Bruins lose, look forward to the future
Carter Brown fundraising for new hospital.
Wed., March 18, 2015
Issue 45
Mailing No. 10769
Council approves $5 million loan By Jordan Baker
While the Estevan city council agreed when they approved the 2015 City
of Estevan budget to borrow $5 million to finance capital projects this year, council exhibited some hesitancy when the time came to sign off on the
loan. During Monday evening’s regular sitting of council, the councillors did unanimously approve the loan, but there was
some question that if the City’s financial position had improved since budget deliberations, whether it was necessary to borrow $5 million.
Coun. Greg Hoffort said the City had received unexpected funds realized from some development agreements, which had been budgeted in a previ-
Skynyrd in the house
Lynyrd Skynyrd guitarist Mark Matejka let loose with his guitar at Affinity Place in front of more than 1,800 fans. Photo by Alex Coop. See concert coverage on A5.
ous year, and the tender for work at the airport, which had been estimated at about $5 million, was awarded by council Monday night for more than $300,000 less. “I understand we definitely need to make sure we’re adequately funded for capital,” he said. “I understand we need to proceed with the necessary capital improvements and in no way do I want to impede that. But I do want to make sure that $5 million is the amount. I just wonder, in light of some of the new information, is there any desire to pursue slightly less than the $5 million?” He said once council approves the loan, the City would be locked into a 15-year amortization at an annual interest rate of 3.32 per cent. According to the terms of the loan, an interest only payment of $55,333.33 will be paid in August, and the City is scheduled to begin principle payments next year. “Given our united position on council to continually tackle the debt and move things in that direction, I wonder if some of these things could be looked at,” said Hoffort. “Things have changed a little bit in the environment with some of our developments coming through,” said Coun. Lori Carr. “The real question is, do we actually need the $5 million or is $4 million sufficient?” She said with extra money that has come in, the former may not be necessary, and the City could save on interest by ⇢ A2 Loan
Preliminary trial dates to be set for Mullen Nathan Mullen appeared in Estevan provincial court on Monday to determine when his preliminary trial will take place.
Presiding Judge Lane Weigers said he wanted to ensure that a relief judge would be available for the preliminary trial, and adjourned the proceedings
to March 23 to finalize a trial date. A potential preliminary trial date in late July was considered, but further discussion between
the defence and the Crown was required to agree on a date. Mullen’s eyes didn’t veer far from Judge Lane Weigers, who asked him
if he wanted to appear by closed circuit video next week. He answered yes, and was remanded in custody. Mullen is charged
with second-degree-murder following the death of Leslie Erin Dwyre, who was found dead in her Petterson Drive home April 21, 2014.
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A2 March 18, 2015
Estevan Mercury
The Life Of Pi
In celebration of International Pi Day, students at Estevan Comprehensive School participated in a pie-eating contest. Photos by Alex Coop
Loan supported despite questions about finances ⇠ A1 accepting a smaller loan with a shorter term. “We’re looking at 2015 moving forward,” said Coun. Kevin Smith, who added “2014 is history. We’re not talking about how it has affected our cash flow, we’re talking about what we’re going to borrow $5 million and no where are we discussing
that it is an absolute need for operational cash flow.” City Manager Amber Smale said the funding the City received from the developer didn’t clear out the entire 2014 deficit. “ Yo u ’ r e a s k i n g i f the financial situation changed. We’re still in a deficit,” Smale said. The City manager said after the meeting, the
Correction In the March 11 issue of the Mercury, it was incorrectly stated that Kevin Johnson was one of the organizers of the Estevan Wildlife Federation’s gun show. The correct name is, in fact, Kevin Thompson. The Mercury apologizes for the error.
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City’s capital program in 2015 is close to $8 million, and paying for that program has left the City finding revenue in a number of sources, including property tax increases and taking on more debt. “There was no cushion put into that budget. It’s what we need to deliver that capital program. Everything we have right now is money on paper. Until we see that in real terms, I’m hesitant to have council make decisions about a surplus we don’t have on the books yet,” said Smale. Smale noted making changes to the terms of the loan or renegotiating a different amount is more complicated than a new conversation and a handshake.
“I just want you to understand the impact of (City treasurer Jeff Wa r d ) g o i n g back and entering further negotiations,” said Smale. “You approved this budget based on going after $5 million with no direction to pursue these other options. If we change it now, we are going to have to go back and revisit our overall budget. We are going to have to go back and re-amortize. We are going to have to delay this (airport) tender.” Regarding the airport tender, Smale said if the
Poll Question Last week’s question was: Do you support Bill C-51, the federal government’s proposed anti-terrorism legislation?
This week’s question: Were you offended by the display of the Confederate flag at the Lynyrd Skynyrd concert?
Go online at to vote on this week’s question
Roy Ludwig as the Sask. Party Candidate for Estevan
City didn’t approve the loan, she couldn’t p e r m i t council to award a contract she knew the City didn’t have money for. Mayor Roy Ludwig added, “I’m a little bit surprised because we went over all this in January. Everyone agreed to it. We gave the City treasurer the direction, and now here we are, it would appear, going back on what we agreed.” Ludwig noted, the City’s financial situation isn’t necessarily any rosier than two months ago, saying there were some funds the City thought they would receive from developers at the end of 2014 that didn’t materialize. Ward said at the end of December 2014, the City had $3 million less than what it had planned for, and they were running a $1.575 million deficit. The new funds from developers this year, Ward added, would get the City back into the same position it was in when budget deliberations occurred in January. Despite unanimous support, the approval ap-
Orpheum Theatre Downtown Estevan • 24 Hr Movie Information Line • 306-634-2321
Dear residents of the Estevan constituency,
Wednesday, March 18 & Thursday, March 19
7:15 pm
I am asking for your vote to be your Sask Party candidate.
Friday, March 20 Thursday March 26
As a life long, dedicated member of this community, I want to represent us and continue to make this a better place to live. I was born and raised on a farm and moved into Estevan when I was 22. My wife of 35 years and I raised our 3 children here (they have blessed us with 2 grandchildren), worked at the coal mine for 39 years, was a member of the mine rescue team for 23 years and been an elected member of City Council for 20 consecutive years. I have been a part of many major accomplishments including Affinity Place, the new nursing home, the health committee, the CT Scan committee and more. I also sit on many boards and am the president of the Sask Party Estevan constituency.
7:00 pm
Sunday, March 22 General
1:30 pm
All seats $6.00 for the matinee The Divergent Series
Insurgent in 3D Friday, March 20 Thursday March 26
I ask that you please take the time to make me your candidate. I will work hard to get the constituents everything we deserve.
7:45 pm
Please contact me for a membership so you can be a part of this important vote.
Mon., March 23 & Wed., March 25 in 2D
Deadline to join for new membership is March 19
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Sunday, March 22 in 3D
Please vote March 26 - Beefeater Plaza beginning at 6:30
* Authorized by the committee to elect Roy Ludwig as the Sask. Party candidate
peared to have left a bitter taste in at least one councillor’s mouth. At the foot of the meeting, Carr said she felt bullied into accepting the terms of the loan following a discussion by councillors who expressed an interest in renegotiating and perhaps borrowing less than the previously agreed on amount. “There was discussion from at least half of council that if they had a choice, they’d like to borrow less,” said Carr. “Today we sit here, and we’re trying to have an open discussion about other options, if possible, and we’re basically belittled and being told we have a decision, we’ve made a decision in budget, and that is it.” Carr said councillors were interrupted and unable to finish their comments. Ludwig thought the dissent had more to do with politics than the flow of the meeting. “OK Councillor Carr, I think that’s cheap political points you’re after, but if that’s what you wish, that’s fine,” he said. Ludwig and Carr are both seeking to run for the Sask. Party in the Estevan constituency, and the nomination meeting is to be held on March 26.
2:00 pm
All seats $9.00 for the matinee
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306-634-5515 Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Dr. Daniel Crooks, DMD
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The Lievaart family was singled out as the recipients of the 50th annual Farm Family of the Year. From the left: Nathan Wilhelm, C of C incoming president; Adriaan Lievaart, Rose, Johanna, Henk, Justin, Rylan, Tracey (with Lexey), Jennelle and Jaclyn Lievaart; Lyle Stewart (back) Sask. Agriculture Minister, Doreen Eagles, Estevan MLA; Ed Komarnicki, Souris-Moose Mountain MP and Lori Naka, Affinity CU and Farmers’ Day committee representative.
Lievaarts capture Farm Family crown at 50th anniversary event By Norm Park
The spirit of the Saskatchewan farmer was in full evidence last Thursday evening, with one of the best examples being in the form of the Lievaart family of Outram, selected as the Farm Family of the Year. The Farmer Appreciation Dinner advanced to a grand scale this year to mark the 50th anniversary of the event. About 550 people made their way to the floor of Affinity Place to honour the Lievaarts, listen to motivational speaker/ farmer Chris Koch, 4-H club presenters, Saskatchewan’s Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart and entertainers Brad Johner and the Johner Boys. Newly wedded Hank and Johanna Lievaart left the Netherlands 61 years ago to begin an adventure in Canada’s west. They arrived with a mere $25 and a desire to succeed. The young couple took the train from Halifax to Saskatchewan and got jobs on a hog farm in Yellow Grass and then a seed farm in Outram, saving enough to purchase a half-section of land around there in 1959. The granary they built in 1960 was first remodeled to become their home and it was there they raised two daughters and a son, Adriaan, by selling cream, raising chickens and hogs and growing crops. Expansion came in 1972 with a new farm loca-
tion and another 750 acres. The daughters and sons moved away to seek other professions with Adriaan returning with a wife in 1978 to take up residence in the remodeled granary where they also raised a family of two girls and a boy. Adriaan saw an opportunity to purchase land in 1988, so he grabbed it and eventually sold his business in 1992 to devote all his time to the growing farm and the construction of a home, while his wife Rose did the bookkeeping and operated combines. Their son Justin showed a passion for the profession too. He completed a degree in agriculture in 2005 and returned to the farm with his new wife and an investment in the growing operation while their daughter and husband purchased another farm near Tribune and another daughter completed a BSc degree in radiology. The farm now consists of 9,500 acres, but is still treated by the Lievaarts as their family farm, not a big business. In accepting the award, Adriaan Lievaart paid tribute to his father and mother who were always willing to help others, and he noted how they loved to sail and even brought that passion to the prairies with a large sailboat they would take to Lake Diefenbaker every summer. “I seeded my last crop in 2009,” said Hank, but he
Emily Craig
Ashley Tedford
Abby Brokenshire still maintains an interest in the farm’s progress. Adriaan noted his mother, raised in Rotterdam, Holland, in an arts and musical environment,
managed to adapt, even without knowing the new language they found as a young couple in Saskatchewan, let alone the social fabric.
A positive attitude was handed down to the children and grandchildren, and as a result, the Lievaart clan continues today. As, Adriaan noted, it has taken a combination of work and dreams to make it succeed along with flexibility in crop selections. “We need Saskatchewan-owned farms, or at least Canadian owned farms,” said Adriaan. In accepting the award, he expressed fear that if Saskatchewan-based farmers don’t step up and take command, millions of acres will be sold to foreign businesses. He said there was a need to retain the Saskatchewan spirit on the farm with those embarking on the profession having, “new hopes, new beginnings, all wanting to hit a home run. You are here because you are survivors,” he told the audience. In his brief address to the crowd, Stewart paid tribute to provincial farming pioneers who have brought the world canola as well as new farming practices and technologies over the years. “Saskatchewan was the leading food exporter in Canada last year. Agriculture is so diversified here and it’s a global leader in food security,” Stewart added. “We now need to maintain momentum with valueadded processing and there needs to be public understanding that agriculture is key to the growth of busi-
ness in this province. It’s the economic driver, and we must work together to get the message of modern agriculture out to the public,” Stewart said. During the course of the evening, 4-H speakers representing three regional clubs, took a turn at the podium to deliver their prizewinning speeches. The Benson 4-H Beef Club representative, Ashley Tedford spoke of Saskatchewan’s Dream Team, the Riders, while Browning 4-H Beef Club member Emily Craig delivered words on learning about leadership and living a life of listening and honesty. Abby Brokenshire of the Outram-Madigan 4-H Beef Club spoke about mental health and the stigmas that are attached to the affliction and the discrimination that must be overcome by those who are challenged with it. The evening’s program was steered carefully by emcee Alf Tide, who introduced Nathan Wilhelm, incoming president of the Estevan Chamber of Commerce, co-lead sponsor of the event, who, in turn, introduced the Lievaart family. The evening wrapped up with over an hour and a half of music from Brad Johner and three of his sons, with a friend as well as a reunion between Brad and Ken Johner, who had entertained previous Farmer Appreciation events as the Johner Brothers.
A4 March 18, 2015
Estevan Mercury
Inspirational message delivered to agricultural community By Norm Park
“If you’re worried about how you look, you are cheating yourself out of opportunities,” said Chris Koch, the keynote speaker at the 50th annual Farmer Appreciation dinner. The dinner was held at Affinity Place this year due to an overwhelming increase in demand for tickets. Koch, who was born with stumps for arms and one leg, (about one foot in length), told his audience of about 550, that “growing up was easy for me, because I didn’t know what it was like to have arms and legs.” His shortened stature has not decreased his sense of well being or sense of humour, and, in fact, he states, “I have set the bar quite high for myself.” The personable farm worker who spends a good deal of time travelling and delivering motivational messages, said, “you don’t have to walk on eggshells around me.” The humour was evident throughout his address as he related stories of tricking taxi drivers, or explaining to youngsters on Halloween that his “costume” wasn’t really a trick outfit or the challenge he was presented with for swimming with sharks. As he noted, “what the heck did I have to lose?” As a youngster, Koch said he was outfitted with prosthetic arms and legs, but found them too hefty and clumsy. “You know how you feel at the end of a working day, taking off your work boots and what a relief it is? Well, that’s how I felt when I removed my prosthetic legs.” It’s all about balance, he said. Balance physically as well as in life’s pursuits. In fact, he said with a chuckle, he wondered how “you guys keep your balance with all those arms and legs sticking out.”
Chris Koch, an inspiring message of perseverance. Smaller objects like cellphones are no challenge, as he demonstrated, using his one stubby halfthumb as a gripping tool. “But my selfies are awful,” he joked. Te x t i n g a n d o t h e r phone manipulations are rather easy.
Koch’s speech was interspersed with video clips of his appearance on Oprah Winfrey’s OWN television network as well as bits from documentaries filmed of him as a child and his current work as a farm hand manipulating complex seeding and har-
vesting equipment. Farming is a passion for him, he stated, noting he always takes a time out from his travel schedules to accommodate seeding and harvests. Taking a stroll in a stubble field can be painful though, he explained with another laugh. He hops along on his one short leg and explained, “it’s about a foot in length. The normal stubble field is a foot and a half. You do the math. It can be painful.” Working on farm equipment without appendages, draws a lot of interest, not — Chris Koch only in the farm community, but among the casual observers too and those who
“But if I can, you can do anything too. As long as your spirit is strong.”
your meal idea
don’t know the back story he said, “kind of wonder why they’ve put me back on the lawn mower when obviously it didn’t go very well the first time.” That led to another round of laughter from the appreciative audience. Video clips of Koch snowboarding and surfing were displayed on the overhead screens at Affinity Place, but, he admitted, life vests are used in the water. “I swim like a bowling ball,” he said. “But if I can, you can do anything too. As long as your spirit is strong.” His adventures have taken him to several countries where he has enjoyed mingling with children and adults with photos taken of him riding his long board
with a couple of youngsters piled on top and a few more pushing them along. In England, he said, “people kept trying to give me money,” thinking he was heading out to do some panhandling or some such thing. He kept refusing the proffered donations until one day he decided to go along with it as a social experiment. He ended up with about $400 at the end of the one-day nonbegging adventure. He met the challenge of scaling the CN Tower in under an hour and each of the steps in the Calgary tower in 97 minutes. “I’ve always been around agriculture and my mother and father are my heros, along with Chris Chatterton (the spokesman for the War Amps, now deceased)” he told the Mercury in a brief interview prior to the event. “They never favoured me or coddled me, so I grew up in a very normal fashion. I find it a nice break to get on a tractor and recharge my batteries.” Koch, who worked on a Torquay area farm last fall, will be returning again this year for seeding in April or May. “I’m all ears for any other challenge. I would like skydiving, but I understand I would need a specially built harness.” “Possibilities are endless, enjoy them,” he told his audience. Due to the additional interest and sponsorship for this year’s dinner, Farmer Appreciation Day chairman Alf Tide announced that this year’s event will show a profit, which will be turned into a scholarship for a local student(s) pursuing a postsecondary education in the field of agriculture. He said that decision was made by the committee as they realized that the event that was usually operated on a break-even basis, was going to exceed expectations this time around.
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March 18, 2015 A5
Friday night rock-fest By Alex Coop
On Friday night, those who rocked were saluted. The Energy City was host to Lynyrd Skynyrd’s first stop of their western Canada tour and the 85-minute, 13-song performance nearly blew the lid off Affinity Place, which was packed with more than 1,800 fans. “It’s good to see that our Skynyrd Nation is alive and well up here in Canada,” said lead singer Johnny Van Zant, as he and the rest of the band took the stage, following the Texas-based Whiskey Myers’ opening act. “You guys are awesome,” said Whiskey Myers’ lead singer, Cody Cannon, after a couple songs in, to the delight of the crowd.
Whiskey Myers was playing in Canada for the first time and the crowd met their upbeat southern country/rock sound with open arms. The audience was mixed with young and old, but it was the older crowd who enjoyed some of Skynyrd’s most popular songs in the 1970s who, no doubt, populated the majority. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees kicked things off with Workin’ for MCA, followed by I Ain’t the One and their cover of J.J. Cale’s Call me the Breeze. Simple Man received a monstrous applause, a song, which Van Zant dedicated to members of the Canadian, and American Forces and their families. The pace and excitement didn’t falter once,
Cody Cannon, lead singer for Whiskey Myers, was in Canada for the first time as they opened for Lynyrd Skynyrd on March 10. Photos by Alex Coop and climaxed during the final song of the main set, Sweet Home Alabama. An encore perfor-
mance was met with wild applause as Lynyrd Skynyrd took to the stage once more and played Free Bird.
Lynyrd Skynyrd and Whiskey Myers played in Enoch, Alberta, which is just outside of Edmonton,
on Saturday night. They will play eight shows in nine days in Saskatchewan, Alberta and B.C.
Guitarists Rickey Medlocke and Gary Rossington rock out with some guitar solos. Left, Lynyrd Skynyrd, lead singer Johnny Van Zant was welcomed by over 1,800 fans at Affinity Place.
