Christmas Memories 2018

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Christmas Memories 2018 Relax with our favourite reader-submitted Christmas memories and greetings from your local business community! A Special Supplement to

B2 December 19, 2018


On behalf of the entire staff at The Estevan Mercury, Southeast Lifestyles and Pipeline News we want to wish you and your families a wonderful and peaceful Merry Christmas. It’s been our privilege providing you with current local news in print and our website about our communities, sports, entertainment, classified, flyers and of course messages from our local businesses. Without your continued support our community wouldn’t be heard. Thank you from all of us.

Richard Sadick

David Willberg


Corey Atkinson


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Teresa Hrywkiw

Jennifer Bucsis

Vaila Lindenbach

Advertising Manager

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General Reporter

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Editor, Pipeline

Kimberlee Pushie Advertising Sales

Fay Bonthoux

We wish You a very Merry Christ mas Front Office

Front Office

Graphic Production

From everyone at the

December 19, 2018 B3






Peggy & Jean

Cindy, Joanne

& Pat

1220 4th Street, Estevan 306-634-3666

9 am - 9 pm Monday to Friday • 9 am - 6 pm Saturday 12 noon - 4 pm Sundays & Holidays


MERRY Welcome to the 2018 Christmas Greetings edition We’re celebrating Christmas memories The Estevan Mercury Publications family is once again proud to send out a hearty Merry Christmas to all of our readers. Our Christmas greetings publication is our opportunity to connect with you during this special time of year. We like to think of this publication as our Christmas card to you each year. This year we are celebrating Christmas memories, and since Christmas is a time for people of all ages to celebrate the spirit of giving and togetherness, we have collected Christmas greetings from people of all ages. You’ll read about the favourite memories from Michelle Hanna’s Grade 4 class at Spruce Ridge School. You’ll also read about the cherished memories from members of Estevan’s favourite team, the Power Dodge Estevan Bruins. You’ll find the memories from participants at Estevan Diversified Services, who certainly look forward to Christmas each year. Finally, you’ll see some great stories from the residents of two of Estevan’s senior citizens’ homes: Creighton Lodge and Hill View Manor. While these people have diverse backgrounds

MERRY CHRISTMAS! From Your Restoration Specialists In Estevan

and experiences, they all have fond memories of Christmas. Thanks to all those who submitted Christmas memories. We hope that you’ll enjoy reading these Christmas memories, and that they will evoke some vivid memories of your own from Christmases past. You’ll find one other thing in this year’s Christmas greetings publication: advertisements from many businesses in the community who use this publication as a means to thank you for your continued support. We’d like to thank all of the businesses who participated this year. The employees at the Mercury would like to wish you a Merry Christmas. We are proud to remain Estevan’s No. 1 source for news, and we will continue to bring you all of the news from the community during the coming year. We thank you for continuing to read our paper, and we, in turn, will remain dedicated to informing you. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Happy Holidays

Here’s to a season filled with war�th, comfor� and good cheer! Should the new year bring you a change of address, please contact me so that I can assist you.

Renovating? We do that too!


238 - 3rd Street, Estevan


Merry Christmas

May the peace and blessings of Christmas be yours; And may the coming year be filled with happiness.

Curtis S. Graves DD & Staff 306.634.2030 1.800.667.6400



Merry Christmas AND

SEASONS GREETINGS! We at Stream-Flo would like to wish you and your families, our customers, and neighbors a prosperous 2019. Stream-Flo Industries Ltd. 201 3rd Street Estevan, SK S4A 0N6 306.634.4719

B4 December 19, 2018

Merry Christmas

Thanking You Is at the

Merry Christmas ffrom fr rooom m

Top of Our To-Do List

We hope your holiday season is equipped with all of the fixings that matter most.

Merry Christmas!

80 King Street, E., Estevan, SK


301 Kensington Ave., Estevan, SK 306-634-3616 •

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Creighton Lodge enjoys sharing stories The residents of Creighton Lodge enjoyed sharing stories through this year’s Estevan Mercury Publications Christmas special. Shelly Veroba, who manages the lodge alongside Judy Pratt, said a lot of the residents were happy to reflect about their past Christmases, or to share their recipes. Some of them were shy to have their picture taken, but many were excited with the opportunity to be part of this publication. Many of the residents described how they used to have their stockings hung with an orange, some peanuts and some little candies inside. Veroba pointed out that’s how her mother used to fill a stocking, even in the 1970s and 1980s. “Nowadays stockings have come a lot further, and are more expensive to stock,” said Veroba. Other residents at the lodge sat back and thought about how Christmas used to be special

because they would get things that were special to them, such as the candies and oranges. But now they don’t feel Christmas has such the same wonderful feel to it. Veroba pointed out that Norma Blackburn was among the volunteers who helped to compile the stories. Residents of Creighton Lodge love to reminisce and tell stories, not just about Christmas the way it used to be, but about the past. The lodge has had people come in to help the residents share their tales of the past, while others have come to the lodge to read a book and reminisce of days gone by. “The stories are there, and I think that’s one of the greatest things about Christmas is just sitting back with everybody and remembering the memories of families and friends and past Christmases,” said Veroba.

We usually cooked a goose for Christmas. Mom would make kloesse, they were balls of potatoes and mom would stuff them with bread crumbs. They were cooked in boiling water. We only had Kloesse at Christmas time. They were delicious. I had 10 siblings, so it was a full table. My dad was a carpenter. He would sometimes carve us gifts out of wood. Our gifts were always homemade. Dad would haul water and make us a skating area. We had bob skates. They strapped unto our boots. We had lots of fun.

Freda Littlejohn

Good music From left, Dave Kjersem, Rick Elson and Jason Stepp provided music during the Christmas party at Creighton Lodge on Dec. 4. The large crowd that filled the lodge’s lounge enjoyed the music, which played during the evening. Photo submitted

Soon It Will Be

Christmas Day

With Our Thanks,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year The greatest gifts are the people who bring warmth to our hearts and smiles to our faces. We would like to wish all of our clients and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We hope the holiday season and the coming year deliver all of the wonderful things you deserve and more. Best wishes from our home to yours!

