Not every hero wears a cape.
Salute to firefighters A12
Another busy A17 year
Issue 24
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Mailing No. 10769 | Publication No. 40069240
CO2 interest may help accelerate decision somewhat on Shand Power Station: SaskPower minister they’re just trying to see whether or not their timing on making decisions for fuWhitecap Resources ture CO2 contracts lines up our decision-making™ Inc. has recently approached FIREwith PREVENTION WEEK on the Shand the provincial government, timelines Sparky® is a trademark of NFPA®. ©NFPA 2019 FPW19 saying it’s interested in addi- Power Station. “So we had a really tional carbon dioxide (CO2) for usage in its enhanced good discussion. They’ve just oil recovery efforts at the recently sent us some information this week. We’ve Weyburn Unit. What does this mean asked for a little bit more for SaskPower? D ustin firm numbers in terms of Duncan, Minister respon- how much CO2 they’d actusible for SaskPower, said on ally be looking for. We’re goOct. 3, “That says there is in- ing to put that as part of the terest in seeing an expanded decision-making process on market for CO2. We had a whether or not to go forward really good discussion with with Shand,” Duncan said. Asked if having a ready (Whitecap CEO) Grant Fagerheim and his team. customer takes pressure They came down to Regina off the decision-making process, Duncan replied, “It to meet with us. “I would say they’re not certainly takes some of the the only company interested, pressure off. Keep in mind, which is actually a pretty BD3 (Boundary Dam Unit positive sign,” Duncan said. 3), the price of natural gas He was briefly attend- was probably three to four ing the Saskatchewan In- times than what it is todustrial and Mining Sup- day. I think having a ready pliers Association’s Oil and off-taker for the CO2 was Gas Supply Chain Forum probably less of a factor. It’s going to be more of a factor in Regina. “We’ve had some early this time, just because the interest from other compa- price of natural gas is so low. nies, what’s our timeframe in We need to help make that terms of making a decision business case, to say that on the Shand project. But the byproduct, the CO2, we obviously, Whitecap is, by actually have a market for. far, the biggest player that’s We have somebody willing looking at this. And I think to take it.
By Brian Zinchuk
The use of CCS technology at the Shand Power Station continues to be discussed. File photo “Now, we have to do a case on whether or not we SaskPower. lot of work to see what the move ahead with Shand,” “I think Grant was very comparables are. As White- Duncan said. upfront, in saying if they’re cap knows, and they’ve told He said other CO2 going to buy additional us, they’re currently getting sources might come online CO2, they’d like to buy it supplies from Beulah, and which will be able to sup- from Saskatchewan sources some of the incentives in ply carbon dioxide into the rather than the U.S. That will the United States, it looks Souris Valley Pipeline which be a business decision that like there’s going to be more, supplies the Weyburn and they need to make.” not less, CO2 coming onto Midale Units with CO2. Asked if this accelerthe market over the coming Montana and Wyoming are ates SaskPower’s decisionyears. What is their price possible sources. making process to go ahead point look like, compared “I think they’re just with further CO2 capture, to what they can buy from looking at their options to Duncan replied, “I think it the States, compared to see what sources are go- helps. I think a couple of what we can produce it for ing to be coming online in things are going to help to and sell it to them. The price the States,” he said, add- accelerate. I’m going to say of CO2 is obviously going ing this includes whether not by years, by a number of to be an important part of they have to sign long-term years, but we might be closer this. But knowing there is contracts in the U.S. that to making a decision. In the active interest, that’s going would prohibit them from past, if it was maybe a 2025to help build the business buying additional CO2 from type of timeframe, maybe
we’re making it earlier in the decade, but certainly not making it this year. Certainly by the end of this year is off the table at this point. But things like the new natural gas regulations, and the cost that’s going to put on SaskPower for the new Moose Jaw plant, having a company come forward, saying they’d like to buy additional CO2… “At the end of the day, we need as much information as possible to make the business case of whether to go forward or not. And the more information we have, earlier in the process, rather than later, certainly helps,” he said. If a new federal government comes in and decides to axe the carbon tax, does that make a difference? Duncan said there’s two parts to it – the consumer carbon tax and the outputbased performance system on large emitters. “Even with a change in government, there may still be a cost, an additional operation cost, because of the fuel source. It might be lower, though, compared to what is now proposed by the federal government on Moose Jaw,” he said, preferring it simply be exempted.
Estevan Unifor members were on strike since Oct. 4 By Ana Bykhovskaia
Members of the Unifor union at Saskatchewan’s Crown corporations have been out on the picket line since Friday morning in Estevan. Estevan strikers were a part of 5,000 of Unifor members picketing across the province. The strike banners could be seen in front of the SaskTel store at the Estevan Shoppers’ Mall on King Street, as well as by the SaskEnergy office on Kensington Avenue, and at SaskPower’s Boundary Dam Power Station. The SaskTel Store at the mall was closed due to the strike, just like all other SaskTel stores across Saskatchewan.
SaskTel employees of all levels, who are members of Unifor, were on the picket in front of the closed SaskTel store on King Street on Friday. Photo by Anastasiia Bykhovskaia On Tuesday, most of the employees returned to workto-rule action, retaining the
legal right to resume picket lines if necessary. Unifor indicated that it might be a
short-term measure and they may go back on strike with 24-hour notice.
However, SaskTel said, it “will not be allowing employees who are members of
Unifor to return to work in the absence of a concluded collective agreement.” It was explained that the management cannot provide the desired level of customer service or maintain the integrity of its networks for the people of Saskatchewan with unknown and intermittent walkouts. So SaskTel employees were on pickets in front of the Estevan SaskTel store on Tuesday. SaskPower and SaskEnergy both said they will allow their employees to return to work. The strike has affected seven Crowns, including SaskTel, SaskPower, SaskEnergy, SaskWater, the Water Security Agency, and SaskTel subsidiaries A2 » UNIFOR
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A2 October 9, 2019
Council approves project at the airport Estevan city council awarded a tender for site drainage and holding pond construction during their meeting on Monday night. The tender was awarded to Torent Energy Services for $160,720.81. It was the lowest of the four bids submitted, but Councillor Trevor Knibbs voiced concern because it’s not a local company. The other three companies that submitted bids are local. “I think we need to keep every bit of business here, and I think we have more than enough qualified people,” said Knibbs. He and other members of council would like to see a
more level playing field. The proposed project is to consist of construction of a holding pond, site drainage system and pumping system, as well as site grading. The project is to start Oct. 15 and completion is to occur before Jan. 31, 2020. All pre-construction is to occur by Oct. 15. It is hoped the project will be completed on time, but if more time is required, the schedule will be altered accordingly. Councillor Shelly Veroba wanted to know if the city would lose funding if the project is delayed due to wet weather. The city believes
the funding would still be in place. • • • Council received a letter from Gord and Elaine Austin, who are members of the Good Sams Club, which is an organization for people with campers and motorhomes who like to travel and socialize. Each spring, the Saskatchewan group has a rally that attracts up to 200 vehicles. It was noted by Gord Austin that they have tried previously to have a rally in Estevan, but it didn’t work out, and he cited a lack of communication from the city. Austin said Good Sams
Sask. president Doug Barker made four trips to Estevan and met with Mayor Roy Ludwig, but never received a price for hosting the convention. Austin would like to get a price for the rally in 2022. Veroba said there was a discussion a few years ago about hosting the Good Sams at the Estevan Exhibition grounds, but they decided against it, because of concern about 200-plus campers and their generators in the middle of the city. Hosting the 2019 contention was discussed, but it would have been shortly before the Estevan Fair.
Ludwig suggested Woodlawn Regional Park would be a good location for the convention. Councillor Greg Hoffort said they would need to know if there is sufficient services at the park. • • • Council approved the subdivision of two existing parcels into three. The land is currently used by St. Peter’s Lutheran Church and a neighbouring pastor’s manse. The property belonging to the church would be expanded along the west boundary to increase the size of its parking lot, while the land for the manse will be reduced in size. The third parcel to be
created is to the south of the church. The land is currently used as an additional parking lot. At some point it may be developed as a residential lot under the current zoning. • • • Two building permits with a total value of $298,174 were issued in August, bringing the total for the year to 27 permits worth a little more than $1.9 million. Both permits were classified as miscellaneous. The total number of permits for the first eight months of the year is the same as last year, while the value is up slightly from $1.7 million.
Unifor trying to reach out to the government « A1 SecurTek and Direct West. The Estevan Mercury talked to Dave Kuntz, who is the president of Unifor Local 1-S about what was happening in the area. “ The union has only certain tools available to us to exert additional pressure on the government. And work-to-rule, which is what we’ve done from Monday to Thursday of (last) week, is one of the options, where we don’t do overtime. But ultimately strike action is the strongest one that we have,” said Kuntz. “We hope that all our members will be fully participating because it’s in their best interest to help out and exert as much pressure on (Premier) Scott Moe and the government that we have.” However, the premier left the province in the middle of the strike. “Premier Moe caused the strike, and now he has fled the province and his responsibilities,” said Jerry
Dias, Unifor national president. The strike invol ved Crown corporations’ employees at all levels. “All levels of operations, everybody is out. Doesn’t matter who they are, they are off the job today. That includes sales people, customer service technicians in their homes, people in Regina that are IT, admin, you name it, all the jobs, they are all off,” said Kuntz. Crowns were relying on managers to fill in for employees who walked off the job last week. The union wants a 2.3 per cent increase, which is what MLAs had, while the government’s current offer is five per cent over five years, with the first increase in the third year. “Scott Moe gave himself a raise with taxpayers money, while creating a major service disruption across the province. At the first sign of trouble he promptly left
NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of SHARON ANN BJORNDAL, late of Estevan, Saskatchewan, deceased. All claims against the above estate, duly verified by statutory declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 18th day of October, 2019. TROBERT LAW FIRM 305-1133 4th St Estevan, Saskatchewan S4A 0W6 Phone: (306) 634-2616 • Fax: (306) 634-9881
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SaskPower Shand Power Station, power production and fuel supply employees, as well as SaskEnergy employees were on the picket in front of the SaskEnergy office on Kensington Avenue. for a trade junket to Asia,” said Dias. “We are asking for fairness. We are not asking to be greedy or anything more than that. We know our Crown corporations can support this, so we are not asking for anything unreasonable,” said Kuntz. Unifor says that Crowns are willing to come to an agreement, but the government paralyzes negotiations. “We know at some of the Crowns they’ve gone multiple times to the govern-
ment and they said, ‘We can afford it. We can afford to settle with the Crowns with the union.’ And the government does not allow it. So the hold up is the government. They are holding up the negotiations. They are holding up pre-collective bargaining right now,” said Kuntz. He pointed out that the government that stalls the process by their inaction and unwillingness to bargain or allow the Crowns to bargain freely. With thousands of em-
ployees on strike or workingto-rule, the Crowns’ operations are affected, but the vital core operations remained in place all the time. “Any situation that might affect the health and safety of the public, we will address through our maintenance and essential services agreement. We do not want to affect the health and safety of the public,” said Kuntz. The effects of the strike varied from corporation to corporation. Most of them announced possible customer service delays, but said that maintaining core services to customers was a priority. At this point, there was no indication of when ne-
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gotiation talks might start between the two sides. Kuntz underlined that on their side they are open to the dialogue. “We are available. We want to talk. We want to negotiate. We want to be able to negotiate freely with our Crown corporations and not have their hands tied by the government, who claims that they are not involved in bargaining, yet they are controlling the purse strings. Either they have it one way or the other, of they are going to be part of the problem, they need to show up at the table and they need to be there for negotiations. They cannot have it both ways,” said Kuntz.
