Estevan Mercury 20180613

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Issue 6


Wednesday, June 13, 2018 Mailing No. 10769 | Publication No. 40069240

Council approves property tax increase By David Willberg

Estevan city council approved a one per cent property tax increase during its meeting on Monday night. Council gave three readings to the rate of taxation bylaw, which was needed for the tax increase to take effect. Members also gave three readings to the health levy bylaw and the library levy bylaw. Mayor Roy Ludwig defended the amount of this year’s property tax increase, saying council wants to have smaller, incremental tax increases, such as one or two per cent, but there does need to be a tax increase each year to get projects completed. “We have done the necessary increases that we had to do (in previous years). They were very unpalatable, but I think our public, our community, understood they had to be done, simply because of the fact that we had gone too long without the proper increases,” said Ludwig. The city is now at a stage where if it stays within its budget, it should be able to move forward with minimal increases, unless it gets hit by something unexpected from the province, like it did last year. “At the municipal level, we have nowhere to go,” said Ludwig. “We’re it. We’re the bottom line taxpayer at the municipal level. If the feds or the province download on to us, we have to pass that on to the taxpayers.” The one per cent prop-

Mayor Roy Ludwig erty tax increase was included in the revenues for this year’s city budget that was passed in January. Ludwig said the city didn’t have any tax increases for a number of years early in his tenure with council, and that was a mistake. Had the city resorted to incremental increases, the city wouldn’t have found itself with the infrastructure issues it had a few years ago. The property tax increase is one per cent across the board. Ludwig said the city is monitoring the ratio between residential and commercial property taxes. “Of course, we want our businesses to remain competitive, and that’s something that we discuss at budget time,” said Ludwig. As for the health levy, it will remain the same, and will generate $290,000. But there has been a change in how the funds will be allocated. In recent years, the city has dedicated $240,000 towards paying off the new Estevan Regional Nursing Home, with the rest of the money going to the St. A2 » HEALTH

GFL awarded contract for solid waste and recycling services By David Willberg

As far as residential garbage and recycling pickup contracts are concerned, this one doesn’t appear to have generated the controversy of its predecessors. Estevan city council awarded the contract for the collection and hauling of residential solid waste and recycling in the city to Green for Life (GFL) Environmental during Monday night’s meeting. It’s a three-year contract, and the city also has an option to extend the deal for another two years. The city’s current contract with GFL, which was reached in 2013, expires on June 30. GFL purchased Regens Disposal last year. The last two residential waste contracts have been controversial. In 2008, the city made the switch from manual to automated garbage pickup, angering some in the community. The most controversial part of the deal was a proposed switch from back alley to front yard pickup. Council moved away from the front yard pickup plan, after receiving a petition that had more than 2,000 signatures. But that

Green for Life Environmental will remain the provider of solid waste and recycling services in Estevan. didn’t quell the anger of many residents. Then five years ago, council moved forward with the switch to front yard pickup, despite strong lingering opposition. Curbside recycling was also introduced in the contract. For the contract issued at Monday night’s meeting, the city issued a request for quotes (RFQ), and used a weighted system. In a report to council, city manager Jeff Ward said the greatest emphasis was placed on the total bid price at 40 per cent. Also

weighted were proposed service levels (25 per cent), conformance in meeting the primary objectives of the RFQ (15 per cent), past performance, references and vendor reliability (10 per cent), and implementation and termination plan (10 per cent). GFL, Goliath Disposal and Emterra Group were the bidders. In his report, Ward said Emterra Group’s bid was significantly higher and would be outside the budgeted amount. Both GFL and Goliath

met all the criteria in the quotes, and were given full marks, so Ward said it came down to the bid price. “The curbside portion of the quote was 33 per cent higher by Goliath over GFL. There was some additional service fees related to the recycling depot, oil disposal and specific yard sizes, put in by Goliath that were less than GFL that made up about 14 per cent … of that, but in total it was lower for Green for Life,” said Ward. The bid amounts for A2 » POINTS

Two people arrested in drug bust The Estevan Police Service (EPS) arrested two people in a drug bust last week. The EPS’s Drug/Intelligence Unit, with the assistance of the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit, has been conducting a drug trafficking investigation on a man and a woman in Estevan. The man and woman were arrested Thursday evening in a commercial parking

lot by plain clothes officers. The arrests happened without incident. The man and woman were subsequently searched, which resulted in the seizure of an undisclosed amount of cocaine and money. Following the arrest, a search warrant was executed at a residence in north Estevan. Further evidence was seized that supports charges for trafficking cocaine and


hydromorphone. A can of bear spray, a machete and 3.8 grams of marijuana were seized from the residence. Vanessa Remlinger, 27, and Richard Guillas, 23, both of Estevan, are charged with trafficking cocaine, trafficking hydromorphone and possession of less than 30 grams of marijuana under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. They are also charged

with possession of property obtained by crime under $5,000, possession of a prohibited weapon and possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose under the Criminal Code of Canada. The charges have not been proven in court. Remlinger and Guillas have been released with multiple conditions. Their next court appearance will be July 16.



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A2 June 13, 2018

Estevan Mercury

Council awards King Street tender Estevan city council has awarded the tender for the resurfacing of King Street from Pine Avenue to Kensington Avenue. Chamney Crushing Ltd. was awarded the contract for $946,097.50, the lowest bid out of the three bidders. The price does not include GST. The project is to start on June 18, and the completion date is set for July 31. It will include resurfacing of the arterial road. The engineering department will also make arrangements with SaskPower to relocate three

street lights located on the north side of the roadway, and city staff will relocate pertinent city utilities as required. The project represents this year’s project for King Street. Last year the city resurfaced King Street from Souris Avenue North to Bannatyne Avenue, and widened and resurfaced King Street from Bannatyne Avenue to Pine Avenue. Once this year’s work is finished, the only remaining work for King Street will be from Cundall Drive to Kohaly Avenue.

Council also awarded a tender for Nicholson Road from Kohaly Avenue to Lynd Crescent, to Small Iron Excavating for $234,276.20, to replace water mains and rehabilitate the road once the water main work is finished. In a report to council, city engineer Kiflom Weldeab said the city is preparing to replace aging water mains and pertinent roadways in the Pleasantdale area over the next few years. The project is to start on June 19 and wrap up on July 10.

Two DUI cases net different fines lice pulled him over and conducted a traffic stop. It turned out he was the designated driver, but had a couple of beers while his passenger was drunk. H is blood alcohol content turned out to be .120, in excess of the .08 level for which he was charged. Judge Lane Wiegers said Creamer made a bad mistake, but he was not the type of person to do that, and as a result, the judge imposed the mandatory minimum sentence. This netted Creamer a $1,000 fine, a $300 victim surcharge, and a one-year driving prohibition. He paid the penalties immediately. As is often the case, by pleading guilty to the .08 charge, an accompany-

By Brian Zinchuk

Two similar impaired driving cases, resolved in Estevan Provincial Court on Monday, varied by 50 per cent in the fine, based primarily on one factor – how high the offender’s blood alcohol content (BAC) was. In both cases, the accused represented themselves. In the first case, Brandyn Darcy Creamer, 21, had gone to a local establishment on March 8. His employer was there, and had been drinking. Creamer offered to drive his employer home. On the way, Creamer’s vehicle was southbound on 13th Avenue when it swerved and struck a curb. Po-

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King Street from Pine Avenue to Kensington Avenue will be resurfaced this year.

ing charge of driving while impaired was dropped. That also happened in the second case. Evan J. Moncrief was driving on April 22. A vehicle was reported in for suspected drinking and driving. It was identified near KFC and he was pulled over. In this case, Moncrief blew .190 and .180. Crown prosecutor Chris White asked for a higher fine than the mandatory minimum, but did not give any specifics. The aggravating factor was the level of intoxication. Moncrief, a 27-yearold electrician from the Oxbow area, was told by Wiegers, “Your readings were very high. Do you have a drinking problem?” “No, I don’t have a drinking problem,” Moncrief replied. In this case, Wiegers handed down a $1,500 fine, and a $450 victim surcharge. Moncrief also got a one-year driving prohibition. He will have two months to pay his fine and surcharge.

Health levy going to physician recruitment « A1 Joseph’s Hospital Foundation for capital equipment purchases. Now the city will dedicate $150,000 to the hospital foundation, to be used for physician recruitment. The remaining $140,000 will go towards the new nursing home commitment. The funding breakdown will also be applied to the 2019 and 2020 health levees. It will extend the amount of time that it takes to pay off the city’s commitment to the nursing home, but council believes it will be worth it. Councillor Shelly Veroba, who sits on the province-wide hospital council for Emmanuel Care, said that since she started on the board, she has been hearing about the physician shortage in Estevan, with long emergency room waits, doctors feeling burned out and people travelling outside the com-

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Do you support this year’s one per cent property tax increase in Estevan? Go online at to vote!

shortage in some time. Veroba wants to see doctors come here, stay here and set up roots in the community. Councillor Lyle Yanish added that the physician shortage is a Canada-wide problem, so if Estevan can be pro-active, then it is money well-spent. The city has committed $1.3 million to the new nursing home. Prior to this year, $686,151 had been paid off. As for the library levy, it will generate $408,000 this year. The library levy has been in place since 2015, when the amount paid to the library was removed from the operating budget. Ludwig said council gave three readings to the bylaws at Monday night’s meeting because council only has one meeting this month, and its next meeting isn’t until July 16. In most cases, council will give first reading at one meeting, and then second and third readings at a subsequent meeting.

Points system used for contract

2:00 PM

2:15 PM

munity in the search of a physician. “The hospital does need our assistance, and that’s what I’ve been hearing from people – what are we as a community, what are we as a city going to be doing to assist in helping to retain these doctors and get these doctors,” said Veroba. There’s no funding from the Saskatchewan Health Authority to help with physician recruitment, she said, so the funding needs to happen at a local level. “I don’t think the new … nursing home is going to be built in the next year or two. I think we have enough time to pay that … off,” said Veroba. The St. Joseph’s Hospital wants to be a residency program for young doctors, and if Estevan can secure it, then there would be benefits for the community. She noted the residency program has been excellent for communities like Swift Current, which hasn’t experienced a physician

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« A1 GFL and Goliath were not released. GFL finished with a score of 100, while Goliath had 94 points. Mayor Roy Ludwig said the garbage contract has been a lightning rod for controversy in the past. This year was easily the smoothest waste contract he has seen since he joined city council in 1994. “When we had the transition from manual to mechanized pickup, there was a lot of animosity. People thought there would be job losses, but now I think that we’ve travelled this far down the road, people realize that with the mechanized system it’s cleaner.

“In the past, with the old system, I remember litter being strewn up and down the back alleys. The dogs and cats, they would get in, and it was just a horrific mess. With the winds we had, it only compounded the issue.” There won’t be any big changes with this contract, he said. “We’ll see a reduction in price because of the competitive tendering, which is a bonus,” said Ludwig. The points system used this year allowed the city to weigh all three options very closely. And while Emterra was lacking, the other two were not. While it wasn’t listed as a factor in the points system, Ludwig said GFL’s local presence was likely beneficial for them. “It’s a points system,” said Ludwig. “There are many other factors that came into it. It wouldn’t have been on local alone. It was also price and a lot of the other factors that came into it.”

Third Page A3

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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Souris Valley Theatre preparing for upcoming season By David Willberg

One of the Estevan area’s primary tourist attractions is getting ready for another season of performances and laughter on the stage. The Souris Valley Theatre, located in Woodlawn Regional Park south of Estevan, will once again have two mainstage productions this year. The first is Homecoming, a play by Griffin’s Leeann Minogue, which will run from July 10-14 and 17-21. Pirate Heart, a musical written by Lampman’s Maureen Ulrich, will be making its world premiere during performances from Aug. 8-11 and 14-18. Minogue is not a stranger to the theatre, as she penned Dry Streak, which was staged in 2015. Homecoming is set in Stony Valley, the same fictitious Prairie town as Dry Streak.

“When Jerry Wilson’s broken leg spurs him and his wife Marlene to retire a little earlier than expected, their son Greg comes back from the city to take over the family farm,” states the synopsis for Homecoming. “But everyone soon discovers that retirement isn’t quite as idyllic as it looks in the commercials.” Homecoming looks at the challenge of trying to hold on or let go, and the importance of providing for the family. Ulrich is well-known to southeast theatre fans as well. Her productions have been performed in many venues, including the Souris Valley Theatre. “Pirate Heart is a rollicking high-energy musical comedy, set on the high seas,” states the synopsis for the show. “Plundering pirates, dashing damsels, swashbuckling skeletons and ransacked rum are just some of the escapades in

Souris Valley Theatre business manager Lyn Vilcu

store for you this summer.” Lyn Vilcu, the theatre’s general manager, said staff members have started to arrive. Catherine Bridge, who is the technical director, arrived on June 11. “She is the one who helps me get the theatre up and running at the beginning of the year, and she is there, side by side, for the whole season,” said Vilcu. The rest of the staff is scheduled to arrive on June 25 and 26, including the artistic director, the stage manager and the cast for Homecoming. It’s a small cast, Vilcu said, with five people. Only one cast member, Ben Redant, is returning. Redant has been the theatre’s musical director in the past. “I’m excited to have some new actors down there,” said Vilcu. “They really do love coming down, because they get to live down at the facility. We have mobile homes and campers, and they get away from everything. It’s great for Estevan having them down here. They’re supporting local businesses and getting out in the community.” Kenn McLeod, who has served as the artistic director for the past few years, will not be back this year. But he has been helping the theatre get ready for the upcoming season. Mark Claxton will be the artistic director for Homecoming, while Caitlin

The Souris Valley Theatre remains an important tourist attraction for southeast Saskatchewan, as it brings live theatre to the area each year. Vancoughnett will be the artistic director for Pirate Heart. Claxton has been an actor in Dry Streak, The Odd Couple and Volstead Blues. Vancoughneett, meanwhile has been involved with the Marvelous Wonderettes and the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. “They have both been down to the theatre, and they both know what we’re all about. It’s going to be different not having Kenn there, but it will be good getting some new blood down there,” said Vilcu. A lot of work has been happening at the grounds in advance of the season. The Envision Counselling and Support helped clean up the site as part of the United Way Estevan’s Day of Car-

ing last month, and filled 117 bags of leaves. The theatre has held a couple of fundraisers already with the I’ll Be Here show in April, and a steak night fundraiser at Mr. Mike’s Steakhouse Casual. An artisan fair on June 9 and 10 was a fundraiser for the theatre’s youth camps. Those youth camps will run in July and August. Kelsey Potoma will be the director and Kimi Allan will be the assistant. Act 1, for children ages six to eight, will run from July 9-13. Act 2, for those who are nine to 12, will be July 16-20. Both of those camps will have a brief production at the end. Act 3, for those who are 10 and up, will be from Aug. 7-17. Potoma and Ulrich are

writing a show to wrap up the Act 3 camp. Registrations are going well for the camps, but there are some spaces available. “Anybody can still register, but the numbers are picking up,” said Vilcu. The theatre also hopes to have a kickoff concert in the beginning of July, before the first mainstage production. Vilcu believes the theatre remains an important attraction for the Estevan area. It’s still the only live, professional theatre in southeast Saskatchewan. The theatre places an emphasis on having Saskatchewan-based actors and directors. “It’s nice to be able to offer all of that here, and be able to offer the professional theatre,” said Vilcu.