As we count the days until Christmas, we are moved to count the many blessings this year has brought us. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for the fellowship and support of our good friends, neighbors and customers here in the community. We are honored by your trust in us, and we consider it a privilege to serve you.

Team TThompson h Lorna Pylychaty


1339 4th Street Estevan, SK S4A 0X1

306-634-1020 3

Dawn Critchley


Head office: Estevan, SK 306-634-3411 • Fax: 306-634-7310 Ray Frehlick, President • Cell: 306-421-1880

May your holiday season and the coming year be rich in happiness, health and good fortune. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

December 19, 2018 B5

Jolly. Happy. Magical.

What’s Inside?

Our best wishes for a Merry Christmas, of course! Thank you for being such an important part of our year.

5 STREET Autobody

Here’s hoping the holiday season brings all of your wishes to life!


eat, drink and be

recipe for:

We appreciate your business at the holidays and all year.

Merry Christmas!

We thank you for your business, and wish you all the best this Christmas.


601-5th Street, Estevan 306-634-7101

Hats Off to You!

OrlOwski law Office 1215 - 5th Street, Estevan • Ph:306-634-3353

Box 1518, 101 6th Street Estevan, SK S4A 2L7

Tel: (306) 634-8655 Fax: (306) 634-8028

Recipe for: Scotch Pancakes


from the kitchen of:

Directions: Melt one dessert spoon of butter, add a scant ½ cup of sugar, one egg and beat thoroughly. Add a teaspoon full of baking soda, and 1 ½ cups flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, pinch of salt and 1 cup mile. Beat well and drop on a dry griddle.

Marion Mack 7 ½ cups flour 2 tsp salt ingredients: 3 tsp baking powder 1 cup shortening 1 pint thick cream 1 cup sugar 4 eggs 1 tbsp vanilla directions: Mix together. Roll out in small portions. Brush with thick cream or butter.

Serve with butter and jam. Submitted by June Fuhr

Combine some white sugar with cinnamon and sprinkle on top of the cream or

butter. Bake whole in a pan at 350 degrees until nicely browned. Cut into pieces.

My favorite Christmas memory was Christmas of 1994. I had just started dating this young man eld. He had a sense of humour that matched mine and a heart of gold. He had 2 small rst time that Christmas eve. We spent the evening at his parents home and I was surrounded with the excitement of a big family Christmas. On Christmas morning we opened gifts and then said goodbye to his children as they went home with their mom. We spent the rest of the day ice skating at the Rusty Duce Park, playing board games with friends and eating delicious holiday treats. That was 24 years ago... I married that man in 1997 and our son was born in 1999... Christmas of 2018 will be celebrated with our adult children, grandchildren, friends and our extended families because that's what Christmas is all about....

All my Christmases were special, being together with Frank and our 7 children. Most of the time I cooked the turkey. I always made cabbage rolls and cucumber salad. We had a small house so it would get very crowded and noisy. We would open gifts and visit. It was always a good time.

We were poor growing up. I had 7 siblings. We never got a lot for Christmas. We would be happy with a coloring book. We would use a box to make a sleigh and slide down the hill. Mom always cooked a chicken for Christmas because we raised chickens. Now a days kids have so much, but I am not sure their Christmases are any better than ours.

Deloris Mehler

Adeline Wanner

I received my first Christmas gift when I was 7 years old, it was a toothbrush, toothpaste and a cup. I treasured that gift. When I was 3 my mom went to Fort San, she had tuberculosis and she was gone for 3 years. I never even knew my mom when she came home. I remember when I was 12 I wanted a violin, probably because we had a neighbor who played one. There was one in the Eaton’s catalogue for $13.99. I was the youngest in my family. I had 3 brothers and 4 sisters. We were poor growing up. The toothbrush is the only gift I remember getting as a boy, there was never enough money for a tree or gifts.

I grew up in South Central Manitoba. We would travel 16 kilometers via a horse drawn sleigh to visit my grandparents. There would be lots of family, we always had a turkey dinner with all the trimmings. We would receive small and practical gifts. We did not hang stockings. Santa put gifts inside of bowls. We would get an orange or an apple and maybe socks or mittens. Sometimes we might receive a small toy. The snow was plentiful, snow banks were often as high as the trees, but we never missed a Christmas with our grandparents. My family and my sibling’s families still get together at Christmas. We have a good meal, sing songs and share memories.

Ted Fai

Love Shelly Veroba

On behalf of Council and Staff, we wish our city a healthy & happy Holiday Season. All the best in the New Year.

Sarah Harder

Wishing You a Holiday Wrapped in Happiness

Sincerely, Mayor Roy Ludwig

Merry Christmas

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B6 December 19, 2018

Boughs of holly, bows and snow, mistletoe, music and lights all aglow. May the sights and sounds of this special season fill your heart and home with the magic of Christmas. Best wishes to you and yours!

1-306-634-0193 #130-1175 Nicholson Road

All my Christmases have been good, not elaborate but good times spent with family. I always made Christmas pudding and fruit cake. We were poor growing up, but everyone was poor. The Christmas program at the church and at the school were the highlights. My siblings; there were 10 of us, each received one gift. We lived in a 4 room house, there was not enough room to have guests over for Christmas dinner. We were happy. I have very good Christmas memories.


Best Wishes at Christmastime A blanket of snow covers the ground, the feeling of Christmas is all around. At every moment and in every way, we hope it’s a wonderful holiday.

and a safe, healthy and prosperous 2019.

With Our Thanks,

1123 4th Street, Estevan, SK 306.634.7331

Rural Municipality of Coalfields No. 4 423 Main St., Bienfait, SK • 306-388-2330

My husband Wes had just passed away, he was 63 when we lost him to cancer. My two sons and my daughter surprised me by showing up for Christmas. I had been feeling sad, but it was so nice to have them home for Christmas.

