Outdoor Connection - April 2020

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Putting together the winning game plan By Steve Weisman Outdoor Editor

In late February, the Iowa Great Lakes Fishing Club (IGLFC) sponsored pro angler, guide and educator Johnnie Candle, who headquarters out of Devils Lake, ND for its spring fishing seminar at the Hap Kettleson Community Center in Everly. Nearly 150 people attended Candle’s seminar focusing on establishing the “Winning Game Plan” for greater fishing success. Candle gave great tips that can be used here on our local lakes, when we go on a fishing trip or if and when we might compete in a competitive fishing tournament. Ac-

Johnny Candle

cording to Candle, everything begins at home well before you head out on the water. “Unfortunately,” Candle notes, “lots of times anglers don’t really think about it until they are there. We need to take into consideration the weather conditions and whether things have been stable for several days, whether there is a cold front or post cold front. There are so many different things to think about.” He then referred to Roland Martin, the Father of Pattern Fishing, “Realizing the set of conditions that put a fish in a specific spot. What are the conditions that put these fish in a certain area? The

bottom line is that fish react to their conditions. When you find the fish, figure out why they are there.” Candle’s premise is this: when you get that figured out, you can then go to other places on that body of water where the conditions are similar, and you should be able to find fish. When you can do this, Candle notes that you are now doing more than just fishing spots. Obviously, this is easier if you are fishing your home waters. You have a lot of fishing history and have learned the ins and outs. Anglers already have a game plan for that day based on past experiences,

so as Candle says, the goal is that “by the time you leave for the lake you should feel like you have already been there.” If you’re fishing new waters, then anglers have to gather a wealth of information if they want to get ahead of the learning curve. Whether you’re on a weeklong trip to a new body of water or heading out for a tournament, you need to do your homework. If you don’t, there is a good chance that the trip won’t be what it could be. This is the way he prepares for new bodies of water: Start at home-Google can be your best friend. Check with the area

Taking a look at three of Iowa’s earliest avian arrivals By Kiley Roth DCCB Community Relations Coordinator

When the days get longer and the temperatures get a little warmer, it signals that spring is on its way. You’ll even start to hear winter bird residents begin to perk up, and you’ll start to see bird species that you haven’t seen for a while. Three of Iowa’s earliest spring avian arrivals are the killdeer, red-winged blackbird and eastern phoebe Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus)

Known for its call of kill-deer, this plover won’t be spotted visiting your bird feeders when it arrives north. Instead, they look for expansive lawns or fields where they can forage for insects. It is actually a shorebird and is a proficient swimmer but isn’t often spotted near water. When they arrive at their northern breeding grounds, they will look for a place to nest on the ground. They will make a simple scrape and then add to it after eggs are laid. Killdeer parents protect their nest by distracting predators. They may bob up and down, call loudly, run away or feign injury with a broken-wing display away from the nest. Red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus)

Male red-winged blackbirds arrive in Iowa as early as February, with females following in approximately early April. After a winter of eating corn and wheat, red-winged blackbirds will look for insects and seeds as spring and summer approach.

These orioles made a stop at Mike Fredrickson’s bird feeder. For a look at some other feathery friends captured on camera, turn to Page 4B of the Outdoor Connection.

Photo by Mike Fredrickson

Turn to AVIAN, Page 3B

Humbling and exhilarating, spring time turkey seasons approaching fast DES MOINES — Enjoy those easy-to-see large flocks of turkeys feeding in the fields while you can. In the next few weeks, the winter flocks will break up, and where you saw them last weekend is not where they’ll be when spring turkey season opens in April. Bagging a wild turkey is a challenge for even the most experienced hunters. Of the 50,000 licenses sold each spring, about 20 percent are placed on a bird. “Turkeys have home field advantage. We go where they live and use calls that try to mimic the sounds of a hen. We are trying to reverse nature and get the Tom to come to the hen, which he knows is wrong. If you can frustrate the Tom enough that he ignores his instincts and goes looking for this fake hen, then as a hunter you have a chance,” said Jim Coffey Iowa DNR forest wildlife biologist. “Plus, they have excellent eyesight and hearing so not only do we have to sound realistic, we have to blend in with the landscape and stay motionless. That’s what makes turkey hunting such an intimate activity. Sounds easy.” While heading home with and unfilled tag is common, what