Artists show talent at inaugural event Talented local artists and crafters showcased their products during the inaugural Artisan Fair for Estevan on Saturday and Sunday at the Souris Valley Theatre’s grounds. Most of the exhibitors were located inside the theatre’s Frehlick Hall or outside under a tent. A few vendors were out among the elements. Angela Klaassen with Imagine Events, Weddings and Event Planning organized the event, and was pleased with the response. “ We h a d a l o t o f great vendors selling different types of wares,” said Klaassen. “We had some potters and painters, and people who did some

woodworking, so we had a good turnout of different types of artists.” “And then we had a nice amount of people come out to show their support and purchase some great items.” Approximately 25 exhibitors showed up, which Klaassen viewed as a nice amount to create an intimate showing. The exhibitors seemed happy with the show, she said. “Everybody seems to be having a good time,” said Klaassen. “Everybody has had items purchased.” They didn’t have a figure for the number of people who attended, but Klaassen expects it will be a couple hundred.

Klaassen said the planning for the artisan fair started a few months ago. She viewed the theatre’s grounds as a great site for the fair, and the theatre itself as the perfect beneficiary. Proceeds from the concession and admission fee will be directed towards the theatre’s summer youth camps. “We felt it was a really good and important cause to support the arts in the Estevan area,” she said. Klaassen is not from the Estevan area originally, but she has friends who have been part of the shows or have supported the theatre in the past. She expects this will become an annual event.

From left, Sandra and Virginia Preikschat visit during the Artisan Fair.





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Editorial A4








Wednesday, June 13, 2018



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David Willberg -

Editorial Staff:

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Volume 115 Issue 6 Contact us: (306) 634-2654 68 Souris Avenue N. Estevan, SK S4A 2M3 @Estevan_Mercury

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Published weekly by Prairie Newspaper Group Limited Partnership, 68 Souris Avenue N., Estevan, SK S4A 2M3.The Estevan Mercury is owned and operated by Prairie Newspaper Group Limited Partnership, a subsidiary of Glacier Media Inc. Advertising rates are available upon request and are subject to change without notice. Conditions of editorial and advertising content: The Estevan Mercury attempts to be accurate in Editorial and Advertising content; however, no guarantee is given or implied. The Estevan Mercury reserves the right to revise or reject any or all editorial and advertising content as the newspaper’s principals see fit. The Estevan Mercury will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an advertisement, and is not responsible for errors in advertisements except for the space occupied by such errors. The Estevan Mercury will not be responsible for manuscripts, photographs, negatives and other related material that may be submitted for possible publication. All of the Estevan Mercury’s content is protected by Canadian Copyright laws. Reviews and similar mention of material in this newspaper is granted on the provision that The Estevan Mercury receives credit. Otherwise, any reproduction without the permission of the publisher is prohibited. Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. Rights to any advertisement produced by The Estevan Mercury, including artwork, typography, photos, etc., remain the property of this newspaper. Advertisements or parts thereof may not be reproduced or assigned without the consent of the publisher. We acknowledge financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canadian Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.


What does one per cent get you? There are nearly 10,000 adults living in Estevan. They have a variety of opinions on different issues, yet they’ll agree on one thing: they don’t want higher taxes. They didn’t get their wish once again this year. Estevan city council passed its mill rate at Monday night’s meeting, later than normal thanks to the delays in the assessment role from the Saskatchewan Association of Management Agencies. And as expected, there was a one per cent increase in property taxes. The property tax increase was revealed during budget deliberations early in the year. Council said from the start that it wanted to keep its property tax increase to a minimum this year, but it wasn’t a guarantee. Council wanted to keep the property tax increase to three per cent last year, but those plans were scuttled after the provincial budget came down and revenues to the city were cut. Council eventually approved an eight per cent property tax hike. So council understandably wanted to keep any property taxes to a minimum this year. But one has to wonder how much the

city can do with a one per cent property tax increase. There is a significant portion of the population who believes that property taxes shouldn’t go up. What they don’t understand is that property taxes are easily the largest percentage of revenues for a municipality. Yes, council receives revenues from fees for services, grants and the provincial government. But property taxes are the bulk of the revenues, not just in Estevan, but virtually every municipality in the province. If property taxes stay the same, it means job losses and reduced services. If they don’t go up over an extended period of time, then there will be negative repercussions for the community. Your property taxes go to road and sidewalk repairs, parks, recreation, beautification, police, fire and a whole lot more. And there usually a rising cost associated with those services. A significant portion of taxes also go to schools. While many are always opposed to all property tax increases, there’s also that portion of the population that says they don’t

want to see property taxes go up, but they understand it if the money goes in the right direction. Put it to road repairs and other infrastructure needs, and they’ll understand. But if it goes to big salary increases, internal improvements or pet projects, the frustration sets in. Tax increases that occur in an incremental amount, and keep up with the rising cost of doing business might be grudgingly accepted. After all, property tax increases are better than crumbling infrastructure, understaffed departments and deteriorating parks. Unfortunately, a one per cent property tax increase seems like a token amount. Ultimately, council would have been better off approving a two per cent or a three per cent increase, or not having a property tax increase at all. It’s been more than a decade since Estevan residents were spared a property tax increase. We’re not saying this would have been the year to do it, but would there be much of a difference between a flat-lined mill rate and a one per cent increase? You just can’t do much at all with a one per cent property tax increase.

From the Top of the Pile

the ground and says he won’t ride it. Again, Vader says, “I have altered the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.” And again, with the door closed, Lando mutters to himself, “This deal is getting worse all the time!” Vader, again, opens the door and says, “Also, you are to wear these clown shoes, and refer to yourself as, ‘Mary.’” “Oh, F-you, man, I’m not doing it!” Lando yells. “I have altered the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further,” Vader says again, while Boba Fett and some Stormtroopers split a gut in the background. Lando says, with a long pause, “This deal … Is very fair and I’m happy to be a part of it.” Vader does not return as Lando looks furtively left and right. He then picks up his dress, clown shoes and unicycle. That, my friends, is a much more accurate reflection of what dealing with U.S. President Donald Trump on trade is like. My Dipper friend says, “He’s done an amazing thing in helping unite Canada,” and he would be right. It is really, really hard for me to say much nice about our current prime minister, other than he has nice hair. But he has been standing up to Trump in a way few would have expected, least of all Trump. And that’s why Trump went into a tirade after he left the summit when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau held a news conference essentially saying, “We’re not gonna take it.” “Based on Justin’s false statements at his news conference, and the fact that Canada is charging massive Tariffs to our U.S. farmers, workers and companies, I have instructed our

U.S. Reps not to endorse the Communique as we look at Tariffs on automobiles flooding the U.S. Market!” Trump tweeted on Air Force One on his way to Singapore, where he was to meet Kim Jong Un. In other words, “I am altering the deal (communique). Pray I don’t alter it any further.” And in handing Trudeau a dress, unicycle and clown shoes, he tweeted, “PM Justin Trudeau of Canada acted so meek and mild during our @G7 meetings only to give a news conference after I left saying that, “US Tariffs were kind of insulting” and he “will not be pushed around.” Very dishonest & weak. Our Tariffs are in response to his of 270 per cent on dairy!” We saw the same thing just a few days before. Canada seemed to think it was close to a deal on NAFTA. Then Vice-President Mike Pence phoned up and said, that they wanted a five-year sunset clause. Again, “I am altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.” How do you negotiate with these people? You could see it on the face of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in the photo her government released of her, and most of the G7, staring Trump down. They’re fed up, and they’re not going to take it anymore. However, we all know what position we’re really in. We’re not going to be able to go toe-to-toe with Darth Vader, or Trump, any more than Lando Calrissian could. In the end, all we’re going to end up doing is picking up the dress, unicycle and clown shoes, and calling ourselves, “Mary.” Brian Zinchuk is editor of Pipeline News. He can be reached at brian.zinchuk@


I am altering the deal In the best movie ever made, The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader has just frozen Han Solo in carbonite. He then tells Lando Calrissian, Han’s friend, “Calrissian, take the princess and the Wookie to my ship.” Lando says, “You said they’d be left in the city under my supervision.” Vader replies, threateningly, “I am altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.” And that, in a nutshell, sums up what dealing with Donald Trump on trade is like. Except it’s actually a little closer to the parody version Robot Chicken did of this scene. You can find it on YouTube. In that version, Vader makes his threat, and once the door closes behind him, Lando mutters to himself, “This deal is getting worse all the time.” Vader comes back and insists, “Furthermore, I wish you to wear this dress and bonnet.” Lando protests and again Vader tells him, “I have altered the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.” Lando mutters to himself again, and once again, Vader pops out of the door and hands Lando a unicycle. “Here is a unicycle. You will ride it wherever you go,” Vader menaces. Lando, upset, throws it on

Op-Ed A5

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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Next season Envision discontinues support line won’t be easy for Broncos Corey Atkinson New Material Only

Several veteran members of Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League teams will be trading addresses over the summer as they were selected to become the newest members of the Humboldt Broncos. A dispersal draft of sorts, although we don’t yet know who was protected or why Humboldt’s management decided to pick these players, the ones chosen aren’t in an enviable position this year. Estevan’s Blair Atcheynum was one of the players chosen after the Swift Current Broncos had their bus crash in 1986 and it took him another move, to the Moose Jaw Warriors, to become a star in the Western Hockey League. These players that were taken in the Humboldt draft included some forwards and defencemen, including Carlyle’s Kyle Sargent, ex of the Yorkton Terriers. There was a good mix of experience and youth selected. No goaltenders were taken, though, which I found a bit odd but then there wasn’t likely to be many made available. What the players do have in common with each other now is a spot on what will be the most-watched SJHL team of all time – the team that tries to regain the footprint of the Humboldt Broncos. When this team gets to camp in the fall, together with the remaining players on the Broncos’ list and roster, the task they’ll have will seem daunting. No other SJHL team has started a season quite like this. There will be ceremony after ceremony as the team visits other rinks for the first time and life will seem more than a bit like a sombre self-reflective time. These 17-to-20 year olds are going to have to grow up in a real hurry under that kind of scrutiny. With no time to fully coagulate as a team, unlike a lot of teams in the SJHL that have a succession program where players are in the system for two to four years and become stars, these new Broncos are going to miss a pass or two and have a hit that doesn’t quite staple a guy to the boards in the way they’d like to. But here’s the thing: along with all the national and possibly international scrutiny will come a lot of cheers. Who on earth next season will want the Broncos to lose? They’ll be everybody’s second favourite team next year, and players like Ahmed Ally will come out of this with a newfound confidence and maturity and by the time the playoffs hit, who knows how good they’ll be? And while the crash won’t be forgotten any time soon, it eventually won’t be what defines either Humboldt or the Broncos. The product on the ice will provide its definition. There will be few in hockey circles who won’t have a good understanding of the Broncos’ path and those will undoubtedly transfer into some offers of post-secondary education for those players graduating from the team in the next few years. So while the task seems daunting for those new players selected by the Broncos in the dispersal draft, the doors of opportunity have swung wide open for a few members of the hockey community. These kids will go to a place that will now embrace them as members of the team and city like no other junior team before them. I don’t think I’m overstepping my bounds to wish the Broncos all the success in the regular season and playoffs this coming winter. Although the circumstances that brought the Broncos together may have been the most trying, they’re together now and I hope they can make the best of it.

Let’s find these guys their “Fur-ever Homes” and let me help you find your “For Ever Home”



The Envision Counselling and Support Centre has announced the end of its 24-hour abuse/sexual assault support line, due to decreased call volumes and an increased demand for other services. The support line had been in existence since Envision was known as the Violence Intervention Program, and began offering services in Estevan and Weyburn in 1995. It was operated by a dedicated team who kept the line open night and day. Calls came into the Estevan Telephone Answering Service, and then they transferred the calls to the volunteer, a service the answering service provided free of charge since the line’s inception. The support line was discontinued at the end of March, but an announcement wasn’t made until Friday. When the line started, it would receive one or two calls per day. Christa Daku, the executive director for Envision, said the line’s call volume peaked

in around 2006 or 2007. Envision was down to about 70 calls per year, or about one every five days, for the line. “The numbers continued to decline, and it’s really impacting our service

shared on these calls,” said Daku. But Daku said it has been tough for volunteers to have that rewarding feeling, because it’s difficult to dedicate 12 hours of the day for a shift on the

delivery, because it takes a staff member to obviously co-ordinate the program, and then we offer counselling support on top of that for the meetings and for supporting volunteers,” said Daku. A total of 167 volunteers have helped out with the line over the past 23 years. “The volunteers were the backbone of this program for so many years. It was a dedicated group of women who gave their time and talent while remaining respectful of the information that was

line, and then not receive any calls. A noticeable shift has been observed in how individuals were accessing Envision’s services in the southeast, she said. Fewer people were using the phone line, but increases were seen in counselling requests online. “We have a really great website now, and a lot of people access us through that website, instead of calling the line,” said Daku. “So we’re still reaching the people, it’s just in a different way.” Many people would now rather access information, services or assistance

First of four drug cases settled By Brian Zinchuk

Daniel Lowenberg, one of four people charged in related drug cases, pleaded guilty in Estevan Provincial Court on Monday to possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking. Three others are facing related charges, and all now have preliminary inquiry dates set. In a joint submission between the Crown and defence, federal Crown prosecutor Eric Neufeld said the Lowenberg case involved cocaine being sourced in Regina and being sold in Estevan. He explained this was a distribution-level case. Another individual was seen with Lowenberg by police surveillance. Lowenberg was a passenger in a pickup truck in Estevan with another

person when both were arrested. Lowenberg had 13.3 grams, or about half an ounce, of cocaine on his person, worth about $2,600. There were 26 packages, for sale. The Crown alleged Lowenberg was to be part of a group of individuals trafficking cocaine. Lowenberg was co-operative with police and gave a statement. The Crown noted he had a significant criminal record, and asked for a twoyear sentence in a federal penitentiary. Neufeld asked that all the property involved that was seized be forfeited, and some of that may be used as evidence in other cases. Neufeld said typical sentences for cases like this range from 18 months to four years. Lowenberg’s defence attorney, Kathryn Gilliss, said

he was 27 years old, and lives in Frobisher with his partner and two-month-old son. He has a Grade 8 education and has spent his career being fully employed in construction. He is self-employed doing renovations. Lowenberg’s sister told the Mercury he lived in Forget not Frobisher. Gillies noted that Lowenberg has struggled with addictions for a decade since the death of his father, when he was 16. This would often be cyclical, with sober periods followed by “less than productive” periods. Gilliss said that Lowenberg intends to use all the addiction services available at the penitentiary and get his GED. Judge Lane Wiegers noted, “You do have a significant criminal record,” and he added those were related

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to trafficking drugs. The judge added it was no surprise to anyone that cocaine and crystal meth cause great harm. He gave Lowenberg credit for his confession and guilty plea. “You don’t need to do this sort of thing,” he said, noting he is able to support himself with his construction work. The judge also warned that if Lowenberg doesn’t straighten up, sentences in the future would get a lot more serious. With that, he sentenced Lowenberg to two years in a federal penitentiary, a firearms and weapons prohibition for life, and to give DNA samples. He granted the property forfeiture and imposed a $200 victim surcharge. On that last note, Lowenberg will have 30 months to pay.

