Surrealism Presentation

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Context What is it How Began What did they do Key Figures and Work Modern Examples Legacy/Why listen to me


What is it

SURREALISM, noun, masc. Pure psychic automatism by which it is intended to express, either verbally or in writing, the true function of thought. Thought dictated in the absence of all control exerted by reason, and outside all aesthetic or moral preoccupations. Manifeste du surrĂŠalisme

Surrealist Manifesto

How Began

AndrĂŠ Breton

AndrĂŠ Breton

Littérature, advertisement, 23 January, 1920.

Littérature, cover, vol.2 no.1, 1 March 1922.

Littérature, cover, vol.2 no.5, 1 October 1922.

El Corno Emplumado, no.27, 1968, cover by Robert David Cohen.

Minotaure, vol.1 no.1, 1933, cover by Pablo Picasso. Edited by Albert Skira and E TĂŠriade.

Minotaure, no.7, 1935, cover by Joan Miro.

Minotaure, vol.1 no.2, 1933 Gaston-Louis Roux

Minotaure, vol.1 no.3-4, 1933 Man Ray

Minotaure, vol.3 no.11, 1938 Max Ernst

Minotaure, vol.3 no.12-13, 1936 Diego Rivera

Minotaure, vol.3 no.8, 1936 Salvador DalĂ­

El Corno Emplumado, no.27, July 1968, cover by Robert David Cohen.

Isamu Noguchi, View, vol.7 no.1, cover, 1946

Phases, cover vol.2 no.1, 1969.

Edda, cover of no.5, 1964.

Gebrauchsgraphik, cover

What is it exactly

What did they do

Key Figures and Work

Ray, Arp, Tanguy, Breton, Tzara, DalĂ­, Ernst, Elaurd, Crevel

Giorgio de Chirico, Piazza d’Italia (Autumn Melancholy), 1919

“Untitled (Forest)”, 1916-1917, Jean Arp

Cenicitas, 1927-1928 by Salvador DalĂ­

The Persistence of Memory, 1931 by Salvador DalĂ­

Joan Miro

Max Ernst, circa 1930

Rene Magritte translated

RenĂŠ Magritte and similar

RenĂŠ Magritte and similar

Man Ray, circa 1930

Frida Khalo

Yves Tanguy, Indefinite Divisibility, 1942

Modern Examples

Modern Examples * Not claiming surrealists

Paul Rand, 1955

Nate Williams

Salvador Dali style

Rene Magritte style

Man Ray style

Edward Fella

Brian Schorn

Alvin Lustig

Elliott Earls

Elliot Earls

Stefan Sagmeister

Benbo George

Able Parris

Rose Matthew

Jonathon Rosen

Alexis Mackenzie

Important Artists Include Classical: Tristan Tzara Hieronymus Bosch Alexander Calder Andre Breton Man Ray Giorgio De Chirico Giacomo Balla Jean Arp Francis Picabia Max Ernst Yves Tanguy Marcel Duchamp Paul Klee Roberto Matta Joan Mir贸 Salvador Dali Rene Magritte Georges Braque Andre Masson Isamu Noguchi Carlo Mollino Pablo Picasso Meret Oppenheim

Modern: Hedda Sterne Jan Svankmayer The Brothers Quay Brian Schorn Ed Fella Geoff Mcfetridge Stefan Stagmeister Grete Stern Ellen Auerbach Leon Kelly Luisa Lombardelli Alexis Anne Mackenzie Paul Rand Alvin Lustig Able Parris Elliott Earls Jan Svankmajer

Legacy/Why listen to me

“Surrealism does not allow those who devote themselves to it to forsake it whenever they like. There is every reason to believe that it acts on the mind very much as drugs do; like drugs, it creates a certain state of need and can push man to frightful revolts.” “Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision.”

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