toss salad with about half the dressing, or as much needed to coat the greens. Season with salt and pepper and serve immediately. ________________________________

GOAT CHEESE MASHED POTATOES A slight but noticeable hint of goat cheese brings these mashed potatoes to another level. They are a delicious

starchy side, that can be paired with saucy dishes, or enjoyed separately.

- Place potatoes in a large pot and add cold water, enough to cover the potatoes, and a pinch of salt. Bring water to a boil over medium high heat. Cover potatoes and cook until tender, about 15 to 20 minutes. Transfer potatoes to strainer and let cool for up to an hour.

- Return pot to heat. Add goat cheese, ¼ cup at a time. Cook potatoes, stirring and pressing with a wooden spoon until desired consistency. Add remaining milk and stir. If potatoes look too dry, add ¼ more milk. Season with salt and pepper and serve.

- Wipe pot clean with a paper towel. Add butter and ½ cup milk to pot and cook, until butter is almost melted, over medium high heat. Remove pot from heat. Remove the skin from potatoes (should be easy if potatoes are cooked enough) and place potatoes in pot. With a large fork, mash potatoes until almost all lumps disappear.

Recipes adapted from: Chicken Dijon: Food and Wine October 2011 Winter Lettuce Salad with Warm Bacon Dressing: Gourmet Special Edition Holiday Magazine Fall/Winter 2011 Goat Cheese Mashed Potatoes: How to Cook Everything. Mark Bittman

Active time: 20 minutes. Total time: 45-60 minutes (depending on cooling).

2 lbs. (about 4 large) unpeeled Russet potatoes, cut into quarters Salt and Pepper 4 tablespoons butter 1 cup milk ¾ cup goat cheese ________________________________



eating, Friday night munchies, and affordable dates outside the dining hall mean we all need those quasi-fast food joints. In these desperate moments we debate Dominoes, Subway, maybe even City Co (everyone loves a microwave-lit dinner for two). But I challenge you Boston: Consider the burrito! With the multitude of Tex-Mex joints on the way to class alone, the burrito demands attention. But don’t let the variety overwhelm you. We will guide you through the burritos of Boston, starting with Anna’s Taqueria. Wandering around my new favorite neighborhood (Coolidge Corner), I found myself face to face with the notorious Anna’s. We all know that guy who grew up outside of Boston and raves about this burrito bodega. Walking in, the décor is nice enough: the standard “fast food chain, borderline tacky, but no one really cares” look. Upon seeing the menu, I completely forget about the subpar furnishings. I was transported to the streets of Mexico, sans a Spanish dictionary. On the plus side, this means Anna’s offers exotic fare you might not expect (like “lengua” [beef tongue] or “al pastor” [pineapple and onion rotisserie pork]). On the other hand, this could intimidate the customer looking for the traditional Americanized Tex-Mex. With the server’s translation, I settled on a carnitas super (large, roast pork) burrito, al pastor taco, and, of course, a side of chips and guac. Anticipating the spicy, salty wonder that is Tex-Mex, I moved on to the beverage menu. I decided to be adventurous and sample the Horchata (a sweet almond milk) and the Jamaica (Mexican fruit punch of boiled Passion Flower petals).

Anna’s Taqueria 8

- Steph Giola

Armed with some napkins and quite the appetite, I dug in! The chips and guac were perfect. I have high expectations for guacamole, having been spoiled by my Mexican friend’s homemade version, but Anna’s didn’t do a half-bad job. They nailed the blend of spice, lime, cilantro, and creamy avocado. The drinks were even better! Horachata has a color and sweetness reminiscent of soy milk, but also a warmth and depth of flavor that you don’t find in soy. If you are in the mood for something a bit more refreshing, definitely go with the Jamaica--it is crisp and floral, although it is quite sweet.

filling were lost in a starchy, gummy, and overwhelming burrito shell. While trying to enjoy my lunch all I could think was “How in God’s name can I get this tortilla unstuck from the roof of my mouth!” If you are set on a burrito at Anna’s, stick with the Mexican plate, which includes the burrito insides with no tortilla and lots of chips. If you’re making a special trip to Anna’s, go for the tacos, guac, and drinks, but skip it if you’re just looking for a burrito fix. Pricewise, Anna’s is incredibly reasonable. Three drinks, a large burrito, chips and guac, and a taco summed to only $14.50. Hello college friendly!