brings hunters back shooting and missing at year after year is the a turkey. We owe the experience of when bird the respect of only the bird does come in. taking the best shot we The quiet spring can,” he said. morning is broken by He also advises to the sound of a Toms’ start practicing calling wing tips dragging so when the season bethrough dried leaves gins hunters will be in as he slowly walks in. midseason form. He’s right behind you. “Scouting is also imHis display begins portant and can great– spitting and drumly improve the chance ming, chest out, head of bagging a turkey,” back – in full strut, Coffey said. “Spend then all this gives some time in the timway to the hair raising ber or field you plan to gobble that thunders hunt, identify roosting through the timber. At It’s the sound turkey hunters have been waiting for trees or which fields this range, any move- - wing tips dragging through dried grass and leaves the birds are using, and ment will be noticed. - the Tom cautiously walks in out of view. His display look for activity signs Gotta stay calm and begins – spitting and drumming, chest out, head back like scratching, dropwait for the right mo- – in full strut, then all this gives way to the hair raising pings or feathers.” gobble that thunders through the timber. For spring Iowa’s spring turment. The “dance” is what turkey hunters, the clock is ticking…. the season is a key gun/bow season brings hunters back. few weeks away. begins with a youth Photo by Iowa DNR season April 10-12, And since predicting when the bird will followed by four specome in is not possible, planning they still have access. They should cific seasons. Season 1 is April and preparing before the season also pattern their gun using the 13-16, Season 2 is April 17-21, arrives is an important step toward same choke and shot they will use Season 3 is April 22-28 and Seaduring the season to know the gun son 4 is April 29 to May 17. Huntsuccess. Coffey said hunters should con- and shot limitations. ers may purchase up to two spring tact the landowner to make sure “Nothing is more frustrating than turkey tags; one must be for fourth

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season. An archery only season is April 13-May 17. Youth Season

An estimated 5,000 youth will participate in the Iowa April 10-12 spring turkey youth-only season. About one out of four of the youth will come home with a bird, which is a higher rate of success than during the regular spring turkey seasons. “The youth season provides a wonderful mentored relationship much like learning how to drive where the parent helps them with the turning signals, brake pedals and keeping their excitement under control,” Coffey said. “Turkey hunting is an intimate experience done in close proximity between hunter and bird. It’s in that setting where the mentor will instruct and guide the youth on when to call, when to move or stay still. It’s passing on those woodsmanship skills learned over time.” Hunters need to remember that any unfilled youth season tags will be valid until filled for the remaining spring seasons. The key is to make sure to purchase the youth tags before the youth season closes Turn to TURKEY, Page 3B

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Jason Mitchell Outdoors airs on Fox Sports North on Sunday morning at 9:00 am and Midco on Sunday at Noon. More information and past episodes can be found online at www.jasonmitchelloutdoors.com. Early season post spawn walleye tactics often incorporate live bait rigging and jigging. Particularly with states like Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa that have a walleye opener, crankbaits often get overlooked on many fisheries and they shouldn’t. Many anglers associate presentations with water temperatures. Rigs and jigs, perhaps live bait early in the season with faster and more aggressive presentations kicking in when the water temperatures warm up. There are some elements to these general assumptions that do seem to hold true. What also determines the presentations, however, is the location. If you are finding fish stacked up on one side of an offshore reef in 25 feet of water on a spot the size of half a tennis court, trolling crankbaits is going to be inefficient. Both rigging and jigging are excellent presentations for pinpoint location. Times to use crankbaits

