Estevan Mercury 20180516

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New addition in North Portal



Good crowd for Bruin fundraiser

Issue 2


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Mailing No. 10769 | Publication No. 40069240

Privacy commissioner releases report on breach A report has been released into a breach of privacy that occurred with Estevan Area Home Care. Ronald J. Kruzeniski, the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy commissioner, handed down the report on April 30. In his report, he said the former Sun Country Regional Health Authority acted properly with how it handled the investigation, and he also recommended that the new Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) terminate the employment of the individual responsible for the breach. As was reported by the Mercury in March, the employee accessed the personal health information of 880 individuals between June 2010 and May 2017. An investigation was able to identify all of the home care clients who were affected by the privacy breach. Sun Country determined that 266 of the affected individuals were deceased. The health region provided notification to the 614 affected individuals who were still living. According to Kruzeniski’s report, the employee was suspected of snooping in an electronic database, Procura, which contained personal health information of homecare patients. Suspicion was raised when the employee knew more personal health information than what an individual in their position would have needed to complete duties of their position. Sun Country reported the breach to the privacy office on Nov. 8, 2017, and the following day, Kruzeniski’s office notified the health region that he would be monitoring this matter. Procura contains the entire health care records of homecare patients. This includes name, contact

information, health services number, physician’s name, records of visits with physicians, consultation reports, investigation reports, diagnostic results, bills and correspondences. Also in his report, Kruzeniski said Sun Country noticed that the employee in question discharged a patient in the Procura system on April 4, 2017. This was not a function of the employee’s position at Sun Country. “This raised suspicion regarding the employee’s activities in Procura,” he wrote. “Throughout the months of April and May, the home care department investigated this matter. This initiated an extensive audit of all of the employee’s activities in Procura. Thousands of views, edits and deletes were evaluated.” Sun Country’s privacy officer was not notified of the breach until May 29, 2017. On May 31, 2017, Sun Country restricted the employee’s access in Procura. “While restricting the employee’s access to personal health information in Procura and then terminating it altogether once a more thorough investigation took place is a right step, it should have occurred at an earlier date,” he wrote. “Sun Country noted that there was no privacy officer in place during the beginning phases of the investigation.” A l s o , o n M a y 11 , 2017, the home care manager addressed general topics related to the breach with the staff, such as not performing tasks outside of one’s role and the implications that has on the protection of personal health information. He also recommended that the SHA find ways to formally address breaches in a more timely manner, as it took Sun Country eight A2 » DISMISSAL


Work underway on Highway 18

Resurfacing is underway on Highway 18 between Torquay and Outram. The highway was voted one of the worst in the province earlier this spring.

By David Willberg

The results are in for the annual Worst Roads Campaign organized by CAA Saskatchewan, and voters were not kind to the two highways in the Torquay area. Highway 350, which runs from Torquay to the U.S. border, was third on the list, as voted by the public. Highway 18 in the Torquay

area, meanwhile, ranked No. 8 on the list. According to a news release from CAA, the worst roads are described as having cracks, crumbling pavement, potholes or craters, poor or no signage, traffic congestion and lack of cycling or walking infrastructure. But it appears some help is underway for one of those roads, as resurfacing is underway on Highway 18 between Torquay and

Outram. Traffic has been restricted to one lane in the area. Torquay Mayor Michael Strachan said there have been discussions with the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure regarding the future of the two highways. Those who drive a heavy truck on Highway 18 really notice the condition of the road. “It’s not something that

our oilfield workers and even people who haul grain down that road really enjoy, getting thrown around the cab,” said Strachan. And for people to realize how bad of shape Highway 350 is in, they need to drive down that highway after precipitation. “It turns into real mud, and the water funnels to the centre of the road,” said Strachan. “It’s not a nice A2 » HIGHWAY

Government announces funding for geothermal project The Government of Saskatchewan announced $175,000 in funding on Tuesday morning for the Deep Earth Energy Production Corporation (DEEP) to establish a geothermal power demonstration plant in the Estevan area. The funds, to be delivered over two years through Innovation Saskatchewan’s Saskatchewan Advantage Innovation Fund (SAIF), will be used to purchase equipment and build the infrastructure needed to demonstrate the feasibility of geothermal power generation in the province. Saskatchewan’s geothermal energy resource is a 1,200 C aquifer buried deep underground, which has the potential to generate constant electricity, while generating zero carbon emissions. “Saskatchewan is already a world leader in innovative carbon capture and storage technologies that reduce greenhouse gas

emissions,” said Tina Beaudry-Mellor, the minister responsible for Innovation Saskatchewan. “The Government of Saskatchewan’s funding for the DEEP geothermal power generation project continues that innovation and supports our climate change strategy to explore additional energy efficiency and innovative technologies to achieve emission reduction targets.” DEEP estimates that the hot geothermal aquifer in the project’s selected region near Estevan may support the generation of up to 500 megawatts of power. A power purchase agreement with SaskPower allows for an initial project to be developed that is expected to deliver five megawatts to the provincial grid. The company has completed a prefeasibility study for the project and will begin drilling the initial production and injection wells in June.





The 3,400-metre deep wells will produce hot brine which DEEP will measure and analyse over 90 days, to determine the project’s economic feasibility. Construction of the above-ground infrastructure would occur in 2018. The power purchase agreement between the energy corporation and SaskPower was signed in May 2017, for the Crown corporation to purchase power generated from the proposed geothermal plant. The facility will be Canada’s first geothermal power plant and will contribute toward SaskPower achieving its goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030. Founded in 2010 by professional geoscientists, Kirsten Marcia and Steve Halabura, DEEP’s strategy is to harness Saskatchewan’s geothermal resources for long-term power generation. While Canada has

a number of proven geothermal resources, there are currently no operational power plants in the country. Through public and private sector investment, the goal of DEEP’s project is to develop the province’s geothermal energy resources into commercially-viable power generation plants. “It is very exciting to launch Canada’s first geothermal power facility right here in Saskatchewan, a province known for its vast resources,” said Marcia, a former Estevan resident who is DEEP’s CEO. “ Wi t h g e o t h e r m a l power being the only renewable option providing a baseload power supply, (95 per cent availability), it’s a very attractive addition to our provincial grid. DEEP is very grateful for Innovation Saskatchewan’s support in the advancement of this cutting edge renewable power project.”



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A2 May 16, 2018

Estevan Mercury

Highway 350 described as “a total disaster” « A1 road to drive on. It’s a road to the U.S. port, so nothing says ‘Welcome to Canada’ like disaster of a road like that.” It could be a tourismrelated road, he said, as a lot of Americans used to take Highway 350 to access Rafferty Dam. Now they use other ports of entry. “It’s hurt some of our businesses in the area,” said Strachan. “That’s one of the things I’ve tried to get across to the ministry is they’re hurting our businesses, let alone our citizens who want to travel to the U.S.” He believes there is enough traffic on Highway 350 to warrant improvements. Activity for the energy sector has picked up in the area the last two years, which has resulted in an

increase in truck traffic. “It’s really made that road dangerous, and the increase to that traffic alone should warrant some work on that road,” said Strachan. Strachan receives complaints from citizens regarding the roads. He knows of people who will travel to the Port of Estevan or the Port of Oungre border crossings to visit the U.S., rather than chance Highway 350. Highway 18, meanwhile, plays a vital role for Torquay residents travelling to other centres, such as Estevan. Dennis Moore, an Estevan city councillor who is the chairperson for the South East Transportation Planning Committee, said the highway from Estevan to Outram is in rough shape, but it’s been



General Reporter DUTIES WILL INCLUDE: • Covering events and taking photos. • Interviewing people for stories. • Finding story ideas and accepting assignments from the editor. • Uploading stories to the Estevan Mercury’s website, • Proofreading stories for both the Estevan Mercury and Southeast Lifestyles. • Taking an active role in our podcast. QUALIFICATIONS: • A post-secondary journalism diploma or degree, or equivalent. • Experience in the newspaper industry. • A valid driver’s licence and access to a reliable vehicle. • Willingness to work evenings and weekends. • Strong communication and photography skills. If interested, please contact David Willberg by calling 306-634-2654, or emailing The deadline to apply is April 13 at 5 p.m.

maintained pretty well. He is pleased to see that work is underway from Outram to Torquay. “I couldn’t help but notice that some of the recapping has separated from the original base, which they’re going to of course fix,” said Moore. The area that is being resurfaced was likely the worst portion of the highway between Estevan and Oungre, he said. Once the resurfacing is finished, Moore predicted it would be up to the standard that the committee would like to see for Highway 18. “From Torquay to Oungre, that’s a real roller coaster of a road,” said Moore. “I hope that they have in mind to complete it over to the highway that runs north to Weyburn (Highway 35).” Moore believes the maintenance efforts have been pretty good for the highway from Estevan to Oungre. He added that the worst portion of Highway 18 is west of Oungre, but the traffic numbers likely aren’t high enough to warrant a full resurfacing. “At the same time, for those that have to travel it, that’s a rough piece of miserable road,” said Moore. As for Highway 350, Moore called it “a total disaster.” “That’s the way it’s

Highway 350 south of Torquay rates among the worst in the province. been for a number years,” said Moore. “I’m quite familiar with it, because we used to come on that route on our motorbikes. And since, it has turned into gravel and patches of pavement, and there’s no way we’d go that way.” It’s a stretch of road that really needs attention, but he’s not sure what will happen with it, or how soon action will be taken. “For those folks who live along that piece of road, it’s pretty shameful, because at one time it was pretty decent,” said Moore. He echoed Strachan’s comments regarding the heavy loads that are carried on Highway 350, even though the highway wasn’t built for those weights. “Without anybody monitoring what’s going on, the roads eventually just break up, especially on the shoulders,” he said. Moore stressed that David Marit, the current


Should a weight room be among the services offered by the City of Estevan inside the leisure centre?





THIS WEEK’S QUESTION: Which southeast highway is most in need of repair? Go online at to vote!

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minister of Highways and Infrastructure, is the right person for the job. They have met a few times, and Moore is pleased to see someone with a farming background in the role. “He fully appreciates what it is to have good roads, and to be able to move your commodities from the farm

into the tracks, or wherever you have to take them. I have full faith that now that he has started, I can’t imagine him just leaving this.” Moore looks forward to meeting with Marit again, and discussing the plans for future repairs to the highways, and others in the southeast in need of repairs.

Civic’s demolition is underway The process of demolishing the Civic Auditorium has started. Some of the equipment that will be used to tear down the arena arrived on Monday, and the fence that surrounds the arena was set up on Tuesday. Silverado Demolitions has been contracted out by the City of Estevan to demolish the building and to clean up the site. The work is expected to be completed by June 15. The City of Estevan opened a time capsule that was located inside the Civic on Tuesday afternoon at the Estevan

Leisure Centre. The capsule included items from when the Civic opened in 1957, and additional items from when the capsule was opened in 2005. Estevan Mercury Publications also accepting write-ups from people in the community, looking for their memories of the Civic. They can be emailed to This week’s edition of Southeast Lifestyles will have more on the opening of the time capsule. Future editions of the Mercury will have more on the Civic’s demolition.

Dismissal recommended « A1 months to report the breach. “Sun Country interviewed the employee in question,” he wrote. “It also interviewed the home care manager at the time the breach was discovered as well as a previous manager. Sun Country also conducted an extensive audit of the employee’s activities in Procura.” The audit also revealed that the employee had continued to make inappropriate accesses after two initial meetings about the breach, which occurred on April 10, 2017 and May 11, 2017. The employee’s roles and responsibilities with respect to Procura were outlined at these meetings and need-to-know was discussed. An internal investigation report provided the following action items as its plan for prevention: Improve role-based permissions in Procura so that users are given access limited to what personal health information is required for their job function. Continue and improve

staff education and training on privacy and confidentiality in Procura. Implement a “roles and responsibilities” or user agreement for Procura users which will display in the pop up message box that appears every time a user logs into the system. This has been implemented. Require all staff to review and sign the Privacy and Confidentiality Pledge annually. Develop a new and improved privacy oath, which will be used to have home care employees sign. Implement auditing in Procura so that the SHA is able to perform audits on users and do not have to rely on eHealth for this. Develop auditing work standard. This has been achieved. Kruzeniski also recommend that the SHA forward its investigation file to the Ministry of Justice, Public Prosecutions Division, to determine whether an offence has occurred and whether charges should be laid under the Health Information Protection Act. Doug Dahl, a spokesperson for the SHA, said the authority is reviewing the recommendations, including those about the employee’s status and the referral to the public prosecutions unit. “The employee is not currently at work and does not have access to any electronic health records,” Dahl said.

Third Page A3

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

2312 Morsky Drive


Dr. Daniel Crooks, DMD New Patients Welcome!