Three people injured in collision

Three people were injured in a collision outside of Estevan on June 5. Members of the Estevan RCMP, the Estevan Fire Rescue Service and the Estevan Emergency Medi-

cal Services were called to a two-vehicle accident, which occurred approximately eight kilometres west of the city. An eastbound vehicle was turning left when it

collided with a westbound vehicle. The driver of the eastbound vehicle was charged with failing to yield to oncoming traffic when making a left-hand

turn. The three people who were in the two vehicles involved were transported to St. Joseph’s Hospital with what were described as minor injuries.

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through a website or a text message than the phone, she said. Those needing immediate support or referrals can now turn to the recently launched province-wide 211 Saskatchewan, which also has a 24-hour support line that was started at the same time that Envision discontinued theirs. “There’s still somewhere for people to call,” said Daku. It’s free and confidential, with information around the clock and referral services available by phone, text, web chat and email, and trained professionals to help people find and navigate the wide range of community services in the province. Daku said Envision hasn’t received any concerns about the decision to end the line. Envision still has a message manager operating for a year, offering direction to people looking to access services. Envision is still available as a local resource for southeast Saskatchewan, during office hours by phone or online any time.

Spayed and neutered pets are much happier pets.

The Estevan Humane Society reserves the right to refuse any adoption.



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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Each office independently owned and operated

City to proceed with Smart Cities ideas By David Willberg

The City of Estevan will proceed with its initiatives proposed for the Smart Cities challenge, even though its bid for a national competition came up short. The 20 national finalists for the Smart Cities Challenge were announced June 1 during the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Convention in Halifax. Smart Cities is a competition-based approach that encourages communities to come up with innovative solutions to their most pressing issues. Finalists were selected for their potential to improve communities in areas such as reconciliation, protection of Indigenous language and culture, food security, affordable housing, and education and health for youth and children. Dwight “Fitz” Bramble, the city’s economic development officer, spearheaded Estevan’s bid for the competition. He pointed out that 199 bids were received from across the country, but only three of them were from Saskatchewan: Estevan, Saskatoon and Regina. Saskatoon was the lone finalist from this province, and will receive $250,000 for its ideas. “We had an opportunity, and we pursued this opportunity, and there will be other opportunities again in the future, because this Smart Cities Challenge initiative is not a one and done

initiative,” said Bramble. Estevan’s bid aimed to use technology to enhance economic opportunities. For example, the city proposed using drone technology on farms for agri-processing, and establishing an agri-processing facility in partnership with the Southeast College. The drone technology could be used to transport produce from the farms to the facility. There are also opportunities with technology in a central North American transportation corridor that will be used for autonomous vehicles. “If and when that becomes a reality, you’re going to need charging stations, maintenance facilities and things like that for these vehicles,” said Bramble. The technology could also be used for electric vehicles. “I think it’s a very realistic and a very possible initiative, and even though we weren’t selected as a finalist, that doesn’t mean it isn’t something we cannot pursue,” said Bramble. “It’s a project that I think is going to have farreaching implications, and whether we like it or not, the … reality of these types of technologies is already with us.” The city’s economic development committee has identified five priority areas – agri-processing, geothermal energy, greenhouse technology, manufacturing and warehousing – to focus on for investment

in the foreseeable future, and the initiatives in the Smart Cities initiative fit in those categories. There is also the opportunity to make smaller opportunities out of some of the initiatives. The application for the Smart Cities Challenge required a lot of work, but he had the support from city council, the Estevan Chamber of Commerce and the economic development board. It took months to put it together, because there were 20 questions, and each question required lengthy answers.

Workers prepare the lobster during the Rotary Club of Estevan’s Lobsterfest on Friday night at Affinity Place. More than 800 people turned out for the event. A fresh, whole Atlantic lobster and a steak were served to those in attendance. Proceeds from Lobsterfest will be directed to Rotary’s projects in the community.

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“You have to talk about how prepared the city is

make the proposal and go forward and try to get them involved, but if they’re not interested, then there’s really nothing we can do for it.” Bramble is currently working on an investment action plan, and he hopes to receive input and involvement from the community. Economic development has to involve everybody, he said, and that’s a message that he has been preaching to the community. “Hopefully what I do will be reflective of that community involvement,” said Bramble.

Lots of lobster

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Dwight “Fitz” Bramble

to implement this project, and who some of the partners are that we intend to work with. How have we engaged the community?” A number of the finalists in Smart Cities were collaborative projects with multiple municipalities. Bramble said the city approached a couple other communities early on, and he believes a greater effort could have been made to involve other communities in the southeast. “Of course, other communities would have to want to collaborate with us,” said Bramble. “We

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Land sales bring in $15.6 million

One lease parcel southeast of Radville brought in most of the bucks in the June 5 Crown land sale, whose results were posted on June 7. One exploration licence in southeast Saskatchewan received a bonus bid of $10,511,566. This parcel was purchased by Stomp Energy Ltd. and is prospective for multiple targets including the Ratcliffe Beds of the Madison Group and the Bakken, Torquay and Red River Formations. The average price per hectare in Saskatchewan is currently $725, the highest when compared to public offerings held to date in Alberta and British Columbia, the provincial government noted. “Industry’s investment in petroleum and natural gas rights in Saskatchewan is a good measure of the opportunity and potential that exists in our province’s oil and gas sector,” Energy and Resources Minister Bronwyn Eyre said in a press release on June 7. “Dollars invested by this industry support Saskatchewan jobs, communities, and our province’s economic future.” Forty parcels totalling 11,400 hectares were sold for $3,454,719 in the Kindersley area. These parcels are prospective for oil and gas in the Viking Formation, Mannville Group, and Bakken Formation. Cougar Creek Land Ltd. bid $608,948 to acquire a 243 -hectare lease located south of Maidstone. This parcel is prospective for heavy oil in the Mannville Group. The next public offering of petroleum and natural gas rights will be held on August 14, 2018. Estevan-Weyburn area One single exploratory license offered in this area fetched $10,511,566, paid by Stomp Energy Ltd. It was for the 1,036-hectare block located adjacent to the Hoffer Ratcliffe Beds Oil Pool, 40 kilometers southeast of Radville. This parcel is the highest dollar per hectare in this area at $10,146 per

hectare. There were seven leases posted and sold, totalling 648 hectares and bringing in $975,327, or $1,506 per hectare. The top price paid for a single lease in this area was $600,087, paid by Plunkett Resources Ltd. for a 130 hectare parcel situated five kilometres north of the Torquay Main Torquay Oil Pool, 40 kilometres west of Estevan. KindersleyKerrobert area Two exploratory licences were posted in this area and just one sold. It was for 518 hectares and brought in $213,307, or $412 per hectare. Of the 51 leases posted, 39 sold, totalling 10,882 hectares. The bonus for the leases was $3,241,412, of $298 per hectare. Top purchaser of acreage in this area was Saturn Oil and Gas Inc., who spent $768,896.83 to acquire nine lease parcels. In its own press release, Saturn noted the additional 6.75 sections brings their total land position to 24.25 sections (19.25 net). Saturn noted it picked up 2.25 contiguous sections with rights from surface to top of Precambrian in the Kerrobert area. The parcel has recent Viking production on offsetting sections. Saturn has identified multiple horizontal well locations on the parcel and will be licensing an extended reach horizontal Viking well that the company anticipates it will drill during its 2018 summer drill program. Saturn also acquired 3.0 contiguous sections with

rights from surface to top of Precambrian in the Prairiedale area. The parcel has recent Viking production on offsetting sections. Saturn has identified multiple horizontal well locations on the parcel and will be licensing an extended reach horizontal Viking well in the coming weeks to be drilled during the 2018 summer drill program. The lone licence that sold in this area fetched $213,307, paid by Windfall Resources Ltd. for the 518hectare block located 10 kilometres north of the Plenty Viking Sand Oil Pool, 35 kilometers east of Kerrobert. Top price paid for a single lease in this area was $340,836 paid by Windfall Resources Ltd. for a 259hectare parcel situated five kilometres southwest of the Forgan West Viking Sand Oil Pool, 20 kilometres south of Elrose. This is the highest dollar per hectare in this area at $1,316 per hectare. Swift Current area One singular lease was posted and sold in the Swift Current area. It was for 65 hectares and earned a $61,090 bonus, at $945 per hectare. It was acquired by Scott Land & Lease Ltd. The parcel is located within the Gull Lake Basal Cantuar Sand Oil Pool, five kilometres southwest of the town of Gull Lake. Lloydminster area The Lloydminster area saw only three leases posted and sold, totally 583 hectares for $631,876. That came to $1,084 per hectare. Top purchaser of acreage in this area was Cougar

Creek Land Ltd. who spent $608,948 to acquire one lease parcel, making it the top price paid for a single

lease in this area. The 243 hectare parcel is situated adjacent to the Soda Lake Cummings Oil Pool, 55 ki-

lometers southeast of Lloydminster. This is the highest dollar per hectare in this area at $2,508 per hectare.

Heritage Day Carter Smelt, a Grade 1 student at St. Mary’s School, competed in the sack races during the Heritage Day at the Souris Valley Museum on Thursday. Students from local schools enjoyed a variety of activities, including quilts, three-legged races, wagon rides and schoolhouse re-enactments.


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8 new licenses issued to Monday, June 11 99134 98184 99016 99354 99328 99157 99423 99153

Crescent Point Energy Hz ................................................................................................... 2-28-1-12 Burgess Creek Exploration Hz ................................................................................................ 4-2-5-8 Crescent Point Energy Hz ................................................................................................... 16-23-9-8 Midale Petroleums Vert ...................................................................................................... 16-30-6-7 Burgess Creek Exploration Hz ............................................................................................ 12-23-4-7 Crescent Point Energy Hz ................................................................................................... 16-27-4-9 Torc Oil & Gas Hz ................................................................................................................. 6-25-5-6 Crescent Point Energy Hz ..................................................................................................... 4-3-3-13

Rig Report 97467 98517 97729

Stampede Drilling ..............................Fire Sky Energy ......................................................... 16-8-4-8 Panther Drilling .................................Adonai Resource ...................................................... 2-28-2-33 Stampede Drilling ..............................Fire Sky Energy ....................................................... 8-19-1-31

97732 84690 91116 92376 96685 96276 97074 14A045 97965 13K431 13K426 97123 98422 96363 94523 98562 92523 97994

Panther Drilling ..................................Western Potash................................................... 15-34-13-17 Precision Drilling........................... Ridgeback Resources ...................................................... 5-9-7-9 Trinidad Drilling...................................Torc Oil & Gas ........................................................ 2-11-2-12 Alliance Drilling ............................... Midale Petroleums .................................................... 16-24-4-4 Trinidad Drilling...................................Torc Oil & Gas ...................................................... 13-34-1-11 Horizon Drilling .................................Vermilion Energy.................................................... 14-24-2-14 Horizon Drilling .................................Vermilion Energy...................................................... 1-18-4-17 Canelson Drilling ...........................Crescent Point Energy.................................................. 5-17-1-15 Panther Drilling .................................Adonai Resource ........................................................ 8-10-2-1 Panther Drilling..............................Crescent Point Energy................................................ 13-15-6-15 Panther Drilling..................................Vermilion Energy...................................................... 7-16-6-14 Trinidad Drilling...................................Torc Oil & Gas ............................................................ 3-1-6-6 Vermilion Energy...............................Vermilion Energy........................................................ 4-7-11-6 Stampede Drilling ............................... Astra Oil Corp ........................................................ 12-36-4-6 Stampede Drilling ........................ Keystone Royalty Corp ................................................... 4-34-2-1 Stampede Drilling ............................... Astra Oil Corp ........................................................ 16-27-4-6 Betts Drilling ............................. Burgess Creek Exploration .................................................. 1-3-5-8 Panther Drilling .................................Vermilion Energy........................................................ 1-25-3-4

A8 June 13, 2018

Estevan Mercury

Grad will be a special night for ECS students Estevan Comprehensive School (ECS) students will move into the next chapter of their lives during the school’s Grade 12 graduation

ceremony on June 15 at Affinity Place. A total of 157 students will graduate this year. The number is down from pre-

vious years, although Pat Fergusson, who is the grad co-ordinator, noted the enrolment numbers at ECS have been down in recent years.

“We knew we had some smaller classes moving through the system,” said Fergusson. “And then maybe it’s a bit of a sign of the eco-

nomic times as well. Here on in, the numbers should start to increase.” The grads will meet at the Estevan Courthouse at 4 p.m. for their annual grad picture and other photos. The graduation ceremony will start at 6:30 p.m. at Affinity Place. Principal Pat Jeannot will deliver a speech to open the ceremony. Class representatives Samantha Wade and Carter Davenport will give a tribute to the parents. Student representative council co-presidents Eric Swirski and Mackenzie Holman will give the tribute to the teachers. Holman is also this year’s valedictorian. She finished with an average grade percentage of 97.88 per cent. The students will then be presented with their grad folders and will enter the next phase of their lives. Also part of the evening will be a grad choir, who will sing True Colours. The ceremony is slated to be wrapped up at 8 p.m. An hour later, the grand march will begin. Then at 11 p.m., the students will head to the school for the chem-free after

Get over it Grade 4 student Kalem Mantei takes part in the high jump Friday morning at Spruce Ridge School. The elementary school and others in the South East Cornerstone Public School Division had their track and field days with a few events. Photo by Corey Atkinson




grad. They will play games of chance in an effort to win prizes that have been donated by the community. This year’s theme is And so the Adventure Begins. “That’s a pretty fun theme, because adventure can mean so many different things to different people,” said Fergusson. “So I really like how it has that wideopen appeal for students.” The colours selected by the students are black, white and silver, and Fergusson said that should give grad an elegant look. “I know the decorating committee has been working hard to incorporate that, and still have some fun elements for our students too.” Plans for the ceremony started in October, she said. “We’re well underway, and we’re just now down to the final week. It’s all the finishing touches at this point. We’re looking forward to it.” Fergusson noted that this will be her final graduation ceremony, as she is retiring at the end of the school year. But she is still excited for the kids, and she believes the theme fits her life as well this year.