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Those parents/guardians who intend to register their children at any of the above noted schools, please call the school directly. School telephone numbers can be found on our website at Success and achievement for every student in every school
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Staff SERVING CANADA’S SUNSHINE CAPITAL Publisher Brant Kersey - Office Manager Kim Schoff - Editors Jordan Baker - Norm Park - Advertising Manager Cindy Beaulieu -
Advertising Sales Representatives: Deanna Tarnes Kristen O'Handley Teresa Hrywkiw Candace Wheeler Editorial Staff: Alex Coop Mackenzie Hientz Josh Lewis
Production Staff: Riley Dyck Peggy Volmer Lacey Christensen Kara Matthews Accounting: Kim Schoff Reception: Gayle Worsnop
Volume 112 Issue 45 Contact us: Phone: 634-2654 Fax: 634-3934 68 Souris Ave. N., Estevan By mail: Box 730, Estevan, Sask. S4A 2A6 Website: Twitter: @Estevan_Mercury Facebook:
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Published weekly by Prairie Newspaper Group Limited Partnership, 68 Souris Avenue N., Estevan, Saskatchewan. Postal address: Box 730 Estevan, Saskatchewan, S4A 2A6 The Estevan Mercury is owned and operated by Prairie Newspaper Group Limited Partnership, a subsidiary of Glacier Media Inc. Advertising rates are available upon request and are subject to change without notice. Conditions of editorial and advertising content: The Estevan Mercury attempts to be accurate in Editorial and Advertising content; however, no guarantee is given or implied. The Estevan Mercury reserves the right to revise or reject any or all editorial and advertising content as the newspaper’s principals see fit. The Estevan Mercury will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an advertisement, and is not responsible for errors in advertisements except for the space occupied by such errors. The Estevan Mercury will not be responsible for manuscripts, photographs, negatives and other related material that may be submitted for possible publication. All of the Estevan Mercury’s content is protected by Canadian Copyright laws. Reviews and similar mention of material in this newspaper is granted on the provision that The Estevan Mercury receives credit. Otherwise, any reproduction without the permission of the publisher is prohibited. Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. Rights to any advertisement produced by The Estevan Mercury, including artwork, typography, photos, etc., remain the property of this newspaper. Advertisements or parts thereof may not be reproduced or assigned without the consent of the publisher. We acknowledge financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canadian Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
Good thing we have the farms Estevan and area’s salute to farmers has again fixed the spotlight on Saskatchewan’s major industry. Please note, we did not state it was one of Saskatchewan’s major industries, but rather, THE major industry. No matter how we cut it, agriculture is the heart of what we do here. There is a reason why it was labelled the wheat province over 100 years ago. Naturally it’s much more than wheat now. Saskatchewan’s Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart, hit the right button last Thursday evening in Estevan during the Farmer Appreciation event, as he reiterated a few facts. Saskatchewan brought canola to the farming community a few decades ago. That is just one of those facts that seems to have been forgotten at times. Saskatchewan producers aren’t afraid to try new crops, new ideas or new equipment. In fact, they invent half of them in barns, tool sheds and quonsets across the province. Farms and ranches are located pretty well everywhere except for the far north and even those communities resort to the land and water for harvests of a different kind.
Prairie Perspective MURRAY MANDRYK Murray Mandryk is a political columnist with the Leader Post
More doctors isn’t the whole story Perhaps you live in one of the Saskatchewan communities fortunate enough to have recently received one of 20 new doctors who came to our province. If you do, you’re likely to know about it already. News like that travels fast in smaller communities … although perhaps not quite as fast as it does through government communications, which was rather intent last week on ensuring that everyone in the province knew about the new doctors. And while many might not see much wrong with the Saskatchewan Party government doing this, it does speak to a problem of priorities. Much to the amusement of newsrooms across the province last week, they were greeted Monday morning with a barrage of news releases on the doctors’ hiring.
In other words, we rely on our biggest renewable resource, our fertile land, to back up all our other economic ventures whether it be, mining for coal, potash, gold, diamonds or uranium, or, drilling for oil and natural gas. It’s all backed by our farmers who have moved from straight-ahead production of wheat, oats, barley and canola on to peas, pulses, lentils, soybeans, corn, mustards, flax, canary seed and experimental varieties of all the above. Cotton anyone? Saskatchewan is blessed to have a diversity in resources at its disposal, but when the others take a downturn, agricultural production is always there to bolster the economy. Granted, there are years when harvests are not too bountiful so the malaise is transferred to other sectors, but there is always something, always products of some type and quality to get to buyers, whether it be drought resistant produce, cattle or milk, our farmers keep the provincial economy steady at the worst of times, and moving forward during the best of times. As Stewart pointed out, there is a growing need to continue diversifying into value-added businesses on the agricultural side. The days of pasta plants getting the
heave-ho thanks to Canadian Wheat Board restrictions, are gone. New problems have emerged due to the disappearance of the CWB, but that was one negative element that was removed. Building economic and manufacturing models around this agricultural richness should come naturally to our forwardthinking farmers and businesses. If Saskatchewan is going to continue to be a leader in global food security, it needs to take ownership of the entire spectrum and maintain the momentum as Stewart suggested. The other point raised by the minister, is the fact that our growing communities needed to be reminded that agriculture is still the main economic driver. We have a tendency to forget that when oil hits $120 per barrel and potash exceeds $500 per tonne. But when those commodities inevitably slump, who do we call on? Yep, good old reliable farmers. It will ever be thus, and it should ever be thus, because that’s how Saskatchewan rolls. Farming may not be sexy, but it is a reliable, renewable resource. Steady is sometimes much better than sexy.
It all started innocuously enough with one government news release proudly announcing that 20 new doctors would be practising in Saskatchewan. That first news release explained that the hirings were a result of the new Saskatchewan International Physician Practice Assessment (SIPPA) program, which has been rather effective in sorting through the ample red tape in the world of medical accreditation that sometimes makes it difficult for foreign doctors to practice here. Again, there is nothing wrong with making the public aware of this program or its successes. The spoils of power mean that you get to use the resources of the taxpayers to toot your own horn a little. The problem, however, is that when you toot your own horn to excess, it isn’t just loud and obnoxious. Sometimes, it truly is an abuse of power. And at the very least, 10 separate news releases basically saying the same thing is excessive. Yes, you read that correctly. The government issued 10 news releases, all of them heralding the arrival of the doctors in every single health region in the province that received at least one doctor. Of course, new doctors in Arcola, Lloydminster, Swift Current, Porcupine Plain, Leader, Kamsack, Fort Qu’Appelle and Estevan are good news. But there happens to be a lot of doctors in this province. And doctors tend to come and go. For the provincial government to spend this much effort announcing the arrival of a handful is more than a little suspicious.
In fact, it’s quite suspicious, given all this came a week after the legislature saw about 70 protestors from Craik offering serious concerns their doctor is being forced out of town by the Five Hills Health Region. The Craik protestors being joined by others as far away as Coronach and as close as Central Butte suggests that perhaps the government isn’t quite telling the whole story when it comes to its success in finding rural doctors. Moreover, the government has been under fire for a lot of other health issues. First, there has been the money and resources spent on “lean” training that has included sending regional and provincial health officials to the U.S. to tour an airbag factory in Utah. And then there is the problem of seniors’ care that the government would have us believe is confined to a few nursing homes in the cities. Well, according to the Provincial Ombudsman Mary McFadyen, the complaints she is getting after being assigned to look into the matter are “widespread” across the province. Finally, the Sask. Party government has most recently found itself under siege over the cost of ambulance fees that are much higher than other provinces and certainly much higher for rural people forced to pay more for mileage and for inter-hospital transfers. Rural and Remote Health Minister Greg Ottenbreit’s explanation that there have been other priorities is not good enough. Delivering good health care to rural Saskatchewan requires more than tooting your own horn over the hiring of a few doctors.
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Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Droopy diapers So, let’s get into this great pollution debate on the right level. Everyone is harping on the fact that Saskatchewan is still emitting too much carbon dioxide compared with our population. In fact, there was just another supposed research paper released yesterday that admonishes us for not having tens of thousands of wind turbines and hundreds of thousands of solar panels installed instead of our three coal mines. Apparently, we don’t have to worry our pretty little heads about electrical base loads because experts have determined that if the sun doesn’t shine, at least the wind will blow and therefore if we got these hundreds of thousands of panels and turbines to function either in unison or separately, the universe would unfold as it should. I still find it rather odd the “save the world” advocates aren’t focusing on biomass and geothermal as better sources of renewable power, but maybe, they have vested interests in the wind turbine blades or solar panel businesses. At least with coal mining, we know we have an interest in the process and we have an interest in making it cleaner and there is proof we can. So then I hear that we must divert our attention from panels and wind turbines and attack a much bigger problem than manufacturing cleaner electrical energy. The baddest things on our planet this week dear diary, are dirty diapers. Dirty disposable diapers, to be more explicit. You wanna talk about toxic emissions! Those who have dealt with dirty disposables (either the baby or adult variety), will probably agree, we have a bigger toxic topic to deal with in North America than oil spills. From start to finish, the diaper scare is bigger than CO2 scares. What does it cost to build a disposable diaper? What materials and raw products are needed to manufacture a diaper? Forget about what is put into it later … I’m talking about making a fresh pack of whatever brand name disposable diaper you care to claim. How long does it take for a disposable diaper (and its contents) to be made environmentally friendly? Is it days or months? What is the cost to our landfills? The report I was listening to suggested that disposable diapers are on the top of the list in the landfill no-go maintenance file. What are the costs? If we didn’t use disposables, what would the cost be for water and soap and time to recycle natural cloth diapers, like great-grandma used to do, because great-grandma didn’t have a choice. Where are our Lean senseis? They’ll be able to tell us the quotients and ratios connected to diaper washing versus diaper disposals and cost savings in labour versus cost to the environment in easy, understandable terms. The cattle industry has done their homework on cow and steer poop emissions, so the bright lights must be able to come up with the answer to baby greetings. The cattle guys and girls arrived at the conclusion that the cycle of life pretty well balances out if left alone. Cows don’t require diapers. So why is there no crying out for nothing but cloth diapers from the environmentalists? Maybe it’s because some of them have babies? You wanna talk about clean coal? I have to talk about clean diapers, they’re the bigger problem.
Elks Donate The committee that is moving the construction of a new regional nursing home into reality received nearly $1,000 in additional revenue this week when the Estevan Elks past exalted rulers group decided to donate the past-ruler’s funds to the committee. Ben Anderson (left) and Joe Kuntz, both past exalted rulers, made the donation to Don Kindopp, chairman of the new nursing home committee.
Norm Park
All Things Considered
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Writer concerned by comments The Editor, Why should we Canadians be concerned about what the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu said to Americans and the Republican Congress, in a speech he delivered on March 3 of this year? Not long ago our prime minister, Stephen Harper, speaking at the Israeli parliament, the [Knesset,] in the presence of Netanyahu, Harper publicly assured Israel, “through fire and water we will stand with you.” Netanyahu thanked the U.S. for their financial help. He also came to Washington to advise the Obama government and NATO that it should not sign any agreement with
Iran that would allow that country to develop nuclear power for any purpose. Netanyahu noted Iran will always be an enemy of America, because it [Iran] is “intransigently evil.” He stated that once Iran had access to nuclear power, it would soon be armed with ballistic missiles and nuclear bombs that Iran could send to the farthest parts of the world. This, he said, would ensure a “farewell to arms control.” Ten countries have a stockpile of about 30,000 nuclear weapons, including Israel. Although Israel has never denied or admitted having possession of nuclear weapons, it is universally believed it has
100 to 200 nuclear bombs. Like Canada, Iran has previously been involved in wars. But the last time that Iran actually invaded a country, it was Kurdistan, and took place in 1946. Netanyahu told members of the U.S. Congress that Iran was a “dark and murderous regime.” It would appear that the word murderous could more aptly be applied to Netanyahu’s Israel than to Iran. Lest we forget, on July 8, 2014, Israel’s powerful military forces invaded Gaza. The UN reported the killing of about 2,000 Palestinians, of these 1,400 were civilians, including women and children. A hospital, homes and schools,
[one was a UN designated school], were bombed or destroyed. A ceasefire proposal was agreed upon on Aug. 26. When Canada’s prime minister was asked to comment on the Israeli attack on Gaza, his solemn reply was, “It was a measured response.” Meanwhile, as it has for more than 50 years, Israel keeps on building Israeli settlements on Palestinian land. Palestinians, including teenage boys who object too forcibly, will spend time in Israeli prisons in northern Israel. Leo Kurtenbach Saskatoon
Green Party wants answers Editor, The Saskatchewan Green Party demands real change by asking why the Wall Government has delayed tabling the new Surface Rights and Acquisition Act for a second time. The new Bill was supposed to be tabled in the Saskatchewan Legislature on Monday, but the document was mysteriously withdrawn instead.
It is odd that Economy Minister Bill Boyd said that energy companies are nervous about a new Surface Rights Act. This is the second time that this legislation has been pulled from the public since last fall, and without an adequate explanation. Landowners across the province have been patiently waiting for this new legislation for a long time, and they shouldn’t be
forced to wait for the new Bill any longer. We hope energy companies aren’t forcing the government to keep pulling the new legislation, based on Boyd’s comments. The Saskatchewan Green Party is pushing for real change in Surface Rights legislation. The party’s Surface Rights platform for the next provincial legislation would give landowners com-
prehensive rights in their struggle to obtain justice from energy companies, including the abolition of the Arbitration Board. Full details of the Sask Green’s Surface Rights platform can be found at Victor Lau, Leader of the Saskatchewan Greens
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Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Regional college scholarships awarded on Estevan campus Nine students from the Estevan campus of the Southeast Regional College collected nearly $7,000 in scholarships on March 12 during a brief ceremony held in the campus conference centre in the Saskatchewan Energy Training Institute building. Jeff Richards, vice-president of strategic development noted that about $60,000 in scholarship funds were being distributed throughout the region. They are made possible through donations from community organizations and businesses, and some are matched by the Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunity Scholarship (SIOS) program from the Ministry of Advanced Education. A total of $2,850 was contributed to the Estevan campus recipients through SIOS. Representatives from a number of businesses and organizations were on hand to make the presentations to the qualifying students who applied online and were then adjudicated by the scholarship selection committee headed by Becky Wock. Dion McGrath, president and CEO was also present to congratulate the award winners and to join them and others for a social and refreshments after. The scholarship values ranged between $200 and $1,000
Students at the Estevan campus of the Southeast Regional College picked up nearly $7,000 in scholarship and bursary assistance during a presentation ceremony on campus on March 12. The recipients are: Back row, from the left: Sabrina Thibodeau-Bolton, Brandi Kalynuk, Kayla Doerr, Kristopher Fortner and Pritpal Hans. Front: Chona Rosario, Lisa McGillis and Jaspreet Kaur. Missing from the photo is Dylan Tourand. each. Lisa McGillis accepted the Southeast College Management and Employee Bursary as a student in the adult basic education course while Chona Rosario, a student in the continuing care program picked up a couple of scholarships, the Quota Interna-
tional Opportunity Scholarship (Estevan chapter) and the Boyle Belganer Saskatchewan Opportunity Scholarship. Another double winner on the scholarship front was Kristopher Fortner, who is enrolled in the power engineering course. He received the Enbridge Pipelines
Inc. Saskatchewan Opportunity Scholarship and the Southeast College Post-Secondary Opportunity Scholarship. Other scholarship recipients included Kayla Doerr, who accepted the Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Opportunity Scholarship as a power engineering student
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and Pritpal Hans, another power engineering student who received an Enbridge bursary as did Jaspreet Kaur, who is another power engineering student attending the Estevan campus. Sabrina Thibodeau-Bolton, who is enrolled in the adult basic education program picked up the Governor’s Bursary and Brandi Kalynuk, a continuing care assistant in training received the second Boyle Belanger Opportunity Scholarship. Dylan Tourand, who was enrolled in the electrician’s program was awarded the Southeast College’s Post-Secondary Opportunity Scholarship but he was unable to attend the ceremony due to work commitments. “The scholarships and bursaries we give out today would not be possible without our generous donors,” said Dave Harazny, manager of college advancement, who was also in attendance. “With their help, the students will be able to complete their programs without some of the financial strain that can accompany post-secondary education.” The program is also supported through an annual golf tournament staged at Mainprize Park. Other scholarships are awarded in similar ceremonies held at campuses in Moosomin, Whitewood, Assiniboia and Weyburn.
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March 18, 2015 A9
Estevan is the Music City in March The Estevan and District Music Festival kicked off last week as youngsters from around southeast Saskatchewan but a year of hard work to the test. Hundreds of music students began performing for adjudicators, with performances being help in numerous schools and community spaces across the city. From solo acts to large groups of storytellers from the elementary schools, the festival was heard in nearly every corner of town. The performances will continue throughout March and will culminate in the festival’s annual Hi-Lites and Award Show at Estevan Comprehensive School on March 31. Select performances will provide the evening’s entertainment and special acknowledgement of some of 2015’s best showings will round out the event.
The Estevan and District Music Festival began on March 12 with students and elementary classes performing in the speech arts competition. The festival will continue until the awards night on March 31. Photos by Jordan Baker
A10 March 18, 2015
March 18, 2015 A11
Lobstick Travel & Tours
New beginnings and a heavyhearted ending Southeast Saskatchewan night on March 26. “It’s an important night, of course, for the Sask Party,” said Patrick Bundrock, executive director of the
Sask Party, noting the excitement in the air that consumes nomination nights, which will take place at the Day’s Inn. “Anytime you choose a candidate, there’s always excitement,” he said. The new candidate will either be Estevan’s mayor Roy Ludwig or Lori Carr, an Estevan native and city councilor in her third term. That excitement, however, will be bittersweet, as it will officially mark the beginning of the current Estevan MLA Doreen Eagles’ retirement. Eagles will say her final words, as a member of the Sask Party, when nomination night comes to an end, which Bundrock described as a “very sad” scenario. In an interview with the
“I have a farm, so I’m just going to stay out on the farm and do some things I haven’t been able to do for a very long time, like gardening.” — Doreen Eagles
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Mercury prior to the start of the spring sitting at parliament, Eagles said she was excited for her final spring sitting, noting how it always feels “a little bit like the start of school.” She said she plans on staying close to home and spending time with her family once she officially steps down as Estevan’s MLA. “I have a farm, so I’m just going to stay out on the farm and do some things I haven’t been able to do for a very long time, like gardening,” she said. Eagles was first elected to represent the Estevan riding in the 1999 provincial general election. She was re-elected in 2003, 2007, and 2011. During her terms in opposition, she served as caucus Whip. Eagles said one of her most memorable moments as an MLA was the launch of STARS (Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society) in southern Saskatchewan. “I really believed we needed it,” she said. When it came to the local constituency, Eagles had a hard time selecting one stand out moment, but said the announcement of the CT scanner is something she will remember forever. “I lobbied for it tire-
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Doreen Eagles lessly,” she said. “It’s about people’s lives, so it gives it another meaning.” Even with all the excitement that surrounds the position of an MLA, Eagles said she is very much looking forward to the extra personal time, adding it was sometimes difficult to make plans with family while in office. “You never know when you’re going to be home next,” she said. Despite the decline in oil prices and the tight provincial budget, which was released today, Eagles said she will push the need for a
new nursing home in Estevan as long she can. The Hearthstone committee reached its $8 million goal in December 2014 for a new nursing. The nomination night in Estevan will start at 7:30 p.m. and is an open meeting. Any current standing member of the Sask Party who has bought a membership seven days prior to the meeting can vote online, at the Sask Party office or through the local association, according to Bundrock. “We’re expecting a big turnout,” Bundrock said.