New detector dog introduced at North Portal By Brian Zinchuk

He’s a pretty excitable dog, and he gets especially excited if he finds your dope. That’s because for Chase, a 10-month-old black Labrador retriever, he gets to play with his human, detector dog handler Sherese Tardiff-Cress. His name, Chase, comes from chasing after guns and drugs. The name, in French, means the hunt. Tardiff-Cress brought out Chase for a demo at his new posting, the Canada Border Services Agency Port of North Portal on May 10. While based there, the team will go where needed. The dog is trained to search for guns and drugs, and has already amassed a table’s worth of seized guns and magazines, put on display for the press. Regarding the detector dog program, Tardiff-Cress said, “This year we are celebrating 40 years. We started in 1978. Since then, we’ve been deploying detector dogs across the country. “In 1978, they started with the firearms and narcotics dogs. Since then they’ve added currency and food, plant and animal detector dogs.” She said, “Chase and I went though the detector dog program at our Canada Border Services Agency training centre in Rigaud, Quebec. It’s a 10-week program, at

Detector Dog Handler Sherese Tardiff-Cress plays with Chase as his reward for finding something. which both of us had to be successful in order to be on the job. So we started in the beginning in April. We’ve only been on the job a month. “We are trained in detecting firearms and narcotics,” Tardiff-Cress said. “He is trained to give a subtle hint. That means he’s going to sit for us when he’s in the odour he’s trained for. After that, his reward is to play.” “He’s trained to detect heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines, ecstasy, marijuana, opium and hash,” she said.

The demo had several bags laid out on the floor of the garage. In just a few seconds, he went over the several suitcase and then sat beside a smaller carry-on bag. Some vigorous, but brief, play ensued. After a few pictures, the dog was taken out of the area. In real searches, bags are pulled out of a vehicle in a similar manner, and the dog will be sent inside the vehicle. That includes commercial trucks as well, the load and the cab. One of the firearms he found was a Suomi M-31,

Sherese Tardigg-Cress with most of the firearms and magazines on this table were found by the detector dog Chase in his first month.

found in pieces throughout the vehicle. On April 23 he found the lower receiver

of a rifle and 32 high-capacity magazines in excess of what is allowed in Canada.

For Tardiff-Cress, it’s a roughly decade-long commitment as a dog handler.

Estevan’s Operation Clean Sweep is underway for this year The City of Estevan’s annual Operation Clean Sweep is now underway. City employees were out Monday, picking up garbage from the ditches, streets and sidewalks at the city’s main entrances. Their attention will shift Tuesday to all cityowned properties, including green spaces such

as boulevards, medians, parks and natural areas. Organic waste materials, including twigs, leaves and yard refuse, will be picked up from people’s front yards in north Estevan on Wednesday. The same thing will happen for those in south Estevan the following day. Branches must be

bundled in three-foot lengths. Leaves and yard refuse have to be bagged. All items must be on the front driveway by 8 a.m. on the designated pickup day. A free landfill weekend for residential waste will be from May 18 to 21. Appliances with Freon and hazardous materials will not be accepted.

Madison Colbow, left, and Victoria Schiestel were among those who picked up garbage from the east entrance of the city on Monday.





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Editorial A4








Wednesday, May 16, 2018



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Volume 116 Issue 2 Contact us: (306) 634-2654 68 Souris Avenue N. Estevan, SK S4A 2M3 @Estevan_Mercury

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How bad can the highways be? The timing couldn’t have been any better. CAA Saskatchewan released the final results for its worst roads contest last week, and two highways in the Torquay area, Highway 18 and Highway 350, were in the top 10. Resurfacing has recently started on Highway 18 west of the village. The timing is obviously coincidental; the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure isn’t going to suddenly move in and start repairs on a highway just because it appeared in the top 10 of the Worst Roads campaign. There’s a pretty lengthy process from when a highway first appears on the ministry’s priority list, to when the work is actually started. But it is amusing to see the resurfacing begin around the same time that Highway 18 found itself on the Worst Roads list. There’s no doubt that Highway 18 from Estevan to Oungre needs to be resurfaced. It’s a beat-up road, and it forces motorists to keep their speeds down. But there are stretches of Highway 18 west of Oungre that are in worse shape, and there are highways in southeast Saskatchewan in greater need of a makeover.

From the Top of the Pile

Member Canadian Community Newspapers Association. Member Saskatchewan Weekly Newspapers Association. Audited by Audit Bureau of Circulations.

BRIAN ZINCHUK Published weekly by Prairie Newspaper Group Limited Partnership, 68 Souris Avenue N., Estevan, SK S4A 2M3.The Estevan Mercury is owned and operated by Prairie Newspaper Group Limited Partnership, a subsidiary of Glacier Media Inc. Advertising rates are available upon request and are subject to change without notice. Conditions of editorial and advertising content: The Estevan Mercury attempts to be accurate in Editorial and Advertising content; however, no guarantee is given or implied. The Estevan Mercury reserves the right to revise or reject any or all editorial and advertising content as the newspaper’s principals see fit. The Estevan Mercury will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an advertisement, and is not responsible for errors in advertisements except for the space occupied by such errors. The Estevan Mercury will not be responsible for manuscripts, photographs, negatives and other related material that may be submitted for possible publication. All of the Estevan Mercury’s content is protected by Canadian Copyright laws. Reviews and similar mention of material in this newspaper is granted on the provision that The Estevan Mercury receives credit. Otherwise, any reproduction without the permission of the publisher is prohibited. Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. Rights to any advertisement produced by The Estevan Mercury, including artwork, typography, photos, etc., remain the property of this newspaper. Advertisements or parts thereof may not be reproduced or assigned without the consent of the publisher. We acknowledge financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canadian Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

My wife is going to live. I am not. out.

At 1:55 p.m. on May 8, the alert went

It was a test of the new Alert Ready nationwide emergency alert system. At the time, I was sitting in my basement office, with my SaskTel iPhone 6s on my desk right in front of me. My wife, Michelle, was nine feet above me and about 10 feet over. She got the alert. I did not. My wife is going to live, and I am going to die. That’s kind of the point, isn’t it? If you are being sent a for-real message, it is because you might die if you do not heed its warning. I just hope it’s reserved for only the absolute most dire emergencies. As in, you should only hear it maybe once in your lifetime. I understand they might use it for Amber Alerts. I think there has to be a line somewhere. There has to be a tornado at your doorstep, not just a warning. Nuclear war. Tsunami. Earthquake. Alien invasion. That’s it. I sent SaskTel a chat message a half hour later. They responded, “Thank you for your inquiry and response. Just to let you know. You need to be on LTE to receive the

Highway 47 south of Estevan and north of Stoughton are in worse shape. Highways 318 and 361 in the Alida area have been in worse shape, although efforts have begun to improve that highway. As for Highway 350 south of Torquay, it’s hard to imagine many highways in the province in worse shape. It’s a 15-kilometre goat path that ends at a Canada-U.S. border crossing. Nothing says “Welcome to Canada” quite like one of the worst roads in the province. Unfortunately, it’s not the only provincial highway with a Canada-U.S. border crossing that is in terrible shape. There are others, including Highway 47 south of Estevan, that leave a bad first impression with visitors from the U.S. At the same time, how do you justify spending millions of dollars on a highway like No. 350 that, according to the 2016 provincial traffic volume map, has less than 200 vehicles per day? Those who don’t use Highway 350 will tell you there are more pressing concerns in Saskatchewan than a highway with so little traffic.

It’s been rare to see a local highway crack the top 10 of the Worst Roads list. We might complain about the condition of some of the highways in the area, but most are in pretty good shape. And so they should be. Not only is there a lot of traffic on our highways, but those highways also have a lot of heavy trucks. But there are some highways in need of repairs. It’s also interesting to note the presence of five municipal roads on this year’s Worst Roads list. Fortunately, no Estevan roads made the top-10, although you could make a case for some of our industrial roads. Three of the worst roads are in Moose Jaw, including High Street West, which finished first. Interestingly, Sidney Street in Maple Creek cracked the top 10, even though it is a community with 2,500 people. The Worst Roads contest always makes for interesting reading, especially now that municipal roads are included. It shouldn’t be viewed as a definitive ranking, but it’s something that governments should be paying attention to.

alert. If your are on UMTS or Wi-Fi, you will not receive it, so please confirm this.” To which I responded, “Well what the hell use is an alert system if it only works in Regina and Saskatoon?” “If North Korea, Russia or China decides to lob nuclear missiles at Minot and the 150 surrounding missile silos around it, including one 50 km from my house, shouldn’t I get an alert?” They replied, “We are sorry to hear that. Thank you for your inquiry and your response. We understand your frustration. Looks like reason is because of iOS 10.3.3, you need to have iOS 11.3 or higher. “We apologize for any inconvenience. For more information please see: https://bit. ly/2G1QFk7” It turns out my lack of updating my phone may secure my untimely demise. Curse you Apple. Your iOS updates apparently aren’t insistent enough that I update my software. It should be reminding me every 20 seconds instead of every 60 seconds. It could also have been that my wife got LTE signal upstairs, while I just get 3G downstairs. So I looked up their link, which said, “Federal, provincial, and territorial governments are responsible for issuing emergency alerts. "Federally, emergency alerts are issued most frequently by Environment and Climate Change Canada. “Each provincial or territorial government decides who will have the authority to issue alerts within their jurisdictions. For example, emergency alerts could be issued by provincial or territorial emergency management offices, or in some cases, by municipal emergency management offices or local police and fire departments.” Further investigation found that it does

appear to be largely limited, but does not include alien invasion. However, Amber Alert is indeed on there. And that, I think, is a mistake. Amber Alerts are a serious consideration. However, with social media and every other avenue already available and flooding everyone with Amber Alert messages (often for days, long after it has passed), sending a heart-stopping alert to everyone’s cell phones is a bad idea. Amber Alerts are relatively frequent, unlike the other perils that are listed as warranting alerts, like flash floods, tornados or hurricanes. I fear we run the risk of crying wolf too often, of people becoming jaded to it. Case in point: Hawaii, Jan. 13, 2018. A similar alert was sent out to cellphones in Hawaii, warning, “Ballistic missile threat inbound to Hawaii. Seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill.” It wasn’t a drill, but it was a false alarm, one that opened many eyes and scared many more to tears. With the rising tensions with nuclear-armed North Korea peaking around that time, there was enough probability that it was the real deal to be terrifying. So what happens if another alert like that goes out – except a real one? Will anyone take shelter? Will they think it’s real? I don’t know if that foul-up prompted the new alert system in Canada. If it did, kudos to those who got if off the ground in such short order. But if not, testing it was a good idea, so the bugs could be worked out. My wife didn’t bother to tell me the world was ending when she got her alert. I wonder if that was a mysterious happening, or intentional? I don’t know if I want to know. Brian Zinchuk is editor of Pipeline News. He can be reached at brian.zinchuk@

Lynn Chipley Broker/Owner

Op-Ed A5


Put the sign of success on your front yard. 1339 Fourth Street, Estevan, SK S4A 0X1 O 306-634-1020 F 306-634-0088 *Each office independently owned and operated

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

When golf was more than a game for some reason Corey Atkinson New Material Only

There are a lot of things to like about the game of golf, but try telling them to an easily frustrated 13-year-old who thinks he can only get better by repetition. The recent string of holes-in-one at Moose Jaw’s Lynbrook Golf Course – they had basically one a day for a stretch last week – has got me thinking about the game and I having a strained past, starting from when I was a small child. Before we moved to Moose Jaw, my parents got me a child’s set of clubs. I’m sure they weren’t inexpensive but they were right-handed clubs and I was (and still am) a lefty. It wasn’t an unreasonable assumption to make, given that both of my parents are right-handed. I wasn’t trying to be obstinate this time, I legitimately am left-handed at golf and with a baseball bat. Left-handed clubs must have been tough to find at the time so I didn’t end up getting clubs until I was 12 and used Christmas and birthday money to order a set at Consumers Distributing in the Town ‘N’ Country Mall (located about where Sportchek is now) and gleefully picked them up along with a Wilson bag at the mall. And there was my meal ticket out of this one-horse town. I’d golf better than anyone, without proper instruction, because I’d be more determined than anyone and I’d practice more than anyone could. Spoiler alert – it didn’t quite work out. My dogged determination to spend all of my allowance and lawn-mowing money and spare summer afternoons walking back and forth to the Lynbrook from our northwest Moose Jaw home meant that I’d started to fulfill what I thought was my destiny. The following April, my parents got me a membership at the Lynbrook. I still hadn’t broken 120 but it was now only a matter of time. Every dollar I had was still going to buying sleeves of balls and tees. Every couple of days (if it wasn’t raining, and I don’t remember the summer of 1989 as being anything but bright and sunny), I’d walk there and ask the pro if I could jump on. “You don’t have to keep showing me that,” he’d say before telling me that I could get in between the two teams in front. Or I’d join a duo. Whatever the case, I was never getting any better making the same mistakes every time on the course. Avid reader that I was, I picked up a few tips from golf magazines (although to be honest, finding out Curtis Strange could make $100,000 on any given week was more of a thing for me). I tried to burn the tips themselves into my head but because I didn’t see immediate improvement, it was never going to do much good. Impatience set in and by the end of the summer, I had fallen out of favour with the game. When we moved to Regina, it wasn’t easy to find a course so easy to jump on as the then-sand green Lynbrook was. It became easier to fall out of favour with golf as the years went on. When I was invited to play in a few charity events with other people I worked with years later, I still had the same clubs as I had as a young teen. I wasn’t any better than those days, and although the clubs weren’t the greatest help it wasn’t their fault. Now, a few moves and a separation later, the clubs have vanished, a part of my life that no longer hold precedence over anything. Any requests by myself to golf are politely declined. What fun is golfing on rentals, anyway? Now, with basically a hole-in-one falling at the drop of a Titleist visor at my old course, I wonder how I’d have reacted at that age with such a perfect shot going in. Must have been some unfortunate pin placements in my day. I’m sure that was it.

