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Instagram Marketing 101

Reading the above statistics you’ll likely have been a little surprised. Instagram is bigger than Twitter and better for engagement than Facebook! Time to get on it!
But why is Instagram so good for interaction? What is it about this channel that makes it potentially a gold mine for companies hoping to make an impression on their prospective audiences? Especially considering that on the face of it, Instagram seems very much more geared towards sharing personal content with no marketing angle?
Well actually, it’s this focus and this effective. limitation that actually makes Instagram so
You see, people are very cynical of businesses and they’re very tired of seeing the same marketing message over and over again. It’s incredibly annoying then to head onto Facebook to have a chat with your friends, or to see photos of your new niece, only to them be bombarded for offers for products saying ‘CLICK HERE!’, ‘ENTER YOUR EMAIL!’, ‘BUY NOW!’. Is it any wonder people aren’t engaging?
On Instagram though, there is no ‘click here’ or ‘buy now’. Rather, there’s just –here’s a photo of us working in our office, a funny meme, a picture of something that encapsulates the subject you’re interested in, a new product framed artistically… This is far less invasive.
As such, brands on Instagram come across much more genuine and don’t appear to have the same obvious ulterior motive.
At the same time, because you’re forced to create something artistic and interesting on Instagram, that will help to make your business seem much more trendy, artistic and interesting itself. A company that is constantly uploading pictures of sunsets, of their products in amazing lighting or of inspirational messages is going to seem much more savvy and in tune with their customers as opposed to a company that keeps just featuring large banners telling people to buy stuff…