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Eligible new 2018 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Double Cab Custom Edition: $4,080 manufacturer-to-dealer cash credit (tax exclusive), $1,600 manufacturer-to-dealer (tax exclusive) Truck Nation Credit, $1,000 manufacturer-to-dealer (tax exclusive) Spring Bonus, $1,000 GM Card Application Bonus (offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank GM Visa Card (GM Card) or current GM Card cardholders)(tax inclusive) and $4,370 manufacturer-to-dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive). On all offers: Void where prohibited. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing certain cash credits which will result in higher effective cost of credit on their transaction. Limited time offer which may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other offers. General Motors of Canada Company may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ∆ MSRP applies to new 2018 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Double Cab Custom Edition 4x4 models at participating dealers in Canada. Purchase price of $33,995 includes $4,370 CDA, $4080 NSCDA, $1,600 Truck Nation Credit, $1,000 Spring Bonus and $1,000 GM Card Application Bonus (this offer applies to individuals who have applied for the Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Card [GM card] and to current Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Cardholders) (taxes inclusive). Freight is included but excludes license, insurance, registration, dealer fees and taxes. Dealer may sell for less. Offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. GM Canada may modify, extend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. See dealer for details. † Lease based on suggested retail price of $37,625, includes $1,250 CDA, $500 Lease Cash, $1,500 Truck Nation credit and $750 GM card application bonus (this offer applies to individuals who have applied for the Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Card [GM card] and to current Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Cardholders) (taxes inclusive) towards the lease of an eligible new 2018 Colorado Extended Cab Custom Edition. Bi-weekly payment is $150 for 48 months at 1.9% lease rate on approved credit to qualified retail customers by GM Financial. The $75 weekly payment is calculated by dividing the bi-weekly payments of $150. Annual kilometer limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometer. $2,850 down payment required. Payment may vary depending on down payment trade. Total obligation is $18,425. Taxes, license, insurance, registration and applicable fees, levies, duties and, dealer fees (all of which may vary by dealer and region) are extra. Option to purchase at lease end is $17,089. See dealer for details. Discounts vary by model. Dealer may sell for less. Limited time offer, which may not be combined with certain other offers. General Motors of Canada Company may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. Offers may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. ◊ Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada from June 1 to July 3, 2018. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 72 months on eligible 2018 Chevrolet Silverado HD Double Cab gas models. Other trims may have effective rates higher than 0%. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $78,288 financed at 0% nominal rate equals $1,087.33 monthly for 72 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, for a total obligation of $78,288. Freight and air charge ($100, if applicable) included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. General Motors of Canada Company may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. ¥ Offer applies to individuals who apply for a Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Card (GM Card) or current Scotiabank® GM® Visa* Cardholders. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2018 model year (“MY”) Chevrolet delivered in Canada between June 1 and July 3, 2018. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $750 credit available on: Chevrolet Colorado (excluding 2SA model); and $1,000 credit available on: Chevrolet Silverado, Silverado HD. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GM Canada dealer for details. GM Canada reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. 3 Visit for vehicle availability. Services and connectivity vary by model and conditions as well as geographical and technical restrictions. Requires active connected vehicle services and data plan. Data plans provided by AT&T or its local service provider. Accessory Power must be active to use Wi-Fi hotspot. ** The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased or leased a new eligible 2017 or 2018 MY Chevrolet (excluding Spark EV, Bolt EV), with an ACDelco® oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 48,000 km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ▲ Whichever comes first, fully transferable. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for complete details. ©2018 General Motors of Canada Company. All rights reserved.

June 13, 2018 A9

Graduating Class of

Congratulations to the Class of 2018!

“Congratulations Graduates! Best wishes for much success in your future endeavours! Phone: 306-634-3000

Lori Carr, MLA Hunter Ruel

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Conner Gerling

Jade Ruel

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1217 4th Street, Estevan, SK Toll Free (888) 936-2222

Tyler Dirks


Mariah LeBlanc

Riley Waddle

Taylor Dukart

1227 4th Street, Estevan 306.634.2423

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415 Kensington Avenue Unit 1, Estevan

Tayler Olver

Cameron Janssen


Jarod Buick

Jaiden Gervais

Hannah Olfert

Kenadee Williams

826 4th St., Estevan (306) 637-4300

Jennah Gallipeau

Terran Holzer

Taryn Stovin

Abigail Park

311 Kensington Avenue, Estevan 306-400-1375

Taylen Hirsch


Payten Wilson

A10 June 13, 2018

Estevan Mercury

Estevan Comprehensive School

Graduating Class of

Ryder Pierson

Charlie Jackson

Isabel Marcotte

Resa Mae Perez

Jaice Gibson

Call Toll Free 1-800-329-7466 Book Online

306-634-7000 1310 6 St, Estevan

306-634-6422 Highway 39 West, Estevan

Ryan Duckmanton

Carson Winton

112 Lamoro St, Estevan SK 306-636-2033

Elizabeth Wasmann

Gys Bastiaansen


Patrick Alexander

Matthew Thiessen 80 King Street, E., Estevan, SK 306-634-3689

Emma Anderson

Aletheia Boughton

Christalyn Joy Babuyog 1506 4 St., Estevan 306-634-8233

Eric Swirski

Leah Wock

701 Souris Ave,Estevan 306-636-1620

Jean Angus Banda

Brad Wilson 306-634-2628

Jean Rose Jullie Be

Prairie Mud Service Head Office: Estevan, SK


Carson Benning

Reegan Robinson

Hannah Ashworth

Kyra Barabash


Ashley Wilson

Marissa Carlberg

Brooke Kruger

Logan McKinnon



Jordy Lesy

Tyra Kuntz

Brenna Lawrence

Tess Brokenshire

Florence Liu

Ethan Lukye

Lucas Mack

Senchuk Ford Sales Ltd. 118 Souris Ave. N., Estevan I 306-634-3696 I

#3 - 421 King Street, Estevan, SK 306-634-3244

June 13, 2018 A11

Estevan Comprehensive School

Graduating Class of

Jabez Eslao

Parker Pearson

Sarah Cossette


Amber McMunn

Jay Farley Espina

Araya Wheeler

Myah Hjorteland

Howard Alburo

Tiffany Barath

Ryan Fry

Luke Zepick



306-634-3353 1215 - 5th Street, Estevan

1037 - 5th Street Estevan 306-634-5172

Owen Hanson

Taya Saxon

Chloe-Dawn Medwid

407 Kensington Avenue, Estevan 306-634-5111

306.634.2215 1226 - 4th St, Estevan

Adam Cowan


Nathan Fornwald


306-634-2635 130 King Street, Estevan

108 Breeze Street, Estevan


Claire Miller

Damion Michel

Jennifer Neufeld

Keiara Olson

Ma Bernadette Pangan

Jahaziel Pasaylo

Aiden Miller

Abegail Penano

John Kenneth Sasi

Hunter Steinke

WWW.FLOORSTOREESTEVAN.CA 104 - Hwy. 47 S., Estevan Bay #1 - Hwy. 13, Carlyle


706-5th St, Estevan 306-634-3522

James Kim

Casi Schlapkohl

Jordan Stein



117 4 St., Estevan 306-634-8889

Rochelle Guertin-Schmidt

Mason Wigley


1437 4th Street 306-634-9228

421 Kensington Ave. 306-634-8145

Dinalyn Coronel

Zachary Crouse



421-4th Street, Estevan, SK I 306-634-7231

Janae Stewart

A12 June 13, 2018

Estevan Mercury

Estevan Comprehensive School

Graduating Class of


Cassidy Ross

Riley Wood

Cole Fonstad

Cori Maenpaa

Chartered Professional Accountants

306-634-3755 501 Nesbitt Dr.

306-634-6060 1010 6th Street Estevan

Sara Hollingshead

Erik Gusikoski

Estevan Mine

Heaven Cabiluna (306) 634-5304

306-634-7331 1123 - 4th Street Estevan

Connor Hanson

. . . o s d an the

306-634-5304 321 Imperial Ave., Estevan

e r u t n e v Ad


Cathleen Haygarth

Plant Operations (306) 388-2911 | Mining Operations (306) 634-7251

Shanisse Brown

Neilmor Andrei Bibat

Landon Mehler

306-634-6276 238 4th St., Estevan

306-634-8255 128 Souris Avenue N., Estevan, SK

Cooper Brokenshire

Joshua Fenwick



Alexander Bechtold

Nicholas Daneluk

Keeli Fuhr

Linda Mack 306-421-3883

Erik Holmgren

Cazlynn Barnstable 1230 4th St. Estevan, SK 306-634-6774

601-4th Street 306-634-3212

John Amiel Derain


Coral Zieglgansberger #103 - 117 3rd St. Weyburn, SK 306-842-6774

Jordan Reed

Mackenzie Holman

Alexandria Kenney

Logan King

Travis King

Alexandria Kuntz

Oliver Laskey

Jaycee Young

137 King St., Estevan +1 866-987-6453







#200 Hwy. 18 West, Estevan, SK 306-634-7255

June 13, 2018 A13

Estevan Comprehensive School

Graduating Class of

Danika Dietze

Mykala Doerksen

Justine English


Abby Hanna

Kelsey Pastachak

Logan Chernoff

306-637-3802 1239 5th Street, Estevan

1-306-634-0125 126 4th Street, Estevan

306 634-4755 140-1175 Nicholson Road, Estevan

Jared Christensen

Quaid Spilchuk

Tierleigh Dinsmore

Hunter Barnstable

Daylin Cherwenuk

Jasynn Monteyne

306-634-7007 8 Lamarou St, Estevan


306-634-8550 102 Souris Ave, Estevan

937 George St, 306-634-5512

306-634-4688 419 Kensington Avenue

306-634-2356 104 Souris Ave., Estevan

Ashley Veloso

Carrisa Wock

Kendall Bill

Xander Wilkie

Courtney Kanigan

Tatiana Dutka

306-471-7182 1492 Nicholson Rd, Estevan

306-634-2900 321 Imperial Ave, Bienfait

5 STREET Autobody th


306-634-7101 601 - 5th St., Estevan,

! " #


306-634-3666 1220 4th Street, Estevan

Brittney Charlebois

Dylan Mann

Dominik Sorensen

306-637-2600 1401 1 St, Estevan

306-634-3900 kcchamneycrushing@

306-634-2654 68 Souris Ave. N. Estevan

Tianna Whitfield

Daymon Wanner

Mackenzie Park




Dawson Pylychaty

Khrystal Montebon

Hallie Hanson

200 King Street, Estevan 306-634-6407

Jenae Peterson

Victoria Schiestel

Jasmine Ireland

# 1, 322 4th St. Estevan 306-634-2222

Morgan Fichter

Taiesha Michel

Morgan Barnard

Proud of Your Achievement, Good Luck on your future endeavours. Teegan Knibbs

98 Souris Ave. Estevan


Kacie Sovdi

Dakota Schnell-Carriere



Sports A14

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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Each office independently owned and operated


Tyson Turnbull collects checkered flag in modifieds race By Corey Atkinson

A night at the Estevan Motor Speedway Saturday pitted brother against brother in the final modifieds feature of the evening, with Tyson Turnbull getting the edge on Aaron with a lap remaining. Tyson started near the back of the pack in the opening heat but moved his way up to the middle of the pack for the feature. By the time the white flag was out after a caution with seven laps to go, Tyson Turnbull was in second place to brother Aaron and Tyson ended up getting the right line on his brother to take the checkered flag. “I was shocked,” said Tyson Turnbull after the race. “I was just coming out to make some laps tonight. I didn’t like I was totally ready to go.” Luck played into the win, he said. “I put a lot of work on the car over the winter and made some big improvements, I think. Everything kind of went my way other that getting in that wreck in the heat race. I thought I was done right there.” Tyson took some damage to the front of his vehicle after a bump in the heats but his mod was good to go in the feature race, although he started near the back. His vehicle had zero sponsorships on it. “It’s a 2012 car,” Tyson said. “It sat for about five years and getting it going again, I put a new body on it… it’s a Chrysler engine

built over in Manitoba. The rest of these guys have the Crate motors in these cars. I really like to win against a bunch of Crate motors, that’s for sure.” Also winning in their races were Estevan’s Jeremy Swanson in the street stocks, Minot, North Dakota’s Robby Rosselli in the sport modifieds, Kenmare, North Dakota’s Riese Dignan in the hobby stocks and Estevan’s Ryder Raynard in the junior slingshots. Saturday was Swanson’s second time in the winner’s row after a good street stock race, where he took the lead about five laps in when he passed Weyburn’s Robert Pickering. “Most of the guys race here a bunch so you kind of know what to expect, and how they’re going to race you,” Swanson said. “It helps.” Swanson credited the engine he bought here in town as part of the reason he’s had success so far this year. “I put it in and it’s been running really well since,” he said. Also, Austin Daae came from near the back to finish third. He was done after the first turn in the heat race he was in a collision with Williston, North Dakota’s Jake Nelson that saw Nelson’s body sustain the loss of his passenger door. Nelson and Daae came back in the feature to finish second and third, respectively. Meanwhile, Dignan won his first race of the year in hobby stocks at EMS only a few days after

Riese Dignan (144) takes a lead on Dan Blackburn (5) in one of the heat races Saturday at the Estevan Motor Speedway. winning in Minot at Nodak. “I like these kind of tracks were you just have to hold it wide open,” said Dignan. “It’s fun that way. I don’t mind slick tracks but I’m better on these ones.” Although he won three times in 2017 at Nodak and Williston, he never finished higher than third at EMS. “I’ve been running here for awhile and I haven’t had any luck but I guess I got it

done tonight,” Dignan said. Rosselli has had success both past and present at EMS. He was the hobby stocks winner in 2005 and had turned to the sport mods, which weren’t offered consistently at EMS until this year. Whatever it is that’s working here, Rosselli enjoys his time at Estevan. “It kind of fits my driving style and I always liked

racing here since I started racing,” he said. “The track had plenty of bite in it,” Rosselli said. “Some spots were slick and had no traction. But there’s bite in other places. That’s

where you want to run. Next races are June 22-23 for the sprint car showdown with sprint cars, modifieds, hobby stocks, street stocks and slingshots scheduled for both nights.

The Estevan Motor Speedway Points Standings (As of June 11, 2018) IMCA Hobby Stock Driver Points 1. 25R Leevi Runge 78 2. 17 Blake Penna 73 3. 97R Riley Raynard 73 4. 20 Dan Reid 71 5. 5 Dan Blackburn 64 IMCA Modifieds Driver Points 1. 21 Aaron Turnbull 118 2. 99R Chris Hortness 109 3. 12EH Riley Emmel 101 4. 77 Tyler Wagner 101 5. 33 Chris Fidler 95 IMCA Stock Car Driver Points 1. 67 Joren Boyce 113 2. 12G Gary Goudy Jr 109 3. 10N Cody Nelson 109 4. 68 Jeremy Swanson 107 5. 47 Devon Gonas 97 IMCA Sport Mods Driver Points 1. 0 Robby Rosselli 78 2. 49 Erik Laudenschlager 76 3. 889 Kyle Keller 72 4. 9 Philip Keller 71 5. 95 Rylan Raynard 62

Tyson Turnbull pulls ahead in one of the heat races Saturday at the Estevan Motor Speedway.

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June 13, 2018 A15

Elecs hand out hardware for top athletes By Corey Atkinson

Winning the award for the most outstanding female athlete for Estevan Comprehensive School is one thing but to be able to share it with your best friend through high school is something even more special. That’s what Morgan Fichter and Tatiana Dutka were able to accomplish as co-winners of the award last week at the ECS Elecs athletic awards night. “It feels pretty good to be recognized with my best friend since we’re both great athletes and role models,” said Dutka. “I wouldn’t have wanted to win it with anyone else.” “It feels great to share it with my best friend,” said Fichter. “We really worked hard together over the past four years.” John Sasi was named the school’s top male athlete of the year Thursday at the awards ceremony. Both Dutka and Fichter are off to athletics in post secondary school and Fichter will take with her some strong memories of her time as an Elec. “I’m going to take away all the knowledge of what I’ve learned, especially on the basketball team and all the life skills our coach has taught us,” said Fichter, a provincial gold medal winning triple jumper who will be at the University of Toronto. Dutka will be at Medicine Hat College in the fall playing for the Rattlers. “I’ve learned a lot from all my coaches and they’ve taught me so many things, not just sports,” said Dutka. “My coach Jessie Smoliak was a huge influence on me in basketball and I’m going to take

everything my coaches taught me in life skills and how to be a really good person in life.” The Elecs made it to the gold medal game at Hoopla this year, and Dutka herself won a silver medal in the senior girls quad and a gold medal on the golf team. Each of the school’s coaches handed out awards for excellence, commitment and success, in addition to the big awards handed out at the end. One of the things learned from the evening is the value of hard work and dedication. “Hard work doesn’t go unrecognized,” said Dutka. Fichter said she will take with her a lot of team memories. “Travelling in the van and the hotels and all the team functions we have together,” she said. “I’ll really remember them.” Sasi was a bit of a surprise star on the basketball team with a great performance in the home leg of the McLeod Series this year. “Playing again on the senior team in my last year is a great honour,” Sasi said. “All glory to God.” Sasi saw success at the provincial track as well, taking 15th in the high jump, and also saw success in badminton. He and the Elecs basketball team fell short at regionals but he enjoyed his time with the team. “When we went to regionals it was a tough loss, but through the years playing with the team it was a huge honour to play with them,” Sasi said. “We had a great friendship. I’ll never forget those moments, practice, tournaments and games.” Also winning the school’s awards for sportsmanship were male athlete Carter Davenport and female athlete Jean Rose Be.