Here are a few scenarios however where I absolutely clean up trolling with crankbaits on natural lakes early in the season. Large expansive sand and gravel flats that come off shorelines often hold a lot of fish. When these locations are big, say a football field or bigger, crankbaits allow you to find fish faster. We also find that these fish are often moving or scattered so crankbaits really shine because you can break down water. Now you can also snap jig these locations as well at a faster speed to find and catch fish. What I like about crankbaits, however, is I can control the running depth much better if there are emerging weeds starting to appear. If weeds are starting to grow in clumps that range between one to two feet off the bottom, I can run my cranks precisely at three feet off the bottom and feel I can cover distances more efficiently. My absolute favorite situation for trolling crankbaits early in the season is what I call a “hot wind.” The first warm days of late spring when the temperatures are bumping up and the wind starts to blow hard and feel warm. The surface water

Outdoor Connection

temps might jump four or more degrees in an afternoon and this warmer water is quickly getting mixed deeper into the water column. In these conditions, fish really seem to respond well to the vibration and speed of crankbaits. Typically, when fish are relating to shoreline contours which they often do early in the season (especially if wind has been pounding into the locations), we get focused on the irregularities. We look for points or inside turns. Maybe a flat protrudes out or there are some tighter contour lines along an area where the break is much sharper. These irregularities are often where fish get concentrated and focused and if the spot is small, go back to rigging and jigging. Some shoreline contours however can be bland and uniform. This is another perfect scenario to troll crankbaits to cover water. Many different crankbait styles and lures can work early in the season. Often, we find some of our most consistent crankbait patterns early in the season in less than twelve feet of water. Jerk baits or shallow running minnow profile lures often shine in clear water and cold water that is less than 55 degrees. This style of lure has the line tie on the front of the lure instead of the bill and these lures typically run shallow and take more line behind the boat. Classic options include the Rapala Husky Jerk or Smithwick Rattling Rogue. Part II

In this week’s column, I want to talk one of my absolute favorite crankbaits. A lure today that I absolutely love and have a lot of confidence in is the Salmo Rattling Sting. We have filmed several episodes with the Sting and this lure just catches fish and runs perfect out of the box. This style of lure really shines when fish are shallow and spooking from the boat. With less of a dive curve, these lures can be fished further back behind the boat. I often find that I catch more with these lures by snapping or pumping the rod. When you are using these suspending minnow style lures, pump the lure next to the boat and adjust the lure, snap and line so that the lure really hangs horizontal. I find that on tough bites especially, lures that just hang without sinking or

GARDEN, Continued from Page 1B department of fisheries and find out about the forage base, seasonal movements, health of the fishery, what to expect from a scientific viewpoint. Head to the baitshops and visit with them. They may not give a specific spot, but they will tell you what is going on. After all, they want to sell tackle and bait and want you to tell others about their baitshop. Check out archived fishing reports. Learn what the historical patterns are. Reach out to the local fishing club. The club can be an incredible network. Get maps of the body of water. Think of it as your notebook. You can actually look at spots on the map and begin to build your trip before you go. You can even establish waypoints before you go. Have your equipment ready before you go based on what you have learned in your research. By the time you leave, you should have a feel of the lake-almost like you have been there before. Script the spots you are going to try. Once on the water for the first time, avoid the urge to start fishing right away. Use your sonar and motor around the spots you thought you might fish, checking out the structure and looking for fish. Candle’s question is, “Why would you fish an area where there are no fish? Once you find the fish, the next step is to determine the presentation. Say you are looking for walleyes. Are the fish in a tight group? If so, consider using jigs and rigs. If they are scat-


Don’t overlook crankbait trolling patterns on natural lakes early in the season. The author Jason Mitchell with a beautiful walleye caught slow trolling a Salmo Bullhead 8SDR.