Head to Anna’s to appreciate subtle flavors, reasonable portions, and no bloated, fast food feeling after. Although there isn’t a franchise on campus, Anna’s has six locations throughout Boston, so if you run into it while you’re out on the town, give it a try!

“I was transported to the streets of Mexico, sans a Spanish dictionary.” The tacos were delightful, although definitely a bit small for a meal. The online menu recommends ordering three; even with an appetizer I wish I had followed its advice. I ended up with one full taco and an extra shell. Although this caught me off guard, the extra tortilla was perfect for soaking up the lovely bits of roasted pork and salsa that dripped out of Taco One. The mild al pastor was splendid, even without the heat I usually look for in Tex-Mex. The subtle flavors surprised me; I did not expect meat with hints of spicy guacamole blended with chopped pineapple and onions to be served at a fast food chain. Unlike the taco, the super burrito is quite filling, and without being the overwhelming 1 lb monster that leaves you in a food coma for weeks. The flavors of the carnitas were mild and subtle much like the al pastor, and, most importantly, the meat was tender and moist. The pinto beans and rice were not over seasoned or overcooked (we all know that starchy, mushy, “Did I just take a bite of beans or rice or mashed potatoes?” moment). But all this wonder was cloaked in a terrible tortilla. It was disappointing that the subtleties and flavor of the

I’m not sure if I would recommend Anna’s for that late night, Friday, you-know-whatI-mean kind of hunger, only because it’s not a place of huge servings and little flavor. Instead, if you’re on a budget and dying for a good meal this is the place to be!

photos courtesy of Anna’s Taqueria


Cupcakes Galore At

some point during the day, we all crave something sweet. And for some of us “sweet tooths” out there, being deprived of sweets may be one of the worst things that could happen. Of course, attending a university, it’s a given that we are spoiled with the occasional brownies, cookies, parfaits and soft-serve frozen yogurt. So I guess you could say we’re not totally out of sight from desserts, but how often are we able to devour good-quality, delicious, luscious desserts made with culinary prowess?

- Christopher Nguyen cloud-like frosting and a small garnish to distinguish the flavors. And if you’re looking for something light, their miniature cupcakes are always an option. Most people would probably order one cupcake as a small treat for themselves, but why not buy two? Or maybe even four like I did? When checking out new food places, try ordering their least conventional items; it makes the adventure more exciting! Sweet Cupcakes had interesting concoctions: Chocolate Orange, Red Velvet, Caramel Apple, Molasses Ginger.

“this cute cupcake shop is a must see when it

comes to exploring good food in a new city.” Just imagine: an absolutely beautiful day, the sun is out and there is a gentle breeze suggesting that autumn is around the corner. This is exactly what I experienced, and it was the perfect time to go to Sweet Cupcakes. If you are a student right at the heart of Boston, this cute cupcake shop is a must see when it comes to exploring good food. in a new city. If you see a giant window with the lower border adorned with white, vinyl cupcake stands, you’ve hit the spot! Sweet Cupcakes is aesthetically appealing, to say the least. Walk in, and be invited into a pretty pink world with a walldesign of intertwining pink and black laces. Your attention is immediately drawn to the counter where there are various boxes for packaging, cupcake pillars of various heights and two creatively set cupcake stands: your stereotypical pyramid stand and a Ferris wheel with the cupcakes substituting the booths. “Cute” would definitely be the best word to describe the shop. When I visited, they had Fall-themed desserts for sale, like pumpkin, apple, and spicy ginger, but for those who prefer to stick to the classics, their vanilla and chocolate cupcakes are equally as delicious. All of their cupcakes are simple in design: the cake topped with


And if you like to pair your sweets with something hot, they also offer black coffee and tea. And if you’re in the mood to just lounge and eat, they have a pastel-pink booth and square white tables. Out of the four that I bought, I decided to first dive into the Chocolate Orange, a chocolate cupcake with citrusyorangeinfused frosting and a candied orange peel on top half-dipped in chocolate ganache.