Elsie Ludtke

Olive Aspinall

Christmas Eve Kris Kringle would come to our house. He had a beard and wore a hat. He would open the door and deliver oranges, candy and nuts. He would slide the treats in on the floor. My seven siblings and I could keep whatever we were able to pick up. Some of us were scared of Kris and would run and hide. We always had a turkey dinner with all the trimmings and would each receive a practical gift.

Marion Mack


Rose Hokanson

Celebrating Christmas A large crowd turned out for the annual Christmas supper at Creighton Lodge’s lounge on Dec. 4. The event featured a Christmas supper, an opportunity to socialize and some entertainment. Photo submitted

Benita Brennan

eat, drink and be

I Am Ukrainian, We Always Had A Feast At Christmas. Mom would cook us 13 different dishes, plus a turkey. It was a tradition to bring a sheaf of wheat into the house with straw. This symbolized where Jesus was born. I had a very close knit family. We were never hungry. After supper we went to mass and then were allowed to open one gift. We hung stockings and I had 2 brothers. When I was 17, I had a sister. She was the best Christmas gift. This will be a sad Christmas for me as my husband Mel passed away in August. I miss Mel very much.

Christmas is so different today. Everyone wants so much. When I was growing up we received a bag with an orange and a few candies after the church concert. My grandkids can’t believe it, but we were happy with that. My kids ask me what I would like for Christmas, I tell them I don’t need anything. I have a warm place to stay and good food to eat. I have everything I need. The problem with the world today is that everyone wants too much.

recipe for: Small Fruit Cakes

from the kitchen of: Jean Broadhead ingredients: 1 – 6 oz concentrate Orange juice ½ cup mild molasses 3 cups golden raisins Bring those 3 ingredients to a boil, then simmer 5 minutes and cool ½ cup butter 2/3 cup sugar

3 eggs 1 ¼ cups flour 1/8 tsp soda ½ tsp nutmeg ¼ tsp allspice 1 tsp cinnamon ½ cup slivered almonds 2 cups minced fruit ¼ cup rum

directions: Cream butter and sugar. Beat in eggs one at a time. Add flour, etc and then add the cooled raisin mixture. Spoon into mini muffin tins with liners. (Use One Large Tablespoon of mixture per muffin liner) Bake at 350 degrees for no more than 20 minutes.

Wishing You a Season of

Wonder May every moment of your holiday be magical and bright. We hope the season finds you surrounded by loved ones, laughter and all the makings of new memories you will cherish for a lifetime. We owe our success to the faith and support of our good friends and customers here in the community, and we are grateful to share another year with all of you.

Thank you.

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you a season filled with every little happiness. Thank you for being such great customers and friends!

On behalf of the Board of Governors, Management, Staff and Students of Southeast College, we would like to wish you a very

Merry Christmas and a safe and

Happy New Year! All Southeast College campus locations are closed starting Dec. 22 and re-open Jan. 2



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December 19, 2018 B7

Merry Christmas

from the staff at

Cuts Unlimited

Thanks for your loyal support and friendship. We look forward to seeing you in 2019.

Peace on Earth

Wishing you and your family much peace, love and joy this holiday season and beyond.

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Students love to tell stories, too The Grade 4 class students at Spruce Ridge School were very excited to share their Christmas memories for the Estevan Mercury Publication’s Christmas memories project. Teacher Michelle Hanna said Christmas is such a special time to children everywhere. Grandmas, grandpas, cousins, aunts and uncles played a huge roll in the students’ stories. The appearance of Santa at their homes was a memory that had eyes twinkling. Memories of family get-togethers, eating, visiting and playing games were recalled. Giggles were shared. Every child had a special recollection that they were more than willing to reveal. These are memories that will stick with the children forever. Hearing their individual stories definitely puts you in a Christmas mood. “I love that several of the children’s memories involve them giving not just getting,” said Hanna. “Christmas through children’s eyes is heartwarming. Their delight and enthusiasm is contagious.”

2-421 King Street • 306-634-2918

Alyssa Marcotte It was just last year when I was at my grandma and grandpa’s house. It was Christmas day and my Elf on the Shelf was going and I cried. It’s my favourite because I just love Elves on the Shelves.

Breanna Short My favourite Christmas is when we go sledding, because it’s so much fun. Last year I got GTs and that was a lot of fun. I was really excited, I got them from my grandma and I really wanted it.

Colten Short My favourite Christmas memory is probably when we went to Melville with my grandpa and grandma, and my uncle and auntie. And my mom did little games, like obstacle courses. I never won all of them. I only won three. There were 10.

Hark The Herald Angels Sing,

Joy Peace Hope Love

GLORY TO THE NEWBORN KING! May the joyous spirit of Christmas resound throughout your heart and home this holiday season, and may many glad tidings come your way in the year ahead.

Health Happiness Harmony Prosperity The only thing left to add is our gratitude! Wishing you every happiness this Christmas season and beyond.

1330 4th Street, Estevan • 306-634-9008

Thank you for making us your pets home away from home

For your loyal support we are deeply grateful.

All Creatures Close & Convenient

Training & Boarding


306-634-8233 • 1506 4th Street

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B8 December 19, 2018

Merry Christmas


From Our Place To Yours

you deserve it!

We really appreciate your kind patronage.

How sweet it is serving good people like you! We appreciate your visits this year and look forward to seeing you again, soon!

Merry Christmas!

May this season bring you Success, good times and happiness S

1226 - 4th Street, Estevan, SK 306.634.2215

Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

306-634-6456 1305 - 9th St. Estevan, SK

Tim Christine and Staff

1310 6 St, Estevan, SK · 306-634-7000

“I believe, I believe. It’s silly but I believe.” − Miracle on 34th Street (1947)

Jayden Chernoff

Jace Emmel

My favourite Christmas memory is giving my mom a bracelet. It was orangishpurplish. It’s my favourite because it was mindful, kind. And mom was really surprised.

My favourite Christmas memory is when I spilled chocolate on my presents. I didn’t ruin my presents because it was on the wrapper. It was very funny, everybody was laughing.