Photo submitted

tipping nose down seem to catch more fish. I believe this is why the Sting is so effective is the balance. Early in the season, this hang or pause can be important and often seems easier to accomplish at times by using straight up ten-pound mono. Later in the summer when the water warms up and I am dealing with more weeds, I often switch to braid with a heavier fluorocarbon leader because I find that I can snap the lure more aggressively and not stop the lure for such long periods of time. Again, these are just observations and general assumptions based on my own experiences. The other lure category that shines are traditional crankbait style lures that have a deeper dive curve

tered on a flat, then consider bouncers and spinners. If there are open water schools of fish, consider crankbaits and planer boards. If they are in the shallows near cover, consider casting jigs and crankbaits. To be successful, “Keep the bait in front of the fish as long as you can.” As the day wears on, keep an eye on the conditions. Make adjustments as the conditions change. Even the slightest change, say a change to cloudy from total sun can totally change the bite. Know when to move. That is always the toughest part. How long do you stay? Candle says, “That is the million-dollar question. What does your gut tell you what to do? When you’re fishing a tournament, that can mean the difference in the results.” Finally, after each trip, do a wrapup. Figure out what worked and what didn’t. Keep a log. Candle says he has years and years of logs from bodies of water he has fished. “Track both your successes and failures.” The log makes a long learning curve that much shorter! Candle ended his seminar by saying. “There are no accidents in fishing. Fish bite for a reason. Always pay attention to what caused a bite or why the fish weren’t there in a spot that you knew they should be.” Above all, Candle believes, “Fishing is meant to be fun. I truly believe as fishermen we should pass it on. We need to help others become better anglers.”

where the line attachment is on the bill. Classic lures in this category include the Rapala Shad Rap, Salmo Hornet and Berkley Flicker Shad. If there is one lure, however, that is my absolute favorite early in the season that doesn’t ever get talked about by many anglers, that lure would be a Salmo Bullhead 8SDR. This might be the best lure ever that most people have never heard of. I love to troll these lures over shallow sand flats in 6-12 feet of water that are getting baked by the sun. At times I will use planer boards if I can run multiple lines clean or if the fish are bumping from the boat. Especially during calm conditions, I often troll crankbaits early in the season with the bow mount

trolling motor and find that I catch a lot of fish by bumping down my speed to 1.4 to 1.6 miles per hour. In the wind or if the water temps are really climbing, I find that I can troll much faster and catch fish. I often put the lure in the water next to the boat and see how slow I can troll to get the vibration. Bow mount trolling motors that have speed control are deadly for trolling crankbaits early in the season because you can just crawl along. Over large flats, implement a lot of S curves so that the lures speed up and slow down so you can fine tune the speed even more. If all the fish come on the turn, speed up. If the fish start coming on the stall, slow down. Sometimes, just the

change in speed is the trigger. By zigzagging this way, you also pull your baits in front of fish that are bumping off the boat which is common early in the season. On so many natural lakes, live bait and classic jig and rig presentation are entrenched as they should be but don’t overlook the effectiveness of trolling cranks. This presentation allows you to cover water and you can really rack up fish fast when everything comes together. There are situations where trolling cranks might be the very best presentation for learning water and finding fish. here are other situations where trolling cranks can be the very best presentation for simply putting the hammer down on fish. The difference can be dramatic.

Include safety as part of spring turkey hunting preparation DES MOINES — Spring turkey hunting sucess and safety comes down to the same thing – proper planning. Be aware of what’s around you, even on private property, there could be other hunters out there who are coming to your call. Remember, turkey hunters are skilled in the art of concealment. Don’t shoot at movement; don’t shoot at sound; no turkey’s worth it. Be sure to positively identify the turkey’s beard before taking the shot. Hunters who do shoot a turkey are encouraged to not carry it over their shoulder to avoid someone mistaking it for a live bird and take a shot. Hunters should consider using a blaze orange tur-