Tatiana Dutka, left, and Morgan Fichter, centre, listen to Jessie Smoliak talk about their accomplishments as co-winners of Estevan Comprehensive School’s female athlete of the year Thursday night at the Comp.

John Sasi, left, listens to senior boys head coach Nathan Wilhelm talking at the ECS awards night.

Salaway heading to Red Deer College An Estevan Minor Hockey product who played the Manitoba Junior Hockey League the last three seasons will be heading to the Red Deer College Kings in the fall. Kyle Salaway played three seasons for the Virden Oil Capitals, concluding his junior hockey careers with 31 goals and 32 assists for 63 points in 60 regular season games. He added five goals and three assists in the playoffs for the Oil Capitals as they lost in the MJHL final to the Steinbach Pistons.

Overall in three seasons, Salaway scored 55 goals and 65 assists for 120 points over 177 regular season games, accumulating only 30 penalty minutes in that time. Before that, Salaway played two seasons for the midget AA Estevan Apex Bruins, getting 36 goals and 64 assists in 70 games, and before that he played for the Estevan TS&M bantam AA Bruins. Former Bruins Jason Miller and Lynnden Pastachak played last season with the Kings.

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Annual Vegetation Management Program CN is required to clear its rights-of-way from any vegetation that may pose a safety hazard. Vegetation on railway rightsof-way, if left uncontrolled, can contribute to trackside fires and impair proper inspection of track infrastructure. As such, for safe railway operations, the annual vegetation control program will be carried out on CN rail lines in the province of Saskatchewan. A certified applicator will be applying herbicides on and around the railway tracks (mainly the graveled area/ballast). All product requirements for setbacks in the vicinity of dwellings, aquatic environments and municipal water supplies will be met. This program will take place from June 18, 2018 to August 31, 2018. Visit to see the list of cities affected. For more information, you may contact the CN Public Inquiry Line at 1-888-888-5909. June 15, 2018

BOARD MEMBER RECRUITMENT Mandated through provincial legislation, Southeast College provides academic and skills training opportunities in response to regional and industry needs in the southeast corner of the province. Southeast College is proud to be the Trainer of Choice, serving approximately 8,000 learners and producing over 5,000 graduates annually. The College offers innovative and flexible programming that encourages students to learn where they live. We are looking for dynamic and like minded people that will help contribute to our forward thinking and innovative college going forward. Southeast College is governed by a seven-person Board of Governors. Due to retirement, one position is coming vacant. The Board is looking for an expression of interest from individuals willing to serve as a board member. Preference will be given to candidates who fit the following criteria: • Specific geographic representation - Candidate from Estevan and the immediate area. • Candidates will ideally have experience or interest in at least one of the following areas: Energy sector experience/knowledge, Risk Management, Business Management, Knowledge of current and emerging issues affecting the College, Energy, Trades or Small Business. Diversity • Southeast College recognizes diversity, and therefore welcomes equal gender representation, representation from persons of Aboriginal decent, representation from visible minorities, representation from women in non-traditional roles, representation from citizens with disabilities. Qualifications: An ideal governor will have an understanding of the needs of the region, a commitment to post-secondary education and training, and have the capacity to meet the time commitments to serve and be effective as a Board member. On average, a time commitment of two days per month is required. Submissions: We invite interested parties to express their interest in writing. Submissions should include resume, summarization of professional background, previous experience on boards if any, and a description as to why you are interested to serving on our Board. Your submission will be held in strict confidence. Deadline: Submissions should be received by June 30, 2018 Christin Andrews, Executive Coordinator Southeast College Box 1565, Weyburn, SK S4H 0T1 Email: For further information contact Christin at (306) 848-2370.

A16 June 13, 2018

Estevan Mercury

Diamondbacks walk all over Twins By Corey Atkinson

A couple of big losses at home to the Saskatoon Diamondbacks had the Southeast Performance Pump midget AAA Twins back to the drawing board a little bit. The Diamondbacks won 15-2 and 11-6 Saturday at Lynn Prime Park thanks in no small part to some miscues by the home team. In the 15-2 opener Saturday, the Twins allowed 13 walks in five innings and the Dimondbacks were up 11-0 by the middle of the second inning. “The dropped balls and throwing strikes is a big thing,” said Twins assistant coach Kent Phillips. “We have to do that better and unfortunately we didn’t get that done in the second game either.” The Diamondbacks

were also knocking the ball around pretty well in the two games, as there were five doubles and a triple hit by the Diamondbacks in the two games. “ We a l w a y s k n o w we’re going to be in tough against the Diamondbacks,” Phillips said. “They’ve got a good program up there and they’re very well coached. We just tried to limit the mistakes and keep them off the bases as much as we can. Any time you give them an extra opportunity to give them continued at bats, the more they’re going to do with it.” The Twins did have a good inning in the fifth of the second game as three Saskatoon pitchers were each having difficulty finding the strike zone consistently. Thomas Husband, Hudson Neuberger and Jayke Smolinski’s bases loaded walks each scored a run, but the Diamondbacks

Twins catcher Aiden Krafchuk applies the tag to Saskatoon Diamondbacks player Tyrone Polson as he tries to cross the plate Saturday afternoon at Lynn Prime Park. righted their ship and were able to get the next out. “We were trying to be

a bit more patient at the plate and recognizing the pitch selection and what

we need to do instead of just hacking when we get up there and swinging at everything that comes across,” said Phillips. Last weekend, the Twins went 2-2 at an American Legion tournament in Medicine Hat and played well, according to Phillips. “There are some good teams we played there and in the final game we played Sunday morning, we hit the ball pretty well and one

of the better games we’ve had hitting wise,” he said. The Twins beat the Parkland (Alta.) Twins 3-2 to open the tournament and completed it with an 11-8 win in a consolation win over the host Medicine Hat Moose Monarchs. This weekend will be a busy one with the Twins playing a pair of doubleheaders — Saturday at the Regina White Sox and Sunday at Weyburn against the Swift Current 57s.

Bantam Voltz clinch first place Twins pitcher Thomas Husband throws a pitch Saturday afternoon at Lynn Prime Park.


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Tenders will be received by SaskPower for the sale of hay. The successful bidder will be required to cut, bale and remove bales by 2018 September 01. There will be one cutting only and it must be completed by 2018 August 15. Several parcels of land are included, mainly located west and south of Boundary Dam Power Station. Bids will be lump sum for each parcel. Parcels will be available for viewing on the 20th and 21st of June 2018. For further details contact Neil Worsley at 306-637-4256. Written tenders contained in a sealed envelope marked HAY TENDER on the outside will be received until 4:00 p.m., Thursday, June 21, 2018, c/o Neil Worsley, Shand Power Station, Box 1310, Estevan, S4A 2K9. Highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Payment terms: Receipt by SaskPower of certified cheque within 5 working days of bid acceptance by SaskPower. Note 1. Bales still on the ground after 2018 November 01 will be assessed a fee of 50¢ per bale per month, payable in advance.

After three wins on the weekend, the Estevan Bantam Voltz have clinched first place in the South Saskatchewan Lacrosse League and await the last regular season and the playoffs. Saturday, they went to Swift Current and tied the Rampage B 4-4 and knocked off the Rampage W 11-5. Then Sunday they defeated the Regina Bandits 8-2 and the Regina Hawks 13-3 in a pair of games at Weyburn. A pair of third period goals, one by Kersey Hollingshead and Kaden Chrest, helped salvage the tie in Swift Current. Chrest scored two in the game and Kalen Stang scored the other Voltz goal. Then in the second game, Chrest scored four in the 11-5 win, with

Stang, Miller and Nathan Wagstaff scoring two each. Tanner Hall scored the other Voltz goal. Chrest led the way with two goals and four assists in the Voltz’ 8-2 win over the Bandits. Wagstaff and Kersey Hollingshead scored two in the game as well. Miller and Stang scored singles. In the 13-3 win over the Regina Hawks, Chrest scored four goals and three assists, while Wagstaff and Tanner Hall each scored three goals with an assist. Braxton Dukart, Stang and Miller scored the others. The Voltz have one last game in the regular season in Regina. After the league playoffs, Estevan will be hosting provincials in midget, bantam and peewee at Affinity Place and the Power Dodge Ice Centre.

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June 13, 2018 A17

Vilcu members strike gold at nationals in Ottawa By Corey Atkinson

Five Estevan members of the Vilcu Karate Club went to nationals recently and grabbed some gold medals in forms, sparring and weapons. Sifu Carlos Peraza, who also trains with Oxbow Martial Arts, Darson, Pam and Darcy Gunnlaugson and Kathy Lafrentz each won medals at World Karate Commission Nationals in Ottawa in May. “We came home with 16 medals,” said club member Pam Gunnlaugson. “We trained as a team and we did continuous sparring and point sparring and then there was also kata, known as patterns.” Peraza won gold in creative weapons form and Korean forms, silver in point sparring, freestyle forms and traditional forms and bronze in Japanese forms and traditional weap-

ons. Darson Gunnlaugson won gold in continuous sparring and fourth in freestyle forms, Korean forms and Chinese kata. Kathy Lafrentz won silver in continuous sparring, point sparring and bronze in Chinese kata. Pam Gunnlaugson won silver in Korean forms, bronze in creative weapons forms, continuous sparring and point sparring and fourth in traditional weapons form. Darcy Gunnlaugson won gold in continuous sparring, silver in creative forms and fourth place in point sparring and traditional kata. Pam and Darcy Gunnlaugson together won gold in team kata. “The diversity of the team brought home all the medals,” said Pam Gunnlaugson, a brown belt. “We trained in Weyburn and Estevan and it’s the support of the club and all the black belts that gets you

ready for something like that. They’ve been working with us since Christmas. We didn’t qualify till March but they’ve been working with us.” The Vilcu members also weren’t all black belts, which is a different level of competition that they’re used to. “If you qualify at provincials, you can go compete against all of their black belts,” she said. “We had blue belts, brown belts, red and one black belt among the five of us. We had all different colours.” There were up to 12 people in any one class at nationals for competition, Pam Gunnlaugson said. “So it was intense. It was good,” she laughed. Those who finished in the top four are on the 2018 WKC Canadian team and qualified for both the world competition in Ireland later this year and the Pan American games in Guatemala in

Vilcu Karate Club members who enjoyed success at nationals in Ottawa last month are Pam Gunnlaugson, Darcy Gunnlaugson, Darson Gunnlaugson, Kathy Lafrentz, Jocelyn Vilcu, Carlos Peraza, and Harold Vilcu. Submitted photo Feb. 2019, where the members are already starting to plan to attend. “I think it’s just going to be practising all the different styles we do,” Pam

Gunnlaugson said. “I do a musical weapons one, and I play music from (electronic group) A Tribe Called Red which is a little bit traditional because I’m Métis.

Novice, bantam Voltz teams conclude regular lacrosse seasons

Last weekend was a busy one in Estevan lacrosse. The novice Voltz 1 team concluded their regular season with a pair of losses Saturday in Regina. They lost 9-6 to the Bandits and 12-0 to The Herd, making their regular season record 1-11 in 12 South Saskatchewan Lacrosse League games. The novice Voltz 2 team ended their season with a pair of wins Saturday and a claim of second place in their division. They defeated the Storm 6-1 and the Thunder 4-2 and their record was 10-2

on the season. The novice Voltz teams are scheduled to take on each other in the playoffs with the winner to play June 24 in the league final tournament. The Harris Oilfield Construction peewee Voltz (7-5) dropped a pair of games Saturday in Lumsden losing 7-6 to the Raiders and them 9-1 to the Outlaws. Their fourth place record will mean that they’re playing the fifth place team when the regular season is over later this week. That would mean they’re playing one of the two Weyburn Thrashers teams at a date to be determined before the semifinal June 20.

Father's Day Brunch Sunday, June 17th • 9am-2pm 76 Souris Avenue N., Estevan • 306-636-2323

Father’s Day Meal 20 Pieces Original Recipe Chicken, Extra Large Fries, Large Gravy, and 2 Large Sides

Highway 39 West, Estevan


It’s just really fun.” The team travelled with Sensei Harold Vilcu and his granddaughter Jocelyn, who helped with coaching.