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Third Page A3
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
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Estevan musician Chris Henderson’s Point of View album touches on mental health
By Ana Bykhovskaia
How to understand if the new album is good? If the public doesn’t know new songs and can’t sing along, but they start clapping along, it is a definitely success. And that’s what happened at Art Concepts Custom Framing, where Estevan’s very own popular country musician Chris Henderson shared his new album Point of View with the public at his CD release party Saturday night. Throughout the night Henderson introduced the new singles. Hilarious and sincere, he shared the stories behind the latest and some of the old songs, inviting the guests to come along on an adventure through his new album. “It ’s called Point of View, and this will be my fourth studio project now, which is hard to believe over the years,” said Henderson in an inter view with the Mercury. With the way the music industry is these days, albums are now shorter. The new CD, consisting of six EP songs and an acoustic bonus track, is different from the previous ones. “I’m trying to show a little bit of maturity in my performing and my writing ... I think with this one, in particular, I tackled some more real issues than maybe I have in the past,” said Henderson. The title track tells a story of Henderson’s friend who had thoughts of committing
Canadian country musician Chris Henderson released a new CD Point of View during the party at Art Concepts Custom Framing. Photo by Anastasiia Bykhovskaia suicide but found the strength with Didn’t Want my Sweater out a bunch of songs that Henderson. to call 911. Henderson said Back made the public quickly I want to play,” said HenHe also mentioned that that lately he was learning memorize the words to join derson. he really enjoys performing in The intimate setting of Canada in general as opposed more about mental health and the performers. At the end of is open to help people who the night, Henderson pledged the art gallery made the home to going abroad. feel depressed and have dark 25 per cent of his new CD concert even more warm and “I’ve really focused on thoughts. Henderson said sales towards Walbaum’s first sincere. And that resonated my Canadian audience for with Henderson’s expecta- the last few years. I’ve always people can reach out to him, recording. The new songs that tions. and he will do his best, and if said I’ll go when I’m asked, “Estevan is my home- and that happens once in he can’t help he will redirect night were intertwined with a couple of covers and some town. Anytime I come down a while, but I really like to them the right way. Even though the new al- good old hits, which were to Estevan for a show, I know focus on Canada myself,” said bum turned out more serious, also greatly appreciated by there always will be a kind Henderson. “I’ve had a nice it still had a couple of catchy the public. But not all songs of people there that support career here and I have a lot can fit into a concert frame me and encourage me with funny songs. what I do. And I always Henderson invited For- nowadays. “I remember the time leave the town feeling good get ’s young talent Micah Walbaum to open the concert when I could play every song about things and knowing and also had her join him I had in my bag of tricks and that there is some support singing the new single I’ll be barely filled out the show. at home. And as a bonus, I your Mountain, which along And these days I had to cut get to see my mother,” said
of support here… And I’m very thankful to my Canadian audience.” The night, filled with laughs and great music, had the crowd singing and clapping along. Several special guests including Hook and Nail came to Art Concepts for the concert, which turned out to be a mosaics consisting of music, surprises, stories and memorable moments. Henderson took time to congratulate Susan Colbow, who also was at the concert, on her Kinnette life membership and recalled the feelings they shared when Telemiracle numbers got over the record $7 million in 2018. The concert came to an end with a standing ovation, followed by a bonus Save a Horse [Ride a Cowboy], performed by Henderson and Aaron Walbaum for Art Concepts co-owner and Henderson’s good friend Byron Fichter. Henderson will be back in the southeast in December when he will perform at the Happy Nun Café in Forget. He also has a few other concerts scheduled before the end of this year in Saskatchewan, and then he plans to go on a longer tour in the new year. He’s been working in Alberta for years and was performing more and more in Ontario lately.
Flu shots season is to start Oct. 21
Blessing of the Animals at St. Giles The morning service at St. Giles Anglican Church this week was filled with laughs, barking and meowing. Brushed and dressed up pets joined their owners on Sunday to receive a blessing. And if for people the morning service was joyful but usual, for numerous animals it turned to be an exciting opportunity to have a day out, attend church and meet new buddies, be it other pets or their owners. The Venerable Wilma Woods and the Rev. Deacon Barb Wright didn’t miss a single furry creature and gave blessings to all the dogs, cats and even a hamster that came to the church for the Blessing of the Animals. A couple of cats from the humane society also joined the service. The open offering was given to the Estevan Humane Society. Those present could also make some donations to the shelter. Photo by Anastasiia Bykhovskaia
Annual influenza vaccine clinics will start operating later this month. Saskatchewan residents with a valid health card can get their flu shot starting the week of Oct. 21 at public health clinics, local pharmacies, and some physician and nurse practitioner offices. “Although there have been delays in the delivery of this year’s influenza vaccine, the Ministry of Health has confirmed with Health Canada that Saskatchewan will receive vaccine to support the provincial program start date the week of October 21,” Saskatchewan’s chief medical health officer Dr. Saqib Shahab said. Flu shots are recommended for those at higher risk, including seniors, people with underlying chronic health conditions, children under five, and pregnant women. Seniors often have chronic health conditions (like heart or lung disease or diabetes) and weaker immune systems, which makes them particularly vulnerable to complications from influenza. Due to public venues being used as polling stations for the federal election, some locations will be launching on Monday Oct. 21, and others later in the week. The most up-to-date information on drop-in clinic times and locations can be founds at the Saskatchewan Health Authority website at https://www. Pharmacists can administer the free flu shot to residents five years and older, during home visits, and in congregate living settings. Children under five and non-Saskatchewan residents can be vaccinated at a public health clinic. A list of pharmacies that provide the free flu shot can be found at the Pharmacy Association of Saskatchewan website at or through a local pharmacy if they offer it. More than 340 pharmacies will offer free flu vaccinations this season. Information on influenza immunization in Saskatchewan is available at For advice on influenza symptoms and when to seek care, people can call HealthLine 811 or visit
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Editorial A4
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Deanna Tarnes -
David Willberg -
Editorial Staff: Ana Bykhovskaia - Brian Zinchuk -
Advertising Manager
Deanna Tarnes -
Advertising Sales
Teresa Hrywkiw - Kimberlee Pushie -
Ana Villarreal
Vaila Lindenbach - Jennifer Bucsis -
Volume 116 Issue 24 Contact us: (306) 634-2654 68 Souris Avenue N. Estevan, SK S4A 2M3 @Estevan_Mercury
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Member Canadian Community Newspapers Association. Member Saskatchewan Weekly Newspapers Association. Audited by Audit Bureau of Circulations.
Published weekly by Prairie Newspaper Group Limited Partnership, 68 Souris Avenue N., Estevan, SK S4A 2M3.The Estevan Mercury is owned and operated by Prairie Newspaper Group Limited Partnership, a subsidiary of Glacier Media Inc. Advertising rates are available upon request and are subject to change without notice. Conditions of editorial and advertising content: The Estevan Mercury attempts to be accurate in Editorial and Advertising content; however, no guarantee is given or implied. The Estevan Mercury reserves the right to revise or reject any or all editorial and advertising content as the newspaper’s principals see fit. The Estevan Mercury will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an advertisement, and is not responsible for errors in advertisements except for the space occupied by such errors. The Estevan Mercury will not be responsible for manuscripts, photographs, negatives and other related material that may be submitted for possible publication. All of the Estevan Mercury’s content is protected by Canadian Copyright laws. Reviews and similar mention of material in this newspaper is granted on the provision that The Estevan Mercury receives credit. Otherwise, any reproduction without the permission of the publisher is prohibited. Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. Rights to any advertisement produced by The Estevan Mercury, including artwork, typography, photos, etc., remain the property of this newspaper. Advertisements or parts thereof may not be reproduced or assigned without the consent of the publisher. We acknowledge financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canadian Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
Newspapers – still your trusted source There’s still something about seeing something on a printed page that lends credibility and legitimacy. Just hearing it mentioned, or seeing it on a screen, doesn’t have the same level of legitimacy with people. A novel or a non-fiction story feels more authentic when holding a book than when using an e-reader. When someone sees something on a page, or when it appears in print, people are more likely to believe something. Some of it might be how our minds work, or it might be because it’s how we’re conditioned to think. But it also could be in large part due to the credibility that newspapers have to this day. This week is National Newspapers Week. For those of us in the newspaper industry, it’s an opportunity to look back on our past, reflect on the changes that have occurred, consider where the industry is now and where it is headed in the future. For the community, it’s an opportunity to think about the impact that newspapers continue to have as the most trusted source of information. Admittedly, this is a challenging time for our industry. The public hears about the doom and gloom associated with sliding newspaper revenues. Some papers have closed and others are in trouble. Yet the numbers that come out through public opinion surveys show that newspapers
remain the most trusted news source for people. They still turn to their daily or weekly newspaper for information, whether that be through the traditional, print version, or through the websites that these papers now maintain. It’s because people still count on their newspaper for the information that it provides. The efforts of the Globe & Mail reporter Robert Fife this year to break the SNC-Lavalin story that turned into a major scandal that generated headline news for two months is an example of why we still need newspapers. They provide depth, insight and overall quality of reporting that can’t be matched by broadcast or digitalonly platforms. It was the type of story that the public needed to know about, and has had a lasting impact. If Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberals are defeated in the upcoming federal election, then this scandal will be the biggest reason. Most scandals usually don’t become public until well after they happen, when they’re included in public accounts or audited reports or something else that brings them to light. Not every article is going to be about a scandal, a controversy or a tragedy. It’s not always a case of “if it bleeds, it leads.” A look inside the pages of this week’s edition of the Mercury or Southeast Lifestyles will show that most of the articles are actually pretty positive. Most of what happens in this city and this region are positive;
our articles should reflect that. People enjoy reading articles that don’t involve politics, fires, police or the courts. The newspaper is the means to hold people to account for their actions, but also to bring attention when those in elected office do something right. As we near the federal election date of Oct. 21, it should serve as a reminder that newspapers matter, now more than ever. It should be a reminder that we are still the most trusted source. In this day and age, where anyone can seemingly post anything online, and have some people believe them, you need someone you can turn that you can believe. Some people will believe anything that fits their agenda; if enough people share something, eventually others might buy into it, regardless of the source or the actual content. The Internet is a great tool that has improved our lives in so many ways, and social media has created wonderful opportunities that wouldn’t have existed otherwise, but the proliferation of pseudo news sites and social media accounts has become a big problem. Count on your local newspaper to get it right, and to give you information that you can count on, whether it be the federal election, the city council meeting, the local school activities, sporting events and virtually anything else happening in the city.