key transport harvest bag. Practicing safe hunting becomes more crucial as the annual spring leaf out progresses. The later it gets in May, the harder it is to see. Hunters need to stay vigilant to identify the bird and the beard. Tips: n Plan to wear blaze orange when moving from one spot to another because you never know if someone else is out there, even on private land. n Avoid wearing patriotic colors – red, white, blue. These same colors are found in a turkey’s head. n Be aware that mushroom hunters will be moving through the timber in late April and May. Mushroom hunters are

encouraged to wear blaze orange and avoid red, white and blue. n Plan to add bug spray and drinking water to the field bag n A blind is good for concealment and when taking kids turkey hunting, but not for moving around. If you plan to be mobile, don’t bring the blind. n If hunting private land, be sure you have permission and know the property boundaries. n Even if hunting private property, the potential exists that someone else may be out there. Trespassing calls increase during turkey season. n Be extremely careful if planning to use a turkey fan to hunt. Another hunter may mistake you for a turkey.




Outdoor Connection

Fishing and hunting regulations not affected by COVID-19 DES MOINES — Iowa’s hunting and fishing regulations are not affected by the current COVID-19 health emergency in Iowa. Despite rumors on social media channels, the DNR has no plans to eliminate seasons, relax regulations or change license prices. “Fishing and hunting regulations exist to protect human safety as well as wildlife populations over the long-term,” said Dale Garner, Conservation and Recreation division administrator at the Iowa DNR. For more information about Iowa’s hunting and fishing regulations, visit the Iowa DNR website: www.iowadnr. gov.

Staying safe in the outdoors

Gary Swenson caught this bass on a jighead tipped with an Ocho worm. A simple but effective presentation.

Photo by Bob Jensen

Getting ready for open water By Bob Jensen Fishing the Midwest Fishing Team

Well, my ice fishing season is over for now. I didn’t get to go ice fishing as much as I would have liked, but that’s the way it is most years. Today, I started sorting through my open water fishing tackle boxes to see what I needed to start the open water season. One thought kept going through my mind as I sorted. That thought was “Boy I’ve got a lot of tackle boxes”. Through about 50 years of fishing, I’ve accumulated a lot of stuff, and I probably don’t need all that stuff anymore. But some more thinking reminded that I’m fortunate to live in a region that has a lot of fishing opportunities for a lot of different species of fish. Each of those species requires different lures. Some species of fish require different baits than other species of fish. And when you consider that there are lots of different lure-types for various species, it becomes apparent that if an angler is going to be well-versed in fishing, you probably do need quite a bit of stuff. Or not. Some anglers consider themselves to be bass anglers. They need lures and equipment for bass fishing. Spinnerbaits, plastics, jigs, crankbaits, and on and on. You’ll want some KVD, XS, and XD crankbaits to match the

depths that you fish the most, but bass chasers don’t need slip-bobbers or bottom-bouncers or stuff that a walleye angler would need. And a walleye angler doesn’t need spinnerbaits, ten inch plastic worms, or rubber-legged jigs, but for a well-rounded selection, they do need some Lucky Shad crankbaits, some jigs, and some hooks appropriate for live bait rigging. You might want some spinner rigs or slip-bobbers depending on where you’re fishing. If I was going to prepare one tackle box that would include only one type of bait for a variety of fish species, it would be a box with a selection of jigs. It would have to be a pretty big box, but I’m confident that I could make it work. Here’s how I would do that. For crappies and perch I’d get a selection of sixteenth and eighth ounce jigheads in a couple of different colors. Jighead color isn’t too important to me. I’d also include some packages of plastic baits in a variety of colors. Color does matter with plastics. Last year the Mr. Crappie Shadpole bodies were very good. For largemouth bass, I’d want a selection of 1/4th, 3/8th, and half ounce weedless rubber-legged jigs as well as plastic to go on them. For really thick cover, I would want maybe a half dozen heavier jigs. I don’t fish really thick