Photo by Christopher Nguyen

The hint of orange really blended well with the chocolate. I’ve never actually had a chocolate-dipped orange/orange peel before and this “twist” on candy was quite pleasing. The second cupcake I ate was the Caramel Apple. It was a vanilla cupcake with hidden apple preserves inside and was all sweetened up with caramel frosting. And to emulate an actual caramel apple, they put a popsicle stick poking out from the center. The apples were a fun surprise; natural sweetness combined with gooey caramel. Just describing the flavor already makes me want to head out and buy more cupcakes! Sweet Cupcakes is really such an enjoyable place. It was nice taking pictures while lip-syncing to the oldies playing from the speakers and looking up at the TV and seeing an old classic film. It was like a modern twist on a classic treat. And even if you don’t live close to one of their locations (Mass. Ave, Newbury Street, Harvard Square and Downtown), you can always order ahead of time for an event, party, or even just for some self-indulgence.

CHO CO 101:

Introduction to Chocolate - Christine Chong


How is Chocolate Produced?

are dark, milk, and white chocolate different?” “What in the world is a cocoa nib?” “Can I drink chocolate liquor?”

- The chocolate liquor can either be pressed to make baking chocolate or mixed with other ingredients to make eating chocolate. Alternatively, it can be pressed to separate the cocoa butter and cocoa powder.

- Cocoa pods, each holding 50 to 60 beans, are harvested from cacao trees.

There are so many chocolate-related terms and varieties that a chocolate dictionary would be much welcomed by any chocoholic or chocolatier. Read ahead for a comprehensive guide on this much-loved treat, often called the food of the gods.

- The beans are dried and then roasted and hulled. Hulling separates the shells from the meat inside, called the nib. - The nibs are ground, liquefying in the process, and become chocolate liquor, also called cocoa paste or cocoa mass. There is no alcohol content in chocolate liquor. FDA GUIDELINES




Unsweetened Chocolate

Dark Chocolate

Bittersweet Chocolate Semisweet Chocolate Sweet Chocolate

Milk Chocolate White Chocolate


Chocolate liquor

Chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, sweeteners, optional flavorings Chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, sweeteners, milk powder, optional flavorings Cocoa butter, milk powder, sweeteners, optional flavorings

Chocolate Liquor

Cocoa Butter

Milk Powder

Milk Fats







50% - 99%


< 12%



35% - 49%


< 12%



15% - 34%


< 12%



≥ 10%


≥ 12%

≥ 3.39%



≥ 20%

≥ 14%

≥ 3.5%

≤ 55%

USES Baking, cooking, beverages, candy-making Baking, cooking, beverages, candy-making, eating Eating, beverages, candy-making Eating, beverages, candy-making

Photo courtesy of wikimedia commons 11

How quinoa got its groove back

- James Odum Photo by Emily Hopkins



and pasta, please step aside; there’s a new grain in town. I would like to formally introduce the food industry’s latest “it” grain: Quinoa. This exotic socalled “super food,” hailing from the South American Andes region, has taken the crown as the healthiest grain of them all. Pronounced “keen-wah,” it holds an array of essential minerals like magnesium, iron, copper and phosphorus that help alleviate headaches and diabetes. It might sound more medicinal than nutritious, but don’t think that this delicate cereal-like grain is a standard health food; quinoa is packed with a hearty 14g of protein in a 100g serving. Quinoa also has all nine amino acids usually found only in meat, classifying it as a complete protein and making it a great staple for vegetarian and vegan diets. Funnily enough, this grain isn’t a grain at all. Quinoa is technically a seed, and is related to vegetables like spinach and Swiss chard, making it a healthier alternative to foods like rice and pasta. It was once a staple in the diets of the ancient Incas throughout the mountainous regions of South America, but its production was halted during the Spanish conquests. Today, quinoa has re-emerged as the latest trend in healthy eating. More and more food outlets are carrying the grain in its most common form: pearl white. But quinoa also comes in red, orange, pink, purple, and black varieties, all with slightly differing textures and flavor profiles. Enough about how amazing it is, you probably just want to eat it, right? Well, the first step is to rinse those little beads off. All varieties of quinoa have a thin bitter tasting coating, which is easily removed with a simple wash. Once you’ve washed the quinoa and patted it dry, you treat it much like you would rice. Keeping a 2:1 ratio of water to quinoa, bring water to a boil, add quinoa, cover, and let simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, or until all the water is absorbed. You’ll know it’s ready when the germ separates from the seed, forming little white curls around the seed. Once your quinoa is done, fluff it with a fork and it’s ready to serve.