The man in the van The editor: To celebrate life is the catch phrase at many funerals and aptly applied in the Toronto attack, where a frustrated madman mowed down people for 16 blocks with a van. There was no prejudice. Muslim, Christian, spiritualists, black, white, yellow or red, it didn’t matter. What it has done has set bigotry aside and has brought diverse factions together as equals in the shared embrace of grief and love. Mainstream intolerance, entitlement, greed and indiscriminate prejudice are the glaring dangers our present dog eat dog culture encourages. In too many ways, this culture of conflict

has vaulted a few people to the power positions of Earth, leaving the mass remainder of humanity to beg for the scraps. This selfishness incessantly undermines man’s born qualities of sharing and caring. The man in the van, energized by demeaning social labelling such as sexual loser, is not alone. He shares demeaning social stigma with increasing numbers of prospective individual vigilantes that can willingly selfsacrifice, to emphasize their frustrations in our dysfunctional system’s hierarchy and artificial measurements of acceptance. That measurement, based mainly on the possession of wealth, power,

prestige and appearance, condemns most of the world to substandard existence and the subsequent search either to improve their lot in life, give up totally or publicly display their frustrations. Consequently, there is the obvious growth of either mass migrations of humans trying to escape environmental, economic or military turmoil, or acts of random violence that are sensationalized when they attract media attention. Yes, I’m saying the very basis of our artificial, manmade value system is dangerously flawed and leading us down a very unpredictable, painful path. Intolerance, condemnation of innocent scapegoats and

undemocratic concentration of power were the basis of Nazi philosophy that developed into the Holocaust that was the last world war, and we are well on our way to World War 3 under the same philosophy today. So I say we celebrate the lives taken or forever changed by the man in the van because it has empowered the diversity of its victims to come together in recognition that love, sharing and community are those natural, automatic human staples that should and could, with courage, dictate the basis of our world’s value system. Greg Chatterson Fort San, Sask.

No decision has been made by city council on future home for spin classes in Estevan By David Willberg

Estevan city council has not made a final decision on the future location for spin class sessions. The classes have been offered in a once-vacant room in the southwest corner of Affinity Place. But that room is slated to be converted into the Mike Sarada Athlete Education Centre, a facility that would be used for coaching and video instruction for the Estevan Minor Hockey Association and other organizations in the community. The spin classes, which are offered three times a day twice a week, were slated to be moved to the Estevan Leisure Centre’s multipurpose room, which is where classes were held previously. Fifteen bikes are used during the spin class. The spin class issue was first addressed publicly during an open house to discuss the future of the weight room on May 2. Some who attended the weight room open house were concerned with relocating spin classes to the multipurpose room and how it would affect the bikes, since they would have to be moved in and

out of the room before and after classes to accommodate other programs. They were also worried that some classes would be cancelled due to events in the multipurpose room. Others were concerned about the acoustics in the room, since instructions and other encouragement from the instructor is an important part of the class. On a couple of occasions, the fans for the multipurpose room turned on during the open house, making it difficult to hear the conversation. There were suggestions of moving the athlete education room to another area of the leisure centre, such as the mezzanine above the Power Dodge Ice Centre, a dressing room inside Affinity Place, or a meeting room inside the Estevan Public Library. Diane Wenham, the facilities manager for the City of Estevan, said the room where spin class is now located gets very warm during exercise, and the city has received a lot of complaints. She also said the lei-

sure centre staff members are being trained on how to move the bikes safely. The issue came up again at the city council meeting May 7. Councillor Greg Hoffort said when council made its intention known to move spin class to the multipurpose room, it was made in haste and without proper consultation. Hoffort wanted to know if city management has decided whether there’s another space in the Estevan Leisure Centre where the class could go. “Some of those folks were very clear about their concerns about moving the bikes back and forth. They’re a very finely tuned piece of apparatus,” said

Hoffort. Other concerns, such as acoustics and room temperature, were factors that Hoffort admits he wouldn’t have considered before making the decision. “I think a solution is there, and I’d like to turn it over to management to give it a little more review in relation to the entire complex and what operations are best suited and in what areas of Affinity Place and the Estevan Leisure Centre,” said Hoffort Mayor Roy Ludwig said that at this point, council hasn’t made its final decision regarding spin class, and everything would be up for discussion.

Your participation The Estevan Mercury and Southeast Lifestyles encourages readers’ contributions and written reactions to what appears on our editorial pages. To submit a letter to the editor, please email it to editor@este-, or visit www.estevanmercury. ca. Letters that identify the correspondent will be seriously considered for publication with the author ’s permission, subject to normal editing processes.

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A6 May 16, 2018

Estevan Mercury

Family expo numbers up in second year The Family Expo hosted by the Estevan Family Resource Centre saw the numbers grow in its second year. Fifty exhibitors filled the Power Dodge Curling Centre on Saturday for the expo, and about 600 people attended the event. Brittany Zahn, who is a member of the family centre’s board, said the attendance is approximately double what they had a year ago. “We were really hap-

py with everything,” said Zahn. “We had a good crowd, and great weather, obviously, and happy vendors.” Those who attended the expo had a variety of products to choose from, including clothing, books, toys, food and more. There was also a lot of services available, and plenty of information for people to find. Vendors were happy with the number of people who attended, and Zahn

said they were also happy with the setup, the appearance of the building and the way the booths were laid out. Those who attended the expo were also treated to entertainment. A diaper derby baby crawl was quick but entertaining,

she said. Children’s entertainer Funtazm kept the children’s attention throughout the show, and Alisha Mann from Music for Young Children also performed. The family resource centre took over the organization of the expo last

year. While it’s not a big fundraiser for the agency, it’s a great way to show people what the centre is about and all it has to offer. “Community comes first for us, and I think a lot of our vendors who come back think the same thing,” said Zahn. “They want to be

out there in the community, getting their name out and networking, and I think the draw with all the kids activities and entertainment helps people come in with their kids and stay a little longer.” Proceeds from the expo will be directed to the family centre’s programs.



Tierra Fichter, left, gave a temporary tattoo to Brooklyn Boire.






























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Eligible new 2018 GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab Elevation Edition: $4,150 manufacturer-to-dealer cash credit (tax exclusive), $1,600 manufacturer-to-dealer (tax exclusive) Truck Nation Credit, $750 manufacturer-to-dealer Option Package Discount Credit (tax exclusive), $1,000 GM Card Application Bonus (offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank GM Visa Card (GM Card) or current GM Card cardholders) (tax inclusive) and $3,550 manufacturer-to-dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive). On all offers: Void where prohibited. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing certain cash credits which will result in higher effective cost of credit on their transaction. Limited time offer which may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other offers. General Motors of Canada Company may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. † Eligible 2018 GMC Canyon Extended Cab 4x4: Lease based on suggested retail price of $36,120, includes $750 manufacturer-to-consumer GM Card Application Bonus (offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank GM Visa Card [GM Card] or current GM Card cardholders) (tax inclusive), $500 manufacturer-to-dealer lease cash (tax exclusive), $1,250 manufacturer-to-dealer Delivery Credit (tax exclusive) and $1,500 manufacturer-to-dealer Truck Nation Credit (tax exclusive) towards the lease of an eligible new 2018 GMC Canyon Extended Cab 4x4 at participating dealers. Bi-weekly payment is $150 for 48 months at 1.9% interest rate on approved credit to qualified retail customers by GM Financial. $2,065 down payment is required. Total obligation is $17,696 plus applicable taxes. Taxes, license, insurance, registration and applicable fees, levies, duties and dealer fees (all of which may vary by dealer and region) are extra. Option to purchase at lease end is $16,254. See dealer for details. Discounts vary by model. Dealer may sell for less. Limited time offer, which may not be combined with certain other offers. General Motors of Canada Company may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. Offers may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. ◊ Eligible 2018 GMC Sierra Double Cab Elevation Edition 4x4: Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles purchased between May 1, 2018, to May 31, 2018. Limited time only. Suggested purchase price of $36,495 includes $11,000 Total Value which is a combined total credit value for cash purchases on eligible 2018 GMC Sierra Double Cab Elevation Edition 4x4 including $4,150 manufacturer-to-dealer cash credit (tax exclusive), $1,600 manufacturer-to-dealer (tax exclusive) Truck Nation Credit, $750 manufacturer-to-dealer Option Package Discount Credit (tax exclusive), $1,000 GM Card Application Bonus (offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank GM Visa Card (GM Card) or current GM Card cardholders)(tax inclusive) and $3,550 manufacturer-to-dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive). Suggested purchase price includes freight and air conditioning charge but excludes taxes, license, insurance, registration and applicable fees, duties and dealer fees (all of which may vary by province and dealer). Limited time offer, which may not be combined with certain other offers. General Motors of Canada Company may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ∆ Eligible 2018 Sierra HD 4x4 with Duramax Diesel Engine: Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada from May 1, 2018, to May 31, 2018. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank ® or RBC Royal Bank for 72 months on a new 2018 Sierra HD 4x4 with Duramax Diesel Engine. Other trims may have effective rates higher than 0%. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $80,000 financed at 0% nominal rate (0.2% APR) equals $1111.11 monthly for 72 months. Total Value consists of $4,272 manufacturer-to-dealer Delivery Credit (tax exclusive), $500 manufacturer-to-dealer Finance Cash (tax exclusive), and $1,000 manufacturer-to-consumer GM Card Application Bonus (offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank GM Visa Card [GM Card] or current GM Card cardholders) (tax inclusive). Cost of borrowing is $0, for a total obligation of $80,000. Freight and air charge ($100, if applicable) included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. General Motors of Canada Company may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. ¥ Offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank ® GM ® Visa* Card (GM Card) or current Scotiabank ® GM ® Visa* Cardholders. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2018 model year (“MY”) GMC delivered in Canada between May 1, 2018, to May 31, 2018. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $750 credit available on: GMC Canyon (except 2SA); and $1,000 credit available on: GMC Sierra or Sierra HD. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GM Canada dealer for details. GM Canada reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice.1 Sierra 5-star Overall Vehicle Score applies to 1500 series vehicles. U.S. Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program ( 2 Whichever comes first. Limit of four complimentary Lube-Oil-Filter services in total. Fluid top-offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc., are not covered. Conditions and limitations apply. See your dealer for details. 3 Whichever comes first. Conditions and limitations apply, see your dealer for details.4 Visit for vehicle availability, details and system limitations. Services and connectivity vary by model and conditions as well as geographical and technical restrictions. Requires active connected vehicle services and data plan. Data plans provided by AT&T or its local service provider. Accessory Power must be active to use the Wi-Fi hotspot.

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Kitchen responds to task force’s creation

Souris-Moose Mountain MP Robert Kitchen is voicing his concerns with the Just Transition Task Force for coal workers and communities, which was announced recently by Catherine McKenna, the federal minister for the Environment and Climate Change Canada. This follows the minister’s announcement in 2016 that the Liberal government plans to phase out conventional coalfired power generation in Canada by 2030. “It is unfortunate the government announced this task force, which is designed to discuss the impacts of closing coal-fired generators, and yet they did not even take the time to let the mayors of affected communities know this was happening,” said Kitchen. Kitchen reached out to the mayors of Estevan, Bienfait and Coronach, which are all coal mining communities, to share their thoughts on the task force.

“As mayor of Estevan and a coal miner for 42 years, I am disappointed at the lack of discussion and involvement by the federal government in our community on this issue,” said Roy Ludwig. “SaskPower at Boundary Dam has implemented clean-coal technology at Estevan and has been successful with the integrated carbon capture and storage of CO2 (carbon dioxide), which is used for enhanced oil recovery operations. “We are hopeful that with this proven technology, we can continue to be part of the solution moving forward.” Bienfait Mayor Paul Carroll also voiced his concerns. “It’s unfortunate that the federal government has made decisions that severely impact a major industry for our community without even having visited here once. Our small town of Bienfait may not have a large population (approximately 800

Souris-Moose Mountain MP Robert Kitchen people, and) we feel as though the government has us in the proverbial crosshairs, headed for extinction … it is our hope that this committee that has been formed will make an announced stop to truly get honest feedback from those affected,” said Carroll.