cover very often. I’d also want some plain jigheads in the 1/8th, 3/16th’s, and 1/4th ounce sizes. The first two sizes will get the most use. We’ll be tipping them with plastic worms mostly. We’ll use the rubber-legged jigs around heavier cover and the plain jighead set-up on the weedline. If I’m after walleyes, it’s pretty easy. Most of the time a 1/16th or 1/8th ounce jighead will do the job. In some rivers you’ll need to go heavier, but for most walleye anglers, 1/16th and 1/8th will be all you need most of the time, but have a few quarter, threeeighths, and half ouncers for deeper water or heavy current. Sometimes we’ll tip with plastic, other times a minnow, leech, or nightcrawler will be the ticket. I’m confident that I could get all the jigs that I need to chase several species of fish into one double sided attaché’ box. There will be times that I will wish that I had other baits, and I wouldn’t like to be so limited, but for most of us, much of the time jigs will do the job very well. To see new and old episodes of Fishing the Midwest television, fishing articles and fishing videos, go to fishingthemidwest.com.

Trout stocking in northeast Iowa streams has begun DES MOINES - The popular trout stream stocking season started on March 30. Find a list of stocked trout streams on the DNR trout stream map or the Iowa trout streams webpage. All trout stream stocking events will be unannounced due to COVID-19 precautions. The DNR Trout Program offers Iowa anglers a variety of trout fishing opportunities, including announced catchable stockings, unannounced catchable stockings, fingerling stockings, wild trout, streams with restrictive regulations, easy universal access areas and remote streams with difficult access. About 320,000 catchable-sized rainbow trout, 35,000 fingerling brook trout, and 20,000 fingerling brown trout will be stocked into hundreds of miles of northeast Iowa streams from the end of March through October. Funding to support the trout stocking program comes from the sale of hunting and fishing licenses and trout fees. About 40,000 Iowans and 5,000 nonresidents go trout fishing in Iowa each year. Iowa’s trout streams, open year-round, meander through some of the most scenic areas of the state. Trout fishing information is available on the DNR website. All stockings are weather permitting and will be unannounced due to COVID-19 precautions.

Making a comeback DES MOINES - In the last few centuries, a number of Iowa wildlife species have been extirpated from the state - but some have seen successful comebacks, too. One of those successes has been the trumpeter swan. Before European settlement of Iowa, trumpeter swans nested throughout the state. Soon after, the draining of many wetlands for agriculture, along with unregulated hunting, led to the loss of trumpeter swans in the state by 1883. A nationwide count in the early 1930s found only 69 swans in the continental United States, all in the Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge in southwest Montana. The swans gained nationwide protection in 1918. The U.S., Canada and Mexico signed the International Migratory Bird Treaty, making it illegal for the birds to be taken, possessed, sold or harmed. Seventy-five years later, in 1993, the Iowa DNR developed a plan to restore trumpeter swans to the state. The first nesting pair in the state since 1883 hatched three cygnets (baby swans) in 1998. The DNR released cygnets in 1994 and have continued to do so every year, obtaining the swans from breeding pairs from volunteer private propagators, county conservation boards and zoos across the country, with a total of 141 contributing sources to date. The southern half of the state is currently the priority area for restoration work, as it’s part of the swan’s historical range. Only three nesting pairs can be found south of I-80 currently. Across the state, at least 54 nest attempts occurred in 2019. Swans serve as ambassadors for wetland habitat restoration and water quality issues. You can check out various conservation programs on ways you can improve water quality and attract wildlife, like swans, to your area.

AVIAN, Continued from Page 1B Nesting occurs in May, and males of the species will have as many as 15 female partners in any given season. The female typically chooses a nesting site, with some input from the male. Males then sit on high perches and watch over their territories, protecting them from intruders. Each male usually has five or more females in his territory, most of which mate with him but some of which mate with neighboring males. Eastern phoebe (Sayornis phoebe)