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The melt is on in the southeast where spring has apparently sprung. With warm weather throughout last week, the annual spring runoff is well underway across this corner of the province. For much of Saskatchewan, including the Estevan area, spring runoff is expected by the Water Security Agency to be normal. Though snow disappeared around Estevan, the runoff season can’t be said to be over, and Monday’s dusting is proof of that. Patrick Boyle, WSA spokesperson, said the WSA’s forecasts operate based on current observed data and the assumption of normal conditions in the months to come. “We don’t really know what the weather is going to be. For us with this forecast, we’re looking at a near normal situation throughout the Estevan region, but there is also a central part of the grain belt coming down to just above Estevan that has been put into the above While Estevan and the immediate surrounding areas are expecting a typical amount normal category,” said of spring water runoff from this winter’s snowpack, some areas to the northeast that experienced flooding last summer may be expecting another spring with higher Boyle. That upgrade was the than normal water levels. result of above normal snowfall for the month of February. around Estevan was completely gone. Still, upstream “That, combined with some pointed snow surveys of the Souris River, there continues to be a steady melt. in that region and found the snow water equivalent “We’re starting to see some of the melt underway. (SWE) was higher, so there’s more water in the snow What we’re looking for now is plus five and then freezing there,” said Boyle, noting that’s what pushed the runoff at night,” said Boyle. Cooler nights that dip back below forecast to an expected higher than normal. SWE is the freezing make for an ideal and more controlled melt. depth of water that if left from the melting of seasonal “That would certainly benefit a lot of this to get that snowpack. slow, gradual melt.” Terminal lakes and wetlands that have no natural Boyle cautioned that all of this forecasting is subject outlet to drain will continue to remain high for the fore- to future conditions in roughly the next six weeks. Despite seeable future and with a normal spring runoff could recent fair weather, the southeast isn’t guaranteed to be see some flooding issues. Many of these areas remain at without snow in the coming weeks. higher than normal levels following several years of high “We’re cautiously moving ahead here. Things are runoff with little to no net evaporation. fairly positive right now,” he said. Surveys on Feb. 17 and 26 found there is an above Boyle added that spring runoff isn’t the only indicanormal water equivalent in the snowpack throughout the tor of water issues. Last year, the runoff went smoothly province’s central grain belt. until a summer rainstorm pelted already saturated ground Over the course of the winter months the Estevan northeast of Estevan and caused some flooding around area has received a typical level of snowfall. Much of the Gainsborouh and Moosomin. That flooding left those area has seen precipitation, which has been monitored areas saturated once again. by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, between Nov. 1, “Going into the fall, we were fairly saturated from 2014 and March 2 that is about 85 to 115 per cent of the that event. It was a very significant rainfall event,” he average precipitation. said. According to Environment Canada, the snowpack “Those normal creeks and streams that would run north and west of Estevan has been observed with a near dry, they were still running into freeze up. Normally, normal snow-water equivalent. It’s the snowpack east they would be dry going into freeze up … so some of that of the city that has been found to have an above normal water could still be around. You look at some of the basins SWE. The readings show this snowpack has between 120 where there aren’t many natural outlets for drainage then to 160 per cent of what is considered normal. you’ll have some of that Around Estevan, as of March 2, snow on the ground water there, certainly,” said had about 23 mm of SWE equivalent, while to the east, the Boyle. snowpack included 57 mm, 41 mm and 52 mm of SWE at For any real trouble, various points between Estevan and the Manitoba border. he said, the snowpack in The Estevan area saw a lot of precipitation in Feb- the southeast would have ruary. Between Feb. 1 and March 2, much of the area to increase significantly, north and west saw anywhere from 150 to 200 per cent of and that’s not something the normal precipitation, while east of the city saw between WSA is expecting. 115 and 150 per cent of normal. But by the middle of March, snow accumulation
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relieved of snow
Nomination night to be a mixed bag of emotions A new MLA will replace the one that has represented the Estevan riding for more than a decade, during the Sask Party’s nomination
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1742 McCormick Cres., Estevan
MLS #520721
MLS #524051
MLS #521130
MLS #520165
706 14th Ave., Estevan
$399,000 MLS #526703 ®
$399,500 ®
$429,900 ®
115 47 Highway S, Estevan
$485,000 MLS #520563 ®
1546 Dieppe Cres., Estevan
$489,900 MLS®#523829
$709,900 MLS®#524940
$719,900 ®
$829,432 ®
Dream Realty
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306-421-3883 Wednesday, Mar. 18, 2015
Linda Mack
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Farmers’ market opening earlier this spring The Estevan Farmers’ Market will open a little earlier than usual this spring. That was one decision made by the marketers who gathered for their annual general meeting last week which helped set the stage for another busy outdoor season. “We will continue to set up in the Estevan Shoppers Mall parking lot (east side), on Saturdays” said market manager Pat Thompson.
“But there is a new wrinkle this year. The first three markets will be held indoors in the mall, beginning on April 25, which is earlier than usual,” she said. The markets on May 2 and May 9 will also be conducted inside in the mall’s main concourse. “The market then moves outside on May 16,” said Thompson. To accommodate the mall’s general hours of business, the Farmers’ Market will begin at 10 a.m. for
these three indoor events. It will close at 2 p.m. When the market moves outside, the vendors will return to their usual 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. schedule. Thompson said the marketers have renewed a three-year contract with the mall management that will allow them to continue to set up shop on the east side of the mall’s parking lot each Saturday beginning May 16. That contract now extends to include the next three years of indoor
February Contract
Crude oil Closing price as of Monday, March 16, 2015
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90 US dollarS
sales at the mall during the Christmas season as well. This past year the vendors were invited to use the mall for their indoor Christmas market since their usual market space at Exhibition Hall was not available. The experiment went over well with mall management, mall retailers and market vendors, so the decision was made to continue. Thompson said that contract will expire in 2018 and the market locations for both seasons will be
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season. It was generally agreed that trade shows are quite popular and many of our vendors are already geared up for those kind of things, so opening one Saturday earlier, didn’t pose any problem,” said Thompson. A few weeks earlier it was noted that the market had enjoyed a recordsetting financial year for the third consecutive term, thanks largely to a hefty increase in Christmas season sales.
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13D207 15C043 13D208 15C044 13D243 15C046 13E002 15C050 13E001 15C045
revisited at that time. Thompson was selected as the market manager again, which will be her third year in that position. Lynda Dunbar stepped down as president of the vendor’s group and Mary Antonenko was elected to fill that position. The executive also welcomed Bonnie Ries as a new member to the board of directors. “We had a good discussion regarding vendor commitment as well as the earlier start to the spring
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The marketers have renewed a three-year contract with the mall management that will allow them to continue to set up shop on the east side of the mall’s parking lot each Saturday beginning May 16.
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CPEC Glen Ewen N Hz..................................................................................................... 2A3-3-3B10-34-3-1 Fire Sky Willmar Hz.............................................................................................................1B4-5-4B12-32-5-2 CPEC Viewfield Hz .........................................................................................................3C5-28-2D8-28-7-10 Spartan Queensdale E Hz ....................................................................................................8A8-1-1B3-3-6-34 Red Beds Gainsborough Hz ....................................................................................... 4A16-14-3A14-13-2-30 Spartan Pinto ..................................................................................................................3D15-20-4B15-17-2-5 Kingland Auburnton Hz .....................................................................................................4D16-1-2C15-1-6-2 CPEC Viewfield Hz .........................................................................................................4C14-21-4B14-28-8-5 Petrex et al Queensdale W Hz ........................................................................................3D8-27-2B11-27-6-2 CPEC Freestone Hz............................................................................................................... 3D2-5-1C3-4-9-7
15C051 15C048 12K076 15C047 12E169 15C053
CPEC N Handsworth 2Hz .................................................................................................... 4C4-1-2D1-1-11-8 CPEC Viewfield Hz .................................................................................................................6A4-9-1B4-8-9-9 Advance #4 ............................................. CPEC Viewfield Hz ...........................................6C12-2-4C12-3-8-9 NAL Hummingbird Hz .......................................................................................................1C3-29-1B3-20-2-18 DZ #1 ......................................................V40C Tableland Hz .........................................1A1-14-4D16-2-1-11 Spartan Queensdale E Hz ..............................................................................................12D8-16-3A15-13-6-1
13B039 15A219 12L261 14L303 13B239 15A173 12B395 15B130 12K341 15B116 11K442 15B080 12K234 14K227 11B210 15B132 15B098 15B097 15B011 15B027 15A195 15B113
RROI Ryerson Hz ............................................................................................................ 4B1-24-2D1-13-7-30 Panther #4 ............................................ Spartan Ceylon 2Hz.............................................. 1A12-2-3B3-2-7-20 Shooting Star Fairlight ......................................................................................................................1-20-11-30 Alliance #3 ..............................................CPEC Torquay Hz ............................................. 1D16-22-2B7-2-3-12 Questerre et al Ryerson Hz .............................................................................................. 3B4-32-3A4-31-8-30 Canelson #27 ......................................... CPEC Oungre Hz.................................................. 2A3-7-1B3-6-1-12 VOC Redvers .......................................................................................................................................6-8-7-31 Betts #2 .............................................. Spartan Alida North Hz ......................................... 5B2-14-4B6-11-6-34 PBEN Moosomin ............................................................................................................................13-31-13-31 Ensign #645............................................. Steel Reef Pinto .................................................................... 1-9-1-4 Epping et al Bellegarde SWD ............................................................................................................3-15-6-31 Vortex #1 ............................................... CPEC Viewfield Hz ............................................ 2A4-28-4B13-28-8-5 Highrock Lightning ..............................................................................................................................3-8-8-32 Ensign #625........................................... CPEC Viewfield Hz ..............................................2C4-29-1D1-29-7-7 Mosaic K2 Esterhazy 6 WSW .......................................................................................................12-26-19-32 Canelson #25 ........................................ CPEC Viewfield Hz ..........................................2C15-15-1C13-16-6-8 Red Dog #4 ........................................... CPEC Viewfield Hz .............................................. 4B4-11-4B4-10-8-8 Crusader #2 ........................................... CPEC Viewfield Hz .............................................. 7B5-11-1B5-10-8-8 Precision #380 ....................................... CPEC Viewfield Hz ..........................................5D13-13-2C14-24-8-8 Precision #120 ....................................... CPEC Viewfield Hz ..............................................3C5-32-3D8-32-8-8 Alliance #5 ............................................. CPEC Viewfield Hz .............................................. 1D16-33-1B4-4-9-8 Canelson #26 ........................................ CPEC Viewfield Hz .............................................. 3A4-29-4B4-20-9-8
THE THE ESTEVAN ESTEVAN MERCURY MERCURY DRILLING DRILLING REPORT REPORT 15A240Mosaic Esterhazy 2 EH Karma #1 ............................................ Aldon Macoun Re Swd ........................................................... 1-34-4-9 10E269 .................................................................................................................12-22-19-33 10G299 CPEC Wawota ................................................................................................................................8-13-12-33 12D331 Mosaic K1 Esterhazy 1 WSW ....................................................................................................... 15-13-20-33 13B037 15B038 KRC Cantal South DD CPEC Viewfield Hz..................................................................................................4D16-18-2D16-18-5-33 .........................................................................................................2B13-25-3D9-25-7-10 12J237 15B043 Phase et al Manor .............................................................................................................................10-11-8-1 CPEC Maryfield Hz .......................................................................................................2A1-15-3D16-11-11-30 11J193 ................................................................................................................16-9-4-2 14J499 Triwest Alameda East SWD CPEC Torquay Hz...............................................................................................................4B14-7-4B3-6-2-11 11H433 Kinwest 08 Alameda .........................................................................................................................11-28-3-3 15B061 Spectrum et al Openshaw Hz .............................................................................................1B2-26-4B2-23-2-3 13C125 CPEC Viewfield Hz ..................................................................................................... 7D15-29-3D15-32-10-6 15C003 CPEC Oungre Hz ..............................................................................................................7C15-6-1C15-7-1-13 12G154 Silver Spur Viewfield Hz ...................................................................................................... 4C13-3-4B4-3-7-7 14H030 CPEC Oungre Hz ................................................................................................................3D13-5-4B4-5-1-13 13B299 CPEC Viewfield Hz ....................................................................................................... 3D16-23-2D16-26-9-8 15A207 CPEC Viewfield Hz ...........................................................................................................3B12-20-4A9-20-7-7 13B127 CPEC Veiwfield Hz ............................................................................................................1D1-24-2D1-19-8-8 14B024 CPEC Viewfield RROI Ryerson Hz .............................................................................................................2D3-26-3A3-23-7-30 12E307 .................................................................................................................3C4-12-3D1-12-9-9 14L147CPEC Viewfield Steppe Tableland ..................................................................................................................3D4-9-4B4-4-2-10 13C062 ..............................................................................................................2C12-19-1C16-24-8-9 11K043CPEC Viewfield WSW PBEN Pangman DD ......................................................................................................4B16-15-2D15-15-7-20 12C096 .........................................................................................................................9-10-8-9 15A190 CVE Weyburn .................................................................................................................................15-26-6-12 LTS Viewfield Hz .................................................................................................................6B2-2-4B2-35-8-10 12J173 12K341CPEC Hoffer Hz .................................................................................................................3A4-14-4B4-2-1-13 CPEC Moosomin............................................................................................................................ 13-31-13-31 13A034 12J237CVE Weyburn ..................................................................................................................................8-18-6-13 Phase et al Manor .............................................................................................................................. 10-11-8-1 13A116 15A028 CVE Weyburn ...............................................................................................................................12-30T-6-13 Spectrum et al Openshaw Hz .............................................................................................1B4-31-4B4-30-2-2 12J008 11J193Arc Tribune Triwest Alameda East SWD ................................................................................................................. 16-9-4-2 10B263 ......................................................................................................................................15-32-3-14 12J173Rio Tinto Sedley CVE Weyburn..............................................................................................................................4-20-14-16 .................................................................................................................................. 15-26-6-12 12A364 12i200 Sparton Ceylon ...............................................................................................................................16-29-6-18 Sundance Ochapowace ................................................................................................................... 16-32-17-3 12B199 13C033 ......................................................................................................... 4C6-31-1C14-36-6-19 12J008Epsilon Ceylon Hz CVE Weyburn ................................................................................................................................12-30T-6-13 11K043 ................................................................................................... 4B16-15-2D15-15-7-20 14K388PBEN Pangman DD Enerplus Oungre................................................................................................................................. 4-29-2-14 13E165 Gibson Oungre SWD Re .................................................................................................................. 10-16-2-14 14L255 CPEC Hoffer Hz ..............................................................................................................2B5-15-2C13-22-1-15 12A364 Rio Tinto Sedley ............................................................................................................................... 4-20-14-16 12B199 Ceylon 101250512 ........................................................................................................................... 16-29-6-18 13C033 Epsilon Ceylon Hz .......................................................................................................... 4C6-31-1C14-36-6-19 14L299 LTS Viewfield Hz ............................................................................................................ 3C15-7-1C15-18-9-10 15A179 CPEC Viewfield Hz .............................................................................................................1A9-33-2A9-34-8-7
March 18, 2015 A13
CRA warning against fraudulent calls it has established procedures in place to make sure your personal information is protected. If you want to confirm the authenticity of a CRA telephone number, call the CRA by using the numbers on its telephone numbers page. The number for business-related calls is 1-800-959-5525. The number for calls about individual concerns is 1-800959-8281. To help you identify possible scams, the CRA suggested following these guidelines: The CRA never asks for information about your passport, health card, or driver’s licence; Never shares your taxpayer information with another person, unless you have provided the appropriate authorization; and Never leaves personal information on your answering machine or asks you to leave a message containing your personal information on an answering machine. When in doubt, ask
yourself the following: Am I expecting money from the CRA? Does this sound too good to be true? Is the requester asking for information I would not include with my tax return? Is the requester asking for information I know the CRA already has on file for me? How did the requester get my email address or telephone number? Am I confident I know who is asking for the information? Is there a reason that the CRA may be calling? Do I have a tax balance outstanding? The CRA has practices to protect the confidentiality of taxpayer information. The confidence and trust that individuals and businesses have in the CRA is a cornerstone of Canada’s tax system. For more information about the security of taxpayer information and other examples of fraudulent communications, go to
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The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is warning taxpayers to beware of phone calls or e-mails that claim to be from the CRA. The federal tax collector said those calls are fraudulent. “These are phishing and other fraudulent scams that could result in identity and financial theft,” said a CRA press release last week. Residents should be especially aware of phishing scams asking for information such as credit card, bank account and passport numbers. The CRA said they would never ask for this type of information. Some of these scams ask for personal information directly and others refer to a website resembling the CRA’s, where people are asked to confirm their identity by entering personal information. You should not click on links included in these e-mails,” said the CRA. “E-mail scams may also contain embedded malicious software that can harm your computer and put your personal information at risk.” Some recent telephone scams involve threatening or forceful language to scare people into paying fictitious debt to the CRA. If you get such a call, the CRA is recommending people to hang up and report it to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. “Some recent e-mail scams involve telling you that you are entitled to a refund of a specific amount or telling you that your tax assessment has been verified and you are getting a tax refund. These e-mails often have CRA logos or Internet links that look official,” said the CRA, noting some contain obvious grammar or spelling mistakes. These types of communication are not from the CRA. The CRA said that when they call someone,
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A14 March 18, 2015
Estevan Mercury
Driver’s ed available through Newcomers Government grant opens up opportunities By Alex Coop
To help alleviate some of the financial burden that comes with moving to a new city, Southeast Newcomer Services is offering applications for newcomers to apply for a grant to receive funding toward Saskatchewan’s driver education program. The program is in its second year of operation, and is hoping to once again provide assistance for newcomers eligible for the driver’s education program, after helping 16 people graduate in 2014.
“Getting your license can be a hefty expense,” said Melissa Marcucci Grant, settlement advisor for Newcomers. “Ultimately, this helps make room for employment and other settlement issues.”
Through an annual grant made by the provincial government, SNS offers program applicants six hours of in-class and in-car education components. The driver’s ed program is organized by SNS,
but ultimately run by instructor Suzanne Mayer, who is licensed by SGI. In order to be accepted, applicants must meet with Marcucci for a needs assessment and to develop a settlement plan.
