$995 | 3 Days 9:00am - 4:30pm
During this interactive class, improve your understanding of nutrition as it relates to beautiful skin and optimal health. Gain a knowledge of the basic anatomy and physiology of skin, and learn about the impact digestion directly plays in the body’s ability to properly utilize and assimilate nutrients that benefit wellness and longevity. Discover connections between proper nutrition, hydration, whole foods and the impact they have on physical and emotional well being. Learn to recognize when the body is out of balance and gain insight into how to overcome external and internal stressors through targeted nutrition advice. Unearth the essential nutrients that contribute on a cellular level to healthy hair, beautiful skin and nails.
Over a three day period, you will greatly expand your understanding of the human body, and the interactions that occur within the body, contributing to common skin conditions. Discover recipes, wellness tips, and self care recommendations that will benefit your life and can easily be shared with clients.
COURSE DATES: January 10 | March 11 | May 5 | June 20 | August 15 | October 29 | December 16
Mel is a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant, a mom and a business owner. It was Mel’s individual path to wellness that contributed to her deep interest in nutrition. This interest became a career path after she returned to school and completed a diploma at Calgary School for Natural Nutrition. During her schooling and through her work as a C.H.N.C, Mel has developed a vast knowledge of how the body works and an awareness of the impact nutrition, mindfulness and self care can have on promoting optimal health.
• The function of skin and a discussion of how it is connected to our intestinal lining
• Water / Hydration
• Practical activity/Recipe: making spa water
• The digestive process and relation to breaking down macronutrients (fats, carbohydrates and proteins)
• Digestive enzymes and activated charcoal
• Macronutrients: fats
• Interactive activity: prepare a quick healthy, fat forward snack to be consumed the following day. We will make a coconut lime chia pudding, which features ingredients that benefit skin health, liver cleanse, mental health and overall well being
• Discussion of the benefits of oil cleansing, homemade make up remover, homemade toner, oil pulling for brighter whiter teeth and improved detoxification of the body
• Key ingredients in lotions that aid in skin wellness and those that can cause damage or interfere with the inner workings of the body
• Recipes for homemade make up remover and cleansers will be provided
• Skin pathologies as they relate to a lack of healthy fats, including dry, scaly, flaky or bumpy skin, brittle nails, dull hair, brain health and hormonal issues
• Why some fats are considered essential?
• Benefits of Omega 3 and 6 and inflammation, as it relates to low quality oils in the North American diet and how that relates to skin health
• The need for Vitamin D and how it’s made with the help of our skin / integumentary system
• Fat supplementation for skin health and healthy food recommendations that will improve the quality of skin
• Macronutrients: Carbohydrates
• Carbohydrate function and digestion. Glucose, the function in the body, differences between Simple, Complex and Refined Carbohydrates, Resistant Starches, Fiber and Blood Sugar Regulation
• Sugar as a product of carbohydrate digestion. Sugar and its impact on skin and intestinal health. Skin pathologies including acne that are a result of poor insulin regulation, hormone imbalance, and increase in oil production, which results from overconsumption of carbohydrates and sugars
• Sugar scrubs for natural exfoliation, recipes to be provided
• Antioxidants found plant based carbohydrates and their role in healthy skin, immunity and intestinal lining
• Natural Detoxifiers - handout on healthiest foods for detoxifying the system and contributing to beautiful skin
• Organic, conventional farming practices and benefits to shopping local. Handout with local shopping venues will be provided
• Interactive activity: Prepare a balanced carbohydrate snack to be consumed during the afternoon break. Homemade hummus and veggies
• Water soluble vitamins, including Vitamin C, B vitamins, bioflavonoids and their importance in skin health
• Natural collagen boosters
• Discussion of homemade toners and astringents, recipes will be provided
• Supplementation with water soluble vitamins and food recommendations that can contribute to healthier skin. Handout will be provided
• Fibre and its role in detoxification
• Detoxification processes of the body, and the specific benefits to skin health
• Discussion of the protective factor of vinegar as it relates to carbohydrate digestion. Discussion of vinegar baths and benefit to skin
• Discussion of “The Bristol Stool Chart,” handout will be provided
• Macronutrients: Protein
• Protein function and digestion. Amino Acids, Tissue Repair and Hormone Balance
• Prep a quick protein snack. Either nut butter or sunflower seed butter and apples with hemp seeds, depending upon allergies of class participants
• Discussion of protein deficiency and noticeable signs as they relate to skin
• Kitchen Experiment: Denaturing or Breaking Proteins. This experiment utilizes egg whites and demonstrates the fact that proteins naturally change their structure within the body and even on the surface of skin
• The Integumentary System; Part 2: “Skin Deeper”
• Collagen: vegetarian sources vs animal sources
• Benefits to Bone Broth Consumption. Bone broth recipe to be provided
• Discussion of Natural Protein-Rich Face Masks featuring ingredients such as egg whites and plain yogurt, recipes to be provided.
• Gut to Skin Connection: A deeper discussion of the Microbiome and its impact on overall health, digestion and especially as it relates to skin health
• Discussion point: Microbes outnumber the human DNA cells in the body
• Fermented foods and prebiotic/probiotics and their benefit to skin health. Handout will be provided
• Ways to add fermented foods to daily life
• Discussion of the learning that occurred throughout the course and ways to add healthy practices to your life to benefit participants, personally, as well as your clients
• Recipe Collection, “Eating for Beautiful Skin,” to be distributed
• Question and answer period
“Mel was a phenomenal instructor. She was incredibly knowledgeable and her demonstrations were very thorough. I hope to attend another class of hers in the future!”
- Emerald
“This class was very informative. I could learn about this all day, every day. Mel was extremely patient with every single question and is such a wonderful teacher.”
- Quinn
“Mel was an amazing teacher who thoroughly explains everything, is fun, very engaging, and outgoing. I would take every class with her if I could. I feel like I learned so much and will apply it to my life, learning, and work. An AMAZING class!”
- Ella