Shale oil now means you don’t have to send your kid over there to get killed As I type this, it’s been exactly three weeks since “drones,” more like cruise missiles, attacked the largest oil processing facility in the world, Saudi Arabia’s Abqaiq processing facility. A lot of fingers are pointing at Iran at this point, but so far, cruise missiles are not. That could change soon, but right now, things have been quiet. When I look up the price of West Texas Intermediate on this day, astonishingly, it is just US$52.81. That’s more than $2 lower than it was the day before the attack. What sort of crazy world is this? An attack temporarily puts out of commission 5.7 million barrels per day of oil production, which equates to roughly the same percentage of oil production on a global scale, and the price drops three weeks later? This is precisely what Harold Hamm, CEO and majority owner of North Dakota’s largest oil company, Continental Resources, predicted in 2010 at the Williston Basin Petroleum Conference which I attended. I’ve quoted his speech numerous times, because it was so significant. It’s even moreso today. Hamm said, “A reporter asked me the other day what’s the big deal about energy independence. It means you don’t have to send your kid over there to get killed!” Over there is the Middle East, where the U.S. was heavily involved in the Iraq War at the time. Remember, that was 2010. Now, the United States has essentially achieved just what Hamm spoke of – energy independence. In 2020, it will export more oil than it imports. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported, “U.S. exports of crude oil rose to average 2.9
From the Top of the Pile BRIAN ZINCHUK million barrels per day (bpd) in the first half of 2019, an increase of 966,000 bpd from the first half of 2018. U.S. crude oil exports also set a record-high monthly average in June 2019 at 3.2 million bpd.” In one year, their imports fell 1.9 million barrels per day – in just one year, from 2018 to 2019, to 4.2 million barrels per day. Just to put that in perspective, in 2018, Canada exported 3.5 million barrels per day to the U.S.; 96 per cent of all our crude oil exports, according to Natural Resources Canada. Our total production in 2018 was 4.6 million barrels per day, including condensates and pentanes plus. The EIA expects the U.S to be a net energy exporter in 2020. That, folks, is essentially energy independence. In recent weeks I’ve taken to watching numerous videos on YouTube featuring Peter Zeihan. He’s an American geopolitical strategist who gets invited to do speeches all over the place, talking about demographics and geopolitics. Look him up. His presentations, and I’ve watched at least 10, are about an hour long, and about 85 per cent the same. The rest is structured for his audience, be they farmers in the U.S. Midwest or, in one case, folks in Alberta. I went back several years into these video archives to see if what he spoke about has borne fruit. It has. A key focus in his presentations has been
the importance of shale oil production in the United States, and how it will mean, in 2020, the U.S. really doesn’t need oil from the rest of the world. And he said this before the Saudi oil processing centre for the largest oilfield in the world went up in flames. So now the U.S. has essentially shrugged. While Trump has talked tough, the reality it there is not a massive mobilization like we saw in 1990. That’s when Iraq invaded Kuwait, and was threatening to then conquer the very same Ghawar oilfield targeted in the Sept. 14 attacks. Don’t forget, Canada sent CF-18s, naval ships and a field hospital to take part in what became Desert Storm in early 1991. The Canadian oilpatch has, for five years now, prayed for something to bring oil prices back up. While US$100 per barrel would be stellar, we’d be quite happy with US$75. And in hushed tones, many wouldn’t feel too bad about a Middle Eastern war if it brought those prices back up. Yet here we are – the opening strike has already taken place three weeks ago, and still no war. And no real impact on world prices save for a two-week blip. A lot of this calm in the markets can be attributed to the release of strategic petroleum reserves, and the fact the Saudis have been able to recover fairly quickly from it. But more importantly, the drumbeats of Americans going to war are almost deafeningly silent. They simply don’t need to. The shale oil revolution has surely changed the world. And as a result, Americans, and to a lesser extent, Canadians, no longer need to send their kids “over there to get killed.” Brian Zinchuk is editor of Pipeline News. He can be reached at
Op-Ed A5
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Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Ana Bykhovskaia Twenty Lines About…
A perfect joke receipt Is there such a thing as a perfect joke receipt? Even just a good one? The answer will definitely vary from one person to another, but there are still some vital ingredients that one trying to make others laugh can’t skip. A lot depends on the auditoria and the effect you want to make on them. Ever since being a kid my cousin, who is the same age as me, was really witty. He was one of those boys who started learning on his own quite early and grew up into a very smart person. His jokes were always fast and sharp. And they almost seemed like magic to me. But if look closer, like in other literature genres it was all about techniques, accelerated by fast thinking. There are a few types of jokes. Wordplays are known to be the easiest and most popular ones. All you do is you take words that sound similar but have different meanings and play with them. What’s ET short for? Legs. Why cows wear bells? Because their horns don’t work. Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. The ceremony wasn’t much, but the reception was brilliant. When used at the right time, for the right audience even those quite silly and simple examples may make people smile. A sign of a good joke is unforeseen ending when we expect one final, but get caught in laughs with something completely different. In other words, humour to a point is an enemy of stamps, cliché and stereotypes (if twisted all of these can make for a funny joke). But the rule of thumb is to make a good joke, you need to think out of the box. There are a few ways to have an unexpected ending. You can add a word that is stylistically different, or you can take an idiom and change the last part, thus alternating the meaning. You don’t need a parachute to go skydiving. You need a parachute to go skydiving twice. Just say NO to drugs. Well, if I’m talking to my drugs I probably already said yes. Pilot: (over intercom) We’re all gonna die. Passengers: start freaking out. Pilot: All of us will one day, no one knows when. Passengers: sigh with relief. Pilot: But it’ll probably be when we hit this mountain. Somehow really simple or silly jokes happen to be some of the funniest. They feel like they were born in the world of absurd. Which makes sense. If we laugh when the logic unexpectedly cracks, and the absence of logic is even more unexpected, so it makes us laugh even more. As silly as it is, but one of my husband’s favourites “What time is it? Ten to. Ten to what? None of you business,” still makes me at least smile every time he makes it. Why? I have no idea. Just because it’s silly. Another one:Why is the ocean blue? Because all the little fish go blu, blu, blu. Like with everything else in life, sex and obscene language spice things up. Racist, chauvinist and other sensitive topics may make people laugh again depending on the audience and the professionalism of the joker. But it’s good to remember that animals show their teeth to either scare the other party or while defending. We have come a long ways from that but that ancient instinct is still somewhat there. Thus, offensive jokes still make us smile or even laugh once in a while. Usually, it happens either when jokes are either targeting the group we belong to or the one we are opposed to. And if overused they more likely will make the auditoria think about the underlying problems, which are not funny at all in most cases. How you tell jokes is also important. Depending on the mood and intonations jokes will have different effects, but I don’t think there is a wrong way. Positive mood usually gets picked up faster, but poker-face jokers have the double effect when they make jokes. I guess, there is no such a thing as a perfect joke receipt, as a lot depends on the audience and atmosphere. One way to the other, to make people laugh you either need to be quite intelligent and have a rich vocabulary at the top of your head, or have a great memory and good sense of humour. And please, don’t explain the jokes.
Each office is independently owned and operated.
Numbers are up for school divisions The Holy Family Roman Catholic Separate School Division and the South East Cornerstone Public School Division have both seen an increase in their official enrolment numbers. The figures are tabulated on Sept. 30 of each year. Holy Family is at 1,392 students as of Sept. 30, up nine students from the projections that were submitted last December, and 22 students from the 1,370 they had on Sept. 30, 2018. Holy Family has two kindergarten to Grade 8 schools in Estevan. Sacred Heart School/École Sacré Coeur was sitting at 376 students as of Sept. 30, up from 367 the year before. St. Mary’s School had 294 students, compared to 287 a year earlier. “We pretty well are status quo in our numbers,” said Keith. Holy Family also has schools in Weyburn, Radville and Wilcox. Keith said she would always like the numbers to be higher, but when compared with year over year totals, they’re satisfied with the student base. The numbers won’t cause any issues for the division as far as staffing at the schools. “As the year goes on, we get some extra students, and
Gwen Keith we always accommodate our special needs students,” said Keith. The division always looks at enrolments per grade, and the needs can force adjustments to staffing, but as far as the staff numbers are concerned, Keith said the schools are happy with what they have. As for the South East Cornerstone Public School Division, they have 8,371 students as of Sept. 30, which is 63 higher than the 8,308 they expected, and 89 higher than the 8,282 they had a year earlier. “Across the system, we have many that came in awfully close to what they had projected, up and down, and then of course, as always, there is always some variation,” said Little. The two largest schools in the division had larger growth than expected. The Estevan Comprehensive School came in at 756, 31 higher than projected, while
Lynn Little the Weyburn Comprehensive School was 71 more than projected. “There is some movement from outside the system, but there is some movement from internally. Primarily it came from outside of the system, as folks moved into the area,” said Little. Estevan Comprehensive School is a Grade 9 to 12 school, while Weyburn’s is a Grade 7-12 school. As for Cornerstone’s four kindergarten to Grade 8 schools in Estevan, Hillcrest School had 126, which is seven more than the 119 projected; Pleasantdale School is 201, down four from projections; Spruce Ridge is 403, which is up nine from projections, and Westview is 176, which is down two. As for schools in close proximity to Estevan, Lampman School was at 192 students, which is exactly what was projected; Macoun School is 65 students, up one from projections; Bienfait
Weldon School is 145, which down one from projections; and Midale Central School is at 153. Little noted the division had more students than anticipated at Arcola School, which has 259 students, 14 more than projected. Little said the division is pretty happy with the numbers, and when they wind up with more than anticipated, that’s a positive. “We study where the students come into a school and what grade levels they fall into, and what those sizes were, and if there’s additional pressures. If there are additional pressures in a grade level or a course, we make some changes.” An additional 2.4-equivalent staff members have been added to the instructional base at the Weyburn Comprehensive School. Most of the increase in Weyburn is for Grades 10-12, which left Cornerstone with some very large classes, so extra staff were added for those grades. As for ECS, the division is in the process of studying the higher than expected enrolments, but they believe the increase is fairly evenly spread out over the four grades. “It hasn’t been reported to us that there are hot spots, per say,” said Little.
Estevan keeps struggling with meth-related crimes For the second month in row, Estevan Police Service (EPS) witnessed a significant increase in calls for service. While some of the spikes were seen in property crimes and mischiefs, a number of calls were related to methamphetamines. “We are still seeing an increase of meth in this community,” said Estevan Police Chief Paul Ladouceur. “We are seeing more meth arrests than normal.” There is a concern that this drug has now fully made its way to Estevan. The chief pointed out that usually, it doesn’t take long after a drug becomes popular in bigger cities like Regina for it to spread over to smaller communities around. Methamphetamine contamination affects not just the city of Estevan, but the surrounding towns as well. Chief said that methrelated activity is something that they now see more often. He asked the community to step up and help to battle this problem.
“ We are encouraging people if they have the information or some knowledge (about methamphetamine-related activities) to reach out if not directly to us (EPS), then to Crime Stoppers. If you do reach out to the police and you want to remain anonymous, the police have an obligation to keep that anonymity. So there shouldn’t be a fear… We need that information. We cannot be everywhere at the same time,” said Ladouceur. The chief called meth a “drug devil” that makes people do anything. He has come across the meth craze during his work in Ontario, which was accompanied by an increase in home invasions and physical aggression cases. Unfortunately, the same side effects of the popularity of meth can be now seen in the Estevan. As an example the chief recalled the recent incidents of stabbing and beating with a baseball bat. The problem was discussed at the recent po-
lice board meeting. Police board member and City Councillor Lyle Yanish reminded that prior to legalization of marijuana there was a big concern within the policing world that it would provoke the spike in popularity of cheaper drugs, as organized crime would need to get their money back. “ I d o re m e m b e r a couple of years ago, when we were talking about legalization of marijuana, that we would see a meth problem,” said Yanish. Ladouceur said that while the intent is to reduce organized crime or the stronghold that orga-
nized crime has over marijuana, it was clear that legalization of the substance wouldn’t put organized crime out of business. Not only now the organized crime runners are pushing on other drugs, but they also find their ways into controlling and benefiting from legal dispensaries. The chief said that it’s not the case in Estevan, but it was something he’s seen in other communities all across Canada. However, the methamphetamine problem is the one that definitely exists in the Estevan area and will take a community effort to get resolved.
Your opinion matters Estevan Mercury Publications welcomes your opinion through our Letters to the Editor section. Do you have thoughts on the strike by Unifor employees at Crown corporations, or the future of carbon capture and storage? You can submit a letter to the editor on these issues, on other issues in our paper, or others in the community, by visiting, emailing it to editor@
Hi I’m Tucker and I am a 9 year old German Shepherd-Great Dane cross! Yes I’m big but I am a gentle giant, I love to go on walks and to play fetch, I love to eat ice cream and curl up on the couch. I’m house trained and I have lived with kids. At 9 years old I would love nothing more than a home to finally call my own.
