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Alberta has set health and safety requirements in the personal services industry for over 90 years. Albertans are avid consumers of personal services and have an expectation that the personal services they obtain are safe.
The Personal Services Standards support the Personal Services Regulation in establishing minimum requirements for public health protection in personal service facilities and businesses. The Personal Services Regulation functions to set out general facility and business requirements and higher-level obligations for operators and workers. The Standards further describe these regulatory requirements and obligations, while also setting out detailed directions for equipping, operating and maintaining a safe and healthy personal services business.
These Standards represent an amendment and consolidation of five Health Standards and Guidelines that were originally published in 2002. Since that time, businesses have continued to offer a broadening range of personal services. The number, variety and complexity of personal services activities have also continued to grow.
Along with the amended Personal Services Regulation, these Standards aim to:
address continual growth of the personal services industry by setting basic health and safety rules for more types of esthetic and cosmetic services; prevent injuries to Albertans by establishing basic requirements for the use of energyemitting equipment and cosmetic products; foster a culture of health and safety in personal services businesses through the creation of written procedures and emphasizing the importance of worker skills and knowledge; reduce the risk and incidence of infection; and set out clear and sensible minimum requirements for personal services operators and workers.
The Personal Services Regulation and Standards were amended to address issues and gaps identified after a lengthy review of current literature and evidence; reports of concerns, injuries and infections submitted to Alberta Health and Alberta Health Services; and collaborative discussions with industry representatives, business owners and provincial, federal and territorial health partners and stakeholders.
Compliance with the legislation is promoted and monitored by Public Health Inspectors from Alberta Health Services through a variety of activities, including inspection, education and, where necessary, enforcement. Alberta Health Services should be contacted for any questions related to interpretation of these Standards and for notification of services that are, or are proposed to be, offered to the public.