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*Hydrocarbon Resin or
Polycyclopentadiene is the base ingredient for synthetic waxes. Synthetic rosin is made from ingredients derived from the processing and refining of oils. It is 100% odour-less and colour-less. Due to the fact that this rosin is mineral based and man-made it is consistent in all seasons and temperatures and tends to be more elastic and pliable than organic waxes.. Synthetic resins can be much safer, more consistent in production batch to batch and easier for the therapist to work with. Synthetic waxes All resins used by Caronlab Australia are filtered to five microns. Find this in: Brilliance, Strawberry Crème, Browvado, Braziliant and Viva Azure.
*Colophonium is derived from the sap of trees and is the base ingredient for organic waxes. This naturally occurring resin has been modified, filtered and purified to make it suitable for use on all skin types. All resins used by Caronlab Australia are filtered to five microns. Find this in: Pure Olive Oil.
*Titanium Dioxide maintains grip for fine hairs but releases more easily from the skin therefore reducing redness and irritation. Wax clings to hair rather than the skin. Designed for the most delicate and sensitive areas of the face and body ideal for Brazilian waxing. Find this in: Brilliance, Strawberry Crème and Quick Dry Wax Mist.
*Mica is a form of *Titanium Dioxide and therefore assists in reducing redness and irritation. It also creates a beautiful shimmery effect. Find this in: Quick Dry Wax Mist, Browvado and Viva Azure.
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CBON - Cosmetic Brands of North America Unit 1B, 1255B Reid Street Richmond Hill, ON L4B-1G1, Canada
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