Now through October 30th we’re selling $5 raffle tickets for a chance to win a year’s supply of Royal Canin Pet Food. All proceeds benefit the Stryker K9 CareFund, helping retired law enforcement dogs. Only 1000 will be sold, so call (306) 373-6327 to get your raffle tickets today!
Hi my name is Chewy and I am 6 years old, they tell me I am a Lab/Husky cross. I am very smart and affectionate. I love being around people! I don’t like to be alone so I need a home where someone will be with me most of the time. I love car rides and walks hope you will come meet me today!!
Spayed and neutered pets are much happier pets.
The Estevan Humane Society reserves the right to refuse any adoption.
Business A6
Josh LeBlanc 306-421-6778 REALTOR® (PART-TIME)
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Each office independently owned and operated
The cooks raised big money for the United Way
The Kingston Midstream Cooks that Cook fundraiser for the United Way Estevan once again received lots of support, as a large crowd turned out for the meal and auctions. More than 250 people filled the Wylie-Mitchell building for the fundraiser Friday night. The event is Kingston Midstream’s annual fundraiser for the United Way. More than 50 chefs prepared sample-sized portions for the crowd. Justin Pearce, who was the MC for the evening, noted that in the first 11 years that Kingston Midstream has held the event, it has raised more than $320,000 for the United Way. This year’s fundraiser featured a live auction that raised thousands of dollars, as well as silent auctions, raffles and games. United Way Estevan president Becca Foord said the support of individuals and businesses like Kingston Midstream helps out 15 member agencies and community impact projects. “This year’s theme is Give Where you Live, so it’s really nice to see that there are so many people out here who are supporting a local organization.” She expects everyone in the building has been impacted by one of the member agencies and community impact projects in some fashion, whether it be a family member, friend or someone else in their lives. “The positive impact that these agencies and community impact projects have is indescribable. They are making people’s lives better each and every single day.” The support shown for events like Cooks that Cook helps make people’s lives better, she said. Proceeds will be directed to the United Way Estevan’s People lined up for their food during the Cooks that Cook fundraiser for the United Way Estevan on Friday night. annual telethon, which will be Oct. 18 and 19.
Murray GM hosting United Way kickoff Murray GM’s location in Estevan is doing what they can to promote and support the United Way Estevan’s upcoming telethon. A kickoff will happen on Oct. 16 at the dealership. People will be able to make an early pledge to the telethon from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. United Way representatives will be on hand to take donations and to talk to visitors about the upcoming telethon and all that the United Way does in the community. “It’s an early way for people to stop in and get a pledge in, in the event that they’re out of town that weekend,” said Brad Pierson, the general manager for the Estevan dealership. A beef on a bun barbecue lunch will be served from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Murray GM has partnered with the Days Inn for the lunch, as the Days Inn is supplying the food for the barbecue.
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A collection for the lunch will be accepted, with all proceeds going to the United Way. Pierson said Murray GM wants to be involved in the community as much as possible, and they thought this would be a unique way to help with the telethon. He noted that Murray GM has always had really strong participation in an employee payroll deduction program for the United Way. “We started talking with the United Way to see what else we could do, and we just thought this was a great idea. It’s going to bring some awareness leading up to the event,” he said. While the United Way telethon is a big success each year, Pierson believes it doesn’t hurt to give it even more promotion. The United Way Estevan’s telethon will happen Oct. 18 and 19 at the Royal Canadian Legion’s Estevan branch.
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October 9, 2019 A7
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Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Crown land sale brings in $2.25 million
Crown land sales continue to bring in the lowsingle digit millions, with the Oct. 1, 2019, public offering of Crown petroleum and natural gas dispositions in Saskatchewan generating $2,253,706, an average of $309.50/hectare. This compares to $1,546,514, an average of $281.62/hectare received at the last offering held on Aug. 13. The Lampman area in particular received notable attention. The top bidder in the province was Midale Petroleums Ltd., who spent
$470,425 to acquire five leases consisting of 532.7 hectares. The highest bonus bid received on a parcel in this offering was $240,480 for 129.3 hectares in the Estevan area. This lease was purchased by Midale Petroleums Ltd. and is located near the Benson Midale Beds Oil Pool and within the Bakken Viewfield Oil Pool, 18 kilometres northwest of Lampman. The top dollars per hectare received in this offering was on a parcel in the Estevan area. This 32.2 hectare lease was purchased
by Highrock Resources Ltd. for $4,111/hectare or a total of $132,576. This parcel is situated near the Minard Midale Beds Oil Pool and the Benson East Midale Beds Oil Pool, 12 kilometres northwest of Lampman. The total bonus received in the Lloydminster area was $207,418, an average of $580.22/hectare. This compares to $337,571, an average of $409.08/hectare at the last offering. The highest bonus bid and the top dollars per hectare received in the Lloydminster area was for a parcel located in the Neilburg North Mannville Sands Pool, five kilometre southeast of Lashburn. This 243.4 hectare lease was purchased
by Cougar Creek Land Ltd. for $745.15/hectare or a total of $181,374.73. Husky Oil Operations Limited was the most active bidder in this area picking up six leases totalling 97.9 hectares for $24,920. These parcels are situated in the Edam West Mannville Sand Pool, eight kilometres southwest of Edam. The total bonus received in the Kindersley-Kerrobert area was $431,525, an average of $238.22/hectare. This compares to $789,961, an average of $287.16/hectare at the last offering. The top bidder in this area was Synergy Land Services Ltd. who spent $291,491 to acquire four leases totalling
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LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER Land Description: Surface Parcel #110318172 SE Sec 11 Twp 04 Rge 32 W1 Extension 0 As described on Certifcate of Title 93R52938A
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HIGHEST OR ANY BID NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. Inquiries relative to land to Brian Firth 306-519-7355 or James Trobert @ 634-2616. Tenders must be submitted on or before October 18, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. in a sealed envelope marked "Firth Land Tender", c/o Trobert Law Firm, #305-1133-4th Street, Estevan, Saskatchewan S4A OW6
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1. Land Free and Clear of all Encumbrances other than utility or oil easements or other encumbrances not affecting marketability. 2. Possession 30 days following acceptance of winning bid or unless otherwise mutually agreed. Balance of tender amount to be paid on or before possession. 3. Interest at 5.0% on any amount not paid at possession. 4. Seller will pay taxes to Dec. 31, 2019. Buyer responsible for land taxes for 2020. Taxes for 2019 were $343.04 5. Buyer pays Land Titles transfer fees, seller provides Transfer Authorizations to transfer to buyer. 6. All Tenders must be in writing and include bid deposit of 5% of bid price by way of bank draft or certified cheque ONLY payable to "Trobert Law Firm- Trust".
Attending a conference From left, Minister of Trade and Export Development Jeremy Harrison and Minister of Environment Dustin Duncan check out the opening of the SIMSA Oil and Gas Supply Chain Forum in Regina on Oct. 3. Photo by Brian Zinchuk
Authorized by the Official Agent for Robert Kitchen
Terms and Conditions:
area was $6,519, an average of $33.46/hectare. A parcel situated 16 kilometres west of Swift Current, adjacent to the Seward Cantuar Sand Pool and the Java Cantuar Sand Pool, received the highest bonus bid and the top dollars per hectare in this area of the province. This 130.1-hectare lease was purchased by Whitecap Resources Inc. for $37.80/ hectare or a total of $4,919.
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Crescent Point Energy Corp. surface leases (2) are optional and can be transferred at an additional cost of $25,000.00 - total annual rental of approximately $4,500.00/year. If not transferred, will be reserved by seller for 5 years after which time they will be transferred to buyer.
1,032.3 hectares. The highest bonus bid and the top dollars per hectare received in this area was for a parcel situated six kilometres northwest of Kerrobert, near the Kerrobert Viking Sand Pool. This 257 hectare lease was purchased by Synergy Land Services Ltd. for $503.89/hectare or a total of $129,497. The total bonus received in the Swift Current
Debit now available
Public Notice Rural Municipality of Estevan No.5 Notice of Intent to Amend the Zoning Bylaw Pursuant to Section 207 of The Planning and Development Act, 2007, the Council of the Rural Municipality of Estevan No.5 hereby gives notice of its intention to amend Zoning Bylaw 5-2014 by passing bylaw 2019-12. Intent: This text amendment is to increase the maximum allowable square footage of accessory buildings in the CR - Country Residential zoning district from 2000 ft2 to 4000 ft2.
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Reason: The reason for the amendment is to allow homeowners more flexibility when constructing accessory buildings for private use. Public Inspection: Any person may inspect the proposed bylaw at the R.M. of Estevan Municipal Office at #1 - 322 - 4th Street, Estevan, Saskatchewan between 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays. Copies are available at cost. Public Hearing: Council will hold a public hearing to receive submissions, written or verbal, on the proposed bylaw at 11:00 a.m. (local time) on Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019 in the Council Chambers of the R.M. of Estevan No. 5, #1-322 4th Street Estevan, Saskatchewan. Dated at Estevan, Saskatchewan this 2nd day of October, 2019. Michelle Dickie, Administrator
Authorized Sales & Service & Warranty Centre for:
Troye Carson • 306-421-3603
Preston Majeran • 306-421-6609
Highway 361 West (South Yard), P.O. Box 518, Lampman, SK, S0C 1N0
THE ESTEVAN MERCURY DRILLING REPORT Drilling Licenses 8 new licenses issued to Monday, October 7 137441 138348 137439 138471 138476 138280 134215 138550
Astra Oil Corp Hz .................................................................................................................. 1-23-7-8 Ridgeback Resources Hz ...................................................................................................... 9-24-9-7 Crescent Point Energy Hz ................................................................................................... 15-1-3-13 Crescent Point Energy Hz ..................................................................................................... 1-36-7-6 Crescent Point Energy Hz ..................................................................................................... 8-19-7-9 Midale Petroleums Hz......................................................................................................... 16-32-4-2 Crescent Point Energy Hz ................................................................................................... 12-14-9-7 Burgess Creek Exploration Vert .......................................................................................... 13-22-4-7
Rig Report 07A323 138243 135073 126927 135075 12F115 121492 111237 135710 118626 133610
Mosaic Potash Esterhazy Limited ..................................................................................... 5-16-19-32 Alliance Drilling..............................Crescent Point Energy................................................ 16-12-1-13 Vermilion Energy ...............................Vermilion Energy........................................................ 16-2-7-5 Mosaic Potash .................................. Esterhazy Limited................................................... 12-9-19-32 Betts Drilling .....................................Adonai Resources ....................................................... 4-11-2-1 Stampede Drilling ................................ Astra Oil Corp ............................................................ 4-8-6-7 Ensigns Drilling .............................Crescent Point Energy.................................................. 15-7-2-11 Horizon Drilling.............................. Ridgeback Resources .................................................... 8-28-9-6 Trinidad Drilling .............................Crescent Point Energy.................................................. 3-13-1-14 Ensign Drilling ...............................Crescent Point Energy.................................................. 1-34-2-34 Stampede Drilling ................................Torc Oil & Gas ........................................................ 15-14-5-6
Sports A9
plumbing & heating
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Elecs play first home game under lights
The Estevan Comprehensive School Elecs football team had a historical night on Friday, but the result wasn’t what they wanted. The Elecs (1-3) were defeated 52-21 by the Yorkton Regional High School Raider Gridders, the top team in the league. It was the first time the Elecs have played a Friday night game under the lights at Woodlawn. “The atmosphere was nice, ” said coac h Mark Schott. “It was a little cool and wet, but luckily it wasn’t constant rain. But there was a mist throughout the entire game. “It’s pretty fun. It’s a nice environment down there at Woodlawn, and nice and isolated. The lights were great. The coaches off of both teams were saying we should definitely do more night games. Schott said the Elecs succeeded running the ball at times. “It’s a very tough and physical Yorkton defence, so it was nice to see from our offensive line to get that push, and Jonah Bachorcik with his speed was able to break a few runs, and he rushed for over 200 yards.” Bachorcik scored on a 105-yard romp early in the game that gave the Elecs an
The Estevan Comprehensive School Elecs faced the Yorkton Regional High School Raider Gridders Friday night under the lights at the Woodlawn Athletic Field. Photo by Anastasiia Bykhovskaia early 7-0 lead. He finished with 212 yards on 23 carries, while quarterback Kaleb Bechtold had 48 yards on nine carries. Defensively they forced some turnovers, including two fumble recoveries and an interception. “We had a number of
stops on third down, where Yorkton gambled on third down and we shut them down, so it forced some additional turnovers,” said Schott. But the Elecs had a couple of lapses that proved to be the difference. It was a relatively close game at half-time, with the Elecs down 25-13,
but Yorkton added two more scores in the third for a 38-13 advantage. ECS scored once more in the fourth quarter. “There’s definitely some room for improvement, but there were a lot of positives in the game,” said Schott. Q uarterback Kaleb Bechtold ran for two touch-
Elecs athletes qualify for cross-country provincials The five members of the Estevan Comprehensive School (ECS) Elecs cross country team who travelled to the regional meet on Oct. 2 have all qualified for provincials. Aden Haywood won the senior boys event with a time of 18 minutes and 2.55 seconds. He finished more than a minute ahead of the runnerup, Evan James of Redvers School.