Joshua Wilkinson

Jayden Durr

My favourite Christmas memory is when I open presents on the Christmas day at my house. There was a scooter. I was excited to get it, I was excited to ride it, but I couldn’t ride it in the house. I had to wait till spring to get to the skate park.

On Christmas eve one year me, my brother and my dad went out on the lake and we were riding our four wheelers on the ice, and then we were skating, playing a little bit of hockey. I play hockey, so I really like skating.

It’s Beginning to Look A Lot like Christmas!


Season's Greetings from

Ford Sales Ltd.

With glad tidings from our entire staff this holiday season. We thank you for your business during the past year and look forward to seeing you in the New Year.

Dr. Sarah Sliva Optometrist

Dr. Amanda M. Olsen Optometrist

200 King Street, Estevan


4 - 102 Souris Ave,Estevan (306) 636-2020

December 19, 2018 B9

Merry Christmas from AC Power Contractors!

A Holly, Jolly Holiday Hello From Our Family to Yours, Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Many thanks for your patronage.

Happy Holidays Hope your season is sprinkled with sweetness!

Hwy 361 West, South Yard, P.O. Box 518, Lampman, SK Office: (306) 487-1611

621 5th Street, Estevan 306-634-7446


Logan Piper

Kaleb Gary My favourite Christmas memory is one year before my auntie passed away, I was with her, and we were talking about jokes. I told her jokes and we were laughing.

Last Christmas my mom and I, and my sister got a dog from the Humane Society without my dad knowing. We went to the grocery store and bought a bunch of candies that he likes and bribed him when he came home. And we still got it. Dad wasn’t happy and then he was happy.

Venika Patel

Shelby Mantei

Last year I had my favourite Christmas memory. That memory was in India. We played games, we had sweets, we had chocolates. If we win in a game, we get awards. I got an award playing musical chairs. Me and my friend we were last, and then I sat and she left, so I won. We played many games there. It was great.

Hailey Van De Woestyne

Halen Lesy My favourite Christmas memory is when I got my Playstation. PS 4 Pro. It was my favourite because I really wanted it and I like to play games. My mom and dad bought it for me. I was happy when I got it

My favourite Christmas is when we all went to my grandpa’s and we had a big supper. It was my first time going to my grandpa’s for that. We had turkey and ham and stuff like that. I felt surprised and nervous, because it was my first time, but it turned out really good.

Here’s hoping your holiday season delivers a full spectrum of peace, love, joy and contentment.

From my family to yours, wishing you joy, peace and hope this holiday season and throughout the New Year!

We are under new management and look forward to serving you in 2019. We’ve really enjoyed spending time with all of you, and we wish you all the best!

Merry Christmas!

Dr. Robert Kitchen

The only Christmas memory that’s my favourite that I remember is every year on Christmas eve I go to my grandma’s house. We go to church. After church we get presents. We set up the cookies, then we go to bed and in the morning Santa comes. We open up our presents actually first. After that on the 26th my mom’s side of the family comes over and we blow off the big matt. And I remember one time I spit my pancakes on the mat.


510-5th Street, Estevan, SK Chain & Rigging Ltd.


B10 December 19, 2018

Merry Christmas from




Owned & Operated by Cam rutledge 306-634-2522

! s a m t s i r h C y r Mer

T the community, we wish you a most merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year! May 2019 bring much happiness to you and yours.

Thank you for your kindness in 2018.


1437 4th Street 306-634-9228


#1 Breeze Street, Estevan


“That’s what Christmas memories are made from. They’re not planned; they’re not scheduled. Nobody puts them in their Blackberry.

They just happen.” − Deck The Halls (2006)

Morgan Hirsch

Marin Burnett My favourite Christmas memory is when I was younger. We were at my grandma’s house and I put a candy in everybody’s stocking and everyone was joking around about it.

My favourite Christmas memory is when my family thought that they saw Santa and the reindeers, and all of us were joking around and everything. I like this one most of all because my dad’s like “Oh, look there is the Big Nose.” And I’m like “Dad, his name is Rudolph.” He was just joking around.

Ryder Mutrie

Turner Petterson

My favourite Christmas memory is when I gave my parents a present. It was an “I love you” note in a box. I did it myself and I felt really good when I gave it to them.

In warm appreciation we wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

I like sledding, sometimes I play something outside and I climb the bales. My brother and my sister do it with me, sometimes they want to do their own. Sometimes we go to my grandma’s. It’s my favourite place. She lives near Oxbow.

Thank you

to all of our customers for their patronage and we wish you the happiest of holidays.

Start 2019 with the best new countertops from The Bevelled Edge

Wishing everyone a safe and fun holiday season.

1129-4th Street, Estevan, SK

Contact Cordell at 306-421-3455


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A family owned business

December 19, 2018 B11


from your local stationery store! Thank you for supporting local for your stationery, computer and office furniture needs.

1217 4th Street, Estevan, SK

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Holiday Hours: December 23 - 11:00 - 3:00 • December 24 - 8:00 - 3:00 December 25 & 26 - Closed • December 31 - 8:00 - 3:00

Monday-Friday: 8am-6pm • Saturdays: 9am-3pm

“Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can’t see.”

− The Polar Express

Rhys Steengaard

Ryden Summers

My favourite memory about Christmas is building ginormous snow forts that looked like they were giant monsters. We built them right next to our dog pan where we have a bunch of snow. My mom, my dad, my brother, and my sister all helped me out. We used a couple of bottle caps for eyeballs and used food colouring for some details.

On Christmas Eve we went out onto the ice hockey rink in Madge Lake, Saskatchewan. There were both sides of our family and we played hockey. It’s my favourite because we had mostly all of our family out there. It was a good time.

Rachel Ridgway

Ryden Ellis

My favourite Christmas memory is when my cousins and I were at their house. When we woke up there were footprints on the floor and then we looked in our stockings and opened all our presents and then we woke up our parents.

My favourite Christmas memory is when I get together with my family and we get to open presents together. It’s my favourite because I get to get together with them and help them do what they want to do.