Coronach Mayor Trevor Schnell said people in the community are eager to learn about the options and programs that the task force will bring to the region. “ O u r t o w n o f 7 11 people is solely supported by the workforce at the

Westmoreland Coal Mine and the SaskPower Poplar River power plant, and the fringe businesses that rely on these employers,” said Schnell. “If this task force is truly going to help ‘communities identify economic opportunities for

the future, seize those opportunities, and minimize impacts in the transition away from coal power,’ then we are prime candidates for financial and economic support.” Kitchen said there isn’t a member of the task force who has actually lived in a coal mining community in Saskatchewan, and understands the way of life. He expects the task force to come to each community affected, and to do a thorough and in-depth analysis that includes the Westmoreland Coal Company, SaskPower, affected municipalities, all unions, workers and service providers for each company in all regions, as well as the residents of the impacted communities. “Shutting down coal power is going to have devastating effects on communities in my riding and I will continue to stand up for my constituents on this issue at every possible opportunity,” said Kitchen.

Consent the focus of annual awareness week Envision Counselling and Support Centre is discussing the importance of consent during Sexual Assault Awareness Week from May 14-18. The Government of Saskatchewan has proclaimed the week, with a focus on understanding what consent looks like in sexual situations. The message for the week is “Only yes means yes.” Through awareness, education and support,

Envision hopes to break the silence of assault, and shift attitudes that will change behaviours and reduce sexual violence. Sexual violence crosses all ages, genders, races, ethnicities and economic backgrounds. According to information supplied by Envision, one in three women and one in six men will be affected by sexual assault in their lifetime, and 91 per cent of sexual assaults are

not reported to the police. In 75 per cent of sexual assault cases, the perpetrator is known to the victim. Saskatchewan is also home to the highest sexual assault rates in the country, with 138 cases per 100,000 people. “Although the amount of sexual violence is alarming, there is hope for survivors and means to prevent it,” Envision stated in a press release. The agency offers a

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safe space and help for sexual assault survivors. It also offers counselling and support throughout the southeast with offices in Estevan, Weyburn, Carlyle and Oxbow. Envision also supplies education surrounding sexual assault through presentations and its resourcebased website. Envision believes that education and awareness are key factors in preventing violence in communities.

“As a community, sexual assault is a topic that we often want to avoid, but we must break the silence and start talking about it in order to reduce its harmful effects,” said Envision executive director Christa Daku. To promote awareness regarding sexual assault, Envision engages youth throughout the year in local high schools with sexual assault presentations. Prevention efforts are a signifi-

cant part of sexual assault awareness and taking the time to dispel myths and provide accurate, up to date information is important to ending sexual violence. With each presentation, students have the chance to understand the social and legal pieces surrounding sexual assault. To follow what Envision is doing for Sexual Assault Awareness Week, visit the agency’s Facebook page or its website.

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A8 May 16, 2018

Estevan Mercury

Spring Home and Garden Spotlight on outdoor lighting Do you long to admire your garden day and night? You can! Highlight your landscaping with strategically placed light fixtures throughout your yard. Onc e lit, you r plants, your pathways and even your pool will give your garden a magical feel after sundown. A well-integrated landscape lighting sys-

tem will allow you to create the atmosphere you desire, whether you wish to relax in a peaceful oasis, entertain in an enchanting atmosphere or impress your guests with the fanciest of backyards. A few tips Lighting vertical surfaces such as tall trees or fences will make your yard seem bigger.

Cover Your Ugly Concrete

Combine function and form by lighting up your pathways, entrance and outdoor kitchen. Don’t overdo it, though: the goal is to be able to move around safely, not to see as if it were daylight. Finally, shine the spotlight on the main features of your landscaping. You could use projectors to make your pool or water fountain shimmer. Other options include illuminating flowerbeds, shrubs or your deck.

Gone are the days of old tree stumps rotting away in the middle of the garden. Here are four unique ways to incorporate stumps in your landscaping. 1. As a pedestal Thanks to their flat surface, tree stumps make perfect pedestals. Use your stump

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as a base for a bird feeder, a bonsai tree, a statue, a floral arrangement or even a fountain. As a finishing touch, surround the stump with flowers or decorative stones. 2. As lighting Hollow stumps are great for hiding outdoor lighting in plain

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sight. Drill holes in the wood’s surface or cut slats in the sides to let the light shine t h ro u g h . U s e y o u r stumps to subtly illuminate a tree, a shrub or a pathway. 3. As art If you have certain artistic talents, why not turn your tree stumps into works of art? Sand then paint them to create unique decorative elements for your garden. You could even engrave or sculpt the wood if you’d like. 4. As a planter Fill up hollow tree stumps with soil and sow some seeds inside. Choose plant varieties that spread quickly to add character to your garden in no time at all. To find all the plants, materials and tools you’ll need to make your project a success, visit a gardening centre or plant nursery near you.



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May 16, 2018 A9

Spring Home and Garden The art of incorporating sculptures Sculptors have been creating works destined to embellish gardens for centuries. Sculptures, when properly integrated in well thoughtout landscaping, have the power to make your yard look majestic. When it comes to incorporating sculptures in your landscaping, there are certain basic rules to follow.

Are you a fan of gardening and birdwatching? Then why not combine your two hobbies by incorporating birdhouses into your landscaping? Here are a few tips for creating a garden filled with colourful blooms and the chirps of winged creatures all summer long. Species to charm First off, determine which types of bird you’d like to attract. To avoid disappointment, find out which birds typically frequent your area.

First off, avoid overcrowding the space. Sculptures will inevitably draw attention, meaning that they’ll become the focal point of your garden. Unless you have a particularly vast yard, stick to a single piece. If you really want to have several, position them so only one is visible at a time. Ideal plants Choose flowers and other plants that contrast in colour with your sculpture. If the sculpture is white, try planting deep blue hostas at its feet; if it’s dark, choose white, yellow or light pink flowers for maximum impact. Avoid plants that are overly bulky or invasive — anything that could steal the spotlight from your sculpture. You wouldn’t want to get stuck having to trim a shrub

Add life to your garden with birdhouses

Next, go get some quality birdhouses from your local gardening centre or hardware store. Ask a salesperson to help you choose the best models for the types of bird you’re looking to attract. You’ll need to consider the size of the entrance and the available nesting space inside of the birdhouse.




What to look for Choose birdhouses with the following features: • M o u l d - r e s i s t a n t m a t e r i a l s (cedar wood is an excellent choice) • A roof that juts out a few centimetres over the entrance • A door that allows easy access to the inside for cleaning • A look that’s harmonious with the rest of your landscaping

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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Emergency Preparedness Week noted at schools

By Corey Atkinson

In an emergency at your home, firefighters will need to know how many pets are in the home – and who better to help illustrate that point than fire mascot Sparky? Emergency Preparedness Week was noted in the city at six elementary schools to their Grade 3 classes. Helen Fornwald, safety co-ordinator with the city, made the presentation with Fire Chief Dale Feser and Pam DeChief of the Red Cross. There was also a visit from Sparky, who came down from Prince Albert for the visit. “We target Grade 3 students and what we want to do is stress about pet care this year and the SaskAlert app, as well as the Red Cross has a couple of apps,” said Fornwald. “With the fire department, we’ve joined as partners in many years for this and they provide all their information to the students as well. It’s a learning activity we do with them.” K i d s a t We s t v i e w School last Friday afternoon were able to quickly recite where they would need to call for help and were made aware of the stickers that will be coming for those with pets, to note how many pets are in the home so that all lives in any

house can be accounted for when an emergency strikes. “Pets are like family and everyone likes their pets,” said Fornwald. “What we’re doing with those stickers is putting them in their water bills for the month of May and June. All the residents that receive a water bill will be given a pet sticker so they can write it and put it on their front door or window and assist with the fire services.” An important thing they indicated to the students was for them not to go back themselves for pets. “It’s not just for large scale emergencies,” said Feser. “It also plays a role in your standard house fire that may occur. Pets can be somewhat vulnerable. They can’t fend for themselves sometimes if you look at a bird or a lizard or whatever the case may be. We’ll do our best to go in there with our protective equipment and save all those pets because they are cherished family members.” The students were also treated to a demonstration on how firefighters might be searching for a person hiding by placing a student in a locker and having the firefighter searching under each door for them. Eventually, fire mascot Sparky had to come and help.

Your pet will love it here

Fire Chief Dale Feser, right, shows Grade 3 students at Westview School about the protective equipment used by firefighters in rescue missions. “They really resonate with Sparky and all the safety messages,” said Feser. “They’re very well aware of stop, drop and roll so we were introducing some new things like cover your ears, nose and mouth and protect your lungs, and always try to get a participant so they can see the practical application for it as well. Students are very receptive and Helen and I get some very positive feedback, as well as the teachers.” The students are handed a package about what to do in an emergency, and Feser said it helps educate the parents at the

same time. “We want them to make sure they’re prepared in case of any kind

of emergency and also have a kit… whether it’s at home or whether it’s a vehicle,” Fornwald said.

“Sparky’s always a big hit at the schools, so we’re fortunate we could come and visit us.”

Henderson draws a crowd Former Estevan resident Joel Henderson, who performs under the name of Poor Nameless Boy, returned to the Energy City on Friday night for a concert at Art Concepts Custom Framing. A large crowd of about 50 people turned

out for the concert. Henderson played many of his songs during a pair of 30-minute sets. He also took the time to share stories from his music career, including his concert tour of Europe last year, and tales from his time growing up

in Estevan. He also offered the background on some of his songs. Henderson also noted that he was in the studio to record a new album back in February, and it will be released at a later date.


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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

AECOM pulls out of Estevan and Virden

AECOM has closed its doors at its Estevan shop on the Shand Access Road. It was formerly occupied by Supreme Oilfield Construction. proximately US$18.2 billion of revenue during the 2017 fiscal year, and that it was “Named one of Fortune magazine’s ‘World’s Most Admired Companies’ for the fourth consecutive year.” The company is based in Los Angeles and has operations in more than 150 countries. Its 2016 fact sheet said it had 90,000 employees on seven continents.

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A Schlumberger Co.

made up largely of former Carson employees, has filled the spaces, quite literally, vacated by AECOM. Since firing up in early 2017, Canadian Plains has occupied former Carson shops in Carlyle and Alida, and will soon be opening in Halbrite. It also has locations in Virden, North Battleford and Lloydminster. Its Regina operation will open June 1. AECOM’s website said the company had ap-


In a month when oil crested US$70 per barrel for West Texas Intermediate, AECOM, which was the last in a line of companies which had bought out the assets and operations of what was once Carson Energy Services, has closed its doors in Estevan and in Virden, Man. A sign posted in the door of its Estevan shop on Supreme Street, just off Shand Road, said, “AECOM has ceased all day to day operation out of this location as of May 8, 2018. For all inquiries, please call 306-634-5233.” A call to that number on May 14 got AECOM’s answering service in Regina. An AECOM spokesman from New York who preferred he not be named replied by phone with this statement: “The decision to close any field office is not an easy one, however, we must respond to market conditions. We remain committed to our clients and to providing oil and gas services where we see long-term opportunities.” In October 2011, Carson Energy Services sold to Flint Energy Services.

It subsequently sold to URS, which was then sold to AECOM in 2014. At the time of the Flint deal, Pipeline News wrote, “Carson has 17 locations, 13 in Saskatchewan, three in Alberta, and one in Manitoba. There are over 1,300 employees and over 1,800 pieces of equipment. The company’s existing services include midstream pipeline and facilities construction, pipeline integrity services, site prep and civil work, trucking and pickers, environmental, directional drilling, fabrication in the field and in-shop, roustabout and maintenance services, and safety sales and services.” Whereas Carson Energy had operated out of locations in almost every oil community in southeast Saskatchewan as well as oil communities in western Saskatchewan, AECOM had dramatically reduced its footprint since it acquired URS. This included closing the Lampman location, formerly the headquarters for Carson Energy. During the years of the downturn, much of their equipment assets were sold off. As AECOM has withdrawn, a new company, Canadian Plains Energy,


By Brian Zinchuk

Every month the Estevan Mercury pays tribute to its dedicated carriers who strive for excellence and deliver your paper each week. McDonald’s Restaurant proudly supports hard work and doing your best and will be supplying the carrier of the month with a gift card for a meal at the McDonald’s location in Estevan.