Also entered in senior boys for ECS was Jonathan Swirski, who wound up in 11th spot with a time of 24 minutes and 54.16 seconds. Two athletes competed in midget girls. Kristen Carlson from the Estevan Comprehensive School finished fifth with a time of 15 minutes and 49.13 seconds. Kylie Phillipchuk was eighth in a time of 18 minutes and 15.74 seconds. Hunter Siever was sixth
in midget boys with a time of 14 minutes and 13.27 seconds. The top 10 finishers in each event punched their tickets to provincials. Some will be unable to compete, so the next-highest finishers will qualify. Several athletes from Lampman School also competed. Ryder Farnsworth was entered in the junior boys. He finished 11th in a time of 23 minutes and 8.83 seconds.
Three young athletes from Lampman competed in junior girls. Lindsay Johnson was first in a time of 17 minutes and 54.62 seconds, Kelsey Carson was fourth in a time of 21:34.91, and Alyssa Sport was seventh in a time of 33:38.11. In midget girls, Amelia Genaille of Lampman was first with a time of 14:46.48. The provincial meet will be next weekend in Prince Albert.
From left, Kylie Phillipchuk, Kristen Carlson, Aden Haywood, Jonathan Swirski and Hunter Siever have qualified for cross country provincials. Photo submitted
downs to account for the Elecs other scores. The latter was a 15-yeard scramble in which he dove for the pylon at the goal line to score. Schott expects Yorkton will be able to compete with any team in the province once the regular season is finished.
“They’re strong contenders in our league and are a good candidate to advance and do some damage in the playoffs.” The Elecs next game is Thursday afternoon at 4 p.m. at the Woodlawn Athletic Field against the Moose Jaw Central Toilers.
Chargers sweep home and home with Rockets The Estevan Century 21 U12 Chargers wrapped up their regular season by sweeping a home and home with the Assiniboia Rockets. Estevan trounced the Rockets 57-6 Wednesday afternoon at Woodlawn Athletic Field – a game that was rescheduled from three days earlier. Then they shelled the Rockets 52-18 Sunday afternoon in Assiniboia The Chargers finished the season with a 3-3 record, but won their final three games of the regular season in convincing fashion. The game in Estevan was a 38-6 advantage for the Chargers at half-time. Estevan gave up a touchdown late in the second quarter, the first points they had surrendered in eight quarters. As for the most recent game, Estevan had a 45-18 lead after the second quarter. Both games were played with straight time in the second half, due to Estevan’s half-time lead. The Chargers had just three possessions in the second half in the second Assiniboia game. “We have just become a very physical offence,” said coach Matt Schell. “We have put the passing game on the backburner, although the weather hasn’t really been great.” The game in Estevan was cool and rainy, while the game in Assiniboia came on a windy day that forced the Chargers to focus on the ground attack. Assiniboia played hard in the second game, Schell said, and the scoreboard didn’t do them justice. “We’ve been taking our offensive line, which is probably the biggest in the league, I would say, and putting our guys against their guys and going with our strength,” Schell said. The Chargers played without running back Cooper Pukas in the second game against the Rockets due to illness. He should be ready for the postseason. Quarterback Peyton Tendler and running back Truman Ciepliski came up big during the game. Schell believes the victories will give the club momentum entering the playoffs. “This is exactly what we talked with the kids about. Don’t worry about how you start the season. It’s how you finish. These three wins in a row that we have, these kids are very confident now.” The Chargers will work on blocking assignments and the direction they’re running the ball before the start of the playoffs, and he’s confident they’re going to be ready for their first round opponent. Winning is contagious, he said, and it has given them confidence to get the wins and get rolling at the right time in the season.
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vs Humboldt
@ 7:00pm
A10 October 9, 2019
Bruins split low-scoring games on the weekend Estevan Bruins head coach-general manager Chris Lewgood believes the club deserved better than to split the two games they played on the weekend. The Bruins dropped a 2-0 decision to the Battlefords North Stars – the defending Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League champions and the best team in the league so far this season – on Friday night, but recovered to blank the Nipawin Hawks 3-0 the following night. The win ended the earlyseason five-game losing streak for the Bruins, whose record is now 2-4-1-1. Both games were played at Affinity Place. “I really believe those are our two best games of the season, and you can sense in
the locker room the guys have been confident and they’ve never looked down-trodden, but they start to realize now they’re a pretty good hockey team,” said Lewgood. The game Friday night was scoreless after the first period, but Matthias Urbanski scored midway through the second period to give the North Stars a 1-0 lead. It remained a one-goal game until the final moments, when Brett Gammer scored into an empty net to clinch the victory. Goaltender Keenan Rancier stopped 25 shots for the Bruins. Adam Dmyterko made 34 saves for the North Stars to pick up the shutout. A scary moment occurred late in the third, when
Concussion: The Invisible Injury
trainers. 10-15% of athletes are affected by concussions each year. These numbers are very concerning! Inconsistency between associations and health care professionals can also result in mismanagement. Lack of education for parents, coaches, and trainers can contribute to the inability to recognize concussions when they occur.
Most of us know someone who has sustained a concussion. Concussions have been a mainstay in the media over the past eight years. It is a widespread belief of health care professionals that there is not a concussion problem in sport, rather a concussion management problem.
You may be surprised with some of the sports that have the highest concussion rates. Here are the Top 9: 1. Football 2. Girl’s Hockey 3. Boy’s Hockey 4. Girl’s and Boy’s Rugby 5. Boy’s Lacrosse 6. Girl’s Soccer 7. Girl’s Lacrosse 8. Boy’s Soccer 9. Boy’s Wrestling
A concussion is a brain injury that occurs when the neck and/or head accelerates. This can be caused by a direct hit to the head or when another body part is hit by a rapidly moving object which causes a whiplash-effect. Some examples include injuries sustained during a fall, motor vehicle accident, or collision in sport. This results in the stretching of nerve cells within the brain. It is not a bruise as we previously thought! This cannot be diagnosed with bloodwork, scans, or MRI.
Football and hockey at the top of the list is no surprise. The one that sticks out the most is #2: Girl’s Hockey, which is technically ‘non-contact’. If you have ever watched a girl’s hockey game, you would quickly realize that it is a very physical game. Hockey has also taken out ‘contact’ until the Bantam level (14-16 years old). It makes you wonder whether this will have a large effect with the concussion rates. We have yet to see published results from this change. Having treated
How do you know when an athlete has sustained a concussion? When should they be pulled from their activity? What are the symptoms of concussion? Stay tuned for the answers to these questions in next week’s article!
Leann Boehm is the Clinic Director and Physical Therapist at Southeast Physiotherapy in Estevan, Saskatchewan. The clinic is affiliated with Complete Concussion Management Inc. and provides concussion assessment, treatment, and baseline testing. Southeast Physiotherapy’s team has treated 106 concussions and performed 284 Baseline Tests to date. She would love to hear from you:
1209 5th Street, Estevan 306-634-6630
19 03
.ca cury
st w.e
over 100 concussions I can confidently share that we do see many concussions in hockey under the age of 14.
Concussions amongst young athletes are extremely prevalent, but studies have shown that approximately 50% do not get reported. Another study concluded that 5% of athletes experience concussions, according to
Urbanski inadvertently took a skate to the face from Bruin defenceman Devan Harrison. Urbanski needed 12 stitches, but will apparently be OK. Rancier made 28 saves and Jayden Davis scored twice in the win over the Hawks on Saturday night. The game was scoreless until late in the second period, when Davis scored on a power play to give the Bruins a 1-0 lead. Isaiah Thomas scored midway through the third to double the advantage, and Davis added his second of the game into an empty net. The shutout was the first of Rancier’s junior A career. Among his 28 saves in the game were 12 in the third period. Rancier credited the defence for limiting the number of quality chances by the Hawks. “They kept a lot of the pucks to the outside and they had a lot of perimeter shots,” said Rancier. The best chance for the Hawks came midway through the second period, a few minutes before Davis opened the scoring. A shot snuck through Rancier’s glove, and he couldn’t reach it, but de-
Krista Avery I have been a Mercury and Southeast Lifestyles paper carrier for 11 years. I deliver 425 papers. My husband Darcy helps me out whenever he can. I like the exercise I get from delivering the papers. I would like to say a big Thank You to the people for clearing the sidewalks and steps of ice and snow. It is greatly appreciated. Thank You to All !! Every month the Estevan Mercury pays tribute to its dedicated carriers who strive for excellence and deliver your paper each week. A&W Restaurant proudly supports hard work and doing your best and will be supplying the carrier of the month with a gift card for a meal at the A&W location in Estevan.