Hope Your Holiday Sparkles

May this Christmas season shine with all the warmth, happiness and good fortune you deserve.

Drewitz School of Dance 1037 2nd Street, Estevan


Peace, With deep gratitude for your loyal support, we wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season.

Wherever your holidays take you - travelling or staying home... CAA Saskatchewan has you covered with our motor club, insurance and travel services.

Wishing you safe and happy holiday season.


Email: Box 698, 81 Escana St., Estevan, S4A 2A6


Shop at your local CAA Store at 1208 4th St., Estevan, Sask.

B12 December 19, 2018

to all of our valued clients. 306-634-1900 901A 13th Ave

Seasons Greetings

Thank you for your support, referrals, and business, we look forward to working with you again in 2019!

901A 13th Ave • (306) 471-7433

December 19, 2018 B13

Season’s Greetings

We’re dashing through the snow to say, have a happy holiday! May all of your wishes come true this season.

Thank You!

Quest Line Locators Ltd.

Wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday season 88 Devonian Street Estevan, SK Ph: 634-4041 (24 hr) Fax: 634-4040

104C Perkins Street 306-634-6491

Carnduff, SK


Christmas Memories from Estevan Diversified Services

Darwin Styre

Murray Shauf

My favourite things about Christmas are opening presents, decorating the Christmas tree and hanging up my stocking.

My favourite things about Christmas is the Christmas oranges and candy. I also really like eggnog!

Michael Samenook

Sarah Laub

What I like best about Christmas is putting up the tree, getting presents and eating a Christmas dinner. I like turkey, ham, mashed potatoes and stuffing... and pumpkin pie!

I liked it when my family came to visit on Christmas Day - it was chaos!!! My favourite Christmas food is Christmas cake.

Orval Cameron

What I like about Christmas is being together with family. My favourite Christmas food is stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy and chocolate chip cookies. I like to get building blocks and make tall buildings and castles.

Stuart Minchin

Five favourite things about Christmas: 1. Stockings • 2. The Christmas tree 3. Jesus is born • 4. Peace on Earth 5. Vacation days

Mary Styre

Christmas trees with coloured decorations and I like the pink, white and green trees. I enjoy seeing all the Christmas trees in the hallways at St. Joseph’s Hospital! Celebrating Jesus’s Birthday and attending Christmas Eve mass listening to all the beautiful voices singing!

Greg Bottomley

Some of my favourite presents as a boy at Christmas were a goalie net, a train set and a radio which I would take to my room and listen to.





Katrina Mantei

I remember the time when Papa Tony was around for Christmas. He’s been passed away for a while now, but he is still here in my heart! He’s my Grandpa and I liked the fact that he always wore suspenders! Every time he saw me, he would say “Hello Katie” and he was funny, too. I remember he always liked to play a game of cards. I keep his spirit alive by looking at my picture books. I love you Grandpa, I’m happy you have your angel wings!

Hanna Keating

My favourite memory of Christmas is singing Danish Christmas carols, while holding hands walking around our beautiful live tree, that was lit with real white and red candles!

Shane Himmelspach

My favourite memory of Christmas is the tree - buying a live tree and putting on the lights and decorations and then the presents under the tree. My best present was a computer.

Wendell Baniulis

My favourite memory was going to church at night, I really liked that, then we had to go to bed and wait for Santa Claus to come. When I was 5 or 6, I got the best present - a train set! I remember Christmas oranges and candy canes in my stocking.





Photo taken at the Festival of Trees Breakfast with Santa sponsored by the Estevan Mercury Publications

Thank You For Your Support!










B14 December 19, 2018

Greetings at the Holidays

Merry Christmas

y r r e M

s a m t s Chri

May all your dreams come true as we embark upon this magical time of year. We appreciate your dropping in, and look forward to your continued friendship. Merry Christmas and thanks!

With best wishes and thanks for your continued patronage.

Dean & Daughters’ Repair Shop Ltd. 116 Hwy 47 S, Estevan, SK (306) 634-6114


67 Devonian Street, Estevan, SK

Hill View M anor loves C hris tmas

Mary Louise Real

On Christmas morning our whole family would take the old sleigh pulled by horses over to my husband’s parents’ home which was 3 1/2 miles away. We put our kitchen chairs in the sleigh so that we all had something to sit on. Everyone loved Grandma Real’s homemade butter tarts and wonderful turkey meal. After our meal we would open the gifts. We never got toys but were excited to get a new shirt or piece of clothing. We would have a wonderful day visiting and playing games. The children played board games like Monopoly and the adults played card games. Those who had skates would go ice skating on the dugout. We had only one pair of skates to share among all eight of us so we would take turns and hope the skates fit. We also each got a small bag with an orange, some candy and peanuts in it. We were thrilled. We had a wonderful day and then would get in our sleigh with the kitchen chairs and head home. It was a great day. Everyone was happy.

I am one of eleven children, so our house was always a full happy place to be. Grandma lived with us as well. At our house we always had plenty to eat and clothes to wear. Mom kept busy sewing for us and both parents were good providers.

On Christmas Eve we hung our stockings in the hope that Santa would visit our home. Morning did not come soon enough as we rose early to look in our stockings. Usually we found nuts, candy and a Christmas orange. We were so excited.

Later in the morning we all went to church as a family. As we got older, we took part in the Christmas program. It was always in German. We rode in a horse-drawn sleigh to church. Luckily we did not have far to go. Our extended family was large and occasionally relatives would join our family to celebrate Christmas. The older kids would help mother prepare the meals which was usually turkey or chicken with all the extras, too. Father bought apples by the case so mother would prepare her delicious apple pies for dessert. By evening everyone was very tired but very happy.