Quinoa has a firm texture and a nutty flavor that can be easily incorporated into basic meals. An easy way to serve quinoa is with a tablespoon of basil pesto and Parmesan cheese, or with your favorite vegetables for a quick pilaf. Prep Time: 15 min Inactive Prep Time: 10 min Cook Time: 25 min Level: Intermediate Serves: 4 to 6 servings Ingredients 1 tablespoon kosher for Passover olive oil 1 small shallot, peeled and chopped 1/2 cup Crimini mushrooms, wiped clean and thinly sliced 1 1/2 cups quinoa, rinsed well and drained 1/2 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves removed from their stems 1 bay leaf 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 3 cups vegetable stock, or water ________________________________

Directions Place a saucepan on high heat and wait until it is hot. Add the olive oil and swirl it until the entire surface is covered with oil. Add the shallot and sweat (cook until translucent but not brown). Add the crimini mushrooms and cook until brown. Add the quinoa, thyme leaves, bay leaf, kosher salt and black pepper to the pan and stir. Let the ingredients heat up and slightly roast to bring out all their fullest flavors. The steam coming up should be very aromatic. Slowly and carefully add the vegetable stock (it will spatter because the pan and ingredients are hot). When it comes to full boil, reduce the heat to a low simmer, cover and allow to steam for about 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, turn off the heat, remove lid and fluff the quinoa. Then replace the lid and allow to sit for about 10 minutes. Taste for seasoning and adjust, if necessary. Serve.



Cookie Co

Four recipes, an array of flavors and more than one hundred cookies a crunchy variation of a traditional peanut butter treat, a scrumptious


cookies; this issue’s cookie compilation includes the classic buttery cookie, scrumptious pumpkin bar and a lick-your-fingers chocolate delight.


you remember the times when there was a full cookie jar in the pantry? Or at least a variety of boxed goodies? This time around, the jar is waiting be filled with a batch of modernized classics. With a choice of many gourmet treats, a delicious holiday season is inevitable. Set an evening apart for a baking party with friends or family and indulge in any or all of these mouthwatering cookies.

Peanut Butter Toffee Cookies

These cookies are the ultimate treat for peanut butter lovers; crunchy and saturated with flavor. Makes about 60 cookies. Active time: 40 minutes. Total time: 2 hours (includes chilling).

- Once dough is chilled, preheat oven to 325 F, positioning racks in upper and lower thirds of the oven, and line baking sheets with parchment paper. Pour toffee bits into a shallow bowl and set aside. - Scoop 1 ½ tablespoons worth of dough and shape into little logs. Lightly press cookies against toffee bits to coat and place on lines sheets, 2 inches apart. - Bake cookie for 15 to 18 minutes or until they are lightly colored on top. Rotate sheets from top to bottom and front to back halfway through baking time to ensure even baking. Cookies will seem soft, but they will become firmer as they cool. Cool cookies completely on racks before storing. Cookies can be kept in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.

Bittersweet Decadence Cookies

Take a trip to chocolate wonderland with these cacaocrazed cookies. Warning, if you do not like walnuts or chocolate, stay away! Makes about 30 cookies. Active time: 30 minutes. Total time: 45 minutes.