Proudly sponsored by
4th St., Estevan SK
Bruins captain Jayden Davis (10) moves in to hit Nipawin defender Luke Penner Saturday night in Estevan. fenceman Kade McMillen swept the puck away from the goal line before Nipawin could poke the puck in the net. “It was pretty lucky of him, and I’m glad he did that for me, too,” said Rancier. Nipawin’s power play was effective, but Rancier said the Bruin penalty killers did a good job of getting in front of shots. “Nipawin’s a really good team, and just to have the confidence to know that we could beat them (is great), and even yesterday against the Battlefords, we played hard, and if a couple of those post shots went in, we could have beat that team, too,” said Rancier. Davis believes it was im-
portant for the Bruins to pick up a win on the weekend, not only because it ended a slump, but because they played so well. “Last night we didn’t get the breaks,” said Davis. “We hit a couple of posts. But we played really well, and so tonight to win, it was very important for us.” Players have been frustrated because they haven’t generated a lot of offence, just 17 goals in eight games. But Davis believes if they keep working hard, the goals will come. Lewgood wanted to see the players rewarded for their efforts on the weekend. “We are limited offen-
sively for now, and it’s going to get better as the young guys start to acclimate and meet their abilities and their promise. Until then we have to continue to play good defensive hockey.” The Bruins allowed just two goals on the weekend, one of them an empty netter, against the top two teams in the league. “That’s a promising sign, and so to get a couple of points in this game it’s a good reward for the work they put in.” Lewgood noted that after Davis scored the empty net goal, the players’ attention shifted to making sure Rancier secured the shutout. In off-ice news, the Bruins dealt rookie forward Nikolas Sombrowski to the Weyburn Red Wings for a conditional draft pick in the SJHL Bantam Draft. Sombrowski, who hails from Fernie, B.C., played in one game for the Bruins this season. The Bruins will visit the Melville Millionaires on Wednesday night, and then host the La Ronge Ice Wolves Friday at Affinity Place, starting at 7:30 p.m. 19102TT0
October 9, 2019 A11
Several minor hockey teams begin seasons Estevan’s three teams in the Saskatchewan Minor AA Hockey League began their seasons on the weekend. The Estevan Apex midget AA Bruins opened their season by sweeping a pair of games from the Regina Rangers at Affinity Place. Kieran Stewart and Cale Adams scored 28 seconds apart in the first period to give the Bruins a 2-0 lead in the first game Saturday afternoon. The Rangers scored once late in the first and twice in the second to lead 3-2, but Chase Gedak’s goal with 94 seconds to play in the second tied the game again. Gedak added his second of the game with seven minutes to play in the third, and Tayce Miller rounded out the scoring late in the frame. Logan Nagel made 11 saves for the victory. The second game was a 6-1 victory on Sunday. Cade Bendtsen scored midway through the first period to give the Bruins a 1-0 lead, and then Adams and Tanner Stovin scored in the second for a 3-0 advantage. After the
Rangers scored, Stovin added his second of the game to restore the three-goal margin. Gedak and Tieran Stewart added goals in the third. Jackson Miller stopped 23 shots for the victory. The Bruins next game is Oct. 19, when they host the Lumsden-Bethune Lions at 4 p.m. • • • The Estevan TS&M bantam AA Bruins opened their season with a 4-3 loss to the Notre Dame Hounds on Sunday afternoon at Affinity Place. Colton Pushie opened the scoring with a goal a little more than seven minutes into the first period. Notre Dame scored with nine minutes to play in the first to tie the game, and added another goal in the second to give the Hounds the lead. Goals by Carter Onrait and Turner Knockaert gave the Bruins a 3-2 lead after two. Knockaert’s goal came with 19 seconds remaining in the middle frame. The Hounds tallied twice in the third for the win.
Tayce Miller (8) and his Estevan Apex midget AA Bruin teammates opened their season with back-to-back wins. Photo by Anastasiia Bykhovskaia Ty Fehrenbach made 18 saves in the victory. The bantam Bruins will return to the ice this weekend when they host the Swift Current Broncos on Oct. 12
and the Moose Jaw Warriors on Oct. 13. • • • The Estevan Meter peewee AA Bruins began their season with a 7-4 loss to the
Melville Millionaires on Saturday afternoon. The Millionaires scored four times in a four-minute span late in the first period to lead 4-0. A goal by Payton
Locals thrive at North Dakota race program Three local race car drivers were among the winners at the Coal County Classic doubleheader program at McLean County Speedway in Underwood, N.D., last month. The event attracts drivers from Saskatchewan, Manitoba and several U.S. states. There were 143 drivers entered the first night Sept. 21, and 121 for the second Sept. 22. Tyson Turnbull of Estevan won the modified feature the first night. He finished second in his qualifying heat to punch his ticket for the feature, a 25-lap race that had 20 drivers entered. Kody
Scholpp of Estevan also made it to the feature. He won his qualifying heat to advance, but did not finish the feature and was listed in 14th. Fifty cars were entered in the modified class that first night. In the stock car division, Austin Daae finished third in his qualifying heat, and wound up seventh in the feature. Gary Goudy Sr. finished 17th. He was fifth in his qualifying heat. For the second night, Scholpp finished in top spot and Turnbull came in third in the feature. Scholpp won his qualifying race as well,
while Turnbull was fifth in his qualifying heat. Twenty Twenty-one of the 43 drivers entered made it into the modified feature. Austin Daae won the
stock car feature that night to cap a strong weekend for him. He was second in his qualifying heat. Goudy Sr. was 10th in the feature. He had a seventh
place finish in his heat. G a r y G o u d y J r. o f Stoughton was also entered in the modified program each night, but he didn’t make the feature.
Phillips with 1:15 to play in the first pulled the Bruins to within three. The Bruins outscored the Mills 2-1 in the second, leaving them down 5-3 through two. Kobe Wotta scored both of Estevan’s goals. Phillips scored his second of the game early in the third to make it a one-goal game, but a couple of goals by Melville put the game away. Amy Swayze was in goal for Estevan.
Every item in store will be on sale! You DO NOT want to miss this!
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A12 October 9, 2019
A valuable part of the community The Estevan Fire Rescue Service remains a valued part of the Estevan area. The department has a contingent of 25 paid, on-call firefighters, a fire chief, a deputy fire chief and an administrator. Fire Prevention Week is an opportunity to salute the local fire department each year, but they provide a valuable service to the community. Members of the department this year are, back row, from left, firefighters Jordan Baun, Stephen McLaren, Nolan LaCoste, Matt Clausen, Nathan Haukeness, Michael Wock, Travis Mosley, Jeff Kuchinka, Tyler Stead, John Wells, Archie McIsaac, Mallory Cappelle, Jonathan Nixon and Amanda Minchin. Front row, firefighters Justin Herod and Victor Frank, Lieutenant Brandon Frank, Captain Peter Fedyk, Deputy Chief Rick Davies, Chief Dale Feser, Captain Kyle Luc, Lieutenants Chad Perrault and Lincoln Empey and firefighter Dean Nagel. Missing are firefighters Monty Blomberg, Mike Olson, Lucas Stubel, Geoff Thiessen and administrative assistant Rhonda Gillespie.
Jonathan Nixon
Justin Herod Schilling
80 King Street, E., Estevan, SK
Chad Perrault #200 Hwy. 18 West, Estevan, SK 306-634-7255
833 4 St, Estevan +1 866-863-6237
UMWA Members Giving Back To Our Community HENDERS DRUGS Matt Clausen
Peter Fedyk
Mike Olson
Local 7606
Lucas Stubel
1220 4th Street, Estevan 306-634-3666
John Wells
538 4th St, Estevan 306-634-6753
October 9, 2019 A13
Not every hero wears a cape.
Fire Prevention Week
October 6 - 12, 2019
©2019 NFPA FPW19 Sparky® is a trademark of NFPA®.
Fire Prevention Week an important time for the Estevan Fire Rescue Service By David Willberg
The Estevan Fire Rescue Service is in the midst of Fire Prevention Week, which is one of its most important weeks of the year. Activities started on Oct. 7 with a proclamation at the city council meeting. The big activity will be in the evening of Oct. 9, when Estevan and area residents can come in, tour the fire station, meet the firefighters and get to know what they do in the community. The open house is scheduled to start at 6 p.m. “We’re going to be able to show off the equipment. We’re going to have some activities in the training room, focusing on this year’s Fire Prevention Week theme. This year’s theme ... is Not Every Hero Wears a Cape; Plan and Practise your Escape,” said Fire Chief Dale Feser. People will be able to view the old fire truck and some of the other antiquities that are on display in the front foyer of the fire hall. “We’ll have a couple of members up front here, explaining the year, age, vintage and how they used to work and how we used to do things in the past,” said Feser. They can also take a look at the fire trucks the department currently uses when fighting fires. A miniature firefighting challenge is scheduled so that children can go through the various obstacles and challenges, such as a belly drag and a rope pull, as well as using
water from hoses to knock down pylons. A ba r be c u e w i l l b e served, with hot dogs, hamburgers and refreshments available. Proceeds will be donated to Muscular Dystrophy Canada. “We’re going to run a Fill the Boot campaign, and hopefully that will raise some pretty good money and funds to donate to this particular organization,” said Feser. Muscular dy strophy has had close ties with fire services for a long time, he said, and fire departments in different locations have different campaigns to support the cause, including boot drives, in which they will stand on a street corner, collecting donations from passing motorists. The department held a boot drive at a previous open house that raised about $850. If the weather co-operates, then a vehicle extraction demonstration is scheduled for around 8 p.m. in the outdoor training area at the east end of the property. Due to staffing constraints this year, the fire department will not be able to get out for the annual door-to-door smoke alarm campaign. But they will be handing out flyers and pamphlets to schools to remind the public about the importance of smoke alarms. Feser believes this year’s theme fits in with previous themes of finding two ways out of any place where people will be, whether at home or visiting somewhere else. “Focusing on two ways,
Estevan’s fire station will be the site of an open house on Oct. 9 as part of Fire Prevention Week. obviously the first one would be the doorway and the other one would be the window. Have a safe meeting place outside of the home, so that way family members can take an accountability roll call, make sure that everybody is there, safely and accounted for.” Once people get outside, they should stay outside. There are a lot of times in which people will try to reenter a home for personal items or pets, and it leads to them suffering from smoke inhalation or burns. “We want to make sure
Amanda Minchin
Estevan 306-634-2522 Oxbow 306-483-2599 Weyburn 306-842-7111
Lincoln Empey
that people understand what to do in the case of a fire,” Feser said. The fire department will also focus on the importance of having working smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms. He pointed out that 10 years is the life expectancy of a smoke alarm or a CO alarm, and people need to make sure their alarms are working and have batteries. “All of the studies show that working smoke alarms at least cut the risk in half of being injured or killed in a home fire. We want to make sure you’re installing smoke
Mallory Cappelle
(306) 634-7529
Nolan LaCoste Dave: 306-461-4322 Pat: 306-861-9986 Nolan: 306-461-4323
Tyler Stead
1037 - 5th St., Estevan, SK (306) 634-5172 •
Travis Mosley
Hwy 361 W, Lampman | (306) 487-1611
Have heating equipment cleaned and inspected every year by a qualified professional.
for the fire department, but Feser believes fire prevention should be a priority every day. “Fire prevention is always a big emphasis on the second weekend of October. It ’s actually the anniversary of the Great Chicago Fire, so that’s primarily how Fire Prevention Week came about. Every year at this time it happens. We believe, and feel quite strongly, that fire prevention should take place every day of every year, so we always to make sure that we’re getting fire safety messages out there at all times.”
2-521 5th St Estevan, SK
Brandon Frank 1217 4th Street, Estevan, SK Toll Free (888) 936-2222 Mon - Fri : 8 am - 5 pm Saturdays : 9 am - 3 pm
alarms in ever y sleeping room, outside each separate sleeping area and on every level of every home, including the basement.” Smoke alarms should also be hard-wired and interconnected, so that if something happens in the basement, it triggers all of the other alarms in the home. Cooking will also be a big point of emphasis this year. Feser reminds people to keep an eye on cooking at all times. Unattended cooking is a leading cause of residential fires. This week is a busy time
Monty Blomberg 306-634-3311 Highway 39E Bienfait, SK S4A 2A6
5 STREET Autobody th
601 - 5th St., Estevan, Sk. 306-634-7101
A14 October 9, 2019
Not every hero wears a cape.
Fire Prevention Week
October 6 - 12, 2019
©2019 NFPA FPW19 Sparky® is a trademark of NFPA®.