Margaret Wingert

Rose Zander

My favourite Christmas memories are of Christmas Eve when our family would all open our gifts under the tree. They usually consisted of a game, a Christmas orange and homemade candy. The orange and the candy were such a wonderful treat. We had a play time and then we were spirited off to bed because Christmas morning came very early. We all rose early and were so excited. Our dad would do the chores, then mother and myself and the other children would get ready. Dad would get the team and we would go to uncle’s which was about 15 miles southwest. Hot stones at our feet kept us warm. We would spend the day celebrating with a large crowd. Seven of us and nine of uncle’s family. Their house was only two rooms on the main floor. A bedroom and a kitchen. The bed was dismantled and a table set up so we could all sit together for the Christmas meal. It was always fun. Two of the cousins were my age and we would go upstairs to their bedroom and play there and leave the others downstairs. Supper was served early and we would drive home in the dark, tired but happy.

This is a great Christmas memory. Audrey Sovdi

Season’s Greetings from Our Staff to Your Home

As a tradition in my family, I did the Christmas meal and my daughter Brenda hosted New Year’s and my mom did our Easter meal.

Our Christmas tree was always put up in early December, simply because I did not like decorating and I wanted it done. I wrote all my Christmas letters before the end of November, otherwise I would not have had time to do them because of all the cookies and baking that comes with the season to be done. It was always nice to have my daughter help me with the Christmas meal and she loved to help.

Guests included all our children and their families and of course mom and dad completed the gathering. Mom always brought the cabbage rolls.

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I came from a family of 14 children. I had six sisters and seven brothers and I was the youngest girl. We did not have a lot of money. Dad was a farmer and times were hard so there was not a lot of extras even at Christmas time. We all looked forward to Christmas day because even without gifts we had each other. On Christmas the older kids that had left home tried to get home to spend time with the rest of us. Even though it was Christmas we had to do our chores. We had around 10 cows and each of us kids had a certain cow that we had to milk. We always had fun squirting the cats and the cats loved the treat of the milk. After the chores we would help our mom prepare the turkey and all the trimmings. We always had a large garden and mom did a lot of canning so we had nice vegetables with our meal. After a delicious meal we had apple or cherry pie and homemade ice cream. It was a very special treat to have canned cherry pie filling. When the meal was put away and the dishes were done, we all sat in front of the fireplace as the Christmas story was read. The excitement rose as we got to open a gift, not necessarily wrapped in Christmas wrap but perhaps newspaper, but it was wrapped and a surprise. We were always happy and grateful for the pen or scribbler or book that was hidden inside. We had a very large dining room, which we needed with so many kids, and we moved things around, and as dad played the accordion us kids all danced. After that we often had a treat of a Christmas orange or some of mom’s homemade Christmas cake. We were all happy at the end of the day. Now that I am at Hill View Manor I am also very happy that I will get to enjoy a beautiful Christmas meal and I don’t have to milk the cows before I get to eat it.

Sending best wishes your way this Christmas. Thank you for visiting us this year.






#200 Hwy. 18 West, Estevan, SK 306-500-5660

Our extra bedroom was taken by our son and the rumpus room served as a bedroom �illed with grandkids. We all attended midnight mass together as a family and looked forward to seeing each other again for supper. Following our Christmas supper we would all gather to open our gifts.

An evening of enjoying our Christmas punch, conversation and laughter �inished our Christmas day. Boxing Day was a great time to eat all the leftovers, relax and enjoy the company of family.

Dolores Mack


Merry Christmas May the season’s message of peace on earth and goodwill toward all mankind reach every corner of the world. Thank you for your generous support and friendship. We wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

Ph: 306-634-3900 Fax: 306-634-4167

December 19, 2018 B15

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you a healthy, happy and safe Christmas season.

Merry Christmas

Screw Piles • Driven Piles [all types] Pre Drilling • Concrete Pumping Engineering Services 'The Piling Experts'


Merry Christmas With gratitude in our hearts, we’d like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. It’s been a privilege and a pleasure serving you in 2018, and we appreciate all you’ve done to help make our year a resounding success.

Estevan, Sask.



Raymond Holmes

On Christmas Eve we opened our gifts. Everyone was so excited. A gift was usually containing new clothes, some store bought and some homemade. My mom used to sew a lot after we went to bed. Later in the evening mom and dad would go to midnight mass. Those of us that stayed home were responsible to tidy up the house and lay out clothes for everyone. We also needed to make sure that the coal pail was filled. On Christmas day we couldn’t wait to taste all of the food mom prepared. There was chicken, rice dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, ham, cabbage rolls and homemade buns. A dessert of strusekuchen would follow.

We were very poor so we never received any Christmas presents. My brother and I would go to the fields and gather rocks and try to match them up in pairs. We named them after our horses and that is what we played with. We had big family gatherings with grandma and grandpa in Frobisher. Three families would gather for the Christmas meal. After the meal we would all go ice skating. Big fun was had by all. This is a good memory for me of Christmas.

One Christmas we went to Ma and Pa Turner’s. There were nine of us children and the highlight of our Christmas was when our uncle would wrap 50-cent pieces and hang them on the tree for each of us.

Ann Johner

561213_Ann_Johner_EM_B_G8_V1 3.17 x 1 7 DEC 18

I was one of 12 children. Christmas was a very special time for us.

We went to midnight mass as a family. Sometimes the little ones fell asleep and would have to be carried home.

Christmas day was one of celebrating, eating and gift opening. A favourite gift I once received was a doll with a porcelain face and eyes that opened and closed and she said “Mama.” Talk about an excited little girl. My mom had made clothes for her as well. Our Christmas meal consisted of chicken, stuf�ing and cranberries and the whole works. Desserts were usually Christmas cake and pies. Mother was a wonderful cook and everything was delicious.

Theresa Dukart

I can visualize the tree in my mind now with the coins hanging on the branches wrapped in gold and silver foil. As a child we thought he must be very rich.

A special gift one year was when my sister and I received an Eaton's Beauty Doll. She was just precious with a porcelain face, blinking eye sand beautiful hair. There was always food, food and more food at our Christmases. Duck, turkey, ham, pie and pudding. The table was weighed down beneath the bounty of delicious Christmas food. We never went hungry at Maand Pa Turner’s.

