Online Communication and Social Media Activity Code of Conduct
This document contains principles and expectations of behavior that guide the usage of online communication methods and social media platforms by students, staff, and contractors (herein referred to as ‘individuals’) of The Esthetic Institute Training Center (herein referred to as ‘TEI’) for the purposes of displaying information or images associated with TEI, in a way that:
(a) contributes to the welfare of its key stakeholders, and
(b) respects the rights of all individuals affected by its operations.
‘Online communication’ and ‘social media’ refer to internet-based communication tools, applications, websites, and platforms through which individuals may communicate, collaborate, or make contact with others, which are not under the control of TEI, and are voluntarily accessed and used by individuals
Individuals commit, by virtue or their association with TEI, to abide by the principles and guidelines contained herein
Individuals found to be in violation of these principles may be subject to sanction or disciplinary action
NOTE: Some courses and other activities at TEI may have unique guidelines regarding social media and other online activity, in addition to the principles and guidelines contained herein. Additional guidelines must not overrule the principles and guidelines contained herein.
Principle 1. Representation of TEI
An individual’s character and actions in online communication and on social media are a reflection of TEI’s reputation
The individual is responsible for behaving in a manner that does not adversely affect the reputation of TEI
Posts and images that mention TEI, that show any TEI branding, any identifying features of TEI, or might otherwise be associated with TEI shall not be displayed on public social media accounts
Posts and images that mention TEI, that show any TEI branding or any identifying features of TEI, or might otherwise be associated with TEI shall only be displayed on:
1. a private social media account, or
2. a public social media account that is exclusively dedicated to professional spa/beauty industry treatments, and does not contain any content of a personal nature.

Individuals will only post content online using the following social media:
1. Instagram
2. Facebook
3 TikTok
Acceptable social media are subject to change, and individuals are responsible for consulting the TEI Social Media Code of Conduct for updates, and taking the appropriate action to ensure that they are in compliance
Individuals may repost another industry professional’s social media post or online communication, as long as the information contained therein is correct and otherwise follows the principles contained herein
Individuals are permitted to include products in their social media posts, provided that they are reputable companies, designed for use by industry professionals, and sold through professional distribution channels.
If any social media content or online communication associating the individual with TEI, no matter when is was posted, is deemed inappropriate by any TEI staff member, the individual shall remove the content from all social media and online communication accounts immediately.
Principle 2. Privacy and Consent
Individuals shall not disclose private, personal, confidential or sensitive information about others in social media or online communication.
Individuals shall not post, share, or transmit, whether through social media, online communication, or non-digital methods, images of others without explicit consent from the person/people who appear(s) in the image.
Individuals must not post images of TEI models or clients on social media without the explicit permission of their lead educator
Principle 3. Integrity and Respect
Individuals who choose to engage in social media discussion or online communication commit, by virtue of their participation in TEI courses, workshops, or activities, to support the morale of other individuals by:
1. keeping content, posts, and conversation threads focused on TEI courses and official activities
2. choosing to express one’s self in words with a positive connotation
3. choosing to be solutions-focused, rather than problem-focused
4. avoiding comments that shame or belittle others
5. avoiding negativity and complaining, and instead, asking for help and/or seeking solutions
Individuals are entitled to:
1 withdraw from social media and online communication with peers that make them feel negative or uncomfortable
2 communicate with their lead educator regarding class matters, through whichever means the educator has indicated is appropriate and acceptable to them
3 ask to see images, for the purpose of approving or disapproving them for posting on social media or in other online communications, in which they appear before they are posted. Individuals may not refuse another’s request to see and approve an image in which they appear before it is posted, unless the applicable general release has been signed.
In effect as of December 2022
Updated: [December 2022]