Other requirements and details about the project include: Applicants must be at least 18 years old Applicants must hold a valid Class 7 learner’s license (cannot be sus-
pended, expired or owe SGI money) Applicants must be a first-time driver (cannot hold a driver ’s license in any other province/ country) Applicants must be a Saskatchewan resident residing in the area serviced by SNS Applicants must be a Permanent Resident who have resided in Canada for no more than two years or must be a temporary foreign worker on a valid permit who have been nominated under SINP programs, or who are Live-In-Caregivers on a valid work permit. A copy of the applicable immigrant document must be provided as proof Applicants must be able to communicate in English Priority is given to applicants with low income Applicants are only eligible once for this grant Marcucci said classes are available in Estevan only, but noted anyone within SNS’ coverage area, which includes Radville, Kipling and communities on the Manitoba border, can apply. “In the future, that may be something we’d like to look into and have the fall sessions in a rural area,” she said.
Bringing You...
The Latest News!
March 18, 2015 A15
Berglund hits the right notes in Energy City By Norm Park
It wasn’t the first time Blake Berglund had found himself booked in the same city as Lynyrd Skynyrd, it happened about six years ago in British Columbia, he said. So while the heavy rock band blasted away at Affinity Place, Berglund tended to an appreciative audience of about 50 people in the Estevan Art Gallery and Museum as part of their After Dark series of concerts. Joined by lead guitarist Bryce Lewis and drummer Steve Leidal, Berglund offered up a good sampling of his own compositions, others written in collaboration with country and western artists and a sprinkling of cover tunes to keep the variety flowing. Berglund quickly put his audience at ease with a couple of his recognized songs, Taxes, Death and You and Hanging by a Thread. Between songs, Berglund recounted a few stories from the road, something he has travelled extensively over the past few years including several appearances in the Maritimes this past winter to entertain at the Premiers’ Conference in Prince Edward Island and then on to Haliax and other locales. A ranch kid from Ken-
Bryce Lewis, Steve Leidal and Blake Berglund, a full night of music at EAGM on Friday.
Blake Berglund at the EAGM’s After Dark concert. nedy, “Blake was always organizing us, making us play farm with him, or getting a group together to do something. He didn’t spend a lot of time alone,” joked his sister Jody, one of three other siblings in the Berglund family, who spoke with the Mercury during the intermission. Making full use of Lewis’s expertise on lead guitar, the trio gave forth some soulful renditions including Empty Horses, an Ian Tyson
tune as well as, High Water and Hell. One of Berglund’s uptempo tunes, Come Back Around, which has gained a lot of radio play, ended the first segment of the evening’s program. The influences of other artists and musical groups was evident in the secondhalf of the show with some of the songs taking on a near-jazz undertone. Berglund, who has col-
laborated with the Regina soft rock group Rah Rah, told a few more stories about how collaboration efforts often turn into songs that no one expected. And that was the magic of music. “I work with others as much as I can,” he said. That includes his significant partner Belle Plaine, the talented performer from Fosston who he is not only dating, but also working with on a number of tunes. In fact, he reported, they would be
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working and travelling together in Australia within 72 hours, following attendance at a wedding of a friend. The stories continued as the evening moved along, including tales of a tour Berglund took with Estevan singer/songwriter Chris Henderson and Juno nominee Jess Moskaluke a couple of winters ago. The Grass Roots and Cowboy Boots tour took them to several venues throughout western Canada. A few songs from his
latest album, recorded live in Jasper, Alta., including Word’s Getting Around, which again featured Lewis’s guitar renderings, brought the evening to a close. The Saskatchewan outlaw, as he has been labelled, was at his best in the Energy City, and he noted near the end, he needed to come to Chris Henderson’s home town and set the record straight on a few of the stories Henderson told “on me” about the road well travelled together.
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A16 March 18, 2015
Estevan Mercury
Henderson nominated three times for this year’s Country Music Awards Estevan’s own Chris Henderson has been nominated in three categories for the 26th annual Saskatchewan Country Music Awards, which will be handed out at the Gallagher Centre in Yorkton on April 26. Jess Moskaluke from Langenburg, who has appeared on stage in Estevan with Henderson, and Blake Berglund of Kennedy, leads the list with five nominations. Codie Prevost of Archerwill, who is also hoping to capture the fans’ choice Entertainer of the Year Award and Male Vocalist of the Year Award, is also nominted five times. Therefore, Henderson and
Berglund, who are nominated in the male vocalist of the year category, have their work cut out for them as they attempt to break Prevost’s winning streak. Southeast Saskatchewan’s Lexie Tytlandsvik is nominated once, in the Female Vocalist of the Year category, but she is up against Moskaluke who currently has a high riding album and an impressive string of appearances lined up along with a Canadian Juno Award nomination in her wheelhouse. There are three other nominees in this category, too. Tenille Arts of Weyburn also earned
a nomination in the SCMA in the Rising Star category, up against three other emerging vocalists. Henderson is pitted against Moskaluke on the nominee list for Album of the Year with his My Turn disc being selected for adjudication while Moskaluke checks in with her Light Up the Night album. I Sure Hope He Loves You, that is Henderson’s song, is up for consideration for the Song of the Year title, as is Moskaluke’s title song from her album. Berglund, who appeared in Estevan last Friday night as part of the Estevan
Art Gallery and Museum’s After Dark series, was also nominated for the Roots Album of the Year, for Jasper, which was recorded live at a packed Legion Hall in Jasper, Alta., last year. Moskaluke’s video production Used, is also nominated in the Video of the Year, category. Over the years Prevost has captured 21 SCMA trophies while the Saskatoon-based four-member C&W band Wyatt, has claimed 11 SCM prizes, including six-straight titles as Group of the Year.
March 18, 2015 A17
Follow My Lead Southeast Newcomer Services partnered up with the Power Dodge Curling Centre to put on a Learn to Curl event for newcomers who were interested in trying out one of Canada’s most popular sports. Photos by Alex Coop
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Pauline Ziehl Grimsrud, manager of the Power Dodge Curling Centre, assists one of the newcomers at the Learn to Curl event on March 18.
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A18 March 18, 2015
Estevan Mercury
A D ay At The Market
Margaret Messer shows off a pair of Roughriders –inspired footwear.
There were many items to choose from at the flea market on March 14 at the Wylie Mitchell Hall.
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Brian Carlston
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March 18, 2015 A19
Assault and mischief complaint leads to charges A man who created a disturbance and an alleged assault became a target for members of the Estevan Police Service on March 12. Police received a call regarding an assault and mischief on the afternoon of the 12th. The woman making the call reported that the man had gone to her workplace and assaulted another woman there and broke a cellphone as well as damaging parts of the business and a vehicle. EPS members managed to locate the man and attempted an arrest at which time the man escaped and fled on foot. He was soon recaptured and taken into custody pending a court appearance the next morning. During that same day shift, police temporarily intervened in a property dispute that was being waged between a couple that was breaking up. The two parties were advised to seek legal advice. EPS members were also asked to investigate an incident involving a broken window in a vehicle. Police were then contacted by social services counsellors who gave them a heads-up report regarding a troublesome client. The call was made for informational purposes only in the event that police assistance might be called for sometime later. Police were aware of the client in question and the expectations, but the session was held without police presence. On March 13, police responded to a security alarm in the industrial area of the city. A woman, an
employee of the business, was located in the building and it was determined that the alarms had been set after it was believed everyone had vacated the premises, which hadn’t been the case. A complaint regarding an allterrain vehicle being operated in
Police next received a call regarding a missing woman who was located north of the city and returned to the person who had filed the missing person report. EPS members also tended to an incident regarding a person refusing to leave a lounge when
him subject to several conditions. On March 14, police received a RID (report impaired drivers) call concerning a vehicle approaching Estevan on Highway 47. Police were unable to locate a vehicle that matched the description provided.
A man was charged with assault in Estevan on March 12 after police received a call about a man assaulting a woman at her workplace. the city on the east side of Third St. was reported to police who attended the scene just as the vehicle was being loaded onto a truck. The owner was warned about the city’s bylaw regarding the operation of these types of vehicles in city limits. A third-party call regarding a domestic dispute was fielded by police on March 13. When they attended the scene, it was learned that while the argument had been loud, there had been no physical confrontation and that matters had been settled.
asked to do so, and two noise complaints. In all cases, warnings were issued and no further action was required. Police also arrested and charged one man for being in possession of a controlled substance, outside a concert venue and later attended to a local hotel where they found an unconscious man. Further investigation led them to two other victims plus the assailant, who was not from Estevan. The man was arrested and lodged in cells pending an appearance before a justice-of-peace who later released
The next stop for police was a local lounge, where they found a highly intoxicated male who was unable to respond to simple questions, including his name and address. He was taken into custody for his own safety and was released after regaining sobriety. Police then received another call regarding a careless driver entering the city on Highway 18 east. The report indicated the driver was swerving the vehicle all over the highway and was also tailgating the complainant. The offending vehicle was tracked down in the
city and the complainant attended to the police station to provide statements while the driver of the offending vehicle was charged with driving without consideration for others. On March 15, police were asked to be in attendance to keep the peace while tenants were being evicted from a local residence. After discussing the matter with the appointed landlord, it was determined that proper procedures had not been taken to evict. Police next attended to a site where it was reported that a green van had struck and damaged a residential recycling bin. An area search was carried out but police were unable to find a van fitting the description of the offending vehicle. A motor vehicle accident involving a van and a deer was investigated by police. The deer had run into the van within the city and was “knocked a bit loopy,” said police in a follow-up report. The deer remained under observation for awhile and eventually got up and walked away. Police returned to the scene later in the shift and noted the deer had not returned and was not spotted in the immediate area. Police were also asked to attend to a noise complaint that same night. The loud music being played outside resulted in a warning being issued by police. The owner of the residence noted the music would be turned down and the gathering would be moving inside the home, so no further policing action was required.
Parkinson’s Disease and Support For all people living with Parkinson’s disease, including family members and friends. Where: Auditorium 2, Main Floor St. Joseph’s Hospital 1176 Nicholson Rd, Estevan, SK Accessible Parking Available When: Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 7:30 pm Questions: Contact Stephanie at 306-545-4400
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Missing Missing Missing
A20 March 18, 2015
Estevan Mercury
NDP choose O’Dell The New Democratic Party has selected a candidate to contest the riding of Souris-Moose Mountain in the next federal election. It was noted that during a Feb. 28 meeting in an unspecified location, Vicky O’Dell, the Regina regional representative for the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) was selected as the NDP’s representative in the sprawling constituency that embraces southeast Saskatchewan. O’Dell, who was a former Colgate resident, raised her family in Weyburn.
March 16, 2015 March 16, 2015 March 16, 2015
Earlier this year, the Conservative Party chose Dr. Robert Kitchen of Estevan to carry their banner in the campaign that is expected this fall. The Souris-Moose Mountain Constituency seat has been held by the Conservatives for the past 11 years with Ed Komarnicki of Estevan as the representative. He announced his retirement in late 2014, which lead to a series of nomination sessions where Kitchen was selected as their candidate for the upcoming election. There has been no indication from the Liberal or Green Parties regarding their candidate selections.
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Panthers win Game 1, B2 Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Bruins look forward to next season By Mackenzie Hientz
The CanElson Drilling Estevan Bruins season came to a conclusion as they fell 5-2 to the Battlefords North Stars in Game 5 of their survivor series on March 12. “It was one of those things where they got going pretty early, and they were able to get some breaks, and they were able to sustain a pretty high level of play. We just couldn’t answer,” head coach Chris Lewgood said. The Bruins were trailing 4-0 in the third before they scored two straight goals. In the first half of the period, Taylor Ross lit the lamp, assisted by Nolan Nicholas. And in the second half of the period Brayden Pachal scored his first SJHL goal. Ross earned the helper. Even though the Bruins were able to string a couple of goals in the third, Lewgood said the team was still disappointed with the outcome. “Our goal was to win the game, and we didn’t do that. Anytime you play, you can take small victories and things like that, but we came up short and there’s really no dressing it up,”
Keegan Allison drives to the net during Game 3 of the Bruins’ survivor series against the Battlefords Stars. he said. With the season over for the Bruins, Lewgood said that overall, it was a learning season for his team. “I think it was full of ups and downs and we got to take some of that with us moving forward,” he said. Lewgood mentioned this season was a transition
period for the organization, and the decisions they made early and throughout the year will help them out in the long run, but he still believed that the team had more in the tank this year. “I believe we fell short of our goals, and when we made some of the sacrifices we made this year in
trades … we did so in believing in the guys that we maintained. I thought we could have got further in the playoffs this year than we did,” he said. Going forward, Lewgood believes that the team is going to be higher in the standings than this year and believes that they have enough talent to be leaders
in the SJHL. And once it is closer to the next season, they will build on more specific goals as the sky’s the limit for the team, he said. Estevan will be hosting the 2016 Crescent Point Western Canada Cup and Lewgood said the Bruins will be a top competitor in the tournament.
“We wouldn’t have gone after that tournament if we didn’t think we could compete and win our way there, and we certainly think we have a good enough team coming in to do so,” he said. The Bruins only have two players graduating from the team and the coach thinks the core of his team will be back for next season. The organization has also spent a lot of time and effort in recruiting for the next season, as they’ve made trades to solidify the roster, Lewgood said. “What’s going to happen is, we’re going to have a whole lot of high-end hockey players going to come in and push the existing guys for their jobs, and we’re going to take the 23 best guys into the season that we think can deliver us some success,” Lewgood said. The Bruins’ two graduating players are RT Rice and Wyatt Garagan. Both have spent their SJHL careers in the Bruins organization. Lewgood said that both players brought a lot of character to the organization and both leave the dressing room a better place than when they joined the team.
ECS boys finish second in southeast By Alex Coop
The competition was stiff, but the Estevan Comprehensive School’s senior boys basketball team wasn’t intimidated. ECS hosted the Saskatchewan High Schools Athletic Association’s 5A southeast division basketball tournament on March 13 and 14 and went up against Yorkton and Moose Jaw Peacock, respectively. The Elecs finished second as they beat Yorkton and lost to Moose Jaw to place in the 5A southeast division. An increased male student population this year resulted in ECS playing in the 5A division for the first time ever. According to head coach Shane Ross, their school was barely over the 4A limit. “The teams we were up against have way more to choose from,” he said.
On Friday, however, there was no indication that ECS wasn’t up to the challenge and defeated Yorkton 60-59. The lack of consistent practice time since the end of the McLeod series was a slight concern, said ECS assistant coach Dustin Wilson. “The momentum heading into this weekend wasn’t there for us,” he said. “But the guys knew they could win this.” Despite a late barrage of 3-pointers courtesy of the Yorkton offense, the Elecs managed to put an end to the run with the help of Brett MacMurchy, who came alive in the second half and hit some big shots to deflate the momentum Yorkton had coming in the third quarter. “This was kind of his coming out game,” Wilson said, noting foul trouble forced them to dramatically change their lineup. “They were definitely frus-
Mitchel Clark pushes the ball up the court against Moose Jaw Peacock Collegiate on March 14. trated but they wanted to win it badly,” he added. Their second matchup on Saturday was against Moose Jaw Peacock Collegiate, who ultimately defeated ECS 80-57, but not after a
close first quarter that took Moose Jaw by surprise. “There might have been a little bit of intimidation in that second game, but I think we played a great basketball game in that first
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quarter,” Ross said, referring to the 22-17 first quarter score. ECS tried to bridge the fivepoint deficit in the second, but Peacock’s offense was too strong. “They executed their offense perfectly and adjusted to what we were doing,” Ross said. Matt Haux had 20 points in the loss, a point total he’s hovered at for the majority of the season. Ross said his consistency has proven invaluable during the season, alongside Mitchel Clark’s ball handling and decision making skills as a point guard. He noted as the season wraps up, he would like to see his younger players perform to the best of their ability no matter what competition they face next week in Regina. “It’s not about the reffing, the other players or what your teammates have done wrong, it’s about getting the job done,” Ross said. “It’s about winning those mental battles.”
based on $2500 down
B2 March 18, 2015
Estevan Mercury
Panthers have edge in league final By Mackenzie Hientz
The Estevan Power Tech midget AA Panthers has the edge in the final of their league playoffs as they defeated the Regina Capitals 7-3 at the Civic Auditorium on March.12. Estevan opened up the scoring in the first period when Megan LeBlanc beat the Regina goaltender. Two minutes later, Haley Ronyk lit the lamp to put the Panthers up 2-0. During the first period coach Chad Chapman said that the two teams were just feeling each other out and after Estevan went on a power play, that’s when they started taking it to the Capitals. “In the second period, we came out flat, they got two goals back and tied it up,” Chapman said. The Panthers regained the lead at the end of the period when Brooklyn Dukart put the team up 3-2. Ashley Chapman and Taylor Colbow contributed with the helpers. In the first half of the final frame, Es-
tevan scored two straight goals to extend their lead to 5-2. Kailey McLellan, from Jenna Kreklewich, scored the first goal, and on the second goal, Dukart earned her second of the game. Mackenzie Ronyk and McLellan had the assists. The Capitals got a goal in the third, but it wasn`t enough as Estevan scored another two goals at the end of the period. Dukart earned a hat trick on the one goal and Haley Ronyk had her second on the other. Colbow assisted the Dukart goal. “We took over and we dominated pretty much the whole third period except maybe four or five minutes,” Chapman said. Chapman was impressed with the composure and leadership his team showed throughout the game. “When they came back and tied it up, it`s easy to smash the panic button and lose focus on the game plan that we had put together, but having as many veterans on the team that we have, they never panicked,” he said. The Panthers play game two of the series tonight.
The Estevan Power Tech midget AA Panthers took it to the Regina Capitals in the first period of Game 1 of the their league playoffs final as they led 2-0 after 20 minutes.
Peewee AA’s fall short in round two of playoffs By Mackenzie Hientz
The Estevan Westmorland peewee AA Bruins dropped both of their semifinal league playoff games to the Swift Current Broncos to finish their season. They fell 9-3 to the Broncos on March 14 on the road and then on March 16, fell again with a 9-4 score at home. On March 16, Swift Current took an early 2-0 lead. Toward the end of the period, Turner McMillen put his team on the board to make the score 2-1. Josh Romanyk had the assist.
In the second, Swift again went up by two, but Estevan responded 93 seconds later, when Cody Davis lit the lamp. Cale Adams had the helper. The Broncos extended their lead to 4-2 late in the period. With 55 seconds remaining in the frame, Cody Davis scored his second, from Cale Adams and Carey Levesque, and pulled the Bruins within one. “I thought we dominated the second period, just by using our feet and moving that puck,” coach Daryl Davis said. In the third, the Broncos scored two quick goals
During Game 1 of the series, Swift Current jumped to a 1-0 lead. Joey Meredith scored on the power play to tie the game. Adams and Davis contributed with the assists. Swift Current quickly regained the lead, and Alex VonSprecken answered back for the Bruins to make it 2-2. Romanyk had the assist. The Broncos made it 3-2 by the end of the period. Davis said he was proud by the effort his team showed in the period, battling with the Broncos for the full 20 minutes.