Dorothy Bridges

306-421-9782 Estevan, SK

Marlene Krueger

Christmas was a quiet family gathering of Dad, Mom, myself and my younger sister Mavis. Mom did all the cooking of our traditional turkey dinner, but we all did our part in eating it. Our stockings were always filled with candy and oranges. Christmas gifts were opened first thing Christmas morning so we had all day to enjoy them. We always looked forward to opening our gifts from our aunts in England as they were often books or a unique toy.

My son's �irst Christmas was the beginning of many very memorable and enjoyable Christmases. He was only nine months old, but received more gifts than you can imagine.

Many of our Christmases were enjoyed travelling to several family members by car. But if the roads weren't open we took the cutter drawn by our two horses, adorned with their bells, which made for a wonderful jingle bell Christmas. Nothing was going to stop us. Everyone took turns hosting Christmas. It was always very good, but we especially enjoyed the Christmas pudding. We always started our day with opening our gifts before going to church. Supper was early, at 1 p.m., giving us all the afternoon to cherish our time visiting with family as the children played board games. These are my wonderful memories of Christmas.

Betty Kreager

Decking the Halls

with Our Gratitude

C: 306.421.7794 F: 306.634.9727

#2 Supreme Street, PO Box 942, Estevan, SK

We hope it’s filled with love, laughter, faith, friendship, health and happiness. Thanks so much for your companionship and business at the holidays and all year. Folks like you make it all worthwhile!

Avonlea . Estevan . Radville . Redvers . Oxbow HIGHWAY 39 WEST, ESTEVAN, SK

(306) 634-6422 •

B16 December 19, 2018

Thank You! To everyone that attended and supported this years Festival of Trees. Together we raised $160,000 for the

Thank you to all of our sponsors Main Event Sponsor PAVING LTD.

Senior’s Tea

Candy Cane Lane

Breakfast with Santa

& Dennis Gonas

Power Connect

...And Thanks To The Businesses That Purchased Trees & Auction Items Kelly Lafrentz SE Medical Group

R & R Tanks

Thank you to every person that attended an event, purchased a meal, desert, drink, gave a donation, purchased a table‌.we are so very thankful.

Merry Christmas to you all

Jb Land Consulting

December 19, 2018 B17

Hats Off to Our



nG reet ings

Wishing you a safe and happy holiday season.

Sending Out Our Best Wishes Hope it’s merry, bright and filled with good friends, good times and good fortune!

Thanks for choosing us! Our connection to this community is something we really appreciate.

Thanks for being such an important part of our success! We wish you a warm and wonderful holiday.

ESTEVAN 134 4th Street


1254 7th Street, Estevan • (306) 634-9994

SUPPLY LTD. 6th Street, Estevan, SK • Ph: 306-634-2312

Estevan Bruins look forward to Christmas Regardless of where they’re from, members of the Power Dodge Estevan Bruins look forward to Christmas each year. The Bruins gladly participated in this year’s Estevan Mercury Publications Christmas memories initiative. They reflected on their favourite memories, which often involved visiting with family members and spending time skating on an outdoor rink, whether it be a slough, a pond, a street or an actual outdoor rink. Danny Ewen, who is the club’s director of marketing and operations, said the players were excited to participate. “All I had to do was give them the heads up that we were looking for some Christmas memories, and all of them seemed pretty eager to write a few things down,” said Ewen. “You can

My favourite Christmas memory is when my sister woke me up at 6am on Christmas morning. Then the both of us proceeded to go wake my brother up who would always throw a fit, so we would have to be pretty creative on how we waked him.

#1 – Grant Boldt

My favorite Christmas memory is when my Dad would take my brother and I sledding.

#3 – Johnny Witzke

tell they’re pretty excited for Christmas once again.” The players are between ages 17 and 20, so it’s understandable they would still have that anticipation level for Christmas. Many of the memories were humourous, while others were touching. “Their personalities shone through once again. They’re pretty awesome guys on our team,” said Ewen. The opportunity to gather up Christmas memories from the players also inspired Ewen to think of his own favourite memories, and he even submitted one of his own for the special. “My mom’s side of the family is Norwegian, so they always make lefsa at Christmas, so that’s the food that always makes me think of Christmas time.”

Our family tradition is always to open gifts in the morning at our house then go to Moose Jaw to my Grandma’s and take the whole family skating at the oval there on Christmas Day.

On Christmas morning, my brother and I wake up super early to open gifts. The rest of the day consists of relaxing and enjoying our presents. One thing I love about the holidays is spending time with my family.

Just a Little Holiday Hello Now in stock, stop by for competitive pricing!

Season’s greetings to our valued customers, associates, neighbors and friends. We wish you all the very best!

#2 – Austin KingCunningham

#5 – Bronson Adams

Let us echo the message of the season by expressing our sincere thanks to you, our loyal patrons. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


JOHN J. BILLESBERGER B.A., LL.B. MERRILEE SWANSON, B.A., J.D. 1017 - 3rd Street, Estevan

(306) 637-3710

202 6th Street, Estevan

(306) 634-2544

May Your Days

Be Shiny & Bright Wishing you and yours sleighfuls of happiness at Christmastime and throughout the New Year! We hope this holiday season delivers everything you’ve been wishing for, right down to the last detail.

Lance Mack & Yansey Hagel 1010 6th Street, Estevan Phone: 306-634-6060

Shell Lubricants Distributor

BEST WISHES AT CHRISTMAS! Wishing you a warm and happy season!

From all the staff at HUTT’S TRUCKING LTD. 560534_Christmas_Greeting_EM_B_G3_V1 4.85x4 6 Dec 18

B18 December 19, 2018

Ho-Ho-Hope It’s Happy!

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas!

HO ... HO ... HOpe it leaves you laughing all the way! We’re all revved up to wish you a merry Christmas powered by faith, family, friendship and joy.


(306) 634-7276

Big thanks to all of our valued customers for your trust in us. Merry Christmas, everyone!

110 Frontier Street, Estevan

1139 5th Street



CELL: 306-421-3726 RES: 306-634-7538 OFFICE: 306-388-2941

Every year my mom reads Mary’s Little Donkey to the rest of my family in the week leading up to Christmas.