HEAVY TRUCKS 2008 FORD F350 DUALLY SERVICE/PICKER TRUCK; 6 Speed Standard, Fassi Knuckle Picker; (Hanks Maintenance - Robin 306-634-4872) 2004 INTERNATIONAL DIESEL 4300 SERVICE/PICKER TRUCK; Automatic, AC, 164,000 KM (Hanks Maintenance - Robin 306-634-4872) 1998 INTERNATIONAL EAGLE TANDEM GRAVEL TRUCK; N14 Engine, Recent Safety, 13 Speed Eaton Fuller, Air Suspension, Diff Locks, A/C, Cruise, Heated Mirrors (City of Estevan 306-634-1831); 1996 MACK TANDEM GRAVEL TRUCK E7-427; 15’ Gravel Box, 18 Speed, SN.1M2AA18YXTW067090 (Jim Bragg 306-308-0128) 1992 TOP KICKTANDEM AXLE AUGER TRUCK & ALTEC AUGER BOOM, Cat 3116 Engine, 13 Speed Fuller Eaton, Altec Auger Boom, SN. 1GDT7H40MJ522102 1993 KODIAK TANDEM AXLE GRAVEL TRUCK; 3116 Cat Engine, 10 Speed, 12’ Gravel Box (Kevin Schlamp 306-421-8672) 1977 FORD F500 S/A GRAIN TRUCK; Steel Box & Hoist, 4 & 2 Transmission, SN. F50CC089596 (Kevin Schlamp 306-421-8672) 1976 FORD F750 TANDEM TAG AXLE GRAIN TRUCK; 429 Engine, 5&2 Transmission, 15’ Box, Plastics Roll Tarp, Remote End Gate VIN N76FVC12244 (Quin Seipp 306-4219027) 1974 F600 3 TON GRAIN TRUCK; 14’ Steel Box with Extensions, 5&2 Transmission, SN. F61ECT34587 (Quin Seipp 306-421-9027) TRUCKS – SUV -- CARS 2015 DODGE 1500 RAM QUAD CAB 4WD SHORTBOX; 3.6L 6 Cylinder, 84,853 KM, SN. 1C6RR7FT9FSS08186 (GB Contract Inspection Ltd. 306-634-3476); 2010 FORD F-150 SUPERCAB 4WD PICKUP; Red Exterior, SN. 1FTFX1EV5AFB89484 (GB Contract Inspection Ltd. 306-634-3476); 2010 DODGE CHARGER POLICE CAR; 5.7 Hemi Engine, Auto, 154,000 KM, SN. 2B3CA4CT4AH134631; 2007 DODGE 2500 QUAD CAB 4WD PICKUP; 5.7 Litre Engine, SN. 3D7KS28D37G800051 (GB Contract Inspection Ltd. 306-634-3476); 2007 FORD ESCAPE 4WD LIMITED; V6 Engine, Auto, 173305 KM; SN. 1FMYU94157KA22102 (GB Contract Inspection Ltd. 306-634-3476); 2003 FORD DIESEL F350 XL SUPER DUTY SRW CREW CAB 4WD; 256,604KM, SN.1FT5W31P23ED56557 (GB Contract Inspection Ltd. 306-634-3476); 2003 FORD SUPER DUTY F350 SRW SUPERCAB 4WD; Gas, 234,439 KM, SN. 1FTSX31L53EB88794 (GB Contract Inspection Ltd. 306-634-3476); 2000 FORD 150 STEPSIDE 4WD PICKUP TRUCK; 5.4 Engine, Automatic, SN. 2FTRX08L9YCA26182 (Dale Tannas 306-634-4306); 1998 DODGE RAM 1500 2WD REGULAR CAB PICKUP; Auto, Power Windows, Power Mirrors, Long Box, 131,373 KM (City of Estevan 306-634-1831); 2004 FORD EXPEDITION 4WD SUV; Auto, 161,884 KM, (City of Estevan 306-634-1831); 2003 CHEV SUBURBAN 4WD SUV; Third Row Seating, Dual Climate, Power Group (City of Estevan 306-634-1831); 1999 CHEV SUBURBAN 4WD SUV; Third Row Seating, Dual Climate Control, Power Group (City of Estevan 306-634-1831); 1997 FORD F150 2WD REGULAR CAB PICKUP TRUCK; Long Box, Auto (City of Estevan 306-634-1831); 1993 FORD F350 CAB & CHASSIS TRUCK, 5 Speed Manual, SN. 2FDKF37G4PCA44562460 (Kevin Schlamp 306-421-8672); 1992 FORD F350 DUALLY 2WD CREW CAB; 7.3 Diesel, Automatic, Recent Safety, (Shade Kovach 306-421-7162); 1988 LX MUSTANG COUPE, 5 Litre Engine, Automatic, Headers & Dual Exhaust, No Rust or Dents (Calvin Annetts 306-861-1857); 1962 FORD THUNDERBIRD 2 DOOR COUPE; Rebuilt Original 390 Engine, Rebuilt Transmission,Holley 4 Barrel Carb, SN. 2Y83Z105438, (Josh Biggs 306-471-8677) AG EQUIPMENT JOHN DEERE 8650 4WD TRACTOR; Quad Shift, 4 Hydraulics Plus Return, 20.8-38 Duals, Degelman 6-Way Blade, SN. RWH8650H007234 (Larry Seabrook 306-457-7696; NEW HOLLAND H7150 HAYBINE; 18 Feet, 1000 PTO, Reverser, SN.YOG523023 (Larry Seabrook 306-457-7696); NEW HOLLAND 780A ROUND BALER; Net Wrap & Twine Tie, Xtra Sweep Pick-up, Bale Command, 1000 PTO, SN. Y5N011285 (Larry Seabrook 306-457-7696); FARM KING 3PTH 6’ SNOWBLOWER (St. Josephs Hospital Estevan); CASE 1190 2WD TRACTOR; 3PTH, PTO, SN.11035072 - 1983 (Metochos Bible Camp); DC4 CASE ANTIQUE TRACTOR; Recent Head Work, New Brakes, Seals and Water Pump, SN. 5417855 – 1950 Model (Shade Kovach 306-421-7162); KWIK KLEEN 572 GRAIN CLEANER, Wheat & Canola Screens (Stefan Seipp 306461-6858) FARM KING 3PTH ROTARY MOWER 7’ (Metochos Bible Camp) FARM KING 3PTH ROTOTILLER (Metochos Bible Camp); LAND LEVELOR 10’ HOMEBUILT (Metochos Bible Camp); BUSH HOG 3PTH MOWER (Metochos Bible Camp); LEWIS CREEP FEEDER ON SKIDS (Art Klatt 306-487-7815); 14” & 15” WESTERN SADDLES (Art Klatt 306487-7815); 15 – PORTABLE 30’ LIVESTOCK WIND BREAKS; Chad Mokelky 306-487-7509 10 – PORTABLE 24’ FREE STANDING CORRAL PANELS; Chad Mokelky 306-487-7509; 15 – JOINTS OF 2-7/8 TUBING; Chad Mokelky 306-4877509; WILD GAME HANDLING SYSTEM & SCALE; 10 Swinger Gates, 9 Rolling Gates and Platform Scale; Chad Mokelky 306-487-7509; RANCHERS WELDING 250 BUSHEL CREEP FEEDER (Larry Seabrook 306-457-7696) NEW HOLLAND 268 SQUARE BALER (Richard Asbenlieder 306-421-7725); NEW HOLLAND 469 HAYBINE; 9 Ft. (Richard Asbenlieder 306421-7725); RUBBER TIRED HORSE DRAWN WAGON; Round and Flat Tops (Richard Asbenlieder 306-421-7725); DOUBLE HITCH HARNESS; Work & Show (Richard Asbenlieder 306-421-7725) TRAILERS 2017 PJ 30’ TANDEM DUALLY FLAT DECK GOOSENECK TRAILER; Slide in Ramps, Tandem 10,000 Lbs. Axles, 25,000 GVWR. Tool Box, SN. 4P5FD3028H1268517 (Josh Biggs 306-471-8677); PJ 24’ 5th WHEEL FLATDECK TANDEM TRAILER; 7000 Lbs. Axles, Slide Out Ramps (Kevin Schlamp 306-421-8672); 2004 36’ TRAILTECH PINTLE HITCH FLATDECK DUALLY TRAILER; Air Brakes Beaver Tail, Ramps, Rock Guard, 12,000 Lbs. Axles (Dennis Henheffer 306-8697983); 1978 LODE KING 40’ TANDEM GRAIN TRAILER; 2 Hopper, (Quin Seipp 306-421-9027); 2 – SEA CONTAINER TROMBONE SHIPPING TRAILERS; EXPAND TO 53’ (Kevin Schlamp 306-421-8672); BUILDING MOVER EQUIPMENT; Dolly’s and 56’ Steel Beams (Kevin Schlamp 306-421-8672); 2 – SEMI TRAILER CHASIS (Kevin Schlamp 306-421-8672) EQUIPMENT CASE SKID STEER; Diesel (Harris Oilfield – Curtis 306-421-2261); 2 – GENIE GS-1930 SCISSOR LIFTS; Electric, (Harris Oilfield – Curtis 306-421-2261); SKID STEER ANGLE BLADE (Harris Oilfield – Curtis 306-421-2261); SKID STEER ANGLE BLADE (Josh Biggs 306-471-8677); ZAMBONI 400 ARENA ICE MACHINE; 7076 Hours, Fresh Service (City of Estevan 306-634-1831); NISSAN FORKLIFT CUMO1L185N ELECTRIC FORKLIFT; Comes with 3 Phase & 220 Volt Charger, 3350 lbs. Capacity, SN. C21528 (GB Contract Inspection Ltd. 306-634-3476); SHOP FORKLIFT PROPANE, 1000 lbs Capacity, Solid Wheel (Hanks Maintenance - Robin 306-634-4872); SIMPOWER BACKUP V8 GAS GENERATOR; 40 KW, Civic Auditorium City of Estevan 306-634-1800 Rod March); LARGE ELECTRIC MOTORS 4HP Civic Auditorium City of Estevan 306-634-1800 Rod March); 4 DARKROOM TRUCK TOPPERS FOR PICKUP TRUCKS (GB Contract Inspection Ltd. 306-634-3476); ALUMINUM TRUCK MOUNT PILOT LIGHTS (Dean Wigley 306-421-2235); CLARK 160 FORKLIFT; Not Running (Kevin Schlamp 306-421-8672) SHOP TOOLS & SUPPLIES BLUE VIPER 15 HP GAS AIR COMPTRESSOR; 250 Litre Tank, 43.5 CFM, Never Used (Josh Biggs 306-471-8677) NEW 2 POST HOIST VEHICLE LIFT, 8800 LBS. (Josh Biggs 306-471-8677); NEW SHOP TOOLS IN CASES, PORTABLE CONSTRUCTION HEATER, CUMMINS FILTERS, STARTERS & STARTERS, BAND SAW, HYDRAULIC KIDNEY CLEANER, KRJ CUSTOM TOOL BOX, LARGE AMOUNT OF POWER TOOLS, CABINETS, SHELVING, HAND TOOLS FROM (GB Contract Inspection Ltd. 306-634-3476); FUEL STORAGE CABINETS, PALLETS OF NEW MOTOR OIL RECREATIONAL VEHICLES & ACREAGE EQUIPMENT JOHN DEERE 5400 FWA UTILTY TRACTOR & JD 540 FEL; 2,080 Hours, 3 PTH, HLA Snow Bucket Plus Factory FEL Bucket, 1996 Model (St. Josephs Hospital Estevan); JOHN DEERE SST ZERO TURN MOWER; 235.6 Hours, 18HP V Twin, 48” Deck, SN. MOSS18C014346 (Paul Grimes 306-577-7744); 14’ TRI HULL BOAT WITH CHRYSLER OUTBOARD MOTOR, 1983 TRAVEL AIRE 5TH WHEEL 20’ CAMPER, A/C, Rear Kitchen, SN. W195T30487 Chad Mokelky 306-487-7509; QUICK ATTACH 3PTH ANGLE BLADE LAND LEVELER; (Steve Smith 306-421-3604); QUICK ATTACH 3PTH LANDSCAPING RAKE; (Steve Smith 306-421-3604); SKID STEER TREE SPADE QUICK ATTACH; (Steve Smith 306-421-3604) GRAIN STORAGE WESTEEL ROSCO 2267 BUSHELS; Wood Floor , BIN #1 (Bjarne McKnight 306-421-5420) Located SW of Estevan; WESTEEL ROSCO 2834 BUSHELS, Concrete Pad, BIN #2 (Bjarne McKnight 306-421-5420) Located SW of Estevan; WESTEEL ROSCO 2834 BUSHELSCONCRE; Concrete Pad, BIN #3 (Bjarne McKnight 306-421-5420) Located SW of Estevan WWESTEEL ROSCO 2834 BUSHELS; Concrete Pad, BIN #4 (Bjarne McKnight 306-421-5420) Located SW of Estevan; WESTEEL ROSCO 2834 BUSHELS; Concrete Pad, BIN #5 (Bjarne McKnight 306-421-5420) Located SW of Estevan; WESTEEL ROSCO 2834 BUSHELS; Concrete Pad. BIN #6 (Bjarne McKnight 306-421-5420) Located SW of Estevan WESTEEL ROSCO 2834 BUSHELS; Concrete Pad, BIN #7 (Bjarne McKnight 306-421-5420) Located SW of Estevan; WESTEEL ROSCO 2267 BUSHELS; Concrete Pad, BIN #8 (Bjarne McKnight 306-421-5420) Located SW of Estevan; 2 – BEHLIN 2750 GRAIN BINS ON CEMENT (Jim Bragg 306-308-01280) Located from Hwy 47 and Hwy 361 3 Miles East and 2 Miles North; 1 – WESTEEL 2000 BUSHEL GRAIN BIN ON CEMENT; (Jim Bragg 306-308-01280) Located from Hwy 47 and Hwy 361 3 Miles East and 2 Miles North; 1 – WESTEEL ROSCO 2750 GRAIN BIN ON CEMENT; (Dennis Fornwald 306-487-7563 Located RM of Browning NW 35-4-4-W2; 2 – WESTEEL ROSCO 2750 BUSHEL GRAIN BINS IN GROUND STEEL CONES; (Dennis Fornwald 306-487-7563 Located RM of Browning NW 35-4-4-W2; 1 – BUTLER 1800 BUSHEL GRAIN BIN ON CEMENT; (Dennis Fornwald 306-487-7563 Located RM of Browning NW 35-4-4-W2 Box 831, Estevan, SK S4A 2A7 Ph: (306) 634-9512, (306) 421-2928, (306) 487-7815 Licensed, Bonded & Insured P.L. 311962

People A18

104 - Hwy. 47 South, Estevan, SK 306-634-5588 Bay #1 - Hwy. 13, Carlyle, SK 306-453-2519

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Chemotherapy unit supporters revealed

By David Willberg

The family that donated towards the new chemotherapy unit renovations at St. Joseph’s Hospital made the contribution as a tribute to their family. The St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation announced on June 6 that the renovated chemotherapy ward would be named the Mel, Margaret and Clinton Grimes Chemotherapy Unit. Stacey Wempe, who is the daughter of Mel and Margaret, and the sister of Clinton, purchased the naming rights for the unit along with her husband, local dentist Dr. Keith Wempe, and wanted it named after her parents and brother, all of whom are dead. The hospital announced plans to renovate and expand the chemotherapy unit during the Radiothon for Life for the hospital foundation back in April. Before the end of the fundraiser, an anonymous donor had stepped forward with $50,000 for the naming rights to the unit. Stacey Wempe told the Mercury that her family wanted to do something to honour the memory of her family members, and the best way to do that was to support the chemotherapy unit. Her father Mel’s cancer was very advanced when he was diagnosed and he spent

countless hours receiving chemotherapy at numerous hospitals. It helped extend his life. “They gave him eight months (to live), but he was able to live 2 1/2 years after that (diagnosis),” said Wempe. Her mother, meanwhile, was diagnosed with cancer at a point in which chemotherapy would not have made a difference. “The doctors at St. Joe’s were very instrumental in getting her comfortable,” said Wempe. Both of her parents receive palliative care at the hospital. Wempe said her parents always emphasized the value of supporting the community. “The community was very dear to mom and dad’s hearts, and to our hearts, and so it was very important that we help the community,” said Wempe. “Mom and dad were very adamant about helping others.” When she saw the renovated chemotherapy unit for the first time, it brought tears to Wempe’s eyes. She said it has a home-like feel that will be better for patients. “If families don’t have to travel so much, and if they can be right close to their loved ones, that’s really a huge support for them,” she said. Travis Frank, the execu-

Look who’s graduating

Congratulations Alex Kuntz

from Aunty Teresa, Michael, Robert and the rest of the gang. We are all very proud of you.

tive director at the hospital foundation, said the hospital had to decide the name for the unit and complete the renovation before recognizing the donors. “Stacey and Keith have been unbelievable contributors to our hospital foundation,” said Frank. “They have given large donations several times.” The chemotherapy area can treat up to three patients at a time, the same number as before the renovation. But Frank said the former room was a small area with three chairs for the patients, and little else. There was one television, and it was very difficult for nursing staff to get in to see all of the patients. It was uncomfortable to work in and sit in, he said. “The new space has three individual rooms that can be opened up so the patients can talk together, or closed off so they can have privacy,” said Frank. “Each patient has their own TV with phone jacks so they can have that kind of comfort while they’re in there for very long hours.” There is also more room for nursing staff to work, and there is a second chair in each space for family members or caregivers. That wouldn’t have been possible in the old ward. “It’s basically a more

St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation interim executive director Travis Frank, left, and Garrett Wempe stand next to the sign for the Mel, Margaret and Clinton Grimes Chemotherapy Unit. Photo submitted comfortable space, which is a big goal,” said Frank. The chemotherapy unit offer treatments up to five days per week and has about 600 treatments in the average year. The first patient received treatment on June 7.

