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of Revibed Drinks

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We’re here to encourage people to live a healthier lifestyle through our superfood infused water.


“Our aim is to change the way you consume superfoods in the traditional formats such as juices and smoothies to a new format with pre-mixed superfood infused water that is in a can that you can have on-the-go. 100% natural, zero sugar and unbelievably refreshing.

Our primary objective is to encourage people to live a healthier and happier lifestyle through our superfood infused water alternative drink. Our Motto is Health is Wealth.”

Eugene: My Father would make Sorrel (Hibiscus) drink every Christmas as a family tradition that his Mother did for him, as in so many West Indian households. After finishing University, I went travelling around South Asia and I noticed that so many people were drinking hibiscus and realised it had many health benefits that I was unaware of.

When I returned to England, I suggested to my father that we should commercialise his drink but remove the process sugar content. We both felt strongly about offering a drink that anyone could partake of namely diabetics (who are restricted on options in drinks) and those people that just wanted to stop using sugar.

Ivor: I’ve always been keen for all of my children to be entrepreneurial so when Eugene suggested the idea, I was immediately 100% in. I also studied Business studies and previously ran my own consultancy business so immediately went about creating a business plan and cash flow together with Eugene arranging market research exercise at his local Gym.

You won Dragon’s Pantry Award at Farm Shop & Deli Show 2023, what did that feel like?

Eugene: Fantastic feeling. We had just pivoted to a new selection of exotic flavours based on consumer feedback. So being a winner of Dragons Pantry was confirmation that we had a viable product and proposition.

Ivor: : I was a bit nervous as Eugene was the last to pitch (graveyard shift) and judges become fatigued and less interested etc. But Eugene took command of the stage citing statistics and the benefits of the drink! He seemed to very relaxed and confident and answered all questions posed to him.

The Dragon’s Pantry, which offers food and drink industry entrepreneurs the chance to showcase their products to industry experts in a 15-minute pitch, returned to this year’s Farm Shop & Deil Show at Birmingham NEC.

What is your brand’s USP?

The USP is the first Sugar Free superfood infused on the go water. There are so many cognitive and energy benefits of various superfoods we use in our drinks.

Why are you impassioned to encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle?

The cost of diabetes to the NHS is over £1.5m an hour or 10% of the NHS budget for England and Wales. This equates to over £25,000 being spent on diabetes every minute. We know the deadly impact of consuming sugar and its impacts on our health and their mental state. Some Food Beverage industry experts suggested we started adding sugar to appeal to a wider market. We made conscious decision not to add sugar because we wanted to elevate peoples lives and stay true to our mission.

What your Mission Statement and Ethos of your business?

Health is Wealth is our mission statement - elevation by offering a healthy natural sugar free drink that any one can drink for those that are sugar intolerant, Gym goers, those that want to lose weight through calorie reduction

What are some of the challenges you’ve faced building your business?

• Financing – We had to use our money and rely on grants which is a very time-consuming process

• Being new to Beverage’s industry - Ivor has Banking background in Credit Management and Financial Crime. Eugene works in Energy. Massive learning curve for both of us and still learning.

• Obtaining business advice pertaining to the Drinks industry

You were also recently nominated rising star of the Year. Share about that nomination?

It came out of the blue. Foundervine who promotes diversity and inclusion was one our advisors and monitored our progression in the drinks industry including recognition by some key players in the industry.

Who has been or is a role model to you and why?

Ivor: After leaving the Law Courts and entering the private sector, I met a black person who was brought into my Bank as Senior Manager. Whilst I was always ambitious, I wasn’t sure how high I could go because of invisible barriers. This person had presence, commanded respect because of his subject matter and expertise in his field and many managers and Directors sought his opinion. I thought if he could do it then so could I and I would use him as a sounding board. This totally changed my mindset and allowed my career to take off in the 1980s, obtaining positions that I never thought were possible for someone like me.

Being humble and never taking anything for granted. Always show respect to others irrespective of their status. Helping others by giving them a helping hand up. Too many people forget where they are coming up or how they got started. How many black businesses proactively stock black products (including most start-up companies’ products) in their shops or use them for their events. Imagine what we could achieve if there was a shift in our mindset. Basically, to start to “walk the talk” instead of offering “lip service”.

What piece of advice would you each give to other young entrepreneurs?

Eugene: My Father is my role model. Observing his work ethics, going to night school whilst holding down a full-time job to provide for his family. Seeing him being headhunted for jobs in his chosen field of work was inspirational to me. He has always stressed to me nothing is impossible, to be and remain humble and to help others less fortunate you.

What do you feel are important life lessons, that have helped you grow and evolve?

Ivor: Be patient and diligent and be ready for knock backs. Business is not simple. Planning is a crucial part of business “Fail to plan then you are planning to fail.” Those that step out of their comfort zones and take on challenges will succeed.

Eugene: To embrace failure as a stepping stone to success. Understand that setbacks and mistakes are an integral part of the entrepreneurial journey. Instead of being discouraged by failures, view them as valuable learning experiences. Analyse what went wrong, adapt, and keep moving forward with new found knowledge and determination. Every challenge you encounter can be an opportunity for growth and innovation. So, don’t be afraid to take risks and learn from your entrepreneurial adventures; they will ultimately lead you closer to your goals.

What is your vision for the future for Revibed?

To become recognised as a healthy drink brand that is second to none in the UK and internationally

What is it you want customers to experience when they consume your product?

A refreshing healthy tasting drink that has a positive impact on people’s well-being.

What does it mean to build a legacy?

Ivor: For me from a personal perspective it is about creating generational wealth allowing my so Eugene and his children’s children to be able to benefit in years to come. Creating opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs by sharing experiences etc.

Eugene: To me it means leaving a lasting, positive impact or contribution that outlives one’s lifetime. It reflects values, accomplishments, and influence for future generations. For example, Nelson Mandela’s legacy includes ending apartheid and promoting peace and equality, inspiring others to fight for justice and human rights.

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