Austin Fleck makes some moves to get by a Swift Current defender during Game 2 of their playoff series. to go up by three, and the Bruins couldn’t come back form that. Despite the loss, Davis was impressed with the way
his team never quit throughout the game. “Our boys never quit all year and they kept battling back,” Davis said.
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In the second, Swift Current scored three straight goals as Estevan trailed 6-2. The Bruins cut the lead in half as Chase Gedak scored, and Levesque and Cale Adams had the assists. Kaiden Tuchscherer scored the Bruins’ fourth goal in the third. Davis said that the 9-4 score wasn’t an indication on how the game was played as the Broncos had a couple of lucky bounces that went in. Despite the exit from the playoffs, Davis believes that his team had a good year and was proud with the way they played all season.
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March 18, 2015 B3
Mermaids season coming to a conclusion
T h e E s t e v a n M e rmaids synchronized swimming club recently competed at the Diane Lemon Invitational in Regina. During the first day of competition in the 13 to 15 age category in the individual figure event, Brooke Kruger earned the top spot. This is the second straight meet that she has finished first in the figures event. “There is no reason to think that she won’t go into provincials heavily favoured to win figures and to win the solo competition. So that would be quite an accomplishment for her to take first place in all three of the meets,” Coach Brenda Lyons said.
Also in the 13 to15 a g e c a t e g o r y, H a n n a h Mantei placed sixth, Nyla Dyck finished 10th and Marlie Weinrauch was 11th. Gemma Bittman finished in 18th place, Maya Daoust in 33rd and Caitlyn Graham in 35th. Other results from the Mermaids in the individual figures competition included a 14th place finish for Laura Swirski, in the nine and 10 age group. In the 11 and 12 age group, Haley Copeland finished in 12th, and Chelsea Brady, Rebecca Duncan and Brooklyne Brady, respectively, placed 22nd to 24th. Kelsey Potoma was fifth in the 16 to 18 age group, while Alyssa Wieting placed sixth and Eden Palmer finished 10th. In the second day of
competition, the Mermaids competed in the solo, duet and team routines. Kruger again earned gold in the 13 to 15 age group and Mantei took silver. Graham, in her first solo appearance at a meet finished fourth. Also, in the 13 to 15 category Maya Daoust and Marlie Weinrauch captured the silver medal. In the 11 and 12 division, Rebecca Duncan and Haley Copeland both earned bronze in the duet routine. “I am very proud of how our girls did in the solo and duet competitions. These routines are what we consider extra routines, and the athletes have to train on weekends to get coaching and practice time to prepare for
Bantam A’s fall in Game 3 By Mackenzie Hientz
The Estevan Century 21 bantam A Bruins dropped a 4-2 decision to the Regina Ducks in Game 3 of their first round league playoffs at the Civic Auditorium on March 10. Regina struck first in the opening period and had a 1-0 lead going into the second. Estevan responded in the second when Logan King tied the game at one. Kelby Widenmaier and Colby Himmelspeck contributed with the assists. The Ducks regained the lead late in the period to take a 2-1 advantage after 40 minutes of play. Regina extended their lead to 3-1 in the third, and the Bruins pulled within one with 7:50 remaining in the game, when King
(L-R) Brooke Kruger, Marlie Weinrauch, Nyla Dyck, Gemma Bittman, Hannah Mantei & Maya Daoust recenlty competed in the team routine event in the 13 to 15 age group at the Diane Lemon Invitational in Regina. competitions,” Lyons said. The Mermaids had two groups perform in the team routines. Brooklyne and Chelsea Brady, Copeland, Duncan, and Swirski finished second out of four teams in the 11 and 12 age group. And Kruger, Weinrauch, Daoust, Mantei, Dyck and Bittman earned a silver medal in the 13 to 15 age division. Lyons said that she was proud of the performances from her club and that they`ve been working hard since the beginning of October, practicing two to three times a week. “We had some really strong performances,” she said. “We’re finding that a lot of our land training that we were doing with our
The Century 21 bantam A Bruins played a physical game in the first period against the Regina Ducks. netted his second of the contest. Dalton Schrader and Connor Hanson had the assists.
Regina added a goal with seconds remaining and eliminated the Bruins from the playoffs.
athletes the past couple of years is really starting to pay off. Our athletes are much stronger and fitter then we’ve ever had in the history of our club, and that those physical capabilities are really now paying off in the pool.” The next competition that the Mermaids are preparing for are provincials, to be held in Regina on April 11 and 12. What the club needs to do to perform well at provincials is continue to practice and stay dedicated to the sport, Lyons said. “It’s a very physically demanding sport … they have to be in very, very good shape both cardio wise, strength wise and flexibility wise,” Lyons said.
She added that the sport takes a large amount of mental determination as they have to be on count at every point of their routine, otherwise it can be very dangerous. Lyons believes that some of the Mermaids will take medals home at provincials as the girls are determined to do their very best routine at the competition. After provincials Lyons said that some of the athletes will be competing at the Canadian Prairie Invitational in May as there will be over 400 athletes there. She added that the invitations for the competition are sent to clubs across the country. “If our standings at provincials are good, as they were at our previous meet, we’ll definitely feel strong going into that meet knowing that we will represent Saskatchewan very well,” Lyons said. Also in April, Lyons mentioned they will be hosting their annual water show in Estevan at the R.M. of Estevan Aquatic Centre on April 18. The show is an opportunity for the Mermaids to show the city what they have been doing all year. “Not all friends and family are able to go to meets to watch them perform,” Lyons said. “So we try and bring a little show to Estevan, so people interested in synchronized swimming can see what it is all about.”
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By Mackenzie Hientz
104 Souris Ave, Estevan Ph. 306-634-2356
B4 March 18, 2015
Estevan Mercury
Jr. Midgets prevail in Game 1 of semifinals By Mackenzie Hientz
The Estevan Blue Rock junior midget Bruins took advantage of home ice in Game 1 of their league playoff semifinals as they defeated the Regina Blue 9-3 on March 15. Estevan opened up the scoring in the first period when Zach Holzer found the back of the net. Wyatt Haux and Shae Little had the assists. The Bruins held the Blues scoreless in the period. In the second, Little extended the Bruins lead to 2-0, and Holzer and Haux contributed with the helpers. Regina got on the board shortly after the Little goal to cut the lead in half. The Bruins finished the period by scoring four straight goals. Holzer, Haux and Little connected again as Holzer earned his second goal of the game and the other two assisted the play. Shortly after that goal, Haux netted one to give the Bruins a 4-1 lead. Terran Holzer and Little had the assists. With 4:53 remaining in the period, Keaton Tarnes, from Zach Holzer and Kylar Ward, connected to add to the Estevan lead. Nineteen seconds later, Preston Brodziak scores and Hunter Piche had the helper. Going into the third period, the Bruins had a 6-1 lead. Three minutes into the frame, Quintin Davidson made it 7-1 and Garrett Mehler had the assist. Later in the period, Regina scored two consecutive goals, but that’s all they would get. The Bruins continued to light the lamp, scoring two more times. Little had the second last goal of the game and Tarnes earned the assist. Derian Pratt scored the final goal of the game. Coach Sabe Holzer was impressed with his second line throughout the game as they contributed to four of the nine goals scored. “I really hope those guys can stay healthy and stay together because they’re going to be tough to deal with,” Holzer said. “We’re going to have two back-to-back really, really strong lines going out there.” Overall, Holzer was impressed with the way his
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The Estevan Blue Rock junior midget Bruins won Game 1 of their playoff matchup against the Regina Blues in the semifinals. team stepped up their game and basically controlled the whole matchup. For Game 3 tonight, Holzer said that his team needs to keep doing that and to stay out of the penalty box. “We need to do the same thing we did in Game 1, come out firing on all cylinders right off the bat and just keep our foot on the gas the whole time,” he said.
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Chamney excels at indoor meet By Mackenzie Hientz
William Chamney of the Estevan Legion Track and Field Club captured a gold, silver and bronze medal at the Boeing Indoor Classic track and field meet in Winnipeg on March 6 and 7. Chamney won the gold medal in the 200 metre dash as he finished with a time of 23.13 seconds. He earned his silver medal when he ran the 60 metre dash in 7.33 seconds, and collected his bronze medal when he jumped 1.65 metres in the high jump event. Chamney also competed in the long jump event, jumping a distance of 5.87 metres which placed him in fifth out of six competitors. The times of the 60 and 200 metre dashes were is personal best at an indoor meet. Chamney said that he was impressed with his results at the meet, as it was the first track event he has competed in this year. “It was actually pretty good, because just going there the first time and being able to do your best…means you practiced hard and got better,” he said. Even though he placed fifth in long jump he was happy with his results, because had been a year since he competed in the event. He said that he competed in the high jump event to get more experience, as he didn’t prepare for it that much while practicing with Estevan Legion Track and Field Club. The club began practicing in late January and that’s when Chamney started preparing for the Boeing Indoor classic. “I only practice two days a week, an hour per day because that’s the only time that actually I have time to practice. And that’s when the track club does it,” he said. Chamney said that he was the only member from the track and field club to attend the meet in Winnipeg, but said there are 10 other people on the team. The next indoor track meet is on March 20 and 21 in Saskatoon and Chamney is planning to compete in the same events he did in Winnipeg.
Bridal Guide
Amanda Daae & William Heikoop......................................... April 25, 2015 Jillian Miller & Kyle Jordan.......................................................June 6, 2015 Shirelle Senchuk & Taylor Alexus.........................................June 20, 2015 DeLee Lischka & Jonathan Lewis............................................July 4, 2015 Tayja Zimmerman & Denzil Lakusta.........................................July 4, 2015 Rebecca Gustafson & Josiah Anderson.................................July 11, 2015 Pamela Poage & Lyell Fogg...................................................July 18, 2015 Agnes Plourde-Doran & Ian Garriouch...................................July 18, 2015 Kayla Malaryk & Brandon Frank.......................................... August 1, 2015 Christina Nykiforuk & Jordan Irwin...................................... August 1, 2015 Annmarie Melle & Cory Rosner........................................... August 1, 2015 Sarah Nashiem & William Krupnik....................................... August 2, 2015 Jennifer Miller & Riley Tetreault........................................... August 8, 2015 Ashley Schinck & Fred Lattery.......................................... August 15, 2015 Jennifer Murray & Adam Himmelspach..........................September 19, 2015 Hollin Simmons & Riley Spencer.................................September 26, 2015 Kayla Simon & Tyler Waisman....................................September 26, 2015 Kelsey Wallewein & Owen Emde................................September 26, 2015 Haley Kelly & Sean Murphy................................................October 3, 2015 Alisha Murray & William Keturakis......................................October 3, 2015 Misty Moneo & Spencer Pennington............................November 14, 2015 Amery Barnes & Dustin wilson................................................. March 2016 Lezlie McClelland & Jordan Naka.............................................July 2, 2016 Michelle Ghesquire & Chris Walsh...........................................July 9, 2016
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March 18, 2015 B5
Plenty of racing for 2015 at Estevan Motor Speedway The Estevan Motor Speedway (EMS) will begin their racing season on May 2. They have 10 regular races planned for the season. For the opening race, the prize money for the winners will be more than previous years, according to EMS President Lynn Trobert. Along with the International Motor Contest Association (IMCA) hobby stock, stock car and modified classes, the Wissota late models will be returning to the speedway for their second season, but will not be racing every regular program. The special races that will be returning to the speedway are, the
Dakota Classic Modified Tour and the Northern Super Truck Racing (NSTR) tour. The second day of the tour will be on July 6 in Estevan and will only feature the stock and modified cars. For the NSTR event, there will be a doubleheader on June 26 and 27. The hobby stock, stock and Modified classes will also be racing that night. What the speedway has planned for this year that is different compared to last year; on September 4 and 5 they will be hosting a monster truck show. “That’ll be really, really exciting for us, having that monster truck show here,” Trobert said. Trobert also mentioned that
throughout the season, the speedway is going to recognize the younger drivers at the majority of the races, as there are many youth that compete at the track. “It’s really nice that the young people get out there and they give it their all, and this year we’re going to try and highlight those young drivers at the races…so that people know that they’re there.” she said. The race season concludes with the annual championship night on August 29 that will feature all four classes. The final event that will take place at the speedway is the Annual Enduro Race on September 20.
2015 ESTEVAN MOTOR SPEEDWAY SCHEDULE (TENTATIVE) May 2 May 16 May 30 June 13 June 26 and 27 July 6 July 18 August 1 August 15 August 29 September 4 and 5 September 20
Regular race program Regular race program Regular race program Regular race program NSTR Super Trucks Dakota Classic Mod Tour Regular race program Regular race program Regular race program Championship night Monster trucks Enduro Race
Vipers win championship Peewee A Bruins defeated By Mackenzie Hientz ing, we started to put the puck in the net early, and we rolled from there.” After that win, they advanced to the A final game in a double knockout draw against Moose Jaw. “Our girls stepped up and fought through it and managed to battle it out and get the win,” Farr said. The following day Estevan played game two of the final and laggedd 2-0 after the first period. “Our girls were just spinning their wheels, trying to find their way,” Farr said. They managed to score three goals in the second, but still trailed after 40 minutes, as Moose Jaw was up 5-3. In the third, the team rallied around one another and completed their comeback. “It was a total team effort, every girl on the team was doing their job on the ice, putting the puck in the right position and started rolling as a team,” Farr said. Farr added that, in previous games, the Viper have taken them for granted, but didn’t do that in the final. “We just stayed to our game plan and system, and at the end of the day our team was successful.”
By Mackenzie Hientz
The Estevan Power Dodge peewee A Vipers overcame a 5-3 deficit in the third period of their playoff final against Moose Jaw, by defeating them 8-6 to become league champions. Estevan competed in their second weekend of league playoffs in Regina on March 14 and 15. In their first game, on March 14 they defeated the Regina Rampage 8-1. After a scoreless first period, the Rampage lit the lamp 19 seconds into the second. Estevan answered back 21 seconds later, as Marci LeBlanc knotted the score at 1-1. LeBlanc netted her second goal of the game and gave her team a 2-1 lead. Jesa Colliness had the assist. In the third, the Vipers scored six straight goals. LeBlanc scored three of the six, giving her five in the game. Kenzie Balon contributed with two goals, and Irelend Biette had the other goal in the period. Adah DeLeeuw and Hanna Jaworski had the assists in the period. “That was a good game for our girls,” coach Chad Farr said. “We come out roll-
The Prairie Mud peewee A Bruins dropped a 7-1 decision to the Swift Current Broncos in Game 2 of their two-game, totalgoals, provincial playoff series on March 15 at the Civic Auditorium. This loss knocked them out of the playoffs. Entering the game the Bruins had a tough hill to climb as they were down by five goals in the series. Swift Current led 1-0 after the first period. Trailing 2-0 in the second, Zach Ashworth scored for the Bruins to cut the lead in half. Kaleb Bechtold had the assist. Estevan was behind 2-1 one entering the third, but Swift Current scored five The Prairie Mu peewee A Bruins lost unanswered to win the game and the series. 7-1 against the Swift Current Broncos Entering the third period, the Bruins on March 15 were down by five goals in the series and had to take some chances which left them and played one heck of a hockey game and vulnerable for a strong Swift Current fore- gave everything they had,” he said. He also added that the team left it all check, according to Coach Shawn Saxon. out there in the first two periods, and held Even though the Bruins lost the game, it to a close contest. Saxon was proud of the effort that his team The Bruins are in action this weekend gave throughout the game. as they are competing in a tournament in “They dug down deep from the start Saskatoon.
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B6 March 18, 2015
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Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Carter and Calvillo to host evening of friends Carter is expecting to continue treatment in Montreal until he is 21, though Jennifer said that age may be raised to 25 in the near future. Though he was struck with hardship at birth, Carter Brown “They are definitely the experts in his concould be the most confident and inspirational eight-year-old dition, and most orthopedic conditions, in the country. not only in Canada but in the world,” she Born with osteogenesis imperfecta, commonly known said. as brittle bone disease, the son of Mike and Jennifer Brown When Carter was born in Regina, he spent a wasn’t given much of a chance early on. His body was brofew days at the local hospital. His parents were ken at birth, and his parents were told their newborn son told he wouldn’t walk, he wouldn’t sit up would never walk. on his own and his arm would break After eight years of regular treatment and care simply by picking up a pencil. at the Shriners Hospital for Children – Canada in At seven weeks old, he made Montreal, Carter is a typical youngster in rural his first trip to Montreal, sponSaskatchewan, with the Estevan family now living sored by the Shriners, and his in Milestone. treatments began immediately. Or he would be a typical kid if he weren’t the Those treatments have paid off. Western Canadian Ambassador for Fundraising His bone density has increased for the Exceptional Care for Exceptional Kids by 150 per cent. Along with campaign, raising money for the new Children’s increasing bone density, the Hospital in Montreal, which is planned for treatment helps to take away the completion this spring. He has helped raise aches and pains in his bones and thousands for the hospital. joints. Along with his good friend and retired “As soon as he finished his Montreal Alouettes quarterback Anthony very first treatment out there as a Calvillo, Carter will be part of a fundraising baby, he started sleeping through banquet in Regina on March 20. the night,” said Jennifer, who As ambassador, Carter spoke at the hosadded that he would previously pital fundraiser’s charity golf tournament last be uncomfortable and crying summer. That’s where he and Calvillo first all night, experiencing spasms met and hit it off. from his fractures. “They became instant friends,” said Carter’s “The way Carter is now mother Jennifer, noting they have kept in touch since. is absolutely incredible beCalvillo got some tickets for Carter and his famcause what we thought was ily to attend a Saskatchewan Roughrider home game going to be his life is totally last fall with the Alouettes in town. Calvillo didn’t different. We’re OK with mind being second in Carter’s life to the Roughriders. him being in a wheelchair. “He told us, of course, to wear our green and cheer We were fine with him not befor our Riders,” said Jennifer. ing able to walk, but the constant After the game, Carter met Roughrider players in pain and fracturing that he was the locker room. going through as a baby was really, When Calvillo popped into visit Carter at the really hard,” added Jennifer. “Now hospital on one of his trips, he offered to help Carter that he doesn’t feel the pain all the with his fundraising efforts. time, he’s not fracturing often, and he’s “We decided that if that offer was on the table, we able to go out and run around and play better make something of it,” said Jennifer. with his friends, it’s all we can ask for.” So, last fall plans to hold An Evening with Good The Shriners have covered everyFriends: Carter and Calvillo, which will be held this thing from flights and hotel rooms Friday in Regina at the Delta Hotel, began. Carter Brown and Anthony Calvillo have teamed up to raise funds for the to treatment, equipment, surgeries “It has been amazing for me to be the Western Shriners Hospital in Montreal. An Estevan native, Carter was born with brittle and therapies. Carter continues to Canadian Ambassador for the Shriners Hospital,” bone disease and has travelled regularly to Montreal for treatments that add make three trips to Montreal for said Carter, who noted he has done a number of small density to his bones. Carter is now the Western Canada Shrine Hospital’s am- treatment each year, half of what fundraisers and regularly shares his story with others. bassador. Photo provided by the Shriners Hospital for Children he had to do as a baby. “I talk about how As far as the attention, the much the hospital has responsibility and his growing helped me.” friendship with, perhaps, the best Carter said he has quarterback in CFL history, it’s all very normal to Carter. learned to like his trips “He just thinks that Anthony is his buddy, and he’s excited that they get to hang out. to the hospital because, He’ll do his speech and just be happy to raise more money for the hospital,” said Jennifer. “then I know I’m going And Carter confirmed, it’s his friend Anthony who he really wants to see again to be treated with care come Friday. and respect.” With Carter’s original diagnosis, it was thought all of his treatment would be reactive. Estevan’s Yongseong Jeon recently attend— Jennifer Brown When his bones broke, ed the South Saskatchewan Intermediate they would be casted unHonour Band held in Regina. Forty Grade til they healed. The trips 9 and 10 students from the south practo Montreal have allowed Carter to undertake a much more proactive plan that increases tised and presented a concert after rehearshis bone density to make him sturdier. ing together for two days. Yongseong is a Carter has been to the Shriner Hospital in Montreal more than 40 times to treat his Grade 9 student at Estevan Comprehensive condition. He receives a special medication, administered through an IV. He also gets School. He was also a member of the 2014 new X-rays during every visit. Saskatchewan Music Association Provincial For Carter, the treatment is helping. Asked how his bones are doing, he replied, Honour Band. While clarinet is his prin“Really well. cipal instrument, he also does some alto “They used to break all the time, and now they don’t. I can do running, jumping, saxophone and percussion work. Photo playing with my friends,” he said. submitted
By Jordan Baker
‘The way Carter is now is absolutely incredible because what we thought was going to be his life is totally different.’