That patient was consulted on how the room should look. He also noted that since the new chemotherapy unit is near the emergency department, and they were able to create a nice donor wall, the foundation is go-

ing to encourage more donations to the chemotherapy unit. Names will be displayed on the donor wall, and that money will go to improvements in the pharmacy, where chemotherapy medication is handled.

Envision set up in temporary location The Envision Counselling and Support Centre has been operating out of their temporary location in Estevan. Envision was forced from its permanent home in the 1300-block of Seventh Street last month due to a faulty sprinkler system that flooded their office. It also flooded a church to the west of Envision’s office. The agency was able to secure a temporary location next door, to the east of their permanent home that wasn’t damaged. But Envision’s Estevan operations were

Gifts For Dads and Grads

closed for a few days in late May and early June while the move occurred and the temporary office was set up. The organization reopened in Estevan on June 4. “We are open and operating, and so far so good,” said Christa Daku, the executive director for Envision. “We are hoping to move back to our old space, once it is renovated and repaired.” Daku doesn’t know how long the agency will be in its temporary home, but she expects it will be for the summer months. The damage to their permanent home was significant, in terms of both the contents and the building itself. Envision is insured for the contents and the landlord is insured for the building. But Envision lost a lot of its office equipment and computers, as well as other

items that can be damaged by water. Envision has been asking for donations since the sprinkler issue occurred. Daku said the staff members have handled the situation well. “We did what we needed to get done in the short (amount of) time. I have to say that with all of our strengths, within a week, we were able to move next door and be open for operation again.” She is sharing an office space with another employee, and many are sharing office spaces as well. But Envision is still offering its full fleet of services and programs that it has had in Estevan in the past. Clients have adapted well, since Envision’s temporary home is a lot smaller. “But the important thing is they are connected to their support services,” said Daku.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

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In MeMorIaM


Toastmaster recognized Estevan Toastmasters Club president Zia Abdul, left, received an award from Norman Trinh with Regina Division B Toastmasters for participating at the speech evaluation contest for Division B in Weyburn earlier this year. Abdul won first prize at the speech evaluation contest for the Estevan, Weyburn and Yorkton area, and the winners of the area contest participate in the Division B contest. Speech evaluation is a very important, as members receive positive feedback as well as suggestions for improvement. Photo submitted

Career OppOrtunities

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Business services

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Lorraine Agatha Rohatyn Oct. 10, 1929 – Nov. 21, 2017 It is with great sorrow that the family announces the passing of Lorraine Rohatyn, late of Medicine Hat, Alberta and formerly of Estevan, Saskatchewan in Medicine Hat on November 21, 2017 at the age of 88 years. Left to cherish her memory are Lorraine’s children, Cheryl Morine (Glenn Collins), Mel Rohatyn (Colleen Kerr) and his children, Carla (Justin) Taupert and their children, Brayden (Ryann Faller) Taupert, Carson Taupert; Steven (Meghan) Rohatyn, Alicia (Tyler) Featherstone and their children, Sara and Meghan, Donna (Terry) Gilroy and their children, Lee (Caren) and their children, Logan and Beckett; Lauren (Brandon) Bernicky, Russell Rohatyn (Adele Lohmann) and his daughter Katie Rohatyn-Fister. Also left with precious memories are Lorraine’s siblings, Mannie (Doreen) Mack, Lawrence (Thelma Short) Mack, Gerald Mack, Berna Hagel and Anita (Delbert) Messer; sisters-in-law, Margaret Mack and Monica Mack, as well as Allyn (Elizabeth) Rohatyn, Joe (Carole) Rohatyn and Sandra Rohatyn and their families. She was predeceased by her parents, Anton and Nympha Mack; parents-in-law, Peter and Anna Rohatyn; husband Steve; son-in-law Roland Morine; daughter-in-law Sandra Rohatyn, as well as her siblings, Katherine, Jacob, Leo, Edward, John, Carol, Lloyd, Ella and Agnes. She was also predeceased by her in-laws, Marion and Victoria Rohatyn, Joanne Rohatyn, Larry and Carol Rohatyn, Michael Rohatyn, Peter Rohatyn, Mary Mack (Lawrence), Rosemary Mack, Adam Hagel, William Melle, Mary Mack (Jacob), Katherine Mack (Leo), Lena Mack, John Froehlich, James Messer and James Young. In keeping with Mom’s wishes, cremation has taken place and a public graveside service will take place on Saturday, June 16, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. at Souris Valley Memorial Gardens, Estevan, with Marian Huber officiating. A luncheon will follow in the small hall at the Royal Canadian Legion, Estevan. Dustin Hall at Hall Funeral Services, Estevan is assisting Lorraine’s family.


In Memory of Ryan MacMillan December 30, 1969 June 12, 2001 Forever In Our Hearts Your Family


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Ranald G. Clearwater 1930 - 2018 Ranald passed away peacefully with family by his side on Monday, June 4, 2018 at St. Joseph’s Long Term Care Estevan, SK at the age of 88 years. Ranald’s memory will forever be cherished by his wife Betty Clearwater; son, David (Verlyn) and their children, Alycia (Evan), Kory (Sarah), Leah (Ryan), Rebekah and Christa (Jake); son Tom (Anna) and his children, Amy (Travis), Ariel (Benito), Molly (Anthony), Valentina and Leio, daughter Susan (Lavern) Aspinall and their children, Scott (Tori), Brad (Rebecca), Andrea (Sopheaktr) and Stephen, son Peter (Rachel) and their children, Declan and Asher; as well as 12 great grandchildren and 1 on the way. Ranald was predeceased by his parents, Howard and Kathleen Clearwater; brother Arthur and sister Doreen (Mike). The Memorial Service was held on Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion (large hall), Estevan, SK. with the lunch reception following. Ranald’s family would like to express their sincere appreciation to all the staff at St. Joseph’s Long Term Care, Estevan for all their care and compassion. If friends so desire, memorial donations may be made to St. Joseph’s Foundation (Estevan) Inc.,1176 Nicholson Road, Estevan, SK, S4A 0H3. Yvonne Clark at Hall Funeral Services, Estevan assisted Ranald’s family. Adam Bradley 1983 – 2018 Adam Bradley, age 34, passed away suddenly at his home in Saskatoon on Sunday, June 3, 2018. Adam is survived by his son Bennett, his pride and joy, and Bennett’s mother Amber. Also surviving Adam is the love of his Delivered you life, Kaitlyn Dyck, his mother andway step-father, Sandra and Ken Delivered any wayany you like Delivered any way you like like McClement, his and dad Warren Bradley and hismore. wife Irene, his sister now offering you and now offering you more. and now offering you more. Delivered any way like Erika and her husband Mark Rodford, his you brother Brayden Bradley, his step-brother and Kevinnow McClement offeringand youdaughter more. Kennedy, his step-sister Paige and husband Shawn Murphy and their children Layne and Calder and by his grandparents, Margaret and Barry Briltz, Barry and Carole Olson, Vern and Rosalia McClement as well as many aunts, uncles and cousins. He is predeceased by grandparents Albert and Nellie Bradley .A Celebration of Adam’s life was held on Saturday, June 9, 2018 at Saskatoon Funeral Home, beginning at 10:00 a.m. The Celebrant will be Sue Panattoni. In lieu of flowers, please contact Sandra McClement for information on donations in memory of Adam. Condolences for the family may be left at . Arrangements have been entrusted to Print | Online | Mobile SASKATOON FUNERAL HOME (306) 244-5577

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LAND WANTED • Powerful multiple marketing networks • Powerful English & Chinese websites • Farmland marketing specialist • Featured on CTV / Global TV • Featured on The Globe & Mail • Featured on The Western Producer 112 Reindeer Road, Saskatoon SK

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All Things Local & Beyond AllLocal Things All Things & Local Beyond All Things Local & &Beyond Beyond

A20 June 13, 2018

Estevan Mercury

Construction has started on much-needed wastewater project for the town of Bienfait Construction is now underway on a new wastewater system for Bienfait. The $2.86 million infrastructure project was funded in part by the federal and provincial governments, and it will position the community for growth. “Bienfait has been held back for many, many decades, actually, because their wastewater handling facilities were singled out

by the environment department back in 1987, and once they did that, then we weren’t allowed to grow any further,” said Bienfait Mayor Paul Carroll. But once the project is complete, the town will be able to expand. The new wastewater handling will allow Bienfait to conceivably double its population, Carroll said. It won’t happen in the near

Under the federal-provincial Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF) program, the Government of Canada will contribute $1.43 million toward the project, while the Government of Saskatchewan will contribute $715,250. Carroll said the project would not proceed without the partners. The governments of Canada and Saskatchewan announced funding for the Bienfait project in 2017. “There’s no way the town could afford to do this on its own,” said Carroll.

future, but the town doesn’t want to be handcuffed if something happens and an opportunity to grow occurs. The mayor said there was a shortage of money at one time that prevented the project from proceeding, but in recent years, the town has earmarked money towards the project, and hopes that they could secure funding from other partners. “We were lucky enough and fortunate enough to find that funding here in the last little while, and qualify for it,” he said.

“It’s a very costly process.” The Town of Bienfait is responsible for all remaining costs. The project’s total eligible cost under the program is $2.86 million. Carroll said the wastewater treatment plant has gone through some breakdowns and bottlenecks in its handling process over the years. The location of the effluent pond was also a problem. “Now we’re going to move it quite a bit away from the population, so that it will … not have us having any adverse smells or any-



For our S.E. Sask. Office Located in Weyburn Crew Foremen • Construction Labourers • Equipment Operators • A conceptual design for the new wastewater project for the Town of Bienfait. Photo submitted


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CAMPUS PRINCIPAL REQUIRED: STERLING NORTH –OXBOW, SK Do you want to join an innovative and progressive school that offers small class sizes and a supportive and team environment? Sterling North is seeking a dynamic and creative Campus Principal for our Oxbow, SK campus for 2018-2019. This candidate will also teach PE for 3rd-12th grade classes, using the Self Directed Learning model, to ensure our incredible students develop their full potential of “Learning To Learn”, while upholding Christian values and beliefs. REQUIRED QUALIFICATION: • Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) degree with Saskatchewan eligibility or certification • Recent criminal background check, including a vulnerable sector search (VSS) • Willingness to be part of a collaborative educational team; • Effective communication skills, both oral and written; • Professional learning community (PLC) knowledge and background preferred; • Evidence of sensitivity, respect for others and a willingness to work within cultural boundaries • Travel and valid passport required Sterling Education is an Equal Opportunity Employer Interested applicants are asked to submit a resume and cover letter by email to: (Please specify the position and location for which you are applying.) For more information, please visit Follow us on Twitter (@Sterling_EdNA) and Facebook! Job Type: Full-time

thing like that anymore,” said Carroll. A new process will allow it to not have an aroma. The current effluent pond is located south of the CN Rail tracks. The new pond will be more than a kilometre away, in the furthest southeast corner of the town’s property. Since the federal and provincial governments stepped forward with support, design work was completed by KGS Engineering of Regina, while ongoing project management support has been provided by both KGS and Solomon Matthewson Consulting of Carlyle. In May, the Town of Bienfait awarded a construction contract to Glen Peterson Construction to move the sewage lagoon to a new location, where it will have greater capacity, while other associated works will be completed in co-operation with Nexom. Representatives of the federal and provincial government were pleased to announce their support for the project. “It’s great to celebrate the start of construction on this important wastewater treatment system for Bienfait,” said Ralph Goodale, the federal minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness and Member of Parliament for Regina– Wascana. “Our government recognizes that investing in critical public infrastructure such as this not only helps protect the environment and public health, but strengthens Saskatchewan’s foundation for economic prosperity and the growth of the middle class.” “The Government of Saskatchewan is proud to be contributing up to $715,250 toward this important project for Bienfait. Investments in core local infrastructure help position communities for growth, enhances the quality of life, and helps keep our great province strong,” said Warren Kaeding, provincial minister of Government Relations. The entire project is targeted to be completed and operational by the end of 2018. Carroll said it’s an optimistic timeline, but attainable if the weather co-operates.


Barristers & Solicitors

Paul Elash Q.C. Aaron Ludwig, B.Sc., LL.B. Genevieve Schrader, B. Mgt., J.D. Gainsborough: Thursday a.m. • 306-685-2250 Carnduff: Thursday p.m. • 306-482-3731 1312- 4th Street, Estevan

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614 Eva Street

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June 13, 2018 A21

Civic demolition process is completed The work associated with the demolition of the Civic Auditorium is now complete. Rod March, the manager of facilities and parks for the City of Estevan, said the rehabilitation process for the former site of the arena wrapped up on Thursday. The fence that surrounds the perimeter of the Civic demolition site is still in place, and March said it could remain for a few more days. “With the amount of rain that we had, we just want to make sure that everything settles in there nicely,” said March. Graders will have to go in to tidy the site up, and then the site will be used for parking. The rain that the city

received in late May and early June caused some issues, but the wet material was removed and replaced with dry material. “With the amount of rain that we had, the transition between where the slab came out, and the native soil around it, you’re still going to get little seeps of water veins here and there, so we just want all of that to dry up before people are in there parking on it,” said March. Graders will be needed to go through the area before vehicles can park there. March is hopeful parking can occur at the site this week. The relationship between the city and the contractor, Silverado Demolition, has been a good one, March said, and city crews co-operated on the project.

The last of the work associated with the Civic Auditorium is now finished.

Firefighters respond to several calls Members of the Estevan Fire Rescue Service handled a few calls last week. The first was in the morning of June 4, when the fire department was alerted to a fire alarm at a local healthcare facility. The fire department wasn’t

initially notified of the call. They responded to the scene to find out that the alarm went off due to a cooking-related issue. The fire department was concerned they were not notified. “Further investigation revealed that they had

an issue with the SaskTel phone line, so as soon as that issue would be resolved, the fire alarm would be up and fully functioning again,” said Feser. Staff members were reminded they can’t rely on the fire alarm system to call the department. They need

to place a 911 call with the information. “ We w o u l d m u c h rather have 10 or 12 calls for the same incident than to not be called at all, or called very late in the event of an emergency occurring,” said Feser. The fire department was called to a two-vehicle accident west of Estevan in the evening of June 5. (See Page A5 for more details). Firefighters were called on June 6, as a concerned citizen found a needle close to a dumpster. Feser said the caller did the right thing by notifying the fire department. The location of the needle was documented for police, and the needle was recovered and disposed of safely.