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7 new licenses issued to Monday, May 14 97093 97123 97074 97222 97196 97198 97337

Ridgeback Resources Hz.................................................................................................... 5-29-10-7 Torc Oil & Gas Hz ................................................................................................................... 3-1-6-6 Spartan Energy Hz ............................................................................................................. 1-18-4-17 Crescent Point Energy Hz ................................................................................................. 12-4-56-27 Crescent Point Energy Hz ................................................................................................... 2-27-1-12 Crescent Point Energy Hz ................................................................................................... 2-27-1-12 Spartan Energy Hz ............................................................................................................. 9-17-11-6

Rig Report 96B174 Red Hawk Servicing ..............................Pemoco Ltd........................................................ 16-20-9-33 95H146 Red Hawk Servicing ............................. Pemoco Ltd. ......................................................... 5-15-9-33 97G573 Red Hawk Servicing ............................. Pemoco Ltd. ....................................................... 13-15-9-33

10B161 99H158 00G064 87I231 99I060 98H061 95G240 97J034 00D243 99H070 97A118 96574 97L249 85F289 00D222 01F441 63147

Red Hawk Servicing ............................. Pemoco Ltd. ....................................................... 13-15-9-33 Red Hawk Servicing ............................. Pemoco Ltd. ......................................................... 7-21-9-33 Red Hawk Servicing ............................. Pemoco Ltd. ....................................................... 13-20-9-33 Red Hawk Servicing ............................. Pemoco Ltd. ......................................................... 4-22-9-33 Red Hawk Servicing ............................. Pemoco Ltd. ....................................................... 10-21-9-33 Red Hawk Servicing ............................. Pemoco Ltd. ......................................................... 9-21-9-33 Red Hawk Servicing ............................. Pemoco Ltd. ......................................................... 1-21-9-33 Red Hawk Servicing ............................. Pemoco Ltd. ....................................................... 14-15-9-33 Red Hawk Servicing ............................. Pemoco Ltd. ......................................................... 1-30-9-33 Red Hawk Servicing ............................. Pemoco Ltd. ....................................................... 14-15-9-33 Red Hawk Servicing ............................. Pemoco Ltd. ......................................................... 9-34-8-33 Betts Drilling .......................................Triland Energy ........................................................ 11-2-4-32 Red Hawk Servicing ............................. Pemoco Ltd. ......................................................... 9-34-8-33 Red Hawk Servicing ............................. Pemoco Ltd. ....................................................... 14-15-9-33 Red Hawk Servicing ............................. Pemoco Ltd. ....................................................... 13-10-9-33 Red Hawk Servicing ............................. Pemoco Ltd. ........................................................... 5-2-9-33 D2 Drilling ...........................................Villanova 4 Oil .......................................................... 12-3-2-4

A12 May 16, 2018

Estevan Mercury



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A14 May 16, 2018

Estevan Mercury

Council approves new cannabis sales bylaw Estevan city council has approved the city’s new cannabis bylaw. Council gave second and third readings to the bylaw during the May 7 meeting. The bylaw stipulates that any cannabis outlets cannot be located within 200 metres of a school. Marijuana businesses also need to have a storefront that faces the street and is clearly visible, and the storefront should have similar character and appearance to other storefronts in the city. It would also have to be in an existing commercial zoning district on Fourth Street, King Street, Kensington Avenue, or 13th Avenue between Fourth Street and King Street. A development permit application would be determined by council rather than city staff. Commercial growing operations would be located in an industrial area, and would be strictly wholesale. Processing facilities would be wholesale only and located within a commercial or industrial area. Also, online retail would be restricted to the storefront business, and

would be banned in the context of a home-based business. City clerk Judy Pilloud said she did not receive any comments about the bylaw. *** Council also gave second and third readings to a bylaw to name a road after the late Russsell Brown, who was part of city council in the 1960s, and was Estevan’s MLA in 1971 until he died. The road is a gravel road that runs from Souris Avenue South to Collins Road. It runs past the Cactus Park ball diamonds. *** In his monthly report to council, water treatment plant/wastewater treatment plant manager Shane Bucsis said more than 157 million litres of water were treated, and more than 122 million litres were pumped into the distribution system. There were no problems at the plant, and all regulated parameters were below government regulations, except trihalomethanes (THM). The THM issue is being addressed with the construction of a new water line that will shift the city’s

primary water source from Boundary Dam to Rafferty Dam. *** Fire Chief Dale Feser released his monthly report for March. The fire depart-

ment received 22 calls for service that month, with 11 false alarms, seven vehicle accidents and four fire alarms accounting for the activity. The fire department also had three

bi-weekly training nights and one activity. *** Councillor Dennis Moore inquired into the dust control schedule and priority areas for this year,

now that spring has arrived and warmer temperatures are here. He also wanted to know if people would be notified in advance that dust control would be carried out in their area.

Markets shift outdoors Kloe Barker views some of the plants available during the Estevan Farmers’ Market sale on Saturday at the Estevan Shoppers Mall’s parking lot. The sale was the first to be held outdoors this year, after four that were held inside. A warm, sunny day helped encourage customers to come out and view what was available. The sales will continue to be outdoors until the Thanksgiving long weekend in October.




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Sports A15

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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Each office independently owned and operated


Twins snap slump to win first game of season

By Corey Atkinson

The Southeast Performance Pump Twins were getting a little bit closer each game they played to getting their first win of the season and finally on Sunday afternoon they were able to do it. In Saskatchewan Premier Baseball League action, the midget AAA Twins defeated the Muenster Red Sox 4-2 in the second half of their doubleheader at Lynn Prime Park, only a short time after losing 9-6 in an extra inning to the Sox. The previous day, they lost 15-1 and 3-2 to the Saskatoon Cubs at Lynn Prime Park. “I think the boys will feel good about themselves after a couple of games (Sunday),” said Twins assistant coach Kent Phillips. “We got close (Saturday) but that’s a really good team. So now it feels good to finally get one.” In the Cubs series, they were down 9-0 in the bottom of the second already when Alex Kerr drove home Thomas Husband with a two-out single for

the Twins’ only run of the game. The 10 walks issued by Twins pitchers didn’t help in that game, nor did the five unearned runs. They snapped into it in their second game, despite being down 3-1 in the bottom of the seventh. Hudson Neuberger hit an RBI single to score Jose Reyes with none out. The Twins eventually advanced a runner to third base but Burke Lyons struck out swinging for the final out of the game. Ty Nikolejsin pitched well, allowing only five hits and two walks for three earned runs in the complete game loss. In their first game Sunday, the Twins committed three errors in the field. Kerr was 1-for-3 with three RBI and Reyes drove home two runs despite going 0-for-2. “If we cut down on the errors we’ll be fine,” Phillips said. Jayke Smolinski pitched well in his five innings of work in the second game, striking out seven with five walks and three hits and he allowed no runs. Husband pitched a pair of good innings in

relief, allowing two runs, only one earned. Twins pitchers were generally able to keep the ball down in the strike zone and the Red Sox were unable to turn the ball around and knock it deep. “Anything down around the knees, it’s tough to roll the ball over,” Phillips said. They’ll end up grounding it into the dirt and make a nice, easy ground ball.” The Twins scored their first runs of the game in the third inning. Hudson Neuberger had a ground out RBI to make it 1-0 and then Kerr knocked a triple into right field to score Tyran Dorrance to make it 2-0. Lyons then had an RBI single to cash in Kerr. A sacrifice flyout by Reyes in the fourth gave the Twins a 4-0 lead and all the runs they would get. Rallies for runs were tough to come by with this relatively inexperienced Twins team but they generally happened when they’ve been putting the ball in play and forcing the other teams to make plays. “If you just strike out and sit back down again it doesn’t force the other

Jayke Smolinski throws a pitch Sunday afternoon at Lynn Prime Park. team to have to do anything other than pitch strikes,” Phillips said.

The Twins will now have a weekend off of league play but will be back

at it May 26 with a doubleheader at home against the Saskatoon Giants.

Hey there, Sailor Cup; Sharks members going to California for water polo tournament By Corey Atkinson

Several members of the Estevan Sharks Water Polo team will be hitting the outdoor pools in California next week as part of the Sailor Cup invitational. The cup will have several local California teams as well as a pair of U14 CanSask teams with mostly Regina and Estevan content. The teams of 12 players each will include nine members of the Sharks: Alex and Josie Andrist, Mikayla Hack, Ethan Elliott, Cameron Gillingham, Tristen and Nathan Threinen, Lyndon Sauter and Dierks Milford. “I’m pretty excited,” said Sauter, who leaves with the group for the tournament Tuesday, while the tournament goes May 18-20. “I’m looking forward to seeing everything there and playing,” said Milford. “ I t ’s k i n d o f c o o l that we got invited to play,” said Josie Andrist. “There’s a lot of girls from Regina that are on

the team.” “I was excited when we learned where we were going,” said Alex Andrist. The pull of the sport has been strong for both of the Andrists, who have also excelled in swimming with the Estevan Golden Eels in the past. “The techniques you learn make it easier,” said Josie. “So you get better and better.” “I joined before her and I did it to keep up for speed swimming,” said Alex Andrist. “Now I’m in speed swimming to keep up for water polo. I like playing it and I like being part of a team. I like the girls on the team.” It won’t be just a water polo trip but the Estevan contingent is looking forward most to a hike up to see the Hollywood sign. “We’re going surfing and to Knotsberry Farm,” Josie Andrist said. Last winter, the Toronto Mavericks hosted a tournament where these same teams won medals and in another tournament in Calgary, the girls lost by a single goal.

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Josie Andrist, Alex Andrist, Lyndon Sauter and Dierks Milford are four of the Sharks going to California for the Sailor Cup

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A16 May 16, 2018

Estevan Mercury

Sportsman’s Dinner raises big money for Bruins By Corey Atkinson

Normally when you get a National Hockey League tough guy and an NHL referee in the same building, it’s not a good sight and penalty minutes are issued. But when the tough guy is former Estevan resident Jim McKenzie, the referee is former zebra Mick McGeough and the venue is Affinity Place for the Power Dodge Estevan Bruins, the only things issued were food to those assembled and big cheques for the live auction items. The Sportman’s Dinner was a little bit of a different format this year, with pizza and wings from the Taphouse, Mr. Mike’s and

Former NHL player Jim McKenzie speaks

Boston Pizza and dessert from Dairy Queen. “Every year we either rely on our Sportsman’s Dinner to either get us back to even or close to it,” said Bruins head coach and general manager Chris Lewgood. “This year with the long playoff run, this will set us up to put a couple of dollars in the bank. We work hard all year long to put our team in a financial situation where we can focus on providing our players and fans and everybody involved in the program with what they deserve and what junior hockey should look like. Once again, the community of Estevan steps up and does what they can to make this a possibility.” The team raised $45,000 in live auction items and another $1,000 in the evening’s 50-50 draw. The stories told by the speakers are largely unprintable but they were greatly enjoyed by those in attendance. For McKenzie, it was good to get back to his old hometown — and the place he brought the Stanley Cup to in 2003. “My son (Connor) played here a few years ago and there were games going on and the fans, it was just a beautiful building,” McKenzie said.

McKenzie had done a bit of public speaking in Nashville beyond his days as a colour commentator for their television broadcasts. In Estevan, he was on the stage with Roughrider play by play man Rod Pedersen, with Pedersen casually asking questions about his past in the NHL. “I think it’s so much better,” he said. “In a good way you make fun of each other and you interact with the crowd. I think that’s what people like.” McGeough, mean-

while, was returning to a Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League city where he’d played as a visitor and refereed in the late 70s and early 1980s. “I cut my teeth here,” McGeough said. “This is where I learned how to referee. I loved coming out here. Fans were vocal and everybody seemed to know who I was when I skated out onto the ice and that was fun. It never bothered me. You always knew you’d get well looked after here. I loved these towns, Wey-

burn, Estevan, Yorkton.” McGeough is currently a supervisor of officials with the NHL. Hockey was a different era at the time that he skated up and down the ice calling games, but many of the same faces he saw in those days were still here in this era. “They’re just older and fatter like me, that’s all,” he laughed. “No, you see the people and it’s the fun part coming back here to do things like this. I love coming here to Saskatchewan talking hockey.”

Former NHL referee Mick McGeough speaks to the assembled crowd at Affinity Place at the Bruins Sportsman’s Dinner.

