Bookman Old Style Font Name: Family Name: Version: Other Versions: Other Variants: File Name: Authors: Copyright: Trademarks: Unicode Ranges:
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Bookman Old Style Bookman Old Style 2.35 2.20, 1.50, 1.01 Bookman Old Style Bold Bookman Old Style Bold Italic Bookman Old Style Italic bookos.ttf Ong Chong Wah Digitized data copyright The Monotype Corporation 1991-1995. All rights reserved. Bookman Old Style™ is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Bookman Old Style™ is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Basic Latin Latin-1 Supplement Latin Extended-A Greek and Coptic Cyrillic, Cyrillic Supplementary 1252 Latin 1, 1250 Latin 2: Eastern Europe, 1251 Cyrillic, 1253 Greek, 1254 Turkish, 1257 Windows Baltic, Mac Roman Macintosh Character Set (US Roman), 869 IBM Greek, 866 MS-DOS Russian, 865 MS-DOS Nordic, 863 MS-DOS Canadian French, 861 MS-DOS Icelandic, 860 MSDOS Portuguese, 857 IBM Turkish, 855 IBM Cyrillic; primarily Russian, 852 Latin 2, 775 MSDOS Baltic, 737 Greek; former 437 G, 850 WE/Latin 1, 437 US Bookman or Bookman Old Style is a serif typeface derived from Old Style Antique designed by Alexander Phemister in 1858 for Miller and Richard foundry.1 Several American foundries copied the design, including the Bruce Type Foundry, and issued it under various names. In 1901, Bruce refitted their design, made a few other improvements, and rechristened it Bartlett Oldstyle. When Bruce was taken over by ATF shortly thereafter, they changed the name to Bookman Oldstyle. Bookman was designed as an alternative to Caslon, with straighter serifs, making it more suitable for book and display applications. It maintains its legibility at small sizes, and can be used successfully for headlines and in advertising. In 1936, Chauncey H. Griffith of the American Linotype foundry developed a revival.
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