Calls like this aren’t rare for the department, he said. “Both the fire department and emergency medical services are trained in the safe recovery of these particular items,” said Feser. They were also called to a noxious odour at a commercial occupancy in northeast Estevan on June 10. Crews arrived on scene and detected the smell of a possible hot, electrical smell. Upon further investigation, it was revealed that the building did experience a power surge and crews ensured all power was isolated to the building. “They did go in with the thermal imaging camera, and picked up where

the area of concern was, and once that was deemed safe, the building was turned back over to the staff to contact an electrical service provider to mitigate the situation,” said Feser. In the community, the fire department conducted a spray down for the track and field day at Pleasantdale School, continuing a tradition that has existed for more than 20 years. “The kids just look at that as a great way to wrap up the day. It was a tremendous day for it, it was hot and it was humid, and they’re really looking forward to getting under that water stream that the firefighters were lobbing in for them so they could cool down.”

Lots of classic vehicles Dominik Bokhorst, front, and Jordan Bokhorst take a closer look at one of the classic vehicles that was on display at the annual T&T Rods Show and Shine on Saturday north of the city. Approximately 130 antique cars, trucks and motorcycles were on display for the public to view. A large crowd turned out to view the antique vehicles. A motor blow up and burnouts were also part of the event.


Invita�on to Tender

South East Cornerstone Public School Division #209 SEALED TENDERS Marked ECS Truck will be received by the main office of Estevan Comprehensive School by the Principal of ECS un�l 4:00pm C.S.T. on Wednesday June 27, 2018. For sale is one blue, with a back hood 1990 Chevrolet 2 door truck with black rims. The truck has had extensive mechanical work performed to it along with the body work and has received a new coat of paint. The truck will be sold as is and has no warranty.


This Summer, The Mercury Guy, IS ON THE



Successful bidder will be required to pay in full their amount stated within two days of being contacted by ECS and remove the truck from ECS at that �me. If payment is not made the next bidder will be contacted and the same procedure stated above will be employed. The truck may be viewed online at h�p:// or by appointment with ECS by calling 1.306.634.4761. Ques�ons may be directed to cur� The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

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OWNER: South East Cornerstone Public School Division #209 C/O Estevan Comprehensive School 255 Spruce Dr. Estevan, Saskatchewan, S4A 2A5 1.306.634.4761

445 - 4th Street, Estevan


A22 June 13, 2018

Estevan Mercury

City Hall: 1102 4th Street 8 am to 4:30 pm | (306) 634-1800 Leisure Office: 701 Souris Avenue 8 am to 4:30 pm | (306) 634-1880

CITY OF ESTEVAN NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Pursuant to subsection 187 (1) of The Cities Act, notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the City of Estevan for the year of 2018, has been prepared and is open to inspection at the City of Estevan, Finance Department, 1102 Fourth Street, Estevan from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the following days: Monday to Friday, June 4 to July 4, 2018.

Message From

Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2018. Embrace your journey forward with confidence.

The Mayor

Any person having an interest in any property who wishes to appeal the assessment of that property to the Board of Revision is required to file a notice of appeal in writing to: The Secretary of the Board of Revision, 1102 Fourth Street, Estevan, SK S4A 0W7 on or before the 4th day of July, 2018. Dated this 4th day of June, 2018 Trina Sieben Tax Assessor



USER USER FEESFEES FACILITY FACILITY DAILY DAILY PASS PASS Child (3-12) Child (3-12) Child (3-12) (13-17) Youth Youth (13-17) Youth (13-17) Adult Adult (18+) (18+) SeniorAdult (65+)(18+) (65+) FamilySenior Senior (65+) Family Family



Family - 2 Adults and their Children/Youth living within the same residence.

The City of Estevan will be flushing watermains to ensure good water quality for all users of City water. This work includes the turning of main water valves around the City, and flushing large quantities of water from various hydrants in each area. If your water appears discoloured during the days your area is scheduled for this work (see schedule below), please run a faucet for a few minutes until the water is clear again. If the water remains dirty for a longer period, please contact City Hall at 634-1800 to let us know. Thank you for your understanding during this important maintenance!

Family - 2 Adults and their Children/Youth living within the same residence. Family - 2 Adults and their Children/Youth living within the same residence.



$3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $5.00 $5.00 $14.00 $5.00 $14.00 $14.00

(3-12) $35.00 ChildChild (3-12) $35.00 Child (3-12) $35.00 (13-17) $46.00 YouthYouth (13-17) $46.00 Youth (13-17) $46.00 AdultAdult (18+) $77.00 (18+) $77.00 Adult (18+) $77.00 Senior (65+) $46.00 Senior (65+) $46.00 Family $140.00 Senior (65+) $46.00 Available in 10 visit increments. Family $140.00 Family $140.00 Punch Cardsin are transferable Available 10 visit increments. Punch Cards transferable and don’t expire. Available in 10 visit increments. andare expire. Punch Cards aredon’t transferable and don’t expire.

Child (3-12) $39.00 ChildChild (3-12) $39.00 (3-12) $39.00 Youth (13-17)) $44.00 Youth (13-17 $44.00 Youth (13-17) $44.00 Adult (18+) $55.00 Adult (18+) $55.00 Adult(65+) (18+) $55.00 Senior $44.00 Senior (65+) $44.00 Family $120.00 Senior (65+) $44.00 Family $120.00 Family $120.00 Cards are non-transferable.




Cards are non-transferable. Cards are non-transferable.

Child (3-12) $156.00 Child (3-12) $312.00 (3-12) $156.00 Child (3-12) $312.00 Child (3-12) $312.00 ChildChild (3-12) $156.00 Youth (13-17) $200.00 Youth (13-17) $400.00 Youth (13-17) $400.00 Youth (13-17) $200.00 Youth (13-17) $200.00 Youth (13-17) $400.00 Adult (18+) $506.00 (18+) $253.00 Adult (18+) $506.00 AdultAdult (18+) $253.00 Adult (18+) $253.00 Adult (18+) $506.00 Senior (65+) $400.00 Senior (65+) $200.00 Senior (65+) $200.00 Senior (65+) $400.00 Senior (65+) $200.00 Senior (65+) $400.00 Family $1190.00 Family $595.00 Family $595.00 Family $1190.00 Family $595.00 Family $1190.00 Play care program for parents/guardians to use while they attend DOODLE BUG $5.00/hour classes orPlayprograms the EstevantoLeisure Children care programwithin for parents/guardians use while Centre. they attend classes or must PLAY CARE Play care program forEstevan parents/guardians to use while must they attend classesold. or $5.00be/hour programs within Leisure Children be 2 Months 2 Months old. Calltheto reserve yourCentre. spot (306) 634-1888. DOODLE BUG PLAY CARE Child (3-12) Child (3-12) Child (3-12) (13-17) Youth Youth (13-17) Youth (13-17) Adult Adult (18+) (18+) Adult (18+) Senior (65+) Senior (65+) FamilySenior (65+) Family Family

$83.00 $83.00 $83.00 $105.00 $105.00 $105.00 $140.00 $140.00 $140.00 $105.00 $105.00 $105.00 $330.00 $330.00 $330.00



These passes give access to: RM of Estevan Aquatic These passes give access to: RM of Estevan Aquatic Centre drop programs, dropto:drop inRMfiofintness classes, These access Estevan Aquatic Centreinpasses drop ingive programs, fitness classes, Centre in programs, drop inatfitness classes, hot tub, weight room, drop sports the Multi hot tub,drop weight room, in drop in sports at the Multi hot tub, weight room, drop in sports at the Multi Room, Squash Courts, TennisCourts, Courts, Noon Noon Purpose Purpose Room, Squash Courts, Tennis Purpose Room, Squash Courts, Tennis Courts, Noon Hockey and some ice skating programming. Hockey and some ice skating programming. Hockey and some ice skating programming.

programs within thespot Estevan Centre. Children must be 2 Months old. Call to reserve your (306)Leisure 634-1888. Call to reserve your spot (306) 634-1888.

Please visit

to participate.

EFFECTIVE - June 1 - 30, 2018




6:10 AM - 6:50 AM, 9:10 AM- 9:50 AM, 5:30 PM- 6:10 PM SPIN BAR 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM RM OF ESTEVAN AQUATIC CENTRE 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM RM OF ESTEVAN AQUATIC CENTRE 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM MULTI PURPOSE ROOM 6:10 AM - 6:50 AM, 9:10 AM- 9:50 AM 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM 10:10 am - 10:50 am 6:00 PM - 6:40 PM 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM

(2) Monday –Friday June 18-22 Area Bounded by City Cemetery on the North, King Street on the South, Sister Roddy Road on the West (formerly Woodlawn Avenue), and Souris Road (Hwy 47N) on the East (includes Dominion Heights, Pleasantdale, and Royal Heights regions, as well as Cundall Drive, Woodend Place, Chinook Bay and Hwy 47N Service Road) (3) Monday – Friday June 25-29 Area bounded by Spruce Drive and Princess Street on the North, King Street on the South, Souris Avenue on the West, and Kensington on the East (includes Hillside and Scotsburn regions) (4) Tuesday-Friday July 3-6 Area bounded by King Street on the North, CPR Railroad on the South, 14th Ave on the West, and Kensington on the East (includes 7th Street, 8th Street, 9th Street, Centennial, Trojan, and Soo Industrial regions) (5) Monday- Friday July 16-20 Area bounded by Kensington on the West, Sawyer Road on the East, North and South City Limits (includes Glen Peterson Industrial Park, East Industrial, Southeast Industrial regions, and properties along Hwy 39E Service Road)

SANITARY SEWER MAIN AND STORM SEWER FLUSHING PROGRAM Beginning Tuesday, May 1, 2018 and continuing to Friday, August 31,2018 the Water and wastewater Division will be carrying out Sanitary Sewer Main Flushing and Storm sewer Flushing, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. with the occasional carry over to 6:00 p.m. During the periods of jetting, residents and businesses are advised to securely cap basement floor drains. You may smell an odor in your home, this can be resolved by simply opening windows for a short period of time and running water to ensure all traps are full of water. Storm sewer will have no effect on homes and business’.

Please visit for for updates onand closures Please visit for and updates on closures cancellaupdates on closures and cancellacancellations. Proper footwear tions. Proper footwear and exercise tions. footwear andisexercise andisProper exercise wear required wear required to participate. wear is required to participate.


(1) Monday- Friday June 11-15 Area bounded by 6th street on the North, McDonald Road and Perkins Street on the South, Souris Avenue on the West, and Kensington Ave on the East (includes the Eastend, Bay Meadows, and Valley view regions, and Jubilee Place)

2018 Program Area will encompass all streets South of Railroad Tracks, and East of Souris Ave within City limits including: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Jubilee Place Murray Street Duncan Road McDonald Road McLeod Ave Galloway Street Rooks Ave Perry Crescent Perkins Street 1st Street A 1st Street 2nd Street


• • • • • • • • • • • •

7:45 AM - 8:35 AM, 10:10 AM - 10:50 AM 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM


A new vision - Our Estevan.

6:00 AM - 10:00 PM 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM




10th Avenue Souris Avenue South Sun Valley Drive Park Drive Sunset Bay Mississippian Drive Devonian Street Escana Street Imperial Avenue Pacific Street Superior Avenue

AA new vision- Our - Our Estevan. new vision Estevan.



• • • • • • • • • • •

6:10 - 6:50 AM, 9:10 AM- 9:50 AM, 5:30 PM-6:10 PM SPIN BAR 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM RM OF ESTEVAN AQUATIC CENTRE 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM MULTI PURPOSE ROOM 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM RM OF ESTEVAN AQUATIC CENTRE



3rd Street 4th Street 5th Street 6th Street 2nd Avenue 3rd Avenue 4th Avenue 5th Avenue 6th Avenue 7th Avenue 8th Avenue 9th Avenue

6:00 AM - 9:00 AM 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM 7:45 PM - 9:00 PM 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 7:15 PM - 9:00 PM 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM 7:45 PM - 9:00 PM 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM


6:00 AM - 9:00 PM 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

EFFECTIVE - June 1 - 30, 2018

What do you want Estevan to Weyour needhelp! your help! look inEstevan 2030? What like do you want to look like in 2030? We need

Tellyou usquestions aboutabout: what you want to updated and we need your help in TheBylaw Cityareofbeing Estevan Ocial Community Plan We will be asking drafting a new vision for development in our community. and Zoning Bylaw are being updated and we• Communitysee forandthe future of Estevan. Identity Vision need your help in drafting a new vision for • City Centre Development and Renewal • Parks and Recreation development in our community. The City of Estevan Official Community Plan and Zoning

You could WIN!

By filling out the survey you could

win 1 of 8 prizes!

You could WIN! Prizes include gift cards to local businesses.


12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM


6:00 AM - 9:00 AM 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM 8:00 PM - 8:45 PM

* Schedule Subject to Change. Please visit for updates on closures and cancellations. Proper footwear and exercise wear is required to participate. Please note during school breaks, (Teachers Convention, Spring Break and Christmas Break) Fitness, Aquatic Centre and Arena schedules may vary. Please visit our live schedules at

PRIZE TERMS AND CONDITIONS: To enter into the draw, you must submit your name, and at least one of your phone number or e-mail address. Winners must be a resident of the City of Estevan to be eligible. Entrants must be at least 18 years of age on the date that the draw is made. For the “Children at Play” survey, children are encouraged to have their parent or guardian enter on their behalf.

Tell us about what you want to see for the future of Estevan.

• Children at Play • Mature Neighbourhoods • In-fill Housing • Housing Needs • Around the Community

We will be asking you questions about:

By filling out the survey you could win 1 of 8 prizes!

• Community Identity and Vision • City Centre Development and Renewal

Prizes include gift cards to local What do you want Estevan to look like in 2030? need your online inWe person in person • Parks andhelp! Recreation businesses. about events what you the future of Estevan. Download a copy of the survey on Fill out a copy Tell at theusmultiple that want to see forKiosks are available at The City of Estevan Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw are being updated and we need your help in

our website at drafting a new vision for development in our community. OurEstevan team will be attending. City Hall and the Leisure Centre • Children at Play PRIZE TERMS AND CONDITIONS: To enter into the Information Desk. • Community Identity and Vision draw, you must submit your name, and at least• City oneCentre Development • Mature and Neighbourhoods Renewal of your phone number or e-mail address. Winners • Parks and Recreation | (306) 634-1800 | 1102 Fourth Street Estevan, SK S4A 0W7 • In-fill Housing Bybe filling out the survey could must a resident of theyou City of Estevan to be• Children at Play • Mature Neighbourhoods win 1Entrants of 8 prizes! eligible. must be at least 18 years of •age In-fill Housing Prizes include gift cards to local businesses. • Housing Needs • Housing Needs on the date that the draw is made. For the “Children • Around the Community at Play” survey, children are encouraged to have • Around the Community their parent or guardian enter on their behalf.

We will be asking you questions about:

You could WIN!

PRIZE TERMS AND CONDITIONS: To enter into the draw, you must submit your name, and at least one of your phone number or e-mail address. Winners must be a resident of the City of Estevan to be eligible. Entrants must be at least 18 years of age on the date that the draw is made. For the “Children at Play” survey, children are encouraged to have their parent or guardian enter on their behalf.


in person

in person

Download a copy of the survey on our website at

Fill out a copy at the multiple events that OurEstevan team will be attending.

Kiosks are available at City Hall and the Leisure Centre Information Desk.

| (306) 634-1800 | 1102 Fourth Street Estevan, SK S4A 0W7 I (306) 634-1800 I 1102 Fourth Street Estevan, SK S4A 0W7

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