Estevan’s new firefighters learning the ropes The six new probationary firefighters, or probies, as they are called, with the Estevan Fire Rescue Service have been doing well with their training. Justin Herod, Stephen McLaren, Amanda Minchin, Tyler Stead, Geoff Thiessen and Michael Wock signed up in the spring recruiting intake and started their program in June. Fire Chief Dale Feser said they have done great and have not only attended the probie training sessions and regular training nights, but they have also been there for public education events and promotional activities, which he believes leads to wellrounded firefighters. “I couldn’t be happier with the new people,” he said. “They’re really, really dedicated, and it’s … hard to come by now, looking for that kind of dedication in individuals.” They are also a wellrounded group from diverse backgrounds that range from oilfield workers to welders, and from the head pro of the TS&M Woodlawn Golf Course in Minchin to a church pastor in Thiessen. “I really, really enjoy working with people in this capacity because we can draw in their skill sets in their other walks of life or their daily jobs,” said Feser. Thiessen’s background allows him to also serve as a
The rookies for the Estevan Fire Rescue Service are, from left, Justin Herod, Stephen McLaren, Michael Wock, Tyler Stead and Amanda Minchin. Missing is Geoff Thiessen. chaplain for the fire department in addition to other emergency services. It’s a service that Feser appreciates. “I personally feel that it’s needed within all organizations, especially dealing with emergency services, just due to the fact that the nature of the calls that we tend to receive, it does get very tax-
ing on the mind and the emotions at times,” he said. The diverse backgrounds allow the rookie firefighters to bring different strengths to the table and develop certain skill sets and exercises that will enhance their proficiency. “The beauty of it all is I don’t have to know everything, because we have it with these
people that are journeymen within their trades,” said Feser. The fire department follows an International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) training module, or a Pro Board model, which is another certifying committee for the professional designation of minimum training standards among
firefighters. “We go through some fairly extensive training, as typically it takes approximately about a year from start to finish before they are eligible to go through all of the job performance requirements successfully to write a written evaluation as well as a practical skills exam to get their
professional designation as a firefighter,” said Feser. The probies will likely take the written test in the fall of 2020. They are about halfway through the certification program. Feser believes the fire department is fortunate to have its members be dedicated enough to commit time to the program. “There’s a lot of training and dedication and time that goes into this. There’s a lot of self-study as well.” Training usually amounts to two three-hour sessions each month, in addition to the self-study time. Throughout the year, they also attend the provincial fire school. Last year it was in Estevan; this year it will be Oct. 18-20 in Swift Current. Once the rookies are finished with their training, it will bring the fire department up to 25 active members. Feser said they had a discussion during a recent officers meeting, as to whether to have a fall intake, and they decided not to, because they want to focus on the training and the skill set of the new firefighters. “We’re probably going to look at the spring of 2020, just for the simple fact that it’s going to be a little onerous on the individuals who are delivering the training as well,” Feser said.
Fire alarms went off in two hotels A number of fire alarms went off in Estevan last week. Estevan Fire and Rescue Service (EFRS) crews were called to a commercial fire alarm in a hotel in the eastcentral area of Estevan on Oct. 1. When crews arrived they
found out that it was cooking related. There wasn’t much smoke, so firefighters naturally ventilated the building, reset the elevators and ensured it was safe for the occupants to return. Another commercial fire
Stephen McLaren
alarm had EFRS members out in the community on Oct. 3. The device went off in another hotel in the northeast area of the city. Firefighters arrived on the scene and realized that there was a crew down at the hotel verifying their fire alarm and sprinkler system for the annual inspection, but they neglected to call in the monitoring agency. “We’d like to remind that anytime there is any work that is going with the fire
alarm power or the sprinkler system to always call in to the monitoring agency so there is not an accidental or premature call out to the fire department working at response,” said Fire Chief Dale Feser. About two hours after that call, another fire alarm went off in a multi-family commercial occupancy in the central area of the city. “Crews did arrive on the scene to find another cooking-related incident there
on the main floor,” said Feser, noting that he was impressed with how tenants handled the emergency situation. “I want to be thankful for all of the tenants within the building that were following the protocol and gathered in the areas that they need to gather in and reported anybody who had not come down to that area so that we had that knowledge and information in hand,” said Feser. Fortunately, firefighters
Lori Carr, MLA Estevan Constituency Office
Jeff Kuchinka
108 Perkins Street Box 550 Estevan, SK 306-636-5050
Peter Fedyk
Mike Olson
Lucas Stubel
John Wells
Nathan Haukeness Box 1518, 101 6th Street Estevan, SK S4A 2L7
Matt Clausen
Tel: (306) 634-8655 Fax: (306) 634-8028
Estevan No. 5, SK I (306) 634-7251
didn’t need to worry about evacuating the building, as there wasn’t enough smoke that remained inside. They used natural ventilation to get rid of the smoke, reset the fire alarm panel and let people return to their apartments. ERFS also received a report of a commercial structure fire on the south side of the city just off of Highway 18 in the evening of Sept. 30. Crews arrived and found out that what looked like the smoke coming from one of the buildings on the property, in reality, was steam. “EFR crews … accessed and found mechanical maintenance men that were on the scene there. They were actually firing up a large commercial boiler for the occupancy, and were … releasing steam from it as part of testing procedures. So we were very thankful to find out there that there was no emergency occurring for that particular occupancy,” said Feser. On Oct. 5 at about 3 p.m., crews were called out to the concession stand at the ball diamonds off Wellock Road to a reported natural gas leak. “After a quick 360 degrees survey of the building it was found that there was actually no natural gas service to the building, however, there was an odd smell,” said Feser. SaskEnergy specialists and firefighters went around the building and once the key holder arrived on the scene, they opened up the building, checked inside and verified that there were no propane or natural gas sources for the building. “When we opened up the washrooms, it was probably one of the worst cases of the sewer gas that we encountered,” said Feser. Even though it wasn’t a fire-related case, Feser was thankful to the cautious 911-caller. The matter was reported to the city’s parks and facilities department, so they could fix the problem. On Oct. 1, crews also spent three hours at the fire station doing their biweekly training.
October 9, 2019 A15
Not every hero wears a cape.
Fire Prevention Week
October 6 - 12, 2019
©2019 NFPA FPW19 Sparky® is a trademark of NFPA®.
Fire department has a wide variety of equipment to help firefighters keep the community safe The Estevan Fire Rescue Service has a fleet of equipment so firefighters can do their jobs safely if they encounter a fire or another emergency situation. The fire department currently has a 2008 Rosenbauer Spartan fire engine that serves as their primary fire truck, a 2012 Rosenbauer Spartan aerial T-Rex truck that is their secondary truck and also their ladder truck, and two other fire trucks, one of which is used as a water tanker and the other is used for traffic collisions and other rescue situations. Also inc luded are a couple of trucks used for wildland firefighting, a water rescue boat, a wildland allterrain vehicle, a hazardous materials response trailer and a mobile command post trailer. “That equipment is designed for specific jobs, so it’s hard to maintain the training skill sets to go along with that particular equipment, so there’s a lot of dedication on behalf of the firefighters
to maintain the skill sets to provide a rescue, or a response for that matter,” said Fire Chief Dale Feser. The water truck, for example, plays a vital role when responding to calls in the rural municipalities, because the fire department won’t have access to fire hydrants. It delivers water to the scene for fire suppression, and is followed up by some of the water trucks as well. The rescue truck, meanwhile, is used for such situations as motor vehicle collisions and vehicle fires. The equipment reflects the situations the fire department could find itself in. “You’re not going to see every fire department with a Zodiac rescue boat. One thing that we do have is a lot of open water all year round, and we do have two large bodies of water with both Boundary and Rafferty Dams being frequented quite often by a lot of fishermen from across North America, for that matter,” said Feser. The fire department has
Wildland firefighting equipment and fire trucks are part of the fleet for the Estevan Fire Rescue Service. Photo by Anastasiia Bykhovskaia to be ready to provide a response should it find itself responding to a capsized boat, or individuals getting into trouble in the water or on the beaches. “When all of these new
hires are going through their professional certification, they touch a little bit on these particular areas, and how to handle them, and even at that particular time they’re restricted to shoreline
support operations until they take the specialized training to allow them into going into a more pro-active and operational skill set, as opposed to a supportive skill set.” The fire department has
three command vehicles. They decided to keep the third vehicle because it has the space to bring manpower and resources when responding to grass fires. It’s also used for travel when the firefighters attend training sessions like the upcoming provincial fall training school in Swift Current. The equipment fleet is in pretty good shape, Feser said. The fire department is trying to develop a manageable fleet replacement program with the city. “Usually for a city of our size, any fire department apparatus for suppression activities has an average lifespan of 20 years before it needs to be replaced, and then we can use it for an additional two to five years for secondary service,” Feser said. All equipment goes through annual inspection testing and maintenance, so they do tests every year to ensure the pump is operating to its designed capabilities to provide adequate water for safe firefighting.
People must be mindful of carbon monoxide The Estevan Fire Rescue Service is urging the public to be cautious with their furnace systems and carbon monoxide warnings as winter approaches. People have been turning on their furnaces for the first time in several months, said Fire Chief Dale Feser, and that can trigger an alarm. They also continue to receive calls related to carbon monoxide (CO). The issue the department is
encountering is people are calling the fire station after hours, when they should be calling 911. “A lot of times we’re not getting the messages until we’re back into the office the following morning,” said Feser. The fire department is more than willing to respond to a CO-related call to ensure that everyone is safe. They will check the air to ensure there
aren’t any issues occurring, so that people can feel comfortable and get a good sleep, understanding they’re in a safe environment. “There are a lot of times where we’ve come into the situation the following morning, and there was a carbon monoxide release. Thank goodness it wasn’t significant enough to cause any exposure issues to the occupants.
“But there has been a big reluctance in calling 911, or a resurgence in reluctance in calling 911. A lot of people don’t want to have the big trucks with all of the sirens and the lights coming.” Feser would rather see people have a sound mind, knowing that a possible emergency has been taken care of, rather than going to bed and suffering from carbon monox-
Dean Nagel
Michael Wock
ide exposure. As for the furnace issue, it led to a call Sept. 30 at the south end of the city in which a furnace was fired up after a prolonged stretch of inactivity, and steam was coming from the boiler room. It led to someone calling the fire department, thinking there was a fire. “It was just part of the regular process of firing up
Victor Frank
306-636-2323 76 Souris Avenue N., Estevan
their boiler system there to heat their manufacturing plant. They were releasing steam there, which did look like there may have been a fire.” That’s what the fire department wants to happen, with people calling 911 if they believe there is an emergency, and crews responding to the location to see if there is an emergency that needs to be taken care of.
1506 4th Street, Estevan (306) 634-8233
402 Kensington Ave. Estevan (306) 634-2681
Nathan Haukeness Geoff Thiessen Prairie Mud Service Head Office: Estevan, SK Tel: 306-634-3411
“Serving Western Canada With 24 Hour Drilling Mud Service”
Archie McIsaac 238 - 3rd Street, Estevan 306-687-7000
Kyle Luc
Jordan Baun
WOOD COUNTRY (306) 634-5111 | 407 Kensington Ave
Dale Feser Fire Chief
120 Lamoro St., Estevan I 306.634.0104
Rick Davies Deputy Chief
Rhonda Gillespie Office Manager
Thank you to the Estevan Firefighters and staff for all you do.
A16 October 9, 2019 City Hall: 1102 4th Street 8 am to 4:30 pm | (306) 634-1800 Leisure Office: 701 Souris Avenue 8 am to 4:30 pm | (306) 634-1880
Message From
The Mayor Have a wonderful Thanksgiving
CAREER Position: BYLAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Hours of Work: Full Time / Monday to Friday Wage: $24 per hour 12 to 18-month term position to fill a pending vacancy Duties and Responsibilities: • Enforce City of Estevan Bylaws • Property Maintenance Inspections • Parking Enforcement • Animal Control • Respond to Bylaw complaints and public inquiries • Issue Bylaw Offence Notices • Maintain a daily report management system Applicant must possess the following requirements: • Pass a Police Security Clearance check • Valid driver’s license • Computer skills • Excellent interpersonal communication skills • Ability to work independently and efficiently with accuracy • Comprehend and work within the justice system Previous experience/education related to Criminal Justice, Policing, Bylaw Enforcement, etc. would be an asset. Training provided. Applications available at the Estevan Police Service. Return completed applications including a current resume to: Chief of Police Estevan Police Service 301-11th Ave. Estevan, Sask. S4A 1C7 Only successful candidates will be contacted.