My favourite Christmas tradition is waking up in the morning and having breakfast with my family then going to my grandparents’ for supper and there is usually about 15 people there and we play games all night.

#6 – Aigne McGeadyBruce

My favourite Christmas tradition is going to Regina Beach to my grandparents’ and skating on the outdoor rink.

#8 – Jake Heerspink

My favourite Christmas memory is playing road hockey or pond hockey with my family on Christmas day.

#10 – Jayden Davis

Every Christmas when my family decorates the tree, we have 12 bear ornaments. And there is a song that goes with it for hanging each one.

#12 – Kolton Leslie

#11 – Kade McMillen

On Christmas my family and I would always eat Christmas Dinner at my Nana’s then we would have a second Dinner at my grandma’s and then play cards after we all ate.

#14 – Eddie Gallagher

Seasons Greetings from Southeast Physio

Merry Christmas and a safe and

Happy New Year from the Staff at

Southeast Physiotherapy

Lori Carr, MLA Estevan Constituency Office e


Remember: with the New Year your benefits will renew! Call 306-634-6630 TODAY! 1209 5th Street, Estevan

Merry Christmas! Thank yo you ou ffor or your support in 2018 2018. We’ve had a phenomenal year of learning, growth and accomplishments.

Looking forward to another successful year in 2019! CALL US TODAY!

1-306-63-SCRAP • (1-306-637-2727) 79 Perkins St., Estevan, SK

December 19, 2018 B19

Merry Christmas Have a Holly Jolly Christmas



Deck the halls and have a ball this holiday! We hope your season is merry, bright and filled with all the makings of happy new memories.

Thanks & Happy Holidays!


Thanks & Best Wishes


Mer r y Chr istmas

On Christmas my family goes to my grandparents’ at Regina Beach. We open presents first thing in the morning and spend the rest of the day tobogganing, ice fishing and beating the Ripplinger family on the outdoor rink.

My favourite memories of Christmas is going out to my grandparents’ out at Regina beach on Christmas day and have a nice brunch with my family that my grandma makes and then going down the street to light up the Manz boys on the outdoor rink.

My favourite memory at Christmas is playing road hockey with my family at my grandparents’ cabin. Over the holidays I enjoy spending time with family and friends, relaxing and ice fishing.


We hope your season is delightful in every way!

Trobert Law Firm

305 - 1133 4th Street | Estevan, SK | 306-634-2616

#15 – Tanner Manz

#17 – Turner Ripplinger

#19 – Tyson Manz


North Portal (306) 927-2165 • Estevan (306) 634-5454

My favourite memory at Christmas would be playing outdoor hockey with my family and friends on the pond behind my house. My family tradition is watching the cartoon version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas on Christmas Eve. Then on Christmas Day we open gifts in the morning and in the evening all of my family goes to my grandma’s house for supper.

#16 – Will Koop

My favourite memories from Christmas are skating with my buddies and then Christmas supper with my family.

#18 – Ryder Pierson

On Christmas my family wakes up early and we open our presents, then we go play outdoor hockey at a rink by our house. My favourite meal is my grandma’s homemade mashed potatoes.

#20 – TJ Irey

With thanks for your valued business.

Merry Christmas!

Serving SE Sask. for 27 years! 445 - 4th Street, Estevan • 306-634-2815

With appreciation at the holidays, we thank you for your business and wish you a joyous holiday season Back Row: Twyla Hanson, Lynise Hunter, Amber Kuchinka & Amber Abbott Front Row: Reynold Bert, Cory Casemore & Ron Areshenkoff

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce the latest staffing addition to our Spectra Financial office. Cory Casemore is our new Group Benefits & Life Insurance Specialist. 101 4th Street Estevan, SK S4A 2A6

(306) 634-3637

B20 December 19, 2018

GMB SouthSask

A Chorus of Thanks & Well Wishes Here’s hoping your holiday hits all the high notes!


is your locally owned, operated and licensed pest control company.

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“I will honour Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year” − A Christmas Carol (2009)

My favourite Christmas memory was when my family went to Florida and we went to a Tampa Bay Lightning and Pittsburgh Penguins game. My favorite Christmas meal is my grandma McChesney’s chilli.

#21 – Michael McChesney

My favourite Christmas tradition is waking up in the morning and opening presents then eating my mom’s Christmas wife saver breakfast.

My favorite memory come Christmas time is when my family heads to the outdoor rink in the park beside my house. We spend hours playing hockey and enjoying our time together.

My favorite Christmas memory is making Christmas cookies with my brother on Christmas morning after we open presents.

#26 – Bryce Platt

On Christmas morning we open gifts and in the afternoon we go to a family member’s house which switches every year to celebrate for the rest of the day. Good time being with fam.

#24 – Jack Michell

#28 – Tristyn DeRoose

#27 – Isaiah Thomas

On Christmas Eve we would always go to my grandparents’ house to visit. Open presents with my family on Christmas morning and play with my gifts all day. On Boxing Day, we would organize a road hockey game with the neighbours and then watch World Junior Hockey. Also, we ate a lot of Lefsa!

Director of Marketing & Operations, Danny Ewen

With a song in our hearts, we thank you for a wonderful year and wish you a blessed holiday. May the season deliver all the joys, large and small, that make life so special. Customers like you bring us joy all year, and we truly appreciate your friendship and support. Merry Christmas and best wishes from our entire team!


December 19, 2018 B21

2018 Marks the 10 Anniversary of the ECS Elecs Football Team. th

The team would like to thank

the following organizations that contributed to help us reach this milestone. So far, your support has helped provide an opportunity for over 275 students in southeast Saskatchewan to play high school football for the Elecs!

Elecs Football Supporters

A & S Oilfield Operating Ltd. Estevan Kinsmen and Kinettes Prairie Western Reclamation & Construction Inc. Gem Well Maintenance Inc. Salmers Contracting Inc. Alliance Drilling Ltd.

Thank you to all of Estevan for your contributions and support over the last 10 years!

Merry Christmas!

B22 December 19, 2018








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