- Bring water to a bare simmer in a large skillet; place chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl or saucepan and set directly in the skillet. Stir frequently until melted smooth. Remove chocolate from skillet and set aside, but leave heat under skillet on. - In a large heatproof bowl, whisk eggs, sugar and vanilla until well mixed. Set bowl in skillet and stir until mixture is lukewarm to the touch. Stir egg mixture into warm chocolate. Stir in flour mixture; add chocolate chunks and walnuts. - Scoop slightly rounded tablespoons of batter and place on lined baking sheets, 1½ inches apart. - Bake cookies for 12 to 14 minutes, until surface looks dry and set, but centers are still gooey. Rotate sheets from top to bottom and front to back halfway through baking time to ensure even baking. - Place sheets on racks and let cookies cool completely before storing. Cookies can be kept in an airtight container for up to 5 days.

Butter Cookies

1 1/3 cups all purpose flour ½ teaspoon baking soda ¾ teaspoon salt 8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted ½ cup packed light brown sugar ½ cup granulated sugar 1 large egg 1 cup chunky peanut butter 5 oz. Heath English toffee bits - In a medium bowl, combine flour, baking soda and salt. Whisk until well mixed. - In a large bowl, mix melted butter with sugars. Whisk in egg, vanilla and peanut butter. Add flour mixture and mix with rubber spatula or wooden spoon until dough is formed. Cover dough with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.


¼ cup all purpose flour ¼ teaspoon baking powder 1/8 teaspoon salt 8 oz. semisweet chocolate (with 60% cacao) 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 2 large eggs ½ cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 6 oz. semisweet chocolate chunks (with any percentage cacao) 1 ½ cups walnut halves or large pieces - Preheat oven to 350 F. Put racks in upper and lower thirds of the oven. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Combine flour, baking powder and salt in a small bowl and whisk until thoroughly mixed.

These classics lend themselves to creativity; dip them in chocolate and add toffee bits or sprinkle with cinnamon before baking for yummy alternatives. Makes about 40 cookies. Active time: 25 minutes. Total time: Overnight

14 tablespoons (1 ¾ sticks) unsalted butter, softened ¾ cup sugar ¼ teaspoon salt 1 12/ teaspoons pure vanilla extract 2 cups all purpose flour - In a medium bowl, beat butter, sugar, salt and vanilla until smooth and creamy, about 1 minute with an electric mixer. - Add flour and mix until jut incorporated. Scrape the dough into a mass and knead using your hands to be sure that flour is completely incorporated. - Form dough into a 12-by-2-inch log and wrap in plastic. Refrigerate dough for at least 2 hours, but preferably overnight. At this point, dough can be frozen

for up to three months. - Once dough has chilled, preheat oven to 350 F. Position racks in upper and lower thirds of the oven. Using a sharp knife, slice 1/4 –inch thick rounds of dough. Place cookies 1 ½ inches apart on ungreased baking sheets. - Bake cookies for 12 to 14 minutes, or until edges are light golden brown. Rotate sheets from top to bottom and front to back halfway through baking time to ensure even baking. - Place sheets on racks and let cookies cool for about 1 minute; transfer cookies to rack using a metal spatula and cool completely before storing. Cookies can be stored in an airtight container for 1 month.

Chocolate Cookie Dip

An easy dip that’s simple, but will give cookies a crispy coating once cooled.

8 oz. semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped + 2 oz. in ½-inch chunks - Line baking sheets with parchment paper and make sure cookies are completely cooled. - In a large skillet, bring water almost to a simmer. Place chopped chocolate in a saucepan and set over skillet. Stir chocolate constantly with a dry spatula until almost all is melted. Remove chocolate from heat and add 2 oz. remaining chunks. Continue to stir until chocolate is mostly melted, some of the chunks will remain. - Dip cookies into chocolate by holding in between thumb and index fingers. Shake of excess chocolate and place on lined baking sheet. Let dipped cookies set in a cold place or in front of a fan. *All recipes adapted from Alice Medrich’s Chewy, Gooey, Crispy, Crunchy, Melt-in-your-mouth Cookies

Photos by Estefania Souza


Pumpkin Chocolate-Chip Squares

Adapted from Martha Stewart Living Special Issue 2006 Makes about 24 squares. Active time: 15 minutes. Total time: 45 minutes.