Helmets help Bruins raise money for Haugan, Cross families By Corey Atkinson

With a pair of helmets, the Power Dodge Estevan Bruins have made sure to enrich the lives of a pair of coaches who lost their lives in the Humboldt Broncos bus crash. At their Sportsman’s Dinner Thursday night, the Bruins topped off their previous fundraising by auctioning off a pair of firefighter’s helmets specially designed for the auction. The helmet was do-

nated by Jim Gardiner, a firefighter in Burnaby, B.C., and scout with the Bruins. “I was on the phone with his daughter and they’d sent personal donations in and they made sure we got them,” said Bruins head coach and general manager Chris Lewgood. “Then we got talking and also the Burnaby fire department these and designed them and I mentioned to her that we had our event and I knew it was too soon to get the helmets air brushed and sent here for that but…

after she hung up on me I got a phone call in about an hour from the artist that the Burnaby Fire Department saying he’d be putting them in front of anything else he had in line and sure enough they showed up here (earlier) this week, and that’s the donation.” At the live auction, the first helmet was sold for $7,500. He donated it back to the auction and it was auctioned again for $2,500. The second helmet, which hadn’t arrived by the time the banquet started, was auctioned for another $2,000. Those donations bumped the Bruins’ total donations up near $100,000 and that money will go directly to the families of head coach and general manager Darcy Haugan and assistant coach Mark Cross. “It’s tremendous and the generosity of the people in the crowd tonight to do what they did,” Lewgood said. “It’s a testament to the character of the community.” Both Haugan and

Cross had strong Estevan ties, having either played or coached here. It was a relationship not forgotten by people in Estevan. “For that to be what it was is a testament to what our community is about,” Lewgood said. “When it comes to somebody in need or somebody who is suffering, our community always steps forward… and those families haven’t asked for anything and they’re going to be extremely grateful for the generousity.”

Norm Klatt from Mack Auctions displays one of the helmets auctioned off at the Bruins sportsman’s dinner Thursday night at Affinity Place.


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Envision Counselling and Support Centre is incredibly grateful to all who made Savour the Southeast 2018 a tremendous success! We could not have done it without the support of our community, organizers, sponsors, vendors, patrons and VOLUNTEERS.

Doug Sands Sales Consultant


Dustin Sands Sales Manager


Mike Keating Sales Consultant



Weekdays 8 am - 5:30 pm | Saturdays 9 am 3 pm

Corner of 4th & Souris

May 16, 2018 A17

Coal Country Run at Woodlawn Regional Park runs smoothly again for fresh air fitness By Corey Atkinson

Good running times, good track conditions and good fellowship led to a very good time Saturday at the Coal Country Run at Woodlawn Regional Park. “I was in charge of the weather, and I got the weather for everybody,” said Peggy Rohatyn, one of the event’s organizers. “We had a great day. The people, the run, people seemed to be happy with the course that was marked off good and everything went off without a hitch.” Counting the mini mile competitors, there were about 165 running the fivekilometre, 10-kilometre and one-mile courses. “We love to see the kids come out and get out and enjoying it,” said Peggy Knight, another organizer.

Runners take to the course at the annual Coal Country Run Saturday morning at the Woodlawn Regional Park “It’s a family event.” Before the big people did their run, there was a yoga stretch from OM Yoga studio, a DJ with music, a brunch and free massage

Top 5K runner Rolf Plaetzmueller walks past the finish line first.

therapy as well as vendors in the Rotary Hall at the event. “The vendors are great,” Knight said. “If you’re just wanting information, they’re happy to tell you about what they’re all about and what they can do for your wellness. It’s just a fun day.” Marcel MacFarlane won the 10K race with a time of 42 minutes, 57.3 seconds. Dana Zayats came across in second place in the 10K, with her time of 47:47.7. In the 5K, Rolf Plaetzmueller won with a time of 23:21.8 and the fastest woman was Ashley Olson (28:49.6) There will be about

$6,000 raised for the Fresh Air Fitness outdoor centre. “We put up our prices a bit this year but only if you registered late,” said Rohatyn. “If you registered early is was a little bit less than last year. But I would think with the turnout we’ve had we’ll raise about $6,000 for Fresh Air Fitness.” The fall will also once again see the Run The Course, which takes place at TS&M Woodlawn Golf Course after the golf season is over and raise further money for the fitness centre. “We have some good ideas coming up,” said Knight. “Throughout the summer we’ll be adding things.” There will be a climbing wall, zig zag walls and balancing coming soon,

Rohatyn said, and some more accessible things for rehabilitation. Anyone who would

like to see certain equipment at Fresh Air Fitness in the future can contact Knight or Rohatyn.

Top 10K runner Marcel MacFarlane runs on the bridge just before the finish line.


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A18 May 16, 2018

Estevan Mercury

Bantam Voltz win Weyburn tournament, peewee Voltz take bronze Another huge weekend for Estevan’s lacrosse teams had them winning a lot of games in a short time not too far away from home. Two Voltz teams took home some hardware at the Weyburn Mayhem lacrosse tournament last weekend, including an A-side gold medal for the bantam Voltz. The bantam Voltz won all their games in the round robin, defeating the Regina Bandits 13-4, the Winnipeg Sidewinders 10-7, the Weyburn Thrashers 8-0 and the Regina Snipers 7-2. The easily handled the Regina Bandits 10-1 in their semifinal before taking on the Winnipeg Sidewinders in the A final and winning 7-4. Meanwhile, in their part of the tournament, the Harris Oilfield Construction peewee Voltz won the B side bronze. They defeated one of the Weyburn Thrashers teams 10-0 to open their part of the tournament. Chase Foord scored five in the game, which also had two goals each from Shea McNabb and Tye Farnsworth and a single

Bantam Voltz player Codie Lemcke, right, tries to get the ball loose from a Weyburn player Saturday during the Weyburn tournament. Photo by Greg Nikkel of the Weyburn Review. tally from Logan Lang. The Regina Outlaws handed the Voltz their first loss of the tournament with a 9-2 decision. Corby Lemcke and Lang scored the Voltz’ goals.

The Voltz were then handed a 10-1 loss at the hands of the Regina Raiders. Foord had the Voltz’ only goal. Entering the B side of the tournament, the Voltz

were beaten 9-2 in the semifinal by the Raiders. Lang and Foord scored the Voltz goals. The Voltz turned things around for their B side bonze medal game, defeating the Regina Axemen 9-5.

Foord scored five times, and Lemcke scored twice. McNabb and Ryder Davidson each scored once. The peewee Voltz’ next league action in the South Saskatchewan Lacrosse

League is May 24 at 6:30 p.m. at Affinity Place against the Weyburn Thrashers’ 2 team, while the Bantam Voltz are playing the Weyburn Thashers Wednesday night at Affinity Place ay 8 p.m.

ECS track and field athletes enjoy Weyburn meet With the high school track season in full gear, the second meet of the year took place at Weyburn Comprehensive School’s meet and the Estevan Comprehensive School’s athletes were no strangers to the podium. In the midget boys category, Jonathan Swirski won gold in the 100-metre dash with a time of 12.28 seconds, edging out Re-

gina Luther College’s John Paul Cruz by 0.01 seconds. Swirski took silver in the 200 metres with a time of 26.19 seconds. Chelsea McLenahan won silver in the midget girls’ 200 metres (29.72) and won gold in the 400 metres (1:05.28). Cale Adams won silver in the junior boys long jump with a leap of 5.16 metres.

Emmanuel Garrate won silver in the junior boys triple jump (11 m). Zach Ashworth was the highest jumping junior boy at 1.63 metres, while Hunter Wallster won gold in the shot put at 11.92 metres, a throw that was 1.96 metres over the second place Erik Barsness of Weyburn. Wallster also waltzed to the discus throw gold medal with a throw of



40.68 metres, 12.13 metres past Barsness’ silver medal throw. Taylor Geisel won gold in the junior girls’ 800-metre run (2:54.47), while Madison Folkerts won bronze in the same race (2:55.60). Nikki Kistanov was the longest junior girls jumper at 4.55 metres to win the gold medal in that, as well as gold in the triple jump (9.91 m) and silver in the 100 metres (13.53 seconds). Trinity Rooks won silver in the triple jump (9.63 m). Taylor Haux won silver in junior girls discus (24.97 m), while Sarah Dacuycuy won gold in the junior girls

100 metres (13.47 seconds). Among the senior boys, Carter Davenport was the fastest in the 1,500 metres (4:35.75, almost 17 seconds ahead of McNaughton’s Jackson Sinclair) and that he also won silver in the 3,000 metres (10:32.94). John Sasi won bronze in the senior boys long jump (5.41 m) and silver in the high jump (1.55 m). The senior girls were led in the jumping events by Morgan Fichter with a silver in the long jump (4.59 m) and gold in the triple jump (10.22 m). Jasynn Monteyne won silver in the discus (23.16 m) and

silver in the javelin (22.38 m). Kersey Reich was the silver medal winner in the shot put (9.99 m). The senior girls quad was dominated by Tatiana Dutka (first in the 100m, 800m, long jump and shot put), Maddie Zandee (second in the 100m, 800m and long jump and third in the shot put) and Reese Handley (third in the 100m, 800m and long jump and second in the shot put). In the junior girls quad, Avery McNabb took first place in the 100m, long jump and shot put and second in the 800m. Provincials will be June 1-2 at Prince Albert.

South East Cornerstone Public School Division is offering for sale through public tender the following properties; 1. Midale Teacherage, located at 617 College Avenue, Midale, Saskatchewan. Legal description of the property is; Lots 4 & 5, Blk/Par 14 – Plan# FP 5416 2. Estevan Alternative School, 1.89 acres (0.764 hectares) parcel located north east of Estevan, Saskatchewan – SW09-03-07-W2 Legal description of the property is; Blk/Par A-Plan 101187424 Ext 12 3. Alida Transportation Shop, double lot with Quonset in the Village of Alida, Saskatchewan. Legal description of the property is; Lots 10 & 11, Blk 5, Plan W2194 4. Moosomin Residential Lot, located at 1105 Broadway Avenue, Moosomin, Saskatchewan. Legal description of the property is; Lot A, Block 28, Plan BL 2978 Sealed tenders are to be clearly marked ‘SECPSD Property Bid’ and will be received by the undersigned until 2:00 p.m., CST on Thursday, June 14, 2018. The School Division wishes to inform bidders of the following conditions: • • • •

Tenders will be reviewed on each parcel separately. Properties will be sold as is. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all tenders received and the highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. The provisions of The Education Act, 1995 regarding disposal of real and personal property must be strictly adhered to.

Further information may be obtained by contacting:

n May 16 & 31 (16 days in honor of the fallen Humboldt Broncos) we will be donating

For every bottle filled betwee


0rs 1Sta

to the Air Ambulance.

Andy K. Dobson Manager of Facilities & Transportation South East Cornerstone Public School Division No. 209 80A – 18th Street NE Weyburn, SK S4H 2W4 Phone: (306) 848-0080

ESTEVAN • 134 4th Street 306-637-4370 Bulk Fuel | Lubricants | DEF | Cardlock | Propane

May 16, 2018 A19

City Hall: 1102 4th Street 8 am to 4:30 pm | (306) 634-1800 Leisure Office: 701 Souris Avenue 8 am to 4:30 pm | (306) 634-1880

Message From

AA new vision- Our - Our Estevan. new vision Estevan.

The Mayor

Operation clean sweep is May 19-21. Take advantage of our crews and free landfill weekend!

A new vision - Our Estevan. 2018 City of Estevan crews willMAY be clean sweeping the City of Estevan North, East, South, and MAY 14 14 MAY 15 West entrances of the City and outlying areas. City of Estevan crews will be clean sweeping the City of Estevan North, East, South, and West entrances of the City and outlying areas.

MAY 15

City of Estevan crews will be clean sweeping all City properties including green spaces such as boulevards, medians, parks, and natural areas.

City of Estevan crews will be clean sweeping all City properties including green spaces such as boulevards, medians, parks, and natural awreas.

MAY 16

MAY 17

MAY 16

NORTH - City of Estevan crews will be helping you clean sweep by picking up your contained organic waste material (twigs, leaves, and yard refuse) in your front driveway. Branches SOUTH - City of Estevan crews will be NORTH - City of Estevan crews will be must be in 3ft lengths. andsweep yard refuse mustup be bagged. ALL items must helping you clean sweep by bundled picking up helping Leaves you clean by picking your contained organic waste material your contained organic waste material be on yourindriveway BEFORE 8am on Call backs will not be happening in (twigs, leaves, andMay yard17th. refuse) in your (twigs, leaves, and yard refuse) your front driveway. Branches must be front driveway. Branches must be areas so please make sure items are out in time. See map online at for bundled in 3ft lengths. Leaves and yard bundled in 3ft lengths. Leaves and yard refuse must be bagged. ALL items must refuse must be bagged. ALL items must divisions. be on your driveway BEFORE 8am on be on your driveway BEFORE 8am on May 17th. Call backs will not be happening in areas so please make sure items are out in time. See map online at for divisions.


MAY 17







happening areasyou so clean please make SOUTH - City of Estevan crews will beinhelping sweep by picking up your contained sure items are out in time. See map online at for divisions. organic waste material (twigs, leaves, and yard refuse) in your front driveway. Branches must be bundled in 3ft lengths. Leaves and yard refuse must be bagged. ALL items must be on your driveway BEFORE 8am on May 18th. Call backs will not be happening in areas so please make sure items are out in time. See map online at for FREE LANDFILL WEEKEND. Applies to City of Estevan residents only. divisions. *Freon appliances not included. No hazardous waste material. Residential waste only.