The Honour Is His
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This is Nelly(laying down) and Soulaira (sitting). These two girls are VERY shy and we would like to foster them out. Please call down for more info.
B8 March 18, 2015
Estevan Mercury
Birds and reptiles take over Legion WILD AMERICA SHOW FEATURES LIVE ANIMALS sponsorship for Little Ray’s Reptile Zoo, said Estevan is a great place for their group to visit. “It’s actually a pretty critical part of our tour around western Canada and it’s a fairly large city,” he said. “It’s a great place to stop because we can reach a lot of people, and there’s a lot of families and a lot of kids.” Live animals from America, South America and Central America took centre stage throughout the day, while a presenter
By Alex Coop
T h e y f l e w, t h e y hissed and they wowed the crowd in a variety of ways. Those in attendance on March 10 at the Estevan Canadian Royal Legion were introduced to a number of wild animals during Little Ray’s Reptile Zoo and the Canadian Raptor Conservancy’s Wild America Show. Shane McConnell, director of marketing and
discussed the animal’s background, habitat and diet for each bird, mammal and reptile. The crowd favourite was obvious. “Birds of prey definitely catch people’s eye the most, because they’re large birds of prey flying right through people’s hair and through the crowd,” McConnell said.
An alligator drew some ‘oos’ and ‘aas,’ alongside a bobcat, but neither could be petted due to provincial regulations. McConnell said a number of the animals on display live in southern Saskatchewan. “That’s another point of our shows and why we tour, it’s to tell people that
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NOTICE OF MEETING UNITED WAY ESTEVAN will convene its Annual General Meeting on Friday, March 27, 2015 in the Fireside Room at the Days Inn Hotel in Estevan. Cocktails at 6:00 pm, Dinner at 6:30 pm: Meeting to follow. You are cordially invited to attend
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A Great Horned owl was one of the birds of prey at the Wild America Show. it’s not just tigers, lions and cheetahs that need our help it’s also the animals in our own backyards,” he said. McConnell said the Canadian Raptor Conservancy is the largest reptile rescue in the country.
Estevan Masonic Lodge
FRIENDSHIP NIGHT Friday, March 20th at 7:30p.m. You and your wife are most welcome
Rucks: Born to Cory and Tia Rucks, on February 11, 2015, a son, Fentyn Silas Rucks, Proud grandparents are Lorne and Gail Yunick and Dieter and Marlene Rucks. Proud brother Harbyn. Lakusta: Born to Tayja Zimmerman and Denzil Lakusta, on February 24, 2015, a son, Camden James Lakusta. Proud grandparents are Kurt and Wanda Zimmerman and Vanessa Lucyk. Bachorcik: Born to Marnie Murphy and Adam Bachorcik, on February 25, 2015, a son, Aiden Adam Bachorcik. Proud grandparents are Dan and Paula Murphy and Gary and Mary Bachorcik.
Jubilee Room, Canadian Legion Our Canadian Constitution states: Everyone has the
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60 & Over An elderly gentleman asked a pretty young thing in the bar, “Do I come here often?” I hope you noticed another new event. We have shuffleboard on Tuesdays at 1 p.m. Please join us. Bridge winners were: First – Bernie Collins Second – Doris Heidiner Third – Carrie Leptick Cribbage winners were: First – Karen Hiske Second – Shirley Graham Third – Mabel Bouchard Shuffleboard winners were: First – Edmund and Jake Second – Joe and Marg. P. For weeks a six-yearold boy was telling his teacher about the new baby expected at their house. One day the mother allowed the boy to feel the movements of the unborn baby. The six-year-old was obviously impressed but stopped telling the teacher about it. The teacher finally asked the boy, “What ever happened to the baby you were expecting?” The boy burst into tears and cried, “I think my mommy ate it.”
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Sunday, Mar. 22, 2015 at 2:30 PM St. Paul’s United Church
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Advance Tickets Seniors/Adults $20 • Teen $15 • Child $7
Door Seniors/Adults $25 • Teen $18 • Child $8 Children under 3 FREE Tickets at Henders Drugs or at The Door For more information contact: Estevan Arts Council 306-634-3942 or
He added the majority of their proceeds from the show and toy sales go towards taking in new animals and feeding the nearly 1,000 animals that reside in both the Raptor Conservancy and Little Ray’s.
104 - Hwy. 47 South, Estevan, SK
306-634-5588 Bay #1 - Hwy. 13, Carlyle, SK
70% Off
Classifieds B9
POWERFUL PRAYER To the Holy Spirit, You who solve all problems, who light all roads so that I can obtain my goals. You who give me the Devine gift to forgive & forget all evil against me. In all instances of my life,You are with me. I want, in this shor t prayer, to Thank You for all things and to confirm once again that I never want to be separated from You. Even, and in spite of, all material illusions, I wish to be with You in eternal glory. Thank You for Your mercy toward me and mine. The person must say this prayer for 3 consecutive days. After 3 days the favor requested will be granted even if it may appear difficult. This prayer must be published immediately after the favor is granted without mentioning the favor. A.H.
In MeMorIaM
SERVICES FOR HIRE The Disability Tax Credit $1,500 Yearly Tax Credit $15,000 Lump Sum Refund (on avg) Covers: Hip/Knee Replacements Back conditions and Restrictions in walking and dressing
Out Of tOwn FOR SALE: In Stoughton: New modular home on own lot. 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths. Vacant. $8,000 d ow n ; Pay m e n t s $ 8 0 0 / m o n t h . Must have good credit and be able to bank qualify. Phone 1-587-4348525.
ApArtments/Condos for rent
NEWEST EMMA OLISCHEFSKI “ The Light of Our Lives” Who passed away March 16,2004. The special years will not return, When we were all together, But with the love inside our hearts, You will walk with us forever. -Love Terry, Brian, and Gaylene
1 & 2 Bedroom Condos Furnished or Unfurnished Available today! Call: 306-634-2000
For Rent: Unit 103-1137 2nd Street, Estevan. Two bedrooms, one bathroom condo. Washer, dryer, fridge, stove freshly painted, good condition. Close to school, church and main Street. Phone 780-266-0048 Harvest Heights Apartments Freshly renovated 1 bedroom apartments available now, all utilities included. or call 306 -421 -0581 for details.
Norman Fleck Date of passing March 21, 2014 I thought of you with love today but that is nothing new I thought about you yesterday and days before that too, I think of you in silence I often speak your name All I have are memories and your picture in a frame Your memory is my keepsake with which I’ll never part God has you in His keeping I have you in my heart Loved and missed very much by Minnie & Families.
Mobile/ Manufactured
PARK PLACE 402 PERKINS STREET FOR RENT: 1, 2 BR Apartments. Air conditioning, 5 Appliances. Fireplace in suites; Security doors. No Pets!! For more information, Phone 306-634-4010 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. only, or see our Web site @
SuiteS For rent 1 bedroom suite for rent. Power and water paid. Barn room includes bathroom and living room with chesterfield. Kitchen with big fridge and cookstove. 837 Edward Street. Phone 306-634-2977. For Rent: One bedroom suite close to downtown. Includes fridge, stove, and use of washer/dryer. Heat, water & internet provided. Prefer single quiet person. Available March 15. Phone 306-421-3435 or 306-634-1223
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Shared accommodation Priscilla Wasacase Aug.14, 1928 Mar. 10, 2014 We lost someone we loved, And we gained an angel we know Its been one year Priscilla, We love and miss you dearly Ray, Gil, Peg and family.
Coming EvEnts Sukanen Ship Pioneer Village and Museum 38th antique collectible sale and vehicle parts sale Friday, March 27 noon to 8 pm, Saturday March 28, 9 am to 5 pm. Moose Jaw E x h i b i t i o n G ro u n d s, 2 5 0 Thatcher Drive East. www.sukanenship
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Available Now: Room for rent in fully furnished home Utilities, internet, sateliteTV and house keeping included. Weekly OR monthly. Phone 306-535-7922
Mobile/ Manufactured BEST CANADIAN BUILT HOME BY MODULINE! BEST PRICE! Personalized Service New homes starting at $69.00 per sq foot 1520 sq. ft. Temora $104,900 1216 sq. ft. Oasis $84,900
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WANTED - All fur, coyotes, etc. Shed Antlers & Old Traps. Phone Br yon (306) 278-7756 or Phil (306) 278-2299
Notices / NomiNatioNs
Notices / NomiNatioNs
Notice To: Raymond Leslie Tisnic Last Known Address: 1738 Third Street, Estevan Mortgage Foreclosure Proceedings have been undertaken against you by CIBC Mortgages Inc., with respect to the above-referenced lands. An Order and Appointment granted by Mr. Justice G. A. Chicoine on March 9, 2015 and Affidavit of Mortgagee has been issued by the Court of Queen’s Bench, Judical Centre of Estevan, which are by this Notice served upon you. A true copy of the documents may be obtained during normal business hours at: McKercher LLP Barristers and Solicitors 800 - 1801 Hamilton Street Regina, Saskatchewan
Farm ServiceS
Steel BuildingS / granarieS STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL BUILDINGS UP TO 60% OFF! 30x40, 40x60, 50x80, 60x100, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call: 1-800-457-2206
Mobile/Pads 2 Bedroom Mobile for Rent: In family park, pet friendly. All appliances, energy efficient furnace. Call Larry after 10 am to 306-4214511
Feed & Seed
1.800.249.3969 Check out our inventory at Hwy 2 South Prince Albert
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ST E E L BU I L D I N G S “ S P R I N G SALES WITH HOT SAVINGS!” All steel building models and sizes are now on sale. Get your building deal while it’s hot. Pioneer Steel 18 0 0 - 6 6 8 - 5 4 2 2 w w w. p i o n e e
For Sale - MiSc Adver tisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at For Sale: 2 drawer beige filing cabinet 15” wide x 18” deep x 29 1/4 “ high. Asking $40.00 Phone (306) 634-5568 FREE CATALOGUE FROM HALFORD’S!! Over 4000 products: BUTCHER SUPPLIES, LEATHER & CRAFT SUPPLIES, TRAPS and WILDLIFE CONTROL PRODUCTS. 1-800-353-7864, email: Visit
Estevan Mercury & Southeast Trader Express CLASSIFIED INDEX
Engagements Wedding Annivers. Anniversaries Birthdays Announcements Prayer Corner In Memoriam Cards of Thanks Coming Events Garage Sales Memorial Services Personals Health/Beauty Lost Found Introduction Services Readings Psychics Travel Health Spas Tickets Childcare Available Childcare Wanted
SERVICES Accounting/ Bookkeeping Appliance Repairs Auctioneers Bricklaying Building/Contracting Building Supplies Drywalling Building/Contracting Electrical Handyperson Hauling Cleaning Janitorial Landscaping Lawn & Garden Moving Painting/Wallpaper Renos/Home Improvement Roofing Snow removal Services for Hire Vacuum Services
LEGAL Notices to Creditors Assessment Rolls Tax Enforcement Tenders Notices/Nominations Legal/Public Notices Judicial Sales Houses for Sale Apts./Condos for Sale Out of Town Cabins/Cottages/ Country Homes Apts./Condos for Rent Duplexes for Rent Houses for Rent Mobiles/Pads Housesitting Wanted to Rent Rooms for Rent Room & Board Shared Accomm. Mobile/Mft. Homes for Sale Recreational Property Revenue Property Garages Real Estate Services Investment Opport. Business Opportunities Hotels/Motels Business Services Financial Services Industrial/Commercial Storage Space for Lease Office/Retail for Rent Warehouses Farms for Sale Farms/Acreages for Rent Land/Pastures for Rent Mineral Rights Farm Implements Livestock Horses & Tack
Farm Services Feed & Seed Hay/Bales for Sale Certified Seed for Sale Pulse Crops/Grain Wanted Steel Buildings/ Granaries Farms/Real Estate Antiques For Sale/Miscellaneous Furniture Musical Instruments Computers/Electronics Firewood Sports Equipment Farm Produce Hunting/Firearms Plants/Shrubs/Trees Pets Wanted to Buy Auctions Adult Personals Domestic Cars Trucks & Vans Parts & Accessories Automotive Wanted RVs/Campers/Trailers Boats Snowmobiles Motorcycles ATVs/Dirt Bikes Utility Trailers Oilfield/Wellsite Equip. Heavy Equipment Career Opportunities Professional Help Office/Clerical Skilled Help Trades Help Sales/Agents General Employment Work Wanted Domestic Help Wanted Career Training Tutors Memorial Donations Obituaries
For Sale - MiSc
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Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Prayer Corner
everything winter
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Petlas Tractor Tires The tires that must be seen to be appreciated. To learn more please visit or call John @ 306 783 1555
B10 March 18, 2015
Estevan Mercury
Career OppOrtunities Truck/Transport Mechanic Required in Brandon, MB You offer: • Experience • Willingness to learn • Flexibility • Positive attitude We offer: • Competitive wage • Full benefits package • State of the art facility • Apprenticeship training for the right individual Call Tyler @ 204.571.0187 Email: theuchert Fax to 204.571.9363
Service Manager/ Service Warranty Writer
NOW HIRING: Either or preferably one person required for a Massey Ferguson/Versatile dealership, 35 minutes from Saskatoon in a full service community with a Daycare and K-12 School. This position offers a health plan, competitive wages and a newer shop. Journeyman status not required, mechanical aptitude as well as exceptional computer, people and organizational skills a necessity. Fax resumes to: 306-237-4466 Email: scott@ Flight Centre is hiring Travel Consultants in Saskatoon! Boost your career with a global organization and receive uncapped earning potential, and comprehensive personal and professional development. For full details, and to apply online, please visit www.apply MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-855-768-3362 to star t training for your work-athome career today! Pe t e r ’s B r o s . Pa v i n g , S o u t h Okanagan paving company, seeking experienced paving personnel (min. 3 years) for their highway division throughout BC. Relocation allowance may be available. Competitive wage $20.00 to $30.00 per hour plus benefits, full time seasonal. Please send resume to
Corporate Bonspiel The third annual Corporate Bonspiel took place at the Power Dodge Curling Centre on Saturday, March 14.
Peter Wall 1935 - 2015 Peter Lloyd Wall, late of Estevan, SK, passed away peacefully on March 8, 2015 at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Estevan, at the age of 79 years. Peter will be lovingly remembered by his children, Gwen Edwards (Gerald) of Grenfell, SK, Kerr y Gilroy (Vince) and Kevin Wall, both of Estevan, SK; his grandchildren, Mandy & Courtney Wall, Jordan & Layne Gilroy; and his siblings, Rick Wall (Irene), Abe Wall, Helena Paul (Allan) and Bill Wall (Winona); his sister-in-law Hilda Davis and his many nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his wife Irma; his parents, Cornelius and Helena Wall; his sisters, Marlene and Eva Wall and his sister-in-law Bev Wall. A Celebration of Peter’s Life was held on Friday, March 13, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall Estevan, SK, with Doug Third officiating. Those wishing to make donations in Peter ’s memor y may do so directly to the Lung Association of Saskatchewan, 106 - 438 Victoria Avenue E., Regina, SK, S4N 0N7. Funeral arrangements were entrusted to Hall Funeral Services, Estevan. Aurelia Hemke 1916 - 2015 Aurelia Louise Hemke, late of Midale, SK passed away at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Estevan on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at the age of 99 years. Aurelia is survived by her d a u g h te r N ayd a ( Fre d ) McNeill; grandchildren, Chelsea McNeill and Jon (Alexandra) McNeill, as well as numerous nieces, nephews and friends. She was predeceased by h e r fi rs t h u s b a n d Fre d Schmidt; second husband Ed Hemke; three brothers and one sister. A Memorial Service was held on Monday, March 16, 2 015 a t 2 : 0 0 p. m . i n t h e Chapel of Hall Funeral Service s , Es teva n , w i t h Pa s to r Stewart Miller officiating. Those wishing to make donations in Aurelia’s memory may do so directly to the St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation (designate to Palliative Care), Box 5000-203, 1176 Nicholson Road, Estevan, SK, S4A 2V6. Funeral arrangements were entrusted to Hall Funeral Services, Estevan.
