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Takeoffs and Pricing
Takeoffs and Pricing
AS PE ‐ HT ETCO Cast in Pla ce Concrete Filled Pi pe Pile Material
Waste is estimated based upon experience. Some additional material w ill be removed f rom the exposed end of the pile after driving is complete as a result of damage from the pile hammer. Dependent upon the supplier, pile lengths w ould be ordered in increment of f ive (5) f oot intervals. This a ccounts f or the total pile length that would have to be ordered.
Pile points can be manuf a ctured in the f ield or purchased pre‐ manuf a ctured. Pre‐ manuf a ctured points are antcipated and would then be installed in the field.
S plices are determined by the pile lengths a ble to be provided by the manuf a cturer as w ell as the shi pping res tri cti ons a s a res ul t of job l oca ti on The l eng ths a re di cta ted by the pres um ed s i te a cces s l i m i ta ti ons
Bedrock – A solid rock layer in the ground either at or below the surface.
CRSI – Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute.
Capacity, Design – Design load that would be placed upon a pile.
Capacity, Maximum – The highest load a pile would be able to support without failure.
Load – The amount of weight, either in tons or pounds that would be placed upon a pile either in a temporary or permanent condition.
Mill Rolling – Timeframe in which a steel mill will produce a specific type and size of the pile.
Pile Hammer – A device with which piles can be driven into the ground. Many different hammers are able to be used in this work. Vibratory, diesel, and air driven are the most common types.
Order Length – The length of the pile to be actually fabricated to be installed based upon information gathered from the construction of a Test Pile.
Pay Quantity – Contractual establishment of a method of calculation for compensation of an item of work. This will determine whether payment will be made for a portion of the pile installed or if all of the pile, including cut-off portions, will be included in payment.
Pile Leads – Lattice-type steel support frame that holds the pile in place and provides a track upon which the pile hammer would glide while driving the pile into the ground.
Pile, Production – Piles installed utilizing information obtained from the test pile install process such as the maximum force of a hammer, expected travel of the ram, the weight of the ram, and blows per foot.
Pile, Test – Piles installed under the conditions the piles are expected to be installed while under monitoring the process to ensure steel strength is not exceeded and design capacity is reached by achieving a particular depth in order to achieve design bearing.
Pile Splice – Joining sections of steel pile as needed to achieve the required total pile length for anticipated installation.
Pile Top – Design elevation of the exposed end of the pile after driving.
Pile Tip – Elevation at which the end of the pile embedded in the substrate rests.
Pile Type, Batter – Pile installed intentionally on an angle to the foundation surface not 90 degrees. This is used to combat overturning or sliding forces amongst other purposes.
Pile Type, Vertical – Piles installed vertically at a 90-degree angle to the foundation surface.
Rebar – Steel bar used to provide strength to concrete as well as form of connection between the pile and foundation of the structure it will support.
Rigging – Materials with which a pile hammer is lifted in the air with a crane or excavator.
Soil Boring – Sampling of soil at various depths in a potential location of a structure where soil types, soil gradation, soil density, groundwater elevation, potential bedrock elevation, and other impactful characteristics to the subgrade soil conditions.
New Jersey Prevailing Wage
Determination, expiring February 28, 2023 for Laborers, April 30, 2023 for Dockbuilders and June 3, 2023 for Operating Engineers https://lwdwebpt.dol.state.nj.us/ archivewages/186095911-statewide-7-5-22.pdf
US Army Corps of Engineers document EP1110, dated 2020 https://usace.contentdm.oclc.org/ utils/getfile/collection/p16021coll9/ id/2442
CRSI Standard Hook Details and ASTM Standard Reinforcing Bars http://resources.crsi.org/ index.cfm/_api/render/ file/?method=inline&fileID=2CF0D551-FF69-58F7-140FBB7FB75FED71
Manitowoc 777 Crane Product Guide (including lifting charts) https://cranenetwork.com/uploads/ specs/cwusz0furetghx32manitowoc_777_175-ton_crawler_crane_ network.pdf
ICE HIH IP2 Product Guide https://www.iceusa.com/products/ new/equipment/pile-driving/hydraulic-impact-hammers-hih--47/ ip2--557/