MAY 18 - 21

Friday 8am - 8pm | Saturday 9am - 6pm | Sunday 9am - 6pm | Monday 8am - 8pm

MAY 18-21 FREE LANDFILL WEEKEND. Applies to City of Estevan residents only.

*Freon appliances not included. No hazardous waste material. Residential waste only. Friday 8am - 8pm | Saturday 9am - 6pm | Sunday 9am - 6pm | Monday 8am - 8pm Estevan, SK | 306-421-5129 | | Follow us!

What do you want Estevan to Weyour needhelp! your help! look inEstevan 2030? What like do you want to look like in 2030? We need

Tellyou usquestions aboutabout: what you want to updated and we need your help in TheBylaw Cityareofbeing Estevan Ocial Community Plan We will be asking drafting a new vision for development in our community. and Zoning Bylaw are being updated and we• Communitysee forandthe future of Estevan. Identity Vision need your help in drafting a new vision for • City Centre Development and Renewal • Parks and Recreation development in our community.

You could WIN!

EFFECTIVE - May 1 - 31 2018


7:45 AM - 8:35 AM 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM 10:10 AM - 11:00 AM 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM



6:10 - 6:50 AM, 9:10- 9:50 AM*, 5:30-6:15 PM 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM


9:00 AM - 9:45 AM 9:10 AM - 9:50 AM 10:10 am - 11:00 am 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM 6:10 PM - 6:55 PM



THURSDAY SPIN 6:10 - 6:50 AM, 9:10- 9:50 AM*, 5:30-6:15 PM AQUA AWE 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM MOM & BABY/ TOT STROLLER BOOTCAMP 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM AQUA STEP 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM GRIT 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM FRIDAY GRIT AQUA AWE

7:45 AM - 8:35 AM, 10:10 AM - 10:55 AM 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM


* SPIN CLASS is a pre-register class but extra spots may be available for drop -in registration. You can confirm your spot by pre-registering at or at the Information Desk. 306-634-1888. 9:10 - 9:50 AM Class starting MAY 15

We will be asking you questions about:

win 1 of 8 prizes!

You could WIN! Prizes include gift cards to local businesses.

PRIZE TERMS AND CONDITIONS: To enter into the draw, you must submit your name, and at least one of your phone number or e-mail address. Winners must be a resident of the City of Estevan to be eligible. Entrants must be at least 18 years of age on the date that the draw is made. For the “Children at Play” survey, children are encouraged to have their parent or guardian enter on their behalf.

By filling out the survey you could win 1 of 8 prizes!

• Community Identity and Vision • City Centre Development and Renewal

Prizes include gift cards to local What do you want Estevan to look like in 2030? need your online inWe person in person • Parks andhelp! Recreation businesses. about events what you the future of Estevan. Download a copy of the survey on Fill out a copy Tell at theusmultiple that want to see forKiosks are available at The City of Estevan Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw are being updated and we need your help in will you our website at drafting a new vision for development in our community. OurEstevanWe team willbe beasking attending.

City Hall and the Leisure Centre • Children at Play PRIZE TERMS AND CONDITIONS: To enter into the Information Desk. • Community Identity and Vision draw, you must submit your name, and at least• City oneCentre Development • Mature and Neighbourhoods Renewal of your phone number or e-mail address. Winners • Parks and Recreation | (306) 634-1800 | 1102 Fourth Street Estevan, SK S4A 0W7 • In-ll Housing Bybe filling out the survey could must a resident of theyou City of Estevan to be• Children at Play • Mature Neighbourhoods win 1Entrants of 8 prizes! eligible. must be at least 18 years of age • In-fill Housing Prizes include gift cards to local businesses. • Housing Needs • Housing Needs on the date that the draw is made. For the “Children • Around the Community at Play” survey, children are encouraged to have • Around the Community their parent or guardian enter on their behalf.

questions about:

You could WIN!

PRIZE TERMS AND CONDITIONS: To enter into the draw, you must submit your name, and at least one of your phone number or e-mail address. Winners must be a resident of the City of Estevan to be eligible. Entrants must be at least 18 years of age on the date that the draw is made. For the “Children at Play” survey, children are encouraged to have their parent or guardian enter on their behalf.


in person

in person

Download a copy of the survey on our website at

Fill out a copy at the multiple events that OurEstevan team will be attending.

Kiosks are available at City Hall and the Leisure Centre Information Desk.

| (306) 634-1800 | 1102 Fourth Street Estevan, SK S4A 0W7 I (306) 634-1800 I 1102 Fourth Street Estevan, SK S4A 0W7

CITY OF ESTEVAN 2018 WATERMAIN FLUSHING SCHEDULE The City of Estevan will be flushing watermains to ensure good water quality for all users of City water. This work includes the turning of main water valves around the City, and flushing large quantities of water from various hydrants in each area. If your water appears discoloured during the days your area is scheduled for this work (see schedule below), please run a faucet for a few minutes until the water is clear again. If the water remains dirty for a longer period, please contact City Hall at 634-1800 to let us know. Thank you for your understanding during this important maintenance! (1) Thursday, and Friday- May 31 and June 1 Area bounded by Perkins Street and Luscar Park on the North, Water Treatment Plant on the South, Woodlawn Ave on the West, and Hwy 47S Service Road on the East (Includes Luscar Park, City of Estevan Public Works yards, and businesses on Hwy 47S Service Road) (2) Monday – Friday June 4-8 Area bounded by 6th Street on the North, Valley Street, 1st Street, and Westview Place on the South, Alice Road and Woodlawn Avenue on the West, and Souris Avenue on the East (includes Westview, Central, and downtown regions) (3 Monday- Friday June 11-15 Area bounded by 6th street on the North, McDonald Road and Perkins Street on the South, Souris Avenue on the West, and Kensington Ave on the East (includes the Eastend, Bay Meadows, and Valley view regions, and Jubilee Place) (4) Monday –Friday June 18-22 Area Bounded by City Cemetery on the North, King Street on the South, Sister Roddy Road on the West (formerly Woodlawn Avenue), and Souris Road (Hwy 47N) on the East (includes Dominion Heights, Pleasantdale, and Royal Heights regions, as well as Cundall Drive, Woodend Place, Chinook Bay and Hwy 47N Service Road)


• Children at Play • Mature Neighbourhoods • In-fill Housing • Housing Needs • Around the Community

By filling out the survey you could



Tell us about what you want to see for the future of Estevan.

The City of Estevan Official Community Plan and Zoning

6:00 AM - 10:00 PM 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM


6:00 AM - 9:00 PM 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

(6) Tuesday-Friday July 3-6 Area bounded by King Street on the North, CPR Railroad on the South, 14th Ave on the West, and Kensington on the East (includes 7th Street, 8th Street, 9th Street, Centennial, Trojan, and Soo Industrial regions)



6:00 AM - 9:00 AM 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM


6:00 AM - 9:00 AM 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 7:15 PM - 9:00 PM


6:00 AM - 9:00 AM 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM 7:45 PM - 9:00 PM 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM


6:00 AM - 9:00 AM 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

(5) Monday – Friday June 25-29 Area bounded by Spruce Drive and Princess Street on the North, King Street on the South, Souris Avenue on the West, and Kensington on the East (includes Hillside and Scotsburn regions)


3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM



12:00 pm - 1:00 pm 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM 8:00 PM - 8:45 PM

* Schedule Subject to Change. Please visit for updates on closures and cancellations. Proper footwear and exercise wear is required to participate. Please note during school breaks, (Teachers Convention, Spring Break and Christmas Break) Fitness, Aquatic Centre and Arena schedules may vary. Please visit our live schedules at

(7) Monday- Friday July 16-20 Area bounded by Kensington on the West, Sawyer Road on the East, North and South City Limits (includes Glen Peterson Industrial Park, East Industrial, Southeast Industrial regions, and properties along Hwy 39E Service Road)

SANITARY SEWER MAIN AND STORM SEWER FLUSHING PROGRAM Beginning Tuesday, May 1, 2018 and continuing to Friday, August 31,2018 the Water and wastewater Division will be carrying out Sanitary Sewer Main Flushing and Storm sewer Flushing, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. with the occasional carry over to 6:00 p.m. During the periods of jetting, residents and businesses are advised to securely cap basement floor drains. You may smell an odor in your home, this can be resolved by simply opening windows for a short period of time and running water to ensure all traps are full of water. Storm sewer will have no effect on homes and business’.

2018 Program Area will encompass all streets South of Railroad Tracks, and East of Souris Ave within City limits including: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Jubilee Place Murray Street Duncan Road McDonald Road McLeod Ave Galloway Street Rooks Ave Perry Crescent Perkins Street 1st Street A 1st Street 2nd Street

• • • • • • • • • • • •

3rd Street 4th Street 5th Street 6th Street 2nd Avenue 3rd Avenue 4th Avenue 5th Avenue 6th Avenue 7th Avenue 8th Avenue 9th Avenue

• • • • • • • • • • •

10th Avenue Souris Avenue South Sun Valley Drive Park Drive Sunset Bay Mississippian Drive Devonian Street Escana Street Imperial Avenue Pacific Street Superior Avenue

A20 May 16, 2018

Estevan Mercury


Estevan’s RCMP detachment remains busy The Estevan RCMP detachment has remained busy, not only with its enforcement obligations, but with community engagements and other efforts. In a submission to the Mercury, Estevan RCMP Sgt. Jeff Clarke reported the detachment is responsible for providing policing services to the six rural municipalities (RM) that surround the city of Estevan, including the RMs of Estevan, Benson, Browning, Cambria, Coalfields and Cymri, and all the communities within those RMs. There are three RCMP units stationed in the city of Estevan. The Estevan detachment provides general duty police work by responding to any and all calls for police from the public. “Any investigation or event that you think the police might be involved in, is what the detachment does,” said Clarke. Their case load includes assaults, break and enters, impaired drivers, crime prevention, criminal record checks and more. In addition to Clarke,

the detachment is staffed by Cpl. Craig Park and four constables. One position is currently vacant. The Estevan Combined Traffic Services of Saskatchewan unit enforces provincial and federal traffic laws, including speeding, registration or insurance infractions and impaired driving to keep roads and highways safe. The traffic unit includes Cpl. Andrew Knowles, along with four members of the Estevan RCMP and two members of the Estevan Police Service. The Integrated Border Enforcement Team (IBET) deals with criminal activity crossing the international border. Clarke said it works closely with Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and U.S. Border Agencies on such cases as human smuggling, failing to report and more. In 2017, the Estevan RCMP detachment completed eight search warrants related to stolen property and illegal drugs. The RCMP seized over $500,000 worth of illegal drugs. The detachment had several community policing

5 STREET Autobody

priority issues for the 201718 fiscal year including police and community relations. Officers attended rural communities and events, school presentations and visits, and municipal council meetings. Crime prevention and reduction strategies include reducing the number of outstanding warrants, carrying out condition checks on offenders, and conducting proactive rural patrols. The RCMP also wants to enhance road safety with a rollover simulator presentation, a speed trailer, check stops and public awareness activities, and the driving without impairment presentation through Saskatchewan Government Insurance. Employee health and wellness is also a priority. Clarke said the RCMP wants to ensure members get the proper training to complete their jobs and keep the public safe. He reported that the Estevan detachment had zero sick days for 2017 and zero days off for any form of work related injury. In the community, the Estevan detachment con-

ducted a town hall meeting at Bienfait Weldon School on Feb. 13 Insp. Ted Munro and Staff Sgt. Devin Pugh from RCMP F Division’s South District, and Clarke and Cpl. Craig Park from the Estevan detachment spoke at the event. Most of the people present at the meeting were very appreciative of the RCMP’s efforts to police the region. Clarke also spoke at the

The recent firearms amnesty resulted in people turning in their firearms to locations around the province. The Estevan Police Service (EPS) was among the participating law enforcement agencies for the amnesty, which was held in conjunction with the Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police from March 29 to April 27. The EPS collected five unwanted firearms from the public. This consisted of three shotguns and two .22 caliber rifles.

601 - 5th St., Estevan, Sk.


Border Real Estate Service (2000) 1339 Fourth Street, Estevan


Each office independently owned and operated


We value and appreciate the work of our enforcement agencies who dedicate themselves in protecting our communities and keeping the peace.