Lorraine Berdina Irene Kolke Funeral Services for Lorraine Berdina Irene Kolke, late of Midale, SK, age 84 years, was held on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 2:00 pm from the Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Midale, SK with Pastor Cicely McDougal officiating. Interment followed in Green Acres Memorial Gardens in Weyburn, SK. Lorraine was predeceased by her loving husband of 40 years, Loren Kolke; an infant daughter; parents, August and Emeline Anderson; t wo sisters, Lois Summers and Violet Davis. She leaves to mourn her four daughters, Sheryl (Steve) Greer of Calgary, AB; Joyce (Raymond) Carlson of Midale, SK; Donna (Tom) Lea of Lac La Biche, AB; Patty (Ron) Evans of Halbrite, SK; son, Ordean (Tara) Kolke of Midale, SK; 12 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. Lorraine was born September 26, 1930 at Midale, SK. Lorraine worked as a nanny and cook until she married her soul mate and love of her life Loren in 1954. Together they ran a general trucking contractor business. In 1973 they purchased the family farm near Midale. She resided there until Loren’s passing in 1995. Lorraine purchased a house in Midale on Main Street living there until ill health had her move to Mainprize Manor. There she obtained an extended family. Lorraine was a quiet, loving, caring person who loved gardening, gospel and country music, animals, puzzles, old movies and mostly spending time with her family. She enjoyed life and had abundant amounts of fun, laughter, activity and children in her home at all times. She especially enjoyed having her family come on festive occasions and the annual family camping trips. Lorraine was and will be remembered as a loving and giving mother, grandmother and greatgrandmother. All in attendance at Lorraine’s service were considered honorary pallbearers. The active pallbearers were Tim Schweigert, Daryl Carlson, Cody Martin, Rylan Kolke, Taelyn Kolke, Zac Schweigert, Kayla Martin, and Vern Carlson. Those wishing to express their sympathy may donate to the charity of their choice. Family would like to express their thanks for cards, phone calls, texts, food brought and all forms of support. They also cannot express their upmost thanks to Mainprize Manor, St. Joseph Unit A Staff and Dr. Christie for the excellent care and dignity given to Lorraine. Funeral arrangements were in care of Fletcher Funeral Chapel. Condolences for the family may be left at
Raymond Roy Luhr Raymond Roy Luhr, late of Estevan, SK. passed away on March 7, 2015 at St. Joseph’s Hospital at the age of 80 years. The Visitation was held on Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 7-9 p.m. at Chapel of Hall Funeral Services, Estevan, SK. The Funeral Service was held on Friday, March 13, 2015 at 2 pm at Estevan Alliance Church with Pastor Donovan Epp and Pastor Jim Kedge officiating. Interment took place prior to the service at 10:30 am at Arcola Cemeter y. All were welcome to attend. Those wishing to make donations in memor y of Ray may do so to the Kenosee Lake Bible Camp, Box 217, Ke n o s e e L a k e , S K . S 0 C 2S0or the Gideons International in Canada, PO Box 3619, Guelph, ON, N1H 6T9. Messages of condolence may be forwarded to the family by visiting Funeral arrangements were entrusted to Hall Funeral Services, Estevan, SK.
The World-Spectator in Moosomin is looking for a full-time reporter/photographer to cover community events, write news, sports and feature stories. Must have own vehicle. To apply, email resume and writing samples to
We’re on
General employment DO YOU have a green thumb? Greenhouse company is seeking FT/PT garden centre operators for local retail garden centre in Weyburn, SK. Positions are from midApril to mid-June. Wage based on experience. Please contact by email at or fax at 1-403-886-2252. HELP WANTED!! Make up to $1000 A Week Mailing Brochures From Home! Help Home Workers Since 2001! Genuine Opportunity! NO Experience Required! Start Immediately!
Charles Walter Charles Walter, late of Estevan, SK. passed away on March 7, 2015, at the age of 78 years. Charles was born in September 1, 1936 at Lampman Union Hospital. He was the youngest son of John and Veronica Walter. He took his education at the Roseview School after which he worked with his father on the farm.On June 4, 1957, Charles married the love of his life, Marie McGillicky of the Macoun District. Their first home was on his parent’s farm where they lived for about nine years. During this time they had t wo daughters, Glenda born March 25, 1958 and Charlene born March 7, 1962. In 1967 Charles and Marie moved to Estevan where they owned a small gas station. Most of his life Charles worked hard as a mechanic and car salesman. He was also a handyman and helped others farming in his later years. Charles loved spending time with his grandchildren taking
them fishing, going to the movies, playing poker, playing pool, and staying up late watching science fiction movies. Oh how he loved science fiction! Charles was very energetic and enjoyed curling, baseball, hockey, golf, billiards, painting, drawing, and playing endless games of cards. Charles was active every Sunday as an usher in the Roman Catholic Church. He was also a member of The Knights of Columbus. He is survived by his loving wife Marie; his two daughters, Glenda (Barrie) Willette and Charlene (Vic) Schoff; five grandchildren, Brent (Sarah), Shawn, Travis (Andrea), Brendon (Kendra), and Ashley; seven great grandchildren Chad, Chelsey, Savannah, Ethan, Brody, Jaxson, and Kaden; one sister, Dorothy (Alex) Wurst; one brother; Henry (Justine) Walter and numerous nieces, nephews and in-laws. Charles was predeceased by his parents, John and Veronica Walter; sister and brother-in-law, Agnes and Albert Selk and numerous in-laws. The Funeral Mass was celebrated on March 12, 2015 at 10:30 St. John the Baptist Church with Father Brian Meredith presiding. Interment followed at Souris Valley Memorial Gardens. Pallbearers were Brent Willette, Shawn Willette, Travis Willette, Brendon Schoff, Ashley Schoff, and Chad Willette. Those wishing to make donations in Charles’ memory may do so to the Alzheimer’s Society, 2550 12th Avenue, Regina, SK S4P 3X1. Arrangements were entrusted to Hall Funeral Services, Estevan.
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March 18, 2015 B11
Public Notice is hereby given that nominations for the candidates for the office of: Councillor: Town of Midale Number to be elected Two (2) will be received by the undersigned on the 1st day of April, 2015 from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., and during regular business hours on March 18th, 2015 to March 31st, 2015 Nomination forms may be obtained at the Town of Midale Business office located at 233 Main Street. Midale, Saskatchewan Dated at Midale this 18th day of March 2015 Returning Officer, Linda M. Dugan
Keep our environment looking
Notice is hereby given that the Assesment Roll for The Town of Midale for the year of 2015 has been prepared and is open for inspection in the office of the assessor during Regular office hours 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. monday to Friday from March 20th, 2015 - April 16th, 2015. and from 9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. April 17th 2015. A Bylaw pursuant to section to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person wishing to appeal agasint his/her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal in writing along with a $25.00 fee to the Assessor of the Town of Midale Box 128 Midale, Sask. S0C 1S0 Dated this 18th day of March 2015 Linda M. Dugan, Assessor
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FOR SALE Spraying Equipment
Notice of Call for Nominations
3630 High Clearance Spray Coupe Diesel with options
$ 15,000 Hay Equipment 5010 - 16 ft. MacDon Haybine
$ 9,500 BR780 New Holland Baler Mega pick up, net wrap option
$ 7,000 Heston 565A Baler Gathering wheels, fully automatic, self contained hydraulics.
$ 5,000 4000 International 24’ Swather, pick up reels, air ride seat, air/heat/radio, oversized tires.
$ 5,000 Feeding Equipment 920 Jiffy Bale Processor
$ 4,500
10 acre parcels Residential lots, 1/4 mile west of Estevan
Your Guide to Area Faith Lutheran Church Office 1132 4th Street • 306-634-3773 Sunday Service 10:30 am Nicholson Centre Pastor Dan Krauss and Joshua Lowe Phone: 306-471-8130 All Are Welcome
Sunday Worship 10:30am Nursery & Children’s Ministries Available Sunday School at 9:30am
Friday Night Youth 7:30 pm (gr 7-12) Children’s Clubs -Wednesdays- 7-8 pm 140 King Street (across from Staples)
306.634.2601 /estevanalliance
Sunday Worship & Sunday School - 10am PASTOR STEWART MILLER
Coffee & Fellowship after Worship 738 - 2nd Street, Estevan Church Office: 306-634-5684 E: Website:
Sunday Service at
1302 - 8th St., Estevan Office Phone: 306-634-3116 Email: TIM PIPPUS SUNDAY SERVICES: Bible Study - 10:00 a.m. Worship - 11:00 a.m.
Bible studies on any subject can be arranged at your convenience. Please call us.
Followed by coffee time
1107 - 4th Street Phone: 306-634-2074
100 King Street, Estevan, Sask • (306) 634-8133 •
Pastors: Lieuts. Brian & June Bobolo SUNDAY: 11:00 a.m. Worship Service with Children’s Program
10:00 am
Live Russian Translation
1202 - 2nd Street Phone: 306-634-3761
“Holding fast the faithful word”
Pastor: Josh Permann Sunday:Worship 11:00 a.m. Tuesday: Prayer Meeting 7:00 p.m. Youth Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Wednesday: Club DJ for kids 6:30 p.m.
An Associated Gospel Church
St. Joseph’s Prayer Centre Everyone welcome to join our daily prayers, inspirational Bible DVD viewings and lively discussions
2 - 4 pm Monday - Friday Series topics change monthly Call for more information 1033 3rd Street Estevan
Sunday Worship Service and Sunday School • 11:00 am • Minister: Rev. Brenna Nickel Website:
306-634-2885 • 1418 3rd St. Estevan
Trinity Lutheran Church
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church LC-C Isabelle & Souris Reverend Randy Kleemola Phone: 306-634-2024 email:
Sunday Worship
9:30 a.m. - Bible Study 10:30 a.m. - Divine Service with Holy Communion Sunday School A Congregation of LUTHERAN CHURCH - CANADA
Pursuing God Buiding Relationships Impacting Lives
1920 Wellock Road, Estevan • (306) 634-7955 Estevan Church of God • 10:30 a.m., Sunday Worship with Children’s Ministries & Nursery. 7:30 p.m. Fridays theGROVE Youth Ministries. Please call us or visit our website for more information about other ministres and events.
His Glory Bible Church
(Light of Life Ministries International) Join us in Glorious Praise and Worship With: Pastors Dr. and Mrs. Jimi Akinsete Where: Westview School When: 10am on Sundays Experience Healing, Deliverance and Breakthroughs
St. Giles
Anglican Church
Parish of Estevan
317-12th Avenue
Sunday Worship: 8:00 & 10:00 am September - May Children’s Sunday School: 10:00 am The Rev. Mark Osborne ALL ARE WELCOME! Church Office: 306-634-4113
St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church Corner 12th Avenue & 2nd Street
Phone: 306-634-2190
Fax: 306-634-6845
Pastor: Father Brian Meredith MASSES: Saturday: 7:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
Visit us on the Web:
B12 March 18, 2015
Estevan Mercury
Apartments For Rent 1 & 2 bedroom Apartments Available Check us out on facebook
Fridge, stove, dishwasher, microwave, central air, washer/dryer, references required, no dogs allowed
Hillside Condominiums
Stephen J. Orlowski, B.Ed., LL.B. 1215 - 5th Street, Estevan
Phone: 306-634-3353
Fax: 306-634-7714 Branch offices at:
Arcola Redvers Carnduff Arcola Agencies Carlsen Bldg. Carnduff Agencies Bldg. Wednesday A.M. Wednesday P.M. Thursday P.M. Phone: 306-455-2277 Phone: 306-452-3377 Phone: 306-482-4077
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Border Real Estate Service
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Roni Sue Coulter Sales Representative
1312 - 4th Street, Estevan
TroberT Law Firm
James F. Trobert B.A., LL.B. Barrister & Solicitor
Estevan Wicklow Centre 305 1133 4th St. Estevan SK S4A 0W6
Ph: 306-634-2616 Fax: 306-634-9881
Telephone: 306-634-3631 Fax: (306) 634-6901
Call today for a
Gainsborough: Carnduff: Thursday a.m. Thursday p.m. Phone: 306-685-2250 Phone: 306-482-3731
Equipment Rental FOR RENT
Randy Franke 306-421-2244
Financial Planning Roofing/Eavestrough Insurance & Investments Services “In the business of creating , enhancing and insuring client’s net worth” Reynold Bert Certified Financial Planner
Ove ALL W We hav r 10 ORK e you yea GUA r roofi rs e RAN n xpe TEED g needs rien | FR “cove Now Booking ce • EE ES red!” Res TIMA Spring 2015 Roofs ide TES ntia l
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Free Market Evaluation Diane Jocelyn 306-421-3170
Dwight Thompson
Sales Representative Cell: 306-421-7516
Building Construction 41512N Hwy 12N Steinbach • 204.326.1126 1-877-486-3371 415 Hwy Hwy 12N Steinbach 204.326.1126 415 Steinbach • •204.326.1126 • • •
VOGT VOGT VOGT Quality Quality Custom BuiltlBui tHomes Homes Custom Bui Quality Custom lt Homes
From Design to Final Finishing, Your Complete “Turn-Key” Project Management Solution – Ready-To-Move & Onsite Projects From Design to Final Finishing, Your Complete “Turn-Key” Project Management Solution – Ready-To-Move & Onsite Projects
From Design to Final Finishing, Your Complete “Turn-Key” Project Management Solution Ready-To-Move & Onsite Projects
From Design to Final Finishing, Your Complete “Turn-Key” Project Management Solution – Ready-To-Move & Onsite Projects
Hearing Services Estevan’s LOCAL option for hearing services!
Ron Areshenkoff Mutual Fund Advisor Life Insurance Representative
Estevan’s ONLY Audiologist Estevan’s ONLY weekly clinic Estevan’s ONLY locally owned
403B 9th Avenue, Estevan, SK S4A 2V4 PH: (306)634-7979 Toll Free: (877)779-0948 Insurance Offered Through Spectra Financial
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Serving Estevan and Area for over 35 years
Why wait for service... we are always here! Jacquie Mvula, M.S., R Aud Clinical Audiologist, Owner
#105 - 418 Kensington Avenue, Estevan, SK • (306) 636-EARS (3277) Across from the Co-op Gas Bar • Hours: Tuesday -Wednesday -Thursday 9:00 - 4:00
Call 306-634 2654 to Book a Space!
March 18, 2015 B13
The news from Creighton Lodge As March rolls in like a lion, we are wondering if spring is really just around the corner? We kept pretty busy at the Lodge in February so the frigid temperatures didn’t bother us too much. We have everything we need inside our walls - a comfortable, safe place to live, great home cooked meals, church and lots of fun activities and entertainment. So…… if you don’t have to go to the doctor or dentist, you don’t even need to go out in the cold!! We want to thank all
the folks who entertained us this month and ventured out when we didn’t want to. We love the tunes of Freddie and the Freebies, the Happy Wanderers, the Church of Christ singers, and also Ross LeBlanc and Susan Shepherd. We just can’t get enough music around here! Our exercise ladies, Audrey Dupuis, Sharon Daymen and Irene Tarnes continued to work our muscles 3 days a week. We find this activity very good for us and it keeps us moving! Thanks
Sun Country Regional Health Authority
NOTICE Of MEETING WHEN: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 WHERE: Aud. 1, St. Joseph’s Hospital of Estevan TIME: 1:30 P.M.
· The Regional Health Authority (SCRHA) is the governing body of your Health Region, and conducts its regular business meetings in public. · Strategic Planning - Wall Walk at 1:30 p.m. · Individuals or groups of individuals requesting a meeting with SCRHA must send their request in writing 10 days prior to the meeting stating the purpose of the meeting and the time required. Send to Sun Country Regional Health Authority, 808 Souris Valley Rd., Weyburn, Sk, S4H 2Z9 or to Betty Nault is Executive Assistant to SCHR.
so much. Our Estevan Library meets our needs in the reading department with their monthly visit to pick up and drop off books for us. It is an awesome service and we are thankful to have them do this. We always appreciate the visits from our faithful bingo caller, Joan Wock. We don’t know what we would do if we couldn’t play bingo. We also enjoy visits from Christina Wock and her Dog Therapy dogs and thank them both very much. Some special events this month were the presentation on “Medications” by the pharmacist from Pharmasave. It’s such a good thing for us to remain informed and we thank him very much for taking the time to speak to us. We also were treated to a wonderful afternoon of fun with the children from the Grade 4 class of Pleasantdale school. We hope they all enjoyed their Valentines cookies that our cook, Lori Elliott gave them. I know we all enjoyed them!!
Speaking of our cook, Lori – she will soon be baking up a storm for our April 2nd Bake Sale. This is the annual sale put on by the Resident Council and I’ll tell you now – the baking goes really fast so come early to get your favourite baking. The cinnamon buns are mouth-watering. There will be pies, cookies, squares, buns, cakes and also some very neat crafts made by our residents. Mark your calendar now – April 2 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Our spiritual needs were met with church services supplied by the Ministerial Association. We also have communion with Trinity Lutheran, St. Paul’s United and St. John’s Catholic Church. A big thank you to all the churches of Estevan for
supporting Creighton Lodge. The folks from Estevan Gospel Chapel visited with our residents this month too – a very thoughtful thing to do. We sadly said goodbye to long-time resident Joyce Schoff as she moved to Mainprize Manor so she could receive more care. We are really going to miss Joyce – she is one of the most kind and positive woman you could ever know and we wish her well in her new home as she rekindles her friendship with other Creighton Lodge residents who have relocated there. A big reminder, too, that our major fundraiser is underway and we’d love for you to buy a ticket from us. We are giving away 3 prizes (a trip voucher or cash) for $1,500, $3,500, and $5,000.
The draw will be May 2. The tickets are $100 each – we accept debit, cash, MasterCard, Visa or Shelly will put you on a payment plan!! $35.00 a month! Haha. The plans are being drawn up now for the addition to the lounge and we are all getting very excited about construction starting in the spring. If our fundraiser is a success as it was last year, we will be very close to the amount we need to pay for this project. So just give us a call and we’ll bring your ticket over to your house if you can’t get down to see us at the Lodge. Hopefully next month the snow will be melting and the tulips will be poking out of the ground. Until then, stay warm and be careful on the ice!!
Valuing Saskatchewan’s Wetlands
Everyone is welcome to attend and observe.
Plugging the drainage ditch
1106-6 Street th
Restored wetland after 5 years
Do you own land with ditched / drained sloughs? We’ll plug the ditch and restore the slough back to previous condition.
Receive a one-time payment of $2,000 per acre* for each re-established slough acre.
1629 Sq. Ft.
Call the Upper Souris Watershed at 306-634-7074 for full details.
3 offices • 2 bathrooms ready to move in
*Some conditions apply
KenSington Avenue
4 retAil SpAceS AvAilAble
This project was undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada. Ce projet a été réalisé avec l’appui financier du gouvernement du Canada.
minimum 1290 sq. Ft. - build to suit
Holdings Inc.