Eastern phoebes migrate south September-November and head north as early as March each year, because they are hardy flycatchers and winter farther north than others in the same family. They look for nesting sites in wooded areas with nearby water sources and will utilize eaves of buildings and decks, bridges, culverts and rocky outcrops. Eastern phoebes spend little time together, even pairs. Female eastern phoebes often chase males away from them. For more educational blogs like this, visit the Dickinson County Nature Center’s website at www. dickinsoncountyconservationboard.com. Notice: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Dickinson

DES MOINES - Protecting yourself during the COVID-19 national pandemic starts with following the guidance from our state and national health experts – maintain at least six feet between each other, wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds, cover your cough, stay home if you feel sick and avoid groups of 10 or more people. These are unprecedented times and personal health and safety takes top priority. For hunters and anglers who choose to go out but prefer to minimize their interaction with other people, the Iowa DNR offers online and mobile options to purchase hunting licenses and specialty tags. Licenses and tags may be purchased at www.iowadnr.gov/hunting or through a mobile app by searching Go Outdoors Iowa. Licenses will be available electronically immediately. For specialty tags, like for deer and turkey, be sure to allow 7-10 business days for delivery. Iowa’s spring turkey seasons begin with the youth only season April 10-12, followed by the first general season April 13-16, second season April 17-21, third season April 22-28 and fourth season April 29-May 17. There is also the archery only season April 13-May 17. Hunters buying their tags online will need to plan accordingly and do it early. Spending time in Iowa’s wild places this spring hunting turkeys or catching fish can still be done. The key is to follow the safety advice from our health experts.

When it comes to your to-do list, put your future first. The killdeer is always an early spring arrival. County Nature Center is closed and all programs cancelled until further notice. However, during this

TURKEY, Continued from Page 1B

Photo submitted

time, you can visit the nature activity ideas and more to center’s website, Facebook, keep learning and having Instagram and Twitter for fun with nature! educational videos, blogs,

because once the season is over, that Hunting/Report-Your-Harvest then option is no longer available. clicking on the Harvest Report System button, by calling the phone number Reminder: Reporting listed on the tag or by going through Harvest is Mandatory Successful hunters are required to a license vendor. Be sure to write the report their harvest by midnight of the harvest confirmation number on the day after it is tagged. Be prepared to harvest report tag. This allows the answer a few simple questions about Iowa DNR to monitor annual harvest your harvest, (county of harvest and across the state. spur length.) Hunters can report by go- Hunting Atlas Available Online ing online tohttps://www.iowadnr.gov/ Hunters have a new tool that may im-

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prove their in the field experience even before opening day. The Iowa hunting atlas is an interactive map that shows all available public hunting land that is managed by the state, county or federal governments. The atlas is online at www.iowadnr. gov/hunting. A mobile version is also available. A click on an area will show basic information like size, habitat type and likely species available.


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Outdoor Connection

DNR to conduct prescribed burns

Swans on Little Swan Lake Both trumpeter and tundra swans could be found on Little Swan Lake this past month. Kudos to those who can tell the difference. Photos by Mike Fredrickson

DES MOINES — The Iowa Department of Natural Resources will be conducting prescribed burns in a number of areas of northwest Iowa between April 1 and May 20. The agency says the burning will be done in wildlife complexes in Buena Vista, Cherokee, Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, Kossuth, O’Brien and Palo Alto counties. The DNR says the areas are typically burned every 1 to 5 years if possible with the areas varying in size from a few acres to several hundred acres. Burns are conducted on days that meet objectives and weather guidelines defined in the burn plan. Nesting birds such as pheasants, mallards, teal, bobolinks, dickcissels and many others benefit from the habitat improved with periodic prescribed fire for nesting and brood rearing. Burning sets back invading brush, removes the accumulated thatch and reinvigorates native plants by simulating what occurred naturally for centuries. In Emmet County, these areas include the following: Iowa Lake Marsh Wetland Complex, Ingham High Wetland Complex, Bur Oak Lake Wetland Complex, Twelve Mile Lake Wetland Complex, East Swan, Iowa Lake, Anderson Prairie, Four Mile Lake Wetland Complex and Ryan Lake.


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