1310 6th St, Estevan


The Estevan RCMP has some ammunition turned in during the amnesty. “We get stuff turned in year-round, aside from the amnesty,” said Cpl. Craig Park. “It’s not really surprising that we didn’t get a lot at a local level, because … over the year, people will come in and turn in things anyways.” Not only will the RCMP receive ammunition throughout the year, but they will receive some firearms, in such situations as a family member has passed away, or if someone doesn’t want a firearm any longer, and they don’t know where to turn to get rid of it. The ammunition that was turned in will

be destroyed. “Sometimes if we get something that is unique, we will send it to our gun labs, as they have a collection of guns that they … keep for forensic uses,” said Park. “But it’s not common that we get something that they don’t already have.” Park believes the gun amnesty was a worthwhile initiative. When looking at the numbers provincially, during the 29-day amnesty, 97 firearms and more than 1,700 rounds of ammunition were turned into Saskatchewan RCMP detachments. It’s a significant number, he said. “We had 46 rifles, 29 shotguns and 22 restricted firearms or handguns (turned in),” said Park.

Thank You for keeping our streets safe. 1437 4th Street 306-634-9228

Phone: 306-634-3000


tions included a slide show and allowed me to answer questions from the public. They were well received and allowed for true community contact and engagement.” All were positively received, he said. Clarke expects the community engagement sessions will take a break during the summer months, and resume in the fall. There will likely be one or two more meetings.

Firearms amnesty wraps up


Thank you

RM of Browning ratepayers meeting and supper on April 4, with about 100 people in attendance, and the RM of Coalfields ratepayers meeting and supper on April 28, with about 70 people present. “These meetings allowed me to cover material specific to each RM and to also provide an overview of the Estevan detachment and the policing that we do,” said Clarke. “Both presenta-

DR. ROBERT KITCHEN MP Souris-Moose Mountain

In honour of those who serve & protect

Your Dedication and Service is Appreciated

322 4 St., Estevan, SK S4A 0T8

1123 4th St, Estevan • 306.634.7331 1226 - 4th Street, Estevan, SK


We would like to acknowledge the vital role that the

Estevan Police Service takes in protecting our residents and keeping our Community Safe. We appreciate your dedication and service to the City of Estevan.

Lori Carr, MLA

Thank you for your dedication to our safety.

Estevan Constituency Office



Thanks you for keeping us Safe! 1506 4th Street Estevan, SK (306) 634-8233

12 Warren Street Redvers, SK (306) 452-6020

May 16, 2018 A21


Police to distribute wristbands to promote safety The Estevan Police Service is looking to help residents be safe and visible this summer. Deputy Police Chief Murray Cowan said the EPS has received a grant from Saskatchewan Government Insurance to purchase a few hundred safety wrist bands

with LED lights. Cowan added these are not a reflective wristband. “We’re going to be looking for people who are out walking at night time, or out cycling in the evening,” said Cowan. The EPS often sees people who are out at night

and aren’t wearing reflective clothing, or they’re wearing dark clothes, which can make them difficult to see. Some pedestrians will walk on the street, since it can be easier to walk on the asphalt than on the hard concrete sidewalk, although it’s a practice discouraged by the EPS.

“We’d prefer to see you up to where it’s safer and on the sidewalk,” said Cowan. So in an effort to encourage safety, local officers might stop someone out an evening stroll or bike ride, and hand out a wristband. Even in the early evening, when there will be some daylight remaining, the wristbands will light up so that people can see them. Cowan said this is similar to other positive policing projects the EPS has tried before, such as the initiative they held back in 2015 when people were presented with gift cards for doing positive things that encourage safety. They have also distributed candy canes at Christmas time and gift cards at other times of the year to people who were not drinking and driving. “Any and all community safety initiatives that

Two-day enforcement blitz coming to Estevan The Estevan Police Service (EPS) and the Estevan Combined Traffic Services of Saskatchewan (CTSS) unit will be teaming up to host a selective traffic enforcement program (STEP) campaign May 17 and 18 in Estevan. Deputy Police Chief Murray Cowan said the two-day initiative will consist of a large-scale enforcement campaign that will take place at various locations around Estevan. Members from police agencies across Saskatchewan will be present during the two days, so motorists passing through these spot checks should be prepared to stop. Saskatchewan Government Insurance sponsors the program, and will be present for the two days. “We have concerns about our traffic safety in the city,” said Cowan. “We’re seeing a lot of cell phone use, and people are driving and using their phones.” Other targeted offences include speeding, seatbelt violations, unlicensed

drivers and commercial and vehicle equipment violations. “We do want to remind members of the public that we do take our traffic safety initiatives down here very seriously, as does SGI with respect to their side of it in the province, and they have decided to partner up with us and do it here in Estevan,” said Cowan. Criminal offences such as impaired driving remain a high priority and will also be a focus of the enforcement blitz, even though the blitz will take place during the day. “We want to send that message and we want to continue with those highvisibility check stops,” said Cowan. STEP is a multi-agency task force focused on strategies to improve traffic safety in the province. Cowan noted it has been here before, but this marks the first time it has been in Estevan in a while. “We’ve been wanting to host it for some time, and it’s time we got the team down here to do that,” said

Cowan. Members of STEP include representatives from the Saskatchewan RCMP, Moose Jaw Police Service, Prince Albert Police Service, Saskatoon Police Service, Weyburn Police Service and Commercial Vehicle Enforcement, along with Saskatchewan Government Insurance.

Deputy Chief Murray Cowan we’ve been doing have been extremely successful in the community and wellreceived, not just by the community but by SGI and what not,” Cowan said. “Estevan is well known for coming up with new ideas when it

comes to safety initiatives.” Cowan said the wristbands are fairly inexpensive to purchase. The grant money from SGI will cover the cost of the purchase. “Hopefully people will use them,” said Cowan.

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Card of Thanks The Fowler and Jackson Family of the Late John Fowler would like to thank everyone for all the flowers, calls and emotional support. Thanks to Hall Funeral Home, special thanks to Marion Huber for officiating and the veterans, the Royal Canadian Legion for the lunch. Our deepest appreciation to the Estevan Regional Nursing Home for the care John received for the past 4.5 years.

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Margaret M. Foord (née Blondeau) 1925 - 2018 With family by her side, Margaret passed away peacefully on Saturday, May 5, 2018 at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Estevan, SK at the age of 92 years. Margaret Foord is survived by her children, Lynn (Norman) Trobert, Verlyngale (Rob) Cameron, Bryon (Betty) Foord, Warren (Correen) Foord, Kim Geib, Kelly (Janet) Foord, Jackie Foord, Grayling (Penny) Foord and Heidi Foord. Also left to cherish special memories of Margaret are her 17 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren, one great great grandchild, sister-in-law Balvina Foord and numerous nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her husband Vernon; son Glenn Allen Foord; daughter Morgana Foord; granddaughter Jamie Geib; parents, Samuel and Sarah Blondeau; 12 Blondeau siblings; brother in law Ernie Foord; sister in law Lily Guldenpfennig and parents-in-law, Ernest and Mary Foord. A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, June 2, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. at the Foord Trucking Shop (2 miles north of Macoun, SK and 1 mile East). The interment will take place at the Macoun Cemetery immediately following the service. Everyone is welcome to join the family for a BBQ at the Foord Trucking Shop following the interment. Donations may be made in Margaret’s memory to the Mainprize Manor and Health Centre Activity Fund, Box 239, Midale, Sask., S0C 1S0 would be appreciated by her family. Funeral arrangements are entrusted to Hall Funeral Services, Estevan.

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The R.M. of Cambria is hiring a full time seasonal employee. The job will include operating a variety of heavy equipment and other various jobs including maintenance of equipment. Having experience with heavy equipment would be an asset. A valid driver’s licence is required. Please apply by May 25, 2018; applications can be made out to: R.M. of Cambria No. 6, Box 210, Torquay, SK S0C 2L0 Email:

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May 16, 2018 A23

Estevan police make an arrest for impaired driving The Estevan Police Service apprehended another impaired driver during the May 14 night shift. Police responded to a complaint of a possible impaired driver in the Willow Park Greens area. Joseph Edwin Waters, a 47-yearold Bienfait man, was arrested for failing to comply with a recognizance, driving while impaired and refusing to provide a breath sample. He was lodged in cells and will be appearing in court in Weyburn on May 15. Police also received a complaint during the May 14 night shift of a Grade 3 student uttering threats at a local school. The matter is still under investigation. Officers were called to a complaint of a female driving without a valid driver’s licence. Police are still investigating. The EPS received a complaint of harassing communications via text message. The matter is still under investigation. In other recent police news, the EPS is investigating the theft of a parcel during the May 7 day shift. It was taken from the front step of a home

after it was delivered by a courier company. The incident happened in northwest Estevan. The matter remains under investigation. If anyone has information about this theft or similar incidents, please call the EPS or Crime Stoppers. Police attended to a disturbance in central Estevan during the May 7 night shift. An Estevan female was arrested for breaching her release conditions. Members received a report of a lost or stolen backpack. The matter is under investigation. Officers received a couple of driving complaints during the May 8 day shift from the construction zone in the 1400-block of Fourth Street. The vehicles in these cases disregarded barricades and signs placed by the city. Members were called about a harassment complaint. A statement was taken from a man and the matter remains under investigation. Officers are looking into a mischief that took place in the parking lot of a local business during the May 9 day shift. Police are requesting the public’s


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assistance, and are asking that anyone who has seen someone damaging property to call police. Police arrested and charged an Estevan resident during the May 9 night shift for breaching his conditions after his electronic monitoring alarm went off. The man co-operated with police and turned himself in and he was released with a future court date a short time later. A hit and run was reported from the Estevan Comprehensive School during the May 11 day shift. The matter is still under investigation. Police attended to a two-vehicle collision around Fourth Street and Sixth Avenue. One vehicle was towed from the scene and a female driver from Preeceville was charged with driving without due care and attention. She will appear in court in July. Officers dealt with a report of an accident on

Sixth Street and Souris Avenue South during the May 11 night shift. One vehicle needed to be towed and the driver was also checked by EMS. The matter is under investigation. Members then checked a vehicle with two male occupants. Both were checked and marijuana was located. One male was also charged with breaching court-ordered release conditions. They will appear in court in July to answer to the charges. Police received a call about a possible impaired driver. The vehicle was located and the driver was checked for sobriety. The driver was also found to be in possession of a controlled substance. The driver was charged accordingly and warned about their driving actions. Officers attended to a residence to assist a female in getting some belongings during the May 12 day shift. An investigation

into an assault and uttering threats was started and charges are pending against an Estevan male. Members responded to a complaint of extortion over unpaid child support. The matter is still under investigation. Police received several noise complaints involving residences or vehicles during the May 12 night shift. Officers attended and dealt with the owners, and had them turn off the noise. A report of a disturbance in north-central Estevan during the May 14 day shift resulted in a male being charged with theft under $5,000 and breach of release conditions. He was released with a new court date. Police received a call



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regarding a possible assault taking place early this morning. The mater is still under investigation. A call from the area around the mall regarding a female causing a disturbance and making threats. The female was located and charged, and released when sober. Members dealt with a report of harassing text messages between two people during the May 13 night shift. The matter is under investigation. Police continue to receive calls about scams and the callers are still requesting personal information and money. People should not give out personal information or banking information to unknown individuals over the phone.

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A24 May 16, 2018

Estevan Mercury

Fire department monitoring risk index The Estevan Fire Rescue Service continues to closely monitor the fire risk in the Estevan area. Fire Chief Dale Feser said the Saskatchewan fire hazard map shows the Estevan area has now moved into the extreme level, meaning that fire bans could be needed for the areas the fire department serves: the City of Estevan, and the rural municipalities of Estevan, Cambria and Benson. Fire bans were imposed for much of last summer due to the timber dry conditions, and they have already been implemented in a number of rural municipalities this year because of the dry spring weather.

“What we’re cognizant of is the fact that when the temperature gets that hot, and we have a relative humidity that’s below the temperature, and high winds, that’s something that we classify as a cross-over condition,” said Feser. “A crossover condition, when met with a high fire danger indexing, it’s very hard for any fire to be brought under control in a quick safe manner by fire departments.” The fire department has been called to a number of grass fires already this year, but none from May 8 to 13. Feser credited the media for informing the public about how to safely conduct a

controlled burn, as well as when to do it and making sure the proper safeguards are in place. “And people are just being extra cautious as to what their actions are,” said Feser. “I have

to put that back on to the people. They’re doing a great job there, where very similar conditions are being seen in other areas, and the fire departments are being kept very busy with wildland fires.” The fire department had a couple of commercial fire alarms May 8 and 9. A couple of those fires were caused by faulty detection devices. The first alarm on May 9 came in at 5:30 a.m. “Due to the rains the previous evening, it created high humidity conditions, which actually set the detection device into alarm. So again crews spent some time to ensure there was no other cause

for the alarm to go off,” said Feser. Members of the department were also called to a collision at the intersection of Fourth Street and Sixth Avenue during the morning of May 11. While there was significant damage, there weren’t any serious injuries, nor was there entrapment or a fire. Local firefighters also attended Emergency Preparedness Week presentations in local schools with Estevan emergency measures organization co-ordinator Helen Fornwald and Pam Dechief from the Canadian Red Cross. For more on the story, please see page A10.

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