For lease or rental inFormation contact treena 306-634-6030 306-421-0252 or e-mail:
CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Book Your Career ad today! Call
Oungre Memorial Park is now accepting resumes for
➤ Lifeguards ➤ Asst. Swimming Instructor ➤ Round House Worker ➤ Grounds Worker Any questions contact Gord at (306) 456-7780 Send resumes (including references) to: Fax to: (306) 456-2404
Together, We’re Taking Energy Further™
Nalco Champion, an Ecolab company, offers a singular focus on providing specialty chemistry programs and related services for upstream, midstream and downstream oil and gas operations. Through onsite problem solving and the application of innovative technologies, we deliver sustainable solutions to overcome complex challenges in the world’s toughest energy frontiers. Together, we’re taking energy further. Nalco Champion has an immediate need for an Application Specialist in our Energy Services – Oilfield Chemicals group located in Estevan, SK. The Application Specialist is primarily responsible for maintaining established accounts and to identify and develop new market opportunities in a strategic growth area for Nalco Champion. This position would provide an excellent opportunity to learn all facets of oil & gas production as well as the opportunity to enhance and display communication skills through every level of the key customer’s personnel. Other responsibilities include:
Engage in prospecting activities to create opportunities for sales.
Manage chemical programs and field applications.
Resolve chemical and system problems
If you are a dedicated Application Specialist with a proven track record of safety and success we invite you to apply. This is your opportunity to join a large growing company offering competitive base salary and benefits. To join our dynamic team, please apply On line: Job id 49392BR
B14 March 18, 2015
Estevan Mercury
Kitz Rink off to provincials Chaelynn Kitz, Angela Hookenson, Taylor Marcotte and Halynne Lamontagne advanced to the girls’ 17-andunder curling provincials by going undefeated at regions in Gainsborough this past weekend. This competition was a three team, round robin tournament. In the first game, Team Kitz was matched up against Team Murray from Carievale
and defeated them 5-2. After the first end resulting in a blank, Kitz stole a point in the second end to go up 1-0. In the next end, Team Murray responded and tied the game at one. In the fifth end, Kitz was already sitting with two points and was able to draw for a third, making the score 5-1 after five ends. In the following end Carievale scored their final point
of the game, and the final two ends remained scoreless for the Kitz Rink victory. In their second game, The Kitz Rink beat Team Thompson from Maryfield. Team Thompson jumped to an early lead when they scored a point in the first end, and they went up two nothing when Thompson stole a point in the third end. In the next end, the Kitz Rink was with sitting three
points, when on the final draw Kit scored an extra point to take a 4-2 lead. In the sixth end, Kitz once again made a nice raise to score another four points for her team. During the seventh end Thomson missed a wide open take out and Kitz stole three points giving her team the win. With the win, Team Kitz advances to the 17-andunder juvenile provincials in Nipawin this weekend.
Chaelynn Kitz, Angela Hookenson, Taylor Marcotte, Halynne Lamontagne and coach Shane Kitz gather for a photo as they advanced to the 17 and under juvenile curling provincials in Nipawan.
MOOSE CREEK REGIONAL PARK Employment Opportunities
Klaws Trucking
Applications are being accepted for
Park Personnel
• Duties to include campground supervision, gate operation and general maintenance. • Must have valid driver’s license and steel toe boots. • Also includes weekends Part time and full time positions are available. Deadline for applications is April 1, 2015. Only successful applicants will be notified! Interested parties may apply by resume to: Moose Creek Regional Park Box 926 Oxbow, SK S0C 2B0 Or email to:
is looking for - Dispatcher - 1A Drivers to haul crude oil and water Preferred Experience. 21 days a month. Call Shawn at 306 461 6744 for more information
Hokanson Hauling Ltd.
is looking for a full time:
TANK TRUCK DRIVER - must have 1A licence - must have safety tickets - oil hauling experience an asset Email resume to: or call Kyle: 421-7321
CITY PAGE Summer Students
The City of Estevan is looking for energetic, self-motivated, and team focused individuals to join our summer team. Enjoy the summer weather while learning new skills, building relationships, and contributing to a growing, thriving community.We are currently accepting applications – please indicate which position you are applying for along with date of availability.
This is a tremendous opportunity for you to: • Earn money for your post-secondary education. • Obtain real life working experience and explore career options. • Come home or stay home for the summer while working great hours. • Work with a talented team that operates, manages and grows your City. • Make it a career, and enjoy educational funding opportunities. Public Works – Road Staff • Street and sidewalk repairs, crack sealing, asphalt patching and maintenance. • Line painting, curbs, signs and cross walks • Physical labour and traffic sign repairs. • Must be responsible, able to take direction and desire to complete tasks in a timely manner. Public Works – Water & Waste Water • Assist in activities involving storm and sewer maintenance. • Water valve exercising, hydrant maintenance. • Assisting crew with water breaks and repairs. • Perform a wide range of physical duties. Parks Staff • Assist in green space beautification, playground, park and sports field operations.
• Grass cutting and weed whipping. • Parks and playground maintenance. • Maintain trees, shrubs and flowering plants. • Must enjoy working outdoors. Water Treatment / Waste Water Treatment • Aid in the safe operation and maintenance of water plant functions and equipment in compliance with environmental standards. Safe distribution, treatment, and transmission of water to customers. • This position is ideal for individuals with an Engineering or University background. • Perform a wide range of manual labour duties in the maintenance of wastewater treatment plants. • This work includes physical labour in performing repairs and preventative maintenance.
Resumes will be accepted until the positions are filled. The City of Estevan is proud to offer an excellent salary for summer students. To apply or for further information, please contact: Aubrey Agarand, Human Resources 1102-4th Street, Estevan, SK S4A 0W7 • Ph: (306) 634-1841 • Fx: (306) 634-9790 • We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.
The City of Estevan is looking for an energetic, self-motivated, and team focused individual join our lifeguarding crew. The ideal candidate would possess a passion for aquatics coupled with strong leadership and interpersonal skills.
Responsibilities include but are not limited to: • Ensures the safety of Aquatic Centre customers by enforcing policies, rules, and regulations. • Teaches Aquatics lessons. Completes all paperwork such as work sheets and report cards at the conclusion of a set of lessons. • Administer First Aid in the event of major or minor incidents within the facility. • Maintenance and cleaning of the guard area, pool areas, and change rooms. • Logs, records, and reports information such as water tests, time sheets, and tasks performed. • Promotes pool programming and maintains positive public relations between staff and customers. The successful candidate would require: • A minimum of 16 years of age • Current National Lifeguarding Service Course or Red Cross Lifeguard • Current First Aid and CPR C Certificate • Current Red Cross Water Safety Instruction Certificate The City of Estevan offers competitive wages, a comprehensive benefits package, and emphasis on work/life balance. If you’re looking for a career that contributes directly to a growing, thriving community, then apply to: Aubrey Agarand, Human Resources City of Estevan, 1102 4th Street, Estevan, Sk S4A 0W7 Phone: (306) 634-1841 • Fax: (306) 634-9790 • Email:
1102 4TH STREET ESTEVAN, SK 306 • 634 • 1800
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The City of Estevan is looking for an independent and self-motivated individual to assist in the maintenance and operation of our water and wastewater treatment facilities. The ideal candidate would possess significant mechanical aptitude and attention to detail. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: • Organizes and operates a preventative maintenance program for the Water Treatment Plant and Wastewater Treatment Plant. • Identifies malfunctions in equipment and systems operations and performs repairs. • Ensuring compliance with all regulations stipulated by the Environmental Management and Protection Act regarding the production and delivery of potable water and the treatment and disposal of wastewater. • Works as a relief operator of the Water Treatment Plant and Wastewater Treatment Plant when required. This position requires: • Grade 12 • Valid Class 5 Driver’s License • Two years of post-secondary education in one of the following: • Chemical Engineering or Chemical Technology • Environmental Engineering or Environmental Technology • Water Sciences • Instrumentation Technology or Instrumentation Journeyperson • Water/Wastewater Treatment Operator’s Certification and Fireman’s Certificate would be an asset The City of Estevan offers competitive wages, a comprehensive benefits package, and emphasis on work/life balance. If you’re looking for a career that contributes directly to a growing, thriving community, then apply to:
Aubrey Agarand, Human Resources City of Estevan 1102 4th Street, Estevan, Sk S4A 0W7 Phone: (306) 634-1841 • Fax: (306) 634-9790 • Email:
Please be advised of City of Estevan bylaw 89-1294 Section 34 (e): “The occupier of property in the City of Estevan shall remove any snow, ice or other obstruction from the public sidewalk adjacent to such property within twenty-four (24) hours of the time such snow, ice or other obstruction appears on such public sidewalk. In the event that this subsection is not complied with, the City may remove such snow, ice or other obstruction at the expense of such occupant or owner, and in the event of the non-payment of such expense, such expense may be charged against the property as a special assessment to be recovered in like manner as and with the taxes”.
and City of Estevan bylaw 89-1294 Section 34 (c): “No person shall deposit any
substance on any highway, public sidewalk, boulevard or ditch within the City of Estevan”
March 18, 2015 B15
1102 4TH STREET ESTEVAN, SK 306 • 634 • 1800
EVENTS City of Estevan: Leisure Programs are available to view online immediately. Registration for public will begin at 5:30pm. We encourage you to make an online registration account, if you haven't already and use our online registration process as classes fill up quickly. Go to : Call 306-634-1876 for more information
Creating an Online Account: > Divisions > Leisure Services > Online Program Registration. Create New Account.
TS&M Woodlawn Junior Golf Development Program
We will be offering instructional programs designed to familiarize your child with the basic fundamentals of golf, basic rules and most importantly, how to have fun! All lessons will be taught by PGA of Canada, Class “A” Professional Amanda Minchin. The Woodlawn Junior Club will provide equipment if your child does not have their own.
PLEASE NOTE: Lesson dates, times and # of sessions are slightly different from previous years! LITTLE LINKSTERS (Two 50 minute sessions + participant gift) Ages: Kindergarten – Grade 3 Dates: Saturday May 9th & Sunday May 10th Time: 10:00–10:50,11:00–11:50,12:00–12:50,1:00–1:50,2:00–2:50 Register ASAP as sessions fill quickly. Cost: $30.00 Call Amanda @ JUNIOR LINKSTERS (Three 45 minute sessions + participant gift) 306-421-8817 for more info Ages: Grades 4 – 6 Drop off the completed Dates:Group 1 (Wed, Mon, Wed) – April 29th, May 4th, May 6th registration with payment at Group 2 (Thurs, Tues, Thurs) – April 30th, May 5th, May 7th Woodlawn Golf Club or Time: 4:15 – 5:00 or 5:15 – 6:00 drop in mailbox @ 74 Cost: $50.00 Cundall Drive.
Souris Valley Museum Estevan Adult Soccer For more information call Sarah @ [p] 306.634.5543 [w]
May—August 2015
Contact: Tanya @ (306) 4215558 Men’s: Tues./Thurs. nights Women's: Mon/Wed nights
Estevan Minor Baseball
Mondays & Wednesdays : Blast ball, Pee Wee & Bantam Tuesdays & Thursdays : Mosquito, Junior mites & Senior mites Contact Kent @ (306)421-8329 Participants can fill out online registration form and bring with them.. Saves you time in line.
Minor Hockey 3on3
Come Register for some hockey fun!
Age groups are divided into smaller teams to play a fun, quick game of hockey. March 30—end of April More details coming!! Watch for them!
Estevan Youth/Mini Soccer Season April-June 2015
Estevan Golden Eels Summer Swim Club
Contact us for more information on our programs
WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS WINTER AT THE ESTEVAN ARTS COUNCIL? Stars for Saskatchewan The Gala Trio Sunday, March 22, 2015 - 2:30pm at St. Paul’s United Church
Community Programs March/April 2015 Family Art This is an art program for parents and toddlers. Parent participation is required. March 19, March 26, April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 10 am - 10.30 am • $5/family/month Night at the Musueum For history buffs and collectors! Come learn about retro toys and view pieces of the Souris Valley Museums collectors. BringWHEN: your own vintage Thursdays toy and tell us about it! February 26 March 25 • 7 pm • Free March 5,12,19,26 April 2,9,16,23,30 May 7,14,21,28 Stitch & Bitch 10 - 10:30 am Learn how to knit and crochet! A 4 week course for adults and teens. WHERE: April 1 - 22 • 7 pm - 9 pm • $40/person The Estevan Art Gallery The Pinterest Challenge COST: Join us as we tackle crafts and DIY projects found on Pinterest. $5/family/week March 26 and April 30 • 7 pm - 9 pm • $20/person/session
Pre-Register with Karly at 634-7644 or by email at
│118 - 4th STREET │HOURS: Mon to Fri 10:00am - 6:00pm | Thurs 10:00am - 9:00pm│(P) 306 634 7644 │ (E) │(W)
Swim Racing in a Fun Team Atmosphere. Improve your strokes while competing against other clubs in the province. Season runs from May 4 to July 26. Swim Meets in Regina, Weyburn, and Assinibioa. Ages 6 and up with Level 1. Fees start at $120. Join the fun as the Eels Rule the Pool. For more information contact Shelley at or check out (WILL NOT BE PRESENT AT CITY WIDE, please use email)
PENTA COMPLETIONS ESTEVAN MINOR FOOTBALL Atom (8 – 9 years old as of December 31st 2015 – Born 2006 to 2007) Pee-Wee (10 - 12 years old as of December 31st 2015 – Born 2003 to 2005) Bantam (13 - 15 years old as of December 31st 2015 – Born 2000 to 2002)
Under 8
Under 10
Under 12
Under 14
To help make your child's time more enjoyable, we are asking that all parents help with our soccer season this year. Each child will be charged a $25 volunteer fee that will be refunded to u at the end of season after everyone works their shifts. Any question please call Aleah 306-461-8618.
Estevan Girls Softball
$120 $200
Get your registration form online and fill out prior to attending,.
*Equipment supplied for tackle football, all that is required is plastic cleats & water for games –practices *Practices are held at Dr Dean Chow Field which is directly across from Woodlawn Regional Park. *Practices are 3 – 4 times a week beginning at 6:00 PM, run until 8:00 or 8:30, depending on age. *Practices begin week of August 21st, Our 1st game: week of Sept 6th and season ends mid October . *Registered players are encouraged to attend spring practices for skills, techniques & endurance.
Atom aged player @ 6:00, Pee-Wee&Bantam ages @ 7:30 Helmets & shoulder pads only, Dr. Dean Chow Field Rules can be found at: Or:
Flag Football
Under 6
Open to children 6 & 7 years of age ONLY as of Dec 31, 2015 Registration fee: $25.00 before April 15th,2015; $35.00 after April 15th, 2015 Games are moved to Sunday evenings, season to begin May 10, concludes June 20th weekend. All games are at Dr. Dean Chow Field beginning at 6:00 with a short practice followed by a game. Runners, gym shorts or sweats and water are all that is required, t-shirt to be provided.
Bantam/Midget Tues & Thurs $95 PeeWee
Mon & Wed
Mon & Wed
Tues & Thurs $65
Learn to Play Program
5-10yrs old GIRLS & BOYS WELCOME Players will be placed into a level based upon age and ability Pre-Season Skill Sessions—$20 April 14, 16, 23 Multi-purpose Room, Leisure Centre 8yrs & up For More Info Call: Rhonda @ 306-461-9791 Or Mike @ 306-421-1804
NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Pursuant to subsection 187 (1) of The Cities Act, notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the City of Estevan for the year of 2015, has been prepared and is open to inspection at the City of Estevan, Finance Department, 1102 Fourth Street, Estevan from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the following days: Monday to Friday, March 18, 2015 to April 16, 2015. Any person having an interest in any property who wishes to appeal the assessment of that property to the Board of Revision is required to file a notice of appeal in writing to: The Secretary of the Board of Revision, 1102 Fourth Street, Estevan, SK S4A 0W7 on or before the 16th day of April, 2015. Dated this 18th day of March, 2015 Trina Sieben , City Assessor
B16 March 18, 2015
Estevan Mercury
Downtown Esteva
1231 4th Street
It takes more than a sign. I believe that in today’s market there must be a strong balance between effective pricing and marketing, both traditional and new. That’s why if you choose me you will have a comprehensive pricing and marketing plan that includes:
1500 sq.ft. Located in downtown Estevan Many upgrades including paint,
Frobisher Mobile
206 2nd Street, Frobisher
flooring, staircase and plumbing.
1280 sq.ft. 4 bedroom 2 bathroom
MLS #521633
MLS #504209
$209,900 ®
Eastend Mobile
16 West Valley Mobile Home Pk
1520 sq. ft.
3 bedroom 2 bathroom
Lampman Modular
$169,000 ®
Hillcrest Bungalow
Lampman Bungal
112 Grove Street, Lampman 1112 sq.ft. 4 bedroom 1 bathroom
Eastend Townhou
413 1st Street
#2 - 702 Fourth Street
992 sq.ft. 4 bedroom 2 bathroom MLS®#519491
Commercial Land
1068 sq.ft. 2 bedroom 2 bathroom MLS®#521628
Trojan Two Storey
• Proven strategies used to price and sell your property • Professional photographs • Professional video tours • Drone tours and photos • Social media based marketing including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube • Exposure on, and many other syndication sites such as Kijiji, Craigslist, Ovlix, etc.
SOLD 101 Carrol Street, Lampman 1144 sq.ft. 3 bedroom 2 bathroom
Hillcrest 1¾ Storey
348 Petterson Drive
1600 sq.ft. 3 bedroom 3 bathroom
Bienfait Business
420 Heritage Drive
424 Main Street, Bienfait
Bienfait bi-level
Well kept fourplex in Trojan neighbourhood 3 - 2 bedroom units; 1 -1 bedroom unit
Long established chinese restaurant, been in business 24 years. Business main floor, living space 2nd floor, single detached garage, equipment list upon request.
MLS #522979
ow Westview Bungal
Hillcrest Bi-level
245 Main Street
1917 1st Street
728 Jubilee Place
1228 sq.ft. 4 bedroom 2 bathroom MLS®#517391
Retail Business
912 sq.ft. 3 bedroom 2 bathroom MLS®#522088
Central Bungalow
1208 sq.ft. 4 bedroom 1 bathroom MLS®#523565
Trojan Bi-level
1510 - 400 King Street
429 Third Street
465 Petterson Drive
1151 sq.ft. 4 bedroom 2 bathroom
1284 sq. ft. 5 bedroom 3 bathroom
Oxbow Bungalow
Trojan Apartment
Corner Lot Bungal
848 Beryl Avenue
#209 - 306 Petterson Drive
1884 Wellock Road
1132 sq. ft. 4 bedroom 2 bathroom
MLS #525075 ®
Parcel C is available for sale! 5 acres. 1/4 mile S of town. Power, phone & gas nearby. Seller is willing to sell additional 45 acres if interested
614 1st Street A
1935 sq.ft. 7 bedroom 4 bathroom
Josh LeBlanc | REALTOR® |part-time
RM of Estevan No. 5
907 sq. ft. 2 bedroom 2 bathroom
1358 sq. ft.
4 bedroom 3 bathroom