October 18, 19 & 20, 2019 FREE WEEKEND AT THE LANDFILL SITE
Proof of Residency will be required.
1. Items allowed to be dropped of for “free” include: furniture, grass clippings, tree branches and regular household garbage including appliances (excluding refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners and mattresses/ box springs). 2. All hazardous materials will not be accepted. 3. According to Bylaw 96-1489 11.(2) all loads must be completely covered or secured to prevent littering while in transport to the landfill. 4. No Commercial refuse or rural customer refuse will be accepted for free. 5. No Railway Ties LANDFILL HOURS: Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Weekends 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
People A17
104 - Hwy. 47 South, Estevan, SK 306-634-5588 Bay #1 - Hwy. 13, Carlyle, SK 306-453-2519
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Woodlawn Regional Park wraps up great year
It was another busy spring and summer for the Woodlawn Regional Park, thanks to the number of people who camped at the park and the other activities it offered this year. Maureen Daoust, who is the business manager at the park, said they were really impressed with their numbers. They ended the year with 72 seasonal campers at the Souris River site, and another 84 at the Boundary Dam campground. “Our seasonal campers
were still up,” she told the Mercury. “We had anticipated that maybe with this economic downturn, we would lose some seasonal campers.” Their short-term camping was equivalent to or better than in the past, although she didn’t have the number of short-term people who camped in the park this year. “I know that our park last year was pretty full for short-term stays, and it was definitely at an equivalent (this year). One of our senior gatehouse attendants said she
had a record weekend, I think we had 39 or 41 check-ins on one weekend, and she said that’s probably the most she’s ever had one weekend in the six years she’s been here.” It shows that there is still an interest in recreational camping, whether it be with RVs or tents, in the Estevan area. The park also undertook a renovation on the hall at Rotary Park, and they had a lot of positive feedback. Bookings already look pretty good for next year.
They’re hoping to do some renovations at the Doug Third Hall. It’s been home to the Estevan Gymnastics Club, but now that gymnastics is no longer using it, they look to do some work in the winter and early spring. Daoust hopes it will be in good shape for next year. “I think for all of our user groups, we had a pretty successful season. We’ve been working on some irrigation and some other things over at the Cossette ball field, because we have fastball and
slow-pitch that use that diamond.” They also renamed the Mets Stadium baseball field as Lingelbach Field at Mets Stadium, in honour of Joe Lingelbach’s work at the venue over the past decade. Contouring and other work was completed at the Chow Field football facility this year. “We’re anticipating the use of that in 2020 for Estevan Minor Football as well,” she said. Over at the Boundary Dam site, they did some work at the stage area and near the Beach Eats concession. They are in the process of putting in a regulation-sized threeon-three basketball court at Boundary Dam that can be used to host tournaments and for games. It should nicely compliment the beach volleyball courts already in place. In terms of the staff members, Daoust said they had a really good team with
gate house employees and maintenance people, including summer students and university employees. They also had a few volunteers who were central to their team. “We had a lot of positive feedback, and not much negative comments from campers, short-term or seasonal,” she said. The park’s focus has now shifted to the annual Christmas in the Park festivities. There will be kick-off activities on Dec. 15, which will be the evening in which the lights will be on for the first time. They will remain on until Jan. 7. Christmas in the Park will see various businesses and organizations have decorated displays inside the campground at the Souris River facility. It has proven to be a popular attraction the last two years. Anyone who wants to be part of Christmas in the Park can contact Daoust.
Seniors Suites
Trinity Tower 737 - 2nd Street Estevan, SK Trinity Tower has been proudly serving the community of Estevan for 30 years!
Campers were parked at the Woodlawn Regional Park well into September this year.
City of Estevan PROCLAMATION United Way
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Lynn Trobert (Treasurer), Becca Foord (President), Sheila Guenther (Executive Director), Travis Frank (Past President), Kent Pachal (Finance Director) with Mayor Roy Ludwig.
to Sacred Heart School/École Sacré Coeur on
Thursday, October 24 from 6:30 - 8 p.m.
as we celebrate 60 years of Catholic education! There will be a video to view, displays, Praise Choir performances and a COME AND GO TEA AND COFFEE in the library. You are welcome to tour the school, see the recent changes and reminisce. Please join us as we celebrate our past and look forward to our future!
The United Way Estevan raises funds in Estevan to assist in the development of services to aid the community in growth and prosperity; and
The United Way stands for working together for the good of our communities;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED: I Roy Ludwig, Mayor of the City of Estevan in the Province of Saskatchewan do hereby proclaim the week of October 18- 19, 2019, as Estevan’s United Way Week and urge all citizens of Estevan to recognize and support the goals and objectives of Estevan’s United Way.
Roy Ludwig Mayor
1102 FOURTH STREET ESTEVAN, SASKATCHEWAN S4A 0W7 Phone: (306) 634-1802 Fax: (306) 634-9790
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Thanksgiving Brunch SUNDAY OCTOBER 13TH 10AM - 2 PM and a
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76 Souris Avenue N., Estevan
Classifieds A18
Tree Services
306-421-8000 Estevan, SK Tyler Wyatt- Owner/Operator
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
In MeMorIaM
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Duane Soroko March 29, 1954 October 11, 2018 Think about how much we miss you and start to feel sorry for ourselves but then we think of all the people who never got the chance to meet you and we started to feel sorry for them Miss you Bro! Darby, Doris and family
Corning Community Players dinner theatre tickets for “Unnecessary Farce” A comedy by: Paul Slade Smith on sale October 12 from 11:00a.m. 1:00 p.m. Phone orders are from 1:00-1:30 p.m. by calling 306-224-4363. Tickets for the dinner theater on November 1(pubnite) November 2, evening performance. November 3, @2:00 p.m. (meal and play to follow). November 7,8,9 evening performances. Tickets for the 2,3,7,8&9 performances are $35. November 1 st pubnite tickets are $15/ticket as no meal is included. Limit 10 tickets/person. Coffee and donuts available at ticket sales. Any remaining tickets available after October 12 by calling Sheila @306-224-4334.
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October 9, 2019 A19
Two men arrested for impaired driving Members of the Estevan Police Service arrested an impaired driver Oct. 6. Police arrested and charged a 45-year-old Estevan man for driving while impaired and driving while over .08 after a traffic stop on Cundall Drive. His driver’s licence was suspended indefinitely and his vehicle was impounded for 30 days as a result. He will appear in Estevan
Provincial Court in November to answer to the charges. The previous case took place on Oct. 4, when Estevan police members arrested a 32-year-old man from Frobisher after he failed the roadside standard field sobriety test for drugs. A blood demand was made and samples were taken. He was suspended from driving for three days. The
Obituaries Ross, Nora Caroline 1923 – 2019 It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our dear Mother, Nora Caroline (Hildahl) Ross, late of Regina, SK and formerly of Estevan, SK at the Pasqua Hospital, Regina, SK on Sunday, September 29, 2019 at the age of 95 years. Nora was predeceased by her parents, Edwin and Julia Hildahl; her loving husband Harvey; four brothers; three sisters; Jessie and Ivan Ross and several brothers-in-law and
sisters-in-law. Nora is survived by her son Dale of Calgary, AB and daughter Heather of Regina, SK; sister-in-law Susie Ross and several nieces and nephews. Nora was born and raised in Estevan, SK and attended Snaasen Church, View Hill School and Regina Normal School. Nora enjoyed being a teacher, book keeper for Ross Motor Service, homemaker, gardener, traveler, bowler, dancer and volunteer. Nora was a member of the Estevan Trinity Lutheran Church and choir, as well as a member of the Northwest Chorus in Crosby, N.D. Thank you to Wintergreene Estates in Regina, where Nora resided from 2013-2017 and Parkside Extendicare where she lived from 2017-2019. Sincere thanks to the doctors, nurses and staff of Unit 4A, Pasqua Hospital for their kind and compassionate care of our mother. Thanks for the life of our mother, Nora Caroline Ross In lieu of flowers, those so wishing may make donations in memory of Nora to a charity of your choosing. A Funeral Service was held on Thursday, October 3, 2019 – 2:00 p.m. at the Chapel of Hall Funeral Services, Estevan with Pastor Lori James presiding. Coffee and dainties were provided following the service. Interment took place at Souris Valley Memorial Gardens, Estevan, SK. Deb Heidinger with Hall Funeral Services, Estevan is assisting Nora’s family.
samples will be sent to a police lab for testing and charges for impaired driving are pending. He was released to a responsible person a short time later. In other recent police news, members of the Estevan Police Service arrested one person for an assault on Sept. 30. Police attended to several disturbance calls in apartment buildings in the city that night. Officers spoke with tenants about making loud noises. During one incident, a tenant was arrested for allegedly assaulting their roommate. A 49-year-old woman was lodged in cells and the matter is currently under investigation. As a result of a call to the Report Impaired Drivers line, members conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle in the Wellock Road area. The driver
was checked and found to be sober, but was warned about their driving actions. No further police action was required. Police also received a report of a hit and run accident that occurred in the 1200-block of Sixth Street in the early evening hours. That matter is also under investigation. On Oct. 2, police were also called to a local liquor establishment to a report of two males remaining in a permitted premise after being asked to leave by staff. A 38-year-old Edmonton man was arrested for obstruction and remaining in a licensed premise after being asked to leave. The man was lodged in the detention center to be released on conditions in the morning. Police are investigating a mischief from a downtown
breaching his conditional sentence order. He was arrested and lodged in cells and was remanded for court on Monday. Police were requested to assist with locating an Estevan woman on Oct. 6. She was located by family and friends safe and sound a short time later. Police responded to a parking complaint in south Estevan. A vehicle was parked without any lights or hazard lights in an alley, blocking the roadway. A parking ticket was issued, the owner was located and the vehicle was moved. Police came across a vehicle that had lost a tire while travelling on Kensington Avenue. No injuries occurred to the occupants and no vehicles or property were damaged. A tow truck was called and the vehicle was taken from the scene.
Friday - Saturday - Sunday - Monday 3 - Pc. Drake Sleeper p Sectional
Thank you
Sincere thanks to Pastor Jeff Tank, Rev. Lori James, organist Susan Moser and Hall Funeral Services.
establishment on Oct. 4, where a sign hanging in the business was damaged. Police have the identity of the subject and will continue to investigate. Estevan Police arrested a 24-year-old man for being intoxicated in public on Oct. 5. He was believed to be high on meth at that time and when being taken into custody he resisted officers. After a medical assessment by EMS he was lodged in cells and is facing charges for resisting arrest as a result of his actions. With increased activities around the Estevan Leisure Centre and Affinity Place, police were monitoring the no parking zones and staff parking. A number of parking tickets were issued that night. Police also conducted several conditions checks and one man was found to be
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Barristers & Solicitors
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P. 306-634-3631 • F. (306) 634-6901 •
Stephen J. Orlowski,
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Phone: 306-634-3353
Fax: 306-634-7714 Branch offices at:
ARCOLA REDVERS CARNDUFF Arcola Agencies Bldg. Carlsen Bldg. Carnduff Agencies Bldg. Wednesday A.M. Wednesday P.M. Thursday P.M. Phone: 306-455-2277 Phone: 306-452-3377 Phone: 306-482-4077
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A20 October 9, 2019
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