2 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon baking soda ž teaspoon salt 2 sticks unsalted butter, room temperature 1 Ÿ cup sugar 1 large egg 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 cup canned pumpkin puree 12 oz. semisweet chocolate chips - Preheat oven to 350F. Line bottom and sides of a 9-by-13-inch baking pan with foil, leaving overhang on all four sides. - In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, cinnamon, baking soda and salt, and set aside. In a separate bowl, cream butter and sugar with an electric mixer on mediumhigh speed until smooth. Beat in egg and vanilla, until just combined. - Beat in pumpkin puree and reduce speed to low. Mix in dry ingredients until just combined. Using a spatula, fold in chocolate chips. - Spread batter evenly on lined pan. Bake until toothpick inserted in the center comes out almost clean (with a few crumbles), about 35 to 40 minutes. Cool completely in pan. - Once cooled, lift cake from pan using foil overhang. Peel foil and cut into squares using a serrated knife.


Four great places to write a paper (or take a break) -Emily Hopkins


Photo by Emily Hopkins

the tryptophan of the annual Thanksgiving gorge-fest is over, there is a startling revelation that spreads through campus faster than they thought swine flu would: We have two weeks of class left. Campus fever sets in as students find fewer and fewer reasons to justify leaving Mugar, much less Comm Ave. But there comes a time, my friend, when we must inevitably leave the dusty stacks of the most secluded section of the library to venture out to be among the people and to find sustenance! Here are this reporter’s suggestions:


Espresso Royale Caffe (and its affiliates):

For those who don’t want to venture too far from BU 802.1X, Espresso Royale Caffe (known simply as “Espresso” to its regulars) is the way to go. Tons of tables, great service, and flavorful coffee make for a great study experience. The tables range in sizes, too, which is great for when you just can’t fit your study group into Starbucks. Espresso also has a loyalty card. If you use it to pay (you can load cash onto it) or if you show it when you pay with cash, every tenth drink and bagel is free! The best part—you can use it at all Espresso affiliated locations: Espresso on Newbury, Bagel Rising, and Pavement. Wherever you go, the Espresso family is not far off.

um, fuel to get through that concluding paragraph (I had a Sam Adams Winter Lager—a great, full-bodied beer). You also get a small bowl of chips with any alcoholic beverage if you don’t order food. Pros: Good food, good drink, and a nice bookstore area with no textbook in sight. Con: Not enough outlets, so if you need to hunker down with your laptop, you might want to venture elsewhere.

Finale: Come for the pastries, stay for the hot toddies. While it’s definitely not cheap, Finale has arguably the best-tasting (and richest) pastries in Boston. With locations in Coolidge Corner and Harvard Square, these cozy cafes will give you a chance to get off campus and unwind. The lighting is low and the décor low-key—you might even forget about that final test, if just for an hour. The cheesecake is divine, and it actually tastes like cheesecake instead of some kind of sweet cheese paste with a dollop of jelly on top. I prefer the fruitbased deserts, but I guarantee there is little on the menu that will not please even the smallest sweet tooth. Beverage-wise, like

I said: go for the hot toddies (or the hot chocolate, for those with too few years). You’ll leave here feeling relaxed, something you probably thought wasn’t even possible.

Café Japonaise: For those looking for something a little closer but just as sweet, Café Japonaise is the place to be. You can find one a little past west campus, and the other nestled in south campus near the St. Mary’s T stop. Café Japonaise, as the name might indicate, is a fusion of bakery techniques from France and Japan. The results are fantastic, and a little less pricey than Finale. Major pro: the location in west campus, along with being a perfect bridge between the Allston commuters and dorm dwellers, means less foot traffic than the café options located near central campus.

Trident Booksellers and Café: Down the street from the Espresso on Newbury is a trendy restaurant and bookstore, and they’re both behind the same storefront! Trident is a great place to go and grab a bite while you study. Their diverse menu provides for all kinds of stress eaters—whether you want to snack on salad or spoil yourself with chicken tenders, Trident has something for everyone. Aside from the usual coffee on the beverage menu, Trident has a beer and wine menu for the 21 pluses amongst us who need a little extra,

Photo by Emily Hopkins


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